I watch the trump rally’s and my god he has so much mess to turn around , can anyone write a list of the hillary clinton crimes i mean there is now all the Wikileaks stuff i want to write a list for my friends.
Radio4 US Comedian is going to present a 4 part series about US elections
A trailer was just played in which he said he’d be presenting an UNBIASED look into the US elections.
..In the trailer he imitated the voice and style of Hillary /sarc
.. As far as I know Rich Hall’s only act is that of portraying an American redneck
Starts next Wednesday 6.30pm
A combination of stand-up, sketch and interview, Rich Hall’s (US Election) Breakdown broadcasts live from the fictional IBBC network in Washington to the whole of the United States.
Rich and his producer Nick Doody take calls from every corner of the United States to hear the concerns of voters, offering their take on the issues troubling the American electorate.
you did spot the sarc tag ?
of course we can expect it to be wall to wall sneering at Trump..while praising Hillary.
Balance in radio 4 comedy means having both feet on the Left hand side of the scale.
A reminder to all Brexiteers, the EU sells far more to us than we sell to them.
In any trade war they will loose. Simples.
Rule Britannia.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if I want to know what’s going on with social media I’ll use my computer or smart phone – I don’t need BBC TV news banging on about it.
So this morning the adolescents gathered at the BBC editorial meeting demand that we need to be told about the Scary Clown Craze. And of course the BBC being the BBC they just have to take a stand on it – I know that’s meant to be the antithesis of BBC standards but in fact the BBC always has a stance. So although the BBC loved Ice Bucket Challenge it hates Scary Clown Craze – if the presenters can fit that new message in between all the anti-Brext stuff. In another breathtakingly quintessential BBC move we get “we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures” Are we now entering ‘so-called’ Clown Craze territory? Just wait for the Clown apologists to come out of the wood work – these aren’t real Clowns – they’ve got hold of a twisted concept of Clowning!
In this new scaredy cat very non-brave world post-Brext can’t we just send the BBC down the Marmite mines, where they can hunt for anti-Brexit stories to their hearts content without constantly frightening the rest of us?
“we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures”. But Al Beeb are eager to show us plenty of ‘desperate’ migrants.
On the subject of mines, well ‘some say’ they do make Marmite and indeed Pot Noodle in Wales. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37637954
“Just wait for the Clown apologists………they’ve got hold of a twisted concept of Clowning”.
Think it was Look East. There was a ‘real’ clown who thought his job would be jeopardized by the ‘so-called clowns’ who had NTDWRC. ( nothing to do with real clowns)
I don’t like Marmite.
A large percentage of the population doesn’t like Marmite.
But all of a sudden it’s everyone’s favourite because the price is going up as a result of Brexit.
OK, I can see how the liberal media work now.
I like Vegemite though because it’s Australian.
I like Australians because they don’t take shit from anyone.
Can we be like them dad? Please.
Toady programme rabbiting on about 5th carbon budget and how the UK must move to net zero carbon emissions in the second half of this century. Why do we agonise about this stuff when we can make no impact on the overall global emissions situation? And that’s assuming there is a strong link between carbon emissions and global warming. We are impoverishing ourselves to achieve something that will not reduce global warming because our contribution to carbon emissions worldwide is negligible. Higher energy prices for UK consumers is one obvious piece of damage from our obsession with emission targets. Another is the destruction of most of our steel industry , while the country that destroyed that industry- China- ignores constraint on carbon emissions and floods the world with cheap steel.
Yup, quite how the US thinks it’ll change anything by shutting mines when, as you say, China, India, the Far East and Eastern Europe is pumping out carbon like no tomorrow. And let’s not forget the Middle East where they flare off enough gas to supply the UK every day. Then, of course, there’s the ever present, conflict created oil fires.
Re 7 o’clock news, Today programme…Jeez, where to start…
Top three news items:
1. Unilever. Poor Brits being deprived of Marmite etc.
2. High Court challenge to Brexit.
3. SNP furious with Brexit mechanism.
There was the obligatory DNC supplied anti-Trump story as well of course later on.
After the news, Unilever/Tesco “crisis” examined in detail.
I then switched to LBC, Nick Ferrari pointing out, amongst other things in the face of this media anti-Brexit onslaught, that Marmite is made in Britain (Burton-upon-Trent) so should not be subject to currency fluctuations.
The BBC talks down our economy and the UK generally. They would rather help push our country into economic freefall than be proved wrong about Brexit. Contemptible.
Some very highly paid people, especially those at the BBC who commission new programmes, are getting very, very lazy and not doing much for their money – the money they receive from Licence Fee payers (LFps) at threat of fine and imprisonment.
Reviving or remaking old programmes, but not allowing LFps to have them without paying twice, is lazy and downright criminal. Not doing one’s contracted job. Charging twice or three times for the same thing. A form of highway robbery. News today of yet another ‘revival’, this time the League of Gentleman.
I wondered when they`d have to do their penance for “League of Gentlemen”
Papa Lazarou won`t be in blackface nor will he be kidnapping housewives to serve as polygamous wives called “dave”.
Perhaps “Sir” Lenworth could take the revised role?….”Katanga my friends…YOU`RE MY WIFE NOW… DAVE!”
And there won`t be anymore cruel sendups of virtue signalling, travelling lefty theatre groups…..the new show will be “legz akimbo”…for real.
Get stuffed BBC….we`ve got the DVDs and we aren`t afraid to laugh at them!
Why can`t we have a comedy show featuring the whiny remoaners…and their pathetic stance against the democratically expressed will of the people…
They made a promising start with Rees Mogg Vs Ken Clarke and Jo Coburn!
The BBC could do a re-make of Monty Python‘s Yorkshire men sketch but in reverse on the consequences of Brexit.
It could start with one of the number complaining that he wouldn’t be able to get Hungarian gardeners any more for his estate and gradually descend into plague and pestilence all round.
My mistake, it’s being serialised on Today as I write.
The BBC news on R4 seemed upset and outraged this morning that the would-be suicide bomber of Chemnitz has hung himself in his cell in Dresden. You couldn’t make it up. Apparently, “questions have to be asked”. The only question that needs to be asked is what was he doing in Germany in the first place.
The German media was eager to mention that it was valiant Syrian refugees who made a “citizen’s?? arrest” and handed him over to the authorities. Strange that the BBC hasn’t been pushing this for all it’s worth. It is a multi-culti morality tale that you could find in an episode of Casualty brought to life. Why have the BBC been so slow off the mark?
He only read one side of the instruction sheet. Remember what they used to tell you in exams? Always turn the page over and read all of the questions first.
Multi-coloured, daubed in strange make-up, leaping out on the unsuspecting public in bizarre attempts to scare the living daylights out of us – Crazy Clowns…? No just the BBC 6 o’clock News.
The Today programme finds space in its 8.30+ spot for a discussion on the impending battle for Mosul. If you wonder why, it’s because it gives the opportunity for a friendly retired brigadeer to tell us that Trump knows SFA about military strategy. You can’t say we don’t get a wide range of news from the BBC, after all it would be boring if they had to repeat the stories about Trump’s sexual indiscretions covered in depth earlier in the programme.
Yeah got that – and then the two bag manufacturers whose businesses were booming but the one who had their stuff made in the Far East was not doing quite so well. No story here! Move on!
Did the “friendly retired brigadier” explain the advantage of allowing the enemy to know your plan in advance and thus make good their escape to fight another day ?
Was the brigadier asked about the value of concepts like “ambush”, “feints”, “decoy actions”, “hiding the maps from spies”…that kind of thing, things we used to be quite good at.
Says the Nationalist woman who wants to separate and isolate her country from others in the UK.
With socialists and liberals, hypocrisy is never far away.
BBC Radio Remoaner Live is at it again, providing a platform for the snowflakes to sneer
“Oh scary scary, stupid ultra rightwing Brexiteers”
9am Your Call: Rising cost of food – a price worth paying for Brexit? There FB page
In a nother country the national broadcaster would be trying to talk UP economic confidence ..here th BBC’s priority is to give a platform to talking it down.
Maybe we`ll need to protect our farmland in case we need to grow more of our own food crops to eat or export…..and stop building houses on farmland for people who won`t be able to afford to live here.
