This post is linked to the last in that it looks at the BBC’s hypocritical stance on hate crimes…those done by Muslims being swept under the carpet or excused as ‘justifiable’ in some shape or form…for instance the killing of Ahmadi shop keeper Asad Shah, we are told, was because he was a blasphemer and had offended ‘real’ Muslims by insulting Islam….his death was really his own fault. Naturally no-one on the Left wanted to label this ‘terrorism’ unlike the murder of Jo Cox. The BBC is also partial to excusing those whom we can be in no doubt are terrorists….the BBC ‘understands’ their grievances…they’re unemployed, or disenfranchised in some way or marginalised, allegedly, or they don’t like British foreign policy [the BBC of course doesn’t ask if they therefore consider themselves British…the BBC prefers the narrative that the vast majority of Muslims are proud to be British, more so than what you might call the ‘first nation’ Brits…when the evidence is that that isn’t true at all].
As the BBC peddles the myth of a Britain that is heading towards a neo-Nazi future with mass pogroms of foreigners it curiously, as with the Ahmadi community, downplays the violence and hatred coming from the ‘real’ Muslim community, for instance, towards ex-Muslims…
Young Muslims who quit the faith ‘live in fear of violent revenge’: Support group says some have been warned they will be killed if they abandon their religion
ITV are broadcasting a programme on October 13 about this…what will be the BBC reaction? To completely ignore it if its reaction to the shocking revelations on Dispatches ‘Undercover Mosque’ is anything to go by. Perhaps the police will try to prosecute ITV for hate crimes for broadcasting such revelations.
Perhaps the BBC is wise to stay out of this as it would have to ask about the religious sanctioning of such violence towards ex-Muslims…the Islamic guidance being that people can leave Islam but if they criticise the religion, and that of course means explaining to anyone why they left, they can be killed. This is Islamic law.
Whilst of course any violence towards Muslims should be condemned the BBC’s very one-sided narrative about racism and hate crimes is extremely damaging to society as it completely distorts the truth about what is happening and tries to shape and limit the political response to hate crimes by white people or that against Muslims alone.
The ‘white’ hate crimes are being politically linked to Brexit as part of the BBC’s campaign to undermine the referendum result in the hope that it will be overturned. The BBC’s wilful blindness towards Mulsim hate crimes (including homophobic and anti-Semitic) is just its usual refusal to be open and honest about this and part of that is its line that it is in fact ‘Islamophobia’ that is the real problem and that that is driven in part by the government’s Prevent strategy…the BBC has long given much airtime to Muslim opponents of this programme…such as the dishonest Warsi and countless numbers of other Islamists from groups which are clearly extremist….Douglas Murray notes the betrayal by the liberal left in regard to this…
The ‘academics’ criticising the Prevent strategy are nothing of the sort
This is how the madness spreads. While some politicians of the left continue to pretend that the situation in the Labour party and on the British left in general is salvageable, they seem not to realise that all their sluices are up.
Take a piece in Thursday’s Guardian written by Alice Ross. The headline is ‘Academics criticise anti-radicalisation strategy in open letter.’ Of course only in the Guardian does an ‘open letter’ by such ‘academics’ as these merit a newspaper article. For only in the Guardian would the reporting be so piss-poor that the ‘academics’ in question would include people who are not even academics.
Murray is wrong about ‘only in the Guardian’ because of course the BBC is more than happy to give a platform to the same voices…again and again and again….to undermine the anti-terror programme. Why does the BBC want to help do that?
It is striking that in the past the people who have sought most publicly for the policy to be scrapped are those who quite simply do not want Britain to have a counter-radicalisation strategy because they themselves favour the radicals or are radicals themselves. Only now that the left’s ability to exercise the most basic hygiene has reached its current level could a Labour shadow home secretary join such people.
The prevent strategy is one of the four pillars in combating terrorism in this country. It encourages those with sympathies for terrorist causes to raise their voice so that their belief’s and opinions can be challenged. It actually encourages people to discuss issues which concern them.
The counter narrative posted by the BBC, CAGE and the NUS is to stiffle any debate by stating that an individuals views and opinions are sacrosanct, and should not be challenged. Shame on the BBC for attacking one of the very things we hold dear. Freedom of speech, and freedom to challenge another’s views.
Even the migrants attacking truck drivers with iron bars are not at fault. It’s all because they are victims of those evil people smugglers.
The liberal left don’t see people as people. They see the world as a white man’s plaything, in which all groups are cast in a hierarchy of influence which, aside from white straight men being the all-encompassing evil at the top, can be effortlessly interchangeable depending on which one is the biggest threat to the Caucasian European patriarchy, and thus is most useful to the left. The left essentially sees all others as just directionless beach balls bobbing aimlessly around the white cis male sea, intellectually incapable of having any agenda and culturally impotent without the liberal hand guiding them to shore.
Number of muslims murdered in the UK for their religion by British non-muslims = 0
Number of muslims murdered in the UK for their religion by British muslims = 2
Number of muslims murdered in the UK for their religion by non British non-muslims = 1
Number of people murdered in the UK by muslims acting in the name of Islam = 53
The scope for a crime to be ‘hate’ has increased massively over the last few years. Police forces ability to specify the conditions of such do not help at all. If there is an increase in actual convictions as opposed to reporting’s of crime then it will take time to be confirmed as reality rather than the imagination of the left wing gutter press and tv-radio broadcasters. Doesn’t stop them trying it on though.
So, is a mugging of a black or Asian person by a white a hate crime? Depend who one asks. Could well be.
Is a mugging of a white person by a black or Asian a hate crime? Not on your nellie.
The BBC is part of the enemy.
BBC staff do not wear military uniforms.
Therefore BBC staff do not have the protection accorded to military personnel.
BBC staff are spies working in enemy territory, who may be shot without any legal proceedings whatsoever. In accordance with historical practice.
I welcome their deaths.
There is some logic to what seems crazy.
– When I white person sends a tweet not-agreeing with a minority, this is a hate crime.
– When a Islamic terrorist makes a big attack..this not a hate crime
…. Why ? cos such terrorists usually don’t care who dies as we can see from Nice, Paris, 7.7 and 9/11 even innocent Muslim die in those attacks.
– When a SJW sends comments or tweets full of hate ..this not a hate crime ..cos SJWs are angels ! (there was a play on R4 Wednesday about this)