We’ll mock Jesus but not Mohammed, says BBC boss
Gymnast Louis Smith is being intimidated, bullied and made the subject of serious hate crimes as Muslims make death threats to him every day and the BBC decides it is appropriate to join in and suggest he is racist and ‘Islamophobic’.
In an interview with Emma Barnett on 5Live he was hung out to dry. When asked if he was Islamophobic he said he didn’t know what that meant. Barnett helped him out by saying it can be ‘hateful, or mocking or taking the mickey, it can be many things.’ No, no it is not…it is a very particular word invented by a white, Islamophile, academic who forged it in order to create a new ‘offence’ and a word that could be used, like ‘Racist’, to label, shame and scare people deemed ‘Islamophobic’ into silence.
Smith has been intimidated and bullied and the interview just accepted that what he did was ‘shameful’ and wrong rather than just normal highjinks that signify nothing…though they do reveal a lot about Islam and many Muslims…even the ‘nice’ passive aggressive Muslims who forgave him….what is there to forgive? The BBC dragged in an offended Muslim who told us that Smith’s action reflected the ignorance of the person doing such a thing….hmmm…no. Smith showed he knew the very basics of the religion and one of the major characteristics of it as he shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’….and he was just having a laugh. Barnett told us that far from just being one of those ‘silly things people do’ people [who?] ‘just can’t identify with that particular strain of humour’ [Smith’s]…hmmm…yes…yes they can. Nice of Barnett to be so sanctimonious on behalf of Muslims.
Affter the interview the BBC chose clips of Smith apologising and saying it was a shameful thing he’d done…that has of course now had to be corrected as the truth of the matter comes out and the real crime, being perpetrated against Smith, is highlighted…as he faces daily death threats.
Let’s hope British Gymnastics has a bit of backbone and backs Smith and tells everyone else to do one. Islam means submission……I suggest we all stop submitting to the Muslim intimidation and ‘blackmail’ and celebrate our own culture and values…such as freedom of speech and the freedom to insult or mock [if that was really what Smith was doing] all ideologies…especially those that claim to have been revealed to man over the course of 22 years by an angel whispering in his ear. Even his own wife doubted that…especially as God always supported Muhammed in any argument…funny that.
The BBC of course has no problem not just mocking Christianity but seemingly doing everything it can to undermine, ridicule and discredit it….producing programmes that ‘will rock the foundations’ of the religion, never mind Jerry Springer…..and there’s the Vicar of Dibley, Rev and C4’s Father Ted.
Last year former BBC news anchor Peter Sissons said Christians are “fair game” for insults at the corporation, whilst Muslims must not be offended.
Mr Sissons, whose memoirs were serialised in the Daily Mail, said: “Islam must not be offended at any price, although Christians are fair game because they do nothing about it if they are offended.”
‘Citizen Khan’ is apparently a comedy great for the BBC…
After having crucified Smith as a racist Islamophobe Barnett then put all that aside and had a laugh and a giggle about Smith’s appearance on Strictly….suddenly he was wonderful. What a bizarre interview.
Following the inquisition the BBC then moved onto hate crime figures just released that indicate, to the BBC, that Brexit was an exercise in ethnic cleansing. More of which later.
The BBC news item (linked above) is interesting in that at the out set it says;
‘Four-time Olympic medallist Louis Smith says he receives death threats “every day” after a video was leaked in which he apparently mocks Islam.
Smith, who could face “suspension or expulsion” by British Gymnastics, DID NOT STATE WHERE THE DEATH THREATS CAME FROM.’
See what they did there?
While the BBC welcomed people from the hate crime industry onto Five Live (again) yesterday – an industry where anyone is invited to just pop whatever allegation they want into a web link and, voila, more ‘hate’ is added to the list of unevidenced, uncorroborated and unsubstantiated ‘crimes’, Louis Smith’s experience is treated with a great deal more circumspection and innuendo by the BBC. For him different standard apply – more evidence, it seems is needed.
It’s a quite simple equation, BBC. Wherever you treat people differently, whenever you demand more from one than someone else, it’s bias, pure and simple.
