Groan! no offence to the Scots, but now we’re being subjected to a lot of gobby women who don’t draw breath, being interviewed at the SNP annual conference. Good job I’ve loads of Neurofen in the cupboard.
One must be very wary of a person when they tell you to “watch out, we are very soon going to take control of your children because we the Scottish Government think every parent can’t be trusted with their own children so we are going to have a spy following every move you nasty parents make”
Sounds something similar to what Corbyn’s groupies would put on their very first Manifesto!
Has the BBC pointed out that the Scottish Assembly is a ‘devolved’ authority, i.e. its powers are delegated from the UK government, which, if it was so minded, can take those powers back?
Ms Sturgeon can’t hold a referendum or declare UDI without rebelling against ‘the crown’, to which she has sworn allegiance.
The Scots voted to stay in the EU so I think that’s a genuine error.
Reminds me of a time when an article about the USA was accompanied by a photo of George Bush making a silly face. I saw it at work but I didn’t get a screen grab, by the time I had got home they had changed it.
Techno: The Scots voted to stay in the EU so I think that’s a genuine error.
Yes, I take your point. There is no evidence, come to think of it, that the BBC loathes Sturgeon as it loathes people like Bush, Trump, Farage and Wilders.
They managed to find a scowling, menacing shot of Wilders and used it as part of a propaganda piece on him years ago at the height of lefty hysteria at the outspoken Dutchman. Someone they interviewed at the time said words to the effect that he found Wilders’ views reprehensible but defended his right to air them. They used the quote for the caption to the photo but naturally omitted the defence of Wilders.
I complained via personal email to Peter Horrocks, high up in the hierarchy. The great man himself did not reply but someone in his office agreed that the BBC should not have used that partial quote in that fashion but disagreed that there was any intent behind the choice of photo.
Well, we know better as there are endless examples of the BBC manipulating photos and video to make their little lefty propaganda points.
In 2014 the Scottish independence referendum question, which voters answered with “Yes” or “No”, was “Should Scotland be an independent country?”
It does amuse me to imagine the syntax errors occurring in Nicola’s brain as she considers dependence of the EU as a reason for asking the next ‘independence’ referendum question:
1. To be independent from the UK (but not the EU)
2. To remain part of the UK (and independent of the EU)
“It can’t possibly be about independence anymore.”
It never was about independence in her mind. A bit like Boris, she doesn’t expect, or want, to win. It’s all about pandering to the non-working-class Braveheart vote up in Dundee & the like. And she attacks Brexiters for being nationalistic, racist & xenophobic. You really couldn’t make it up.
By the way, one of my good Scottish customers tells me that she’s known as “Seaweed” up there – apparently, when she was younger, even the tide wouldn’t take her out!
The SNP will use any and all opportunities to stoke up grievances , it is their main vote winner and distracts Scottish voters away from the awful SNP record in power. Brexit is just another example of the above. As long as the Westminster establishment caves in to the SNP demands for more and more money for Scotland , the SNP will continue the process. Someone has to call the SNP bluff and say , ‘ you can have independence , let’s get down to negotiation, oh and by the way no more money is on the table’.
Did anybody watch Newsnight last night. The bBC reported on the innocent verdict (within seconds) on those 3 Syrian asylum seekers who where in the dock for sexually molesting a couple of girls. Wow, according to the bBC, it is the British who are intolerant, where British people all sport tattoos on their faces and can only be racist and that the followers of Islam can only be a peaceful. (doesn’t say much about the rest of the world or even parts of Europe)
I had to laugh at how the bBC ask the family if they had it better in Syria than in the UK
How the accused, says he never thought about girls as it was against his religion. (watch his eyes) How his father claims it would have been better to die. The bBC then goes well out of its way in which to try and make these people into…victims. The father spends his time looking at death porn. Anyway while the bBC plays the intolerent British and Muslims can only be victims card here is how the media in Newcastle reported the story:
During the two week trial defence barristers applied for the case to be thrown out, it can now be reported. They said that there were inconsistencies in the complainants’ evidence to police, to the court and in cross-examination. One of the girls was a “proven liar”, the defence teams claimed, who had fabricated serious allegations about her home life prior to the sex assault claims.Judge Edward Bindloss decided that the question of the complainants’ reliability was best left to the jury and allowed the trial to continue.
So the defence did their job in discrediting the girl. What is strange as this is then reported:
Further problems with the high-profile case arose during the evidence Mr Alfrouh gave, when it became apparent major errors had been made by the interpreter during his key interview with police after he was arrested.One serious mistake arose when Mr Alfrouh described seeing Mr Badreddin and the girl kissing behind the pavilion. In his police interview he was translated as saying he saw Mr Badreddin’s penis and her vagina touching. But in front of the jury Mr Alfrouh insisted he did not say that, and when the tape was checked, an alternative translation which did not contain that passage was provided for the jury.He was also translated as telling police he “tried to” kiss the girl who was with Mr Badreddin, but this interpretation was changed to “wanted to” kiss her, and that he stopped himself.
So the facts on the ground show that actually these lads did have a sexual relationship with these girls, yet according to the bBC, they didn’t as it is forbidden under Islam.
Nice to see that the Buggering British Children is still shouting out “Look squirrel ‘ when it comes to apologising for rapists. Funny how they haven’t got round to doing likewise for Cliff Richard whom they hounded, just as they did with Lord McAlpine who have all been found innocent.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Dame Lowell Goddard may not have said this, but if she did, so what? She would have told a truth which is politically unacceptable. I thought that was the job of the Child Sex Abuse Inquiry. But of course, where mass sex attacks which are nothing to do with islam are involved, some truths are more politically unacceptable than others.
RiC – what she is supposed to have said falls within the category of “hate facts”, of which there are an ever increasing number in multicultural Britain.
Yes, sadly I did. I couldn’t even bring myself to complain about it – the whole thing was so biased and ludicrous. My teenage son was also spitting feathers listening to some of that tripe. Some thoughts –
– apparently the BBC have been following the family for 11 months – with what to show for it?? Waste of money springs to mind.
– yes, inconsistencies in what they said compared to media reports of the trial
– first impression on hearing this was that this trial must have been made to fail to protect these refugees
– yes, his comment on interactions with girls not consistent with some of the activities during the alleged incident
– one brother apparently fighting for some faction
– BBC please follow them for another 24 months cos I’ll put money on them sending manpower/money back to syria
– some comments bloody ungrateful despite this unpleasant ordeal
– lastly, big fat compensation cheque in the post! And we’re paying (again)
This SNP is about ” Brigadoonery” – this is a mystical Scottish nirvana.But unfortunately the republican mask is slipping , the fact that a separate Scotland would have a massive deficit even worse than Greece is batted away like an unwanted bluebottle.
West of Scotland republicans , in particular, many ex (hard) Labour are now inside the tent………………and they dont do facts. Take , for example, that bunch at Westminster, have you ever heard one single piece of positive contribution coming from that. It is a misrepresentation of most of us in Scotland but slowly it is getting sussed and hopefully put on its backfoot.
as a quarter scot myself i can now say 75% of myself is well pissed off with the other 25%.
its time to play hardball with europe and scotland.
All the future free trade deals the (new smaller) UK signs up to must exclude scotland they will have to negotiate them themselves, ohhhh forgot they cant can they, europe has to do that for them.
free trade with england … nope they cant have that either europes rules is europes rules.
the pound nope, scottish pound nope.
get real jimmy krankie you aint going to get it allways
I’m 100% Scottish and fully agree. SNP have always been a parasitic self deluded tossers. Totally corrupt too. I presume that’s part of the reason they love the EU so much.
R4 1:45pm A bit of non-biasedBBC maybe ? Story of a half caste guy who inherits his father’s planations and came to live in England to become the first black high sheriff..but “continued to run the plantations where enslaved people were treated appallingly”
A bit of full colour complexity on the BBC instead of their normal black and white simplistic guilt trip ?
although Britain was at the heart of a thriving slave trade, it was still possible for many black people to live here in freedom and prosperity. A few even made it to the very top of fashionable society.
But there were others who were brought over by slave-owners from the West Indies and who were never free, despite living for the rest of their lives in Glasgow or Bristol or London. Some took the law into their own hands, and managed to free themselves,
Slavery had existed for thousands of years throughout the world prior to its abolition in Britain,1833. Africa itself was a main protagonist in promoting slavery. Prior to the European Empire building enterprise of the 17th – 19th centuries. The Arabs were also chief expoiters of African slavery. Do the compensation groups ask the Arabs for compensation? No they don’t.
For Great Britain in 1833, to be the first country to abolish slavery,was both amazingly compassionate and humane not to mention insightful. When placed into a historical context, where slavery was a thriving trade, labour was cheap,profits were there to be taken in abundance. The British parliament not only abolished it but also paid the an enormous compensatory amount of 20 million pounds to the slave traders for the relinquishment of their business. In todays terms I believe, this would probably amount to about 1.25 billion pounds today,
It is ironic that the people who come from these very countries where slavery was expoited and encouraged the most for thousands of years, such as Africa, West Indies and Middle East today there exists illegality and death to homosexuals, a thriving drugs trade, a lack of law and order and large swathes of inhumanity. I would suggest that maybe some of these compensation seekers should look into their own back yard before pointing the finger at Britain who were the emancipators. Maybe we in Britain should claim compensation from them for the illegal importation of drugs into our country, or, psychologically affecting our feelings with their inhumane and brutal killing of homosexuals!
Rather than condemning Britain for putting humanity above profit why don’t the compensator seekers thank Britain for doing good around the world and being at the forefront at abolishing human slavery?
Trailer for an upcoming programme on divorce showed a wedding cake with the bride and groom atop – black male, white female. er, why ??? Stats prove that its 8% of B & EM out of the total population, but we are still being shown images that try to indicate we are a 50/50 society !
Not for long though. Anyway you should be ashamed of your racist heritage and just accept that your culture and ancestors are inferior to any other. Submit yourself to this and you may be saved. Hmm “submition” isn’t there some cult based on this. Ho him.
Donald trump has accused the clinton’s as criminals,the political establishment as crooked,he’s accused the u.s attorney general, the head of fbi,the media as just a bunch of lobbyists,he’s accused the clinton’s of astitch up on bernie sanders,our newspapers and u.s papers not headlining any of this.Only fox news reporting this.Last night’s question time completely said nothing.Obama silent,clinton’s silent .Hillary clinton destroyed 33 thousand emails after a subpoena ,destroyed cellphones with a hammer,2 thousand more emails announced yesterday still silence.This corruption will be worldwide and i’m sure will effect us aswell,these global big business wars from both parties in u.s and with all this knowledge about to be exposed by donald trump our bookmakers still have her as odds on favourite i thought they knew their stuff .And frankly why anybody is not talking about this is deeply worrying and astonishing.
On This Week last night, st the very end of the show, Brillo revealed some breaking news. Clinton has apparently been instructed by a Federal Judge to properly answer 20-odd questions relating to the emails scandal, which up until now she’s fobbed of with “I can’t remember’ platitudes. Brillo went on to say that if her answers aren’t satisfactory she will be charged with Perjury.
This morning’s sweep of the news via Google’s News App..?
I think any judge who tried that would be found dead after a convenient heart attack. No need for an autopsy, after all, Chief Justice Antonin Scalia didn’t warrant one after his unexplained death, and he was a Supreme Court Justice.
The America of Obama and Clinton is fast evolving into a banana republic, and only a Trump victory can turn things round. Any conservative or Christian voters who refuse to back Trump because of a dirty trick leak of an eleven year old private conversation are morons who will get what they deserve, another Clinton presidency.
It’s difficult to see how America could recover from a Hillary Clinton presidency following on eight years of Obama.
Fox news is strongly on the case of the leaked emails and has been hammering the subversive, corrupt left-wing US media re the extraordinary revelations of its total support for the Democrats.
I watched the Florida speech which Mackers flagged up on the last thread: incredible.
I can’t think of any other “politician” who I have ever heard talk about how the insider elite operate, quite astonishing; it is of little surprise that al beebus didn’t go anywhere near it.
‘Driving licence clampdown criticised’
Could you get a drabber, less informative, more evasive headline then this on the BBC’s UK website page?
