Con Coughlin in the Telegraph tells us…
If anyone is to blame for the appalling suffering of Aleppo, it is the Stop The War Coalition. For its relentless propaganda campaign – and downright lies – relating to the recent military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan has achieved its goal of turning public opinion and parliament against initiating any further military interventions.
I think he is being very kind to the BBC as what he describes is the very essence of the BBC’s reporting over the last 13 years….He goes on…
And the remarks made by Seumas Milne, the Guardian journalist and leading Stop the War apologist who works as Jeremy Corbyn’s communications direction, in response to Mr Johnson’s question tell you all you need to know about where these left-wing activists are coming from.
The comments made by the likes of Mr Milne and his fellow travellers on the hard left might be reprehensible, but at least they have the virtue of exposing the Stop the War activists for what they really are: hard left fanatics who are committed to defending Britain’s enemies than those of Britain itself.
He states…
I often found myself left speechless by the bare-faced lies of the anti-war lobby, such as the claim that the 2003 invasion of Iraq had caused the deaths of one million people. This particular lie was made live on-air during a discussion programme on BBC 5 Live which went completely unchallenged by the moderator. (A more accurate figure for war-related fatalities in Iraq would be around the 100,000 mark).
Trouble is it wasn’t only the STWC peddling that figure, it was the BBC’s most senior journalist, John Humphrys, who stated uncategorically that the war had resulted in one million dead Iraqis…he also claimed that the ISG had not recommended a ‘surge’ of troops to defeat the insurgents [and he repeatedly insisted the Surge was failing…even before it had actually begun]…when it clearly stated exactly that course of action. Humphrys of course was one of those involved in the most serious, and high profile, attack on the war by claiming, falsely, that Tony Blair had lied in the Dossier….the BBC completely ignored the fact that one of the world’s most respected weapons experts, David Kelly, said the dossier was entirely reasonable and said nothing more than the UN itself had declared…and that he himself supported the war as he recognised the danger Saddam presented to the world.
The BBC has fought a running campaign against the Iraq War and is siding with the terrorists as it repeatedly insists that events in Syria are the result of Iraq…rather than admitting the obvious truth that the war in Syria is the result of the Arab Spring and ISIS was allowed to bloom because Assad deliberately released its members from his prisons and allowed them to attack his enemies.
The BBC aids and abets the terrorists and runs a narrative that is entirely untrue and highly dangerous, not just for Syrians, but for the whole of Europe as it is flooded with refugees as a result of that war and the cowing of Western politicians by the likes of the BBC and who fear taking action, and for community cohesion in this country as the BBC spreads the lie that there is a war against Muslims.
But what does Lily Allen think?
You’ve got a couple of unnecessary words in your comment, JimS. The real question is, does Lily Allen think?
I have to disagree somewhat. Syria seems to be the result of the fraudulent Arab Spring as you say and that may be considered a Sunni/Saudi construct designed to shore up the position of that country . Our stupid efforts in Libya supposedly in support of this Arab Spring have been a major destabalising factor in the Mediterranean.
It seems that we aid Saudi political ambitions for the most mercenary of reasons.
As for Iraq the invasion was ill conceived and carried out badly. It too seems to have aided Saudi ambitions.
Sadam was a tyrant who could have been made an offer he could not refuse in the old Roman way.
Do as the West wants or else . His army was poorly equipped and we knew it.His planes out of date and the threat to the West minimal. The invasion was a mistake and has led to the usual unforeseen consequences.
Now the West has lost control of events and if Russia is successful in bringing the war in Syria to an end this will mean the end of Western influence for a long time.
“I have to disagree somewhat. Syria seems to be the result of the fraudulent Arab Spring as you say and that may be considered a Sunni/Saudi construct designed to shore up the position of that country . Our stupid efforts in Libya supposedly in support of this Arab Spring have been a major destabilising factor in the Mediterranean.”
What I find interesting, is how leftwing propaganda which has been repeated enough times is now deemed historical fact. The Arab Spring has more to do with unsustainable birth rates, where a mass of young disfranchised young men protest at their inability to work. It has less to do with the west and more to do with the mores of Islam which promotes having as many kids as possible and then blaming the rich whiteman (And the jew) as for the reason they are so poor.
Then there is Syria, Libya and Iraq. Again whilst the left blame the Tories under Cameron for the former two the simple fact remains that Western liberalism has this warped notion that the western concept of human rights is a one size fit solution for all the world. Yet the fact remains that in Africa, Asia and South America , what we in First world deem as equality for all , is deemed to be an artificial construct used by white people in which to ensure that none-whites are kept in poverty.
Back to libya. The reason why the Uk along with a raft of other nations bombed Libyan military assets is down to the fact that the Libyan army was camped out on the outskirts of Benghazi in which to wipe it off the map . So we did the right thing (or so we thought) the fact that Benghazi was the home of radical Islam in the country didn’t even come into the equation. where the west did fail, is in not willing to understand Islam for what is it (A uncompromising racist bigoted cult) rather than what it isn’t (A religion of peace) when the western world finally accepts that Islam can never live in peace with itself, never mind anybody else , then the world will move for the better.
So lets look at Syria. In 1982 Assad Snr killed between 10,000 and 40,000 people in the city of Hama when the Muslim Brotherhood tried to take control. How many people know about that, yet every jew hating leftwing arsehole can lecture you on the Sabra and Shatila massacre which happened a few months later next door in Lebanon where between 450-3500 people were killed.
