Yeah, I posted about this towards the arse end of the Start The Week open thread. I noted the article title link appeared on the home page but without the HYS icon visible. An attempt to limit the amount of undesirable submissions making Top Comments was my guess, and it appears to have been so.
The relentless and remorseless hammering of Donald Trump must rank as one of the worst cases of a sustained BBC attack in the history of the organisation.
I’ve been vaguely counting the days since there was any main news article on Hillary Clinton and off the top of my head we must be into day 7 or 8.
If they got their heads out of each others’ fundaments, they may find that adverse commentary and opinion extends a bit beyond ‘right wing tabloids’, who have included unusual bedfellows..
I think we can safely say that these are NOT children. That is clear but we cannot provide proof that they are ‘not’ (as David Davis has said as that could be easily checked by any dental ‘check-up’ – which no doubt they will have on the NHS anyway – along with any contagious diseases and mental health problems diagnosed. So cover up it will be – even though, by now we all know they are NOT children. It was not that long ago that the BBC claimed that all children are ‘adults’ (for sex) over the age of twelve and now they claim that these ‘children are enabled at the age of 24+ (only if they are migrants in Calais without a passport and claim they have a (made up) family on benefits.
Who’s spending Britain’s Billions (BBC 2 Tuesday, 18 October) – utterly confusing title.
“Spending on schools, hospitals and foreign aid are well debated. In this one-off documentary, Jacques Peretti looks beyond the well-known budgets to the range of projects the public know less about, from the virtual receptionists at Brent Civic Centre to the night-vision goggles being used to spy on dog walkers in Staffordshire.”
This was pure propaganda in favour of the public sector. Worse still it was badly made, fact-free, emotional, and unoriginal propaganda.
Evidence is an interview with a Liverpool street cleaner who was being ‘listened to’ by the council now that services were contracted-in again. No costs detailed or analysis.
Who is Jacques Peretti and how qualified is he to investigate such complicated issues or is he a graduate of the Beeb’s metropolitan school of journalism?
I suppose it was a cheap, bought-in production, funded or commissioned by the Guardian.
They just don’t notice the internal bias or the weakness of the assertions.
The BBC involvement in Scotland politics is now established with full control of the press and airwaves along with SNP. This is from the SPECTATOR Blog: TOP (most popular) list includes: (Press censorship has begun in Scotland) . We know which way the BBC swings on this and which way it’s going (if they (BBC lefties) ever get enough money or monopoly power and theoretically they have already (70% of all UK airtime). And what can we expect IF they had the same power here in the UK?
The Scottish National Party rolls around like a drunk who has won a bar fight. Its politicians and its claque of Twitter trolls celebrate their power to bully and tell direct lies about the journalist they have humiliated. The BBC endorses them. The National Union of Journalists supports them. Everyone behaves as if they are living in a one-party state.
Not a dictatorship with men in uniforms marching down the street. But a democratic one-party state like Scotland has become and England and Wales will soon be: a state where it is simply impossible to imagine the ruling party losing power. Everything changes once that prospect is glimpsed. Opposition seems futile. Media organisations adapt themselves to the new order. The best editors tell their journalists to hold power to account. The cowards and the jobsworths suck up to the elite in the hope of gaining commercial privileges or enjoying the quiet life. Because it is regulated by the state, and because politicians know the public gets most of its news from television, you see the worst bullying and the most abject cravenness in broadcasting.
(I am not Scottish but I can see how the BBC operates its ‘impartiality’ program to favor extreme left wingers, anarchists, Trots and the like in unified coalition of despots). I hope May clips the wings of this quango public media monopoly that – such should state publicly to declare that (the BBC) is NOT (at all) impartial, and often is quite poltically devious in what what it calls ‘news’ and it how it operates.
Stuff Al Qaebeeba won’t tell you:
‘I don’t want MEN sitting with our pupils!’ LBC callers on refugees ‘taking UK for a ride’ –
HORRIFIED radio callers blasted “child” refugees from entering the UK after the ages of migrants arriving from Calais were called into question.
