“”Hillary Clinton’s Wall St speeches published by Wikileaks””
“”My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Mrs Clinton said””
German town is locked down in search for 22 year old Syrian who is suspected to be preparing to carrying out a terrorist attack on A German airport. This has been reported elsewhere in the UK for a good couple of hours and yet over at that world renowned News Org the bBC there is….nothing. For those who want to know what is happening around as not brought to you by the bbC, have a butchers at the link below. Germany:Town in lockdown in search for Syrian behind bomb threat
The bBC, the politically correct news org which only reports the news they want you to hear.
and for the first time I believe the German police have asked the public not to show any video or pictures of the operation on social media. Why not? It’s not as if it’s the first time a muslim terrorist is on the run in mainland Europe? It was almost a weekly occurrence in the summer. Could it be that the truth is too unpalatable for the public? – A Syrian, a muslim, an immigrant is a terrorist who wants to blow up an airport. Oh dear oh dear oh dear Angela and all the other lilly- livered liberals, what have you done? Maybe it’s just the police trying to extend the muslim news blackout to everyone?
Yet, when a member of the RoP looses her headdress in Tottenham the fullest description available of the (white) suspects is issued by our patriotic police “service”.
Just an observation and not BBC related although does involve their favourite religion.
Seem to be seeing more and more people in London in conservative Islamic dress, even more than usual.
Do you reckon word is out in the ROP community to dress appropriately so that when the Alan’s snackbar patrons get lost they know not to harm any of the other diners?
I notice that the BBC are plugging a series of radio shows to be presented by Boy George.
How come he gets a free pass?
Dave Lee Travis gets a 3 month sentence for sexually assaulting a woman and the BBC airbrush him from history. Notice how repeats of Top Of The Pops never feature him any more.
Boy George gets a 15 month sentence for imprisoning and violently assaulting a man and the BBC airbrush his crime from history. He even gets to replace national treasure Tom Jones on their biggest show.
Tony Blackburn got the sack because he couldn’t remember a meeting he was alleged to have attended over 40 years ago. He must really wish he was gay, he’d still be doing the Breakfast Show.
And…..Vicky Price was on Newsnight the other night in the Brexit doom and gloom slot. As an ‘economist’.
You remember her? Married to Chris Huehne?
Sent to prison for Perverting the Course of Justice as I recall.
Perhaps, as a woman, her criminal record is of no interest to the biased BBC.
VP is on BBC quite a lot since prison via bbc.co.uk (not including repeats)
14/10/2013 plugging new book, 5 web articles
BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday 14 October 2013.
BBC One – Breakfast, 14/10/2013
BBC Radio 4 – Woman’s Hour, 31 Oct 2013
BBC One – Question Time, 07/11/2013
6 Dec 2013 – Phil the Shelf,Radio Wales
BBC Radio London 16 Feb 2014
(May have been some appearance 2nd May when her lawyer was jailed)
BBC Radio 4 – Today, 30/12/2014
BBC One – This Week, 29/01/2015
Greek Battle Lines Drawn 12/02/2015
BBC Radio 4 – In Business 26 Mar 2015
Any Questions 3 Jul 2015
10 July 2015 Speaking to the BBC’s Mark Lobel
BBC Radio 4 – Great Lives 11 Aug 2015
Interviews on 7 webpages in 2015
Any Questions? 27 May 2016
BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour 22 Jun 2016
BBC Radio 5 live – Stephen Nolan, 24/06/2016
BBC Radio 4 – Any Questions? 7 Oct 2016
And there may be more, cos Google didn’t pick up that Newsnight appearance (Twitter search would)
And as I pointed out the other day, Andy Kershaw!! For violating a restraining order (hate crime??) Why is he welcomed back? I guess the BBC have their own in-house jury which trumps the state’s.
If you’re one of the BBC’s chosen ones it’s pretty hard to do anything bad enough to get cast out permanently. However, contrast Kershaw and Dr David Bellamy, who committed the cardinal sin of doubting manmade global warming!!
Part-time slum landlord Hardeep Singh Kohli has previous, too.
His first job at the BBC was directing children’s programmes at Television Centre. He then presented a Channel 4 schools series, Hardeep Does . . ., which covered a variety of topical issues—including sex, of course. Kohli also appeared in the Scottish segment of the Children in Need appeal in 2008, and presented the second series of CBBC game show Get 100 (2008-09).
And in July 2009, he was suspended from his role as a roving reporter for The One Show—initially for six months, during which time he was free to appear elsewhere on the BBC—after a complaint by a female researcher about ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour’. ‘Nobody has accused me of sexual harassment’, he whinged at the time. ‘I recognise I overstepped the mark and have apologised unreservedly.’ He subsequently described the sexual harasssment as ‘banter’.
No formal action was taken by the BBC. Three months into his ‘leave of absence’, he began to present an afternoon show called Tea and Biscuits on Radio 4. At much the same time, and apropos of nothing, he tweeted a list of what he called ‘porn kids’ characters’, including ‘Bagpussy’, ‘Blue Movie Peter’, ‘Little Jack Hornier’ and ‘Randy Pandy’. Cos that’s not creepy at all, is it, from a BBC employee serving a suspension for ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour’?
“Man dies after ‘being bundled in car’ in Erdington”
“Officers were initially called to reports of disorder between two groups of men in The Gardens at about 20:50 BST. They were then called to Hunton Road about five minutes later, a West Midlands Police spokesman said.”
So we can tell who this involves… Has the usual vague “men” theme.
Good old cultural enrichment, I’m struggling to keep up these days. I feel thoroughly enriched.
but I do agree with him : we need to take from today’s pensioners.
The UK spent their contributions years ago so today we borrow massively to pay them comparative large pensions , yet they sit on huge untaxed house price gains.
Has anyone else noticed that the BBC seems more obsessed with Trump’s indiscreet words from 11 years ago, than with Trump saying the US will do a trade deal with the UK ahead of the EU if he wins the Presidency?
It’s quite possible this is very good news for the UK, but the story has been placed literally at the bottom of the BBC news page.
I’ve just rechecked the BBC news page and it’s already completely disappeared from the front page now. It was only on the front page for a matter of minutes. For some reason, yesterdays story about the “pound plunge” is considered more news worthy.
Shock! Horror!
US Presidential candidate reveals himself to be heterosexual.
Cue cardiac arrest at our esteemed state broadcaster.
They simply cannot comprehend that a candidate might not match the LGBT photofit.
Reference the Donald Trump ‘story’ and the biased BBC apoplexy.
I merely mention that if you re-arrange the letters of ‘President Clinton of the USA’ it is possible to produce the anagram ‘To copulate he finds interns’.
What was that quote from Bill? Was it ‘I didn’t inhale’? Or what it ‘I didn’t impale’? I never could remember…..
I cant wait for the showing of the video where the witch Clinton is seen talking about defending a rapist she knew was guilty of raping a 12 year old girl……and laughing about it
Can anyone tell me why what Trump ‘said’ is worse than what Bill Clinton ‘did’ with Monica? How come as the husband of a saint, Bill becomes a saint too and all his sins are forgiven?
No Deborah, there isn’t anyone on earth.. Even Hitlery Ca-chington herself, who can tell you why what Trump said was worse than what her sexual deviant husband Bill did.
Though we know that this has nothing at all to do with facts, the hurt or potential damages actions will cause! 1400 innocent white girls were raped, tortured and brutalised for over a decade in Rotherham FFS!! What did we get from the traitors in Al Beebistan??!! Fuck all!! They actually tried everything in their power to suppress it!! Yet the shit eating, fuckwits at the Islamic Al Beeb are loosing their minds and have taken out a fatwa in desperately trying to attack WORDS that Trump used over a decade ago!!?
Not bias by the BBC, just plain ignorance. This morning we switched on early to Radio 4 and had farming today. The agenda was the cruel landlords who forced their workers out of tied cottages and left them to get their own accommodation. The man interviewed did admit that farm wages had risen to compensate. The interviewer, a female who I think was called Sophie, then asked if it made life difficult if the worker had a half hour journey after work to get home and at times like harvest it would be too late to get to the pub (asked the dolly daydream).
May I explain that at harvest everyone is far too exhausted to even think of going to a pub after work. I presume dolly daydream thinks it is like working for the BBC when a late finish means a late start and after work you can go down to Covent Garden for a drink standing on the pavement smoking something too. Real life is not like that.
May I also point out that the unions pushed for farmworkers to have increased wages (we could only take £2.00 a week out of wages for rent so farm worker pay was much higher than ever appeared and there was no travel costs either. But thank the unions.
But my rant is, why employ a female to interview on Farming today, who obviously has no knowledge of agriculture?
….why employ a female to interview on Farming today, who obviously has no knowledge of agriculture…..
Same reason Nadya Hussain suddenly becomes a celebrity after baking a couple of cakes, and sends a young female reporter to the Star Trek convention in Birmingham who was clearly too young to remember it on the tele !
Like quite a few Brits I expect, I have business interests, business partners and friends on the eastern coast of Florida. I have therefore naturally kept a close eye and ear to the latest on hurricane Matthew. However, you would be pretty hard pressed to think it was going anywhere near Florida listening to the BBC. Its all about Haiti. Despite carving its path across Haiti some 5 days ago. if you Google ‘hurricane Matthew’ the BBC’s indomitable news machine dominates the results – and every headline mentions Haiti. Unlike quoted headlines from the Telegraph and even the Guardian – Florida doesn’t get a mention.
Instead we are bombarded endlessly with a list of Haiti headlines e.g.: ‘Why is Haiti so badly hit by natural disasters?- BBC’ (er, it isn’t – they just can’t cope). I have to confess, it isn’t easy to see the difference between Haiti before and after a hurricane, but for the BBC ‘Matthew hits Haiti’ presses all the blatant opportunity buttons – including the chance to imply that America and American lives don’t matter.
Yes, much of it disappeared into the jaws of the Clinton Foundation, never to be seen again. But that doesn’t matter, because Donald Trump said “pussy” in a private conversation eleven years ago. The American people must not be allowed to elect a heterosexual male to the Presidency, a corrupt lesbian married to a rapist is much the better choice.
BBC ignoring Florida as the hurricane travels up its coast?
That’s probably because Trump is likely to win that state. And also because Florida is full of ex-Cubans who fled the communist paradise so beloved of the BBC to settle in America, the Big Satan.
Can’t have any news stories potentially drumming up sympathy for those people.
Hurricane Matthew is a Category 4 storm at the moment, that makes it very dangerous, and (if it makes landfall) something we have not seen in the continental United States for a over a decade. Surprisingly, just today, we passed the 4000 day mark for a drought of major (Cat 3 or greater) hurricanes to make landfall on the continental USA.
Hurricane Wilma was the last major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger) to hit the U.S. It made landfall in Florida on October 24, 2005. The much ballyhooed Hurricane Sandy was Category 1 at landfall, and technically not a hurricane at that time, but an extra-tropical cyclone. Hurricane Ike in 2008, was a Category 2 when it made landfall…..
That’s because the data show for the last 10 years we have had an unusual drought of landfalling major hurricanes (Category 3 and higher) on the continental U.S. That’s right, no major hurricanes have made landfall for over a decade. This is the longest such drought on record…..
In fact, taking a tally of the scariest hurricanes (Categories 4 and 5) indicates things were worse nearly a century ago. For the 44 years from 1926 to 1969, 14 of these most powerful storms made landfall, while the 46 years since then had only three.
And funny how they keep pushing the dates out for their cataclysmic scenarios. So as real world data starts to bite – like the flatlining of global temperatures over the last 18+ years – we now hear ‘in the decades to come’ or ‘by 2050’ or ‘by the end of this century’. And there are no end of ‘coulds’, of course.
When will some world leader have the balls to stand up and expose this life-threatening, wealth-draining, economy-destroying, country-wrecking ‘scientific’ con trick?
Fawning interview just now on BBC news between a BBC sports eunuch and Nicola Adams female boxer. She can’t quite decide between going professional, going for her third Olympics, or getting into acting – decisions decisions… “so many barriers to break” – she says. Yeah and jaws to break and brains to scramble.
BBC seems keen on her efforts to encourage more young girls to take up boxing. Apparently a three-year-old did a bit of sparring with our Nicola earlier – what a role model.
BBC, next time you start to bang on about the health dangers of the sport of boxing – just go stuff your concerns up your sports bra.
“”Business leaders plead against ‘hard’ Brexit”” (Only two ‘leaders’. One of them is the CBI which is largely funded by the EU. The other is a support organisation which does not do any direct business).
“”It says defaulting to trading by World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would leave 90% of UK goods trade with the EU subject to new tariffs”” (Wrong).
“”Every credible study that has been conducted has shown that [the] WTO option would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy and those of our trading partners”” (Wrong again).
