BBC leading their news this morning with the contention that Brexit means no Marmite in Tesco. They deliberately conflate a trade cost price conflict between Unilever and Tesco with the direct consequence of the Brexit vote. I wonder why the BBC didn’t ponder why when the Pound was rising Unilever prices did not fall? Too obvious?
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Marmite/Brexit very similar divisions regards to pro or against.
Unbelievably crass but this is our world class broadcaster. It is beyond bizarre and shows just how moronic they are.
We give them billions and this is the result. Crap.
As Guido points out “The whole world’s Marmite supply is produced in Burton from yeast extract by-products of brewing.”. So how much can that really be affected by the £/Brexit? Have the BBC thought to ask?
Emily Maitress so helpfully said on Newsnight she didn’t realise that Marmite was imported. To the BBBC staffers Burton on Trent probably seems like another country.
Anywhere beyond the M25 is a different country to them.
This world is alien to them , that’s why they try to change into the image they want .
“Anywhere beyond the M25 is a different country to them.”
Be fair. Inside the M25 is a different country to most of us. We might occasionally visit the Third World, but we wouldn’t want to live there.
Apologies to the few posters who do still suffer from the enrichment.
Sky were also going big on this, until the Consumer Lady the got on, pointed out that many people are now buying non branded products which are considered just as good as those produced by Unilever.
She didn’t mention Aldi or Lidl by name, but mentioned an ad campaign which left the viewer in no doubt that the likes of Unilever and indeed the big Supermarkets, have been over charging customers long before Brexit and currency fluctuations, for products which are essentially the same, apart from the way they are packaged.
Nothing to see here.
Sainburys call it Yeast Extract . I’m not sure what the other retailers call it .
Is it RIP Marmite ? Who will write the obituary ?
So is Unilever TODAY announcing price drops in the rest of the EU ?
Due to the Euro’s recent rise.
(Tesco’s overseas profits will also be rising in £ terms)
Unilever profits last 5 years in millions
7,515.0 .. 7,980.0 .. 7,517.0 .. 6,989.0 .. 6,433.0
BBC Radio Remoaner Live was at it again, providing a platform for the snowflakes to sneer
“Oh scary scary, stupid ultra rightwing Brexiteers”
9am Your Call: Rising cost of food – a price worth paying for Brexit? Their FB page
They played by their normal rules : 2X more Remoaners, and Brexiteers cut short.
In another country the national broadcaster would be trying to talk UP economic confidence the BBC’s priority is to give a platform to talking it down.
But Vegemite price drop should be coming soon.
The Australian PM is keen to sign up for a free trade deal with the Brexit UK
I love Marmite, but after this episode of cynical knee-jerking Unilever can say goodbye to one of their more loyal customers. I have 2 jars of Marmite in my cupboard which will see me through another 6 months or so, but after that they can swivel!
I also buy Hellman’s Mayonnaise, but Heinz mayo tastes just as good – even better with some ingredients.
We have to boycott Unilever products. Just as we voted for Brexit, we can vote against them too!
Marmite is very high in salt content, we have stopped buying it.
Because Tesco is considered by the elites a ‘working class’ shop this is an attack on the people they see as Brexiteers in the hope that they will worry that there will eventually be nothing to buy in the shops and they will starve, how long before the beeb brings in stories of food shortages because of Brexit?
Here’s my comment over on Guido:
Lots of comments about boycotting Unilever, and supporting Tesco, but the real scandal here involves neither of those two companies.
This is just the usual pressure between supplier and retailer, one always wants to put prices up the other down. Unilever want to use the falling £ as an excuse to put prices up, and Tesco will be saying that they can’t use fluctuating currency as an excuse until it is known for certain that it is not temporary. Anybody who works in retail or distribution will know that these discussions are taking place all the time, and they frequently end in temporary Mexican Standoffs. This is just business.
The real scandal is that the BBC chose to use this non-story to further their own agenda, to blame BREXIT, and undermine the will of the people. The BBC have now evolved into a traitorous organisation.
“The BBC have now evolved into a traitorous organisation.”
I disagree. They’ve been traitorous for decades. May 1979 springs to mind, for some strange reason.
Well I (now) quite accept that the BBC have shown bias for some time. I wasn’t old enough to vote, or really care, in 1979 but can imagine the bias was there then, and likely reinforced by Thatcher. The inherent political bias within the BBC is enough to take it on.
It seems to me that Brexit is on whole different level though, which makes me deliberately use the word “traitorous”. Blatant sneering bias against the British People, the licence payers themselves, is breathtaking. It’s why I arrived here, and I suspect many others.
I would view ALBeeb support for the Nationalists in Northern Ireland to be the beginning of the visible treason. So 1968ish.
What is important is that they are all executed.
‘A storm in a marmite jar’
..picked up by BBC for propaganda purposes.
Now bear in mind folks that Unilever was actually formed by a man from BOLTON England! The word LEVER gives it away:,_1st_Viscount_Leverhulme
I suppose as soon as those young bright elite communists/liberals within BBC HQ hear about this they will no doubt press-on even harder for the case to slander Tesco’s workers for being greedy! Those traitor-news presenters at the BBC probably believe that most of the hundreds of Tesco workers who will lose their jobs because of this diabolical agenda are Brexit voters anyway!
As I see it, Unilever (messengers of Brussels) will come running back to the British public when their shares/sales figures drop like a lead balloon!
Who eats Marmite anyway?
The Aussies have already promised the British public that they will ship loads of marmite as soon as they get the invitation!
I own shares in Unilever and I think they are playing with fire. Once people try the alternative brands, they may never return – which is what happened to Tesco’s customers that migrated to Aldi and Lidl. I now shop at the German ‘discounters’ and rarely buy any branded consumer goods – Lidl’s deodorant is good quality, big can, smells nice and 65p a can vs Unilever £3+ per can. It is the same for washing powder, dishwasher tablets, shower gel, etc.
They’re also living in their London bubble, where ‘everybody voted remain’ and don’t realise that a lot of Brexit voters will boycott their products on principle.
What the Unilever board/share holders must never forget is that the British public will never tolerate nor will we forget any forms of “threat” to our way of life – hence, that’s why we voted to get the hell out of dodge!
You (not you Grimer) can no longer push the British public around anymore, but if those remaining MPs think they have any idea of attempting such folly – count, 17 and 1/half million!
Are not the top echelons of Unilever in big with the Bilderburgers?
The difference between the BBC and Marmite? You don’t have to pay for Marmite if you hate it.
…and you don’t have to pay for it if you buy an alternative brand.
“Brexit stuff getting ridiculous”
Getting ridiculous? It GOT ridiculous on the Today programme on the first Monday morning when the kids went back to school and it’s become progressively more batshit Orwellian crazy since.
The spin from the BBC this evening is that this is here to stay, higher prices forever. No hint at the possibility of currencies going up and down, oh no. Tossers.
(They did sneak in at the end of their ‘report’ the fact that this TOTALLY ROUTINE negotiation has been resolved. Not to worry, the propaganda is now out there.)
So according to the BBC 6pm News a currency induced price hike for UK sourced & manufactured Marmite is tickety boo because some of the packaging comes from abroad. Anything at all will do to damn Brexit.
Did anyone see the report by that BBC reporter from outside the high courts this afternoon!? The man was practically doing high-fives with the passing public, his cameraman and sound engineer because, he reported: it is beginning to get very EXCITING now that there is a possibility that the Single Judge (how does that work then?) could possibly reverse the referendum vote! He couldn’t contain his excitement!
And there’s me thinking that BBC reporters must remain neutral at all times except war?
Whatever the new deal is must be less than a 10% rise but the media haven’t said