More stuff Al Beebeera won’t tell you:
Denmark’s had it with Brussels: Borders will REMAIN until EU ‘gets control over crisis’ –
DENMARK’S borders will remain CLOSED until the European Union can reestablish control over the migrant crisis and make the continent safe again, a minister has declared.
WATO interviews a former chairman of the European Investment Bank .
Amongst the half truths he says about the EIB and EU is , I paraphrase – They are not going to give us an easy Brexit to discourage the others from trying to leave the EU .
Who are -They ? ?
Are They ; the Commision , the Council Of Ministers , the EU Parliament , Hollande and Merkel , or the people , the ones they supposedly set up this project for ?
I’ve heard this reasoning being given before , and the BBC never ask the question . Is that so the Beeb can make out it’s millions of ordinary Joes angry at the sixty million and rising due to immigration UK residents ?
Esteemed readers of biasedbbc, please click if you like the blogs you read. Every click adds a little weight to our just cause, is one more nail in the coffin of the odious beeb, one more chink in their armour, one more hole in their Berlin Wall of lies, suppression, oppression, repression – and in my case, depression!
And it’s good for the health too: you’ll feel SO much better!
(I don’t mean my blogs: Any of them. All of them. The Empire Strikes Back! Arise! You have nothing to lose but your chains!)
How offensive is it to give an opinion you don’t like someone’s headscarf ?
Apparently : “To know it’s open season on minorities and Muslims in particular is frightening.”
said Fatima Manji after hearing Kelvin MacKenzie has been cleared of discrimination after commenting on her presenting the C4 News of the Nice attack wearing a headscarf
\\The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) ruled that former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie was “entitled” to give his opinion
and newspapers may “engage in discussion, criticism and debate about religious ideas and practices”.// Breibart
Really Fatima Manji picking up a pen means “it’s open season on minorities and Muslims”
And picking up a AK$7 or sword means .. ?
She ought to consider herself lucky to have the job. There are many who could do it better, but she was only given the job because C4 News wanted to appear progressive and pro Muslim. Message to Fatima. Well done for being a token.
Meanwhile, a word for other bone fide religions, such as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose head wear is shown in the picture here. Their religion is more coherent than Islam and certainly less violent.
I like their style – ‘we know the world is only 4000 years old, but it has been made to look older by the FSG. Whenever we find evidence that the world is older than this, we take this as proof that the FSM exists’
Also in the Times today
Army removes tweet cos a tweet showing a soldier with camouflage face paint..making it black is …
Reporting restrictions lifted : ROP Mosque boss sentenced for murder after hiring hiring hitman to kill a rival religious leader of same Mosque (a immigrant from Syria)
The Times claims it is the third ROPer on ROPer political murder this year.
I think they are probably under-estimating.
David Aaronovitch has a whole page sneering at Brexiteers and Trump supporters
“Don’t tell me they are the left behind” (who said they are)
“Trump is a white nationalist” and basically his followers white racists (it’s your opinion DA)
“The only hope I have the older will gradually fade”
DA that sounds like Age-ism and that’s funny cos in the middle of his article he said age was only a 59% predictor copmared to a 50% random guess.
as previously stated the corrupt list will be thousands and thousands.i’m taking a break from saving the world feel free to discuss the archers you know who you are. nice to hear from some new patriots since the country’s defence started.
I think the belief that all those on the Right are old and will eventually die out is a load of tripe. When I was young I was a bit of a lefty (like most of my contemporaries), but as I got older I moved towards the Right (also like most of my contemporaries). So I strongly suspect we will be here for a long time.
I am worried things may have changed.
When one looks at hundreds of thousands of young people joining Corbyn`s labour party maybe it is because they have come through an education system which almost entirely paints left wing politics as good and right wing politics as mad bad and stupid.
They then have culture and mainstream tv re-enforcing that view and communicate with similar types on social media .
In the Cold War nearly everybody was able to hear the other point of view.The contrast between the numbers of young people joining Corbyn or the SNP as opposed to joining UKIP is striking.4 million plus people voted UKIP in 2015 but what fraction of that were under 30?