“”One of the signatories, CBI Director General Carolyn Fairbairn, said the letter called for “ruling out of the really worst options, to reassure investors that the UK was still a really good place to invest”” (Carolyn Fairbairn: In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn_Fairbairn
“”So this letter offers a stark warning. The UK, it says, needs access to the single market. Leaving the EU and reverting to international trade rules would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy. Costs for businesses would go up. Jobs could be lost””
“”But this message isn’t new – and the evidence suggests the prime minister has other priorities. So will she be listening?”” (More BBC bilge).
And would it amaze you to learn that no opposing balanced view was offered by the BBC?
And so it goes on. The Anti-Brexit BBC continues to use Tax Payers money to fund their totally biased beliefs.
Goebbels would have been proud of the BBC. And he would if alive today have voted Remain. There are those who say that therefore, all Remainers are Nazis!
Listening to BBC R4 gives the impression that every business in the UK is a massive importer/exporter. This is not the truth. They speak almost solely for the big boys who have not expressed a view that leaving was a good idea. It’s as if there was nobody that mattered in the other 5.4million private sector businesses in the country.
In the short term at least, leaders of big businesses may be correct that their firms will be better off if Britain stays. But they cannot justifiably speak on the overall balance of economic gains and losses, including the effects on non-exporting businesses, consumers and the public sector. They are not qualified to do so. They have no special insight into the economy overall. The things they see so clearly for their own businesses are just a fraction of the total issue, and an unrepresentative fraction at that.
Take the amount of tariffs charged to importers and use it to mitigate the costs to exporters. The remainder, a still huge amount, could be used to promote and modernise agriculture to keep prices of staple products at a low level.
A 10% duty on imported German cars alone would bring in 2.25 billion if average cost of £30k per vehicle was assumed at 900,000 vehicles per year.
Don’t know if this is feasible but even if not it’s still a better idea than sitting down and crying like the Beeb and other remainers are doing.
In its more lucid moments the BBC accepts that the vote to leave the EU means that we are leaving, but its reserve position is that we have to accept a “Soft Brexit” deal. I have one question about “Soft Brexit” that I have never seen asked in any BBC interview.
To set the context:
1) As members of the EU we enjoy tariff free access to the EU market but we are required to impose the external EU tariff on imports from any country outside the EU, for example driving up the cost of food impported from Third World countries.
2) The government has said that once we have left the EU we want to negotiate free trade deals with countries around the world, and Liam Fox has already made a start.
3) The BBC has said that the advantagee of a “Soft Brexit” is that we stay inside the European Economic Area and so retain tariff free access to the EU market.
My question is: Can a “Soft Brexit” outcome that leaves us inside the EEA also allow us to agree free trade deals with other countries that mean we don’t charge the EU external tariff on their goods? Or to rephrase the question: Is “Soft Brexit” a cunning plan to keep us tied to the EU customs union?
I do wish that the BBC would supply information rather than wall to wall emotion.
The Saudi Arabian airforce bombed a funeral hall in Yemen today, 82 people were killed, The Saudi Arabian airforce is assisted by America and UK. Could you imagine the outcry if the Syrian airforce had carried out such an attack.
At least the BBC reported this atrocity, but of course Trump’s lewd comments make the headlines.
This is not reporting. This is biased drivel, that should not be allowed.
The temptation of sneering at Trump is just too great for them. Its oh so easy propaganda opportunity is far more important than the deaths inflicted upon Yemenis by our great friends in the KSA who have now created another 82 bombing opportunities for their trigger happy pilots. They bomb matches and dispatches already, really ought get some hatches in to even up the tally.
Anyway, luckily it was the Saudis, it removes the need to cry ‘war crimes’ at the end of every sentence. Supporting the moderate be-headers of children in both Syria and Saudi is an exhausting task you know, so any energy unwasted by being economical with the truth is a useful saving.
When the real job is finished and Hillary is in charge the devastation in the Middle East will be obscured by the sea of doves and angels she will send there with her personal best wishes and much love.
Why oh why does Al Beeb spout so much propaganda and devote so much time to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, black Muslim and ethnic minorities?
Surely they are a very small proportion of the population of Great Britain?
A comment that my colleagues and friends also make .
Great question Taffman.. In fact it is THE question of our time.
I believe the reasons are as follows…
1: Fear! History has already shown time and time again how anyone that says anything at all outside of the bigoted, fascist lefts, ‘approved’ guidelines is castrated from any media platform. Everyone involved in media have whipped themselves up into manic levels of self delusion and brainwashing, because these spineless, backstabbing cowards are only focused on self preservation…. Conforming to the narrative is the only way of finding work for today’s journos..
2: Being forced to feel self hatred for ones privilege…Every person on the planet can only evaluate life within their own personal bubble…. Every single person who champions the divisive, intolerant and hate filled topics you list Taffman are solely looking to prove to their sheltered, isolated peer group that “I’m not letting my social position give me protective status…look how un-racist, un-judgemental, utterly tolerant I am..”. The only people these mentally detached delusionists are interested in are themselves and how they look to their piss smelling, snowflake friends. This is just a warped recognition/acceptance game between their own social circles… It’s all about victim championing of anyone they feel is worse than them…. and that’s everyone accept the evil, demons that are white men. It’s basically the most dishonest and devious form of supremacist and bigoted ideology.
3: Those who are championing multiculturalism, mass immigration, Islamic aggression, social destruction…. Are doing so because it benefits themselves. This could be financial, politically or just morally….Most of the traitorous bastards that continually attack our way of life to change it, are doing so because they know that doing so can guarantee employment/financial reward for the rest of their lives… To be rewarded this way means that no matter what happens, the benefiters will be long gone counting their Ill gotten gains in financial protection…
One day, I hope these bastards get to realise that traitory pays the highest price…. I for one will never forget the damage they have done
“Why oh why does Al Beeb spout so much propaganda and devote so much time to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, black Muslim and ethnic minorities?”
GUILT : Aunty knows her soul is so soiled from the sins of the past, she is trying to make up for it.
That time when she was the toff’s network sneering at minorities, gays, blacks..and being sexist against women ..facilitating child abuse etc.
“Will these hands ne’er be clean ?”
..”Look at me now , I am pure pure pure ..she is saying”
Good replies ‘posters’.
In my opinion Al Beeb is completely out of touch with a majority of the people that are compelled by law to fund its anti-British propaganda.
It was evident during the build up to the Brexit vote, a point mentioned by Boris Johnson in the recent Tory conference.
Someone is in control of Al Beeb and is controlling its propaganda and bias, but that person is not brought to book by the democratically elected government. Al Beeb have turned their back on the British people and British values.
I doubt if Al Beeb would ever have lasted as long as it has in any other democratic nation whose people love their country or dare I say it, are patriotic.
BTW They did stick in another hour of special black programming on Radio 4 today : The Black Panthers
On the 50th anniversary of its foundation, Dorian Warren explores the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party and its legacy for more recent black insurgency in America.
I do hope it took a critical line instead of glorifying guns and violence to young blacks.
Sunday you’ll have to listen to the Black History podcast
cos the daily radio show Britain’s Black Past does resume until Monday.
BTW 6.15 Loose Ends just happened to have gay icon Alan Carr as well as Jake Arnott (novelist) ranked one of Britain’s 100 most influential gays (bisexual)
..The only cross dressing was from : Dame Edna Everage,
They had one other guest who was not publicly gay. …..To talk about her work about famous gay playright Joe Orton.
Funny how at the BBC ‘Black History’ is relentlessly positive and something to be ‘celebrated’, whilst white history is always a source of shame and something to be reviled.
So, for example, they’ll never mention the role of native Africans in slave markets, or the Islamic slave trade which operated simultaneously and was far more brutal in its treatment of slaves.
Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others believe over 20 million enslaved Africans alone had been delivered through the trans-Sahara route alone to the Islamic world.
The network sneering AT minorities
Became the network OF sneering minorities
So good @Stewie I had to repeat it
Ironic that the BBC feels so guilty about its BIASED past, that it makes a BIASED future by overcompensating and going into constant Virtue Signalling mode.
Biased BBC2 Saturday night Arts strand
Mmm. Michael Palin interviews Jan Morris , and then Boy George does a retrospective about the 70s, according to the Radio Times.
But in fact……. much is made of James Morris sex change to Jan Morris in c 1972.
Followed by Boy George with a sole focus on the gay issues of the 70s, beginning with the David Bowie bisexual image from the Aladdin Sane period. And then on to Quentin Crisp.
So….absolutely no narrative whatsoever, just a total focus on what a recent survey suggests represents about 1.7% of the population.
Well at least BBC followed it with good old 1972 heterosexual film Cabaret
..Oh hang on it’s the earliest film to feature cross dressing men in the club and peeing in the lavatory
..as well as bisexual relationships.
How thick am I for not spotting that as well?
You are of course completely correct.
So what we have here is a full night of full-on biased BBC LGBT brainwashing propaganda, but mischievously and of course deliberately labelled merely as ‘Arts Night’.
Just when you think they can’t go any lower, they get right down into the cesspit.
I watched Cabaret due to the 5 star revue , 8 Oscars etc.
but it was no Shakespeare production. I can only guess that the Hollywood clique felt good about it, cos it included gays, bisexual sex, abortion, sympathy for Jews.
It’s like its awards were for Virtue Signalling, for normalising behaviour which other 1972 media found abnormal.
(It wasn’t even sexy. Like when are stockings and suspenders not sexy ? When they are on stout German girls with gaudy make-up inside that Carbaret club. Liza Minnelli is not sexy..that’s maybe she’s a gay icon not a heterosexual one)
I agree that Liza Minelli was not sexy, but I don’t think that’s the point of the film. She is amazing in it though, a fantastic performance. I like the film, its seediness, its unfulfilled dreams and even its odd flashes of comedy. It rather shows what happens when an evil political movement is allowed to grow and take over, very much like the left-wing fascists are doing today.
Couldn’t agree more, Demon. I’ve seen the role of Sally Bowles played by other accomplished actresses and no-one comes close to Minelli’s performance. Bob Fosse’s direction is also extraordinarily good, no more so than for the song ‘Tomorrow belongs to me’ (shortly to be performed by the Corbyn Youth no doubt).
Thanks, I understand the writers good intentions, but personally I found it unconvincing overall and in Minellis acting
..all the other actors were very convincing to me.
Like the nightclub is quite camp in aspects..I don’t see how that fits with Nazis anti-homosexuality.
StewGreen. The first lot of Nazis were the Brown Shirts. or SA a paramilitary organisation largely run by Ernst Rohm. They were nasty street bully boys and were the public face of nazism for a while. Until an even nastier group, the Blackshirts came along and in the “Night of the Long Knives” destroyed them.
Rohm was not only a possible rival to Hitler for power, he was also a homosexual and many in the Brownshirts were believed to be also. Hence the ongoing hatred of gays by the triumphant nazi faction.
Nightclubs could well have been frequented by some Brownshirts before the purge.
Anyway that’s as I understand it.
Noticed ‘Nice Guy’ Gavin Esler getting his turn to get stuck into the Trump ‘anti-women’ Democrat Party attack piece du jour this evening. (Think it’s been put out there to drown out the Bill Clinton crazy Obamacare gaff)
When a Republican spokeswoman attempted to apply some context to the Trump banter by explaining to the incredulous metro dinner party bubble-bound Beeboid that this is the way ordinary men do tend to brag to their mates our Mr Nice Guy took great pains to make his point “not all men”
That was a very telling remark. Clearly Esler was not speaking up for men per se – more so for himself and perhaps too for his own narrow circle.
Here’s the problem – the BBC provides a platform for performing PC chimps like Esler to strut their holier than thou perfection and endlessly play to the diminishing Guardian-clutching gallery that still supports BBC
Nicky Campbell is another fine specimen – parading his cringeing feminism like a virgin freshman newly arrived at the achingly lefty you-knee in hope of a solidarity shag (cf. Corbyn re Abbot).
Be it the British butt of the Dateline London panel of super lefty foreign journos or be it side-kick to super Lefty movie buff Kermode – Esler always plays the foil – the simpering pale middle-aged guilt-ridden metro super eunuch par excellence. Meanwhile merrily banking his mega BBC cheque each month (made out to his service company per chance).
It is propaganda when the media hide the tape of Hillary laughing at her clever scheming in getting the child rapist off.
…OK it would be fair enough for a journo to criticise Trump for his old words if he/she also criticised Hillary for hers..but it seems the MSM is playing propaganda games rather than seeking to truthfully inform.
Has anyone told Gavin Esler that men are allowed to pee standing up? There seem to be a lot of things men do which shock him, so it’s about time someone broke this one to him.
We still need to keep an eye on whats going on in domestic politics situation.
