From Guido…
“The BBC has guidelines about journalists mouthing off their left-wing views on Twitter, guidelines ignored by Danny Carpenter of BBC Look North, who has rip on Facebook about the government in a comment on a post by Caroline Lucas of the Green Party:”
Is there any doubt that Mr Carpenter speaks on behalf of more than a few of his BBC pals? Sack him.
I somehow don’t think al jabeeba will sack this rat faced so called journalist. On the contrary, he’ll probably end up on newsnight with that other pompous prick James O’Brien, given a pay rise and be worshipped as a hero by the traitorous left
It’s taken me a while to put my finger on why people like Carpenter, O’Brien and most of the political elites are so extreme in their descriptions ie Nazi, racist, xenophobic etc, it is in all seriousness a form of paranoia, an inability to grasp reality, a siege like mentality….. God I enjoy lapping up their pain and laughing it back at them. Whenever you argue with these people remember you cannot win with them, but if you laugh maybe a sympathetic smile or two for them it will turn them absolutely apoplectic. Especially the young snowflakes.
I used to try and get on O’Briens show but they never let me on, so I used to regularly email him every time he had a dig at IDS on his show and remind him of the absolute spanking he got when he interviewed IDS ( a very astute man ) on his show a couple of years ago. It is fear and paranoia when you are afraid to argue and debate your foes which is where the BBC is, they have no ‘two sides’ debate when they have interviewees or ‘experts’ on news programmes. Only the preferred narrative is heard now, no ‘two sides of the coin’ exists in news media anymore, because to them the other side of the coin is, ‘racist, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic’ etc. The paranoia and delusion of these people is open for all to see, the BBC making absolutely no pretence at impartiality because it really does believe that it is the voice of reason impartiality and normality the other side of the coin being quite frankly the voice of the Antichrist, the Lepers, the Asylum mob and we must be kept outside of ‘civilized society’.
‘It is fear and paranoia when you are afraid to argue and debate your foes…’
In O’Brien’s case he ridicules those with who he disagrees. He is essentially a bully in charge of the switches and knob that gives him total control.
If he thinks he can publicly belittle or humiliate you (or your argument), make no mistake – he’ll have you on in a flash.
I realise who he is now. A sneering bully but really fearful of anyone who stands up to him. The BBc is full of them.
Their day is ending.
It’s the same with Climate Change. All the important scientists with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy are censored by the BBC. And all because the BBC has agreed with the environmental activist morons of Friends of the Earth, that the debate is over, and the environmental activists have won the debate.
Imagine if the BBC was forced to air a three hour live debate about Climate science, with the requirement to Invite all scientists in Britain with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy, to attend, and answer the questions below.
Question (1) Is it true that the Arrhenius formula used in Computer models never works in the real world, or on Mars and Venus.
Question (2) As the new Nikolov & Zeller formula always works in the real world, including Mars and Venus, then does this not prove that Carbon Dioxide is not the cause of Climate Change.
Question (3) If Solar irradiance is not the cause of Climate Change, and observations indicate and correlate with changes in Cloud Albedo, then can all those Solar Scientists present, now be allowed to explain the complicated story of how and why the speed of plasma within the Sun, causes Climate Change?
Lord Hall’s answer, NO, my seminar of environmental activists, pretending to be the “Best Scientific Experts” has advised the BBC to impose a censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate.
The Grand Solar Minimum will put a few of the so called BBC scientists out of work.
Wouldn’t mind betting that most of these paranoid BBC male employees are either married to continental women (or men for that matter), or their closest friends are French/Spanish, or they have holiday homes in France or Spain and fear upsetting their French Spanish neighbours when they go “home” to France or Spain – not bothered about their English neighbours as they never like white working class people, nor do they ever talk to them anyway – as they don’t have any intention of retiring in the country which they pretend to love anyway!
Hate is the bedrock of Leftism; to them, anybody who opposes their utopian and infantile schemes must be either irretrievably stupid, completely brainwashed, completely evil, utterly greedy or has been paid off.
It is therefore the Left’s duty to hate all such people.
If you know what it is that Mr O’Brien is looking for in those who call into his show, here’s a suggestion : tell his team what they want to hear and then when you’re on and live, you say ” I agree with you, James, I have the same opinions as you. Could you just summarise for me what are your beliefs?” It would be interesting to see how long your slot lasts.
On the plus side, he may be in with a chance at Jasmine in the BBC locker room. Talking, that is.
“Undemocratic and non-binding” is a blatant lie, even for a remoaner that is pathetically dishonest and desperate. The BBC won’t take any action but keep the boot on their throats so that when the license fee is finally axed all decent broadcasters will know who not to hire.
I read the propag…. leaflet the government sent everybody about the referendum, and it clearly stated it would abide by the result of the referendum. It is thus early binding. No mention was made about another vote by parliament in the event of a ‘no’ vote at all. These people are absolutely deluded and as I have said elsewhere have a mental disorder.
As I have mentioned elsewhere there is no debate now in terms of political views in the media especially the BBC. So Carpenter can state the most bizarre thing I have heard for a while ( hard I know ) and claim ‘an undemocratic referendum’. In God’s name ( no offence ) how can that be a logical thought process to utter such a ludicrous statement?
But of course he like all the politicos know they won’t be made to defend their bizarre utterances. Andrew Neil, is probably the only journo that would be likely to pick up on that statement given a chance.
‘The BBC has ‘guidelines’….’
They should not be ‘guidelines’, they should be part of a BBC employee’s, conditions of employment – the standards of behaviour expected by ‘the world’s most trusted broadcaster’, a breach of which, of this nature, should result in the sack.
Is that Gerry Adams in the photo above!
The Government were not Nazis when they protected the BBC Licence Fee for another 10 years and failed miserably to ensure that the BBC kept to the principles of its charter and did sod all to demand bias free reporting. If the Government has any Nazi leanings they can be found in their obedience to the authoritarian state media.
What Caroline Lucas is actually saying is let’s ignore this democratic vote and make sure Parliament keeps us in the EU and eventually binds us irrevocably to a political union governed by unelected bureaucrats and failed politicians and thence trashes not just our democracy but also our culture and prosperity.
Don’t forget folks, the Greens’ manifesto is open borders, zero growth, no armed forces, no fossil fuel energy of any sort and a massive redistribution of ‘wealth’ (before it all disappears, presumably). It’s an even shorter cut to destroying the country than the one mapped out by Corbyn and his merry band of Trotskyites. And the BBC, not just this dildo Carpenter, love it.
The Greens are an extreme example of those who need to feel that they can create heaven here on earth. In reality they are cultish frauds. Sadly their world view is ,to some extent or another, shared by the modern liberal .
They will destroy our civilisation if not stopped. The strange partnership of these cultists with radical Islam is based on the desire both parties have to create a new world that concurs with their beliefs.
I think it is time our government had a closer look as to where the “greens” get their funding from.
Now, I wonder just who would benefit from the promotion of so called “Climate Change”?