Anyone heard the BBC report on the consequences of a Scottish independence vote?
Here’s the skinny.
Wee Jimmy Crankie HATES England so much she wants independence at any price, and at any consequence. Her HATE is so great that she cares not one jot what would happen to Scotland and its people post independence – and it wouldn’t be pretty.
She moans on & on about EU membership and lies that Scotland would be able to rejoin after independence, there is absolutely zero chance of that happening.
Countries such as Spain with secessionist regions have already said they will veto any membership request from an independent Scotland which ends any hope of joining.
Secondly any new country joining the EU has to adopt the Euro, and Scotland could not possibly meet the criteria without swinging cuts to spending which would lead to a loss of pensions, benefits, and the NHS. Basically the Scottish economy is a basket case which is only propped up by English spending.
Even if all this is disregarded and by some miracle Scotland did manage to join Europe how would a border between England and the EU Scotland work?
Then there’s the issue of the Socialist border free countryless EU where the country of Scotland would cease to exist, and it would simply become a region of the EU, in an ‘ever closer union’.
Is this really what the people of Scotland would want? Somehow I doubt that anyone would be mad enough to want the kind of destruction independence would inevitably result in.
That is of course if anyone tells them, and it looks like the BBC isn’t going to do so anytime soon !
The Washington Post which is so much a supporter of the Democrats it is called “Pravda on the Potomac” along with ABC TV have two separate polls that put Trump just 4 points behind Clinton.
In other words he is catching up again. The wind is in his sails.
The BBC will have trouble presenting this. As you know from the BBC, Trump is universally reviled and Clinton is an angle floating amongst us.
If you look at the poll data over the past year, Trump has often been even further behind than he is at present – and come back up.
The Real Clear Politics data is used in a number of UK papers, tracking each poll. Look at August 9 were Clinton had an 8% lead which The Donald whittled away. It’s happening again. There are a lot of ‘shy’ Donald supporters out there.
If the Washington Post have got Trump only four points behind, then in reality he must be ahead.
Polls are a weapon. The Post and the other leftist media are trying to show that Trump will lose, and that there is no point wasting your time voting for him. But Trump’s supporters are motivated, they fill stadiums to hear him speak, and they have truly had it with the establishment. They are going to vote all right, and they are going to give the smug left wing establishment the biggest shock it has ever had.
AF Neil did mention the surprise poll at 12:20pm on BBC1
but he and the panel laughed and sneered at Trump saying he wanted Hillary to take a drug test before the next debate.
– They spent a few minutes reporting it and playing the Trump clip..which is probably the whole point.
– If he hadn’t said something outrageous they would have not have aired him at all but played some Hillary footage instead.
BTW ‘More of Less’ the stats prog which has been going down hill made a point of debunking Trumps claim to have won the debate according to online polls.
Saying quite correctly that online polls are bunk.
But what was Trump going to say “I know I really won the debate, but the big media networks pollers will have rigged the poll anyway so that’s why I got lower rating”… his white lie was just pragmatic.
TWATO hosts some Labour denier of Anti Semitism being a problem in the Labour party and making the utterly ridiculous comment that there is a problem in the Tory party because one of their MPs was present at a fancy dress party where someone dressed as a Nazi !
Of course it all went unchallenged, and the Fascist apologist who denied everything on the basis that Sham chuck a buttie said it wasn’t happening so therefore they would do nothing about it also passed without comment.
I know that some of you wonderful people have no time for Brillo, and I agree that he has many flaws, but once again he has shown that he is the only mainstream media broadcaster willing to hold the devious, hate filled, brexit-phobia riddled fear merchants to account.
Liebours Pat McFadden was the unlucky cultist put forward by ‘team deviants’ on ‘Sunday Politics’ and viewer’s had the great pleasure of watching Pat perform ‘Seppuku’ as an honourable death was the only way to take any dignity from the interview
Great to see. Thanks again Brillo for being the only so called BBC journo asking the questions our impartial, political free national broadcaster are bound by law to ask….(I know! We don’t ask for much do we!!)
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I am far from being a Brillo fan but delighted to see this interview. He can do it when possible. For that we must applaud.
As I remarked the other day, I’ve almost entirely kicked my BBC habit. I avoid its news, I record anything I might be interested in and pre-scan it to see if its worth my time or whether, as it so often the case, it’s just a cloak for thinly veiled Guardianista propaganda.