Now here’s were it gets interesting, when Israel was formed. The local Muslims and quite a few from afar invaded and subsequently lost. Those who had lost their homes relocated around the area (as did a lot of jews from every Arab nation to Israel) Those who went to Jordan, took to arms in which to take power (Black September) they lost and relocated to Lebanon, where they destabilised the country, tried to take power and which saw Israel invade in 1982 in which to kick them out. They moved to Tunisia which was also the first country to see in the Arab spring.
Lets be honest here, strife in the Islamic world doesn’t need any help from the outside, it didn’t when Spain kicked out the Arabs, when Serbia,Bulgaria,Romania and Greece kicked out the Turks, when East Pakistan kicked out West Pakistan, Yemen period. look up how the Turks and more recent the Egyptians (1960s) killed hundreds of thousands in Yemen. If anything, the current death toll in Yemen is a lot less than it has been in the past.
The point being made is surely about the hypocrisy of the hard left as exemplified by Stop The War, aided by the BBC, rather than the rights and wrongs of the Syrian civil war. The Syrian war is a regional conflict essentially between Sunnis and Shias/other minorities . We now know thanks to Iraq that there are no good and bad guys and intervention may be misguided . Of course Russia complicates matters because a regional war becomes part of a more global power conflict. I think it’s this latter point we should concentrate on.
The Guardian, the BBC; spot the difference:
Love the ‘BBC says it isn’t biased because it just isn’t, so there’ being considered ‘news’.
Wow bBC headlines:
Nadiya Hussain: The Great British Bake Off winner signs BBC deal
British bBC? She is on record on a bBC program no less saying its great to go back home…to Bangladesh.

I get the impression this so called British woman will be used as a spring board by the bBC in which to shove Islam down our throats and I’m somebody from an Islamic family saying that.
The bangerdeshi Broadcasting corporation paid for by you.
Yes I entirely agree with this post
..Yet note sadly that most people usually go around saying
“Tony Blair, he’s a WITCH,burn him ! burn him !”
just as others today say the same for Trump
I think they have fallen for the “label and dismiss” brainwashing trick
ie the world is full colour you label someone/something “Witch” and the crowsd will run with that simple black and white solution.
Some nations did the hard work of the Iraqi war but it was the masses of nations like France who then let the world down by refusing to come in and help with the nation rebuilding ..IF the UN had done that properly then their wouldn’t be this 2016 legacy of refugees coming here.
All this BBC love-in with Britain’s (out to destroy Judaism/Christianity/Atheism) Muslim leaders/appeasers remind me about how the BBC loves Sir Bob Geldof!
You have got to read the following reply by African Musicians/charity workers etc who are up to the eyes ball full of Geldof making money off his song “Do they know its Christmas in Africa”
If you’ve read the link you will now know that Africa has more snow than us. It has more rain than us, its hospitals are on par with our hospitals, its charities work far harder and achieve more than ours do any day of the week! Oh! And Africa knows more about Christmas than we do in the UK because they have millions of more Christians than we do in the UK!
Wow Alan, have you been drinking the Saudi coolaid?
I wonder if you might cast your mind back to the time Israel attacked Gaza, and bombed a hospital there? The BBC reported it as a ‘war crime’ and there was much protest here about the bias – it later transpired that Hamas had used the basement as a command and control centre.
The Russians have far more sophisticated intelligence gathering than the US have, and it is highly likely that the Islamist extremist have done exactly the same as other Islamist extremists and used a hospital as cover for military activity.
“If anyone is to blame for the appalling suffering of Aleppo, it is the Stop The War Coalition”
What a load of baloney ! If anyone is to blame it’s Saudi Arabia and their allies for financing and encouraging a war which never needed to happen, because of their Islamic extremism.
Saudi Arabia’s main export aside from oil is terrorism pure & simple.
“ISIS was allowed to bloom because Assad deliberately released its members from his prisons and allowed them to attack his enemies.”
This is of course not true!
Donald Trump has blamed President Obama and the way he evacuated US forces from Iraq – there’s more truth in that than Alans assertion!
I’m surprised at how easily manipulated you have been over this Alan. The whole of the media is telling lies about it – as it often does, from Aylan Kurdi to the bombed hospital, and that’s because there is only one master – money.
Why should we care how many of these terrorists the Russians kill? The majority of the so called refugees are not Syrian but Pakistani / Afghani criminals pretending to be criminals, and compromised greed ridden European political leaders are stupid enough to have accepted it all at face value.
Finally there’s this:
“Black Daesh, white Daesh. The former slits throats, kills, stones, cuts off hands, destroys humanity’s common heritage and despises archaeology, women and non-Muslims. The latter is better dressed and neater but does the same things. The Islamic State; Saudi Arabia. In its struggle against terrorism, the West wages war on one, but shakes hands with the other. This is a mechanism of denial, and denial has a price: preserving the famous strategic alliance with Saudi Arabia at the risk of forgetting that the kingdom also relies on an alliance with a religious clergy that produces, legitimizes, spreads, preaches and defends Wahhabism, the ultra-puritanical form of Islam that Daesh feeds on.”
The media does occasionally tell the truth but it’s less often and now always highlighted. We all need to be aware of the propaganda and not fall for it.