Now on R4 Feedback : item on James Purnell
Radio management will be split in 2 and Purnell will be in complwete contol, budgets and everything of a dept called Radio in Education :Arts, kids programming etc.
…bet it’s more like Radio in Indoctrination
Sorry, I have been contacted by William Hill, Ladbrokes, Paddy Power, Joe Coral, BetFair, Bet365 and BetVictor in the previous ten minutes.
They have all asked me to advise you that they are unwilling to take your bet.
Apparently these bookmakers only offer odds on events in which there is more than one possible outcome.
As one person said to me “If we took bets on certainties we would be bankrupt in a week”.
Multisexual Culture is the Culture of left-wing Middle Class White Atheists. With Islamic Culture coming second, Multisexual Culture is the most intolerant Culture in Multicultural Britain. Multisexual Culture is an intolerant culturally imperialist ideology imposed on all the more decent and civilised cultures (other than Islamic Culture), by organisations such as the BBC and the Labour Party.
Decent, Intelligent people are not employed or join such organisations due to an education in subjects censored by such organisations. Hence such organisations are dominated by white middle-class people with unusually low IQ’s, which is the reason why they think immigrants are more intelligent than themselves.
As a Mensa member, from personal experience, I find that such people confuse “liking someone” with “Intelligence”. A situation where if they like someone because they are thick, they call them Intelligent. While if they dislike someone because they are intelligent, they call them unintelligent. It explains why such people like Black people but not Jews, the two extremes on the Global IQ chart.
Yesterday and todays Victoria Derbyshire programmes once again did two programmes promoting same-sex marriage! This time is was because Kylie Minogue and her boy friend said they will not get married till same-sex marriage is by law allowed in Australia!
Not one person in both shows to give the other side of the argument!
’till same-sex marriage is by law allowed in Australia!’
The unwritten law of the ever leftward liberal ratchet says that now this is passed into our law here it has become super holy writ and may never be challenged again. Debate closed. The BBC sees its job to now both rule out of order any debate here and to hopefully impose pantomime marriage in the rest of the world and there can be no valid argument against it there either – well good luck with that in many of those non-English speaking parts of the world that may not be quite such a push over.
On those rare weekends when the circus came to town we used to come across: the woman with beard, the thinnest man on earth, the man with no legs, and other freaks-a-plenty, but if those freak shows were still touring the UK we would gladly include: the “same-sex couples” and a “he who thinks he is a she and she who thinks she is a he”.
But, it gets worse! One can now include an “it” a “third sex” a “pansexual” a “intergender” a “sistergirl” a “genderfluid” a “agender” a “neutrois” a “genderqueer” to the list off circus performers and even then the lists goes on!
Boy, who would have thought that those freakish people would one day be given the keys to their cells and let out then succeed in putting us normal people behind the cell bars to laugh at!?
Who’d have thought that in 100 years society has gone from a woman’s ankles being considered a ‘turn-on’ to Continents being castigated for not allowing marriage by humans of the same sex. What cometh in the next 100 years makes me glad I won’t be around to witness it.
Recently, the University of Michigan announced a new policy allowing students to choose their own gender and “designated personal pronoun.”
The school’s webpage gives students several examples of pronouns they might use, but it makes sure to stipulate that a person should not be limited to those options. There are ”an infinite number of pronouns,” according to the academic institution that costs thousands of dollars a year to attend. “Always make sure to ask someone for their pronouns,” it warns, as if pronouns are things that a person can own and distribute like business cards.
Granted, it’s a daunting task to memorize everyone’s vocabulary requirements and keep track of the ever-expanding buffet of gibberish cooked up by lesbian college professors and kids on Tumblr, but we’re cautioned that getting it wrong could have disastrous consequences. When we use the “wrong” pronoun (otherwise known as the right pronoun), we’re not only being “disrespectful” and “hurtful,” but “oppressive.”
Changing your gender is easy in a snowflake society where feelings over rule truth and objectity. Lauren Soutern shows how she became a man in one hour
Being a Christian myself, I would be extremly delighted if the only sight us men could see of a woman in public would be glimpse of a “woman’s ankles” instead of having our living rooms bombarded with unashamed filth from such females as Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Celeb-BB, along with every other TV programmes promoting/encouraging lesbian sex, gay sex, transsexual reality shows a-plenty and in the SUN newspaper yesterday: That young people in the UK these days regard sex with a man or a woman AS NORMAL behaviour! Normal Behaviour! What a deluded generation of fathers/mothers to come!
Lord Help the children who are born from those “normal” adults!
There are at least 57 countries (and rising) that will avoid such marraige arrangements. I don’t suppose the bBC et al will be castigating their lack of participation.
Well here’s a controversial subject, yet it’s nothing which hasn’t been(Mis)reported on before.
Just been revisiting the military tech capabilities of the Russians, and I can tell you now, that it’s nothing like as backwards as it once was. Now Russian airpower is very likely to be superior to that of the US, who are currently trying to play down the technical problems they are having with the F22 development.
Their new version of the AWACS system the TU 214R intelligence gathering aircraft is massively capable and has been recently used in Syria.
Far too much detail and data to go into here, but suffice to say this king of weaponry is capable of giving field commanders a highly accurate picture of a battlefield scenario.
So when the BBC tell you that the beastly Russians and their Syrian allies have attacked a hospital, bear in mind that it is almost certain the hospital was being used for military purposes.
We’ve heard all this propaganda from the BBC before, not all that far away from Syria, and it turned out then that they were lying, there’s every reason to believe that they are doing exactly the same now.
With kit like this it’s difficult to make mistakes as the BBC would have you believe.
You might want to look at the fairly recent saga involving the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea and the latest generation of Russian ECM equipment.
There is no truth in the rumor that the pilot of the second Suhkoi mooned the ‘Merkans as he repeatedly flew past low n slow… (around 20 times in some accounts)
There were some reports indicating that the US sailors were not happy at all at having their (presumed state of the art) radars disabled… mutiny is too strong but – let’s say it didn’t go well for the Yanks and some – it has been suggested – voiced their displeasure / voted with their feet at the following port call…
Seven billion people in the world, 150 plus countries yet for our ‘World Class’ broadcaster the lead story on the Six o’clock news is a tiff in a minor UK party that happened days ago.
I think the BBC fear UKIP and with good reason. That’s why they want as much negative publicity as possible.They will milk the Woolfe incident for weeks.
Why? UKIP are likely to scoop up Labour votes in the General Election of 2020 or before.
Look what happened in Hartlepool today at the by-election:-
I believe Mr Wolfe has part Jewish ancestry. Maybe, as they are card carrying Labour luvvies, the hidden reason is that this is what they find so distasteful about him that they need to keep sticking the knife in.
minor UK party?
Four million votes.
We need to support UKIP 100% until the channel widens to 500 miles.
The Labour Party has been an internationalist agency since its inception.
The Conservative Party cannot be trusted.
More UKIP please.
@JimS . . . BbcNews = BbcNarrative
– and the dominant narrative here is
“We are the righteous, We are the VICTIMS” “THEY : those who don’t agree with us are the nasties, the oiks the vile, the wrong”
So the UKIP story is a great narrative they want to run with.
… For Beeboids its an opportunity to MONSTER their ideological opponents.
See there are 2 main types of Narratives
)~: sad, furrowed brow VIRTUE SIGNAL … ()-; nasty MONSTER THEM
… When the UKIP story came in yesterday as
“UKIP guy in serious condition in hospital after becoming unconscious after fight at UKIP meetings”
..They just ran with it
Whereas anyone rational would say “that sounds too wow to be true”, I bet it didn’t happen that way
..and it didn’t take me long to find that he’d collapsed in the corridor 2 hours later.
BBC and Moron Stream Media don’t do the full complexity of news, they go straight to narrative.
…”Our Jimmy, he’s a great guy raises at lot of money for charity, everyone loves him” etc.
19:17pm #bbcEverydayHate @EverydayDireOneShow
Bill Bailey : “Oh look I’m drunk”
Sandy Toskvig : “oh it’s like being with a UKIP person”
Bill Bailey : “Right Outside !… ha ha ha ”
See what’s going on there … if you replace the word UKIP with black ?
Our top edgy comics are basically just acting like old racists, but without the comeback at them.
Er, exactly how many Christian schools are there in the Islamic states ?? Its proposals like this that exacerbate the flames of simmering resentment, and if it kicks off in race riots and ‘hate crimes’ is there little wonder ? the thickos in the media/government/lefties groups just don’t ‘get it’. The mantra of we need migrants for the economy and help our ageing population; but as Melanie Phillips so succinctly put it last night “migrants age too”, and most migrants spend as little as possible in this country because their salary is sent back home (together with child benefits, but that issue has gone very quiet of late).
Give them as many Islamic schools as they want (in Muslim areas that is): anything which isolates them even more in our society is a good thing and should be supported, also it keeps their malign influence away from British children.
It has gone quiet on the matter. There are roughly 35 million working people in the U.K. If there are about 3 million of these sending the bulk of their money ‘home’ on a regular basis, then there is a massive and unsustainable drain on future resources. Even if the figure was half that there is still a massive problem being stored up.
The same Muslim schools that have been caught with contovertial radical DVDs and books many times and segregating boys from girls, and almost closed down by OFSTED, and threatening OFSTED.
“”He is strongly in favour of British engagement with the European Union and has campaigned for electoral reform. He has been seen as having more political contacts on the left than the right””
“”He is strongly in favour of British engagement with Europe, and is chairman of Business for New Europe and a member of the Centre for European Reform’s advisory board””
And they didn’t hold back on pushing him for the ‘right’ content did they?
He is currently free to go and live in his European utopia anyway. Maybe Molenbeek, Malmö or one of the many places in France listed here?
I wish him and his ilk bon voyage, don’t rush back.
Two post of mine vanished
Is everything working OK?
G.W.F. on October 7, 2016 at 7:39 pm on WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…
Changing your gender is easy in a snowflake society where feelings over rule truth and objectity. Lauren Soutern shows how…
G.W.F. on October 7, 2016 at 7:36 pm on WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…
Hope this helps to sort out the gender problem Recently, the University of Michigan announced a new policy allowing students…
It begins quite well, but swiftly deteriorates into ‘racial purity head measurement’ territory. I’m amazed it was allowed to be broadcast, given German history.
Still very little coverage of the increasing tension in Syria between a very bellicose USA ( listen to their speeches !) and Russia. I have not heard such talk for many years.
Now I do not do conspiracy theories but something here is way adrift.
Put it this way. Trump looks like he could win. This is something the US elite will not accept. Money and power as always. Also Trump really worries the money power now.
So a crisis is instigated with Russia. War looms or at least incidents that could lead to it. The US election is postponed .Obama stays in power and maybe gets a third term. The US people do their patriotic duty and fall in behind.
The other strand is if Aleppo falls then Assad wins and the US is out of the game and Saudi Arabia is very upset indeed. Isis is then facing extinction and Russia becomes number one in the ME .
Perhaps all is fantasy but then perhaps not. The danger is that the US under Obama is weakly led and that is not true of Russia. if Putin calls the US bluff then WW3 is but a miscalculation away.
“the US is out of the game and Saudi Arabia is very upset indeed. Isis is then facing extinction and Russia becomes number one in the ME .”
Nail on head – to a point, but no cigar. Saudi for certain created ISIS and the abortive revolution in Syria. Post Iraq, it seemed the West would not or could not put boots on the ground, so the intervention was limited to a aerial support role.
In past history the West always supported Israel and Syria was an enemy of Israel – hence Russia getting a toe in. The Assad family has been in power since the 1970s so why are they suddenly such a problem now?
ISIS is a Saudi creation, and we are involved because Saudi wants us to be. More ‘British’ Muslims have joined ISIS than have joined the Policefull of religious & armed forces put together. Syria was a place religious diversity was respected, but Saudi doesn’t like that so it all had to go.
Russia will not become No1 in the ME because they can’t be bought like the West can. Problem is our politicians are extremely badly paid, and the PM is paid little more than a head teacher, what do you expect is going to happen?
Agreed up to a point. Russia cannot be bought as you say and that ,in my opinion, makes it more likely that it will dominate the ME. Arab military power is very limited and as always lacks leadership . Russia is getting close to Iran and Putin may decide to work closely with that country. Saudi Arabia has money for now but little real military capability. If Trump is elected and withdraws from the ME and at the same time reaches an understanding with Putin then Saudi Arabia is finished. And with them go the rest of the dreadful bunch.
Israel will not be affected for now as it’s military is more than capable of dealing with the entire Arab armies. However Iran and Israel will remain a problem.
