Quick! If you have time, go out and buy The Sunday Times. On page 4 is an interesting article about the government’s ‘integration tsar’, Dame Louise Casey, who has written a report that ‘makes blunt and damning criticisms of ministers’ failure to manage the impact of mass immigration, integrate minorities and tackle extremism’. Although she completed her report months ago, its publication has been delayed by the Home Office officials expressed ‘concern’ and ‘unhappiness’ about its content and language. It makes for a good read with hopes of even better reading to come!
And of course the great irony is that Casey is firmly from the New Labour Guardianista persuasion.
What a shame her report was not commissioned, written and issued 10 years ago.
BBC are so biased when it comes to supporting Apple products at any length. Always giving Apple free advertising and recently they love the fact that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 catches fire and now…
What about London’s virtue signalling hybrid buses.
El Beeb don’t have much coverage about their problems..like that the charging is so bad, they can actually be heard vibrating as they run on diesel most of the time.
..Beeb probably won’t find aout and report why one caught fire at Liverpool St Station the other day.
“”US election: Terrifying questions for Trump and Clinton””
by Anthony Zurcher North America reporter
“”At this point, the performance bar from the Republican candidate is so subterranean you’d have to notify local utility companies before digging for it””
Biased BBC bigging up the Cable Street anniversary (in 1936 Mosley’s anti semitic fascists wanted to walk through the East End)
Cue an excuse for much left wing virtue signalling with Corbyn trying to draw parallels to Brexit and immigration control.
But…oops. Among the usual image de-sensitising and pretending all the right-on rent-a-mob demo attendees are just normal folk, what slipped through in the last seconds???? A banner from the Communist Part of Great Britain. LOL.
Not the ‘correct’ coverage at all. I suspect an editor somewhere may be due a ‘re-assignment’.
This just caught my eye http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37601422
“Labour MP Tom Watson said Mr Farage’s defence of Mr Trump was appalling.
Mr Watson, who was recently made shadow culture secretary, said: “Nigel Farage seems to be enjoying his new job as the UK cheerleader for Trump but in so doing he devalues himself and his party in the minds of the decent people of our country.”
Just who gives a flying f**k what Twatson thinks?
Tom Watson used parliamentary privilege to smear decent people as rapists on the basis of lies from a disturbed man known as “Nigel”. Tom Watson is the scum of the Earth. Tom Watson is the Deputy Leader of the labour Party. But I repeat myself.
So BBC put racial cohesion above all else so go to lengths to down play each Islamic terrorism event, stripping off labels of small events and withholding ethnicities etc.
Well 7 days ago they did a 1 hour panel discussion radio prog about Terrorism Reporting Terror: A Dangerous Game
“A string of terrorist attacks in France and Germany dominated the news agenda in summer 2016. Now, some journalists are asking if their approach needs to change.”
And the strange thing is right from the start they made it clear that they were only talking about Kind of terror : Islamic terrorism.
What was the prog like ?
You know in your job when the young graduates/students turn up and think they know everything, but are clueless about the real job; well that is what it was like..
Overall it was pretty studenty
Like at one point the Islamic woman expressed the chip on her shoulder that it’s terrible those (white) people put all the pressure on normal Muslims etc. “Looking at you as if you are a terrorist. Etc”
…Yet they didn’t express any sympathy to terrorism victims and that many victims were Muslims themselves.
…And that it is the terrorists fault that people look at her suspiciously ..ie If they didn’t do the terrorism in the first place then people wouldn’t be suspicious towards her.
You know that the media/BBC have this tremendous lack of self awareness.
They said things like maybe they should sparsely report terrorism to avoid doing the terrorists bidding of making a stir.
Totally unaware about how their own reporting works.They either deny it and hide it ..or they turn it into a soap opera.
To use an industry term they slip into “boy in a well” type reporting ..cheaply filling hours of airtime ..reporting each and every press conference live. They do so much studio speculation, instead of getting out and doing proper investigative reporting etc.
Their smooth the community waves technique of banning non-liberal commentators means that terrorist ideals are rarely challenged etc.
That style turns the terrorism into a soap opera ..ISIS must love that.
…”World’s biggest broadcaster”..Give me a break sometimes it’s like a large student union radio station.
How appalling that a snivelling lecherous male should be shown on TV treating women disrespectfully.
Donald Trump?
No, I’ talking about a pop video shown on biased BBC4 on Friday on a Top of the Pops retro edition from 1982.
Surely whoever decided to show that is abusing his power and should apologise and then stand down immediately from their role at the bBBC.
