BBC journalist is suspended after calling the Tories ‘new Nazis’ in a Brexit Facebook rant and branding them ‘racist and xenophobic’
A BBC news presenter has been suspended for allegedly calling the Tory government ‘the new Nazis’ in an online social media rant.
BBC Look North’s Danny Carpenter reportedly accused the government of being ‘cynical, vicious, racist and xenophobic’ in a Facebook rant and has now been suspended by the corporation as they carry out an investigation.
Mr Carpenter is also said to have called for the Brexit to be ‘voted out’ by Parliament because of a ‘combination of dishonest fear-mongering and lies about the economy’
Carpenter looks to have failed the first test…don’t get caught. His other colleagues, thankfully for the BBC as it might have to otherwise close down, aren’t quite so blatant. His views are of course not at all unusual in the corridors of the BBC….and an irony really that he gets suspended as the BBC as a whole seem to have the editorial policy that Brexit and those who voted to leave be labelled as Racist and, as noted in the last post, the BBC’s presenters tell us that in no uncertain terms.
Wonder if this may make it to a Trust review, or Newswatch or… (kidding)…
He’s been thrown under the bus because he was stupid enough to get caught. Like any good liberal institution the BBC isn’t concerned that its staff are bigoted, anti-democratic scum. They only care that they hide their intentions under an increasingly thin veil of intellectualism.
Like all good left-wing bigots at the A-BBC he will be suspended on full pay for a short while while he can pursue other career options. He won’t be able to find a better paid one for a man of his ‘talents’ so will quietly be reinstated at the A-BBC in a different job (maybe promotion even) when they think no-one will notice.
Lucky for him he didn’t pass a slightly sexist comment about a female linesman (or should that be lineswoman?) in private or admit to being a Conservative as he could never get re-employed at Pravda House.
The interesting thing is not that the BBC management are going through the motions of pretending to discipline him, but that it never crossed his mind that as a BBC journalist there was any problem about him publicly calling the elected government of our country the New Nazis.
The left wing group think in the BBC must be so total that it never even rang an alarm bell for him. I can only presume that he thinks Conservatives are Nazis, everyone he works with thinks Conservatives are Nazis, and all his friends think Conservatives are Nazis. It simply never occurred to him that there might be people out there who don’t think Conservatives are Nazis. Living in his left wing BBC bubble, he has probably never met such a person.
And the BBC doesn’t keep you hanging on wondering about the party allegiance of the Commons worker arrested suspected of rape. The headline Tory aide arrested in Houses of Parliament rape investigation. Does he have to be a Tory to work for a Tory?
This Danny is really SupportourLefty in one of his incarnations. Surely and literally. I think.
Indeed, Danny’s outrageous actions are, literally, why the Left is revolting!
Well if the Tories are nazis then that means UKIP are the people to vote for .
You will probably see Danny Carpenter presenting Newsnight before long. Or he could of course move over and be the anchorman for Channel 4 News!! In a way I feel sorry for Danny Boy. If he was working for the BBC down south for the Londistan programme ,he would of probably would of been considered not enough ,left leading. Mind you I don’t think he would of been considered “diverse” enough for the BBC’S flagship positive discrimination, diversity programme.
Its the BBC who are the Nazi’s, in so much as they forcefully promote their vile propaganda and purposely cherry pick items of news that can further their warped agenda and literally ignore other important news. I listened to BBC news yesterday to see if they mentioned anything about the several Asian men from Rotherham that had been convicted of procuring and raping young white girls. Not a word. However you can bet your bottom dollar that if one White Anglo Saxon, man was doing the same to young Asian, girls the BBC would run the story for weeks.
The BBC is fully occupied milking the Ched Evans rape acquittal decision for all its worth to bother with a few of our misunderstood Muslim brethren who were cruelly convicted for just acting out their normal cultural preferences.
Danny Carpenter says what most beeboids think.
And this is why they get in such a mess; they try to hide the hate, but, sooner or later, out comes the hairy hand.
The policies they would like to see are much more extreme than those they can publicly admit to, but occasionally their guard drops and out comes the venom.
Not just beeboids, of course; but all those along the Green/Left axis of politics.
I can understand this attitude in teenagers or twenty-somethings. I was the same at that age. In politics there was only Good (socialism) and Bad (everything else). I couldn’t understand why everybody else couldn’t see this. Of course, I grew out of it and now refer to this as Pantomime Politics (ie, Goodies v Baddies). But Mr Carpenter looks to be well into middle age – and even people in their 60s, 70s and 80s still believe in this!
this is all coming to bite them in the arse, if they describe the liberal wet torys as nazis then they have run out of nuance’s to describe the like of stormfront.
People are starting to laugh off the racist tag as its lost all meaning
and bigot is now someone who asks questions anything
mean while to the rest of us marxist, socialist , liberal, progressive are actually synonymous
my staunchly socialist colleague at work now even describes himself as a libertarian
A hundred years ago, libertarians where regarded as left-wing, now they are called right-wing Nazis by BBC types.
But lets analyse the accusations:
(1) “Nazis or National Socialists” is inaccurate. A more accurate description would be that the Tories are now under the control of National Capitalists or Natcaps.
(2) “Cynical“ Is justified by “Project Fear“
(3) “Vicious“ Is only apparent in left-wing emotional rants on the BBC.
(4) “Racist” Is only apparent in people who want a European Superstate to represent their common racial heritage, rather than live in a self governing Commonwealth democracy.
(5) “Xenophobic” Only of the foreign elite who hate democracy and freedom, not foreigners who want freedom from the European Union.
(6) “Dishonest fear-mongering” True, Project fear was lead by Tories, but they got rid of the dishonest Tory fear-mongerers, except maybe Philip Hammond.
(7) “Lies about the economy” or as Brexit has not happened yet “Assumptions about the economy” Negative assumptions are based on “Project Fear” and threats of a trade war from the EU. Positive assumptions are based on correlations with similar territories to Britain (Predominantly white English speaking territories not in the EU) which consistently show a standard of living, well over 10 percent higher than Britain. Also the explanation for this correlation has been well documented by economic studies over the last few years, into the costs of our EU membership fee, taxes, regulatory repression of the economy and the external tariff regime of the EU, etc, etc.
According to the BEEB ,if you follow their logic its not only Tories who are Nazis ,its the Labour voters too.Anyone who voted Brexit It wouldn’t have been won without the put upon Labour voters .The real ones ,not the metropolitan ones. So half the country are Nazis.
As a jew who voted Brexit this labelling is very concerning but nothing new.
My huge concern is if Hillary wins and what a boost it will give to all those trying to overturn Brexit,given the amount of corruption spewing forth from Democratic party via Wikileaks and the O’Keefe undercover video .They will use any trick in the book and worse.It makes our election fraud look practically non existent.
Neither of which I assume have been covered in any detail by the BBC. The media in the States are in lock down on these subjects. The fix is on.
Yes Deborah, The idiot left (and liberal fellow travellers) always call all their opponents “Fascists”…regardless. Like the word “racist” the label “Fascist” becomes drained of meaning…leftists even call each other “Fascists” in their relentless search for “revolutionary purity” (e.g. Stalins purges)
That`s why the appearence of real Fascists….historically provoked by years of Leftist economic mismanagement and cultural disintegration always takes them by surprise.
Historically the precedents are there in the pre civil war Spanish Republic (where accusations of electoral fraud were a precursor of the Civil War), and in the Weimar Republic.
Leftist extremism breeds Fascism, that is why it is so dangerous…that and its propensity for extreme violence, repression and class hatred on its own behalf.