One page in, and the headline adds the word ‘Illegal’ but you still don’t have a clue what it is all about unless you plough through the ‘story’.
I’m at the point of giving up on Radio 5 Live during the day. Recent changes of presenter have turned it into even more of a leftard circle jerk than it was already, right through to 4.00pm when Tony Livsey at least attempts to give his show some balance.
9.00am – Nicky Campbell leaves you in no doubt as to his opinions on fracking, Donald Trump and Brexit and argues with any caller who thinks any of them might be good. Callers who agree with him are given an easy ride.
10.00am – Sloane-voiced feminist Emma Barnett talks about periods.
1.00pm – New recruit Nihal Icantbebotheredtogooglehowtospellhissirname has that deadly mix of ethnic chippyness and a low IQ, and is all too happy to flaunt both, whether he is reading headlines or interviewing someone. There is no way that he got that job on merit. Even if you can look past his achingly right-on attitude he is a TERRIBLE presenter.
Fridays 1.00pm – You would think a ‘sports panel’ would be free from this kind of crap, but it seems to be more interested in discussing depression among female cricketers or wheelchair access in football stadiums than actual sport.
Fridays 2.00pm – Mark Kermode reviews films through a liberal lens, ocasionally stopping to rail against capitalism or misogyny. Recently gave Ghostbusters ‘Film of the Week’ because it has an all female cast, despite obviously not liking it.
You forgot Adrian Chiles (AKA Benny from Crossroads) The BBC management think listeners are all daily Mail readers and daily mail readers are thick , so we need a thick presenter to talk at their level.
You know why they introduced Emma Watson ?
The BBC started Five Live as a sports/news network and then after a while realised all our listeners are male we are being called Radio Bloke ..So now will put this feminist show on at 10am primetime
…except that show is on at the same time as Male-hater’s Hour is on Radio4 so you can’t avoid having feminist issues being forced down your throat.
“posse” style radio crap, gave up listening to that shite years ago, same now with LBC/Global radio. All of these twats are singing from the same MSM/propaganda hymnsheet. Time the country had a push back against the cultural marxist arseholes. (sry for the language, just sick to the back teeth of it)
“Mark Carney has said that inflation will rise on products such as food because of the fall in the value of the pound.”.
Shouldn’t he be concerned with the Bank of England and the performance of our sterling not dabbling in politics ?
If food does rise, its time to back British food producers.
Time to resurrect the old “I’m Backing Britain” campaign – British foods to have the Union ‘Jack’ or home nations flags on them .
Too true – Carney, a tool of Osbourne, what can you expect?
I remember Bruce and, “I’m Backing Britain”. These days I fear such a campaign would bring cries of xenophobia etc., etc., but worth a try.
Yes what’s Carney the tool upto, Before Brexit he told us Brexit meant higher houseprices cos interest rates would go up.
– Then on Brexit when the pound was lowering, he lowered the interest rate 0.25% thus sending the signal “we won’t protect the pound”
Now he’s saying ah cos the pound is going down, inflation will go up, so now I can’t put interst rates up cos they’ll be more inflation.
– If in the first place he’d signalled that he might put interest rates up then, that might have stabilised the £.
WATO had a wide selection of doomster economic experts..who didn’t mention any positives the country is now full of foreign investment money.
One expert did point out that the UK’s gov borrowing is huge and worries the markets..Yes that is why this idiot Tory govt should have had real cuts not pretend cuts ..Like whats with housing benefit ? They give £11bn to poor people who immediately pass it on to the rich people who own the buy-t-let properties.
Pound going down means that to foreigners British salaries seem low it is a less attractive place to visit.
Strange the media haven’t mentioned this maths.
It should make the UK cheaper to tourists and students, but all the foreign students I meet (whilst abroad) are only coming here cos they can work on a student visa.
Suppose Brexit delivers immigration control, which reduces demand for housing (so house prices slow down) and supply of unskilled labour (so British workers’ wages rise a bit at the bottom end) and reduces pressure on public services.
Not to mention we will be able to our rulers to account, rather than let them blame EU for the country’s woes.
Don’t remember Carney being so concerned when the Euro was rock bottom last year.
BTW Anyone think TC Soros has anything to do with the £ being hit so hard right now? He’s done it before after all…
Can’t stand that little shit Carney … Bank of England is supposed to be neutral. Who brought this Canadian twit here anyway? Cameron? Osbourne? Who? Oh how I long for the days of Mervyn King.
I wonder whether Goldman Sachs were behind the ‘coup’ against Tony Abbott in Australia, where he was replaced as PM by Malcolm Turnbull (ex-Goldman Sachs, coincidentally).
I found today that there is a Petition to Parliament to revoke the BBC Charter. Not before time. You can find the information on “not a lot of People know that”. definitely worth signing, if only to get right up their noses. Works for me!
The EU wants to haul Britain over the coals for the temerity of charging foreign trucks for the use of our roads .
British trucks have been paying tolls or taxes in every other country for decades , but even the slightest evening up of this iniquitous situation means we lose out . There’s a lot more detail to it , but don’t expect “analysists ” , experts , special transport correspondent or anyone at the arty luvvies BBC to be even aware of it , never mind explain .
So, the lone ‘child refugees’ are on their way to a new life in Britain. Has anyone seen the photo in the D/Mail today ?? My idea of ‘children’ is certainly not young and fit men looking for all the world like 18+ and more than capable of looking after themselves (with their on trend hairstyles). It seems that those ‘under 18’ are allowed to come. Well in this country you are no longer a child if you can get married at 16, so what the hell is going on ?? The media give the impression of ‘children’, sorry, but children presents the image to me of little ones running around at age up to 10. This is so disgusting.
They must think we are retards. I could think of some expletives to use, but you know the ones. As usual, they can’t find a real vulnerable ‘child’, cos there aren’t any. These are young men who will easily lie about their age, and have probably been told to. It is just galling that we then have to pay for them, probably for the rest of their lives. And there’ll be a never ending supply. And, they never tell you what sort of relatives they have for their ‘entitlement’, what a bloody cheek.
It’s been said before but worth repeating – the media uses ‘child’ in different ways to skew a story. If they want our sympathy, someone is a child until their 18th birthday. If they want us to view them as independent (eg to push for things like free abortion or contraception on demand), they are ‘young adults’from about 12/13 upwards.
Just had R4 TWATO with Marcia Mardell……………Absolutely no mention of Clinton being summoned to appear before a Judge (who also gave her a perjury warning) in order to answer 25 questions about her previous conduct (emails et al).
Can anyone imagine what would the situation be if Trump had received the same?
Also, I see Carney has opened his mouth again to talk down the English Pound sterling……..I haven’t heard yet but I expect Hammond will be doing the same as soon as he can get in front of a camera.
Please Theresa May (the remainer, don’t forget) please, please get rid of Carney the Europhile and remainer and Hammond, the Europhile and remainer.
I’ve no doubt we will get wall to wall coverage about the fall in the pound all weekend from bbbc
The sooner we serve article 50 the sooner we can stop giving the nations wealth to the EU
Republican business donors getting twitchy wanting trump removed,the end is nigh,the prisons await.Still no response to these allegations from anyone and president barack obama has said absolutely nothing,When is he or hillary going to deny or even respond?Global corruption exposed and SILENCE.This is the biggest bombshell in human history and SILENCE.Thousands of criminals in power around the world and SILENCE.
We do get a story from the BBC, buried beneath countless Trump-bashin’ articles, and if there was ever a case of ‘reporting through gritted teeth’ this is it.
So, one story flags up on Google while the SCBBC brush the whole thing off like an annoying fly. I mean it’s hardly important is it BBC, she might be the ‘leader of the free world’ soon and she’s being threatened with perjury… But what’s that, Trump looked at someone funny did he – burn him!!
To be fair to Mrs Clinton, she may have been so brain damaged by her frequent seizures, that just this once, maybe she is telling the truth, and really does not remember anything about her email server.
And they still think Hillarious would make POTUS? It will be a disastrous day for the USA if it happens. And the World will become a worse place after all we have done to improve Peoples lives all over the Globe.
Donald trump spent 100 million on this campaign so far,put 20 million on the british bookmakers huge error of judgement and get all your money back,and leaflet every house in america with the facts stated in recent rally’s in florida and Cincinnati,SIMPLES
This comment got stranded on the midweek thread, but I just wanted to point out that the Radio 4 Today Daily Hate for Trump was again in force.
Weird Will Gompertz (the man who got his job despite not having a degree or any broadcasting experience) was interviewing celebrity gay fashion designer Tom Ford, allowing him to plug his latest film on the oh so advert free BBC. The quid pro quo of course was that Tom Ford had to ritually denounce Trump as some sort of half witted demon. Of course he is Tom, that’s why he happens to own so much of New York City.
Never, ever, is there a word of criticism of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt, crooked and incompetent person who has ever run for the Presidency of the United States. It is like the Brexit vote all over again. I cannot say how much I hope the BBC wakes up on 9th November with a huge pile of egg all over their smug, left wing faces.
And Chris Evans (radio 2) asked Chrissie Hynde is she was for ‘dump the Trump’. She seemed bemused and evaded the question, which was the correct thing to do. What a twat he is.
She has gone up in my estimation. If she still votes in US elections, I would have her down as a Bernie Sanders supporter.
I cannot imagine why anyone who voted for Sanders, who had the nomination stolen from him by a corrupt Democrat National Committee, would want to support such a lying, deceitful, crony capitalist as Hillary Clinton. There are Green or Libertarian Party candidates they could vote for, but why support such an evil candidate?
All true, and his heart might not be as strong as it used to be. So many people who cross the Clintons seem to have heart attacks or commit suicide don’t they? Maybe Bernie wanted to live to enjoy his massive Senate pension.
Jo Whiley has said on film that Chris Evans would walk towards her at the BBC, during his time as Radio 1 breakfast host, she’d look down at her notes and then when she looked back up Chris Evans was walking with his cock out.
So how much will ‘Stuka’ Junckers offer Wallonia in bribes to make them change their mind?
“A spokesman for the Commission said: “We’re following the events and we are in close contact with representatives from the Belgian governments to convince them of the agreement’s benefits and to dispel concerns.”
With BBC Look North having previously put so much effort into getting all & sundry to condemn Ched Evans, I hope they are now rushing round offering helpings of humble pie & seeking apologies from the provincial glitterati.
Some among my esteemed colleagues here might recall that RJ, followed by others, expressed extreme displeasure back in early October at the following observation by Harriet Gilbert, my emphasis in bold:
Also, like all historical fiction this is written now, I mean Robert Harris is writing to the 21st century and you get – there are riots, anti-Jewish riots at some point which have strong echoes forward, Kristallnacht and the Nazi Jewish pogroms. And then I couldn’t help reading this, also in the light of now and Jewish people in Europe beginning to feel frightened again and of course Muslims feeling that they are the Jews of now, it’s got a lot of resonance to me for the 21st century.
Somehow I cannot link to individual comments but for those wishing to check the comments out, they are near the bottom of the second page of this thread:
and a copy, a bit further down, of an indignant email sent to the aforementioned Gilbert, the main thrust of which was the following:
Comments like yours are grossly insulting to Jewish survivors, their loved ones and Jews in general, diminish the Holocaust in the eyes of others and bolster the entirely false narrative of Muslim victimhood.
Nearly fell off my chair when I got a polite, almost apologetic reply the following day from Gilbert, in which she went some way towards acknowledging her error. I take the liberty of reproducing it here:
Dear – ,
I accept that there are many differences between the situation of Muslims in the 21st century and Jewish people both now and in the 20th century. My comment should have been either more thought through, or expanded, or qualified.
Thank you for getting in touch with me.
Yours, with good wishes,
Harriet Gilbert.
I was so flabbergasted by this that I emailed back expressing my appreciation and thanking her for her response. I have communicated directly with a number of BBC people over the years but have seldom received a response like that one. They are almost always of the, “We are experienced, impartial, distinguished and practically faultless media people and you are ignorant and misguided,” variety when you read between the lines.
What do my genuinely distinguished colleagues here think of Gilbert’s response?
