Lord Hall Hall must be proud, the so-called news corporation that he runs has just had two of the most dishonest and biased days of its life, and that’s saying something. Lord Hall Hall should once again be dragged before a Parliamentary committee to explain just how this publicly funded organisation, that is supposedly the gold standard for news organisations, is allowed by Lord Hall Hall to provide that Public with such a substandard and dishonest service. Michael Ashley from Sports Direct was hauled up in front of the MPs and torn off a strip, his warehouse being compared to a victorian workhouse, Lord Hall Hall’s corporation is nothing short of something the Soviet Union would have been proud of, the news being something that is entirely flexible in its interpretation of world events and presenting a world view that is based solely upon the politics and beliefs of those who are ensconced there.
The Tory conference is on and the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ was uttered much to the disgust of the BBC, it seems, which has spent the last two days relentlessly suggesting that the Tories are racist …or as Nick Robinson said [08:10]…‘some might say…you are sanctioning a form of racism’. Robinson did have the grace to mention Gordon Brown however he has been the only BBC presenter to have done so in my hearing [though he did also say that there was ‘hardcore rhetoric on immigration and considerable unpleasantness’…so any talk of controlling immigration is once again instantly labelled as something not acceptable by the BBC] . Immediately after May’s speech 5Live announced that ‘some might say’ that was divisive and a bit UKIP like….so the BBC once again painting UKIP as racist as it also tries to smear the Tories. Not a mention of Gordon Brown and his ‘British jobs for British people’ speech anywhere on 5Live over two days that I’ve heard.
The grammar school policy was laid into as based on, well no evidence of its effect, the BBC dismissing the previously hallowed Sutton Trust’s studies, as inexpert preferring the ‘expert’ Michael Wilshaw’s comments that the policy was tosh and nonsense…but where is his evidence for that?….the BBC didn’t provide it.
Remarkably the BBC is also now a believer in the Trojan Horse plot whereas once it worked hard to promote the idea that it was a hoax and even reported completely untruthfully that the various inquiries had found no problems at the schools. Mark Easton, he who thinks Muslim extremists are like Ghandi, Mandela and Churchill, telling us at the time that perhaps we should allow the schools to be taken over (even though there was no plot to take over schools according to the BBC) if that is what the Muslim community wanted. Now we hear that Muslim faith schools are not performing well and are being allowed to stay open…the BBC is outraged that a Tory government should be allowing this…more needs to be done apparently ‘to reassure the parents’.…the same parents who Easton suggested were all desperate for a fundamentalist education for their integrated children.
May in her speech set out her stall as the champion of the Workers….Pienaar in his instant after-speech analysis announced that this ‘won’t wash’, the Tories cannot say they are the Party that represents the Workers and that there is a clash as it also says it is the Party for Business and yet also wants to limit immigration.
This has always been the BBC attack, during the election it was the same ‘feigned surprise’ that the Tories should paint themselves as the Party for Workers….ignoring the fact that Business and workers go hand in hand, Business does well and workers do well and we have more jobs and that theh ‘Workers’ voted in their droves for the Tories under Thatcher and again in the last election as they saw that wages went up and businesses prospered under Tory government.
Oh..and apparently May ‘ignores how hard Brexit is going to hit us’. No bias there from the BBC. Anyone notice how the BBC seems to be pressing for ‘soft Brexit’ [ie no Brexit] in its interviews? I heard a presenter yesterday asking if there is any way we can keep freedom of movement whilst still staying in the single market?…a slip of the tongue as she got it backwards [should of course be…can we stay in the single market and not have freedom of movement?] but undoubtedly what she was really thinking.
Back to ‘British workers for British jobs’. This is being entirely misrepresented by the BBC as meaning that the drawbridge is being pulled up and no foreign workers at all will be allowed into the UK [much as Brexit means the end of all trade with Europe apparently]. The BBC is scaremongering enormously here…indeed it brought on an Indian worker who said he was now scared about the future. The BBC asking him with an alarmist, leading and perjoratively phrased question ‘What’s your reaction when you hear the leader of this country and her ministers talking about British jobs for British people?’.
Trouble is that caller undermined the BBC case that the policy is Tory racism as he told us that as an Indian worker any employer had to prove to the immigration service that a foreign employee like him would have better value than one from not just the UK but those from the EU as well…so British jobs for EU workers [under EU rules now] but not for Indians.