Very little gets through but now and again we all make silly mistakes and I have just made one. I had a shower and switched on R4 without checking what was on. It turned out I was being treated to an Indian, of whom I had never previously heard, interviewing a Sudanese political activist, whose son became ‘radicalised’.
Beside having just broken the world record for the fastest ever shower, I am now going to need a tranquil afternoon to recover from the assault on my sanity from these two unwelcome guests, with their evasions, excuses and oh so carefully unasked questions about what they are doing here and why they think we should put up with it.
Still, if nothing else this has strengthened my belief that it is now almost impossible to turn on BBC R4 and not be drenched in Leftist propaganda and that the safest thing to do is never even try to find something worth watching or listening to from this polluted stream of political garbage.
Wickileaks has now released the eighth tranch of e-mails, many of them damaging to the Democrats, and Hillary Clinton personally. I have yet to hear any BBC report on these documents, which is very strange (sarcasm) since they usually fall on Wickileaks revelations with squeals of delight, especially they are detrimental to ‘western’ interests.
Thank heaven that the number of people who can vote in the US election and who listen to the BBC are so few that they simply do not matter. It’s no excuse, of course, for the Corporation’s wholesale prejudice in favour of the deeply corrupt Illary, but it does mean that the only effect they will have is to upwset Guardian readers – and they are beyond hope, anyway.
PANORAMA with paxman no less on monday after tonight’s u.s debate the bbc are going to show nigel farage no longer supporting donald trump, he’s definitely been worked on.The left will love this climbdown is no one safe.Then tuesday the great russian lie story,how wonderful .
This “backtracking” seems to be coming entirely from the BBC’s Panorama trailers so I wonder what else Farage said in his interviews that wasn’t reported. Or if he was ever asked his opinion of Hillary.
I’ve no doubt he also has an eye to UKIP’s base which he doesn’t want linked to the perception of Trump that is given by the UK media. Remember, he always said he wasn’t endorsing Trump, which would be my position too because Trump is in many ways an unpleasant character. What is more important is what he represents. An opportunity to clean out the establishment politicians who represent no one but themselves but pretend they’re acting in our interests. What’s also important is what Hillary represents and if anyone wonders what that is they should ask themselves why virtually the entire MSM is whitewashing anything adverse.
I don’t think there’s been a more important American Presidential election in my lifetime, as witnessed by the hysterical reaction from all walks of life – and yet Trump’s support remains significant. Probably not significant enough in my view, but I hope I’m wrong.
I wonder what the’ve made him say if you look at the preview of the show he looks terrible.Then after it will be viewed all over america probably time square
The Left (which has nothing to do with working people but everything to do with the affluent middle classes) will collude with anyone who is the enemy of Britain. Never trust anyone who supports communism. They are thundering buffoons.
Good stuff on rt news with former mi5 intelligence officer, the voting system will be rigged for sure , can always cash out most of my bets nearer the time of nov 8th if she’s still around to stand.
Nick Robinson was discussing the US election with an American when he said something like, âThe sort of people who are voting for Trump are the sort of people who voted for Brexit.â
Probably Nick. Decent hard working people who are struggling at the moment to care for their families, want a better life and who see what is happening to their country.
People who couldn’t give a toss about what some sycophantic little prat says
Well spotted cd – This says a lot more about the sneering, left leaning, over educated, well remunerated, metropolitan elite. Than it ever does about the “sort of people” who vote for brexit or trump.
Didn’t someone on the Today programme recently mistakenly stumble with the Spoonerism ‘Rick Nobinson’? I rather liked that, and think it quite appropriate!
It looks as if Rudd has taken over the role of ‘Appeaser’.
Think of the children Amber . I mean our own British children. I hope her constituents are taking note.
Next we will have ‘lost’ parents claiming that their children are in the UK and will be calling to be reunited with them.
Our government is not listening its own people.
I`d use these as editorials, as if the papers have already been out there-and the Hampstead tossers failed to find this New Thunderer as intended in the Big Issue “supplements”.
Genius at any level from this stuff!
As sky becomes BBC Light we are suffering an interminable series of anti-Brexit propaganda items on its news service.
The latest is that veg prices will have to go up because farmers wonât be able to employ anyone at slave labour charges to do back breaking work.
No one, and I mean no one on Sky mentioned that if we want people to do those jobs after Brexit then we can decide if they should come in. I.e. it will be down to this country to decide.
No one and I mean no one suggested that if the wages are on a slave labour basis then maybe they should go up until they can employ someone from the indigenous population.
No one and I mean no one mentioned that if veg prices in shops have to rise so that people are paid a living wage then maybe thatâs good too.
