The BBC continues to be more an advocate for immigration than a reporter of fact as well as hiding uncomfortable truths.
It’s reporting of the conviction of 8 Asian men managed to miss out the vital revelation that they were violent racists [Funny how the BBC doesn’t want to report serious hate crimes by ethnic minorities…and yet crucifies Louis Smith for a prank]… the Mail reveals…
‘All white girls are good for is sex. They’re just sl*gs’: Eight members of ‘openly racist’ violent Asian sex gang raped and ‘sexually degraded’ three teena ge girls in Rotherham
Nothing new there of course…we’ve always known that the Muslim abusers were choosing white, non-Muslim girls to abuse because they saw them as white trash. In a Trojan Horse school [denied by the BBC] they were teaching the pupils that white women were just prostitutes…and recently one Muslim faith school taught that gays should be killed and men should beat their wives….didn’t hear that from the ‘exciting talent’ that is Nihal yesterday as he discussed faith schools on 5Live.
The BBC has long been campaigning for children in the Calais Jungle to be brought to the UK…going sofar as to try to influence opinion by teaming up with a ‘celebrity’ in order to make an emotive, and dishonest, plea for migrants to come to the UK.
Questions are being raised about the obvious fact that many of these ‘children’ are not children at all…the government itself admits that 2/3rds are adults.
The BBC begs to differ and has decided not to publish the pictures of the men in question nor to admit that it is the government itself which has said they so many of these ‘children’ are adults. The BBC rather than make a measured and reasoned investigation of the issues has gone on the attack and made a ‘sensationalist’ headline about dentists up in arms about a suggestion made by David Davies that migrants should have their teeth checked so as to judge their age. The BBC of course packs the story with disclaimers and angry voices denying these are adults….when the evidence points to the fact most are as the Mail points out…as does Guido….
You just can’t trust the BBC on so many issues…..why should we pay for its lies? It’s not the gold standard for journalism, it’s a political party pumping out propaganda…..perhaps we should have a referendum on whether to continue paying for this partisan drivel we get from them.
Robin Aitken suggests the BBC’s diversity drive is nothing of the sort based as it is on skin colour rather than diversity of opinion or political persuasion…
In BBC terms, “diversity” seems to be exclusively about ethnic origin. You do not get to hear articulated a socially conservative viewpoint by many (any?) BBC presenters. Black, white, male or female, British, Irish, African or Asian, all seem signed up to the same liberal dogmas about life, the universe and everything. So feminism is never challenged; atheism is celebrated; “human rights” trump all (unless it’s the right of the unborn) and so on and so forth. What gets my goat is that the Corporation does precious little to ensure the whole spectrum of political opinion and worldview is represented.
The BBC corrals permitted opinions within a very tight boundary fence. Diversity is indeed what the Corporation should be seeking – but concentrating on skin colour is patronising tokenism. We need diverse thinking, not diversity for appearance’s sake.
VD spreading the love as we speak…
Chilling, because this is where we are now. Progressives don’t care. They know they are lying – so they just embrace the Big Lie and run with it. With 98% of our msm now engulfed by progressives they control the medium and therefore they control the message – be it government, media or culture. That last one is important, too, since both government and media are ‘downstream from culture’, although I’d argue that education is just as implicit in the dogmatic indoctrination process as any virtue-signalling Hollywood film or BBC drama or documentary series.
So, now we know: 2+2=5. We know it’s not true, and so do they, but what choice do we have?
There’s no escaping it. Front Row, on R4 at 19:15, had some whining, Scottish bint on there, who’s written a book about Brexit and how awful it is.
Apparently it’s like Nazi Germany, and we’re all to blame because welfare scroungers are putting themselves in the hands of people-traffickers and drowning in the Med.
This is not “progress” so those promoting it do not deserve the self acclaimed euphemistic descriptive “Progressives”. They are Globalists, anti nation state, for Global governance – NWO.
Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony has now become reality. The progressives have achieved this by their ‘long march through the institutions’, particularly through the education system, all exactly as planned. As a result, right-leaning governments are becoming less and less, as the populace becomes more and more indoctrinated with leftist thinking.
Do not let them control the language you use.
No need to shout, I’ll remember next time, it’s ‘progressives’. 🙂
After blatantly ignoring the issue, this morning the BBC News website has been forced to address the migrant child farce, as it is front page news for several papers. However, true to form, the BBC have decided to push the victim angle by concentrating on the British Dental Association’s condemnation. The BBC has also made the decision to blur out the faces of these new arrivals in all reports because of “editorial reasons”. I’m guessing there won’t be a Have Your Say on the issue either.
BBC bumchum The Guardian reported on the arrivals on Monday but see how they chose a close-up image of one particular adult who may appear borderline to some, instead of one of the many obviously in their twenties and thirties. No comments allowed on that particular article either, of course.
The second topic on The Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 yesterday was an obvious UKIP bashing exercise as Steven Woolfe quitting the party prompted the question “After Brexit, is there really any point to UKIP?” However, and much to my delight, the top comments on the accompanying Facebook page showed more and more people are becoming aware of BBC bias, with many even asking why the BBC were not reporting on the migrant children.
Another clear indication of growing mistrust are the top comments on the Have Your Say for this report yesterday about the 1% rise in UK inflation, calling out the scaremongering bias and the fact that inflation was higher while we were in the EU.
And one comment in particular (No.74 by Rational48) stood out for me:
The BBC must hate not being able to manipulate the comments on Facebook as easily. In fact, as I write this, the report on the migrant children is nowhere to be seen on the BBC News Facebook page. Lashings of veiled denunciation towards Donald Trump though.
