Some poor soul had the audacity to question why the cast in a local Christmas Pantomime were all black.
If this complaint was about “too many white people” they would be going to war in support of it with those infamous words “Pantomime Producer defends cast of whites”.
They’ve latched onto it and obviously the Pantomime Producer is of the same left-wing, intolerant ilk because together they mock the complainent down in flames.
They even quote, “Producer Jamie Wilson responded with a wry open letter that said: “Skin colour should not be relevant”.
I think he’ll find that it’s VERY “relevant” to the BBC….
I’m pleased that people actually felt motivated enough to complain.
This comment is telling: “All the middle-aged bankers are too busy with the daily commute to take five weeks out to star in panto”.
There you have it. It was probably a deliberate attempt to provoke the sort of people they disapprove of – you could say they were “rubbing their noses in diversity”. As you say, if the boot were on the other foot …..
On a different note, we were in Marlborough last weekend. Good service everywhere, and all the staff were English (yes, really!). Fun fare in the high street Saturday evening. Pretty crowded, but no disorder. Must have been the intimidating effect of those two coppers we saw occasionally.
Well behaved kids, and not all from the local college by any means.
The Today prog – and no doubt other BBC platforms throughout the day – was tut tutting incredulously at kiwi judge Lowell Goddard’s alleged views that the large number of ‘asians’ was a contributing factor to the level of paedophilia.
So as a response, does the BBC;
a)Do their job and investigate; after all this is the welfare of children we are talking about or
b) shout ‘WAYCISST’
You know the answer, folks. These people are despicable, deplorable excuses for journalists, and yes John Humphries, I am referring to you today.
In general the UK media along with the BBC described the comments as racist. It is a matter of dispute whether she made the comments about ‘Asians’ (Rather, Moslems of Pakistani background). But whether she said it or not there is an element of truth in it, according to official reports and local reports of the trials of rapist gangs.
But we can guess why she was elbowed out. Let’s just focus on a handful of pervy aristocrats and forget the rest in the interests of community relations. I put it that May and her Home Secretary would like it that way.
I did think Humphries was okay, apart from his constant interrupting, but I imagine the pressure from ‘Big Brother’ beeb and the ‘hive mind’ is pretty much irresistible.
DB, might she have been referring to the disproportional number of Asians and others business and the Government are forced to rely on in London and the effect they have/had on the work of the enquiry so far? It would not surprise me one bit that the Asian/Islamic influence within the enquiries administration will seek to destabilise the whole affair and steer it away from the Cult of Submission’s role.
I’ve just watched this new speech by Donald Trump. He tackles and destroys the false sexual allegations well. He reminds me of Nigel Farage in his competence.
At 46 minutes and 40 seconds into the speech, Trump states that ‘we want our country back’. He then mentions the Brexit victory. Could Farage be coaching him? I hope so.
Very, very unlikely to be seen on the BBC. Trump slaughters the media for their obvious bias against him.
I have a certainty that Donald Trump will win after watching this. (And I have a £100 bet placed on him doing so. But that’s the measure of my belief. I did the same for Nigel Farage on the Referendum and beat the bookies at 7/1. There was Champagne in our house that morning).
The problem for Trump is that he is no longer being believed. Just as Cameron discovered halfway through the Brexit debate, whatever he said was dismissed. Timewise we are at the same place. Making fun of his accusers looks might play well in a hall of men, but their wives/daughters/mothers are not impressed. By responding to the allegations specifically he is digging a bigger hole. He should do a Hilary on the emails… put his hands up, apologise for misunderstandings and get back on substance. He’s going to lose this if he doesn’t change the narrative soon.
The BBC reporter says that the women won’t come forward because they will be accused of lying Dr Carson, said the issue was irrelevant and was yelled down by two BBC propagandists. The woman propagandist did mention an alleged aircraft incident. I don’t have the link but she had said that Trump lifted the arm rest and tried to touch her. Lie The arm rests in the plane do not lift up, a fact which was widely reported. The BBC should have known that and not presented the woman in this case as a bullied victim.
Some luvvie going on about audiences and the common man . Brexit and Michael Gove bad . Voting bad . Lots of other things bad . No mention of the telly tax .
Does anyone know if our media or politicians are speaking about trump’s recent rally speeches because i can’t find anything.Zilch so we are collaborators in this deception ,am i right?
The Americans carried out an attack in Yemen yesterday. That hasn’t been reported either
The BBC is becoming very selective Seems it is only interested in reporting about alleged assault Totally uncorroborated and if the Right Alt media are to be believed Jessica Leeds, her of the octopus assault, has some previous with Trump.
I hope that they will keep producing many more of these women and their “accusations”, eventually I believe they will begin to produce the same reactions as Gideon Osborne’s overheated predictions for our country and its economy if we voted to leave the EU: disbelief and disdain.
They are s*****g themselves that Trump could win and that is leading to desperation, which will lead them to overdo the attempted smears.
If you sling too much mud, you end up covered in it yourself as well.
A curious item on the useless Newsnight that neatly illustrated the disconnect at the heart of liberalism.
Robots of all types are coming and their impact will be most severe ( job losses) amongst the low paid and low skilled.
So Europe is busily importing millions of uneducated low skilled migrants to do exactly what?
What jobs and where?
Now robots are definitely coming and so, given current lunatic policies, are the migrants. It makes no sense but that my friends is what liberalism is all about. Nonsense squared.
Japan is looking to technology including robots to deal with an ageing population. The BBC is amongst those who think Japan is doomed to gradual decline due to its refusal to immigrate large numbers of non Japanese. The BBC instead promotes the European model where demographic ageing is overcome by continous and increasing immigration. The BBC also welcomes the consequences of this approach.
Me, I’d back technology over immigration.
I watched a clip about robotics and in Japan they are developing robots to harvest their crops, they always seek to innovate their way out of the problem of a falling birthrate.
In the U.K. our government just imports people from the Second and Third Worlds, to make up the population shortfall created by the way they have discouraged our own people from having children: by women sacrificing having children to have a “career” instead; the cost of living so high that to have a reasonable standard of existence both spouses need to work; enervating the indigenous British by the erosion of our society through malevolent multiculturalism, via unwanted immigration, that many people now don’t want to bring children into this world.
Off piste a bit here, but have just watched Sky’s The Pledge with its newest member – one Afua Hirsch (who?), yet another gobby woman of mixed race (Ghanian/English) who clearly hates this country, the empire, everyone is a racist, and rages that expectant foreign mothers are having to produce their passport at the hospital, oh did I mention she has a massive chip on her shoulder. Amazingly she is a barrister (shades of Chakrabiti), legal correspondent for the Guardian (ha!),and is the Social Affairs & Education Editor at Sky. This is where I chuckled….. she was born in Stavanger, NORWAY – so is this where all the stories started about the influx of Norwegians ? I think she is the love child of Bonnie Estridge.
Brissles, Ah yes, Afua Hirsch. Is this your first encounter with her? If so you have got her nailed. She is mindlessly BBC/Guardian.
The Sky news team was once superb and impartial in their reporting and analysis. Unfortunately they were hideously white, largely middle class and appallingly male. So that all began to change a few years ago when the males were removed and the new crop of BBC/Guardian types came in.
Like the BBC and Guardian, they are not there to report the news but to educate we hate filled, ignorant, souls who do not see the world in their way. So yep, Muslims are always the victims, climate change is real and the left are wonderful.
I don’t get it. Sky must know that we have the BBC and Ch4 for that, so why not do an impartial news service?
Mackers, lovely thought but I don’t think it normally does. I feel that Good, due to its innate sense of fair play, is like the centipede in the insect running race: the cockroaches are already on their victory laps whilst the centipede is still tying up his running shoes.
Donald i watch your rally’s it’s 11/2 in this stupid country fill your boots you’ll never have to work again with these moron bookmakers, wake up people this is a landslide
An article on the Kay/Carson spat as already highlighted above, here the BBC employee gets a whole page of tax payer funded website to sound off about her side of the encounter and promote her Twit feed because obviously that’s more important than covering the election itself. Incredibly coming from a state funded organisation where every single presenter is ‘on message’ about everything she uses the line “It sounded almost Soviet.” Well you would know Katty.