Sky now believes, like the BBC, that its audience are stupid. They must learn to make their news items for people other than Guardian readers.
I see the BBC has reported on the shooting of Tyson Gay’s 15 year old daughter while she was in a restaurant in Kentucky. She was 15 ffs, and I could not imagine the trauma on the family.
Made an error putting the tv on it’s bbc2 and the obama white house propaganda show, turned tv off.There must be americans over here who can vote.I told you about rudd and her liberal brother ,no surprises there.
Evening all. Been away so apologies if the below contribution is both out of date and a repeat of others’ comments.
Watched bBBC breakfast briefly a couple of times to catch the weather forecast. It seems to have become a wimmin’s only zone. Top stories included a. a campaign about baby deaths (OK, so fair enough in itself, but…) b. a newspaper reviewer solely focussed on the ‘wimmin’s’ agenda c. HRH Helena Kennedy QC bemoaning and opposing the not guilty verdict at the Ched Evans retrial (no-one presenting the alternative view, of course), quickly followed by the sports review presented, of course, by a woman. There were some other examples I have thankfully expunged from my brain, but it was totally relentless and absolutely ghastly. Mrs S could see it just as easily as me.
I also notice the incessant trailers for QI, with (gay) Sandi Toksvig now replacing (gay) Steven Fry as host. A 1 in 2500 chance statistically, but obviously way less on the bBBC.
This BBC policy of 50% female staff, there’s a paradox brought up by something interesting in the middle of the previous weeks Jim Al-Khalili prog, the expert said something emphatic :
“oh sex differences are completely wired in even in the hospital girl babies cry in response to other babies much more than boy babies do. This is called empathetic contagion.”
Any man/woman should be able to choose their own career direction.
So It’s one thing for the BBC to set a target
..but there is an obvious paradox, cos in practice many of the girls you want for the BBC’s 50% female quota go into the caring professions nurses, and nursery and primary school teachers etc and hardly any of your boys.
That expert is an expert in chimp behaviour particularly empathy.
It was quite a surprise for him in this modern era to be so emphatic that as a group women’s choices are wired genetically so different to menâs.
The ‘children’ will send for their wives and families once they have been given satisfactory accommodation here.
Remember plod will be on the look out for offensive tweets about these enrichers.
Another late entry.
Have I Got News for You last Friday.
Ruth Davidson, Tory leader in Scotland (and, though a remainer, quite effective IMO) calls out the hypocrisy of the so – called ‘Stop the War’ mob, and wonders why they are not marching on the Russian Embassy, and refers to them, accurately , as the ‘Stop the West’ bunch of left wing anarchists. Result? Tumbleweed. A total silence. Not a murmur from the ‘impartial’ audience. A few minutes later, someone utters the word ‘UKIP’ and the audience falls into nearly apoplectic, hysterical laughter.
For biased audiences, this one will take a lot of beating. But a very telling evidence of the inhereent bias.
@Sluff a lot of these orgs are misnamed
âStop the Warâ= âStop the Westâ ..that’s about it
Friends of Earth = Friends of the Corrupt
Greenpeace = NotGreen and NotPeaceful
Fox News is pretty much alone among the US broadcast media in telling it like it is. Lefties regard it as far right but in fact it is mostly balanced though it does lean to the right. In it’s election coverage it doesn’t shrink from criticism of Trump and has Democrats on air to argue their case. In contrast the BBC is intolerable.
There is, however, one Fox guy, Hannity, who openly admits to supporting Trump (the BBC would never admit to pro-Clinton bias, but just endlessly pumps it out while pretending to be balanced) and is on a real mission to expose the despicable Clintons and the rotten clique around them.
He does a fine job of it here:
The dude next to Hannity holding the elephant is Newt Gingrich, who has extraordinary insight into the US political scene and is appalled by the Clintons and the whole corrupt establishment.
Anyone see Countryfile? : almost every item was wrong.
Absolute justification for the name Towniefile.
Take the idea to force chicken farming to be free-range only.
The Townies think nature is best ..have they ever heard of hen-pecked
nature is not nice it can be vicious and the weakest chicken can suffer badly.
never mind the disease and control problems.
“People say you can’t grow ginger but amazingly we did it”
…em anyone can stick ginger in a pot and grow it ..many people have.
Guess where Antiques Roadshow came from ?
Clinton !
