327 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD

  1. Flexdream says:

    Dominic someone doing business news on R4 Today programme and desperately pushing the agenda, without much success.
    (I paraphrase)

    Dominic: The new apprenticeship scheme, a good thing or a bad thing? Some people think it’s a disaster.
    Guest: It’s a good thing.

    Dominic: May is going for hard Brexit, if we have 10% tariffs on EU sales how will you cope?
    2nd guest (from Brompton bikes): We can get free trade deals with Chile and Korea so I think we can do the same with the EU. Even if we can’t the lower £ will help sales.

    Editor to Dominic: Must try harder


    • quisquose says:

      Will Butler-Adams, CEO of Brompton Bicycles, is a very pragmatic and sensible businessman. He knows that his product will sell because they give the customer what they want to buy, so is not interested in excuses about Brexit. Good for him.


    • engineerdownunder says:

      Heard that Business News section this morning too. Loaded Anti-Brexit question after Anti-Brexit question.

      It’s very clear that there is a planned and coordinated Anti-Brexit campaign (not merely a bias) by the BBC.


    • Tom_Kenny says:

      You can only mean prophet-of-Brexit-doom Dominic O’Connell http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2016/today-programme-business-editor.

      I set my watch by Aussie Dom. At 6.20am most Mon, Wed and Fri mornings I leave the house by car to take the dog for a walk. By 6.25am Dom will have asked his first loaded question – this morning’s muse about a 10% tariff was typical – and my BP will have started to rise.

      Dom started early this morning though. The pound’s down: b-a-a-a-d. But the FTSE is up: that’s not necessarily good, because FTSE companies do a lot of business outside the UK. That was in a dialogue with some rep from a big bank / fund manager burbling the usual hedged-about nonsense in a mittel-European accent.

      Aussie Dom has one of those nicey-nicey, oh-so-reasonable voices that is actually a front for psychotic levels of passive aggression (pace Eddie Mair, Nicky Campbell) in pursuit of his own barely-hidden agenda.

      Brompton bloke was excellent.


  2. Bagley says:

    As news of Diane James standing down after just 18 days as UKIP leader broke last night, the BBC News report here originally stated that her decision was “thought to be partly due to family commitments”. It has since been updated with the line changed slightly to “thought to be partly due to a family illness”.

    Yet still no mention of it also being partly due to the revelation that she suffered an attack from a Corbynista at Waterloo Station ahead of her first meeting with UKIP MP Douglas Carswell – an important point which the BBC undoubtedly continues to omit on purpose.


    • Wild Bill says:

      It shows how lovely Corbyn’s supporters still are, spitting at a woman in the street, how brave of them, who is the nasty party again?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Hmm. I wonder who tipped off the Corbynistas that she would be there on her way to see Douglas Carswell.


  3. Doublethinker says:

    UKIP in disarray , the pound at lowest level this century, Trump losing ground , the overwhelming Hungarian referendum result can be undermined owing to poor turnout. The BBC is happy , the liberal left is having a good week. To cap it all Boris said the BBC was one of the country’s biggest assets which just underlines that the corporation hasn’t nothing to fear from this government.
    Beating the metropolitan liberal elite will not be easy and will take a long time because they have so much power and can manufacture and manipulate the news and public opinion via their stranglehold on the MSM. The most worrying development is the UKIP turmoil because they were poised to take Labour apart in the north of England, which was forcing Labour northern MPs to make concessions on immigration. If The UKIP threat recedes and voters have only Labour and Tory choices then Labour will keep a lot of seats and Corbyn’s looney left will be more of a threat. No doubt the BBC will be working even harder than usual to undermine UKIP as the post today by Bags shows


  4. AsISeeIt says:

    Just caught the back end of a BBC report from Aleppo by the ample Fergal Keane. The message : Oh think of the children, and forget the Islamist rebels. Its been some time since the BBC went quite so all in with their support for one side in a conflict. Keane is at his stilted relativist faux-bardic worst: “Cluster bombs, bunker busters, barrel bombs, phosphorus bombs, they’ve all been dropped here…”


    One could simply reply: “Car bombs, suicide bombs, mutilation, human sheilds, they’ve all been used here…”

    The miss-guided well-meaning likes of Obama and Cameron helped stir up this foreign hornets nest and the ruthless regional powers and local crazies keep the conflict stoked up.

    Let’s just keep out of it.

    Pressure guilt, charity appeals, viewer manipulation, yellow journalism, they’re all being used here…


    • G.W.F. says:

      It is amazing how any side in a war that the BBC have selected as the enemy have the ability to successfully target children with their bombs. Imagine – in this case Russian or Syrian – aircraft flying over Alleppo and knowing exactly where the children are located and aiming so accurately at them.


    • ObiWan says:

      Fergal’s just doing what he always does: awards chasing. It’s pretty shameless, but he can’t help himself. It might be embarrassing to watch, but he’s still a good study in what a typical narcissistic progressive BBC ‘journalist’ sounds like.

      It’s all about themselves – and waiting for the next invite to the annual press awards.


  5. taffman says:

    My synopsis of the events over the past four months on our Great Vote for Independence are that both the European Union and Al Beeb are perfect examples of ‘The Tail Wagging the Dog’.
    As far as we in Great Britain are concerned ‘one tail’ is about to be docked.
    You’re next Al Beeb…..


    • Doublethinker says:

      Taff, Mrs May doesn’t think so. I’m afraid the nightmare of the state funded broadcaster will continue for years to come. Deep dispair.


      • taffman says:

        Hit them where they won’t like it . Stop paying the Telly Poll Tax.


  6. embolden says:

    The carefully regulated and mediated British political system is going through another orchestrated convulsion now that UKIP has served its historic purpose in helping to develop a situation in which the establishment can, on terms acceptable to its global interests, extract the UK from the failing EU.

    Remember how the BNP won two seats in the European parliament before mysteriously spontaneously combusting in endless leadership battles and vote losing publicity stunts? looks like the same is happening to UKIP.

    I hope I am wrong, but it seems to me that the Conservative party is now reasserting its role as the voice of moderate national interest politics to the taste of the establishment.

    UKIP ? far too Proley and Nationalistic for a globalised system. far better a return to the conflicts of Left v Right to occupy the electorate rather than national interest v global interest which is the new politics of our time.


