BBC TV News takes the side of the luddite cause this morning.
On fracking the naughty man from the drilling company gets a presenter tag team snapping at his ankles with some tough and determined questioning. Meanwhile the opposition gets a nicely filmed sympathetic coverage. No hard questions.
On London airport expansion the BBC report makes it clear “there will be opposition which ever option, Heathrow or Gatwick, is chosen” Ain’t that the truth.
Meanwhile there’s a big plug for ‘globalism’. Our Steph goes back to her roots to sing the praises of international trade.
The BBC are advocating trade in what exactly? Magic moonbeams?
BBC Radio news on R4 this morning (caught accidentally on car radio)
“Heathrow expansion may be possible without breaching European pollution laws”
I look forward to a time when the British government is no longer able to hide its indecision behind this alibi nor is bound by externally decided laws.
This is a good point. British politicians hate making hard decisions and the EU has been a wonderful comfort blanket. No wonder the political class supported Remain almost unanimously.
Too true, now they’ll have to cut down on the four day ‘surgeries’ at whichever home they are flipping this month and spend some time at work. Who knows, they may have to put some full shifts in. Fortunately, with all those subsidised 24hr bars and restaurants they might save we taxpayers a fortune in expenses. Win, win!
The soon to be outgoing Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, David Anderson QC, was interviewed on “Today”. He was concerned about the impact of the government’s “Prevent strategy” on the UK muslim community (perhaps not so much about the 15% of cases involving “the far right”). He had not a single word for the victims of terrorist acts, but as he was concerned to prevent “someone strapping on a suicide belt and BLOWING THEMSELVES UP”, the far right should not cause him to lose much sleep.
“Say I do Down Under eh?
Phwoar surely….a la Finbarr Saunders!
Or at least an “Oo er Missus”-whether it`s Benny or the Full Frankie is up to you.
Ooh Matron…shut that door with a Mr Lucas type leer I say!
But seriously folks…don`t the Ozzies remember when they`d be the FIRST to make such jokes. After Brexit-maybe we can export their funny bones once more!
“I know when I said SAY I DO DAHN UNDER…me wife hits me on t`bonce with her bedpan!”
WDR to Bernard Manning or the southern softies equivalent-that be Jim Davison?
You poor southern sods got Mike Reid-we oop norff got all the comedy!
Comedy gold mines up there-which Fatch failed to find, in order to close them eh?
Must keep off that Newky Brown at lunchtime-I go all queer on it.
Snarf snarf!
PS I`m from Haslemere really-and work for the BBC as a northern correspondent! The BBC and Labour Party seem to like my act.
News from the European capital of Terrorism – Brussels – another terrorist attack:
Sorry you haven’t heard it from the BBC – ‘The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ – as the report contains the ingredients which prohibit the BBC from informing its UK viewers/listeners: ‘Islam’ and ‘terrorism’ again a few miles from the shores of the UK.
Unless someone dies, it’s yesterday’s news, just another jihadi stabbing. We are in what was once called an ‘acceptable level of violence’ (a term used for the IRA in N.Ireland when attacks were daily).
In the US I don’t think anyone bats an eye at the continual gun attacks. Get used to it over here.
A State within a State nowadays-like the SS who swore an allegiance to their Juncker back then in 33.
Momentum and the Greenies?…Brownshirts!
Farron and the Limp Dems?…von Papen in his care home.
Nigel wasn’t troubled in the slightest in this interview but what struck me was the awful interview by the bbbc talking head (in this case the highly talented victoria derbyshire). The line of questioning is just the same as it always has been with UKIP (i.e. ‘you are a joke party and we (at the bbbc) are all having a laugh at you’) notwithstanding the fact that they have over 4 million votes, they are arguably the party of opposition and the bbbc battleship has been holed amidships by the Brexit vote due largely to UKIP and Nigel Farage.
Ta EG.
Note Lord Barrages master soundbite at 2.48.
“UKIP without a leader is more electable that Labour is WITH one”
Think VD hit 6.5 on the Liberal pain threshold,,,what we call an “oof moment” at the Liberal Home for the Bewildered and Bitter.
Bang on Major Farage!…keep `em coming, you know how the BBC like them served!
Watching Nigel these days with the BBC reminds me of Serena Williams playing Francoise Durr at tennis…the softest gentlest lobber of balls in the Court meets a lean machine on steroids and protein shakes(at the very least).
Maybe John Selwyn Gummer in a wrestling ring with Giant Haystacks for you gents out there?…would give a “trans” one for you confusians out there, if I could think of an opponent for Betty Stove.
Note how VD distances the interview from the attack by lefties on Waterloo station. Imagine how it would be dragged out if someone had attacked a Moslem politician
“Italy to lead mass walk out of eurozone so we must SCRAP euro NOW, top economist [Joseph Stiglitz] predicts”. Stiglitz, once on the BBC’s speed-dial, has been a severe disappointment to them in the past few months, with many off-message opinions and predictions. I await with interest (but not with bated breath, for fear of oxygen deficiency) to see how the BBC handles this story, if at all.
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein living up to her name this morning on R4 Toady.
‘Interviewing’ the bBBC’s own Rita Chakibutty (how tough is that?) who has been on a boat on the med all week. But it turns out it is a Save the Children boat. So many items to pursue in this report, yet all of them showing up, by the approach taken, the biased BBC in their true light, not only as biased but totally incompetent.
1. Chakibutty was actually shown earlier in the week fessing up to the 100% male young adult membership of one of the boats. So what exactly has this to do with Save the Children? Not mentioned of course. Unless ‘children’ are defined as being under about 30.
2. The boats are just 12 miles off the Libyan coast. How wide is the Med? So we are doing the traffickers job for them, are we not? And by guaranteeing safe passage, merely encouraging the migration? Not pursued.
3. Useless, treading on eggshells, ventures to ask Chakibuuty how mny of the boat people are not asylum seekers but economic migrants. ‘Some’ says Chakibutty. Not followed up. No further questions.
4. The authorities sink the boats once the boat people have been rescued. But, dear oh dear, this apparently means that, with the better boats being sunk, the traffickers are reaorting to less seaworthy boats and thus putting the ‘vulnerable ‘ boat people at greater risk. ‘Useless’ intimates and insinuates that it might be better to let the boats be returned !!!!!!!!! Truly one for the ‘you can’t make it up’ category.
5. The boats are launched under cover of darkness, it was stated. In other words the authorities could be reasonably sure of catching some traffickers if they wanted. Not followed up.
I recommend listening to this ‘interview’ to see how truly awful has become the biased, in-denial BBC and the total lack of investigative capability which amazingly costs us £4bn a year.
It was a good day for the despicable Hussein, she later went on with a line of questioning suggesting that it would be better to leave Mosul under the control of IS unless all the children & other civilians could be safely evacuated before things turn even more unpleasant with those damn expansionary Kurds attacking. Like with Aleppo the enemy hides among civilians but any offensive action resulting in any civilian deaths gets the BBC screaming “war crime”
The BBC analysis is very poor indeed. It is increasingly clear that the staff of the BBC are not up to their jobs .
This as much as new technology will hasten it’s demise.
In the Today programme, there was a discussion between a green fantasist who thinks the wind always blows and the sun always shines, and an academic expert who knows we need hydrocarbons to support a modern industrial economy.
I leave you to guess which one of the two guests had the “line go down”, and then had to be interviewed over a crackly phone line.
I don’t think the BBC think that anyone is falling for this sort of trick any more, they do it because they can. They want us to know that they despise us. As a wise man who once worked at the BBC wrote: if you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
Frack-Not-On-Yet : Roseacre Wood decision has been delayed to allow Cuadrilla to give more evidence about the traffic impact.
However, if the company can address concerns raised by the planning inspector, Mr Javid has said he is also minded to grant consent.
On C5 TV they reported it as one approved and one rejected ..and half smiled
BBC’s #EverydayHateAgainstWhiteMen
11:30 R4 Sterotyping of women as victims of crime .. Will they point that stats show MALES are way more often REAL LIFE victims of violence ?
13:45 R4 Britains’s Black Past : a 10 part daily series
14.15 R4 Journey to Pakistan : A fact based drama on finding your rootd
15:00 R4 Ramblings : Historic Political Marches (Lefty stuff I guess)
16:00 R4 Film Prog : Black Star special “The Film Programme has teamed up with the BFI on a poll to decide the best performance by a black actor of all time.”
20:00 R4 Rise of Europe’s Illiberal Democracies the example they quote is Hungary
(message “if you are not Liberal you are not good”)
20:30 R4 Brexit What Next : who expect non-bias when Evan Davis is presenting ? However guests are not obvious Remoaners
Inside Science 16:30 and Front Row 19:20 will probably have some virtue signalling, but they kept their agenda pages empty today.
And don’t forget they’ll be hours of virtue signalling in the Left owned news progs like Today, WATO and PM.
19:30 ITV : Trump’s America with Robert Moore ..OK it’s not Channel 4 so it might not be anti-Trump propaganda. Robert Moore says
“I thought Americans – especially working and middle class people – with their innate sense of fairness and decency would never fall for Donald Trump.”
“It’s a perverse situation. The more the media criticises Trump, the more people are drawn to his candidacy.”
“So there should be no complacency about Trump.
He is capable of winning precisely because there is a ready-made coalition of the angry, the alienated and the frustrated.” prog webpage.
22:45 Question Time (Is it so late so workers can’t watch it ?)
from Neath, Port Talbot. Wales minister Alun Cairns MP Con, Labour’s Chuka Umunna MP, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood AM, comedian Andy Parsons (Nov 2015 “Shami Chakrabarti and comedian Andy Parsons will address thousands of workers in Methodist Central Hall today” “joined the Junior Doctors’ March and other marches )
..and economist Ruth Lea (an economic adviser at Arbuthnot Banking Group Plc who campaigned in favor of Brexit).
At 11 am FooC usually a centre of Virtue Signalling has this item
“Bob Walker’s been trudging a pilgrimage path in the footsteps of St Olaf through rural Sweden, and stepped into some ongoing debates about how many migrants the country could or should shelter. In Morocco, it’s not easy for women to walk unmolested and Morgan Meaker hears from some who’d like to put an end to the endemic harassment on the streets.”
“16:00 R4 Film Prog : Black Star special “The Film Programme has teamed up with the BFI on a poll to decide the best performance by a black actor of all time.”
Al Jolson, for his performance in “The Jazz Singer”.
So far it`s
14 for Al Jolson-as nominated by the RJ Foundation for Community Advancement
5 for Dick Van Duck- as put forward by Cockney voice coach Andrew Caplan
And the dark horse as Proposed by Animal Trainer to the Pedigree pooch…Nigger ( didn`t he pull Ernies milkfloat?)
So far, only 25 of us have voted for the three candidates!
I myself am about to vote for Dick…oo er missus!
THIS is the Election that we never had…there you go-SIX for Dick…will be canvassing Mile End and Small Heath later to gather in those Muslim votes so Mr Caplan wins!
You guys might think you are banging on about black guys in films, but you can’t OBSESS like the BBC can
More R4 progs included big virtue signalling
7:00pm the Archers includes a nice nice character who is a passionate orrgnanic farmer , who got arrest for sabotaging GM crops and got off and is now trying for a trevl grant to research organic baby food markets
7:20 Front Row : lets have a Poem ! Oh it’s about everything in the church is so WHITE,. so I left it and So colonial by a young black feminist poet.
(BTW Louis Theroux was on talking about his new Scientologu moveie , and Savile.
7:30 The One Show hyped new DIVERSITY film AUnitedKingdom where the hero a black African prince “marries a white woman from London” in the 1940’s
– And then at item about “the amazing plaque honouring civil rights hero Asquith 1st black person to work at Euston back in the 60’s ”
The also had a reporter who was criticising fellow cyclist who were not wearing helmets. (he was slaughtered on Twitter cos actually his straps were lose making his helmet useless)
8:30 Channel 4 is banging on about organic gardening + solar panels in the Building Design show
Nothing wrong with people of any colour skin, what is wrong is BBC management allowing a completely distorted picture of reality to be shown, by their constant and disproportionate virtue signalling.