Baddesley Clinton that subliminal brainwashing or something >
I know it’s not the BBC, but I have just been watching the special edition of The Crystal Maze on Channel 4, a programme I used to enjoy in the 90’s. Even that had to include some smart-arsed comment about Brexit!
For Christ’s sake, dont they EVER give it a rest?
I saw that too. Sara Cox was accused of voting for Brexit, and she replied vehemently in a mock outrage “No I didn’t”. The look on her face was her thinking “I’m not that stupid” but in reality the look actually said “Yes I am stupid as I’m a little sheep easily conned by the lefty liars to vote against freedom.”.
Good for you mate, but what a terrible reflection of the times that we live in. This is what emancipation, equality and the current legal system has done for us, and methinks it will only get worse.
I have noticed there are some on the left wing and the right wing media are willing to send our forces up against Russia.
The very same media that pillory our troops when they go to their job with alacrity .Disgraceful.
Shame on the British Media.
Its all political games. Think back to when Bill Cosby had every woman coming out of the woodwork reporting his assault on them, so why didn’t all these women come forward about Trump at the same time ? No, Clinton’s camp has gathered all this info and sat on it until now, so its a drip feed exercise until voting time. There’ll be plenty more being released and more weeping women paraded on the tele before then, believe me. Yes, why didn’t they come forward at the time when they were all young and pretty, no they’re having their 15 minutes of fame and no doubt getting a brown envelope to help them along.
The excuse used “people wouldn’t believe me, so I didn’t tell”
That is contrary to an important rule : You have a duty to prevent future victims so you don’t just sit and do nothing, you do take actions like seeing the police even if you don’t make a formal complaint, cos it would be difficult for you to win in court.
The neglect of our media and education is producing brainwashing that’s way out of control yesterday as I put more money on Donald trump at the local bookmakers the young staff looked at me when I said his name like I had said the n word. It’s very interesting that Bill Cosby had 60plus accusers but only one for court appearance being an outspoken conservative from the information I can gather. Sir cliff Richard being accused by our media and found innocent without an apology just because he’s a high level Christian. While are government watch the globalists potentially cause nuclear war.
The cult followers will vote Clinton but many who hate Clinton will vote for her and that is sad. The system is bust and what seemed, eminently workable a hundred plus years ago is no longer working.
Clinton may well win by default in a system where people feel they have no real choice and that is not democracy.
I’m confident about a trump win he’s not your usual republican,he’ll do very well with the religious, the black vote will be best under a republican for a very long time.Clinton will have the brainwashed the establishment ,if the republicans can keep an eye on vote fixing,then i’m serious about a trump landslide, people need security ,jobs and in hillary they see corruption. Too many lies, the emails, wickileakes will produce some more gems it’s over for the democratic mafia party.If i’m wrong my money can sink with america but it won’t.
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Anyone heard the BBC report on the consequences of a Scottish independence vote?
Here’s the skinny.
Wee Jimmy Crankie HATES England so much she wants independence at any price, and at any consequence. Her HATE is so great that she cares not one jot what would happen to Scotland and its people post independence – and it wouldn’t be pretty.
She moans on & on about EU membership and lies that Scotland would be able to rejoin after independence, there is absolutely zero chance of that happening.
Countries such as Spain with secessionist regions have already said they will veto any membership request from an independent Scotland which ends any hope of joining.
Secondly any new country joining the EU has to adopt the Euro, and Scotland could not possibly meet the criteria without swinging cuts to spending which would lead to a loss of pensions, benefits, and the NHS. Basically the Scottish economy is a basket case which is only propped up by English spending.
Even if all this is disregarded and by some miracle Scotland did manage to join Europe how would a border between England and the EU Scotland work?
Then there’s the issue of the Socialist border free countryless EU where the country of Scotland would cease to exist, and it would simply become a region of the EU, in an ‘ever closer union’.
Is this really what the people of Scotland would want? Somehow I doubt that anyone would be mad enough to want the kind of destruction independence would inevitably result in.
That is of course if anyone tells them, and it looks like the BBC isn’t going to do so anytime soon !
BBC, hold the front pages!
The Washington Post which is so much a supporter of the Democrats it is called “Pravda on the Potomac” along with ABC TV have two separate polls that put Trump just 4 points behind Clinton.
In other words he is catching up again. The wind is in his sails.
The BBC will have trouble presenting this. As you know from the BBC, Trump is universally reviled and Clinton is an angle floating amongst us.
Come on BBC, spin that one!
An Angle ? Must be an obtuse one !
If you look at the poll data over the past year, Trump has often been even further behind than he is at present – and come back up.