    • taffman says:

      UKIP are ‘The Common Sense Party’ and ‘The People’s Party’. They have taken over the middle ground , they have taken voters from the Labour Party as well as the Tory Party. Why ? The Main Stream Media is loosing its hold over the political propaganda of this nation, more and more people are turning to social media for their information, as with this website.
      UKIP is still still here despite its difficulties with its leadership. The dust will in time settle and a new leader will emerge. Just look at what it has achieved despite the mountain of propaganda aimed at it by the ‘Liberal Media’.
      A huge amount of votes during the General Election and yet only one MP returned, and no doubt, getting us out of the Union of Undemocratic States.
      In Wales they gave Labour and The Welsh Assembly the biggest ‘kick in the Balls’ since we beat England in the Grand Slam 😉
      Well done UKIP !


    • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

      ‘Moderate national interest politics’ would be ok if the western world hadn’t gone completely mad. We have around 300k net immigrants per year, we borrow to bribe awful countries with ‘overseas aid’, huge amounts wasted in welfare & NHS. None of it is sustainable. All the tory politicians have done so far is just TALK.

      It’s too late for ‘moderate’ politics. The country will be skint and overrun if we carry on as we are.


  7. TrueToo says:

    I am indebted to RJ for exposing the despicable statement by Harriett Gilbert re Muslims and Jews and to several colleagues here for their input in reply to RJ.

    Update: Link won’t go directly to RJ’s comment. It’s on the second page of the thread near the bottom at 5:40 pm, with several replies below it.

    Here’s Gilbert from 13:30 in, my emphasis in bold:

    Also, like all historical fiction this is written now, I mean Robert Harris is writing to the 21st century and you get – there are riots, anti-Jewish riots at some point which have strong echoes forward, Kristallnacht and the Nazi Jewish pogroms. And then I couldn’t help reading this, also in the light of now and Jewish people in Europe beginning to feel frightened again and of course Muslims feeling that they are the Jews of now, it’s got a lot of resonance to me for the 21st century.


    I used to read and comment on this vile historical revisionism in ‘Comment is Free’ on the Guardian website where it emerged from under its rock quite frequently, but really didn’t expect it from Gilbert.

    The most astonishing part of her comment is the “of course,” as if it’s a long-established and obvious fact that Muslims are the new Jews.

    As the incisive Pat Condell observed, “Jews are the new Jews. Muslims are the new Nazis; not all Muslims, of course, but enough of them to make a difference, and a very unpleasant difference indeed.”

    I used to listen to Gilbert from time to time on the World Service but won’t be listening again. Rather, I’ll be writing to her at harriett.gilbert@bbc.co.uk to try to explain to her that comments like hers both diminish the Holocaust in the eyes of others and bolster the false narrative of Muslim victimhood.

    It would be hard to find a better example of the blind, destructive and wilfully-ignorant ideology of the left.


    • LynetteO says:

      This is relevant here and well worth watching. “The Mutating Virus – Understanding Anti Semitism” on YouTube. Jonathan Sacks keynote address at the European Parliament.


      • TrueToo says:

        LynetteO – I just saw the same video arrived in my inbox today from a friend. Quite a coincidence. I’ll watch it soon.


    • embolden says:

      Good post TrueToo, this line came up yesterday on a book programme about the Dreyfus case (on the old thread)

      Present day Muslims have 57 states to live in… Sunni or Shia, Sharia or non Sharia…all available….whereas until the founding of Israel in 1948 Jews had nowhere to go that would unequivocally welcome them as Jews.

      I agree with you and Pat Condell. My view is that this false comparison between the historic suffering of Jews and present day Muslims is at best hopelessly uninformed and at worst is a manifestation of Holocaust denial.


      • TrueToo says:

        Thanks, embolden, yes I saw your comment and the other responses to RJ on the previous open thread and agree 100% with them.


    • StewGreen says:

      A direct link to RJ’s initial comment
      To get that link all I did was right click over the time next to the name and click copy link address


  8. TrueToo says:

    Here’s the email to Gilbert, toned down a bit. At the risk of being extremely repetitive, I’ll make my standard observation that she’s as likely to be swayed by it as Woody Allen is to win the next world heavyweight boxing title.

    I thought I’d give it a go anyway:

    To Harriett Gilbert,

    I am writing in response to your comment during the programme on Robert Harris’ book on Dreyfus, my emphasis in bold:

    Also, like all historical fiction this is written now, I mean Robert Harris is writing to the 21st century and you get – there are riots, anti-Jewish riots at some point which have strong echoes forward, Kristallnacht and the Nazi Jewish pogroms. And then I couldn’t help reading this, also in the light of now and Jewish people in Europe beginning to feel frightened again and of course Muslims feeling that they are the Jews of now, it’s got a lot of resonance to me for the 21st century.


    The most astonishing part of your comment is the “of course,” as if it’s a long-established and obvious fact that Muslims are the new Jews.

    In fact, Jews are the new Jews. Many Muslims are the new Nazis, singling Jews out for terrorist attacks in Israel, Europe and elsewhere across the world.

    I used to listen to you from time to time on the World Service and found your programmes entertaining and educational, but won’t be listening again. Comments like yours are grossly insulting to Jewish survivors, their loved ones and Jews in general, diminish the Holocaust in the eyes of others and bolster the entirely false narrative of Muslim victimhood.

    I urge to revise your destructive ideology, which has become pervasive among the intellectuals of the left.



    • TheBrutalTruth says:

      Can I sign that too please?!


      • TrueToo says:



        • Stewie says:

          Well said TT. A very pertinent point is also the fact that there are over two billion Muslims in the world today. A position never enjoyed by the Jewish faith.

          In spite of their propensity for killing, both each other and any people they dislike, their numbers aren’t dropping any time soon.


          • TrueToo says:

            So true, Stewie. To regard these vast Muslim hordes as victims of the Western societies that they are invading is beyond bizarre.


  9. Thatcherrevolutionary says:

    Have you ever noticed that all reports from Aleppo on BBC, C4, ITV, Sky are all from ‘rebel-held’ Aleppo?
    Injured kids and blood splattered hospitals shown in gory technicolour.
    But wait – all the women have their heads covered, all the men are in fatigues.
    Surely these reports wouldn’t all come from the ISIS controlled areas would they?


    • Stewie says:

      Yes. Almost as if everyone in government held western Aleppo didn’t actually exist. Not that they’re one sided or anything.

      This is interesting if you haven’t seen it already.


      • carterdaniel says:


        • Stewie says:

          I find it really sad that this type of broadcast demonstrating an apparent anti-propaganda view is hidden to the point of being invisible.
          The powers that be in the West really do think that we are all idiots with no independent thought capability whatsoever. They may have pulled the wool over the drone like left wingers eyes but they are now taking the piss out of normal types too.
          This whole scenario of regime change and fossil fuel motivated greed is violently distasteful.
          They seem to think that the remaining Syrian people, and there are many, will just bend over and take Obama’s injection of ‘peace’. They get the opportunity to be ruled by manic Islamist terrorists with a penchant for chopping heads and killing all they disagree with. What’s not to like?