Same with me, Lobster. I’ve kept diaries since the 80s and it embarrasses me to read my anti-Thatcher vile I wrote at the time. As I’ve got older (i.e. matured as opposed to my younger, idealistic, living-in-a-fantasy self) I have gone more right wing and now appreciate how great Mrs Thatcher was. I live next door to a couple who don’t work and claim she needs the hubby to look after her as her carer. Yet she can be left for hours (recently, it was for three days) on her own, seeing to herself. I’ve seen her gardening, she goes in the car every day. Her disability? She had nerve damage from diabetes, so they say. It doesn’t stop her eating all sorts of crap in her garden. Why doesn’t luvvie Ken Loach make a film about that sort of working class ‘hero’?
Another groped one (from 20 years ago) with faltering voice and tears appearing in front of a mass of photographers accusing Trump, as its her ‘duty’ to do for all women; – so where have they been all these years and why have they not come forward before to complain ? and funny how they remember every minute detail from 2 decades ago, – blimey if I recalled every quick opportunistic fumble that came my way 40 years ago I would never be off the tele ! These women are Oscar worthy actresses – good job old Charlie Sheen isn’t running for President !
“blimey if I recalled every quick opportunistic fumble that came my way 40 years ago…”
Sorry Brissles! Fulham had won a match for a change, I’d had a few sherberts to celebrate, the sun was shining, you were wearing that stunning dress, and we were standing very close….
Trump hit so many big points in the debate, I lost count. Mind you it’s quite easy given Hillary’s disgusting record. Hillary’s responses were weak, evasive and downright deluded, which is what you would expect from a criminal of 30 years’ standing. And what’s all this about shooting down Russian planes? Crazy. Win or lose, Trump should consider asking Putin can he pop over for a little chat. And you know what, I think he might say yes.
The use of the word ‘controversial’ by BBC journalists should be severely restricted or banned altogether, since its use by them means only it is something they (in their habitual leftish bubble) disagree with. It is commonly used when introducing a commentator whom they regard as conservative. In fact, it is a marvellous tactic for them, for by dubbing the person ‘controversial’, they can delegitimise what they about to say. This comment is prompted by Robinson on R4 Today introducing Anne Coulter as ‘controversial commentator’ just before inviting her to talk on the Trump-Clinton debate. It’s his opinion, not mine. On the other hand, I regard Jim Naughtie as ‘controversial’ because of his consistently pro-Clinton narrative, and I dare say that opinion is shared widely. Naturally, he would never been called such on the BBC, and I wouldn’t wish him to be. I only demand even-handedness.
PM on Radio 4 is doing another pro migrant piece this time on the plight of female migrants which it reports in a very sympathetic manner.
I mean can you seriously imagine how horrible it is for these poor women travelling across all those hideous sexist vile male asylum seekers?
We are told that EVERY SINGLE ONE has been RAPED yet the connection between these migrants being allowed into Europe and carrying on raping is not made because the people they will then be raping are the hated white people who the Fascist left appear to believe deserve it!
How is it possible for the BBC to be able to present such a racially biased program without someone preventing them?
It seems that the BBC thanks to the idle wanker Cameron are now free to do what ever they please.
Good point, all the women and children are being raped and exploited by their fellow travellers. Is this not good reason to focus efforts towards the women and children?
“Women and children” having seen those who claim to be “children” I would like to see those charading as women. Certain scene from life of Brian springs to mind. Jehova!
Prime minister’s questions the Labour front bench laughs then theresa may glared at them and they shut up instantly in an eerie silence, interesting don’t you think.
The fuss over the age of the Calais ‘migrants’is revealing. Our eyes and common sense tell us that many are not children. This is not acceptable to the Guardian/ BBC liberal.
So what is to done. In old fashioned words it is necessary to lie. To knowingly lie and to defy reality. Now liberalism does this when confronted with reality. It is forced to lie in order to stay in existence.
Some of us will accept the lie but many will not and the corrosive effect on our civil society is obvious. The liberal excuses the lie in two ways. Firstly by appealing to our supposedly compassionate nature and then by a direct appeal to the old ‘the end justifies the means” .
This is now endemic in the West. In Germany and France and everywhere.
