Here’s one for the sick bag straight off the bat.
VD prog. bBBC1 10am Wed.
Lily Allen has been sent to the Calais jungle. she finds a child and is filmed APOLOGISING on behalf of ‘her’ country for not giving said child immediate access in to the UK. Moments later, her visit is the first ticker tape item on the news. Well, she’s not apologising in my name, I can tell you that.
Who the hell do the biased BBC newsroom editors think they are, giving us this unadulterated propoganda, day after day?
What they are not, of course, is accountable to the licence fee payer. It’s high time they were.
How would the BBC liberal / left types feel if a neo Nazi group went to Germany and apologised on behalf of the people of this country for thwarting Hitlers ambitions ?
Maybe Lily Allen will agree to spend the night in the Jungle with her new friends, and without any minders. Because that is what she is expecting the rest of us to do, if we let these people into Britain.
Some of us don’t live in gated communities with 24 hour protection Lily. But if she is confident enough to spend just one night in the Jungle, secure in the knowledge that she will be safe from the gangs of feral young muslim men, who view Western women as cheap whores, then I might listen to her.
I think you may be confusing her with someone else Rob. Lily Allen has never had anything to do with anything that could be remotely referred to as music.
Who the f**k does Lily Allen think she is?? She doesn`t have the right to speak for me…
Allen tells him: “At three points in your life [the UK] has put you in danger. We bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban, and now put you in danger of risking your life to get into our country.”
Then, breaking into tears, she adds: “I apologise on behalf of my country, for what we’ve put you through.”
He quietly responds: “It’s all right.”
He was a;ready in the hands of the Taliban…
The country was already a pile of rubble…
We never asked him to risk his life sneaking into our country…
I would also like to know the official `status` of his father who apparently lives in Birmingham….
Well, Lilly Allen telling him that will certainly help him to hate our country. Maybe this will fester in his mind and by the time he is old enough he will feel justified to take what he deems to be ‘appropriate action’.
The biased BBC deliberately get some brainwashed, air-headed pop singer to push their agenda instead of someone who has actually studied the problem and could come up with some proper facts, figures and explanations that the BBC might find uncomfortable.
Of course if the BBC really cared about children, they could visit Kabul, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro or any of many other cities. I didn’t know that Calais was such a hell hole.
This is a typical example of where the BBC tell you only part of the story to protect and promote their agenda. They made no attempt to find out who his father was, whether he’s legally here, why he left his son, why his son is on his own trekking across Afghanistan, Europe and the rest, who paid for him to be trafficked, how he got through the EU border and managed to travel (apparently) on his own all the way to Calais without being detected let alone stopped, etc etc etc etc.
Oh, and no interview with a psychiatrist to try and explain Lily Allen’s perverted, other-worldly thinking.
Johnnythefish, this is a good point. Any journalist worth his or her salt would be asking such questions. The fact that they very rarely, if ever, ask such questions on the BBC tells me they are driven by a pro-unlimited immigration agenda. It was pretty clear this was the case when the migration crisis heated up in the summer of 2015. None of these important questions were being asked.
And how do they know how old the children are? It’s a coincidence that they are nearly all just under the legal age of 18. Some claiming to be under 18 have turned out to be 40. It can take years just to find out a person’s name or what country they are from let alone how old they are. Nothing they say can be trusted and they ‘lose’ all documents (but not mobile phones).
Good post Sluff. She’s not apologising in my name either! As Peter Hitchens has ably pointed out, why bother with the expense & risk of people smugglers & the horrors of the ‘Jungle’ camp? If you have a good case for entering the UK you can enter at any airport or seaport & simply claim asylum. The reason why people are in the ‘Jungle’ is because they have no right to enter the UK & are therefore ILLEGAL (children too). The children are there of course for the manipulation of idiots like Lily Allen.
Donbob drew attention to Stephen Sackur’s interview with Marine le Pen on the START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD yesterday, but I think the link is well worth a repeat.
Thank you for posting, I had not seen this until now.
At 4.03 after Sakur babbled on about how bad Brexit was going to be for Britain and why would France want to follow, Le Pen simply said:
“Sorry but don’t you think it’s time to stop all this propaganda? That’s it. They voted”
In that one sentence she summed up not only the bias of the BBC, but also demonstrated why the left has become so unpopular and how easily people now see through the Establishment and their lies.
The rest of the interview was an absolute bloodbath for poor Stephen, she swatted him,his arguments and his accusations away like an annoying fly. Tory MP’s should watch this video!
Maybe we should have all future Hard Talk interviews in a foreign language. It slows down the capacity to use the favourite BBC tactic of interrupting and we get to hear what the other person has to say and actually answer questions.
Many thanks for posting this, which otherwise I would have missed.
What a condescending buffoon Sackur is. She’s been an MEP since 2004, and was elected President of the FN in 2011 with 67% of the vote, but somehow he can’t help addressing her as if there’s a bad smell in the room.
It wasn’t worth the political flak. They get enough abuse for being “fascists” as it is.
The FN has a very French view from the right, with a much bigger role for the state in society and industry, whereas the British right is traditionally more inclined towards free trade and less government intervention. However, the FN is absolutely right about the threat of islam to Europe and France, and I agree that ideally Ukip should be able to work with it, and Geert Wilders in Holland. But it probably won’t happen.
I have at last got around to watching all of this ‘Hard Talk’. I like that woman! She is very articulate, knows what she believes, and gets it across extremely well. I have always wondered why the ‘media’ habitually calls her ‘right wing’ or ‘on the extreme right’, and this interview provides a clue, I think. Not because of her policies, but because she is clearly so very able and ‘on the money’ (and charming), that the lefties are simply scared of her. The only weapon they have is to call her names. Sackur, naturally, was his usual self, but I think even he was charmed in the end!
What Sackur seems unable to grasp in that interview is that Mm Le Pen does not care about virtue signalling. She simply states what she believes and the facts as she sees them and is not afraid to appear un-PC. Sackur simply can’t cope, because he is used to British people toeing the PC line and shying away from bald, direct statements.
Al Beeb interviewers seem to be discombobulated when interviewing “conviction politicians” of whatever persuasion. I’m thinking Galloway, Corbyn, Farage possibly John Redwood. They panic, butt in, talk over the top, patronise and so on.
They seem much more comfortable doing a semi-scripted dance with “machine politicians” (Blair, Owen Jones, Cooper) who tend to ignore the question and parrot from a script. I think the interviewers got over-accustomed to that approach during the Blair / Mandelson / Campbell era and are intimidated by pols who (a) refuse to be bullied; and (b) are smart enough to think on their feet.
Presumably Sucker has done an equally challenging interview with a prominent Remainer, wearing the same half-amused, patronising smirk of someone trying to show a 2-year old how to rub their tummy and pat their head at the same time?
This BBC person should take note that Mm le Pen comes from a country where HUNDREDS of people have recently been killed by Islamic terrorists; some of them young children, some of them tortured in horrific ways including a priest killed at the altar of his church while celebrating HC. In the words of Douglas Murray, he could at least have the decency to admit there is a problem.
Having watched that, I must say that Marine Le Pen swatted Sackur away with ease. The only way to deal with Beeboids is with contempt, but she did it with style, with a smile on her face, as if she was dealing with a dim child.
I must say when you contrast her style and elegance with that boot faced old hag in Berlin, it is a clear win for French womanhood.
Just flying out of Luton this morning and now we have coppers armed with MP5s in the queue for departures! Wow I really can’t keep up. How exciting! I wander if I ever have children if by then you’ll need to walk through airport style security to go to the local shop? Or perhaps Luton will be even more exciting with tanks and the army greeting you when you get off the shuttle bus.
It does make me a little bit ashamed to be English as the only enrichment my culture can offer is please & thank you, Yorkshire tea, cricket and the queen. So bloody boring when you compare it to IEDs, female genital mutilation, gang rape and suicide bombing.
Rather worryling they don’t even check your passport now until you get to board the plane which inspires great confidence in me when I know that the Alan’s Snackbar patrons only need to buy a £20 easyJet flight to get through to the departure hall.
British security services – who needs logic when you’ve got political correctness!
I saw an interview with Brillo Neil and Katie Hopkins where Brillo let fly at her for daring to suggest there were no go areas in the UK, and places where it is not safe. Obviously Brillo was being loyal to the Moslem cause – as ever – but your reminder of armed police and security everywhere does indicate just how unsafe our country is.
Advice to Brillo. Piss off to your favourite Islamic state. You are just another fifth columnist
So the BBC sent a reporter to Carlstadt, Germany and spoke to a distant Trump relative, who said, he would maybe support Donald. The report ended by telling us that the next village is called, wait for it – Frankenstein!
The value of such quality broadcasting is beyond gold!
I would happily pay for old BBC drama, old comedy and very few documentaries but as for the rest? Pay per view please.
Move over Gareth Southgate – the Labour Party appear to reckon that the Brexit team of Boris, David Davis and Liam Fox ought to be our new ace soccer pundits
Question 154 of Labour Remainer’s 170 questions for the Government on Brexit
“Following Britain’s departure from the EU, will football players with European passports be subject to the same work permit rules as currently apply to all other overseas players; will FIFA’s Article 19 ban on the international transfer of football players under the age of 18 be extended to transfers of European players by UK clubs; and if so, what assessment has the government made of the impact of these restrictions on the future competitiveness of UK football teams?”
Watch out Gary Lineker… next up Boris on the off-side rule David Davis with his assement of how Brexit will impact the 4-4-2 system and Liam Fox tells us how best to use Wayne Rooney
If Labour really think that anyone could care less about the fate of overpaid Carlos Kickaballs, then they deserve to be sectioned. If Brexit actually means more English players get to play in the English leagues (they are down to a third in the Premiership), then only a true leftist international socialist could think that a bad thing (especially after watching the dross on display in Slovenia last night).
I watched YouTube highlights of England vs Slovenia. It’s quite possible that the team won’t even make it to Russia in 2018, even against those five weak opponents. Something drastic needs to be done to make England a force again in world football.
Thanks for what you wrote about the link in my posting. I hadn’t realised, it was the first result in a Google search.
I reported it to the site and they’ve promptly removed the posting.
Russia has given Boris and the rest short shrift. Just what can the hand wringers do now? Retreat to a ‘safe space’, stop buying vodka or conceivably smell what they’re shovelling?
Any minor misdeeds by Donald Trump will surely pale into insignificance when (forgive me) ‘trumped’ by the factual revelation that Hilary Clinton knew that the Saudi’s were financing ISIS in 2014 and as a corollary, so did Obama. Clinton stinks and all the more reason for DT to win the election.
Oh dear! I just watched the Redwood interview. The interviewer had all the impartiality of a party apparatchik. Honestly, it was concerning. I’ve watched Kristie in the past but this was strange. Under the cosh to conduct the most infantile, unprofessional, ill informed, wilfully misunderstanding interview or what?
I posted about this briefly last night in the previous open thread, I just caught the tail end of it but noticed immediately just how bizarre the questions seemed be, it was very odd. Redwood seemed to express a mixture amusement and bafflement at old Kirsty and her questions. I too found it concerning, very strange.
I do believe that kirsty is exposing a cry for help,she’s highlighting her vulnerable position, she’s appealing to the tories to be rescued from this diseased parasitic corrupt ideology that infests our media.If not she’s just another liar.
No , it is becoming a parody of itself. If we had satirists who were worth their salt they would have us rolling in he isles with their take on Remainer Zac from Islington, the modern equivalent of Colonel Blimp.
For all those interested in the USA election. Here is a piece on USEFUL IDIOTS. Level six, of course, refers to our very own Ministry of truth:
12:25 NOW : R4 is doing it’s peace about Islamic Holidays and Halal B&B etc.
“Halal Tourism makes up 12% of World Tourism market” *obviously made up number
‘We need halal ..cos when my wife wears a hijab the problem is people look at her funny sometime’
interresting they didn’t put in the programme blurbBlurb
The presenter moved swiftly on as if the piece had been ordered put in by someone from on high..the same way as I described above about how global warming pieces are forced into R4Today and the presenters seem uninterested in them.
Ha ha Cummon that is a ridiculous idea ! that Hillary met and wrote her senior thesis about the Saul Alinsky the radical anarchist who wrote Rules for Radicals a famous list of dirty tricks to use in activism..
It breaks my “too wow to be true rule”
…Hang on my God it does appear true comes up all over Google
“her undergraduate senior thesis” Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Lucifer, explained Washington Post story
However the last bit of @joeadamsmith’s graphic seems not true to be
I’ve never seen Rules For Radicals mention healthcare
..and indeed on checking I see it is BS Debunked on
Stew. It would appear that I was wrong. However, the rules do fit for controlling the peoples. Whilst, according to Snopes, Saul did not want to make people poor, I’d dispute that. What is the best way to divide people than impoverish the many at the expense of the few? And then use them against the Establishment…. All the while BEING the Establishment yourself! Labour/Socialism has being doing that for years.