The Real Clear Politics data is used in a number of UK papers, tracking each poll. Look at August 9 were Clinton had an 8% lead which The Donald whittled away. It’s happening again. There are a lot of ‘shy’ Donald supporters out there.
If the Washington Post have got Trump only four points behind, then in reality he must be ahead.
Polls are a weapon. The Post and the other leftist media are trying to show that Trump will lose, and that there is no point wasting your time voting for him. But Trump’s supporters are motivated, they fill stadiums to hear him speak, and they have truly had it with the establishment. They are going to vote all right, and they are going to give the smug left wing establishment the biggest shock it has ever had.
AF Neil did mention the surprise poll at 12:20pm on BBC1
but he and the panel laughed and sneered at Trump saying he wanted Hillary to take a drug test before the next debate.
– They spent a few minutes reporting it and playing the Trump clip..which is probably the whole point.
– If he hadn’t said something outrageous they would have not have aired him at all but played some Hillary footage instead.
BTW ‘More of Less’ the stats prog which has been going down hill made a point of debunking Trumps claim to have won the debate according to online polls.
Saying quite correctly that online polls are bunk.
But what was Trump going to say “I know I really won the debate, but the big media networks pollers will have rigged the poll anyway so that’s why I got lower rating”… his white lie was just pragmatic.
TWATO hosts some Labour denier of Anti Semitism being a problem in the Labour party and making the utterly ridiculous comment that there is a problem in the Tory party because one of their MPs was present at a fancy dress party where someone dressed as a Nazi !
Of course it all went unchallenged, and the Fascist apologist who denied everything on the basis that Sham chuck a buttie said it wasn’t happening so therefore they would do nothing about it also passed without comment.
Appalling bias.
I used to class myself as british because of my welsh/scottish parentage, i now strongly class myseif as english and proud.
Interesting when you type in cnn and you get your own cnntrump section
Talking of typing in, try performing a Google image search for ‘European People Art’ then marvel at the results đ
wow and our country is blind to this or wearing shades
I know that some of you wonderful people have no time for Brillo, and I agree that he has many flaws, but once again he has shown that he is the only mainstream media broadcaster willing to hold the devious, hate filled, brexit-phobia riddled fear merchants to account.
Liebours Pat McFadden was the unlucky cultist put forward by ‘team deviants’ on ‘Sunday Politics’ and viewer’s had the great pleasure of watching Pat perform ‘Seppuku’ as an honourable death was the only way to take any dignity from the interview
Great to see. Thanks again Brillo for being the only so called BBC journo asking the questions our impartial, political free national broadcaster are bound by law to ask….(I know! We don’t ask for much do we!!)
Thanks for drawing my attention to this. I am far from being a Brillo fan but delighted to see this interview. He can do it when possible. For that we must applaud.
RT news report swedish court ok’s flying of isis flag nothing on bbc
Wickileakes are coming out with information nearly everyday but bbc not reporting it.
As I remarked the other day, I’ve almost entirely kicked my BBC habit. I avoid its news, I record anything I might be interested in and pre-scan it to see if its worth my time or whether, as it so often the case, it’s just a cloak for thinly veiled Guardianista propaganda.
Very little gets through but now and again we all make silly mistakes and I have just made one. I had a shower and switched on R4 without checking what was on. It turned out I was being treated to an Indian, of whom I had never previously heard, interviewing a Sudanese political activist, whose son became ‘radicalised’.
Beside having just broken the world record for the fastest ever shower, I am now going to need a tranquil afternoon to recover from the assault on my sanity from these two unwelcome guests, with their evasions, excuses and oh so carefully unasked questions about what they are doing here and why they think we should put up with it.
Still, if nothing else this has strengthened my belief that it is now almost impossible to turn on BBC R4 and not be drenched in Leftist propaganda and that the safest thing to do is never even try to find something worth watching or listening to from this polluted stream of political garbage.
Wickileaks has now released the eighth tranch of e-mails, many of them damaging to the Democrats, and Hillary Clinton personally. I have yet to hear any BBC report on these documents, which is very strange (sarcasm) since they usually fall on Wickileaks revelations with squeals of delight, especially they are detrimental to ‘western’ interests.
Thank heaven that the number of people who can vote in the US election and who listen to the BBC are so few that they simply do not matter. It’s no excuse, of course, for the Corporation’s wholesale prejudice in favour of the deeply corrupt Illary, but it does mean that the only effect they will have is to upwset Guardian readers – and they are beyond hope, anyway.
