I see Sturgeon is sh*t-stirring north of the border once again…
SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon announces new independence referendum bill
A consultation gets under way next week on plans for a second Scottish independence referendum, the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. She told the party’s Glasgow conference that an Independence Referendum Bill would be published next week. It marks the first step to holding a second vote. Ms Sturgeon said Scotland had the right to choose a different path if it was not allowed to protect its interests “within the UK”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-37634338
‘Nationalism’ is only ‘good’ when it’s Scottish Nationalism. God forbid the English should ever break out their St George’s Cross – these days it’s tantamount to using racist language, according to the sneering progressive elites. The Scottish Nationalists can pretty much say what they like about the English (and they do), while the BBC nods along indulgently, ever uncritical, ever unself-aware of the implicit hypocrisy and hateful self-loathing they exercise over all things English.
Scotland wants to become ‘independent’ so it can immediately apply to join the EU’s burgeoning socialist superstate. Go figure.
The EU would accept Scotland with open arms because it can contribute ………………………………………and also ……………………………..not to mention………………………………………..and it’s………………………..
Not going too well in the most popular comments section for Wee Jane Krankie on front page news; I like the last one!
4. Posted by I want my User Name back
7 hours ago
Can someone please explain why Sturgeon wants to be independent from the rest of the UK, whilst at the same time being in the EU?
The only explanation I can find is that she simply hates the England and the English.
Posted by FedupGlasgow
on 7 hours ago
Not in my name, I wish she would just shut up and get the message, Scotland is a thriving part of the UK, we want to stay that way. This is just pandering to her “braveheart rabble”
Posted by inchindown
on 7 hours ago
So here we have sturgeon laying into the UK government for ignoring the wishes of the Scottish people over brexit, while at the same time she is totally ignoring the will of the Scottish people who voted decisively to remain part of the UK only a couple of years ago.
Talk about hypocrisy.
Posted by iplaybass
on 7 hours ago
So, it’s going to be a new referendum every couple of years until she get the ‘right’ outcome!
11. Posted by Dawn Turtle
7 hours ago
Sturgeon said the Scottish referendum was “once in a lifetime/generation”.
So she seems to have redefined the terms “generation” and “lifetime” as being about 3 years then.
Posted by nick
on 7 hours ago
Deluded socialist nutcase that is going to run Scotland into the ground.
Posted by Prion
on 7 hours ago
The politics of the SNP are divisive and dangerous. Little more than two years ago the people of Scotland said no. And a good job too, the price of oil crashed and the country would be bankrupt. Sturgeon should shut up and accept the ‘once in a generation’ vote, not that much has changed in the last two years. Her strategy is to keep going until she gets what she wants. Just a like any bully.
6. Posted by yicker on
7 hours ago
Sturgeon is doing her best to destroy Scotland..
13. Posted by ScottC
on 7 hours ago
The last thing we need in a period of great uncertainty is even more uncertainty. The economic case for iScotland is even worse than before based on the global economic outlook and the price of oil.
Comment number 14. Posted by Athame57
on 7 hours ago
The squeak goes on…and on…and on….
The SNP is very much like the EU. Both have only one real aim: in the case of the SNP it is Scottish “independence”, for the EU it is “ever closer union”.
They really cannot afford to pause in their aims, because if they do, people will realise there is no need for any of it. So the SNP just cannot accept that it is the government of a devolved part of the UK, because to do that accepts the status quo, and to do that means the SNP no longer stands for anything.
The only way this ends is for the SNP to keep holding referendums until they finally get the result they want, or for the people of Scotland to see sense and stop voting for the national socialist nutjobs. I honestly don’t know which will happen first.
MSM is trying a spoiler trick on student over stays
“only 1% of foreign non-EU STUDENTS overstay their visa” Times Front page
“only 1,500/year says secret report”
“not the tens of thousands previously claimed”
* secret report * Means non-challenged report
The fact remains that there is no evidence in the International Passenger Survey for the departure of tens of thousands of foreign students. There are only two explanations for this. Either they are in fact staying on in huge numbers or the IPS on which all immigration numbers are based is seriously unreliable
The 1% doesn’t take account of students who marry and stay.
– My first thought is 1% is still too much, you don’t go around saying “only 1% of people in my town are murderers , so that’s OK”.
Just booted Classic FM Global tripe off the wireless…again.. as they give la Sturge the airwaves to play Whinging Wallace ad nauseam about bloody Brexit.
Talking of bitter, lunatic harpies given way too much media time…
“On July 20, 1969, man first stood on the moon; on December 18, 1972, man stood on the moon for the last time. What happened to end the dream of space exploration, left instead to the colorful imagination of Trekkies and science fiction fans believing some diverse band of humans could navigate the heavens in a utopian future?
The US Government neutered NASA by forcing a much different mission upon the space agency: diversity and the promotion of blacks. We went to the moon. On multiple occasions. When NASA was nearly all-white, with an all-white astronaut team.
But in 1972, the Apollo program was grounded, with the Space Shuttle program becoming a glorified experiment in social engineering and special interest group cheerleading. Each successive launch included women, blacks, and other racial minorities, not for the sake of exploration, but for the sake of gender and racial cheerleading.
The glory of NASA and mankind’s great moments in space exploration were all milestones performed under the watchful of an almost completely white NASA, devoid of the hindrance of affirmative action programs and the shackles of Equal Employment Opportunity mandates.
The mandate then was to get the moon; the mandate soon after was the promotion of blackness and diversity, at the expense of the initial dream of exploring the stars.
You have to wonder (hope?) whether the same fate befalls the BBC, the once great broadcasting organisation now pursuing exactly the same agenda.
I’m afraid it’s just another abuse of statistics. The bbc (for example) are very simplistic (simplistic to the point of ignorance) in their approach to diversity. They think that if X percent of the population is black then X percent of politicians, actors, policemen, astronauts etc, etc should be black too. Somebody needs to tell them that their Blue Peter mathematics model is not valid in the real world.
And IF Scotland does ever get back in the Eurinal and Merk’ phones Sturg’,”I sink you can take a few hundreds of thousands of our spare ‘refugees’ – yah?”
The Barnett Formula was a temporary measure to give, in public spending allocation, Scotland, Ireland and Wales more than England.
On a sliding scale Northern Ireland at the top, then Scotland, then Wales, then England. Designed 36 years ago – it is still in operation. It means the public spending allocation per person in Scotland is around £1300 more than a person in England.
Even Lord Barnett knew it was unfair, and did not expect it to last. It was an emergency measure designed to cobble together support for the Labour government when it had a majority of 2 in the House of Commons.
The moral of the story is when you give someone extra free money, they get very cross when you try to give them no more than their fair share.
Wondering if any of actual integrity within the BBC ponder why some things get the full glare of broadcast spotlight, analysis and bone-gnawing, whilst others get quietly popped on the back burner or down a memory hole.
While Saint Lily Allen signals for more migrants to cross the Med , The Timespg 34 has new info
More died than thought – A sunken ship was thought to have 700 dead, they found 900
Now estimate 30,000 dead in last 15 years.
– Marriage under age 18 in Germany maybe be banned due to migrant child marriage
1,475 U18 married last month, 361 Under 14
Can’t see it as being a deterrent, cos they just go by Islamic Law not German
– Year migrant count has been revised down from 1.1m to 0.89m due to some moving on and some double counting.
‘…Can’t see it as being a deterrent, cos they just go by Islamic Law not German.”
The nub of the issue, really. It’ll just go underground (where it’s always been, after all – just down there, in the gutter with all the rest of the effluence) and little kids will get raped regardless – but as long as dhimmi progressives can harmlessly virtue-signal, all is well! Inshalla.
Just looked at CNN site they say trump even if he won all of mitt Romney’s 2012 wins plus Ohio Florida Iowa Nevada north Carolina he would still be under the 270 electoral votes required and needs Pennsylvania or Michigan or Minnesota, now that’s not bias that’s false information (lies )those five states take him over the 270 figure.
I do thank the Lord for all of you who Chronicle all this for me.
If I`ve got this straight, the news is of
a) a minor pop star last seen being carried out of the Notting Hill Festival with hardly ANY track record( yes, three or four above-average and witty songs…but hardly Scott McKenzies strike rate is it?)…the rather damaged kid of the (frankly awful, nasty and talentless)Keith Allen?-now speaking for The Nation as if anybody but the Usual give a damn about her Jungle Views.
Merely Kim Kardashian with a private school attitude, and the whiff of passive dope about her.
b) Samsung Blues going up in flames, encased in a spongebob coverlet which now has to double as a fire blanket
c) A load of fat blowhards and social workers waving their order papers at Putins cameras threatening REALLY BIG words, LOTS of working the Dog and putting on their angriest socks to “denounce in the strongest possible terms” the role of those Russians in Syria,
The Bystander President USED to be George Bush in Mew Orleans…so said the Parody of a man we knew as Bruce…but Syria is caused by Putin seeing HIS nation isn`t taken for mugs…whereas the west rather craves this.
In short-no new whatsoever…just bitching blowhards, victim vendettas and post-meaning pondweed to scoop and to offer as “news and analysis”.
Ta for listening…it keeps their like in a Job I expect!
That`s 2/66 done-64 to go!