Not really a BBC story but following on from the Wolf/Hookem debacle the Hypocrite online (sorry I meant the Mail) is still stirring and pissing in the pot, with a truly pathetic jab at Farage because he sent an Email to the woman he was meant to be having an affair with – saying Diane James would not be a good leader. Doesnt matter the affair that it was unproven the DM just trying to link the words Farage and affair together.
Is this story really relevant to any thing. Other than trying to smear Farage again.
I do however think that currently there is a concerted media campaign to take UKIP out of the picture. With Labour destroyed for a generation we now have a Prime Minister. (who though currently making the right noises on Brexit) Will not deliver what people want unless there is a political price to pay if she fails to deliver. UKIP are the natural opposition to hold May to account.
We have seen Theresa in the past very wishy washy on both Brexit and immigration control, and one of her first acts was to give Amber Rudd the greenlight on monitoring chat sites, but probably not left wing ones – just “hate” sites like us!
UKIP really do need to sort their shit out – They are at a historic moment where they could truly become the true opposition (people still voted for them in the recent bi election) – but with self centered arseholes like Hookem, Hamilton and Carswell all they are likely to do is snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
BBC: US election: More top Republicans drop support for Trump
This has all the hallmarks of a pre-planned coup by the Republican Establishment. If it’s going to bring him down I hope Trump makes sure he takes the Republican Party with him.
I also think it’s time Trump supporters started to arrange for boycotts of those shilling for Hillary.
It has been documented that Tony Blair and George Bush took us to a war based on lies, This war led to the death of thousands and the repercussions are still being felt.
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy invaded Libya based on lies. This war led to thousands being killed and led to unrest in Libya and mass migration.
Hillary Clinton used an unprotected server that probably led to Americans being killed in Libya,
Some guy said derogatory statements about women (in private) 11 years ago.
Clearly a pre-planned coup cobbled together by members of both parties and designed for use against Trump in segue to the ‘body image’ question put by 15 year old Brennan Leach, a girl who was ‘chosen at random’ from those at a rally in Pennsylvania a couple of days earlier. Brennan Leach, the 15 year old, told Hillary ‘I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look.” She just happens to be a child actor and her father just happens to be Pennsylvanian Democrat senator, Daylin Leach.
Sky News have tried to do a ‘balanced’ feature on the Trump story. The BBC would never provide a ‘balanced’ feature.
Here’s an extract from Sky Online News:
“””But members of Colorado Women for Trump dismiss questions about his attitude to women.
Charlene Hardcastle said: “He’s an equal opportunities offender, he’s non-PC and that’s what I love about him.
“Americans are afraid to say what they really think.”
Loretta Perry added: “He’s not a polished speaker, he’s not a politician. He’s done some wonderful things for lots of women, there’s nobody perfect on this earth.”
Meanwhile, interim UKIP leader Nigel Farage has waded into the crisis, insisting Mr Trump’s remarks amounted to “alpha male boasting”.
Speaking in St Louis, Missouri, where he is attending this weekend’s televised presidential debate as a Trump supporter, the UK MEP said the comments were “ugly”, but stated that women also make remarks they would not want to see reported”””
Being a bit of a twat can be forgiven if said twat has the humility to apologise and admit to mistakes.
Almost all other politicians have absolutely no concept of this and just carry an air of righteousness that makes any average Joe/Joanne want to give them a slap.
A lesson that they never learn or have the ability to.
We hear that the BBC has celebrated Black History Month with the sacking, on ‘diversity’ grounds, of radio performer Jon Holmes. Making the career of a white man – well, history.
Where’s your sense of humour AslSeelt? Surely that’s the funniest event to emerge from the Now Show.
For years it has amused and lectured us on diversity. Yet when it happens they squeal so loudly you put your fingers in your ears faster than you reach for the off switch when someone says and “and here’s this weeks Now Show.”
Have I Got News For You presented 3 comedians, plus Nick Clegg and a Tourette’s sufferer called Roisin Conaty.
Sadly, they only broadcast part one, an amusing attack on the right wing factions of life: Trump, UKIP and the Tories. Oddly, I cannot find part two when it entertains us with the staggering amount of material from Clinton, Labour, (a gift that keeps on giving) and the BBC itself.
I listened to Jon Sopel of the BBC reporting on Hillary Clinton’s notorious funding of the Clinton Foundation, her criminal inaction that led to the Benghazi murders, and that she held secret (top secret) emails on her private server open to easy hacking by foreign governments, and then illegally deleting them in defiance of a Congressional subpoaena. Or was I dreaming?
Al Beeb TV and Radio this morning ……….
Wall to wall anti Brexit, anti UKIP, anti Trump, all topped up with ‘OJ’, the little left wing spoilt brat who is liable storm of the set if thing don’t go his way .
Yep I got that, at the last minute of Brexit we got Project Desperation with it’s crazy prediction of £6,500 loss for every taxpayer..
Now we Have Project Desperation #2 in the final month of the Hillary campaign.
Yesterday/today banging on unfairly about Trump was the norm across ALL MEDIA controlled by Elect Hillary Corporation (which is basically all media except Fox-News and Breibart) They were laying it on thick like in the middle of the night :
– Doton was banging on on 5 Live,
– R4 had a World Service Business prog which just happened to have a special panel about “normal US women” and the US elections
– R2 had some US folk singer and his song For the people by the People
– LBC’s :GlobalNews was laying it on thick as well.
as @Roland Deschain alluded to at 9:20 am It’s not news it’s a pre-planned stunt
I don’t think its from the Replubicans, I think Elect Hillary Corporation have a hell of a lot of resources ..and that they have collected some dirt on Trump ready to use at the optimim moment..ie 30 hours before the second debate where Trump has promised to hit Hillary about her families sexual indescretions.
Does anyone here think that the Trump tape is NEWS that just happened to come out the day before the second presidential debate ?
No of course not it’s just another Hillary dirty tricks stunt
..and I expect they have some dirt/angle on a couple of Republicans so they’ve been waiting for the right moment to get them to ditch Trump for maximum PR value.
Before the Trump tape : people knew pretty much every politician is two faced and untrustworthy ..so you choose the least worst option.
And After Trump tape : nothing has changed.
This staged furore ..is just the same as they try to make out that someone who once sent a tweet is worse than someone who ordered a genocide.
The recent attacks on Trump over his past remarks about certain women do fit in with Hillary’s ‘Republican war on women’ theme [= ‘vote for me because I’m a woman’] but I think it might backfire.
Once this area comes under discussion, Hillary might find she has more to lose. There’s the whole question of husband Slick Willy, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Elizabeth Gracen, Ms Broderick, etc; and Hillary’s defence of him, rubbishing them as “trailer trash”, ‘bimbos’ and the like; plus her first case as an attorney, where she got a rapist acquitted. The question of her relationship with Huma Abedin, and other female interns, could be brought up.
It’s going to get dirtier and dirtier. Who has the most to hide?
Amusingly, the only serious coverage I have seen of Illary’s misbehaviour was when I accidentally switched on RT earlier today.
As for the lockstep Trump-bashing, I don’t believe it is actively co-ordinated. What happens is that almost all of the West’s media is controlled by Leftists of one hue or another and they simply leap like fish after flies whenever there’s suitable bait around.
There doesn’t need to be a current conspiracy, it happens automatically. The actual conspiracy happened decades ago when the subversion of the state was planned by communists. What we are witnessing now is the result.
Naggy rugmuncher chairing a discussion about whether its immoral to avoid paying tax……while over 100 so called bbc so called celebs are under investigation for just this
Oh and prize knobhead owen jones and a moozlim woman tick a couple of right on boxes
Number 6
Al Beeb – Completely out of touch with the majority of the British Public and getting worse each day .
Surely our present government is aware of this ?
I think (and I hope) that the government are biding their time and consolidating their position before they strike at the BBC. I suspect things will change after the next election when, despite an even greater effort by the BBC to subvert democracy, the Tories will win by a landslide (assuming May delivers a full English Brexit). This will give them the power to pull the rug (AKA license tax funding) from under them.
As you say, this morning, they are in full wall to wall lefty propaganda mode – 3 anti-Trump articles on the front page, with the obligatory links to many more, plus an article warning of the ‘dangers’ of letting the people have their say in a referendum. Apparently, according to the BBC, referendums are always bad, citing Hitler and Napoleon as examples. Funny they forget to mention Switzerland that has the most direct democracy of any developed western country, and arguably the most successful.
I can find no evidence whatsoever that the Conservatives under May are any more likely to curtail the BBC’s far Left actvities than they were under Cameron.
In fact, judging from May’s speech last week, I would suggest they are actually less likely to take the BBC to task, as she was outlining a big government, state-heavy, interventionist approach to government that is just the sort of thing the BBC approves of and advocates.
Tories will be very foolish to wait until after the next election. There will inevitably be bad news between now and the election which the Beeb will desperately spin to lower the Tory vote.
I couldn’t believe my ears on R5 Pienaar’s politics this morning. A cutesy 5 year girl was brought on to criticise Mrs. May. Well, maybe she was more mature than Farron and more concise than Corbyn, but this is ridiculous bias. It’s also reminiscent of the 1980’s playbook the BBC used to attack Mrs. Thatcher by portraying her as the nation’s wicked stepmother.
Maybe the big reform of Al-Beeb can be after the next election, but I’m hoping I’m right in perceiving a few tactical blows already. For example, the move to publish all Beeb salaries over 150k and the recent tax investigation. Both these issues will expose the BBC’s hypocrisy.
I’m not religious but this is a christian country and i can remember when sunday morning tv was a time of religious reflection,faith ,goodness all things i respect.It’s now a political quagmire of deception, treating the ordinary folk with utter contempt that we can’t see through their lies and propaganda.Theresa instead of praising the bbc you should make it more in line with tory views, that’s why we vote for you.Andrew marr show ,peston on sunday are brain damage programmes.No tv for me this sunday morning sick of cookery shows and left wing bias even though the tories are in power,going for a walk instead of being tortured.
UK is not a Christian country ..It’s a free-thinker country.
…but the first thing I saw on TV on this morning 10:05 BBC was an item about a woman in a hijab ..explaining her life.
I don’t really go looking for this stuff..the BBC keeps pushing it in my face totally disproportionately.
(I spent most of the last 2 years in Islamic dominated countries and on Sundays was often teaching in an Islamic orphanage)
StewGreen, was it BA20 or 21 that flew the expats home to Heathrow from Saudi for their vacation? I always remember the greeting from the cabin crew when about to alight: “welcome home Sir”. They knew what the previous 6 months or so had been like. But, yes, I agree, I don’t want that sh*t forced on me everywhere I look- had enough of it in the Middle East and Indonesia
We are told that 897 “Syrians” have been arrested in the UK over the past year, “…for serious crimes including rape, death threats, and child abuse….”. This information comes from a Freedom of Information request. And we have to put up with another ‘resettled’ 20,000 in the process of arriving? The Government are having a laugh at the voters expense.Simply clear the lot out of it before the state of the UK reaches that of Sweden. http://newobserveronline.com/uk-897-criminal-syrians-arrested/
OK that story is dated August..based on the Sun story dated 31st July based on a D Mail story 11th June ..covererd here on BBBC June 12th
but something interesting
Our revelation comes after Northumbria Police were last month accused of a cover-up over an alleged attack by Syrians on two teenage girls in Newcastle.
One of the suspects was being followed by the BBC for a report on how his family had settled in the UK.
Do we know what this prog was ?
Ah Newsnight. “The case was covered by the BBC for the first time on Friday as part of a Newsnight series tracking the progress of two Syrian families who had been resettled in Britain.”
(n a video clip since deleted from the BBC iPlayer and YouTube, Newsnight said it would be ‘introducing you to the second family from Syria who we’ll be following.)
Nothing more was heard until Friday night when presenter Evan Davis told viewers: ‘We have to report things have taken a disturbing turn. The teenage son was in court today charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.’
897 arrested doesn’t mean 897 guilty..usually its lower, but if the police are afraid of arresting Muslims the actual number could be far higher.
Sorry to be a pain but the petition contains this line
“They are allowed to slaughter in their yards at home,with no consequences.”
em that’s sounds ‘too wow to be true’ for the UK, although it is normal in Islamic dominated countries.
I checked the DEFRA site and it says
You must meet all of the following requirements for halal and kosher religious slaughter:
– it must take place in a slaughterhouse (abattoir) approved by the Food Standards Agency (FSA)
– it must be done by someone who has a certificate of competence (CoC)
Now we know how it works; that authorities seem to bend over backwards to NOT properly enforce laws on Muslims ..so in practice they might get away with it..I’m not sure. RSPCA website says “84 per cent of animals slaughtered by the Halal method were stunned before slaughter. (98% for cattle PDF)” and that their main concern is the non-stunning.