Excellent comment! I have just read the BBC’s online website report on this issue. It is the most disingenuous, biased load of tripe I have read for some years – and bearing in mind that this is the BBC I’m talking about, that is certainly saying something!
It, too, majors on the codswallop from the BDA (I wonder how many BDA members the SJW who made that decision at the BDA actually consulted?) and writhes and twists like a snake in a forked stick to avoid the issue, which is just how old are these so-called ‘children’?
The pictures in the newspapers do not lie. The BBC’s report does.
As the saying goes, who are you going to believe, the BBC or your lying eyes?
Afghanistan is now officially Christian frei. There were no Jews in Afghanistan anyway.
So how can a devout Muslim gain entry to paradise, if there are no Infidels to slay.
Clearly its Britain duty to give Muslims from Afghanistan, the opportunity to gain entry to the Islamic paradise.
Good news though (or not, depending on your POV) for the remaining Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan. But there are only a very limited number of Hindus and Sikhs still in Afghanistan, so the route to the Islamic paradise has to be from the UK.
it’s high time people spoke up don’t be afraid silence causes death what have you got to lose ,as donald trump says to black s in america
Great comment.
I notice that the much vaunted “Comments are free” of the Guardian, have been enabled.
The Daily Mail is far better
“Migrant ‘children’ arriving in Britain from Calais to critics claiming they look ‘old enough to be adults’ may appear older ‘because war has toughened them up’, the Home Office claims.”
Brexit or not, immigration of a religion that is doctrinally compelled to destroy Jews and Christianity, is allowed in to the country. What fools are leaders are. As for the AB of Canterbury, whose job is to defend the Protestant faith, is the one of the worst of the fools. Even after the beheading of a French priest in his own church, he does not get it. What can you do with such people. In saner times, it would be difficult to employ them. Now they are in positions of power.
It seems it is true that “those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad”.
Our politicians have long since crossed the boundaries of sanity.
Commentators though are not fooled.
Read more:
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There has clearly been a Remain hijacking of the few HYS articles still provided to us, not to mention comments attacking Brexit voters aren’t removed yet ones criticising the EU get taken down. I don’t know if it’s the BBC itself responsible or just some SJW group, but either way we need to redress the balance a bit.
BBC Facebook is usually a rich, rare seam of reality gold.
Of course, the BBC can sift it for gold they like to share elsewhere, versus spoils quietly left behind.
However, to the victor, the spoils.
Checked this HYS too. What a surprise:
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Some of these children may qualify for a pension.
I haven’t seen so many twenty-somethings acting as ‘children’ since I saw ‘Please Sir’!
Beats the 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 yos paid to behave like it in Westminster.
And Dawsons Creek!
And of course we had forty somethings acting as twenty somethings in Friends, Emma Thompson at around forty playing a twenty two year old in her own film of Sense and Sensibility.
In fact Hollywood and the visual broadcasting industry have a long history of being deluded about ageing.
Alan, I like your idea of having a referendum on the future of the bbc. Do you think there would be any traction in pushing it with our weak willed MPs?
A petition to hold a referendum on the BBC, should attract quite a lot of support.
If allowed, one of the terms of the referendum should be not to allow the BBC to comment on the issue. Individual BBC employees can of course comment, but not on the BBC website, or BBC broadcast of whatever sort.
It’s interesting to compare the amount of coverage given to the Ched Evans matter with the Rotherham rapists. Not just the BBC but generally the amounts are completely disproportionate.
The Rotherham rapists are just a tip of the iceberg. The real figure uis likely to be upward of 30,000. Assuming just ten Pakistani men in a gang to one girl, some 300,000 Pakistani Muslims were involved in the brutal serial gang rapes of young girls.
This is not a crime but a war crime. Not just by Muslims, who are in fact invaders and colonisers, but by those who knew, and yet allowed it to happen.
And yet, such is nature of the treason, that there is no precedent for punishment of such a crime, as there is no parallel in history, anywhere or anytime.
No wonder several judges appointed on extremely high salaries, have quit. Obviously they felt they couldn’t meet the terms of the contract.
The systematic brutal gang rapes of young non-Muslim girls by Pakistani Muslims had been going on for decades. In all cases the police and political authorities knowingly ignored the cries of the victims. The news only broke when the EDL started to protest about the gang rapes. The authorities and media response was to besmirch the EDL as right wing racist Nazis, arrest Tommy Robinnson, and “kettle” EDL demonstrations.
And as the news was now out, they admitted that they had kept quiet about the gang rapes because they didn’t want to be perceived as “racists”. This doesn’t wash on any ground.
1. What sort of people are these media and authority types. who willingly and knowingly, ignored the cries and tears of young girls over decades.
2. And the claim that they didn’t want to be perceived as “racist” is a cowardly reason to give, that is, trying to hide their cowardice, and disgusting politically expedient behaviour, behind what they believe will be perceived as the good cause of “non-racism”.
The punishment for such a war crime, which amounts to an act war by Pakistani Muslims against the UK, should be banishment of the entire community.
As for the political elite who allowed it to happen, I cant think of any punishment that suits such monstrous treason.
This is a huge war crime, committed by Pakistani Muslims in complicity with the authorities. And that is why it is being brushed under the carpet.
So the hounding of Tommy Robinson continues, while rapists, and their enablers, get away.
Well said, Robin Aitkin. Shame he writes for an equally loathsome, misandristic liberal rag.
Listening to Iain Dale on LBC on the drive home (imposed on me due to the idiots in charge of the RMT) – I have been listening to his arguments over the last two weeks on why we should allow all the children in Calais to come to the UK.
Worryingly any attempt by listeners to explain their concerns with his views have been met with contempt, anger and spin. What is now noticeable is his lack of interest in these people now that so many of them are not the 5 year old boys / girls he was banging on about.
