Having spent the past few days hysterically joining in the mainstream media assault on Donald Trump, the BBC has been relentless in its bias. It seems that what was said in a private conversation nine years before he entered the political race is so bad, so repulsive, that the BBC has decided he must step down. Meanwhile it conveniently ignores this…
“Hillary Clinton once called disabled children at an Easter egg hunt ‘f***ing ree-tards’ and referred to Jews as ‘stupid k***s’ while Bill called Jesse Jackson a ‘damned n****r,’ claims Bill’s former lover Dolly Kyle”
And if it’s “pussy” that is the issue try this….
Now, I find all this crudity distasteful BUT the fact is there is plenty on both sides to consider. The BBC only talks about the Trump side. That is my case against them, they are the pussified cuck media.
2008, this was considered hilarious. Not a bit sexist or offensive.
But it’s ok to be like that if you’re a lefty, you are on this earth to bring peace, love and understandin .
The right wing Neanderthals are the only ones capable of causing offence.
This is also Labours issue with anti-semitism. They really don’t think that there is a problem at all. The real problem belongs to the victim and is entirely in their own wrong thinking heads.
Leftists use evermore esoteric justifications for their bigotry and hypocrisy, and when that fails they just claim that their targets aren’t actually capable of being discriminated against, laughably oblivious to this obvious act of discrimination.
What about Andrew Marr groping a young women? They conveniently forget about that, don’t they.
This conversation that the Islam loving, white man hating, British hating, self-righteous, self-hating, virtue signalling, spineless, delusional, piss smelling morons at the Islamic Al Beeb have put a fatwa on, took place when Trump was a civilian. He hadn’t taken any oath. He wasn’t saying one thing in public and doing another. All he did and said was what we witness on nearly every single reality TV show, or soap, or film and even in songs. Of course it was crude but it is a topic spoken amongst the vast majority of men AND WOMEN all over the world…..
Now lets look at what that psychopathic, sick note has said UNDER OATH OF OFFICE when she was representing the American people. Therefore this sick, demented lunatic was purposesly lying and deceiving voters to stay in office… Basically the only true comparable to what either would do as president!!?
1: She lied to Congress, the FBI, the media and the American people about her emails.
2: She lied to Congress, the media and the American people about what happened in Benghazi
3: She lied, to the media and the entire world about her sexual deviant husband Bill, and abused, attacked and slandered all Bills victims….which is the most anti-woman action imaginable!
4: She deviously sold her power and position to the Wall Street giants. Gave up any impartiality by offering her services to helping these business giants to make even more money. She traitorously disregarded the entire US population by agreeing to sell out their futures, and without their knowledge, to a world of completely open borders… Again because this benefits big business and globalisation….and all for £21M
5: She proudly explained her abilities in preventing the most vile human beings imaginable from receiving justice..as she laughed about getting a child rapist free.. Even though she clearly knew her was guilty
6: She champions the most divisive, intolerant and racist organisation in the US, BLM, because they too hate white people.
7: She accepts bribes from some of the most horrific and brutal organisations on the planet, then uses her platform to champion these organisations or discredit any critism, and then pretends that she hasn’t been corrupted!!
Yeah that’s right Islamic Al Beeb! We can see why you would want to champion a fellow liar, cheat, deviant like Hitlery
may i suggest some beeb headlines
man found to be not lgbt shocker
man finds women attractive shocker
The BBC do seem to be overly gleeful about Trump’s unpleasant conversations, that’s true.
However, I can’t agree that he is a good candidate. An arrogant, brash, unpleasant, bullying blowhard with some good policies is still an arrogant, brash, unpleasant blowhard. The most annoying thing about this election is that the odious Clintons and their multicultural, politically correct globalism was beatable this November.
I have a stone in the back garden that could have beaten Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately we got ‘The Donald.’
When the US is negotiating with tough devious people about war etc. do you think it’s best the President is a nice guy who lays all his cards on the table, at the beginning or would they be better of with their own tough devious SOB ?
I’ve warmed to Trump, I’d much rather have someone who’s brash but you know where you stand with him – and who genuinely seems to want to improve – that someone who literally says one thing and does another and has even attempted to defend herself on this. Trump has every right to be arrogant given his success and the fact that he’s been repeatedly proven right on both foreign and domestic policy.
Why did Trump win the Republican nomination? Because he spoke to the people, and they agreed with what he had to say. They were sick of RINOs who meekly accepted the Democrat vision of America, but just wanted to tweak it a bit. Trump actually said no to unresticted immigration, no to islamic immigration, no to offshoring American jobs, in short, no to the new world order policies which seek to turn the USA into a border free social democrat copy of Sweden – the modern, islamified Sweden of course.