@Snopes is right,
but also @joeadamsmith is right, cos Alinksky’s ACTUAL “rules do fit for controlling the people”, you don’t need that made up document.
His rules are summed up as “By any means necessary (cos we are the righteous)” ..and that fits with Hillary’s deceive to achieve tactics
Now guys you don’t just “Trust Snopes” cos you don’t just Trust any source.. you check the actual claim.
As we say “Just cos it’s published in Nature doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong” (cos Nature’s reputation of publishing anything that fits their narrative.)
– The point is Evidence stands on its own two feet, irrespective the reputation of source. (Fallacy of Argument from Authority)
You don’t divide the world into good sources and bad sources, rather you check claims whoever makes them.
#1 You are right Snopes can have lefty bias ..I sent in a correction the other day.
#2 However in this particular case they are right – the graphic is made up with fake Alinsky quotes to discredit Democrats like Obama.
#3 You don’t have to make up false claims about Alinsky, cos his actual “By any means necessary” ethos is dirty enough.
The fake document is just trying to take a shortcut to associating Alinsky with Obama’s policies without having to go into complex explaining..But to me with Hillary it’s easy to say to someone “Does Hillary seem to have a reputation for deceiving and getting stuff done by any means possible” and most people will say that is the impression they already have.
Thanks @GWF for that report on the 1975 Hillary controversial rape case.
It is very useful presentation of the case to use with frothing lefties using the “label and dismiss” trick on Trump
“Oh he said something very sexist 11 years ago, he’s a sexist and therefore banned from office forever. “
Older man with a high profile job on television, using his position to grope and proposition women with impunity; since when has that brought censure from al beebus on anyone? I was under the impression it was practically a condition of employment at the place.
Oh! Wait, now I see! When the man doing it holds political views which counter those of the Progressives at al beebus and it looks like he might achieve high political office.
* 8:21 R4Today had an advertising slot for Josh Fox and his new Global Warming doom film. (The guy with the faked flaming gas tap stunt in his first film)
It’s a usual thing, it appears like Harrabin or a member of his Global Warming propaganda team just phone up @R4Today and instruct them to make a space for Green or Global Warming advert spot and of course contesting voices are banned under the ironic ‘False balance Rule’.
* 8:21:30s switch over to R5 Live, right into middle of a bbcStopTrump stunt : “The people near Trump’s golf course in Scotland know what he is like… John Doe what’s he like ?”
“Yep great guy met him a few times”
Gameshow leapt in with the loaded question : “Oh, ah well you won’t be supporting his presidency after those vulgar and offensive remarks about women, will you ?”
..”Yes of course, I will”
Both 5 Live presenter took a huge gasp..Emergency oxygen was rushed into the studio
..I switched off.
* 9:15 Child Transgender came up on R4MidWeek
“iO Tillett Wright is a photographer, writer, film maker, activist ”
“Born female, he describes how, at the age of six, he adopted a new persona – a boy named Ricky” “His TED Talk, 50 Shades of Gay”
* 10:00 News BBC headline decided that beloved Labour should lead the headlines
“Labour says the government has no plan for Brexit and will eb asking a question per day for next 170 days.” ** PR stunt alarm goes off **
10:02 First item on R4WomensHour was item with professor telling us how bad Trump’s sexism is Donald Trump and misogyny
With the recent revelations of Donald Trump’s comments on women from 2005, and his response in the second televised debate, has the US election become a contest over who treats women the least badly? Jane is joined by Cynthia Weber, Professor of International Relations at Sussex University.
I heard the 5-dive holier than thou sanctimonious cow screech “REALLY” when the gadgie said ”Yes of course, I will” (support Trump) – Screeched the word out as though she’d just been told aliens had landed & resurrected Margaret Thatcher! Send in the clowns.
It seems that the charlatan anti-fracker, Fox, misunderstood his brief, which was to pop along and publicise his new film and add weight to the BBC’s campaign to stop Britain becoming self sufficient in gas.
To make it seem all above board, the interviewer would lob a few perfunctory challenges his way – soft questions that would make listeners think that there was a semblance of balance and get the smellies writing in in disgust that the BBC would be so challenging – so that the BBC could say, ‘see, we get it just about right’
Anyway forgetting his brief the American nutter lost it, thinking the floor was his and he could talk, talk, talk, uninterrupted, without any of those touchy feely questions (wink, wink). Questions like ‘but there has always been methane setting fire to taps in some parts of the US’? which he ‘did not want to go back to answer’.
The troubling thing about this interview was that through the chaos of the interview there wasn’t really any substantive challenge, he was able to get away with dropping outrageous assertions and accusations into the debate AND WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF REPLY from those accused of lying by him…or from the scientific community who could challenge Fox’s lies.
I’m not sure if this was simply an interview that went wrong, or a set up. I do hope and expect the BBC will offer a counter view in the next few days.
12:25 NOW : R4 is doing it’s peace about Islamic Holidays and Halal B&B etc.
“Halal Tourism makes up 12% of World Tourism market” *obviously made up number
‘We need halal ..cos when my wife wears a hijab the problem is people look at her funny sometime’
interresting they didn’t put in the programme Blurb
The presenter moved swiftly on as if the piece had been ordered put in by someone from on high..the same way as I described above about how global warming pieces are forced into R4Today and the presenters seem uninterested in them.
Someone in the last open thread asked for a list of leftie luvvie SJWs, Grievance Mongers and Virtue Signallers. I made a quickish list to start:
Just a few to start
USA UK Other
George Clooney Emma Thompson Bob Geldof
Sean Penn Juliette Stevenson Sofia Helin
Robert de Niro Glenda Jackson
Azealia Banks Hugh Grant
Doug Stanhope Jenna Louise Colman
Susan Sarandon Richard Bacon
Barbra Streisand Jonathan Ross
John Cusack Ben Elton
Cher Al Murray
Janeane Garofalo Maureen Lipman
Michael Moore Brian Cox (both)
Alec Baldwin Sheila Hancock
Ashley Judd Rochdale Cowboy
Jane Fonda Charlotte Church
Whoopi Goldberg Griff Rhys Jones
Cameron Diaz Any BBC reporter
Lena Dunham Mark Rylance
Anne Hathaway Benedict Cumberbatch
Roseanne Barr Martin Freeman
Jim Carrey Vivienne Westwood
Chris Rock Russell Brand
Madonna Vanessa Redgrave
Orlando Jones David Tennant
Danny Glover Ronnie O’Sullivan
Oliver Stone Steve Coogan
Robert Webb
Tinie Tempah
Stephen Hawking
Eddie Izzard
Daniel Radcliffe
Sally Lindsay
JK Rowling
Nick Hewer
Jonathan Creek
Danny Boyle
Frank Skinner
Mick Hucknall
Oasis brothers
Delia Smith
David Nielson
Tony Robinson
John Middleton
Stephen Fry
Paloma Faith
Lily Allen
Matthew Horne
Jo Brand
Liz Dawn
Richard Wilson
Sean Connery
Sue Johnston
Cheryl Cole
Paul O’Grady
Alan Sugar
Robson Green
Alex Ferguson
They vary from the completely talentless and pointless like Paloma Faith to the highly talented Mark Rylance. Their reasons vary from the usual “My family have always voted Labour and I’m too thick to think for myself.” to the “I must signal how virtuous I am because the stupid fans will believe I’m caring and compassionate. Now where shall I buy my next mansion with very high fences so I don’t have to deal with, or look at, the plebs.”.
I was going to suggest that we had a vote on BBC’s most biased progs and presenters
On thinking about it some people and progs are so full of propaganda..You’d have to have a level 1 and level 2 vote.
Cos everyone is going to vote for Roger Harrabin, his team and Climate doom team progs like Costing the Earth, Jenni Murray and her hour of men hating, R4 News progs, Richard switchoff Bacon, Dogma loving airhead Brian Cox
…Whereas the level 2 are biased but not 100% of the time like Gameshow Campbell and Stephen Nolan etc.
And apart from Brillo we can’t mention the non-biased BBC staff cos the BBC will kick them off air.
Admittedly I miss a great deal of what’s out there so I’ve only just found an answer to, “Why are all comics left wing?”
But I noticed on Sky catch up a whole programme entitled, “Andrew Lawrence Comedian Outcast” and there’s my answer!
Islamofascist have free speech but not so Andrew.
So the short answer is all comics are left wing because any who are not have their careers destroyed. No nice gigs on “Mock the Week” or “Have I Got News For You” if you insult the left wing hive.
Rob in Cheshire you rightly point out that Andrew Lawrence pretty much had his mainstream career destroyed because he said he didn’t support UKIP but understood why some people did. I believe something similar happened to the comedian Lee Hurst who was up and coming a few years ago but then was ‘disappeared’ after expressing the ‘wrong’ views.
It seems there are only two acceptable views in comedy – dogmatic hard left, or ‘keep quiet’. I’m pretty sure a few popular comedians (of the type you get on Live at the Apollo etc) have conservative views but realise that to express them would be career suicide.
This becomes a vicious circle – no right wing views are allowed to be expressed, so everybody assumes there are no right wing comics, and that therefore it is not actually possible to be right wing and a comedian.
I happened across the end of this programme when it was first broadcast. Lawrence was being ‘advised’ at the end of a disastrous gig (I guessed ‘disastrous’ because, having read about him before, he had the temerity to challenge left-wing sacred cows) by a bloke who I assumed to be the comedy club owner.
His advice was that Lawrence’s material was totally unacceptable because of it’s ‘far right’ associations – that is ‘far right’ in his view, which would be anything less left wing than a Momentum rally. In other words whilst Lawrence was not committing any crime or breaking any law, just simply trying to bring a different perspective to the age-old practice of ‘satire’ i.e. from a right wing point of view, he was effectively being ostracised from the comedy circuit unless he toed the party line.
This and countless daily examples of democracy-defying censorship and thought manipulation, and acts of violence against politicians and their homes bring us to only one conclusion – Stalinism is here and spreading like cancer.
BBC man Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith has visably had his dander raised substantially this lunch time by “Labour getting back on the front foot over Brexit”. Our Norman can hardly disguise his excitment as Corbyn “for the first time asks questions pushing the Government on Brexit”
Second Presidential Debate (non-BBC angle guaranteed):
“You scumhag.”
“You toerag.”
Trump: “I’m a gentleman, you go first” (actually said during debate)
Clinton: “You’ll soon be history, you trampbag” (not actually said during debate)
Trump: “The voters will decide, you soon-to-be lag”…
I notice that Jo Coburn now seems to be contesting James Naughtie’s reputation for verbose over-long statements of BBC group think being presented as accusatory questions. If I can bear it I will try to put a stopwatch on her most flagrant excesses, and post an update.
I timed the naughty Naughtie at nearly one minute on one occasion. He may have beaten that on occasions when I was not listening. He was regularly beating 30 seconds in my hearing.
Anita Anand in the first year or two of her presenting Any Answers managed to talk for over one-fifth of the programme’s total air-time and I was gracious enough to not include the essentials that she had to cover (intro,, e-mail, questions asked of the Panel) in that timing.
It seems to me that more recently she probably occupies more than a quarter or more of the on air time.
Any Answers no longer relates to the questions asked of the Panel or the contributions from the public but what can be headed off and buried in the proverbial long grass by Anita.
Radio 4 reported on Monday that the pound was at a low against the Euro – the example they quoted that it costs 88 pence for one Euro at Southampton Airport. Any experienced traveller can tell you that airports are the worst place to exchange currency. And why Southampton airport and not a high street bureau? Doubtless they had to trawl the web to find this low figure.
Old Hancock show on 4 Xtra today. “Bill, what’s the front page?” Replies, “Britain in crisis.” “Bill, what’s on the next page?” Replies, “Britain in another crisis.”
I could almost believe this old, comedy show was what bbc news uses as a training aid.
In my advanced years I do find it interesting to reflect how, though I come from generations of dirt poor miners, the party that came about in order to improve the lot of my ancestors, foster liberty and address inequality now present a clear and present danger. Ho hum.
Can someone with more intelligence than me explain the difference between hard and soft Brexit?
I voted to control immigration and bring back sovereignty. I did not vote to undermine the City of London, put N.Ireland back decades with a border or bugger up our car industry for starters. Nobody did. So how come there seems to be a division appearing that hard brexit seems to mean not caring what happens to the economy etc?It seems to be a line being taken by the BBC et al that hard Brexiters are obsessives hell bent on destroying the country. It seems to me a very dangerous division is being created.
To me hard Brexit was triggering Article 50 as a starting point, not an end in itself.