PANORAMA with paxman no less on monday after tonight’s u.s debate the bbc are going to show nigel farage no longer supporting donald trump, he’s definitely been worked on.The left will love this climbdown is no one safe.Then tuesday the great russian lie story,how wonderful .
To be fair,if Nigel Farage has decided Trump is a stinker, at least he has taken the trouble to find out for himself, which seems entirely honourable.
My beef with the Beeb isn’t that it rubbishes Trump but that it whitewashes the deeply sinister, and far more potentially dangerous, Clinton.
This “backtracking” seems to be coming entirely from the BBC’s Panorama trailers so I wonder what else Farage said in his interviews that wasn’t reported. Or if he was ever asked his opinion of Hillary.
I’ve no doubt he also has an eye to UKIP’s base which he doesn’t want linked to the perception of Trump that is given by the UK media. Remember, he always said he wasn’t endorsing Trump, which would be my position too because Trump is in many ways an unpleasant character. What is more important is what he represents. An opportunity to clean out the establishment politicians who represent no one but themselves but pretend they’re acting in our interests. What’s also important is what Hillary represents and if anyone wonders what that is they should ask themselves why virtually the entire MSM is whitewashing anything adverse.
I don’t think there’s been a more important American Presidential election in my lifetime, as witnessed by the hysterical reaction from all walks of life – and yet Trump’s support remains significant. Probably not significant enough in my view, but I hope I’m wrong.
I wonder what the’ve made him say if you look at the preview of the show he looks terrible.Then after it will be viewed all over america probably time square
The debates on wednesday i see give hillary something to say.
Ain’t no US presidential debate tonight, Mackers. It’s on Wednesday, 9 pm US time. I intend to catch it after the fact on YouTube Thursday morning.
We’re going to need another churchill
The Left (which has nothing to do with working people but everything to do with the affluent middle classes) will collude with anyone who is the enemy of Britain. Never trust anyone who supports communism. They are thundering buffoons.
Good stuff on rt news with former mi5 intelligence officer, the voting system will be rigged for sure , can always cash out most of my bets nearer the time of nov 8th if she’s still around to stand.
cnn president says airing so many full trump rally’s was a mistake,you couldn’t make it up.Not on bbc.
Nick Robinson was discussing the US election with an American when he said something like, âThe sort of people who are voting for Trump are the sort of people who voted for Brexit.â
Probably Nick. Decent hard working people who are struggling at the moment to care for their families, want a better life and who see what is happening to their country.
People who couldn’t give a toss about what some sycophantic little prat says
Well spotted cd – This says a lot more about the sneering, left leaning, over educated, well remunerated, metropolitan elite. Than it ever does about the “sort of people” who vote for brexit or trump.
Didn’t someone on the Today programme recently mistakenly stumble with the Spoonerism ‘Rick Nobinson’? I rather liked that, and think it quite appropriate!
To think I actually felt sorry for Robinson when he had to have surgery.
It looks as if Rudd has taken over the role of ‘Appeaser’.
Think of the children Amber . I mean our own British children. I hope her constituents are taking note.
Next we will have ‘lost’ parents claiming that their children are in the UK and will be calling to be reunited with them.
Our government is not listening its own people.
No, it’s listening to Lily bloody Allen!
I`d use these as editorials, as if the papers have already been out there-and the Hampstead tossers failed to find this New Thunderer as intended in the Big Issue “supplements”.
Genius at any level from this stuff!
As sky becomes BBC Light we are suffering an interminable series of anti-Brexit propaganda items on its news service.
The latest is that veg prices will have to go up because farmers wonât be able to employ anyone at slave labour charges to do back breaking work.
No one, and I mean no one on Sky mentioned that if we want people to do those jobs after Brexit then we can decide if they should come in. I.e. it will be down to this country to decide.
No one and I mean no one suggested that if the wages are on a slave labour basis then maybe they should go up until they can employ someone from the indigenous population.
No one and I mean no one mentioned that if veg prices in shops have to rise so that people are paid a living wage then maybe thatâs good too.
Sky now believes, like the BBC, that its audience are stupid. They must learn to make their news items for people other than Guardian readers.
It would be interesting to compare what the farmers get paid with what the supermarkets charge.
I see the BBC has reported on the shooting of Tyson Gay’s 15 year old daughter while she was in a restaurant in Kentucky. She was 15 ffs, and I could not imagine the trauma on the family.