“I remember saying to my mum, ‘I don’t think I believe in God any more,’ And her saying, ‘You can’t tell anybody else because they’ll kill you, we are obliged to kill ex-Muslims,’ and that it would put me at extreme risk if anybody else was to find out, so that conversation ended there.” – Sadia, a former Muslim
This new documentary in the Exposure current affairs strand investigates the lives of ex-Muslims, who face extreme discrimination, ostracism, psychological abuse and violence as a result of leaving Islam.
I thought that was a pretty good programme , lots of people particularly women who stood up who left women.
..”My family disowned me saying You’re a kafir now”
…”I said mum I’ve been a kafir for the last 10 years and you still loved me, so nothing has changed within me.”
Dogmatic faith is responsible for so many of societies problems so when some one switches from any dogmatic faith (whether like socialism, Islam or another)
.. to evidence and logic, then society can move forward.
I think it’s so important to support them.
They used the hashtag #exmuslimbecause eg.
#ExMuslimBecause many #Muslims seem to have a problem w/ people leaving #Islam but not with those who commit horrible atrocities in its name.
It never ends…. the daytime soap Doctors today had a nutrionist arrive in full niquab coverage right down to wearing gloves. The resident characters didn’t bat an eyelid and carried on as though she had walked in normally dressed. Cannot believe that would have happened in real life ! but seems we are subliminally being brainwashed through our soaps on all channels that this is ‘normal’ – sadly, and it grieves me to say this, but diversity has won, and there’s not a sodding thing we can do about it now.
Old Goat, I admire your optimism but, as expected, the DINOs have rigged the election and played dirty (just as the left always do) and Meglomaniac Clinton will get in. Unfortunately the number of easily-brainwashed people is well over 50% in all electorates.
Muslims do this because they are constantly pushing the envelope of what they can get away with.
In a properly functioning society he would be fired and potentially prosecuted but unfortunately we don’t live in one of those anymore.
They are out to destroy Trump. Soon the BBC will be running this story. Civil suit against Trump for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl at a sex party. Date for the trial fixed for December, after the election, so speculation can fester.
Dirt sticks.
It looks like the Saudis are in with a chance of winning the Presidential election
Wonder if that is a genuine prosecution
Or the thing I saw earlier
A private civil case that has failed twice already.
Oh yes it is that one
“It should be noted that anyone can file a civil complaint in federal court. ” Snopes has more ..and if there was anything in it they be hyping it ..and they aren’t
Offence supposed to have been 13 years ago. bit late to bring a case.
There will be an unending torrent of such accusations against Trump between now and polling day.
The MSM, the political class and the rest of the “elite” are terrified that might win.
I don’t recall the MSM going after Clinton in this fashion, when the activities in which he was involved were revealed and which so demeaned the office of POTUS.
I read the other day that on one occasion Monica Lewinsky, performed oral sex on him in the Oval Office whilst he was on the phone to a congressman; discussing the decision to deploy troops into a war zone. How absolutely appalling! The President talking about military action which may lead to the deaths and serious injury of men, far better than he, and all whilst he is indulging his basest appetites.
…..Civil suit against Trump for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl at a sex party………
The media is being relentless on these ‘alleged’ charges. Funny how Prince Andrew escaped with just a few days headlines with his ‘alleged’ charges of sexual indiscretions with a minor in the U.S And I’ve mentioned before on here about Charles’ sexual outbursts being made public – and yet both of these men are feted wherever they go. The journalists in this country are so bloody hypocritical and righteous, but were respectfully silent when the spotlight was on the Royal Family !!!!
8pm R4 Briefing Room tackles : Black Lives Matter UK
Will they ask proper questions or give them a free ride ?
Black Lives Matter is a protest movement formed in reaction to the killing of black people by police in the United States. Now there are BLM “chapters” in Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester and London.
Guests :
Doton Adebayo, journalist and BBC 5 live (token black) presenter
Stephen Bush (Black guy), special correspondent at The New Statesman
“Brexit Britain is bringing back the racism my family experience”
Kiri Kankhwende (Malawian), political commentator for Media Diversified
“Don’t Believe Brexiters: The Battle to Save the NHS Starts Now”
I have had to school everyone at my workplace about how easily manipulated they have been by the so-called BBC and their disgustingly biased and deplorable stance on Trump, now becoming ‘the truth about Trump’.
There are so many things things that are wrong with Trump, but the policies the Islamic Al Beeb have continually dismissed and disrespected are not them. The man is a brilliantly successful business maverick, but I agree a poor statesman….but ask anyone about what they disagree with what Trumps saying, and it’s never about his policies, it’s about his temperament and personality… The media created alternative personality! The devious bastards in the media knew all along that the majority of the US and UK agree with what Trump is saying… So they did what the vile left always do, and that is attack, lie, mislead and deceive relentlessly about the person who is bringing the message the left disagree with. They have done exactly the same with Farage. They play the man not the ball. They try and tarnish and discredit anyone they are threatened by to an extent that people feel ashamed to admit they agree with what’s being said.
The establishment create Trump. If it wasn’t for them once again sticking two fingers up to the US public and putting forward the most corrupt, conniving, hate filled lunatic on the planet in Clinton, Trump wouldn’t ve anywhere near the white house! The fact that the media are desperately trying to protect Clinton, tells you everything you need to know about the protectionist, self-interested, self serving club the elites have made for themselves.
The media should be attacking the political establishment for putting Clinton forward as a candidate. They should be as disgusted as we are and should be doing everything in their power to make everyone aware of how unfit and dangerous she is for office. The fact they are not proves that we needed someone as powerful, rich, independent, egotistical and mentally detached as Trump to take on everything the establishment could throw at them…. And still have the fight, the confidence and the minerals to take the fight head on
The BBC find UK non-news and inflate it to damage Trump.
BBC Online News:
‘Urinating on Donald Trump golf course’ charges dropped
“”A woman accused of urinating on US presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf course will not face court action””
“”The retired social worker told the BBC Scotland news website she was “absolutely relieved” and said: “All the way along I have felt this has been a nonsense. I did not do anything wrong””
“”It’s ironic they said my act was disgusting but you hear about Donald Trump’s claims about women. I know which I think are disgusting”” (Wham!! Drive it home BBC warriors!).
“”Sarah Malone, of Trump Golf Scotland, said: “It’s surprising that someone causing a nuisance and urinating in public is not prosecuted but this is a matter for the police and the procurator fiscal””
“She has absolutely no case against us and the claims made are baseless, untrue and quite frankly ridiculous””
“”We will continue to rigorously defend our business from activists and troublemakers like this””
Disproportionate representation of LGBT due to Virtue Signalling
6:32pm Radio 4 Comedy prog : Presenter “I’m comedian Joe Lycett from Birmingham, if you’ve never heard of me imagine a BISEXUAL Jasper carrot”
6:40pm Long Item on Hull being chosen for a 5 day Gay Pride Festival in 2017 : BBC Webpage about the event \\The UK’s “first ever” national LGBT+ pride event//
6:20pm Yorkshire TV Calendar : Item on sexual harassment : Interviews 2 students
: one fat girl wearing not very much clothes
: One bisexual guy who says he sometimes gets touched up by men
They claim sexual harassment is worse these days..I suspect it might have something to do with any old ruffian being allowed into uni these days + being a snowflake is OK these days.
BTW R4 the book of the week is a biography of Angela Carter : today they mentioned she started writing for feminist publishers and joined Spare Rib etc.
I guess the R4 managers chose the book cos she’s one of their tribe.
I caught a bit on Jeremy Vine today where some Scot was arguing that Scotland needed people and of course the BBC often tells us that we ‘need’ immigrants because we have an aging population that needs looking after.
This would make sense if the immigrants were on temporary work visas and didn’t bring their families in or breed here because if they stay then they will get old and need more immigrants etc.
A far simpler solution would be for young women to get married to young men and to have children and for the young women to stay at home looking after them and any aged parent that was around too! The roads would be empty and the streets clear of unemployed young men doing damage to infrastructure and each other. A sort of ‘working class’ utopia in fact.
Unfortunately this goes against eighty-odd years of BBC/Guardian campaigning to reverse thousands of years of ‘normal’ sex and to promote whatever dysfunctional lifestyle that will cause the most disruption to society.
Why else is it important to trail the sexuality of some trivial quiz programme presenter?
Hi Stew.
May I add that on the QI programme, chairperson Steven Fry (gay) is being replaced by new chairperson Sandi Toksvig (also gay). According to the ONS that is about a 2% chance of a 2% chance. 1 in 2500 in fact. Amazing?
Obviusly being a straight heterosexual ensures only limited employment opportunities at our world class state broadcaster.
I tried to watch bbbc news 24 today and I also had a listen to the bbbc R4 programme at 5pm.
Both news outlets now contain nothing more than a constant stream of anti Brexit or anti Trump propaganda to the exclusion of nearly all other news
Surely, this forum is not the only group/forum to have noticed all this.
It is a shameful disgrace that the bbbc has degenerated into this. It is now nothing more than a minority interest programme
Something must be done before they talk this country into a revolution………….
Oh….breaking news Geldof has housed a family of migrants in his luxury estate……..!!