To me Brexit was just that we leave the EU, which will leave us in a far stronger position to negotiate with the remaining EU states what is best for Britain. It will also allow us to negotiate with countries outside the EU in a way that we’ve not been able to do properly since Maastricht.
Jacob Rees Mogg explains it to Kenneth Clarke here, from 4.30:
Hard Brexit means we leave the EU on the terms we negotiate between now and spring 2017. Soft Brexit means we stay subject to all the rules, restrictions and loss of sovereignity of being in the EU, but we pretend that we’re not.
Not at obvious which side the interviewer was on? Quite shameful.
Short of hitting Mogg with a stick throughout the piece, it is hard to see what more she could have done.
Well done, Jacob. The piece would have been a whole lot better if Coburn had not interrupted the whole time. Indeed, a conversation between Clarke and Rees-Moog without an interlocutor would have been even better. I seem to recall years ago either the BBC or another TV outlet showed such conversations between Tony Benn and one of his political opponents (sans interviewer) and very interesting and civilised it was. I can’t remember the details, though.
Yes, it was a regular feature on This Week called Bill and Benn … William Hague and Tony Benn. Very refreshing it was to hear two politicians having a sensible and civilised debate. Nowadays the original Bill and Ben would be more sensible than what passes for BBC current affairs.
Hard and soft brexit are just two opposed points on a scale between open borders and single market versus closed/controlled borders and some sort of export tariff situation which at its worst would be to WTO rules.
The result we get is a product of May’s negotiations between those points and as everyone knows except the useless Labour Party (which a. Sold our gold at the bottom of the market and b, gave up billions in rebate for a French ‘promise’ to talk about CAP reform- LOL) you do not reveal your negotiating position in advance.
Only total thickos in the Labour and Lib Dems do not understand this, or worse, do understand this and want to deliberately undermine our negotiations for short term party political advantage.
Invicta, the expression, ‘smoke and mirrors’ comes to mind. In my view, ‘Hard Brexit’ means no subterfuge or fig leaves (no smoke and mirrors): we leave and take our chances outside – totally – a fresh start. ‘Soft Brexit’ is for ‘Remainers’ anxious to find a second-rate half-measure exit by retaining as much EU control over the UK as they can persuade the public to accept. Completely contrary to how the voters voted in June. Problem is with the ‘Soft Brexit’ that the EU has already declared that there will be no, ‘half-measures’ – we either accept free movement or leave altogether.
Also note how the terminology has been constructed to manipulate opinion – ‘soft’ is psychologically more acceptable than ‘hard’ when it comes to doing a deal of this importance.
The BBC has brainwashed me into thinking that “British Broadcasting Corporation” is a racist organisation.
To eliminate the racism, I suggest that all the local British management be sacked, and replaced with the worlds top Australian media giant, and it should then be called the “Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation” because “European Broadcasting Corporation” sounds out of date, and “World Broadcasting Corporation” sounds a bit too Imperialist.
So a CBC, run by a famous immigrant from Australia living in America would solve the Racism problem at the BBC.
Richard, I’d like to like your recommendation but I really cannot do so.
Yes, I am aware that our colleges, with highly paid professorial staff, throughout the land are totally failing their students so that all sorts of talent, for all sorts of industries – especially broadcasting – SIMPLY HAS TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE UK.
However, I am also aware that we have 3.5 million economically inactive people in the UK, let alone 1.6 million unemployed, one of whom may be supremely qualified for the job. In addition, our journalism, broadcasting and business courses at ‘some of the best Universities in the world’ have to, sooner or later under the law of averages or mere astrophysicallynormal chance, throw up a suitable candidate who will not drain the public purse into an already vast bank account in some tax netherhavenworld in a sunny clime just off the coast of Latincarib.
Failing that, I reckon I could do a better job than the current occupant of the DG’s office, desk & chair and again would not drain the public purse nearly as much, let alone your proposed candidate. Indeed, over the period of the new Charter, I would endeavour to ease that broadcaster’s claim upon the public purse to more reasonable levels.
[Note to Moderators: Please may we have a Thumbs down symbol and Dislikes button below posts?] 🙂
Did anyone watch Jeremy Paxman on the One Show a few nights ago? He was asked about the 10 year old news of Trumps’ ‘exploits’, described as ‘Locker-room’ banter and in his (Paxmans) time in sports/locker rooms, if he found that sort of banter was commonplace. He answered ‘No’. Really. Clearly Paxo has never visited the sort of locker-room I frequented years ago and his opinion is totally suspect.
And bears don’t crap in the woods.
I get that sometimes we have to be diplomatic, bite our tongue, be discrete but we’re getting to a point where it is only acceptable to hold to one party line – the one held by the BBC Party, of course.
I am happy to accept the word of any male BBC “journalist” that in the locker rooms he frequents no one ever talks about the sexual attractiveness of women. Of course they will still talk about sex, just not sex with women.
Clearly all the ‘new men’ of this generation have never been in the changing room of a football team, or the male environment of a coal mine ! now they are more likely to be swapping moisturisers and beauty tips with their partners – be they male or female.
Clearly the maiden-aunts of modern politics have never heard of the locker room banter of one John F Kennedy, democrat, who is famously supposed to have said he got a headache if he didn’t get ‘a strange piece of ass every day.’
Anyone with the remotest grasp of reality understands that power is the strongest aphrodisiac a man can possess. Look at men like Robin Cook, David Blunkett and Two Jags Prescott, who all allegedly had affairs with women well out of their leagues. Women will throw themselves at powerful men and some men will boast about it; most have the good sense and grace to at least keep quiet about it, but I am bewildered by anyone who thinks all this marks out Trump as some kind of monster!
AND our future king who declared that he wanted to be a sanitary towel !!!! Can anyone remember what the Yanks or the Beeb made of THAT particular statement ? certainly no worse than what Trump has come out with, and yet despite the distaste that most women felt about that at the time, Charles hasn’t been de-throned because of it. No, its all been discreetly swept under the carpet. Perhaps it should be Tweeted to the news outlets to remind them, because those in authority are probably too young to remember it !!
I can clearly remember the communal bath after school rugby games in the past. Any ‘friends of Dorothy’ would have found it rather uncomfortable I imagine, as indeed did most everybody involved. The fact that one seemed to get out of the bath dirtier than before jumping in always confused me a little.
Maybe I’m lucky, but the people I mix with are still what I would call “normal”, but that is probably hate speech these days. I tend to avoid football bores like the plague and I’m too tight fisted to spend money on cosmetics. I have a bottle of Paco Rabanne after shave that must be 25 years old. I suppose that just means I’m too old to me “new”. It was a present but, to me, it just smells like some sickly concoction from a school chemistry lab.
As for spending time in a coal mine, you should know by now that they no longer exist because of Fatcher. We’ve been told often enough.
Why is the BBC obsessed about the USA and not the EU which it loves so much?
The BBC has done an in depth investigation into religious hate preachers. Have a wild guess which ones.
For example the BBC does documentaries about poverty in the UK, poverty in the US, poverty in Africa but never the EU induced poverty in the Euro areas.
In the spirit of Support Your Local Lefty it must surely be incumbent upon us b-BBCers to add to (or should I say literally embelish, literally) the Labour list of 170 Brexit questions part of the campaign which as Norman Smith tells us today “has put Labour back on the front foot”
“Will the government ensure Britain’s continued participation in the Eurovision Song Contest and moreover will it guarantee our ‘by’ into the final round of this competition through continued public funding of this culturally vital event. Furthermore, will the government seek to re-instate International It’s A Knock Out (Jeux Sans Frontieres) following our precipitous exit from this crucial pan-European collaboration. What assessment has the government made of the impact of the loss of these two important programmes on the future reputation of the BBC?”
Stand by for a day of action (or inaction) by migrants and their supporters to teach us all a lesson for being ungrateful to them after Brexit.
Plans for the event, called One Day Without Us, include a labour boycott to show how important migrants are to the UK workforce.
‘Organiser Matt Carr, a writer and commentator, has urged migrants and their supporters to join in the day of action on 20 February 2017. He said the trigger for the event was profound concern about worsening attitudes to migrants in the UK.
Carr said he believed that those who voted against Brexit, and also many of those who voted in favour of it, were alarmed at the levels of racism and xenophobia that had manifested before and after the referendum vote.’
I don’t want to appear ungrateful but would appreciate a day free from some of the things that migrants have been doing. And as for their lefty supporters, it stretches the imagination to contemplate the amount of labour they might withold.
When the whole thing falls flat, I suspect Mr Carr will say something like the reason the immigrants didn’t join in was because they are so poor that they can’t risk losing a day’s wages, or that they were so intimidated by post-Brexit far right racism that they were too scared to join in.
This will only work if they were to spend a whole day not taking advantage of any kind of public services, doctors, benefits system, transport etc: and also discharge themselves from hospitals.
Then the playing field would be more even.
Aussie Dominic O’Connell at it again on R4 Today early business report. Apparently women are “woefully” under-represented at senior level in the City.
Would that be due to a woeful and unfair lack of opportunities for women?
Or could it be that women are freely choosing to prioritise aspects of their lives other than their careers in financial services, which wouldn’t be woeful at all?
Guest Who
I never go to the pictures if it means my money goes to Hollywood luvvies, I wait till the films are on Ebay. I am disappointed to hear Hanks is a climate monger as I was looking forward to seeing Inferno later this month.
I like old films especially in black and white (check out The Dark Man 1951) as they’re very relaxing . I don’t know any of the actors and actresses beliefs on anything .
I agree regarding some of the old B+W classic movies – you can watch the great acting of those 40’s/50’s stars without politics overwhelming the narrative.
If I watch a modern movie nowadays 99% of them have a leftist agenda.
That being said, a lot of the really good US supporting actors like Robert Ryan and Sterling Hayden were right old commies!
Recently went to the cinema for the first time in years. Matt Damon in the latest of the Bourne series. He spoke 27 times, and despite being seated half way up the cinema I was almost part of the action I was so close to the screen ! I will not repeat the experience and shall wait for the dvd’s to come out in future.
As for actors like Robert Ryan & Sterling Hayden being the red under the bed, who cares ! at least they were part of the golden generation of actors/actresses who knew their craft, and didn’t need crash bang wallop to make a picture great.
Agreed. I like old films, although you can see a little bit of liberalism creeping in to some of the Hollywood films of the late 50s as well as the kitchen sink dramas of Britain at the time. Pretty much anything before 1965 or so is alright though; but after that Marxist misery-peddlers like Ken Loach started making films.
Brissles I agree wholeheartedly that they knew their craft – it makes them stand out against most of today’s milksop thespians. Many of them did their time in WWII too.
Those who were under suspicion from the House UnAmerican Activities Committee would probably be seen as hopelessly old-fashioned, macho throwbacks by the current snowflake generation of prissy virtue-signalling fools like Cumberbatch!
I like old films because I can get through them without asking my wife “what did he say?” or rewinding every few minutes to listen for a second or third time.
In spite of technological improvements, the dialogue is still unintelligible most of the time because so many male actors feel they have to adopt a macho chest register. It’s like trying to play Flight of the Bumble Bee on a tuba. Still, who cares so long as you can hear the special effects?
BBC PM just given us the comments from 9 MPs over the Brexit debate, 6 of them from the usual remoaners. (I’m surprised they gave us 3 to be honest). Followed up with Norman Smith to reinforce the BBC viewpoint.
Anybody able to tell me why the views of
a) Anna Soubry
b) Emily Thornberry and
c) Jeremy Corbyn
seem to need such frequent airings all over every BBC blowhole?
For-given THAT trinity of serial underachievers,drunks, slum landlords and allotment coolies involved. Indeed, you might EVEN think that the country might give a damn about their opinions on ANYTHING.
Which is these bottom feeders pathetically grab any limelight and buns that they can-because they`ll say whatever the BBC wants of them.
These are Euro-lilos, mere spongiform on the bottom of Tim Farrons shoe tree…and at least he has long been a Eurinal cake, for us all to piss on/
If only the BBC would ask those of us who DID flaunt their clear wishes by voting out why we did so.
As it is now, they head up and over the rapids to oblivion-the nation HATES them like never before.
Is what ancient popeye claims the case? If so, the BBC again rather going beyond reporting, and though they won’t answer, a few questions to be asked as this has now come to shape the whole scummy ‘debate’.
Hard Brexit = Brexit
Soft Brexit = As We Are
Google “hard brexit” and “soft brexit” and the terms only start to appear after 23rd June.
BBC invention I understand.
Allie B
That’s what I said the other day. Before the vote, and particularly in the debates, there was no talk of what kind of Brexit – the whole country knew it was all in or all out. Remainers only introduced the term soft Brexit ’cause they lost and so that would be Remain in all but name.
I am pleased that Lily decided to apologise on behalf of her country.
But in case she doesnt realise my country is a different one to Lilies.
