I’m not sure I trust online polls, or any polls for that matter.
On 21st June, the Daily Telegraph published a poll, saying Remain was on 53%, Leave on 47%, which was almost the exact opposite of the actual result two days later.
I am hoping for something similar on 8th November. There must be many people who will vote for Trump, but who don’t want to tell that to pollsters.
What does worry me about the US election is that much of the voting is electronic, and there is no proper audit trail. The hanging chads were bad enough, but it seems to me that anyone could hack these systems and change the result, and there would be no way of knowing.
Donald J Trump Polls? You really think anyone is going to take that seriously? If you’re going to post something interesting then at least post something which has some credibility because there is an awful lot of BBC bias in the election coverage.
Shows that Trump is probably in the lead, although you’d never think it from the liberal pro Clinton bias of the BBC.
Makes me wonder if some of their staff are in receipt of the Saudi Riyal the what the reporting carries one!
I rarely sample the BBC’s output these days, but when I do, the bias seems ever more naked. On a long car journey yesterday I listened to a few minutes to Radio Four: some ‘comedy’ monologue by a Polish woman (played by a very English sounding woman) about Brexit. Radio Four extra: Sandi Toksvig making jokes about the Daily Mail and Brexit. Had a flick through Radio Times in the service station. Sandi Toksvig again, going on about her lesbian wedding, plus an editorial attacking ‘Tory cuts’. Oh and I’ve just heard that there are plans to make a news series of ‘League of Gentlemen’ with ‘A Brexit theme.’ No need to guess which side that will favour! I just chuckle and give thanks that I no longer pay for this tosh!
Sick and tired of hearing people saying i don’t like or don’t agree with ched evans or donald trump but i agree with them,this polite conservatism or snobbery has produced islamic terrorism, global business corruption and if that devil woman wins in the u.s.a socialism and war.I WRITE ON THIS SITE TO WAKE UP OUR POLITICIANS.Holy crap am i the only sane person .This site is pretty SILENT
Macker, I consider myself, my wife and our family and friends to be sane. But, like Trump, we have 99% of the media against us. No idea how many read, post and agree with what’s said on this site. I VERY MUCH DOUBT POLITICIANS KNOW THIS SITE EVEN EXISTS.
I was accused the other day, on this site, of ‘whining’ – maybe that’s true, maybe this site is just for people to chat, moan and let off steam.
oh they know alright because i told my mp about it and do you really think there aren’t people who work for them that check so called right of centre sites.The media is corrupting the largest capitalist country in the world and you want to bury your head in the sand. Nope it ain’t gonna happen.
Sure thing. I have spent the last few years regularly posting on Fox News, against Obama, Clinton and Political Correctness, so I reckon I’ve done my bit for America and the free world.
The politicians should know about this site as well as breitbart.
The reason is that they need to know the enemy (us)
Ordinary, rational, patriotic folk who are sick of being ignored.
If they are to continue to oppress us they need to keep an eye on us.
To any of you lefties reading this.
We are watching YOU and we will not forget what you are doing to our Land.
@Mackers……….Does it really matter if people like Trump as long as people vote for him and not Hilary? It isn’t necessary to like someone in order to agree with them, from my own perspective it’s about ideas not personality. Politeness or snobbery doesn’t come into it.
The duck
I mean’t polite conservatism in how we debate the liberal/left we’re too nice and this tolerance of their incompetence has brought us major problems.No it doesn’t matter if we like him or not .The snobbery part was to do with how people start a conversation with for example’ i don’t like football but ‘disassociating themselves from something they don’t like,they happily say how their not interested in politics aswell .as if we care
Ah ok, I see what you were getting at now, my apologies.
Funnily enough I’ve been watching quite a bit of Milo Yiannopoulos lately as I’ve found him to be endlessly entertaining, but that point you make about being too polite to liberals is at the very heart of his ideas and reason for his rising popularity.
I watch his videos with a mixture of hope and despair. The thing I’ve realised is that amongst the students the crazy SJW crowd are a small, but extremely vocal, minority. However the real craziness seems to be more prevalent among the lecturers and administrations, they’ve all but abandoned the first amendment.
It comes back to polite conservatism, we are in power here and they allow the lib/left to run the bbc and schools.It’s a neglect that in the u.s. it’s come to this,it’s this election or that’s it, democracy gone.There’ll never be another opportunity again another 4 years the corruption will squeeze even tighter.What hurts me more is conservatives around the world have a chance to expose this but have chosen to be silent,i’m ashamed.I think our conservative party is heavily occupied by liberals,unbelievable isn’t it you would have thought there was one person to speak up.Theresa may i’m waiting.
Our government’s cop out would be we don’t get involved with other countries elections but ok for obama and every world business leaders to try to influence our european referendum.Why don’t conservatives protest?
If the push back against the PC culture continues and gathers more momentum I think things will change. I’m fairly hopeful it will as the left has become more and more authoritarian and created an atmosphere of fear and people are getting sick of it. I think it will happen quicker in the US but we’ve already seen the start of it with Brexit here, but whether it will ever extend as far as the BBC, I’m doubtful.
While I understand what you are saying, I have found that the majority of people are totally brainwashed (I cannot think of a better term for it) into believing (blindly accepting) the prevailing narrative that left is good, Clinton is good, UKIP is evil, right is evil, Trump is evil and so on.
This makes a direct challenge to their beliefs almost impossible, they are unable to accept that any reasonable person would hold views that are not shared by the correct people (within which they include themselves of course).
They simply will not listen – but instead treat any arguments or opposite opinions as beneath contempt.
The best way I have found to argue with these people, is to appear to agree with them at first, and then introduce little elements of doubt into the narrative. This makes it harder for them to dismiss this new argument out of hand – as they have only just agreed with a correct opinion from me.
I may be deluding myself, but I feel this is the best way to chink away at the armour of ignorance and intolerance, shielding the left from any other views.
For example, I may start off a conversation by agreeing that I don’t much like Trump and would hate to vote for him (nods of sage agreement from lefties around the dinner table). Then I might introduce the fact the Clinton is even worse – if that is possible – and ask what they thought of the video of her laughing about getting a rapist off charges for raping a 12 year old girl – when she clearly knew he was guilty?
They are temporarily disarmed and even may ask what I mean. If I had gone straight in with this argument I would have been dismissed completely out of hand as a fascist redneck.
This may not be brave, but it gets an idea into their heads via the back door while their guard is down.
Yes Clinton might win the presidency. That has always been a possibility. The real cause is that it isn’t yet time for Whites to be honest in their thoughts. Trump is the challenger but the real reason why people like Clinton can make a living is because Whites are still living out the lie.
The liberal defense on race has not changed. Racial realism continues to create new arguments while liberalism can only fall onto defenses created by a handful of leftists. They still use Gould’s arguments even though the Morton data showed he was dishonest.
I saw this statement in a recent debate on race:
‘Race is a social construct just as all taxonomies are social constructs. But that does not change the reality of biology. You can remove the taxonomies but the biology remains.’
Fascinating stuff. The biology remains.
If Clinton wins she will be the last of her kind. This grandiose lie simply cannot last.
However there was an icy silence in the studio a little later when Hull born actor/director Barrie Rutter said
“Why’s diversity JUST have to be skin colour, or whether your gay or not ?”
“We were trying to perform to a diverse audience like Yorkshire sheepfarmers, but (people) told me I couldn’t play the part of a King cos I didn’t have an RP accent” ..”I had to found my own theatre company”
Other presenter : “Diversity is about women aswell”
Clive : “Well, well since the 60’s the BBC has had a wide variety of accents” (not !)
Ah in Ron Howard’s last movie he directed Tom Hanks who coincidentally just made a Trump hating video.
“Before we start make all the Donald Trump clown jokes you want to … yes I worked on that other thing I didn’t create it but Johnny Depp played Trump…but Trump’s a self serving gas bag so you can say what you want” ..studio laughs at this sneer
Ah I get it he was anticipating the BBC might call him to task for doing that anti-Trump stunt, so was getting his defence in first
OH there was something else the last guest “Noah Hawley” (creator of Fargo) started to say something like “What we called the News used to deliver us a set facts to us, and it was up to us to decide what it meant, but then at a certain point about 15 years the news started to be filtered to a certain point of view and if the facts that didn’t fit that point of view were left out (Do you see where he’s going ?)