“US sprinter Tyson Gay’s daughter, 15, shot dead in Kentucky”
I just hope the local black community does not seek revenge by destroying the local businesses, and attacking cars and passers by.
In the event of the above, I hope the police will not be attacked and shot dead as they attempt to calm and control the situation.
I do expect BLM to march through the city, shouting that black lives matter! This can not go on.
I mean, what factor in this tragedy does not cry out for this response?
Oh, wait..
Read the report in the Mirror Online with comments (
I Still wonder what a 15 year old was doing in a fast food restaurant at 4am. Some were saying that as she was an athlete in training they get up early to train. We see many attacks in London at this time on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. I don’t think I would let a teenager out at that time on a weekend in the US where armed gangs run around loose. Sad sign of the times.
Made an error putting the tv on it’s bbc2 and the obama white house propaganda show, turned tv off.There must be americans over here who can vote.I told you about rudd and her liberal brother ,no surprises there.
Evening all. Been away so apologies if the below contribution is both out of date and a repeat of others’ comments.
Watched bBBC breakfast briefly a couple of times to catch the weather forecast. It seems to have become a wimmin’s only zone. Top stories included a. a campaign about baby deaths (OK, so fair enough in itself, but…) b. a newspaper reviewer solely focussed on the ‘wimmin’s’ agenda c. HRH Helena Kennedy QC bemoaning and opposing the not guilty verdict at the Ched Evans retrial (no-one presenting the alternative view, of course), quickly followed by the sports review presented, of course, by a woman. There were some other examples I have thankfully expunged from my brain, but it was totally relentless and absolutely ghastly. Mrs S could see it just as easily as me.
I also notice the incessant trailers for QI, with (gay) Sandi Toksvig now replacing (gay) Steven Fry as host. A 1 in 2500 chance statistically, but obviously way less on the bBBC.
This BBC policy of 50% female staff, there’s a paradox brought up by something interesting in the middle of the previous weeks Jim Al-Khalili prog, the expert said something emphatic :
“oh sex differences are completely wired in even in the hospital girl babies cry in response to other babies much more than boy babies do. This is called empathetic contagion.”
Any man/woman should be able to choose their own career direction.
So It’s one thing for the BBC to set a target
..but there is an obvious paradox, cos in practice many of the girls you want for the BBC’s 50% female quota go into the caring professions nurses, and nursery and primary school teachers etc and hardly any of your boys.
That expert is an expert in chimp behaviour particularly empathy.
It was quite a surprise for him in this modern era to be so emphatic that as a group women’s choices are wired genetically so different to menâs.
CNN Really do think we are idiots
Maybe people will see 2016 as the end of journalism
I want to make it very, very clear – I am *not* a supporter of either candidate.
THIS however, is simply astonishing… one might call it “conflation” – but that actually doesn’t even come close….
Aimed at children / “young people” too…
Essential reading, I’d imagine. đ
Petition: “Revoke the BBC Charter”
INFOWARS is saying a state of war between u.s and russia is imminent .
high blood pressure? Don’t watch this
Children of the Calais ‘Jungle’ trying to reach the UK
How do these so called journalists sleep?
Addendum – not a child in sight, and no females
The ‘children’ will send for their wives and families once they have been given satisfactory accommodation here.
Remember plod will be on the look out for offensive tweets about these enrichers.
Another late entry.
Have I Got News for You last Friday.
Ruth Davidson, Tory leader in Scotland (and, though a remainer, quite effective IMO) calls out the hypocrisy of the so – called ‘Stop the War’ mob, and wonders why they are not marching on the Russian Embassy, and refers to them, accurately , as the ‘Stop the West’ bunch of left wing anarchists. Result? Tumbleweed. A total silence. Not a murmur from the ‘impartial’ audience. A few minutes later, someone utters the word ‘UKIP’ and the audience falls into nearly apoplectic, hysterical laughter.
For biased audiences, this one will take a lot of beating. But a very telling evidence of the inhereent bias.
@Sluff a lot of these orgs are misnamed
âStop the Warâ= âStop the Westâ ..that’s about it
Friends of Earth = Friends of the Corrupt
Greenpeace = NotGreen and NotPeaceful
Unite Against Fascism = Fascists Unite
Why aren’t they marching on the Saudi Arabian embassy?
Boris and Ruth Davidson want people to protest against a country that has decimated IS and Al Qaeda, Smart move
Fox News is pretty much alone among the US broadcast media in telling it like it is. Lefties regard it as far right but in fact it is mostly balanced though it does lean to the right. In it’s election coverage it doesn’t shrink from criticism of Trump and has Democrats on air to argue their case. In contrast the BBC is intolerable.