Black “Actor and director Nate Parker, who has faced recent media scrutiny over a historic rape trial, will be in London for the screening.”
still ongoing and he says ‘I was falsely accused, I don’t feel guilty’
..Surely being unfair today doesn’t make up for unfairness of the past.
It seems like I’m waffling , but all those news items came in when I had already written this thing I wanted to add
: Progs should NOT be only white men, but the BBC Radio 4 is incredible… almost every prog includes large elements of virtue signalling, almost every day.
Of course you have to have include everyone so there should be the odd about Pakistan or black history, or maybe gay black people with Pakistan heritage ,but what we are getting
Don’t get me wrong I am not arguing that that ALL programming should be for straight white males, coas whites are only 90% of the UK population and men are less than half that. And no one should be left behind progs should be INCLUSIVE including all parts of society : all skin colours, all sexualities, all political views .
My guess first planners include minority items, but them individual producers put in extra virtue signalling in fear of getting told off for not including minority or enough lefty items.
..Surely being unfair today doesn’t make up for unfairness of the past.
The writer dribbles on about extremism blah blah, but there are other issues with Moslem beliefs which suggest they are incompatible with western thought and science since the Middle Ages.
Do we want children to be taught that science and all knowledge must be compatible with the Koran? Is it sensible to teach children that the Earth is flat as it says on the Koran?
Because if it is not flat, then maybe other things in the Koran need to be questioned.
Link to discussion
How long before the law in the UK is undermined by the Cult of Submission allowing female children in the UK to follow suit? I have no doubt the devious b***ards are working toward that objective right now.
I await with trepidation the report commissioned by the Appeaser on the possible role of sharia within UK law. I have a feeling that compromises will be suggested along these lines.
Do not expect objections from the official feminist movements; feminism stops at the gates of Islam
Her’s one you guys missed
‘Mentally Ill man’ 38 killed carehome worker wife after sending texts saying “It’s not halal for you to be working with men” Sun
A propos of nothing in particular, this morning in Lloyds Bank in a leafy in-M25 Surrey town I stood behind two gentlemen of Eastern European descent who sought to open accounts into which their wages from their impending employment at a local restaurant/pub could be paid. The conversation I overheard included their not yet having a permanent address nor a NINo.
David Davis seems to accept that anyone who arrives in the UK from the EU before we finally exit should be entitled to stay here. How many more can we accept and our infrastructure and services support?
And in view of censorship appearing everywhere nowadays, my following post of 13 days ago on the Spectator is still ‘pending’, ie doesn’t fit even the Spectator’s (‘Fraser Nelson’s’?) narrative.
In response to –
“”Anyway your trad working class voters had disappeared, they are all on benefit. ” –
I posted into thin air –
And they see that they are getting a smaller share of the finite benefit pot, despite having paid into it for years, because it is being gorged on by immigrant hordes whatever Leftist commentators tell/lie to you about the latter’s ‘contribution’. If you earn less than £35k, and most recent immigrants (particularly from EE) do, you pay just about nothing and get a hell of a lot in return.
What the hell is wrong with these UKIP representatives. The one in Westminster always disagrees with party policy, and then these MEP clowns fight like brain-dead schoolboys. Woolfe looked like a quite good candidate but now we have to settle for less. Come on you UKIP MEPs and other members, your country needs you to behave like adults not like violent socialists. For the sake of us all – grow up.
Apologies for quoting the Grauniad on anything, but that’s where he wrote the article, for reasons best known to himself.
This guy is one of, if not the, major financiers of UKIP. I stand by my earlier assessment on the “Assisted Suicide” thread that UKIP is mortally wounded, notwithstanding those who might see me as a quitter who runs from the field at the first whiff of grapeshot.
This isn’t a badly-run skirmish. This is turning into a rout and the Generals are already striking their colours (and each other, it now appears….) and packing their kitbags. You can hardly blame the Poor Bloody Infantry for doing likewise.
UKIP isn’t going to go out in a blaze of glory, like Custer’s last stand. As every day brings a new embarrassment courtesy of the cretins who are “leading” (if that’s the word) the party towards its doom, it’s starting to look more like a Brian Rix farce.
DavidA, in my view, the rot first started with the arrival of Neil Hamilton and the turn-coat MP they have. Both have become ‘fifth-columnists’ and thought to be anxious to destroy UKIP from within.
DavidA I stick by my earlier comments. Though things have gone dramatically worse in just a few hours since I wrote them. This is not the time to spread doom messages unless you have some purpose.
Ukip brought about Brexit, Its’ share of the vote has increased and it has entered the Welsh assembly in force.
Yes the pressure is on Ukip on the moment and if it is to survive it has to hold together and sort things out. Not an easy job with political novices sometimes. I know this. Political nous comes with experience and a party cannot develop that if its members cut and run when faced by difficulties. The situation does not have to be terminal. But it seems you want to help make it so.
Well that will suit Carswell. And the Labour and Tory Parties.
When Nige was interviewed last night about him re-leading the party, his parting shot was “You couldn’t make this up could you” – even more so now after the “Tussles in Brussels”.
Great bit of acting and emoting perhaps?
Woolf has taken the news headlines and shown the UKIP Brand to be manly and tough…new found respect for us after our bottling in Marseille by the Russians.
Play up chaps!
Come on BBC, declare this punch up as a hate crime and then insist that article 50 be invoked immediately – or is that kind of reporting only valid for Remainers?
A feisty little bust up on BBC Daily Politics as the arch Remainer spin doctors past and just-past-present (Ah-what’s that nasty stain I see on the stair Campbell & Sir What’s-His-Name Crony of Camerloon) meet at noon, retreat their prescribed 20 paces, turn and let off their blunderbuses not at oneanother but instead at Lefty BBCer JoCo – who was supposed to be the second at this dual or maybe she ought to have been the Remainer medic dabbing their wounded Remainer brows with BBC lavender water. Sir No-Mark : “Why these questions?” as Campbell gabbed as though he had Coprolalia (I think that’s what they call it now) over the presenter, the film clips and at every inappropriate moment.
I think what pissed off these two book-out-this-week freeloaders was the fact Remain lost and the nagging thought that if only the BBC had been just an incy wincy bit more biased in their favour…
I realised that some previous poster has mentioned this being scheduled, however it was even more unbelievably biased than normal!
There are no problems in Sweden! This is just a fabrication of the ‘right wing’ who are growing in strength and have the support of 20 % of the people.
In Sweden the migrants are badly treated, not being given jobs ahead of native Swedes, and not given gold plated satellite TVs to watch !
In fact by the time he had finished he had painted one of the worlds most insanely generous countries as one of the most grudging and selfish!
There was no mention of the problems the migrants have caused in Sweden not with them personally or to the economy.
If this is how bad they are with the people who share their insane self destructive views then how distorted a picture about other countries are they presenting as fact?
The problem is that the Fascist are only capable of criticism and fault finding, they have nothing positive to offer, which is probably the reason for the self loathing !
The bBC is full of Dominic’s a checklist to i/d them
1) Anti -British
2) Pro republican ergo anti monarchy
3) Pro Palestine
4) {Pro SNP ( in Scotland)its chock full of them
5) Pro Ira
6) anti Israel
7) pro mass immigration
8) pro EU ergo anti Brexit
9) Guardian reader
10 Easily Offended and faux offended subject matter expert.
If you degrade the UK’s energy capability and independence you stifle growth, increase costs reducing competitiveness and drive down our international success. You also increase reliance on unstable regimes in the ME and Russia. That sounds like a traditional communist strategy to me; the BBC is continuing the work carried out by people like Scargill in the 70s.
There was a lovely twitter exchange this morning with a green disciple citing a BBC ‘question’ stealth advocacy story on the impact of fracking.
Someone in counter had suggested it was perhaps less than that of a lithium mine on its surrounding neighbourhood, to provide the source material for their sweet little rides.
There was a picture attached. It was not pretty.
BBC editorial integrity would doubtless see one ignored if not buried. Propaganda backed by censorship.
I half expected desks at the BBC to be cluttered with champagne bottles as spontaneous celebrations got underway. The Beeboids are still deeply shaken by Brexit. I was amazed by the level of Anti-Briton propaganda the World Service was disgorging last night. Some Canadian nobody complained that the average Briton was too thick to do mental arithmetic, while mentally more agile immigrants could apply their sophisticated maths skills to carrot pulling in Boston. An Australian rectum-ripper, owner of a bijou cafe in London, waxed lyrical about his multicultural staff from 19 nations, willing to do the work native Britons would not and work hours Britons would never accept. Some hysterical Polish woman whines about the Post-brexit wave of negativity she is experiencing and lamely threatens to return to Poland in a huff. Has there been a mass exodus of enrichers post Brexit? Has 60 years of “Britain is a racist country” ever reduced the influx of vibrancy? If all these people are so intelligent, hard-working and enterprising why are the countries they are leaving 2nd and 3rd world shitholes?
All is not lost but it is deeply disquieting to see what is happening in the upper reaches of UKIP (and of course whatever happens is being spun as hostilely as possible by the BBC and most of the print media.
The party seems to me to be the subject of determined saboteurs and this needs sorting out quickly.
UKIP still have a huge role to play in ensuring that their millions of voters and sympathisers aren`t sold down the river.
UKIP have stamped on some very powerful feet, little wonder that the knives are coming out, and one might even suggest the sleepers are being activated with careful timing.
UKIP must establish party discipline and establish a robust communications strategy including a group of official spokespeople for media work…needless to say this select group would not include Hamilton or Carswell who appear determined to keep “disunity” in the public eye.
I happen to think that it shows “passion” and high degrees of commitment to think that UKIP lads are fighting…getting a bit carried away etc.
At least they CARE about the country enough to have a rumble.
Time was then politics was full of such red-blooded males with their dukes up…must have impressed the anaemic, bureaucratic Eurocrats that Brexit has brought out the Nelson, the Drake of this Happy Island Breed of REAL men!
Think we went poncey with Joe Bugner myself.
Ta lads-was being glib, seeing as he`d seen him bore a few opponents to death-as well as some silly stuff on Superstars in Oz etc.
Granted that Richard Dunn had a glass jaw, and a wife who was harder then he was…but you CAN draw him using only six lines…my mate does it for a party piece. And NO-I`m being a BBC bullshitting blowhard-jokes apart, my boxing career ended at Stretford police station when I dislocated my thumb on a medicine ball…used a whole jar of Fiery Jack on it, first session.
So who else but ME to be the BBCs mincing boxing expert?…no paperweight flyweight stuff here eh?
Embolden – Totally agree -I dont believe all is lost but the likes of Carswell and Hamilton need to be cast back into the line of political B list actors where they truly belong.
And this needs to be done bloody quick!
Nothing can take away from UKIP the great achievement of being the pivotal component that enabled the BREXIT referendum to to be won. But at a national level they do need more focus and discipline.
No one (apart from the BBC) says UKIP needs to be perfect. And in some ways a certain lack of slickness and honesty are part of their success. But unfortunately with the amount of scrutiny they are under every little hiccup will be turned into a national scandal.
And they certainly dont need to harbor those two cuckoos in the nest any longer than they have to. If these jokers are allowed to continue until they get bored, All that we will be left with is an empty and demolished nest unfit for purpose.
WE have to remember all that the BBC will do to get rid of UKIP “now that they`ve done their job and got that referendum of theirs”
Roll up your tents boys, let us sleep on as before.
Not a chance.
That the BBC don`t go for two minutes before asking UKIP “when are they going to dissolve” only tells you that they are desperate-DESPERATE- to keep Labour viable in the north, Wales and the midlands.
Don`t fall for this crap-not for one second.
UKIP IS a democratic party-that they have the likes of Hamilton and Carswell is what their selections were all about-their gaff, their rules.
Wankers, both of then-Carswell has a brain, but an agenda…Hamilton has Christine and a bow tie.
But WE are UKIP-not them.
A purple Peoples Army who no longer give a damn for gargoyles, figureheads or totems/tokens.
The BBC seem to require this-so we won`t and don`t.
Let`s be like Five Star in Italy-take your lead from Aaron Banks and Tim Martin etc.
WE are the Purple Weevil Eaters-vote UKIP, even if its a Pot Noodle with a knitting needle in its heart…it`s UKIP-we vote for it!