So what time will the BBC apologise for the relentless attacks on Evans, not least on Newsnight and Radio 5 Live, that were carried out in order to prevent Evans from continuing his career once released from prison?
The BBC has never before put its weight behind a mindless mob seeking to prevent an ex prisoner returning to life out side bars and rebuilding their lives.
The BBC employ Boy George, who along with another thug, kidnapped a young lad, chained him to the wall, whipped him with chains and were going to rape him but for the fact the lad escaped naked into the streets.
The BBC praise and defend Julian Assange, despite Assange doing all he can to avoid sexual Assault charges.
And, for the BBC, 1,400 children raped and tortured is a matter best ignored.
So now, surely, the BBC will apologise for its coverage, which heaped further destruction on the life of an innocent young man.
Prison , loss of earnings and false accusations, i hope he sues the lot of them….. and donates all the money to Fathers for Justice or the Falsely Accused Support Organisation. Something to do with men’s rights.
People sitting in judgement and signing petitions so he could not play and earn a living should hold their heads in shame.
Please BBC, please interview Jessica Ennis and obtain her opinion. Take away her CBE petitions should start immediately.
DJ so glad you mentioned Jess Ennis – she was absolute in her condemnation and having her name removed from Sheffield United ground if he was re-instated. I hope she now has the grace to apologise to him. Just shows that these sports stars/slebs should keep their mouths shut and just get on with what they’re paid to do.
Having just listened to NewsShite, the BBC official version must be that the jury got it wrong. Some woman of colour opines “could you prove 100% that he was quilty of THAT CRIME?… the jury couldn’t”. Davies nods sagely. What crime does the WoC think has been committed?
The BBC are doubling down with sneering articles that insinuate he should never have been found not guilty due to the complainant’s sexual history being used as evidence.
Personally, having read the official court reports from the original trial, I’m amazed it ever even went to trial. The girl never claimed he raped her. She never denied being an ‘enthusiastic sexual partner’ with Ched Evans. She simply claimed she couldn’t remember, which meant that any consent she gave ‘didn’t count’, so therefore it was ‘rape’. The tweets to her friend asking if she wanted a new car, because she was ‘going to get a payout’ were deemed to be ‘inadmissible’.
Ched Evans has had his life destroyed. His behaviour certainly wasn’t the sort most men would be proud of, but some people have unconventional sex lives – swingers, orgies, threesomes, etc. So what.
Why isn’t ‘chemsex’ rape? Are people capable of giving ‘informed consent’ when they’re high on drugs? What would happen if somebody at a chemsex party cried ‘rape’ even though they’d been an enthusiastic participant at the time?
Unreported World 7.30pm, Channel 4
Tonight’s edition comes from Berlin, a haven for those fleeing war and also a bastion of liberal tolerance. However, gay refugees from Syria and Iraq face violence from bigoted fellow migrants. We meet one young man who was a promising pop star in Iraq but was forced to leave after questions arose about his sexuality and his friends braved deadly attacks. He himself faces an attack on his shelter, with homophobic migrants the main suspects.
Gay/Muslim and Refugeess That’s triple brownie points for Virtue signallers
Anyone listening to R4 feedback ?
First complaint was ‘BBC is doing Trumps bidding,by banging on about him all the time….what you mean by sneering at him all the time
Jon Soppel was on saying “Ye Hillary’s emails, I’ve done that ..yeh lucky for her something came up just as Trump tape was released, so we din’t have time to report it” He didn’t mention the new sopoena
Soppel also said oh there are conspiracy theories of witness intimidation etc. but he doesn’t have to report that
Roger Bolton “Mr Trump is a really unattractive personality”
ah now 2 complaints about Pro Hillary
now a complaint complaint of over-coverage
Soppel replied well is MR Trump does become president its such a huge huge change ..thats why we report so much
In that C4 prog they followed 3 mid east gays, they claimed at the normal refugee camp they get harassed they came under the protection of a German LGBT NGO..even then they were attacked at the office ..and the film showed Muslim in the street insulting gays and spoke of Muslims going out on the street to beat up Muslim gays.
– One bit was happy happy the gay Iraqi going to gay pride.
– Another bit featured another refugee gay using an app to get work as a gay escort.
Great news folks! I have just read on the BBC Teletext news that Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain has signed a deal to “make the BBC her home” and will be doing items for The One Show and other programmes.
I never saw that one coming ………much!
Noooooooooooo ! next thing she’ll be doing the fashion hour with various shades and how to wear a hijab ! my dad and granddad will be turning in their graves.
I have noticed that today is 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Good old Brit Harold got one in the eye
950 years of Franco-Norman occupation, surely the BBC should be lapping this up given their anti British, pro EU stance.Missed one there BBC.
Does Brexit mean we can get rid of these interlopers and bring back the House of Wessex to the throne whoever their lineage may ascertain they are, could be me, instead of these dodgy Germans we currently have in situ?
It would have been good to have sent the article whatever letter to Brussels today.
That would have pleased the shades of our ancestors who fell this day 950 years ago.
Not that the vile BBC has any time for them or for us now. Come to think of it the entire liberal elite is very much in the mould of the Normans.
Disdainful and verging on the tyrannical.
Funny how they creep round the Scots Nats but I suppose their aggressive nationalism is OK by them. It is English patriotism they hate.
Nationalism is only acceptable to the left if it is romantic 19th century nationalism, ie, opposed to the major colonial powers of that era. So Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Breton, Arab, Indian, African nationalism is acceptable. British, French or American nationalism is not. English nationalism is not acceptable because it is seen as synonymous with British nationalism.
R4 6am News on a multi-billion $$ broadcaster BBC
‘HFCs were introduced to replace CFCs which needed to be replaced due to their effect on global warming.’
Thinking CFC’s were replaced cos of global warming !
WTF no one in the R4 news workplace noticed an error like that ?
News on the Trojan horse Muslim school – Hidden away in the Times, a small item mentions that 2 of the teachers have had their teaching bans overturned due to improper court procedures at the first trial (evidence withheld)
R4 Now play about gypsies …fair enough makes a change from BBC pet topics being rammed down our throat.
Gypsies must far out number the BBC’s beloved trans, but there’s hardly any progs about them
R4 News is doing the Ched Evans thru their teeth “Well funded campaign etc”
Now they have just chosen to replay a tape of a blogger saying
“This rapist should not be allowed to play again..cos of the message it sends”
..Surely that’s an illegal action
Now they are replaying the Charlie webster tape saying the same thing
They are just replaying all the old hate stuff from when he was found guilty
I couldn’t face another Dimblebore session on Thursday, so I watched the Maisberger chat-show on German TV instead because “Our” Gisela Stuart was a guest. The title of the programme was “AfD – Can rage be a basis for politics? ” Of course, no AfD representative was invited to take part. Obviously, this was just another mini-showtrial where the “populism” of Trump, UKIP, Brexiteers, AfD, all the Visegrad counties, Geert Wilders, Le Pen, the Austrian People’s Party, white people in general etc. would be subjected to the ritual condemnations for racism, sexism, and islamophobia. Stuart did not get a chance to say much as she was paired up at the beginning of the programme with the very loud-mouthed and long-winded Daniel Cohen-Bendit. Famous, at least in Germany, for being a leader of the ’68 student unrest, friend of Joshua Fischer, well connected to the left-wing terrorist scene in the 60’s and 70’s but now a leftist green and fervent Pro-European. Stuart made the usual sovereignty points. Trump was of course denigrated by Cohen-Bendit for his “mistreatment of women” on the basis of Trump’s famous remarks. In the early seventies Cohen-Bendit had set up an “anti-authoritarian kindergarten” and in his 1975 book “Le Grand Bizar” he describes himself indulging in sexual activities with the children he was looking after. All this being reminiscent of certain Labour party figures’ apologia for the PIE. According to Cohen-Bendit this was just a “verbal provocation ” and he “would not say this today”. None of this was mentioned on the programme, of course, yet the pompous Cohen-Bendit thinks he is a fit person to sit in moral judgment of others on the basis of what they say.If evil thoughts lead to evil words then evil deeds he must be, by his own logic, an extremely evil person himself. He follows the same logic with Brexit. The referendum got stupid and primitive Britons thinking about immigration, they expressed their thoughts about immigration and finally the increase in “post-Brexit hate-crime” was the result. However, like Catholic priests who molest children, leftists like Cohen-Bendit seem to enjoy some form of “grace” which “washes away their sins” no matter what they may think, say or do.
I remember that man. On record as I recall of desiring the destruction of his country and of Western civilisation. Gisela should not have appeared with him.
Indeed, what can we learn from discovering a young man has been imprisoned for 2 and a half years and hounded for a crime that may not have even happened?
How about that women shouldn’t lie in order to get money? That the BBC should take a step back from being judgemental and study the facts? That the BBC should not mindlessly support feminist web sites?
No, what the BBC has learnt is …
“There should be a change in the moral code of behaviour of footballers”! (The woman in this case jumped into a footballer’s taxi without even knowing his name just to go back to his hotel with him!)
That though Ched has been imprisoned for 2 ½ years for a crime he didn’t do, we must all remember that the woman has “been through two court cases and reportedly been hounded out of her home five times.” Erm, whose fault is that?
The BBC then links it to a case of a paedophile who happened to be a footballer, Adam Johnson – I kid ye not! Why not link it to The Russian Invasion of the Ukraine?
This is followed by a quote from a criminologist on how footballer’s misuse their power. Oh, so women don’t go flocking to clubs where they hope to find wealthy footballers? Please!
Greg Dyke finds it all ‘sordid’ even if it wasn’t rape. So? He wasn’t involved and what people get up to consensually has f**k all to do with his prudish view of the world.
Apparently whether Ched Eavns will be allowed to return to professional football “is yet to be seen”. Well the BBC news dept should read the newspapers. He is playing professional football!
And “campaigners are concerned complainants in high-profile cases could be deterred from coming forward if they fear abuse or exposure on social media”. Well if they are honest about the allegations what’s the problem, please explain BBC?
The BBC’s view of the world does not allow it to offer any sympathy for a man whose life has been destroyed by lies and a media mob led by the BBC themselves.
What Ched Evans did was despicable, of course, and he should be unreservedly condemned. However, it is unclear to me why his friend Clayton McDonald, whose actions were identical, was acquitted by the jury in the original case, whilst Evans was jailed. [skin colour was completely irrelevant, of course!].
Martin W
Because she apparently claimed to have consented to have sex with McDonald but not Evans.
…..and she could get more publicity and money from the papers because Evans was a well known player who had also played international football for Wales. McDonald was plying his trade in the lower leagues.
“Because she apparently claimed to have consented to have sex with McDonald but not Evans.”
I think her story all the way through has been that she couldn’t remember anything that happened. It was the CPS who decided that if she was too drunk to remember the evening she must have been too drunk to give consent; so it must have been rape. The decision of the original jury in deciding that she consented to one and not the other was illogical to say the least, but I’ve not read the judge’s summing up from that trial, so they might have been guided that way.
A few years ago Harriet Harman of the Pink Bus said that ‘The Court of Public Opinion’ had found someone guilty.
That’s the view of the BBC/Left. If the Referendum result, General Election result or Court result don’t match their mindset, then they find a way of changing it by any subversive means possible.
The media and its PC lapdogs inc the BBC assumed Evan’s guilt from the start and when he was banged up demanded he atone for his “crime” and admit to his guilt. Will he get an apology now, somehow I doubt it.
Oh and maybe Wales might have got even further in the Euros this year!
Channel 4’s Unreported World has some dozy Irish bint wandering around Germany wondering why LGBT Syrian “refugees” are being beaten up, raped and murdered in refugee centres and elsewhere by their fellow Syrian “refugees” This woman seems to think moving away from Syria will somehow attenuate belief in Islam. As if there is something in Syrian, Iraqi or Turks water or air that makes Syrian
“The Police and CPS are under massive pressure to convict rapists whatever the evidence.”
No offence intended DS, but I’m going to be pedantic here, because it’s a favourite trick of the BBC.