– So whereas you used to have an America where people would agree about the facts but disagree about the meaning : you have literally 2 countries each with a different set of facts”
The presenters quickly tried to head him off at the pass with
“Yes yes, and often it’s not facts its conjecture. (see she’s thinking Fox non-lefty facts are NOT facts)
….now I fascinated by (changes the subject)”
She told him off for saying his new character is a Schrizophrenic
“You are not supposed to say someone is a Schrizophrenic any more ..you can’t define someone by their condition ..you are supposed to say someone who has schrizophrenia”
What so not talented intelligent scientist Miss X ? … Miss X a scientist who has intelligence and talent ?
£2.1m to support new plays by black and minority ethnic theatre makers
£2.5m aims to increase the number of disabled and non-white senior leaders in arts organisations. (BTW even a young able bodied white person can become disabled before retirement age)
A few weeks back, Now Show veteran Jon Holmes was fired
“consumers of BBC entertainment are deemed too stupid to understand programmes lacking an arbitrarily prescribed on-air percentage of their demographic. ”
The quality of progs falls as the BBC “skips past equality of opportunity,
to enforce equality of outcome”
“this new bigotry, as in ages past, is informed by strict religious dogma. Thus, any proposed reformation will necessarily be blasphemous, heretical and sinfully egalitarian.”
If there is a play with ten people in it and if blacks are 15 percent of the population do they have to have one full black and one half black (that is one black parent and one white parent)
Could they get away it’s having two, threequarter blacks, that is with predominantly black parentage with a bit of white chucked in.
Is there a formula for casting now?
To get the right proportions of gays, lesbians, trans, cross dressers, short, tall, fat, thin, old, young, black, white, other, Moslem, Christian, other miscellaneous religions, handicapped, able bodied, male, female, northern, southern in fact…..everything………should there be a manual or instruction book so that everyone gets the correct representation.
Or should the actors be chosen to fit the narrative.
It’s so confusing being BBC far left politically correct. So many militant groups just waiting to be offended (usually on behalf of someone else so that they can get virtue signalling asp)
Obviously you lovely lot like to read far and wide to counteract the bias, so this will be of interest. Without wishing to sensationalise, our amazing continent is slowly being ruined…
‘This footage, taken with a hidden camera by an anonymous Frenchman in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity, shows the devastating effects of uncontrolled illegal mass immigration of young African males into Europe.’
Remember, in lefty la-la land none of this happening…
Lily Allen should spend a few nights there, apologising for the colonial past of Europeans.
You watch that short film and you ask yourself: what the hell are our cities going to be like in 10; 20 and 30 years hence?
The Progressives among us who want to open up the West to an invasion from Third World, should be made to go and live amongst that lot for a fortnight; to see if any of them change their minds.
As you say awful but sadly typical of where ever these folks go . I am sure that most ‘normal’ people would agree , only the leftist multy culty bigots wouldn’t.But the problem is how can the mass of ordinary people be made aware of what is going on in their towns and cities. The BBC in this country and all MSM censor all this stuff and it is never seen. If anyone has doubts about mass immigration , let alone outright opposition, they are attacked in social media and ridiculed on the MSM. The police are used by the metropolitan elite to further suppress any voices of opposition to this plague of immigrants. Thanks to the internet we get a glimpse from time to time of the horrible impact of mass immigration but the liberal elite are trying hard to get control there to. The struggle against our ruling elite will be long and hard as they will use their power ruthlessly to suppress any opposition and deny the truth. A good test of the power of our elite will be Brexit . Will the UK be free from the faceless law makers and judges of Brussels, or will the elite cobble something together which they claim represents the will of the people but in fact is so soft a Brexit that we will hardly have left the EU at all.
Salmond ” is currently the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gordon and is the SNP International Affairs and Europe spokesperson in the House of Commons, following his election to the UK House of Commons in 2015.”
A friend of mine who works near Kansas City, drove back to his home in Tennessee and told me he didn’t see any Clinton signs in people’s yards on the way, but plenty for Trump.
No, it really isn’t. The situation in Tennessee is a lot more complicated than that. 1996 was the last time TN voted Democrat but the major cities like Nashville and Memphis are solidly Democrat voting.
I expect Trump to win in TN and the vote to be manipulated in Illary’s favour, as it will be across the US. Who will actually carry off the prize is anyone’s guess.
Groan of despair ! Just watched Strictly, and is it worth bothering any more ? the judges have nailed their colours to the mast of a particular contestant, and considering there has never been a winner of real colour, that may change this year, and its only week 4. Never mind that there are some excellent dancers to choose between, it seems to have been done and dusted. Nadya was the everywhere face of 2015 and now Ore Uphimself (who?) looks to be the flavour of 2016 at the BBC.
It doesn’t take a ‘researcher’ to see the blatant Bias waged against Brexit. I may upset a lot of Tory supporters by stating that it is so pathetic that our government has does nothing about it.
Is this deliberate ?
The burning question is, StewGreen, how many more ambivalent voters would have voted for leaving had the BBC broadcast balanced opinion on the lead up to the Referendum?
Wikileaks show Team Hillary planned Grope joke/smear 5 months ago
OK this is not exactly exposing today’s women as a fake stunt
but it does show what direction Team Hillary was thinking
They planned to place a fake job ad as a satire saying Trump would demean women job candidates and grope them under the table.
From Wikileaks Democrat email 2016-05-18 21:40 about seeking approval for the stunt job advert.
We’re proud to maintain a “fun” and “friendly work environment, where the boss is always available to meet with his employees. Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table. Interested applicants should send resume, cover letter, and headshot to jobs@trump.com
ah the Daily Mail has an almost debunk of the Zervos 2005 sexual-assault allegation.
#1 – Her cousin says shes’s spent last 10 years hyping up Trump as a great guy
#2 – She wrote a fawning email on April 14 to his campaign ..not what you’d expect a victim to do
Not much on the Socialist Broadcasting Corporation about Venezuela these days, an oil rich country where people die of hunger from suicidal socialist policies. Last time I heard it mentioned the SBC were trying to blame the Americans of course, through some twisted logic only beeboids would swallow. Not St Obama of course, but the CIA. And the word Socialist never mentioned of course.
This could be a regular theme,i don’t want to knock the tory party but,
Do you remember that blue ball challenge at tory conference on the daily politics and two thirds of members picked devil woman,and george osbourne’s goldman sach’s friend’s resignation after brexit.Now i get the silence,when he wins in time names will come out.So forget about usa and democracy,sell america down the road of totalitarianism to protect a few guilty people,and support her.Brilliant thanks a lot.I think farage may have been threatened he’s changing sides slowly.cnn breaking news clinton’s illigetiment son.
globalists may have threatened some of our mp’s some are acting strange boris johnson and farage,i know it sounds crazy but these are very dangerous times.yes it’s true on rt news us cyber attacks on russia to pretend russia are hacking the election.could be nuclear bloody war. I never trusted that john kerry he looks a wrongen
the bbc or should i say the globalists headline the propoganda that russia is hacking the election to either create war or make russia lie and say they did.these globalist people will stop at nothing to win us election
BBC-trained beta male Gavin Esler meets with left-leaning Guardian/Indy journo Yasmin Alibhai-Brown over the Sunday papers. The two of them put their heads together and just can’t work out why anyone, particularly women, would still vote for Donald Trump.
It’s a conumdrum. Amusingly JFK is used as a shining exemplar of worthyness later in this chat. And Bill Clinton gets no name check – go figure, as our cousins over the pond would say.
Gavin chips in – in an editorial manner – with the idea that were Donald applying for the job of “janitor” (presumably our Gavin’s idea of a salt of the earth low skilled line of employment) then the Republican candidate for President would be ruled out of consideration on the grounds of the current sexual allegations.
Isn’t it interesting than Esler doesn’t suggest the example of Trump making an application for a job as a tv presenter! Probably because Hilary supporting US media networks now crying foul about these historic allegations did just that for years – and what BBC presenter would want to remind viewers of the BBC’s Savile difficulties.
Our Jasmin goes on to trot out – unchallenged – some of her usual disjointed lefty mantras. “The US is no longer the greatest nation on earth… it may be greatest economically and politically…”
The viewer is left attempting to work that out. No help from our Gavin to follow up and clarify what Jasmin is saying here. In what respect is the US no longer greatest – and do please tell which nation has surpassed America?