(I won’t let you down again, by PhD, in case you were wondering)
Watching the Trump v Clinton debate… reminds me of the Brexit debates
Hillary getting a free ride whilst Trump being constantly asked about his comments from 11 years ago.
That said Trump is smashing it. Fingers crossed the rumours are true and Sir Nigel has given him some advice. Clinton is vile. Really hope Trump wins ??????
Watched the Trump Clinton debate on sky news then flicked over to the BBC as Bonnie Greer was doing my head in. Some of the most pure bias I have ever seen:
Bearing in mind I watched the debate from start to finish and Trump won hands down… now let me give you the BBCs take. From Laura Bicker, original question “some pretty ugly scenes in terms of what was being said, what was the atmosphere there?” Queue a 2 min onslaught on Trump. Clinton not mentioned once. Just a pure attack on Trump and no mention of the fact Trump had her cornered surrounding emails and also ISIS. This continues for a good few minutes.
BBC – just when you thought they couldn’t get any more evil, they never fail to surprise.
This is very reminiscent of the Brexit “debates”. Fingers crossed our friends across the pond will see through the lies just like the Great British Public did.
It’s become impossible to get impartial analysis now. If I go to Breitbart, I know who they say will have won. Likewise the BBC. The crucial difference is that Breitbart doesn’t pretend to be impartial and doesn’t demand £145.50 from me.
However Scott Adams has mostly called the progress of this election about right, as he recognises the persuasion through which it’s being fought. So I went to have a look at what he had to say.
“Do they think people are stupid?”
Errr..yes, actually they do think that.
But the Brexit vote has revealed that the good old interweb is keeping an increasing number of people better informed, and slowly, very slowly, enough ( only just enough) people are waking up to the propaganda peddled by the MSM.
I agree with the sentiment that has already been expressed hereabouts – when the BBC are telling us Trump Clinton was a draw – then I’m guessing their gal failed.
I’ve genuine respect for the mentally disabled – enough to call foul when I hear the BBC and their PC pals are using this group to promote their new “hate crime” meme and this morning I see an elephant attempting to ride a small donkey.
I’m ok with lecturing the cops on “awareness” and punishing the perpetrators severly but we have laws in this country which are intended to apply to ALL – no matter what “group” they happen to be badged as. Enough of this Blairite 1000 new laws.
This creeping “hate crime” nonsense is insidious in the extreme. When we hear on the BBC that the figures for convictions of so-called hate crime for the mentally disabled are lower than those for other so-called groups you can bet your TV Licence Fee the BBC won’t have looked closely at the figures or substatiated the situation at all. The BBC will simply take up the story from the interested parties campaigning on this and merrily tick another BBC diversity box. The BBC never question the prevailing left liberal narrative on any issue.
Modern left-liberalism is an ugly big fat elephant and they are riding us.
Equality before the law is a key tenet of English Law, and wider western civilisation.
“Hate crime” which increases severity of sentencing for some offenders (depending on who they`ve offended against) negates equality before the law.
It also means that the complaints of some victims are more assisiously followed up by the police who are under political pressure to prioritise so called “hate crime”. You get more than a crime number issued over the phone when you report a “hate crime”!
Another way of undermining equality before the law is that “hate crime” creates a hierarchy of citizens before the law…that penalises the citizen who has no, officially recognised, grievance status.
The effect of this, of course, is to undermine ordinary citizens confidence in law and order. A perfect example of the subversives game plan, an “intended unintended consequence” so to speak.
embolden – your points are well made.
I am particularly disturbed by the BBC head line which claims statistics for this one particular “hate crime” are lower than others. And others are not too high, of course. So this is some issue which we are boldly told exists but which is producing too few prosecutions – one could cite convictions for FGM – neither up nor down but stuck at zero.
“This creeping “hate crime” nonsense is insidious in the extreme.”
It is. There’s also the tendency to distort the definition of violence to include acts which do not involve physical force at all. Using strong feelings to justify the corruption of our language for political ends is increasingly common.
I listen to Radio 3 a lot as it’s mainly music and very little talking. And I was pleased to see that the new controller wants to reduce the talking on Breakfast even more. On Essential Classics which follows Breakfast at 9, they have a guest for half an hour at 10. This week – Ken Loach. It would be nice if once, just once, they had someone who was ever so slightly right of centre.
Agreed, but then they wouldn’t be able to have cosy little chats would they.
It is rather like all the other non-news programmes where little anti-Brexit lines are just slipped in. One gets the feeling that we are being allowed a window into a little closed group and its banter that is out of step with the outside world.
Anyone notice how the BBC seems to be able to find a dark faced representative from almost any organisation, short of the BNP?
