A B-BBC reader writes…
“Did you see the BBC story today that asked if the best way to “guard against radicalisation” was to develop more Muslim schools? The BBC bemoans that, out if the 6,800-plus faith schools in the state school system, only 28 are Muslim, which it describes as “disproportionately small”.
It points out the risks of illegal private schools (a point that is justified) and how having Muslim states schools would be the solution. After all, al-Beeb reminds us that the east London schoolgirls who headed off to Syria were not in faith schools and the schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims did not have a religious affiliation. I think Richard Dawkins can take this one up from here…. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xei9qq_richard-dawkins-visits-a-muslim-sch_news
The left still can’t get to grips with the fact that islamification is both a submission to the will of ISIS, but it is also a slap in the face of the true asylum seekers who were fleeing from Islamic culture. Not to mention it’s the tail wagging the dog over and over again.
Time the government cracked down on this appeasement complex.
On yesterday’s Daily Politics was Jo Stevens, shadow minister for Wales.
Asked about Baroness Chakrabarti’s non-whitewash of the inquiry on labour anti-semitism she swerved the issue and claimed that there is a problem with anti-semitism in the Labour Party in the same way as there is a problem with anti-semitism across the country.
I was a little taken aback at this point due to the implication that there is a groundswell of anti-Semitic feeling across the general population. Are they for real? All I can say is that, to my knowledge at least, normal people do not even think about Jewish people as being in any way different and would usually be unlikely to know if they were or not without actually asking them the question.
Labour are disgusting and getting worse by the day. They need to come clean on this matter and it’s causes purely out of common decency. I’ll not hold my breath.
From the BBC
How Sweden became an exporter of jihad
I wonder if the BBC sees the implications for the UK.
The reality though is that we are headed in the same direction. A civil war that will make Bosnia look like a garden party. It will be Europe wide, with France as the epicentre.
All because of the stunning stupidity and ignorance of our politicians.
The next phalanx of the invading army rolls in
In Calais – Migrants rule
Why would any sensible goverment dream of letting that lot into their country?
Thank God we have the English channel.
There have been cases where OFSTED have found Muslim schools seriously failing on many levels, then the schools refuse to listen to OFSTED and even try to take them to court for discrimination.
Most schools in this country are terrified of OFSTED inspections, yet Muslim schools don’t seem to care, what does this tell us?
People are worried about Moslem schools teaching extremism, war like commands from the so called prophet. But if the Koran is the unambiguous word of Allah Ackibar and if the Koran says the Earth is flat, and rejects Copernicanism, then Moslems must believe that and renounce every step taken by Western science since Galileo. That is the problem with Moslem faith schools. They undermine Western science. Soon they will insist that denial of a flat Earth is blasphemous and Islamophobic. And scientific knowledge for many young students will be at the same level of ignorance as a BBC science correspondent.
The Dawkins video is great. Why don’t Al-Beeb show this sort of investigation.
Fact is that “Islamic education” is an “anti-education”. The students are clearly not being prepared to be productive members of a modern society. They will struggle, fall behind confused and be susceptible to radicalisation. Of course, in the Dawkins video they are all girls, so the expectation is that they stay home and have babies (lots).
Not of interest to the right-on feminists celebrating the 70th anniversary of the useless moaning Women’s Hour.
Yes, the look on the faces of the science teacher and the children when Dawkins explains evolution to them is worth a million ! The science teacher has no answer ! Islam is pathetic but it is dangerous in so many ways. A very evil religion.
Religious leaders from the archbishop to Muslim and Jewish, are asking the PM to let settle some 400 children from Calais.
I can understand Muslim and Jewish leaders. But what motivates our Archbishop? Is he really keen on the UK becoming a Sharia country? Settling these 400 in the UK, will lead to thousands more in Calais + their parents, and all other relatives.
Yes the UK should help. But it should help by resettling them where they belong – with their parents in Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.
It is none of that idiot Welby’s damn business. He should be doing something about the Genocide of christians in the Middle East. A disgusting hypocrite. Either that or he should convert to Islam and bugger off.
The 3 Phases of Muslim Immigration:
PHASE1: Few in number – oppressed Islam.
Play the Victim
Claim Islamophobia
Demand More Tolerance from Others
PHASE2: Large Minority – Indignant Islam.
Demand Sharia Law
Intolerant of Infidels
PHASE3: Clear Majority – Dominant Islam.
Strict Sharia Law
Kill/subdue all Infidels
For 1,400 years, This Pattern Hasn’t Changed.
Moderates are Irrelevant. (Bare Naked Islam).
Spot on, Pounce, as ever.