Added thanks, JimS. Hannity does a great job, but talks too much over his guests. I certainly wanted to hear more from Eric Trump, who was cut off in full flow too many times.
Not that rally the west palm beach florida today.What trump is saying is only being reported on fox news in the whole of usa and uk.This total silence is worrying considering he’s made allegations against many and not even any denial just silence.Very dangerous times.
An extraodinary speech. It will not be reported by the BBC or our media. His charges are so serious that they cannot be ignored. His attack on the media is , to my mind, one of the best things I have ever heard from a politician.
Now we know the BBC is part and parcel of a Western media conspiracy against free people.Now we can openly say what we know to be true. The BBC is working against our Brexit decision. It is desperate to overturn our will and to stop Trump.
An amazing speech from Donald Trump. He speaks to 20,000, whilst Hillary Clinton struggles to fill a school gym. I just cannot believe that the American people have a collective death wish, and will vote for that corrupt woman.
I hope and pray that 8th November will be another 23rd June. Trump deserves to win. For the sake of America, he must win.
The pound had a thumping cos of uncertainty when hard brexit was mentioned. So Donald Tusk has seen this and said hard brexit is the only option unless we decide to stay.
Good edition of This Week with Katy Hopkins not allowing Brillo to get away with what was nothing more or less than a disingenuous anti-Trump rant from him. I’ve said on here before that I like Andrew Neil, but I certainly wasn’t impressed with him on this occasion. Hopkins openly accused the BBC of bias on both Trump and Brexit, and she had Neil visibly rattled by the end of the interview. Some fair observations from Michael Portillo also. Oh, and Katy consistently referred to the guest Labour politician and his lefty friends as ‘your sort’. I like it!
Taffman, a first brick in the wall, eh?
I do love the BBC’s arrogance in still believing their reporting is, “impartial” and “balanced”. Just goes to show how out of touch they are with the real world. Could it be a case of their close collaboration with their lefty, multicultural pals has irreversibly left them infected with the same disease?
I agree with the above couple of posts but yet again the programme was ended by a few minutes of video needlessly taking the piss out of Trump. It was unrelated to the purpose of the programme which I suppose is just about to be serious political debate
Leftyverse are running around saying “Trump, he’s a WITCH, burn him, burn him”
The Hillary Election corp has such power to influence our media, so now it puts out the constant barrage of mud against Trump and turns the Lefty verse into a baying mob.
Now that’s the “label and dismiss trick” in action, but it is wrong and uncivilised.
We are not in the 16th century anymore ..If someone has done something wrong we gather the evidence and see if it stands up, we don’t burn them first.
Hillary’s lot are so scared of Trump publicising the evidence against her, that they are desperately throwing out stuff to get get Trump burnt
… and act as a smokescreen against Trumps claims against her.
Apparently the Institute of Directors has called for the “temorary” scrapping of the “tens of thousands” immigration target so we have enough labour while we can train up the people we need before brexit restricts immigration.
Since the BBC is such an expert on subjects such as economics (especially regarding brexit). I was surprised that they did not advocate immigration controls on all immigrants except those qualified as doctors/engineers etc. Surerly then we can still keep the target as we are getting the people we want.
Mind you I suppose if they have a degree from University of Timbuktu in either Islamic studies or Uber Cab driving I suppose in the BBCs eyes that would be even more useful and relevant to our future and growth as a nation.
This is why I love Aunty so much – she is like an aged incontinent Aunt. She really cant help herself!
Indeed, the BBC finds herself in the same plight as the incontinent woman, ‘Mrs Emery’, who became a target of spiteful mockery in the ‘comedy series’ Little Britain. Funny how the wheel of life turns.
IIRC ‘I can’t recall’ was the mass affliction along the BBC high command bunker corridors at the time of the Pollard report, but was accepted as valid.
Hugs has now retired to spend more time with her millions, pining for attractive young men, if she can call them to mind in her addled state.
Not only does it put out a constant barrage against Trump, it actively suppresses any allegations going the other way.
Just a thought. It strikes me that Trump needs to bypass the press. String up posters on lamp posts everywhere. He could galvanise the huge crowds he gets to do this, point them to internet sites with good posters, because the last thing you want is SWP-type posters that no-one would look at.
Trump’s core vote is still holding up well. But he’s losing momentum. He was told NOT to raise Bill Clinton’s sex life as it backfired on the Republicans doing it when she stood as Senator – women objected to it. Obama never raised it during his primaries for that reason. After Trump made it clear he would go for Bill in the second debate, he left himself open to being undermined by similar accusations. I suspect the Democrats were sitting on that tape. Whilst in the scheme of things Trump’s boring alpha male trumpeting don’t amount to anything (clutching at straws with the one about the 12 year old), they have effectively lost him the female and many Christians vote.
Thankfully no serious allegations have surfaced: they aren’t any as Trump is all mouth and no trousers in this area.But he needs something more than the email saga at this stage to turn events.
The 1980 US election was swung, many say, by events in Tehran and the botched US rescue attempt. The hostages were released by Iran the day after Carter lost power to Reagan.
The Middle East looms large again in the American consciousness….one more loud bang preceeded by cries of “Alans new snackbar” and followed by mass casualties being carted away…and it`s over for Hilary.
Friends! The Hard-Right Guardian has put me on pre-moderation, so I was quite pleasantly surprised when this particular piece went through. Maybe the moderators, like some of the repliers, thought I was being serious …
"Friends! As those of us in the Remain Campaign – we are, after all, the 48%, which is as close to a majority as…" https://t.co/ph6BVbo4up
I wonder if, deep in the bowels of the BBC (not narrowing down much I know), a few souls of lingering integrity are coming to realise they are not really transparent, trusted or even winning the funny bone of the nation over.
I’m not too hopeful about that, but certainly there are a (alas, very) few people there – notably Brillo – who realises how utterly biased the BBC is.
I suspect that when Brillo finally retires, or is pushed, from the BBC, he will spill the beans, rather as Peter Sissons did a few years ago, about the Beeb’s astonishingly Leftist, pro-EU slant.
Never let it be said the BBC only ever asks easy underarm bowled questions to leftist politicians only so as to tee them up for a good uninterrupted leftist rant at our expense – just now on BBC TV News “So, Nicola Sturgeon – what about this Donald Trump, then?” (I paraphrase only slightly)
Some hereabouts occasionally question why one voluntarily suffers the slings and arrows of BBC trash TV ?
Well, apart from the obvious answer – we pay and even if one doesn’t watch the bastards are still broadcasting (don’t believe those German philosophers – you may not witness that tree fall but when you next visit the forest you sure as heck will still trip over the fallen log blocking your path).
And another reason is these slow ball media tossers do sometimes provide an unintential smile. This morning a BBC Breakfast branded-anorak-eunuch visits a Battle of Hastings 950 year celebration re-enactment. As we watch, rapt, daring the damp sod to make some Brexit comment he instead closes his piece to camera with a bizarre media mind mix up telling viewers that many re-enactors were on there way to Hastings “…to pay their respects… er.. take part…”
The Sturgeon was also interviewed on Toady after the 8am news. She was given a very easy time by the lefty woman interviewer . However even the interviewer had to query how an independent Scotland could survive well with its huge budget deficit in excess of that of Greece. As we know Sturgeon , Salmond et al don’t let economic realities intrude into their Bravehaert fantasyland . We are told by Sturgeon that the UK has a huge deficit too and by golly it’s going to get bigger.
All in all Sturgeon made a number of outrageous but unchallenged assertions about the benefits of the single market, the dire economic straits assuredly awaiting the UK etc. none challenged. It was almost a party political broadcast .
Despite this I’m confident that the Nats have peaked although clearly its not showing much yet. I predict an impoverished future for Sturgeon but not for the UK.
Interesting to see in The Times this morning that Lowell Goddard the Kiwi judge who recently resigned from the largely discredited Child Sexual Abuse inquiry was encouraged to resign on the grounds of racism after stating among other things that “Britain had so many paedophiles because it has so many Asian men.”
Clearly she was being 50% politically correct, as otherwise she would have said “so many Muslim men of Pakistani heritage”.
Another case where stating something that is a factually correct observation brings up the ‘racist’ charge.
No wonder the report will never see the light of day – too may inconvenient facts (sorry ‘racist’ possibilities).
If Lady Goddard really said that, then it is instructive that the first instinct of the left wing media establishment is to call her “racist”, rather than to consider that she has noticed an important truth.
We look back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and wonder how such a great power could have fallen so quickly. I don’t have any special answers, but I am pretty sure that the Romans realised at least that it would be a bad idea to allow the unrestricted immigration of Huns, Vandals and Goths, and then to forbid any criticism of these “New Romans” as being racist.
It is just possible that our left wing establishment is unique in human history for being the most stupid, naive and self-hating of any there has ever been. And it simply cannot end well. There is no precedent for a situation like this ever ending without bloodshed and widespread destruction, and, usually, the death of the decadent society which allowed itself to be infiltrated and hollowed out from within.
BBC Online News: (BBC author of the article admits she is Left Leaning and from North London. It’s a qualification of course in bias that she’s proud of).