  10. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    The last thread mentioned a campaign for more Islam friendly Holidays. I wonder if they’ll be anything like this:

    “Hi-de-hi, campers – Bismilllah – and welcome to Burqalins! As leader so of our Red Kameez team, I’m here to make sure you have fun, fun, fun – Inshallah.

    Please note there is a surcharge for multiple wives, as we have to provide fold-up beds. Peggy, the simple-minded young infidel chalet girl, should be treated kindly, gentlemen. Take your turns, and give her a breather occasionally.

    The Hawaiian bar is strictly non-alcoholic. The last campers who tried putting gin in the pineapple juice got stoned. (Boom-boom – it’s the way I tell ‘em!)

    The entertainment will be non-stop. The daily Punch-and-Judy show will let the kiddies stone Mrs Punch to death for adultery. At three O’clock on Wednesday our lovely girls will line up wearing niqabs for the Beautiful Eyes Competition. Thursday afternoon will see our kiddies’ talent contest where your tots can show their skills as Taqiyya and reciting hadiths.

    Don’t miss our ‘Allahu Akbar!’ shooting range. Behead one of our revolving belt of realistic plastic infidel soldiers, and win a travel token for a trip to the Haj pilgrimage!

    Please note that the hall with the old ‘Mecca’ sign is now a prayer-room with murals depicting our holy city and not (as under the previous ownership) a gambling den. The Gideon bibles the last owners provided will be ceremonially burnt outside the camp’s mosque at Friday prayers. Instead you will find a Koran in your bedside drawer. The toilets in your en suite bathroom no longer blasphemously face Mecca, as they had them before.

    The cafeteria’s delicious three-course Halal spread will be in two sittings – men first. Let’s just hope those greedy fellows leave you a few kebabs, ladies!

    Under no circumstances may the prayer mats beside your beds be removed for use beside the olympic-sized swimming pool – which is for gentlemen only. For you lucky ladies, the little pool (behind the gents lavatory block) with the black mould and no lifeguards is reserved.

    The room marked ‘ballroom’ will now be delivering nightly lectures on Jihad.

    Our boutique offers an irresistible array of birkinis, burqas, hijabs and chadors. Be nice to the old man and maybe he’ll buy you something, eh, girls!

    All unmarried hanky-panky is strictly haram, and the chalets will be searched for evidence.

    So that’s it! Have a great week! If you need me, the name’s Mustapha Bitta Nooki!”


  11. TheBrutalTruth says:

    If anyone is in any doubt as to the pure evil that drives the left wing liberal media, BBC being the frontrunners in this vile game, here are two observations from the last few days:

    1. Diane James was spat at and assaulted by a left wing activist at Waterloo train station which some speculate has influenced her resignation. Until today this was only reported in the express – http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/716314/Ukip-leader-Diane-James-spat-left-wing-activist – now can we imagine if a right wing activist had assaulted and spat at a Jeremy Corbyn. One of the most worrying things being that the police are clearly in on this too as she was assaulted and not only does it get no mention but the perpetrator was not even arrested and charged. Remember Eddie Izzard’s pink beret?

    2. Corrie Mckeague, a young british forces serviceman has gone missing 30 miles from where an attempted abduction took place just months ago. This should be all over the media but relative to the circumstances absolutely nothing. It should be headline news on all TV news channels but its not. Why? Because it has connotations of the ROP. Truly truly evil the lengths that the BBC and others will go to to push on with their agenda. They are happy to let a family go through hell so as not to “offend” a tiny proportion of the country.

    I pray and hope that Trump gets in in November, only then can this evil be banished to the history books.


  12. StewGreen says:

    “The burkini ban in France meant some Muslim tourists had a difficult year holidaying there” *
    * In a SJW fantasy universe… I doubt it’s true in reality… A lot of Muslims don’t bother with special clothes, of the others I’ve seen plenty of Muslims jumping in the sea fully clothed..They know to go to the corner of quieter beaches.

    That’s from the blurb for today’s R4 You and Yours
    …. It continues
    “but it hasn’t stopped the growth of holiday resorts catering for Islamic tourists in the country. Our reporter, Jon Laurenson, reports from a resort in Angers. (Freundian slip ?)”

    also they mention
    – “Has the VW emissions scandal had an effect on the sale and value of diesel cars? We examine the latest data.
    It’s the anniversary of the 5p carrier bag charge in England”


    • AsISeeIt says:

      “The burkini ban in France meant some Muslim tourists had a difficult year holidaying there”

      As opposed to western tourists perhaps experiencing the minor incoveniences of Tunisia and Egypt – in a toss up between being gunned down on the beach or having your airliner blown out of the sky I guessing the ‘burkini ban’ is a bit of a BBC islamophilic distraction and not much more.

      In any case how did the clothing of the old Sultan’s Harem suddenly become some progessive civil rights cause célèbre ?


      • Cranmer says:

        Yes! How dare they! What about the holidays of those who went to Nice and were mown down by an Islamist lunatic in a lorry?


        • StewGreen says:

          It seems to me they actually ..dropped that report today
          .. Neither me or Twitter heard it.
          Maybe they read our comments about the context and decided not to run it.


          • StewGreen says:

            Terrorism Fears put drinkers off Oktoberfest” Today’s Times

            Context is that a Burkini man might make 1% of Muslims move to another quieter beach
            Whereas terrorism not only destroys lives of Kaffirs and Muslims on the day..It also disrupts millions of people’s choices on tourism and innocent businesses and workers ..not least like normal Muslims in Tunisia working in the tourism business.


  13. Mackers says:

    The daily politics blue ball poll at the conference shows 66 percent tories would prefer clinton.This liberal mold needs disinfecting.


    • KatieH says:

      They asked Jon snow when he was passing by who was going to win the us election and he said Trump.


  14. Cranmer says:

    I very rarely watch BBC now but watch other channels instead.

    One recent programme I rather enjoyed was ‘Squaddies at 16′ on C5. It’s about boy and girl soldier recruits (16 years old) for the British army.

    No political commentary or diversity/’trans’ stuff as the BBC would probably do, just a straightforward documentary, reminding me of similar stuff I used to do in the Corps at school.

    One thing that has changed since ‘my day’ is the backchat! Answering back to a sergeant then would have got you on a fizzer…I even knew boys to be sent home from Cubs for it…yet these kids seem to just think it’s acceptable.