On the abysmally relentless politicised current affairs vehicle, Victoria Derbyshire, a fawning, sycophantic Joanna Gosling interviews director of new Tom Hanks film, Inferno, Ron Howard. She introduces the recorded interview live as “a wide ranging discussion of issues facing America right now from racism to the likelihood of Trump winning the Presidential election”. So “racism” is an “issue”. Agreed. And the “likelihood of Trump winning”, yep, that, like racism, is an issue – you know, same sort of thing.
“Is he fit to do the job?” she asks. How would he know? It’s his opinion – don’t ask him to present it as a fact.
“How do you feel about his comments about women?” Good idea – you don’t like Trump, ask another divisive question.
So the VD programme chooses to interview a democrat (it’s Hollywood, what else?) who has been vocal on Twitter about his aversion to Donald Trump. Obviously his views are of tremendous objective value – a film director’s insights are of course really significant. Get him on a current affairs programme to promote his film on a tax payer funded channel with a side of blatant propaganda thrown in – nice. FFS.
“Oscars too white” of course. Another last minute topic to lever in.
Brexit blamed for Unilever problems. Hate crimes increase sharply. Aleppo Russian terrorism. Boris Johnson in trouble. Trump accused of sexual assault. Over to Jessica, the black, lesbian sports reporter. 100% full on box trickery.
Woman’s Hour just opened with talk about Nicola Sturgeon and all her anti-Brexit stuff
..oh look an advert for her : “Later on Sturgeon will be issuing a Rally Call against May’s rightwing policies ..’
Now reporter not totally biased saying ‘Scotland’s economy is worse than Greece’s Scotland cannot afford independence ..Sturgeon tries to blame this on Conservatives Austerity’
Mention of the new Deputy Leader announcement today.
And by coincidence we have a legal challenge on the right to Brexit, growing Remain campaign in Parliament to avoid leaving, petrol about to shoot up and anyone who voted leave castigated as wanting to destroy British industry.
The Sturgeon, an ugly fish and uglier woman, has accused leavers as xenophobes.
Hard to imagine a more xenophobic party than the SNP. Or is it just the English she hates?
Scotland’s population concentration is tiny compared to England – I just see ex-Taliban fighters right at home in the Highlands.
9th Century and Alfred the Great’s son, Athelstan is the King. Recognised across Europe as a great and noble ruler. Bringing reform of the legal system and parliament long before Simon de Montfort.
Anyhow, the Scots, Irish, Welsh and Danes get together to fight and overthrow him in battle but Athelstan triumphs and there we have it – the Christian, United Kingdom.
It is hard to believe but the BBC is so secure in it’s ‘Danegelt’ financed bubble they just don’t care.
One of their straplines is, “Your BBC”, well, I’m dammed sure it ain’t MY BBC.
Couldn’t sleep last night so put the telly on for some balanced informative grown-up news but got the BBBC instead. Hard Talk with Stephen (no-ball)Sackur interviewing a Republican Senator, Elmor J Chicken-shit III or something, who supports Trump. Bog-standard tactics of interrupting, repeating ga-ga questions, arm-flapping, sighing & incredulous tone of voice were employed as per diktat. Elmor didn’t stand a chance as Ballsac hit the vinegar strokes with the (now familiar) “So you’re saying you support Don the Ripper’s attitude to women following his misogynist rapist-like comments?” Elmor should have got up at this moment & told Slackjaw & the rest of the BBBC to go fuck themselves in their collective gender neutral holes.
These days, according to the BBC, any red blooded man who has touched a woman is evil/weird/sick. Touching small children though is totally normal in the BBC corridors.
I saw that on the iplayer..I thought Sackur got owned again, same as Mme Le Pen did to him with her “stop the propaganda” remark.
Grover Norquist called Sackur out for “talking about feelings and not policy”.
Sackur was reduced to talking over Norquist who was trying to explain Trumps tax policies and then, in a really low shot, asking Norquist how he felt about “Trumps comments about muslims when you, yourself are married to a Palestinian muslim woman”.
Sackur is a horrible specimen of his type…a “personal is political” refuser to discuss serious political and policy issues that don`t suit his party line…a feeder of manure to people he thinks of as mushrooms, people who pay his wages!
On might think that a mature state broadcaster with a duty to inform and educate the public might comment on the stupidity of the treatment of this gymnast who mocked a major religion. But I would expect the BBC to join in with the condemnation of this man.
It occurs to me that once in a while a senior politician might speak out against this obvious erosion of our freedoms. Well, don’t expect the Appeaser to speak out. She is too busy finding ways to negate Brexit and pursue the dream of Eurabian nights.
This year, I suppose, local markets will have the usual German, Hungarian, etc.stalls.
Every year our stall holders complain they take their business and have concessions they aren’t allowed.
Prepare yourself this year for cries of, “racist, xenophobe, haters” etc. if the stall holders utter a word.
Don’t matter what kind of, bottom feeding, trash-bag whore, they Woman’s Hour, have them on and lick their, nasty, metaphorical arses.
Soooooooooo unreconstructed and anti-progressive to even have something called Woman’s Hour, especially how post watershed smutty it’s become.
Mmmm, I think it would be more pertinent to analyse the thought processes of a 66 year old broadcaster who wants to introduce school children to pornography.
Especially one who works for the BBC…with their history.
I mean how much of a plot line and characterisation is there to analyse in the average porn vid, eh Jenni?
I think it was G Cooper (on this site) who said something to the effect that Jenni and Woman’s Hour were dripping Marxist poison into the ears of the women of middle England on a daily basis. Her softly spoken “bye bye” at the end is at odds with the constant moaning and sh#t-stirring that they engage in
BBC needs your help. They are running a campaign to show an increase in hate crime since the Brexit vote.
If you can think of anything hateful done to a popular victim group please contact the BBC
‘Have you been a victim of race or religious hate crime since the EU vote? You can share your experience by emailing haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also contact us in the following ways…’
I note that an allegation of Trump raping a 13 year old is doing the social media rounds. No evidence other than the fact that he has not responded. Soon to be reported by the BBC
The technique will be the same as this article from the BBC. A wild unsubstantiated allegation and reference throughout to the published tape of his lewd comments.
Seriously, I do believe that the Trump is a sexist angle together with the Trump is a racist meme indicates that the Arabs are going to win this election. Not enough of the public have seen through the substitution of sexism/racism for political argument. This may take a few more years.
If only it were just the BBC, the relentless globalist pro EU pro mass immigration anti white anti ethnic British class hate propaganda is on every broadcast medium.
On LBC (which at least gives a small share of the platform to alternative views) daily has the ranting propagandist James O Brian, patronising Brexit voters, cutting off articulate callers who challenge him, putting unprepared callers on the spot with unreasonable demands for statistics or other detail that theyre not likely to have to hand.
Channel Four and ITV are also ‘on message’, the former every bit as vigorously as the Beeb.
Incidntally O BRian was in heaven this morning to have two, not very smart, working class Regrexiters call in. It wouldnt surprise m in the least if they were Bremoaner actors, the strong accents/dialect seemed more East Enders 1970s than Inner City post millenium.
The usa media unwittingly are making me richer,every tale about donald increases his odds now 11/2 with william hill,i can’t stress enough ,fill your boots.
Boris Johnson…doesn`t he have some ancestral Circassian loyalties that might make him want to side with the Turks against the Russians?….surely not relevent, are they?
Avoid further middle eastern entanglements unless specifically targeted against IS, and their sympathisers.
I recommend Tuesday lunchtime’s WatO (BBC R4 1pm >) – catch it on iPlayer, if you did not listen. There were some excellent contributions on the subject of Syria that were not quite what many people – especially at the BBC – expected or wanted to hear.
The BBC countered the following morning with a contribution from a lady from Aleppo, a headmistress, who – unfortunately for BBC purposes – right at the end let slip that she was on the side of the rebels fighting Assad, although she did not name the group.
May I thank all contributors at the top of this thread, and point out that the Lily Allen story has made it into today’s newspapers and on the front page of some- and not in the way either she or the bBBC might have planned !!!!!
You read it here first. It is now this biased BBC website that is shown to be leading opinion, and not the BBC itself, even with £4bn a year to spend on its agenda, narratives, and propaganda.
I just typed @lilyallen and Rotherham into Twitter quite a lot of hits.
So if she’s not fond of “trot out their hate and lies as gospel.” she and the BBC TV crew should be reporting from their soon.
Hangon isn’t that the BBC motto “We trot out our hate and lies as gospel”
“We’ve bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban and now put you in danger of risking your life to get into our country.