There is, however, one Fox guy, Hannity, who openly admits to supporting Trump (the BBC would never admit to pro-Clinton bias, but just endlessly pumps it out while pretending to be balanced) and is on a real mission to expose the despicable Clintons and the rotten clique around them.
He does a fine job of it here:
The dude next to Hannity holding the elephant is Newt Gingrich, who has extraordinary insight into the US political scene and is appalled by the Clintons and the whole corrupt establishment.
RT NEWS PUTIN you people would ignore being on fire,oh yeh and it’s not on bbc.
russian tv news breaking israeli news
Anyone see Countryfile? : almost every item was wrong.
Absolute justification for the name Towniefile.
Take the idea to force chicken farming to be free-range only.
The Townies think nature is best ..have they ever heard of hen-pecked
nature is not nice it can be vicious and the weakest chicken can suffer badly.
never mind the disease and control problems.
“People say you can’t grow ginger but amazingly we did it”
…em anyone can stick ginger in a pot and grow it ..many people have.
Guess where Antiques Roadshow came from ?
Clinton !
Baddesley Clinton that subliminal brainwashing or something >
I bet they never have one from Trumpton!
I know it’s not the BBC, but I have just been watching the special edition of The Crystal Maze on Channel 4, a programme I used to enjoy in the 90’s. Even that had to include some smart-arsed comment about Brexit!
For Christ’s sake, dont they EVER give it a rest?
I saw that too. Sara Cox was accused of voting for Brexit, and she replied vehemently in a mock outrage “No I didn’t”. The look on her face was her thinking “I’m not that stupid” but in reality the look actually said “Yes I am stupid as I’m a little sheep easily conned by the lefty liars to vote against freedom.”.
Good for you mate, but what a terrible reflection of the times that we live in. This is what emancipation, equality and the current legal system has done for us, and methinks it will only get worse.
Here is a good bit of advice to all single men.
Carry a breathalyser.
Another addendum! Bet they wouldn’t have entertained that article if he’d been white
Good stuff from milo at georgia state university atlanta today
I have noticed there are some on the left wing and the right wing media are willing to send our forces up against Russia.
The very same media that pillory our troops when they go to their job with alacrity .Disgraceful.
Shame on the British Media.
Why have none of the women who were allegedly assaulted by Trump reported any of the offences to the police?
They are alleging a criminal offence, after all.
I note that the police don’t appear to be interested.
Rather odd.
Its all political games. Think back to when Bill Cosby had every woman coming out of the woodwork reporting his assault on them, so why didn’t all these women come forward about Trump at the same time ? No, Clinton’s camp has gathered all this info and sat on it until now, so its a drip feed exercise until voting time. There’ll be plenty more being released and more weeping women paraded on the tele before then, believe me. Yes, why didn’t they come forward at the time when they were all young and pretty, no they’re having their 15 minutes of fame and no doubt getting a brown envelope to help them along.
The excuse used “people wouldn’t believe me, so I didn’t tell”
That is contrary to an important rule : You have a duty to prevent future victims so you don’t just sit and do nothing, you do take actions like seeing the police even if you don’t make a formal complaint, cos it would be difficult for you to win in court.
This is up for discussion.
Lets see how they ‘act’ it out ……………
The neglect of our media and education is producing brainwashing that’s way out of control yesterday as I put more money on Donald trump at the local bookmakers the young staff looked at me when I said his name like I had said the n word. It’s very interesting that Bill Cosby had 60plus accusers but only one for court appearance being an outspoken conservative from the information I can gather. Sir cliff Richard being accused by our media and found innocent without an apology just because he’s a high level Christian. While are government watch the globalists potentially cause nuclear war.
The cult followers will vote Clinton but many who hate Clinton will vote for her and that is sad. The system is bust and what seemed, eminently workable a hundred plus years ago is no longer working.
Clinton may well win by default in a system where people feel they have no real choice and that is not democracy.
I’m confident about a trump win he’s not your usual republican,he’ll do very well with the religious, the black vote will be best under a republican for a very long time.Clinton will have the brainwashed the establishment ,if the republicans can keep an eye on vote fixing,then i’m serious about a trump landslide, people need security ,jobs and in hillary they see corruption. Too many lies, the emails, wickileakes will produce some more gems it’s over for the democratic mafia party.If i’m wrong my money can sink with america but it won’t.