  15. KatieH says:

    Looks like the snowflakes at the beeb are going to have the knives out for Theresa after her speech today. O brian on LBC has been having a hissy fit all morning in relation to amber rudd. Linking it to racism and the thirties and you know who. Hes now having a sneer and another hissy fit at Mays speech as its going live.

    A full on remainiac still throwing his toys out of his pram over brexit. All brexiteers are racists etc. He kept mentioning polish plumbers and belgian bus drivers but not a mention of the gang down around marble arch.


  16. scribblingscribe says:

    Emma Barnett on radio 5 live demanding of Justine Greening, what’s she going to do about Islamist schools, as this has been known about since the Trojan Horse plot came to light.

    Eh? I had to clean out my ears. The BBC assured me there wasn’t a problem with the Trojan Horse schools, that Islamic schools were victims of Islamophobia. I remember it well.

    Odd, because the only thing that has changed is that Labour are no longer in power and the Conservatives are.


  17. johnnythefish says:

    Hurricane Matthew.

    Hurricane drought likely to end.

    Hurricane Wilma was the last major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger) to hit the U.S. It made landfall in Florida on October 24, 2005. The much ballyhooed Hurricane Sandy was Category 1 at landfall, and technically not a hurricane at that time, but an extra-tropical cyclone. Hurricane Ike in 2008, was a Category 2 when it made landfall.

    Matthew is very likely to be the first major hurricane to strike the U.S. in almost 11 years….


    How the BBC report it:

    The most powerful Caribbean hurricane in nearly a decade has left thousands of people displaced in Haiti, with officials struggling to reach the worst-hit areas…..More than four million children could be exposed to hurricane damage, Unicef said, warning of the spread of waterborne disease…..In the port town of Les Cayes, the situation was “catastrophic” with streets flooded and many houses without roofs….etc etc etc


    No prizes for spotting the difference.


    • Stewie says:

      The Beeb must have been looking at a completely different hurricane. Hurricane Ahmed or something. Anyway, four million displaced children? Best get them over here pronto then. Just convert them from that dreadful Catholicism on the way and they can be put to good use sewing burkas, niqabs and bodybags for when ‘The Great Islamification©’ that the Beeb seem to be pushing for reaches its impending apogee.


  18. Doublethinker says:

    OMG. The PM has now said the BBC is admired round the world. The Tories are trying to cosy up to the BBC big time. She goes on to attack an elite but she seems to think that this is entirely made up of nasty business leaders. She fails to recognise that the main constituent of the liberal elite are the top public employees , the civil service , many well paid charity bosses, university leaders , luvvies and of course the hated BBC and the rest of the MSM. Sucking up to the BBC , speaking their liberal left language and adopting most of their agenda apart fromBrexit, will just result in the centre of gravity of British politics moving steadily leftwards. The BBC will not do the Tories any favours nor will the corporation tone down their anti Brexit position. Mrs May will need a very long spoon to sup with BBC.


    • Spider says:

      She did say that the British police were the best in the world while at the same time stabbing them in the back. One can only hope that she is befriending the beast in order to prepare it for sacrifice.


  19. StewGreen says:

    Pages 1 and 6 of the Times have reports from Bel Trew a reporter riding in the Med rescue boats. Since the BBC reporter just did the same, it looks to me that the Doctors charity MSF is running a publicity drive by giving reporters free excursions.
    ..They could have done this before the referendum ..I wonder why they didn’t?

    Online the reporting is spread thru 3 articles ..I see on the Times FB page readers are not sympathetic

    The Twitter feed doesn’t look like that a impartial reporter
    “4 hours ago Reggio di Calabria, Calabria
    It’s only been two days but I’ve made friends with the lovely men, women and children on board. Anxious for them and their futures.”
    ‘Look at me I gave my tracksuit bottoms to a poor Nigerian girl’

    A commenter said
    “The EU have no money so why are they running the world’s biggest people trafficking operations ?”


    • Cranmer says:

      ‘Look at me I gave my tracksuit bottoms to a poor Nigerian girl’. Didn’t Jimmy Savile try that once?


    • Stewie says:

      That Nigerian girl is only poor because she’ll have paid a people trafficker handsomely for the privilege of being cast adrift in the Med.


  20. StewGreen says:

    Ha BBC WATO stunt failed
    On Victoria this morning BBC tried to stir by getting on Farage and saying Neil Hamilton might be appointed interim leader.
    “Absolutely not” he then insulted Hamilton
    ..So BBC WATO got on the speed dial and got Neil Hamilton in the studio for theeir gotcha moment
    13:38pm “So you heard the insults from Farage, will you be interim leader”
    “Absolutely not”
    He then went onto be totally complimentary about Farage “one of the great political leaders of modern times”
    .. “oh (darn)” said WATO furrowing their brows


    • Stewie says:

      Happy happy joy joy.

      It’s heartwarming when a plan such as that goes magnificently wrong ?


  21. StewGreen says:

    R4 play seems to be about a fictitious Right Wing commentator who is a regular on BBC Question Time
    ..left wingers get more and more annoyed and threats come in..then deathreats .. and then…

    Title : Comment Is Free*

    Everybody hates Alistair Cooper and they’re not afraid of saying it.

    ..Hilary Cooper watches her husband’s story get chewed up and spat out by an unscrupulous media and a divided public. The whole nation competes to be the quickest to comment in this thrilling portrayal of the sound and fury of modern British politics

    *(Comment is free is what the Guardian calls its heavily censored comments section)


  22. StewGreen says:

    Shock news *BBC doesn’t go for “Mentally ill angle *
    Now on the BBC Breaking : Two police officers stabbed in Brussels in possible terrorist incident, Belgian prosecutors say more : Brussels police stabbed in ‘terror’ attack


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      Call me Mrs Cynical but in the quick report it’s stated by the Belgium prosecutors so when it’s a Norwegian suffering mental health issues the Beeb will follow on with how Islamaphobic we all are, either that or there’s something really big brewing. Just because people call me paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get us. I might need to increase my medication.LOL.


  23. Number 7 says:

    “Nothing to do with Islam” is now an EU Directive.


    Up yours Juncker.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Pamela Geller in her newsletter recently pointed to an alleged move by Barack Obama to have Islam and Muslims defined as a race, thereby bringing them under the umbrella of ‘anti-racism’ legislation and further protecting them from scrutiny or criticism.


      • MartinW says:

        We pretty much knew years ago, from multiple lines of evidence, that Obama was at least extremely sympathetic to Islamic thought and tradition, and perhaps a muslim. The fact that he occasionally attended a Christian church was not particularly significant in my eyes, but the fact that he once said “my muslim faith” was. His latest attempt to class Middle Eastern + North African populations as a single race is indicative but, thankfully, it will fail this time (though perhaps not in the future via the UN).