This morning, for instance, an interesting item on the MinION DNA sequencing device developed in collaboration with Oxford University. The representative in the studio was, as usual, an ethnic minority. How does this work?
Are Europeans achieving nothing these days?
Does the racist BBC insist on a brown representative?
Does the BBC have a list of reliable ethnic contacts in every organistaion in the UK?
Are the organisations themselves so racist that they only send ethnics in the first place?
I’m not suggesting that ethnic minorities do not play a part but when under representation is taken as evidence of racism, it must apply to over representation as well.
Terminal MoraineMar 16, 23:11 Start the Week 17th March 2025 From a linked article: “The BBC were with Sharone, a filmmaker and academic, at her home when the ceasefire was…
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:09 Start the Week 17th March 2025 > ‘She has been “hospitalised twice with chest pain” Has she been taking the Turkish juice?
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:06 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A good show from Dan Wooton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATUqucoSy3g In the show the BBC gets a well deserved kicking from the commentator…
Terminal MoraineMar 16, 22:59 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And again the BBC find a voice of sweetness and hope after an atrocity — “British daughter of Gaza hostage…
JohnCMar 16, 22:56 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Front page news at the BBC: ‘We are surrounded by an invisible killer. One so common that we barely notice…
FlotsamMar 16, 22:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 There’s a car boot sale in Crewe where groups of East European immigrants help themselves to stallholders goods. When the…
tomoMar 16, 22:25 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://twitter.com/hector_drummond/status/1901396632010121233 Trolley “at it” – he should be a litter picker for KFC [img]https://i.ibb.co/mrpb9fVP/Tosserr-Trolley.jpg[/img]
BRISSLESMar 16, 22:20 Start the Week 17th March 2025 On iPlayer the full series of Waking the Dead (start dated 2000 – ended 2011) is currently airing. Just started…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:15 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Quote “On @BBCRadio4 @BBCR4Sunday this morning, they visited a moque (in ex-church) & interviewed a Syrian who’d come to the…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:12 Start the Week 17th March 2025 That’s Cannon Hills , a Sunday market in Bradford .. Despite the Starmer title the same righty accounts tweeted a…
Quick! If you have time, go out and buy The Sunday Times. On page 4 is an interesting article about the government’s ‘integration tsar’, Dame Louise Casey, who has written a report that ‘makes blunt and damning criticisms of ministers’ failure to manage the impact of mass immigration, integrate minorities and tackle extremism’. Although she completed her report months ago, its publication has been delayed by the Home Office officials expressed ‘concern’ and ‘unhappiness’ about its content and language. It makes for a good read with hopes of even better reading to come!
And of course the great irony is that Casey is firmly from the New Labour Guardianista persuasion.
What a shame her report was not commissioned, written and issued 10 years ago.
BBC are so biased when it comes to supporting Apple products at any length. Always giving Apple free advertising and recently they love the fact that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 catches fire and now…
Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Second ‘safe’ replacement catches fire
No mention of Apple iPhones catching fire so that must mean a) they don’t or b) the BBC staff refuse to report negative Apple news.
Just for the record iPhones catch fire too but you won’t find this on the BBC…
I think Apple products also burn a hole in you wallet!
What about London’s virtue signalling hybrid buses.
El Beeb don’t have much coverage about their problems..like that the charging is so bad, they can actually be heard vibrating as they run on diesel most of the time.
..Beeb probably won’t find aout and report why one caught fire at Liverpool St Station the other day.
BBC Online News:
“”US election: Terrifying questions for Trump and Clinton””
by Anthony Zurcher North America reporter
“”At this point, the performance bar from the Republican candidate is so subterranean you’d have to notify local utility companies before digging for it””
Complete and utter bias. Sadly, you will find the same from every other MSM outlet.
That’s ‘outlet’ as in sewage pipe…
Being a boring heterosexual, I have spoken to a few women about Trump’s ‘horrific’ comments which were uttered as recently as 2005.
None of them were horrified or bothered. They called it ‘politics’ and regarded the Democrats in a lesser light for using it.
Biased BBC bigging up the Cable Street anniversary (in 1936 Mosley’s anti semitic fascists wanted to walk through the East End)
Cue an excuse for much left wing virtue signalling with Corbyn trying to draw parallels to Brexit and immigration control.
But…oops. Among the usual image de-sensitising and pretending all the right-on rent-a-mob demo attendees are just normal folk, what slipped through in the last seconds???? A banner from the Communist Part of Great Britain. LOL.
Not the ‘correct’ coverage at all. I suspect an editor somewhere may be due a ‘re-assignment’.
This just caught my eye
“Labour MP Tom Watson said Mr Farage’s defence of Mr Trump was appalling.