Lilies country seems to be inhabited by multicolour unicorns and fairies (of all sorts). All of whom feel guilty about having such a wonderful life. All dancing around the permanently fruiting money tree. Everyone is lovely and all sing together. You dont have to work, and can breed as much as you want (as the money tree is always in fruit) In fact the more offspring you have the merrier. If you want to go to another fairy unicorn land you can because the resident fairies and unicorns all want to share in your culture and look forward to giving up their old ways to adopt your new ones. New fairy and unicorn stables are supplied on demand (curtesy again of the money tree) And if you bring over a nasty unicorn disease there will be a hundred fairies gathering special fairy herbs to treat you for free! – Its all just so, so, so, so lovely!
My country is different to that – and we are all starting to get a little pissed off!
On behalf of my country, I apologise for Lily Allen.
Her ‘music’ seems to consist of her reading a shopping list in a cockney accent backed by a tune played by a three year old on a toy piano. ‘Today I went dahn the shops la-la, bought a tin of spam, some fags an’ a lottery card la-la…’
More like a great attempt to disguise the fact that if and when she tries to up her voice a bit she then begins to croak, and lose her voice! I call her singing: “talking slowing” as if she is voicing-over a TV add by talking/signing (ha) very sexy thinking her listeners are tone-deaf anyway!!
Lily Allen was uber connected from birth, and because her dad Keith Allen was central to the Brit pop scene in the early to mid nineties, she was presented with a veritable open door to swan into the music industry, despite having no discernible talent at all.
Dont worry Gaxvil hes also from Lillies, Multicolour, Fairy and Unicorn Land. You can be as young or old as you want to be and originate from whatever country you fancy – Its the Rules!
It’s an ‘exclusive’, so I wonder how these things develop?
Does an airhead bimbo popstress whose career is tanking decide to channel her inner SirBob by making a high profile visit to an SJW cause du jour, and get her people to call the BBC’s people so the BBC can be present to take us all for a ride?
Or do BBC producers concoct said stunt and cast around for a Newsbeat level Numptie to front it so it resonates wiv da kidz?
Whichever way, that deft touch the BBC once had with propaganda has gone totes haw haw.
LOL they should have renamed Ambridge ‘Upper Street’ long ago. The Archers seems to me pure Islington – north London liberal values disguised with a thin veneer of oo-arr mummerset nonsense about prize turnips, church pageants and village cricket that hasn’t existed in the English countryside since about 1947, if it ever did.
Despite having the largest budget in history of any broadcaster ever, the BBC seems unable or unwilling to cover events for certain regions. Whilst salivating over the tiniest trivia to do with the American Presidential elections, which seem to have gone on forever, the BBC has no interest in Lithuania.
For an organisation which is so pro EU and anti Brexit I find the BBC’s lack of interest surprising. I wonder what could be behind this? Especially as EU membership clearly has brought such wonderful benefits to all member countries.
‘The failure of government parties has been attributed to sluggish economic growth, scandals that had surfaced over the months preceding the elections and the adoption of a new labour code that was deeply unpopular with voters.’,_2016
If only the BBC had more money and could pay for some journalists, or even somebody who speaks Lithuanian?
The EU has also had the effect of depopulating the Baltic states. They have lost up to a quarter of their people, the youngest and brightest, the people who should be building their counties up for the future, but who instead find they can earn more money serving cappucino in Britain.
Quote: ‘Religion: A major failure of BBC programming to date, say Ofcom, has been the unwillingness to show that Islamophobia and with it, terrorism, has grown because there is not enough equality in relation to the understanding of the religion of peace. In future, therefore, there will be regular programming from mosques (including those in Northern Ireland to ensure inclusion of regional concerns) featuring imams whose main focus will be to fill this vacuum and tell us all why Western civilisation should end. Here, of course, White and her working parties face a dilemma, because this aspect of presentation might well be somewhat dominated by men. But this is the religion of peace, so a side-report is being prepared to explain why this is not really a problem.’
David/Alan That’s worth a thread of its own.
It’s by By David Keighley (Former BBC news producer, BBC PR executive and head of corporate relations for TV-am.)
I commented on the article :
North-London-MINORITIES are focus of MAJORITY of BBC’s thought*
* (guilt ridden thought)
This is an excellent article by Pat Buchanan about the last Trump – Clinton debate.
I wonder why “Jim” Naughtie never interviews him about the presidential race?
Explanation : she sent someone an email containing a writer’s opinion article which contained the word :
So while it’s true that the term “sand n*gger” appeared in e-mail sent by Hillary Clinton, this term was not used by the former secretary of state to describe Muslims. Rather, it appeared in an opinion piece by an Israeli author about the death of a young man, which Clinton shared with others via e-mail. Snopes
the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”
Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.
While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship
‘There is something really weird about this woman. I’ve read about the “body double” theory, but it goes deeper than that. She makes her 15 minute speeches to small crowds. Empty rooms half full. High school kids were brought in school buses for her Temple university rally. The networks use tight close up shots so you can’t see the room is nearly empty.
She disappears for long periods of time. Can’t stand up for long. Needs help to walk and falls on her face in New York. She looks healthy one day and the next day looks like shit warmed over.
I think what her backers are doing is making it look like she is running a campaign. The whole system is rigged and when she “wins the election” the media can claim she was an actual candidate. The woman is more dead than alive.
It is obvious who the media is supporting. We all know the polls are bullshit. Trump has 20,000 people at his rallies and she can’t even fill a union hall. Fucking weird. She makes a speech insulting Americans and calling us names and the next day she is leading in the polls. Something is wrong in this country when a career criminal is allowed to run for president. The whole system is corrupt and the mass media are the biggest liars of all. As George Carlin said….”it’s a private club and you ain’t in it.”‘ Anonymous.
All about Calais – None about Rotherham ….. that is the BBC way
This morning the BBC glorified Saint Lily of Allen… in Calais
Was there any reporting of yesterday’s news from the ongoing Rotherham sexploitation court case being held in Sheffield ?
Cos while you were all watching Lilly cry on the BBC I was thinking of the cries of the 3 young girls as I read The Yorkshire Post article about yesterday’s court action.
That the Evidence has all been heard and the jury has been sent out to decide on the 19 charges for 8 men for alleged abuse of three young girls between 1999 and 2003.
Everyone of the men has an Islamic name.
Now sometimes there are good reasons for suppressing news
here perhaps the police are fearing racial riots.
More media sources like the Guardian today choose NOT to report the sex abuse case, but rather the ongoing trial of violent people from the September 5th demonstrations in Rotherham : It’s all about a farright group demo they say ..yet all 10 people on trial charged with fighting and carrying knives etc. are Asian men from an anti-fascist demonstration.
BBC Breaking News. Just now on the 10:00 news, main headline …
Tesco declares war with Unilever because of Brexit. You plebs were warned, it’s all your fault, we’re doomed.
Oh FFS it’s a total non-story. The sort of thing that happens all the time. Retailers and suppliers frequently play who’s got the bigger balls like this. But the impartial BBC can’t let anything go by without blaming Brexit.
Rhif Saith
Um yes .
So when the £ goes up in vale we should see the price of Unilever products go down , yes ?
You must be joking!
There should be a call now for, all Brexiteers to boycott Unilever goods !
I shall by in Tesco from now on .
Don’t forget that the big boss at Tesco worked for Unilever for a long time – he knows how they are now operating – not in the interest of the UK population.
Shwmae Rhif 7
Its despicable !
We will remember those who attempted to undermine the democrat will of the British people. All other Brexiteers take note, don’t buy their goods.
Very true! The UKIP political broadcast with Farage tonight was very timely. Throughout the day, the BBC were very keen to bring us the unholy trinity of Clark, Clegg and Milliband. Clark seems to hang around politics like a fetid fart. He is always ready with fulsome praise for himself, but what is his actual “claim to fame” other than the reflected glory from Thatcher? Does he still want the Euro for Britain?
Personal care: Turnover growth was 13.2% of which 7.6% was currency impact Foods: Turnover growth was 4.5% which included a 5.6% positive currency impact Home Care: Home Care turnover grew by 10.9% including a 4.5% favourable currency impact.
NewsShite seemed to want to relive the glory days of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation tonight. We had the bizarre spectacle of the “Pravda with graphics” being channeled by Dateless. Dateless seemed to think that Boris had made some faux pas in relation to the niceties of diplomacy. Soviet diplomats and Komsomol types always used “big up” their cultural sophistication in the same way as in the famous Ferrero Roche ad. Simple overcompensation for being drunken thugs. Nothing has changed much.
vladMar 16, 08:54 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Stew – The Religion of presents some of the excuses and justifications for the calls to violence, but then…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:42 Weekend 15th March 2025 Councillor denies contacting rape victim’s father Abdul Malik, 50, who represents Blackwall and Cubitt Town ward on Tower Hamlets…
GMar 16, 08:41 Weekend 15th March 2025 MM, Makes you wonder what has been promised to the ‘Western Leaders’ to escape ‘their countries’ when eventually islam takes…
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have they turned the pub into the ambridge mosque yet ? Or had a 1000 illegals dumped on them to…
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 Nice one stew – family motto ‘nothing is true – not even this motto “ – er – er ….
GMar 16, 08:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 China: “China is supplying Russia with materials that directly boost Russia’s war machine, and in return is receiving military technology…
diggMar 16, 08:32 Weekend 15th March 2025 I’ll take it on the chin Stew and blame auto-suggest….
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:19 Weekend 15th March 2025 Comment “Can’t believe that we are still having this conversation!!” “To cite the other person you just said that would…
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 Sluff – well done you listening to that c—p – my rationing of BBC is down to ‘bells on Sunday…
Here’s one for the sick bag straight off the bat.
VD prog. bBBC1 10am Wed.
Lily Allen has been sent to the Calais jungle. she finds a child and is filmed APOLOGISING on behalf of ‘her’ country for not giving said child immediate access in to the UK. Moments later, her visit is the first ticker tape item on the news. Well, she’s not apologising in my name, I can tell you that.
Who the hell do the biased BBC newsroom editors think they are, giving us this unadulterated propoganda, day after day?
What they are not, of course, is accountable to the licence fee payer. It’s high time they were.
How would the BBC liberal / left types feel if a neo Nazi group went to Germany and apologised on behalf of the people of this country for thwarting Hitlers ambitions ?
Maybe Lily Allen will agree to spend the night in the Jungle with her new friends, and without any minders. Because that is what she is expecting the rest of us to do, if we let these people into Britain.
Some of us don’t live in gated communities with 24 hour protection Lily. But if she is confident enough to spend just one night in the Jungle, secure in the knowledge that she will be safe from the gangs of feral young muslim men, who view Western women as cheap whores, then I might listen to her.
But I won’t listen to her music, ever.
Friends, this is a solemn warning of what the effects of mind control can do to once rational people.
Has Lilly Allen got a new album to promote?
That’s a nasty prospect.
“But I won’t listen to her music, ever.”
I think you may be confusing her with someone else Rob. Lily Allen has never had anything to do with anything that could be remotely referred to as music.
Who the f**k does Lily Allen think she is?? She doesn`t have the right to speak for me…
Allen tells him: “At three points in your life [the UK] has put you in danger. We bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban, and now put you in danger of risking your life to get into our country.”
Then, breaking into tears, she adds: “I apologise on behalf of my country, for what we’ve put you through.”
He quietly responds: “It’s all right.”
He was a;ready in the hands of the Taliban…
The country was already a pile of rubble…
We never asked him to risk his life sneaking into our country…
I would also like to know the official `status` of his father who apparently lives in Birmingham….
Lily Allen can F**K RIGHT OFF!!!!
Here`s a short video clip of Lily Allens` stepdad Harry Enfield, from his BBC series `Harry And Paul`
Brilliant,that video is probably a hate crime these days.
Well, Lilly Allen telling him that will certainly help him to hate our country. Maybe this will fester in his mind and by the time he is old enough he will feel justified to take what he deems to be ‘appropriate action’.
The biased BBC deliberately get some brainwashed, air-headed pop singer to push their agenda instead of someone who has actually studied the problem and could come up with some proper facts, figures and explanations that the BBC might find uncomfortable.
Not going too well for Lily or her escorts and facilitators across their home social media turf either.
Of course if the BBC really cared about children, they could visit Kabul, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro or any of many other cities. I didn’t know that Calais was such a hell hole.
Not looking good for lily out there
This is a typical example of where the BBC tell you only part of the story to protect and promote their agenda. They made no attempt to find out who his father was, whether he’s legally here, why he left his son, why his son is on his own trekking across Afghanistan, Europe and the rest, who paid for him to be trafficked, how he got through the EU border and managed to travel (apparently) on his own all the way to Calais without being detected let alone stopped, etc etc etc etc.