The presenter ‘failed’ to note that little quirk for some reason….though she was quite happy to ask a British employer if he thought foreign workers were better than British, a continuation of the BBC’s constant, and racist, narrative that British workers are idle and feckless….and yet they call the Tories racist and berate the Tories for apparently labelling all welfare recipients as idle, workshy scroungers…in fact the BBC was going on about that yesterday [a Labour attack line as well of course].
Marr was dragged in and subtly linked into the talk of British workers to discuss his new book on British poetry [odd how the BBC is so keen to exploit ‘Britishness’ when there’s money to be made….it constantly masquerades as ‘proud to be British’ [as do some communties] when it really has nothing but contempt for the ‘little englanders’ and patriotism and British history]. Marr naturally put down the success of ‘British poetry’ to the vast influx of immigrants and the effect of multiculturalism on the British language…making it so much ‘richer’. Yeah…all those British poets who are really from deepest Africa or the Subcontinent…oh hang on we had an ‘immigrant’ poet on 5Live who gave us an instant poetic commentary on the day’s proceedings…naturally it was everything you’d expect adding richly to our national heritage.
‘British jobs for British workers’. Something smug BBC workers might soon have to contend with as the BBC’s diversity drive looks to drive out white people from their jobs.
The BBC couldn’t be happier with the rumblings at UKIP…Diane James jumps ship and the BBC fails to report that one of the major reasons she left was that she had been abused and spat at during a train journey recently. Why would the BBC ignore an attack on a female politician when it is always telling us how politicians are being unfairly vilified leading to violent attacks, such as the one on Jo Cox. Seems the BBC only thinks some politicians are due protection. Which brings us to Steven Woolfe…the BBC dodging the fact that it was Woolfe who started the fight that ended with him in hospital….even though told by Neil Hamilton that it was Woolfe who ‘picked the fight‘. [The BBC still not telling us that] The BBC news bulletins preferred the considered and informed comments from Marr who knew absolutely nothing of the events but was asked for his comments and came up with an instant dismissive comment saying that UKIP was the unluckiest party in its leadership…hmmm…does he not read the news…has he not seen what has happened to Labour over the decades….Foot, Kinnock, Brown, Corbyn or even the last Tory leadership election farce with Gove and Boris, and Cameron jumping ship?
BBC news is a farcical in its selection of what it thinks is important…all too evidently picking material that promotes its own views rather than actual events. All too familiar.
Another, magnificent article Alan, and one that will surely get the MIA resident Islamic Al Beeb Jihadi loving Trolls going through every full stop and comma for way to come back at you.
At the beginning of your article you the ‘So called BBC’ have “just had two of the most dishonest and biased days of its life”…..well I would go even further and say that this year has been without any doubt the most dishonest and biased year every, for the Islamic Al Beeb!
Whether it’s constantly blaming white men for everything that’s wrong with the world… With no evidence, or lying and misleading the public about the truth about Muhammads death cult, or just being Al Liebours PR department….. The list is endless!
The Islamic Al Beeb is a cult. A cult of British hating, self hating, devious, virtue signalling, traitors who are so utterly focused on looking after their own interests, they are unaware or even willing to see the destruction of everything that makes us British!
Here is yet another reason why the the BBC downplays incidents involving Muslims or doesn’t report them at all!
Originally shared by Bennett Ruda
Free Speech Crackdown: EU Orders British Press NOT to Reveal When Terrorists are Muslims
Katie Mansfield, +Daily Express
A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016.
Blaming the press, ECRI Chair Christian Ahlund, said: “It is no coincidence that racist violence is on the rise in the UK at the same time as we see worrying examples of intolerance and hate speech in the newspapers, online and even among politicians.”
…In the 83-page report, the Commission said: “ECRI considers that, in light of the fact that Muslims are increasingly under the spotlight as a result of recent ISIS-related terrorist acts around the world, fuelling prejudice against Muslims shows a reckless disregard, not only for the dignity of the great majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, but also for their safety.
“In this context, it draws attention to a recent study by Teeside University suggesting that where the media stress the Muslim background of perpetrators of terrorist acts, and devote significant coverage to it, the violent backlash against Muslims is likely to be greater than in cases where the perpetrators’ motivation is downplayed or rejected in favour of alternative explanations.”
…In a written statement to the ECRI, the Government said: “The Government is committed to a free and open press and does not interfere with what the press does and does not publish, as long as the press abides by the law.”
Read the whole thing: http://bit.ly/2dwMCk3
“not only for the dignity of the great majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, but also for their safety.”
Let’s see, amongst which people in Britain are the Muslims unsafe?