No 6, if halal meat was banned in the UK, then kosher meat would be too. As Stew quotes the RSPCA, 84% of halal meat is prestunned. For kosher meat, this would be unacceptable. Kosher meat tends to be the forequarter of the animal which allows all the expensive steak etc to go into the general meat trade. The hind quarter from a kosher animal is not kosher unless it goes through labour intensive deveining making it prohibitively expensive – so usually this part of the animal is not kosher – neither one thing nor another. Prohibiting halal meat would have a greater effect on the Jewish population than the Muslim population – unintended consequences?
For the fluffy bunny brigade it is all about pre-stunning, unacceptable for kosher meat. However the real agenda for the fluffy bunny brigade is for us all to become vegetarian. First they came for the Jews…….
Deborah, this is NOT about Muslims or Jews. It’s about a disgustingly cruel and totally unnecessary barbaric practice that should have been outlawed centuries ago. I am certainly not from the “fluffy bunny brigade”, and I despise the likes of PETA and all it stands for, but how can anyone watch the incredible suffering these animals have to endure, all for the sake of some stupid belief in sky faeries? If you have never actually witnessed halal & kosher slaughter then just have a quick look at youtube. It’s horrifying and utterly sickening what some people are prepared to do in the name of some irrational superstition. I know it’s not popular to criticise Jews on this forum, but I’m sorry, when it comes down to kosher slaughter it every bit as bad, if not worse, than halal slaughter. Never mind Brexit, if there is one issue that calls for a referendum, this is it!
I merely point out that kosher meat is not, as far as I know, supplied outside the Jewish community; however halal meat is not only very widely sold into the countrywide meat markets but, because the government (under pressure from muslims) have refused to label it as such. Thus, the general population eat it whether they like it or not. Indeed, I believe some schools serve only halal meat irrespective of non-muslim pupils. Shocking.
I am not vegetarian, but equally whats wrong with the fluffy bunny brigade ? I must be one as I love animals.
Its true that the general population are subjected to Halal without realising it. I went to buy a Chinese meal from a pop-up snack bar, and despite it being manned by Polish catholic staff, I casually asked if the chicken was Halal – it was, so I walked away. I get so angry that we have been a Christian country for centuries, yet in the space of 20 odd years we have been infiltrated like a silently spreading cancer by Islamic traditions whether we ask for it or not.
The irony is that Muslims aren’t prohibited from eating non-halal meat: if there is no halal available, it’s covered by something in their cult termed the Doctrine of Necessity or Daura’; so if halal slaughter was banned (it should never have been permitted in the first place IMHO – if an ordinary abattoir was discovered to be killing animals in that way, it would be shut down) they would be religiously free to eat other meat.
It’s just, yet more, cowardice from our “Elite” when they find themselves having to deal with the more unpleasant practices and beliefs of the minority religions and cultures which have been permitted to gradually invade us since the end of WW2.
Exactly. I think we need to expand our armed forces and make it clear to the new American president that we take our security obligations seriously. We also need to be able to project force and protect our maritime interests.
On BBC dateline London now, 11:50, the four panellists, all anti Trump, are discussing Trump. Questions by the ‘chairman’ like “can the Republican Party dump him” or somehow get him replaced.
I really hope Trump wins.
BBC news headlines: More republicans reject Trump today 12:01
More….. how many more?
Have they found one or two who said they supported Trump but now don’t. That’s ‘more’ isn’t it
Right now, as I watch, they are giving the impression that we would be getting rid of all foreign workers come Brexit. Not directly said but obviously implied.
live : BBC Diversity army invade Hungary …..on BBC World Service
The BBC which is so diverse that it has 2 main panel discussion programmes …each presented by a brother ..how diverse is that ? in light of the Hungarian migrant referendum has decided to go there are do a bit of stirring by doing a special version of Any Questions : World Questions recorded yesterday
Jonathan Dimbleby, Government spokesperson Zoltán Kovács,
Opposition MP for the Together party Zsuzsanna Szelényi,
business leader and former Hungarian Ambassador to the United Kingdom János Csák
and the Greek expert on the European Union, professor Loukas Tsoukalis
Crooked hillary whose husband molested the entire female population is basically the candidate of the democrats, the republicans, the media and Saudi Arabia. Then you have Donald Trump,who boasts about having sex with women like I don’t know…the women in Sex and the City do when they talk about pulling men and for that they look cool. Where am I going to hide from the world shite?
Never before in the field of Socialist Situationism has a Leader ever returned home from Harum Sarum University in the Red City of Salisbury with this passion and commitment to overturning the hegemonic inevitability of Class war and its remedies.Today we are but friends-but with the dyadic potential for targeted revolutionary expression-one day we shall person the Palisades( or should that be barricades) together in establishing the bridgehead for the Next Step Froward!
For all left leaning BBC types who hate borders, love unlimited immigration and hate the nation state, I would advise going onto the BBC website and looking for ‘Kaliningrad ‘. I would then advise them to read about the Cold War especially the Cuban Missile Crisis and also read about how Hitler exploited the Sudetenland and the Danzig Corridor. I would also look into how prescient were those in the 1930s who criticised Churchill, denigrated patriotism and the need for rearmament.
The Right Rev David Walker has united with other religious leaders to demand urgent action on the part of the Prime Minister before the migrant camp in Calais is torn down
The Bishop of Manchester, the Right Rev David Walker, urged ordinary people to welcome asylum seekers from the war-torn country and said it would be ‘a sad reflection’ on society if they did not, said last night said he would not take any into his own six-bedroom mansion.
He claimed, however, that it would be wrong for a refugee family to move into his own recently refurbished house because of the language barrier and their ‘alien culture’.
But it’s alright to move them next door to you because you are white and the Labour supporting leftie Bishop of Manchester HATES white people with a passion.
What a hypocritical wanker he is – no wonder the comments in the MEN hold him in utter derision.
He’d be able to get 1500 in the garden, complete with shops, restaurants and brothels. What’s not to like?
Maybe the fact that a week old cocker spaniel has better toilet habits could be a bit of a downer, but, on the whole, a virtue signalling opportunity par excellence.
“”Brexit: MPs should vote on talks, says Labour’s Starmer (and Milliband)””
“”….a Downing Street source said: …… Parliament will have a role in the exit process…”” (This quote can be found 5 paragraphs from the end of the article).
I’ve seen David Walker on the BBC news several times. Wanker would be a better surname. My guess is he’s the nearest bishop to wheel into Salford Quays for interview. I’d say he typifies everything thats wrong with the CofE these days. Weak left liberal, guardian type etc. let him go to Aleppo or anywhere in a muslim country and live openly as a Christian . See how long he survives never mind welcomed .
NO we should not take any of ’em in. Would there be the same outcry for us to take the migrants in if the Jungle was anywhere else other than on the shores of Calais ? No of course not, – kids and adults alike are not in a war zone, but are living in squalor of their own making. Most of the British are aware of this – (except when interviewed on the street on camera, and then they don’t want to look ungracious), so all the bleeding liberals are wasting their breath.
As Farage quite rightly states, this is what men do, well, when I say men, I obviously exclude the type of ‘men’ that the BBC favours – I guess they would say “grab their cock”.
What Trump said (11 years ago!) has to be taken with a pinch of salt, and few would actually believe that their’s any truth in what he was boasting about. FFS, in my workshop, the banter would lead you to believe that myself and a colleague have been through most of the women in western civilisation, whereas in reality, it’s probably only about half 😉
Certainly the mass vapour fit that has suddenly overcome the entire Western MSM and gullible and/or venal politicians who still think they are relevant in the Internet age continues apace. Beyond the BBC, Classic FM Global dross has but one thing top of its list of horrors.
Beyond the serried ranks of old biddies queuing up to tut, or bale, there is also the always entertaining wishful thinking as ‘analysis’ these twerps use to reassure each other. The Don has lost the female vote… apparently.
Given the majority of the female population seem addicted to Geordie Shore, Big Brother or the antics of a lady with a big arse and a shaky grasp of millions of bling, it is entirely possible the faux shock horror being orchestrated is not resonating outside the bubble.
Everyone please ensure you are all sitting down I have some terrible news to impart. Apparently a female follower of the “religion of peace” has had her hijab ripped off in a London street! Apparently she is still in hijab shock!
This is it the racial armageddon the Beeb has been warning about. Personally I blame brexit – Jo was right!
Even worse the assailant was blonde or ginger!
This just shows how intolerent western society has become of our new guests.
Cant think why anyone would harbour any resentment towards Islam.
We have the gang rape of 1400 white teenagers in Rochdale, the running over murder and attempt to saw off a soldiers head and generally running amok in Europe in a general killing spree, preaching the killing of jews, appostates, gays and anyone who is not a follower.
All of these things seem perfectly reasonable to me as their culture is different to ours and yet some ignorant, satanic toerag plans and executes this most evil and heinous attack. The removal of said hijab!!!!!!!
We need to be very careful now, It is obvious that there is very little difference between this crime and the gassing of six million jews. (well only roughly 6 million deaths)
So Amber I suggest you must act quickly. Arrest anyone who criticises Islam online, Women in short skirts, gays, Christians, people who like dogs, people who eat bacon sandwiches, people who play music, men who stand whilst urinating, people who drink alcohol – These should give you some ideas where to start Amber – In fact arrest anyone who is white or ginger. Then and only then will you be able to avert this potential holocaust.
Or you could just put the kettle on and watch some telly – Just make sure its not the BBC.
I was thinking – maybe what with this latest shock piece of news and the loss of Eddies smart pink beret what we are facing is an epidemic of “Hat Crime” –
Is it just that the left spell worse than I do or is it just that continental spelling means the E remains silent?
Stick a microphone in any red blooded male changing room and that’s what you get, banter.
Obviously the employees of Al Beeb and the MSM are not red blooded males. They, like most media and stage men are of another persuasion.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 14:40 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Oopsie… Too late,” he said. ….. A plane carrying more than 200 Venezuelans deported by the US has landed in…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 14:30 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yuan Yang Labour MP for Earley and Woodley https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/26600/yuan_yang/earley_and_woodley/register My Maiden Speech in the House of Commons | Yuan Yang…
harry142857Mar 16, 14:14 Weekend 15th March 2025 Earley is a local suburb. Local MP already trying to cover up. Britain’s first Chinese born. https://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/news/25000387.pub-responds-sign-surrounding-harassment-claims/ Earley pub puts…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 16, 13:54 Weekend 15th March 2025 Thanks … and that is why they don’t get a penny from me.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 13:52 Weekend 15th March 2025 I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.…
DeborahMar 16, 13:43 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Spring Bank area of Hull has a large Muslim population, drive down there just after prayers and you would…
Guest WhoMar 16, 13:42 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://x.com/mishtal/status/1900855518136078344?s=61 Hey @bbcnews The judge explicitly said he was targeted for RELIGIOUS reasons because he was a Jew. 1. So…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 12:41 Weekend 15th March 2025 Migrant hotels, schoolgirls, police denials and “cultural expectations training” – what’s going on? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArdHzrk6lSs Residents in British towns like Earley,…
JohnCMar 16, 12:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yes Fed : they have said they will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstances. A despite all…
BBC Online News:
“”Hillary Clinton’s Wall St speeches published by Wikileaks””
“”My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere,” Mrs Clinton said””
I do hope this woman doesn’t win.
German town is locked down in search for 22 year old Syrian who is suspected to be preparing to carrying out a terrorist attack on A German airport. This has been reported elsewhere in the UK for a good couple of hours and yet over at that world renowned News Org the bBC there is….nothing. For those who want to know what is happening around as not brought to you by the bbC, have a butchers at the link below.
Germany:Town in lockdown in search for Syrian behind bomb threat
The bBC, the politically correct news org which only reports the news they want you to hear.
and for the first time I believe the German police have asked the public not to show any video or pictures of the operation on social media. Why not? It’s not as if it’s the first time a muslim terrorist is on the run in mainland Europe? It was almost a weekly occurrence in the summer. Could it be that the truth is too unpalatable for the public? – A Syrian, a muslim, an immigrant is a terrorist who wants to blow up an airport. Oh dear oh dear oh dear Angela and all the other lilly- livered liberals, what have you done? Maybe it’s just the police trying to extend the muslim news blackout to everyone?
Yet, when a member of the RoP looses her headdress in Tottenham the fullest description available of the (white) suspects is issued by our patriotic police “service”.
It seems to be NTDWI operation.
Is this being reported by the main-stream media, yet?
Just an observation and not BBC related although does involve their favourite religion.
Seem to be seeing more and more people in London in conservative Islamic dress, even more than usual.
Do you reckon word is out in the ROP community to dress appropriately so that when the Alan’s snackbar patrons get lost they know not to harm any of the other diners?
I notice that the BBC are plugging a series of radio shows to be presented by Boy George.