It is self defeating as once enough of us refuse to accept the lie and insist on placing truth and reality centre stage then we are in a situation where the entire power elite is at risk of being held in contempt. Not only the political/media but also the financial elites.
I think Trump has understood this and is hoping that he can restore some form of reality. I have my doubts as money as always is at the heart of things.
I also think that our Brexit vote is much more important than we realise. it is an attempt to assert reality and we need to feel proud that we have done so. Unfortunately our elites cannot get this and by continuing to try to undermine us risk far more than they can possibly conceive.
The lies have to stop and now. The media has just one chance to save itself from scorn and needs to take it. Just tell the truth and report reality. If not then who knows what will happen.
Solid post DS, but al beebus will only report the truth which suits it and will distort reality as it sees fit.
The only solution is that the telly tax has to go and al beebus must stand on its own two cloven hooves, which means it will cease to wield the level of malevolent, Progressive power that it presently does in our society.
This a good post. Thanks Dave S. The tactics of the left and the ‘open borders’ brigade are emotion and lies. This should not be forgotten.
“Take more people” they cried.
“We have taken enough” we said.
” Xenophobes” they yelled.
” No, we are just trying to…” we meekly responded.
“What about the children?” they rudely interrupted.
“Come on what sort of people are you” they continued.
” OK, we will take a large number of children” we conceded.
“They’re not kids they’re hulking adults!” we exclaim.
“What do you mean?” they indignantly reply.
“The ch…ch…children they’re huge they’re in their twenties” we stammer.
“So what?” they say dismissively.
“But…” we try to respond.
“They are here now and there is nothing you can do about it” they state triumphantly.
“Hah” they add for good measure.
It is important to recognize the mentality, the tricks, lies and deception of one’s enemy. And the Open borders crowd, whether weeping liberal or screaming anarchist (so loved by the BBC) are the enemy of western civilization.
Orla Goering looking quite sexy with her eyes shaded by her combat helmet as she reports from within the troops fighting for Mosul. She obviously loves the smell of napalm in the morning.
Let us be clear about this, so many articles in the AlBeebStaffAdvertiser begin.
I shall follow their good example.
Let us be clear about this. The EU was built upon lies.
Let us be clear about this. The EU as it currently exists was created by stealth, by lies, by underhand subterfuge, by conspiracy, by bribery and corruption, by plotting late at night in smoke filled rooms. It had to be because no-one would vote for its awful, treacherous truth. Those lies have continued, propagated, multiplied and ramified to this day.
The major EU lies are about the accomplishments and achievements of the EU.
#1 The EU has kept the peace, lie.
#2 The EU has brought prosperity, lie.
#3 The EU has brought stability, lie.
Let us be clear about this. The EU exists to abolish European states, completely.
Let us be clear about this. The EU plans to replace the historic maps of Europe with numerical regions.
Let us be clear about this. The EU is not even sure where Europe begins and ends, hence Turkey. If there is any doubt let’s assume it is part of Europe.
Let us be clear about this. The EU exists to replace all sense of local, or national, identity with a sense of Europeanness. A temporary Europeanness, intended as a step towards Globalness.
Let us be clear about this. The EU intends to import as many non Europeans as it possibly can to Europe, even though they are not wanted or needed, to further this loss of identity. The EU encourages these importees with benefits and expects their votes in return. The EU does not care (may actually prefer) if white people become extinct in Europe, as long as Europe becomes EUnified.
Let us be clear about this. The EU actually encourages the import of followers of the nastiest belief system in history, people who have Guy Fawkes like explosions every day of the year. People who hate us, and are determined to impose their awful Islam upon us.
So when I read The Guardian Headline today “People who welcome refugees are the true British patriots” I think more left wing nonsense, and I am not disappointed.
Let us be clear about this, patriotism is by, definition, supporting the existence of the state, “The quality of being patriotic; vigorous support for one’s country.” OED, so stick any lefty newspeak definitions which differ.
Millions of people have given their lives in this support, many millions more suffered permanently disabling wounds. Every one of them made their sacrifices for the benefit of those to come, not one of them gave their permission that their descendants could give up, give away, or abolish the state. Their sacrifices form part of continuum: a temporal, familial, racial and cultural bond, an ineluctable covenant which permanently binds our ancestors, ourselves and our descendants together. Beyond all other allegiances.