The answer on the tip of Jasmin’s waggling tongue and the issue closest to her heart is actually easy to ascertain from her other rather sloganised lefty thought burps. It’s immigration stupid. Our Jasmin has been upset by the Brexit campaign and she highlights the traitorous stance of Leave campaigner Priti Patel. You see in Jasmin world all immigrants stand together with race as their one overriding single uniting political cause. No wonder the BBC have this view when they continually cherish only dudd thinkers like our Jasmin.
One guesses Ms Alibhai-Brown’s ‘greatest nation’, her utopian shangri la, must now be Merkel’s Germany. An open door to immigration confers favoured nation status on a state these days. One guesses that type of short cut route to lefty hearts kind of greatness may be somewhat short lived – but we’ll see.
I actually find it deeply offensive that Alibhai-Brown is given a platform by the BBC to spout her insane opinions so regularly. She’s a racist, anti-British, so far to the Left that it is hard to think of someone on the Right who could be used as a counterweight to her – though of course, no one on the Right ever is.
Wait a minute, though. Aren’t we supposed to be able to report things we find ‘offensive’ as ‘hate crimes’? I wonder…
Totally agree GC, and yet, how many bodies did she leap over to get her on the boat to bring her here from Idi Amin’s Uganda !!!! I spit feathers when the likes of her are forever platforming on the one hand that “we’ve always been a welcoming nation” (only migrants believe that), and on the other trash Britain and spout what we should or shouldn’t do. I really have no truck with those who have plonked themselves on our land then tell us what to do – I’d like to see her do that in America on their political programmes !!!
Sometimes, I find myself overwhelmned by the bias and lies-by-omission from the BBC. There have been many already today, but here is one of them. The ‘Sunday’ programme (R4) included a piece on the Home Affairs Select Committee report on anti-Semisitism in the Labour Party, and it started off quite well. But O’Connell (the lefty) was keen to portray the report as biased because the committee contained a majority of Conservative members. No mention whatsoever was made of Ms Chakrabati and her extraordinary report on Labour’s anti-Semitism, even though a considerable part of the HASC report (which I have read) discusses her and her report – in very unfavourable terms. It also mentions that Keith Vaz, as previous Chair, asked Chakrabati to provide the Committee with details of the timing of her elevation to the House of Lords, which she has refused point blank to do. Clearly this is something that O’Connell wanted to keep under wraps.
Is this a tory 11plus grammar school challenge to figure out the globalists next strategy to keep crooked hillary in power.So far we got john kerry speaking to the russians then later today he’s speaking to uk germany france resulting in a claim that russia set up wikileakes or if russia doesn’t agree then war or a large sum of money to moscow,do i pass my 11plus.You see us real conservatives still have humour unlike the lefty coldhearts.
BBC Brexit bias found (as if we didn’t know). Has anyone ever heard any attempt at serious analysis of what would happen – sorry, I’ve been brainwashed by media language – MIGHT happen if the majority of our so-called representatives and national broadcaster get their way and we never leave or have a Great British half-baked Brexit?
From the BBC and Remoaners it’s both a threat and a promise that our EU friends are going to make life practically impossible if we step away from totalitarian state. But has anyone dared to factor in the reality of what could happen if we were to creep back in defiance of the referendum result? The EU dictators would be triumphant because they would have proof that the once-proud British democracy was impotent. We would swiftly be bled dry, in all sorts of ways, with no further fears of a comeback. (I should think a punishment regime is already being pleasurably devised by our lovely friends Tusk, Juncker and Guy Verhorseshit.)
From Operation Fear and the BBC’s own continuing Operation Undermine we know all about the terrors (for them) of leaving the cosy cartel. But at least we know that the EU threats are from those who should soon have no power over us.
The BBC has perpetrated and absurd view of the corrupt EU as a hand-holding, like to teach the world to sing kind of world. Bought and paid for, but the idealistic ninnies who swallow it don’t generally know that. BBC “news” hardly mentions, except to dismiss the very notion, of the proposed EU army that our troops would be expected to prop up, the disastrous EU foreign policy towards Russia, the appalling jobless figures in the southern member countries, or the fact that all over Europe normal people are cheering the 17.4 million for standing firm.
The true evil of the British Brainwashing Corp is not just that it spews out its biased views and makes us pay for it (I don’t by the way); but because of its huge resources and influence it has shifted the whole ‘centre ground’ of opinion and debate to its own illiberal-left Weltanschauung on everything from politics to social issues, feminism, racism, islamophilia, gender issues, identity politics, the arts etc.
So now most of the msm and broadcast media are pressured to toe the line or be accused of being far right, racist, islamophobe, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist etc.
Of course the Brainwashing Corp isn’t alone, but it has played a significant role in this mass indoctrination and stifling of true diversity of opinion.
As you say, the BBC makes the political weather in this country and I don’t mean in terms of party politics alone. Its drama and even ‘light entertainment’ could hardly be more clumsily ‘instructive’ if they had been commissioned by the Soviet Union sometime in the 1930s. Is there a BBC ‘soap’ or crime programme that isn’t a thinly disguised morality tale penned by a Leftist?
For me, even if it were possible to redress the balance in its factual programming, it wouldn’t be enough. The corruption runs throughout the BBC like dry rot in a damp building – nowhere is it untouched. It needs tearing down.
Totally agree GC, the BBC is rotten to the core and beyond reform. But it has almost unlimited and as the saying goes, ‘all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutley’. I reckon the BBC are well to the absolutist end of the spectrum. Only Tory politicians have the motivation to do anything about the corporation but they are scared to death of the its power, so we are steadily going down the road to liberal leftist hell.
You make a very good point about BBC’s influence and pressure on other broadcasters. It must extend to individual reporters and producers who think that one day they might like to work for the BBC.
I gather that it does. Even if they could get through the selection processes, they know they wouldn’t survive (and certainly not prosper) in such an environment, so few bother even trying.
Unfortunately, this isn’t just true of the BBC these days. The entire media, print as well as broadcast, is flooded with the brainwashed outpourings of our universities so most of it is skewed to the Left. There are exceptions but they are few and getting fewer.
As I’ve said before, if we want to sort out the mess this country is in we are going to have to tackle the way the Left has taken almost total control over our educational system.
What a surprise…………….. An endless stream of anti brexit guests on the odious am show this morning (and of course Sky). Even the tory Scottish Secretary (on Sky) felt he had to mention that he had voted to remain. Of course, Nicola Krankie doing all the rounds on bbbc and sky, given loads of air time this morning and doing as much damage as she can.
Question of the morning has to go to the europhile mernaghan… ‘So, Nicola Krankie ‘What do you think of Donald Trump?’ What an irrelevant question and who is she to have any credible opinion?
What chance of true representation does the ordinary Englishman have?
Much as I love the music, thanks to a poster here I no longer have to get ambushed top of the hour by Classic FM Global Triipe, more often than not heralded by the dulcet tones of the Hibernian Harpie.
For the weekend we opt for lighter fare, and usually have on a local station. Sadly, its ‘news’ is provided by Sky, so today a small rural south west area was treated to the clearly epic main story of Krankie’s thoughts on yet another unpublished leak the media approve of (versus HRC’s team strategy), with her in full hypocritical sanctimony mode, unchallenged, on opportunistic politicians.
I may need to tune elsewhere again. Advertisers please note.
Looking forward to the overpaid and under skilled BBC reporters chasing up this story about the dad of Lily Allen’s Jungle boy being an ex Islamist fighter.
Perhaps we could have a feature with Lilly and Jungle Boy’s dad enjoying a latte together while listening to her latest song
Given BBC ethnic casting quotas (do we understand that it is 15% of actors in all dramas must be black and that blacks must be represented even in historical drama where there it is not necessarily historically justified) then I really do wonder how the BBC would handle any potential remake of Das Boot – the fictional story of U-96 a German WW2 submarine and its crew.
And if you think that could be awkward, how about the BBC taking on Downfall – the movie about the last days of the Third Reich set largely in Hitler’s bunker. I guess there’s a bit of diversity to latch onto – seem to remember Goebbels had a club foot. Maybe Sir Lenny has been fattening up with the part of Goring in mind?
Have only just learned from the Sunday Times, that not only has the girl in the Ched Evans miscarriage never said she had been raped but that she only went to the police to report her bag being stolen!