Real politik might demand that Iran is the future major ME power. In that case the West would be well advised to encourage the secular forces in Iran .As we all know Iran is not an Arab state and neither is it a Sunni one.
“Our politicians are badly paid”. What! For their lack of intelligence and general knowledge, they are well overpaid. Who with any intelligence would have voted for the “Climate Change Act”, suicide for the Country and People?
Anybody think that the situation is being steadily manipulated so that ‘illary’s lot will come straight out with something like “Trump will cause ww3” because of the perception they are pushing out that Trump is an inexperienced hothead who will rush into conflict at the drop of a hat.
5:20pm the @bbcPM Virtue Signal of the day was “poor black people are oppressed, cos they can’t vote in some states without showing photo-ID”
…Does that seem like a none-story ?
There can’t be many people in the US who live without photo ID, everyone who drives for a start has a driving licence. Surely the main group without photo-ID would be illegals.
Yep I can imagine some poor black guy being given the run around by one stupid office, but I bet it’s not so widespread.
For a start last time many states had the Photo-ID requirement so it’s only the case that a few states are bringing up their standard to the same level.
– Seems to me this is a PR story from an activist NGO handed to the BBC on the plate.. It wasn’t the BBC that made the recordings. BBC Web report
“Surely the main group without photo-ID would be illegals”
“Trump says U.S. officials letting in illegal immigrants so they can vote”
Can illegals vote in the US?
President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.
A man wielding an axe threatened a group of Jewish people in an alleged anti-Semitic hate crime in Prestwich .
This is obviously a Muslim because Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad always describes effinks as ‘men’ whereas whites are always described as such.
BBC West Country today 1pm news we had a great feature on how the County Councils are being really nasty and failing to accommodate Syrian Refugees. Then we had a name and shame of all the County Councils; Dorset must sit in the corner with the dunce cap because they have no plans and East Devon go to the top of the class because they have accepted 55 woo hoo. As rider in 2010 there were 18 000 families waiting for Council assisted housing in West Devon alone.
Then we cut to Plymouth for an interview with a Syrian gentleman who speaks pretty good English and is clearly from the ME with a dusky skin. He tells us how grateful he is for the sanctuary and as a pay back he is helping other Syrian refugees by educating them about the UK and teaching them English. All very laudable and nice. Then camera cuts to his students who, with the exception of one, all are Black Africans.
Are we stupid or what?
The BBC clearly thinks so. Twice today I have switched on R4 only to hear the same drivel about historical black experiences in Britain. On both occasions I switched it straight off again. I no longer care. They have worn that toy out.
It is quite clear that the BBC has now descended into such a trough of post-imperial guilt that it has lost its collective reason. Race is the only thing it cares about. Time for it to go.
It’s nice to hear that our elected councillors in Pembrokeshire have such an altruistic attitude towards the Syrian regugees.
They have been busy virtue signalling with their holier than thou soundbytes as they welcome the ability to offload the problem to certain voluntary groups in tne community. Groups, I’m sure, led by folk who live in areas unlikely to be flooded by any influx.
Dysgwr_C, “Hiraeth Hope” is mentioned at the end of the newspaper article. Unfortunately there is no registration of a charity of that name on the Charities Register I can find. So who are they and what connection do they have to the Council who, it would appear, may be financing them with ratepayers money? If you have any more detail for “Hiraeth Hope” stick it in the search facility on:
I’d be interested in any results you obtain.
I think more work needs to be done generally on Charity Searching as I doubt whether all those Registered Charities possess a registered remit to, “help” in the so-called, “Refugee crisis” and therefore any breach of their objects can be reported to the Charities Commission.
Tiger OC – My family have been in Plymouth for generations, what rankled was when Abdul announced ‘this is now MY society, this is now MY City’. He wants more of his kind in to enrich us with things such as food, culture, customs, etc. The arrogant assumption of these people is staggering. Radio Devon then found a councillor who said taking in migrants was ‘what the people wanted’. Equally deluded.
The article talks about about the closure of 50% of the London nightclubs over the last 5 years.
“Bars, pubs, social and comedy clubs have also seen numbers drop.”
I guess that London is being so enriched with immigration and multiculturalism is working so well we don’t need traditional nightclubs, bars, pubs etc any more.
They go to coffee chains instead. I was in London earlier this year and was surprised to discover coffee shops still busy after 11pm, but noticed that the people there were from ethnic minorities. Obviously something to do with being alcohol-free places. A worrying trend.
A Muslim Mayor perhaps ? how long before the West End theatres close and transfer to Birmingham, Manchester or Stevenage ? That could be the germ of an idea for a sci-fi (?) film – the M25 being the border into Londonistan, an outpost of Kabul, with Mayor Khan reigning supreme (tieless)
Needles to say, the Cult of Submission will not drink alcohol so maybe the vast numbers of them living in the Londonistan Caliphate will have some impact on these closures?
“More than 100 BBC presenters are under investigation for alleged tax avoidance after being suspected of wrongly using personal service companies to minimise their tax bills, HMRC has revealed.
A “very significant number of BBC news presenters” – as well as a number of staff at other broadcasters – face demands to hand over unpaid tax and national insurance contributions after HMRC launched a probe into whether stars had incorrectly declared themselves to be self-employed.
The BBC announced in July that it had moved 85 presenters onto its books as full-time employees, after a report published in 2012 found that the corporation paid more than 124 stars in excess of £150,000 a year via personal service companies.
Meanwhile ex BBC DJ Chris Denning has had 13 more years jail sentence added to his current one.. after admitting abusing 11 boys as young as eight. BBC News web
He should convert to a religion where you can get away with doing this. A religion where you are virtually immune from prosecution.
It’s his own fault for being white.
I think it was only a matter of time before this came out. It was flagged as an issue at the time of the Panama Papers. A lot of people guessed that bbc ’employees’ would be self-employed or had formed limited companies to reduce their tax liabilities. Those people of course were perfectly correct in seeing through the hypocrisy of the bbc reporters as they mounted their moral high horses and strutted round the arena of Mossack Fonseca while riding roughshod over the late D. Cameron.
If you are self-employed and only work for a single entity, it’s not a case of if but when HMRC will come calling.
Strange, but if one googles ‘bbc tax avoidance’ today there is one news outlet missing from the hits – guess who?????
I see that the Beeb has put this story on employees tax affairs in the ‘entertainment’ section on their website. It’s been there all day. You’ve got to laugh at them, saddos think we don’t notice.
Ex BBC head calls more “more Conservatives in the newsrooms”
The BBC needs more Conservative supporters in its newsrooms and at senior levels to counter a perceived “liberal bias”, Mark Thompson, the former Director-General*, has claimed.
There is a short i-paper article.. full of their normal bias
* The BBC was criticised during the EU referendum for giving equal weight to claims that Brexit would return £350m a week to the NHS * (a strawman argument made by loony Reamoaners))
– whilst Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, claimed that the BBC was “shamelessly anti-Brexit.” Mr Thompson, who left the BBC in 2012, said: “I don’t think you can ever achieve perfect impartiality.”
(no, but you the SJW BBC, cheat in almost every show)
Transcript highlights : Context both guest and interviewer are fully indoctrinated BBCtologists they don’t understand that there is any other worldview other than Brexit and Trump are evil.
24: 00 starts talking about impartiality
25:40 Presenter scoff at “Unconscious liberal bias” Marr metioned
26:05 “It helps to have conservatives inside your newsroom, inside your decision making bodies, inside your senior leadership”
26:21 “I have 1 or 2 former colleagues who are in the government” (really I don’t believe any ex BBC are in the Tory gov)
26:47 Presenter expresses surprise that a Labour minister Purnell is employed, as if he expected there were Tory placements within the BBC
27:30 “During referendum the BBC was criticised for excess fairness” (Really ? can only be by a few Guardian idiots, ah he means due to law ..the BBC wasn’t as pro Labour as usual)
28:10 Presenter “Trump supporters can’t be moved by logic, just emotional” (Presenter is talking like a man full or prejudices)
MT realises you can’t say that….and that you can’t dismiss Trump
29:00 “Trump is equal among white women voters”
again BBCtologist presenter is flabbergasted.
MT “Be careful, Be careful” (he;’s showing he genuinely fears Trump winning (so he is partial)
32:30 They seem wedded to idea that only EXPERTS can comment on things
35:50 Discussion about Brexit memes
they think Remain lost, cos it didn’t have good slogans (facepalm)
The BBC avoids inviting anyone with Brains. I heard that last week a guest on George Galloway’s RT program gave an intelligent summary of Brexit. Pointing out that the Single Market is protectionist, not a Free Market, and that it would be the EU that would try to impose tariffs, not Britain. I was told that the guest was an expert on how Theresa May thinks. She ways up the options in a scientifically analytical way, and said that this strategy would be inevitably be chosen by Theresa May. He points out that the EU would not be able to get all its members to agree to such tariffs, and that such a tariff regime would damage the EU more than the UK, due to our trade deficit.
On the BBC, all you get is idiots squealing in fear of Hard Brexit, the threats from the EU, the unknown and their own ignorance.
The odd thing about Gorgeous George is that he can be a very calm and polite interviewer. I suppose we all know he is an extreme left winger, therefore he has no need to engage in any virtue signalling to show how right on he is.
All the Tories need to do to destroy the BBC is to announce that in response to concerns about the threat to the independence of the BBC, and for Lord Hall and the BBC Management to avoid the scrutiny of an impending Judicial review. The Government is to give the BBC complete and total financial and editorial independence, and freedom from its Charter obligations, which are no longer imposed by the BBC Trust, anyway.
Tit Nolan on 5 Dead audibly abusing himself with his right hand under the desk as he snorts and squeals about something Trump said last century.
Sandwiched in between bleating about UKIP and then Brexit he’s clearly going for the asshole of the year award.
I was listening to Nolan talking and I thought
“What are you on about Nolan,You are incensed about what Trump said 13 years ago, but what you Tubby Nolan say TODAY about your attitude towards CAKE is worse, that you can’t walk within 6 feet of one without groping it.”
The sudden appearance of an 11 year old tape of Trump is an obvious political hit job. I am glad he has quickly apologised, and then pointed out that Hillary is married to a rapist.
That’s what I like about The Donald, he will always take a gun to a knife fight.
@Rob-in-Cheshire “an 11 year old tape of Trump is an obvious political hit job”
… Yes strange that tape should suddenly drop out of nowhere
yes too right it’s apparent that Moron Stream Media’s agenda being driven by Hillary’s incredibly big and well funded PR team.
..I expect they are sitting on a pile of such anti-Trump bombs.
but as you say or Scott Adams said last year.
Trump has amazing communication tricks : “Trump brings a flamethrower to a stick fight
To this latest event we could say
“With Trump you get the SWagger”
..”With Hillary you get the SWindler”
I’ve never liked Trump ..but he hires the right policy advisors and policies are what count.
It seems that Germany is to bar EU immigrants from unemployment benefits for 5 years, which if you recall was what Boy Dave sought, and had refused, back in February. I read a brief bit about this online in yesterday’s Express but it was so vague I thought it was typical Express hype. I now read it behind the Times paywall.
Apparently Frau Doktor Merkel can do it because the German system is dependent on having paid in, whereas we can’t because our system doesn’t require a qualifying period of contribution!!!
Like Germany and France being able to support their steel industries to combat Chinese dumping because they have done it since 1947 whereas we cannot in time if need, it becomes ever clearer that leaving the grasping, corrupt EU is probably our wisest action for oh, about 44 years.
On top of that the Times says that we are likely to confirm that the EU hordes present here up to the Brexit vote date can stay, thereby removing our only solid bargaining chip if/when our EU ‘friends’ cut up rough on trade.
It was mentioned above that the BBC has been publicising Kylie Minogue’s refusal to marry until same-sex marriage is legal in Australia. Believe me, the media here in Australia are just as one-sided in promoting ‘marriage equality’ as they usually refer to it.
Our present government (of PM Malcolm Turnbull) came to power with a promise of a referendum on the issue. The leftist parties are now opposing the referendum, on the grounds that it will unleash hate speech and be divisive! We cynics suspect this translates as: ‘We’re likely to lose’. Small-town and rural Aussies (not to mention our middle-eastern Muslims) are more conservative than the metropolitan ruling class. (Voting is compulsory here.)
Now, if you REALLY want to hear about hate speech, read this:
Did the broadcast media news touch the story? Not on any channel I saw. Sounds of sulphur-crested cockatoos squawking, gum leaves dropping, sizzling prawns tumbling from the barbie – but this, not a word. (Imagine the non-stop coverage if the Christians had attempted to nobble the opposition.)