Iain Dale is normally a reasonably fair presenter, however, on Refugees, Donald Trump and the EU he is as bad as the worst BBC presenters. Only on the EU do I agree with him (he voted out). I can only guess that Iain Dale is a regular contributor to the BBC and needs to toe the company line, otherwise his views on the Refugees and Donald Trump are borderline ridiculous.
Ian Dale is NOT a ‘reasonably fair’ presenter, you must mean that only relative to ranting bullying bigots like James O’Brian and Majid Nawaz, and the patronising sneering late night Nick Abbott.
The British Dental
Association is clearly part of the elite that desperately wanted a Remain vote . It’s backed up the BBCs desperate attempts to dismiss concerns about tne Calsis ‘ children’ being nothing of the sort . By lunchtime the BDA is telling us in interviews that the dental assessment involves radiation and cannot be carried out on the ‘children’.
Has anyone ever had a tooth x rayed ? Was that high risk or morally unacceptable ?
How about just looking for well developed wisdom teeth as a guide ?
I think we are all being taken for idiots by tne Remain Elite.
The arguments I’ve just heard on Jeremy Vine, and elsewhere, are irrelevant.
“These are adult men, just look at them”. Says one. “But they’ve had such a hard time. Poor things. You’d look older than your years if you’d been what they’ve been through”. Says another.
Just irrelevant.
We were told that there are 608 unaccompanied children in the Calais jungle. We have agreed to take about 140. Given the odds, there shouldn’t be ANY children accepted that look remotely adolescent, never mind adult.
It is clear that we are being taken for fools, and it is disappointing to note that I am funding an organisation that is trying to fool me.
As the great Theodore Dalrymple noted about propaganda behind the iron curtain, it was deliberately crude because the point wasn’t to convince but to humiliate, by making the population accept obvious lies. Children with designer stubble certainly count.
“propaganda behind the iron curtain, it was deliberately crude because the point wasn’t to convince but to humiliate, by making the population accept obvious lies.”
Thats an interesting theory and on Id not heard before. Do you have a link?
It makes a kind of sense.
After all the propaganda about “child refugees” in the Jungle, you might have thought that at least the first batch would be actual children. Of course, the subsequent batches, which would not be reported, could be adults, but at least they could play the game and pretend they were sending children over. But no. It’s in your face. It’s like an act of aggression: “here are your children, who are obviously fully grown men, what are you going to do about it?”.
The left wing establishment lies to our face, treats us with complete contempt, and dares us to do something about it? Why? Because they can.
I suspect the truth is there are NO unaccompanied children. The few who are under eighteen (just) are there to add credibility to an older brothers claim.
In fact I believe in the first group there were two brothers.
Ian Dale summed up the Globalist attitude to this:
What does it matter if some of these young people are older than they say they are?
And he is supposedly a Conservative.
Nick Ferrari one of the very few non Globalist presenters challenged th policy this morning and raised the important issuee of their presence in schools and care homes mixing with real children.
Our worst enemies are among our own.
I wonder how long before these “children” are arrested for gang rape of young Kuffar White girls?
At the present rate, it would take plod about thirteen years to get round to doing something.
If they were the social workers, schools, local authority would be blamed for not giving the ‘vulnrable refugees’ enough support
They should get theatre ushers to assess their age – they’re pretty good at it. And while I’m on…why is Pakistan considered a country from which they’d take a refugee?? It really is just immigration by the back door (ie no documents needed). That really cheeses me off – cue thousands of others trying this route, and a lot of disgruntled law-abiding folk who might be trying to get in legally. I despair.
could be worse we could be like … oh wait …
I don’t belieeeve it! The BBC have since added a HYS to their migrant child report and of course all of the top comments reflect what we here and, indeed, any sane person can determine without the need for dental checks.
This lunchtime (as mentioned by quisquose above), The Jeremy Vine Show discussed the subject too and likewise the comments on the accompanying Facebook post clearly show the general public are sick and tired of being taken for fools, drowning out the tie-dyed bollocks submitted by extreme far-left have-a-go yogis.
Those at the BBC must have known this would be the response, but because it doesn’t fit in with their warped ideals they surely ignored the issue in the hope it would disappear quickly and quietly.
The link is 404.
Either you have copied it incorrectly, or the BBC is currently engaged in ‘evolving the story’.
Twas a rogue quotation mark. Try this instead.
Ta very much.
This will be fun.
Even the pixelation of the tallest guy in the shot is a joke.
“Home Office sources said it was extremely unlikely that any migrants found to be an adult would be returned to Calais as they would be able to claim asylum in the UK, regardless of the age.”
And that is not a joke. Once they get here they stay.
Personally I believe that if they have lied about their age then they should be deported back to the hell-hole of their choice immediately, And if they don’t choose one, a hell-hole will be chosen for them.
The lefty bigots are out in force calling the decent, sensible people bigots and racists. Some are claiming that they are living in a great country. Then why do they usually claim we are the worst country in the world, and then setting about violently destroying it and then importing millions more who hate us and our country.
What I haven’t seen anyone else point out is that not a single one of these youngish and middle-aged children are female. I’ve not seen one female face or veil in any of the pictures.
I pity the young girls of this country – am I glad I have no daughter!
Bagley, “….in the hope that it would disappear quickly and quietly”. Well, it may but the presently unforeseen factor is, ‘its another small nail in the coffin’ of the likes of this evil entity called the BBC and their political allies. They may fight for the day (and by sheer overwhelming broadcasting odds win that day) but this is a long game and one that needs constant condemnation by those members of the public that are prepared to contribute here or persuade others to see the facts and dangers in allowing the BBC to continue to lie and massage the selective information they broadcast.