The Ghost of Jo Cox( GJC) might as well be given a candidate selection and approved-comedy and vicious satire gets the tossers.
Beppo Grillo shows us how its done in Italy-and amorphous Internet load of fruitcakes, closet queens and racist…or whatever Cameron called us. He`s gone-we got rid of him-and I want Labour in a body bag seeping in its own bile very soon.
F the BBC and their agenda-compulsory head gear and boxing gloves for ALL UKIPs finest-and let`s set the best on the Momentum Spittles at Waterloo shall we?
See what I`m doing-it`s called the Counterculture-whatever the BBC say is good…it`ll be bad, and vice versa. Let`s stop jumping to their jive, you bunnies out there!
Ok Chris baby – I dig your counterculture stuff dadyo – However not every groover digs the purple scene .
Some of us squares still like a more main stream vibe – you dig?
We need cats that purr and roar man – not dudes that go a bitchen and a twitchen!
Anyway I cant keep this up! so what I want to say is I still think removal of a couple of obvious tosspots such Carswell and Hamilton would help keep UKIP still up there.
Whilst May has a come out with some positive stuff a strong and united UKIP is probably needed now more than ever, to make sure Theresa doesnt go back to her old ways!
Talk is cheap but actions always speak louder than words.
Splendido dude!
I myself would have been a dozy hippy-blame bloody Led Zeppelins “Going to California” perhaps?
Thank God for punk-had bought beads, a sweat shirt from Berkeley and was about to listen to Steve Hillage….then I saw Magazine and “Shot By Both Sides” at the PSV club in Moss Side, Manchester.
Saw the Yachts though too…but I say as little about that as possible…
With Liberals, Greens etc., nowhere, it remains in the interest of the two main parties to sink UKIP. Talk this up BBC and let’s not mention the sleaze and scandal past and present of the Tories and Labour.
Just heard the news regards the Labour reshuffle. This picture sums up how I feel about the new Shadow Home Secretary:
I suppose we can say that the labour leader has had his finger in all the pies in regards to his shadow cabinet. But I hear he likes Jamaican patties the most.
North west tonight and very very serious faces all around. Yes it’s fracking and with the go head given here we go with the anti propaganda. Despite a BBc survey suggesting there is support for fracking you wouldn’t know it. Over to lots of self centred NIMBYs, who complain about what’s going to happen in a field near them that they don’t own.
” xxxxxxx today promised new measures to prevent British people being “locked out” of jobs by foreign workers, including forcing firms to declare if they employ high numbers of immigrants.”
Diane Abbott … `Shadow` Home Secretary … surely it is a racially motivated hate crime to refer to her as `Shadow` home secretary?? Maybe it`s been taken out of context?? Whatever the reasons behind her new post it`s certainly not based on her ability??? Wow the Labour party just became even more unelectable… Loolz…
“Diane casts quite a long shadow.”
You must be lying horizontally to believe this.
Diane actually casts a very wide shadow, if she was in orbit the reduction in sunlight reception at the earth’s surface, due to this “Artificial Satellite”, would result in a mass extinction.
When she walks by with the size of her hips
When she walks by there’s a solar eclipse
When she was young she was Jeremy’s maid
Now when she stands she puts us all in the shade
On Brillo’s show she always talks like a loon
But her arse is near the size of the moon
She is still Jezza’s favourite wench
But now she takes up the whole front bench
She’s always caught out when she is lying
But when she sits down the others go flying
I had a better line for line 3 but thought it might have been too much.
JC – I heard they were considering making her Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, but her gaseous emissions were off the chart, her knowledge of nourishment stopped at fried chicken and our country roads and bridges are limited to just 7.5 tonnes. Otherwise she would’ve stormed it.
The reason her knowledge of nourishment stopped at fried chicken was perhaps due to her being distracted by all the dinner table racism she encountered whilst demonstrating her attributes as a buffet-athlete… as for the Rural Affairs association .. maybe you took that out of context ..
Quite a curious hour or so on the biased bbc tonight. First of all on London News there was some coverage of the tower block fire in Shepherds Bush caused by a faulty tumble dryer. There was a muslim family bitching about not being able to go back in for possessions but they have inexplicably been edited out from the iPlayer version. Then on the One Show we have a black male actor and a white female actor promoting a film about a high profile inter-racial love affair. Then there is an apologist rant about commonwealth immigrants post war at Euston station. So, all in all, quite a ‘normal’ night so far you might think. Typical pro-muslim, pro-black, anti-white fare from the biased bbc. But, blow me down, if there’s not a teaser for Children in Need to follow just before Creased Genders (at which point any respectable man retires to the man cave or in my case the office) However, incredibly, the Children in Need thing, in which they show what last years money was spent on, did not have a black person or a muslim in sight. White heterosexual English males are suddenly OK when they want your money.
The last time I contributed to that money making machine was 1982 when the office decided to have a fancy dress day. I’ve ranted on here before about how many ‘projects’ have received funding in 36 years – no doubt the children from 30 years ago who received funding are now the parents of kids who need yet another playground because the last half a dozen have worn out !
Seismology……….we have a black male actor and a white female actor promoting a film about a high profile inter-racial love affair….
Many times on here we’ve mentioned the rise and rise of the inter-racial partnerships on the advertisments and soaps/dramas which seem to exaggerate ‘real life’. Now we are seeing these images in the press and advertising literature. A pensions supplement in one of the dailies features a black man/white woman with mixed race children, and I’ve just received the latest brochure from my Cruise line of choice, and the first photo is of a black man and white woman in evening dress. I have sailed many times with this ‘upmarket’ line, and have rarely seen black couples on board let alone an inter-racial one. Its turning into a bombardment of an idealogy by the advertising world and I find it an insult to my intelligence. This scenario may well be the norm in 20/30/40 years time when the migration/birth levels have reached saturation point here, but I still inhabit an overwhelmingly white country despite the protestations of the likes of Lenny Henry et al, and would like to see it portrayed as thus.
Disgusting display of anti-trump, anti-democracy, anti-white hatred on what was clearly a ‘head in the sand’ piece of utter horse shite programme on ITV called “Trumps America – Will it happen”.
Everyone on the program shown to be against Trump were just hate filled morons, utterly bigoted, hating white people, and had clearly accepted every lie, and misreporting of Trump as gospel… And these people were so bigoted and hate filled that they didn’t see the irony of saying “look at the things that Trump has said… He’s racist…. There’s going to be violence if he wins…”…. and Hitlery loving, morality deviant Robert Moore wasnt going to challenge any of this hatred! Utterly disgusting
So there you have it folks. Trump has endless amounts of things that he could be pulled up on, but the relentless use of lies, misreporting and propaganda to create a fantasy view of Trump as a racist by the left is everything the media and the self serving, devious bastards that actively pursued this gutter style division politics, are going to push for.
Want freedom… Hell no say the left!! Want to live in peace and harmony… Hell no say the left!! Want to protect your family and way of life for the next generation… Hell no say the left!!! There’s hatred, racism, intolerance and bigotry people and it’s all supporting Hitlery Clinton
Crap show and irrelevant. What makes our liberal snowflakes so up themselves that they actually think Trump and the Ohio , Texas, you name it voter cares about their rancid views?
Shit produced by shit and just about our level nowadays.
Folks. If you haven’t listened to or watched any of his gigs, you have to watch Ben Shapiro. The man is a destroyer of the left. An absolute debating genius. The Freddie Krueger of the piss smelling dream world the traitorous vermin on the left have created.
Just worked my way through “Ben Shapiro – Thug Life compilations” on YouTube. There are 10 in total. Basically it shows the Shapster owning and destroying the enemy in ways that I never thought possible. It’s utterly hilarious and is up there with the Rocky franchise in watching the hero deal out some epic ass kickings…. Epic
Good bookmakers should not have opinions .They reflect the weight of money and construct the book accordingly.
They were used by the hedge funds etc to make it look as if remain was a certainty. Some people made fortunes on currency futures and shares. Why has our useless world class BBc not gone into this?
If the money is coming for Clinton who from and why is the question.
Actually good bookmakers do have opinions and are willing to put their money where their mouth is.They are nowadays almost extinct.
Most bookmakers are `turf accountants` who act exactly like accountants.This means punters cannot get sizable bets on particularily if they have won before in a niche market
An interesting current market is `first cabinet minister to leave?`
AS we all inwardly digest the stunning tactics of the Great Hellmanns in giving us this Shadow Cabinette of all the talents, I can only await the steer, the verdict and -quite literally-the light sabre of Socialist Hegemonic International Triumph that is…..Support our Lefty.
This Peoples Poet was indeed Saved By Miliband…and if we all shout in solidarity into our speakers NOW-he might just come shyly from the wheatfields, hammer and tickling stick in hand to tell us,,,,in a very real sense “What then is to be done”?
Like any BBC Guardian hack-I refuse to think of aught but Nick Browns wellies-until I am told what to think by our Dear Leader…
Nick Brown…Puff in Boots, last seen scraping scrapie of his boyfriends Hunters wellies in a Northumberland charnel house in 2001…if he is NOT the answer to our struggle…then who…who?
Just when you think ……. I see on Catch Up, “A look at the connection between racism in the southern USA and Scottish clans.” I discern a connection between the BBC and pure shite.
If you would like an example of economic illiteracy at the BBC then the above should fit the bill. Have pointed out their error but as I used an example from when Labour was in Government, then they probably will not like or believe it.
“Tim Kaine is really pushing it with the INTERUPTIONS – ”Katie Pavlich, Townhall Magazine
“Kaine’s INTERRUPTIONS don’t seem to be coming of well in the hall” – Bret Baier, Fox News
Kaine’s INTERRUPTIONS are not helping him” – Joy Reid, MSNBC
Meanwhile from the BBC
“…while the two frequently talked across each other…”. – BBC
Comrades – given the escalating war news from Syria, we’re in dire need of some some light comic relief, and who better to provide it than the bbc’s two favourite influential opinion formers…Anna and Diane.
Apologies if this has already been flagged up but I’ve been so busy valuing diversity, Ive just not had time to keep up with our fave bbbc blogsite. Some brilliant comments ..“someone who looks like a dockside hooker”. I hope she never learns to keep her ignorant gob shut because shes comedy gold to us.
And our Diane will certainly add weight, if not gravitas, to the position of shadow home secretary. Oh and Shami as new attorney general. OK so Labour is unelectable, but hey, it ticks all the boxes, and we all know that the bbc / sky / ch4 .. are just as passionate about diversity and equality for wimmin, so nothing other than effusive praise for their appointments please.
Although Im looking forward to the Hilary (good) vs Trump (very bad) debate this coming Sunday, Im sure that Hilarycrookedwhoreforhire has already won it by a mile. And of course the polls will prove it!
No doubt our world class broadcaster has other things on it’s mind but I would have thought the dangers of a Russian USA clash in Syria would be worth a mention.
The lunatic US administration wants to attack Assad’s forces. The Russians will not permit this. They have state of the art missile defences . All it takes is one US plane shot down and then what?
Putin made it clear after Libya. No more regime changes. The reality is that the US cannot take on Russian forces in Syria without risking WW3. And what does our WCBroadcaster tell us. Sweet FA as far as I can see.
i just thought it worth a mention here.
I think BBC Journalists have no idea what is happening in Syria because they only feel comfortable interviewing children, and the children don’t know what is happening.
But as far as I can see, the US tactic would be to provoke a World War, so that a state of emergency could be declared, so as to suspend the election, preventing Trump from being elected, and keeping the Democrats in power until Trump dies from radiation burns.
I also think most of the media coverage by these “on the spot” reporters is a joke. Half the time all they do is have a voice over of some footage obtained by an agency such as AFP. They then interview one of their own reporters from a studio and call that “live coverage”.
Meanwhile they sit in a luxury hotel far away from all the trouble inventing more stuff for the next broadcast. One Jeremy Bowen in the past, for example, showing footage of the Palestinians, while staying in Tel Aviv (Hilton or such like).
While they do this the world is on fire all around them and they notice nothing.