The commercial Channel 9 has hugely pushed the gay marriage issue. (Goodness knows what their gay and lesbian viewers really think. The only lesbian couple I’ve personally known seemed far too conservative and sensible to want to be Mrs and Mrs.) Every morning brings some Darby and Joan (or possible Darby and Darby?) long-term pair who yearn to partake of the new-style Aussie nuptials – usually held under a gazebo on Bondi beach to a soundtrack of Kylie warbling, ‘I should be so lucky’.
One way to address the increase in ‘mental health’ related incidents…
If you call @kent_police due to a mental health condition you'll be diverted to a specialist. It's the first force in England to do this.
“”Around 100 BBC presenters facing ‘tax dodge’ claims””
“”The inquiries were revealed in a tax tribunal judgment involving newsreaders Tim Willcox and Joanna Gosling, who have appealed against a ruling by HMRC to pay extra tax and National Insurance contributions””
Oh no, not our favourite trombone-soloist Tim Wilcox – how we admired his no-nonsense Paxman-esque truth-to-power take down of that elderly jewish lady on the streets of Paris hours after the kosha supermarket murders by islamic fanatics.
Friends! I’m off to the Hard-Right Salisbury in a moment, but thought I’d leave you with this Tweet, which links to a comment I made earlier in the Hard-Right Guardian:
"Very well said, Jonathan. I agree with absolutely everything you've written, whatever it was. Whether they real…"
— Sir Leftski Clifton-Edge (@SupportOurLefty) October 8, 2016
Have a great Far-Right weekend, all you neoliberal racists, you!
I too am a Wessex Man SOL! Salisbury but a brief hop, and I`m well-known from my SWP days in the The Railway!.
We`ll have to meet for this Wessex Succession and the Great Rebellion.
I carry a Morning Star and Ted Heath music score, if you get a jaunty sailors hat and a Tony Benn Billy can (sadly now filled with his pipes ash-as well as is now!)-we can plot the course from Friend to Comrade!
You won`t fuel the Children of The Revoltion SOL…Salisbury to be the New Starlingrade?
PS-have a look at what you wrote on the CIF there Saveed! Can I be a Comrade yet?…or shall I bully a few old Tories?
It’s clear this morning that this guy Donald Trump is BBC public enemy number one. Another Democrat Party orchestrated attack story is aired on BBC news as though it were, well, news. This is just the latest shot. The last time a BBC head line appeared that was in any way anti-Clinton was back on 11th September when she was filmed collapsing in public. The anti-Trump bias is so blatant that it hardly needs cataloguing.
BBC Breakfast newspaper head lines carefully gloss over “100 BBC stars” tax difficulties although the Inland Revenue related speculation about Wayne Rooney does get a mention.
Another BBC metropolitan-in-style shiney-headed paper reviewer manages in some roundabout way to liken Trump to Hitler. This was tenuous in the extreme – there’s a story about Hitler having ghost written his own biography in 1920-something and we are told Mr Trump once telephone canvassed support whilst using an assumed name – I know, put him on trial at Nuremberg.
Then our guest BBC teamster attacks UKIP – not so much for the recent bust up and alleged fisticuffs but for the ‘sexist’ language of ‘girl on girl’ and ‘tarts round a handbag’ – exactly who said that to what journo and in what precise context we are not told – but y’know UKIP are all sexist, right?
Sackur Interrupts her mid-flow : “Why would the French people look across the channel at Britain and want to follow Britain when we see that :
… the British pound is at historic lows against the pound against international currencies (but not against €)
… we see huge uncertainty which is provoked by businesses in Japan and across the world saying they are now very concerned about staying in Britain…and they mighy well leave.”
LP : “Ecout/e”
SS : (super grand gesturing with his arms)
“Why would the French want to follow that model ?”
LP: Vous ne croyez pas qu’il est la temps pour d’arreter la propagande ?
(Don’t you believe that it’s time to STOP THE PROPAGANDA ?)
and goes on to knock him down squarely at lenghth as the Express details.
R4 News quiz lasted 35s before I turned it off
.. Jeremy Hardy just came on, opening by sneering at the Tory Party conference.
She threw him out of the party, so I don’t think she shares his views.
I don’t think she has got any time for the anti-semitism which used to infect the French right wing (far more than it ever did in Britain). Marine knows who the enemies of France are, and its not Israel or the Jews.
I do think that in the name of diversity it is about time that English place names should
be changed. Bombay is now Mumbai. New Amsterdam became New York so why shouldn’t we reflect
the change in our demographics? Londistan would reflect what London has become. Also I think
it is an anachronism to expect a borough of Londodistan to be named Newham. I think that
Newharam would be much more acceptable to more than 50% of the population. I dont think the
supporters of West Ham United would mind their team being called West Haram United. And
I can imagine what pleasure it would give to the BBC on a Saturday afternoon at 5PM reciting the football scores Chelsea 1 West Haram 2 !!
Good shout Foscari. Isn’t it racist/xenophobic/Islamaphobic to deny the changing of place names…. considering that we are allowing everything else to be surrendered to the civil war inducing ‘multiculturalism’!….
A few more examples…
Molester City = The Foxes are renamed to reflect the fact that more believers in the city of Leicester were being good Muslims and actually following Muhammads instruction and undertaking some sweet Islamic enrichment on infidel girls and women
Muhammadsfield Town = It was only a matter of time before the Islamicly enriched Huddersfield submitted to the true purpose of Muslim immigration.
Trump speaks about women in a sexist, physical manner and he’s denounced by the BBC/Guardian and has to apologise.
The Guardian describes Poldark’s ‘magnificent torso’, and pronounce him as ‘hotter, darker starker.’
The BBC’s Helen Burchell, meanwhile, says of Poldark ‘The actor set hearts racing as he scythed his way through a field, muscles rippling and glistening with sweat, as his dark unruly curls blew in the breeze.’
As of yet the BBC/Guardian have not issued apologies.
Was watching the Good Old Days last night!
Reckon Andy Hamilton got Arthur Askeys “funny gene”-utter shite!
But did note the Blair Dancers hoofing away to no effect around him.
My wife reckons that all the girls were refugees from the Black and White Minstrel Show-who were unfairly sacked like the Dagenham Girl Pipers at that Bert Ford place where they dusted the doileys and baked Woolton Pie for the chaps.
They made a film about it I think…Carsick was it?
But I divest!
I think there`s a campaign here-why were the girls in the B/W Minstrel Show all thrown on a frilly scrapheap of old pettis and made to bloody go under Peggy Spencers tent(oo er!)…or even worse, practice their crap hoofings for Pans People and the other Mums Army of cloggers that the BBC used for Saviles coverlet at TOTP?
Sorry-I want unlimited apologies and a donation to the Blackface Heritage Foundation(BHF…Reg Varney Charity No 2525…Prop owner Sir Philip Green)to restitute the roles, the heroinism of these gals who won the war back home while their feckless other halves went off to make up! It`s a war out there Tristram!
So then…was this not THE scandal of the 60s, loads of birds having to find their child-bearing hips because the bloody BBC fired them all, on account of their fellas going down the mine and blacking up….it`s a bit confused here innit?
Anyway-bring back the Girls of the Black and White Minstrel Show-they did NOT deserve to be sacked in the Carlton Greene Massacre of the Bush in 1969! For today…”They Dance Alone”….as Sting still sings for a few quid at Uzbek funerals!
Anyone able to tell me why the BBC lead all their news stuffings on Trump saying his crap years ago when taped secretly.
But when he publicly says that the UK will be the FIRST country he will sign “Free Trade deals” with if he`s elected…well, that`s not reported.
EVEN when this is todays news(not ten years ago)
When its is of interest to 17.4 million people-not the Clinton Family alone, as well as their few hundred muff puffers who work at the BBC and their US outposts.
And when Trump has killed nobody, nor screwed the taxpayer for every penny-unlike his opponents…the Clintons and the BBC being equally guilty here.
Need I ask?…well I do anyway.
Sadly, it’s not just the BBC. Today’s Telegraph might just as well have been compiled by the Illary campaign team.
I don’t mind Trump being exposed and castigated for his behaviour, but to ignore la Clinton’s evil past record as if she were some kind of saint is just inexcusable.
Hypocritical of the BBC to castigate vociferously of something someone said across the pond years ago, when a couple of its own very well paid presenters were guilty of equally offensive comments on a radio show – a few years ago ! (Brand & Ross).
Or, indeed, when yet another of its DJs has been prosecuted for sex offences – this time someone called Chris Denning who just yesterday received a 13 year sentence!
Saturday morning and time to descend into the depths of depravity which is BBC News. I can kind of accept yesterday’s news showing a white kid as an example of an abused child subject to the parent’s belief in alternative mumbo jumbo sorry I mean medicine. Maybe the pictured child was Eastern European. I am very much a minority in Newham where the story originated and I should have thought it would be more “real” to picture a Roper or some-other sect child that forms the majority here. But hey ho I guess I must be glad for small mercies and BBC still have access to white kids’ photos.
Anyway on to today and what depths can we plummet to? “Jamie and his Lion: The adults who take their soft toys to work” I kid you not.
My poor daughter already thinks she’s not normal because she has 2 legs and speaks with a native British accent! (Thanks for that cBeebies).
“Testosterone on NHS ‘could help boost women’s libido'” Oh how I will enjoy explaining what libido is to my daughter as she learns to read.
But God help anyone who dares stand up for traditional values! ” Viz-a-Viz the constant Trump and UKIP bashing!
Thanks BBC for always putting the British into the Broadcasting Corporation – NOT
As ChrisH has already pointed out, the BBC is in overdrive with its coverage of the Trump ‘scandal’ which is actually just a comment made as a private citizen 11 years ago, and they’ve even gone so far as to write an article called “Is Trump Campaign Over?” ( which is basically just a recycling of what they’ve been saying for months. His campaign was ‘over’ before he even won the primary, after all. Still not a single mention of Clinton Cash on the BBC, nor have they mentioned the Wikileaks release of Clinton’s emails with John Podesta which confirm her attempts to smear Bernie Sanders as well as wanting completely open borders and saying she would lie on behalf of Wall Street. These are all far bigger issues than something said over a decade ago taken out of context. And that’s not even mentioning Bill’s history of sexual abuse and Hillary’s defence of it, which the BBC refuses to cover despite also being of far greater public interest. Then again, liberals believe words are more important than actions, provided the words in question ‘offend’ their limited sensibilities.
Also, Trump has stated again that the UK will get a good trade deal post-Brexit with him in the White House, but this story was buried until very recently, probably because the BBC knows that it’s already lost the argument on Brexit and that the majority in the UK will be more favourable to a president that respects our decision to leave the EU than one who still wants to try and reverse it for the sake of globalisation. Trump continues to be by far the preferred candidate and this latest ‘scandal’ doesn’t change that, but the BBC and the media in general thinks it can win the election by confirming each other’s pre-existing dislike of Trump and white western patriotic males in general. Trump, meanwhile, is keeping his game based on policy and on the ground, continuing to get thousands of attendees to each of his rallies and continuing to be even in the media’s own polls which oversample registered Democrats by an average of 11%. The idea that his campaign is over now, when he has two debates to lay into Clinton for her decades of corruption and incompetence, is ludicrous.
For genuine info from the US I go to Fox News on YouTube, particularly Bill O’Reilly – balanced, articulate unbiased and informed. In contrast, the lefty US media is a clone of the BBC and is a bad joke, with its propagandist output propping up all the favoured left-wing causes – the current one naturally being Clinton.
Radio 4 Today’s treatment of 2 stories the news.
Headline : excited squealing oh how Trump said something very laddish in 2005
Buried away in second part of paper review
– “The Times has Tax affairs of Wayne Rooney”
– “The Express has Tax affairs of England Manager Gareth Southgate”
– mumble voice “The mail has ‘investigation into the tax dodging of 100 BBC staff’
…”and on to the weather.
It must be quite shocking for the BBC to realise that sometimes males talk in such a sexist/misoginistic fashion.
I would lay money on the fact that most males who were not bought up in Islington and studied for a degree in media studies at the LSE have probably had conversations along similar lines at some time in their lives.
Yes its sexist, yes its childish and yes its downright ignorant and yes it is probably all bravado. But generally that is all it is.
In the past when working I have had all sort of “sexist” conversations with my colleagues, but I have also been bought up in a culture that generally respects the rights of women and whilst I might have a risque joke or two. I would no more treat this sort of conversation as reality than I would still believe in the tooth fairy.