So it is only the police, and the BBC who say rape occurred, none of the participants agree with them.
I read that too ss, but in the MoS and also that of the two defence witnesses who she’d had sex with, in similar circumstances to Evans, one of those occasions was after the er…rape.
Perfect political balance by the BBC with left-wing lesbian, woman’s right campaigner and Tory-hater, Sandi Toksvig as host. Alan Davis, extreme left-winger and Tory-hater together with Phill Jupitus, extreme left-winger and Tory-hater as panellists.
Keep on paying the license fee you mugs, we’ll spend it any way we see fit.
Obviously it is the law that Romesh Ranganathan has to be on all panel shows. We know this. But where is Katharine Ryan? There is something wrong here. Her agent needs to get on to the DG fast.
Still, I am please to see that Phil Jupitus has found an extra wide seat on another BBC show, after Never Mind the Buzzcocks was axed. I had been worrying about him. And it is also good to see that the BBC is being true to its Charter, and representing all political viewpoints, from hard left to ultra left. All in all, £4 billion well spent, I’d say.
An interesting piece on the Beeb earlier this morning. Apparently anti-Semitic attacks have gone up by 11% in the past year. Hmmmm. Now we all know who won’t be blamed for this; those peaceful, law abiding, altruistic members of a certain religion, that obviously goes without saying.
I’m just wondering how Brexit will get the blame.
I am disturbed by the reports of antisemitic attacks. The left, the BBC, and so many Jewish leaders accuse the far right. Almost every article on the subject mentions the alarming growth of the far right.
See typical Guardian – Trump, Nazis, anti semetism
The left generally portray Muslims and Jews as victims of the far right
The Left are fine with attacks on Jews. They happily call Jews, Nazis. The Left are unspeakable filth. Their propaganda arm is the BBC which you are forced to finance. Like being forced to dig your own grave before being shot.
Labour, particularly Corbyn, under attack for not curbing antisemitism in the party.
It has been well established that anti Zionism is often employed to mask antisemitism. And the BBC article does cover this. But note the photo which makes it apparent that not all Jews support Zionism
G.W.F. – I imagine the BBC is happy to find Jews who are anti-Israel and to spread that news around. That despicable bunch in the photo is probably Naturei Karta, an extreme fringe that even went to Teheran to rub shoulders with I’monaJihad, I mean Ahmedinejad, when that little swine hosted his Holocaust denial conference, attended by some of the the world’s worst anti-Semites such as David Duke.
ThingsBBCforgets to mention
Anyone hear last weeks edition of the Bottomline with guy from Tate and Lyle ?
He was well up for Brexit just past the middle he said ..I paraphrase
We’ve got this huge factory in London and we want to run, it but our sugar comes from CANE not beet so even after we have processed it the EU has always classed our sugar as foreign not as British and puts a tariff on it
..We’ve got foreign cane sugar producer queuing up to do business with us when Brexit comes, then we can process the sugar and sell it wherever we want in the world.
Hangon how come the BBC couldn’t find these guys for on air time , before the referendum and just filled the air with Remoaners ?
I wonder how many pro-Brexit businesses are out there ? As it now seems the EU was not a free trade area, but a Tariff full area stifling world business.
The law firm guy said “ah well we need to move our lawyers between our London office and Milan office”..well so what ? If it’s 1 week he won’t need a visa , if it’s 6 months a visa, it should be easy for a lawyer. There’s 220 countries in the world not just 27.
There is so much BBC left-wing bias these days that one hardly knows where to begin. One area I am finding increasingly repugnant and insufferable is the BBC’s kid gloves treatment (apart from the excellent Andrew Neil) of anti-English bigoted SNP ameoba brains. Marr = utterly pathetic; Penar = utterly pathetic; Gordon Brewer, useless and so on. Also, compare the far-left BBC’s coverage of Trump’s remarks about women with the rampant anti-semitism that pervades Jeremy Corbyn’s extremist far-left communist party…. in this foul assortment of anti-British traitors and IRA-supporting turnip crunchers we see blatant bigotry and treachery everyday but the BBC fail to analyse the sources of such behaviour; could it be that the topic stems from the rise of a certain ‘community’ within Liebour’s ranks and thus is too sensitive an issue for the snowflakes with the BBC?
We live in difficult times folks, where to be a patriotic Brit is frowned upon by self-righteous, middle class left-wing prats. Anway, here’s a couple of links…. one about the wretched sanctimonious anti-British Lilly Allen and another about accusations of BBC bias…
I used to live in an area of london until the bbc hive moved in, these people we’re so rude it’s like they knew straight away i was different from them,makes you think
about the david icke reptile shout.
MarkyMarkMar 16, 12:41 Weekend 15th March 2025 Migrant hotels, schoolgirls, police denials and “cultural expectations training” – what’s going on? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArdHzrk6lSs Residents in British towns like Earley,…
JohnCMar 16, 12:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Yes Fed : they have said they will not accept NATO troops in Ukraine under any circumstances. A despite all…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 @20:46 “Imagine a world where every pound shop Jimmy Saville was able to coordinate with every other Jimmy Saville in…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:46 Weekend 15th March 2025 Time segregation on the streets? Unwritten new laws?
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 @18:40 “The vast majority of people don’t believe this shit.” …………… Father Ted writer Graham Linehan given harassment warning Published…
StewGreenMar 16, 11:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 The Graham Lineham speech about BBC’s obsession with trans etc. https://youtu.be/mSE4bpVmYUE?si=ih-X22aQLha1lMuD
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:28 Weekend 15th March 2025 UK Army has Allah on it’s side. “This Is Belonging 2018 – TV – Keeping my Faith – This is…
NiborMar 16, 11:28 Weekend 15th March 2025 An observation. This morning @11.00am I skirted round Wakefield Town centre on the way to Doncaster. Normally I use the…
Fedup2Mar 16, 11:26 Weekend 15th March 2025 Imagine what they’d do to that idiot – I suppose she’s from one of those Protestant ‘religions ‘ that don’t…
MarkyMarkMar 16, 11:25 Weekend 15th March 2025 G – they think that everyone will come to an agreement and Utopia will be formed. Reality does not matter.…
Trump v Clinton online US poll.
Trump = 63%
Clinton = 37%
I’m not sure I trust online polls, or any polls for that matter.
On 21st June, the Daily Telegraph published a poll, saying Remain was on 53%, Leave on 47%, which was almost the exact opposite of the actual result two days later.
I am hoping for something similar on 8th November. There must be many people who will vote for Trump, but who don’t want to tell that to pollsters.
What does worry me about the US election is that much of the voting is electronic, and there is no proper audit trail. The hanging chads were bad enough, but it seems to me that anyone could hack these systems and change the result, and there would be no way of knowing.
Donald J Trump Polls? You really think anyone is going to take that seriously? If you’re going to post something interesting then at least post something which has some credibility because there is an awful lot of BBC bias in the election coverage.
Shows that Trump is probably in the lead, although you’d never think it from the liberal pro Clinton bias of the BBC.
Makes me wonder if some of their staff are in receipt of the Saudi Riyal the what the reporting carries one!
I rarely sample the BBC’s output these days, but when I do, the bias seems ever more naked. On a long car journey yesterday I listened to a few minutes to Radio Four: some ‘comedy’ monologue by a Polish woman (played by a very English sounding woman) about Brexit. Radio Four extra: Sandi Toksvig making jokes about the Daily Mail and Brexit. Had a flick through Radio Times in the service station. Sandi Toksvig again, going on about her lesbian wedding, plus an editorial attacking ‘Tory cuts’. Oh and I’ve just heard that there are plans to make a news series of ‘League of Gentlemen’ with ‘A Brexit theme.’ No need to guess which side that will favour! I just chuckle and give thanks that I no longer pay for this tosh!
Sandi Toksvig would have to have a lesbian wedding,because no bloke in his right mind would touch her with a bargepole,horrible excuse for a woman.
Sick and tired of hearing people saying i don’t like or don’t agree with ched evans or donald trump but i agree with them,this polite conservatism or snobbery has produced islamic terrorism, global business corruption and if that devil woman wins in the u.s.a socialism and war.I WRITE ON THIS SITE TO WAKE UP OUR POLITICIANS.Holy crap am i the only sane person .This site is pretty SILENT
Macker, I consider myself, my wife and our family and friends to be sane. But, like Trump, we have 99% of the media against us. No idea how many read, post and agree with what’s said on this site. I VERY MUCH DOUBT POLITICIANS KNOW THIS SITE EVEN EXISTS.