Mr Watson, who was recently made shadow culture secretary, said: “Nigel Farage seems to be enjoying his new job as the UK cheerleader for Trump but in so doing he devalues himself and his party in the minds of the decent people of our country.”
Just who gives a flying f**k what Twatson thinks?
Tom Watson used parliamentary privilege to smear decent people as rapists on the basis of lies from a disturbed man known as “Nigel”. Tom Watson is the scum of the Earth. Tom Watson is the Deputy Leader of the labour Party. But I repeat myself.
Here’s an example of how the BBC play down Islamic Terrorism whilst obessing about other things like someone sending an allegedly sexist/racist tweet
Cardiff man Samata Ullah charged with terrorism offences 4 October 2016 was mentioned just the once.
So BBC put racial cohesion above all else so go to lengths to down play each Islamic terrorism event, stripping off labels of small events and withholding ethnicities etc.
Well 7 days ago they did a 1 hour panel discussion radio prog about Terrorism
Reporting Terror: A Dangerous Game
And the strange thing is right from the start they made it clear that they were only talking about Kind of terror : Islamic terrorism.
What was the prog like ?
You know in your job when the young graduates/students turn up and think they know everything, but are clueless about the real job; well that is what it was like..
Overall it was pretty studenty
Like at one point the Islamic woman expressed the chip on her shoulder that it’s terrible those (white) people put all the pressure on normal Muslims etc. “Looking at you as if you are a terrorist. Etc”
…Yet they didn’t express any sympathy to terrorism victims and that many victims were Muslims themselves.
…And that it is the terrorists fault that people look at her suspiciously ..ie If they didn’t do the terrorism in the first place then people wouldn’t be suspicious towards her.
You know that the media/BBC have this tremendous lack of self awareness.
They said things like maybe they should sparsely report terrorism to avoid doing the terrorists bidding of making a stir.
Totally unaware about how their own reporting works.They either deny it and hide it ..or they turn it into a soap opera.
To use an industry term they slip into “boy in a well” type reporting ..cheaply filling hours of airtime ..reporting each and every press conference live. They do so much studio speculation, instead of getting out and doing proper investigative reporting etc.
Their smooth the community waves technique of banning non-liberal commentators means that terrorist ideals are rarely challenged etc.
That style turns the terrorism into a soap opera ..ISIS must love that.
…”World’s biggest broadcaster”..Give me a break sometimes it’s like a large student union radio station.
How appalling that a snivelling lecherous male should be shown on TV treating women disrespectfully.
Donald Trump?
No, I’ talking about a pop video shown on biased BBC4 on Friday on a Top of the Pops retro edition from 1982.
Surely whoever decided to show that is abusing his power and should apologise and then stand down immediately from their role at the bBBC.
(I won’t let you down again, by PhD, in case you were wondering)
Who is this awful yank and why do we need to hear her opinions on our TV screens
She’s a hustler,baby
A waaayce hustla
Non-white. Tick.
Immigrant. Tick
Left wing ‘progressive’. Tick.
Female. Tick.
Only leaves wheelchair user and transgender to get the full house……
Watching the Trump v Clinton debate… reminds me of the Brexit debates
Hillary getting a free ride whilst Trump being constantly asked about his comments from 11 years ago.
That said Trump is smashing it. Fingers crossed the rumours are true and Sir Nigel has given him some advice. Clinton is vile. Really hope Trump wins ??????
I really should know better…
Watched the Trump Clinton debate on sky news then flicked over to the BBC as Bonnie Greer was doing my head in. Some of the most pure bias I have ever seen:
Bearing in mind I watched the debate from start to finish and Trump won hands down… now let me give you the BBCs take. From Laura Bicker, original question “some pretty ugly scenes in terms of what was being said, what was the atmosphere there?” Queue a 2 min onslaught on Trump. Clinton not mentioned once. Just a pure attack on Trump and no mention of the fact Trump had her cornered surrounding emails and also ISIS. This continues for a good few minutes.
BBC – just when you thought they couldn’t get any more evil, they never fail to surprise.
This is very reminiscent of the Brexit “debates”. Fingers crossed our friends across the pond will see through the lies just like the Great British Public did.
Goebbels would be proud……sly news and bullshi*t bbc in full ‘clinton won the debate ‘mode
Its actually bizarrely funny
Do they think people are stupid?
Bbc ask for a show of hands in a pub as to who won…..did anyone actually expect Donald would be the winner there?
F*ck right off you a**holes
It’s become impossible to get impartial analysis now. If I go to Breitbart, I know who they say will have won. Likewise the BBC. The crucial difference is that Breitbart doesn’t pretend to be impartial and doesn’t demand £145.50 from me.