It makes me laugh when the ‘studio’ talks to a ‘colleague’ 3 miles away at a London landmark, and then sound is lost or the picture pixilates – almost 50 years ago we received pictures from the moon landing, yet technology has hardly moved when we can’t get a decent image in real time from outside the studio door !!!!
“It makes me laugh when the ‘studio’ talks to a ‘colleague’ 3 miles away at a London landmark, and then sound is lost or the picture pixilates.”
That’s only because the engineer has accidentally pushed the “UKIP Interview” button on his control panel. If he keeps the system on the “Labour Interview” setting the sound and pictures are locked in High Definition.
The US bombed Syrian troops killing over 80 and wounding many more, which gave ISIS an opportunity to capture a strategic position. A mistake, they said, although it lasted over 40 minutes. They were accompanied by UK fighters. This has to mean that the Appeaser is going along with US policy for regime change. You won’t see any adverse reporting on this government’s role in Syria. Teresa will get a free ride.
In Our Time .
Hosted b y Melvin Bragg .
It start at 9.02 am Radio 4 and is a historical look at various subjects . Sounds interesting But just gets confusing .
For a start , I don’t know if our Melvin has a nasal medical condition , but even so he sounds totally enebriated and his conduct is one of somebody who’ s had too much of the punch .
His interjections , questions and treatment of the esteemed guests who participate in this programme is a parody of a serious discourse of whatever the subject is . As soon as one of the experts is in full flow explaining to the audience about the subject our Melvin interrupts and throws not just the expert but the whole programme .
Their reaction to his interjection betrays their sense of imbalance , and usually a narrative is stopped halfway so the listener is flummoxed why the guest even started . If he doesn’t interject with a banal question as the expert tries to enlighten us he says time is limited and he will return to that point in the future , which I suspect he doesn’t but his show is so disjointed it could may well be but only a time traveller would know .
Melvin introduces the programme and his guests with a slight dig at the general public for not knowing fully about the subject that he has professional academics to discuss with . A paradox because if we knew all about the subject we wouldn’t need to listen to permanent academics to learn about it .
I suspect Melvin has no idea about the subject either until the BBC supply him with copious notes , sayings , readings and a BBC equivalent of XxxxxX For Dummies at great expense on the next weeks item . Then Melvin feels equal to the great luminaries invited in for discussion . For the first time I feel sorry for these permanent academics who take tax payers money to pursue the study of their fixations or prejudices . Listen in for when Melvin offhandedly tells a learned professor who has spent his adult life studying the subject that he is correct in something or another .
The programme is designed to look informal , as though they are around a table drinking coffee , I have a sneaking suspicion Melvin has laced his a bit , for Melvin’s diction is unintelligible for 50% of the time . It’s as though he’s topping up from his hip flask as the show goes on .
Today it was about a Hindu goddess , next week it’s about plasma .
Plasma , says Melvin , is the biggest stuff in the universe .
What’s the betting ?
Melvin starts with saying the proles don’t know what plasma is unless they have a television but even then they don’t know really .
He introduces his guests , experts in this and that but not above Melvin , he starts with one , interrupts by mumbling , you won’t know what he says , goes on to another and interrupts by what he considers a witticism . The witticism could be what she has in her fridge , tangential to the subject . Then move on to another guest and interrupt to make the said guest explain a totally irrelavent thing , like what is a full stop . As the guests flounder Melvin introduces discipline , saying lets get back to the subject . The guests sound as though they are a little out of their depth and who can blame them , they expect he’s going to ask them about their shoelaces or other extraneous items , not their speciality . Melvin will ask questions , using at least three words where one would be enough , cut them of as they get into their stride , not because they’re boring , but because Melvin hasn’t incoherently deviated them for a while .
Two things the BBC should do
1 ; if Melvin is one over the eight they should sack him .
2; if Melvin is sober they pay to cauterise his nose , then sack him .
This is well observed and your points are worth making, Nibor. The series can be good and, occasionally, outstanding but that is generally in spite of Bragg rather than because of him. Some of his interruptions are hard to fathom, if you exclude vanity as an explanation, that is …
His interjections aren’t quite as random as they seem. He is steering the experts to the conclusion he wants. If they start to stray he interupts to break their train of thought and then asks a leading question to get them back on his track. He’s very good at it.
For a long time I thought odd interjections were just his style of interviewing, but then there were a couple of programmes where I knew enough of the subjects to see what he was doing. It’s easiest to identify when the programme has some political or racial element, and is blatant if “The North” is involved.
I usually find Bragg excellent at organising the flow of the invited experts, but maybe he has off days. I have absolutely no interest in a Hindu goddess so will give this episode a miss, but Plasma next week sounds interesting.
BBc breakfast continues in BREXIT doom mode. Talking about the low pound some bint reminds us that if you have property abroad servicing and mortgages paid in euros will cost more..
Meanwhile North West starts day 2 of the fracking outrage showing us some people who don’t want cheap energy shouting and waving banners.
At time of writing, 8.17am, this morning’s TODAY programme (R4 from 6am) has been total comedy.
The BBC appear to be falling apart.
(Forget to mention Douglas Murray injecting a serious note but again the joke is that the TODAY presenters are oblivious to the effect of their coverage on World Service of Merkel and migration. Net result: more laughable broadcasting! Shameful.)
The BBC is many things, but at least some of its staff are surely bright enough to know when the asylum they support is now fully staffed by lunatics.
The editorial integrity meeting in Frankie Howerd on lines to take must be erring on blow.
Dr Google would've have told any competent shadow minister that Davao del Norte is in Philippines – Spanish name ought to be bit of a clue
Now 9-10am R5 Live – “What’s the point of UKIP” is the Phone-In slot is given over to talk about yesterday.
Roger Helmer has aquitted himself very well, explaining the story accurately, which ia completly different from the way the media reported it up till now, especially the 2 hour break between the meeting and Steven Woolfe falling down on the walkway near to the parliament area.
Then they’ve brought in Nicki Sinclair who was kicked out of UKIP
Maybe she is an ex-MEP, who claims she’s seen punches at old meetings.
Now she’s been called a Tory plant
Sex change oddbod as I recall, done for theft or summat was (s)he not?
Obviously, no problem with all that-but surely UKIP could cite themselves as to include the “loonies” and give them a berth…whilst other parties certainly did not! Well done UKIP-the first Trans-friendly Freak Show in politics.
Don’t know how many of you were brave enough to take a gander at yesterday’s Newsnight, but it was horrifying. That once peaceful, liberal and homogeneous nation (formerly known as) Sweden was under the microscope.
Christ, what a ghastly transformation has befallen this beautiful country. Now infested with Muslims, riven with suspicion and mutual loathing, a true dystopian cultural road map, showing us quite clearly where all of Europe is heading.
Areas where the police rarely set foot, unhappy, backward looking hate-filled ghettos living separate lives to the main stream. Endless riots, massive crime rates, a media and political class intent on distorting or burying the truth.
Of course the dear old BBC decided to take their own particular slanted view on this tragedy. They interviewed some young Muzzies who had been “gallivanting” in Syria and Afghanistan. They allowed them to keep their faces covered as we listened to them tell us that Sweden would soon be a Muslim caliphate. “I love Sweden,” said one of these masked men, “but I’m a Muslim.” Later, when the Beeb reporter was interviewing a high ranking policeman she told the copper, “Do you know some of the youngsters we’ve spoken to are so terrified they would only be interviewed wearing masks?” Eh??? These people are TERRORISTS! That’s why they have their faces covered.
Sweden has been so keen to be seen as liberal that it’s become totally impotent to defend itself in the face of an angry intolerant monster intent on taking its land, its children and its future. It scoffs at these liberal platitudes.
Poor, tragic Sweden is, perhaps, about fifteen years or so further along this road towards nightmarish cultural catastrophe than we are.
The writing is on the wall.
I must say that I think Corbyn’s cabinet reshuffle/fresh appointments are absolutely inspired. I expect the bbbc will especially be full of praise for their golden child, the odious creature that goes by the name of diane abbot.
Just when I thought that head prefect corbyn had made the labour party unelectable he does even more….Well done jeremy you are now TOTALLY unelectable
Like yourself and many on here I didn’t think it possible for Labour to become any more unelectable outside of London, but then he produces this act of genius. Putting all the evidence together he must be some kind of deep cover Tory sleeper agent, his handlers probably can’t believe how well it’s all gone.
It’s true. I am reminded of the time the Allied High Command decided it was not worth their while to assassinate Hitler, because anyone who replaced him would be a more rational and effective enemy. It was better to leave the deranged anti-Semite in position than get rid of him (Hitler I mean, not Corbyn, perish the thought).
Terminal MoraineMar 16, 23:11 Start the Week 17th March 2025 From a linked article: “The BBC were with Sharone, a filmmaker and academic, at her home when the ceasefire was…
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:09 Start the Week 17th March 2025 > ‘She has been “hospitalised twice with chest pain” Has she been taking the Turkish juice?
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:06 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A good show from Dan Wooton: In the show the BBC gets a well deserved kicking from the commentator…
Terminal MoraineMar 16, 22:59 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And again the BBC find a voice of sweetness and hope after an atrocity — “British daughter of Gaza hostage…
JohnCMar 16, 22:56 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Front page news at the BBC: ‘We are surrounded by an invisible killer. One so common that we barely notice…
FlotsamMar 16, 22:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 There’s a car boot sale in Crewe where groups of East European immigrants help themselves to stallholders goods. When the…
tomoMar 16, 22:25 Weekend 15th March 2025 Trolley “at it” – he should be a litter picker for KFC [img][/img]
BRISSLESMar 16, 22:20 Start the Week 17th March 2025 On iPlayer the full series of Waking the Dead (start dated 2000 – ended 2011) is currently airing. Just started…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:15 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Quote “On @BBCRadio4 @BBCR4Sunday this morning, they visited a moque (in ex-church) & interviewed a Syrian who’d come to the…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:12 Start the Week 17th March 2025 That’s Cannon Hills , a Sunday market in Bradford .. Despite the Starmer title the same righty accounts tweeted a…
BBC TV News takes the side of the luddite cause this morning.
On fracking the naughty man from the drilling company gets a presenter tag team snapping at his ankles with some tough and determined questioning. Meanwhile the opposition gets a nicely filmed sympathetic coverage. No hard questions.
On London airport expansion the BBC report makes it clear “there will be opposition which ever option, Heathrow or Gatwick, is chosen” Ain’t that the truth.
Meanwhile there’s a big plug for ‘globalism’. Our Steph goes back to her roots to sing the praises of international trade.
The BBC are advocating trade in what exactly? Magic moonbeams?
BBC Radio news on R4 this morning (caught accidentally on car radio)
“Heathrow expansion may be possible without breaching European pollution laws”
I look forward to a time when the British government is no longer able to hide its indecision behind this alibi nor is bound by externally decided laws.
This is a good point. British politicians hate making hard decisions and the EU has been a wonderful comfort blanket. No wonder the political class supported Remain almost unanimously.
Too true, now they’ll have to cut down on the four day ‘surgeries’ at whichever home they are flipping this month and spend some time at work. Who knows, they may have to put some full shifts in. Fortunately, with all those subsidised 24hr bars and restaurants they might save we taxpayers a fortune in expenses. Win, win!
The soon to be outgoing Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, David Anderson QC, was interviewed on “Today”. He was concerned about the impact of the government’s “Prevent strategy” on the UK muslim community (perhaps not so much about the 15% of cases involving “the far right”). He had not a single word for the victims of terrorist acts, but as he was concerned to prevent “someone strapping on a suicide belt and BLOWING THEMSELVES UP”, the far right should not cause him to lose much sleep.
Looks like someone is having ‘cold feet’ ?
Daft old trout. Getting slaughtered on any even dafter FB media thread carrying this pathetic attempt to elbow in on a KK stunt.
“Say I do Down Under eh?
Phwoar surely….a la Finbarr Saunders!
Or at least an “Oo er Missus”-whether it`s Benny or the Full Frankie is up to you.
Ooh Matron…shut that door with a Mr Lucas type leer I say!
But seriously folks…don`t the Ozzies remember when they`d be the FIRST to make such jokes. After Brexit-maybe we can export their funny bones once more!
“I know when I said SAY I DO DAHN UNDER…me wife hits me on t`bonce with her bedpan!”
