I don’t know if anyone else listened to the Today programme this morning? It was dreadful and this programme has now adopted a daily regime of “stories” that basically all pirouette around the following narratives.
- Why Brexit was wrong and we now all must pay for the folly of daring to vote LEAVE.
- Why Donald Trump is unfit to be President and Hillary Clinton is the safe pair of hands
- Why Labour under Corbyn is holding the Government to account and uniting Labour
- Why the NHS needs more cash
- Why we need to let in those inhabiting the Jungle in France
I am sick of it. The bias is stunning and blatant.
Hello, first time poster here.
Has anybody else had problems gaining access to BBC comments sites?.
I am a long term anti EU campaigner, very aware of history and facts
re EEC/EU.
Never been offensive, am aware of the treachery involved re EU Peter Thorneycroft
quote about stealing our Sovereignty.
Also Foreign and Commonwealth Office document30/1048. Dated 1971 4 years before
referendum. This also sets out to give away Sovereignty by stealth.
Welcome fellow deplorable.
Regardless of rudeness or bad language…if your comments are difficult to answer and/or well informed, you will be blocked, same on the Guardian.
The delusion they want to hold to is that a Brexiteer is a sub intelligent life form unable to use argumentation…just a bully, thug, fascist, “left behind”, probably racist, sub person worthy only of patronising dismissal.
Articulate argument confronts them with the fallacy of their belief so banned it must be!
They do not want a debate on HYS or CIF, they want safe spaces to reinforce each others nonsense.
All you say is true – but the way the Telegraph has dropped all reader comments since February is just as much a disgrace. I feel sure this had everything to do with the then forthcoming Referendum, as the DT has been drifting ever more leftward over the past ten years. It seems to be on an inexorable decline into Independent/Guardian territory.
Anything the BBC has direct control over can lead to problems if you stray from the narrative.
That is why they are so trusted and transparent. Not.
They can block you on their ‘Views my own’ twitter feeds, so censorship still good there.
Facebook is a problem, which is why the get utterly owned there every day.
It’s fun.
Funny you should ask that!
Up until at least 3 years ago the BBC had heaps of forums discussing anything from farming to Religion! But all of a sudden the Madeleine McCann case came up and because the vast numbers of critics of her parents joined the many threads on the BBC suddenly caved into outside pressure/threats of prosecution from the parents/lawyers luke-warm Beeb shut everything down – especially the ones re the MET Police, Judges, corrupt or otherwise!
Although I think they have now one forum discussing such things as “Strictly Come Dancing” and “EastEnders”!
Nothing controversial though!
I am sick of it too. Sick of the negatives that spew out of the BBC. Some positive news would be so refreshing and how different this would be if the Remoaners had won. I thought we lived in a democratic country – how wrong I was.
As I said on another subject, BBC Breakfast today,Brexit, Brexit, Trump, Brexit, all negative,even the presenters must realise what a joke it is by now?
‘Eurosceptics demand inquiry in to BBC’s stream of negativity’
Yes, it’s all so obvious isn’t it?
They got the obligatory anti-Trump dig in. During the debate, he said that it was mad to telegraph the forthcoming attack on Mosul to Isis. Cue a pointy head from the International Institute of Strategic Studies to explain that it made perfect military sense to tell your enemy what you plan to do, and when you plan to do it. No-one was invited in to support Trump’s view, because obviously no sensible person could ever support a single word Trump says. There is no case for the defence. Trump is always wrong because… Trump.
Phew! For a moment there, I thought Trump might have said something sensible, Thank you BBC for reassuring me that he is in fact a shambling buffoon with an IQ of 50, and that we should all hope and pray for the election of the fit, healthy, decent and completely incorruptible Hillary Clinton to the Presidency of the USA.
It’s about time the BBC were investigated, we licence payers pay their wages. Brexiteers should refuse to pay the licence fee.
The trouble about being a refusenik is that it increases the Beebs carbon footprint as they waste trees being cut into paper to tell you you are being investigated and petrochemicals burnt for their goons to visit .