Oldspeaker, I seldom tweet but I sent Kay a few, pointing out that it is bizarre for a BBC news-launderer to be complaining about anyone wanting to censor her and that she would find it wonderfully refreshing if she could correct her lefty tunnel vision and do some real journalism.
I was just thinking about all of these women coming out of nowhere with allegations of sex attacks by Trump.
Smacks a bit of similarity to the disgusting depths that the Remoaners went to over Saint Jo.
This is all too similar in a sick sort of way.
Clinton is by far a more dodgy character.
One rule for the Saudi’s, one rule for the rest of us –
And the Saudi’s are part financing the Clinton Foundation to the tune of, $25 million. Heaven knows how much the Saudi’s are putting into the spread of the Cult of Submission in the UK and the rest of Europe.
Ched Evans has been found not guilty on appeal and the BBC are not happy at all about that !
Of course the Fascist world needs find a scapegoat for all of lifes troubles, and that scapegoat is the white populace, usually the white males.
So the ‘Today’ program hosts an outraged feminist that new evidence has been allowed to be introduced into the case which has led to the new verdict. This evidence was about the promiscuity of the ‘victim’ which the feminazi’s do not like at all.
All men are obviously rapists (and any other crime or pseudo crime) which the state politicial correctness enforcement squad can lay on them.
As a bloke I am putting my head above the parapet on this one and fully expect it to be chopped off!
Yesterday I was trapped in the office for a day.
The radio was playing and was tuned in to radio 2. the next thing I know I am having to listen to the Jeremy Vine show. One of the subjects he was covering was Vicky Foxcrofts speech in parliament concerning National Child loss Awareness Week and her own sad story of child loss.
As a bloke I realise that maybe my right to comment on this story is limited but I was appalled by the way Vine (obviously in her element) played the whole subject like a conductor in an orchestra extracting and every little nuance of sentimentality and emotion. Eventually one of the women got up and it turned off saying “that this is so bloody depressing”
It made me think although I suppose it is commendable that people are reaching out to those who have had stillbirths and child deaths – Is it really necessary to emotionally load the subject so much it in effect becomes a “Celebration of Sadness”
I am sure there are lots of women out there who may well be in the process of getting their lives back together after just such an event – They could well be set back by the antics of this emotionally incontinent presenter.
It also says a lot about how we deal with crisis and sad things that happen in our lives. I had a close relative who suffered such a loss as this. When the subject came up she said – “You just get on with life you have to – the sadness will always be there but life is for living” Surely we cant spend our lives walking round with black ties, long faces and widow weeds.
As a nation we now seem incapable or unwilling of dealing with any subject without loading it with emotion, Brexit, Immigration you name it it seems to me that these days sentimentality always trumps critical logical analysis.
Maybe I am an anal emotionally stunted retentive type but I do think this fashion for letting all our emotions bleed all over the shop restricts our ability to make clear decisions which could well have dire consequences on our future.
Thanks AS – But this does truly worry me – I see it in my own kids – Fortunately my son is now toughening up a little – We will never agree politically however some of the scales (especially with the recent brexit mournfest) have started to fall from his eyes.
How we would cope now as a nation in a WW2 scenario – heavens knows!
Because as sure as hell, the way the continent is going with crazy migration and bizarre foreign policies. (regarding Russia) We could well be heading much closer to some sort of conflict, than we realise.
Poke the Bear enough and it will eventually poke back.
Maybe we could ask Jean Claude and Mama Merkel to rub our tummies and make it all go away!
A WW2 scenario is now unimaginable – any foreign provocation or threat, even of the most evil kind, will surely be greeted with more protesters supporting it here in London than volunteers to defend our country against it. It seems to have been intentional policy to neuter the nation in every way possible. Which might have been a good idea if only we were really a ‘Little England’ immune from outside dangers.
Oaknash… well said. Emoting is continual in our society, from losing out or winning the X Factor, to cooking a meal and thinking of Grandad, – all a bit pathetic really. We have grown men being called ‘Boy Band’ – what self respecting male out of short trousers wants to be called a ‘boy’ ? Humour has gone out of the window to be replaced by the Kleenex box. I’m of the age where I ‘kept it together’ at the funeral of my Dad but the floodgates opened in private; today everyone has to share their ‘issues’ with others and hand out the tissues so they can join in too. Sod that, its time everyone ‘manned’ up.
Totally agree Brissles – But I am afraid that “Kleenex Boy” in his skinny jeans rules for sure at the BBC.
On the whole private stuff is just that – it is private for a reason. And most times the the best way to deal with it – is to keep it private and gain support from those who truly love and care for you rather than broadcast it to all and sundry in some weird sort of emotional circus.
Many of these people who wish to get involved in this sort of public display often appear to be people with very empty lives who are constantly looking for some sort of emotional issue to get involved in.
I always thought Princess Dianas funeral was one such case in point where all these drunks and general nobodies I knew, were were buying suits at the charity shop and lining the funeral route, with a bunch of Tesco flowers to chuck at the hearse – Why?
Then back to the pub and urinating in various doorways as and when required. And an evening of propping up the bar to say how much they miss someone they never met.
I know I am getting old but I just dont understand all this over emotional rubbish.
Is is my imagination or what?
This week alone, there have been two BBC features during so-called, “news” programmes which focused on the allegation that the BBC was biased on their coverage pre-referendum and post. Another focus at about 2230 on BBC R4 ‘News’, this time in relation to, ‘is the BBC biased in its coverage of the Trump v Clinton campaign’. Needless to say, the arrogant BBC via a carefully manipulated version of their broadcasts and biased interviews arrived at the conclusion it was not. It is not surprising that the BBC finds it impossible to report the news in an unbiased and objective manner. So much so that in fact, those directing have to be utterly delusional in the bias department. At least most of the viewers/listeners know the truth.
This morning on Today while interviewing lawyer for rape victims of Libyan cadets JH asks if the cadets had been vetted. Let’s see how that would work: Are they testosterone filled young men? – yes. Are they members of a religion which holds that female kaffirs are worthless? – Yes. Hmm. Okay then – confined to barracks. Cue screams of outrage and charges of “racism” (sic) from social justice warriors, assorted pop “stars” and the Guardian. Result – two young women raped, mere collateral damage in the war against British values
They raped a man as well. They were equal opportunities rapists. islam is very fair in that respect: all kaffirs are scum to be raped and murdered at the will of their muslim overlords.
The Chad Evans “affair” is a bit difficult for the BBC to handle. Chad is not likely to be the kind of pundit you are likely to see on Match of the Day these days. Where positive discrimination is the name of the game. So far as the young lady is involved
I cant really see her being in the Great British Bake OFF. She may of told Chad to F off.He may of taken it too literally. Sex these days is not really a “fun” topic anymore.
Will the BBC let us see Chad Evans playing football ? Probably not. But wait a couple of years and he will most probably be on Strictly Come Dancing. As for the young lady? I think she is “diverse enough” to take the place of Alex Jones on the One Show. She has a northern accent for a start!
Listening to Radio 3 last week they were interviewing Ken Loach on his favourite tunes. There was a lovely little moment when he and the presenter were laughing down their sleeves at “Rule Britania” Obviously proud of their country!
This morning on BBC tv news the presenting duo comprising the usual beta male and strident female (no doubt fitted out in regulation BBC foundation garments of sports bra and cherished anti sex league sash – fresh out of 1984) welcome the viewers with a cheery good morning and guess what outrageous predatory stuff Donald Trump has been up to lately…
Then a Scots chap named Glen Campbell rides the range and sings a ballad of what dear Nicola Sturgeon is ‘going to say’ later today. I have to say it is a pretty glowing report – this Scots Nat woman must be a pretty impressive politician if the BBC is anything to go by.
Of course a tv personality has died and so immediately this in-house story tops the head lines. Well, the boys and girls have been busy putting together a series of film clips.
Over-manning at the BBC? What in this feminized workshop? On comes another BBC payroll chap to chat with our didactic duo about the cultural, social and political lessons the BBC requires us to digest concerning inequality and victimhood aspects of this rather successful woman’s career.
