There is really no point in turning to the BBC for any balanced coverage of any aspect of the US Presidential election. Last night saw the first V-P TV debate, and this is what the BBC had to say.
It was a scattershot debate marred by frequent interruption, where moderator Elaine Quijado lost control of the discussion for stretches. In the end, however, it was a battle that Mike Pence won.
WHAT? Pence won? Good old BBC – showing some balance? But wait….it goes on…
The Trump-Pence ticket is still losing the war, however, and Tuesday night’s debate likely only succeeded in keeping hope alive that Donald Trump can mount a comeback.
Phew, amelioration in the next sentence, and then to further detract from any GOP sense of success…
That’s a low bar, but – as the saying goes – it ain’t nothing.
And then..
For the last week, it’s felt a bit like Donald Trump was routed.
By whom? The liberal media that has spent the past year mocking Trump? For the past week it has felt that the liberal MSM, including the BBC, is more crooked than Hillary Clinton.
His woeful (oh really? DV) first presidential debate performance was compounded by a series of unforced errors, capped by an early morning Twitter tirade and a damaging New York Times story about his near billion-dollar business losses in 1995. His poll numbers headed south.
That’s interesting. Check this out..
Presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are virtually deadlocked in the Rasmussen Reports poll, released Tuesday.
The BBC is behaving in EXACTLY the same way as it behaved during last year’s general election and this year’s UK referendum. It has decided what the result should be and is doing all it can to try and influence it. As such that makes the BBC a global menace. It is not a news organisation, it is a propagandist.
I caught a brief segment on R4 last Saturday, where they sent a reporter to the German town where the Trump family originated from, and guess what? They found people who didn’t like him!
Strange how the BBC car can go there for work on “WORDS of hate”
, but some magical forcefield stops it going to Rotherham or Rochdale to investigate ACTIONS of hate.
BBC Management should up their game, if they don’t want their pensions to be confiscated.
Mike Pence won the debate hands down .He owned Tim Kaine and nothing can hide that.Mike Pence is a fantastic pick by Trump as VP .He gets more people at his rallies than Hillary Clinton can dream of .He always supports Trumps policies at his rallies.He is a steadfast experienced guy. Has the BBC ever watched one of his rallies ?
They need to pay more attention.Change is coming .
Deborah. I hope that you are right. I did read that, after the 1st debate, of 30 polls, Trump won 27, Killary 3.
Probably doesnt need to be said again but the BBC is a degenerate band of liars, thieves and corrupters of children. I now believe with all my heart that it is a truly evil organisation that follows some satanic master and the world would be much better without them.
However we are fighting an uphill battle, even my parents who are conservative watch great British bakeoff and my dad even voted remain ( I suspect for job related reasons).
When do we stand up and say enough is enough??
For ordinary busy working people, students, as well as us ‘Old Timers’ to accept that the BBC has an agenda, which is blatantly skewed away from common sense and the truth, towards their own corrupt ideology, takes time to accept.
It’s a bit like saying Jesus and everything we were taught in Sunday school was flawed and really evil. Oh NO! You’re telling lies. I know that Jimmy Saville raped school children but… but… well the BBC is nice really, I mean they do Strictly and that Bake Off programme don’t they. And I know they sack people for being white but… but well… that’s the way it is now, isn’t it. And I know they seem to favour those Muslim people, even that one they just locked up for being a terrorist but… but… well they didn’t know did they. And I know there wasn’t much on the BBC about all those white girls groomed and raped all over the country by the Muslims but… but well, it’s not nice to talk about that, is it?
And I know that all the reporters and presenters are all union people, despite their million pound salaries, So they would believe in Labour, wouldn’t they? And they keep on about what Labour says all the time. In fact the BBC seems to start every news bulletin with Mr Corbin said this or that or the other. Yes I know it gets tiresome but… but well that’s only what you would expect from people that just sit on a sofa all day.
Then there’s the EU. Well someone said they take millions of pounds from the EU. I don’t know why and it is a bit sort of corrupt, probably, but then the EU is corrupt isn’t it? I mean it’s full of Italians and French and Germans and Spanish after all. Nice places to visit and so on but why would they give the BBC millions of pounds? Mystery init?
And then there is those awful Tory’s. I mean they all went to Eton or grammar schools, so they are obviously nasty, aren’t they? Well the BBC clearly think so. And yet the Tory’s say they like the BBC, well Boris did the other day at their party conference in Birmingham. But then Boris is the last Eton Toff standing.
Anyway, on balance most people pay their TV tax and get on with life. Those with the scales lifted from their eyes are however slowly growing in numbers and if the BBC had any sense (which we know it doesn’t) it would see the writing on the wall and learn to love UKIP , despite the leadership mess, learn to accept Brexit, despite the IMF and some Liberal bloke with no knickers, and say something nice about the next President of the USA, The Donald. But that may be a step too far for the Hillary Twitter gang to swallow. Mind you Monica did!