“I apologise on behalf of my country. I’m sorry for what we have put you through.” Lily Allen quoted in the Telegraph.
Does this fool not understand that the following were killed and wounded fighting AGAINST THE TALIBAN? If not, can someone politely put it to her that apart from 405 personnel killed by enemy action….
“For the period 1 January 2006 to 31 March 2013 centrally available records show that:
2,116 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals and categorised as Wounded in Action, including as a result of hostile action.
4,529 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals for disease or non-battle injuries.
293 UK personnel were categorised as Very Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease.
298 UK personnel were categorised as Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease.
6,663 UK personnel were aeromedically evacuated from Afghanistan on medical grounds, for whatever reason” (wiki page “British Forces casualties in Afghanistan”).
Lest we forget.
It seems to me that Lilys 13 year old Afghan chum should be apologising to Britain for running away from a country that our people actually gave their lives and limbs to try and defend.
A great number of people resent paying a, TV tax, even though we may never watch the BBC.
Governments, most of which accuse the BBC of bias, are just too afraid to rein in the esteemed broadcaster and can’t you tell?
It is time for the BBC to come out and have the balls to admit it is the agenda driven, scurrilous, anti democratic, fifth column, neo fascist organization we know it to be.
As you know the BBC often interviews representatives from Stop the West, sorry, Stop the War. When I say “interviews” I mean they invite people to spout absolute nonsense without any challenge.
How Stop the War was started by a commie, Andrew Murray who had been previously employed by the Soviet Union at the Novosti Press Agency to spread propaganda supporting Russia but denigrating the West. He linked forces with Muslim Association of Britain, (a British arm of the Muslim Brotherhood) and the Socialist Worker’s Party to create Stop the War.
Interestingly, Jeremy Corbyn then ran it until he became leader of the labour Party at which point the handles of power were passed back to Andrew Murray.
In other words, they will not be protesting outside the Russian Embassy against the carnage the Russians are causing in their support of the fascist leader Assad.
I have no time for Stop the War and it’s like but there is a strong case – a truly conservative case- to be made for non involvement in Syria..
The killing will only end when one side is victorious and at the moment the only side capable of victory is the Assad side.
The rag tag opposition is suspect anyway. Is it Al Queda ,Isis or what? Is is really a front for Saudi Arabia interests desperate to confront Iran ? Iran is keen to become the major power in the ME and that is largely down to US weakness and the recent actions by Obama.
We need to understand that Russia is now a power again and with a formidable army is not to be treated with the contempt the Western neocons have displayed.
Putin made it clear that after Libya He would not permit regime change under the guise of whatever rubbish we in the West told him. He was misled over Libya and has not forgotten it.
Syria gives him an important port in the Mediterranean.
Also we seem to have forgotten the Russian obsession with not having hostile forces on their borders. Recent Nato exercises have been unwise.
A great opportunity was missed when the old USSR collapsed to open real dialogue with the new Russia. Typically arrogant neoliberal/con behaviour by us and the US instead of real engagement.
Russia is a conservative power and in many ways a increasingly conservative society. It is a natural ally of the conservative forces trying to prevent the destruction of Europe.
Stop the War and the rest are irrelevant and need to be ignored.
Finally the EU nations are militarily weak and no match for Russia. So to provoke is stupid and to threaten without the means to carry out the threats foolish.
If Trump is elected I expect him to cut a deal with Putin and ignore European moans entirely. He has said as much if one listens carefully. So add the European power elites’ voices to those everywhere who now fear a Trump victory.
The problem here is that the choice is to back the Sunnis, or back Assads secular government, with the possibility of negotiating Assads personal replacement at a later date if stability can be restored.
For me the main consideration is whether the British and the Western interest is best served by supporting the creation of another sharia state and thereby encouraging Sunni aggression towards the West and the non islamic world in general or in supporting Putin in defending a secular Syrian state, containing Sunni imperialism and seperately, reversing its influence outside the Middle East.
I`d say that pragmatically working with Putin to win the “clash of civilisations” is the lesser of the evils.
“Stop the War” is a Commie/SWP front? well who`da thunk it?
They opposed the NATO bombing of Serbia back in the 90`s (NATO becoming in effect the Bosnian muslims air arm), so they`re not always wrong!
I’m on my way to william hill’s to punish them for the silly odds on donald. Still waiting for the hillary crimes list, i know it will take time because it’s so long but please hurry people my friends need educating.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says, “The media are really tearing you apart for that scandal.”
Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my activities?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies,and taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without the benefit of the law?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commoditydeals?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning our backs on Israel?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The joke Iran Nuke deal? ”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and china when Bill left Office?”
Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one”.
“In his book Boy Clinton: The Political Biography, R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. chronicles the mysterious deaths of those who had knowledge of Clinton’s involvement in the Mena operation. These included Vince Foster, Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of former Arkansas State trooper and Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson), Bill Shelton (Kathy Ferguson’s boyfriend and an Arkansas cop), Jon Walker (an investigator looking into Madison Guaranty for Resolution Trust Corporation), Paul Wilcher (an attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport), Danny Casalaro (an investigative journalist working on a book titled The Octopus), Jerry Parks (Clinton’s Chief of Security during his 1992 Presidential campaign) and Stanley Higgins (another Madison Guaranty investigator).
Dennis Patrick, who investigated Clinton friend Dan Lasiter’s law firm, survived three assassination attempts. Lasiter was a Little Rock bond swindler convicted in 1986 on drug charges. He was a major contributor to Clinton’s political career and often let Clinton use his private plane, while providing “entertainment”. Arkansas State Trooper L. D. Brown claims Clinton often flew to Central America on the planes flying weapons to the contras and returning to Mena with cocaine. Brown says he asked Clinton once if he knew Barry Seal was running drugs and unreported currency and Clinton replied, “Don’t worry. That’s Lasiter’s deal.”
When Clinton became President he appointed DNC Chairman Ron Brown as his Secretary of Commerce. When the Whitewater Scandal erupted, Brown talked openly of cutting a deal with prosecutors. A short while later his plane went down while on a trade mission to Eastern Europe. A pathologist close to the crash investigation said there was a hole in Brown’s skull resembling a gun-shot wound.
Not long after the crash, Clinton’s Whitewater partner James McDougal died of an apparent heart attack while in solitary confinement in a federal prison in Arkansas. On November 29, 1996 Barbara Wise, a Commerce Department staffer who had been close to Ron Brown, was found dead, her badly bruised and naked body locked in a closet at Commerce.”
One could cry, “God for Harry, England and Saint George”, but that would be racist, xenophobic, sexist, non inclusive, un-reconstructed, hate speech – would it not?
What’s next on the crooked media’s list of donald crimes,they try to make him sound like jimmy saville.In this crazy lie culture but we can still sue so they can’t say he gang raped hundreds of children thankfully.We thought we had bad crooked media ,the usa media is far worse.The corruption in america is so big that if you think of the most deviant criminals in history multiply it by ten.
I’m just wondering after listening to only the last twenty minutes of WatO today (BBC R4 1-1.45pm) whether if all the Bremainers and Bremoaners and sudden Parliamentarians such as the BBC, Tories with cold feet, Labour ditherers & self-publicists, Luvvies and the usual committed EU-enthusiasts keep this up, they may get a sudden and unpleasant surprise.
Theresa May, in decisive mood and mode, announces “I have decided to end the uncertainty and have today signed a letter to the European Parliament withdrawing the UK with immediate effect from the EU and have asked Party managers to arrange an emergency Bill to overturn the European Communities Act 1972 at the earliest Parliamentary opportunity.”
The poppings of apoplexy will no doubt be mistaken for fireworks celebrating the end of 43 years of Euragony.
It would probably be a joy to see and hear and a great relief for many across 28 European States.
When i place my bet at the dumb william hill’s on donald trump i’ll ask if he’s assassinated before the result does that count as a non runner so i get my money back.I’ll let you know later.Black people in america will be saying they hate him more than us.
No non runner they said I might do it and he didn’t know whether to wish me luck or not. When the media fails to inform the people democracy is dead. What’s happening in America is so big we can’t afford to be silent. I urge people to take this U.S. election very seriously and speak up. The criminal list of the Clinton’s, big business, the elites is astounding.
Lilly Allen – what a patronising, imperialist, egomaniac to suggest that anything the UK did in Afghanistan had anything but a short term and minimal effect. Look at the reports Lil’ – Taliban reoccupying all the areas they were ‘removed from’. Happy now?