Sofa Amazon latches onto a decades old BAFTA nomination and in this world of all must win prizes she expresses outrage that the soap star didn’t win. Shhhussh.. a quick google tells us that lefty luvvie Emma Thompson took the gong that year.
Sofa Eunuch then takes his queue to debate how Coronation Street “had so many strong female characters…” What in the 70s – surely not?
OK, BBC, I give up. I switch off. Why can’t they just say before an item :
‘Those of a male disposition, may as well look away now’
Today’s R4 Virtue signalling due to them thinking R4 is too white
It’s Saturday so they don’t have the daily black history prog, but they do have these.
15:30 Prog about Sam Cooke and the American civil rights movement
19:15 Front Row : Arts Discussion about two plays about black America this week.
The other Saturday they were talking about some UK black only theatre companies.
Oh and 10:30 there is the black pop singer Andi Oliver on the Cooking programme.
Strange lack of progs about Trans, but I guess PM will be able to fit something in between its Trump bashing.
Ah 11:30am FOOC has opened with a long item about gay marriage
..due to the opposition Labour Party blocking the planned referendum
cos they say Parliament should go by opinion polls
Since there is a Gambian member here I should mention the Gambian election is also now being discussed.
The bbc love Sturgeon.
Sturgeon wants to leave the UK and will probably get her wish one way or another. (it’s my view)
I doubt very much that when the people of New Scotland awake from their post indyref2 stupor and realise they can’t even afford a deep fried mars bar they will want to pay a TV tax to fund bbc New Scotland. Maybe the EU will include it as part of their first bail-out. LOL
We can offer her an EU type “deal”.
She is free to leave the UK at any time. Currently Scotland is part of the UK, so she can leave Scotland and live in the EU somewhere. Preferably on the outer fringes in a town with a population on one.
Personally I now just wish the Scots would piss off.
Initially I thought it would be disastrous for Britain to lose the Scots. For all the normal reasons – shared culture, history, economy. But I now take the view that since a majority of them voted SNP then we should let them have the referendum they wish for and bloody soon at that.
With the proviso that if they do go independent it will be a “hard jokexit” and not some “soft jokexit” – pick and mix affair where wee Jimmy can leave the bits she doesn’t want but still keeps the bits which she finds useful. And we of course pick up any bill.
This also means that we both will have proper borders, so if you are a bloke in a skirt trying to cross into England you will definitely need a passport. It will also means (that if wee Jimmy stays in the EU) she will be able to have her pick of migrants to house share with – And do you know what I almost feel sorry for the lucky “winner”
I would also try and add some sort of constitutional device to ensure that jokexit is for keeps not some sort of Caledonian okey kokey which can be disregarded when the money tree withers.
I am heartily sick of constantly hearing her devious astringent tones on the airwaves constantly berating us for all the ills that have befallen Scotland. However I feel that despite Tim Roth raping Liam Nelsons wife in Rob Roy and despite the attempted rapes of Mel Gibsons wife in Braveheart its not really my fault – However Lilly Allen can apologise for it (if she is so minded)
I am afraid just like the BBC, Scottish Nationalism appears to be founded on grievance, discontent and self sympathy. I suspect that much of their social ills are more to do with super strength beer and drugs rather than the Glencoe massacre.
Still thats only my opinion. What I would say to the Scott’s is please make a decision soon for the sake of all of us. Just be very careful what you wish for as in my book independence is for keeps.
I realise how irritating the SNP are but the people to blame are Labour who gave them devolution in the first place. As usual Labour did it because they thought it would win them vote but of course they were hoist on their own petard. If you were Scottish and the SNP kept successfully using the threat of independence to get more money from Westminster for Scotland wouldn’t you vote for them. They now are getting about £3000 each more then the English and Welsh do! Sensible use of the opportunity handed to them by Blair . Until Westminster say enough is enough , no more money and leave if you want to , they will keep pulling the same trick. Now of course with Brexit they have another grievance to extort money with.
I read that a row between a Remaniac and a Brexiteer resulted in the death of the Brexiteer, I won’t expand anymore as no doubt it will be the headline news on the BBC all day today and possibly tomorrow as well!!
BBC hero Jess Double-Barrelled has recently retired from athletics, no doubt to spend more time with her bank advertising contract, and the BBC were soon gushing this week that a media pundit or indeed simply a media personality career must surely beckon.
Just in case this story slips down the memory hole
BBC WS – “…. Carney, on his tour of the West Midlands …..”
Tour? What? I thought he was just the boss of the BOE, not a pop star, politician or royalty?
Here’s a bit of advice for green people – get your f…ing act together. Climate change: ‘Monumental’ deal to cut HFCs, fastest growing greenhouse gases
In 1978 the USA banned the use of CFCs (chloro-flouro-carbons) because they were a greenhouse gas. OK so why, 38 years later, are we banning another similar gas for the same reasons?
Aren’t these green people the same ones who said we need to plant more trees because of ‘global warming’ and then said a decade late that we have planted the wrong kind of tree (ie ones that produce CO2 rather than absorb it)?
You don’t have much to do so could you at least get your shit together.
I’m starting a charity appeal : Celebs In Need of Perspective
#2 Polish Girls Convicted of violent racist attack against English, but escape jail cos they learnt a lesson : Rochdale
“The defendants later unsuccessfully tried to play the race card claiming they were victims of racism.” “Mut sisters”
All tabloids cover this eg Sun
#3 National Trust membership income significantly down* over last 5 years
..even the big rent increases haven’t covered it (maybe 10% plus)
The Times have an ongoing thing against the NT
Reading American conservative commentary I notice the line that implies Donald Trump was always the preferred opponent of the Clinton political machine – empty of positive policy appeal all the left have is ‘look at that evil guy’.
Donald Trump – the ultimate manifestation of Dumbed-Down America.
But who was it that did the dumbing down? The public schools system, Hollywood, mass-media, universities, popular music, celebrity culture, the ‘higher’ arts, literature and culture – liberal Democrats have dominated each of these sectors for half a century. Blimey, in the week that Bob Dylan is hailed as the greatest living poet – the hippies run the show.
Aleksandra Mut, 23, and her younger sister Angelika Mut declared ‘‘Poland rule the world”, as they beat up three English women in a racist attack.
‘‘Oh, do you want the English slut bitches?” Aleksandra told one of the women: “Don’t mess with us Polish girls”
The assault was serious including kicking, throttling and striking a victim in the face with a stiletto shoe.
But don’t worry, Judge Timothy Mort, clearly a BBC news watcher, told the sisters: “You have learnt a very hard lesson. I think you both realise what a terrible situation you got yourselves into.” So they stayed out of jail.
Shouldn’t racist hate assaults be viewed more seriously by the courts and the BBC?
For those of you who prefer your dominatrixes blonde here is a picture:
That stupid devil woman hillary clinton must stop accusing russia of this and that in her attempts at winning the u.s. election,i thought boris was a liability she’s a different ballgame.Dangerous times folks, i hope there’s time to spend the winnings.
Mackers, I do admire your optimism that the US elections result isn’t going to be rigged. I agree with you that Trump will win the vote; but will he win the count?
If Clinton wins the BBC will be too busy celebrating to indulge in any journalism on the issue.
Good conquers evil ,it will be a landslide,she might be jailed before the election.The final debate will be tv gold i can’t wait.This is like the fall of the roman empire.I’m limited by my wife on how much i can put on him.
Ched evans not guilty and we get this crap from vera baird, this man hating has to stop.He spent two and a half years in jail it’s time to lock the accuser up.
Look, an attractive naked/ semi naked woman who’s been flirting, dinking and maybe taking drugs should be abele to go to bed with a heterosexual man and NOTHING should happen! Does women’s bra burning and emancipation mean nothing for heaven’s sake.
Look, an attractive naked/ semi naked woman who’s been flirting, dinking and maybe taking drugs should be abele to go to bed with a heterosexual man and NOTHING should happen! Does women’s bra burning and emancipation mean nothing for heaven’s sake.