How come he gets a free pass?
Dave Lee Travis gets a 3 month sentence for sexually assaulting a woman and the BBC airbrush him from history. Notice how repeats of Top Of The Pops never feature him any more.
Boy George gets a 15 month sentence for imprisoning and violently assaulting a man and the BBC airbrush his crime from history. He even gets to replace national treasure Tom Jones on their biggest show.
Why the contradictory treatment?
Tony Blackburn got the sack because he couldn’t remember a meeting he was alleged to have attended over 40 years ago. He must really wish he was gay, he’d still be doing the Breakfast Show.
And…..Vicky Price was on Newsnight the other night in the Brexit doom and gloom slot. As an ‘economist’.
You remember her? Married to Chris Huehne?
Sent to prison for Perverting the Course of Justice as I recall.
Perhaps, as a woman, her criminal record is of no interest to the biased BBC.
VP is on BBC quite a lot since prison via bbc.co.uk (not including repeats)
14/10/2013 plugging new book, 5 web articles
BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday 14 October 2013.
BBC One – Breakfast, 14/10/2013
BBC Radio 4 – Woman’s Hour, 31 Oct 2013
BBC One – Question Time, 07/11/2013
6 Dec 2013 – Phil the Shelf,Radio Wales
BBC Radio London 16 Feb 2014
(May have been some appearance 2nd May when her lawyer was jailed)
BBC Radio 4 – Today, 30/12/2014
BBC One – This Week, 29/01/2015
Greek Battle Lines Drawn 12/02/2015
BBC Radio 4 – In Business 26 Mar 2015
Any Questions 3 Jul 2015
10 July 2015 Speaking to the BBC’s Mark Lobel
BBC Radio 4 – Great Lives 11 Aug 2015
Interviews on 7 webpages in 2015
Any Questions? 27 May 2016
BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour 22 Jun 2016
BBC Radio 5 live – Stephen Nolan, 24/06/2016
BBC Radio 4 – Any Questions? 7 Oct 2016
And there may be more, cos Google didn’t pick up that Newsnight appearance (Twitter search would)
And as I pointed out the other day, Andy Kershaw!! For violating a restraining order (hate crime??) Why is he welcomed back? I guess the BBC have their own in-house jury which trumps the state’s.
If you’re one of the BBC’s chosen ones it’s pretty hard to do anything bad enough to get cast out permanently. However, contrast Kershaw and Dr David Bellamy, who committed the cardinal sin of doubting manmade global warming!!
Part-time slum landlord Hardeep Singh Kohli has previous, too.
His first job at the BBC was directing children’s programmes at Television Centre. He then presented a Channel 4 schools series, Hardeep Does . . ., which covered a variety of topical issues—including sex, of course. Kohli also appeared in the Scottish segment of the Children in Need appeal in 2008, and presented the second series of CBBC game show Get 100 (2008-09).
And in July 2009, he was suspended from his role as a roving reporter for The One Show—initially for six months, during which time he was free to appear elsewhere on the BBC—after a complaint by a female researcher about ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour’. ‘Nobody has accused me of sexual harassment’, he whinged at the time. ‘I recognise I overstepped the mark and have apologised unreservedly.’ He subsequently described the sexual harasssment as ‘banter’.
No formal action was taken by the BBC. Three months into his ‘leave of absence’, he began to present an afternoon show called Tea and Biscuits on Radio 4. At much the same time, and apropos of nothing, he tweeted a list of what he called ‘porn kids’ characters’, including ‘Bagpussy’, ‘Blue Movie Peter’, ‘Little Jack Hornier’ and ‘Randy Pandy’. Cos that’s not creepy at all, is it, from a BBC employee serving a suspension for ‘inappropriate sexual behaviour’?
It’s just as well the BBC has never employed rapists or paedophiles isn’t it?
He’s the ‘comedian’ that had a massive hissy fit after Kelvin Mackenzie accused him of being a ‘jumped up little hitler’ on Celebrity Apprentice.
“Man dies after ‘being bundled in car’ in Erdington”
“Officers were initially called to reports of disorder between two groups of men in The Gardens at about 20:50 BST. They were then called to Hunton Road about five minutes later, a West Midlands Police spokesman said.”
So we can tell who this involves… Has the usual vague “men” theme.
Good old cultural enrichment, I’m struggling to keep up these days. I feel thoroughly enriched.
I see the BBC have given Lefty Paul Johnson of IFS his own edition of R4 Analysis
(Institute For Fiscal Studies)
but I do agree with him : we need to take from today’s pensioners.
The UK spent their contributions years ago so today we borrow massively to pay them comparative large pensions , yet they sit on huge untaxed house price gains.
Has anyone else noticed that the BBC seems more obsessed with Trump’s indiscreet words from 11 years ago, than with Trump saying the US will do a trade deal with the UK ahead of the EU if he wins the Presidency?
It’s quite possible this is very good news for the UK, but the story has been placed literally at the bottom of the BBC news page.
Obama likes pussy. Shock, horror.
I’ve just rechecked the BBC news page and it’s already completely disappeared from the front page now. It was only on the front page for a matter of minutes. For some reason, yesterdays story about the “pound plunge” is considered more news worthy.
Shock! Horror!
US Presidential candidate reveals himself to be heterosexual.
Cue cardiac arrest at our esteemed state broadcaster.
They simply cannot comprehend that a candidate might not match the LGBT photofit.
Reference the Donald Trump ‘story’ and the biased BBC apoplexy.
I merely mention that if you re-arrange the letters of ‘President Clinton of the USA’ it is possible to produce the anagram ‘To copulate he finds interns’.
What was that quote from Bill? Was it ‘I didn’t inhale’? Or what it ‘I didn’t impale’? I never could remember…..
I cant wait for the showing of the video where the witch Clinton is seen talking about defending a rapist she knew was guilty of raping a 12 year old girl……and laughing about it
Ok then
Can anyone tell me why what Trump ‘said’ is worse than what Bill Clinton ‘did’ with Monica? How come as the husband of a saint, Bill becomes a saint too and all his sins are forgiven?
No Deborah, there isn’t anyone on earth.. Even Hitlery Ca-chington herself, who can tell you why what Trump said was worse than what her sexual deviant husband Bill did.
Though we know that this has nothing at all to do with facts, the hurt or potential damages actions will cause! 1400 innocent white girls were raped, tortured and brutalised for over a decade in Rotherham FFS!! What did we get from the traitors in Al Beebistan??!! Fuck all!! They actually tried everything in their power to suppress it!! Yet the shit eating, fuckwits at the Islamic Al Beeb are loosing their minds and have taken out a fatwa in desperately trying to attack WORDS that Trump used over a decade ago!!?
Not bias by the BBC, just plain ignorance. This morning we switched on early to Radio 4 and had farming today. The agenda was the cruel landlords who forced their workers out of tied cottages and left them to get their own accommodation. The man interviewed did admit that farm wages had risen to compensate. The interviewer, a female who I think was called Sophie, then asked if it made life difficult if the worker had a half hour journey after work to get home and at times like harvest it would be too late to get to the pub (asked the dolly daydream).
May I explain that at harvest everyone is far too exhausted to even think of going to a pub after work. I presume dolly daydream thinks it is like working for the BBC when a late finish means a late start and after work you can go down to Covent Garden for a drink standing on the pavement smoking something too. Real life is not like that.
May I also point out that the unions pushed for farmworkers to have increased wages (we could only take £2.00 a week out of wages for rent so farm worker pay was much higher than ever appeared and there was no travel costs either. But thank the unions.
But my rant is, why employ a female to interview on Farming today, who obviously has no knowledge of agriculture?
Oh, I’m sure she’ll have a BBC approved degree in something or other. She’ll be ‘reporting’ on world affairs in a year or so.
….why employ a female to interview on Farming today, who obviously has no knowledge of agriculture…..
Same reason Nadya Hussain suddenly becomes a celebrity after baking a couple of cakes, and sends a young female reporter to the Star Trek convention in Birmingham who was clearly too young to remember it on the tele !
American lives don’t matter.
Like quite a few Brits I expect, I have business interests, business partners and friends on the eastern coast of Florida. I have therefore naturally kept a close eye and ear to the latest on hurricane Matthew. However, you would be pretty hard pressed to think it was going anywhere near Florida listening to the BBC. Its all about Haiti. Despite carving its path across Haiti some 5 days ago. if you Google ‘hurricane Matthew’ the BBC’s indomitable news machine dominates the results – and every headline mentions Haiti. Unlike quoted headlines from the Telegraph and even the Guardian – Florida doesn’t get a mention.
Instead we are bombarded endlessly with a list of Haiti headlines e.g.: ‘Why is Haiti so badly hit by natural disasters?- BBC’ (er, it isn’t – they just can’t cope). I have to confess, it isn’t easy to see the difference between Haiti before and after a hurricane, but for the BBC ‘Matthew hits Haiti’ presses all the blatant opportunity buttons – including the chance to imply that America and American lives don’t matter.
Haiti – isn’t that where a billion dollars of aid, given after the earthquake there a while back, er…disappeared?
Yes, much of it disappeared into the jaws of the Clinton Foundation, never to be seen again. But that doesn’t matter, because Donald Trump said “pussy” in a private conversation eleven years ago. The American people must not be allowed to elect a heterosexual male to the Presidency, a corrupt lesbian married to a rapist is much the better choice.
Florida doesn’t get a mention
BBC ignoring Florida as the hurricane travels up its coast?
That’s probably because Trump is likely to win that state. And also because Florida is full of ex-Cubans who fled the communist paradise so beloved of the BBC to settle in America, the Big Satan.
Can’t have any news stories potentially drumming up sympathy for those people.
Message to Harrabin and all the rest of you eco-socilaist climate junkies at the BBC: THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH IS OUT THERE
America’s busiest hurricane season occurred 130 years ago. In 1886, the US was hit by seven hurricanes, including two major hurricanes.
Hurricane Matthew is a Category 4 storm at the moment, that makes it very dangerous, and (if it makes landfall) something we have not seen in the continental United States for a over a decade. Surprisingly, just today, we passed the 4000 day mark for a drought of major (Cat 3 or greater) hurricanes to make landfall on the continental USA.
Hurricane Wilma was the last major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger) to hit the U.S. It made landfall in Florida on October 24, 2005. The much ballyhooed Hurricane Sandy was Category 1 at landfall, and technically not a hurricane at that time, but an extra-tropical cyclone. Hurricane Ike in 2008, was a Category 2 when it made landfall…..
That’s because the data show for the last 10 years we have had an unusual drought of landfalling major hurricanes (Category 3 and higher) on the continental U.S. That’s right, no major hurricanes have made landfall for over a decade. This is the longest such drought on record…..
In fact, taking a tally of the scariest hurricanes (Categories 4 and 5) indicates things were worse nearly a century ago. For the 44 years from 1926 to 1969, 14 of these most powerful storms made landfall, while the 46 years since then had only three.
And funny how they keep pushing the dates out for their cataclysmic scenarios. So as real world data starts to bite – like the flatlining of global temperatures over the last 18+ years – we now hear ‘in the decades to come’ or ‘by 2050’ or ‘by the end of this century’. And there are no end of ‘coulds’, of course.
When will some world leader have the balls to stand up and expose this life-threatening, wealth-draining, economy-destroying, country-wrecking ‘scientific’ con trick?
Below the belt
Fawning interview just now on BBC news between a BBC sports eunuch and Nicola Adams female boxer. She can’t quite decide between going professional, going for her third Olympics, or getting into acting – decisions decisions… “so many barriers to break” – she says. Yeah and jaws to break and brains to scramble.
BBC seems keen on her efforts to encourage more young girls to take up boxing. Apparently a three-year-old did a bit of sparring with our Nicola earlier – what a role model.
BBC, next time you start to bang on about the health dangers of the sport of boxing – just go stuff your concerns up your sports bra.
AISI – great post.
The BBC don’t do double standards, but if they did they’d be the best double standards in the world…probably.
BBC Online News:
“”Business leaders plead against ‘hard’ Brexit”” (Only two ‘leaders’. One of them is the CBI which is largely funded by the EU. The other is a support organisation which does not do any direct business).
“”It says defaulting to trading by World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules would leave 90% of UK goods trade with the EU subject to new tariffs”” (Wrong).
“”Every credible study that has been conducted has shown that [the] WTO option would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy and those of our trading partners”” (Wrong again).
“”One of the signatories, CBI Director General Carolyn Fairbairn, said the letter called for “ruling out of the really worst options, to reassure investors that the UK was still a really good place to invest”” (Carolyn Fairbairn: In 1997 Fairbairn was appointed as Director of Strategy for BBC Worldwide, later promoted to Director of Strategy & Distribution, and also became a member of the BBC’s Executive Board. She was responsible for delivery of the BBC’s services to viewers, including on cable and satellite. She managed a budget of £150 million and negotiated the BBC’s major distribution deals with Sky, Virgin and BT. She helped to develop the BBC’s digital strategy and renewal of their charter, and was instrumental in creating One BBC).