I was accused the other day, on this site, of ‘whining’ – maybe that’s true, maybe this site is just for people to chat, moan and let off steam.
oh they know alright because i told my mp about it and do you really think there aren’t people who work for them that check so called right of centre sites.The media is corrupting the largest capitalist country in the world and you want to bury your head in the sand. Nope it ain’t gonna happen.
Sure thing. I have spent the last few years regularly posting on Fox News, against Obama, Clinton and Political Correctness, so I reckon I’ve done my bit for America and the free world.
We all need to do our bit if she gets in and changes the supreme court judges.The end of american capitalism.
The politicians should know about this site as well as breitbart.
The reason is that they need to know the enemy (us)
Ordinary, rational, patriotic folk who are sick of being ignored.
If they are to continue to oppress us they need to keep an eye on us.
To any of you lefties reading this.
We are watching YOU and we will not forget what you are doing to our Land.
@Mackers……….Does it really matter if people like Trump as long as people vote for him and not Hilary? It isn’t necessary to like someone in order to agree with them, from my own perspective it’s about ideas not personality. Politeness or snobbery doesn’t come into it.
The duck
I mean’t polite conservatism in how we debate the liberal/left we’re too nice and this tolerance of their incompetence has brought us major problems.No it doesn’t matter if we like him or not .The snobbery part was to do with how people start a conversation with for example’ i don’t like football but ‘disassociating themselves from something they don’t like,they happily say how their not interested in politics aswell .as if we care
Ah ok, I see what you were getting at now, my apologies.
Funnily enough I’ve been watching quite a bit of Milo Yiannopoulos lately as I’ve found him to be endlessly entertaining, but that point you make about being too polite to liberals is at the very heart of his ideas and reason for his rising popularity.
the duck
I watch him all the time ,i stole that line from him.Those U.S.campus’s are unbelievable , some crazy lefties and feminists.
I watch his videos with a mixture of hope and despair. The thing I’ve realised is that amongst the students the crazy SJW crowd are a small, but extremely vocal, minority. However the real craziness seems to be more prevalent among the lecturers and administrations, they’ve all but abandoned the first amendment.
It comes back to polite conservatism, we are in power here and they allow the lib/left to run the bbc and schools.It’s a neglect that in the u.s. it’s come to this,it’s this election or that’s it, democracy gone.There’ll never be another opportunity again another 4 years the corruption will squeeze even tighter.What hurts me more is conservatives around the world have a chance to expose this but have chosen to be silent,i’m ashamed.I think our conservative party is heavily occupied by liberals,unbelievable isn’t it you would have thought there was one person to speak up.Theresa may i’m waiting.
Our government’s cop out would be we don’t get involved with other countries elections but ok for obama and every world business leaders to try to influence our european referendum.Why don’t conservatives protest?
If the push back against the PC culture continues and gathers more momentum I think things will change. I’m fairly hopeful it will as the left has become more and more authoritarian and created an atmosphere of fear and people are getting sick of it. I think it will happen quicker in the US but we’ve already seen the start of it with Brexit here, but whether it will ever extend as far as the BBC, I’m doubtful.
While I understand what you are saying, I have found that the majority of people are totally brainwashed (I cannot think of a better term for it) into believing (blindly accepting) the prevailing narrative that left is good, Clinton is good, UKIP is evil, right is evil, Trump is evil and so on.
This makes a direct challenge to their beliefs almost impossible, they are unable to accept that any reasonable person would hold views that are not shared by the correct people (within which they include themselves of course).
They simply will not listen – but instead treat any arguments or opposite opinions as beneath contempt.
The best way I have found to argue with these people, is to appear to agree with them at first, and then introduce little elements of doubt into the narrative. This makes it harder for them to dismiss this new argument out of hand – as they have only just agreed with a correct opinion from me.
I may be deluding myself, but I feel this is the best way to chink away at the armour of ignorance and intolerance, shielding the left from any other views.
For example, I may start off a conversation by agreeing that I don’t much like Trump and would hate to vote for him (nods of sage agreement from lefties around the dinner table). Then I might introduce the fact the Clinton is even worse – if that is possible – and ask what they thought of the video of her laughing about getting a rapist off charges for raping a 12 year old girl – when she clearly knew he was guilty?
They are temporarily disarmed and even may ask what I mean. If I had gone straight in with this argument I would have been dismissed completely out of hand as a fascist redneck.
This may not be brave, but it gets an idea into their heads via the back door while their guard is down.
“Now is not the time for negativity or pessimism.
Yes Clinton might win the presidency. That has always been a possibility. The real cause is that it isn’t yet time for Whites to be honest in their thoughts. Trump is the challenger but the real reason why people like Clinton can make a living is because Whites are still living out the lie.
The liberal defense on race has not changed. Racial realism continues to create new arguments while liberalism can only fall onto defenses created by a handful of leftists. They still use Gould’s arguments even though the Morton data showed he was dishonest.
I saw this statement in a recent debate on race:
‘Race is a social construct just as all taxonomies are social constructs. But that does not change the reality of biology. You can remove the taxonomies but the biology remains.’
Fascinating stuff. The biology remains.
If Clinton wins she will be the last of her kind. This grandiose lie simply cannot last.
The biology remains.” Anonymous
Plebs outnumber establishment criminals
BBC Radio 4.
“”What has happened to our seasons?”
Global Warming is here and active. No debate. That’s it.
What’s the BBC regulation about the sneer at Trump .. must it come at 23 minutes past EACH hour or is it 25 minutes past EACH hour ?
Just now 18:23 R4 Loose Ends
Movie director RonHoward came on to talk about his movie, but his first priority was todescribe Trump as a “self serving gasbag.”
However there was an icy silence in the studio a little later when Hull born actor/director Barrie Rutter said
“Why’s diversity JUST have to be skin colour, or whether your gay or not ?”
“We were trying to perform to a diverse audience like Yorkshire sheepfarmers, but (people) told me I couldn’t play the part of a King cos I didn’t have an RP accent” ..”I had to found my own theatre company”
Other presenter : “Diversity is about women aswell”
Clive : “Well, well since the 60’s the BBC has had a wide variety of accents” (not !)
Ah in Ron Howard’s last movie he directed Tom Hanks who coincidentally just made a Trump hating video.
“Before we start make all the Donald Trump clown jokes you want to … yes I worked on that other thing I didn’t create it but Johnny Depp played Trump…but Trump’s a self serving gas bag so you can say what you want” ..studio laughs at this sneer
Ah I get it he was anticipating the BBC might call him to task for doing that anti-Trump stunt, so was getting his defence in first
OH there was something else the last guest “Noah Hawley” (creator of Fargo) started to say something like “What we called the News used to deliver us a set facts to us, and it was up to us to decide what it meant, but then at a certain point about 15 years the news started to be filtered to a certain point of view and if the facts that didn’t fit that point of view were left out (Do you see where he’s going ?)
– So whereas you used to have an America where people would agree about the facts but disagree about the meaning : you have literally 2 countries each with a different set of facts”
The presenters quickly tried to head him off at the pass with
“Yes yes, and often it’s not facts its conjecture. (see she’s thinking Fox non-lefty facts are NOT facts)
….now I fascinated by (changes the subject)”
She told him off for saying his new character is a Schrizophrenic
“You are not supposed to say someone is a Schrizophrenic any more ..you can’t define someone by their condition ..you are supposed to say someone who has schrizophrenia”
What so not talented intelligent scientist Miss X ? … Miss X a scientist who has intelligence and talent ?
Checking gives me Oct 13 BBC : Arts Council England to invest £4.6m in diversity scheme
£2.1m to support new plays by black and minority ethnic theatre makers
£2.5m aims to increase the number of disabled and non-white senior leaders in arts organisations. (BTW even a young able bodied white person can become disabled before retirement age)
Also on the Oct 12th from Spiked
The unspoken bigotry of the BBC’s diversity quotas
Giving ethnic minorities and women a leg-up is deeply patronising.