WDR to Bernard Manning or the southern softies equivalent-that be Jim Davison?
You poor southern sods got Mike Reid-we oop norff got all the comedy!
Comedy gold mines up there-which Fatch failed to find, in order to close them eh?
Must keep off that Newky Brown at lunchtime-I go all queer on it.
Snarf snarf!
PS I`m from Haslemere really-and work for the BBC as a northern correspondent! The BBC and Labour Party seem to like my act.
News from the European capital of Terrorism – Brussels – another terrorist attack:
Sorry you haven’t heard it from the BBC – ‘The Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ – as the report contains the ingredients which prohibit the BBC from informing its UK viewers/listeners: ‘Islam’ and ‘terrorism’ again a few miles from the shores of the UK.
It was reported yesterday when it happened.
Unless someone dies, it’s yesterday’s news, just another jihadi stabbing. We are in what was once called an ‘acceptable level of violence’ (a term used for the IRA in N.Ireland when attacks were daily).
In the US I don’t think anyone bats an eye at the continual gun attacks. Get used to it over here.
The BBC is a political pressure group plain and simple – it’s about time the came out – they would feel so much better if they stopped living the lie.
A State within a State nowadays-like the SS who swore an allegiance to their Juncker back then in 33.
Momentum and the Greenies?…Brownshirts!
Farron and the Limp Dems?…von Papen in his care home.
These four peace-loving Islamic dudes were kicked off a flight and they claim it was because they were Asian and had beards.
And their point is?
But…. they are just CHILDREN!!!!!
And, clearly, aspiring Doctors (Glasgow Arrivals U. variety).
Just watched this below
Nigel wasn’t troubled in the slightest in this interview but what struck me was the awful interview by the bbbc talking head (in this case the highly talented victoria derbyshire). The line of questioning is just the same as it always has been with UKIP (i.e. ‘you are a joke party and we (at the bbbc) are all having a laugh at you’) notwithstanding the fact that they have over 4 million votes, they are arguably the party of opposition and the bbbc battleship has been holed amidships by the Brexit vote due largely to UKIP and Nigel Farage.
They must really hate him…..hahahahaha
Ta EG.
Note Lord Barrages master soundbite at 2.48.
“UKIP without a leader is more electable that Labour is WITH one”
Think VD hit 6.5 on the Liberal pain threshold,,,what we call an “oof moment” at the Liberal Home for the Bewildered and Bitter.
Bang on Major Farage!…keep `em coming, you know how the BBC like them served!
Watching Nigel these days with the BBC reminds me of Serena Williams playing Francoise Durr at tennis…the softest gentlest lobber of balls in the Court meets a lean machine on steroids and protein shakes(at the very least).
Maybe John Selwyn Gummer in a wrestling ring with Giant Haystacks for you gents out there?…would give a “trans” one for you confusians out there, if I could think of an opponent for Betty Stove.
Note how VD distances the interview from the attack by lefties on Waterloo station. Imagine how it would be dragged out if someone had attacked a Moslem politician
“Italy to lead mass walk out of eurozone so we must SCRAP euro NOW, top economist [Joseph Stiglitz] predicts”. Stiglitz, once on the BBC’s speed-dial, has been a severe disappointment to them in the past few months, with many off-message opinions and predictions. I await with interest (but not with bated breath, for fear of oxygen deficiency) to see how the BBC handles this story, if at all.
It’s odd how the BBC always seems to lose the phone number of anyone who no longer supports their left wing internationalist mindset isn’t it?
Mischel ‘useless’ Hussein living up to her name this morning on R4 Toady.
‘Interviewing’ the bBBC’s own Rita Chakibutty (how tough is that?) who has been on a boat on the med all week. But it turns out it is a Save the Children boat. So many items to pursue in this report, yet all of them showing up, by the approach taken, the biased BBC in their true light, not only as biased but totally incompetent.
1. Chakibutty was actually shown earlier in the week fessing up to the 100% male young adult membership of one of the boats. So what exactly has this to do with Save the Children? Not mentioned of course. Unless ‘children’ are defined as being under about 30.
2. The boats are just 12 miles off the Libyan coast. How wide is the Med? So we are doing the traffickers job for them, are we not? And by guaranteeing safe passage, merely encouraging the migration? Not pursued.
3. Useless, treading on eggshells, ventures to ask Chakibuuty how mny of the boat people are not asylum seekers but economic migrants. ‘Some’ says Chakibutty. Not followed up. No further questions.
4. The authorities sink the boats once the boat people have been rescued. But, dear oh dear, this apparently means that, with the better boats being sunk, the traffickers are reaorting to less seaworthy boats and thus putting the ‘vulnerable ‘ boat people at greater risk. ‘Useless’ intimates and insinuates that it might be better to let the boats be returned !!!!!!!!! Truly one for the ‘you can’t make it up’ category.
5. The boats are launched under cover of darkness, it was stated. In other words the authorities could be reasonably sure of catching some traffickers if they wanted. Not followed up.
I recommend listening to this ‘interview’ to see how truly awful has become the biased, in-denial BBC and the total lack of investigative capability which amazingly costs us £4bn a year.
It was a good day for the despicable Hussein, she later went on with a line of questioning suggesting that it would be better to leave Mosul under the control of IS unless all the children & other civilians could be safely evacuated before things turn even more unpleasant with those damn expansionary Kurds attacking. Like with Aleppo the enemy hides among civilians but any offensive action resulting in any civilian deaths gets the BBC screaming “war crime”
The BBC analysis is very poor indeed. It is increasingly clear that the staff of the BBC are not up to their jobs .
This as much as new technology will hasten it’s demise.
A decison is due today on fracking in Lancashire.
In the Today programme, there was a discussion between a green fantasist who thinks the wind always blows and the sun always shines, and an academic expert who knows we need hydrocarbons to support a modern industrial economy.
I leave you to guess which one of the two guests had the “line go down”, and then had to be interviewed over a crackly phone line.
I don’t think the BBC think that anyone is falling for this sort of trick any more, they do it because they can. They want us to know that they despise us. As a wise man who once worked at the BBC wrote: if you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
Frack-On : Preston New Road ..approved Telegraph
Frack-Not-On-Yet : Roseacre Wood decision has been delayed to allow Cuadrilla to give more evidence about the traffic impact.
However, if the company can address concerns raised by the planning inspector, Mr Javid has said he is also minded to grant consent.
On C5 TV they reported it as one approved and one rejected ..and half smiled
The BBC to illustrate this news story chose a Dirty sky photo first used by the Guardian in 2012.
…. The world is full of coincidences.
BBC’s #EverydayHateAgainstWhiteMen
11:30 R4 Sterotyping of women as victims of crime .. Will they point that stats show MALES are way more often REAL LIFE victims of violence ?
13:45 R4 Britains’s Black Past : a 10 part daily series
14.15 R4 Journey to Pakistan : A fact based drama on finding your rootd
15:00 R4 Ramblings : Historic Political Marches (Lefty stuff I guess)
16:00 R4 Film Prog : Black Star special “The Film Programme has teamed up with the BFI on a poll to decide the best performance by a black actor of all time.”
20:00 R4 Rise of Europe’s Illiberal Democracies the example they quote is Hungary
(message “if you are not Liberal you are not good”)
20:30 R4 Brexit What Next : who expect non-bias when Evan Davis is presenting ? However guests are not obvious Remoaners
Inside Science 16:30 and Front Row 19:20 will probably have some virtue signalling, but they kept their agenda pages empty today.
And don’t forget they’ll be hours of virtue signalling in the Left owned news progs like Today, WATO and PM.
19:30 ITV : Trump’s America with Robert Moore ..OK it’s not Channel 4 so it might not be anti-Trump propaganda. Robert Moore says
22:45 Question Time (Is it so late so workers can’t watch it ?)
from Neath, Port Talbot. Wales minister Alun Cairns MP Con, Labour’s Chuka Umunna MP, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood AM, comedian Andy Parsons (Nov 2015 “Shami Chakrabarti and comedian Andy Parsons will address thousands of workers in Methodist Central Hall today” “joined the Junior Doctors’ March and other marches )
..and economist Ruth Lea (an economic adviser at Arbuthnot Banking Group Plc who campaigned in favor of Brexit).
At 11 am FooC usually a centre of Virtue Signalling has this item
“Bob Walker’s been trudging a pilgrimage path in the footsteps of St Olaf through rural Sweden, and stepped into some ongoing debates about how many migrants the country could or should shelter. In Morocco, it’s not easy for women to walk unmolested and Morgan Meaker hears from some who’d like to put an end to the endemic harassment on the streets.”
“16:00 R4 Film Prog : Black Star special “The Film Programme has teamed up with the BFI on a poll to decide the best performance by a black actor of all time.”
Al Jolson, for his performance in “The Jazz Singer”.
Not Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins?
“I does what I likes/ and I likes what I do.”
Nigger in The Dambusters (1955)?
So far it`s
14 for Al Jolson-as nominated by the RJ Foundation for Community Advancement
5 for Dick Van Duck- as put forward by Cockney voice coach Andrew Caplan
And the dark horse as Proposed by Animal Trainer to the Pedigree pooch…Nigger ( didn`t he pull Ernies milkfloat?)
So far, only 25 of us have voted for the three candidates!
I myself am about to vote for Dick…oo er missus!
THIS is the Election that we never had…there you go-SIX for Dick…will be canvassing Mile End and Small Heath later to gather in those Muslim votes so Mr Caplan wins!
You guys might think you are banging on about black guys in films, but you can’t OBSESS like the BBC can
More R4 progs included big virtue signalling
7:00pm the Archers includes a nice nice character who is a passionate orrgnanic farmer , who got arrest for sabotaging GM crops and got off and is now trying for a trevl grant to research organic baby food markets
7:20 Front Row : lets have a Poem ! Oh it’s about everything in the church is so WHITE,. so I left it and So colonial by a young black feminist poet.
(BTW Louis Theroux was on talking about his new Scientologu moveie , and Savile.
7:30 The One Show hyped new DIVERSITY film AUnitedKingdom where the hero a black African prince “marries a white woman from London” in the 1940’s

– And then at item about “the amazing plaque honouring civil rights hero Asquith 1st black person to work at Euston back in the 60’s ”
The also had a reporter who was criticising fellow cyclist who were not wearing helmets. (he was slaughtered on Twitter cos actually his straps were lose making his helmet useless)
8:30 Channel 4 is banging on about organic gardening + solar panels in the Building Design show
Nothing wrong with people of any colour skin, what is wrong is BBC management allowing a completely distorted picture of reality to be shown, by their constant and disproportionate virtue signalling.
Today’s BBC Entertainment news : London Film Festival to focus on diversity 5 October 2016

..Surely being unfair today doesn’t make up for unfairness of the past.
Meanwhile in the live theatre : Race row forces Bristol production of classic opera Aida to be cancelled
Music Theatre banned from staging Aida even before casting ..cos an almost entirely white theatre company cannot do a production when some characters are black.
It seems like I’m waffling , but all those news items came in when I had already written this thing I wanted to add
: Progs should NOT be only white men, but the BBC Radio 4 is incredible… almost every prog includes large elements of virtue signalling, almost every day.
Of course you have to have include everyone so there should be the odd about Pakistan or black history, or maybe gay black people with Pakistan heritage ,but what we are getting
Don’t get me wrong I am not arguing that that ALL programming should be for straight white males, coas whites are only 90% of the UK population and men are less than half that. And no one should be left behind progs should be INCLUSIVE including all parts of society : all skin colours, all sexualities, all political views .
My guess first planners include minority items, but them individual producers put in extra virtue signalling in fear of getting told off for not including minority or enough lefty items.
..Surely being unfair today doesn’t make up for unfairness of the past.
BBC wants Moslem state schools.
The writer dribbles on about extremism blah blah, but there are other issues with Moslem beliefs which suggest they are incompatible with western thought and science since the Middle Ages.
Do we want children to be taught that science and all knowledge must be compatible with the Koran? Is it sensible to teach children that the Earth is flat as it says on the Koran?
Because if it is not flat, then maybe other things in the Koran need to be questioned.
Link to discussion
As an aside – does the Emir of London believe the Earth is flat as his religion instructs?