Hmmm, is it the mythical far right? – No, too small to achieve anything.
Ukippers? – No, largely non-violent (except for their MEPs).
It must be the Jews, they get blamed for everything, – no, still not, despite massive provocation.
It must be the white population as a whole. No, they are the most exceedingly tolerant people in the world.
Is it the African and Caribbean black people? No, it’s not them!
Chinese and Japanese? Too well integrated.
Hindus and Sikhs- nah!
Who’s left? Only their fellow muslims. Honour killings, FGM, murder of other muslims in the wrong sect, apostates etc. Not forgetting persuading young people to strap bombs to themselves to kill themselves and many others (sometimes catching innocent muslims as well).
Yes, muslims are only unsafe around other muslims.
Totally agree with you Demon apart from:
Is it the African and Caribbean black people? No, it’s not them!
I think you’ll find there is quite a lot of ‘tension’ between the Muslim and black populations in Birmingham/Midlands (and most likely London) e.g.
The passions echo streetfights from previous years, such as in 2005, when a neighboring Birmingham district suffered two nights of violence between Caribbean and Asian gangs over unsubstantiated rumors that a gang of Pakistani men had raped a 14-year-old Jamaican girl. Two men were stabbed to death, firefighters faced machete-wielding mobs, and Muslim graves were desecrated during those clashes. The west side also suffered riots in 1981, 1985 and 1991 fueled by minority hatred of white police and black resentment of the Asians’ dominant position as shopkeepers.
A rumour, outrage and then a riot. How tension in a Birmingham suburb erupted
· 23-year-old man stabbed to death amid violence
· Police appeal for rape victim to come forward
Very un-BBC like reporting, it has to be said, so once again thank God for the internet.
Worth repeating, of Muslims murdered for their religion in the UK 2 were murdered by fellow muslims, 1 was murdered by an EU immigrant, 0 were murdered by British kaffirs.
Meanwhile 53 Britons have been murdered in the UK in the name of Islam. Another 30 or so murdered in Tunisia.
“Here is yet another reason why the the BBC downplays incidents involving Muslims or doesn’t report them at all!
Originally shared by Bennett Ruda
Free Speech Crackdown: EU Orders British Press NOT to Reveal When Terrorists are Muslims
Katie Mansfield, +Daily Express
A report from the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) found there was an increase in hate speech and racist violence in the UK from 2009 to March 2016.”
This, for me, post-23 June since when we’ve had news of attacks on immigrants is yet another reason to get out of the EU. The EU is the organisation at fault here, just look at the news from various parts of Europe over the past twenty years or so. Increasing racism or supporting existing racism within its member States.
The EU has created the racism and hate.
We have to get out and restore our nation’s well-being.
I have just read an article in the Daily Mail “Muslim leader LOSES legal battle for £10 million in damages from Donald Trump for his claim that parts of London are so radicalised that police officers fear for their lives” It cost the man £35,000
It probably won’t be on the DM site long and will not let readers comment and will definitely not be mentioned on the BBC
Will that £35000 be repaid at 50p per week out of his benefits, I wonder..
Does this mean that I can apply to the High Court of Islamic State for £20M in damages? £10M for their rhetoric sourrounding infidels which in my opinion is much harsher than Trumps words, death to the infidels etc. Then another £10M for their actual treatment of infidels, you know things like beheadings, suicide bombings, assault, rape…
I wander if Owen Smith would be kind enough to serve the high court judge on my behalf once he lands in raqqa to start negotiations with IS?
AlBeeb, however is committed to an unfree and closed press.
Albeeb seeks to be the sole provider of “information”.
Albeeb interferes, wherever and whenever it can, to prevent publication of the truth, and publishes its own, mendacious, version of events. Including ignoring inconvenient events.
Albeeb ignores the law, and hides behind its, undeserved, reputation. If necessary Albeeb uses the financial might given to it by £5,000,000,000:00 of annual “donations” from UK taxpayers to subvert or delay any legal processes.
Summary, AlBeeb uses 1984 as an instruction manual, not the warning it was intended to be.
AlBeeb, guilty, on all and every charge.
“Summary, AlBeeb uses 1984 as an instruction manual…”
AlBeeb is rapidly turning into The Ministry of Truth.
Well Orwell did base MiniTru on his experiences at the BBC.
Here’s a simple quiz:
As the envy of the world, the BBC, is supposed to provide an unbiased news service, can anyone out there guess where the BBC agenda is on the following.
Remain or leave.