A few weeks back, Now Show veteran Jon Holmes was fired
“consumers of BBC entertainment are deemed too stupid to understand programmes lacking an arbitrarily prescribed on-air percentage of their demographic. ”
The quality of progs falls as the BBC “skips past equality of opportunity,
to enforce equality of outcome”
“this new bigotry, as in ages past, is informed by strict religious dogma. Thus, any proposed reformation will necessarily be blasphemous, heretical and sinfully egalitarian.”
“£2.1m to support new plays by black and minority ethnic theatre makers”.
Isn’t that prejudiced against up and coming white teatre makers?
If there is a play with ten people in it and if blacks are 15 percent of the population do they have to have one full black and one half black (that is one black parent and one white parent)
Could they get away it’s having two, threequarter blacks, that is with predominantly black parentage with a bit of white chucked in.
Is there a formula for casting now?
To get the right proportions of gays, lesbians, trans, cross dressers, short, tall, fat, thin, old, young, black, white, other, Moslem, Christian, other miscellaneous religions, handicapped, able bodied, male, female, northern, southern in fact…..everything………should there be a manual or instruction book so that everyone gets the correct representation.
Or should the actors be chosen to fit the narrative.
It’s so confusing being BBC far left politically correct. So many militant groups just waiting to be offended (usually on behalf of someone else so that they can get virtue signalling asp)
PC is pure hate.
Quick, put the Northern oik back in his box!
Poor Clive must have had an attack of the vapours.
Obviously you lovely lot like to read far and wide to counteract the bias, so this will be of interest. Without wishing to sensationalise, our amazing continent is slowly being ruined…
‘This footage, taken with a hidden camera by an anonymous Frenchman in the Avenue de Flandres, 19th Arrondissement, near the Stalingrad Metro Station in Paris as well as areas in close proximity, shows the devastating effects of uncontrolled illegal mass immigration of young African males into Europe.’
Remember, in lefty la-la land none of this happening…
Lily Allen should spend a few nights there, apologising for the colonial past of Europeans.
You watch that short film and you ask yourself: what the hell are our cities going to be like in 10; 20 and 30 years hence?
The Progressives among us who want to open up the West to an invasion from Third World, should be made to go and live amongst that lot for a fortnight; to see if any of them change their minds.
Sorry, SoS, I cant see any video to ‘open’ on that website. Please advise, as I am sure it would be well worth a watch.
Must be unable to open it because of Brexit G
As you say awful but sadly typical of where ever these folks go . I am sure that most ‘normal’ people would agree , only the leftist multy culty bigots wouldn’t.But the problem is how can the mass of ordinary people be made aware of what is going on in their towns and cities. The BBC in this country and all MSM censor all this stuff and it is never seen. If anyone has doubts about mass immigration , let alone outright opposition, they are attacked in social media and ridiculed on the MSM. The police are used by the metropolitan elite to further suppress any voices of opposition to this plague of immigrants. Thanks to the internet we get a glimpse from time to time of the horrible impact of mass immigration but the liberal elite are trying hard to get control there to. The struggle against our ruling elite will be long and hard as they will use their power ruthlessly to suppress any opposition and deny the truth. A good test of the power of our elite will be Brexit . Will the UK be free from the faceless law makers and judges of Brussels, or will the elite cobble something together which they claim represents the will of the people but in fact is so soft a Brexit that we will hardly have left the EU at all.
That’s the reality of the E.U.
Unfortunately the left’s deceased mind’s crave chaos.so we’re f…..d
Just watching QT on catchup, why is Alex Salmond on it when it is in London, does he even have a job?
OMG I think Salmond fancies Thornberry, I feel nauseous!
Salmond ” is currently the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gordon and is the SNP International Affairs and Europe spokesperson in the House of Commons, following his election to the UK House of Commons in 2015.”
Oh Lord, please send the UK a fair and balanced TV channel. A radio station would be a start! Amen
Wonder how much is Hillary and how much is Bill working her with his foot?
Run by Newswatch and not connected in any way to the BBC.
Good news folks!
Brutal has been in Barcelona for the weekend and had a conversation with some yanks across the table and they’re voting Trump!
Bring on the 6th Nov!
A friend of mine who works near Kansas City, drove back to his home in Tennessee and told me he didn’t see any Clinton signs in people’s yards on the way, but plenty for Trump.
Yeh but tennessee is republican heartland.
No, it really isn’t. The situation in Tennessee is a lot more complicated than that. 1996 was the last time TN voted Democrat but the major cities like Nashville and Memphis are solidly Democrat voting.
I expect Trump to win in TN and the vote to be manipulated in Illary’s favour, as it will be across the US. Who will actually carry off the prize is anyone’s guess.
Brutal’s auntie is from Chattanooga Tennessee (not that that really has anything to do with anything)
OMG this is just reminding me of brexit all over again!
Let’s hope the results r the same!
Groan of despair ! Just watched Strictly, and is it worth bothering any more ? the judges have nailed their colours to the mast of a particular contestant, and considering there has never been a winner of real colour, that may change this year, and its only week 4. Never mind that there are some excellent dancers to choose between, it seems to have been done and dusted. Nadya was the everywhere face of 2015 and now Ore Uphimself (who?) looks to be the flavour of 2016 at the BBC.
“There is nothing this establishment won’t do to stop”
The Trump video
Are you american and what’s the election vibe over there?A trump rally’s subject matter could last a week.
From the ‘you don’t say? What a surprise’ department: “Confirmed: BBC Was Biased Against Brexit, Say Researchers”
It doesn’t take a ‘researcher’ to see the blatant Bias waged against Brexit. I may upset a lot of Tory supporters by stating that it is so pathetic that our government has does nothing about it.
Is this deliberate ?
The BBC is still campaigning against Brexit, its efforts have increased since June 23.
Its oblivious to any criticism which can only be expected from a Far Left/Liberal supporting organisation.
Taffman, hopefully, ‘enough rope’………
Breibart’s done a story based on NewsWatch research Confirmed BBC was Biased against Brexit
“Radio 4 listeners 2.5 times more Remainers than Brexiteers”
via Breibart’s Twitter Feed ..great for new stories
The burning question is, StewGreen, how many more ambivalent voters would have voted for leaving had the BBC broadcast balanced opinion on the lead up to the Referendum?
Wikileaks show Team Hillary planned Grope joke/smear 5 months ago
OK this is not exactly exposing today’s women as a fake stunt
but it does show what direction Team Hillary was thinking
They planned to place a fake job ad as a satire saying Trump would demean women job candidates and grope them under the table.
From Wikileaks Democrat email 2016-05-18 21:40 about seeking approval for the stunt job advert.
ah the Daily Mail has an almost debunk of the Zervos 2005 sexual-assault allegation.
#1 – Her cousin says shes’s spent last 10 years hyping up Trump as a great guy
#2 – She wrote a fawning email on April 14 to his campaign ..not what you’d expect a victim to do
Not much on the Socialist Broadcasting Corporation about Venezuela these days, an oil rich country where people die of hunger from suicidal socialist policies. Last time I heard it mentioned the SBC were trying to blame the Americans of course, through some twisted logic only beeboids would swallow. Not St Obama of course, but the CIA. And the word Socialist never mentioned of course.
The great Marmite Charade .
Was this all a set up by Tesco and Unilever ?
Warning us of things to come ……..
Let let the price go up and watch the sales go down
How about this to help them along ? ……..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13544886
IMHO ‘it was a set up’.
Carwyn Jones and his ‘assembly / government’ is completely out of touch with the people of Wales . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-37655258
Time to call for a referendum to get rid of the bureaucratic white elephant. It can’t even look after the health of Wales. …..
Has Al Beeb covered this yet ?
Good on you Rod !
This could be a regular theme,i don’t want to knock the tory party but,
Do you remember that blue ball challenge at tory conference on the daily politics and two thirds of members picked devil woman,and george osbourne’s goldman sach’s friend’s resignation after brexit.Now i get the silence,when he wins in time names will come out.So forget about usa and democracy,sell america down the road of totalitarianism to protect a few guilty people,and support her.Brilliant thanks a lot.I think farage may have been threatened he’s changing sides slowly.cnn breaking news clinton’s illigetiment son.
bill clinton’s illegitimate son announced on cnn now removed he was mixed race
a lot of wickileakes stuff on hillary at infowars,there’s even talk of starting a war with russia.you got to look at this stuff
And does Killary’s supporters care? Does the MSM really care? What about the Haitians that the Clintons stole from: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437883/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation
globalists may have threatened some of our mp’s some are acting strange boris johnson and farage,i know it sounds crazy but these are very dangerous times.yes it’s true on rt news us cyber attacks on russia to pretend russia are hacking the election.could be nuclear bloody war. I never trusted that john kerry he looks a wrongen
the bbc or should i say the globalists headline the propoganda that russia is hacking the election to either create war or make russia lie and say they did.these globalist people will stop at nothing to win us election
Seems Nic Nic’s mob have learned a thing or two from CECUTT.