“”US election: My secret life as a Texan Trump supporter””
“”….this was the beginning of a whole series of Trump-related emails, intended for Reuben R – evidently a loyal supporter of the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, but instead reaching me – a left-leaning, female writer living on the other side of the Atlantic””
“”And then I was offered the chance to put a “Vote Trump” sign in my front yard””
“Don’t be the only Trump supporter in your neighbourhood without a sign!” urged the message – although it seemed frankly unlikely that anyone else in Finchley would have one””
“”Should I put a “Vote Trump” sign up? I mused. I already had two signs attached to my gatepost – one in support of my children’s school summer fair, and the other urging locals to help the homeless in Barnet. I doubted there was room for a third””
“”The emails are formatted with huge font sizes and multi-coloured text, to make sure I don’t get bored – a bit like an online resource for primary schools””
Jon Sopel, 2200 BBC News 13th reporting on Trump v Clinton – Whilst Sopel tells us that our Donald has a strong, underlying and unflinching (forgive me) ‘Rump’ of support around the country, its effectively all over for Donald – he will lose. That’s bar the voting of course.
Fast forward – 0810 R4 Today, today – What is it that provokes the garden gnome from Scotland? I don’t believe that there’s been anybody out there poking around in the bushes with a stick to bring to bring her out and subject the listener to the monotone rants of the UK’s leading Fifth Columnist. “A Brexit is undemocratic” she rants, (that the majority of Scotland voted Remain). What’s, “undemocratic” I ask when the people of Scotland voted in 2014 to remain within the UK? Sarah Montague should have asked this obvious question bud didn’t. Well balanced interview then?
Please don’t spread the National Socialist lie that the majority of Scots voted to remain in the EU – it was the majority of those who voted, and NOT the majority of Scots.
There were 3,987,112 people eligible to vote in Scotland at this election but only 67.2% did.
There were 1,661,191 for Remain.
On behalf of my country I would like to apologise for that odious snivelling virtue-signalling Lily Allen. As if the poor children of The Jungle don’t have enough pain in their lives already, we submit them to the ordeal of a pop-star manquee seeking publicity. Shame on you England.
Brexit, as we should all know by now, is not a political statement endorsed by a democratic majority of the people. It is in fact a winged serpent that has old people and far-right racists straddling its slimy, scaly torso.
The fall in sterling is, if you believe the bbc wannabe journalists, all the fault of said winged serpent.
The possibility that there is an element of skulduggery involved in the demise of the notes adorned by Her Majesty’s boat race is not even worthy of consideration – that is if you are an amoebic halfwit.
A quick glance at the achievements of the banks and other financial institutions in recent years will give an idea of the power and corruption they have within those tall buildings.
> facilitated the world’s biggest financial crash (by flooding the market with sub-prime mortgages and other instruments based on same – Forrest Gump thought they were a box of chocolates but unfortunately they turned out to be a box of turds)
> Corrupting the LIBOR exchange rate – naughty naughty, a few traders thrown under the bus but were the institutions aware themselves?????????????
> the PPI scandal – still ongoing as our daily unsolicited calls will bear testament. A slap on the wrist for the banks but they are still paying the cost today and so they should. The banks thought they could just add a few percent to our mortgages, loans and credit cards and get away with it.
> RBS – forcing SMEs into debt and cashing in on the result – absolutely despicable.
So, given the history of these institutions and their market makers, FX traders et al, is it not even remotely possible that they may be involved somewhere along that downward trend in Sterling? That thought does not even cross the minds of the single-celled, blue peter financial reporting team. The institutions of course are part of the elite and are therefore graded snow-white, completely untainted with the mischief of manipulation. It must be that winged serpent then, there is no other explanation.
(credit to John le Carre for the penultimate sentence)
Not the BBC but WTF is with todays googles logo presentation of the well known “lady with the Lamp” as Florence Nightingale was known to her contemporaries and subsequently by us…but wait..it`s not Florence at all but Mary flippin` Seacole! who we`re instructed to “celebrate”
Fair play to Mary and her work with soldiers serving in the Crimean War, but trying to rewrite history in this subliminal way by hijacking Florence Nightingales historic alias just discredits all the organisations that do it, including “our” biased BBC.
But wait again….If Britain was a “racist” circle of hell before our enlightened, diverse times, how was Mary Seacole able to operate, and why was she operating in support of HM armed forces?
Perhaps she wasn`t a victim of “racism” at all, perhaps the Empire that she served wasn`t a “racist” entity at all.
Thanks google was that the message you wanted to convey?.
The Radio 4 Today Daily Hate for Trump was again in force.
Weird Will Gompertz (the man who got his job despite not having a degree or any broadcasting experience) was interviewing celebrity gay fashion designer Tom Ford, allowing him to plug his latest film on the oh so advert free BBC. The quid pro quo of course was that Tom Ford had to ritually denounce Trump as some sort of half witted demon. Of course he is Tom, that’s why he happens to own so much of New York City.
Never, ever, is there a word of criticism of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt, crooked and incompetent person who has ever run for the Presidency of the United States. It is like the Brexit vote all over again. I cannot say how much I hope the BBC wakes up on 9th November with a huge pile of egg all over their smug, left wing faces.
If the ftse 100 goes down, it’s bad news and the fault of Brexit.
If the ftse 100 goes up, it’s bad news and the fault of Brexit.
Same for the ftse 250.
If the £ goes up, our exports will become more expensive and is the fault of Brexit.
If the £ goes down, our imports become more expensive (marmite?) and is the fault of Brexit.
It appears that the BBC have all the angles covered when looking for bad news to blame on Brexit.
If the £ is becoming weaker, why lower interest rates?
Yes, a neutral news channel, but that’s the point. News is news and if, for example a plane falls out of the sky – the news is just that a plane has fallen out of the sky.
Unfortunately we have the BBC and while we can choose a newspaper or periodical to interpret and comment on the news, we have no such luxury when it comes to the omnipresent, monolithic BBC.
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:09 Start the Week 17th March 2025 > ‘She has been “hospitalised twice with chest pain” Has she been taking the Turkish juice?
atlas_shruggedMar 16, 23:06 Start the Week 17th March 2025 A good show from Dan Wooton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATUqucoSy3g In the show the BBC gets a well deserved kicking from the commentator…
Terminal MoraineMar 16, 22:59 Start the Week 17th March 2025 And again the BBC find a voice of sweetness and hope after an atrocity — “British daughter of Gaza hostage…
JohnCMar 16, 22:56 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Front page news at the BBC: ‘We are surrounded by an invisible killer. One so common that we barely notice…
FlotsamMar 16, 22:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 There’s a car boot sale in Crewe where groups of East European immigrants help themselves to stallholders goods. When the…
tomoMar 16, 22:25 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://twitter.com/hector_drummond/status/1901396632010121233 Trolley “at it” – he should be a litter picker for KFC [img]https://i.ibb.co/mrpb9fVP/Tosserr-Trolley.jpg[/img]
BRISSLESMar 16, 22:20 Start the Week 17th March 2025 On iPlayer the full series of Waking the Dead (start dated 2000 – ended 2011) is currently airing. Just started…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:15 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Quote “On @BBCRadio4 @BBCR4Sunday this morning, they visited a moque (in ex-church) & interviewed a Syrian who’d come to the…
StewGreenMar 16, 22:12 Start the Week 17th March 2025 That’s Cannon Hills , a Sunday market in Bradford .. Despite the Starmer title the same righty accounts tweeted a…
tomoMar 16, 22:09 Weekend 15th March 2025 Why hasn’t Parliament’s nose been firmly rubbed in this shit? [img]https://i.ibb.co/8LBtjQR7/magic-money-tree.jpg[/img]
I see Sturgeon is sh*t-stirring north of the border once again…
SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon announces new independence referendum bill
A consultation gets under way next week on plans for a second Scottish independence referendum, the SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. She told the party’s Glasgow conference that an Independence Referendum Bill would be published next week. It marks the first step to holding a second vote. Ms Sturgeon said Scotland had the right to choose a different path if it was not allowed to protect its interests “within the UK”.
‘Nationalism’ is only ‘good’ when it’s Scottish Nationalism. God forbid the English should ever break out their St George’s Cross – these days it’s tantamount to using racist language, according to the sneering progressive elites. The Scottish Nationalists can pretty much say what they like about the English (and they do), while the BBC nods along indulgently, ever uncritical, ever unself-aware of the implicit hypocrisy and hateful self-loathing they exercise over all things English.
Scotland wants to become ‘independent’ so it can immediately apply to join the EU’s burgeoning socialist superstate. Go figure.
An independent Scotland may not get the BBC!
The EU would accept Scotland with open arms because it can contribute ………………………………………and also ……………………………..not to mention………………………………………..and it’s………………………..
Not going too well in the most popular comments section for Wee Jane Krankie on front page news; I like the last one!
4. Posted by I want my User Name back
7 hours ago
Can someone please explain why Sturgeon wants to be independent from the rest of the UK, whilst at the same time being in the EU?
The only explanation I can find is that she simply hates the England and the English.
Posted by FedupGlasgow
on 7 hours ago
Not in my name, I wish she would just shut up and get the message, Scotland is a thriving part of the UK, we want to stay that way. This is just pandering to her “braveheart rabble”
Posted by inchindown
on 7 hours ago
So here we have sturgeon laying into the UK government for ignoring the wishes of the Scottish people over brexit, while at the same time she is totally ignoring the will of the Scottish people who voted decisively to remain part of the UK only a couple of years ago.