Finally, someone else has finally commented about the truly appalling anti Brexit bbbc bias – double page article in the Daily Mail, today…..
I wonder if any thing will happen though….I doubt it
The longer they leave it the harder will be the ‘hard’ Brexit – not for us but for the EU
The bbbc are truly completely out of control. Every day there is an anti Brexit section to the news delivery, mostly rubbish but it is just self fulfilling to the bbbc and they wheel on any number of ‘remainer’ voices, the usual suspects mostly. They are heavily involverd in the driop in the value of the pound, they have talked it down at every single opportunity. I hope May has the balls to get rid of Hammond and I hope we can lose Mark Goldman-Sachs Carney as soon as possible
I did most enjoy the picture of the spoilt schoolboy George Osbourne in the House yesterday. He had a face on him like a slapped arse – hilarious….
Has anyone thought that May – who was a remainer – is rather satisfied with the remain campaign being carried out by the BBC? Should the BBC campaign flourish and pressure gutless MPs to weaken Brexit I am sure May will be pushed into Brexit U Turns. This Lady is for turning.
Assistant political editor Norman Smith wrote on Twitter: ‘Stand by for another tumble on the pound following Theresa May’s remarks on the single market.’
(Jesus if true that is very irresponsible)
Note the similar story in the Express linked to a few posts higher here.
The BBC rejected the criticisms, insisting its post-referendum coverage has been ‘responsible and impartial’.
AEG, 0700 Today R4 News. We are told that the BBC reply to the Daily Mail by denying the allegation of bias in relation to Brexit. This is wonderful news in my opinion as it demonstrates to the World (from their own lips), how out of touch the BBC has become with reality and its total lack of objectivity. Even an idiot could see through the BBC bias pre-Referendum. Viewers/listeners are increasingly saying to themselves, whilst listening/viewing BBC news, ‘what angle is the BBC adopting today?’. And they are quite right to do so.
gaxvil ….How ever so sharp and witty you are !! Dylan is a brilliant poet. He deserves it. Will you ever stop whining about things just because you feel this will get you kudos on this web site, instead of appreciating genius irrespective of whether it emanates from a person of either left or right persuasion. If you know anything whatsoever about Dylan you would know you are talking bollocks.
People have argued about the quality of Dylan’s poetry I recall a very sound conference on his work where he was described by a leading academic as a ‘master of words’. Consider his ‘Love minus zero no limits, which uses surreal imagery, some of which recalls Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and the biblical Book of Daniel. The style of the lyrics is reminiscent of William Blake’s poem, “The Sick Rose”.(Wikipedia) But I notice beyond this the fusion of word sound to make his point, as in the line ‘statues made of matchsticks crumble into one another’, where the sounds crumble into one another.
I give you the lyrics.
My love she speaks like silence
Without ideals or violence
She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire
People carry roses
Make promises by the hours
My love she laughs like the flowers
Valentines can’t buy her
In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk of situations
Read books, repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall
Some speak of the future
My love she speaks softly
She knows there’s no success like failure
And that failure’s no success at all
The cloak and dagger dangles
Madams light the candles
In ceremonies of the horsemen
Even the pawn must hold a grudge
Statues made of matchsticks
Crumble into one another
My love winks, she does not bother
She knows too much to argue or to judge
The bridge at midnight trembles
The country doctor rambles
Bankers’ nieces seek perfection
Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring
The wind howls like a hammer
The night blows cold and rainy
My love she’s like some raven
At my window with a broken wing
The last line could have been written by Poe.
Oh yes. The Nobel Prize Committee was right this time
If Lily Allen wants to do apologising then let her go into our rapidly dwindling Care Homes for the Elderly, and start ‘apologising for her country’ to those who have paid their dues, that her ‘country’ are not doing enough to take care of their own when they most need it, yet are weeping about others who have no connection to our way of life/paid into our system/brought about their living conditions, in preference to the Mums and Dads who are in greater need of care at the end of their life. You may find yourself in a Care Home too Ms Allen towards the ends of this century, and here you are leaking water for a 13 year old who looks more like 23 !!!
I was telling my mother about Lilly Allen and her fulsome apologies on behalf of all we had a bit of a laugh about egocentrics and their other worldliness and luvvies who have high opinions of themselves .
Then I had to explain who Lilly Allen was and that was harder work .
tomoMar 16, 19:56 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://twitter.com/toadmeister/status/1901287359989297470 [img]https://i.ibb.co/k6cfjCdg/bonehead-moo.jpg[/img]
Eddy BoothMar 16, 19:02 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7EvurPg9SU Them El Salvadorians know how to put on a show.
Fedup2Mar 16, 18:50 Weekend 15th March 2025 The supporters of a football club at a Wembley final boo – loudly – the national anthem ….. and then…
Guest WhoMar 16, 18:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://joannenova.com.au/2025/03/so-geniuses-if-a-lack-of-coal-causes-blackouts-whats-going-to-happen-when-we-shut-down-more-coal/ TTK and Ed say… wibble.
Northern VoterMar 16, 18:35 Weekend 15th March 2025 Deborah, it’s known locally as Springbankistan, they are spreading further and taking over Princes Ave.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 14:40 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Oopsie… Too late,” he said. ….. A plane carrying more than 200 Venezuelans deported by the US has landed in…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 14:30 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yuan Yang Labour MP for Earley and Woodley https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/26600/yuan_yang/earley_and_woodley/register My Maiden Speech in the House of Commons | Yuan Yang…
I watch the trump rally’s and my god he has so much mess to turn around , can anyone write a list of the hillary clinton crimes i mean there is now all the Wikileaks stuff i want to write a list for my friends.
Can anyone imagine the BBCs outrage if this had happened to immigrant kids?…..
Radio4 US Comedian is going to present a 4 part series about US elections
A trailer was just played in which he said he’d be presenting an UNBIASED look into the US elections.
..In the trailer he imitated the voice and style of Hillary /sarc
.. As far as I know Rich Hall’s only act is that of portraying an American redneck
Starts next Wednesday 6.30pm
you did spot the sarc tag ?
of course we can expect it to be wall to wall sneering at Trump..while praising Hillary.
Balance in radio 4 comedy means having both feet on the Left hand side of the scale.
A reminder to all Brexiteers, the EU sells far more to us than we sell to them.
In any trade war they will loose. Simples.
Rule Britannia.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – if I want to know what’s going on with social media I’ll use my computer or smart phone – I don’t need BBC TV news banging on about it.
So this morning the adolescents gathered at the BBC editorial meeting demand that we need to be told about the Scary Clown Craze. And of course the BBC being the BBC they just have to take a stand on it – I know that’s meant to be the antithesis of BBC standards but in fact the BBC always has a stance. So although the BBC loved Ice Bucket Challenge it hates Scary Clown Craze – if the presenters can fit that new message in between all the anti-Brext stuff. In another breathtakingly quintessential BBC move we get “we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures” Are we now entering ‘so-called’ Clown Craze territory? Just wait for the Clown apologists to come out of the wood work – these aren’t real Clowns – they’ve got hold of a twisted concept of Clowning!
In this new scaredy cat very non-brave world post-Brext can’t we just send the BBC down the Marmite mines, where they can hunt for anti-Brexit stories to their hearts content without constantly frightening the rest of us?
“we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures”. But Al Beeb are eager to show us plenty of ‘desperate’ migrants.
On the subject of mines, well ‘some say’ they do make Marmite and indeed Pot Noodle in Wales.
“we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures”.
That`s the end of “Red Nose Day” then.
Oh dear.
That’s the end of Red Nose Day then .
If the BBC had any sense of shame there would be red faces days .
“we’re not going to show you the scary clown pictures”.
What is wrong with pics of Jeremy Corbyn?
“Just wait for the Clown apologists………they’ve got hold of a twisted concept of Clowning”.
Think it was Look East. There was a ‘real’ clown who thought his job would be jeopardized by the ‘so-called clowns’ who had NTDWRC. ( nothing to do with real clowns)
It is surely no coincidence that the Scary Clowns have only started to appear after the Brexit vote.
The BBC warned you this would happen, people: vote Brexit, get Scary Clowns.
I don’t like Marmite.
A large percentage of the population doesn’t like Marmite.
But all of a sudden it’s everyone’s favourite because the price is going up as a result of Brexit.