    • taffman says:

      Number 7 Rhif Saith 🙂
      Al Beeb have been at it for some time now.
      Perhaps he got the Idea from them ?


    • DYKEVISIONS says:

      It’s relentless, just on the wires…

      ‘Two police officers have been stabbed in Brussels in a possible terrorist incident, Belgian prosecutors say.’

      Remember, proles, this has nothing to do with Islam.. just ‘Trumped’ up racist global warming Brexiters!


  24. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News::

    “”Women versus ladies football: Does the name matter?””


    The Wimmins BBC wrote 1,000 words about nothing. Just for the sake of drawing attention to Wimmins sport.

    With globally vacant stadiums trending.


  25. KatieH says:

    In the times magazine on sunday was a big puff piece about this group (If you don’t like smug celebs like jude of law don’t click on the links).


    which seems to be a lot of virtue signalling and sneering by leftie luvvies. Theres another article here


    In the article they keep mentioning this guy Hassan who from his picture seemed very familiar until i realised he was one of the ‘stars’ of the recent exodus programme on the bbc who had a camera crew with him the whole way through his ‘journey’. He is also a regular on c4 news.


  26. TruthDoctor says:

    Filmed some migrants sitting in the back of a lorry this morning on my dash cam. You can see it here; https://youtu.be/P9rDZ5KdkRE
    Just an everyday occurance I guess.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Well done. It is up to the public to reveal via You Tube what the Government and media will not reveal


      • TruthDoctor says:

        I reported it on the Home Office website thing. Doubt anyone will bother to investigate though.


    • StewGreen says:

      So that’s the Libya to London EU FREE – taxi service
      Here’s a screenshot from @TruthDoctor’s DAESH-cam

      ..you can make out the DAESH members climbing out the top of the truck.


      • TheBrutalTruth says:

        Can’t blame those engineers for being so resourceful!


        • BRISSLES says:

          Lets not get too upset, one of ’em will no doubt be on Bake Off next year, and end up hosting the Channel 4 news with Jon Snow.

          (psssst … strong suspicions that Nadya Hussein will be a judge on the revamped Bake Off – bit like Alesha Dixon being a pathetic judge on Strictly)


  27. StewGreen says:

    The Framing bias trick is being used on R4 Media show now
    Sir Craig Oliver* : the Remoaner guy is saying BBC was obviously biased towards Leave in Brexit
    He may try that reframing trick yet the public in the street know they heard the Leaver line almost all the time.
    He’s talking about false balance, yet the irony is there is no one against him to oppose his lies.
    I can’t say who he is cos Today’s show page doesn’t list the agenda
    ah got his name from Twitter
    (He started with climate change false balance fallacious argument()

    * He started work as ITV news editor, then BBC news editor then Cameron’s presssecretary/


    • StewGreen says:

      I like the way an item arguing about BALANCE
      is basically one guy (Craig Oliver) plugging his book unopposed


  28. TruthSeeker says:

    Come on Assange, where are these Clinton leaks?
    If you can release something that causes her to collapse on live TV in debate #2, some of us here on BBBC will dig a tunnel under the embassy and smuggle you to wherever you wish.
    Do we have a deal?


  29. Pounce says:

    The bBC which can bring you a report from darkest Afghanistan in minutes when the US or Uk mess up appears to drag its feet when the news is a lot closer. Which is why the bBC is today reporting how the HSV-2 Swift on lease to a dredging company in UAE was hit by a Surface to surface missile (An Iranian Noor missile aka the Chinese S802)
    Yemen conflict: UAE says Houthis attacked civilian ship

    and here is what I wrote 3 long days ago:

    Yemen: UAE ship struck at sea by anti-ship missile

    The bbC, the billion pound news agency which can’t even report the news on time.


  30. Pounce says:

    I see the bBC continues to muddy the water over exactly who bombed that UN Aid convoy inside Syria the other week:
    Syria conflict: Aid convoy attack was air strike, UN expert says
    Analysis of satellite imagery taken after a deadly attack on an aid convoy in northern Syria last month shows that it was an air strike, a UN expert says….The US believes Russian warplanes bombed the convoy. Russia, which backs Syria’s government, denies the charge…..Russia’s defence ministry, which has vigorously denied the charge, initially said videos of the aftermath of the attack did not show any evidence that the convoy had been struck by air-dropped ordnance.
    But it subsequently said a US Predator drone had been flying above Urum al-Kubra at the time of the attack – an allegation the US military quickly dismissed.

    Wow, the bBC who can tell you exactly when the US/UK or Israel bombed a school bus/Hospital/Mosque etc…within minutes isn’t able to tell you who bombed the UN. (Just for the info of the bBC so called defence experts. A Predator dronecan only carry a mazimum of 6 Griffin ATGM or 2 Hellfire to a total of 500Kg.

    Now here is a little something I knocked out on the subject last week.
    Syria: Evidence points at Russia for the bombing of the UN food convoy outside Aleppo.

    and here is a much more informative article on the subject
    Confirmed : Russian Bomb Remains Recovered from Syrian Red Crescent Aid Convoy Attack
    I have to admit the top comment is well worth a read.


  31. Dover Sentry says:

    Steven Woolfe says he will stand for UKIP leadership contest.

    Interesting that he says May’s address today mirrored his own political views.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      I always thought he would have been a better leader than Diane James anyway, I like DJ – but not as leader.
      UKIP need to get Woolfe in sharpish and then unite behind him.


    • chrisH says:

      Hope he walks it…had he not made a fool of himself with the silliest of errors, he`d have won first time.
      The real thing at his best-and will terrorise the elites if he watches for the gintraps of the ponces.
      Great that Nigel no longer has to bungee jump into his leadership-that old saw is a joke, now that he`s Leader this time by default.
      Even when he DOES retire-the Electoral Commission won`t let him leave!
      Comedy gold-suffice to say, there`s no BBC humour for them.
      Po-faced cretins don`t find Nigel funny at all-the rest of us find him a national tickling stick missus!
      AND-if Aaron gets his chequebook out north of Watford…the Purple Reign can begin!


      • BRISSLES says:

        ChrsH….Hope he walks it…had he not made a fool of himself with the silliest of errors, he`d have won first time…….

        Yes, but this worries me greatly. You’re going after one of the top jobs in the politics of Britain, and you leave getting in your application until the last minute and then find you’ve missed the deadline ? I know if I’ve wanted a job desperately in the past, I’ve practically delivered it through the letterbox myself with a week to spare of the deadline. So does that mean he’s too laid back, and thought he was a shoo-in, or just too dis-organised ?


