Have to laugh at the BBC’s massive hypocrisy. Trump makes one of his brash, crude statements that after age 35 it’s ‘check out time’ for women and the BBC are shocked by this sexism and ageism. The same BBC that is renowned for its own sexism and ageism as it dumps older women for the dolly bird presenters….and by coincidence today Ofcom criticises that BBC for the very same….
BBC ‘falling short’ by failing to put older women on screen, says Ofcom chief
Sharon White, the chief executive of Ofcom, accused the broadcaster of “not doing as good a job as it should be” in its treatment of older women, after widespread complaints from viewers about a lack of mature female presenters.
The BBC has long faced criticism for its treatment of older women, and lost an age discrimination case brought by Countryfile presenter Miriam O’Reilly, who was sacked in 2009, to make way for younger presenters.
The BBC’s hypocrisy is not confined to women but race as well as it slams the Tories as racist [some might say] for their ‘British jobs for British people’ statement and the, now watererd down, policy that firms should state how many foreign workers they have.
Hmmm…the same BBC that has its own quota system for race and which sacks white people to make way for more ethnically diverse ones. I noted in a previous post that an Indian caller to 5Live who needed a visa to work here made the point that in fact there is a policy of ‘European jobs for Europeans’ as the EU laws give preference to EU nationals…something which the BBC is quite clearly campaigning for as it supports freedom of movement for EU workers.
Guido notes that America operates a similar, if even stricter, policy of having firms notify how many foreign workers they have.
And who else is making waves and the usual close to lunatic claims? Newsnight’s James O’Brien who has compared Amber Rudd to Hitler……
Amber Rudd’s Conservative Party Conference speech has been likened to passages from Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf.
In her speech, the Home Secretary said firms should declare the percentage of foreign workers they employ as part of a drive to employ more local people.
The speech sparked fierce criticism and the Labour party said it would “fan the flames of xenophobia and hatred in our communities”. [LOL…the same Labour that said ‘British jobs for British people?!!!]
The Home Secretary defended her proposals to employ more British workers, saying “don’t call me a racist” for suggesting foreign people are taking British jobs.
But LBC Radio host James O’Brien has gone somewhat further, likening Ms Rudd’s address to the rhetoric found within the pages of Hitler’s autobiographical treatise on political ideology Mein Kampf.
Mr O’Brien read out a passage of Hitler’s book on his radio show, telling listeners he was reading out part of the home secretary’s speech.
Completely fascile of O’Brien to compare what Rudd said with something Hitler wrote and thence say she is basically a Nazi….Hitler said many things in Mein Kampf that made sense along with many things that were clearly outrageous. The outrageous stuff could and has been compared to what is written in the Koran…by Churchill….I await O’Brien making that comparison. Naturally he won’t because he is too scared to do so….he picks the easy targets he thinks will get him the cheap applause from the loony left that fête him.
Change the countries and Hitler could be making the case for the EU in his opening passage to Mein Kampf….the same case the EU makes…regardless of the economics the EU countries will be forced together….
IT HAS turned out fortunate for me to-day that destiny appointed Braunau-on-the-Inn to be my birthplace. For that little town is situated just on the frontier between those two States the reunion of which seems, at least to us of the younger generation, a task to which we should devote our lives and in the pursuit of which every possible means should be employed. German-Austria must be restored to the great German Motherland. And not indeed on any grounds of economic calculation whatsoever. No, no. Even if the union were a matter of economic indifference, and even if it were to be disadvantageous from the economic standpoint, still it ought to take place.
O’Brien’s comparison is a nonsense as Rudd was merely sayng that firms should make every effort to employ and train British workers before importing cheap labour from outside and leaving the Brits on the ‘scrapheap’…she was not saying that the British nation depends upon having a pure race of Anglo-Saxon workers becoming joyous through work.
O’Brien is his usual über excitable lefty shock-jock making up cheap fantasy fascist connections where there are none…as he did with Farage…an interview that the BBC thought was so good they gave him a job on a supposedly prestigious Newsnight. He continues the good work. A valued BBC journalist.
Thank god for Adolph Hitler – that must be the thoughts buried in the liberal left BBCs mind and thus James O Brien because otherwise they wouldn’t have this evil they could drag up all the time . There are evil others but they are the likes of Stalin , Mao , Pol Pot which are of the left ( actually so was Hitler ) . Mussolini was more comic than evil ( another lefty in reality though ) and the African dictators , well they are in Africa and Black Lives Matter only if there is an element of white racism somewhere .
So the gift that keeps on giving for leftards is Adolph Hitler .
Never mind the deaths he was responsible for . The more the merrier for BBC types .
Incidentally , as the likes of James O Brien like to take things out of context , jumble up words and omit more valid points , what’ s the betting that if I became a political national figure overnight , the lefties would say I started a post praising Hitler ?
The biggest trick the Communists ever pulled was labelling the National Socialists as “right wing”. Indeed, the Soviets never even used the term “Nazi”, because they did not want any association between the National Socialists and their brand of Soviet Socialism, so instead they always termed them as “Fascists” or “Hitlerite Fascists”, but never “Nazis”.
As another aside , why do the likes of James O Brien know Mein Kamf so well ?
Because they also want to discriminate against Jews, and so turn to Mein Kampf for instructions.
I suggest crazed Bremoaner O ‘Brian has simply trawled through Min Kampf looking for something to smear Rudd.
Well, if them’s the rules, I note that Mr O’Brien is a radio and TV personality who works at the BBC and has the first name of James…’ow’s about that then guys and gals?
“as it dumps older women for the dolly bird presenters”
This really annoys me!
I don’t know how many on this website watch the “Sports Presenters” on the BBC News Chanel. If you did you would find (last time I checked) an amazing number of 31 sports presenters (and I’m not including those who report for the 6 o clock news, 10 o clock news, football focus, match of the day, radio 5-live, etc etc…!) Most are blond, female, very young, very pretty!
And don’t get me going re the “Travel Show” presenters on BBC news channel! There seems to be a new one every time it comes on! No wonder they are seen balling with laughter every time they are sent on assignment overseas! I remember the time when the show only needed 2 presenters doing their half hour show once a week. Talk about taking holidays-a-plenty on our licence money!
The BBC monopoly on my money must be wound-down!
Subscription model – simples! Then they can find out how many of their favoured will put their money where their mouth is!
“as it dumps older women for the dolly bird presenters”
Dolly Bird Presenters ? Think you need to go to Specsavers !
The BBC does not “dump older women presenters,” it carefully stores them on Radio 2. This is really a win win situation as it keeps them off the streets where they could become a nuisance to honest folk and means that I can always listen to the lovely smooth tones of Moira Stewart without having to go to the trouble of looking at her.
The BBC is to be applauded for this far sighted policy.
The scourge of ‘backendofbusism’ seems to be one of few prejudices not only ignored but actively still practised by the BBC and indeed most of the MSM and visual creative industries.
One awaits #mingerrolesmatter gaining ground as producers face dilemmas in Frankie Howerd’s darker recesses. Luckily Hugs is off now so Aiden and the boys are safe even on radio as they bare the six pack.
Putting up YAB-dab-don’t and Polly really won’t count as getting it about right much longer.
Hitler is the last bastion of intellectually lazy, historically illiterate liberals who have become accustomed to the dishonest comparison being a useful means of silencing inconvenient truths. As is so often the case with the left, their virtue hubris and lack of restraint ultimately works to their disadvantage as people become desensitised to the overabundance of such labelling and thus stop caring about it, making it harder for genuine comparisons to be taken seriously.