And should the crap in this video be presented as serious science?
Come on BBC with your so called education correspondent
How long before the law in the UK is undermined by the Cult of Submission allowing female children in the UK to follow suit? I have no doubt the devious b***ards are working toward that objective right now.
I await with trepidation the report commissioned by the Appeaser on the possible role of sharia within UK law. I have a feeling that compromises will be suggested along these lines.
Do not expect objections from the official feminist movements; feminism stops at the gates of Islam
Her’s one you guys missed
‘Mentally Ill man’ 38 killed carehome worker wife after sending texts saying “It’s not halal for you to be working with men” Sun
Whatever the altercation at the meeting ..he fell ill 2 hours later when he collapsed ..on a walkway inside the building from the photo.
A propos of nothing in particular, this morning in Lloyds Bank in a leafy in-M25 Surrey town I stood behind two gentlemen of Eastern European descent who sought to open accounts into which their wages from their impending employment at a local restaurant/pub could be paid. The conversation I overheard included their not yet having a permanent address nor a NINo.
David Davis seems to accept that anyone who arrives in the UK from the EU before we finally exit should be entitled to stay here. How many more can we accept and our infrastructure and services support?
And in view of censorship appearing everywhere nowadays, my following post of 13 days ago on the Spectator is still ‘pending’, ie doesn’t fit even the Spectator’s (‘Fraser Nelson’s’?) narrative.
In response to –
“”Anyway your trad working class voters had disappeared, they are all on benefit. ” –
I posted into thin air –
And they see that they are getting a smaller share of the finite benefit pot, despite having paid into it for years, because it is being gorged on by immigrant hordes whatever Leftist commentators tell/lie to you about the latter’s ‘contribution’. If you earn less than £35k, and most recent immigrants (particularly from EE) do, you pay just about nothing and get a hell of a lot in return.
Apparently, UKIP challenger Woolf has been floored and hospitalised by another UKIP member. You can’t make this up, alas.
What the hell is wrong with these UKIP representatives. The one in Westminster always disagrees with party policy, and then these MEP clowns fight like brain-dead schoolboys. Woolfe looked like a quite good candidate but now we have to settle for less. Come on you UKIP MEPs and other members, your country needs you to behave like adults not like violent socialists. For the sake of us all – grow up.
It appears that Aaron Banks agrees with you Demon.
Apologies for quoting the Grauniad on anything, but that’s where he wrote the article, for reasons best known to himself.
This guy is one of, if not the, major financiers of UKIP. I stand by my earlier assessment on the “Assisted Suicide” thread that UKIP is mortally wounded, notwithstanding those who might see me as a quitter who runs from the field at the first whiff of grapeshot.
This isn’t a badly-run skirmish. This is turning into a rout and the Generals are already striking their colours (and each other, it now appears….) and packing their kitbags. You can hardly blame the Poor Bloody Infantry for doing likewise.
UKIP isn’t going to go out in a blaze of glory, like Custer’s last stand. As every day brings a new embarrassment courtesy of the cretins who are “leading” (if that’s the word) the party towards its doom, it’s starting to look more like a Brian Rix farce.
DavidA, in my view, the rot first started with the arrival of Neil Hamilton and the turn-coat MP they have. Both have become ‘fifth-columnists’ and thought to be anxious to destroy UKIP from within.
DavidA I stick by my earlier comments. Though things have gone dramatically worse in just a few hours since I wrote them. This is not the time to spread doom messages unless you have some purpose.
Ukip brought about Brexit, Its’ share of the vote has increased and it has entered the Welsh assembly in force.
Yes the pressure is on Ukip on the moment and if it is to survive it has to hold together and sort things out. Not an easy job with political novices sometimes. I know this. Political nous comes with experience and a party cannot develop that if its members cut and run when faced by difficulties. The situation does not have to be terminal. But it seems you want to help make it so.
Well that will suit Carswell. And the Labour and Tory Parties.
When Nige was interviewed last night about him re-leading the party, his parting shot was “You couldn’t make this up could you” – even more so now after the “Tussles in Brussels”.
Whatever the altercation at the meeting ..he fell ill 2 hours later when he collapsed ..on a walkway inside the building from the photo.
Great bit of acting and emoting perhaps?
Woolf has taken the news headlines and shown the UKIP Brand to be manly and tough…new found respect for us after our bottling in Marseille by the Russians.
Play up chaps!
Come on BBC, declare this punch up as a hate crime and then insist that article 50 be invoked immediately – or is that kind of reporting only valid for Remainers?
It would have been high spirited and boisterous had it been anybody but UKIP.
A feisty little bust up on BBC Daily Politics as the arch Remainer spin doctors past and just-past-present (Ah-what’s that nasty stain I see on the stair Campbell & Sir What’s-His-Name Crony of Camerloon) meet at noon, retreat their prescribed 20 paces, turn and let off their blunderbuses not at oneanother but instead at Lefty BBCer JoCo – who was supposed to be the second at this dual or maybe she ought to have been the Remainer medic dabbing their wounded Remainer brows with BBC lavender water. Sir No-Mark : “Why these questions?” as Campbell gabbed as though he had Coprolalia (I think that’s what they call it now) over the presenter, the film clips and at every inappropriate moment.
I think what pissed off these two book-out-this-week freeloaders was the fact Remain lost and the nagging thought that if only the BBC had been just an incy wincy bit more biased in their favour…
Watch it if you get the chance.
From our own correspondent
I realised that some previous poster has mentioned this being scheduled, however it was even more unbelievably biased than normal!
There are no problems in Sweden! This is just a fabrication of the ‘right wing’ who are growing in strength and have the support of 20 % of the people.
In Sweden the migrants are badly treated, not being given jobs ahead of native Swedes, and not given gold plated satellite TVs to watch !
In fact by the time he had finished he had painted one of the worlds most insanely generous countries as one of the most grudging and selfish!
There was no mention of the problems the migrants have caused in Sweden not with them personally or to the economy.
If this is how bad they are with the people who share their insane self destructive views then how distorted a picture about other countries are they presenting as fact?
The problem is that the Fascist are only capable of criticism and fault finding, they have nothing positive to offer, which is probably the reason for the self loathing !
UKIP MEP does a Prescott.
Doubt if he’ll get the same sympathetic treatment. Not that the idiot deserves it.
The facts behind this altercation have yet to be made clear.
Sadly, what happens with UKIP most assuredly does get talked about, and some of their number seem hell bent on offering up endless material.
Hamilton Parachuted in for question time, lower than a sausage dogs bollocks al-beeb
“lower than a sausage dogs bollocks al-beeb”
No – lower than a snake’s bollocks.
Here is the ‘buzz’ form Wales – the UKIP NEC is on the way out ….
UKIP is the ‘peoples party’, they will get rid of the dross that think they are in charge .
Arron Banks is right.
The bBC is full of Dominic’s a checklist to i/d them
1) Anti -British
2) Pro republican ergo anti monarchy
3) Pro Palestine
4) {Pro SNP ( in Scotland)its chock full of them
5) Pro Ira
6) anti Israel
7) pro mass immigration
8) pro EU ergo anti Brexit
9) Guardian reader
10 Easily Offended and faux offended subject matter expert.
You forgot the latest BBC obsession. Fracking and how to stop it. Quite why the party line is so determind on this eludes me for the moment.
If you degrade the UK’s energy capability and independence you stifle growth, increase costs reducing competitiveness and drive down our international success. You also increase reliance on unstable regimes in the ME and Russia. That sounds like a traditional communist strategy to me; the BBC is continuing the work carried out by people like Scargill in the 70s.
There was a lovely twitter exchange this morning with a green disciple citing a BBC ‘question’ stealth advocacy story on the impact of fracking.
Someone in counter had suggested it was perhaps less than that of a lithium mine on its surrounding neighbourhood, to provide the source material for their sweet little rides.
There was a picture attached. It was not pretty.
BBC editorial integrity would doubtless see one ignored if not buried. Propaganda backed by censorship.
UKIP’s Steven Woolfe awake and being kept in hospital overnight as a precaution. No bleeding to the brain.
The BBC will be disappointed…
Dover Sentry
I half expected desks at the BBC to be cluttered with champagne bottles as spontaneous celebrations got underway. The Beeboids are still deeply shaken by Brexit. I was amazed by the level of Anti-Briton propaganda the World Service was disgorging last night. Some Canadian nobody complained that the average Briton was too thick to do mental arithmetic, while mentally more agile immigrants could apply their sophisticated maths skills to carrot pulling in Boston. An Australian rectum-ripper, owner of a bijou cafe in London, waxed lyrical about his multicultural staff from 19 nations, willing to do the work native Britons would not and work hours Britons would never accept. Some hysterical Polish woman whines about the Post-brexit wave of negativity she is experiencing and lamely threatens to return to Poland in a huff. Has there been a mass exodus of enrichers post Brexit? Has 60 years of “Britain is a racist country” ever reduced the influx of vibrancy? If all these people are so intelligent, hard-working and enterprising why are the countries they are leaving 2nd and 3rd world shitholes?
Sadly, £4Bpa and 20,000 staff means the BBC can only report on key matters of public interest and concern.
Such as Kylie, Kim, etc.
All is not lost but it is deeply disquieting to see what is happening in the upper reaches of UKIP (and of course whatever happens is being spun as hostilely as possible by the BBC and most of the print media.
The party seems to me to be the subject of determined saboteurs and this needs sorting out quickly.
UKIP still have a huge role to play in ensuring that their millions of voters and sympathisers aren`t sold down the river.
UKIP have stamped on some very powerful feet, little wonder that the knives are coming out, and one might even suggest the sleepers are being activated with careful timing.
UKIP must establish party discipline and establish a robust communications strategy including a group of official spokespeople for media work…needless to say this select group would not include Hamilton or Carswell who appear determined to keep “disunity” in the public eye.
I happen to think that it shows “passion” and high degrees of commitment to think that UKIP lads are fighting…getting a bit carried away etc.
At least they CARE about the country enough to have a rumble.
Time was then politics was full of such red-blooded males with their dukes up…must have impressed the anaemic, bureaucratic Eurocrats that Brexit has brought out the Nelson, the Drake of this Happy Island Breed of REAL men!
Think we went poncey with Joe Bugner myself.
But check out this k.o. in one round v Dunn from 1976.
Joe could punch hard when he was angry enough.
In his younger days he did kill an opponent.
May have explained his “handbag” moments?
Ta lads-was being glib, seeing as he`d seen him bore a few opponents to death-as well as some silly stuff on Superstars in Oz etc.
Granted that Richard Dunn had a glass jaw, and a wife who was harder then he was…but you CAN draw him using only six lines…my mate does it for a party piece. And NO-I`m being a BBC bullshitting blowhard-jokes apart, my boxing career ended at Stretford police station when I dislocated my thumb on a medicine ball…used a whole jar of Fiery Jack on it, first session.
So who else but ME to be the BBCs mincing boxing expert?…no paperweight flyweight stuff here eh?
Embolden – Totally agree -I dont believe all is lost but the likes of Carswell and Hamilton need to be cast back into the line of political B list actors where they truly belong.
And this needs to be done bloody quick!
Nothing can take away from UKIP the great achievement of being the pivotal component that enabled the BREXIT referendum to to be won. But at a national level they do need more focus and discipline.
No one (apart from the BBC) says UKIP needs to be perfect. And in some ways a certain lack of slickness and honesty are part of their success. But unfortunately with the amount of scrutiny they are under every little hiccup will be turned into a national scandal.
And they certainly dont need to harbor those two cuckoos in the nest any longer than they have to. If these jokers are allowed to continue until they get bored, All that we will be left with is an empty and demolished nest unfit for purpose.
WE have to remember all that the BBC will do to get rid of UKIP “now that they`ve done their job and got that referendum of theirs”
Roll up your tents boys, let us sleep on as before.
Not a chance.
That the BBC don`t go for two minutes before asking UKIP “when are they going to dissolve” only tells you that they are desperate-DESPERATE- to keep Labour viable in the north, Wales and the midlands.
Don`t fall for this crap-not for one second.
UKIP IS a democratic party-that they have the likes of Hamilton and Carswell is what their selections were all about-their gaff, their rules.