Oh, and no interview with a psychiatrist to try and explain Lily Allen’s perverted, other-worldly thinking.
Johnnythefish, this is a good point. Any journalist worth his or her salt would be asking such questions. The fact that they very rarely, if ever, ask such questions on the BBC tells me they are driven by a pro-unlimited immigration agenda. It was pretty clear this was the case when the migration crisis heated up in the summer of 2015. None of these important questions were being asked.
And how do they know how old the children are? It’s a coincidence that they are nearly all just under the legal age of 18. Some claiming to be under 18 have turned out to be 40. It can take years just to find out a person’s name or what country they are from let alone how old they are. Nothing they say can be trusted and they ‘lose’ all documents (but not mobile phones).
Good post Sluff. She’s not apologising in my name either! As Peter Hitchens has ably pointed out, why bother with the expense & risk of people smugglers & the horrors of the ‘Jungle’ camp? If you have a good case for entering the UK you can enter at any airport or seaport & simply claim asylum. The reason why people are in the ‘Jungle’ is because they have no right to enter the UK & are therefore ILLEGAL (children too). The children are there of course for the manipulation of idiots like Lily Allen.
Donbob drew attention to Stephen Sackur’s interview with Marine le Pen on the START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD yesterday, but I think the link is well worth a repeat.
Thank you for posting, I had not seen this until now.
At 4.03 after Sakur babbled on about how bad Brexit was going to be for Britain and why would France want to follow, Le Pen simply said:
“Sorry but don’t you think it’s time to stop all this propaganda? That’s it. They voted”
In that one sentence she summed up not only the bias of the BBC, but also demonstrated why the left has become so unpopular and how easily people now see through the Establishment and their lies.
The rest of the interview was an absolute bloodbath for poor Stephen, she swatted him,his arguments and his accusations away like an annoying fly. Tory MP’s should watch this video!
Maybe we should have all future Hard Talk interviews in a foreign language. It slows down the capacity to use the favourite BBC tactic of interrupting and we get to hear what the other person has to say and actually answer questions.
Loved the response to his reference to the opinion polls. ‘You are British and believe in the opinion polls’.
Note also his snigger which replaces his arguments. That is the Mishel Hussein contribution to discussion
Many thanks for posting this, which otherwise I would have missed.
What a condescending buffoon Sackur is. She’s been an MEP since 2004, and was elected President of the FN in 2011 with 67% of the vote, but somehow he can’t help addressing her as if there’s a bad smell in the room.
She makes mincemeat of him.
What a shame that UKIP wouldn’t work with the FN in the European Parliament.
It wasn’t worth the political flak. They get enough abuse for being “fascists” as it is.
The FN has a very French view from the right, with a much bigger role for the state in society and industry, whereas the British right is traditionally more inclined towards free trade and less government intervention. However, the FN is absolutely right about the threat of islam to Europe and France, and I agree that ideally Ukip should be able to work with it, and Geert Wilders in Holland. But it probably won’t happen.
Rob, as you say UKIP got called fascist anyway, so had nothing to lose
What an arrogant arse Sackur is. She was more than fit for him. Compare her confident, detailed responses to Terissa May’s unconvincing stutterings.
I have at last got around to watching all of this ‘Hard Talk’. I like that woman! She is very articulate, knows what she believes, and gets it across extremely well. I have always wondered why the ‘media’ habitually calls her ‘right wing’ or ‘on the extreme right’, and this interview provides a clue, I think. Not because of her policies, but because she is clearly so very able and ‘on the money’ (and charming), that the lefties are simply scared of her. The only weapon they have is to call her names. Sackur, naturally, was his usual self, but I think even he was charmed in the end!
What Sackur seems unable to grasp in that interview is that Mm Le Pen does not care about virtue signalling. She simply states what she believes and the facts as she sees them and is not afraid to appear un-PC. Sackur simply can’t cope, because he is used to British people toeing the PC line and shying away from bald, direct statements.
Al Beeb interviewers seem to be discombobulated when interviewing “conviction politicians” of whatever persuasion. I’m thinking Galloway, Corbyn, Farage possibly John Redwood. They panic, butt in, talk over the top, patronise and so on.
They seem much more comfortable doing a semi-scripted dance with “machine politicians” (Blair, Owen Jones, Cooper) who tend to ignore the question and parrot from a script. I think the interviewers got over-accustomed to that approach during the Blair / Mandelson / Campbell era and are intimidated by pols who (a) refuse to be bullied; and (b) are smart enough to think on their feet.
Presumably Sucker has done an equally challenging interview with a prominent Remainer, wearing the same half-amused, patronising smirk of someone trying to show a 2-year old how to rub their tummy and pat their head at the same time?
Nah, didn’t think so.
This BBC person should take note that Mm le Pen comes from a country where HUNDREDS of people have recently been killed by Islamic terrorists; some of them young children, some of them tortured in horrific ways including a priest killed at the altar of his church while celebrating HC. In the words of Douglas Murray, he could at least have the decency to admit there is a problem.
Having watched that, I must say that Marine Le Pen swatted Sackur away with ease. The only way to deal with Beeboids is with contempt, but she did it with style, with a smile on her face, as if she was dealing with a dim child.
I must say when you contrast her style and elegance with that boot faced old hag in Berlin, it is a clear win for French womanhood.
If she ran the EU I would have voted remain.
How are Lily Allens songs doing in the pop charts of Taliban held territory , and is she collecting all the royalties ?
The enrichment continues!!!
Just flying out of Luton this morning and now we have coppers armed with MP5s in the queue for departures! Wow I really can’t keep up. How exciting! I wander if I ever have children if by then you’ll need to walk through airport style security to go to the local shop? Or perhaps Luton will be even more exciting with tanks and the army greeting you when you get off the shuttle bus.
It does make me a little bit ashamed to be English as the only enrichment my culture can offer is please & thank you, Yorkshire tea, cricket and the queen. So bloody boring when you compare it to IEDs, female genital mutilation, gang rape and suicide bombing.
Rather worryling they don’t even check your passport now until you get to board the plane which inspires great confidence in me when I know that the Alan’s Snackbar patrons only need to buy a £20 easyJet flight to get through to the departure hall.
British security services – who needs logic when you’ve got political correctness!
The Brutal Truth
Re comments about security
I saw an interview with Brillo Neil and Katie Hopkins where Brillo let fly at her for daring to suggest there were no go areas in the UK, and places where it is not safe. Obviously Brillo was being loyal to the Moslem cause – as ever – but your reminder of armed police and security everywhere does indicate just how unsafe our country is.
Advice to Brillo. Piss off to your favourite Islamic state. You are just another fifth columnist
On behalf of my country I apologise for the s4ithole our country has become.
So the BBC sent a reporter to Carlstadt, Germany and spoke to a distant Trump relative, who said, he would maybe support Donald. The report ended by telling us that the next village is called, wait for it – Frankenstein!
The value of such quality broadcasting is beyond gold!
I would happily pay for old BBC drama, old comedy and very few documentaries but as for the rest? Pay per view please.
Move over Gareth Southgate – the Labour Party appear to reckon that the Brexit team of Boris, David Davis and Liam Fox ought to be our new ace soccer pundits
Question 154 of Labour Remainer’s 170 questions for the Government on Brexit
“Following Britain’s departure from the EU, will football players with European passports be subject to the same work permit rules as currently apply to all other overseas players; will FIFA’s Article 19 ban on the international transfer of football players under the age of 18 be extended to transfers of European players by UK clubs; and if so, what assessment has the government made of the impact of these restrictions on the future competitiveness of UK football teams?”
Watch out Gary Lineker… next up Boris on the off-side rule David Davis with his assement of how Brexit will impact the 4-4-2 system and Liam Fox tells us how best to use Wayne Rooney
To steal a phrase from Guido Fawkes – LOLabour
If Labour really think that anyone could care less about the fate of overpaid Carlos Kickaballs, then they deserve to be sectioned. If Brexit actually means more English players get to play in the English leagues (they are down to a third in the Premiership), then only a true leftist international socialist could think that a bad thing (especially after watching the dross on display in Slovenia last night).
Rob in Cheshire,
I watched YouTube highlights of England vs Slovenia. It’s quite possible that the team won’t even make it to Russia in 2018, even against those five weak opponents. Something drastic needs to be done to make England a force again in world football.
Thanks for what you wrote about the link in my posting. I hadn’t realised, it was the first result in a Google search.
I reported it to the site and they’ve promptly removed the posting.
Good for you for getting that link removed, Flexdream!
Russia has given Boris and the rest short shrift. Just what can the hand wringers do now? Retreat to a ‘safe space’, stop buying vodka or conceivably smell what they’re shovelling?
Europe depends on Russian gas supplies to keep warm in the winter. October is not a good time to pick a fight with Russia.
Can’t the BBC find a single “expert” who can do joined up thinking?
Another Hillary article trying to dismiss criticism of her …
Any minor misdeeds by Donald Trump will surely pale into insignificance when (forgive me) ‘trumped’ by the factual revelation that Hilary Clinton knew that the Saudi’s were financing ISIS in 2014 and as a corollary, so did Obama. Clinton stinks and all the more reason for DT to win the election.
Oh dear! I just watched the Redwood interview. The interviewer had all the impartiality of a party apparatchik. Honestly, it was concerning. I’ve watched Kristie in the past but this was strange. Under the cosh to conduct the most infantile, unprofessional, ill informed, wilfully misunderstanding interview or what?
I posted about this briefly last night in the previous open thread, I just caught the tail end of it but noticed immediately just how bizarre the questions seemed be, it was very odd. Redwood seemed to express a mixture amusement and bafflement at old Kirsty and her questions. I too found it concerning, very strange.
I do believe that kirsty is exposing a cry for help,she’s highlighting her vulnerable position, she’s appealing to the tories to be rescued from this diseased parasitic corrupt ideology that infests our media.If not she’s just another liar.
If you watched very closely she was blinking in Morse code: “Help me, I am a prisoner here”.
Brilliant rob lol
Was it on telly? If so, is it ‘available elsewhere’, as they say? *
* since 1 September 2016?
You can see it here:
Wark asks him a bunch of hypotheticals which he declines to answer, and to defend a set of views which he says he doesn’t hold.
You can tell how panicked she is because she keeps talking over the top of him. You can tell he knows she’s panicking by the smile on his face.
It’s all very BBC.
Excellent. Thanks for posting. Redwood has gone up in my estimation.
remoaning is like a religious sect
No , it is becoming a parody of itself. If we had satirists who were worth their salt they would have us rolling in he isles with their take on Remainer Zac from Islington, the modern equivalent of Colonel Blimp.
For all those interested in the USA election. Here is a piece on USEFUL IDIOTS. Level six, of course, refers to our very own Ministry of truth:
12:25 NOW : R4 is doing it’s peace about Islamic Holidays and Halal B&B etc.
“Halal Tourism makes up 12% of World Tourism market” *obviously made up number
‘We need halal ..cos when my wife wears a hijab the problem is people look at her funny sometime’
interresting they didn’t put in the programme blurbBlurb
The presenter moved swiftly on as if the piece had been ordered put in by someone from on high..the same way as I described above about how global warming pieces are forced into R4Today and the presenters seem uninterested in them.
“We need halal ..cos when my wife wears a hijab the problem is people look at her funny sometime”
Maybe that’s because she looks funny.
Ha ha Cummon that is a ridiculous idea ! that Hillary met and wrote her senior thesis about the Saul Alinsky the radical anarchist who wrote Rules for Radicals a famous list of dirty tricks to use in activism..
It breaks my “too wow to be true rule”
…Hang on my God it does appear true comes up all over Google
“her undergraduate senior thesis”
Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Lucifer, explained Washington Post story
However the last bit of @joeadamsmith’s graphic seems not true to be
I’ve never seen Rules For Radicals mention healthcare
..and indeed on checking I see it is BS
Debunked on
Stew. It would appear that I was wrong. However, the rules do fit for controlling the peoples. Whilst, according to Snopes, Saul did not want to make people poor, I’d dispute that. What is the best way to divide people than impoverish the many at the expense of the few? And then use them against the Establishment…. All the while BEING the Establishment yourself! Labour/Socialism has being doing that for years.
I wouldn’t trust Snopes on anything political, it is a left wing outfit.
Stew and Rob….Snopes left, liberal bias. Read the hundreds of posts revealing Snopes’s left bias. Here are the first three that caught my eye
@Snopes is right,
but also @joeadamsmith is right, cos Alinksky’s ACTUAL “rules do fit for controlling the people”, you don’t need that made up document.
His rules are summed up as “By any means necessary (cos we are the righteous)” ..and that fits with Hillary’s deceive to achieve tactics
Now guys you don’t just “Trust Snopes” cos you don’t just Trust any source.. you check the actual claim.
As we say “Just cos it’s published in Nature doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong” (cos Nature’s reputation of publishing anything that fits their narrative.)