“According to rhetoric that has become worryingly normalised in recent months, this alone makes me a “treacherous snake” and enemy of the nation – 48% of voters have found themselves cast as an insufficiently patriotic fifth column” (From the article in The Guardian).
Let us be clear about this. When Clegg stated wishing to leave the EU was unpatriotic he was spouting, arrant, treasonous, nonsense. Lying on an EU magnitude 9 scale.
Let us be clear about this. We will take no lessons, no examples and no sermons from those lefties who continue to support an idea which has failed every time it has been tried, usually accompanied by mass murder on a scale only bettered by Islam.
Let us be clear about this. Europe is going to be free again. If a few million lefties have to die during this fight for freedom it will be a price well worth paying.
Let us be clear about this. On the Eleventh of November 2016 all those commemorated will be on our side, not that of the EU.
Changing the subject now . Hope that’s OK. To point out that the truth is rarely reported on the BBC about anything Israel does. And even when the BBC does mention that a vital life-saving innovation is Israeli, it still tries to belittle the achievement. Compare these two reports
Not BBC but its twin, Sky, whose idiot journalist embarrassingly tried to embroil Tom Cruise in the US election…he was having none of it and has gone up in my estimation, scientology or not!
Tom had to tell her twice.before she listened. Basically luv he was telling you to fuck off. How about asking if Hilary is suitable for pres. As Tom previously stated ‘you can’t handle the truth’
No one condones harassment of women but to get it into some kind of perspective: In Argentina (one of the ‘better’ parts of South America) one woman is murdered every 36 hours, that’s one woman, killed, every day and a half.
In UK “number of female (homicide) victims increased slightly from 183 to 186” ONS
ie 1 every 48 hours
Argentina’s population is 42m so if UK was same size it would have 1 every 72 hours
So Arg has female homicide rate double the UKs
(Ah you said murder so don’t include manslaughter)
Sexual offences run at 66K ie 300 times higher ..1 every 10 minutes or something
But some would have the police deert their efforts into Twitter sexism
Goodbye all I won’t be coming on here again it’s been a journey that started by noticing bbc bias to do with brexit and ended with global psychopathic leaders. Back to gardening and good luck.
Did you know that Temple Mount and the Western Wall in Jerusalem have no connections with Judaism? According to Unesco that’s the position in a recent vote. Seem to be carrying on Herr Adolf’s work bin eradicating Judaism. I suspect you are as fed up with petitions as me but this is one I’m sure lots of posters will support opposing this nonsense.
Only these countries opposed it: UK, USA, Germany, The Netherlands, Lithuania and Estonia. Where’s Russia?
We do appear to be in an odd place with anti-Semitism. In the US it’s thriving in the alt: right sub culture whilst in Europe (and especially here) it’s the far left. Strange bedfellows.
I like Steyn a lot. He’s nearly always spot-on and is charmingly witty and doesn’t care which lefty comfort zone he destroys. He is again bang-on in this article – thanks Al for sharing it.
I was just watching BBC News at 10 and their report of last nights Trump v Clinton debate had the following: Clinton accused Trump that he may find a way to not pay more tax if he is president to which trump said “Such a nasty woman”.
I turned over and watched a bit of ITV News and they reported it differently. They said social media is errupting with otrage about Trumps ‘4 words’. They showed Clinton talking about a trust fund with Trump speaking over her saying “Such a nasty woman”.
The BBC version looked genuine as he replied to her bitchy comment. ITV News has hacked an edit to make it appear he is calling her nasty whilst she is talking about her policies. ITV is twisting the truth even more than BBC dare to do.
I saw some of the debate reporting on ITV today as well. Robert Moore’s reporting was on a different planet if you watched the actual debate footage. He might just as well wear a Clinton lapel badge and hat. I’m sure he must be enjoying Champagne lunches courtesy of the Democrats.
(Disclaimer: to avoid litigation ramifications from the thought pc brigade and hit squads all statements are opinion not fact!)