He was interviewed on last nights Look East. It was appalling. Total crawling to the Muslim minority, no comment on death threats he and his family have received. The interviewer by her silence on theses seemed to suggest it was totally acceptable for these to be made. Taking the mick out of any other religion is totally acceptable as far as the Beeb is concerned
Its quite obvious really! On behalf of the whole 65 million people in the UK alongside 300 million Americans the saints within the beloved BBC has bravely decided to take it upon themselves all the guilt and shame which each and every UK/US citizen should be feeling because of our involvement in the recent wars against – yes, you guessed it, Islamic Oppression/torture!
Against – yes, you’ve guessed it – their own Muslim people!
Those poor people who work at the BBC must be a guilt-ridden lot!
According to the BBC standards, any attack on Christianity must be construed as racist and Christaphobic. If Christians start telling them that every time they do it then maybe they’ll be embarrassed. Actually with the distinct lack of self-awareness amongst lefties they will probably be too stupid to feel the justified embarrassment.
The pass was sold at the time of the Fatwa calling for the murder of Salman Rushdie, and it needs decisively retaking, to restore Britain as a free country.
There is a need for urgent, top level Government and law enforcement action (not just words) to address this continuous attack by islam on free speech and liberty.
All those making the death threats coming Louis Smiths way should be being very publicly arrested and put before the courts, with levels of publicity comparable to the Yewtree cases, which the BBC have been happy to cover extensively.
The Government should take immediate steps to revoke new Labours “hate crime” legislation with the exception of offences against disabled people, unable to defend themselves.
We must all be equal under the law, this is a true British value.
The pass was sold at the time of the Fatwa calling for the murder of Salman Rushdie, and it needs decisively retaking, to restore Britain as a free country.
Exactly, and the way some on the left capitulated and effectively approved the death threats was disgusting.
I found this post about Fred Hill on Going Postal very interesting:
We have set some very dangerous precedents that have eroded our libertarian freedoms in preference to religious thuggery.
100% yes – so completely correct Embolden.
So we cannot laugh at people who believe that drinking camel’s urine is a good thing, who believe that the Earth is flat and the Sun travels around it, who believe that angels won’t enter your house if there is a picture of a dog inside, that you must not yawn, that you must not wear yellow, or lie on your back with your feet crossed.
But seriously, one thing dictators cannot stand is laughter; it is a sound they fear most of all and suppress it. The BBC knows this and is in tune with our Government’s submission to the cult of submission.
“But seriously, one thing dictators cannot stand is laughter”
That would explain the BBC’s “comedians” then.
Exactly, the laughter for them comes from a machine which they turn on.
In an interview with Emma Barnett on 5Live he was hung out to dry. When asked if he was Islamophobic he said he didn’t know what that meant. Barnett helped him out by saying it can be ‘hateful, or mocking or taking the mickey, it can be many things.’ No, no it is not…it is a very particular word invented by a white, Islamophile, academic who forged it in order to create a new ‘offence’ and a word that could be used, like ‘Racist’, to label, shame and scare people deemed ‘Islamophobic’ into silence.
And so is the way of the Ethical latte drinkers out there. They stamp down hard on anybody who doesn’t subscribe to their warped mindset. The problem for them when they meet me for the first time, is I don’t subscribe to their way of thinking and they are left totally bamboozled by my plain way of talking.
Of course when anyone dares disagree with them they : shout sneer, namecall, belittle and generally intimidate them, cos they know that anyone who disagrees with them is “full of hate”.
..Talk about irony.
..Go to lefty messageboards or the Guardian comments and you can see it happen a thousand times a day.
I’ve just remembered something. Something from my childhood and reading Emma Barnett’s (BTW – another Beeboid who has surfaced without trace – made from the same carping, activist mould as everyone else on Five Live) very flexible definition, I feel embarrassed.
You see, I have to confess that when we were kids, playing cowboys and Indians in the park, I’d run around shouting GERONIMO and fired arrows from the bow that I made, at the others.
I realise now that in Ms Barnett’s eyes, in addition to being Nativeamericanphobic, I was also guilty of cultural appropriation.
I will now report myself for re-education. Perhaps the stupid cow can point me in the right direction.
Tonight’s HIGNFY spends the first half of the programme ritually bashing their political opponents, follows up by making fun of the Pope and has Paul Merton making a homophobic joke.
Funny old world. Or it used to be.