Here’s an interesting perspective on the whole “victim narrative” so central to the BBC provided by a Biased BBC reader.
“The Left-leaning media, led so ably by the BBC, has been vocal pushing the victim narrative. It may start with good intentions – trying to overcome PERCEIVED societal injustices of a specific demographic – but the delusion is that these hacks and lobbyists are the next generation of suffragettes or civil rights pioneers. The modern take is not about changing the law, whether voting rights or civil rights, but increasingly about attaining a privileged ideological, social and societal status and, perhaps ultimately, power without democratic mandate.
This has been the agenda of third-way feminism, social justice warriors, Islamaphilia and, more recently, Black Lives Matters. To fuel this, media needs to paint a subgroup as oppressed. The Islamaphilia story is by far the most worrying.
One rule for one…
While Muslim undertak terrorist attacks or grope women or groom thousands of children for sexual assault or subjagate women, the media are quick to point out that this is not representative of Islam or it sources and #notallmuslims. The second point may be accurate but notice the focus is less on the primary problem, which is the much more serious issue of horrific violence and abuse and pushed onto the secondary issue of the Islamaphobic backlash. The victims are actually the innocent Muslims rather than the corpses or vulnuerable girls being abused.
Now, contrast the output when innocent Muslims face a wrongdoing, perceived or genuine. In that instance, the incidents are totally representative and has everything to do with Islamaphobia.
In the case of the BBC, it downplays, ignores or misreports genuine atrocities – see Rotherham rape gangs, terrorist attacks, Cologne sex attacks et al – to remove the Islam angle while, conversely, hysterically overblowing the Islam angle with any minor problems of mild to trivial prejudice, such as name calling, jokes or throwing a pig’s head at a mosque. None of these are nice but they are much less serious than rape, suicide bombings and murder, yet the Beeb seems to report every single incident as an example of Islamaphobia.
Isolated examples
Take this story: Woman wearing hijab attacked in London street. We are told a woman had her hijab pulled down on a busy London street in racially motivated assault. “The victim was not injured but shocked and distressed, the Met said” before wheeling out the Islamaphobia line (and an education lesson on “what is a hijab”). Or gymnast and Strictly champion Louis Smith, who has published an apology after a video leaked online suggested he was mocking Islam. His crime? “The film appears to show Louis, with fellow gymnast Luke Carson, laughing while pretending to pray and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’.”
The first incident is probably an unpleasant experience but, essentially, a minor physical assault. That did not stop the victim slamming “Londoners” or sounding like she was the victim of the sort of vile sexual assault as those poor girls in the grooming gangs and was in fear of her life. I am sure it was not upsetting but why the level of hyperbole? Louis Smith’s video is not even a crime (at least not yet) but hits the key notes of sharia – don’t criticise or mock the religion. So much for free speech.
Others examples of Islamphobia include:
· A Muslim woman is “set on fire” in New York (i.e. receives a small burn hole in her attire) with the Islamaphobia angle instantly wheeled out (turned out it was not a hate crime at all);
· Voicing an opinion on sharia during an inter view with a Muslim woman (ironically on Islamaphobia);
The real danger
The problem is that the BBC is labelling so many things phobic but not pointing out that it is the tiny minority of non-Muslims doing such incidents and not representative of the demographic as a hole. Even if we take the questionable data from Tell Mama (so even assuming it would be overegging the stats) about “reported crime”, they received 1,128 reports in 2015. There are 2.6 million Muslims in the UK. This means that the leading charity for Islamaphobia received a complaint ratio of per 0.041 per capita of the Muslim population in the UK.
As the BBC – and most of the mainstream media and political and social apologists too – push these relatively minor and rare misdemeanours as indication of widespread hatred, it creates a concerning persecution complex, which is being wheeled out constantly. It fuels anti-establishment sentiment after every single incident becomes representative (this is starting to be seen in BLM too).
To put it simply:
1. A small but worrying number of Muslims buy into radical narrative that they are being persecuted by non-Muslim persecutors, whether through foreign policy, racism, Islamaphobia, etc.
2. This radical narrative drives individuals to commit horrible crime against perceived persecutors/kuffirs or withdraw from society.
3. Media and political elite tell the world this is not representative of Islam and Muslims are peaceful but it is our own foreign policy, racism, Islamaphobia, etc. driving things, thus confirming the initial radical narrative.
4. Media and political elite then constantly report alleged reactionary non-Muslims attacking innocent Muslims, no matter how minor, and say it is representative of widespread Islamaphobia, once again confirming the radical narrative.
5. More Muslims start to feel they are being persecuted by non-Muslim persecutors and buy into the radical narrative.
6. Rinse and repeat.”
David you are right but it can be much more simplified. When the gymnast shouts out “Allahu
Akbah” he was NOT saying it in a racist manner as the BBC infer. The Spurs supporters that chant “YIDDO YIDDO” are not being racist . We often swear, not meaning to swear, in the true sense of it. F…ing this or f…ing that, is not meant to be be vile. It is often meant to be cheap easy humour ,it might not be that funny but it does not mean it is offensive. I said” f…ing hell” yesterday when the vet charged me £100 for looking at my dog for one minute yesterday. I could of just as easily said Allahu Akbah.