We do, time after time, and surprisingly, nobody takes a blind bit of notice.
Th BBC would take exception to being called degenerate liars. They view it as Taqiyya, which is blessed by Mohammed.
In fairness on LBC this morning a Sikh gentleman called up and stated some incredibly good points, mainly that the media are painting all leave voters as white british when this sikh gentleman and others that he knows from the hindu community are just as concerned as we are about immigration, liberalism etc…
The icing on the cake was when LBC presenter Nick Ferrari slammed the BBC for being completely biased in all aspects of its news reporting citing the migrant crisis and their bias towards politics. My point being that even Nick Ferrari is pointing out and openly condemning the BBC’s bias in front of a huge audience. Good times.
Good, at this stage you pretty much have to be wilfully ignorant or biased to not realise how bad the BBC is getting.
The change in the BBC comments sections over the years has given me hope too, back in the day the lefties would literally shout you down and call you racist but now the comments are pretty much all from the right in terms of immigration and Labour (less so on other issues though like Christianity and Trump).
Change is coming but I do not for one second believe that the Left have been defeated. Look at the rhetoric now against Russia and Assad, that is ramping up to new levels which is obviously orchestrated by those in power in the UK, Europe and US. Its no good us voting Brexit if we get sucked into a new Cold War which they seem determined to do, in fact perhaps that was their plan all along?
The day that the UK population renounces multiculturalism, Marxism, defeatism, “diversity” etc etc etc will be the day that the elite declare war on Russia and conscript us all to fight their dirty war for them.
It will be a while before the majority of voters stand up to charges of hate speech.
I sometimes think that the accusation of racist, sexist speech will carry the day for Hillary
She doeds not need to argue or present policies or even defend her political record. Trump is a racist is all she needs to say.
Don’t worry, Americans aren’t falling for it now, every group Clinton’s pandering to hates her apart from the lobbyists. Trump is running away with it despite the BBC’s attempts to portray otherwise, and now that Pence has humiliated Kaine you will see the divide increase even further.
It has been established that the BBC pumps out utter hogwash, therefore any further consumption of it’s output is a waste of time. For an alternative which if nothing else is entertaining; if possibly biased in another direction go to and listen to the Alex Jones Radio/Tv show.
Denton, Alex Jones has some excellent presenters working with him (although he may go a little over the top at times himself) but have you also listened to Jon Gaunt’s talk2me radio?
Jon has some great ‘shows’/podcasts (even if he does believe UKIP are finished) and lives a bit closer to home – unless you’re writing from the USA.
the impression i got of kaine
“Edward? Somebody is interested in the special things…”
I’m not convinced by the BBC line that the tax thing has been bad for Trump. As I mentioned on this site a few days ago, even the Guardian comments were surprisingly supportive of Trump’s right to offset losses against income.
Scott Adams’s take:
Was amused to read a social media exchange between two Dilbert AND Clinton fans trying to rationalise enjoying simply great satire without having appreciated until now the author of it all was not one of them.
They of course decided hive loyalty trumped enjoying talent for what it is.
Sorely missed by Mr. Adams one is sure.
Like with our referendum the people will get to have their say about who becomes president. I am more concerned over the uniform bias of the western establishment over Syria. The people appear more or less apathetic other than weeping for children killed in the conflict. Millions marched over Saddam, few over Libya & none for Syria. It seems our politicians &media will not be satisfied until the jihadis control another ME sh*t heap.
This is Pat Buchanan’s (very good) take on the Trump “Tax issue”.
@DV that is worth repeating
“The BBC is behaving in EXACTLY the same way as it behaved during last year’s general election and this year’s UK referendum.
… It has decided what the result should be and is doing all it can to try and influence it.
… As such that makes the BBC a global menace.
… It is not a Global news organisation, it is a Global propagandist.”
Mike Penc’s performace should be treated with caution-Some reaction from persons close to the happenings in Washington-Trump’s choice of mike Pence as vice presidential running mate should crush all hope of those who believe that a Trump White House would be free of the Bush poison. Pence is a super conservative neocon, who has supported all things Bush. He supported the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, opposed the closing of Guantanamo Bay and supports war in the Middle East. He supported the toppling of Lybia, and thanked Hillary Clinton for doing it. He is a corporatist whom opposes banking and campaign finance reforms, who priased the Supreme Court ruling in the ‘Citizens United’ case ‘corporations people. It has to be considered therefore that Pence is Trump’s designated handler and control agent, that is the end of the idea of Trump as an agent of change from the criminal operators presently seated in Washington. It might correct to surmise that Humanity faces an unprecedented crisis, in a long line of criminals. There is no way that the New World Order will permit a government that is not crawling with its own members. Wait in expectation of the BBC being taken over by the Washington mob!