Where the evidence exists the accused should be tried and convicted, and is then correctly termed “a rapist”; but if the evidence isn’t there he shouldn’t be tried and can’t be called “a rapist”. If there is some evidence that may or may not stand up in court (no pun intended) it should be put to a jury. To say that the police are under pressure to convict rapists is to accept the feminists’ wish to pre-judge allegations, and allow them to control the language of the debate – which will mean that they will win the argument.
The BBC’s trick is encapsulated in their oft repeated phrase that “the police must always believe the victim”. This pre-supposes that the person making the allegation is telling the truth, that a crime has been committed and that they are a “victim”. Today’s papers have the story that the Met has apologised to Lord Bramall because of the way they treated him and his wife when completely unfounded allegations of sexual abuse were made against him. In this instance he is “the victim” of a malicious allegation. Even the BBC have had to cover the story.
Greg Dyke needs to remember that there were a few dogs in the offices of the FA rutting to get at secretary Faria Alam a few years ago when Sven was Manager ! the list was getting longer by the day on that one !
“Supt Jo Williams of North Wales police said: “We are aware that once again the victim has been named on social media.
“We would remind people that it is a criminal offence under Section 5 of the Sexual Offences Amendments Act to do so, and that the victim has the right to life long anonymity. ”
She is not THE victim, A victim or anything else. The victim was Evans spending time in prison for a crime he did not commit.
If naming her could cause genuine rape victims to not come forward then she should not be named. But only for the sake of genuine victims and not hers. She should still be prosecuted for giving false evidence ending up giving her victim a period of false imprisonment and severely damaging his career. A short prison spell should make her think again, and that should be published to deter others who want to make false allegations in an attempt to get a large payout from rich men.
Immigrants currently comprise in the region of 10% of the population in the UK – around 1% of them born in Poland. Set in the not-too-distant future, Agnieszka Dale imagines a Britain where all the Polish immigrants have left the UK. All except for one, Krystyna Kowalska – who is visited by an immigration officer.
Anti-UKIP, Brexit, xenophobia, pro-mass immigration, open borders? I have no idea, it was far too clever for me.
The ‘punch line’ is that the immigration officer has a Polish surname. I expect that is because his ancestor fled German occupation, (open borders?), and volunteered as a fighter pilot to defend the UK, rather than the ‘last Pole’ who came ‘for sex’, (child benefits?).
At the Scottish vote, “Westminster just has to give us the pound.”
I still can’t get past that one. The attitude of entitlement, the brass necked cheek.
“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother”
I’ve signed the petition, “Revoke the BBC Charter”, not easy to find without the link though. It needs to be out there.
In the mean time they should seriously think about removing the first ‘B’.
They are based in Britain and that is as far as it goes. Oh, and they are funded by a compulsory TV tax on British people.
So ‘B’ Off B BC.
I see the Daily Mail has the Hillary email news that the BBC doesn’t report
Seems to be when the Feds did the email inquiry they weren’t transparent in that they kept a lot of Hillary’s replies secret
So a right wing US org had to FOIA Clinton’s team to get the answers
For some reason this went as far as a judge
The org wanted her in court to give oral answers
The judge said she just had to do it in writing
That reveals that most of the time she replied “I don’t recall” 21 times when asked 25 questions
Hillary’s side said : It’s a frivolous lawsuit and that they’d answered those questions before.
That will be the BBC’s excuse for not covering it
People say if she has such problems remembering then that is a health issue.
I’m struggling to understand this. If the US justice department really wanted to nail Hillary Clinton they would have done it ages ago. Are they just acting tough now to try to save face and pretend that they weren’t under Obama’s jackboot all this time as he protected Clinton?
She might well be president in under a month. Would they really remove her from office and shove her in jail for perjury – one of her lesser crimes?
As for the FBI, I watched the Director being interrogated by a few tough congressmen at his hearing. It was sickening watching him trying to justify his exoneration of Clinton. He is a coward who succumbed to pressure from Obama and the rest of the crooked crew to keep crooked Hillary on track to become president rather than put her where she belongs – in jail.
He betrayed the FBI, he betrayed himself, but most of all he betrayed his country and made it a lot more difficult for ordinary people to believe in the prospect of justice for the powerful elite.
“A man of Jewish descent is demanding an apology after pop singer Lily Allen labelled him a “Nazi” for not supporting mass migration and told him to be “twice as ashamed” because he is Jewish.”
Of course dear little snowflake Lily is refusing to apologise, strange considering earlier this week she managed to apologise on behalf 60m people. Also by calling a Jew a Nazi, either she’s being deliberately offensive (but hey no matter he’s only Jewish after all) or she really needs a history lesson.
While we’re on the subject of apologies I have an idea dear Lily, the British population will agree to apologise AFTER we get an apology for……
*The beheading of Lee Rigby, you remember him right? Just an innocent guy walking down a street who was suddenly attacked and killed for the crime of being British
*The organised rape and exploitation of 1000’s of children by young MUSLIM men. Their crime? Not being Muslim it would appear.
*The spate of other sexual assaults on both men and women up and down the country, all of whom were non Muslim, and committed by Muslims, natch.
*The small matter of the July 7th bombings.
*The continued deafening silence from more moderate Muslims who refuse to condemn the actions of the more radical elements of Islam, thereby leaving little hope that things will change in the near future. Islam cannot be reformed externally it can only be reformed from within.
*The role of Imams in their mosques who are playing a huge part in radicalising poorly educated youngsters into believing that the West is to blame for everything.
And that’s just the start.
Yep Lily, we’ll be more tolerant and welcoming to them when they start being tolerant of us and stop trying to massacre or rape us. It’s only fair, they are our guests after all.
Alternatively, we can go to their countries and behave in exactly the same way as they do in ours…….How do you think they’d react.
Lilly Allen educated? Nah, just a band-waggon passenger! My kids (15 and 16) are properly educated (i.e. we regularly discuss history and politics at home) They check various sources and come to their own opinion not what’s “trending” (aka fashionable). I’m very proud that they appreciate what Trump is really about and that we are well shot of the EU. There is hope for the future guys!
Dimbleby did just that in BBC R4 Any Answers 2001 – Death Camp survivor speaking about uncontrolled immigration to the UK – I was so shocked, it’s stuck in my memory to this day. So Lily, you have some catching up to do!
Am I missing something? They flee supposedly war torn places and end up in France, an advanced, safe, western country – not a war ravaged, shit hole but they’re still not satisfied ?
As someone said, could you imagine a ‘Jungle’ at Dover – why not ?
Strange behaviour for genuine refugees I agree, it’s almost as if they’re here for reasons other than fleeing persecution.
Wasn’t there something in the last few days about a group of “refugees” who were placed in Latvia and were protesting because it’s one the poorer nations in the EU?
Repost from yesterday : C4 had an interesting prog about Ex-Muslims
– It was mainly about girls that had left fundamentalist families are so were left ostracized.
– It featured footage of video of 3 or 4 UK preachers preaching to crowds and saying that was the right thing to kill people who leave the faith.
– But whilst standing for vote to be a Conservative councillor said on camera said that tolerance was very important to him.
I think it’s so important to support the org that helps ex-muslims to leave the faith
They used the hashtag #ExMuslimBecause
BBc 2 music history last week it was 1976-1982(I think) so who to present it? Yes famous for 5 minutes Pauline black, from the short lived two tone movement
This week the white culture of skinheads so who presents it Don Letts and who gets their face on it within 10 minutes yep Pauline Black.
Remote click change channel, both times.
Watched it, loved it ( the music that is) I loved the program before it, the good old days never ever heard of it. But it was brilliant. Currently watching the hits from 1964 to 1975.
With the intensifying hysteria and desperation of the anti-Trump campaign, I think it shows two things: that the elite are really worried that he might actually win and that even if he doesn’t win, Clinton may only just defeat him; which is why there is all this (wishful) talk about him withdrawing because of all these recent “allegations”.
Don’t forget if 40 – 48% of Americans vote for Trump and she wins, that is practically half the country who agree with: a secure southern border; deporting illegal gimmegrants; that the new president should be in jail etc etc.
It is also 50% of that half who voted Trump, she described as “deplorable”.
After a narrow win such as that, can you imagine the reaction when she seeks to make 30 million “un-documented” people U.S. citizens within the first 60 days of her presidency!
I hope to goodness that Trump prevails next month.
Don’t worry about Trump losing but with a high percentage of the vote. In the light of the BBC’s view of the Brexit vote, if over 40% vote for something then they should be heard HEARD! do you understand? Because you are full of HATE if you don’t listen to those who lost the vote. Because those who voted in the majority are STUPID, racists and …
sorry, got a little carried away there. Will clean the spit off my computer screen and stop watching and listening to the BBC’s output for a few days.
Anyways the BBC will be fully behind a revote if Trump gets anywhere near her percentage of votes.
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Groan! no offence to the Scots, but now we’re being subjected to a lot of gobby women who don’t draw breath, being interviewed at the SNP annual conference. Good job I’ve loads of Neurofen in the cupboard.
One must be very wary of a person when they tell you to “watch out, we are very soon going to take control of your children because we the Scottish Government think every parent can’t be trusted with their own children so we are going to have a spy following every move you nasty parents make”
Sounds something similar to what Corbyn’s groupies would put on their very first Manifesto!
Has the BBC pointed out that the Scottish Assembly is a ‘devolved’ authority, i.e. its powers are delegated from the UK government, which, if it was so minded, can take those powers back?
Ms Sturgeon can’t hold a referendum or declare UDI without rebelling against ‘the crown’, to which she has sworn allegiance.
If I didn’t know the BBC as well as I do I’d just regard that as an unfortunate error.
The Scots voted to stay in the EU so I think that’s a genuine error.
Reminds me of a time when an article about the USA was accompanied by a photo of George Bush making a silly face. I saw it at work but I didn’t get a screen grab, by the time I had got home they had changed it.
Next time I will get a screen grab straightaway.
Techno: The Scots voted to stay in the EU so I think that’s a genuine error.
Yes, I take your point. There is no evidence, come to think of it, that the BBC loathes Sturgeon as it loathes people like Bush, Trump, Farage and Wilders.
They managed to find a scowling, menacing shot of Wilders and used it as part of a propaganda piece on him years ago at the height of lefty hysteria at the outspoken Dutchman. Someone they interviewed at the time said words to the effect that he found Wilders’ views reprehensible but defended his right to air them. They used the quote for the caption to the photo but naturally omitted the defence of Wilders.
I complained via personal email to Peter Horrocks, high up in the hierarchy. The great man himself did not reply but someone in his office agreed that the BBC should not have used that partial quote in that fashion but disagreed that there was any intent behind the choice of photo.
Well, we know better as there are endless examples of the BBC manipulating photos and video to make their little lefty propaganda points.
In 2014 the Scottish independence referendum question, which voters answered with “Yes” or “No”, was “Should Scotland be an independent country?”
It does amuse me to imagine the syntax errors occurring in Nicola’s brain as she considers dependence of the EU as a reason for asking the next ‘independence’ referendum question:
1. To be independent from the UK (but not the EU)
2. To remain part of the UK (and independent of the EU)
It can’t possibly be about independence anymore.
“It can’t possibly be about independence anymore.”
It never was about independence in her mind. A bit like Boris, she doesn’t expect, or want, to win. It’s all about pandering to the non-working-class Braveheart vote up in Dundee & the like. And she attacks Brexiters for being nationalistic, racist & xenophobic. You really couldn’t make it up.
By the way, one of my good Scottish customers tells me that she’s known as “Seaweed” up there – apparently, when she was younger, even the tide wouldn’t take her out!
The SNP will use any and all opportunities to stoke up grievances , it is their main vote winner and distracts Scottish voters away from the awful SNP record in power. Brexit is just another example of the above. As long as the Westminster establishment caves in to the SNP demands for more and more money for Scotland , the SNP will continue the process. Someone has to call the SNP bluff and say , ‘ you can have independence , let’s get down to negotiation, oh and by the way no more money is on the table’.