– The point is Evidence stands on its own two feet, irrespective the reputation of source. (Fallacy of Argument from Authority)
You don’t divide the world into good sources and bad sources, rather you check claims whoever makes them.
#1 You are right Snopes can have lefty bias ..I sent in a correction the other day.
#2 However in this particular case they are right – the graphic is made up with fake Alinsky quotes to discredit Democrats like Obama.
#3 You don’t have to make up false claims about Alinsky, cos his actual “By any means necessary” ethos is dirty enough.
The fake document is just trying to take a shortcut to associating Alinsky with Obama’s policies without having to go into complex explaining..But to me with Hillary it’s easy to say to someone “Does Hillary seem to have a reputation for deceiving and getting stuff done by any means possible” and most people will say that is the impression they already have.
Thanks @GWF for that report on the 1975 Hillary controversial rape case.
It is very useful presentation of the case to use with frothing lefties using the “label and dismiss” trick on Trump
“Oh he said something very sexist 11 years ago, he’s a sexist and therefore banned from office forever. “
Older man with a high profile job on television, using his position to grope and proposition women with impunity; since when has that brought censure from al beebus on anyone? I was under the impression it was practically a condition of employment at the place.
Oh! Wait, now I see! When the man doing it holds political views which counter those of the Progressives at al beebus and it looks like he might achieve high political office.
We should all email Andrew Marr and ask for his views on the subject.
Just don’t mention the s*p*r *nj*nct**n. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.
Lily taleban wouldn’t be safe in that jungle without her camera crew,she’s on my lefty celebrity list.
* 8:21 R4Today had an advertising slot for Josh Fox and his new Global Warming doom film. (The guy with the faked flaming gas tap stunt in his first film)
It’s a usual thing, it appears like Harrabin or a member of his Global Warming propaganda team just phone up @R4Today and instruct them to make a space for Green or Global Warming advert spot and of course contesting voices are banned under the ironic ‘False balance Rule’.
* 8:21:30s switch over to R5 Live, right into middle of a bbcStopTrump stunt : “The people near Trump’s golf course in Scotland know what he is like… John Doe what’s he like ?”
“Yep great guy met him a few times”
Gameshow leapt in with the loaded question : “Oh, ah well you won’t be supporting his presidency after those vulgar and offensive remarks about women, will you ?”
..”Yes of course, I will”
Both 5 Live presenter took a huge gasp..Emergency oxygen was rushed into the studio
..I switched off.
* 9:15 Child Transgender came up on R4MidWeek
“iO Tillett Wright is a photographer, writer, film maker, activist ”
“Born female, he describes how, at the age of six, he adopted a new persona – a boy named Ricky” “His TED Talk, 50 Shades of Gay”
* 10:00 News BBC headline decided that beloved Labour should lead the headlines
“Labour says the government has no plan for Brexit and will eb asking a question per day for next 170 days.” ** PR stunt alarm goes off **
10:02 First item on R4WomensHour was item with professor telling us how bad Trump’s sexism is Donald Trump and misogyny
I heard the 5-dive holier than thou sanctimonious cow screech “REALLY” when the gadgie said ”Yes of course, I will” (support Trump) – Screeched the word out as though she’d just been told aliens had landed & resurrected Margaret Thatcher! Send in the clowns.
I heard the Radio 4 debacle.
It seems that the charlatan anti-fracker, Fox, misunderstood his brief, which was to pop along and publicise his new film and add weight to the BBC’s campaign to stop Britain becoming self sufficient in gas.
To make it seem all above board, the interviewer would lob a few perfunctory challenges his way – soft questions that would make listeners think that there was a semblance of balance and get the smellies writing in in disgust that the BBC would be so challenging – so that the BBC could say, ‘see, we get it just about right’
Anyway forgetting his brief the American nutter lost it, thinking the floor was his and he could talk, talk, talk, uninterrupted, without any of those touchy feely questions (wink, wink). Questions like ‘but there has always been methane setting fire to taps in some parts of the US’? which he ‘did not want to go back to answer’.
The troubling thing about this interview was that through the chaos of the interview there wasn’t really any substantive challenge, he was able to get away with dropping outrageous assertions and accusations into the debate AND WITHOUT THE RIGHT OF REPLY from those accused of lying by him…or from the scientific community who could challenge Fox’s lies.
I’m not sure if this was simply an interview that went wrong, or a set up. I do hope and expect the BBC will offer a counter view in the next few days.
12:25 NOW : R4 is doing it’s peace about Islamic Holidays and Halal B&B etc.
“Halal Tourism makes up 12% of World Tourism market” *obviously made up number
‘We need halal ..cos when my wife wears a hijab the problem is people look at her funny sometime’
interresting they didn’t put in the programme Blurb
The presenter moved swiftly on as if the piece had been ordered put in by someone from on high..the same way as I described above about how global warming pieces are forced into R4Today and the presenters seem uninterested in them.
Someone in the last open thread asked for a list of leftie luvvie SJWs, Grievance Mongers and Virtue Signallers. I made a quickish list to start:
Just a few to start
USA UK Other
George Clooney Emma Thompson Bob Geldof
Sean Penn Juliette Stevenson Sofia Helin
Robert de Niro Glenda Jackson
Azealia Banks Hugh Grant
Doug Stanhope Jenna Louise Colman
Susan Sarandon Richard Bacon
Barbra Streisand Jonathan Ross
John Cusack Ben Elton
Cher Al Murray
Janeane Garofalo Maureen Lipman
Michael Moore Brian Cox (both)
Alec Baldwin Sheila Hancock
Ashley Judd Rochdale Cowboy
Jane Fonda Charlotte Church
Whoopi Goldberg Griff Rhys Jones
Cameron Diaz Any BBC reporter
Lena Dunham Mark Rylance
Anne Hathaway Benedict Cumberbatch
Roseanne Barr Martin Freeman
Jim Carrey Vivienne Westwood
Chris Rock Russell Brand
Madonna Vanessa Redgrave
Orlando Jones David Tennant
Danny Glover Ronnie O’Sullivan
Oliver Stone Steve Coogan
Robert Webb
Tinie Tempah
Stephen Hawking
Eddie Izzard
Daniel Radcliffe
Sally Lindsay
JK Rowling
Nick Hewer
Jonathan Creek
Danny Boyle
Frank Skinner
Mick Hucknall
Oasis brothers
Delia Smith
David Nielson
Tony Robinson
John Middleton
Stephen Fry
Paloma Faith
Lily Allen
Matthew Horne
Jo Brand
Liz Dawn
Richard Wilson
Sean Connery
Sue Johnston
Cheryl Cole
Paul O’Grady
Alan Sugar
Robson Green
Alex Ferguson
They vary from the completely talentless and pointless like Paloma Faith to the highly talented Mark Rylance. Their reasons vary from the usual “My family have always voted Labour and I’m too thick to think for myself.” to the “I must signal how virtuous I am because the stupid fans will believe I’m caring and compassionate. Now where shall I buy my next mansion with very high fences so I don’t have to deal with, or look at, the plebs.”.
I was going to suggest that we had a vote on BBC’s most biased progs and presenters
On thinking about it some people and progs are so full of propaganda..You’d have to have a level 1 and level 2 vote.
Cos everyone is going to vote for Roger Harrabin, his team and Climate doom team progs like Costing the Earth, Jenni Murray and her hour of men hating, R4 News progs, Richard switchoff Bacon, Dogma loving airhead Brian Cox
…Whereas the level 2 are biased but not 100% of the time like Gameshow Campbell and Stephen Nolan etc.
And apart from Brillo we can’t mention the non-biased BBC staff cos the BBC will kick them off air.
Sorry. Lost its formatting when copying from word and excel.
A list like this is needed for President Trump later this year along with all the slimy shit in the 3 Channels newsrooms who mocked and sneered.
These are strange times people the tv’s not working and I don’t care.
Admittedly I miss a great deal of what’s out there so I’ve only just found an answer to, “Why are all comics left wing?”
But I noticed on Sky catch up a whole programme entitled, “Andrew Lawrence Comedian Outcast” and there’s my answer!
Islamofascist have free speech but not so Andrew.
So the short answer is all comics are left wing because any who are not have their careers destroyed. No nice gigs on “Mock the Week” or “Have I Got News For You” if you insult the left wing hive.
Rob in Cheshire you rightly point out that Andrew Lawrence pretty much had his mainstream career destroyed because he said he didn’t support UKIP but understood why some people did. I believe something similar happened to the comedian Lee Hurst who was up and coming a few years ago but then was ‘disappeared’ after expressing the ‘wrong’ views.
It seems there are only two acceptable views in comedy – dogmatic hard left, or ‘keep quiet’. I’m pretty sure a few popular comedians (of the type you get on Live at the Apollo etc) have conservative views but realise that to express them would be career suicide.
This becomes a vicious circle – no right wing views are allowed to be expressed, so everybody assumes there are no right wing comics, and that therefore it is not actually possible to be right wing and a comedian.
I happened across the end of this programme when it was first broadcast. Lawrence was being ‘advised’ at the end of a disastrous gig (I guessed ‘disastrous’ because, having read about him before, he had the temerity to challenge left-wing sacred cows) by a bloke who I assumed to be the comedy club owner.
His advice was that Lawrence’s material was totally unacceptable because of it’s ‘far right’ associations – that is ‘far right’ in his view, which would be anything less left wing than a Momentum rally. In other words whilst Lawrence was not committing any crime or breaking any law, just simply trying to bring a different perspective to the age-old practice of ‘satire’ i.e. from a right wing point of view, he was effectively being ostracised from the comedy circuit unless he toed the party line.
This and countless daily examples of democracy-defying censorship and thought manipulation, and acts of violence against politicians and their homes bring us to only one conclusion – Stalinism is here and spreading like cancer.
How did our county come to this?
Yes guys. How did our county come to this? I swear to God I’ve had no part in it.
BBC man Norman ‘but-Labour-say’ Smith has visably had his dander raised substantially this lunch time by “Labour getting back on the front foot over Brexit”. Our Norman can hardly disguise his excitment as Corbyn “for the first time asks questions pushing the Government on Brexit”
At last, BBC and Labour are back in sync!
`despite Brexit…….`
Second Presidential Debate (non-BBC angle guaranteed):
“You scumhag.”
“You toerag.”
Trump: “I’m a gentleman, you go first” (actually said during debate)
Clinton: “You’ll soon be history, you trampbag” (not actually said during debate)
Trump: “The voters will decide, you soon-to-be lag”…
As its Christmas (according to our garden centre) The Pogues have donated some lines to Hillhairy and Trumpton:-
You’re a bum
You’re a punk
You’re an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead
On a drip in that bed
You scum bag
You maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God
It’s our last
Probably will be!
I notice that Jo Coburn now seems to be contesting James Naughtie’s reputation for verbose over-long statements of BBC group think being presented as accusatory questions. If I can bear it I will try to put a stopwatch on her most flagrant excesses, and post an update.
I timed the naughty Naughtie at nearly one minute on one occasion. He may have beaten that on occasions when I was not listening. He was regularly beating 30 seconds in my hearing.
Anita Anand in the first year or two of her presenting Any Answers managed to talk for over one-fifth of the programme’s total air-time and I was gracious enough to not include the essentials that she had to cover (intro,, e-mail, questions asked of the Panel) in that timing.
It seems to me that more recently she probably occupies more than a quarter or more of the on air time.
Any Answers no longer relates to the questions asked of the Panel or the contributions from the public but what can be headed off and buried in the proverbial long grass by Anita.
Radio 4 reported on Monday that the pound was at a low against the Euro – the example they quoted that it costs 88 pence for one Euro at Southampton Airport. Any experienced traveller can tell you that airports are the worst place to exchange currency. And why Southampton airport and not a high street bureau? Doubtless they had to trawl the web to find this low figure.
Agenda? What agenda?
Old Hancock show on 4 Xtra today. “Bill, what’s the front page?” Replies, “Britain in crisis.” “Bill, what’s on the next page?” Replies, “Britain in another crisis.”
I could almost believe this old, comedy show was what bbc news uses as a training aid.
In my advanced years I do find it interesting to reflect how, though I come from generations of dirt poor miners, the party that came about in order to improve the lot of my ancestors, foster liberty and address inequality now present a clear and present danger. Ho hum.
Can someone with more intelligence than me explain the difference between hard and soft Brexit?
I voted to control immigration and bring back sovereignty. I did not vote to undermine the City of London, put N.Ireland back decades with a border or bugger up our car industry for starters. Nobody did. So how come there seems to be a division appearing that hard brexit seems to mean not caring what happens to the economy etc?It seems to be a line being taken by the BBC et al that hard Brexiters are obsessives hell bent on destroying the country. It seems to me a very dangerous division is being created.