    • taffman says:

      Dover Sentry
      The Tories have been copying UKIP’s policies for some time. Its pretty clear eg………
      Why ? the party is scared and so are all the other parties and the media – very scared .


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Agreed, Taffman. But will the Conservatives practice what they preach? Labour certainly didn’t!

        Remember Gordon Brown saying British Jobs For British People? And banging on about Opportunity For All? And Boom Not Bust? And about Financial Prudence?

        The danger is that the Conservatives will steal UKIP policies and therefore votes if they keep their promises to some degree. But I suspect the Conservatives will occupy the centre ground and hope to gather as many votes as possible now that Labour are somewhere lost in the Gobi Desert.


      • Number 7 says:

        Shwmae taffman.

        Gwir iawn.

        Other parties? Plaid? Welsh Labour? As well as the Tories.

        What’s not to like.

        Da iawn.



      • Wild Bill says:

        That is why we still need a strong UKIP, to keep them scared,notice how the BBC try and make out UKIP are not needed now we have BREXIT.


  32. StewGreen says:

    Question : The Twitter name and website saveourbbc.net is a campaign which by celebrities that originated out of the BBC PR office isn’t it ? B-BBC 2015
    ..cos that website fails to mention that, so must be breaking some Ofcom or ASA rule.
    To me that seems to an #IntegrityFAIL

    The websites tweet box is all retweets from @bbcpress and @BBCNewsPR


    • 60022Mallard says:

      Seems it is Save Our BBC Ltd


      Anyone know of the directors?


      • 60022Mallard says:

        I wonder if Lodge Information Services Ltd. are philanthropists wanting to “save the BBC”, or are being remunerated for their efforts?

        Would an FOI request to the BBC asking if they make use of said company elicit a response, or would that come under some exemption?


      • Invicta says:

        The Directors info was on the link you gave under another tab. Not immediately clear (it is a beta site)

        I checked through them, but no obvious BBC link. They don’t have to file accounts


    • Guest Who says:

      It’s a limited company, with all the attendant costs, to run a woeful website and punt out half a dozen risible ra-ra tweets a week that only attack mockery?

      Its provenance will indeed prove interesting, unless suddenly subject to ‘exemptions’ on disclosure only very unique entities enjoy.

      A bit like the endless ‘sponsored’ posts on my Facebook from ‘scientists’ and ‘businesses’ who seem still most upset that brexit happened.


      • StewGreen says:

        A google search got me to a Meet our team page which was not obvious from the front page menu.
        This years account list it as a Community Interest Company with £3,328 budget.
        The 3 people listed are all external to the BBC, but they may be puppets.
        Peter Blackman – Strategic Director : connected to Voice of the Listener, & Viewer, Climate Change lobbyist since before 1995

        Adrian Clements – IT Director : LIS Lodge Information Services Ltd
        …. Another LIS staff member was a previous director Mark Packman and the operation seems run out of that office.. All the staff seem to be based in that Essex area.

        Laura Leigh – Operational Director

        Donna Cooper and Debbie Poole – Campaign Communications Manager

        Katherine Clements – (Kat Clements) Graphic Designer and Social Media Consultant
        journalism : article : “Objectification, Equality, and Rape Culture”
        This social media team are so hot ..that on their webpage, the link to her twitter account doesn’t work
        (not so many tweets, but anti Trump, Anti-Brexit, Really Anti-Farage, she only mention the BBC on one day June 23 when she criticised its Referendum coverage 3 times)


  33. Guest Who says:

    BBC ‘~News’ on Facebook:

    BBC News

    What made a liberal social media star, Cassandra Fairbanks, switch allegiance to Donald J. Trump? BBC Trending finds out.

    The social media star who flipped to Trump

    Could be going better for the world’s most loved professional broadcaster, TBH.

    BBC Trending seems to have moved beyond ‘laughing stock’.


    • StewGreen says:

      Direct link to that FB post (the trick is it’s the one under the time of a post)
      419 comments most from SJW’s spouting kneejerk hate, cos they think “Trump is full of hate” …projection-city
      Cassandra Fairbanks (70, 000 twitter followers)
      “Fairbanks works as a reporter for Sputnik News, a Russian state-funded news agency which critics have accused of spreading propaganda on behalf of the Kremlin” it says in the middle of the article


  34. chrisH says:

    Heard Sarah Montagues news headlines this mornig with words to the effect that
    “Today at the Tory Party Conference, Theresa May will set out her plans to reduce immigration which SHE SAYS is making the country a divided one”.
    Of course I`m not quoting verbatim-but I certainly thought on that SHE SAYS bit of Montys.
    I`ve yet to hear any Labour gombeen ever get parsed in this way-the very fact that Mays says it at all means that SHE SAYS it!
    But it`s that bloody gratuitous slip-in to qualify what follows. A BBC opinion in fact, disguised as a fact.
    It`s that double standard that gets me-the Left do this all the time, we let them get away with it.
    Follows on from Theresa Mays interview I heard with Nick Robinson-is ther ANY reason why Laura Kuennsberg is asked to interpret what we`ve just heard?
    Has anybody ever asked them-May speaks for herself,is clear as a Bell and WE make up our mind on it.
    WE do NOT need biased BBC Lefties to chew the fat about what we hear, then spit it out on the floor for us all to marvel at.
    Mat said this-but we in the BBC take tghis to mean that-and we , of course are correct, she clearly may need more critiques from those of us who hate her and all she ever stood for.
    Suck Off BBC.


    • MartinW says:

      Yes, indeed! It also irritates the hell out of me when Kuennesberg or similar is wheeled on to ‘interpret’ a political interview. The listener is quite capable of hearing and understanding what has been said, and anything added by the lovely Kuennesb. is, in my experience, at best redundant, and at worst distorting. It was the same when Robinson was political editor; sometimes his ‘expanations’ seemed longer than the interview!


  35. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:

    “”Businesses react to Conservative plans for listing foreign workers””

    Business 1. “”Benji Lanyado, who runs the London-based picture agency start-up Picfair, is opposed to the plans “not as a business decision, but a very simple moral one””

    Business 2. “”We keep track of where people [who work for us] come from, and we really like our diversity””
    “”There is a reaction from our staff post-Brexit like, ‘Does this country now not want me here?””

    Business 3. “””We seem to be faced with a straight choice between an enthusiastic, well qualified individual from Central or Eastern Europe, exhibiting a strong worth ethic, or a disinterested British youngster who often decides they are not interested in the job””

    Business 4. “”Martin Sandhu, managing director of Nottingham-based digital marketing agency Roller, also said he had roughly an even split of UK and non-UK workers among his 25 staff. My experience is that many British workers don’t have the have the same skill-set or drive as workers from Asia, the US or Europe””


    Strange that all four business leaders interviewed were against the Conservative plan and pro-EU.