I don’t get your comment is that humour? but ched evans is the innocent person here and either the accuser or the police or cps needs investigating.
As does the BBC, for running after that raving loon Vera Baird in search of a quote to justify their disgusting behaviour?
I cannot abide people like Ched Evans but I have equal contempt for those like Ms Baird who have turned our legal system into a farce. After all, whose opinions are we supposed to listen to with respect, those of Lady Justice Hallett, or a Labour political hack like Baird?
I was making a general point. Not specific to the Evans case but a general point. Maybe it’s hyperbola, which is to imagine a hypothetical situation and exaggerating in order to emphasise the point. Maybe it’s a little sarcastic too aimed at the kind of people who promote, ‘Slut Walk’ protests.
Look at any BBC story about the US election and Trump, we are told, is getting hammered, his campaign in disarray, mortally wounded by the sex allegations.
‘Trump has vehemently denied the allegations, but women are deserting Donald Trump. His chances of winning the White House are diminishing. His campaign is in disarray, he himself is sounding increasingly apocalyptic.’ Says Catty Katty Kay
The corrupt bbc are never right the liar on the plane has already been exposed,isn’t it funny that in this day and age with the internet that our politicians and disgraceful media can’t view the truth of the u.s. election campaign and the blatant lies.It’s so obvious and when nobody speaks up in this country they shame us all.
Looks like St Lily Allen has made it possible for Calais Jungle children to come to the UK….that same evil UK that bombed them and wouldn’t slow the lorries down enough to allow them to board them illegally.
The sound clip in the article has a piece of paper saying “Please dont stop my dreams. Please dont wake me up” for maximum heart tugging. Well I have dreams too but I do have to be awake to work 6 days a week running my own business so those dreams may come true.
And a nice offer from Home Secretary Amber. Bring ’em in girl. You might be rewarded with a seat on QT
‘Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said the government is moving quickly and that she wants as many children as possible brought to the UK before the camp is shut down by the French authorities.’
The BBC never thinks to ask why so many of these unaccompanied children have been abandoned by their families, many of which are allegedly already in the UK.
Perhaps this is the enrichment they bring to us – a selfish free for all where family values matter not one little bit?
God almighty, are there any YOUNG girls at all amongst this container full of ‘children’ coming here ? all we see are images of fit young men who could bloody well swim the channel never mind getting a free lift across. No doubt once they are here, the ‘family’ will fail to materialise and so we have another sponger raiding the benefit system, when they could have been ensconced in France. What’s betting there will be headlines in the next few months that one of these ‘children’ has attacked someone and then there will be much hand wringing and “lessons to be learned”. The people running this country may be academically bright, but show a distinct lack of common sense and are blinkered beyond belief.
Dateline London shown earlier on the BBC News channel was almost enjoyable today. The Russian guy suggested a march for Brexit and the Egyptian guy agreed with Bob Dylan receiving the Nobel Prize.
This must be the first dateline London for months that didn’t mention the US election. Obviously, this was because a detailed account of Trump’s alleged crimes would have led to reference of Wikileaks Is it because the BBC are against publishing hacks? NO, the panama papers stayed on front page news for weeks.
The leaks exposed Clinton’s knowledge of Qatar and Saudi Arabian involvement in IS., though she couldn’t have been too angry because a little later she received 5 million and 1 million dollar ‘gifts’ from those countries. Plus, Qatar and Saudi Arabia happen to be members of the coalition fighting IS. Corruption and lies at the highest level and the BBC does not want the public to know.
Finally, a great statement from Gavin Esler too: ”Brexit was the first major decision that Parliament didn’t decide.”
How did we become an EU member in the first place?
Before anyone weighs in with….” we had a refendum to join’, errrr… we didn’t.
We had a referendum about staying in, after we had been signed in by that bastard traitor Heath.
The whole decision becomes a different one than would have been about joining in the first place.
I have to throw this into the pot. In the last desperate days of the EU Campaign a young girl tragically lost her life. Very sad but the Remoaners used her murder as a ‘tool’ to reinforce their campaign and goodness me we were bombarded with St Jo.
Now similarly with the American election – there are women popping up all over the place with allegations of sex abuse by Mr Trump. Could this be a sick attempt from the Clinton camp to gain votes?
Does this all sound a bit similar?
Trump is no angel but neither is Clinton!
What a sorry state the world of politicians has become – I prefer Trump myself. NB. I am a female.
Dear me Barking … of course, it’s a planned and timed campaign against Trump.
The Beeb’s Jon Sopel on Feedback claimed that Clinton was just “lucky” that the Trump video “emerged” just as the wikileaks came out. Hahahaha … they can treat us as fools, but I in turn will hold them in contempt.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:19 Weekend 15th March 2025 Comment “Can’t believe that we are still having this conversation!!” “To cite the other person you just said that would…
Fedup2Mar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 Sluff – well done yoy listening to that c—p – my rationing of BBC is down to ‘bells on Sunday…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 08:07 Weekend 15th March 2025 #LondonIsOpen except for Trump #MeccaIsClosed except for Muslims [img][/img] “Let’s say together — me, you, and thousands of other Londoners…
SluffMar 16, 08:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Toady on Sunday and the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation playbook is in full swing. First up. An almost ecstatic reporter visiting…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:58 Weekend 15th March 2025 650 MPs to form the front line! 800 Lords on the second line.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 Abbott was later appointed Shadow Minister for Public Health by Ed Miliband, taking shadow responsibility for a range of issues…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:50 Weekend 15th March 2025 It is popularly known in Nigerian and Western media as “Boko Haram,” which means “Western education is forbidden” (the word…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 “What does the Hungarian nation demand from Brussels? Let there be peace, freedom, and unity. 1. We demand a Europe…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 07:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First…
Fedup2Mar 16, 07:45 Weekend 15th March 2025 JohnC – im sure I heard the Russians say if nato troops try ‘peace keeping ‘ they’ll be shot ……
Talk about utter hypocracy from the BBC.
Some poor soul had the audacity to question why the cast in a local Christmas Pantomime were all black.
If this complaint was about “too many white people” they would be going to war in support of it with those infamous words “Pantomime Producer defends cast of whites”.
They’ve latched onto it and obviously the Pantomime Producer is of the same left-wing, intolerant ilk because together they mock the complainent down in flames.
They even quote, “Producer Jamie Wilson responded with a wry open letter that said: “Skin colour should not be relevant”.
I think he’ll find that it’s VERY “relevant” to the BBC….
People should just not go to see it: don’t support it financially, then it will stop.
I’m pleased that people actually felt motivated enough to complain.
This comment is telling: “All the middle-aged bankers are too busy with the daily commute to take five weeks out to star in panto”.
There you have it. It was probably a deliberate attempt to provoke the sort of people they disapprove of – you could say they were “rubbing their noses in diversity”. As you say, if the boot were on the other foot …..
On a different note, we were in Marlborough last weekend. Good service everywhere, and all the staff were English (yes, really!). Fun fare in the high street Saturday evening. Pretty crowded, but no disorder. Must have been the intimidating effect of those two coppers we saw occasionally.
Well behaved kids, and not all from the local college by any means.
All is not lost.
The Today prog – and no doubt other BBC platforms throughout the day – was tut tutting incredulously at kiwi judge Lowell Goddard’s alleged views that the large number of ‘asians’ was a contributing factor to the level of paedophilia.
So as a response, does the BBC;
a)Do their job and investigate; after all this is the welfare of children we are talking about or
b) shout ‘WAYCISST’
You know the answer, folks. These people are despicable, deplorable excuses for journalists, and yes John Humphries, I am referring to you today.
In general the UK media along with the BBC described the comments as racist. It is a matter of dispute whether she made the comments about ‘Asians’ (Rather, Moslems of Pakistani background). But whether she said it or not there is an element of truth in it, according to official reports and local reports of the trials of rapist gangs.
But we can guess why she was elbowed out. Let’s just focus on a handful of pervy aristocrats and forget the rest in the interests of community relations. I put it that May and her Home Secretary would like it that way.