To me hard Brexit was triggering Article 50 as a starting point, not an end in itself.
To me Brexit was just that we leave the EU, which will leave us in a far stronger position to negotiate with the remaining EU states what is best for Britain. It will also allow us to negotiate with countries outside the EU in a way that we’ve not been able to do properly since Maastricht.
Jacob Rees Mogg explains it to Kenneth Clarke here, from 4.30:
Hard Brexit means we leave the EU on the terms we negotiate between now and spring 2017. Soft Brexit means we stay subject to all the rules, restrictions and loss of sovereignity of being in the EU, but we pretend that we’re not.
Never thought I would BUT I’m coming to love SOME of these Tories!
Note the pathetic, feeble, inane, playground line of questioning again – ‘Oh but does that mean we won’t be able to buy French sticks anymore’ style.
Not at obvious which side the interviewer was on? Quite shameful.
Short of hitting Mogg with a stick throughout the piece, it is hard to see what more she could have done.
That was good value. I simply wonder why that lady did not sit on on Mr. Clarke’s lap and scream ‘bottle ‘im, Ken!’
Well done, Jacob. The piece would have been a whole lot better if Coburn had not interrupted the whole time. Indeed, a conversation between Clarke and Rees-Moog without an interlocutor would have been even better. I seem to recall years ago either the BBC or another TV outlet showed such conversations between Tony Benn and one of his political opponents (sans interviewer) and very interesting and civilised it was. I can’t remember the details, though.
Yes, it was a regular feature on This Week called Bill and Benn … William Hague and Tony Benn. Very refreshing it was to hear two politicians having a sensible and civilised debate. Nowadays the original Bill and Ben would be more sensible than what passes for BBC current affairs.
Thanks for reminding me it was William Hague. Sensible and civilised is right.
Rees Mogg is a national treasurer. Unflappable.
Hard and soft brexit are just two opposed points on a scale between open borders and single market versus closed/controlled borders and some sort of export tariff situation which at its worst would be to WTO rules.
The result we get is a product of May’s negotiations between those points and as everyone knows except the useless Labour Party (which a. Sold our gold at the bottom of the market and b, gave up billions in rebate for a French ‘promise’ to talk about CAP reform- LOL) you do not reveal your negotiating position in advance.
Only total thickos in the Labour and Lib Dems do not understand this, or worse, do understand this and want to deliberately undermine our negotiations for short term party political advantage.
Invicta, the expression, ‘smoke and mirrors’ comes to mind. In my view, ‘Hard Brexit’ means no subterfuge or fig leaves (no smoke and mirrors): we leave and take our chances outside – totally – a fresh start. ‘Soft Brexit’ is for ‘Remainers’ anxious to find a second-rate half-measure exit by retaining as much EU control over the UK as they can persuade the public to accept. Completely contrary to how the voters voted in June. Problem is with the ‘Soft Brexit’ that the EU has already declared that there will be no, ‘half-measures’ – we either accept free movement or leave altogether.
Spot on.
Also note how the terminology has been constructed to manipulate opinion – ‘soft’ is psychologically more acceptable than ‘hard’ when it comes to doing a deal of this importance.
Brexit means we leave the EU
Soft Brexit means we stay in the EU.
Hard Brexit means Jack sh*t!
The BBC has brainwashed me into thinking that “British Broadcasting Corporation” is a racist organisation.
To eliminate the racism, I suggest that all the local British management be sacked, and replaced with the worlds top Australian media giant, and it should then be called the “Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation” because “European Broadcasting Corporation” sounds out of date, and “World Broadcasting Corporation” sounds a bit too Imperialist.
So a CBC, run by a famous immigrant from Australia living in America would solve the Racism problem at the BBC.
Richard, I’d like to like your recommendation but I really cannot do so.
Yes, I am aware that our colleges, with highly paid professorial staff, throughout the land are totally failing their students so that all sorts of talent, for all sorts of industries – especially broadcasting – SIMPLY HAS TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE UK.
However, I am also aware that we have 3.5 million economically inactive people in the UK, let alone 1.6 million unemployed, one of whom may be supremely qualified for the job. In addition, our journalism, broadcasting and business courses at ‘some of the best Universities in the world’ have to, sooner or later under the law of averages or mere astrophysicallynormal chance, throw up a suitable candidate who will not drain the public purse into an already vast bank account in some tax netherhavenworld in a sunny clime just off the coast of Latincarib.
Failing that, I reckon I could do a better job than the current occupant of the DG’s office, desk & chair and again would not drain the public purse nearly as much, let alone your proposed candidate. Indeed, over the period of the new Charter, I would endeavour to ease that broadcaster’s claim upon the public purse to more reasonable levels.
[Note to Moderators: Please may we have a Thumbs down symbol and Dislikes button below posts?] 🙂
Just kidding, Richard. 🙂
Did anyone watch Jeremy Paxman on the One Show a few nights ago? He was asked about the 10 year old news of Trumps’ ‘exploits’, described as ‘Locker-room’ banter and in his (Paxmans) time in sports/locker rooms, if he found that sort of banter was commonplace. He answered ‘No’. Really. Clearly Paxo has never visited the sort of locker-room I frequented years ago and his opinion is totally suspect.
And bears don’t crap in the woods.
I get that sometimes we have to be diplomatic, bite our tongue, be discrete but we’re getting to a point where it is only acceptable to hold to one party line – the one held by the BBC Party, of course.
I am happy to accept the word of any male BBC “journalist” that in the locker rooms he frequents no one ever talks about the sexual attractiveness of women. Of course they will still talk about sex, just not sex with women.
Clearly all the ‘new men’ of this generation have never been in the changing room of a football team, or the male environment of a coal mine ! now they are more likely to be swapping moisturisers and beauty tips with their partners – be they male or female.
Clearly the maiden-aunts of modern politics have never heard of the locker room banter of one John F Kennedy, democrat, who is famously supposed to have said he got a headache if he didn’t get ‘a strange piece of ass every day.’
Anyone with the remotest grasp of reality understands that power is the strongest aphrodisiac a man can possess. Look at men like Robin Cook, David Blunkett and Two Jags Prescott, who all allegedly had affairs with women well out of their leagues. Women will throw themselves at powerful men and some men will boast about it; most have the good sense and grace to at least keep quiet about it, but I am bewildered by anyone who thinks all this marks out Trump as some kind of monster!
AND our future king who declared that he wanted to be a sanitary towel !!!! Can anyone remember what the Yanks or the Beeb made of THAT particular statement ? certainly no worse than what Trump has come out with, and yet despite the distaste that most women felt about that at the time, Charles hasn’t been de-throned because of it. No, its all been discreetly swept under the carpet. Perhaps it should be Tweeted to the news outlets to remind them, because those in authority are probably too young to remember it !!
Wearing a Nazi/SS uniform in the past doesn’t seem to be a barrier to higher places and moral superiority either.
Not Strictly tru… oh, sorry, you are correct.
Take that, Carole Thatcher!
I can clearly remember the communal bath after school rugby games in the past. Any ‘friends of Dorothy’ would have found it rather uncomfortable I imagine, as indeed did most everybody involved. The fact that one seemed to get out of the bath dirtier than before jumping in always confused me a little.
Maybe I’m lucky, but the people I mix with are still what I would call “normal”, but that is probably hate speech these days. I tend to avoid football bores like the plague and I’m too tight fisted to spend money on cosmetics. I have a bottle of Paco Rabanne after shave that must be 25 years old. I suppose that just means I’m too old to me “new”. It was a present but, to me, it just smells like some sickly concoction from a school chemistry lab.
As for spending time in a coal mine, you should know by now that they no longer exist because of Fatcher. We’ve been told often enough.
Why is the BBC obsessed about the USA and not the EU which it loves so much?
The BBC has done an in depth investigation into religious hate preachers. Have a wild guess which ones.
That has always intrigued me, Flexdream.
For example the BBC does documentaries about poverty in the UK, poverty in the US, poverty in Africa but never the EU induced poverty in the Euro areas.
“Why is the BBC obsessed about the USA and not the EU which it loves so much?”
I think it’s because they like “abroad”, but can’t be bothered to learn a foreign language.
In the spirit of Support Your Local Lefty it must surely be incumbent upon us b-BBCers to add to (or should I say literally embelish, literally) the Labour list of 170 Brexit questions part of the campaign which as Norman Smith tells us today “has put Labour back on the front foot”
Here’s my question no. 171
“Will the government ensure Britain’s continued participation in the Eurovision Song Contest and moreover will it guarantee our ‘by’ into the final round of this competition through continued public funding of this culturally vital event. Furthermore, will the government seek to re-instate International It’s A Knock Out (Jeux Sans Frontieres) following our precipitous exit from this crucial pan-European collaboration. What assessment has the government made of the impact of the loss of these two important programmes on the future reputation of the BBC?”
Front foot ? Back arse.
The ‘gang of two hundred and thirty’ couldn’t put a front hoof forward if they were all in the same pantomime horse outfit.
Stand by for a day of action (or inaction) by migrants and their supporters to teach us all a lesson for being ungrateful to them after Brexit.
Plans for the event, called One Day Without Us, include a labour boycott to show how important migrants are to the UK workforce.
‘Organiser Matt Carr, a writer and commentator, has urged migrants and their supporters to join in the day of action on 20 February 2017. He said the trigger for the event was profound concern about worsening attitudes to migrants in the UK.
Carr said he believed that those who voted against Brexit, and also many of those who voted in favour of it, were alarmed at the levels of racism and xenophobia that had manifested before and after the referendum vote.’
I don’t want to appear ungrateful but would appreciate a day free from some of the things that migrants have been doing. And as for their lefty supporters, it stretches the imagination to contemplate the amount of labour they might withold.
Send in the Army.
So are these, recent immigrants, ones with British citizenship, ‘guest workers, illegals, Vikings, Normans, Saxons or what ?
“Immigrants plan strike to show how valuable to the UK they are”
..Well, that’s not going to backfire it ?
… nor sow seeds of racial division ?
And isn’t that a bit racist to say “Strike if you are non-British”
“Labour Momentum logic” is an oxymoron
Integration going well then?
When the whole thing falls flat, I suspect Mr Carr will say something like the reason the immigrants didn’t join in was because they are so poor that they can’t risk losing a day’s wages, or that they were so intimidated by post-Brexit far right racism that they were too scared to join in.
This will only work if they were to spend a whole day not taking advantage of any kind of public services, doctors, benefits system, transport etc: and also discharge themselves from hospitals.
Then the playing field would be more even.
Aussie Dominic O’Connell at it again on R4 Today early business report. Apparently women are “woefully” under-represented at senior level in the City.
Would that be due to a woeful and unfair lack of opportunities for women?
Or could it be that women are freely choosing to prioritise aspects of their lives other than their careers in financial services, which wouldn’t be woeful at all?
OT, but while the BBC has Lily Alan, Classic FM Global tripe wheels out… Tom Hanks.
He has a movie out, BTW.
Guest Who
I never go to the pictures if it means my money goes to Hollywood luvvies, I wait till the films are on Ebay. I am disappointed to hear Hanks is a climate monger as I was looking forward to seeing Inferno later this month.
I like old films especially in black and white (check out The Dark Man 1951) as they’re very relaxing . I don’t know any of the actors and actresses beliefs on anything .
I agree regarding some of the old B+W classic movies – you can watch the great acting of those 40’s/50’s stars without politics overwhelming the narrative.
If I watch a modern movie nowadays 99% of them have a leftist agenda.
That being said, a lot of the really good US supporting actors like Robert Ryan and Sterling Hayden were right old commies!
Recently went to the cinema for the first time in years. Matt Damon in the latest of the Bourne series. He spoke 27 times, and despite being seated half way up the cinema I was almost part of the action I was so close to the screen ! I will not repeat the experience and shall wait for the dvd’s to come out in future.
As for actors like Robert Ryan & Sterling Hayden being the red under the bed, who cares ! at least they were part of the golden generation of actors/actresses who knew their craft, and didn’t need crash bang wallop to make a picture great.
Agreed. I like old films, although you can see a little bit of liberalism creeping in to some of the Hollywood films of the late 50s as well as the kitchen sink dramas of Britain at the time. Pretty much anything before 1965 or so is alright though; but after that Marxist misery-peddlers like Ken Loach started making films.
Brissles I agree wholeheartedly that they knew their craft – it makes them stand out against most of today’s milksop thespians. Many of them did their time in WWII too.
Those who were under suspicion from the House UnAmerican Activities Committee would probably be seen as hopelessly old-fashioned, macho throwbacks by the current snowflake generation of prissy virtue-signalling fools like Cumberbatch!
I like old films because I can get through them without asking my wife “what did he say?” or rewinding every few minutes to listen for a second or third time.