Talk about hypocrisy.
Posted by iplaybass
on 7 hours ago
So, it’s going to be a new referendum every couple of years until she get the ‘right’ outcome!
11. Posted by Dawn Turtle
7 hours ago
Sturgeon said the Scottish referendum was “once in a lifetime/generation”.
So she seems to have redefined the terms “generation” and “lifetime” as being about 3 years then.
Posted by nick
on 7 hours ago
Deluded socialist nutcase that is going to run Scotland into the ground.
Posted by Prion
on 7 hours ago
The politics of the SNP are divisive and dangerous. Little more than two years ago the people of Scotland said no. And a good job too, the price of oil crashed and the country would be bankrupt. Sturgeon should shut up and accept the ‘once in a generation’ vote, not that much has changed in the last two years. Her strategy is to keep going until she gets what she wants. Just a like any bully.
6. Posted by yicker on
7 hours ago
Sturgeon is doing her best to destroy Scotland..
13. Posted by ScottC
on 7 hours ago
The last thing we need in a period of great uncertainty is even more uncertainty. The economic case for iScotland is even worse than before based on the global economic outlook and the price of oil.
Comment number 14. Posted by Athame57
on 7 hours ago
The squeak goes on…and on…and on….
The SNP is very much like the EU. Both have only one real aim: in the case of the SNP it is Scottish “independence”, for the EU it is “ever closer union”.
They really cannot afford to pause in their aims, because if they do, people will realise there is no need for any of it. So the SNP just cannot accept that it is the government of a devolved part of the UK, because to do that accepts the status quo, and to do that means the SNP no longer stands for anything.
The only way this ends is for the SNP to keep holding referendums until they finally get the result they want, or for the people of Scotland to see sense and stop voting for the national socialist nutjobs. I honestly don’t know which will happen first.
MSM is trying a spoiler trick on student over stays
“only 1% of foreign non-EU STUDENTS overstay their visa” Times Front page
“only 1,500/year says secret report”
“not the tens of thousands previously claimed”
* secret report * Means non-challenged report
Migration Watch UK have a response
The 1% doesn’t take account of students who marry and stay.
– My first thought is 1% is still too much, you don’t go around saying “only 1% of people in my town are murderers , so that’s OK”.
More bBBC criticism – let’s keep exposing the bias people, our message is spreading.
‘…despite Brexit.’
Just booted Classic FM Global tripe off the wireless…again.. as they give la Sturge the airwaves to play Whinging Wallace ad nauseam about bloody Brexit.
Talking of bitter, lunatic harpies given way too much media time…
Back on T, here is the excellent BBC talking about the excellent BBC about this…
Nicola – please hurry up with the second referendum.
May I recommend this internet station as an alternative? No ads, no stupid biased “news” bulletins, just good classical music.
Many tx. In addition to their risible news, the car ads comprising 90% speed read disclaimers were getting ridiculous. That and Bill Turnbull.
I’ll also try that tomorrow. Thanks for the pointer.
Whitey on the Moon
Read the blurb:
“On July 20, 1969, man first stood on the moon; on December 18, 1972, man stood on the moon for the last time. What happened to end the dream of space exploration, left instead to the colorful imagination of Trekkies and science fiction fans believing some diverse band of humans could navigate the heavens in a utopian future?
The US Government neutered NASA by forcing a much different mission upon the space agency: diversity and the promotion of blacks. We went to the moon. On multiple occasions. When NASA was nearly all-white, with an all-white astronaut team.
But in 1972, the Apollo program was grounded, with the Space Shuttle program becoming a glorified experiment in social engineering and special interest group cheerleading. Each successive launch included women, blacks, and other racial minorities, not for the sake of exploration, but for the sake of gender and racial cheerleading.
The glory of NASA and mankind’s great moments in space exploration were all milestones performed under the watchful of an almost completely white NASA, devoid of the hindrance of affirmative action programs and the shackles of Equal Employment Opportunity mandates.
The mandate then was to get the moon; the mandate soon after was the promotion of blackness and diversity, at the expense of the initial dream of exploring the stars.
You have to wonder (hope?) whether the same fate befalls the BBC, the once great broadcasting organisation now pursuing exactly the same agenda.
I’m afraid it’s just another abuse of statistics. The bbc (for example) are very simplistic (simplistic to the point of ignorance) in their approach to diversity. They think that if X percent of the population is black then X percent of politicians, actors, policemen, astronauts etc, etc should be black too. Somebody needs to tell them that their Blue Peter mathematics model is not valid in the real world.
Micheal Caine told them
So did Charlotte Rampling
The liberals should stop inflicting diversity upon us and wait for merit to be earned and not handed out like a food parcel.
And IF Scotland does ever get back in the Eurinal and Merk’ phones Sturg’,”I sink you can take a few hundreds of thousands of our spare ‘refugees’ – yah?”
Before Sturg` phones Merk` her first question will be “can anyone explain the Barnett formula in German?”
Can anyone explain it in bloody English?
The Barnett Formula was a temporary measure to give, in public spending allocation, Scotland, Ireland and Wales more than England.
On a sliding scale Northern Ireland at the top, then Scotland, then Wales, then England. Designed 36 years ago – it is still in operation. It means the public spending allocation per person in Scotland is around £1300 more than a person in England.
Even Lord Barnett knew it was unfair, and did not expect it to last. It was an emergency measure designed to cobble together support for the Labour government when it had a majority of 2 in the House of Commons.
The moral of the story is when you give someone extra free money, they get very cross when you try to give them no more than their fair share.
Interesting piece, and comments.
Wondering if any of actual integrity within the BBC ponder why some things get the full glare of broadcast spotlight, analysis and bone-gnawing, whilst others get quietly popped on the back burner or down a memory hole.
While Saint Lily Allen signals for more migrants to cross the Med , The Timespg 34 has new info
More died than thought – A sunken ship was thought to have 700 dead, they found 900
Now estimate 30,000 dead in last 15 years.
– Marriage under age 18 in Germany maybe be banned due to migrant child marriage
1,475 U18 married last month, 361 Under 14
Can’t see it as being a deterrent, cos they just go by Islamic Law not German
– Year migrant count has been revised down from 1.1m to 0.89m due to some moving on and some double counting.
‘…Can’t see it as being a deterrent, cos they just go by Islamic Law not German.”
The nub of the issue, really. It’ll just go underground (where it’s always been, after all – just down there, in the gutter with all the rest of the effluence) and little kids will get raped regardless – but as long as dhimmi progressives can harmlessly virtue-signal, all is well! Inshalla.
Just looked at CNN site they say trump even if he won all of mitt Romney’s 2012 wins plus Ohio Florida Iowa Nevada north Carolina he would still be under the 270 electoral votes required and needs Pennsylvania or Michigan or Minnesota, now that’s not bias that’s false information (lies )those five states take him over the 270 figure.
May have got that wrong mitt Romney won north Carolina so trump would be up to 267 so needs Pennsylvania or Michigan
BBC Bias turns me off … Off goes the local news cos they’re hyping Brexit price scare
I do thank the Lord for all of you who Chronicle all this for me.
If I`ve got this straight, the news is of
a) a minor pop star last seen being carried out of the Notting Hill Festival with hardly ANY track record( yes, three or four above-average and witty songs…but hardly Scott McKenzies strike rate is it?)…the rather damaged kid of the (frankly awful, nasty and talentless)Keith Allen?-now speaking for The Nation as if anybody but the Usual give a damn about her Jungle Views.
Merely Kim Kardashian with a private school attitude, and the whiff of passive dope about her.
b) Samsung Blues going up in flames, encased in a spongebob coverlet which now has to double as a fire blanket
c) A load of fat blowhards and social workers waving their order papers at Putins cameras threatening REALLY BIG words, LOTS of working the Dog and putting on their angriest socks to “denounce in the strongest possible terms” the role of those Russians in Syria,
The Bystander President USED to be George Bush in Mew Orleans…so said the Parody of a man we knew as Bruce…but Syria is caused by Putin seeing HIS nation isn`t taken for mugs…whereas the west rather craves this.
In short-no new whatsoever…just bitching blowhards, victim vendettas and post-meaning pondweed to scoop and to offer as “news and analysis”.
Ta for listening…it keeps their like in a Job I expect!
That`s 2/66 done-64 to go!
The Times student essay competition
Should parliament be able to overrule the referendum?
1,000 words ..£3,500 prize .. closes Nov 25
It doesn’t say you have to answer Yes
ITV 10:40pm Tonight : Exposure: Islam’s Non-Believers
It’s not called the ‘religion of peace’ for nothing Stew!
What a tolerant and measured response from a mother to her child… and this is from the gentler of the sexes!!
It’s amazing how quickly Muslims remember Muhammads instructions when they believe the infidels aren’t around!
I thought that was a pretty good programme , lots of people particularly women who stood up who left women.
..”My family disowned me saying You’re a kafir now”
…”I said mum I’ve been a kafir for the last 10 years and you still loved me, so nothing has changed within me.”
Dogmatic faith is responsible for so many of societies problems so when some one switches from any dogmatic faith (whether like socialism, Islam or another)
.. to evidence and logic, then society can move forward.