Trmup’s policies are popular. Yes, he is brash and crude, but a careerist politician would never have come out with these policies, they would be too busy checking out their focus groups and making sure their financial backers in big business were on board. Trump didn’t need the money from Goldman Sachs, he spoke from the heart.
That is why the Democrats have to destroy Trump’s reputation. Their own candidate is unpopular and widely believed to be corrupt, and her policies are not popular either. So they have to go against Trump the man. It’s classic dirty politics, and the left will always go for it, because the MSM is leftist by default. We can read about what Hillary Clinton says, and Bill Clinton does, on the internet, but the MSM won’t touch it. That is why Trump had to take it to Hillary last night.
It is entirely possible that these dirty tricks will cost Trump the election. But it is wrong to say that any old Republican could have beaten Hillary. Mitt Romney was the straightest, most boring man imaginable, and they still turned him into a tax dodging capitalist fiend. Politics is a very dirty business, and the sort of politics the left engages in is the dirtiest of all. Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to destroying their opponents. At last, Trump is giving them back their own medicine. I can only hope and pray it works, and that a corrupt criminal is not elected to the Presidency on the back of these dirty tricks.
I don’t envy the American people the choice they are about to make. It’s a truly gruesome prospect; the contest between two extremely unpleasant people. The relevant parties could have put up a turnip or a turd and romped to victory. Unfortunately for the Republicans they chose Donald…
…and unfortunately for everybody else the Democrats chose Hillary…
OK. The BBC has proved its point. Trump should not be the next Pope.
From what I saw, the other Republican candidates were even worse. I also fear that HRC would be more than happy to turn the Syrian conflict into a catastrophic war with Russia, China and Iran whilst fulfilling her brief on radicalising the entire Middle East. More of the same old song with a desperately sad and mournful ending.
It will be worth it.
I’m looking forward to when the presidential result is announced and the vermin at al-Beeb mosque get egg on their face yet again.
Watching lower mandibles succumbing to gravity and the looks of pain and incredulity is priceless entertainment.
We must not underestimate the shock our Brexit vote gave the arrogant elite that had thought to dispose of Europe as it wished and to destroy the nation states in order to enrich themselves and produce a pliant subdued population , immigrant and indigenous alike.
The same in the US. Trump is the ultimate wild card .He could break the hold of the elite for ever and they know it. Hence the lies and propaganda and our world class BBc is playing it’s part as ordered.
Trump has one hell of a fight on his hands. The attack of the liberal elite seems two pronged. A highly personal assault on Trump and a very dangerous hightening of tension with Russia.
This attack seems almost pathologically unhinged. It does show just how worried the elites are both in Europe and the US.
The firm stance being taken by Hungary is yet another worry for the elite. It is interesting that the attacks on Victor Orban are very personal and exhibit the same urgent derangement.
I’ve heard worse down the local market!
Look at context ,which the media rarely does.Donald Trump was ,at the time part of the nasty media driven cult of celebrity circus ,where pretty much anything goes and which has corrupted society so much. He has moved on .
I watched his debate and he was fantastic .Nailed Hillary big time. Lets see how the BBC spin that.
Expect more tapes and allegations on Trump.The elites are becoming ever more desperate.
I’ve heard worse down the local market!
Look at context ,which the media rarely does.Donald Trump was ,at the time part of the nasty media driven cult of celebrity circus ,where pretty much anything goes and which has corrupted society so much. He has moved on .
I watched his debate and he was fantastic .Nailed Hillary big time. Lets see how the BBC spin that.
I don’t agree its a hopeless choice between him and Hillary .He can revitalise the USA economy and the people he surrounds himself with are not crooks and corrupt liars.
Expect more tapes and allegations on Trump.The elites are becoming ever more desperate.
Heard but a few secs of Toady this moaning!
Di I gather that Trump got personal with Las Clintones?
Why else did Justin Webb have his coffin boys saddest voice as if walking ahead of the wicca funereal procession? Boy, he sounded down in the mouth-maybe like there`s been a death in the liberal family?
You always know when Trump has laid a glove…because the Binary Bastards Coflagrations always end in issues of “taste”, “populism” and” can`t we all get along, this could be nasty” typakrapp.
Hopefully Donald didn`t Duck….and Clinton now gasps for breath on the canvas like the Battling Rembrandt.
Poor Webb-voice like a smacked arse-yeah, that`ll do!
Justin Webb brings out a surprise prosecution witness against Trump…