Now hang on a minute young man – we must pay the licence fee – how otherwise will Mr Attenborough and his dozens of aids swan-off round the globe following the sun!
They must travel business class – what else for BBC employees!
It has been a particularly vicious two weeks of the BBC attacking Donald Trump.
Last week it was the 10 year old private “locker room” conversation.
Even today it’s:
‘Australian MPs brand Trump a ‘revolting slug’.
‘Trump was like an octopus’.
‘Which Republicans have deserted Donald Trump?’.
And a quick Google has revealed this new “story’ on BBC News on Twitter.
‘BBC Breaking News on Twitter: “Two women tell New York Times …
7 hours ago – Breaking news alerts and updates from the BBC. …. Two women tell New York Times Donald Trump touched them inappropriately, but Trump …’
Total news silence though on Hillary Clinton……
I was hoping that the Government at some point will be fed up with the BBC for pushing the leftist agenda.If as the probe into the BBC happens as reported ( must take everything with a pinch of salt now though ) then we might have a chance to see some changes.
But as it stands I had to stop listening to the Today program as it just makes me angry.
I think if we just add Syria/Aleppo/Putin bashing to the list we would be just as qualified to be the editor of the Today program as the current one.
The problem is that the mainstream of the conservative party is itself largely moderate or left-leaning. A majority of their MPs are remainers. I think the rot set in in the Blair years, when the tories tried to ‘detoxify’ by copying him.
That so many votes went to UKIP in the last election showed the frustration of a growing minority who want a government that will stop pursuing the same old consensus policies and managed decline. Now UKIP has crashed we who are (properly) right of centre have no party to represent us.
Brexit won 52% to 48% sure but those at the top table are horrified by us ‘deplorables’ and will do everything to slow down and disrupt the leaving process – I don’t trust May or Johnson, but Fox and Davies seem to be on message.
I imagine a lot of wet tories still fondly think of the BBC in terms of its ‘British’ world service message of projecting soft power across the globe, whereas in reality its message is frankly poisonous and treasonous
Trumpy must have had his beer goggles on during that flight. Presumably, this woman immediately hailed the cabin crew and reported Mr Trump so they could move him to another seat and alert the police to his behaviour… or perhaps, like he said in his “locker room talk”, she let him get on with it since he was a star.
It’s not the anti-Trump stories per se that annoy me. It’s the fact that there’s any number of equally bad accusations against Hillary which the BBC (and most of the MSM) simply suppress.
Liberal regressives are now determined: Trump must be stopped (by whatever means), Brexit will be made to fail and Bob Dylan deserves a Nobel prize (because reasons).
On a more serious note, I sense the BBC, along with 95% of its regressive travellers, is now in ‘Total War’ mode as far as Trump goes. Brexit is going to be a long, slow war of attrition. The Corporation has determined two fixed aims: Get Queen Hillary onto her throne in November and cripple Brexit to the point of keeping us bound into the EU by the backdoor.
The msm, 95% of which is merely liberal regressive propaganda 24/7, is now all but a laughing stock and increasingly irrelevant as we move deeper into the online age of alternative news media where facts are not redacted and where lying by omission is not considered ‘professional journalism’.
James O Brien is spewing out relentless anti Brexit propaganda daily.
Its no wonder the BBC had him presenting Newsnight, probably being lined up to follow on when the hyperactive insect Evan Davies moves over.
O`Brien was the name of the INGSOC party member and Thought Police torturer of Winston Smith in Orwells 1984.
Life imitates art!
I gave up listening to the BBC a long time ago. It makes me want to explode. If I hear or see it at a friend’s house I have all on to maintain self control. When you only occasionally see the BBC like this, the narrative is obvious. I admire your courage & self-control David. Do you take an anti-nausea agent?
Oxford Street London was shut today because of thousands of Muslims illegally marching and waving flags. There was not a peep on the BBC about this, just desperate attempts to bring down Trump with his relatively trivial comments about women.