Our government is aware of this bias.
But are they behaving as Nero did, ‘playing with his fiddle’ ?
Just spotted a comment on Guido which says that a new charity has been set up for the migrant children. It is called ‘Shave the Children Fund’
It reminds me of the old joke about the woman on a bus with her son trying to fiddle a child’s fare for him. ‘He looks older than 12’ says the conductor. ‘Can I help it if he worries?’ says the mother.
That sounds like a typical Yiddish joke – and they are often among the best.
Yes I got it from a Jewish joke book actually.
Leo Rosten’s ‘The Joys of Yiddish’ is a cherished book in my library!
True but you dont hear any about immigrants, do you?
Lol someone else on Guido commented, ‘at least they’ll be able to fit their own stair gate’
Now let’s be fair to our wonderful (SIC) state broadcaster, they only wish to replicate scenes like this one in Paris to enhance their credentials as the champions of “progress”…
What a terrible piece of film to have to watch.
Things like this do not happen by accident. The left wing establishment allows it to happen. A scene like this simply proves that France’s political and administrative elite are spineless cowards.
I wish I could say that ours are better, but after the debacle of the Calais “children”, I don’t really believe that.
This country is f******* finished. We’re letting adult migrants blatantly lie their foul way into our country and the BBC/Sky scumbag media/left-wing social justice warriors are whole-heartedly supporting this vile pantomime. Forget Brexit, we cannot even stop lying toe-rags from getting into our country, in fact we’re giving them a lift, knowing full well that these ‘children’ are in fact fully grown men; no wonder they all have that leering smirk on their boat races. Does anyone really think that our worm-ridden parasitical politicians will do ANYTHING to remotely bring back sovereignty to our nation? I bloody well don’t! The political establishment will do everything they can to continue unfettered immigration. My bloody grandfather fought in the war and worked all his sodding life only to die in a grubby old folks home which he paid for out of his meagre savings (which my father was hoping he’d get some of which as inheritance). And for bloody what? So our treacherous politicians can let in these leering migrants with full access to our country’s produce. You couldn’t make it up!
I have no problem with helping homeless children/infants who are in distress but seeing these photos is an utter insult and offence to our goodwill. Some of these ‘children’ look about thirty years old for f**** sakes. We are being openly swindled by the Left!
And the pathetic response/reporting from the BBC is hardly a surprise. This despicable organisation serves no other purpose than to propagandise for Labour and the far-Left. It is disgusting that an organisation which is kept afloat by extorting money out of the working populace does its best to undermine our national pride and traditions; they should be openly questioning why we have a bunch of lying migrants cheating their way into our country, but are more interested in the sefl-righteous multiculturalism that is eating away at our culture. I’m sure that Lilly Allen will be most pleased with the pathetic BBC’s reporting of this fiasco. Meanwhile, those who are forced to pay for the BBC shite are left without a voice!
Wholeheartedly agree. It is the biggest middle finger up from the establishment, to persuade (!) the electorate to approve of bringing in child migrants (who clearly are intent on getting to the UK only by fair our foul means), and then to disrespect them by bringing in these men masquerading as children. There are no shortage of apologists – on Jeremy Whine – ex social worker saying that they treated anyone as children up to age 21. What an idiot.
I would also like to know how they prove who is their relative. If they have no documentation, for age ID, then obviously don’t for relatives. And so social workers will use ‘their judgement’. Ha!
It really is a total scam.
Looblyloo, it also sends a clear signal that the UK will accept unquestioningly any migrant under the age of 25 or so, or even older if he can pass for under 25.
It is an incentive for anyone to come to France, destroy (or simply hide for later use, eg by posting to a contact in Britain) their identity papers and claim asylum in Britain.
I suspect some ‘open borders’ Britons will collude in this. It could be done on an industrial scale eventually – like those hotels in Brighton where adulterous liasons were staged and witnessed to obtain divorce.
Then we had children flying Spitfires in 1940 and children fighting on the Somme in 1916 . These snowflakes are beyond parody.
Dave S – should the BBC do a programme on this…’The Scandal of Britain’s Child Soldiers’…think of all the 12 year old midshipmen in Nelson’s time…there may be identifiable descendents still traumatised…I smell compo!
They dont ‘prove’ all thats required is for the two stories to tally – easy enough to pre plan with smart phones.
No such thing as a country which is “finished”.
There are, however, problems which are becoming worse. This just means that the solutions, when people wake up, will be uglier.
I suppose a nuclear power could finish us. However, our current enemies are a pathetic lot, all things considered. They couldn’t even confront Lee Rigby face to face.
If they were capable of posing an existential threat, they’d be united, and wouldn’t have had screwed up their own countries and run.
A.C. They don’t pose an existential threat – yet, though when the British become a minority in the U.K. the lives of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren won’t really have much going for them.
Demography is destiny, but the Progressive filth who want to turn our nation into a diversity riddled midden refuse to see it and think that it is acceptable to allow vast numbers of immigrant parasites to come here from the Third World.
I would think by that stage (2050 onwards) a military coup shall be the only solution, as we wouldn’t have the numbers anymore by then to change anything electorally; the armed forces alone would have the firepower and the numbers to take the country back.
France is my bet for a military coup. Wait and see.
Agreed D.S. France (IMHO) has not been a truly stable country since the Revolution, there was an attempted coup there relatively recently (in historical terms) with the failed attempt to topple De Gaulle and there is a latent radicalism to the French which we, in the main, don’t possess. The Left are very strong there though, which is an additional problem to surmount.
