Caught the ever smugger Nick Robinson talking about fantasy football’s Football Manager which plunges into the politics of Brexit as it presents players with different scenarios for Brexit in which to exercise their judgement when buying players from around the world.
Robinson told us ‘You heard it here first’…well no, the BBC is well behind the curve…it has been all over the internet for a while now.
Have to say Miles Jacobson who produces FM looks to be a Remain voter judging by his ‘impartial’ piece here in which he runs down his thoughts on the likely outcome of Brexit….he concentrates on attacking Leave mostly and painting an entirely negative picture. He looks to be onto a win-win here with a lot of publicity for his game and pushing the Remain message…one that will go on and on as the game is adapted to acknowledge the changing politics as Brexit is negotiated over time.
The BBC will no doubt be following with interest and telling us of the disastrous effect on football [fantasy] and linking it to real life…never mind that BBC sports presenters have been urging more restrictions on foreign players so that more English players can be nurtured and fed into the game so as to increase England’s quality as a national team. Funny how sport is different to other spheres in life when the BBC would normally be saying how racist that is…just ask Amber Rudd so recently pilloried for her ‘British jobs for British people’ comment.
Highly amused to hear Jacobson admit that the scenarios went from Hard Brexit [or just Brexit to most people not intent on sowing confusion] to Soft Brexit which he said was no Brexit at all really. Robinson moved rapidly on as he wouldn’t want to upset some of the Remain mischief makers who want to make people think there is a ‘soft’ alternative in which we get everything we want and still remain in the EU.
Robinson and Jacobson laughed along as they spoke of the confusion and lack of decision making that was apparently now the situation with a government in meltdown.
This of course is another Remain narrative pushed relentlessly, and one that is entirely specious and misleading. Article 50 has not even been enacted yet, there can be no negotiations until it has been and the word ‘negotiations’ tells you that there cannot be any certainty about what Brexit will finally be until those negotiations are finally over.
It is highly dishonest mischief making to keep on talking of confusion and lack of direction as a criticism when it is patently obvious that the government cannot in any shape or form say what Brexit will finally look like…they can say what they hope it would look like [and give away their negotiating position] but that is just so much pie in the sky….we can say what we want, the EU can say what it wants and we’re none the clearer as to what the final outcome will be.
We know what Brexit means to the voters…control over the borders and no more free movement [a purely political ‘principle’]….amongst other things. That is the red line for Leave voters and all else should be negotiated around that principle….even if it means not being in the much vaunted single market…being outside of which doesn’t seem to bother China or America in the slightest.
Robinson and Co seem quite happy peddling the Remain line about confusion and chaos knowing full well that is not the true picture…just as they avoid talking of what would happen if we stayed in the EU, the ever-closer union, the implosion of the EU’s economy and the EU’s open borders to anyone who can reach the beaches of Europe….all of which would drag us down with the EU.
The BBC is forever proclaiming exclusives or scoops that ten seconds on the web show to be nothing of the sort.
Nick ‘sources who eventually say’ Robinson is a laughing stock outside that soundproof room he inhabits.
There are freeports inside Switzerland , Hamburg and Bremerhaven are Freeports , Birmingham became large and prosperous in the early Ninetenth century as an equivalent trading position as a Freeport , and threw bottles reason to make freeports here in the UK in the future .
Remember, Nick Robinson is the Conservative mouthpiece that is supposed to prove the BBC’s balance. They truly think we’re stupid.
They will do anything to keep us in the E.U.the trust has long gone.
Listening to the Trump-Clinton debate , experts afterwards expressed shock when Trump did not say he would accept the result of the Election (“we will see at the time”). All the commentariat were astounded and yet none seemed to see the parallels with the Remoaners in the UK who do not want to accept the result of the Brexit vote
To the Left 99.9% majorities for the leader in one party elections are “Peoples Democracy”.
anything else?…purely “advisory”.
Trump, Pence 2016.