It never ceases to amaze me how the left seize on some crap remark such as this and yet ignore the truly wicked stuff that is happening all around us.
I guess the sistas need something to screech about without having to leave their “safe place” They certainly seem to be able to turn a very blind eye to sharia law, FGM and the treatment of women in Islamic countries.
So sorry to disappoint you MSM but these sort of conversations are quite normal amongst most working blokes. But having been bought up in the Judeo Christian culture we also recognise the fact that generally you do not act in this fashion.
It is interesting (as far as I know) that in the West we dont have an equivalant single word for taharrush.
I suppose living in the affluent, liberal bubble the lefty media will never change their ways – but do they ever stop to wonder why despite all their wailing and gnashing of teeth us prolls continue to disobey them , despite all the “re-education” they bombard us with.
I suppose they never will, lets just hope we can complete Brexit and get our society and culture back before these twats sell us all down the river and allow it to be replaced with something far nastier.
Of course all women never talk about men in such terms or behave badly do they?
They’d never objectify men, call them fat, call them skinny, call them ugly, make crude jokes about genitals, be predatory, get drunk, say the wrong thing sometimes, watch a stripper, get drunk and show their breasts or bums, pee in the street, fart loudly, belch the alphabet, get in a fight or do anything wrong, ever.
It must be bloody hard being so perfect, no wonder they’re so uptight about men’s ‘disgusting behaviours’.
Which reminds me of a story from the last war. Two RAF pilots are outside a pub in a none too sober state, having a pissing competition. A Landgirl passes them whilst entering the pub. She says to the two of them; Listen guys you need a lesson on how to do this properly. Leaning against the bench table she hauls down her britches and proceeds to out piss them both.
By way of light relief.
In the Times today is an article where, in terms, the Grauniad is having to fess up to the fact that they were totally stitched up and ran the story but did not do the usual checks referencing the famous/infamous Corbyn-on-the-rammed-train story.
I wonder whether our esteemed state broadcaster will give this a mention?
So…….Trump spluttered something about women 11 years ago and it was taped and has now miraculously surfaced.
Hands up anyone who has NOT uttered something demeaning about a group to which they do not belong throughout their lifetime.
Hands up who thinks darling Hilary may have said something equivalently demeaning but managed NOT to have a tape recorder in the ON position at that moment.
Trump’s crime was to be blokeish and have a friend on whom he could not rely at his side at the time.
I haven’t actually heard what Trump said, because I won’t know which bits to believe. Whatever it was will be spun by the UK media to sound worse than it is, so there’s really no point listening.
It does occur to me, though, that it may not have been wise for the Clintons to allow the treatment of women to be a main talking point. Trump has already said he held back on that subject out of respect for Chelsea Clinton who was in the audience. The Clintons have now made it open season on that subject.
As Scott Adams has said:
That opens the door for Trump to attack in a proportionate way. No more mister-nice-guy. Gloves are off. Nothing is out of bounds. It is fair to assume that Bill and Hillary are about to experience the worst weeks of their lives.
I hope that the American people see that Mr Trump does at least have the good grace and honour to admit when he has made mistakes and to apologise for them. As people, being human, we do make mistakes all the time and our strength is owning up to them.
This is almost the polar opposite of both Clinton W and HR. Any sincerity is false, money is all and they rely on people being gullible enough to suck it all up.
I hope that the American people prove they understand this.
‘Bill Clinton calls Obamacare ‘the craziest thing in the world,’ later tries to walk it back’
No word of this in BBC broadcast news and can’t seem to find it reported on BBC on-line – any friends of the BBC who still think it is balanced help us out here?
Interesting snippet in one of the papers today…..
“Actor David Oyelowo (once tipped to be James Bond) laments the lack of black actors in UK movies. He says people of colour have been ‘wiped out of Britain’s history’ as there are lead parts for black actors in only 13 PER CENT of all our movies. given that black people make up 3 PER CENT of the UK population, that makes them more than 4 TIMES OVER-REPRESENTED ! Yesterday on Radio 4 another actor David Harewood blamed discrimination against blacks on Brexit……” (nothing to do with rubbish acting then ?)
If the above statistics are correct, then how many times ‘over-represented’ are they included in tv dramas/soaps/advertisements/tv presenters-journalists ?????? to appease all and sundry except the white indigenous population, we are probably the only country in the world (apart from Japan) who are trying to make amends for mis-deeds that were carried out hundreds of years ago.
Brissles -I heard something similar on R4 last week but didnt hear the whole interview as I “speed jabbed” the channel change to classic FM – dam quick!
I am afraid the black grievance industry will never be appeased, even if – in the next BBC, WW2 drama Churchill is played by a rastarfarian called Leroy in a tea cosy hat smoking a big dooby instead of a cigar.
Unfortunately while some so many influential black media types buy into the grievance cause, they will never be able to improve the life chances of their community as a whole because they are too busy looking for white bogeymen instead of looking for reasons within their own culture as to why they may not achieve as much as they want.
Besides at the end of the day we cant all be superstars – I am in my fifties, work full time and earn less than ten pounds an hour – Under achiever maybe – but we all have choices in life. At the end of the day it is no-ones fault but my own.
Yes that 13% black figure keeps coming up and I wondered on the provenance for it.
..Yes if you spend your life in inner South London you may think that 13% is an under-representation of the black population. But otherwise you’d need slippage in definitions to get to that number.
eg “Across Britain 13% of people are classed as NON-WHITE”
i.e. 13% is the fig for ALL BME (not just black) by 2011 census results if you exclude Scotland
If you include Scotland it’s 10%
The BBC is reasonable to assume that figure rise to 13% BME in the next 2 decades due to old white people dying.
But by the time you account for Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, East Asians etc in BME ..there isn’t much of a percentage for Black (Africa or Afro-Caribbean)
Russia Today… is a UK based media network
That does whatever is best for that Russian government,
Hence it gives a lot of time denigrating the UK, mocking its culture and talking down the economy.
On US matters it acts to disrupt the US elections so that the Americans don’t end up with a strong president and government.
Specifically on energy it acts in the interests of Russian Gas and Oil interests, by really scaremongering about FRACKING in the UK and the UK opening up it’s own shale gas fields, cos that gas’s effect on the European market would lead to a lower demand and price for Russian gas.
Russia Today is a propaganda network owned and controlled by the Russian government
..Today… is a UK based media network
That does whatever is best for that Russian government,
Hence it gives a lot of time denigrating the UK, mocking its culture and talking down the economy.
On US matters it acts to disrupt the US elections so that the Americans don’t end up with a strong president and government.
Specifically on energy it acts in the interests of Russian Gas and Oil interests, by really scaremongering about FRACKING in the UK and the UK opening up it’s own shale gas fields, cos that gas’s effect on the European market would lead to a lower demand and price for Russian gas.
BBCR4 Today is a propaganda network owned and controlled by the Russian government ?
Is it ?
The material shown on Today :
Helps to destroy the BBC’s hard-won credibility and diminish the value of the BBC pension fund.
+ illustrate the BBC has a distorted obsession with DIVERSITY.
+ has a mistaken loyalty to steering community cohesion and avoiding raising community tensions.
The material shown on Today highlights the fact that the BBC
practices an unannounced policy of going out of their way to show that the majority identities such as white, heterosexual are NOT favoured,
…… by in each NEGATIVE news report deliberately
#1 HIGHLIGHTING markers of certain social categorisations e.g. white or British or UKIP supporters or non-Lefty
#2 And hyping the story
#1 stripping off and withholding markers of certain social categorisations eg. Black, Muslim, gay, trans etc.
…or #2 even hiding or failing to report the whole story
and in each POSITIVE news report deliberately
#1 HIGHLIGHTING markers of certain social categorisations eg. Black, Muslim, gay, trans etc. And #2 hyping the story
#1 stripping off and withholding markers of certain social categorisations eg. white or British or UKIP supporters or non-Lefty
…or #2 even hiding or failing to report the whole story
Abbott was never an ex-lover…..he only called her round and asked her to sit naked on the floor with her legs open, so he could see what his brown sofa would look like with pink cushions.
Words fail me. The number of ‘celebrities’ I have lost respect for. Why should we take any notice of their opinions – they are all pigs with their snouts in the trough.
In the acting profession expressing support for Trump or anything Republican is an instant career-ender. There are no doubt many decent actors and actresses but their livelihood depends on being schtum.
Quite how ‘luvvie septic fading actor jumps on acceptable hate and incitement (apparently) bandwagon’ is clearing the front page for news in the UK is beyond me, but our broadcasters seem to feel this is, like, epic. Global Tools, Gurny-Murphy on Ch4 (who can’t even get a Taxi Driver quote right)… the whole lot are having a collective fit of the faux vapours whilst firing up the pitchforks irony free.
Be interesting if those with a more grounded view of the world, and actual lives outside the bubble, feel this hysterical tosh is a bit OTT and the whole stinking pile backfires. Again.
Strange how BBC & MSM keep endless playing the Humble Trump apology video
…”That was 10 years ago, I’m not like that anymore, I ‘ve learnt so much from this campaign and meeting the women of America, I’ve been humbled”
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 Sluff – well done yoy listening to that c—p – my rationing of BBC is down to ‘bells on Sunday…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 #LondonIsOpen except for Trump #MeccaIsClosed except for Muslims [img][/img] “Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners…
SluffMar 16, 08:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Toady on Sunday and the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation playbook is in full swing. First up. An almost ecstatic reporter visiting…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:58 Weekend 15th March 2025 650 MPs to form the front line! 800 Lords on the second line.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:50 Weekend 15th March 2025 It is popularly known in Nigerian and Western media as “Boko Haram,” which means “Western education is forbidden” (the word…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 “What does the Hungarian nation demand from Brussels? Let there be peace, freedom, and unity. 1. We demand a Europe…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First…
Fedup2Mar 16, 07:45 Weekend 15th March 2025 JohnC – im sure I heard the Russians say if nato troops try ‘peace keeping ‘ they’ll be shot ……
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:44 Weekend 15th March 2025 “ratchet up pressure…to convince him to come to the negotiating table” ………………… Wealthy Russians flee to Dubai to avoid sanctions…
Now on R4 Feedback : item on James Purnell
Radio management will be split in 2 and Purnell will be in complwete contol, budgets and everything of a dept called Radio in Education :Arts, kids programming etc.
…bet it’s more like Radio in Indoctrination
Sorry, I have been contacted by William Hill, Ladbrokes, Paddy Power, Joe Coral, BetFair, Bet365 and BetVictor in the previous ten minutes.
They have all asked me to advise you that they are unwilling to take your bet.
Apparently these bookmakers only offer odds on events in which there is more than one possible outcome.
As one person said to me “If we took bets on certainties we would be bankrupt in a week”.
4:55pm Go on Guess what the topic is on the Listening Project* ?
..yep : Transgender
“Tallulah and Elijah – Transitioning Together
When a woman trasitions to a man does a gay relationship become a straight one ?
(This weeks ONS robust survey confirmed last years that 1.5% of UK population is gay…transexuals are way way less than that)
* Listening Project : A prog which is supposed to represent the British community at home
“offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain”
What ! minorities have a place, but today’s B-BBC is almost all Virtue Signalling All the Time
On Facebook they are gnawing on what they think is an excess of lady victims in crime dramas.
Grayson and Eddie best watch their backs.
Multisexual Culture is the Culture of left-wing Middle Class White Atheists. With Islamic Culture coming second, Multisexual Culture is the most intolerant Culture in Multicultural Britain. Multisexual Culture is an intolerant culturally imperialist ideology imposed on all the more decent and civilised cultures (other than Islamic Culture), by organisations such as the BBC and the Labour Party.
Decent, Intelligent people are not employed or join such organisations due to an education in subjects censored by such organisations. Hence such organisations are dominated by white middle-class people with unusually low IQ’s, which is the reason why they think immigrants are more intelligent than themselves.
As a Mensa member, from personal experience, I find that such people confuse “liking someone” with “Intelligence”. A situation where if they like someone because they are thick, they call them Intelligent. While if they dislike someone because they are intelligent, they call them unintelligent. It explains why such people like Black people but not Jews, the two extremes on the Global IQ chart.
Yesterday and todays Victoria Derbyshire programmes once again did two programmes promoting same-sex marriage! This time is was because Kylie Minogue and her boy friend said they will not get married till same-sex marriage is by law allowed in Australia!
Not one person in both shows to give the other side of the argument!
’till same-sex marriage is by law allowed in Australia!’