It’s about who pays for their socialist paradise…
Did anybody watch Newsnight last night. The bBC reported on the innocent verdict (within seconds) on those 3 Syrian asylum seekers who where in the dock for sexually molesting a couple of girls. Wow, according to the bBC, it is the British who are intolerant, where British people all sport tattoos on their faces and can only be racist and that the followers of Islam can only be a peaceful. (doesn’t say much about the rest of the world or even parts of Europe)
I had to laugh at how the bBC ask the family if they had it better in Syria than in the UK
How the accused, says he never thought about girls as it was against his religion. (watch his eyes) How his father claims it would have been better to die. The bBC then goes well out of its way in which to try and make these people into…victims. The father spends his time looking at death porn. Anyway while the bBC plays the intolerent British and Muslims can only be victims card here is how the media in Newcastle reported the story:
During the two week trial defence barristers applied for the case to be thrown out, it can now be reported. They said that there were inconsistencies in the complainants’ evidence to police, to the court and in cross-examination. One of the girls was a “proven liar”, the defence teams claimed, who had fabricated serious allegations about her home life prior to the sex assault claims.Judge Edward Bindloss decided that the question of the complainants’ reliability was best left to the jury and allowed the trial to continue.
So the defence did their job in discrediting the girl. What is strange as this is then reported:
Further problems with the high-profile case arose during the evidence Mr Alfrouh gave, when it became apparent major errors had been made by the interpreter during his key interview with police after he was arrested.One serious mistake arose when Mr Alfrouh described seeing Mr Badreddin and the girl kissing behind the pavilion. In his police interview he was translated as saying he saw Mr Badreddin’s penis and her vagina touching. But in front of the jury Mr Alfrouh insisted he did not say that, and when the tape was checked, an alternative translation which did not contain that passage was provided for the jury.He was also translated as telling police he “tried to” kiss the girl who was with Mr Badreddin, but this interpretation was changed to “wanted to” kiss her, and that he stopped himself.
So the facts on the ground show that actually these lads did have a sexual relationship with these girls, yet according to the bBC, they didn’t as it is forbidden under Islam.
Nice to see that the Buggering British Children is still shouting out “Look squirrel ‘ when it comes to apologising for rapists. Funny how they haven’t got round to doing likewise for Cliff Richard whom they hounded, just as they did with Lord McAlpine who have all been found innocent.
The bBC , the traitors within our midst.
“because it has so many Asian men”?…………
Racist remarks claims ‘false’, says Dame Lowell Goddard
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Dame Lowell Goddard may not have said this, but if she did, so what? She would have told a truth which is politically unacceptable. I thought that was the job of the Child Sex Abuse Inquiry. But of course, where mass sex attacks which are nothing to do with islam are involved, some truths are more politically unacceptable than others.
RiC – what she is supposed to have said falls within the category of “hate facts”, of which there are an ever increasing number in multicultural Britain.
Yes, sadly I did. I couldn’t even bring myself to complain about it – the whole thing was so biased and ludicrous. My teenage son was also spitting feathers listening to some of that tripe. Some thoughts –
– apparently the BBC have been following the family for 11 months – with what to show for it?? Waste of money springs to mind.
– yes, inconsistencies in what they said compared to media reports of the trial
– first impression on hearing this was that this trial must have been made to fail to protect these refugees
– yes, his comment on interactions with girls not consistent with some of the activities during the alleged incident
– one brother apparently fighting for some faction
– BBC please follow them for another 24 months cos I’ll put money on them sending manpower/money back to syria
– some comments bloody ungrateful despite this unpleasant ordeal
– lastly, big fat compensation cheque in the post! And we’re paying (again)
This SNP is about ” Brigadoonery” – this is a mystical Scottish nirvana.But unfortunately the republican mask is slipping , the fact that a separate Scotland would have a massive deficit even worse than Greece is batted away like an unwanted bluebottle.
West of Scotland republicans , in particular, many ex (hard) Labour are now inside the tent………………and they dont do facts. Take , for example, that bunch at Westminster, have you ever heard one single piece of positive contribution coming from that. It is a misrepresentation of most of us in Scotland but slowly it is getting sussed and hopefully put on its backfoot.
as a quarter scot myself i can now say 75% of myself is well pissed off with the other 25%.
its time to play hardball with europe and scotland.
All the future free trade deals the (new smaller) UK signs up to must exclude scotland they will have to negotiate them themselves, ohhhh forgot they cant can they, europe has to do that for them.
free trade with england … nope they cant have that either europes rules is europes rules.
the pound nope, scottish pound nope.
get real jimmy krankie you aint going to get it allways
I’m 100% Scottish and fully agree. SNP have always been a parasitic self deluded tossers. Totally corrupt too. I presume that’s part of the reason they love the EU so much.
R4 1:45pm A bit of non-biasedBBC maybe ? Story of a half caste guy who inherits his father’s planations and came to live in England to become the first black high sheriff..but “continued to run the plantations where enslaved people were treated appallingly”
A bit of full colour complexity on the BBC instead of their normal black and white simplistic guilt trip ?
Slavery in britain was long illegal by the time of the atlantic slave trade, to set foot in england was to be free.
William the conqueror effectively taxed slavery out of existence in anglo-saxon/norman england
Slavery had existed for thousands of years throughout the world prior to its abolition in Britain,1833. Africa itself was a main protagonist in promoting slavery. Prior to the European Empire building enterprise of the 17th – 19th centuries. The Arabs were also chief expoiters of African slavery. Do the compensation groups ask the Arabs for compensation? No they don’t.
For Great Britain in 1833, to be the first country to abolish slavery,was both amazingly compassionate and humane not to mention insightful. When placed into a historical context, where slavery was a thriving trade, labour was cheap,profits were there to be taken in abundance. The British parliament not only abolished it but also paid the an enormous compensatory amount of 20 million pounds to the slave traders for the relinquishment of their business. In todays terms I believe, this would probably amount to about 1.25 billion pounds today,
It is ironic that the people who come from these very countries where slavery was expoited and encouraged the most for thousands of years, such as Africa, West Indies and Middle East today there exists illegality and death to homosexuals, a thriving drugs trade, a lack of law and order and large swathes of inhumanity. I would suggest that maybe some of these compensation seekers should look into their own back yard before pointing the finger at Britain who were the emancipators. Maybe we in Britain should claim compensation from them for the illegal importation of drugs into our country, or, psychologically affecting our feelings with their inhumane and brutal killing of homosexuals!
Rather than condemning Britain for putting humanity above profit why don’t the compensator seekers thank Britain for doing good around the world and being at the forefront at abolishing human slavery?
Trailer for an upcoming programme on divorce showed a wedding cake with the bride and groom atop – black male, white female. er, why ??? Stats prove that its 8% of B & EM out of the total population, but we are still being shown images that try to indicate we are a 50/50 society !
Not for long though. Anyway you should be ashamed of your racist heritage and just accept that your culture and ancestors are inferior to any other. Submit yourself to this and you may be saved. Hmm “submition” isn’t there some cult based on this. Ho him.
Brissles – if you want to see how bad things have become, type “white man white woman” in the search box on Google and see what comes up.
Not to mention that it’s absolutely never a black woman with a white man in the BBC’s portrayal of mixed race relationships.
Al S…. my blood pressure has just gone through the roof !!!! what ARE we coming to ?
Donald trump has accused the clinton’s as criminals,the political establishment as crooked,he’s accused the u.s attorney general, the head of fbi,the media as just a bunch of lobbyists,he’s accused the clinton’s of astitch up on bernie sanders,our newspapers and u.s papers not headlining any of this.Only fox news reporting this.Last night’s question time completely said nothing.Obama silent,clinton’s silent .Hillary clinton destroyed 33 thousand emails after a subpoena ,destroyed cellphones with a hammer,2 thousand more emails announced yesterday still silence.This corruption will be worldwide and i’m sure will effect us aswell,these global big business wars from both parties in u.s and with all this knowledge about to be exposed by donald trump our bookmakers still have her as odds on favourite i thought they knew their stuff .And frankly why anybody is not talking about this is deeply worrying and astonishing.
On This Week last night, st the very end of the show, Brillo revealed some breaking news. Clinton has apparently been instructed by a Federal Judge to properly answer 20-odd questions relating to the emails scandal, which up until now she’s fobbed of with “I can’t remember’ platitudes. Brillo went on to say that if her answers aren’t satisfactory she will be charged with Perjury.
This morning’s sweep of the news via Google’s News App..?
Total silence.
I think any judge who tried that would be found dead after a convenient heart attack. No need for an autopsy, after all, Chief Justice Antonin Scalia didn’t warrant one after his unexplained death, and he was a Supreme Court Justice.
The America of Obama and Clinton is fast evolving into a banana republic, and only a Trump victory can turn things round. Any conservative or Christian voters who refuse to back Trump because of a dirty trick leak of an eleven year old private conversation are morons who will get what they deserve, another Clinton presidency.
It’s difficult to see how America could recover from a Hillary Clinton presidency following on eight years of Obama.
Fox news is strongly on the case of the leaked emails and has been hammering the subversive, corrupt left-wing US media re the extraordinary revelations of its total support for the Democrats.
Having seen Trump’s speech the media blackout on it is astonishing. It’s available on here on another thread…
I watched the Florida speech which Mackers flagged up on the last thread: incredible.
I can’t think of any other “politician” who I have ever heard talk about how the insider elite operate, quite astonishing; it is of little surprise that al beebus didn’t go anywhere near it.
‘Driving licence clampdown criticised’
Could you get a drabber, less informative, more evasive headline then this on the BBC’s UK website page?
One page in, and the headline adds the word ‘Illegal’ but you still don’t have a clue what it is all about unless you plough through the ‘story’.
I’m at the point of giving up on Radio 5 Live during the day. Recent changes of presenter have turned it into even more of a leftard circle jerk than it was already, right through to 4.00pm when Tony Livsey at least attempts to give his show some balance.
9.00am – Nicky Campbell leaves you in no doubt as to his opinions on fracking, Donald Trump and Brexit and argues with any caller who thinks any of them might be good. Callers who agree with him are given an easy ride.
10.00am – Sloane-voiced feminist Emma Barnett talks about periods.
1.00pm – New recruit Nihal Icantbebotheredtogooglehowtospellhissirname has that deadly mix of ethnic chippyness and a low IQ, and is all too happy to flaunt both, whether he is reading headlines or interviewing someone. There is no way that he got that job on merit. Even if you can look past his achingly right-on attitude he is a TERRIBLE presenter.
Fridays 1.00pm – You would think a ‘sports panel’ would be free from this kind of crap, but it seems to be more interested in discussing depression among female cricketers or wheelchair access in football stadiums than actual sport.
Fridays 2.00pm – Mark Kermode reviews films through a liberal lens, ocasionally stopping to rail against capitalism or misogyny. Recently gave Ghostbusters ‘Film of the Week’ because it has an all female cast, despite obviously not liking it.
Indeed. America has Fox News and Fox Radio. Makes you feel discriminated against and marginalized.
Listen to Planet Rock instead, less bullshit.
You forgot Adrian Chiles (AKA Benny from Crossroads) The BBC management think listeners are all daily Mail readers and daily mail readers are thick , so we need a thick presenter to talk at their level.
You know why they introduced Emma Watson ?
The BBC started Five Live as a sports/news network and then after a while realised all our listeners are male we are being called Radio Bloke ..So now will put this feminist show on at 10am primetime
…except that show is on at the same time as Male-hater’s Hour is on Radio4 so you can’t avoid having feminist issues being forced down your throat.
“posse” style radio crap, gave up listening to that shite years ago, same now with LBC/Global radio. All of these twats are singing from the same MSM/propaganda hymnsheet. Time the country had a push back against the cultural marxist arseholes. (sry for the language, just sick to the back teeth of it)
Something for the weekend , just in case you missed it ……..
Is Parliament waking up ?
“Mark Carney has said that inflation will rise on products such as food because of the fall in the value of the pound.”.
Shouldn’t he be concerned with the Bank of England and the performance of our sterling not dabbling in politics ?
If food does rise, its time to back British food producers.
Time to resurrect the old “I’m Backing Britain” campaign – British foods to have the Union ‘Jack’ or home nations flags on them .
Too true – Carney, a tool of Osbourne, what can you expect?