Over on the other thread there is a great undercover video of 3 Democrat staff caught admitting to voter fraud carterdaniel 6:02 pm
Mainstream media are shunning it even tho it came out before last nights debate
but ABC have just put a video up with the journo James O’Keefe of @Project_Veritas
Over on Twitter Democrat sources are looking for counter dirt : so far the angle is that filmamakers group received $10,000 from Trump last year.
..Even if true so what ?
Lying cheating BBC must have known abnout these videos before last nighht
..the second step them going down (after Brexit) ?
Trump is a man who judges others on intent and achievement. Clinton, and so many other democrats/liberals who are obsessed with arbitrary demographic identity facets, is the one who panders to people based on race/gender etc. And yet, as Trump has correctly and eloquently pointed out, race relations under Democrat rule have become worse and the victim complex simply keeps certain groups in a bubble where they can never be challenged or criticised and thus will never excel because no sane person will take them seriously – and, since they’re not force to achieve anything, they’ll never do anything worth taking seriously.
Lefties love to use the race card, gender card, sexuality card etc. as evidence of conservative bigotry, when it’s usually just projection of their own prejudices onto other people who for the most part aren’t prejudiced at all until they keep hitting the brick wall of political correctness that forces them to take a stand – thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy for liberals and an endless supply of injustice for them to take offence to. It’s all about them, and their selfish need to feel virtuous. It actively disadvantages everyone else, including the very groups they claim to want to help.
A good many women and minorities are waking up to this and are voting Trump.
Ahh bloody QT tonight, Ken Clarke, a Greek telling us we should welcome invaders and a weighted audience clapping the open borders views like North Koreans.
Remember what that buffoon Ken Clarke said about UKIP ?
“Local election 2013: Ken Clarke brands UKIP ‘clowns’………….
Who’s the clown now Mr Clarke ?
Are there any of his constituents reading this who disagree with me ?
I only caught the last 20 minutes of it but I was treated to…
1. One man in the audience saying we need to start article 50 (cue silence and tumbleweed blowing past)
2. Greek bloke saying immigration has made Greece the country it is (cue clapping seals) – I do agree with this point, its made Greece a broken country!
3. UKIP woman being shouted down by everyone for speaking sense.
4. Kenneth Clarke making a dig saying xraying teeth is something Trump would do on the Mexican border (cue clapping seals)
5. Man in audience saying our prisons are filling up with foreigners (cue silence)
6. Some gobby Polish woman in the audience saying she feels like 52% of the UK hates her and wants her to leave the country since Brexit (cue clapping seals).
I was expecting the farce to end with a load of LGBT people wearing leather chaps with bare arse showing marching through the studio doing the conga joined at the back with Lilly Allen and the children immigrants whilst the audience pray to Mecca.
Really arrogant Polish woman, the way she shouted at a few audience members who called out comments! Its usually only people on the panel who demand the right to speak uninterrupted!
Whatever made her think that everyone welcomed her pre referendum?
Is this a bomb or not a bomb ?
“The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is severe – meaning an attack is “highly likely”.
Does any one know or can tell ?
Must have been taffman – the station was closed all afternoon/evening even when I was on my way back from work. Extremely suspect (forgive the pun) considering the “incident” took place at 11am I gather. When I got into Marylebone at 7.30pm there were armed police – beginning to see more and more at the London mainline stations now. Not surprising considering Greenwich (very near to Woolwich aka Lee Rigby’s spot) and most of South East London is thoroughly enriched.
Pompous Dimbledore. Audience chap clearly says ‘Start Article 50 now ‘. DD assuming he’s an ignoramus hears it as ‘Start Article 59’ and patronisingly ‘corrects’ him.
Ken Clarke San has clearly never travelled to the Far East as he knows no developed city that has not been improved and enriched by immigration over recent years. Tokyo?
Greek Varouka says recent migrants from Calais are a boon to the UK, but presumably doesn’t want Greece to have any more.
Half the audience are hysterical seals following the BBC line.