The unwritten law of the ever leftward liberal ratchet says that now this is passed into our law here it has become super holy writ and may never be challenged again. Debate closed. The BBC sees its job to now both rule out of order any debate here and to hopefully impose pantomime marriage in the rest of the world and there can be no valid argument against it there either – well good luck with that in many of those non-English speaking parts of the world that may not be quite such a push over.
On those rare weekends when the circus came to town we used to come across: the woman with beard, the thinnest man on earth, the man with no legs, and other freaks-a-plenty, but if those freak shows were still touring the UK we would gladly include: the “same-sex couples” and a “he who thinks he is a she and she who thinks she is a he”.
But, it gets worse! One can now include an “it” a “third sex” a “pansexual” a “intergender” a “sistergirl” a “genderfluid” a “agender” a “neutrois” a “genderqueer” to the list off circus performers and even then the lists goes on!
Boy, who would have thought that those freakish people would one day be given the keys to their cells and let out then succeed in putting us normal people behind the cell bars to laugh at!?
Who’d have thought that in 100 years society has gone from a woman’s ankles being considered a ‘turn-on’ to Continents being castigated for not allowing marriage by humans of the same sex. What cometh in the next 100 years makes me glad I won’t be around to witness it.
Hope this helps to sort out the gender problem
Recently, the University of Michigan announced a new policy allowing students to choose their own gender and “designated personal pronoun.”
The school’s webpage gives students several examples of pronouns they might use, but it makes sure to stipulate that a person should not be limited to those options. There are ”an infinite number of pronouns,” according to the academic institution that costs thousands of dollars a year to attend. “Always make sure to ask someone for their pronouns,” it warns, as if pronouns are things that a person can own and distribute like business cards.
Granted, it’s a daunting task to memorize everyone’s vocabulary requirements and keep track of the ever-expanding buffet of gibberish cooked up by lesbian college professors and kids on Tumblr, but we’re cautioned that getting it wrong could have disastrous consequences. When we use the “wrong” pronoun (otherwise known as the right pronoun), we’re not only being “disrespectful” and “hurtful,” but “oppressive.”
Changing your gender is easy in a snowflake society where feelings over rule truth and objectity. Lauren Soutern shows how she became a man in one hour
Almost certainly a swing back to a rigid authoritarian society based on the old rules. Possibly Christian more probably Islamic.
Being a Christian myself, I would be extremly delighted if the only sight us men could see of a woman in public would be glimpse of a “woman’s ankles” instead of having our living rooms bombarded with unashamed filth from such females as Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, Celeb-BB, along with every other TV programmes promoting/encouraging lesbian sex, gay sex, transsexual reality shows a-plenty and in the SUN newspaper yesterday: That young people in the UK these days regard sex with a man or a woman AS NORMAL behaviour! Normal Behaviour! What a deluded generation of fathers/mothers to come!
Lord Help the children who are born from those “normal” adults!
There are at least 57 countries (and rising) that will avoid such marraige arrangements. I don’t suppose the bBC et al will be castigating their lack of participation.
Well here’s a controversial subject, yet it’s nothing which hasn’t been(Mis)reported on before.
Just been revisiting the military tech capabilities of the Russians, and I can tell you now, that it’s nothing like as backwards as it once was. Now Russian airpower is very likely to be superior to that of the US, who are currently trying to play down the technical problems they are having with the F22 development.
Their new version of the AWACS system the TU 214R intelligence gathering aircraft is massively capable and has been recently used in Syria.
Far too much detail and data to go into here, but suffice to say this king of weaponry is capable of giving field commanders a highly accurate picture of a battlefield scenario.
So when the BBC tell you that the beastly Russians and their Syrian allies have attacked a hospital, bear in mind that it is almost certain the hospital was being used for military purposes.
We’ve heard all this propaganda from the BBC before, not all that far away from Syria, and it turned out then that they were lying, there’s every reason to believe that they are doing exactly the same now.
With kit like this it’s difficult to make mistakes as the BBC would have you believe.
Very true. The anti aircraft missiles are quite useful as well.
You might want to look at the fairly recent saga involving the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea and the latest generation of Russian ECM equipment.
There is no truth in the rumor that the pilot of the second Suhkoi mooned the ‘Merkans as he repeatedly flew past low n slow… (around 20 times in some accounts)
There were some reports indicating that the US sailors were not happy at all at having their (presumed state of the art) radars disabled… mutiny is too strong but – let’s say it didn’t go well for the Yanks and some – it has been suggested – voiced their displeasure / voted with their feet at the following port call…
I see we’ve had wall to wall coverage from the bbbc re the link below
I thought one of the duties of bbbc was to inform the public
Not even a glimpse of equivalent reporting from them….
Still, at least we all know that the shadow home secretary will keep a close eye on the unfair bias at the bbbc
Brexit and Teresa May. Perhaps she belongs with the EU elite and BBC on Brexit. Challenging article from Spiked.
Seven billion people in the world, 150 plus countries yet for our ‘World Class’ broadcaster the lead story on the Six o’clock news is a tiff in a minor UK party that happened days ago.
Agenda, what agenda?
I think the BBC fear UKIP and with good reason. That’s why they want as much negative publicity as possible.They will milk the Woolfe incident for weeks.
Why? UKIP are likely to scoop up Labour votes in the General Election of 2020 or before.
Look what happened in Hartlepool today at the by-election:-
I believe Mr Wolfe has part Jewish ancestry. Maybe, as they are card carrying Labour luvvies, the hidden reason is that this is what they find so distasteful about him that they need to keep sticking the knife in.
minor UK party?
Four million votes.
We need to support UKIP 100% until the channel widens to 500 miles.
The Labour Party has been an internationalist agency since its inception.
The Conservative Party cannot be trusted.
More UKIP please.
@JimS . . . BbcNews = BbcNarrative
– and the dominant narrative here is
“We are the righteous, We are the VICTIMS” “THEY : those who don’t agree with us are the nasties, the oiks the vile, the wrong”
So the UKIP story is a great narrative they want to run with.
… For Beeboids its an opportunity to MONSTER their ideological opponents.
See there are 2 main types of Narratives
)~: sad, furrowed brow VIRTUE SIGNAL … ()-; nasty MONSTER THEM
… When the UKIP story came in yesterday as
“UKIP guy in serious condition in hospital after becoming unconscious after fight at UKIP meetings”
..They just ran with it
Whereas anyone rational would say “that sounds too wow to be true”, I bet it didn’t happen that way
..and it didn’t take me long to find that he’d collapsed in the corridor 2 hours later.
BBC and Moron Stream Media don’t do the full complexity of news, they go straight to narrative.
…”Our Jimmy, he’s a great guy raises at lot of money for charity, everyone loves him” etc.
19:17pm #bbcEverydayHate @EverydayDireOneShow
Bill Bailey : “Oh look I’m drunk”
Sandy Toskvig : “oh it’s like being with a UKIP person”
Bill Bailey : “Right Outside !… ha ha ha ”
See what’s going on there … if you replace the word UKIP with black ?
Our top edgy comics are basically just acting like old racists, but without the comeback at them.
I stopped watching HIGNFY a long time ago because of shite like that.
“Should there be more Muslim state schools?” asks the BBC.
Well, I say ‘asks’ but obviously it’s what al-beeb wants to see.
No, is the simple answer, infact there should be none.
How on earth can having such segregated schools help community cohesion?.
And if anyone thinks for one moment that such schools wouldn’t encourage or further the Islamic agenda then they must work for the, well, BBC.
Er, exactly how many Christian schools are there in the Islamic states ?? Its proposals like this that exacerbate the flames of simmering resentment, and if it kicks off in race riots and ‘hate crimes’ is there little wonder ? the thickos in the media/government/lefties groups just don’t ‘get it’. The mantra of we need migrants for the economy and help our ageing population; but as Melanie Phillips so succinctly put it last night “migrants age too”, and most migrants spend as little as possible in this country because their salary is sent back home (together with child benefits, but that issue has gone very quiet of late).
Give them as many Islamic schools as they want (in Muslim areas that is): anything which isolates them even more in our society is a good thing and should be supported, also it keeps their malign influence away from British children.
It has gone quiet on the matter. There are roughly 35 million working people in the U.K. If there are about 3 million of these sending the bulk of their money ‘home’ on a regular basis, then there is a massive and unsustainable drain on future resources. Even if the figure was half that there is still a massive problem being stored up.
The same Muslim schools that have been caught with contovertial radical DVDs and books many times and segregating boys from girls, and almost closed down by OFSTED, and threatening OFSTED.
Muslim schools? Financed mainly by Saudi. You know, the country that prohibits any other religion to be practised on its lands.
Sinniberg, quite a focussed article written by a EX-Muslim. Yes, that’s right: ‘EX’. Read about what his views on the Cult of Submission are:
Oh look whose pulling Angela Merkels strings !
BBC Online News:
“”The brother of Home Secretary Amber Rudd, says he is “desperately worried” by the tone of UK’s debate on immigration””
What value is Rudd’s brother’s opinion??
Any? Other than to shore-up BBC’s Left Wing stance on mass immigration.
He is a Left Wing activist etc.
“”He is strongly in favour of British engagement with the European Union and has campaigned for electoral reform. He has been seen as having more political contacts on the left than the right””
“”He is strongly in favour of British engagement with Europe, and is chairman of Business for New Europe and a member of the Centre for European Reform’s advisory board””
What on earth is the Centre for European Reform?
The only reform the EU needs is to be flushed down the loo.
And they didn’t hold back on pushing him for the ‘right’ content did they?
He is currently free to go and live in his European utopia anyway. Maybe Molenbeek, Malmö or one of the many places in France listed here?
I wish him and his ilk bon voyage, don’t rush back.
Two post of mine vanished
Is everything working OK?
G.W.F. on October 7, 2016 at 7:39 pm on WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…
Changing your gender is easy in a snowflake society where feelings over rule truth and objectity. Lauren Soutern shows how…
G.W.F. on October 7, 2016 at 7:36 pm on WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…
Hope this helps to sort out the gender problem Recently, the University of Michigan announced a new policy allowing students…
Never mind G.W.F.
Sh*t happens.
Here’s one I had “disappeared” before The Vote.
What the Germans think of us!
Never mind Rhif 7
Shortly we will be able to say to the Germans “You’re not laughing now.”
Its on the cards.
German humour must always be taken seriously.
It begins quite well, but swiftly deteriorates into ‘racial purity head measurement’ territory. I’m amazed it was allowed to be broadcast, given German history.
Still very little coverage of the increasing tension in Syria between a very bellicose USA ( listen to their speeches !) and Russia. I have not heard such talk for many years.
Now I do not do conspiracy theories but something here is way adrift.
Put it this way. Trump looks like he could win. This is something the US elite will not accept. Money and power as always. Also Trump really worries the money power now.
So a crisis is instigated with Russia. War looms or at least incidents that could lead to it. The US election is postponed .Obama stays in power and maybe gets a third term. The US people do their patriotic duty and fall in behind.
The other strand is if Aleppo falls then Assad wins and the US is out of the game and Saudi Arabia is very upset indeed. Isis is then facing extinction and Russia becomes number one in the ME .
Perhaps all is fantasy but then perhaps not. The danger is that the US under Obama is weakly led and that is not true of Russia. if Putin calls the US bluff then WW3 is but a miscalculation away.
“the US is out of the game and Saudi Arabia is very upset indeed. Isis is then facing extinction and Russia becomes number one in the ME .”
Nail on head – to a point, but no cigar. Saudi for certain created ISIS and the abortive revolution in Syria. Post Iraq, it seemed the West would not or could not put boots on the ground, so the intervention was limited to a aerial support role.
In past history the West always supported Israel and Syria was an enemy of Israel – hence Russia getting a toe in. The Assad family has been in power since the 1970s so why are they suddenly such a problem now?
ISIS is a Saudi creation, and we are involved because Saudi wants us to be. More ‘British’ Muslims have joined ISIS than have joined the Policefull of religious & armed forces put together. Syria was a place religious diversity was respected, but Saudi doesn’t like that so it all had to go.
Russia will not become No1 in the ME because they can’t be bought like the West can. Problem is our politicians are extremely badly paid, and the PM is paid little more than a head teacher, what do you expect is going to happen?
Agreed up to a point. Russia cannot be bought as you say and that ,in my opinion, makes it more likely that it will dominate the ME. Arab military power is very limited and as always lacks leadership . Russia is getting close to Iran and Putin may decide to work closely with that country. Saudi Arabia has money for now but little real military capability. If Trump is elected and withdraws from the ME and at the same time reaches an understanding with Putin then Saudi Arabia is finished. And with them go the rest of the dreadful bunch.