When Nigel Farage says ” Who do you think your kidding Mr Junker” He is not inferring that Mr Junker is Hitler. He is just trying to be funny, and he was.
The BBC makes me sick with its inference that any comment or action towards Muslims is meant to be racist. Yesterday a I was walking my dog to the vet I passed a Muslim lady dressed in the usual attire most of them dress in now. I don’t always remember this being the case, but it seems to be the fashion now. Am I being racist? Anyway she was waiting for a bus and as I walked by she gave me a stare because my lovely handsome springer spaniel had got too close to her. He was on a lead . Do you know what, I was for a second offended that maybe I had to cross the road to stop my dog getting anywhere near her.
I say to the BBC and all of you “”offended Muslims” who think we should adapt our lives to accommodate you, get a life. And to the BBC you can stick your positive discrimination and obsession with diversity up your arse!!
Everyone is born a Muslim.
How do I know this?
The infallible, immutable, eternal, omniscient word of Allah. As revealed to his Prophet.
As a Muslim, I must adhere to the demands of Allah, as revealed to his Prophet.
If, subsequently, I declare myself to be a Christian, how must I behave?
In accordance with the New Testament. I must be charitable, peaceful, loving.
Loving even to mine enemies, I must turn the other cheek.
So those “Christians”, who took over North America and Australasia, how should they be described?
They were Muslims. Muslims, pretending to be Christians, but acting in accordance with the instructions of Allah.
As evident and true as night follows day. Allah so willed it.
So nothing to apologise for at all.
The colonisation was a confirmation of the designs of Allah.
This is a wonderful article and succinctly gets across the BBC/mainstream medias hypocrisy where Islam is concerned. Kudos to whoever sent this to DV.
“2.6 million Muslims in the UK” who are they trying to kid
and complaint ratio of 0.041 per capita
or assuming every one of these “offences” are carried out by distinct individuals
an offence ratio of 0.0000188 per capita
i see citizen khan gets a mention as anti-islamic (it has to be irrational to be a phobia)
and yet Father Ted is comedy genius
Very good article and to the point, point two being absolutely spot on.
It is the proverbial chicken and egg proverb in which came first.
The BBC would have us believe Muslims dislike us because we don’t like them as a culture, however which came first, clearly the answer is us with our Christian culture.
As has been said so many times before no other culture is involved in so much discussion, causes so many problems, has to be tolerated to the extreme, has to be excused for it’s crimes, has to have tailor made laws for, it’s own dual society anywhere near as much as Islam.
The athlete was a whimp for grovelling to the pc fascists as he comitted no crime and indeed didn’t even give an opinion of any sort, it was just buffoonery ( the life of Brian comes to mind ), since when was that an offence in that he could lose his job? I note the Muslim mayor of his home town will not give him freedom of the city as ‘his views are not acceptable in a community as diverse as ours…. diverse indeed, but clearly not diverse in opinion, even though he actually proffered none!
Very scary times indeed as we are certainly living in a ‘post democratic’ society now. The gradual and relentless overturning of Brexit ( hurrah for JCB )is happening 24/7 further proof if needed of our ‘post democratic’ society.
The situation cannot logically be as bad as the BBC and corrupt MSM dishonestly make out. How do I infer this? Because people are not completely stupid, even those of below-average intelligence.
If Britain really were such a land of intolerance, then why would the 2.5m to 3m British Muslims remain here, when there are over 50 Muslim countries to which they could move?
Similarly, why would so many new Muslims want to come to Britain, when their coreligionists already here could warn them to expect discrimination and prejudice (assuming of course that these really existed)?
The fact that the BBC and others don’t ask these questions shows how useless (or just plain dishonest) they are.
Swathes of migrants, mostly Muslims, continue to pour into Europe and the United States, risking life and limb to do so, and without ever being vetted or stopped end route despite this being a fundamental facet of asylum law – yet Europe and America are supposedly such harsh, repressive environments for them. What liberals are essentially saying is that Muslims are stupid and/or masochistic, which is just another way of infantilising anyone who isn’t a straight white male and making them out to be perpetual victims.
The pc mentality is a disease, and its only cure is to stop voting for the egregious and corrupt idiots who keep reinforcing this philosophy that anyone with a three-digit IQ can see is based on prejudiced lies.
– Kids shout at a me “stupid hat” as I go past
– “Nice legs” shouted some young girls as I jogged past in jogging trousers.
– Kids have pulled my had off ..a couple of times in the street
All really happened ..We say ..”just kids”
but if I was a different sex or had different skin would be a “hate crime”