I think it’s so important to support them.
They used the hashtag #exmuslimbecause eg.
Of course the DINOs (Democrats in Name Only) claim that Trump spporters are the racists and that Trump supporters are the violent ones. Hmmm.
It never ends…. the daytime soap Doctors today had a nutrionist arrive in full niquab coverage right down to wearing gloves. The resident characters didn’t bat an eyelid and carried on as though she had walked in normally dressed. Cannot believe that would have happened in real life ! but seems we are subliminally being brainwashed through our soaps on all channels that this is ‘normal’ – sadly, and it grieves me to say this, but diversity has won, and there’s not a sodding thing we can do about it now.
The next President of the USA in West Palm Beach, now…
Old Goat, I admire your optimism but, as expected, the DINOs have rigged the election and played dirty (just as the left always do) and Meglomaniac Clinton will get in. Unfortunately the number of easily-brainwashed people is well over 50% in all electorates.
Anyone seen this on the BBC?
Muslims protesting in London. What possible reason could there be for this oversight?
Anti-terror and anti-racism. What have I missed? Oh I see, women march at the back please.
I wonder if Al-Beeb will report this?
Muslims do this because they are constantly pushing the envelope of what they can get away with.
In a properly functioning society he would be fired and potentially prosecuted but unfortunately we don’t live in one of those anymore.
They are out to destroy Trump. Soon the BBC will be running this story. Civil suit against Trump for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl at a sex party. Date for the trial fixed for December, after the election, so speculation can fester.
Dirt sticks.
It looks like the Saudis are in with a chance of winning the Presidential election
Wonder if that is a genuine prosecution
Or the thing I saw earlier
A private civil case that has failed twice already.
Oh yes it is that one
“It should be noted that anyone can file a civil complaint in federal court. ” Snopes has more ..and if there was anything in it they be hyping it ..and they aren’t
Offence supposed to have been 13 years ago. bit late to bring a case.
All news today is reporting something first reported on September 22nd. If it was that hot MSM would have reported it closed to that time
There will be an unending torrent of such accusations against Trump between now and polling day.
The MSM, the political class and the rest of the “elite” are terrified that might win.
I don’t recall the MSM going after Clinton in this fashion, when the activities in which he was involved were revealed and which so demeaned the office of POTUS.
I read the other day that on one occasion Monica Lewinsky, performed oral sex on him in the Oval Office whilst he was on the phone to a congressman; discussing the decision to deploy troops into a war zone. How absolutely appalling! The President talking about military action which may lead to the deaths and serious injury of men, far better than he, and all whilst he is indulging his basest appetites.
…..Civil suit against Trump for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl at a sex party………
The media is being relentless on these ‘alleged’ charges. Funny how Prince Andrew escaped with just a few days headlines with his ‘alleged’ charges of sexual indiscretions with a minor in the U.S And I’ve mentioned before on here about Charles’ sexual outbursts being made public – and yet both of these men are feted wherever they go. The journalists in this country are so bloody hypocritical and righteous, but were respectfully silent when the spotlight was on the Royal Family !!!!
8pm R4 Briefing Room tackles : Black Lives Matter UK
Will they ask proper questions or give them a free ride ?
BBC Online News:
‘Dark day’ if Trump wins US election
“”Actor Tom Hanks has said it will be a dark day if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election””
The BBC obviously find it impossible to locate anyone who would find it to be a ‘bright day’ if Trump was elected. They could of course interview me.
And me Dover!
I have had to school everyone at my workplace about how easily manipulated they have been by the so-called BBC and their disgustingly biased and deplorable stance on Trump, now becoming ‘the truth about Trump’.
There are so many things things that are wrong with Trump, but the policies the Islamic Al Beeb have continually dismissed and disrespected are not them. The man is a brilliantly successful business maverick, but I agree a poor statesman….but ask anyone about what they disagree with what Trumps saying, and it’s never about his policies, it’s about his temperament and personality… The media created alternative personality! The devious bastards in the media knew all along that the majority of the US and UK agree with what Trump is saying… So they did what the vile left always do, and that is attack, lie, mislead and deceive relentlessly about the person who is bringing the message the left disagree with. They have done exactly the same with Farage. They play the man not the ball. They try and tarnish and discredit anyone they are threatened by to an extent that people feel ashamed to admit they agree with what’s being said.
The establishment create Trump. If it wasn’t for them once again sticking two fingers up to the US public and putting forward the most corrupt, conniving, hate filled lunatic on the planet in Clinton, Trump wouldn’t ve anywhere near the white house! The fact that the media are desperately trying to protect Clinton, tells you everything you need to know about the protectionist, self-interested, self serving club the elites have made for themselves.
The media should be attacking the political establishment for putting Clinton forward as a candidate. They should be as disgusted as we are and should be doing everything in their power to make everyone aware of how unfit and dangerous she is for office. The fact they are not proves that we needed someone as powerful, rich, independent, egotistical and mentally detached as Trump to take on everything the establishment could throw at them…. And still have the fight, the confidence and the minerals to take the fight head on
Be careful, Tothepoint.
I once thought I did my colleagues a favour by telling them about what happened to 1,400 children in Rotherham. They now think I am a lunatic, racist.
We need the BBC to be honest so the public knows what is happening in the UK, as 75% of the country get their news from the BBC.
The BBC find UK non-news and inflate it to damage Trump.
BBC Online News:
‘Urinating on Donald Trump golf course’ charges dropped
“”A woman accused of urinating on US presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s Aberdeenshire golf course will not face court action””
“”The retired social worker told the BBC Scotland news website she was “absolutely relieved” and said: “All the way along I have felt this has been a nonsense. I did not do anything wrong””
“”It’s ironic they said my act was disgusting but you hear about Donald Trump’s claims about women. I know which I think are disgusting”” (Wham!! Drive it home BBC warriors!).
“”Sarah Malone, of Trump Golf Scotland, said: “It’s surprising that someone causing a nuisance and urinating in public is not prosecuted but this is a matter for the police and the procurator fiscal””
“She has absolutely no case against us and the claims made are baseless, untrue and quite frankly ridiculous””
“”We will continue to rigorously defend our business from activists and troublemakers like this””
The BBC news team must have been overcome by glee when they found this pointless bit of drivel.
I’m glad that she was ‘absolutely relieved’, (was that before or after the arrest?).
Disproportionate representation of LGBT due to Virtue Signalling
6:32pm Radio 4 Comedy prog : Presenter “I’m comedian Joe Lycett from Birmingham, if you’ve never heard of me imagine a BISEXUAL Jasper carrot”
6:40pm Long Item on Hull being chosen for a 5 day Gay Pride Festival in 2017 : BBC Webpage about the event \\The UK’s “first ever” national LGBT+ pride event//
6:20pm Yorkshire TV Calendar : Item on sexual harassment : Interviews 2 students
: one fat girl wearing not very much clothes
: One bisexual guy who says he sometimes gets touched up by men
They claim sexual harassment is worse these days..I suspect it might have something to do with any old ruffian being allowed into uni these days + being a snowflake is OK these days.
BTW R4 the book of the week is a biography of Angela Carter : today they mentioned she started writing for feminist publishers and joined Spare Rib etc.
I guess the R4 managers chose the book cos she’s one of their tribe.
I caught a bit on Jeremy Vine today where some Scot was arguing that Scotland needed people and of course the BBC often tells us that we ‘need’ immigrants because we have an aging population that needs looking after.
This would make sense if the immigrants were on temporary work visas and didn’t bring their families in or breed here because if they stay then they will get old and need more immigrants etc.
A far simpler solution would be for young women to get married to young men and to have children and for the young women to stay at home looking after them and any aged parent that was around too! The roads would be empty and the streets clear of unemployed young men doing damage to infrastructure and each other. A sort of ‘working class’ utopia in fact.
Unfortunately this goes against eighty-odd years of BBC/Guardian campaigning to reverse thousands of years of ‘normal’ sex and to promote whatever dysfunctional lifestyle that will cause the most disruption to society.
Why else is it important to trail the sexuality of some trivial quiz programme presenter?
JimS – solid post.
Hi Stew.
May I add that on the QI programme, chairperson Steven Fry (gay) is being replaced by new chairperson Sandi Toksvig (also gay). According to the ONS that is about a 2% chance of a 2% chance. 1 in 2500 in fact. Amazing?
Obviusly being a straight heterosexual ensures only limited employment opportunities at our world class state broadcaster.
BBC balance, see.
I tried to watch bbbc news 24 today and I also had a listen to the bbbc R4 programme at 5pm.
Both news outlets now contain nothing more than a constant stream of anti Brexit or anti Trump propaganda to the exclusion of nearly all other news
Surely, this forum is not the only group/forum to have noticed all this.
It is a shameful disgrace that the bbbc has degenerated into this. It is now nothing more than a minority interest programme
Something must be done before they talk this country into a revolution………….
Oh….breaking news Geldof has housed a family of migrants in his luxury estate……..!!
Nah, don’t be silly, only joking
BBC Online News: (Buried in Regional News).