Israel will not be affected for now as it’s military is more than capable of dealing with the entire Arab armies. However Iran and Israel will remain a problem.
Real politik might demand that Iran is the future major ME power. In that case the West would be well advised to encourage the secular forces in Iran .As we all know Iran is not an Arab state and neither is it a Sunni one.
“Our politicians are badly paid”. What! For their lack of intelligence and general knowledge, they are well overpaid. Who with any intelligence would have voted for the “Climate Change Act”, suicide for the Country and People?
Anybody think that the situation is being steadily manipulated so that ‘illary’s lot will come straight out with something like “Trump will cause ww3” because of the perception they are pushing out that Trump is an inexperienced hothead who will rush into conflict at the drop of a hat.
5:20pm the @bbcPM Virtue Signal of the day was “poor black people are oppressed, cos they can’t vote in some states without showing photo-ID”
…Does that seem like a none-story ?
There can’t be many people in the US who live without photo ID, everyone who drives for a start has a driving licence. Surely the main group without photo-ID would be illegals.
Yep I can imagine some poor black guy being given the run around by one stupid office, but I bet it’s not so widespread.
For a start last time many states had the Photo-ID requirement so it’s only the case that a few states are bringing up their standard to the same level.
– Seems to me this is a PR story from an activist NGO handed to the BBC on the plate.. It wasn’t the BBC that made the recordings. BBC Web report
“Surely the main group without photo-ID would be illegals”
“Trump says U.S. officials letting in illegal immigrants so they can vote”
Can illegals vote in the US?
President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.
Whenever voting fiddles come to light it’s almost always the Left doing it isn’t it?
A man wielding an axe threatened a group of Jewish people in an alleged anti-Semitic hate crime in Prestwich .
This is obviously a Muslim because Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad always describes effinks as ‘men’ whereas whites are always described as such.
Probably a stray Corbynista.
Showing the effect of Labour political correctness on the failing Greater Manchester (supposed) Police:
Happy #WorldSmileDay we hope you have had a happy safe day.
It’s certainly not a ringing endorsement for Colgate, is it?
NHS dentistry. Envy of the world.
G.W.F. – Or possibly Muslim consanguinity: the envy of no-one sane.
You gotta feel sorry for the products of arranged, first-cousin marriages.
I feel sorry for Shergar when he wants his teeth back.
BBC West Country today 1pm news we had a great feature on how the County Councils are being really nasty and failing to accommodate Syrian Refugees. Then we had a name and shame of all the County Councils; Dorset must sit in the corner with the dunce cap because they have no plans and East Devon go to the top of the class because they have accepted 55 woo hoo. As rider in 2010 there were 18 000 families waiting for Council assisted housing in West Devon alone.
Then we cut to Plymouth for an interview with a Syrian gentleman who speaks pretty good English and is clearly from the ME with a dusky skin. He tells us how grateful he is for the sanctuary and as a pay back he is helping other Syrian refugees by educating them about the UK and teaching them English. All very laudable and nice. Then camera cuts to his students who, with the exception of one, all are Black Africans.
Are we stupid or what?
The BBC clearly thinks so. Twice today I have switched on R4 only to hear the same drivel about historical black experiences in Britain. On both occasions I switched it straight off again. I no longer care. They have worn that toy out.
It is quite clear that the BBC has now descended into such a trough of post-imperial guilt that it has lost its collective reason. Race is the only thing it cares about. Time for it to go.
It’s nice to hear that our elected councillors in Pembrokeshire have such an altruistic attitude towards the Syrian regugees.
They have been busy virtue signalling with their holier than thou soundbytes as they welcome the ability to offload the problem to certain voluntary groups in tne community. Groups, I’m sure, led by folk who live in areas unlikely to be flooded by any influx.
Dysgwr_C, “Hiraeth Hope” is mentioned at the end of the newspaper article. Unfortunately there is no registration of a charity of that name on the Charities Register I can find. So who are they and what connection do they have to the Council who, it would appear, may be financing them with ratepayers money? If you have any more detail for “Hiraeth Hope” stick it in the search facility on:
I’d be interested in any results you obtain.
I think more work needs to be done generally on Charity Searching as I doubt whether all those Registered Charities possess a registered remit to, “help” in the so-called, “Refugee crisis” and therefore any breach of their objects can be reported to the Charities Commission.
Teaching them how to get a NI number and max benefits.
Tiger OC – My family have been in Plymouth for generations, what rankled was when Abdul announced ‘this is now MY society, this is now MY City’. He wants more of his kind in to enrich us with things such as food, culture, customs, etc. The arrogant assumption of these people is staggering. Radio Devon then found a councillor who said taking in migrants was ‘what the people wanted’. Equally deluded.
Last call: What’s happened to London’s nightlife?
The article talks about about the closure of 50% of the London nightclubs over the last 5 years.
“Bars, pubs, social and comedy clubs have also seen numbers drop.”
I guess that London is being so enriched with immigration and multiculturalism is working so well we don’t need traditional nightclubs, bars, pubs etc any more.
Yes, London is such a fun place to be now, isn’t it?
This is an old story. Not sure why the BBC are running this story in the London category as it applies to the country as a whole.
It first aired a couple of months ago:
Ethnic minorities don’t go clubbing. They are the majority now in London.
Hence the decline in Night Clubs.
They go to coffee chains instead. I was in London earlier this year and was surprised to discover coffee shops still busy after 11pm, but noticed that the people there were from ethnic minorities. Obviously something to do with being alcohol-free places. A worrying trend.
A Muslim Mayor perhaps ? how long before the West End theatres close and transfer to Birmingham, Manchester or Stevenage ? That could be the germ of an idea for a sci-fi (?) film – the M25 being the border into Londonistan, an outpost of Kabul, with Mayor Khan reigning supreme (tieless)
Blacks go clubbing.
Blacks go clubbing.
Needles to say, the Cult of Submission will not drink alcohol so maybe the vast numbers of them living in the Londonistan Caliphate will have some impact on these closures?
From the Telegraph (on-line):
“More than 100 BBC presenters are under investigation for alleged tax avoidance after being suspected of wrongly using personal service companies to minimise their tax bills, HMRC has revealed.
A “very significant number of BBC news presenters” – as well as a number of staff at other broadcasters – face demands to hand over unpaid tax and national insurance contributions after HMRC launched a probe into whether stars had incorrectly declared themselves to be self-employed.
The BBC announced in July that it had moved 85 presenters onto its books as full-time employees, after a report published in 2012 found that the corporation paid more than 124 stars in excess of £150,000 a year via personal service companies.
… … …”
Links to that story : Telegraph …Daily Mail (has open comments)
Meanwhile ex BBC DJ Chris Denning has had 13 more years jail sentence added to his current one.. after admitting abusing 11 boys as young as eight. BBC News web
He should convert to a religion where you can get away with doing this. A religion where you are virtually immune from prosecution.
It’s his own fault for being white.
I think it was only a matter of time before this came out. It was flagged as an issue at the time of the Panama Papers. A lot of people guessed that bbc ’employees’ would be self-employed or had formed limited companies to reduce their tax liabilities. Those people of course were perfectly correct in seeing through the hypocrisy of the bbc reporters as they mounted their moral high horses and strutted round the arena of Mossack Fonseca while riding roughshod over the late D. Cameron.
If you are self-employed and only work for a single entity, it’s not a case of if but when HMRC will come calling.
Strange, but if one googles ‘bbc tax avoidance’ today there is one news outlet missing from the hits – guess who?????
I see that the Beeb has put this story on employees tax affairs in the ‘entertainment’ section on their website. It’s been there all day. You’ve got to laugh at them, saddos think we don’t notice.
Ex BBC head calls more “more Conservatives in the newsrooms”
* Now CEO of the New York Times Company
Made on the Media Masters podcast mp3 download 59min juicy bit at 25:40
(I repost cos stranded at the old thread just as it closed TooTrue left a comment )
There is a short i-paper article.. full of their normal bias
Transcript highlights : Context both guest and interviewer are fully indoctrinated BBCtologists they don’t understand that there is any other worldview other than Brexit and Trump are evil.
24: 00 starts talking about impartiality
25:40 Presenter scoff at “Unconscious liberal bias” Marr metioned
26:05 “It helps to have conservatives inside your newsroom, inside your decision making bodies, inside your senior leadership”
26:21 “I have 1 or 2 former colleagues who are in the government” (really I don’t believe any ex BBC are in the Tory gov)
26:47 Presenter expresses surprise that a Labour minister Purnell is employed, as if he expected there were Tory placements within the BBC
27:30 “During referendum the BBC was criticised for excess fairness” (Really ? can only be by a few Guardian idiots, ah he means due to law ..the BBC wasn’t as pro Labour as usual)
28:10 Presenter “Trump supporters can’t be moved by logic, just emotional” (Presenter is talking like a man full or prejudices)
MT realises you can’t say that….and that you can’t dismiss Trump
29:00 “Trump is equal among white women voters”
again BBCtologist presenter is flabbergasted.
MT “Be careful, Be careful” (he;’s showing he genuinely fears Trump winning (so he is partial)
32:30 They seem wedded to idea that only EXPERTS can comment on things
35:50 Discussion about Brexit memes
they think Remain lost, cos it didn’t have good slogans (facepalm)
The BBC avoids inviting anyone with Brains. I heard that last week a guest on George Galloway’s RT program gave an intelligent summary of Brexit. Pointing out that the Single Market is protectionist, not a Free Market, and that it would be the EU that would try to impose tariffs, not Britain. I was told that the guest was an expert on how Theresa May thinks. She ways up the options in a scientifically analytical way, and said that this strategy would be inevitably be chosen by Theresa May. He points out that the EU would not be able to get all its members to agree to such tariffs, and that such a tariff regime would damage the EU more than the UK, due to our trade deficit.
On the BBC, all you get is idiots squealing in fear of Hard Brexit, the threats from the EU, the unknown and their own ignorance.
The odd thing about Gorgeous George is that he can be a very calm and polite interviewer. I suppose we all know he is an extreme left winger, therefore he has no need to engage in any virtue signalling to show how right on he is.
All the Tories need to do to destroy the BBC is to announce that in response to concerns about the threat to the independence of the BBC, and for Lord Hall and the BBC Management to avoid the scrutiny of an impending Judicial review. The Government is to give the BBC complete and total financial and editorial independence, and freedom from its Charter obligations, which are no longer imposed by the BBC Trust, anyway.
Tit Nolan on 5 Dead audibly abusing himself with his right hand under the desk as he snorts and squeals about something Trump said last century.
Sandwiched in between bleating about UKIP and then Brexit he’s clearly going for the asshole of the year award.
He gets my vote.
I was listening to Nolan talking and I thought
“What are you on about Nolan,You are incensed about what Trump said 13 years ago, but what you Tubby Nolan say TODAY about your attitude towards CAKE is worse, that you can’t walk within 6 feet of one without groping it.”
The sudden appearance of an 11 year old tape of Trump is an obvious political hit job. I am glad he has quickly apologised, and then pointed out that Hillary is married to a rapist.
That’s what I like about The Donald, he will always take a gun to a knife fight.
@Rob-in-Cheshire “an 11 year old tape of Trump is an obvious political hit job”
… Yes strange that tape should suddenly drop out of nowhere
yes too right it’s apparent that Moron Stream Media’s agenda being driven by Hillary’s incredibly big and well funded PR team.
..I expect they are sitting on a pile of such anti-Trump bombs.
but as you say or Scott Adams said last year.
Trump has amazing communication tricks : “Trump brings a flamethrower to a stick fight
To this latest event we could say
“With Trump you get the SWagger”
..”With Hillary you get the SWindler”
I’ve never liked Trump ..but he hires the right policy advisors and policies are what count.
It seems that Germany is to bar EU immigrants from unemployment benefits for 5 years, which if you recall was what Boy Dave sought, and had refused, back in February. I read a brief bit about this online in yesterday’s Express but it was so vague I thought it was typical Express hype. I now read it behind the Times paywall.
Apparently Frau Doktor Merkel can do it because the German system is dependent on having paid in, whereas we can’t because our system doesn’t require a qualifying period of contribution!!!
Like Germany and France being able to support their steel industries to combat Chinese dumping because they have done it since 1947 whereas we cannot in time if need, it becomes ever clearer that leaving the grasping, corrupt EU is probably our wisest action for oh, about 44 years.