StewGreenMar 16, 00:34 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Countryfile. Gardener’s World. Escape to the Country. All programmes I loved. All ruined because ‘climate change’ is mentioned constantly…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
StewGreenMar 16, 00:24 Weekend 15th March 2025 Starmer two video thread Starts with multiple promises Cuncil tax will be frozen video 2 is a compilation of…
BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
StewGreenMar 15, 22:48 Weekend 15th March 2025 Are there ways those lines are defended ? Like saying the lines are mistranslations ? uses slightly different lines…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
tomoMar 15, 21:59 Weekend 15th March 2025 Car ramming attack in Munich A bit further southeast, Victor Orban :
If already covered, apologies, but there is a HYS open (for now) on the debate last night.
Rather presumptively for an impartial medium, it is headed (for now) ‘who won’?
Also worthy of note:
Anthony Zurcher
North America reporter
6 hours ago
From the section US Election 2016 140
That is 140 comments, on the biggest event of the season, in…. 6 hrs?
Or is it?
1. Posted by Boulderdash
2 hours ago
I don`t agree with anything this guy says but…he`s going to win.
Seems that, for fours hours or so, no one noticed or commented. Happens all the time.
Even at two, that seems a modest level of interest.
Yeah, I posted about this towards the arse end of the Start The Week open thread. I noted the article title link appeared on the home page but without the HYS icon visible. An attempt to limit the amount of undesirable submissions making Top Comments was my guess, and it appears to have been so.
The relentless and remorseless hammering of Donald Trump must rank as one of the worst cases of a sustained BBC attack in the history of the organisation.
I’ve been vaguely counting the days since there was any main news article on Hillary Clinton and off the top of my head we must be into day 7 or 8.
And we pay for this……
And our Government is aware of it .
The BBC House Journal engages in some editorial integrity its sisters in shame will be proud of:
If they got their heads out of each others’ fundaments, they may find that adverse commentary and opinion extends a bit beyond ‘right wing tabloids’, who have included unusual bedfellows..
Oddly missed by the Graun in their selectively pixified ‘shock horror’ picture story.
I think we can safely say that these are NOT children. That is clear but we cannot provide proof that they are ‘not’ (as David Davis has said as that could be easily checked by any dental ‘check-up’ – which no doubt they will have on the NHS anyway – along with any contagious diseases and mental health problems diagnosed. So cover up it will be – even though, by now we all know they are NOT children. It was not that long ago that the BBC claimed that all children are ‘adults’ (for sex) over the age of twelve and now they claim that these ‘children are enabled at the age of 24+ (only if they are migrants in Calais without a passport and claim they have a (made up) family on benefits.
cover up time is over
As Number 6 pointed out on the last thread at 9.28, perhaps they’re still feeling too embarrassed to focus on any truths?
that’s more like it feargal
film title she exposed the lizards for a bet,were at war and collaborators want to talk about the archers not on my watch
Add Sopel and Naughtie on R4 this morning with a dual Trump bashing.
Didnt Sopel replace that other public sector junkie Webb.
And then Nochtie……he retired …I trust if he was reporting from the U.S that he is not there at the Licence Tax payers expense?
As for Sopel….*uck off! Cant even think of anything competent to say about this cretin.
Who’s spending Britain’s Billions (BBC 2 Tuesday, 18 October) – utterly confusing title.
“Spending on schools, hospitals and foreign aid are well debated. In this one-off documentary, Jacques Peretti looks beyond the well-known budgets to the range of projects the public know less about, from the virtual receptionists at Brent Civic Centre to the night-vision goggles being used to spy on dog walkers in Staffordshire.”
This was pure propaganda in favour of the public sector. Worse still it was badly made, fact-free, emotional, and unoriginal propaganda.
Evidence is an interview with a Liverpool street cleaner who was being ‘listened to’ by the council now that services were contracted-in again. No costs detailed or analysis.
Who is Jacques Peretti and how qualified is he to investigate such complicated issues or is he a graduate of the Beeb’s metropolitan school of journalism?
I suppose it was a cheap, bought-in production, funded or commissioned by the Guardian.
They just don’t notice the internal bias or the weakness of the assertions.
framer good work this list of corruptible s could take a week to write down
all quiet on the western front
parliament channel equals pukerama
The BBC involvement in Scotland politics is now established with full control of the press and airwaves along with SNP. This is from the SPECTATOR Blog: TOP (most popular) list includes: (Press censorship has begun in Scotland) . We know which way the BBC swings on this and which way it’s going (if they (BBC lefties) ever get enough money or monopoly power and theoretically they have already (70% of all UK airtime). And what can we expect IF they had the same power here in the UK?