I did think Humphries was okay, apart from his constant interrupting, but I imagine the pressure from ‘Big Brother’ beeb and the ‘hive mind’ is pretty much irresistible.
DB, might she have been referring to the disproportional number of Asians and others business and the Government are forced to rely on in London and the effect they have/had on the work of the enquiry so far? It would not surprise me one bit that the Asian/Islamic influence within the enquiries administration will seek to destabilise the whole affair and steer it away from the Cult of Submission’s role.
I’ve just watched this new speech by Donald Trump. He tackles and destroys the false sexual allegations well. He reminds me of Nigel Farage in his competence.
At 46 minutes and 40 seconds into the speech, Trump states that ‘we want our country back’. He then mentions the Brexit victory. Could Farage be coaching him? I hope so.
Very, very unlikely to be seen on the BBC. Trump slaughters the media for their obvious bias against him.
I have a certainty that Donald Trump will win after watching this. (And I have a £100 bet placed on him doing so. But that’s the measure of my belief. I did the same for Nigel Farage on the Referendum and beat the bookies at 7/1. There was Champagne in our house that morning).
The problem for Trump is that he is no longer being believed. Just as Cameron discovered halfway through the Brexit debate, whatever he said was dismissed. Timewise we are at the same place. Making fun of his accusers looks might play well in a hall of men, but their wives/daughters/mothers are not impressed. By responding to the allegations specifically he is digging a bigger hole. He should do a Hilary on the emails… put his hands up, apologise for misunderstandings and get back on substance. He’s going to lose this if he doesn’t change the narrative soon.
Oh, dear. The BBC hate Trump so much that they shout down a black guy who defends Trump.
The BBC and their Left wing ideology is crumbling from the inside with contradictory cracks and fissures.
The BBC reporter says that the women won’t come forward because they will be accused of lying Dr Carson, said the issue was irrelevant and was yelled down by two BBC propagandists. The woman propagandist did mention an alleged aircraft incident. I don’t have the link but she had said that Trump lifted the arm rest and tried to touch her. Lie The arm rests in the plane do not lift up, a fact which was widely reported. The BBC should have known that and not presented the woman in this case as a bullied victim.
A Point Of View Radio 4 8.45 pm .
Some luvvie going on about audiences and the common man . Brexit and Michael Gove bad . Voting bad . Lots of other things bad . No mention of the telly tax .
Does anyone know if our media or politicians are speaking about trump’s recent rally speeches because i can’t find anything.Zilch so we are collaborators in this deception ,am i right?
Has the BBC reported on Hillary’s wikileaks scandal?
Even CNN are reporting it
Donald trump versus Genghis khan ,the devil,vlad the impaler and he’s 11/2
Democrats – Dirty, filthy bastards. I do hope our politics isn’t going that way but………..
The Americans carried out an attack in Yemen yesterday. That hasn’t been reported either
The BBC is becoming very selective Seems it is only interested in reporting about alleged assault Totally uncorroborated and if the Right Alt media are to be believed Jessica Leeds, her of the octopus assault, has some previous with Trump.
Stunning how in, litigation crazy, America these women have waited sooooooooo long to have a pop at a billionaire?
I hope that they will keep producing many more of these women and their “accusations”, eventually I believe they will begin to produce the same reactions as Gideon Osborne’s overheated predictions for our country and its economy if we voted to leave the EU: disbelief and disdain.
They are s*****g themselves that Trump could win and that is leading to desperation, which will lead them to overdo the attempted smears.
If you sling too much mud, you end up covered in it yourself as well.
A curious item on the useless Newsnight that neatly illustrated the disconnect at the heart of liberalism.
Robots of all types are coming and their impact will be most severe ( job losses) amongst the low paid and low skilled.
So Europe is busily importing millions of uneducated low skilled migrants to do exactly what?
What jobs and where?
Now robots are definitely coming and so, given current lunatic policies, are the migrants. It makes no sense but that my friends is what liberalism is all about. Nonsense squared.
They need to hurry up and send some Terminator T-1000’s into the “Jungle” at Calais and put them to work asap.
Japan is looking to technology including robots to deal with an ageing population. The BBC is amongst those who think Japan is doomed to gradual decline due to its refusal to immigrate large numbers of non Japanese. The BBC instead promotes the European model where demographic ageing is overcome by continous and increasing immigration. The BBC also welcomes the consequences of this approach.
Me, I’d back technology over immigration.
I watched a clip about robotics and in Japan they are developing robots to harvest their crops, they always seek to innovate their way out of the problem of a falling birthrate.
In the U.K. our government just imports people from the Second and Third Worlds, to make up the population shortfall created by the way they have discouraged our own people from having children: by women sacrificing having children to have a “career” instead; the cost of living so high that to have a reasonable standard of existence both spouses need to work; enervating the indigenous British by the erosion of our society through malevolent multiculturalism, via unwanted immigration, that many people now don’t want to bring children into this world.
Off piste a bit here, but have just watched Sky’s The Pledge with its newest member – one Afua Hirsch (who?), yet another gobby woman of mixed race (Ghanian/English) who clearly hates this country, the empire, everyone is a racist, and rages that expectant foreign mothers are having to produce their passport at the hospital, oh did I mention she has a massive chip on her shoulder. Amazingly she is a barrister (shades of Chakrabiti), legal correspondent for the Guardian (ha!),and is the Social Affairs & Education Editor at Sky. This is where I chuckled….. she was born in Stavanger, NORWAY – so is this where all the stories started about the influx of Norwegians ? I think she is the love child of Bonnie Estridge.
Brissles, Ah yes, Afua Hirsch. Is this your first encounter with her? If so you have got her nailed. She is mindlessly BBC/Guardian.
The Sky news team was once superb and impartial in their reporting and analysis. Unfortunately they were hideously white, largely middle class and appallingly male. So that all began to change a few years ago when the males were removed and the new crop of BBC/Guardian types came in.
Like the BBC and Guardian, they are not there to report the news but to educate we hate filled, ignorant, souls who do not see the world in their way. So yep, Muslims are always the victims, climate change is real and the left are wonderful.
I don’t get it. Sky must know that we have the BBC and Ch4 for that, so why not do an impartial news service?
‘Sky Believe in …….. Bullshit’
This is worth reading
Listen i love you people we think alike there’s money to be made on this u.s election ,last time 11/2 trump fill your boots.
Good always conquers evil
Mackers, lovely thought but I don’t think it normally does. I feel that Good, due to its innate sense of fair play, is like the centipede in the insect running race: the cockroaches are already on their victory laps whilst the centipede is still tying up his running shoes.
Donald i watch your rally’s it’s 11/2 in this stupid country fill your boots you’ll never have to work again with these moron bookmakers, wake up people this is a landslide
For the record i wish we had donald trump.
An article on the Kay/Carson spat as already highlighted above, here the BBC employee gets a whole page of tax payer funded website to sound off about her side of the encounter and promote her Twit feed because obviously that’s more important than covering the election itself. Incredibly coming from a state funded organisation where every single presenter is ‘on message’ about everything she uses the line “It sounded almost Soviet.” Well you would know Katty.
Oldspeaker, I seldom tweet but I sent Kay a few, pointing out that it is bizarre for a BBC news-launderer to be complaining about anyone wanting to censor her and that she would find it wonderfully refreshing if she could correct her lefty tunnel vision and do some real journalism.
And a memory lesson. This is the lady who was responsible for Obama’s foreign policy:
I’ve looked on the Beeb but can find no report or even a hint of this trial.
If it had been Remain supporter died after fight with Brexiter would the Beeboids been so quiet??? Remember Jo Cox and how they went into meltdown.
I saw this. Amazing how little is being reported about this hate crime.
I was just thinking about all of these women coming out of nowhere with allegations of sex attacks by Trump.
Smacks a bit of similarity to the disgusting depths that the Remoaners went to over Saint Jo.
This is all too similar in a sick sort of way.
Clinton is by far a more dodgy character.
In a hotel room, and on switching on the TV am still being treated by Newswatch and currently Jezza Bowen saying the BBC gets it about right.
This was preceded by the usual suspects on the usual topics.
Marmitegate mentioned and BBC criticised for its coverage. Zero response.