On top of that the Times says that we are likely to confirm that the EU hordes present here up to the Brexit vote date can stay, thereby removing our only solid bargaining chip if/when our EU ‘friends’ cut up rough on trade.
Will we never learn?
It was mentioned above that the BBC has been publicising Kylie Minogue’s refusal to marry until same-sex marriage is legal in Australia. Believe me, the media here in Australia are just as one-sided in promoting ‘marriage equality’ as they usually refer to it.
Our present government (of PM Malcolm Turnbull) came to power with a promise of a referendum on the issue. The leftist parties are now opposing the referendum, on the grounds that it will unleash hate speech and be divisive! We cynics suspect this translates as: ‘We’re likely to lose’. Small-town and rural Aussies (not to mention our middle-eastern Muslims) are more conservative than the metropolitan ruling class. (Voting is compulsory here.)
Now, if you REALLY want to hear about hate speech, read this:
Did the broadcast media news touch the story? Not on any channel I saw. Sounds of sulphur-crested cockatoos squawking, gum leaves dropping, sizzling prawns tumbling from the barbie – but this, not a word. (Imagine the non-stop coverage if the Christians had attempted to nobble the opposition.)
The commercial Channel 9 has hugely pushed the gay marriage issue. (Goodness knows what their gay and lesbian viewers really think. The only lesbian couple I’ve personally known seemed far too conservative and sensible to want to be Mrs and Mrs.) Every morning brings some Darby and Joan (or possible Darby and Darby?) long-term pair who yearn to partake of the new-style Aussie nuptials – usually held under a gazebo on Bondi beach to a soundtrack of Kylie warbling, ‘I should be so lucky’.
Kylie has a very pert and attractive derriere, but I prefer it when she does not speak out of it.
I am wondering who came up with this bright idea, Kylie or her fiance? I think someone might have commitment issues in that relationship.
That is all a charade on Kylie’s part. The ‘little poppet’ as Barry McKenzie’s alter ego would call her is just saving herself until she meets me!
I met her at baggage reclaim at London City Airport. She really is very short (just my type – I’m 6’1″).
This morning’s Today programme currently trying to spin against Brexit in the most obvious way … since yesterday.
Ukip comfortably steal Labour seat in by-election, this is real news, but little mention in the mass media and certainly no mention on the BBC
Sorry John Bull, but I prefer to think that UKIP won the seat rather than stealing it.
One way to address the increase in ‘mental health’ related incidents…
Do Kent Police (and their specialists) speak Norwegian?
Sky News: (Not on BBC Online News).
“”Around 100 BBC presenters facing ‘tax dodge’ claims””
“”The inquiries were revealed in a tax tribunal judgment involving newsreaders Tim Willcox and Joanna Gosling, who have appealed against a ruling by HMRC to pay extra tax and National Insurance contributions””
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
The BBC, always ready to criticise everybody else over tax.
Oh no, not our favourite trombone-soloist Tim Wilcox – how we admired his no-nonsense Paxman-esque truth-to-power take down of that elderly jewish lady on the streets of Paris hours after the kosha supermarket murders by islamic fanatics.
Friends! I’m off to the Hard-Right Salisbury in a moment, but thought I’d leave you with this Tweet, which links to a comment I made earlier in the Hard-Right Guardian:
Have a great Far-Right weekend, all you neoliberal racists, you!
I too am a Wessex Man SOL! Salisbury but a brief hop, and I`m well-known from my SWP days in the The Railway!.
We`ll have to meet for this Wessex Succession and the Great Rebellion.
I carry a Morning Star and Ted Heath music score, if you get a jaunty sailors hat and a Tony Benn Billy can (sadly now filled with his pipes ash-as well as is now!)-we can plot the course from Friend to Comrade!
You won`t fuel the Children of The Revoltion SOL…Salisbury to be the New Starlingrade?
PS-have a look at what you wrote on the CIF there Saveed! Can I be a Comrade yet?…or shall I bully a few old Tories?
Be sure to grab a sausage roll at Reeves the Baker.
The BBC attacks top public enemies
It’s clear this morning that this guy Donald Trump is BBC public enemy number one. Another Democrat Party orchestrated attack story is aired on BBC news as though it were, well, news. This is just the latest shot. The last time a BBC head line appeared that was in any way anti-Clinton was back on 11th September when she was filmed collapsing in public. The anti-Trump bias is so blatant that it hardly needs cataloguing.
BBC Breakfast newspaper head lines carefully gloss over “100 BBC stars” tax difficulties although the Inland Revenue related speculation about Wayne Rooney does get a mention.
Another BBC metropolitan-in-style shiney-headed paper reviewer manages in some roundabout way to liken Trump to Hitler. This was tenuous in the extreme – there’s a story about Hitler having ghost written his own biography in 1920-something and we are told Mr Trump once telephone canvassed support whilst using an assumed name – I know, put him on trial at Nuremberg.
Then our guest BBC teamster attacks UKIP – not so much for the recent bust up and alleged fisticuffs but for the ‘sexist’ language of ‘girl on girl’ and ‘tarts round a handbag’ – exactly who said that to what journo and in what precise context we are not told – but y’know UKIP are all sexist, right?
More bias from Stephen Sackur, but Le Pen gives him both barrels;
The Express has video but it’s on youtube as well
Direct link to Sackur’s interruption
and goes on to knock him down squarely at lenghth as the Express details.
R4 News quiz lasted 35s before I turned it off
.. Jeremy Hardy just came on, opening by sneering at the Tory Party conference.
Excellent stuff DB… I have seen her in interview before with some talking head from the bbbc newsnight team. Le Pen hammered her, too.
Is it me or is Le Pen a bit of a babe?
Oh, sorry I exhibited heterosexual thoughts, please forgive me bbbc
I was going to say
..With that comment you’ve blown your chances of becoming US president in 11 years time.
I think Marine Le Pen is France’s last hope. Basically, it’s her or the caliphate.
For the record though, yes, she is.
Le Pen a bit of a babe?
Nah, her face is too hard, almost masculine.
And I don’t doubt she shares some of the prejudices of her racist, anti-Semitic father.
She threw him out of the party, so I don’t think she shares his views.
I don’t think she has got any time for the anti-semitism which used to infect the French right wing (far more than it ever did in Britain). Marine knows who the enemies of France are, and its not Israel or the Jews.
I hope you are right, Rob in Cheshire. There were observations made at the time that she was obliged to expel him for her own political benefit.
AEG – not as much of one as her niece.
I do think that in the name of diversity it is about time that English place names should
be changed. Bombay is now Mumbai. New Amsterdam became New York so why shouldn’t we reflect
the change in our demographics? Londistan would reflect what London has become. Also I think
it is an anachronism to expect a borough of Londodistan to be named Newham. I think that
Newharam would be much more acceptable to more than 50% of the population. I dont think the
supporters of West Ham United would mind their team being called West Haram United. And
I can imagine what pleasure it would give to the BBC on a Saturday afternoon at 5PM reciting the football scores Chelsea 1 West Haram 2 !!
Good shout Foscari. Isn’t it racist/xenophobic/Islamaphobic to deny the changing of place names…. considering that we are allowing everything else to be surrendered to the civil war inducing ‘multiculturalism’!….
A few more examples…
Molester City = The Foxes are renamed to reflect the fact that more believers in the city of Leicester were being good Muslims and actually following Muhammads instruction and undertaking some sweet Islamic enrichment on infidel girls and women
Muhammadsfield Town = It was only a matter of time before the Islamicly enriched Huddersfield submitted to the true purpose of Muslim immigration.
Foscari – Not forgetting of course West Bromwich Halalbion!
Meccasfield, Jeddahburgh, Beheadford.
And even more pleasure for them not to announce Spurs results unless they lose.
In the name of diversity and social justice, of course.
‘fraid I don’t understand.
Trump speaks about women in a sexist, physical manner and he’s denounced by the BBC/Guardian and has to apologise.
The Guardian describes Poldark’s ‘magnificent torso’, and pronounce him as ‘hotter, darker starker.’
The BBC’s Helen Burchell, meanwhile, says of Poldark ‘The actor set hearts racing as he scythed his way through a field, muscles rippling and glistening with sweat, as his dark unruly curls blew in the breeze.’
As of yet the BBC/Guardian have not issued apologies.
Anyone make sense of this?
‘Socialist blinkers®’ See the one true path whilst negating all hypocrisy. Only £49.99+p&p.
One is a fantasy, the other reality. Just which is which…
Was watching the Good Old Days last night!
Reckon Andy Hamilton got Arthur Askeys “funny gene”-utter shite!
But did note the Blair Dancers hoofing away to no effect around him.
My wife reckons that all the girls were refugees from the Black and White Minstrel Show-who were unfairly sacked like the Dagenham Girl Pipers at that Bert Ford place where they dusted the doileys and baked Woolton Pie for the chaps.
They made a film about it I think…Carsick was it?
But I divest!
I think there`s a campaign here-why were the girls in the B/W Minstrel Show all thrown on a frilly scrapheap of old pettis and made to bloody go under Peggy Spencers tent(oo er!)…or even worse, practice their crap hoofings for Pans People and the other Mums Army of cloggers that the BBC used for Saviles coverlet at TOTP?
Sorry-I want unlimited apologies and a donation to the Blackface Heritage Foundation(BHF…Reg Varney Charity No 2525…Prop owner Sir Philip Green)to restitute the roles, the heroinism of these gals who won the war back home while their feckless other halves went off to make up! It`s a war out there Tristram!
So then…was this not THE scandal of the 60s, loads of birds having to find their child-bearing hips because the bloody BBC fired them all, on account of their fellas going down the mine and blacking up….it`s a bit confused here innit?
Anyway-bring back the Girls of the Black and White Minstrel Show-they did NOT deserve to be sacked in the Carlton Greene Massacre of the Bush in 1969! For today…”They Dance Alone”….as Sting still sings for a few quid at Uzbek funerals!
Anyone able to tell me why the BBC lead all their news stuffings on Trump saying his crap years ago when taped secretly.
But when he publicly says that the UK will be the FIRST country he will sign “Free Trade deals” with if he`s elected…well, that`s not reported.
EVEN when this is todays news(not ten years ago)
When its is of interest to 17.4 million people-not the Clinton Family alone, as well as their few hundred muff puffers who work at the BBC and their US outposts.
And when Trump has killed nobody, nor screwed the taxpayer for every penny-unlike his opponents…the Clintons and the BBC being equally guilty here.
Need I ask?…well I do anyway.
Sadly, it’s not just the BBC. Today’s Telegraph might just as well have been compiled by the Illary campaign team.
I don’t mind Trump being exposed and castigated for his behaviour, but to ignore la Clinton’s evil past record as if she were some kind of saint is just inexcusable.
Hypocritical of the BBC to castigate vociferously of something someone said across the pond years ago, when a couple of its own very well paid presenters were guilty of equally offensive comments on a radio show – a few years ago ! (Brand & Ross).
Or, indeed, when yet another of its DJs has been prosecuted for sex offences – this time someone called Chris Denning who just yesterday received a 13 year sentence!
The hypocrisy is mind-numbing.
Not forgetting, of course BBC “stars” Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris and Stuart Hall
Saturday morning and time to descend into the depths of depravity which is BBC News. I can kind of accept yesterday’s news showing a white kid as an example of an abused child subject to the parent’s belief in alternative mumbo jumbo sorry I mean medicine. Maybe the pictured child was Eastern European. I am very much a minority in Newham where the story originated and I should have thought it would be more “real” to picture a Roper or some-other sect child that forms the majority here. But hey ho I guess I must be glad for small mercies and BBC still have access to white kids’ photos.
Anyway on to today and what depths can we plummet to? “Jamie and his Lion: The adults who take their soft toys to work” I kid you not.
My poor daughter already thinks she’s not normal because she has 2 legs and speaks with a native British accent! (Thanks for that cBeebies).
“Testosterone on NHS ‘could help boost women’s libido'” Oh how I will enjoy explaining what libido is to my daughter as she learns to read.
But God help anyone who dares stand up for traditional values! ” Viz-a-Viz the constant Trump and UKIP bashing!
Thanks BBC for always putting the British into the Broadcasting Corporation – NOT
As ChrisH has already pointed out, the BBC is in overdrive with its coverage of the Trump ‘scandal’ which is actually just a comment made as a private citizen 11 years ago, and they’ve even gone so far as to write an article called “Is Trump Campaign Over?” ( which is basically just a recycling of what they’ve been saying for months. His campaign was ‘over’ before he even won the primary, after all. Still not a single mention of Clinton Cash on the BBC, nor have they mentioned the Wikileaks release of Clinton’s emails with John Podesta which confirm her attempts to smear Bernie Sanders as well as wanting completely open borders and saying she would lie on behalf of Wall Street. These are all far bigger issues than something said over a decade ago taken out of context. And that’s not even mentioning Bill’s history of sexual abuse and Hillary’s defence of it, which the BBC refuses to cover despite also being of far greater public interest. Then again, liberals believe words are more important than actions, provided the words in question ‘offend’ their limited sensibilities.