OK, I can see how the liberal media work now.
I like Vegemite though because it’s Australian.
I like Australians because they don’t take shit from anyone.
Can we be like them dad? Please.
As Al Beeb ‘relish’ this little bit of news , lets all buy Australian .
With you there mate.
Toady programme rabbiting on about 5th carbon budget and how the UK must move to net zero carbon emissions in the second half of this century. Why do we agonise about this stuff when we can make no impact on the overall global emissions situation? And that’s assuming there is a strong link between carbon emissions and global warming. We are impoverishing ourselves to achieve something that will not reduce global warming because our contribution to carbon emissions worldwide is negligible. Higher energy prices for UK consumers is one obvious piece of damage from our obsession with emission targets. Another is the destruction of most of our steel industry , while the country that destroyed that industry- China- ignores constraint on carbon emissions and floods the world with cheap steel.
Yup, quite how the US thinks it’ll change anything by shutting mines when, as you say, China, India, the Far East and Eastern Europe is pumping out carbon like no tomorrow. And let’s not forget the Middle East where they flare off enough gas to supply the UK every day. Then, of course, there’s the ever present, conflict created oil fires.
The bbc seems as adept at dodges as the government is letting them get away with them quietly…
Re 7 o’clock news, Today programme…Jeez, where to start…
Top three news items:
1. Unilever. Poor Brits being deprived of Marmite etc.
2. High Court challenge to Brexit.
3. SNP furious with Brexit mechanism.
There was the obligatory DNC supplied anti-Trump story as well of course later on.
After the news, Unilever/Tesco “crisis” examined in detail.
I then switched to LBC, Nick Ferrari pointing out, amongst other things in the face of this media anti-Brexit onslaught, that Marmite is made in Britain (Burton-upon-Trent) so should not be subject to currency fluctuations.
The BBC talks down our economy and the UK generally. They would rather help push our country into economic freefall than be proved wrong about Brexit. Contemptible.
That Marmite “story” was better covered on Guido, as most things are these days.
and the comments are funnier!
“Am I Boverilled?” (Somewhere, a BBC vegan just shuddered).
Some very highly paid people, especially those at the BBC who commission new programmes, are getting very, very lazy and not doing much for their money – the money they receive from Licence Fee payers (LFps) at threat of fine and imprisonment.
Reviving or remaking old programmes, but not allowing LFps to have them without paying twice, is lazy and downright criminal. Not doing one’s contracted job. Charging twice or three times for the same thing. A form of highway robbery. News today of yet another ‘revival’, this time the League of Gentleman.
There is an ulterior motive however, brazenly revealed in the first sentence: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-37629080
I wondered when they`d have to do their penance for “League of Gentlemen”
Papa Lazarou won`t be in blackface nor will he be kidnapping housewives to serve as polygamous wives called “dave”.
Perhaps “Sir” Lenworth could take the revised role?….”Katanga my friends…YOU`RE MY WIFE NOW… DAVE!”
And there won`t be anymore cruel sendups of virtue signalling, travelling lefty theatre groups…..the new show will be “legz akimbo”…for real.
Get stuffed BBC….we`ve got the DVDs and we aren`t afraid to laugh at them!
Why can`t we have a comedy show featuring the whiny remoaners…and their pathetic stance against the democratically expressed will of the people…
They made a promising start with Rees Mogg Vs Ken Clarke and Jo Coburn!
The BBC could do a re-make of Monty Python‘s Yorkshire men sketch but in reverse on the consequences of Brexit.
It could start with one of the number complaining that he wouldn’t be able to get Hungarian gardeners any more for his estate and gradually descend into plague and pestilence all round.
My mistake, it’s being serialised on Today as I write.
Two headlines in the Express today:
Muslim father RAPES HIS OWN DAUGHTER as punishment for her leading Western lifestyle.
Christian woman in final appeal to avoid BEING HANGED in Pakistan FOR SPEAKING TO A MUSLIM.
My capitals. Anybody seen this on the Beeb yet?
“Muslim Man in Norway Raped Daughter for Being “Too Western”
..so the BBc if they report it can play the Norwegian card
I guess it’s only a few baby steps away from marrying your first cousin.
The BBC news on R4 seemed upset and outraged this morning that the would-be suicide bomber of Chemnitz has hung himself in his cell in Dresden. You couldn’t make it up. Apparently, “questions have to be asked”. The only question that needs to be asked is what was he doing in Germany in the first place.
The German media was eager to mention that it was valiant Syrian refugees who made a “citizen’s?? arrest” and handed him over to the authorities. Strange that the BBC hasn’t been pushing this for all it’s worth. It is a multi-culti morality tale that you could find in an episode of Casualty brought to life. Why have the BBC been so slow off the mark?
Give em enough rope……
the question his comrades are asking is how he only achieved 50% of his goals as a suicide bomber.
He only read one side of the instruction sheet. Remember what they used to tell you in exams? Always turn the page over and read all of the questions first.
LOL! Cheers Rob.
Multi-coloured, daubed in strange make-up, leaping out on the unsuspecting public in bizarre attempts to scare the living daylights out of us – Crazy Clowns…? No just the BBC 6 o’clock News.
The Today programme finds space in its 8.30+ spot for a discussion on the impending battle for Mosul. If you wonder why, it’s because it gives the opportunity for a friendly retired brigadeer to tell us that Trump knows SFA about military strategy. You can’t say we don’t get a wide range of news from the BBC, after all it would be boring if they had to repeat the stories about Trump’s sexual indiscretions covered in depth earlier in the programme.
Yeah got that – and then the two bag manufacturers whose businesses were booming but the one who had their stuff made in the Far East was not doing quite so well. No story here! Move on!
Did the “friendly retired brigadier” explain the advantage of allowing the enemy to know your plan in advance and thus make good their escape to fight another day ?
Was the brigadier asked about the value of concepts like “ambush”, “feints”, “decoy actions”, “hiding the maps from spies”…that kind of thing, things we used to be quite good at.
Xenophobia – “dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries”
Nicola Sturgeon to open SNP conference with attack on Tory ‘xenophobia’
Says the Nationalist woman who wants to separate and isolate her country from others in the UK.
With socialists and liberals, hypocrisy is never far away.
Do let me know when Auntie gets around to telling us about this.
BBC Radio Remoaner Live is at it again, providing a platform for the snowflakes to sneer
“Oh scary scary, stupid ultra rightwing Brexiteers”
9am Your Call: Rising cost of food – a price worth paying for Brexit? There FB page
In a nother country the national broadcaster would be trying to talk UP economic confidence ..here th BBC’s priority is to give a platform to talking it down.
Maybe we`ll need to protect our farmland in case we need to grow more of our own food crops to eat or export…..and stop building houses on farmland for people who won`t be able to afford to live here.
Embolden, and, (…”won’t be able to afford to live here’, I’ll add: ‘and have to go home to their countries after April 2019’.
On the abysmally relentless politicised current affairs vehicle, Victoria Derbyshire, a fawning, sycophantic Joanna Gosling interviews director of new Tom Hanks film, Inferno, Ron Howard. She introduces the recorded interview live as “a wide ranging discussion of issues facing America right now from racism to the likelihood of Trump winning the Presidential election”. So “racism” is an “issue”. Agreed. And the “likelihood of Trump winning”, yep, that, like racism, is an issue – you know, same sort of thing.
“Is he fit to do the job?” she asks. How would he know? It’s his opinion – don’t ask him to present it as a fact.
“How do you feel about his comments about women?” Good idea – you don’t like Trump, ask another divisive question.
So the VD programme chooses to interview a democrat (it’s Hollywood, what else?) who has been vocal on Twitter about his aversion to Donald Trump. Obviously his views are of tremendous objective value – a film director’s insights are of course really significant. Get him on a current affairs programme to promote his film on a tax payer funded channel with a side of blatant propaganda thrown in – nice. FFS.
“Oscars too white” of course. Another last minute topic to lever in.
Brexit blamed for Unilever problems. Hate crimes increase sharply. Aleppo Russian terrorism. Boris Johnson in trouble. Trump accused of sexual assault. Over to Jessica, the black, lesbian sports reporter. 100% full on box trickery.
Woman’s Hour just opened with talk about Nicola Sturgeon and all her anti-Brexit stuff
..oh look an advert for her : “Later on Sturgeon will be issuing a Rally Call against May’s rightwing policies ..’