I remember Bruce and, “I’m Backing Britain”. These days I fear such a campaign would bring cries of xenophobia etc., etc., but worth a try.
Yes what’s Carney the tool upto, Before Brexit he told us Brexit meant higher houseprices cos interest rates would go up.
– Then on Brexit when the pound was lowering, he lowered the interest rate 0.25% thus sending the signal “we won’t protect the pound”
Now he’s saying ah cos the pound is going down, inflation will go up, so now I can’t put interst rates up cos they’ll be more inflation.
– If in the first place he’d signalled that he might put interest rates up then, that might have stabilised the £.
WATO had a wide selection of doomster economic experts..who didn’t mention any positives the country is now full of foreign investment money.
One expert did point out that the UK’s gov borrowing is huge and worries the markets..Yes that is why this idiot Tory govt should have had real cuts not pretend cuts ..Like whats with housing benefit ? They give £11bn to poor people who immediately pass it on to the rich people who own the buy-t-let properties.
And reduce immigration so that we have less people to feed , and more land to grow food .
Pound going down means that to foreigners British salaries seem low it is a less attractive place to visit.
Strange the media haven’t mentioned this maths.
It should make the UK cheaper to tourists and students, but all the foreign students I meet (whilst abroad) are only coming here cos they can work on a student visa.
Suppose Brexit delivers immigration control, which reduces demand for housing (so house prices slow down) and supply of unskilled labour (so British workers’ wages rise a bit at the bottom end) and reduces pressure on public services.
Not to mention we will be able to our rulers to account, rather than let them blame EU for the country’s woes.
Worth a few p on a jar of marmite, surely?
Don’t remember Carney being so concerned when the Euro was rock bottom last year.
BTW Anyone think TC Soros has anything to do with the £ being hit so hard right now? He’s done it before after all…
Can’t stand that little shit Carney … Bank of England is supposed to be neutral. Who brought this Canadian twit here anyway? Cameron? Osbourne? Who? Oh how I long for the days of Mervyn King.
‘Who brought this Canadian twit here anyway? Cameron? Osbourne? Who?’
Goldman Sachs. They brought him here, much as they have done wherever it has suited their purpose to swing politics in their favour.
I wonder whether Goldman Sachs were behind the ‘coup’ against Tony Abbott in Australia, where he was replaced as PM by Malcolm Turnbull (ex-Goldman Sachs, coincidentally).
I found today that there is a Petition to Parliament to revoke the BBC Charter. Not before time. You can find the information on “not a lot of People know that”. definitely worth signing, if only to get right up their noses. Works for me!
Not reported by the BBC .
The EU wants to haul Britain over the coals for the temerity of charging foreign trucks for the use of our roads .
British trucks have been paying tolls or taxes in every other country for decades , but even the slightest evening up of this iniquitous situation means we lose out . There’s a lot more detail to it , but don’t expect “analysists ” , experts , special transport correspondent or anyone at the arty luvvies BBC to be even aware of it , never mind explain .
So, the lone ‘child refugees’ are on their way to a new life in Britain. Has anyone seen the photo in the D/Mail today ?? My idea of ‘children’ is certainly not young and fit men looking for all the world like 18+ and more than capable of looking after themselves (with their on trend hairstyles). It seems that those ‘under 18’ are allowed to come. Well in this country you are no longer a child if you can get married at 16, so what the hell is going on ?? The media give the impression of ‘children’, sorry, but children presents the image to me of little ones running around at age up to 10. This is so disgusting.
They must think we are retards. I could think of some expletives to use, but you know the ones. As usual, they can’t find a real vulnerable ‘child’, cos there aren’t any. These are young men who will easily lie about their age, and have probably been told to. It is just galling that we then have to pay for them, probably for the rest of their lives. And there’ll be a never ending supply. And, they never tell you what sort of relatives they have for their ‘entitlement’, what a bloody cheek.
They know we’re not retards but they believe their position is unassailable. And from what I see – they would appear to be correct.
It’s been said before but worth repeating – the media uses ‘child’ in different ways to skew a story. If they want our sympathy, someone is a child until their 18th birthday. If they want us to view them as independent (eg to push for things like free abortion or contraception on demand), they are ‘young adults’from about 12/13 upwards.
Tiresome how they all think it’s ok to have a go at the English and we just take it.
Just had R4 TWATO with Marcia Mardell……………Absolutely no mention of Clinton being summoned to appear before a Judge (who also gave her a perjury warning) in order to answer 25 questions about her previous conduct (emails et al).
Can anyone imagine what would the situation be if Trump had received the same?
Also, I see Carney has opened his mouth again to talk down the English Pound sterling……..I haven’t heard yet but I expect Hammond will be doing the same as soon as he can get in front of a camera.
Please Theresa May (the remainer, don’t forget) please, please get rid of Carney the Europhile and remainer and Hammond, the Europhile and remainer.
I’ve no doubt we will get wall to wall coverage about the fall in the pound all weekend from bbbc
The sooner we serve article 50 the sooner we can stop giving the nations wealth to the EU
Republican business donors getting twitchy wanting trump removed,the end is nigh,the prisons await.Still no response to these allegations from anyone and president barack obama has said absolutely nothing,When is he or hillary going to deny or even respond?Global corruption exposed and SILENCE.This is the biggest bombshell in human history and SILENCE.Thousands of criminals in power around the world and SILENCE.
A search on Google revealed this one mouthpiece covering the story – ONE!!
We do get a story from the BBC, buried beneath countless Trump-bashin’ articles, and if there was ever a case of ‘reporting through gritted teeth’ this is it.
So, one story flags up on Google while the SCBBC brush the whole thing off like an annoying fly. I mean it’s hardly important is it BBC, she might be the ‘leader of the free world’ soon and she’s being threatened with perjury… But what’s that, Trump looked at someone funny did he – burn him!!
To be fair to Mrs Clinton, she may have been so brain damaged by her frequent seizures, that just this once, maybe she is telling the truth, and really does not remember anything about her email server.
Only joking.
And they still think Hillarious would make POTUS? It will be a disastrous day for the USA if it happens. And the World will become a worse place after all we have done to improve Peoples lives all over the Globe.
Donald trump spent 100 million on this campaign so far,put 20 million on the british bookmakers huge error of judgement and get all your money back,and leaflet every house in america with the facts stated in recent rally’s in florida and Cincinnati,SIMPLES
This comment got stranded on the midweek thread, but I just wanted to point out that the Radio 4 Today Daily Hate for Trump was again in force.
Weird Will Gompertz (the man who got his job despite not having a degree or any broadcasting experience) was interviewing celebrity gay fashion designer Tom Ford, allowing him to plug his latest film on the oh so advert free BBC. The quid pro quo of course was that Tom Ford had to ritually denounce Trump as some sort of half witted demon. Of course he is Tom, that’s why he happens to own so much of New York City.
Never, ever, is there a word of criticism of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt, crooked and incompetent person who has ever run for the Presidency of the United States. It is like the Brexit vote all over again. I cannot say how much I hope the BBC wakes up on 9th November with a huge pile of egg all over their smug, left wing faces.
Go Trump!
And Chris Evans (radio 2) asked Chrissie Hynde is she was for ‘dump the Trump’. She seemed bemused and evaded the question, which was the correct thing to do. What a twat he is.
She has gone up in my estimation. If she still votes in US elections, I would have her down as a Bernie Sanders supporter.
I cannot imagine why anyone who voted for Sanders, who had the nomination stolen from him by a corrupt Democrat National Committee, would want to support such a lying, deceitful, crony capitalist as Hillary Clinton. There are Green or Libertarian Party candidates they could vote for, but why support such an evil candidate?
Rob in Cheshire:
…but why support such an evil candidate?
a) The Clintons bought him.
b) He’ll bring most of his supporters with him into Clinton’s camp to try to keep Trump out.
c) He has a good idea of who and what Clinton is, but lefty fanaticism beats reason and morality here.
d) He isn’t quite the ideological purist he made himself out to be.
e) All 4.
All true, and his heart might not be as strong as it used to be. So many people who cross the Clintons seem to have heart attacks or commit suicide don’t they? Maybe Bernie wanted to live to enjoy his massive Senate pension.
I heard he recently bought a $500 000 house. Maybe that was from the small but plentiful donations to his campaign from the little people.
What happens to money donated to a campaign once the campaign is over, I’m wondering.
What I’d like to know is where’s the news on the investigation into Chris (Top Gear… LOL) Evans “indiscretions” while at the BBC?
Jo Whiley has said on film that Chris Evans would walk towards her at the BBC, during his time as Radio 1 breakfast host, she’d look down at her notes and then when she looked back up Chris Evans was walking with his cock out.
So how much will ‘Stuka’ Junckers offer Wallonia in bribes to make them change their mind?
“A spokesman for the Commission said: “We’re following the events and we are in close contact with representatives from the Belgian governments to convince them of the agreement’s benefits and to dispel concerns.”
With BBC Look North having previously put so much effort into getting all & sundry to condemn Ched Evans, I hope they are now rushing round offering helpings of humble pie & seeking apologies from the provincial glitterati.
Some among my esteemed colleagues here might recall that RJ, followed by others, expressed extreme displeasure back in early October at the following observation by Harriet Gilbert, my emphasis in bold:
Also, like all historical fiction this is written now, I mean Robert Harris is writing to the 21st century and you get – there are riots, anti-Jewish riots at some point which have strong echoes forward, Kristallnacht and the Nazi Jewish pogroms. And then I couldn’t help reading this, also in the light of now and Jewish people in Europe beginning to feel frightened again and of course Muslims feeling that they are the Jews of now, it’s got a lot of resonance to me for the 21st century.
From 13:30 minutes in:
Somehow I cannot link to individual comments but for those wishing to check the comments out, they are near the bottom of the second page of this thread:
Following RJ’s lead, I posted a comment near the top of the first page of this thread:
and a copy, a bit further down, of an indignant email sent to the aforementioned Gilbert, the main thrust of which was the following:
Comments like yours are grossly insulting to Jewish survivors, their loved ones and Jews in general, diminish the Holocaust in the eyes of others and bolster the entirely false narrative of Muslim victimhood.
Nearly fell off my chair when I got a polite, almost apologetic reply the following day from Gilbert, in which she went some way towards acknowledging her error. I take the liberty of reproducing it here:
Dear – ,
I accept that there are many differences between the situation of Muslims in the 21st century and Jewish people both now and in the 20th century. My comment should have been either more thought through, or expanded, or qualified.
Thank you for getting in touch with me.
Yours, with good wishes,
Harriet Gilbert.
I was so flabbergasted by this that I emailed back expressing my appreciation and thanking her for her response. I have communicated directly with a number of BBC people over the years but have seldom received a response like that one. They are almost always of the, “We are experienced, impartial, distinguished and practically faultless media people and you are ignorant and misguided,” variety when you read between the lines.
What do my genuinely distinguished colleagues here think of Gilbert’s response?
Anders Thomasson:
And there I was trying to be positive!
Good response from Gilbert. Encouraging
Good response from Gilbert. Encouraging
I tend to agree. She plummeted in my estimation but then rose.
Are the times a changin’ or are we just blowin’ in the wind?
You anglin’ for a Nobel prize ?
Ched Evans found not guilty of rape.
So what time will the BBC apologise for the relentless attacks on Evans, not least on Newsnight and Radio 5 Live, that were carried out in order to prevent Evans from continuing his career once released from prison?
The BBC has never before put its weight behind a mindless mob seeking to prevent an ex prisoner returning to life out side bars and rebuilding their lives.
The BBC employ Boy George, who along with another thug, kidnapped a young lad, chained him to the wall, whipped him with chains and were going to rape him but for the fact the lad escaped naked into the streets.
The BBC praise and defend Julian Assange, despite Assange doing all he can to avoid sexual Assault charges.
And, for the BBC, 1,400 children raped and tortured is a matter best ignored.
So now, surely, the BBC will apologise for its coverage, which heaped further destruction on the life of an innocent young man.
And the corollary: what chance them bringing this up next time they interview Lying Jess herself, Olympic Gold Medalist in the Lynch Mob event?