In spite of technological improvements, the dialogue is still unintelligible most of the time because so many male actors feel they have to adopt a macho chest register. It’s like trying to play Flight of the Bumble Bee on a tuba. Still, who cares so long as you can hear the special effects?
“actors like Robert Ryan and Sterling Hayden were right old commies!”
But not Ronald Reagan.
BBC PM just given us the comments from 9 MPs over the Brexit debate, 6 of them from the usual remoaners. (I’m surprised they gave us 3 to be honest). Followed up with Norman Smith to reinforce the BBC viewpoint.
Anybody able to tell me why the views of
a) Anna Soubry
b) Emily Thornberry and
c) Jeremy Corbyn
seem to need such frequent airings all over every BBC blowhole?
For-given THAT trinity of serial underachievers,drunks, slum landlords and allotment coolies involved. Indeed, you might EVEN think that the country might give a damn about their opinions on ANYTHING.
Which is these bottom feeders pathetically grab any limelight and buns that they can-because they`ll say whatever the BBC wants of them.
These are Euro-lilos, mere spongiform on the bottom of Tim Farrons shoe tree…and at least he has long been a Eurinal cake, for us all to piss on/
If only the BBC would ask those of us who DID flaunt their clear wishes by voting out why we did so.
As it is now, they head up and over the rapids to oblivion-the nation HATES them like never before.
Very nice post. I do like, “Eurinal”!
Is what ancient popeye claims the case? If so, the BBC again rather going beyond reporting, and though they won’t answer, a few questions to be asked as this has now come to shape the whole scummy ‘debate’.
Hard Brexit = Brexit
Soft Brexit = As We Are
Google “hard brexit” and “soft brexit” and the terms only start to appear after 23rd June.
BBC invention I understand.
Allie B
That’s what I said the other day. Before the vote, and particularly in the debates, there was no talk of what kind of Brexit – the whole country knew it was all in or all out. Remainers only introduced the term soft Brexit ’cause they lost and so that would be Remain in all but name.
We could have a daily graph on this webpage showing :
Red bar : the day’s positive coverage for lefties + negative coverage of non-lefties
Blue bar : the day’s positive coverage for non-lefties + negative coverage of lefties
– And then minor bars showing the coverage of minorities in proportion to their percentage of population.
Trumpy going great guns in Florida.
The appalling state broadcaster uses tried and tested socialist luvvies to badmouth it’s own nation yet again.
Lily Allen and the `thirteen year old child`
Thirteen years old…. really???
Lily Allen and the `thirteen year old child`
Lily Allen IS the `thirteen year old child` more like.
I am pleased that Lily decided to apologise on behalf of her country.
But in case she doesnt realise my country is a different one to Lilies.
Lilies country seems to be inhabited by multicolour unicorns and fairies (of all sorts). All of whom feel guilty about having such a wonderful life. All dancing around the permanently fruiting money tree. Everyone is lovely and all sing together. You dont have to work, and can breed as much as you want (as the money tree is always in fruit) In fact the more offspring you have the merrier. If you want to go to another fairy unicorn land you can because the resident fairies and unicorns all want to share in your culture and look forward to giving up their old ways to adopt your new ones. New fairy and unicorn stables are supplied on demand (curtesy again of the money tree) And if you bring over a nasty unicorn disease there will be a hundred fairies gathering special fairy herbs to treat you for free! – Its all just so, so, so, so lovely!
My country is different to that – and we are all starting to get a little pissed off!
On behalf of my country, I apologise for Lily Allen.
Her ‘music’ seems to consist of her reading a shopping list in a cockney accent backed by a tune played by a three year old on a toy piano. ‘Today I went dahn the shops la-la, bought a tin of spam, some fags an’ a lottery card la-la…’
But is it singing?
More like a great attempt to disguise the fact that if and when she tries to up her voice a bit she then begins to croak, and lose her voice! I call her singing: “talking slowing” as if she is voicing-over a TV add by talking/signing (ha) very sexy thinking her listeners are tone-deaf anyway!!
Lily Allen was uber connected from birth, and because her dad Keith Allen was central to the Brit pop scene in the early to mid nineties, she was presented with a veritable open door to swan into the music industry, despite having no discernible talent at all.
He has a friggin’ beard – hormone imbalance ?
Dont worry Gaxvil hes also from Lillies, Multicolour, Fairy and Unicorn Land. You can be as young or old as you want to be and originate from whatever country you fancy – Its the Rules!
Typical 13yr old – couldn’t even bother to shave before appearing on national TV.
🙂 ..
Look out girls next time you get into a Uber Cab…….It could be your driver(Rapist?)
They don’t do birth certificates in Afghanistan. They don’t do surnames either, but I’m sure his “father” is in the UK.
I’d get a vet to check his teeth, it works for horses, but that would pobably be against his human rights.
It’s an ‘exclusive’, so I wonder how these things develop?
Does an airhead bimbo popstress whose career is tanking decide to channel her inner SirBob by making a high profile visit to an SJW cause du jour, and get her people to call the BBC’s people so the BBC can be present to take us all for a ride?
Or do BBC producers concoct said stunt and cast around for a Newsbeat level Numptie to front it so it resonates wiv da kidz?
Whichever way, that deft touch the BBC once had with propaganda has gone totes haw haw.
Furrowed brows in the dark recesses of Frankie Howerd at this possibly?
Luckily, it was another time. Well, this week.
I can’t believe it! …..well, actually, yes I probably can.
Al-Anti-Beeb even managed to get in an anti-Brexit phrase in The Archers tonight!!
RELENTLESS! There should be a law against it!!!!!
LOL they should have renamed Ambridge ‘Upper Street’ long ago. The Archers seems to me pure Islington – north London liberal values disguised with a thin veneer of oo-arr mummerset nonsense about prize turnips, church pageants and village cricket that hasn’t existed in the English countryside since about 1947, if it ever did.
Can’t see the Grundys living in Islington!
Despite having the largest budget in history of any broadcaster ever, the BBC seems unable or unwilling to cover events for certain regions. Whilst salivating over the tiniest trivia to do with the American Presidential elections, which seem to have gone on forever, the BBC has no interest in Lithuania.
For an organisation which is so pro EU and anti Brexit I find the BBC’s lack of interest surprising. I wonder what could be behind this? Especially as EU membership clearly has brought such wonderful benefits to all member countries.
‘The failure of government parties has been attributed to sluggish economic growth, scandals that had surfaced over the months preceding the elections and the adoption of a new labour code that was deeply unpopular with voters.’,_2016
If only the BBC had more money and could pay for some journalists, or even somebody who speaks Lithuanian?
The EU has also had the effect of depopulating the Baltic states. They have lost up to a quarter of their people, the youngest and brightest, the people who should be building their counties up for the future, but who instead find they can earn more money serving cappucino in Britain.
Simply brilliant!
Quote: ‘Religion: A major failure of BBC programming to date, say Ofcom, has been the unwillingness to show that Islamophobia and with it, terrorism, has grown because there is not enough equality in relation to the understanding of the religion of peace. In future, therefore, there will be regular programming from mosques (including those in Northern Ireland to ensure inclusion of regional concerns) featuring imams whose main focus will be to fill this vacuum and tell us all why Western civilisation should end. Here, of course, White and her working parties face a dilemma, because this aspect of presentation might well be somewhat dominated by men. But this is the religion of peace, so a side-report is being prepared to explain why this is not really a problem.’
Supremely sarcastic.
‘…despite Brexit.’
David/Alan That’s worth a thread of its own.
It’s by By David Keighley (Former BBC news producer, BBC PR executive and head of corporate relations for TV-am.)
I commented on the article :
North-London-MINORITIES are focus of MAJORITY of BBC’s thought*
* (guilt ridden thought)
This is an excellent article by Pat Buchanan about the last Trump – Clinton debate.
I wonder why “Jim” Naughtie never interviews him about the presidential race?
This should be everywhere….but you know it wont be
Clinton calls muslims ‘sand niggers’
Explanation : she sent someone an email containing a writer’s opinion article which contained the word :
I seriously wouldnt give much credence to what snopes says
the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”
Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.
While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship
Etc etc
‘There is something really weird about this woman. I’ve read about the “body double” theory, but it goes deeper than that. She makes her 15 minute speeches to small crowds. Empty rooms half full. High school kids were brought in school buses for her Temple university rally. The networks use tight close up shots so you can’t see the room is nearly empty.
She disappears for long periods of time. Can’t stand up for long. Needs help to walk and falls on her face in New York. She looks healthy one day and the next day looks like shit warmed over.
I think what her backers are doing is making it look like she is running a campaign. The whole system is rigged and when she “wins the election” the media can claim she was an actual candidate. The woman is more dead than alive.
It is obvious who the media is supporting. We all know the polls are bullshit. Trump has 20,000 people at his rallies and she can’t even fill a union hall. Fucking weird. She makes a speech insulting Americans and calling us names and the next day she is leading in the polls. Something is wrong in this country when a career criminal is allowed to run for president. The whole system is corrupt and the mass media are the biggest liars of all. As George Carlin said….”it’s a private club and you ain’t in it.”‘ Anonymous.
All about Calais – None about Rotherham ….. that is the BBC way
This morning the BBC glorified Saint Lily of Allen… in Calais
Was there any reporting of yesterday’s news from the ongoing Rotherham sexploitation court case being held in Sheffield ?
Cos while you were all watching Lilly cry on the BBC I was thinking of the cries of the 3 young girls as I read The Yorkshire Post article about yesterday’s court action.
That the Evidence has all been heard and the jury has been sent out to decide on the 19 charges for 8 men for alleged abuse of three young girls between 1999 and 2003.
Everyone of the men has an Islamic name.
Rotherham Advertiser …Sheffield Star
Now sometimes there are good reasons for suppressing news
here perhaps the police are fearing racial riots.
More media sources like the Guardian today choose NOT to report the sex abuse case, but rather the ongoing trial of violent people from the September 5th demonstrations in Rotherham : It’s all about a farright group demo they say ..yet all 10 people on trial charged with fighting and carrying knives etc. are Asian men from an anti-fascist demonstration.
Sounds as if the recent terrorist arrested in Germany has not been on ‘suicide watch’ ?
Oh Lilly you are so silly,
I’ve more brains in my willy,
Wish your Mom had stayed on the pilly.
heres something to apologise for lilly
you gullible stupid self-centred lefty fucktard
BBC Breaking News. Just now on the 10:00 news, main headline …
Tesco declares war with Unilever because of Brexit. You plebs were warned, it’s all your fault, we’re doomed.
Oh FFS it’s a total non-story. The sort of thing that happens all the time. Retailers and suppliers frequently play who’s got the bigger balls like this. But the impartial BBC can’t let anything go by without blaming Brexit.
Unilever (Holland) have been exporting their manufacturing base for years.
E.G. Walls in Gloucester.
Once one of the biggest ice cream manufacturers in the world it is now a very large cold store for products produced in Eastern Europe.
Fair play Tesco.
Rhif Saith
Um yes .
So when the £ goes up in vale we should see the price of Unilever products go down , yes ?
You must be joking!
There should be a call now for, all Brexiteers to boycott Unilever goods !
I shall by in Tesco from now on .
Shwmae taffman.
Don’t forget that the big boss at Tesco worked for Unilever for a long time – he knows how they are now operating – not in the interest of the UK population.
Shwmae Rhif 7
Its despicable !
We will remember those who attempted to undermine the democrat will of the British people. All other Brexiteers take note, don’t buy their goods.
Very true! The UKIP political broadcast with Farage tonight was very timely. Throughout the day, the BBC were very keen to bring us the unholy trinity of Clark, Clegg and Milliband. Clark seems to hang around politics like a fetid fart. He is always ready with fulsome praise for himself, but what is his actual “claim to fame” other than the reflected glory from Thatcher? Does he still want the Euro for Britain?
Unilever accounts show that they make additional profits when exchange rates move in their favour – heads we win, tails you lose….
Click to access annual_report_and_accounts_ar15_tcm244-478426_en.pdf
Personal care: Turnover growth was 13.2% of which 7.6% was currency impact
Foods: Turnover growth was 4.5% which included a 5.6% positive currency impact
Home Care: Home Care turnover grew by 10.9% including a 4.5% favourable currency impact.
(Unimpressed Unilever shareholder)
#ByebyeUnilever #LoveBrexit
#Bye-ingUnilever #NotBuyingUnilever
#Unilever …. #traitors
NewsShite seemed to want to relive the glory days of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation tonight. We had the bizarre spectacle of the “Pravda with graphics” being channeled by Dateless. Dateless seemed to think that Boris had made some faux pas in relation to the niceties of diplomacy. Soviet diplomats and Komsomol types always used “big up” their cultural sophistication in the same way as in the famous Ferrero Roche ad. Simple overcompensation for being drunken thugs. Nothing has changed much.