Arrogant megalomaniacs have sought through the ages to unite Europe…..we see yet another attempt to do just that as the grand political project steamrollers on regardless of cost….the economics of the situation are of little consequence to the grand overlords of the EU, just ask Greece, Italy or Ireland….and we all know who really runs Europe right now and we must all march to the same tune…unity, unity, unity.
As such the EU has much in common with the defunct [one hopes] Soviet Union and Communism in that ideology trumps all and those who wanted to leave were shot…or in the case of the EU will be ‘punished’ for having the temerity to want to leave and set out on their own….certainly made to vote until they get the right answer…oh so Soviet like….as Peter Spencer [lol…see below] says
It will be in the EU’s best interests to make an example of the punishment it will dish out on deserters.
An irony that Europe celebrates that famous moment when an East German border guard fled to freedom with a statue…
The BBC provides the EU with an immeasurably valuable propaganda service, yes it may have lost the first battle but the war goes on and they aim to grind us down….as economist Peter Spencer says….
A vote to leave on June 23rd would most certainly not be the final position.
Peter who? Peter Spencer…you know, from the EY Item club….if you don’t know him have a look at the BBC website where they are running a story today that is in fact nothing more essentially than the same story they ran in July...naturally it is desperately trying to paint a picture of the doom that awaits us….
UK economy ‘faces prolonged weakness’, Item Club report says
Brexit fallout to hit UK economic growth: EY Item Club
Peter Spencer is also the author of this comment in reply to Alan Sked, founder of UKIP….let’s just say he’s not a little biased…
Your outlook and experience on life is extremely narrow.
Away from your ivory towers in my rural county, there will be no parties in the streets. Instead the once busy fields of migrant workers will be replaced by crops rotting in the fields, and weeds now rampant and out of control.
The hospitals once under pressure to cope with 5 day working let alone 7 day working, will now be quarantined off, due to lack of doctors and staff. This being due to the fact that we have to import 40% of our NHS doctors from abroad not to mention nursing staff and cleaners too. UKIP will have them sent back to Europe with its xenophobic dogma.
Nursing homes will be failing their inspections by the drove due again to lack of EU workers willing to do jobs that strangely the UK Jobseekers would rather not.
The UK’s EU export customers would quickly find other EU trading partners to trade with, free of the red tape that the UK Government and the EU would bungle along with in a tit for tat trade war. After all, it will be in the EU’s best interests to make an example of the punishment it will dish out on deserters.
And strangely you have proved one thing. Turkey’s really do Vote for Christmas. The Education sector is going to be the hardest hit. Already EU applicants for under-graduate courses are holding off from joining UK courses due to the uncertainty of June 23rd. Courses cancelled, colleges closed, and lecturers made redundant.
Your only hope is that all the droves of ex-pats returning from retirement in the EU will take the low paid jobs left for them by ejected EU migrants. However the strain on public services by their arrival will make things even worse than they are already.
In a recent poll by the YMCA of young people aged 16-24, 72% wanted the UK to stay in Europe and 11% would vote for Brexit. It seems the grey-haired generation still want to relive the glory days of the British Empire as they are the age group swaying towards Brexit. This will mean that a Brexit vote on June 23rd will not be the final answer. It is very likely that another referendum will be called to approve the exit strategy and the terms of the UK leaving. The younger EU-phillic generation will eventually get their wishes.
A vote to leave on June 23rd would most certainly not be the final position.
Yep…if we stay in the EU all will be rosy and the future bright and prosperous.
Hmmm…that’s, to be blunt, bollocks, isn’t it children? Even the most half-witted person recognises that Europe is in crisis…politically and economically.
Where is the BBC’s report and analysis on Stiglitz’s devastating look at the future of the EU…and the causes of its decline? The BBC, whilst happily regurgitating Spencer’s doom-laden prophecies for Brexit, seems to have now wilfully forgotten Stiglitz’s damning verdict on the EU….
Joseph Stiglitz: ‘The EU’s monetary union was the mistake’
The theme of Stiglitz’s book is that monetary union was basically where it all went wrong for the European Union. A project that was meant to bring countries together has succeeded only in tearing them apart in a manner which now threatens wider European economic and social stability.
Stiglitz is not the only voice questioning the EU’s mismanagement….I’ve looked but cannot find any report from the BBC on this despite its significance…
Euro ‘house of cards’ to collapse, warns ECB prophet
The European Central Bank is becoming dangerously over-extended and the whole euro project is unworkable in its current form, the founding architect of monetary union has warned.
“One day, the house of cards will collapse,” said Professor Otmar Issing, the ECB’s first chief economist and a towering figure in the construction of the single currency.
Prof Issing said the euro has been betrayed by politics, lamenting that the experiment went wrong from the beginning and has since has degenerated into a fiscal free-for-all that once again masks the festering pathologies.
“Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly,” he told the journal Central Banking in a remarkable deconstruction of the project.
Is that really a Europe that we should wish to be an integral part of, joined at the hip to? Europe may well blow apart due to its own failures…arrogance and ideology over economics and the will of the people, and never mind Merkel’s mad invitation to all in the Third World to come and make their homes here.
The dangers of being part of that are far, far more serious and likely than any problems associated with Brexit…a Brexit that could in fact save us from the worst of the EU’s implosion.
