“Check out the five top stories on the BBC website as of right now (screen grab attached). Each one belittling, mocking and dismissing Trump. You may as well be reading Clinton’s own website it is so skewed and biased. “Independent BBBC journalism” at its very worst”
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Soros will be delighted to see such a support for their Saudi Arabia chosen front woman to replace Imam Obama
oh yes matahari their all connected
Suddenly it all feels like a David Icke book. I am scared
When the radio came on this morning I knew that Trump had won the debate because the BBC didn’t say that ‘illary had won.
I’m getting to know how to interpret the BBC version of news.
if i was an investigative journalist i would interview obama’s half brother and bill clinton’s illegitimate son.
The BBC aren’t even pretending to be impartial on the US election.
I keep hearing all kinds of people saying that they don’t like Mr Trump but it’s not clear to me what they don’t like. What has he said or done that makes him a bad person?
Conversely, we know the widespread wickedness of Mrs Clinton but what are her redeeming features that make her suitable to be President of the USA? I can’t find any.
The simple reason most dislike Trump is because he refuses to bend the knee before the altar of political correctness. He’s unapologetically white, male, heterosexual, anglo-saxon, American and capitalist. All words guaranteed to instill horror in the political left. Whilst I don’t really dislike him, I do think the right are treating him as too much of a messiah and in the end he can’t or won’t deliver much change.
he can’t be bought by the globalists and they will try every and anything to save themselves he cares about the american people and their immense troubles no jobs,1 in 3 manufacturing jobs stolen ,illegal immigrants killing people after being caught then released,drugs everywhere coming from mexico that’s why he want’s a wall(Border control that works)a failing health care system.These globalists are pure evil they are psychopaths. Do you remember farage in the E.U say to them whats wrong with you people , you are very dangerous people. come on everyone let’s start joining the dots together.youv’e been brainwashed on a global scale.all this talk of liking him or not is irrelevant.i love the guy myself but that doesn’t matter.
Trump hit so many big points, I lost count. Mind you it’s quite easy given Hillary’s disgusting record. Hillary’s responses were weak, evasive and downright deluded, which is what you would expect from a criminal of 30 years’ standing. And what’s all this about shooting down Russian planes? Crazy. Win or lose, Trump should consider asking Putin can he pop over for a little chat. And you know what, I think he might say yes.
Man, I’m going to laugh my socks off at them smug bastards at the BBC when Donald J. Trump wins the Presidential race to the Whitehouse.
I also but then comes the hangover…for the next few years we’ll have to endure a US version of the Remoaners going on and on and on about Trump…every tinpot ‘comedian’ on US TV, Radio Four, HIGNFY etc making jokes about him…audiences p*ssing themselves with laughter at the mere mention of his name, just as they did with Bush…
Clinton Lied..Democracy Died.
This would be a good theme for Trump supporters to follow over the coming 18 days.
When people say they don’t like Trump, ask them why, ask them what specific policies they don’t like.
My mother was astonished when upon mocking Trump and his ‘Pu**y gate’ moment I said I hope he won stating such reasons as his reluctance to be a war monger, his opposition to globalization, his opposition to open borders, his support for the nation state, his determination to deport drug barons, and by drug barons he means the ones at the heart of power the globalists the bankers the elites,that launder so much money through drugs, not the two bit street morons.
Trump understands the corrupt system that few of us really understand, the black ops brigade is one example. And recently the FBI’s corruption over not charging Clinton re the 33,000 deleted emails is another more public example. But there is a layer beneath the already mostly unknown covert government that goes back to Germany and the second world war, for Germany never actually lost it. The ‘brilliant’ minds escaped to America/ S America their ideology still lives on, the war is still ongoing the EU is a symptom of that ongoing war.
Joseph P Farrell writes some illuminating books on the subject available on Amazon.
‘Babylon’s Banksters’ being a hard but worthwhile read.