Wankers, both of then-Carswell has a brain, but an agenda…Hamilton has Christine and a bow tie.
But WE are UKIP-not them.
A purple Peoples Army who no longer give a damn for gargoyles, figureheads or totems/tokens.
The BBC seem to require this-so we won`t and don`t.
Let`s be like Five Star in Italy-take your lead from Aaron Banks and Tim Martin etc.
WE are the Purple Weevil Eaters-vote UKIP, even if its a Pot Noodle with a knitting needle in its heart…it`s UKIP-we vote for it!
The Ghost of Jo Cox( GJC) might as well be given a candidate selection and approved-comedy and vicious satire gets the tossers.
Beppo Grillo shows us how its done in Italy-and amorphous Internet load of fruitcakes, closet queens and racist…or whatever Cameron called us. He`s gone-we got rid of him-and I want Labour in a body bag seeping in its own bile very soon.
F the BBC and their agenda-compulsory head gear and boxing gloves for ALL UKIPs finest-and let`s set the best on the Momentum Spittles at Waterloo shall we?
See what I`m doing-it`s called the Counterculture-whatever the BBC say is good…it`ll be bad, and vice versa. Let`s stop jumping to their jive, you bunnies out there!
Ok Chris baby – I dig your counterculture stuff dadyo – However not every groover digs the purple scene .
Some of us squares still like a more main stream vibe – you dig?
We need cats that purr and roar man – not dudes that go a bitchen and a twitchen!
Anyway I cant keep this up! so what I want to say is I still think removal of a couple of obvious tosspots such Carswell and Hamilton would help keep UKIP still up there.
Whilst May has a come out with some positive stuff a strong and united UKIP is probably needed now more than ever, to make sure Theresa doesnt go back to her old ways!
Talk is cheap but actions always speak louder than words.
You dig?
Splendido dude!
I myself would have been a dozy hippy-blame bloody Led Zeppelins “Going to California” perhaps?
Thank God for punk-had bought beads, a sweat shirt from Berkeley and was about to listen to Steve Hillage….then I saw Magazine and “Shot By Both Sides” at the PSV club in Moss Side, Manchester.
Saw the Yachts though too…but I say as little about that as possible…
With Liberals, Greens etc., nowhere, it remains in the interest of the two main parties to sink UKIP. Talk this up BBC and let’s not mention the sleaze and scandal past and present of the Tories and Labour.
Just heard the news regards the Labour reshuffle. This picture sums up how I feel about the new Shadow Home Secretary:

I suppose we can say that the labour leader has had his finger in all the pies in regards to his shadow cabinet. But I hear he likes Jamaican patties the most.
looks like Lennox Lewis from this angle-certainly got that hooter of hers flattened by SOMEONE!
chrisH … Dude… sometimes you crack me up….
You can say what you like about Jeremy Corbyn – but back in the day he must have been a brave man.
Should have gone to Specsavers 🙂
North west tonight and very very serious faces all around. Yes it’s fracking and with the go head given here we go with the anti propaganda. Despite a BBc survey suggesting there is support for fracking you wouldn’t know it. Over to lots of self centred NIMBYs, who complain about what’s going to happen in a field near them that they don’t own.
I hear the plan is to fire immigrants into the ground in order to release gas!
Good plan.
” xxxxxxx today promised new measures to prevent British people being “locked out” of jobs by foreign workers, including forcing firms to declare if they employ high numbers of immigrants.”
Gues who said this?
Rats and ships.
Too little, too late!
Wild Bill
Now, how’s about this then lads and lasses ?
Diane Abbott … `Shadow` Home Secretary … surely it is a racially motivated hate crime to refer to her as `Shadow` home secretary?? Maybe it`s been taken out of context?? Whatever the reasons behind her new post it`s certainly not based on her ability??? Wow the Labour party just became even more unelectable… Loolz…
Diane casts quite a long shadow.
Maybe ‘Eclipse Home Secretary’ would be more apt.
She seems to have a finger in every pie.
Meanwhile, Greggs is expanding its operation in Westminster:
“Diane casts quite a long shadow.”
You must be lying horizontally to believe this.
Diane actually casts a very wide shadow, if she was in orbit the reduction in sunlight reception at the earth’s surface, due to this “Artificial Satellite”, would result in a mass extinction.
When she walks by with the size of her hips
When she walks by there’s a solar eclipse
When she was young she was Jeremy’s maid
Now when she stands she puts us all in the shade
On Brillo’s show she always talks like a loon
But her arse is near the size of the moon
She is still Jezza’s favourite wench
But now she takes up the whole front bench
She’s always caught out when she is lying
But when she sits down the others go flying
I had a better line for line 3 but thought it might have been too much.
JC – I heard they were considering making her Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, but her gaseous emissions were off the chart, her knowledge of nourishment stopped at fried chicken and our country roads and bridges are limited to just 7.5 tonnes. Otherwise she would’ve stormed it.
‘…despite Brexit.’
The reason her knowledge of nourishment stopped at fried chicken was perhaps due to her being distracted by all the dinner table racism she encountered whilst demonstrating her attributes as a buffet-athlete… as for the Rural Affairs association .. maybe you took that out of context ..
`… despite brexit`
Quite a curious hour or so on the biased bbc tonight. First of all on London News there was some coverage of the tower block fire in Shepherds Bush caused by a faulty tumble dryer. There was a muslim family bitching about not being able to go back in for possessions but they have inexplicably been edited out from the iPlayer version. Then on the One Show we have a black male actor and a white female actor promoting a film about a high profile inter-racial love affair. Then there is an apologist rant about commonwealth immigrants post war at Euston station. So, all in all, quite a ‘normal’ night so far you might think. Typical pro-muslim, pro-black, anti-white fare from the biased bbc. But, blow me down, if there’s not a teaser for Children in Need to follow just before Creased Genders (at which point any respectable man retires to the man cave or in my case the office) However, incredibly, the Children in Need thing, in which they show what last years money was spent on, did not have a black person or a muslim in sight. White heterosexual English males are suddenly OK when they want your money.
Are they still sat on the 87 million pounds then?? Or have they spent it on saving the `children` 12 miles off the coast of Libya??
The last time I contributed to that money making machine was 1982 when the office decided to have a fancy dress day. I’ve ranted on here before about how many ‘projects’ have received funding in 36 years – no doubt the children from 30 years ago who received funding are now the parents of kids who need yet another playground because the last half a dozen have worn out !
Seismology……….we have a black male actor and a white female actor promoting a film about a high profile inter-racial love affair….
Many times on here we’ve mentioned the rise and rise of the inter-racial partnerships on the advertisments and soaps/dramas which seem to exaggerate ‘real life’. Now we are seeing these images in the press and advertising literature. A pensions supplement in one of the dailies features a black man/white woman with mixed race children, and I’ve just received the latest brochure from my Cruise line of choice, and the first photo is of a black man and white woman in evening dress. I have sailed many times with this ‘upmarket’ line, and have rarely seen black couples on board let alone an inter-racial one. Its turning into a bombardment of an idealogy by the advertising world and I find it an insult to my intelligence. This scenario may well be the norm in 20/30/40 years time when the migration/birth levels have reached saturation point here, but I still inhabit an overwhelmingly white country despite the protestations of the likes of Lenny Henry et al, and would like to see it portrayed as thus.
why is it always a black man and white woman?
Kaiser…..Do you really want the answer to that? Its the extra inch. Makes all the difference to some.
Disgusting display of anti-trump, anti-democracy, anti-white hatred on what was clearly a ‘head in the sand’ piece of utter horse shite programme on ITV called “Trumps America – Will it happen”.
Everyone on the program shown to be against Trump were just hate filled morons, utterly bigoted, hating white people, and had clearly accepted every lie, and misreporting of Trump as gospel… And these people were so bigoted and hate filled that they didn’t see the irony of saying “look at the things that Trump has said… He’s racist…. There’s going to be violence if he wins…”…. and Hitlery loving, morality deviant Robert Moore wasnt going to challenge any of this hatred! Utterly disgusting
So there you have it folks. Trump has endless amounts of things that he could be pulled up on, but the relentless use of lies, misreporting and propaganda to create a fantasy view of Trump as a racist by the left is everything the media and the self serving, devious bastards that actively pursued this gutter style division politics, are going to push for.
Want freedom… Hell no say the left!! Want to live in peace and harmony… Hell no say the left!! Want to protect your family and way of life for the next generation… Hell no say the left!!! There’s hatred, racism, intolerance and bigotry people and it’s all supporting Hitlery Clinton
Crap show and irrelevant. What makes our liberal snowflakes so up themselves that they actually think Trump and the Ohio , Texas, you name it voter cares about their rancid views?
Shit produced by shit and just about our level nowadays.
Ooh look SCBBC, a pretty picture to help you understand why it’ll all be OK.
‘…despite Brexit.’
I want Bud Flanagan to sing the theme song – “Who do you think you are kidding Mr Cameron/Osborne/Carney/Corbyn/Farron/Hesaltine/Clarke.
Folks. If you haven’t listened to or watched any of his gigs, you have to watch Ben Shapiro. The man is a destroyer of the left. An absolute debating genius. The Freddie Krueger of the piss smelling dream world the traitorous vermin on the left have created.
Just worked my way through “Ben Shapiro – Thug Life compilations” on YouTube. There are 10 in total. Basically it shows the Shapster owning and destroying the enemy in ways that I never thought possible. It’s utterly hilarious and is up there with the Rocky franchise in watching the hero deal out some epic ass kickings…. Epic
throw in a bit of milo and louder with crowder and you can spend many hours giggling at the pure lunacy of the lefty nut cases
Ladbrokes have predicted that Clinton will win.
Ladbrokes predicted that Brexit would loose at odds of 7/1. I made quite a bit of money. Thanks Sir Nigel!
I’ve therefore put my money on Trump.
(Don’t tell the BBC!).
Good bookmakers should not have opinions .They reflect the weight of money and construct the book accordingly.
They were used by the hedge funds etc to make it look as if remain was a certainty. Some people made fortunes on currency futures and shares. Why has our useless world class BBc not gone into this?
If the money is coming for Clinton who from and why is the question.
Actually good bookmakers do have opinions and are willing to put their money where their mouth is.They are nowadays almost extinct.
Most bookmakers are `turf accountants` who act exactly like accountants.This means punters cannot get sizable bets on particularily if they have won before in a niche market
An interesting current market is `first cabinet minister to leave?`
I did too . Mind you I had inside information that the BBC would never have . I talked to the average Joe .
AS we all inwardly digest the stunning tactics of the Great Hellmanns in giving us this Shadow Cabinette of all the talents, I can only await the steer, the verdict and -quite literally-the light sabre of Socialist Hegemonic International Triumph that is…..Support our Lefty.
This Peoples Poet was indeed Saved By Miliband…and if we all shout in solidarity into our speakers NOW-he might just come shyly from the wheatfields, hammer and tickling stick in hand to tell us,,,,in a very real sense “What then is to be done”?
Like any BBC Guardian hack-I refuse to think of aught but Nick Browns wellies-until I am told what to think by our Dear Leader…
Nick Brown…Puff in Boots, last seen scraping scrapie of his boyfriends Hunters wellies in a Northumberland charnel house in 2001…if he is NOT the answer to our struggle…then who…who?
Just when you think ……. I see on Catch Up, “A look at the connection between racism in the southern USA and Scottish clans.” I discern a connection between the BBC and pure shite.
If you would like an example of economic illiteracy at the BBC then the above should fit the bill. Have pointed out their error but as I used an example from when Labour was in Government, then they probably will not like or believe it.
Doubt that I will get a reply.
And this quote from your BBC link:
“”More people in the country may mean there are more jobs””
More people in this country may mean there are more non payers of the telly tax .
Sir Nigel could yet become an MP due to alleged Conservative fraud at the General Election in 2015:
“”South Thanet election expense police inquiry extended”” (until June 2017).