“”So this letter offers a stark warning. The UK, it says, needs access to the single market. Leaving the EU and reverting to international trade rules would do serious and lasting damage to the UK economy. Costs for businesses would go up. Jobs could be lost””
“”But this message isn’t new – and the evidence suggests the prime minister has other priorities. So will she be listening?”” (More BBC bilge).
And would it amaze you to learn that no opposing balanced view was offered by the BBC?
And so it goes on. The Anti-Brexit BBC continues to use Tax Payers money to fund their totally biased beliefs.
Goebbels would have been proud of the BBC. And he would if alive today have voted Remain. There are those who say that therefore, all Remainers are Nazis!
One of the minor highlights of the referendum campaign, was watching Nigel Lawson gently placing Carolyn Fairbairn back in her box.
Thanks for that reminder. Nigel Lawson is brilliant.
That look at the end.
Has the BBC hired her yet as an interviewer.
Gabbling endless incoherence trying to crowd out sensible discussion seems a shared forte.
What a stupid nasty bitch !
Listening to BBC R4 gives the impression that every business in the UK is a massive importer/exporter. This is not the truth. They speak almost solely for the big boys who have not expressed a view that leaving was a good idea. It’s as if there was nobody that mattered in the other 5.4million private sector businesses in the country.
Well said.
In the short term at least, leaders of big businesses may be correct that their firms will be better off if Britain stays. But they cannot justifiably speak on the overall balance of economic gains and losses, including the effects on non-exporting businesses, consumers and the public sector. They are not qualified to do so. They have no special insight into the economy overall. The things they see so clearly for their own businesses are just a fraction of the total issue, and an unrepresentative fraction at that.
Plus this unrepresentative sample of UK business has disproportionate influence in the already undemocratic EU.
Take the amount of tariffs charged to importers and use it to mitigate the costs to exporters. The remainder, a still huge amount, could be used to promote and modernise agriculture to keep prices of staple products at a low level.
A 10% duty on imported German cars alone would bring in 2.25 billion if average cost of £30k per vehicle was assumed at 900,000 vehicles per year.
Don’t know if this is feasible but even if not it’s still a better idea than sitting down and crying like the Beeb and other remainers are doing.
In its more lucid moments the BBC accepts that the vote to leave the EU means that we are leaving, but its reserve position is that we have to accept a “Soft Brexit” deal. I have one question about “Soft Brexit” that I have never seen asked in any BBC interview.
To set the context:
1) As members of the EU we enjoy tariff free access to the EU market but we are required to impose the external EU tariff on imports from any country outside the EU, for example driving up the cost of food impported from Third World countries.
2) The government has said that once we have left the EU we want to negotiate free trade deals with countries around the world, and Liam Fox has already made a start.
3) The BBC has said that the advantagee of a “Soft Brexit” is that we stay inside the European Economic Area and so retain tariff free access to the EU market.
My question is: Can a “Soft Brexit” outcome that leaves us inside the EEA also allow us to agree free trade deals with other countries that mean we don’t charge the EU external tariff on their goods? Or to rephrase the question: Is “Soft Brexit” a cunning plan to keep us tied to the EU customs union?
I do wish that the BBC would supply information rather than wall to wall emotion.
Brilliant! Thanks Al Shubtill.
The Saudi Arabian airforce bombed a funeral hall in Yemen today, 82 people were killed, The Saudi Arabian airforce is assisted by America and UK. Could you imagine the outcry if the Syrian airforce had carried out such an attack.
At least the BBC reported this atrocity, but of course Trump’s lewd comments make the headlines.
This is not reporting. This is biased drivel, that should not be allowed.
The temptation of sneering at Trump is just too great for them. Its oh so easy propaganda opportunity is far more important than the deaths inflicted upon Yemenis by our great friends in the KSA who have now created another 82 bombing opportunities for their trigger happy pilots. They bomb matches and dispatches already, really ought get some hatches in to even up the tally.
Anyway, luckily it was the Saudis, it removes the need to cry ‘war crimes’ at the end of every sentence. Supporting the moderate be-headers of children in both Syria and Saudi is an exhausting task you know, so any energy unwasted by being economical with the truth is a useful saving.
When the real job is finished and Hillary is in charge the devastation in the Middle East will be obscured by the sea of doves and angels she will send there with her personal best wishes and much love.
Why oh why does Al Beeb spout so much propaganda and devote so much time to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, black Muslim and ethnic minorities?
Surely they are a very small proportion of the population of Great Britain?
A comment that my colleagues and friends also make .
Great question Taffman.. In fact it is THE question of our time.
I believe the reasons are as follows…
1: Fear! History has already shown time and time again how anyone that says anything at all outside of the bigoted, fascist lefts, ‘approved’ guidelines is castrated from any media platform. Everyone involved in media have whipped themselves up into manic levels of self delusion and brainwashing, because these spineless, backstabbing cowards are only focused on self preservation…. Conforming to the narrative is the only way of finding work for today’s journos..
2: Being forced to feel self hatred for ones privilege…Every person on the planet can only evaluate life within their own personal bubble…. Every single person who champions the divisive, intolerant and hate filled topics you list Taffman are solely looking to prove to their sheltered, isolated peer group that “I’m not letting my social position give me protective status…look how un-racist, un-judgemental, utterly tolerant I am..”. The only people these mentally detached delusionists are interested in are themselves and how they look to their piss smelling, snowflake friends. This is just a warped recognition/acceptance game between their own social circles… It’s all about victim championing of anyone they feel is worse than them…. and that’s everyone accept the evil, demons that are white men. It’s basically the most dishonest and devious form of supremacist and bigoted ideology.
3: Those who are championing multiculturalism, mass immigration, Islamic aggression, social destruction…. Are doing so because it benefits themselves. This could be financial, politically or just morally….Most of the traitorous bastards that continually attack our way of life to change it, are doing so because they know that doing so can guarantee employment/financial reward for the rest of their lives… To be rewarded this way means that no matter what happens, the benefiters will be long gone counting their Ill gotten gains in financial protection…
One day, I hope these bastards get to realise that traitory pays the highest price…. I for one will never forget the damage they have done
“Why oh why does Al Beeb spout so much propaganda and devote so much time to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, black Muslim and ethnic minorities?”
GUILT : Aunty knows her soul is so soiled from the sins of the past, she is trying to make up for it.
That time when she was the toff’s network sneering at minorities, gays, blacks..and being sexist against women ..facilitating child abuse etc.
“Will these hands ne’er be clean ?”
..”Look at me now , I am pure pure pure ..she is saying”
Good replies ‘posters’.
In my opinion Al Beeb is completely out of touch with a majority of the people that are compelled by law to fund its anti-British propaganda.
It was evident during the build up to the Brexit vote, a point mentioned by Boris Johnson in the recent Tory conference.
Someone is in control of Al Beeb and is controlling its propaganda and bias, but that person is not brought to book by the democratically elected government. Al Beeb have turned their back on the British people and British values.
I doubt if Al Beeb would ever have lasted as long as it has in any other democratic nation whose people love their country or dare I say it, are patriotic.
BTW They did stick in another hour of special black programming on Radio 4 today : The Black Panthers
I do hope it took a critical line instead of glorifying guns and violence to young blacks.
Sunday you’ll have to listen to the Black History podcast
cos the daily radio show Britain’s Black Past does resume until Monday.
BTW 6.15 Loose Ends just happened to have gay icon Alan Carr as well as Jake Arnott (novelist) ranked one of Britain’s 100 most influential gays (bisexual)
..The only cross dressing was from : Dame Edna Everage,
They had one other guest who was not publicly gay. …..To talk about her work about famous gay playright Joe Orton.
Insurgency: ‘an occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force’
So assuming they’re successful, their model for a New Black America would look like what, exactly?
Do they have a brain cell between them at the BBC?
BTW The bisexual writer Jake Arnott’s play about the gay icon playright Joe Orton is on Radio 3 ..tonight
..See the BBC output is incestuous aswell
From a network sneering at minorities to a network of sneering minorities. The transformation continues apace.
Funny how at the BBC ‘Black History’ is relentlessly positive and something to be ‘celebrated’, whilst white history is always a source of shame and something to be reviled.
So, for example, they’ll never mention the role of native Africans in slave markets, or the Islamic slave trade which operated simultaneously and was far more brutal in its treatment of slaves.
Some historians estimate that between A.D. 650 and 1900, 10 to 20 million people were enslaved by Arab slave traders. Others believe over 20 million enslaved Africans alone had been delivered through the trans-Sahara route alone to the Islamic world.
The network sneering AT minorities
Became the network OF sneering minorities
So good @Stewie I had to repeat it
Ironic that the BBC feels so guilty about its BIASED past, that it makes a BIASED future by overcompensating and going into constant Virtue Signalling mode.
Biased BBC2 Saturday night Arts strand
Mmm. Michael Palin interviews Jan Morris , and then Boy George does a retrospective about the 70s, according to the Radio Times.
But in fact……. much is made of James Morris sex change to Jan Morris in c 1972.
Followed by Boy George with a sole focus on the gay issues of the 70s, beginning with the David Bowie bisexual image from the Aladdin Sane period. And then on to Quentin Crisp.
So….absolutely no narrative whatsoever, just a total focus on what a recent survey suggests represents about 1.7% of the population.
Unceasing, biased, brainwashing narrative.
Well at least BBC followed it with good old 1972 heterosexual film Cabaret
..Oh hang on it’s the earliest film to feature cross dressing men in the club and peeing in the lavatory
..as well as bisexual relationships.
How thick am I for not spotting that as well?
You are of course completely correct.
So what we have here is a full night of full-on biased BBC LGBT brainwashing propaganda, but mischievously and of course deliberately labelled merely as ‘Arts Night’.
Just when you think they can’t go any lower, they get right down into the cesspit.
I watched Cabaret due to the 5 star revue , 8 Oscars etc.
but it was no Shakespeare production. I can only guess that the Hollywood clique felt good about it, cos it included gays, bisexual sex, abortion, sympathy for Jews.
It’s like its awards were for Virtue Signalling, for normalising behaviour which other 1972 media found abnormal.
(It wasn’t even sexy. Like when are stockings and suspenders not sexy ? When they are on stout German girls with gaudy make-up inside that Carbaret club. Liza Minnelli is not sexy..that’s maybe she’s a gay icon not a heterosexual one)
I agree that Liza Minelli was not sexy, but I don’t think that’s the point of the film. She is amazing in it though, a fantastic performance. I like the film, its seediness, its unfulfilled dreams and even its odd flashes of comedy. It rather shows what happens when an evil political movement is allowed to grow and take over, very much like the left-wing fascists are doing today.
Couldn’t agree more, Demon. I’ve seen the role of Sally Bowles played by other accomplished actresses and no-one comes close to Minelli’s performance. Bob Fosse’s direction is also extraordinarily good, no more so than for the song ‘Tomorrow belongs to me’ (shortly to be performed by the Corbyn Youth no doubt).
Thanks, I understand the writers good intentions, but personally I found it unconvincing overall and in Minellis acting
..all the other actors were very convincing to me.
Like the nightclub is quite camp in aspects..I don’t see how that fits with Nazis anti-homosexuality.
StewGreen. The first lot of Nazis were the Brown Shirts. or SA a paramilitary organisation largely run by Ernst Rohm. They were nasty street bully boys and were the public face of nazism for a while. Until an even nastier group, the Blackshirts came along and in the “Night of the Long Knives” destroyed them.
Rohm was not only a possible rival to Hitler for power, he was also a homosexual and many in the Brownshirts were believed to be also. Hence the ongoing hatred of gays by the triumphant nazi faction.
Nightclubs could well have been frequented by some Brownshirts before the purge.
Anyway that’s as I understand it.
The BBC archetype par excellence
Noticed ‘Nice Guy’ Gavin Esler getting his turn to get stuck into the Trump ‘anti-women’ Democrat Party attack piece du jour this evening. (Think it’s been put out there to drown out the Bill Clinton crazy Obamacare gaff)
When a Republican spokeswoman attempted to apply some context to the Trump banter by explaining to the incredulous metro dinner party bubble-bound Beeboid that this is the way ordinary men do tend to brag to their mates our Mr Nice Guy took great pains to make his point “not all men”
That was a very telling remark. Clearly Esler was not speaking up for men per se – more so for himself and perhaps too for his own narrow circle.