Anyway back to my mother…. on explaining the above she informed me that she didn’t know much about politics anyway like most normal people! Unfortunately (!) most of us here aren’t ‘normal’.
Listening to Trump and what he says I can only presume he has done his homework as to who he wants to reach as a target voter, over here we don’t know how the Americans view Trump, as we only have the eyes ( red ) of the BBC and Sky and of course their analysis of Brexit is the same as their analysis Trump as Global warming etc and is therefore worthless. I believe that the average American Joe is probably somewhat more aware than the average British Joe.
It’s clearly neck and neck over their so by that very don’t alone it is absolutely obvious that we are being fed lies and half truths and ‘non’ quotes subtly put across as ‘quotes’.. unquote!
My last paragraph was supposed to read ‘dint alone’ and not ‘don’t alone’ sorry for the error.
I checked out the top 5 stories! All passed the Google Fact Checker!
This is the second time I have posted this on this forum. This time I am posting, to highlight the topic = ‘Rigging the Election’ and also the number of views, nearly 3 million.
Since the video: Bob Creamer ( a close associate of Obama) and Scott Foval have been sacked.
The DNC has not acknowledged the video nor denied the video, even CNN has reported on this video.
The video has had nearly 3000000 views, I missed it on BBC trending. Surely such an important subject with 3 million views should be mentioned in any ‘rigging’ accusations.
A recent message from Project Veritus
3 hours ago – View on Twitter
We woke up to find out that @YouTube banned this recent video. Good thing we had another copy on Facebook: projectveritas.com/2016/0… #tcot
And we can’t talk about a rigged election?
Video not working here, however googling on Foval and Creamer provided some data.
Video works
Compelling, 3 Democrat staff caught admitting dirty tricks.
It’s not yet proof of a million fraud votes.
Devils advocate, wouldn’t it be easy to find 3 Republicans the same ?
The media reported yesterday that Trump will not accept the election result, totally out of context of course, and tonight on SKY the presenter says .. ‘Trump says he will accept result’, designed of course to make him look an idiot. However again it is out of context as he actually said ‘I will accept the result ( long pause ).. if I win.’
That line
“Trump refuses to rule out that he will not accept the election result”
was across all media as if it came out Democrat PR central
..If that is the best PR stuff they had against him ..he must have done pretty well in the debate.
“Brexit! The Result the BBC will not accept” currently 2nd highest rated comment on: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-37710786
Interim chair person of the DNC
And she lies
There are articles being written in the US mainstream media already announcing a Clinton win and asking by what margin it will be, the Washington Post going so far as to ask “just how embarrassing will Trump’s defeat be?” Then the third debate happens and all of their polls show Trump winning easily and – most notably – winning among undecided and independent voters. The liberals, who so often claim that the online polls are meaningless (well, when they lose they do anyway), hijacked the Breitbart poll to show Clinton winning, clearly so they could add it to their narrative and say “hey, even the site that supports Trump says he lost, so he must have done.” Yet he clearly didn’t, and it’s curious what they think they’re going to achieve by calling the election early for Clinton when she clearly is in no position to be considered the winner.
The theory is it’s an attempt to depress turnout for Trump by making his voters think there’s no chance of them winning so they might as well stay at home, but it’s quite likely to have the exact opposite effect – to make Trump voters even more adamant that they’re going to make a difference, and to make Clinton’s laughably minuscule support so complacent that they don’t bother voting as they think the result’s already in the bag. But then, of course, they’ll probably claim a Trump win is because Russia rigged the election, even though all of the current investigations into election fraud (ignored by the BBC) are surfacing Democrat schemes, which may also play into the media’s coverage as they’re trying to create a narrative that, should Clinton win, they can say was always what they had predicted so there’s nothing suspicious.
It is amazing to see the supposed champion of freedom and democracy have such a blatantly fraudulent election campaign and media whitewash. If Trump manages to overcome all of that, he won’t just be President, he’ll be a hero to many.