Prison , loss of earnings and false accusations, i hope he sues the lot of them….. and donates all the money to Fathers for Justice or the Falsely Accused Support Organisation. Something to do with men’s rights.
People sitting in judgement and signing petitions so he could not play and earn a living should hold their heads in shame.
Please BBC, please interview Jessica Ennis and obtain her opinion. Take away her CBE petitions should start immediately.
DJ so glad you mentioned Jess Ennis – she was absolute in her condemnation and having her name removed from Sheffield United ground if he was re-instated. I hope she now has the grace to apologise to him. Just shows that these sports stars/slebs should keep their mouths shut and just get on with what they’re paid to do.
cheds been set up here from day one , this agenda that frankly slags dont exist, just blokes is part of the lefty feminist agenda
freedom for ched let loose the lawyer dogs of war on the cps, police, press and the slag
Having just listened to NewsShite, the BBC official version must be that the jury got it wrong. Some woman of colour opines “could you prove 100% that he was quilty of THAT CRIME?… the jury couldn’t”. Davies nods sagely. What crime does the WoC think has been committed?
The BBC are doubling down with sneering articles that insinuate he should never have been found not guilty due to the complainant’s sexual history being used as evidence.
Personally, having read the official court reports from the original trial, I’m amazed it ever even went to trial. The girl never claimed he raped her. She never denied being an ‘enthusiastic sexual partner’ with Ched Evans. She simply claimed she couldn’t remember, which meant that any consent she gave ‘didn’t count’, so therefore it was ‘rape’. The tweets to her friend asking if she wanted a new car, because she was ‘going to get a payout’ were deemed to be ‘inadmissible’.
Ched Evans has had his life destroyed. His behaviour certainly wasn’t the sort most men would be proud of, but some people have unconventional sex lives – swingers, orgies, threesomes, etc. So what.
Why isn’t ‘chemsex’ rape? Are people capable of giving ‘informed consent’ when they’re high on drugs? What would happen if somebody at a chemsex party cried ‘rape’ even though they’d been an enthusiastic participant at the time?
It seems the BBC has sympathy for some types of group sex, but not if you’re a footballer.
This shameful silence by especially our politicians must end soon i’m losing faith in humanity.I predict if trump doesn’t win then it’s civil war.
C4 7:30pm Plight of Gay Muslim Refugees in Berlin
Gay/Muslim and Refugeess That’s triple brownie points for Virtue signallers
Anyone listening to R4 feedback ?
First complaint was ‘BBC is doing Trumps bidding,by banging on about him all the time….what you mean by sneering at him all the time
Jon Soppel was on saying “Ye Hillary’s emails, I’ve done that ..yeh lucky for her something came up just as Trump tape was released, so we din’t have time to report it” He didn’t mention the new sopoena
Soppel also said oh there are conspiracy theories of witness intimidation etc. but he doesn’t have to report that
Roger Bolton “Mr Trump is a really unattractive personality”
ah now 2 complaints about Pro Hillary
now a complaint complaint of over-coverage
Soppel replied well is MR Trump does become president its such a huge huge change ..thats why we report so much
In that C4 prog they followed 3 mid east gays, they claimed at the normal refugee camp they get harassed they came under the protection of a German LGBT NGO..even then they were attacked at the office ..and the film showed Muslim in the street insulting gays and spoke of Muslims going out on the street to beat up Muslim gays.
– One bit was happy happy the gay Iraqi going to gay pride.
– Another bit featured another refugee gay using an app to get work as a gay escort.
Great news folks! I have just read on the BBC Teletext news that Bake Off winner Nadiya Hussain has signed a deal to “make the BBC her home” and will be doing items for The One Show and other programmes.
I never saw that one coming ………much!
I expect she will be a judge on the BBC’s copy of GBBO, rather like Alesha Dixon on ‘Strictly’.
Noooooooooooo ! next thing she’ll be doing the fashion hour with various shades and how to wear a hijab ! my dad and granddad will be turning in their graves.
Just wondering, are the major US networks and our BBC still sitting on Obama’s erection?
That’s a hard one!
I have noticed that today is 950th anniversary of the Battle of Hastings. Good old Brit Harold got one in the eye
950 years of Franco-Norman occupation, surely the BBC should be lapping this up given their anti British, pro EU stance.Missed one there BBC.
Does Brexit mean we can get rid of these interlopers and bring back the House of Wessex to the throne whoever their lineage may ascertain they are, could be me, instead of these dodgy Germans we currently have in situ?
It would have been good to have sent the article whatever letter to Brussels today.
That would have pleased the shades of our ancestors who fell this day 950 years ago.
Not that the vile BBC has any time for them or for us now. Come to think of it the entire liberal elite is very much in the mould of the Normans.
Disdainful and verging on the tyrannical.
Funny how they creep round the Scots Nats but I suppose their aggressive nationalism is OK by them. It is English patriotism they hate.
Nationalism is only acceptable to the left if it is romantic 19th century nationalism, ie, opposed to the major colonial powers of that era. So Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Breton, Arab, Indian, African nationalism is acceptable. British, French or American nationalism is not. English nationalism is not acceptable because it is seen as synonymous with British nationalism.
I believe the House of Wessex were Germans. Very German.
R4 6am News on a multi-billion $$ broadcaster BBC
‘HFCs were introduced to replace CFCs which needed to be replaced due to their effect on global warming.’
Thinking CFC’s were replaced cos of global warming !
WTF no one in the R4 news workplace noticed an error like that ?
News on the Trojan horse Muslim school – Hidden away in the Times, a small item mentions that 2 of the teachers have had their teaching bans overturned due to improper court procedures at the first trial (evidence withheld)
R4 Now play about gypsies …fair enough makes a change from BBC pet topics being rammed down our throat.
Gypsies must far out number the BBC’s beloved trans, but there’s hardly any progs about them
Of course the BBC is afraid to use the word gypsey
Ahe this play is a repeat from 2014
R4 News is doing the Ched Evans thru their teeth “Well funded campaign etc”
Now they have just chosen to replay a tape of a blogger saying
“This rapist should not be allowed to play again..cos of the message it sends”
..Surely that’s an illegal action
Now they are replaying the Charlie webster tape saying the same thing
They are just replaying all the old hate stuff from when he was found guilty
I couldn’t face another Dimblebore session on Thursday, so I watched the Maisberger chat-show on German TV instead because “Our” Gisela Stuart was a guest. The title of the programme was “AfD – Can rage be a basis for politics? ” Of course, no AfD representative was invited to take part. Obviously, this was just another mini-showtrial where the “populism” of Trump, UKIP, Brexiteers, AfD, all the Visegrad counties, Geert Wilders, Le Pen, the Austrian People’s Party, white people in general etc. would be subjected to the ritual condemnations for racism, sexism, and islamophobia. Stuart did not get a chance to say much as she was paired up at the beginning of the programme with the very loud-mouthed and long-winded Daniel Cohen-Bendit. Famous, at least in Germany, for being a leader of the ’68 student unrest, friend of Joshua Fischer, well connected to the left-wing terrorist scene in the 60’s and 70’s but now a leftist green and fervent Pro-European. Stuart made the usual sovereignty points. Trump was of course denigrated by Cohen-Bendit for his “mistreatment of women” on the basis of Trump’s famous remarks. In the early seventies Cohen-Bendit had set up an “anti-authoritarian kindergarten” and in his 1975 book “Le Grand Bizar” he describes himself indulging in sexual activities with the children he was looking after. All this being reminiscent of certain Labour party figures’ apologia for the PIE. According to Cohen-Bendit this was just a “verbal provocation ” and he “would not say this today”. None of this was mentioned on the programme, of course, yet the pompous Cohen-Bendit thinks he is a fit person to sit in moral judgment of others on the basis of what they say.If evil thoughts lead to evil words then evil deeds he must be, by his own logic, an extremely evil person himself. He follows the same logic with Brexit. The referendum got stupid and primitive Britons thinking about immigration, they expressed their thoughts about immigration and finally the increase in “post-Brexit hate-crime” was the result. However, like Catholic priests who molest children, leftists like Cohen-Bendit seem to enjoy some form of “grace” which “washes away their sins” no matter what they may think, say or do.
I remember that man. On record as I recall of desiring the destruction of his country and of Western civilisation. Gisela should not have appeared with him.
Ah the BBC is asking “ … what wider repercussions could Ched Evans’s case have?”
Indeed, what can we learn from discovering a young man has been imprisoned for 2 and a half years and hounded for a crime that may not have even happened?
How about that women shouldn’t lie in order to get money? That the BBC should take a step back from being judgemental and study the facts? That the BBC should not mindlessly support feminist web sites?
No, what the BBC has learnt is …
“There should be a change in the moral code of behaviour of footballers”! (The woman in this case jumped into a footballer’s taxi without even knowing his name just to go back to his hotel with him!)
That though Ched has been imprisoned for 2 ½ years for a crime he didn’t do, we must all remember that the woman has “been through two court cases and reportedly been hounded out of her home five times.” Erm, whose fault is that?
The BBC then links it to a case of a paedophile who happened to be a footballer, Adam Johnson – I kid ye not! Why not link it to The Russian Invasion of the Ukraine?
This is followed by a quote from a criminologist on how footballer’s misuse their power. Oh, so women don’t go flocking to clubs where they hope to find wealthy footballers? Please!
Greg Dyke finds it all ‘sordid’ even if it wasn’t rape. So? He wasn’t involved and what people get up to consensually has f**k all to do with his prudish view of the world.
Apparently whether Ched Eavns will be allowed to return to professional football “is yet to be seen”. Well the BBC news dept should read the newspapers. He is playing professional football!
And “campaigners are concerned complainants in high-profile cases could be deterred from coming forward if they fear abuse or exposure on social media”. Well if they are honest about the allegations what’s the problem, please explain BBC?
The BBC’s view of the world does not allow it to offer any sympathy for a man whose life has been destroyed by lies and a media mob led by the BBC themselves.
What Ched Evans did was despicable, of course, and he should be unreservedly condemned. However, it is unclear to me why his friend Clayton McDonald, whose actions were identical, was acquitted by the jury in the original case, whilst Evans was jailed. [skin colour was completely irrelevant, of course!].
Martin W
Because she apparently claimed to have consented to have sex with McDonald but not Evans.
…..and she could get more publicity and money from the papers because Evans was a well known player who had also played international football for Wales. McDonald was plying his trade in the lower leagues.
“Because she apparently claimed to have consented to have sex with McDonald but not Evans.”
I think her story all the way through has been that she couldn’t remember anything that happened. It was the CPS who decided that if she was too drunk to remember the evening she must have been too drunk to give consent; so it must have been rape. The decision of the original jury in deciding that she consented to one and not the other was illogical to say the least, but I’ve not read the judge’s summing up from that trial, so they might have been guided that way.
Exactly so, scribblingscribe!
A few years ago Harriet Harman of the Pink Bus said that ‘The Court of Public Opinion’ had found someone guilty.
That’s the view of the BBC/Left. If the Referendum result, General Election result or Court result don’t match their mindset, then they find a way of changing it by any subversive means possible.
The media and its PC lapdogs inc the BBC assumed Evan’s guilt from the start and when he was banged up demanded he atone for his “crime” and admit to his guilt. Will he get an apology now, somehow I doubt it.
Oh and maybe Wales might have got even further in the Euros this year!
The Police and CPS are under massive pressure to convict rapists whatever the evidence. Years ago, this case would never have gone for trial.
It’s driven by the Left as a wimmin’s issue and fully supported by the BBC of course. This distorts police resources to meet expectations.
But there has been no such wimmin’s drive in Rotherham, Oldham and a host of other areas nationwide.
Wimmin’s issues, feminism, stops at the gates of Islam
Channel 4’s Unreported World has some dozy Irish bint wandering around Germany wondering why LGBT Syrian “refugees” are being beaten up, raped and murdered in refugee centres and elsewhere by their fellow Syrian “refugees” This woman seems to think moving away from Syria will somehow attenuate belief in Islam. As if there is something in Syrian, Iraqi or Turks water or air that makes Syrian
“The Police and CPS are under massive pressure to convict rapists whatever the evidence.”
No offence intended DS, but I’m going to be pedantic here, because it’s a favourite trick of the BBC.
