Had to laugh this morning as the Today programme discussed the important topic of fussy eating in children and after an indepth discussion of chicken disguised as apple the presenter suddenly turned to one of the contributors, Annabel Karmel, who runs a children’s food company, and completely at random and off topic suddenly asked her if her company was being destroyed by Brexit and the drop in the pound….well…not quite as bluntly as that but you get the idea….a very pointed question.
Yesterday we had another discussion, this time on that very topic with the drop in the pound actually being given a positive spin by the contributors as the presenter struggled to get them on-message and tell us all about the negatives as well. Eventually she got one to do the necessary…and you could hear the contributor laughing as she did so….yep, prices will go up as the pound falls. You got the distinct impression that she was only saying what she knew she had been brought on to say as she laughed her way through it…You got the idea that the presenter was sat there mouthing to her and gesticulating to her to keep going, keep it up….pound down, prices up, Brexit apocalypse.
The drop in the pound can be good news for British manufacturers, including those of course who export to Europe…and those who sell at home as imports become more expensive making home grown products relatively cheaper. So good for British manufacturers and sellers at home and abroad and good for British jobs….and the drop in the pound could more than cancel any rise in tariffs….supposing any were to be imposed…the EU is after all very, very keen to have tariff free trade with the whole world not just EU countries. And as for freedom of movement…that is purely a political exercise and nothing to do with economics….the purpose to undermine national identity and loyalty to the nation state….to be replaced by a Euro Citizen loyal to the EU….
The Treaty of Maastricht introduced the notion of EU citizenship to be enjoyed automatically by every national of a Member State. It is this EU citizenship that underpins the right of persons to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States…..the Schengen area is ‘one of the major achievements of European integration’.
Always amusing to hear how BBC presenters rush to qualify such good news and warn us the good times cannot last but don’t react with similar qualifications to bad news.
After Brexit the BBC was issuing dire warnings that food prices would sky rocket…hmmmm…July’s news?
Food prices in ‘biggest fall’ for a year in June
But of course Brexit would put an end to that soon enough……er…September?
Sainsbury’s sales slip as food prices continue to fall
Maybe next month eh?
Remarkable how the BBC are so concerned about the globalisation of corporate tax and the free flowing of taxable income to low-rate States to minimise taxes and yet now they are not at all concerned about the same big corporations globalising labour, dumping local workers when it suits and importing cheaper labour to replace them or shifting work to low pay countries in order to minimise wages, in fact the BBC celebrates and supports this as it promotes freedom of movement of low cost labour in order to stay in the EU.
Kinda get the feeling that workers’ welfare, jobs and wages are not the real concern of the BBC….far, far more to do with the well-heeled Euro life-styles of the BBC cosmopolitan set continuing than about Joe Blogs being undercut for building jobs.
When we leave the EU/single market ,the big corporations / supermarket monopolies will surely have to be broken up or at least enter into a real market economy.That can only be good for we the consumers and small business.
Also when we are making our own laws ,we as taxpayers ought to be able to influence policy again.Fear of losing your gravy train job will concentrate the mind.
If only the BBC had to compete in a market economy .They would have to cut staff and costs to survive .More state intervention command and control will always be the answer for them.
No wonder the BBC is agitating so vociferously against Brexit.
I’m totally prepared for a bit of hardship to ensure a brighter future for my children .Im sure many others feel the same .
BBC clinging on desperately to their favourite pet Muslim –
My company sells a virtual product with a selling price of GBP£900. The majority of the market is outside of the UK. Around the June timeframe we transitioned to US dollars in our transactions. Initially the price was around USD$1350. It’s now around USD$1050. With a small adjustment we brought in the cost to USD$999. This single change has seen our sales increase by more than 1000%. The point is that whilst sterling’s devaluation increases the cost of imports it makes exports more competitive. I don’t recall hearing much on the BBC about this upside.
We all use to joke about the brain washing that went on in the former Soviet Union and how we could not understand how people could be so gullible as to believe virtually everything their state media told them.
Well we in Britain are slowly and effectively being brainwashed by more subtle means. Over the past 35 years or so the liberal left have covertly infiltrated all areas of our mass media, so for instance every time you watch a current TV soap, debate or series, many of whose script writers, directors and producers have minority left wing, anti establishment views, the theme of the soap, debate or series reflects their views in its entirety and promotes their agenda of life and ideals, which are not really reflected in general sociality.
We are slowly being indoctrinated into thinking this is the way things are. For instance a soap will have many more coloured or ethnic people in and many more gay people/relationships in than the national average, there will be more violence, foul language, threatening behaviour and sexual scenes, than the national average. Also these same people positively promote their own agenda of left-wing, anti nationalist, anti patriotic views within these programmes. Its a subtle form of propaganda and very effective on people, particularly the young who have never viewed anything any different and will take this for the norm. It necessarily follows that if the majority of these media bosses/managers and their under managers have these bias minority views (the BBC comes to mind) then anybody trying to gain employment with them that has differing views will certainly not be employed, so they continue to consolidate their position. We are being slowly brainwashed and it will continue.
It’s not the liberal left, it’s the illiberal left.
You can add the list advertisements in all forms. How many PC families and positive discrimination ads are shown? I can think of nearly all the Banks as one set of examples.
Absolutely 100% agree John Bull. Have over some years seen this scanario coming through to touch with vile evilness each and every one of us. Little if anything is being done to alert the public other than by some so called Right Wing, organisations which have to brave the face of Fascisim in our so called Free media. All walking around with eyes wide shut.
Our government is afraid of the media.
I get the impression that many Beeboids don’t understand things like manufacturing and exports. Hence any drop in the pound is bad, because the only effect it has on them is that the value of their Tuscan villa goes down (for the older Toynbee types) and for the younger ones, who haven’t a cat’s chance in hell of ever buying a villa in Peckham, let alone Tuscany, they get less Euros from their money on their European city breaks.