Any analysis from the BBC on the EU’s problems and how they would effect us if we were part of that? No. Of course not. The BBC has no intention of saying anything that will undermine the glories of the EU…once again politics and ideology over commonsense and truth.
Ever since we have been in the EEC/EU it has been clear that the BBC wanted us to stay in yet its reporting of ‘Europe’ has always been minimal.
The odd ‘national’ Euro-story has made it, Italian sex-scandal, French president, that’s been about the lot. The exception has been when the UK has been ‘out of line’ with the EU, when, of course the BBC has been it usual supportive self.
Strangely not only has the BBC never(?) put out a real pro-EU story but the recent ‘Remain’ campaign also had nothing positive to say about it, the common position being that ‘it needs reform’, (which realistically will never happen).
Socialists have nothing positive to say about anything, their default position is hatred and nihilism. That’s why they can never defend their policies and instead attack the opposition hoping it will scare people into voting for them as the lesser evil.
What Spencer and his ilk constantly ignore when making their ageist assertions is that every demographic showed a shift in support towards Brexit as people got order. This is to be expected, as people still in university or who have recently left do not have any experience either of how things were before the EU existed or of how things work now outside of their safe space liberal educational bubble. You see a huge shift away from the EU even when comparing 16-24 year olds to 25-34. That’s precisely why the true dividers of society – the leftist groups who use the blanket, meaningless term of ‘unity’ to shame people into agreeing with them for a non-existent greater cause – want to lower the voting age to 16. They know this group is the most impressionable and the least capable of making a sound political decision, and they also know they can fool many of these deluded souls into fighting for the establishment’s agenda while thinking they’re revolutionaries because they’ve been trained by the corrupt school system and media to hate the white, ‘privileged’ men and women who want to leave – ignoring the fact that it’s mostly white, privileged men and women feeding them this narrative, and that many non-white people want to leave the EU as well. I know a 30-year-old integrated Muslim for instance who voted out because he knows from experience that his four-year-old son will not have a country worth living in if the EU’s goals are met. Of course, he doesn’t exist in the literal black and white world of the Marxist.
Voting age needs to be raised to 25. It doesn’t take long looking for a job and/or having to worry about welfare or public services for most of these youngsters to start realising that what they’ve been taught about western society for 16 years is mostly infantile, prejudiced bollocks.
The strange thing is that the young suffer the most due to mass immigration:
(1) They support Capitalists who prefer to use readily trained Cheap Labour from Eastern Europe, rather than spend money on training up the young, in apprentice schemes.
(2) Mass Immigration effects on the demand for housing, pushing up the cost for young people to get on the housing ladder, as demand outstrips supply, pushing up prices.
It can only be explained by the success of political correct propaganda in the education of young people, who then appear to be both pro-establishment as regards undemocratic organisations, and anti-establishment when it comes to organisations that support democracy.
Its why you get all those confused and ineffectual young supporters of Occupy or Momentum. It seem that the confusion is gradually resolved over time as they get older and older until self-education causes the brainwashing to wear off.
This seems to be what is happening to George Galloway, as he gets educated by some of his guests. A guest of his implying that the problem is the perversion of Capitalism by ideological inspired subsidies and global monopolies, rather than the “Customer is King” Capitalism of Adam Smith.
It’s a strange irony that due to the inspirational introduction of Libertarian Capitalism to the British Colony of Hong Kong by John Cowperthwaite, Communist China has now a far more morally superior customer centric non-ideologically bankrupt form of Capitalism, than the European Union.
Also, I find that young socialist do not understand cause and effect, the fact that if you make cheap Labour unavailable, then the fields do not go back to the wild permanently, because land use is then used more productively or for more valuable usage. This means that Brexit would be like the collapse of the Feudal system in England, making the English, the richest and freest people in Europe. While the Remainer Ex-Feudal Lords jealously moan about the overpaid peasantry and their growing prosperity, compared to their colleagues in France.
Depending on the time of day or whatever, 16 is either a helpless child if he’s a migrant in Calais, or a fully functioning, rational, adult if they want them to vote.
Lefty logic.
I can’t understand all the handwringing about ‘children’ in the Jungle.
They are all, man and boy, living in a safe, EU country.
Why doesn’t Hollande just make them all apply for asylum, and then accept, or deport, as required ?
Why should they be anything to do with us ?
You walk into a voting booth to cast your vote in secret .
You do not have to tell your age , income , occupation , academic qualifications , ethnicity , gender or trans or whatever .
Polls may say one thing , voting is another .
So we really don’t know whether there is actually a divide between old and young , educated or not , social class or whatever .
Because of that , charlatans like the liberal left and BBC can portray loosely defined groups as thinking one way or the other .
So those for Brexit were old , uneducated , poor , ugly , bigoted , smelly , unpopular pinch faced rookery dwelling Fagin like cackling hissing hags .
And those for remain were young , talented , cosmopolitan , intelligent , good looking , strong , pure virtuous wise Sir Ghalahad holy grail supping dragon slaying Gods chosen Angels .
And a few undecideds .
However did they win ?
Those against, virtuous, good looking, strong, pure – the new aryans perhaps. They do exhibit an unquestioning single mindedness and herd mentality that isn’t necessarily new.