    Or not so strange if you consider the BBC’s totally anti-Brexit stance.

    Get over it BBC, both you and your multi-millionaire employees backed the wrong side and Brexit won.

    Do try and show some pretence of impartiality?

    But then again, no impartiality was shown by the BBC during and after the General Election. And once again, the BBC backed the wrong side.

    And there’s been no impartiality regarding the US Election next month. For the fun of BBC melt down, I do hope Trump wins.


    • quisquose says:

      Strange that all four business leaders interviewed were against the Conservative plan and pro-EU.

      Also strange that they allow Business 3 and Business 4 make unquestioned racist statements about UK people.


  36. G.W.F. says:

    The brave new world of gender diversity encouraged by the BBC and looney leftists. Lauren Southern shows how easy it is to redefine oneself.

    But the deeper political and philosophical point she makes is that feelings can replace objectivity. And that is scary.


    • SteveHovis says:

      Any civilization that wishes to survive *must* have respect for objective reality and good old fashioned facts. This feature by Lauren Southern is actually pretty scary because a civilization that is willing to ignore the bleedin’ obvious and make *everything* we simply feel to be interchangeable is not one that is going to survive for much longer.


  37. Dover Sentry says:

    Farage and Le Pen in the EU Parliament a couple of days ago.

    Please watch!! No punches pulled.


    • An English Gentleman says:

      Excellent DS
      watched this link………….they STILL do not understand or see what is happening to the EU.

      If every member state voted to leave they would still be making the same speeches. Their audience is becoming less and less as time moves forward, shrinking at an increasing rate. I just hope I am there to see the implosion


  38. Save Our Sense says:

    Tense, nervous headache caused by the never ending stream of BBC bollocks?

    Well fortunately there are still some pros in this world who haven’t yet been infected by the Lefty Pox and can still look at things relatively objectively…

    The UK’s #Brexit negotiating hand is stronger than you think http://ow.ly/U7QL304SsOB

    ‘…despite Brexit.’


    • Spider says:

      Reading that brought a smile to my lips. German banks appear to back a lot of very toxic debt, and trade with UK is vital. Ha ha ha. Brexit may well lead to a bright future. ?


    • Al Shubtill says:

      SOS – Thank you so much for posting that link, absolutely fascinating….despite Brexit.


  39. Sluff says:

    Did I hear St Theresa today having a go at the ‘ liberal metropolitan elite’?
    Let’s hope she takes the logical course and includes the biased BBC in that description…….and takes appropriate action.


  40. Dazed and Confused says:


  41. TheBrutalTruth says:

    Just in case the middle east was looking a bit too peaceful for anyone’s liking just saw on Sky News that Kurdistan are now claiming some land that they have gained in Iraq which they state was previously there’s.

    Pretty sure this will go swimmingly, I mean there’s loads of examples of peaceful discussion in the middle east when it comes to border issues. Watch this space I’m sure it will be nothing but good old fashioned diplomacy, certainly no AKs or civilian deaths or god forbid a war.


  42. Mackers says:

    It’s been a very good day, Theresa’s speech was excellent,mike pence vice president was superb,and lovely to see melanie phillips on newsnight,sweet dreams everyone.


  43. taffman says:

    Anything more on Al Beeb about this yet ? They did mention it briefly but has it now been censored by the EU? “Authorities have named the attacker as “Hicham D”, 43, of Belgian nationality.”
    He’s Belgium eh ?
    Or even this ?……………https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/oct/05/belgian-police-officers-stabbed-suspected-terror-attack-brussels-schaerbeek-neighbourhood


    • TruthSeeker says:

      I am still waiting for the name of the Swiss train killer, the one with the “Swiss” name.
      I am expecting it to be Ibrahim bin Saud, pronounced Vacheron Constantin in Romansch.
      Ahmed bin Islam, pronounced Patek Phillipe Omega Rolex Jaeger Lecoutre in the Italian patois spoken in Switzerland.
      As authentically Swiss as can be attained.


  44. StewGreen says:

    Migrants Resettled in Low-Benefits Lithuania Feel ‘Cheated’, Flee to Richer EU Countries

    Migrant families from camps in Greece and Turkey say they feel “cheated” to have been resettled in Lithuania, where benefits are lower than in Germany. One family is now looking into filing a complaint with the United Nations (UN)

    posted on a side thread 12 hours ago by evad666 ..and worth repeating.


  45. StewGreen says:

    following on from the last thread comments about the Louis Theroux : Jimmy Savile doco
    ..My thoughts : Still not good enough
    #1 Why’s it taken 4 years since his death and exposure ?
    #2 Why no apology bit from the Beeb ?
    #3 What made him do it ? That is an important question to respect victims and stop future victims. It seems obvious the guy was screwed up for everyone to see and my guess is that he didn’t make his techniques up, but learned from being abused himself.

    Most interesting bit for me, was when Theroux spoke to his own Aunt in the Daily Mail office .. “Oh we all knew he was a sexual predator in the early 90’s”
    WTF Louis made his initial doco in year 2000 and was so blind that info from his aunt didn’t come thru !


  46. Aerfen says:

    Migrant families from camps in Greece and Turkey say they feel “cheated” to have been resettled in Lithuania

    LOL. What a bloody cheek!


  47. Flexdream says:

    Does the BBC have a general problem with referendums? (That is the proper plural, not ‘referenda’)

    The BBC clearly thinks that the Colombians should have voted to accept the ‘peace deal’ between the Government and the FARC. I have no idea and am no wiser after listening to the BBC World Service which makes no effort to explain why it was rejected aside from a throw away remark about ‘too many concessions’. What concessions? Are the Colombians simply stupid? I do get a long, emotive piece with a ‘peace deal’ supporter, and no counter view. No illumination.

    The BBC has stopped reporting the news with explanations, and moved to campaigning and propaganda. Aleppo, Brexit, Trump, Colombia – it’s all the same.


    • embolden says:

      The BBC cannot stand the common sense of the common people, who refuse to take Marxs appointed role as the useful idiots of the Communist vanguard. You can bet that had the EU or Scottish referendums delivered the BBCs preferred party line we would never have heard the end of “the people’s will having been heard”, and “the peoples will must prevail”.

      I have read that part of the reason the FARC deal was voted down was that it offered guarantees that war crimes would not be investigated further….nor those responsible prosecuted, what was left unsaid was whose war crimes?