Al Shubtill, yes the left are strong in France but I believe in many ways they are different to the liberal/left softies we have in the UK. Eg for many years conscription was supported by leftist elements in France because they believed it upheld the violent ideals of the Revolution. I also believe that a lot of the support for Le Pen comes from old-school national protectionists leftists, a bit like support for UKIP by disgruntled Labour voters in the UK. So I guess the soft-left (ie, those in favour of multi-culti) may be much weaker in France.
For all practical purposes, the Fifth republic is dead. Slain by the Religion of Peace. How apt.
France is in a state of war. All its armed forces are deployed. Not in Algeria or Mali, but France. The reserves have been called up. President Hollande has asked for volunteers. Its just that the MSM is keeping mum about it.
This cannot go on forever. Either the military will take charge, or or it will force Hollande to do so.
Once that happens, I see the dissolution of the EU. The doors will be closed, and the walls will go up.
But Britain will still be “open”, as for all practical purpose, its not in the EU.
Alex, I agree with every bloody word!
I suppose there could be a few adult women posing as school girls.
These little Movietone or Pathe snippets now strike me as being terribly poignant. They show a London only fifty or sixty years ago, populated by ordinary, decent, white British people, who are all smartly dressed, and clearly part of a coherent society. If you filmed something like that today it would more like a scene from “Zulu”.
The sort of calm, orderly white British society we see in these films has been utterly wiped out in London, in just a few short years. I wonder how long the rest of the country has got?
Louis Smith was paraded before the camera’s on the lunchtime news today. He was supposedly learning more about the wonderful Islam rather than appear at the parade in London to celebrate his winning medals. The BBC scum were so happy he has taken his punishment for daring to mock their favoured friends. They also showed footage of him winning Strictly so as to suggest that even the mighty can fall from their grace if they so chose.
Yes, Louis has got everything going for him, he’s a person of colour, an Olympian, a BBC favourite, but if you offend the Religion of Peace in any way at all, then all of that counts for nothing. You have to grovel or become an unperson.
I wish he’d had the guts to tell them all to piss off, but I suppose I can’t blame him for caving in. He’s got a life to lead, and it’s easier being a dhimmi that standing up to the PC establishment.
This is what a child refugee looked like from Kosovo/a (Albanian). Note the message about going back home to Kosovo.

A good point well made, gb123.
I could’ve done without the hypocrite to the left of the photo, though. I hope that Marie Jana Korbelová gave the cheeky scamp a hefty clout to the back of his head after it was taken. Trying to embarrass her by suggesting that he wanted to go home, indeed!
I saw Madeleine Albright being interviewed on American TV a few years ago. Born in Prague to Catholic converts from Judaism, she was grudgingly grateful to the UK for granting wartime asylum to her diplomat father and his family. She then whinged that they hadn’t been allowed to stay after the war (she was about eight on VE Day). For the generosity of the US, where they eventually settled, she was forever grateful.
She curiously failed to mention, however, a few salient post-war details. That the family had been given a swanky pad in one of the posher parts of Prague on their return (they were hardly destitute); that her father had been posted to Belgrade as the Czechoslovakian ambassador (dunno for sure, of course, but I gather that’s a slightly better job than sweeping the streets); and that his family had been obliged to seek asylum for a second time in 1948 when the Communist Party took over in Yugoslavia (so nothing to do with us after all, then).
Mind you, her right hand does look like she’s making a move to throttle him. So praps she’s not a hypocrital, anglophobe Democrat after all.
Telling incident in that appalling VD show this morning. When Davies said he had film of our NGO’s offering to tell the ‘migrants’ what to say to get in to the UK VD could not wait to shut the show down ASAP.
The BBC is now a real threat in it’s dying days to our country and people.
Trump is right. The elites have panicked and are trying to do what they needed time to do in a hurry. Next step is manufacture a crisis. Russia anyone?
I cannot watch VD nowadays. As her initials she seems like a virulent disease best avoided.
But I think you are right. The elite is definitely panicking. Giving airtime to an alleged incident from 34 years ago, It is beyond ridiculous and the faux shock at the mention of the word ‘pussy’. Is it really the best that they can do?
Clinton has been the subject of too many scandals, that even if she does become President, people now know that corruption is rotting the establishment. Trump and Brexit have shocked the establishment, there is a movement, people are beginning to ask questions and their propaganda outlets do not know how to deal with it
Apropos teenagers, children, military age and all…
Couldn’t find a recent on-line BBC reference to this campaign but I heard BBC tv news bring it up again just a few days ago (no leftist campaign ever goes away until they get their way and only then is the debate closed cf Pantomime Marriage)
‘The “outdated” practice of recruiting 16-year-olds into the Army is wasting up to £94m a year and should stop, two human rights groups have said.’
There we go – recent report in the Guardian which – naturally – was duly parroted by BBC TV News
Conspiracy theory, I know, but perhaps the BBC went quiet on this one for the reason that a larger 16- & 17-year-olds story was out there and we plebs didn’t need reminding of the military age issue.
Fully expect it to resurface soonish – probably conflated with kids and their voting rights or somesuch.
News bleat on Facebook is currently soliciting emailed stories of woe from those who know any kids suffering at the hands of hair straighteners, and a few of the curly haired moppets above, even pixellated, look like worthy candidates.
Maybe Gary ‘not employed directly by the BBC; views my own’ Lineker could champion the next winners of ‘Great British Torture Techniques’ to ensure they get their own series after a bit of paint balling?
Why are the Lefties at the BBC so upset about the ‘TEETH’ check FFS if they are kids I am a alien from the Planet Zarg.
I think we know the answer to that. They know the truth will come out!
Earlier today LBC sent a junior out to visit a dentist to see if she could tell her ag e from the teeth. The dentists said it was difficult in adulthood, which is hardly relevant given that the purpose of this is to distinguish between adults and children! And of course sh got it wrong, eestimating the reporter as mid thirties when she was just twenty six.