Trump criticised by a lady who would be safe even from John Prescott.
News is to give viewers a flavour of a topic. A layer cake, if you will.
One the BBC too often bakes its own unique way.
The enduring image of the Scots M1 was funny though.
One rule for the Saudi’s, one rule for the rest of us –
And the Saudi’s are part financing the Clinton Foundation to the tune of, $25 million. Heaven knows how much the Saudi’s are putting into the spread of the Cult of Submission in the UK and the rest of Europe.
Ched Evans has been found not guilty on appeal and the BBC are not happy at all about that !
Of course the Fascist world needs find a scapegoat for all of lifes troubles, and that scapegoat is the white populace, usually the white males.
So the ‘Today’ program hosts an outraged feminist that new evidence has been allowed to be introduced into the case which has led to the new verdict. This evidence was about the promiscuity of the ‘victim’ which the feminazi’s do not like at all.
All men are obviously rapists (and any other crime or pseudo crime) which the state politicial correctness enforcement squad can lay on them.
As a bloke I am putting my head above the parapet on this one and fully expect it to be chopped off!
Yesterday I was trapped in the office for a day.
The radio was playing and was tuned in to radio 2. the next thing I know I am having to listen to the Jeremy Vine show. One of the subjects he was covering was Vicky Foxcrofts speech in parliament concerning National Child loss Awareness Week and her own sad story of child loss.
As a bloke I realise that maybe my right to comment on this story is limited but I was appalled by the way Vine (obviously in her element) played the whole subject like a conductor in an orchestra extracting and every little nuance of sentimentality and emotion. Eventually one of the women got up and it turned off saying “that this is so bloody depressing”
It made me think although I suppose it is commendable that people are reaching out to those who have had stillbirths and child deaths – Is it really necessary to emotionally load the subject so much it in effect becomes a “Celebration of Sadness”
I am sure there are lots of women out there who may well be in the process of getting their lives back together after just such an event – They could well be set back by the antics of this emotionally incontinent presenter.
It also says a lot about how we deal with crisis and sad things that happen in our lives. I had a close relative who suffered such a loss as this. When the subject came up she said – “You just get on with life you have to – the sadness will always be there but life is for living” Surely we cant spend our lives walking round with black ties, long faces and widow weeds.
As a nation we now seem incapable or unwilling of dealing with any subject without loading it with emotion, Brexit, Immigration you name it it seems to me that these days sentimentality always trumps critical logical analysis.
Maybe I am an anal emotionally stunted retentive type but I do think this fashion for letting all our emotions bleed all over the shop restricts our ability to make clear decisions which could well have dire consequences on our future.
‘… putting my head above the parapet…’
Well said and great comment – all of it.
Thanks AS – But this does truly worry me – I see it in my own kids – Fortunately my son is now toughening up a little – We will never agree politically however some of the scales (especially with the recent brexit mournfest) have started to fall from his eyes.
How we would cope now as a nation in a WW2 scenario – heavens knows!
Because as sure as hell, the way the continent is going with crazy migration and bizarre foreign policies. (regarding Russia) We could well be heading much closer to some sort of conflict, than we realise.
Poke the Bear enough and it will eventually poke back.
Maybe we could ask Jean Claude and Mama Merkel to rub our tummies and make it all go away!
A WW2 scenario is now unimaginable – any foreign provocation or threat, even of the most evil kind, will surely be greeted with more protesters supporting it here in London than volunteers to defend our country against it. It seems to have been intentional policy to neuter the nation in every way possible. Which might have been a good idea if only we were really a ‘Little England’ immune from outside dangers.
AI – Demos are a certainty – if the price of imported “bunny rabbit ” onsies go up !
Oaknash… well said. Emoting is continual in our society, from losing out or winning the X Factor, to cooking a meal and thinking of Grandad, – all a bit pathetic really. We have grown men being called ‘Boy Band’ – what self respecting male out of short trousers wants to be called a ‘boy’ ? Humour has gone out of the window to be replaced by the Kleenex box. I’m of the age where I ‘kept it together’ at the funeral of my Dad but the floodgates opened in private; today everyone has to share their ‘issues’ with others and hand out the tissues so they can join in too. Sod that, its time everyone ‘manned’ up.
Totally agree Brissles – But I am afraid that “Kleenex Boy” in his skinny jeans rules for sure at the BBC.
On the whole private stuff is just that – it is private for a reason. And most times the the best way to deal with it – is to keep it private and gain support from those who truly love and care for you rather than broadcast it to all and sundry in some weird sort of emotional circus.
Many of these people who wish to get involved in this sort of public display often appear to be people with very empty lives who are constantly looking for some sort of emotional issue to get involved in.
I always thought Princess Dianas funeral was one such case in point where all these drunks and general nobodies I knew, were were buying suits at the charity shop and lining the funeral route, with a bunch of Tesco flowers to chuck at the hearse – Why?
Then back to the pub and urinating in various doorways as and when required. And an evening of propping up the bar to say how much they miss someone they never met.
I know I am getting old but I just dont understand all this over emotional rubbish.
Is is my imagination or what?
This week alone, there have been two BBC features during so-called, “news” programmes which focused on the allegation that the BBC was biased on their coverage pre-referendum and post. Another focus at about 2230 on BBC R4 ‘News’, this time in relation to, ‘is the BBC biased in its coverage of the Trump v Clinton campaign’. Needless to say, the arrogant BBC via a carefully manipulated version of their broadcasts and biased interviews arrived at the conclusion it was not. It is not surprising that the BBC finds it impossible to report the news in an unbiased and objective manner. So much so that in fact, those directing have to be utterly delusional in the bias department. At least most of the viewers/listeners know the truth.
This morning on Today while interviewing lawyer for rape victims of Libyan cadets JH asks if the cadets had been vetted. Let’s see how that would work: Are they testosterone filled young men? – yes. Are they members of a religion which holds that female kaffirs are worthless? – Yes. Hmm. Okay then – confined to barracks. Cue screams of outrage and charges of “racism” (sic) from social justice warriors, assorted pop “stars” and the Guardian. Result – two young women raped, mere collateral damage in the war against British values
They raped a man as well. They were equal opportunities rapists. islam is very fair in that respect: all kaffirs are scum to be raped and murdered at the will of their muslim overlords.
The Chad Evans “affair” is a bit difficult for the BBC to handle. Chad is not likely to be the kind of pundit you are likely to see on Match of the Day these days. Where positive discrimination is the name of the game. So far as the young lady is involved
I cant really see her being in the Great British Bake OFF. She may of told Chad to F off.He may of taken it too literally. Sex these days is not really a “fun” topic anymore.
Will the BBC let us see Chad Evans playing football ? Probably not. But wait a couple of years and he will most probably be on Strictly Come Dancing. As for the young lady? I think she is “diverse enough” to take the place of Alex Jones on the One Show. She has a northern accent for a start!
I read on Bbbc that the beeb are now the Opposition. I disagree: they are the Enemy.
Peter – or even “the Enemy within”
Listening to Radio 3 last week they were interviewing Ken Loach on his favourite tunes. There was a lovely little moment when he and the presenter were laughing down their sleeves at “Rule Britania” Obviously proud of their country!
A very female coup
This morning on BBC tv news the presenting duo comprising the usual beta male and strident female (no doubt fitted out in regulation BBC foundation garments of sports bra and cherished anti sex league sash – fresh out of 1984) welcome the viewers with a cheery good morning and guess what outrageous predatory stuff Donald Trump has been up to lately…
Then a Scots chap named Glen Campbell rides the range and sings a ballad of what dear Nicola Sturgeon is ‘going to say’ later today. I have to say it is a pretty glowing report – this Scots Nat woman must be a pretty impressive politician if the BBC is anything to go by.
Of course a tv personality has died and so immediately this in-house story tops the head lines. Well, the boys and girls have been busy putting together a series of film clips.
Over-manning at the BBC? What in this feminized workshop? On comes another BBC payroll chap to chat with our didactic duo about the cultural, social and political lessons the BBC requires us to digest concerning inequality and victimhood aspects of this rather successful woman’s career.