“”Sex assault Imam Hifiz Rahman flees UK ahead of sentencing””
“”An imam who sexually assaulted two girls in the 1980s has fled the UK for Bangladesh ahead of being sentenced””
“”It emerged at the trial that he carried out “almost daily” assaults on one girl who feared not being believed if she told anyone””
Why are the ages of the girls not reported by the BBC?
The girl’s age of 7 was provided by BT News:
Can someone put up the link of eric trump on hannity fox news yesterday please?
Thanks jim
Added thanks, JimS. Hannity does a great job, but talks too much over his guests. I certainly wanted to hear more from Eric Trump, who was cut off in full flow too many times.
Trump has said it all in latest florida rally everything ‘s out in the open,what a man .
I don’t understand why nobody is talking about or bbc reporting what trump is saying at this florida rally,this is huge stuff.
This is a very good article by Ann Coulter, about the hypocrisy of the lying media in the U.S.
Trump is coming out fighting
Not that rally the west palm beach florida today.What trump is saying is only being reported on fox news in the whole of usa and uk.This total silence is worrying considering he’s made allegations against many and not even any denial just silence.Very dangerous times.
Just reported on “weekly politics”.
Hillary has been called to some court to other, over her responses to her leaked emails.
“I cannot remember” seems to be an unacceptable response to 21 questions.
Failure to reply will be treated as perjury.
Christmas seems to be coming early this year.
An extraodinary speech. It will not be reported by the BBC or our media. His charges are so serious that they cannot be ignored. His attack on the media is , to my mind, one of the best things I have ever heard from a politician.
Now we know the BBC is part and parcel of a Western media conspiracy against free people.Now we can openly say what we know to be true. The BBC is working against our Brexit decision. It is desperate to overturn our will and to stop Trump.
Many thanks for posting this vid. Just watched the first 10 minutes (will catch up with the rest tomorrow) and it’s brilliant stuff.
An amazing speech from Donald Trump. He speaks to 20,000, whilst Hillary Clinton struggles to fill a school gym. I just cannot believe that the American people have a collective death wish, and will vote for that corrupt woman.
I hope and pray that 8th November will be another 23rd June. Trump deserves to win. For the sake of America, he must win.
10:25 “The Clintons are criminals”.
Then he says it again for emphasis! Said by one presidential candidate about the other: surely that should be a news headline?!
But I’m only aware of it b/c I use this forum.
The pound had a thumping cos of uncertainty when hard brexit was mentioned. So Donald Tusk has seen this and said hard brexit is the only option unless we decide to stay.
What a c**t. The sooner we are out the better.
“Speaking in Brussels, he warned that the EU would not compromise on its insistence that freedom of movement will be a condition for Britain’s access to the single market.”
In short, Tusk threatens – take our surplus migrants or be damned …………….
Given a little time, I believe the EU will implode. It depends on the tenacity of our present government ‘with a little help’ from Farage.
They sell more to us than we sell to them . There’s a big growing world outside the EU.
Its about time the government to hold of this abuse of the Telly Tax
Errata !
Its about time the government took hold of this abuse of the Telly Tax.
It should hit Al Beeb’s news desk later this morning , but will they mention it ?
Shwmae taffman.
What’s wrong with a good old bit of Anglo/Saxon (with some respect to our Celtic friends – I don’t think Google Translate would manage).
Over to you on that one Rhif Saith, but one could shout …
…… bant ! Tusk. 😉
As an Englishman “I couldn’t really comment”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good edition of This Week with Katy Hopkins not allowing Brillo to get away with what was nothing more or less than a disingenuous anti-Trump rant from him. I’ve said on here before that I like Andrew Neil, but I certainly wasn’t impressed with him on this occasion. Hopkins openly accused the BBC of bias on both Trump and Brexit, and she had Neil visibly rattled by the end of the interview. Some fair observations from Michael Portillo also. Oh, and Katy consistently referred to the guest Labour politician and his lefty friends as ‘your sort’. I like it!
“The quarterback (Neil) was toast”.
Question. Why is British Media so Anti Brexit and Anti Trump ?
Answers on a postage stamp .
Taffman, a first brick in the wall, eh?
I do love the BBC’s arrogance in still believing their reporting is, “impartial” and “balanced”. Just goes to show how out of touch they are with the real world. Could it be a case of their close collaboration with their lefty, multicultural pals has irreversibly left them infected with the same disease?
I agree with the above couple of posts but yet again the programme was ended by a few minutes of video needlessly taking the piss out of Trump. It was unrelated to the purpose of the programme which I suppose is just about to be serious political debate
Is the bbbc EVER going to run a pro Brexit item?
Leftyverse are running around saying “Trump, he’s a WITCH, burn him, burn him”
The Hillary Election corp has such power to influence our media, so now it puts out the constant barrage of mud against Trump and turns the Lefty verse into a baying mob.
Now that’s the “label and dismiss trick” in action, but it is wrong and uncivilised.
We are not in the 16th century anymore ..If someone has done something wrong we gather the evidence and see if it stands up, we don’t burn them first.
Hillary’s lot are so scared of Trump publicising the evidence against her, that they are desperately throwing out stuff to get get Trump burnt
… and act as a smokescreen against Trumps claims against her.
As I posted above:-
Just reported on “weekly politics”.
Hillary has been called to some court to other, over her responses to her leaked emails.
“I cannot remember” seems to be an unacceptable response to 21 questions.
Failure to reply will be treated as perjury.
Christmas seems to be coming early this year.
Christmas seems to be coming early this year.
Nice little touch on the BBC “news” at 5.30
Apparently the Institute of Directors has called for the “temorary” scrapping of the “tens of thousands” immigration target so we have enough labour while we can train up the people we need before brexit restricts immigration.
Since the BBC is such an expert on subjects such as economics (especially regarding brexit). I was surprised that they did not advocate immigration controls on all immigrants except those qualified as doctors/engineers etc. Surerly then we can still keep the target as we are getting the people we want.
Mind you I suppose if they have a degree from University of Timbuktu in either Islamic studies or Uber Cab driving I suppose in the BBCs eyes that would be even more useful and relevant to our future and growth as a nation.
This is why I love Aunty so much – she is like an aged incontinent Aunt. She really cant help herself!
Indeed, the BBC finds herself in the same plight as the incontinent woman, ‘Mrs Emery’, who became a target of spiteful mockery in the ‘comedy series’ Little Britain. Funny how the wheel of life turns.
IIRC ‘I can’t recall’ was the mass affliction along the BBC high command bunker corridors at the time of the Pollard report, but was accepted as valid.
Hugs has now retired to spend more time with her millions, pining for attractive young men, if she can call them to mind in her addled state.
Not only does it put out a constant barrage against Trump, it actively suppresses any allegations going the other way.
Just a thought. It strikes me that Trump needs to bypass the press. String up posters on lamp posts everywhere. He could galvanise the huge crowds he gets to do this, point them to internet sites with good posters, because the last thing you want is SWP-type posters that no-one would look at.
Trump’s core vote is still holding up well. But he’s losing momentum. He was told NOT to raise Bill Clinton’s sex life as it backfired on the Republicans doing it when she stood as Senator – women objected to it. Obama never raised it during his primaries for that reason. After Trump made it clear he would go for Bill in the second debate, he left himself open to being undermined by similar accusations. I suspect the Democrats were sitting on that tape. Whilst in the scheme of things Trump’s boring alpha male trumpeting don’t amount to anything (clutching at straws with the one about the 12 year old), they have effectively lost him the female and many Christians vote.
Thankfully no serious allegations have surfaced: they aren’t any as Trump is all mouth and no trousers in this area.But he needs something more than the email saga at this stage to turn events.
The 1980 US election was swung, many say, by events in Tehran and the botched US rescue attempt. The hostages were released by Iran the day after Carter lost power to Reagan.
The Middle East looms large again in the American consciousness….one more loud bang preceeded by cries of “Alans new snackbar” and followed by mass casualties being carted away…and it`s over for Hilary.
This is a very dangerous time.
Diane Abbott causing trouble again
Friends! The Hard-Right Guardian has put me on pre-moderation, so I was quite pleasantly surprised when this particular piece went through. Maybe the moderators, like some of the repliers, thought I was being serious …
Has it been established yet whether this ‘hard’ vs. ‘Soft’ lark was a creation of the Eu PR department, the BBC?
Friend Guest, I am not sure, but the BBC certainly is fond of pushing this particular narrative.
Friend Sol, they have others….
The comments suggest few are buying the BBC narrative any more, and Danny’s response to key questions is…. typically… silence.
Friend Guest, in case you didn’t see my Tweet about Hate Crime, here it is, just for you:
I wonder if, deep in the bowels of the BBC (not narrowing down much I know), a few souls of lingering integrity are coming to realise they are not really transparent, trusted or even winning the funny bone of the nation over.
I’m not too hopeful about that, but certainly there are a (alas, very) few people there – notably Brillo – who realises how utterly biased the BBC is.
I suspect that when Brillo finally retires, or is pushed, from the BBC, he will spill the beans, rather as Peter Sissons did a few years ago, about the Beeb’s astonishingly Leftist, pro-EU slant.