Now reporter not totally biased saying ‘Scotland’s economy is worse than Greece’s Scotland cannot afford independence ..Sturgeon tries to blame this on Conservatives Austerity’
Mention of the new Deputy Leader announcement today.
So Unilever backed remain…
And by coincidence we have a legal challenge on the right to Brexit, growing Remain campaign in Parliament to avoid leaving, petrol about to shoot up and anyone who voted leave castigated as wanting to destroy British industry.
Not a conspiracy of course…
The Sturgeon, an ugly fish and uglier woman, has accused leavers as xenophobes.
Hard to imagine a more xenophobic party than the SNP. Or is it just the English she hates?
Scotland’s population concentration is tiny compared to England – I just see ex-Taliban fighters right at home in the Highlands.
Scotland 68 people per square km. England 413 people per square km.
9th Century and Alfred the Great’s son, Athelstan is the King. Recognised across Europe as a great and noble ruler. Bringing reform of the legal system and parliament long before Simon de Montfort.
Anyhow, the Scots, Irish, Welsh and Danes get together to fight and overthrow him in battle but Athelstan triumphs and there we have it – the Christian, United Kingdom.
German terror suspect Jaber al-Bakr’s jail death a scandal, says lawyer
Well it is a scandal, in the eyes of the BBC, when a terrorist commits suicide without killing many other innocent people at the same time.
It is hard to believe but the BBC is so secure in it’s ‘Danegelt’ financed bubble they just don’t care.
One of their straplines is, “Your BBC”, well, I’m dammed sure it ain’t MY BBC.
Couldn’t sleep last night so put the telly on for some balanced informative grown-up news but got the BBBC instead. Hard Talk with Stephen (no-ball)Sackur interviewing a Republican Senator, Elmor J Chicken-shit III or something, who supports Trump. Bog-standard tactics of interrupting, repeating ga-ga questions, arm-flapping, sighing & incredulous tone of voice were employed as per diktat. Elmor didn’t stand a chance as Ballsac hit the vinegar strokes with the (now familiar) “So you’re saying you support Don the Ripper’s attitude to women following his misogynist rapist-like comments?” Elmor should have got up at this moment & told Slackjaw & the rest of the BBBC to go fuck themselves in their collective gender neutral holes.
Radio 4Extra is the safer option.
If all the women I fondled thirty plus years ago come forward – my wife’ll kill me!
These days, according to the BBC, any red blooded man who has touched a woman is evil/weird/sick. Touching small children though is totally normal in the BBC corridors.
Only with the willing collusion of the BBC could Saville have operated.
Or the SJW moppet brigade.
with luck they may get dragged into the hole she is still digging.
“…to go fuck themselves in their collective gender neutral holes.”
I just spat my cup of tea out reading that – brilliant!
I saw that on the iplayer..I thought Sackur got owned again, same as Mme Le Pen did to him with her “stop the propaganda” remark.
Grover Norquist called Sackur out for “talking about feelings and not policy”.
Sackur was reduced to talking over Norquist who was trying to explain Trumps tax policies and then, in a really low shot, asking Norquist how he felt about “Trumps comments about muslims when you, yourself are married to a Palestinian muslim woman”.
Sackur is a horrible specimen of his type…a “personal is political” refuser to discuss serious political and policy issues that don`t suit his party line…a feeder of manure to people he thinks of as mushrooms, people who pay his wages!
On might think that a mature state broadcaster with a duty to inform and educate the public might comment on the stupidity of the treatment of this gymnast who mocked a major religion. But I would expect the BBC to join in with the condemnation of this man.
It occurs to me that once in a while a senior politician might speak out against this obvious erosion of our freedoms. Well, don’t expect the Appeaser to speak out. She is too busy finding ways to negate Brexit and pursue the dream of Eurabian nights.
“It occurs to me that once in a while a senior politician might speak out against this obvious erosion of our freedoms”
So true G.W.F., where are the senior politicians who would dare to do this?
This is yet more evidence of the creeping Islamisation of our society that senior politicians seem determined to deny is happening.
This year, I suppose, local markets will have the usual German, Hungarian, etc.stalls.
Every year our stall holders complain they take their business and have concessions they aren’t allowed.
Prepare yourself this year for cries of, “racist, xenophobe, haters” etc. if the stall holders utter a word.
There’ll be the usual long queue of Newsnight staff for the foot-long bratwursts!
Oooo err Missus!
Don’t matter what kind of, bottom feeding, trash-bag whore, they Woman’s Hour, have them on and lick their, nasty, metaphorical arses.
Soooooooooo unreconstructed and anti-progressive to even have something called Woman’s Hour, especially how post watershed smutty it’s become.
From the Independent (on-line):
Woman’s Hour host Jenni Murray has said teenagers should watch pornography in school and analyse it as they would a Jane Austen novel.
The Radio 4 presenter also believes sex education classes as we know it should be overhauled and renamed “gender studies”.
Dame Jenni, according to the Daily Mail, was answering questions from an audience at the Cheltenham Literary Festival.
She was quizzed on how she would tackle the prevalence of internet pornography.
“We give our kids Jane Austen to read and we say, ‘OK let’s analyse it’,” said the 66-year-old.
“We might show them a news bulletin that has been on television the night before.
“Why not show them pornography and teach them how to analyse it?
Mmmm, I think it would be more pertinent to analyse the thought processes of a 66 year old broadcaster who wants to introduce school children to pornography.
Especially one who works for the BBC…with their history.
I mean how much of a plot line and characterisation is there to analyse in the average porn vid, eh Jenni?
Murray along with several others I thought to be normal, rational, professional people seem to have gone/always been ape-shit crazy?
I think it was G Cooper (on this site) who said something to the effect that Jenni and Woman’s Hour were dripping Marxist poison into the ears of the women of middle England on a daily basis. Her softly spoken “bye bye” at the end is at odds with the constant moaning and sh#t-stirring that they engage in
How will Islamofascist parents allow their daughters to watch pornography and analyse it ?
There are specialist sites to cater for those tastes,
at least, so I`ve been told.
BBC needs your help. They are running a campaign to show an increase in hate crime since the Brexit vote.
If you can think of anything hateful done to a popular victim group please contact the BBC
‘Have you been a victim of race or religious hate crime since the EU vote? You can share your experience by emailing haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk.
Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist. You can also contact us in the following ways…’
I experience hate directed at me every day – for the bbc.
I experience hate directed at me every day – FROM the bbc
Thanks I filled in their harassment form.
They’ll bin it of course.
but at least they’ll have to read it.
Again, a wilful distortion of reality. Reported vs ‘confirmed and successfully prosecuted’ are two completely different things.
Has anybody heard more on the ‘tugged hijab’ ordeal yet?
Culprits arrested yet and has the woman recovered from her injuries?
Nobody should ever tug a hijab, you never know if its wired to detonate a bomb!
Not buying a Beeeg Eeshoo is probably a hate crime. I suggest crossing the road before the seller catches your racist eye.
Something very BBC related on the Daily Express site:
Let’s see if they actually acknowledge this view. I would suggest it is apparent to the blind and deaf but probably beyond the ranges of BBC sensory scope.
BBC out to get Trump on sex charges
I note that an allegation of Trump raping a 13 year old is doing the social media rounds. No evidence other than the fact that he has not responded. Soon to be reported by the BBC
The technique will be the same as this article from the BBC. A wild unsubstantiated allegation and reference throughout to the published tape of his lewd comments.
Seriously, I do believe that the Trump is a sexist angle together with the Trump is a racist meme indicates that the Arabs are going to win this election. Not enough of the public have seen through the substitution of sexism/racism for political argument. This may take a few more years.
If only it were just the BBC, the relentless globalist pro EU pro mass immigration anti white anti ethnic British class hate propaganda is on every broadcast medium.
On LBC (which at least gives a small share of the platform to alternative views) daily has the ranting propagandist James O Brian, patronising Brexit voters, cutting off articulate callers who challenge him, putting unprepared callers on the spot with unreasonable demands for statistics or other detail that theyre not likely to have to hand.
Channel Four and ITV are also ‘on message’, the former every bit as vigorously as the Beeb.
Incidntally O BRian was in heaven this morning to have two, not very smart, working class Regrexiters call in. It wouldnt surprise m in the least if they were Bremoaner actors, the strong accents/dialect seemed more East Enders 1970s than Inner City post millenium.