“”District Judge Justin Barron described the allegations as “far-reaching”
“”The inquiry, he said, could lead to election results “being declared void””
A little observation:
“Tim Kaine is really pushing it with the INTERUPTIONS – ”Katie Pavlich, Townhall Magazine
“Kaine’s INTERRUPTIONS don’t seem to be coming of well in the hall” – Bret Baier, Fox News
Kaine’s INTERRUPTIONS are not helping him” – Joy Reid, MSNBC
Meanwhile from the BBC
“…while the two frequently talked across each other…”. – BBC
Sir Cliff Richard suing BBC and police
Well done, Sir Cliff. Congratulations, in fact.
Power to all our friends…
Looks like the BBC off books budget will take another hit if they don’t dip into programming again.
Or was GBBO set aside to cover.
Sadly Amazon Prime may not carry Dad’s Army over christmas.
Comrades – given the escalating war news from Syria, we’re in dire need of some some light comic relief, and who better to provide it than the bbc’s two favourite influential opinion formers…Anna and Diane.
Apologies if this has already been flagged up but I’ve been so busy valuing diversity, Ive just not had time to keep up with our fave bbbc blogsite. Some brilliant comments ..“someone who looks like a dockside hooker”. I hope she never learns to keep her ignorant gob shut because shes comedy gold to us.
And our Diane will certainly add weight, if not gravitas, to the position of shadow home secretary. Oh and Shami as new attorney general. OK so Labour is unelectable, but hey, it ticks all the boxes, and we all know that the bbc / sky / ch4 .. are just as passionate about diversity and equality for wimmin, so nothing other than effusive praise for their appointments please.
Although Im looking forward to the Hilary (good) vs Trump (very bad) debate this coming Sunday, Im sure that Hilarycrookedwhoreforhire has already won it by a mile. And of course the polls will prove it!
Some brilliant comments ..“someone who looks like a dockside hooker”.
You’d have to carry change of a shilling.
A must own:
Available here:
There are many like us.
‘…despite Brexit.’
You can also get the tea shirt on eBay. As well as a book to read, and then give away, as an Xmas present.
Not strictly on topic in its narrowest sense.
But the appointment of Diane Abbott as Shadow Home Secretary is utterly utterly beyond parody.
now just imagine her “yeah the brits all cs, wot can i give you to piss them off “
Talking about parody – Apparently the Flabbot impression is racist!
Just as well she didn’t black up then.
Jan should become a magician. Apparently.
Interesting that the furore only kicked in once Lady D was lampooned, given all preceding and following.
No doubt our world class broadcaster has other things on it’s mind but I would have thought the dangers of a Russian USA clash in Syria would be worth a mention.
The lunatic US administration wants to attack Assad’s forces. The Russians will not permit this. They have state of the art missile defences . All it takes is one US plane shot down and then what?
Putin made it clear after Libya. No more regime changes. The reality is that the US cannot take on Russian forces in Syria without risking WW3. And what does our WCBroadcaster tell us. Sweet FA as far as I can see.
i just thought it worth a mention here.
I think BBC Journalists have no idea what is happening in Syria because they only feel comfortable interviewing children, and the children don’t know what is happening.
But as far as I can see, the US tactic would be to provoke a World War, so that a state of emergency could be declared, so as to suspend the election, preventing Trump from being elected, and keeping the Democrats in power until Trump dies from radiation burns.
I also think most of the media coverage by these “on the spot” reporters is a joke. Half the time all they do is have a voice over of some footage obtained by an agency such as AFP. They then interview one of their own reporters from a studio and call that “live coverage”.
Meanwhile they sit in a luxury hotel far away from all the trouble inventing more stuff for the next broadcast. One Jeremy Bowen in the past, for example, showing footage of the Palestinians, while staying in Tel Aviv (Hilton or such like).
While they do this the world is on fire all around them and they notice nothing.
It makes me laugh when the ‘studio’ talks to a ‘colleague’ 3 miles away at a London landmark, and then sound is lost or the picture pixilates – almost 50 years ago we received pictures from the moon landing, yet technology has hardly moved when we can’t get a decent image in real time from outside the studio door !!!!
“It makes me laugh when the ‘studio’ talks to a ‘colleague’ 3 miles away at a London landmark, and then sound is lost or the picture pixilates.”
That’s only because the engineer has accidentally pushed the “UKIP Interview” button on his control panel. If he keeps the system on the “Labour Interview” setting the sound and pictures are locked in High Definition.
The US bombed Syrian troops killing over 80 and wounding many more, which gave ISIS an opportunity to capture a strategic position. A mistake, they said, although it lasted over 40 minutes. They were accompanied by UK fighters. This has to mean that the Appeaser is going along with US policy for regime change. You won’t see any adverse reporting on this government’s role in Syria. Teresa will get a free ride.
In Our Time .
Hosted b y Melvin Bragg .
It start at 9.02 am Radio 4 and is a historical look at various subjects . Sounds interesting But just gets confusing .
For a start , I don’t know if our Melvin has a nasal medical condition , but even so he sounds totally enebriated and his conduct is one of somebody who’ s had too much of the punch .
His interjections , questions and treatment of the esteemed guests who participate in this programme is a parody of a serious discourse of whatever the subject is . As soon as one of the experts is in full flow explaining to the audience about the subject our Melvin interrupts and throws not just the expert but the whole programme .
Their reaction to his interjection betrays their sense of imbalance , and usually a narrative is stopped halfway so the listener is flummoxed why the guest even started . If he doesn’t interject with a banal question as the expert tries to enlighten us he says time is limited and he will return to that point in the future , which I suspect he doesn’t but his show is so disjointed it could may well be but only a time traveller would know .
Melvin introduces the programme and his guests with a slight dig at the general public for not knowing fully about the subject that he has professional academics to discuss with . A paradox because if we knew all about the subject we wouldn’t need to listen to permanent academics to learn about it .
I suspect Melvin has no idea about the subject either until the BBC supply him with copious notes , sayings , readings and a BBC equivalent of XxxxxX For Dummies at great expense on the next weeks item . Then Melvin feels equal to the great luminaries invited in for discussion . For the first time I feel sorry for these permanent academics who take tax payers money to pursue the study of their fixations or prejudices . Listen in for when Melvin offhandedly tells a learned professor who has spent his adult life studying the subject that he is correct in something or another .
The programme is designed to look informal , as though they are around a table drinking coffee , I have a sneaking suspicion Melvin has laced his a bit , for Melvin’s diction is unintelligible for 50% of the time . It’s as though he’s topping up from his hip flask as the show goes on .
Today it was about a Hindu goddess , next week it’s about plasma .
Plasma , says Melvin , is the biggest stuff in the universe .
What’s the betting ?
Melvin starts with saying the proles don’t know what plasma is unless they have a television but even then they don’t know really .
He introduces his guests , experts in this and that but not above Melvin , he starts with one , interrupts by mumbling , you won’t know what he says , goes on to another and interrupts by what he considers a witticism . The witticism could be what she has in her fridge , tangential to the subject . Then move on to another guest and interrupt to make the said guest explain a totally irrelavent thing , like what is a full stop . As the guests flounder Melvin introduces discipline , saying lets get back to the subject . The guests sound as though they are a little out of their depth and who can blame them , they expect he’s going to ask them about their shoelaces or other extraneous items , not their speciality . Melvin will ask questions , using at least three words where one would be enough , cut them of as they get into their stride , not because they’re boring , but because Melvin hasn’t incoherently deviated them for a while .
Two things the BBC should do
1 ; if Melvin is one over the eight they should sack him .
2; if Melvin is sober they pay to cauterise his nose , then sack him .
This is well observed and your points are worth making, Nibor. The series can be good and, occasionally, outstanding but that is generally in spite of Bragg rather than because of him. Some of his interruptions are hard to fathom, if you exclude vanity as an explanation, that is …
His interjections aren’t quite as random as they seem. He is steering the experts to the conclusion he wants. If they start to stray he interupts to break their train of thought and then asks a leading question to get them back on his track. He’s very good at it.
For a long time I thought odd interjections were just his style of interviewing, but then there were a couple of programmes where I knew enough of the subjects to see what he was doing. It’s easiest to identify when the programme has some political or racial element, and is blatant if “The North” is involved.
I usually find Bragg excellent at organising the flow of the invited experts, but maybe he has off days. I have absolutely no interest in a Hindu goddess so will give this episode a miss, but Plasma next week sounds interesting.
having just watched my weekly qt comic relief slot from the valleys, ive just realised its all thatchers fault … still
BBc breakfast continues in BREXIT doom mode. Talking about the low pound some bint reminds us that if you have property abroad servicing and mortgages paid in euros will cost more..
Meanwhile North West starts day 2 of the fracking outrage showing us some people who don’t want cheap energy shouting and waving banners.
At time of writing, 8.17am, this morning’s TODAY programme (R4 from 6am) has been total comedy.
The BBC appear to be falling apart.
(Forget to mention Douglas Murray injecting a serious note but again the joke is that the TODAY presenters are oblivious to the effect of their coverage on World Service of Merkel and migration. Net result: more laughable broadcasting! Shameful.)
The BBC is many things, but at least some of its staff are surely bright enough to know when the asylum they support is now fully staffed by lunatics.
The editorial integrity meeting in Frankie Howerd on lines to take must be erring on blow.
Now 9-10am R5 Live – “What’s the point of UKIP” is the Phone-In slot is given over to talk about yesterday.
Roger Helmer has aquitted himself very well, explaining the story accurately, which ia completly different from the way the media reported it up till now, especially the 2 hour break between the meeting and Steven Woolfe falling down on the walkway near to the parliament area.
Then they’ve brought in Nicki Sinclair who was kicked out of UKIP
Maybe she is an ex-MEP, who claims she’s seen punches at old meetings.
Now she’s been called a Tory plant
Discussion On the 5 Live Facebook page 12 comments
Sex change oddbod as I recall, done for theft or summat was (s)he not?
Obviously, no problem with all that-but surely UKIP could cite themselves as to include the “loonies” and give them a berth…whilst other parties certainly did not! Well done UKIP-the first Trans-friendly Freak Show in politics.
Don’t know how many of you were brave enough to take a gander at yesterday’s Newsnight, but it was horrifying. That once peaceful, liberal and homogeneous nation (formerly known as) Sweden was under the microscope.
Christ, what a ghastly transformation has befallen this beautiful country. Now infested with Muslims, riven with suspicion and mutual loathing, a true dystopian cultural road map, showing us quite clearly where all of Europe is heading.
Areas where the police rarely set foot, unhappy, backward looking hate-filled ghettos living separate lives to the main stream. Endless riots, massive crime rates, a media and political class intent on distorting or burying the truth.
Of course the dear old BBC decided to take their own particular slanted view on this tragedy. They interviewed some young Muzzies who had been “gallivanting” in Syria and Afghanistan. They allowed them to keep their faces covered as we listened to them tell us that Sweden would soon be a Muslim caliphate. “I love Sweden,” said one of these masked men, “but I’m a Muslim.” Later, when the Beeb reporter was interviewing a high ranking policeman she told the copper, “Do you know some of the youngsters we’ve spoken to are so terrified they would only be interviewed wearing masks?” Eh??? These people are TERRORISTS! That’s why they have their faces covered.
Sweden has been so keen to be seen as liberal that it’s become totally impotent to defend itself in the face of an angry intolerant monster intent on taking its land, its children and its future. It scoffs at these liberal platitudes.
Poor, tragic Sweden is, perhaps, about fifteen years or so further along this road towards nightmarish cultural catastrophe than we are.
The writing is on the wall.
I must say that I think Corbyn’s cabinet reshuffle/fresh appointments are absolutely inspired. I expect the bbbc will especially be full of praise for their golden child, the odious creature that goes by the name of diane abbot.
Just when I thought that head prefect corbyn had made the labour party unelectable he does even more….Well done jeremy you are now TOTALLY unelectable
Like yourself and many on here I didn’t think it possible for Labour to become any more unelectable outside of London, but then he produces this act of genius. Putting all the evidence together he must be some kind of deep cover Tory sleeper agent, his handlers probably can’t believe how well it’s all gone.
It’s true. I am reminded of the time the Allied High Command decided it was not worth their while to assassinate Hitler, because anyone who replaced him would be a more rational and effective enemy. It was better to leave the deranged anti-Semite in position than get rid of him (Hitler I mean, not Corbyn, perish the thought).