I only noticed this as a small link because the big news to the BBC was that Nic Nic was getting ’emotional’ about kiddies again, bless her.
Your best yet, literally.
Thank you, Friend AsI :).
Katie Hopkins is on LBC now till 12
She’s starting with Ched Evans issue
Then next St Lilly Allen issue
BBC-trained beta male Gavin Esler meets with left-leaning Guardian/Indy journo Yasmin Alibhai-Brown over the Sunday papers. The two of them put their heads together and just can’t work out why anyone, particularly women, would still vote for Donald Trump.
It’s a conumdrum. Amusingly JFK is used as a shining exemplar of worthyness later in this chat. And Bill Clinton gets no name check – go figure, as our cousins over the pond would say.
Gavin chips in – in an editorial manner – with the idea that were Donald applying for the job of “janitor” (presumably our Gavin’s idea of a salt of the earth low skilled line of employment) then the Republican candidate for President would be ruled out of consideration on the grounds of the current sexual allegations.
Isn’t it interesting than Esler doesn’t suggest the example of Trump making an application for a job as a tv presenter! Probably because Hilary supporting US media networks now crying foul about these historic allegations did just that for years – and what BBC presenter would want to remind viewers of the BBC’s Savile difficulties.
Our Jasmin goes on to trot out – unchallenged – some of her usual disjointed lefty mantras. “The US is no longer the greatest nation on earth… it may be greatest economically and politically…”
The viewer is left attempting to work that out. No help from our Gavin to follow up and clarify what Jasmin is saying here. In what respect is the US no longer greatest – and do please tell which nation has surpassed America?
The answer on the tip of Jasmin’s waggling tongue and the issue closest to her heart is actually easy to ascertain from her other rather sloganised lefty thought burps. It’s immigration stupid. Our Jasmin has been upset by the Brexit campaign and she highlights the traitorous stance of Leave campaigner Priti Patel. You see in Jasmin world all immigrants stand together with race as their one overriding single uniting political cause. No wonder the BBC have this view when they continually cherish only dudd thinkers like our Jasmin.
One guesses Ms Alibhai-Brown’s ‘greatest nation’, her utopian shangri la, must now be Merkel’s Germany. An open door to immigration confers favoured nation status on a state these days. One guesses that type of short cut route to lefty hearts kind of greatness may be somewhat short lived – but we’ll see.
I actually find it deeply offensive that Alibhai-Brown is given a platform by the BBC to spout her insane opinions so regularly. She’s a racist, anti-British, so far to the Left that it is hard to think of someone on the Right who could be used as a counterweight to her – though of course, no one on the Right ever is.
Wait a minute, though. Aren’t we supposed to be able to report things we find ‘offensive’ as ‘hate crimes’? I wonder…
Totally agree GC, and yet, how many bodies did she leap over to get her on the boat to bring her here from Idi Amin’s Uganda !!!! I spit feathers when the likes of her are forever platforming on the one hand that “we’ve always been a welcoming nation” (only migrants believe that), and on the other trash Britain and spout what we should or shouldn’t do. I really have no truck with those who have plonked themselves on our land then tell us what to do – I’d like to see her do that in America on their political programmes !!!
Sometimes, I find myself overwhelmned by the bias and lies-by-omission from the BBC. There have been many already today, but here is one of them. The ‘Sunday’ programme (R4) included a piece on the Home Affairs Select Committee report on anti-Semisitism in the Labour Party, and it started off quite well. But O’Connell (the lefty) was keen to portray the report as biased because the committee contained a majority of Conservative members. No mention whatsoever was made of Ms Chakrabati and her extraordinary report on Labour’s anti-Semitism, even though a considerable part of the HASC report (which I have read) discusses her and her report – in very unfavourable terms. It also mentions that Keith Vaz, as previous Chair, asked Chakrabati to provide the Committee with details of the timing of her elevation to the House of Lords, which she has refused point blank to do. Clearly this is something that O’Connell wanted to keep under wraps.
Is this a tory 11plus grammar school challenge to figure out the globalists next strategy to keep crooked hillary in power.So far we got john kerry speaking to the russians then later today he’s speaking to uk germany france resulting in a claim that russia set up wikileakes or if russia doesn’t agree then war or a large sum of money to moscow,do i pass my 11plus.You see us real conservatives still have humour unlike the lefty coldhearts.
BBC Brexit bias found (as if we didn’t know). Has anyone ever heard any attempt at serious analysis of what would happen – sorry, I’ve been brainwashed by media language – MIGHT happen if the majority of our so-called representatives and national broadcaster get their way and we never leave or have a Great British half-baked Brexit?
From the BBC and Remoaners it’s both a threat and a promise that our EU friends are going to make life practically impossible if we step away from totalitarian state. But has anyone dared to factor in the reality of what could happen if we were to creep back in defiance of the referendum result? The EU dictators would be triumphant because they would have proof that the once-proud British democracy was impotent. We would swiftly be bled dry, in all sorts of ways, with no further fears of a comeback. (I should think a punishment regime is already being pleasurably devised by our lovely friends Tusk, Juncker and Guy Verhorseshit.)
From Operation Fear and the BBC’s own continuing Operation Undermine we know all about the terrors (for them) of leaving the cosy cartel. But at least we know that the EU threats are from those who should soon have no power over us.
The BBC has perpetrated and absurd view of the corrupt EU as a hand-holding, like to teach the world to sing kind of world. Bought and paid for, but the idealistic ninnies who swallow it don’t generally know that. BBC “news” hardly mentions, except to dismiss the very notion, of the proposed EU army that our troops would be expected to prop up, the disastrous EU foreign policy towards Russia, the appalling jobless figures in the southern member countries, or the fact that all over Europe normal people are cheering the 17.4 million for standing firm.
The true evil of the British Brainwashing Corp is not just that it spews out its biased views and makes us pay for it (I don’t by the way); but because of its huge resources and influence it has shifted the whole ‘centre ground’ of opinion and debate to its own illiberal-left Weltanschauung on everything from politics to social issues, feminism, racism, islamophilia, gender issues, identity politics, the arts etc.
So now most of the msm and broadcast media are pressured to toe the line or be accused of being far right, racist, islamophobe, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist etc.
Of course the Brainwashing Corp isn’t alone, but it has played a significant role in this mass indoctrination and stifling of true diversity of opinion.
As you say, the BBC makes the political weather in this country and I don’t mean in terms of party politics alone. Its drama and even ‘light entertainment’ could hardly be more clumsily ‘instructive’ if they had been commissioned by the Soviet Union sometime in the 1930s. Is there a BBC ‘soap’ or crime programme that isn’t a thinly disguised morality tale penned by a Leftist?
For me, even if it were possible to redress the balance in its factual programming, it wouldn’t be enough. The corruption runs throughout the BBC like dry rot in a damp building – nowhere is it untouched. It needs tearing down.
Certainly the Awful BBC Half Baked Off seems to have conformed.
When is ‘enough’, ‘enough’ ?
Sign the, “Revoke the BBC Charter” petition.
Totally agree GC, the BBC is rotten to the core and beyond reform. But it has almost unlimited and as the saying goes, ‘all power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutley’. I reckon the BBC are well to the absolutist end of the spectrum. Only Tory politicians have the motivation to do anything about the corporation but they are scared to death of the its power, so we are steadily going down the road to liberal leftist hell.
You make a very good point about BBC’s influence and pressure on other broadcasters. It must extend to individual reporters and producers who think that one day they might like to work for the BBC.
I gather that it does. Even if they could get through the selection processes, they know they wouldn’t survive (and certainly not prosper) in such an environment, so few bother even trying.
Unfortunately, this isn’t just true of the BBC these days. The entire media, print as well as broadcast, is flooded with the brainwashed outpourings of our universities so most of it is skewed to the Left. There are exceptions but they are few and getting fewer.