The usa media unwittingly are making me richer,every tale about donald increases his odds now 11/2 with william hill,i can’t stress enough ,fill your boots.
Can someone have a quiet word in Boris (Rambo) Johnson ear.
He just said out loud that he is contemplating military intervention in Syria, Military intervention against Russia.
I understand he has a lot to live up to. The successes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen.
Does he- Do the British people understand the implications?
Boris Johnson…doesn`t he have some ancestral Circassian loyalties that might make him want to side with the Turks against the Russians?….surely not relevent, are they?
Avoid further middle eastern entanglements unless specifically targeted against IS, and their sympathisers.
I couldn’t agree more boris needs gagging he’s becoming a liability
It will take a while, but this can happen at the ballot box; ironically a capability he sided with on Brexit.
I recommend Tuesday lunchtime’s WatO (BBC R4 1pm >) – catch it on iPlayer, if you did not listen. There were some excellent contributions on the subject of Syria that were not quite what many people – especially at the BBC – expected or wanted to hear.
The BBC countered the following morning with a contribution from a lady from Aleppo, a headmistress, who – unfortunately for BBC purposes – right at the end let slip that she was on the side of the rebels fighting Assad, although she did not name the group.
May I thank all contributors at the top of this thread, and point out that the Lily Allen story has made it into today’s newspapers and on the front page of some- and not in the way either she or the bBBC might have planned !!!!!
You read it here first. It is now this biased BBC website that is shown to be leading opinion, and not the BBC itself, even with £4bn a year to spend on its agenda, narratives, and propaganda.
Keep up the good work, everyone.
I just typed @lilyallen and Rotherham into Twitter quite a lot of hits.
So if she’s not fond of “trot out their hate and lies as gospel.” she and the BBC TV crew should be reporting from their soon.
Hangon isn’t that the BBC motto “We trot out our hate and lies as gospel”
Yup, the BBC did say there was, “a social media backlash”. A small victory but let’s just hope ………..
“We’ve bombed your country, put you in the hands of the Taliban and now put you in danger of risking your life to get into our country.
“I apologise on behalf of my country. I’m sorry for what we have put you through.” Lily Allen quoted in the Telegraph.
Does this fool not understand that the following were killed and wounded fighting AGAINST THE TALIBAN? If not, can someone politely put it to her that apart from 405 personnel killed by enemy action….
“For the period 1 January 2006 to 31 March 2013 centrally available records show that:
2,116 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals and categorised as Wounded in Action, including as a result of hostile action.
4,529 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals for disease or non-battle injuries.
293 UK personnel were categorised as Very Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease.
298 UK personnel were categorised as Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease.
6,663 UK personnel were aeromedically evacuated from Afghanistan on medical grounds, for whatever reason” (wiki page “British Forces casualties in Afghanistan”).
Lest we forget.
It seems to me that Lilys 13 year old Afghan chum should be apologising to Britain for running away from a country that our people actually gave their lives and limbs to try and defend.
Maybe she could, with Prince Harry attend the next Invictus Games?
A great number of people resent paying a, TV tax, even though we may never watch the BBC.
Governments, most of which accuse the BBC of bias, are just too afraid to rein in the esteemed broadcaster and can’t you tell?
It is time for the BBC to come out and have the balls to admit it is the agenda driven, scurrilous, anti democratic, fifth column, neo fascist organization we know it to be.
As you know the BBC often interviews representatives from Stop the West, sorry, Stop the War. When I say “interviews” I mean they invite people to spout absolute nonsense without any challenge.
The Times has an interesting examination of Stop the War which no doubt the BBC will pick up on (paywalled):
How Stop the War was started by a commie, Andrew Murray who had been previously employed by the Soviet Union at the Novosti Press Agency to spread propaganda supporting Russia but denigrating the West. He linked forces with Muslim Association of Britain, (a British arm of the Muslim Brotherhood) and the Socialist Worker’s Party to create Stop the War.
Interestingly, Jeremy Corbyn then ran it until he became leader of the labour Party at which point the handles of power were passed back to Andrew Murray.
In other words, they will not be protesting outside the Russian Embassy against the carnage the Russians are causing in their support of the fascist leader Assad.
I have no time for Stop the War and it’s like but there is a strong case – a truly conservative case- to be made for non involvement in Syria..
The killing will only end when one side is victorious and at the moment the only side capable of victory is the Assad side.
The rag tag opposition is suspect anyway. Is it Al Queda ,Isis or what? Is is really a front for Saudi Arabia interests desperate to confront Iran ? Iran is keen to become the major power in the ME and that is largely down to US weakness and the recent actions by Obama.
We need to understand that Russia is now a power again and with a formidable army is not to be treated with the contempt the Western neocons have displayed.
Putin made it clear that after Libya He would not permit regime change under the guise of whatever rubbish we in the West told him. He was misled over Libya and has not forgotten it.
Syria gives him an important port in the Mediterranean.
Also we seem to have forgotten the Russian obsession with not having hostile forces on their borders. Recent Nato exercises have been unwise.
A great opportunity was missed when the old USSR collapsed to open real dialogue with the new Russia. Typically arrogant neoliberal/con behaviour by us and the US instead of real engagement.
Russia is a conservative power and in many ways a increasingly conservative society. It is a natural ally of the conservative forces trying to prevent the destruction of Europe.
Stop the War and the rest are irrelevant and need to be ignored.
Finally the EU nations are militarily weak and no match for Russia. So to provoke is stupid and to threaten without the means to carry out the threats foolish.
If Trump is elected I expect him to cut a deal with Putin and ignore European moans entirely. He has said as much if one listens carefully. So add the European power elites’ voices to those everywhere who now fear a Trump victory.
hear hear, a sound analysis Dave S.
The problem here is that the choice is to back the Sunnis, or back Assads secular government, with the possibility of negotiating Assads personal replacement at a later date if stability can be restored.
For me the main consideration is whether the British and the Western interest is best served by supporting the creation of another sharia state and thereby encouraging Sunni aggression towards the West and the non islamic world in general or in supporting Putin in defending a secular Syrian state, containing Sunni imperialism and seperately, reversing its influence outside the Middle East.
I`d say that pragmatically working with Putin to win the “clash of civilisations” is the lesser of the evils.
“Stop the War” is a Commie/SWP front? well who`da thunk it?
They opposed the NATO bombing of Serbia back in the 90`s (NATO becoming in effect the Bosnian muslims air arm), so they`re not always wrong!
Protesters – very choosy, very blinkered.
I’m waiting for a, ‘Stop the Bollocks’ campaign.
I’m on my way to william hill’s to punish them for the silly odds on donald. Still waiting for the hillary crimes list, i know it will take time because it’s so long but please hurry people my friends need educating.
This will give you a start.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and with a smile on his face, says, “The media are really tearing you apart for that scandal.”
Hillary: “You mean my lying about Benghazi?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the massive voter fraud?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using my secret private server with classified material to hide my activities?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, hiring cronies,and taking bribes from foreign countries?
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean the drones being operated in our own country without the benefit of the law?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commoditydeals?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning Libya into chaos?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Turning our backs on Israel?”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “The joke Iran Nuke deal? ”
Trump: “No the other one:”
Hillary: “Leaving Iraq in chaos? ”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The NSA monitoring citizens’ ?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “Threats to all of Bill’s former mistresses to keep them quiet”
Trump: “No, the other one.”
Hillary: “I give up! … Oh wait, I think I’ve got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware and china when Bill left Office?”
Trump: “THAT’S IT! I almost forgot about that one”.
Mackers, you might not want to know too much.
“In his book Boy Clinton: The Political Biography, R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. chronicles the mysterious deaths of those who had knowledge of Clinton’s involvement in the Mena operation. These included Vince Foster, Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of former Arkansas State trooper and Clinton bodyguard Danny Ferguson), Bill Shelton (Kathy Ferguson’s boyfriend and an Arkansas cop), Jon Walker (an investigator looking into Madison Guaranty for Resolution Trust Corporation), Paul Wilcher (an attorney investigating corruption at Mena Airport), Danny Casalaro (an investigative journalist working on a book titled The Octopus), Jerry Parks (Clinton’s Chief of Security during his 1992 Presidential campaign) and Stanley Higgins (another Madison Guaranty investigator).