More immigration or less immigration.
Pro Islam or neutral.
Hillary or Trump.
Left or neutral.
Anti white indigenous Brit or neutral.
Pro SJW, UAF, BLM and the other trendy groups, anti anything neutral or to the right.
Climate change or not.
It’s rhetorical of course. We all know where the BBC stands on the above.
There’s a whole load of choices where the BBC is running an agenda and not just reporting (or choosing to bury) news.
Manipulation of shows like question time. Different techniques used when conducting interviews, lefty friendly without interruption or constant interruption when a neutral or right person is being interviewed.
I don’t know why I’m writing this, we all know this is happening yet nothing is being done.
Why doesn’t some Tory bring this out into the open and give examples. There’s plenty of them.
There again, I don’t know why I’ve never heard anyone on the tv say “Houses being built each year, 140,000. Net immigration each year 330,000”
I reckon none of them want to rock the boat because they’re all doing very nicely thank you.
They’re all in it together (and we pay)
I’ll add a few, EG, if I may:
– Fracking: pro- or anti-
– Badger cull pro- or anti-
– Fox hunting pro- or anti-
– Gay marriage pro- or anti-
– Black Lives Matter pro- or anti-
I suppose once you start to think about it the list is pretty endless.
Mainly done through their proxy propagandists – sorry, ‘studio guests’ and ‘presenters’, slippery-tongued employees (except the unbridled ‘views their own’ Tweets) and sometimes simply unashamed, arrogant pronouncements/comments of reporters, correspondents and interviewers (because they can and there’s no-one to stop ’em).
Current BBC obsessions front and centre on the Vic Derbyshire show : scary foreign weather and UKIP bust ups. I turn off before they get into Liverpool’s First Black Football Player and why he refused an MBE – solidarity with John, Paul, George and Ringo? I guess I’ll have to get through the rest of the day without knowing.
Who watches the Victoria Derbyshire virtue signalling show? I suppose it makes Lord Hall and his ilk feel good but must be a loss leader for we tax payers. I avoid it like the plague.
The BBC is the converse of what FOX news is to the USA. To be
honest it is not difficult to understand. As Fox is owned and run
by neocons. The BBC is run by Trotskyist’s. Its as simple as that.
If ever Corbyn were ever to win a general election you would see them
having orgasm’s on screen ! For those of you that live out of the
Londistan region and cant watch the nightly subversive programme
after the 6PM news, you wont know that here the BBC has given up any
pretence of being neutral in its political views. Night after night
the mostly ethnic presenters subject us to Trotskyist garbage written
for them by their fifth columnist editors , sub editors and researchers.
Their number one topic is to denigrate the Metropolitan Police. The number
one question I would like to ask them is ,whenever there is a violent demonstration
in Londistan , they have reporters right in the middle of the worse trouble. As if
they had been told beforehand where it was going to happen?
The truthiness is out there. Waaaaaay out there.
The BBC knows what you are thinking, even as PM. And if you don’t, it can sort that out too.
Ironically, most are not worried about that presumption as much as it not being from a direction they approve of.
Frankly I find both a worry. But Ms. May I can vote out. The BBC is broadcast herpes.
The BBC did a little piece on the news yesterday concerning ‘knife crime’ they naturally cut away to a stock photo of a white hand clutching a knife .
One of the oldest, and most common, tricks in the AlBeeb Arsenal.
Keyboards (computer), keyboards (piano), scalpels etc, always have black hands.
Because we white people are too backward and thick to use them, or at least that is the impression that the traitors are trying to create.
Strange that almost everything currently used and valued was created by white people.
And here in the South West where there is any mention of caring for the elderly or care homes out comes the stock photo of a black hand holding the hand of an elderly white woman.
All subtle subliminal messaging of the well worn path of Marx and Stalin.
Don’t forget the government advert (ITV) some years ago that was telling us to make sure we locked our houses securely showing a white youth breaking into a black couples house! Come to think of it now he was Norwegian looking as well.
Now on R4 Feedback : item on James Purnell
Radio management will be split in 2 and Purnell will be in complwete contol, budgets and everything of a dept called Radio in Education :Arts, kids, programming
…bet it’s more like Radio in Indoctrination
Ah, Have We Got Propaganda For You is back. Took them half the programme to get through the first question and their ritual sneering at anything not on the left of British politics. Then it continued in the same vein.
Remember when it was a comedy programme? Anyone?
I think it was all right when Alan Coren was alive. He’d never have got on Radio 4 now of course.