As I’ve said before, if we want to sort out the mess this country is in we are going to have to tackle the way the Left has taken almost total control over our educational system.
“The corruption runs throughout the BBC like dry rot in a damp building – nowhere is it untouched. It needs tearing down.”
“we are going to have to tackle the way the Left has taken almost total control over our educational system”
YES GCooper, Guest, Gaxvil, Stella et al. YES YES YES, tear it down. But how? Biasedbbc is a start.
What a surprise…………….. An endless stream of anti brexit guests on the odious am show this morning (and of course Sky). Even the tory Scottish Secretary (on Sky) felt he had to mention that he had voted to remain. Of course, Nicola Krankie doing all the rounds on bbbc and sky, given loads of air time this morning and doing as much damage as she can.
Question of the morning has to go to the europhile mernaghan… ‘So, Nicola Krankie ‘What do you think of Donald Trump?’ What an irrelevant question and who is she to have any credible opinion?
What chance of true representation does the ordinary Englishman have?
Much as I love the music, thanks to a poster here I no longer have to get ambushed top of the hour by Classic FM Global Triipe, more often than not heralded by the dulcet tones of the Hibernian Harpie.
For the weekend we opt for lighter fare, and usually have on a local station. Sadly, its ‘news’ is provided by Sky, so today a small rural south west area was treated to the clearly epic main story of Krankie’s thoughts on yet another unpublished leak the media approve of (versus HRC’s team strategy), with her in full hypocritical sanctimony mode, unchallenged, on opportunistic politicians.
I may need to tune elsewhere again. Advertisers please note.
‘‘So, Nicola Krankie ‘What do you think of Donald Trump?’ What an irrelevant question and who is she to have any credible opinion?’
You can’t say the BBC isn’t consistent. BBC Breakfast sofa eunuch asked the selfsame question earlier this week. Groundhog day.
Retirement’s not what it used to be,now i got to make sure i win my bet and save the free world,and i so miss my gardening.
A few comments on the BBC’s coverage of the Trump allegations.
In the week that Ched Evans was found not guilty, when Lord Bramall finally received an apology from the Metropolitan Police.
The BBC choose to headline totally damaging and uncorroborated allegations against Trump.
Their coverage of the American elections cannot be taken seriously until they report on the Wikileak’s expose of Clinton
The BBC likes allegations, especially uncorroborated ones.
It’s an editorial integrity and professional objectivity thing.
Looking forward to the overpaid and under skilled BBC reporters chasing up this story about the dad of Lily Allen’s Jungle boy being an ex Islamist fighter.
Perhaps we could have a feature with Lilly and Jungle Boy’s dad enjoying a latte together while listening to her latest song
Let’s hear of no talk of Lily please.
She is a Racist
Oh they won’t like that the left can turn on each other viciously
Maybe it was snowflake locker room talk
Given BBC ethnic casting quotas (do we understand that it is 15% of actors in all dramas must be black and that blacks must be represented even in historical drama where there it is not necessarily historically justified) then I really do wonder how the BBC would handle any potential remake of Das Boot – the fictional story of U-96 a German WW2 submarine and its crew.
And if you think that could be awkward, how about the BBC taking on Downfall – the movie about the last days of the Third Reich set largely in Hitler’s bunker. I guess there’s a bit of diversity to latch onto – seem to remember Goebbels had a club foot. Maybe Sir Lenny has been fattening up with the part of Goring in mind?
BBC dateline London had a debit on brexit. 4 pro remain and a Russian for leave. What a joke!
Have only just learned from the Sunday Times, that not only has the girl in the Ched Evans miscarriage never said she had been raped but that she only went to the police to report her bag being stolen!
So it is only the police, and the BBC who say rape occurred, none of the participants agree with them.
What a strange world the BBC inhabits.
I read that too ss, but in the MoS and also that of the two defence witnesses who she’d had sex with, in similar circumstances to Evans, one of those occasions was after the er…rape.
Here is a photo of the new cast of BBC2’s QI
Perfect political balance by the BBC with left-wing lesbian, woman’s right campaigner and Tory-hater, Sandi Toksvig as host. Alan Davis, extreme left-winger and Tory-hater together with Phill Jupitus, extreme left-winger and Tory-hater as panellists.
Keep on paying the license fee you mugs, we’ll spend it any way we see fit.
What a ghastly bunch of irredeemable s
Obviously it is the law that Romesh Ranganathan has to be on all panel shows. We know this. But where is Katharine Ryan? There is something wrong here. Her agent needs to get on to the DG fast.
Still, I am please to see that Phil Jupitus has found an extra wide seat on another BBC show, after Never Mind the Buzzcocks was axed. I had been worrying about him. And it is also good to see that the BBC is being true to its Charter, and representing all political viewpoints, from hard left to ultra left. All in all, £4 billion well spent, I’d say.
An interesting piece on the Beeb earlier this morning. Apparently anti-Semitic attacks have gone up by 11% in the past year. Hmmmm. Now we all know who won’t be blamed for this; those peaceful, law abiding, altruistic members of a certain religion, that obviously goes without saying.
I’m just wondering how Brexit will get the blame.
I am disturbed by the reports of antisemitic attacks. The left, the BBC, and so many Jewish leaders accuse the far right. Almost every article on the subject mentions the alarming growth of the far right.
See typical Guardian – Trump, Nazis, anti semetism
The left generally portray Muslims and Jews as victims of the far right
The Big Lie never went away you know. They still use it because it still works.
The Left are fine with attacks on Jews. They happily call Jews, Nazis. The Left are unspeakable filth. Their propaganda arm is the BBC which you are forced to finance. Like being forced to dig your own grave before being shot.
Labour, particularly Corbyn, under attack for not curbing antisemitism in the party.
It has been well established that anti Zionism is often employed to mask antisemitism. And the BBC article does cover this. But note the photo which makes it apparent that not all Jews support Zionism
G.W.F. – I imagine the BBC is happy to find Jews who are anti-Israel and to spread that news around. That despicable bunch in the photo is probably Naturei Karta, an extreme fringe that even went to Teheran to rub shoulders with I’monaJihad, I mean Ahmedinejad, when that little swine hosted his Holocaust denial conference, attended by some of the the world’s worst anti-Semites such as David Duke.
David and alan when are we going to have a thread on tory infiltration .
ThingsBBCforgets to mention
Anyone hear last weeks edition of the Bottomline with guy from Tate and Lyle ?
He was well up for Brexit just past the middle he said ..I paraphrase
Hangon how come the BBC couldn’t find these guys for on air time , before the referendum and just filled the air with Remoaners ?
I wonder how many pro-Brexit businesses are out there ? As it now seems the EU was not a free trade area, but a Tariff full area stifling world business.
The law firm guy said “ah well we need to move our lawyers between our London office and Milan office”..well so what ? If it’s 1 week he won’t need a visa , if it’s 6 months a visa, it should be easy for a lawyer. There’s 220 countries in the world not just 27.
There is so much BBC left-wing bias these days that one hardly knows where to begin. One area I am finding increasingly repugnant and insufferable is the BBC’s kid gloves treatment (apart from the excellent Andrew Neil) of anti-English bigoted SNP ameoba brains. Marr = utterly pathetic; Penar = utterly pathetic; Gordon Brewer, useless and so on. Also, compare the far-left BBC’s coverage of Trump’s remarks about women with the rampant anti-semitism that pervades Jeremy Corbyn’s extremist far-left communist party…. in this foul assortment of anti-British traitors and IRA-supporting turnip crunchers we see blatant bigotry and treachery everyday but the BBC fail to analyse the sources of such behaviour; could it be that the topic stems from the rise of a certain ‘community’ within Liebour’s ranks and thus is too sensitive an issue for the snowflakes with the BBC?
We live in difficult times folks, where to be a patriotic Brit is frowned upon by self-righteous, middle class left-wing prats. Anway, here’s a couple of links…. one about the wretched sanctimonious anti-British Lilly Allen and another about accusations of BBC bias…
I’d like to apologise on behalf of my country…..Lily Allen is as thick as forest of giant redwoods.
I used to live in an area of london until the bbc hive moved in, these people we’re so rude it’s like they knew straight away i was different from them,makes you think
about the david icke reptile shout.