The dentist was foreign – you couldnt make it up!
Many dentists are foreign these days, which might explain why the British Dental Association is so opposed to any limits on immigration. Just a thought.
The solution should be to open more dental schools and increase the numbers and funding for the post grad conversion to dentistry shortened degree for biological science graduates. Many of them end up not using their degrees directly.
Our elite prefer to use skill shortages as an excuse for immigration.
So when these vulnerable young children turn up for their free dental treatment, free for them, not for us obviously, as we’re paying for it.
I assume they will be told it’s against their human rights, so they must remain unseen by a dentist.
Can’t wait to see their social workers getting their knickers in a twist over that one.
I understand the BBC’s reporting is nowadays verging on the ridiculous. They treat their viewers with contempt. In the past, the alternate media was the place of off the wall conspiracy theorists; Now, it is used for fact checking.
Away from that, the BBC played a part in beginning to open the floodgates.
This was Teresa May’s first big test to stand up against Europe.
And she has failed miserably.
Spokeswoman for British Dental numpties “…we can’t just expose them to radiation…”
I guess she does have a sort of point there somewhere. My dentist leaves the room when he sets the machine to do my dental x-ray. Doesn’t do a lot for one’s confidence.
But seriously, the French have well and truly stitched us up over this Jungle Camp.
I really can’t believe they would seriously suggest one x-ray is dangerous. Still, they probably can get away with it as no-one sensible in Government will call them out for the lying idiots they are. Most likely because the traitors actually want them here!
BBC reporter Richard Lister just now for tv news informs us that the idea of age-testing purported child refugees has been:
“universally condemned, by the British Dental Association and by the Labour Party”
Nice to have it spelt out so precisely what constitutes ‘universal’ opinion in BBC eyes.
“universally condemned, by the British Dental Association and by the Labour Party”
The last Labour government advocated the same migrant dental checks that have caused so much outrage among the Twitterati today. Back in 2007 the then immigration minister Liam Byrne said that dental checks had to be considered to prevent abuse of the system:
“If it is true that a dental x-ray is able to establish within a more precise range an individuals’ age than any other form of determination then I think we have really got to look very hard at that evidence. We cannot have adults in the children’s system. Adults in the children’s system, I believe, pose a serious threat to our obligation to protect children effectively.”
Isn’t Liam Gyrne something to do with the BBC these days??????
Gyrne is a typo – but, on reflection, a good typo!
Maybe they’ve had long paper rounds?
My neighbour, a tree surgeon, suggests cutting their heads off and counting the number of rings in their necks to determine their ages.
Ha, ha …
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Human rights? Bullshit. An offer (asylum) is being made. The price is proof of eligibility for refugee status. Cough up legitimate documentation demonstrating country of origin and age. If you can’t do that then, leaving aside the lack of verification for refugee vs economic migrant status based on country of origin (Pakistan? Nigeria? Fcuk right off), you have the option to submit yourself to a biological test, a dental x-ray, which carries with it a health risk so negligible that thousands of Brits subject themselves to it every day. Nobody is herding migrants into irradiation chambers. And you might want to start with the ones that are actually children and not clearly way past the borderline. Except that the stats show that (i) the Calais jungle is populated by 95% non-Syrians and (ii) primarily male adults. And not law abiding ones at that as evidenced by their inclination to use violence to achieve illegal entry to Britain.
What will happen now is that the media will not be granted access to the images of migrants successfully breaching our borders but we will be assured that they are indeed Syrian children. We’ll be sold a story on human rights and sensitivity. Job done – Labour, luvvies and the rest of intelligentsia completely unqualified to express a valid opinion on how ordinary people should react to this backdoor invasion will ratchet up their rhetoric about us uncaring racists not doing enough.
The so called elite and media think the so called ordinary westerner is stupid. Have a look at this:
Not BBC but made my blood boil anyway.Channel 4 and Jon Snow.i avoid BBC news for my BP sake.I never watch 4 for the same reason but was switching channels so caught it ,how I wish I hadn’t.
Stella Creasey was allowed to drone on and on about refugees and human rights and the conservative MP was allowed to say a few sentences about the clearly adult immigrants pretending to be children .He was cut off by Snow saying we’ve run out of time and you are getting off the point anyway. Snow is so aggressive.
Brexit ,what Brexit,I’m starting to get very sceptical about it indeed.
God help us if Hillary wins.
Yes, I was seething too. All Greasy has to offer is a deluge of vapid, moral platitudes. Anything that involves a former Arch-Cunter of Bishopbury and Jonathan Bartley, Green party co-leader and leading light in Ekklesia, a bunch of sanctimonious christian loons, must be a self-regarding, self-serving orgy of halo-polishing and virtue signalling. The “refugees” in the jungle are simply pawns in the strategy of “rubbing the Right’s noses in diversity”, initiated by Labour the last time it was in power, and carried on with monomanic zeal by luminaries like the Arch-Cunter and Greasy.
Channel Four is just as bad!
Things we now know:
Nobody will ever, upon ever, criticise the French or the EU for the utter clusterf*ck that is the Calais Jungle. It is, and always will be, Britain’s fault, and any violent attacks on British citizens or their vehicles in or around Calais is never the fault of the assailant.
Absolutely anybody from the ME, Africa etc with no money, no papers, no health or criminal checks – in fact anything – can freely travel across the whole of our continent unabated, then lie about their age and be shipped into Britain before being placed in a secondary school with 11yr old children and given any Benefits and Housing they may require.
According to the accusations on Twitter of a certain high profile BBC football presenter, anybody that checks somebody’s age is now a racist (doormen, bus drivers, bar staff, newsagents…). As is, according to the increasingly dangerous Left, anybody who ever bats an eyelid about the future immigration policy of their sovereign nation.