      Perhaps it was a deal like Blairs Ireland deal in which the leftist terrorists were to be forgiven with “letters of comfort” and prison releases whilst the state forces were to be continually harassed by threats of prosecution.

      I don’t think the BBC will be informing us any time soon.

      Reuters report http://www.reuters.com/article/us-colombia-peace-idUSKCN1230BH

      The people didn’t like the idea of FARC keeping drug money and being given seats in the national congress.


  48. chrisH says:

    I`m going back to basics here!
    All well and good me ambling off onto other topics.
    But here is BBC bias, raw and unvarnished-our “core business” as our masthead says.
    Biased BBC.

    1. VDs wig-and the BBC DARE to mock Trumps wig?
    2. Incompetence-they pan to Nigel, get someone else?…yet THEY lecture the rest of us re competencies etc?
    3. Note the intro-VD mocks Britneys marriage(15 hours) and Big Sams reign(67 days) by way of slating Diane James(18 days).
    How could she-or indeed ANYONE forget the Entwistle Era at the BBC, as D.G?
    A full 54 days, so it was!…if only Diane could have hung on to Bonfire Night, she`d have matched Entwistles monumental reign!
    Utter hypocrites, dare say that they only wank half the time ,to get that Cyclops approach to “analysis and comment” of theirs.

    4. Great line from Nigel in there-“UKIP without a Leader is still more electable that Labour WITH one?”…Listen to VD.
    Did she not like that ? Yes, she did not!
    Which-I think you`ll find-makes more sense than anything old Wiggins said in this drive-by.
    The dispatch joyriders of the BBC like VD really should NOT attempt their guerrila stuff at old Nigel…his is the Media Master of our times!


    • G says:

      ChrisH, I wonder how long it took the BBC researchers to find a suitable joint photograph of Nigel and Diane for the 1800 news yesterday? They must have trawled through hundreds of shots to find the dreadful one of Nigel kissing Diane – the one reminiscent of the split-second point in time where a boxer takes a flattening face punch. Any outfit that stoops so low has to pay for such sins come the revolution.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Yes, it’s quite deliberate, we know it, they know we know it, and they just don’t care.

        It’s the same with Trump, they always use a photograph in which his mouth is wide open and he looks like a man possessed, yet they will never show a photo of their beloved Hillary having a fit or needing to be held up by her aides.

        It’s just one more example of the BBC’s chronic bias, and the utter contempt they have for those of us who do not share their internationalist left wing mindset.

        Short of sacking every Beeboid and starting again, which will never happen, the only solution is to abolish the licence fee and allow the BBC to support itself in the free market like any other broadcaster. I am sure they will easily attract as many subscribers as the Guardian, and be just as financially viable.

        The only way internationalist leftism ever survives is when it is backed up by the force of the state. People never pay for it voluntarily.


  49. chrisH says:

    Oh dear-it`s getting SO easy to categorise the BBCs rampant anti-Brexit agenda.
    Today some Oxbridge intern risked a panini delivery raid on the good folk of Sunderland.
    Who can never be forgiven for their historic vote to get us out on June 23rd.
    And-like that Portillo moment of theirs…our Sunderland Moment as they see it-MUST be gone.
    So listen to Today at 6.10 or so.
    The BBC manage to find the liberal wet lettuce in Sunderland-something in care, cakes and quangos I`d say.
    Maggie gets a mention, oh and what if Nissan goes then, pet?
    Well-let them go to France and see how the kimonos go down in St Denis or Calais then , you Oxbridge ponce!
    I paraphrase of course…but can I file this one under
    “In Search of Buyers Remorse”?…where the BBC dig, harry and connive nationwide to find the one person who wish he`d voted to stay in the EU now?
    Imagine he`ll be easier to find that that gay Premier league footballer they crave-is there still time for Allan Carr to get a game at Watford or somewhere where it`s not going to matter?
    He could not be worse playing footy than he is as a “comedain” anyway.

    And-seeing as all this is hard work, can only imagine that The Globe is already training up all the actors who can feign footy gaylordness…or Brexit Buyers Conscience(BBC).
    As long as the cameras don`t pan down to the doublet and hose, they might get away with it…a Savile Symphony , that BBC innit hinnie?


    • MartinW says:

      There should be an enquiry into the blatantly anti-Brexit stance of Dominic O’Connell of the Today programme. The time for tolerance is past. Action is needed.


  50. quisquose says:

    Not content with telling the people of the UK that they have voted the wrong way, and this morning it was a “the people of Sunderland voted the wrong way and if they knew the full facts they would have voted the correct way” special, at 7:40 the BBC decided to double up and add that the people of Columbia also voted the wrong way.

    It’s beyond parody now.


    • Guest Who says:

      You are correct.

      This rather shows the government, DCMS, OFCOM and BBC for the independent, impartial, professional centres of democratic excellence entities they all are:



    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      Well quis, I’m in Sunderland. I voted leave and all the people that I also know who voted leave are, if anything, even more committed and happy with Brexit.
      It must be easy for the BBC to find someone who will SAY they voted leave but now wants to stay. How can anyone prove which way they voted?
      Our three labour politicians all voted to stay, their way of representing their electorate who voted leave with a huge majority.

      Remainers are so stupid. They keep on repeating that from June 24th. why isn’t the NHS getting 350 million every week. First, we are still in the eu and have to give them the money. Second, it said, on the bus, that this money COULD be given to the NHS, they could have filled the bus with other places this money could be spent but the message was simple. As this is the only argument they think they have I suppose that’s why they continuously bring it up.
      We have so many lies from remain we are spoilt for choice (WW3 one of my favourites), maybe you can list your own top ten as there’s plenty to choose from, most of them hilarious.


      • chrisH says:

        Thought you`d developed a speech impediment there Manny, me boy!
        As you know-I`m backing Sunderland all season simply because the BBC hate them now for June 23rd.
        Sorry about off loading Moyesy on you…The EUrinals continue to be the only cake that teachers WON`T eat if its left on a lab bench for them…they won`t mind the piss( scrapes off, their science is shit!)-but it tastes a bit like disinfectant, and a bit hard on the palate!
        Our loo at the local pub has a brilliant goal set-up where if you aim at the small ball it goes into the net…and you don`t piss on the floor( first three pints anyway!).
        A fitting end to the Newky Brown I`d say-and the game encourages serious drinking,stuffs Sober Octoberstop crap from the NHS/BBC, lines the publicans pockets-and allows for friendly competition…until the gays see it and want it turned to golf or whatever.
        Say no to P-wave frisbees!…go for goal.
        Football AND boozing…what`s not to likey?