Also, Trump has stated again that the UK will get a good trade deal post-Brexit with him in the White House, but this story was buried until very recently, probably because the BBC knows that it’s already lost the argument on Brexit and that the majority in the UK will be more favourable to a president that respects our decision to leave the EU than one who still wants to try and reverse it for the sake of globalisation. Trump continues to be by far the preferred candidate and this latest ‘scandal’ doesn’t change that, but the BBC and the media in general thinks it can win the election by confirming each other’s pre-existing dislike of Trump and white western patriotic males in general. Trump, meanwhile, is keeping his game based on policy and on the ground, continuing to get thousands of attendees to each of his rallies and continuing to be even in the media’s own polls which oversample registered Democrats by an average of 11%. The idea that his campaign is over now, when he has two debates to lay into Clinton for her decades of corruption and incompetence, is ludicrous.
Yep, remember the Trump campaign will soon be over
……. when he’s won.
Did Hillary ever apologize for this?
or this
Being a leftist means never having to say you’re sorry.
For genuine info from the US I go to Fox News on YouTube, particularly Bill O’Reilly – balanced, articulate unbiased and informed. In contrast, the lefty US media is a clone of the BBC and is a bad joke, with its propagandist output propping up all the favoured left-wing causes – the current one naturally being Clinton.
Radio 4 Today’s treatment of 2 stories the news.
Headline : excited squealing oh how Trump said something very laddish in 2005
Buried away in second part of paper review
– “The Times has Tax affairs of Wayne Rooney”
– “The Express has Tax affairs of England Manager Gareth Southgate”
– mumble voice “The mail has ‘investigation into the tax dodging of 100 BBC staff’
…”and on to the weather.
R4T-oday = BeyondPar-oday
It must be quite shocking for the BBC to realise that sometimes males talk in such a sexist/misoginistic fashion.
I would lay money on the fact that most males who were not bought up in Islington and studied for a degree in media studies at the LSE have probably had conversations along similar lines at some time in their lives.
Yes its sexist, yes its childish and yes its downright ignorant and yes it is probably all bravado. But generally that is all it is.
In the past when working I have had all sort of “sexist” conversations with my colleagues, but I have also been bought up in a culture that generally respects the rights of women and whilst I might have a risque joke or two. I would no more treat this sort of conversation as reality than I would still believe in the tooth fairy.
It never ceases to amaze me how the left seize on some crap remark such as this and yet ignore the truly wicked stuff that is happening all around us.
I guess the sistas need something to screech about without having to leave their “safe place” They certainly seem to be able to turn a very blind eye to sharia law, FGM and the treatment of women in Islamic countries.
So sorry to disappoint you MSM but these sort of conversations are quite normal amongst most working blokes. But having been bought up in the Judeo Christian culture we also recognise the fact that generally you do not act in this fashion.
It is interesting (as far as I know) that in the West we dont have an equivalant single word for taharrush.
I suppose living in the affluent, liberal bubble the lefty media will never change their ways – but do they ever stop to wonder why despite all their wailing and gnashing of teeth us prolls continue to disobey them , despite all the “re-education” they bombard us with.
I suppose they never will, lets just hope we can complete Brexit and get our society and culture back before these twats sell us all down the river and allow it to be replaced with something far nastier.
Of course all women never talk about men in such terms or behave badly do they?
They’d never objectify men, call them fat, call them skinny, call them ugly, make crude jokes about genitals, be predatory, get drunk, say the wrong thing sometimes, watch a stripper, get drunk and show their breasts or bums, pee in the street, fart loudly, belch the alphabet, get in a fight or do anything wrong, ever.
It must be bloody hard being so perfect, no wonder they’re so uptight about men’s ‘disgusting behaviours’.
Men would get arrested if they treated a female stripper the way a hen party treats a male stripper.
I assume a BBC hen party* consists of a plate of tofu and some readings from Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book, so this might all be news to them.
*Obviously both the same sex hens would be present.
You can easily tell a BBC chicken. They don’t have right wings and not a cock in sight.
Which reminds me of a story from the last war. Two RAF pilots are outside a pub in a none too sober state, having a pissing competition. A Landgirl passes them whilst entering the pub. She says to the two of them; Listen guys you need a lesson on how to do this properly. Leaning against the bench table she hauls down her britches and proceeds to out piss them both.
By way of light relief.
In the Times today is an article where, in terms, the Grauniad is having to fess up to the fact that they were totally stitched up and ran the story but did not do the usual checks referencing the famous/infamous Corbyn-on-the-rammed-train story.
I wonder whether our esteemed state broadcaster will give this a mention?
Corbyn seems to have got off rather lightly, despite taking part in a piece of agitprop which the Politburo would have been proud of.
But then I forget, for the BBC, there are no enemies on the left. Let’s all talk about Ukip being a party of thugs instead…
So…….Trump spluttered something about women 11 years ago and it was taped and has now miraculously surfaced.
Hands up anyone who has NOT uttered something demeaning about a group to which they do not belong throughout their lifetime.
Hands up who thinks darling Hilary may have said something equivalently demeaning but managed NOT to have a tape recorder in the ON position at that moment.
Trump’s crime was to be blokeish and have a friend on whom he could not rely at his side at the time.
I haven’t actually heard what Trump said, because I won’t know which bits to believe. Whatever it was will be spun by the UK media to sound worse than it is, so there’s really no point listening.
It does occur to me, though, that it may not have been wise for the Clintons to allow the treatment of women to be a main talking point. Trump has already said he held back on that subject out of respect for Chelsea Clinton who was in the audience. The Clintons have now made it open season on that subject.
As Scott Adams has said:
Hillary might well have had her conversations taped, but whoever did it has probably been bumped off by now.
BBC Online News:
“”US election media review – Is Donald Trump’s campaign over?””
“”Did he really apologise? And has his campaign terminally imploded?””
“”….Donald Trump may have finally dropped off the edge of the cliff””
(There follows a long, long list of Left Wing organisations and commentators giving vent to their shock and outrage).
British Broadcasters for Clinton. Never, ever allow an opposing view to balance the feature.
I hope that the American people see that Mr Trump does at least have the good grace and honour to admit when he has made mistakes and to apologise for them. As people, being human, we do make mistakes all the time and our strength is owning up to them.
This is almost the polar opposite of both Clinton W and HR. Any sincerity is false, money is all and they rely on people being gullible enough to suck it all up.
I hope that the American people prove they understand this.
BBCnews: 11:30am Dateline programme; could a more left panel be found, no balance whatsoever, BBC bias at it’s worst.
And in US election news
‘Bill Clinton calls Obamacare ‘the craziest thing in the world,’ later tries to walk it back’
No word of this in BBC broadcast news and can’t seem to find it reported on BBC on-line – any friends of the BBC who still think it is balanced help us out here?
“Newspaper headlines: Tax issues for England pair and ‘hard’ Brexit warning”
Hard brexit warning? Couldn’t think of anything better myself…
Also, the hundred Beeb people having their tax affairs investigated, then again, apparently it’s historical stuff, so that’s alright then.
Interesting snippet in one of the papers today…..
“Actor David Oyelowo (once tipped to be James Bond) laments the lack of black actors in UK movies. He says people of colour have been ‘wiped out of Britain’s history’ as there are lead parts for black actors in only 13 PER CENT of all our movies. given that black people make up 3 PER CENT of the UK population, that makes them more than 4 TIMES OVER-REPRESENTED ! Yesterday on Radio 4 another actor David Harewood blamed discrimination against blacks on Brexit……” (nothing to do with rubbish acting then ?)
If the above statistics are correct, then how many times ‘over-represented’ are they included in tv dramas/soaps/advertisements/tv presenters-journalists ?????? to appease all and sundry except the white indigenous population, we are probably the only country in the world (apart from Japan) who are trying to make amends for mis-deeds that were carried out hundreds of years ago.
Brissles -I heard something similar on R4 last week but didnt hear the whole interview as I “speed jabbed” the channel change to classic FM – dam quick!
I am afraid the black grievance industry will never be appeased, even if – in the next BBC, WW2 drama Churchill is played by a rastarfarian called Leroy in a tea cosy hat smoking a big dooby instead of a cigar.
Unfortunately while some so many influential black media types buy into the grievance cause, they will never be able to improve the life chances of their community as a whole because they are too busy looking for white bogeymen instead of looking for reasons within their own culture as to why they may not achieve as much as they want.
Besides at the end of the day we cant all be superstars – I am in my fifties, work full time and earn less than ten pounds an hour – Under achiever maybe – but we all have choices in life. At the end of the day it is no-ones fault but my own.
Yes that 13% black figure keeps coming up and I wondered on the provenance for it.
..Yes if you spend your life in inner South London you may think that 13% is an under-representation of the black population. But otherwise you’d need slippage in definitions to get to that number.
eg “Across Britain 13% of people are classed as NON-WHITE”
i.e. 13% is the fig for ALL BME (not just black) by 2011 census results if you exclude Scotland
If you include Scotland it’s 10%
The BBC is reasonable to assume that figure rise to 13% BME in the next 2 decades due to old white people dying.
But by the time you account for Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Indian, East Asians etc in BME ..there isn’t much of a percentage for Black (Africa or Afro-Caribbean)
Today vs Today
For both Russia Today and R4 Today
Observing R4Today – shows what pet issues the BBCNews obsess about
Observing Russia Today – shows what pet issues the BBCNews fail to report and hide from view.
Observing them both shows BBCNews DOESN’T TRUST THE PUBLIC with the full truth
..That must have been thinking of the BBC Any Answers, just now.
…How about Brexit PROGRESSION.
…… just like Independence from the old colony was progress for the US.
The BBC’s reaction to Corbyn appointing Diane Abbot as shadow Home Secretary was one of delight.
If May had appointed an ex-lover as Home Secretary, the BBC would have cried nepotism and corruption.
And if Trump does something similar when elected ….BBC meltdown will be the result.
Abbott was never an ex-lover…..he only called her round and asked her to sit naked on the floor with her legs open, so he could see what his brown sofa would look like with pink cushions.
Mind Bleach, Mind Bleach !!!!!
Oh God, I’m going to need years of counselling to get that picture out of my mind.
Where’s my safe space……?
I am no fan of political correctness or Abbott but that comment is revolting.
And Abbott and Corbyn were lovers.
Top item on Sky, didn’t see on BBC:
At least they aren’t saying he’s a mentally ill Norwegian. The BBC are probably still composing their excuse..
The religion of peace, grateful for safety in their country of asylum, strikes again.
Words fail me. The number of ‘celebrities’ I have lost respect for. Why should we take any notice of their opinions – they are all pigs with their snouts in the trough.
Sorry it’s not BBC, but more or less the same
Isn’t that an example of hate ?
..and hate based crime ?
A celebrity should not be using their status to NORMALIZE violence ie set an example to the kids etc.
Robert de Niro. Didn’t he last make a film worth watching around 1996? I doubt Trump could care less what a has been actor thinks of him.
I agree. It is somewhat annoying that few high profile people will stick their necks out and show support for Trump or at least his endeavours.
In the acting profession expressing support for Trump or anything Republican is an instant career-ender. There are no doubt many decent actors and actresses but their livelihood depends on being schtum.
Seems across the entire MSM.
Quite how ‘luvvie septic fading actor jumps on acceptable hate and incitement (apparently) bandwagon’ is clearing the front page for news in the UK is beyond me, but our broadcasters seem to feel this is, like, epic. Global Tools, Gurny-Murphy on Ch4 (who can’t even get a Taxi Driver quote right)… the whole lot are having a collective fit of the faux vapours whilst firing up the pitchforks irony free.
Be interesting if those with a more grounded view of the world, and actual lives outside the bubble, feel this hysterical tosh is a bit OTT and the whole stinking pile backfires. Again.
Strange how BBC & MSM keep endless playing the Humble Trump apology video
…”That was 10 years ago, I’m not like that anymore, I ‘ve learnt so much from this campaign and meeting the women of America, I’ve been humbled”
…If you haven’t heard it I wonder why ?
Sh*tty actor, Robert de Niro. I saw him in a couple of films where he played the bad guy. Very limited range of expression.