The vast majority of our media is willfully involved in a strong, cohesive pro-EU, pro-Islam, pro-open borders, anti-white narrative set to undermine anything or anybody that disagrees with it. You’re either with them or against them, simple as that, and their version of societal change cannot and will not be stopped.
In the very recent past if I’d have read these points anywhere I’d have dismissed them as the rantings of a conspiracy theorist. However, when you see it with your own eyes you have two options – believe it or stick your fingers in your ears. And by God are we seeing it.
Scary times folks. And our national broadcaster is blazing the trail.
Sound reasoning. Now it is essential that we stop debating with these dreadful people. We have nothing in common with them and turning our backs in the old English way is the future.
Brexit is not going to happen and never was. May is there to stop it and we must realise this.
The last Czech President said that the elites have declared war on us the people of Europe. Solzhenitsyn warned us that this would happen. The lies are overrunning our world .
This panicking by the elite is a particularly dangerous time for those who value nation and freedom. This elite is now dangerous. Witness the treatment of anyone who dares to depart from their world view even for a moment.
None of us can now trust the state. This is what Trump is saying and it is not being reported . This why the elite hates him so. He has declared for freedom in the old way of free men and women .
What next? Arrests and re education or prison. Many ways to silence us and they will use them. They have no choice. Events have moved too fast and unpredictably for them.
They need to regain control.
I did not expect to reach this situation until the 2020s.
But why DavidS? Why should our own indigenous elite turn on us? Cameron, Merkel, May?!
The vast majority of our media is willfully involved in a strong, cohesive pro-EU, pro-Islam, pro-open borders, anti-white narrative set to undermine anything or anybody that disagrees with it. You’re either with them or against them, simple as that, and their version of societal change cannot and will not be stopped.
Well summed up.
And they are ruthless, have been slyly manipulating the legal system for years in their favour, so slyly that most of us didnt see what they were up to. They have us almost totally bound up now.
In a surprise statement today BBC man Gary Lineker suggests Wayne Rooney for captain of England Under 21 squad
And this front page article on BBC News online is total biased BBC bollocks. Wonder if they’ve placed it there as it’s not peak viewing time..
Notice how they’ve found the youngest looking migrant man for the picture.
On the subject of teeth. How are they going to get them fixed without the attentions of a dentist?
God! What on earth is that?
It’s the result of 1400 years of inbreeding.
Last time I saw a face like that, it was in the winners’ enclosure at Aintree.
I now understand why Muslim men insists on woman wearing a full face veil.
These migrant ‘children’, if they arrive without any documents, have of course no real proof of their age. They could easily lie about it to get ‘child’ status & hence a load of nauseating sympathy from the bleeding hearts.
I think the word ‘could’ in your post can be deleted, and then you are pretty much on the money.
Ever since the Soham murders, schools have been wetting themselves and going overboard to make sure safeguarding is in place for their children. It is a massive mantra these days.
So in this world of safeguarding, who is going to check that the Menchilds from Calais, when placed in schools, are not a threat?
Will all the enthusiasm for safeguarding mysteriously disappear? Or will some luvvie lefty liberals find themselves forced to compromise on their open door immigration doctrine, and put our children’s safety first? Or will they just pass the buck to individual schools, who will be on.a hiding to nothing?
Wouldn’t it be fun if the parents kicked up a fuss?
I think the answer to your question is yes, the safeguarding will disappear. Islam trumps child safety.
Islam trumping child safety was proved in Rotherham
The middle class parents will be too scared of being called ‘racists’ plus in most individual cases it will be hard to be 100% certain the built bearded sixth former IS over 18. Its when you see them all together its very obvious that as a group they ar older than sixth formers.
Plus remember people have been misled by US programmes such as Dawsons Creek into picturing sixth formers as looking older than they do AND you do get the occasional early developer who has a full beard by sixteen has stopped growing and started to put on a bit of weight.
Genuine upper sixth boys. The lad at the front far right is an examplee of what I mean. short stocky. He could b a teacher!
We’re assured that there are “robust tests” to assess these “children” both in Calais and here in Britain. However we are never told precisely what these tests are. It seems that officials have a little chat with these lads, and somewhat suspiciously they do all seem to be lads; I wonder what happened to the “girls? Perhaps it’s best we don’t ask…
I can imagine the vetting process. “How old are you?” asks the stern interrogator to some bearded six foot bloke. “I’m twelve,” the honest lad growls. “Okay, sonny Jim, in you come.”
This is so obviously a complete and utter bloody scam even a Lib Dem MP would be hard pressed to defend it.
I do hope that Lily, Benedict and Bob have their spare bedrooms ready…
In 100 years we’ve gone from a country where the state would turn a blind eye to allowing a 16 year old Briton out of the country to fight its enemies, to a place where the state will turn a blind eye to allowing INTO the country an 18 year old who may well be one of the country’s enemies! A mad world, my masters.
Most are not going to need foster carers as they have their fifth cousin twice removed
who is more than happy to take them in in exchange for a fostering allowance of around £600 a week organised through the many fostering agencies (not local authority) which all this has now been farmed out to.
Just Google fostering agencies.
Irony city
This the nation of honesty and fairness.
And the refugees we let in are the ones that LIE about their age
….that’s not a very good start, is it ?
The honest nation gives priority to the DISHONEST refugees
Outrage to check someones age ?
FFS at the same age we’d have get our ID to get a child ticket, Even the average 21 year old gets there ID to buy a drink So why is it unfair to ask them to prove their age when we have too, every day.