Here’s the problem – the BBC provides a platform for performing PC chimps like Esler to strut their holier than thou perfection and endlessly play to the diminishing Guardian-clutching gallery that still supports BBC
Nicky Campbell is another fine specimen – parading his cringeing feminism like a virgin freshman newly arrived at the achingly lefty you-knee in hope of a solidarity shag (cf. Corbyn re Abbot).
Be it the British butt of the Dateline London panel of super lefty foreign journos or be it side-kick to super Lefty movie buff Kermode – Esler always plays the foil – the simpering pale middle-aged guilt-ridden metro super eunuch par excellence. Meanwhile merrily banking his mega BBC cheque each month (made out to his service company per chance).
It is propaganda when the media hide the tape of Hillary laughing at her clever scheming in getting the child rapist off.
…OK it would be fair enough for a journo to criticise Trump for his old words if he/she also criticised Hillary for hers..but it seems the MSM is playing propaganda games rather than seeking to truthfully inform.
Has anyone told Gavin Esler that men are allowed to pee standing up? There seem to be a lot of things men do which shock him, so it’s about time someone broke this one to him.
One of ‘Merkel’s Marauders’?
More ‘Multi-culti’ to come .
Leaves you guessing as to his religious persuasion though.
There are some brilliant poster-type things in there. Worth watching even if you’ve heard all the arguments before.
The desperate party in usa’s gonna lose 4/1 trump now lump on he’s gonna get 330 -340 electoral votes.Keep the faith.
And meanwhile on the domestic front ……….
We still need to keep an eye on whats going on in domestic politics situation.
Not really a BBC story but following on from the Wolf/Hookem debacle the Hypocrite online (sorry I meant the Mail) is still stirring and pissing in the pot, with a truly pathetic jab at Farage because he sent an Email to the woman he was meant to be having an affair with – saying Diane James would not be a good leader. Doesnt matter the affair that it was unproven the DM just trying to link the words Farage and affair together.
Is this story really relevant to any thing. Other than trying to smear Farage again.
I do however think that currently there is a concerted media campaign to take UKIP out of the picture. With Labour destroyed for a generation we now have a Prime Minister. (who though currently making the right noises on Brexit) Will not deliver what people want unless there is a political price to pay if she fails to deliver. UKIP are the natural opposition to hold May to account.
We have seen Theresa in the past very wishy washy on both Brexit and immigration control, and one of her first acts was to give Amber Rudd the greenlight on monitoring chat sites, but probably not left wing ones – just “hate” sites like us!
UKIP really do need to sort their shit out – They are at a historic moment where they could truly become the true opposition (people still voted for them in the recent bi election) – but with self centered arseholes like Hookem, Hamilton and Carswell all they are likely to do is snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
BBC: US election: More top Republicans drop support for Trump
This has all the hallmarks of a pre-planned coup by the Republican Establishment. If it’s going to bring him down I hope Trump makes sure he takes the Republican Party with him.
I also think it’s time Trump supporters started to arrange for boycotts of those shilling for Hillary.
It has been documented that Tony Blair and George Bush took us to a war based on lies, This war led to the death of thousands and the repercussions are still being felt.
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy invaded Libya based on lies. This war led to thousands being killed and led to unrest in Libya and mass migration.
Hillary Clinton used an unprotected server that probably led to Americans being killed in Libya,
Some guy said derogatory statements about women (in private) 11 years ago.
Clearly a pre-planned coup cobbled together by members of both parties and designed for use against Trump in segue to the ‘body image’ question put by 15 year old Brennan Leach, a girl who was ‘chosen at random’ from those at a rally in Pennsylvania a couple of days earlier. Brennan Leach, the 15 year old, told Hillary ‘I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look.” She just happens to be a child actor and her father just happens to be Pennsylvanian Democrat senator, Daylin Leach.
Sky News have tried to do a ‘balanced’ feature on the Trump story. The BBC would never provide a ‘balanced’ feature.
Here’s an extract from Sky Online News:
“””But members of Colorado Women for Trump dismiss questions about his attitude to women.
Charlene Hardcastle said: “He’s an equal opportunities offender, he’s non-PC and that’s what I love about him.
“Americans are afraid to say what they really think.”
Loretta Perry added: “He’s not a polished speaker, he’s not a politician. He’s done some wonderful things for lots of women, there’s nobody perfect on this earth.”
Meanwhile, interim UKIP leader Nigel Farage has waded into the crisis, insisting Mr Trump’s remarks amounted to “alpha male boasting”.
Speaking in St Louis, Missouri, where he is attending this weekend’s televised presidential debate as a Trump supporter, the UK MEP said the comments were “ugly”, but stated that women also make remarks they would not want to see reported”””
BBC Online News today provides not even an attempt at balance. It’s just gleeful full-on anti-Trump:
Fox doesn’t like Hil-Liary, either:
And I thought it was impossible for her to become any more repugnant. Apparently not.
Being a bit of a twat can be forgiven if said twat has the humility to apologise and admit to mistakes.
Almost all other politicians have absolutely no concept of this and just carry an air of righteousness that makes any average Joe/Joanne want to give them a slap.
A lesson that they never learn or have the ability to.
We hear that the BBC has celebrated Black History Month with the sacking, on ‘diversity’ grounds, of radio performer Jon Holmes. Making the career of a white man – well, history.
What’s this got to do with Black History, we ask?
Suddenly the poor chap was history, he had to call a black cab after packing his things into a black sack because he had been black-balled.
Where’s your sense of humour AslSeelt? Surely that’s the funniest event to emerge from the Now Show.
For years it has amused and lectured us on diversity. Yet when it happens they squeal so loudly you put your fingers in your ears faster than you reach for the off switch when someone says and “and here’s this weeks Now Show.”
@AsISeeIt That is quite funny
For the black guy it’s BBC Black History month
For the White guy it’s BBC YOU are History month
Official census stats show UK as 90% white and 10% non-white (including 3% black)
Have I Got News For You presented 3 comedians, plus Nick Clegg and a Tourette’s sufferer called Roisin Conaty.
Sadly, they only broadcast part one, an amusing attack on the right wing factions of life: Trump, UKIP and the Tories. Oddly, I cannot find part two when it entertains us with the staggering amount of material from Clinton, Labour, (a gift that keeps on giving) and the BBC itself.
I feel that it would be a good idea if they were titled ‘so called comedians’ in keeping with current BBC naming standards.
Roisin Conaty is the statutory woman they use when Katharine Ryan is not available.
I listened to Jon Sopel of the BBC reporting on Hillary Clinton’s notorious funding of the Clinton Foundation, her criminal inaction that led to the Benghazi murders, and that she held secret (top secret) emails on her private server open to easy hacking by foreign governments, and then illegally deleting them in defiance of a Congressional subpoaena. Or was I dreaming?
Al Beeb TV and Radio this morning ……….
Wall to wall anti Brexit, anti UKIP, anti Trump, all topped up with ‘OJ’, the little left wing spoilt brat who is liable storm of the set if thing don’t go his way .
Yep I got that, at the last minute of Brexit we got Project Desperation with it’s crazy prediction of £6,500 loss for every taxpayer..
Now we Have Project Desperation #2 in the final month of the Hillary campaign.
Yesterday/today banging on unfairly about Trump was the norm across ALL MEDIA controlled by Elect Hillary Corporation (which is basically all media except Fox-News and Breibart) They were laying it on thick like in the middle of the night :
– Doton was banging on on 5 Live,
– R4 had a World Service Business prog which just happened to have a special panel about “normal US women” and the US elections
– R2 had some US folk singer and his song For the people by the People
– LBC’s :GlobalNews was laying it on thick as well.
as @Roland Deschain alluded to at 9:20 am It’s not news it’s a pre-planned stunt
I don’t think its from the Replubicans, I think Elect Hillary Corporation have a hell of a lot of resources ..and that they have collected some dirt on Trump ready to use at the optimim moment..ie 30 hours before the second debate where Trump has promised to hit Hillary about her families sexual indescretions.
Does anyone here think that the Trump tape is NEWS that just happened to come out the day before the second presidential debate ?
No of course not it’s just another Hillary dirty tricks stunt
..and I expect they have some dirt/angle on a couple of Republicans so they’ve been waiting for the right moment to get them to ditch Trump for maximum PR value.
Before the Trump tape : people knew pretty much every politician is two faced and untrustworthy ..so you choose the least worst option.
And After Trump tape : nothing has changed.
This staged furore ..is just the same as they try to make out that someone who once sent a tweet is worse than someone who ordered a genocide.
Two words
Word 1 : Trump
Word 2 : Kennedy
..The Democrats who hail Kennedy ..know damn well his attitude towards women.
The recent attacks on Trump over his past remarks about certain women do fit in with Hillary’s ‘Republican war on women’ theme [= ‘vote for me because I’m a woman’] but I think it might backfire.
Once this area comes under discussion, Hillary might find she has more to lose. There’s the whole question of husband Slick Willy, Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Elizabeth Gracen, Ms Broderick, etc; and Hillary’s defence of him, rubbishing them as “trailer trash”, ‘bimbos’ and the like; plus her first case as an attorney, where she got a rapist acquitted. The question of her relationship with Huma Abedin, and other female interns, could be brought up.
It’s going to get dirtier and dirtier. Who has the most to hide?
Amusingly, the only serious coverage I have seen of Illary’s misbehaviour was when I accidentally switched on RT earlier today.
As for the lockstep Trump-bashing, I don’t believe it is actively co-ordinated. What happens is that almost all of the West’s media is controlled by Leftists of one hue or another and they simply leap like fish after flies whenever there’s suitable bait around.
There doesn’t need to be a current conspiracy, it happens automatically. The actual conspiracy happened decades ago when the subversion of the state was planned by communists. What we are witnessing now is the result.
Oh the irony
Naggy rugmuncher chairing a discussion about whether its immoral to avoid paying tax……while over 100 so called bbc so called celebs are under investigation for just this
Oh and prize knobhead owen jones and a moozlim woman tick a couple of right on boxes
Number 6
Al Beeb – Completely out of touch with the majority of the British Public and getting worse each day .
Surely our present government is aware of this ?
I think (and I hope) that the government are biding their time and consolidating their position before they strike at the BBC. I suspect things will change after the next election when, despite an even greater effort by the BBC to subvert democracy, the Tories will win by a landslide (assuming May delivers a full English Brexit). This will give them the power to pull the rug (AKA license tax funding) from under them.
As you say, this morning, they are in full wall to wall lefty propaganda mode – 3 anti-Trump articles on the front page, with the obligatory links to many more, plus an article warning of the ‘dangers’ of letting the people have their say in a referendum. Apparently, according to the BBC, referendums are always bad, citing Hitler and Napoleon as examples. Funny they forget to mention Switzerland that has the most direct democracy of any developed western country, and arguably the most successful.
I can find no evidence whatsoever that the Conservatives under May are any more likely to curtail the BBC’s far Left actvities than they were under Cameron.
In fact, judging from May’s speech last week, I would suggest they are actually less likely to take the BBC to task, as she was outlining a big government, state-heavy, interventionist approach to government that is just the sort of thing the BBC approves of and advocates.
Tories will be very foolish to wait until after the next election. There will inevitably be bad news between now and the election which the Beeb will desperately spin to lower the Tory vote.
I couldn’t believe my ears on R5 Pienaar’s politics this morning. A cutesy 5 year girl was brought on to criticise Mrs. May. Well, maybe she was more mature than Farron and more concise than Corbyn, but this is ridiculous bias. It’s also reminiscent of the 1980’s playbook the BBC used to attack Mrs. Thatcher by portraying her as the nation’s wicked stepmother.
Maybe the big reform of Al-Beeb can be after the next election, but I’m hoping I’m right in perceiving a few tactical blows already. For example, the move to publish all Beeb salaries over 150k and the recent tax investigation. Both these issues will expose the BBC’s hypocrisy.
No 6,
And this tax avoidance is standard practice at the BBC and condoned by them. What a disgusting organisation.
I’m not religious but this is a christian country and i can remember when sunday morning tv was a time of religious reflection,faith ,goodness all things i respect.It’s now a political quagmire of deception, treating the ordinary folk with utter contempt that we can’t see through their lies and propaganda.Theresa instead of praising the bbc you should make it more in line with tory views, that’s why we vote for you.Andrew marr show ,peston on sunday are brain damage programmes.No tv for me this sunday morning sick of cookery shows and left wing bias even though the tories are in power,going for a walk instead of being tortured.
UK is not a Christian country ..It’s a free-thinker country.
…but the first thing I saw on TV on this morning 10:05 BBC was an item about a woman in a hijab ..explaining her life.
I don’t really go looking for this stuff..the BBC keeps pushing it in my face totally disproportionately.