Dennis Patrick, who investigated Clinton friend Dan Lasiter’s law firm, survived three assassination attempts. Lasiter was a Little Rock bond swindler convicted in 1986 on drug charges. He was a major contributor to Clinton’s political career and often let Clinton use his private plane, while providing “entertainment”. Arkansas State Trooper L. D. Brown claims Clinton often flew to Central America on the planes flying weapons to the contras and returning to Mena with cocaine. Brown says he asked Clinton once if he knew Barry Seal was running drugs and unreported currency and Clinton replied, “Don’t worry. That’s Lasiter’s deal.”
When Clinton became President he appointed DNC Chairman Ron Brown as his Secretary of Commerce. When the Whitewater Scandal erupted, Brown talked openly of cutting a deal with prosecutors. A short while later his plane went down while on a trade mission to Eastern Europe. A pathologist close to the crash investigation said there was a hole in Brown’s skull resembling a gun-shot wound.
Not long after the crash, Clinton’s Whitewater partner James McDougal died of an apparent heart attack while in solitary confinement in a federal prison in Arkansas. On November 29, 1996 Barbara Wise, a Commerce Department staffer who had been close to Ron Brown, was found dead, her badly bruised and naked body locked in a closet at Commerce.”
Yet again, the BBC shows it true colours on matters of balance.
One obscure channel most would struggle to locate much less watch, versus almost every main studio and presenter dress or tie, often the women too.
But as always they can point to their sincere efforts.
One could cry, “God for Harry, England and Saint George”, but that would be racist, xenophobic, sexist, non inclusive, un-reconstructed, hate speech – would it not?
What’s next on the crooked media’s list of donald crimes,they try to make him sound like jimmy saville.In this crazy lie culture but we can still sue so they can’t say he gang raped hundreds of children thankfully.We thought we had bad crooked media ,the usa media is far worse.The corruption in america is so big that if you think of the most deviant criminals in history multiply it by ten.
What America does today, Britain does tomorrow is how it goes.
Trump acknowledges it’s 2 to 1. He’s fighting Clinton AND the media.
I’m just wondering after listening to only the last twenty minutes of WatO today (BBC R4 1-1.45pm) whether if all the Bremainers and Bremoaners and sudden Parliamentarians such as the BBC, Tories with cold feet, Labour ditherers & self-publicists, Luvvies and the usual committed EU-enthusiasts keep this up, they may get a sudden and unpleasant surprise.
Theresa May, in decisive mood and mode, announces “I have decided to end the uncertainty and have today signed a letter to the European Parliament withdrawing the UK with immediate effect from the EU and have asked Party managers to arrange an emergency Bill to overturn the European Communities Act 1972 at the earliest Parliamentary opportunity.”
The poppings of apoplexy will no doubt be mistaken for fireworks celebrating the end of 43 years of Euragony.
It would probably be a joy to see and hear and a great relief for many across 28 European States.
Despite my misgivings. Way to go Theresa!
When i place my bet at the dumb william hill’s on donald trump i’ll ask if he’s assassinated before the result does that count as a non runner so i get my money back.I’ll let you know later.Black people in america will be saying they hate him more than us.
No non runner they said I might do it and he didn’t know whether to wish me luck or not. When the media fails to inform the people democracy is dead. What’s happening in America is so big we can’t afford to be silent. I urge people to take this U.S. election very seriously and speak up. The criminal list of the Clinton’s, big business, the elites is astounding.
Lilly Allen – what a patronising, imperialist, egomaniac to suggest that anything the UK did in Afghanistan had anything but a short term and minimal effect. Look at the reports Lil’ – Taliban reoccupying all the areas they were ‘removed from’. Happy now?
i see the price of petrols gone up and scotlands just doubled in value
here we go again
can we jettison these idiots and make it an EIWexit instead of Brexit (should brexit be more correctly termed GBREXIT or UKEXIT )
Dumpit, Fixit or perhaps, Fuxit?
Finally, someone else has finally commented about the truly appalling anti Brexit bbbc bias – double page article in the Daily Mail, today…..
I wonder if any thing will happen though….I doubt it
The longer they leave it the harder will be the ‘hard’ Brexit – not for us but for the EU
The bbbc are truly completely out of control. Every day there is an anti Brexit section to the news delivery, mostly rubbish but it is just self fulfilling to the bbbc and they wheel on any number of ‘remainer’ voices, the usual suspects mostly. They are heavily involverd in the driop in the value of the pound, they have talked it down at every single opportunity. I hope May has the balls to get rid of Hammond and I hope we can lose Mark Goldman-Sachs Carney as soon as possible
I did most enjoy the picture of the spoilt schoolboy George Osbourne in the House yesterday. He had a face on him like a slapped arse – hilarious….
Has anyone thought that May – who was a remainer – is rather satisfied with the remain campaign being carried out by the BBC? Should the BBC campaign flourish and pressure gutless MPs to weaken Brexit I am sure May will be pushed into Brexit U Turns. This Lady is for turning.
Link to that DM article Probe the BBC over Brexit bias: Eurosceptics demand an investigation into its ‘stream of negativity’
AEG, 0700 Today R4 News. We are told that the BBC reply to the Daily Mail by denying the allegation of bias in relation to Brexit. This is wonderful news in my opinion as it demonstrates to the World (from their own lips), how out of touch the BBC has become with reality and its total lack of objectivity. Even an idiot could see through the BBC bias pre-Referendum. Viewers/listeners are increasingly saying to themselves, whilst listening/viewing BBC news, ‘what angle is the BBC adopting today?’. And they are quite right to do so.
Nobel Prize for Bob Dylan – give me a break. Who next, Eminem, Shaun the Sheep, Diane Abbott? Although, they did give one to Obama so……….?
At least it wasn’t Bono or Sir Bob Geldorf, who is joined in knighthood with Sir Rod Steward.
G.W.F. Yes, there is that!
gaxvil ….How ever so sharp and witty you are !! Dylan is a brilliant poet. He deserves it. Will you ever stop whining about things just because you feel this will get you kudos on this web site, instead of appreciating genius irrespective of whether it emanates from a person of either left or right persuasion. If you know anything whatsoever about Dylan you would know you are talking bollocks.
I agree. Most literary prizes go to those most PC and dull. A well deserved accolade for a good poet.
If Dylan’s good enough to win it, then Paul Simon should be a shoe in for the next five Nobel Literature prizes.
People have argued about the quality of Dylan’s poetry I recall a very sound conference on his work where he was described by a leading academic as a ‘master of words’. Consider his ‘Love minus zero no limits, which uses surreal imagery, some of which recalls Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and the biblical Book of Daniel. The style of the lyrics is reminiscent of William Blake’s poem, “The Sick Rose”.(Wikipedia) But I notice beyond this the fusion of word sound to make his point, as in the line ‘statues made of matchsticks crumble into one another’, where the sounds crumble into one another.
I give you the lyrics.
My love she speaks like silence
Without ideals or violence
She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire
People carry roses
Make promises by the hours
My love she laughs like the flowers
Valentines can’t buy her
In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk of situations
Read books, repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall
Some speak of the future
My love she speaks softly
She knows there’s no success like failure
And that failure’s no success at all
The cloak and dagger dangles
Madams light the candles
In ceremonies of the horsemen
Even the pawn must hold a grudge
Statues made of matchsticks
Crumble into one another
My love winks, she does not bother
She knows too much to argue or to judge
The bridge at midnight trembles
The country doctor rambles
Bankers’ nieces seek perfection
Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring
The wind howls like a hammer
The night blows cold and rainy
My love she’s like some raven
At my window with a broken wing
The last line could have been written by Poe.
Oh yes. The Nobel Prize Committee was right this time
If Lily Allen wants to do apologising then let her go into our rapidly dwindling Care Homes for the Elderly, and start ‘apologising for her country’ to those who have paid their dues, that her ‘country’ are not doing enough to take care of their own when they most need it, yet are weeping about others who have no connection to our way of life/paid into our system/brought about their living conditions, in preference to the Mums and Dads who are in greater need of care at the end of their life. You may find yourself in a Care Home too Ms Allen towards the ends of this century, and here you are leaking water for a 13 year old who looks more like 23 !!!
Like I said, protesters – very choosy, very blinkered and many, very up themselves.
I was telling my mother about Lilly Allen and her fulsome apologies on behalf of all we had a bit of a laugh about egocentrics and their other worldliness and luvvies who have high opinions of themselves .
Then I had to explain who Lilly Allen was and that was harder work .