Where the evidence exists the accused should be tried and convicted, and is then correctly termed “a rapist”; but if the evidence isn’t there he shouldn’t be tried and can’t be called “a rapist”. If there is some evidence that may or may not stand up in court (no pun intended) it should be put to a jury. To say that the police are under pressure to convict rapists is to accept the feminists’ wish to pre-judge allegations, and allow them to control the language of the debate – which will mean that they will win the argument.
The BBC’s trick is encapsulated in their oft repeated phrase that “the police must always believe the victim”. This pre-supposes that the person making the allegation is telling the truth, that a crime has been committed and that they are a “victim”. Today’s papers have the story that the Met has apologised to Lord Bramall because of the way they treated him and his wife when completely unfounded allegations of sexual abuse were made against him. In this instance he is “the victim” of a malicious allegation. Even the BBC have had to cover the story.
Greg Dyke needs to remember that there were a few dogs in the offices of the FA rutting to get at secretary Faria Alam a few years ago when Sven was Manager ! the list was getting longer by the day on that one !
Clearly the BBC are not prepared to accept the Ched Evans verdict, instead remain intent on ruining his life.
Ched Evans rape case ‘sets us back 30 years’
I made an complaint regarding that agenda driven hit piece. They have now changed the headline.
I hope he sues the shit out of the BBC for their continued insinuation that he his guilty and wrongly cleared.
“Supt Jo Williams of North Wales police said: “We are aware that once again the victim has been named on social media.
“We would remind people that it is a criminal offence under Section 5 of the Sexual Offences Amendments Act to do so, and that the victim has the right to life long anonymity. ”
She is not THE victim, A victim or anything else. The victim was Evans spending time in prison for a crime he did not commit.
If naming her could cause genuine rape victims to not come forward then she should not be named. But only for the sake of genuine victims and not hers. She should still be prosecuted for giving false evidence ending up giving her victim a period of false imprisonment and severely damaging his career. A short prison spell should make her think again, and that should be published to deter others who want to make false allegations in an attempt to get a large payout from rich men.
What to make of Happy Nation on Radio 4 today?
Immigrants currently comprise in the region of 10% of the population in the UK – around 1% of them born in Poland. Set in the not-too-distant future, Agnieszka Dale imagines a Britain where all the Polish immigrants have left the UK. All except for one, Krystyna Kowalska – who is visited by an immigration officer.
Anti-UKIP, Brexit, xenophobia, pro-mass immigration, open borders? I have no idea, it was far too clever for me.
The ‘punch line’ is that the immigration officer has a Polish surname. I expect that is because his ancestor fled German occupation, (open borders?), and volunteered as a fighter pilot to defend the UK, rather than the ‘last Pole’ who came ‘for sex’, (child benefits?).
I expect Guardian readers enjoyed it.
Any hate crimes against those of Danish or Norman blood – just wondered?
At the Scottish vote, “Westminster just has to give us the pound.”
I still can’t get past that one. The attitude of entitlement, the brass necked cheek.
“Westminster just has to give us the pound.”
If only it were just the one pound.
Brilliant! BBC & the Left in meltdown.
“”Nigeria’s President Buhari: My wife belongs in kitchen””
I feel, I imagine, how people living under an occupying power must feel. Not a nice feeling.
“He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother”
OK, Dimbletrot does not have a moustache.
I’ve signed the petition, “Revoke the BBC Charter”, not easy to find without the link though. It needs to be out there.
In the mean time they should seriously think about removing the first ‘B’.
They are based in Britain and that is as far as it goes. Oh, and they are funded by a compulsory TV tax on British people.
So ‘B’ Off B BC.
Just so you know, on Sunday evening BBC4 under the “Storyville” imprint is giving Moazzam Begg 90 minutes to tell us about “Living the War on Terror”.
Next week, it has been learnt, the BBC is showing the documentary “Fighting Crime in London” fronted by Reggie Kray.
I see the Daily Mail has the Hillary email news that the BBC doesn’t report
Seems to be when the Feds did the email inquiry they weren’t transparent in that they kept a lot of Hillary’s replies secret
So a right wing US org had to FOIA Clinton’s team to get the answers
For some reason this went as far as a judge
The org wanted her in court to give oral answers
The judge said she just had to do it in writing
That reveals that most of the time she replied “I don’t recall” 21 times when asked 25 questions
Hillary’s side said : It’s a frivolous lawsuit and that they’d answered those questions before.
That will be the BBC’s excuse for not covering it
People say if she has such problems remembering then that is a health issue.
Comey had the ‘frighteners’ put on him – obviously.
I’m struggling to understand this. If the US justice department really wanted to nail Hillary Clinton they would have done it ages ago. Are they just acting tough now to try to save face and pretend that they weren’t under Obama’s jackboot all this time as he protected Clinton?
She might well be president in under a month. Would they really remove her from office and shove her in jail for perjury – one of her lesser crimes?
As for the FBI, I watched the Director being interrogated by a few tough congressmen at his hearing. It was sickening watching him trying to justify his exoneration of Clinton. He is a coward who succumbed to pressure from Obama and the rest of the crooked crew to keep crooked Hillary on track to become president rather than put her where she belongs – in jail.
He betrayed the FBI, he betrayed himself, but most of all he betrayed his country and made it a lot more difficult for ordinary people to believe in the prospect of justice for the powerful elite.
Oh dear Lily Allen is at it again….
From the article…
“A man of Jewish descent is demanding an apology after pop singer Lily Allen labelled him a “Nazi” for not supporting mass migration and told him to be “twice as ashamed” because he is Jewish.”
Of course dear little snowflake Lily is refusing to apologise, strange considering earlier this week she managed to apologise on behalf 60m people. Also by calling a Jew a Nazi, either she’s being deliberately offensive (but hey no matter he’s only Jewish after all) or she really needs a history lesson.
While we’re on the subject of apologies I have an idea dear Lily, the British population will agree to apologise AFTER we get an apology for……
*The beheading of Lee Rigby, you remember him right? Just an innocent guy walking down a street who was suddenly attacked and killed for the crime of being British
*The organised rape and exploitation of 1000’s of children by young MUSLIM men. Their crime? Not being Muslim it would appear.
*The spate of other sexual assaults on both men and women up and down the country, all of whom were non Muslim, and committed by Muslims, natch.
*The small matter of the July 7th bombings.
*The continued deafening silence from more moderate Muslims who refuse to condemn the actions of the more radical elements of Islam, thereby leaving little hope that things will change in the near future. Islam cannot be reformed externally it can only be reformed from within.
*The role of Imams in their mosques who are playing a huge part in radicalising poorly educated youngsters into believing that the West is to blame for everything.
And that’s just the start.
Yep Lily, we’ll be more tolerant and welcoming to them when they start being tolerant of us and stop trying to massacre or rape us. It’s only fair, they are our guests after all.
Alternatively, we can go to their countries and behave in exactly the same way as they do in ours…….How do you think they’d react.
I am just wondering about the little Afghan boy who witnessed Lily Allen’s tears.
I wonder what his wife (or wives) think of the affair.
All I can say is Cupid Stunt.
But not a, “little girl” but a privileged, expensively educated, free born, fully grown woman and that, I find to be very, very unsettling.
Lilly Allen educated? Nah, just a band-waggon passenger! My kids (15 and 16) are properly educated (i.e. we regularly discuss history and politics at home) They check various sources and come to their own opinion not what’s “trending” (aka fashionable). I’m very proud that they appreciate what Trump is really about and that we are well shot of the EU. There is hope for the future guys!
Wondering if the BBC and fellow travellers will approve second results for silly footballers as much as they appear to for rerun elections?
Dimbleby did just that in BBC R4 Any Answers 2001 – Death Camp survivor speaking about uncontrolled immigration to the UK – I was so shocked, it’s stuck in my memory to this day. So Lily, you have some catching up to do!
Am I missing something? They flee supposedly war torn places and end up in France, an advanced, safe, western country – not a war ravaged, shit hole but they’re still not satisfied ?
As someone said, could you imagine a ‘Jungle’ at Dover – why not ?
Strange behaviour for genuine refugees I agree, it’s almost as if they’re here for reasons other than fleeing persecution.
Wasn’t there something in the last few days about a group of “refugees” who were placed in Latvia and were protesting because it’s one the poorer nations in the EU?
You’re right – almost as if they’d had, ‘entitlement lessons’ from Sturgeon?
For some reason this is too much for the BBC to grasp. Obviously nobody there has a degree in getting the F-ing obvious!
Gaxvil, they’ll simply add to the “Jungles” around the UK that already exist – ask the Police!
You are right of course and our ‘Jungles’ aren’t full of ‘refugees’ desperate to get to France.
Unlikely BBC Headlines:
1. Is Mr Trump falsely accused of sexual misconduct? What can be done?
2. Is Ms Clinton up to the job as President? Could Mr Trump be the best choice?
3. Is the media biased against Mr Trump? What can be done? Are we the BBC also to blame?
4. Brexit. The Positive Side.
5. It’s not constitutional for Parliament to debate the Brexit result.
6. The British nation must put Sturgeon back in her box.
7. Our investigative reporters have yet to find any cultural benefits from Islam.
8. We the BBC want our country back.
9. UKIP has replaced the Labour party as the voice of opposition.
10. Lord Farage has been appointed Director General of the BBC.
11. Brexiter brutally beaten by Remain voter in row over EU referendum dies hours later.
A true story in Mirror. Couldn’t find it on beeb.
I posted the story on Facebook. All my virtue signalling Remainiac acquaintances seem to have gone deathly quiet.
Repost from yesterday : C4 had an interesting prog about Ex-Muslims
– It was mainly about girls that had left fundamentalist families are so were left ostracized.
– It featured footage of video of 3 or 4 UK preachers preaching to crowds and saying that was the right thing to kill people who leave the faith.
– But whilst standing for vote to be a Conservative councillor said on camera said that tolerance was very important to him.
I think it’s so important to support the org that helps ex-muslims to leave the faith
They used the hashtag #ExMuslimBecause
Only at the bBC:
I wonder why the bBC aren’t reporting this jail sentence:
UK: Mohammed jailed for running over 2 pedestrians
BBc 2 music history last week it was 1976-1982(I think) so who to present it? Yes famous for 5 minutes Pauline black, from the short lived two tone movement
This week the white culture of skinheads so who presents it Don Letts and who gets their face on it within 10 minutes yep Pauline Black.
Remote click change channel, both times.
Sorry BBc 4 not BBc 2
The much vaunted BBC4 is 90% cut and paste from historic TOTP and other music programmes (sans DJs).
So much for original programming.
Watched it, loved it ( the music that is) I loved the program before it, the good old days never ever heard of it. But it was brilliant. Currently watching the hits from 1964 to 1975.
A blind black stevie wonder is in, so much for the Uk being a hateful place for disabled coloured people 50 years ago.
With the intensifying hysteria and desperation of the anti-Trump campaign, I think it shows two things: that the elite are really worried that he might actually win and that even if he doesn’t win, Clinton may only just defeat him; which is why there is all this (wishful) talk about him withdrawing because of all these recent “allegations”.
Don’t forget if 40 – 48% of Americans vote for Trump and she wins, that is practically half the country who agree with: a secure southern border; deporting illegal gimmegrants; that the new president should be in jail etc etc.
It is also 50% of that half who voted Trump, she described as “deplorable”.
After a narrow win such as that, can you imagine the reaction when she seeks to make 30 million “un-documented” people U.S. citizens within the first 60 days of her presidency!
I hope to goodness that Trump prevails next month.
An even bigger nightmare will be if he wins the popular vote and she wins the electoral college.
Don’t worry about Trump losing but with a high percentage of the vote. In the light of the BBC’s view of the Brexit vote, if over 40% vote for something then they should be heard HEARD! do you understand? Because you are full of HATE if you don’t listen to those who lost the vote. Because those who voted in the majority are STUPID, racists and …
sorry, got a little carried away there. Will clean the spit off my computer screen and stop watching and listening to the BBC’s output for a few days.
Anyways the BBC will be fully behind a revote if Trump gets anywhere near her percentage of votes.