Sofa Amazon latches onto a decades old BAFTA nomination and in this world of all must win prizes she expresses outrage that the soap star didn’t win. Shhhussh.. a quick google tells us that lefty luvvie Emma Thompson took the gong that year.
Sofa Eunuch then takes his queue to debate how Coronation Street “had so many strong female characters…” What in the 70s – surely not?
OK, BBC, I give up. I switch off. Why can’t they just say before an item :
‘Those of a male disposition, may as well look away now’
Today’s R4 Virtue signalling due to them thinking R4 is too white
It’s Saturday so they don’t have the daily black history prog, but they do have these.
15:30 Prog about Sam Cooke and the American civil rights movement
19:15 Front Row : Arts Discussion about two plays about black America this week.
The other Saturday they were talking about some UK black only theatre companies.
Oh and 10:30 there is the black pop singer Andi Oliver on the Cooking programme.
Strange lack of progs about Trans, but I guess PM will be able to fit something in between its Trump bashing.
Ah 11:30am FOOC has opened with a long item about gay marriage
..due to the opposition Labour Party blocking the planned referendum
cos they say Parliament should go by opinion polls
Since there is a Gambian member here I should mention the Gambian election is also now being discussed.
Talking of Gambia, I haven’t seen Grant around here for some time.
The bbc love Sturgeon.
Sturgeon wants to leave the UK and will probably get her wish one way or another. (it’s my view)
I doubt very much that when the people of New Scotland awake from their post indyref2 stupor and realise they can’t even afford a deep fried mars bar they will want to pay a TV tax to fund bbc New Scotland. Maybe the EU will include it as part of their first bail-out. LOL
We can offer her an EU type “deal”.
She is free to leave the UK at any time. Currently Scotland is part of the UK, so she can leave Scotland and live in the EU somewhere. Preferably on the outer fringes in a town with a population on one.
Personally I now just wish the Scots would piss off.
Initially I thought it would be disastrous for Britain to lose the Scots. For all the normal reasons – shared culture, history, economy. But I now take the view that since a majority of them voted SNP then we should let them have the referendum they wish for and bloody soon at that.
With the proviso that if they do go independent it will be a “hard jokexit” and not some “soft jokexit” – pick and mix affair where wee Jimmy can leave the bits she doesn’t want but still keeps the bits which she finds useful. And we of course pick up any bill.
This also means that we both will have proper borders, so if you are a bloke in a skirt trying to cross into England you will definitely need a passport. It will also means (that if wee Jimmy stays in the EU) she will be able to have her pick of migrants to house share with – And do you know what I almost feel sorry for the lucky “winner”
I would also try and add some sort of constitutional device to ensure that jokexit is for keeps not some sort of Caledonian okey kokey which can be disregarded when the money tree withers.
I am heartily sick of constantly hearing her devious astringent tones on the airwaves constantly berating us for all the ills that have befallen Scotland. However I feel that despite Tim Roth raping Liam Nelsons wife in Rob Roy and despite the attempted rapes of Mel Gibsons wife in Braveheart its not really my fault – However Lilly Allen can apologise for it (if she is so minded)
I am afraid just like the BBC, Scottish Nationalism appears to be founded on grievance, discontent and self sympathy. I suspect that much of their social ills are more to do with super strength beer and drugs rather than the Glencoe massacre.
Still thats only my opinion. What I would say to the Scott’s is please make a decision soon for the sake of all of us. Just be very careful what you wish for as in my book independence is for keeps.
I realise how irritating the SNP are but the people to blame are Labour who gave them devolution in the first place. As usual Labour did it because they thought it would win them vote but of course they were hoist on their own petard. If you were Scottish and the SNP kept successfully using the threat of independence to get more money from Westminster for Scotland wouldn’t you vote for them. They now are getting about £3000 each more then the English and Welsh do! Sensible use of the opportunity handed to them by Blair . Until Westminster say enough is enough , no more money and leave if you want to , they will keep pulling the same trick. Now of course with Brexit they have another grievance to extort money with.
I agree with your point Dt – particularly regarding Labour manipulation.
However I think the Scotts do now need to realise that the old game rules of heads – Scotland wins and tails England loses no longer apply.
I am afraid any relationship based on Danegeld is totally unsustainable in the long term – and boy – Lots of us are getting very pissed off with them.
Yes I did once hope we could maintain the union – but not at any price because that is called blackmail.
Donald T is a lunatic and a dangerous extremist.
Tusk I mean, obviously :0
I read that a row between a Remaniac and a Brexiteer resulted in the death of the Brexiteer, I won’t expand anymore as no doubt it will be the headline news on the BBC all day today and possibly tomorrow as well!!
The Beeb get it right for once on wee Jimmy Kankie, enjoy.
BBC hero Jess Double-Barrelled has recently retired from athletics, no doubt to spend more time with her bank advertising contract, and the BBC were soon gushing this week that a media pundit or indeed simply a media personality career must surely beckon.
Just in case this story slips down the memory hole
I think that Guardian story probably served as her early BBC job application.
Yes, and the type of people that Yorkshire people are, they won’t forget what she said in a hurry.
BBC WS – “…. Carney, on his tour of the West Midlands …..”
Tour? What? I thought he was just the boss of the BOE, not a pop star, politician or royalty?
“…. Carney, on his tour of the West Midlands …..”
Keep attending the right dinner parties and he could be a future boss of the BBC
I have an idea:
Why not get Martha Kearney and Mark Carney to swap jobs?
He could do Radio 4’s TWATO and promote global Leftism, while she could be Governor of the BoE, using her bee-keeping and honey-gathering experience.
For some reason I’m reminded of that old Emma Thompson joke:
Emma Thompson: “Where are you, darling?”
Kenneth Branner: “I’m in the kitchen, darling”
Emma Thompson: “Oh please, darling, can’t I be in it too!”
Have a great weekend, friends! Hope you enjoy this 🙂
Reckon they all get free homour bypass surgery when they join The Gonadian.
Splendid drvbe-by as per SOL
Thank you, Friend Chris! BTW, have just sent you a private message on the Hard-Right neoliberal Twitter …
Here’s a bit of advice for green people – get your f…ing act together.
Climate change: ‘Monumental’ deal to cut HFCs, fastest growing greenhouse gases
In 1978 the USA banned the use of CFCs (chloro-flouro-carbons) because they were a greenhouse gas. OK so why, 38 years later, are we banning another similar gas for the same reasons?
Aren’t these green people the same ones who said we need to plant more trees because of ‘global warming’ and then said a decade late that we have planted the wrong kind of tree (ie ones that produce CO2 rather than absorb it)?
You don’t have much to do so could you at least get your shit together.
Em CFCs were abolished cos they’re supposed to harm the ozone layer.
..Nothing at the time was mentioned about global warming.
Em CFCs and HFCs are termed greenhouse gases by environmentalists.
One could imply global warming – but I didn’t.
We are missing a few stories
Things in The Times, that the BBC will forget to report
#1 Sting’s Italian wine estate has been using refugee labour illegal and badly paid.
‘It wasn’t me, I’d leased the fields out’
He has a new album coming out next month he says its inspired by Europe’s Migrant crisis
I’m starting a charity appeal : Celebs In Need of Perspective
#2 Polish Girls Convicted of violent racist attack against English, but escape jail cos they learnt a lesson : Rochdale
“The defendants later unsuccessfully tried to play the race card claiming they were victims of racism.” “Mut sisters”
All tabloids cover this eg Sun
#3 National Trust membership income significantly down* over last 5 years
..even the big rent increases haven’t covered it (maybe 10% plus)
The Times have an ongoing thing against the NT
4 Army set to by £3bn armoured vehicles from Germany
hope they make it a reciprical deal
That’s as well as the story Mrs Kitty mentioned at 7:08 above
: DEAD AFTER VOTING BREXIT: Man died after fight with ‘bully’ Remainer over EU referendum : Manchester
Reading American conservative commentary I notice the line that implies Donald Trump was always the preferred opponent of the Clinton political machine – empty of positive policy appeal all the left have is ‘look at that evil guy’.