(I spent most of the last 2 years in Islamic dominated countries and on Sundays was often teaching in an Islamic orphanage)
StewGreen, was it BA20 or 21 that flew the expats home to Heathrow from Saudi for their vacation? I always remember the greeting from the cabin crew when about to alight: “welcome home Sir”. They knew what the previous 6 months or so had been like. But, yes, I agree, I don’t want that sh*t forced on me everywhere I look- had enough of it in the Middle East and Indonesia
What will the democrats have lined up for the eve of the final debate ‘donald trump ate my liver with some fava beans’.
We are told that 897 “Syrians” have been arrested in the UK over the past year, “…for serious crimes including rape, death threats, and child abuse….”. This information comes from a Freedom of Information request. And we have to put up with another ‘resettled’ 20,000 in the process of arriving? The Government are having a laugh at the voters expense.Simply clear the lot out of it before the state of the UK reaches that of Sweden.
OK that story is dated August..based on the Sun story dated 31st July based on a D Mail story 11th June ..covererd here on BBBC June 12th
but something interesting
Do we know what this prog was ?
Ah Newsnight. “The case was covered by the BBC for the first time on Friday as part of a Newsnight series tracking the progress of two Syrian families who had been resettled in Britain.”
The D Mail article (no open comments) says
897 arrested doesn’t mean 897 guilty..usually its lower, but if the police are afraid of arresting Muslims the actual number could be far higher.
Cue a huge gasp of astonishment from all 12 viewers.
Please sign this petition to outlaw halal slaughter in the UK
Sorry to be a pain but the petition contains this line
“They are allowed to slaughter in their yards at home,with no consequences.”
em that’s sounds ‘too wow to be true’ for the UK, although it is normal in Islamic dominated countries.
I checked the DEFRA site and it says
Now we know how it works; that authorities seem to bend over backwards to NOT properly enforce laws on Muslims ..so in practice they might get away with it..I’m not sure.
RSPCA website says “84 per cent of animals slaughtered by the Halal method were stunned before slaughter. (98% for cattle PDF)” and that their main concern is the non-stunning.
No 6, if halal meat was banned in the UK, then kosher meat would be too. As Stew quotes the RSPCA, 84% of halal meat is prestunned. For kosher meat, this would be unacceptable. Kosher meat tends to be the forequarter of the animal which allows all the expensive steak etc to go into the general meat trade. The hind quarter from a kosher animal is not kosher unless it goes through labour intensive deveining making it prohibitively expensive – so usually this part of the animal is not kosher – neither one thing nor another. Prohibiting halal meat would have a greater effect on the Jewish population than the Muslim population – unintended consequences?
For the fluffy bunny brigade it is all about pre-stunning, unacceptable for kosher meat. However the real agenda for the fluffy bunny brigade is for us all to become vegetarian. First they came for the Jews…….
I just dont want some dirty heathen saying a prayer to the moon god over anything I eat….hence our meat comes form the local butchers
Deborah, this is NOT about Muslims or Jews. It’s about a disgustingly cruel and totally unnecessary barbaric practice that should have been outlawed centuries ago. I am certainly not from the “fluffy bunny brigade”, and I despise the likes of PETA and all it stands for, but how can anyone watch the incredible suffering these animals have to endure, all for the sake of some stupid belief in sky faeries? If you have never actually witnessed halal & kosher slaughter then just have a quick look at youtube. It’s horrifying and utterly sickening what some people are prepared to do in the name of some irrational superstition. I know it’s not popular to criticise Jews on this forum, but I’m sorry, when it comes down to kosher slaughter it every bit as bad, if not worse, than halal slaughter. Never mind Brexit, if there is one issue that calls for a referendum, this is it!
I merely point out that kosher meat is not, as far as I know, supplied outside the Jewish community; however halal meat is not only very widely sold into the countrywide meat markets but, because the government (under pressure from muslims) have refused to label it as such. Thus, the general population eat it whether they like it or not. Indeed, I believe some schools serve only halal meat irrespective of non-muslim pupils. Shocking.
It’s about doing what’s right , weak government accommodates your beliefs and compromises mine.
I am not vegetarian, but equally whats wrong with the fluffy bunny brigade ? I must be one as I love animals.
Its true that the general population are subjected to Halal without realising it. I went to buy a Chinese meal from a pop-up snack bar, and despite it being manned by Polish catholic staff, I casually asked if the chicken was Halal – it was, so I walked away. I get so angry that we have been a Christian country for centuries, yet in the space of 20 odd years we have been infiltrated like a silently spreading cancer by Islamic traditions whether we ask for it or not.
The irony is that Muslims aren’t prohibited from eating non-halal meat: if there is no halal available, it’s covered by something in their cult termed the Doctrine of Necessity or Daura’; so if halal slaughter was banned (it should never have been permitted in the first place IMHO – if an ordinary abattoir was discovered to be killing animals in that way, it would be shut down) they would be religiously free to eat other meat.
It’s just, yet more, cowardice from our “Elite” when they find themselves having to deal with the more unpleasant practices and beliefs of the minority religions and cultures which have been permitted to gradually invade us since the end of WW2.
“I don’t want your half continental Brexit
…………………… ……. I want the Full English Brexit”
said a caller on KTHopkins show just now
Time for Great Britain to ‘tool up’ built more warships and submarines , source the steel for home producers get our steel works back in operation and bring our arms research and manufacture back home, to quote the Lieabour Party’s motto ‘British jobs for British Workers’
Exactly. I think we need to expand our armed forces and make it clear to the new American president that we take our security obligations seriously. We also need to be able to project force and protect our maritime interests.
On BBC dateline London now, 11:50, the four panellists, all anti Trump, are discussing Trump. Questions by the ‘chairman’ like “can the Republican Party dump him” or somehow get him replaced.
I really hope Trump wins.
BBC news headlines: More republicans reject Trump today 12:01
More….. how many more?
Have they found one or two who said they supported Trump but now don’t. That’s ‘more’ isn’t it
Right now, as I watch, they are giving the impression that we would be getting rid of all foreign workers come Brexit. Not directly said but obviously implied.
live : BBC Diversity army invade Hungary …..on BBC World Service
The BBC which is so diverse that it has 2 main panel discussion programmes …each presented by a brother ..how diverse is that ? in light of the Hungarian migrant referendum has decided to go there are do a bit of stirring by doing a special version of Any Questions : World Questions recorded yesterday
Jonathan Dimbleby, Government spokesperson Zoltán Kovács,
Opposition MP for the Together party Zsuzsanna Szelényi,
business leader and former Hungarian Ambassador to the United Kingdom János Csák
and the Greek expert on the European Union, professor Loukas Tsoukalis
Crooked hillary whose husband molested the entire female population is basically the candidate of the democrats, the republicans, the media and Saudi Arabia. Then you have Donald Trump,who boasts about having sex with women like I don’t know…the women in Sex and the City do when they talk about pulling men and for that they look cool. Where am I going to hide from the world shite?
Never before in the field of Socialist Situationism has a Leader ever returned home from Harum Sarum University in the Red City of Salisbury with this passion and commitment to overturning the hegemonic inevitability of Class war and its remedies.Today we are but friends-but with the dyadic potential for targeted revolutionary expression-one day we shall person the Palisades( or should that be barricades) together in establishing the bridgehead for the Next Step Froward!
For all left leaning BBC types who hate borders, love unlimited immigration and hate the nation state, I would advise going onto the BBC website and looking for ‘Kaliningrad ‘. I would then advise them to read about the Cold War especially the Cuban Missile Crisis and also read about how Hitler exploited the Sudetenland and the Danzig Corridor. I would also look into how prescient were those in the 1930s who criticised Churchill, denigrated patriotism and the need for rearmament.
The Right Rev David Walker has united with other religious leaders to demand urgent action on the part of the Prime Minister before the migrant camp in Calais is torn down
The Bishop of Manchester, the Right Rev David Walker, urged ordinary people to welcome asylum seekers from the war-torn country and said it would be ‘a sad reflection’ on society if they did not, said last night said he would not take any into his own six-bedroom mansion.
He claimed, however, that it would be wrong for a refugee family to move into his own recently refurbished house because of the language barrier and their ‘alien culture’.
But it’s alright to move them next door to you because you are white and the Labour supporting leftie Bishop of Manchester HATES white people with a passion.
What a hypocritical wanker he is – no wonder the comments in the MEN hold him in utter derision.
typical hypocrite
that house could hold at least 5 families no sweat
Beyond parody. What a c*nt.
He’d be able to get 1500 in the garden, complete with shops, restaurants and brothels. What’s not to like?
Maybe the fact that a week old cocker spaniel has better toilet habits could be a bit of a downer, but, on the whole, a virtue signalling opportunity par excellence.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: MPs should vote on talks, says Labour’s Starmer (and Milliband)””
“”….a Downing Street source said: …… Parliament will have a role in the exit process…”” (This quote can be found 5 paragraphs from the end of the article).
I’ve seen David Walker on the BBC news several times. Wanker would be a better surname. My guess is he’s the nearest bishop to wheel into Salford Quays for interview. I’d say he typifies everything thats wrong with the CofE these days. Weak left liberal, guardian type etc. let him go to Aleppo or anywhere in a muslim country and live openly as a Christian . See how long he survives never mind welcomed .
England E – Imagine that – six families living with him that would be an awful lot of feet to wash!
And certainly leave little time for wanking.
NO we should not take any of ’em in. Would there be the same outcry for us to take the migrants in if the Jungle was anywhere else other than on the shores of Calais ? No of course not, – kids and adults alike are not in a war zone, but are living in squalor of their own making. Most of the British are aware of this – (except when interviewed on the street on camera, and then they don’t want to look ungracious), so all the bleeding liberals are wasting their breath.
BBC trying to kill 2 birds with one stone: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37601422
As Farage quite rightly states, this is what men do, well, when I say men, I obviously exclude the type of ‘men’ that the BBC favours – I guess they would say “grab their cock”.
What Trump said (11 years ago!) has to be taken with a pinch of salt, and few would actually believe that their’s any truth in what he was boasting about. FFS, in my workshop, the banter would lead you to believe that myself and a colleague have been through most of the women in western civilisation, whereas in reality, it’s probably only about half 😉
Certainly the mass vapour fit that has suddenly overcome the entire Western MSM and gullible and/or venal politicians who still think they are relevant in the Internet age continues apace. Beyond the BBC, Classic FM Global dross has but one thing top of its list of horrors.
Beyond the serried ranks of old biddies queuing up to tut, or bale, there is also the always entertaining wishful thinking as ‘analysis’ these twerps use to reassure each other. The Don has lost the female vote… apparently.
Given the majority of the female population seem addicted to Geordie Shore, Big Brother or the antics of a lady with a big arse and a shaky grasp of millions of bling, it is entirely possible the faux shock horror being orchestrated is not resonating outside the bubble.
God help America.
Everyone please ensure you are all sitting down I have some terrible news to impart. Apparently a female follower of the “religion of peace” has had her hijab ripped off in a London street! Apparently she is still in hijab shock!
This is it the racial armageddon the Beeb has been warning about. Personally I blame brexit – Jo was right!
Even worse the assailant was blonde or ginger!
This just shows how intolerent western society has become of our new guests.
Cant think why anyone would harbour any resentment towards Islam.
We have the gang rape of 1400 white teenagers in Rochdale, the running over murder and attempt to saw off a soldiers head and generally running amok in Europe in a general killing spree, preaching the killing of jews, appostates, gays and anyone who is not a follower.
All of these things seem perfectly reasonable to me as their culture is different to ours and yet some ignorant, satanic toerag plans and executes this most evil and heinous attack. The removal of said hijab!!!!!!!
We need to be very careful now, It is obvious that there is very little difference between this crime and the gassing of six million jews. (well only roughly 6 million deaths)
So Amber I suggest you must act quickly. Arrest anyone who criticises Islam online, Women in short skirts, gays, Christians, people who like dogs, people who eat bacon sandwiches, people who play music, men who stand whilst urinating, people who drink alcohol – These should give you some ideas where to start Amber – In fact arrest anyone who is white or ginger. Then and only then will you be able to avert this potential holocaust.
Or you could just put the kettle on and watch some telly – Just make sure its not the BBC.
yeah thats way more important than
Was she very badly hurt then? ?
Yeah Stewie – Severe hijab shock and serious stage 4 elastic twang injuries!
I will go to church today and light a candle for her quick recovery!
Hopefully she will go to the head of the queue for PTSD treatment!
I was thinking – maybe what with this latest shock piece of news and the loss of Eddies smart pink beret what we are facing is an epidemic of “Hat Crime” –
Is it just that the left spell worse than I do or is it just that continental spelling means the E remains silent?
Hat not Hate maybe.
Stick a microphone in any red blooded male changing room and that’s what you get, banter.
Obviously the employees of Al Beeb and the MSM are not red blooded males. They, like most media and stage men are of another persuasion.
Half each, though? Or just the fit half?