That was a good idea above :
The UK BBC Referendum 2017
Motion this nation has no confidence in the BBC Management
Time to take back control
Make the Referendum date St George’s Day or St David’s day or something.
Alan when will you get it into your head that only whitie can EVER be racist, rapist, paedophile, homophobic, misogynistic, or in ANY way BAD? Simples.
“bbc reporting of the conviction of 8 Asian men managed to miss out the vital revelation that they were violent racists [Funny how the BBC doesn’t want to report serious hate crimes by ethnic minorities…and yet crucifies Louis Smith for a prank”…
This is the true Theresa May. Not what she says. What she does. Cameron’s plan B.
BTW Rotherham case : they went thru the motions of doing the news once or twice and then after 2 hours the hot topic it was pushed to the bottom of the filing cabinet.
Whereas for the second day in a row BBC Look North (Hull and Lincoln) has has substantial discussion about whether the names of the two under age Spalding killers should be released.
..BTW both are white.
Yet non-white children in Calais are subjected to talk about how precious they are.
It looks like Amber Rudd is polishing her reputation for talking complete “bovine excrement”.
“It emerged that accepted guidelines on determining asylum seekers’ ages, known as the Merton test, are not followed until applicants arrive in the UK, nor can they be fingerprinted in France because it contravenes French law.”
“Unaccompanied children as young as eight, as well as orphans and vulnerable young girls, have been left stranded in the Jungle because the Home Office and the French authorities have yet to clear their applications for entry to the UK.”
“A Home Office spokesman said: “We work closely with the French authorities and their partner agencies to ensure all those who come to the UK from the camps in Calais are eligible.”
So the pictures of “young tots” that the BBC and the Grauniad have been feeding us plebs, for months, have suddenly had a sex change and grown beards in the Jungle.
Excuse the rant, but I am getting fed up with the Metropolitan Elite and most of the MSM trying to treat me like a pr@.
Face recognition software has “aged” them at between 23 and 39!
The best comment I have heard today is that a new charity has been formed to support these poor mites – Shave the Children.
If they were genuinely aged 14, not many people would have a problem. This lot, and the Government are taking the piss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its time that the Conservatives with Balls took over the government and got rid of this so called Home Secretary and Theresa the Appeaser before this country goes to the dogs.
Mr Farage, its time for a true British Leader that can put the people and children of this nation first .
State broadcaster, ‘you are laughing now but ……’
Interesting the ROBIN AITKEN article points out that the BBC is interested in :
DIVERSITY of sexuality
DIVERSITY of physical ability
……… but not DIVERSITY of THOUGHT …. just Groupthink
nor DIVERSITY of UK Geography I pointed out earlier the Ofcom Content board which is 80% BBC connected is also 80% London connected (as is typical BBC management and talent)
…in a country where 70% of the population are not from the London region.
It doesn’t do a great job on :
DIVERSITY of Social Class either they’ve got 3 Toff Radio stations for a start R3,R4,4x
“Home Office admits checks on ‘child refugees’ in Calais are limited and hampered by French law ”
What about British Law ?
According to one charity worker on LBC earlier 40% of “children” in Calais have an STD! He implied this was due to their being raped. Since they are all “boys” presumably this would be homosexual rape!
Rather surprisingly the News at Ten yesterday raised the issue of the ‘big for their age’ children. Some of our favourite 35 year old teenagers were shown…and they even had David Davies MP speaking out against it.
However, balance was restored by an item with Katya Adler interviewing a Berliner who wasn’t happy about the arrival of over a million migrants. Rather than simply ask why, Mrs Adler ‘challenged him’ about it. Says it all really.
Sounds like James O’Brian, he is always boasting of ‘challenging’ callers, very often by the unfair tactic of asking for statistics or a precise source, which callers are unlikely to have to hand when they ring in, and unlike him they do not have resarcher minions on hand to dig out back up material.
Shame hes so one sided and never fails to leave those who agree with his bigoted views unchallenged.
I have finally worked out the age question.
They are really Martians and they are correct about their age.
Martian year is approx. 687 Earth days. Earth years approx.365 Earth days. Child refugee 14 Martian years = around 26-27 Earth Years. Sorted.
Here`s an Islamic take on the question of judging age….
No need for “traumatic” dental tests it seems.
And, from the same source,
“If a female menstruates, even if she is ten years old, then she has reached puberty.”
Perhaps this explains the gender imbalance among the “child refugees” that has been much commented on.
The gender imbalance is easily explained by the fact that the “children” are just like the other economic migrants, forerunners sent by their families chosen for their strength and fitness to cope with the journey and their ability to speak English , thus gain an anchorage in Britain to pull thee rest of the family over. I suspect most “missing” parents will be found. once the liars get permanent leave to remain.
On Mr Redwood’s blog somebody has made the good point that this ‘children’ scandal sends a clear message to developing countries to send minors to Calais.
In poor non-western countries families are large and children are treated as an economic resource, just as they once were in the west. A cash in hand black market wage for a young man in the UK, sent back to a third world country, can support quite a large family. If he manages to get a legitimate job with benefits, an entire village could be supported, plus a bridgehead can be established for further migration.
It is therefore well worth it to send out a young man to Europe in the hope that he can get in to the UK on the ‘child’ ticket.
The SJWs inviting migration however would probably call this ‘cynical’ but having lived in India for a while I just see it as enlightened self-interest by people doing their best to get by in a harsh world.
“The SJWs inviting migration however would probably call this ‘cynical’ but having lived in India for a while I just see it as enlightened self-interest by people doing their best to get by in a harsh world.”
Absolutely. I don’t blame canny third worlders for acting immorally in their own and their family’s interests. I do blame our elite for acting against ours though, particularly when they conceal their agenda under a cloak of altruism.