The BBC notes all is not well in Sweden…but who is to blame?
How Sweden became an exporter of jihad
Sweden is a peaceful democratic state that has long been a safe haven for those fleeing conflict. Yet many young people whose families took refuge there are now turning their back on the country. More than 300 people have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq, making Sweden per capita one of the biggest exporters of jihadists in Europe.
Gothenburg is where much of the recruitment for jihad is taking place. It’s one of Sweden’s most diverse cities. A third of the population are from immigrant backgrounds, many of them Muslim, and in the north-eastern suburb of Angered, the proportion rises to more than 70%.
Sweden’s massive housing shortage and long waits for rent controlled apartments in the centre of town mean that many new arrivals end up here, and stay here. This includes some of the 160,000 people who sought asylum in Sweden last year.
Angered has become a tough area to police.
Parts of it are classified as “vulnerable”, which in Swedish police terminology indicates a breakdown of law and order, among other things, and the emergence of a parallel society.
I am told that religious enforcers attempt to control the community to ensure Sharia law is adhered to. They allegedly harass and intimidate people – mainly women – for the way they dress and for attending parties where there is music and dancing, which they consider haram.
So the problem in Sweden is that of a massive lack of resources compounded by a large flow of immigrants allowed into the country regardless of the availability of resources…sounds familiar. Still…let ’em all in anyway.
The immigrants stay together and form ghettos, and due to their lack of education and unwillingness to integrate they become ever more separate from mainstream society and even if the majority do not want to be fundamentalist they are persuaded to be so by ‘religious enforcers’…it only takes a small hardcore of violent and determined fanatics to cow a community….a few beatings of individuals, a few bricks through windows and all the people get the message…conform….or it might be you next.
But it is Sweden’s fault for not making migrants feel at home….despite I’m sure, massive resources being pushed their way…
Suburbs like Angered have become pressure cookers of discontent.
You see this built-up resentment mainly with the second-generation “non-ethnic Swedes”, as they’re known here.
Many of their parents fled war-torn countries in search of safety and found it in Sweden. They appear grateful for what the country has offered them. Their children, however, often feel they’ve been discriminated against and left out of the system. Many young people I spoke to said they felt disconnected from the country where their parents came from – but didn’t feel they were Swedish either.
The reality is that right now young people from immigrant backgrounds are being radicalised.
Why would someone raised in Gothenburg want to leave one of the most peaceful and progressive countries in the developed world to join a violent extremist group in the Middle East?
With so many of them saying they don’t feel Swedish, perhaps the bigger question is: has integration and Sweden’s experiment with multiculturalism failed?
Who’d have thought?
Slate magazine gives us a good insight into the BBC’s/Left’s mentality…
How you feel about Muslim migration depends, to a large degree, on your moral instincts. Consider one of Trump’s more cutting remarks in his Fox interview: “That’s the problem with the liberal policies of this country and this world, it’s acting like it’s our fault. It’s not our fault, OK, it’s not our fault. It’s their fault.” Those who believe Europe ought to welcome Muslim migrants in large numbers might reply that it is our fault, at least in part. You could reasonably argue that the chaos spreading throughout the Arab world is a consequence of the Iraq invasion and the bloody conflicts that have followed or that the market democracies that have profited from capitalist exploitation are to blame for poverty and violence everywhere. It all depends on your particular ideological bent.
That is exactly the BBC ‘analysis’…Iraq and Western foreign policy are to blame…the same narrative peddled by the terrorists.
Importing massive numbers of people with an ideology, mentality and way of life that is radically different from that of European countries was always an experiment that was doomed to failure….nothing to do with moral or ideological bent…it’s pure, and very obvious, fact…the outcome was never in doubt for anyone who didn’t bury their head in the sand due to their ‘ideological bent’.
This is all tied into the events described in the previous post about Syria and the resultant mass migration of Muslims from the Middle East and beyond…
The wave of refugees will increase, and the price will be paid by the Europeans, already faced with legions of refugees and no plan for dealing with them. Eventually Gaddafi’s prophecy will come true: Islam will conquer Europe without firing a shot.
The Hoover Institution spells it out...the future is not bright as we fail to stand up for our own culture and values…..
We American should not indulge the schadenfreude aroused by watching our sometimes-condescending older cousins slip farther and farther behind us in global importance and power. Europe is still collectively the world’s largest economy, and its travails will impact the whole globe. More importantly, many of the trends weakening Europe today are active in our own country. The scorning of national pride and American exceptionalism, the decline of Christianity in the public square, multiculturalism and its ethnic separatism and divisive identity politics, and the preference of many Americans for greater social welfare spending, redistribution of wealth, and dirigiste economic policies all point us to a fate like Europe’s.
Self-doubt about the goodness of one’s way of life and living just for today’s pleasures are luxuries a great power cannot afford. In a world of violent ideologies and aggressive autocrats, a free people must have something beyond this world that they believe is worth killing and dying for. Europe seemingly has lost those ideals and beliefs that made it the nurse of freedom, democracy, and human rights. America has taken on that global role, but if we go the way of Europe, if we too no longer know what we believe, who will take our place?
Another magnificent post Alan.
Every single person feels injustice and hard done by.. most will feel that everyday. The fact is nearly everyone else just use life’s lessons passed on to them when they were children, and just GET ON WITH IT!! The reality is, is there are whole industries/organisations out there reliant on victims to survive/exist…and ‘praise Allah’ they are doing everything to create them!