However Scott Adams has mostly called the progress of this election about right, as he recognises the persuasion through which it’s being fought. So I went to have a look at what he had to say.
“I just watched the debate on replay. Trump won bigly. This one wasn’t close.”
One thing: I’m sure there’s more Trump tapes to come and hope he’s ready to deal with that.
Everybody loves Raymond is on c4 now…..blood pressure cant hack any more crap from the msm
So-called bbc have just brought on a US commentator who called it a draw…therefore it’s a massive Trump win.
For balance 😉
Reminds me of how CECUTT reacts when they have no leg to stand on.
“Do they think people are stupid?”
Errr..yes, actually they do think that.
But the Brexit vote has revealed that the good old interweb is keeping an increasing number of people better informed, and slowly, very slowly, enough ( only just enough) people are waking up to the propaganda peddled by the MSM.
I agree with the sentiment that has already been expressed hereabouts – when the BBC are telling us Trump Clinton was a draw – then I’m guessing their gal failed.
I’ve genuine respect for the mentally disabled – enough to call foul when I hear the BBC and their PC pals are using this group to promote their new “hate crime” meme and this morning I see an elephant attempting to ride a small donkey.
I’m ok with lecturing the cops on “awareness” and punishing the perpetrators severly but we have laws in this country which are intended to apply to ALL – no matter what “group” they happen to be badged as. Enough of this Blairite 1000 new laws.
This creeping “hate crime” nonsense is insidious in the extreme. When we hear on the BBC that the figures for convictions of so-called hate crime for the mentally disabled are lower than those for other so-called groups you can bet your TV Licence Fee the BBC won’t have looked closely at the figures or substatiated the situation at all. The BBC will simply take up the story from the interested parties campaigning on this and merrily tick another BBC diversity box. The BBC never question the prevailing left liberal narrative on any issue.
Modern left-liberalism is an ugly big fat elephant and they are riding us.
Equality before the law is a key tenet of English Law, and wider western civilisation.
“Hate crime” which increases severity of sentencing for some offenders (depending on who they`ve offended against) negates equality before the law.
It also means that the complaints of some victims are more assisiously followed up by the police who are under political pressure to prioritise so called “hate crime”. You get more than a crime number issued over the phone when you report a “hate crime”!
Another way of undermining equality before the law is that “hate crime” creates a hierarchy of citizens before the law…that penalises the citizen who has no, officially recognised, grievance status.
The effect of this, of course, is to undermine ordinary citizens confidence in law and order. A perfect example of the subversives game plan, an “intended unintended consequence” so to speak.
embolden – your points are well made.
I am particularly disturbed by the BBC head line which claims statistics for this one particular “hate crime” are lower than others. And others are not too high, of course. So this is some issue which we are boldly told exists but which is producing too few prosecutions – one could cite convictions for FGM – neither up nor down but stuck at zero.
“This creeping “hate crime” nonsense is insidious in the extreme.”
It is. There’s also the tendency to distort the definition of violence to include acts which do not involve physical force at all. Using strong feelings to justify the corruption of our language for political ends is increasingly common.
I’m old fashioned – sticks and stones etc.
A BBC impartial reporter encounters a Captain Renard fan club:
Also adds some extra ‘reporting’, from a…. BBC ‘source’. Trust them on this.
No wonder the so called bbc love clinton
I listen to Radio 3 a lot as it’s mainly music and very little talking. And I was pleased to see that the new controller wants to reduce the talking on Breakfast even more. On Essential Classics which follows Breakfast at 9, they have a guest for half an hour at 10. This week – Ken Loach. It would be nice if once, just once, they had someone who was ever so slightly right of centre.
Agreed, but then they wouldn’t be able to have cosy little chats would they.
It is rather like all the other non-news programmes where little anti-Brexit lines are just slipped in. One gets the feeling that we are being allowed a window into a little closed group and its banter that is out of step with the outside world.
Anyone notice how the BBC seems to be able to find a dark faced representative from almost any organisation, short of the BNP?
This morning, for instance, an interesting item on the MinION DNA sequencing device developed in collaboration with Oxford University. The representative in the studio was, as usual, an ethnic minority. How does this work?
Are Europeans achieving nothing these days?
Does the racist BBC insist on a brown representative?
Does the BBC have a list of reliable ethnic contacts in every organistaion in the UK?
Are the organisations themselves so racist that they only send ethnics in the first place?
I’m not suggesting that ethnic minorities do not play a part but when under representation is taken as evidence of racism, it must apply to over representation as well.
All part of the BBC’s mind conditioning agenda.