Never let it be said the BBC only ever asks easy underarm bowled questions to leftist politicians only so as to tee them up for a good uninterrupted leftist rant at our expense – just now on BBC TV News “So, Nicola Sturgeon – what about this Donald Trump, then?” (I paraphrase only slightly)
Some hereabouts occasionally question why one voluntarily suffers the slings and arrows of BBC trash TV ?
Well, apart from the obvious answer – we pay and even if one doesn’t watch the bastards are still broadcasting (don’t believe those German philosophers – you may not witness that tree fall but when you next visit the forest you sure as heck will still trip over the fallen log blocking your path).
And another reason is these slow ball media tossers do sometimes provide an unintential smile. This morning a BBC Breakfast branded-anorak-eunuch visits a Battle of Hastings 950 year celebration re-enactment. As we watch, rapt, daring the damp sod to make some Brexit comment he instead closes his piece to camera with a bizarre media mind mix up telling viewers that many re-enactors were on there way to Hastings “…to pay their respects… er.. take part…”
King Harold jokes – too soon?
The Sturgeon was also interviewed on Toady after the 8am news. She was given a very easy time by the lefty woman interviewer . However even the interviewer had to query how an independent Scotland could survive well with its huge budget deficit in excess of that of Greece. As we know Sturgeon , Salmond et al don’t let economic realities intrude into their Bravehaert fantasyland . We are told by Sturgeon that the UK has a huge deficit too and by golly it’s going to get bigger.
All in all Sturgeon made a number of outrageous but unchallenged assertions about the benefits of the single market, the dire economic straits assuredly awaiting the UK etc. none challenged. It was almost a party political broadcast .
Despite this I’m confident that the Nats have peaked although clearly its not showing much yet. I predict an impoverished future for Sturgeon but not for the UK.
Interesting to see in The Times this morning that Lowell Goddard the Kiwi judge who recently resigned from the largely discredited Child Sexual Abuse inquiry was encouraged to resign on the grounds of racism after stating among other things that “Britain had so many paedophiles because it has so many Asian men.”
Clearly she was being 50% politically correct, as otherwise she would have said “so many Muslim men of Pakistani heritage”.
Another case where stating something that is a factually correct observation brings up the ‘racist’ charge.
No wonder the report will never see the light of day – too may inconvenient facts (sorry ‘racist’ possibilities).
The dyke is springing a lot of leaks. The establishment will eventually run out of fingers.
And the collapse will not be pretty.
If Lady Goddard really said that, then it is instructive that the first instinct of the left wing media establishment is to call her “racist”, rather than to consider that she has noticed an important truth.
We look back at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and wonder how such a great power could have fallen so quickly. I don’t have any special answers, but I am pretty sure that the Romans realised at least that it would be a bad idea to allow the unrestricted immigration of Huns, Vandals and Goths, and then to forbid any criticism of these “New Romans” as being racist.
It is just possible that our left wing establishment is unique in human history for being the most stupid, naive and self-hating of any there has ever been. And it simply cannot end well. There is no precedent for a situation like this ever ending without bloodshed and widespread destruction, and, usually, the death of the decadent society which allowed itself to be infiltrated and hollowed out from within.
BBC Online News: (BBC author of the article admits she is Left Leaning and from North London. It’s a qualification of course in bias that she’s proud of).
“”US election: My secret life as a Texan Trump supporter””
“”….this was the beginning of a whole series of Trump-related emails, intended for Reuben R – evidently a loyal supporter of the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, but instead reaching me – a left-leaning, female writer living on the other side of the Atlantic””
“”And then I was offered the chance to put a “Vote Trump” sign in my front yard””
“Don’t be the only Trump supporter in your neighbourhood without a sign!” urged the message – although it seemed frankly unlikely that anyone else in Finchley would have one””
“”Should I put a “Vote Trump” sign up? I mused. I already had two signs attached to my gatepost – one in support of my children’s school summer fair, and the other urging locals to help the homeless in Barnet. I doubted there was room for a third””
“”The emails are formatted with huge font sizes and multi-coloured text, to make sure I don’t get bored – a bit like an online resource for primary schools””
I dare the BBC to fulfill it’s remit and write a report that is pro-Trump.
Jon Sopel, 2200 BBC News 13th reporting on Trump v Clinton – Whilst Sopel tells us that our Donald has a strong, underlying and unflinching (forgive me) ‘Rump’ of support around the country, its effectively all over for Donald – he will lose. That’s bar the voting of course.
Fast forward – 0810 R4 Today, today – What is it that provokes the garden gnome from Scotland? I don’t believe that there’s been anybody out there poking around in the bushes with a stick to bring to bring her out and subject the listener to the monotone rants of the UK’s leading Fifth Columnist. “A Brexit is undemocratic” she rants, (that the majority of Scotland voted Remain). What’s, “undemocratic” I ask when the people of Scotland voted in 2014 to remain within the UK? Sarah Montague should have asked this obvious question bud didn’t. Well balanced interview then?
Please don’t spread the National Socialist lie that the majority of Scots voted to remain in the EU – it was the majority of those who voted, and NOT the majority of Scots.
There were 3,987,112 people eligible to vote in Scotland at this election but only 67.2% did.
There were 1,661,191 for Remain.
41% is NOT a majority.
when does the rest of the uk get a vote on whether we want the snp to keep scrounging off us
On behalf of my country I would like to apologise for that odious snivelling virtue-signalling Lily Allen. As if the poor children of The Jungle don’t have enough pain in their lives already, we submit them to the ordeal of a pop-star manquee seeking publicity. Shame on you England.
Brexit, as we should all know by now, is not a political statement endorsed by a democratic majority of the people. It is in fact a winged serpent that has old people and far-right racists straddling its slimy, scaly torso.
The fall in sterling is, if you believe the bbc wannabe journalists, all the fault of said winged serpent.
The possibility that there is an element of skulduggery involved in the demise of the notes adorned by Her Majesty’s boat race is not even worthy of consideration – that is if you are an amoebic halfwit.
A quick glance at the achievements of the banks and other financial institutions in recent years will give an idea of the power and corruption they have within those tall buildings.
> facilitated the world’s biggest financial crash (by flooding the market with sub-prime mortgages and other instruments based on same – Forrest Gump thought they were a box of chocolates but unfortunately they turned out to be a box of turds)
> Corrupting the LIBOR exchange rate – naughty naughty, a few traders thrown under the bus but were the institutions aware themselves?????????????
> the PPI scandal – still ongoing as our daily unsolicited calls will bear testament. A slap on the wrist for the banks but they are still paying the cost today and so they should. The banks thought they could just add a few percent to our mortgages, loans and credit cards and get away with it.
> RBS – forcing SMEs into debt and cashing in on the result – absolutely despicable.
So, given the history of these institutions and their market makers, FX traders et al, is it not even remotely possible that they may be involved somewhere along that downward trend in Sterling? That thought does not even cross the minds of the single-celled, blue peter financial reporting team. The institutions of course are part of the elite and are therefore graded snow-white, completely untainted with the mischief of manipulation. It must be that winged serpent then, there is no other explanation.
(credit to John le Carre for the penultimate sentence)
Not the BBC but WTF is with todays googles logo presentation of the well known “lady with the Lamp” as Florence Nightingale was known to her contemporaries and subsequently by us…but wait..it`s not Florence at all but Mary flippin` Seacole! who we`re instructed to “celebrate”
Fair play to Mary and her work with soldiers serving in the Crimean War, but trying to rewrite history in this subliminal way by hijacking Florence Nightingales historic alias just discredits all the organisations that do it, including “our” biased BBC.
But wait again….If Britain was a “racist” circle of hell before our enlightened, diverse times, how was Mary Seacole able to operate, and why was she operating in support of HM armed forces?
Perhaps she wasn`t a victim of “racism” at all, perhaps the Empire that she served wasn`t a “racist” entity at all.
Thanks google was that the message you wanted to convey?.
The Radio 4 Today Daily Hate for Trump was again in force.
Weird Will Gompertz (the man who got his job despite not having a degree or any broadcasting experience) was interviewing celebrity gay fashion designer Tom Ford, allowing him to plug his latest film on the oh so advert free BBC. The quid pro quo of course was that Tom Ford had to ritually denounce Trump as some sort of half witted demon. Of course he is Tom, that’s why he happens to own so much of New York City.
Never, ever, is there a word of criticism of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt, crooked and incompetent person who has ever run for the Presidency of the United States. It is like the Brexit vote all over again. I cannot say how much I hope the BBC wakes up on 9th November with a huge pile of egg all over their smug, left wing faces.
Go Trump!
If the ftse 100 goes down, it’s bad news and the fault of Brexit.
If the ftse 100 goes up, it’s bad news and the fault of Brexit.
Same for the ftse 250.
If the £ goes up, our exports will become more expensive and is the fault of Brexit.
If the £ goes down, our imports become more expensive (marmite?) and is the fault of Brexit.
It appears that the BBC have all the angles covered when looking for bad news to blame on Brexit.
If the £ is becoming weaker, why lower interest rates?
How I wish we had a neutral news channel.
Yes, a neutral news channel, but that’s the point. News is news and if, for example a plane falls out of the sky – the news is just that a plane has fallen out of the sky.
Unfortunately we have the BBC and while we can choose a newspaper or periodical to interpret and comment on the news, we have no such luxury when it comes to the omnipresent, monolithic BBC.