I agree with everything you say about ideologies. People from all works of life and from all cultures and backgrounds are on spectrums…. But those spectrums are relative to the existing social norms they are brought up in! Westerns are taught about tolerance, forgiving, compassion, love, freedom…every single day, all their lives…and this starts with their most important teachers, their families. The dregs of the earth the Anti-British, anti-democatic, anti-Semitic, bigoted, fascist left are allowing into our country against our consent, are from (or families are from) war torn shitholes, brutalised by generations or slaughter and genocide, utterly intolerant to all other cultures and backgrounds, misogynist. Bigoted, hate filled, socially retarded…the list goes on!! Now I agree that again, relative to a persons social norms, a persons skin colour and religious beliefs become completely assimilated into that hose country…but only if they are wanting that to happen! All other cultures and religions are doing just that in Europe, other than the death cult. The death cult doesn’t allow from tolerance, forgiving, compassion, freedom…it’s all about conforming to Allahs instruction. THE ONLY THING A MUSLIM CAN CONFORM TO IS ALLAHS INSTRUCTION, therefore all man made laws, traditions, feelings, social exceptances are out the window!
It’s one thing the totalitarian state trying to force the native, innocent, tolerant, peace loving brits into changing our way of life…but Muhammad has already received Allahs instruction for how a man must live to get into paradise, and the left are fucking delusional if they think a death cult follower is going to abandon Muhammad and Allah himself for some jumped up, piss stain kafir who is destined for an eternity in hellfire
Just replace Sweden with a town,city,country of your choice.When the shite hits the fan the BBC will still say its our fault.Until the BBC gets on the receiving end of whats happening elsewhere they will say nothing to do with the RoP.Why do you think they moved from London to Manchester to get away from the failed multi-culture experiment of Londonstan. Saying that some parts of Manchester are worse.
Manchester is indeed catching up with ‘that London’.
I am fairly certain I was going out with the last white girl in Cheetham Hill about fifteen years ago.
ahhh the good old days of Cheetham Hill once the most multi-cultural place in manchester
jews, whites, blacks, poles, Lithuanians, hungarians, pretty much every eastern european you could mention
whats their now, a vast army of pakistanis
So take a people with poor education, if any, already self separated along sharp religious lines, who do not wish to mix with others. Transplant them to a country with high educational standards where nobody dare say anything anymore as they are gagged by government. Then wonder why it is going wrong?
Second generation ‘non-ethnic Swedes’ who are brought up in a family that speaks only Arabic and are practicing Muslims will always be at a huge disadvantage, there is no solution to this issue that I can see, it is the norm in many parts of the UK.
Seems a fool and his country are easily parted Mr Löfven.
NB: I believe the preference is for throwing hand grenades and Molotov cocktails rather than bricks.
Do you have to ‘feel’ Swedish to accept it’s generosity and live there?
Do you have to ‘feel’ French to accept it’s generosity and live there?
No, you think yourself absolutely privileged that another country has taken you in, you show gratefulness and you put into the country as much as you can to show appreciation for your good fortune…. whoops, sorry the last paragraph was fiction how could it ever be true!
I feel sorry for Sweden but their Liberal attitude has allowed this to happen,and sooner or later they will have to sort it out, will they have to send their army in to these areas,will it end in civil war,it usually does where Muslims are concerned?
I just hope the Liberals in the rest of Europe is going to sit up and take notice, but I doubt it.
Last time I checked, Sweden was the most secular anti-religious nation in the northern hemisphere! I would have thought it would be pretty ripe for an Islamic take-over! Which of course we see right before our eyes!
Hence, this Swedish bishop wants to ban the cross in church and have congregations facing Mecca!:
Angered sounds like a really cool, happening place. I think Lily Allen should turn her back on racist Britain and move there, so she can enjoy the 70% cultural enrichment of that exciting, vibrant suburb of Gothenburg. And hopefully, she would never be heard from again, so it’s a win-win.
Go on Lily, do us all a favour.
Isn’t this the same Lilley Allen who on her very first TV talk show disgusted many of her guests/viewers by showing a long video of 2 dogs mating and getting stuck! If my memory serves me right some of her guests walked out!?
I did not watch it as I try not to watch British TV these days. I read about this disgraceful propaganda in the papers the day after the show!
One must wonder why she was so keen to show such filth on her very first show? First impressions folks!
The Hoover Institute says:
Europe seemingly has lost those ideals and beliefs that made it the nurse of freedom, democracy, and human rights. America has taken on that global role, but if we go the way of Europe, if we too no longer know what we believe, who will take our place?
Europe may be leading in this process, probably owing to geography, (closeness, land borders) and feeling the pain, (higher population density) but certainly from a UK perspective I feel that the ideas behind this are imported from the USA.
We saw this with our ‘race industry’. Americans rightly raged about the lot of the their descendants of the unwilling immigrants as opposed to those that made the crossing for the ‘American Dream’. Then their experts came over here to find/manufacture a ‘race problem’ but the ‘victims’ they found were people who had come here freely and often, held Caribbean passports, (they still do). The result of this industry is that it would now be ‘racist’ to call Charles de Gaulle ‘French’!
Much as the BBC and others here hate the USA they hang on every word of the American theoretical sociologists.
“Much as the BBC and others here hate the USA they hang on every word of the American theoretical sociologists.”
Except the BBC rejects for its own critics the bit in the US anthem: “land of the FREE [speech]”
The MSN never asks the question ‘why are immigrants mainly Muslims’? We don’t hear of Hindus or Buddhists or others coming to Europe, we can only assume that these people are quite happy where they are, so why Muslims? I have heard lame excuses such as climate change etc but it seems rather obvious as has been mentioned on this site many times before, that it is something to do with being Muslim. The MSM dare not consider this question, it dare not consider the idea that it is their dysfunctional religion which is the problem. Some Muslims will look down their noses at this country & its liberal values, believing that their medieval, barbaric religion has superior principles to ours. If so, then why are they here? Why aren’t their countries superior places to live? No prizes for guessing!