Donald Trump – the ultimate manifestation of Dumbed-Down America.
But who was it that did the dumbing down? The public schools system, Hollywood, mass-media, universities, popular music, celebrity culture, the ‘higher’ arts, literature and culture – liberal Democrats have dominated each of these sectors for half a century. Blimey, in the week that Bob Dylan is hailed as the greatest living poet – the hippies run the show.
More hate crimes concerning Poles! Oddly, not on the BBC yet.
Aleksandra Mut, 23, and her younger sister Angelika Mut declared ‘‘Poland rule the world”, as they beat up three English women in a racist attack.
‘‘Oh, do you want the English slut bitches?” Aleksandra told one of the women: “Don’t mess with us Polish girls”
The assault was serious including kicking, throttling and striking a victim in the face with a stiletto shoe.
But don’t worry, Judge Timothy Mort, clearly a BBC news watcher, told the sisters: “You have learnt a very hard lesson. I think you both realise what a terrible situation you got yourselves into.” So they stayed out of jail.
Shouldn’t racist hate assaults be viewed more seriously by the courts and the BBC?
For those of you who prefer your dominatrixes blonde here is a picture:
The Russian Keraskov is talking sense on Dateline London.
But it is a 4 against 1 situation
That stupid devil woman hillary clinton must stop accusing russia of this and that in her attempts at winning the u.s. election,i thought boris was a liability she’s a different ballgame.Dangerous times folks, i hope there’s time to spend the winnings.
Mackers, I do admire your optimism that the US elections result isn’t going to be rigged. I agree with you that Trump will win the vote; but will he win the count?
If Clinton wins the BBC will be too busy celebrating to indulge in any journalism on the issue.
Good conquers evil ,it will be a landslide,she might be jailed before the election.The final debate will be tv gold i can’t wait.This is like the fall of the roman empire.I’m limited by my wife on how much i can put on him.
I praised theresa may’s conference speech but the praise for the bbc was deeply concerning,as donald trump says regarding the media ayyyyyyya
Ched evans not guilty and we get this crap from vera baird, this man hating has to stop.He spent two and a half years in jail it’s time to lock the accuser up.
Look, an attractive naked/ semi naked woman who’s been flirting, dinking and maybe taking drugs should be abele to go to bed with a heterosexual man and NOTHING should happen! Does women’s bra burning and emancipation mean nothing for heaven’s sake.
Look, an attractive naked/ semi naked woman who’s been flirting, dinking and maybe taking drugs should be abele to go to bed with a heterosexual man and NOTHING should happen! Does women’s bra burning and emancipation mean nothing for heaven’s sake.
A duplicate but worth saying twice.
I don’t get your comment is that humour? but ched evans is the innocent person here and either the accuser or the police or cps needs investigating.
As does the BBC, for running after that raving loon Vera Baird in search of a quote to justify their disgusting behaviour?
I cannot abide people like Ched Evans but I have equal contempt for those like Ms Baird who have turned our legal system into a farce. After all, whose opinions are we supposed to listen to with respect, those of Lady Justice Hallett, or a Labour political hack like Baird?
I was making a general point. Not specific to the Evans case but a general point. Maybe it’s hyperbola, which is to imagine a hypothetical situation and exaggerating in order to emphasise the point. Maybe it’s a little sarcastic too aimed at the kind of people who promote, ‘Slut Walk’ protests.
oddly the accuser never accused him, she pulled a HRC style “i dont recall”
the police/cps pushed for the conviction, its them we should be looking at.
though im guessing the so called accuser probably had some power of veto she chose not to use.
Look at any BBC story about the US election and Trump, we are told, is getting hammered, his campaign in disarray, mortally wounded by the sex allegations.
‘Trump has vehemently denied the allegations, but women are deserting Donald Trump. His chances of winning the White House are diminishing. His campaign is in disarray, he himself is sounding increasingly apocalyptic.’ Says Catty Katty Kay
And the polls.
Maybe the BBC are right. But I will love to say the smirk disappear from Dimbletrot’s smug face when the BBC lose the election. Just hoping.
The corrupt bbc are never right the liar on the plane has already been exposed,isn’t it funny that in this day and age with the internet that our politicians and disgraceful media can’t view the truth of the u.s. election campaign and the blatant lies.It’s so obvious and when nobody speaks up in this country they shame us all.
The smear campaign continues and the BBC continue to repeat the allegations. Mark Dyce calls out the media for participating in the lies.
If the allegations turn out to be false, can you imagine what Ms Zervos is going through?
Lots of phone calls, twitter frenzy, e mails messages of pity and praise
and then nothing
She should be careful. People who piss Clinton off are prone to have a very short life span
Children in Calais Jungle to arrive in UK ‘in days’
Looks like St Lily Allen has made it possible for Calais Jungle children to come to the UK….that same evil UK that bombed them and wouldn’t slow the lorries down enough to allow them to board them illegally.
The sound clip in the article has a piece of paper saying “Please dont stop my dreams. Please dont wake me up” for maximum heart tugging. Well I have dreams too but I do have to be awake to work 6 days a week running my own business so those dreams may come true.
And a nice offer from Home Secretary Amber. Bring ’em in girl. You might be rewarded with a seat on QT
‘Home Secretary Amber Rudd has said the government is moving quickly and that she wants as many children as possible brought to the UK before the camp is shut down by the French authorities.’
The BBC never thinks to ask why so many of these unaccompanied children have been abandoned by their families, many of which are allegedly already in the UK.
Perhaps this is the enrichment they bring to us – a selfish free for all where family values matter not one little bit?
If the dopey cow thinks she can empty a self-filling container?….thnk again idiot.
God almighty, are there any YOUNG girls at all amongst this container full of ‘children’ coming here ? all we see are images of fit young men who could bloody well swim the channel never mind getting a free lift across. No doubt once they are here, the ‘family’ will fail to materialise and so we have another sponger raiding the benefit system, when they could have been ensconced in France. What’s betting there will be headlines in the next few months that one of these ‘children’ has attacked someone and then there will be much hand wringing and “lessons to be learned”. The people running this country may be academically bright, but show a distinct lack of common sense and are blinkered beyond belief.
Dateline London shown earlier on the BBC News channel was almost enjoyable today. The Russian guy suggested a march for Brexit and the Egyptian guy agreed with Bob Dylan receiving the Nobel Prize.
This must be the first dateline London for months that didn’t mention the US election. Obviously, this was because a detailed account of Trump’s alleged crimes would have led to reference of Wikileaks Is it because the BBC are against publishing hacks? NO, the panama papers stayed on front page news for weeks.
The leaks exposed Clinton’s knowledge of Qatar and Saudi Arabian involvement in IS., though she couldn’t have been too angry because a little later she received 5 million and 1 million dollar ‘gifts’ from those countries. Plus, Qatar and Saudi Arabia happen to be members of the coalition fighting IS. Corruption and lies at the highest level and the BBC does not want the public to know.
Finally, a great statement from Gavin Esler too: ”Brexit was the first major decision that Parliament didn’t decide.”
How did we become an EU member in the first place?
Before anyone weighs in with….” we had a refendum to join’, errrr… we didn’t.
We had a referendum about staying in, after we had been signed in by that bastard traitor Heath.
The whole decision becomes a different one than would have been about joining in the first place.
I have to throw this into the pot. In the last desperate days of the EU Campaign a young girl tragically lost her life. Very sad but the Remoaners used her murder as a ‘tool’ to reinforce their campaign and goodness me we were bombarded with St Jo.
Now similarly with the American election – there are women popping up all over the place with allegations of sex abuse by Mr Trump. Could this be a sick attempt from the Clinton camp to gain votes?
Does this all sound a bit similar?
Trump is no angel but neither is Clinton!
What a sorry state the world of politicians has become – I prefer Trump myself. NB. I am a female.
Dear me Barking … of course, it’s a planned and timed campaign against Trump.
The Beeb’s Jon Sopel on Feedback claimed that Clinton was just “lucky” that the Trump video “emerged” just as the wikileaks came out. Hahahaha … they can treat us as fools, but I in turn will hold them in contempt.