The Scottish National Party rolls around like a drunk who has won a bar fight. Its politicians and its claque of Twitter trolls celebrate their power to bully and tell direct lies about the journalist they have humiliated. The BBC endorses them. The National Union of Journalists supports them. Everyone behaves as if they are living in a one-party state.
Not a dictatorship with men in uniforms marching down the street. But a democratic one-party state like Scotland has become and England and Wales will soon be: a state where it is simply impossible to imagine the ruling party losing power. Everything changes once that prospect is glimpsed. Opposition seems futile. Media organisations adapt themselves to the new order. The best editors tell their journalists to hold power to account. The cowards and the jobsworths suck up to the elite in the hope of gaining commercial privileges or enjoying the quiet life. Because it is regulated by the state, and because politicians know the public gets most of its news from television, you see the worst bullying and the most abject cravenness in broadcasting.
(I am not Scottish but I can see how the BBC operates its ‘impartiality’ program to favor extreme left wingers, anarchists, Trots and the like in unified coalition of despots). I hope May clips the wings of this quango public media monopoly that – such should state publicly to declare that (the BBC) is NOT (at all) impartial, and often is quite poltically devious in what what it calls ‘news’ and it how it operates.
good work philip it’s long over due to speak to your mp preferably tory right
One Jaques Peretti
Spends our dosh like confetti
making bBc stuff
That is pure shetty!
Stuff Al Qaebeeba won’t tell you:
‘I don’t want MEN sitting with our pupils!’ LBC callers on refugees ‘taking UK for a ride’ –
HORRIFIED radio callers blasted “child” refugees from entering the UK after the ages of migrants arriving from Calais were called into question.
More stuff Al Beebeera won’t tell you:
Denmark’s had it with Brussels: Borders will REMAIN until EU ‘gets control over crisis’ –
DENMARK’S borders will remain CLOSED until the European Union can reestablish control over the migrant crisis and make the continent safe again, a minister has declared.
Yet more stuff Beebistan won’t tell you:
Mass migrant brawl breaks out in city centre dubbed the ‘Wild West’ –
BRAWLING migrants brought a city centre station to a stand-still in scenes described as the ‘Wild West’. (Milan)
And more the world’s most trusted bullshitters won’t tell you:
MERKEL’S HUMILIATION: Thousands of refugees Angela welcomed with open arms now SUING her –
THOUSANDS of migrants have successfully sued Angela Merkel for not giving them full refugee status.
well said peter
And more the so-called British Brainwashing Corp won’t tell you:
‘It’s a shambles’ Now aid workers say Calais migrants LYING about their age to get into UK –
SOME of the children being brought to the UK from the Calais ‘Jungle’ are lying about their age, according to aid workers there.
More suppression from Al Beebeera:
‘It’s become terrible around here’: MIGRANTS call for Merkel to deport MIGRANTS –
GERMAN migrants are hitting out at Angela Merkel’s open door immigration policy and the influx of NEW migrants saying it has wrecked their standard of living.
Not Asked By The BBC
WATO interviews a former chairman of the European Investment Bank .
Amongst the half truths he says about the EIB and EU is , I paraphrase – They are not going to give us an easy Brexit to discourage the others from trying to leave the EU .
Who are -They ? ?
Are They ; the Commision , the Council Of Ministers , the EU Parliament , Hollande and Merkel , or the people , the ones they supposedly set up this project for ?
I’ve heard this reasoning being given before , and the BBC never ask the question . Is that so the Beeb can make out it’s millions of ordinary Joes angry at the sixty million and rising due to immigration UK residents ?
the globalists and they will do anything bad you can imagine to keep control and out of jail including nuclear war.
Esteemed readers of biasedbbc, please click if you like the blogs you read. Every click adds a little weight to our just cause, is one more nail in the coffin of the odious beeb, one more chink in their armour, one more hole in their Berlin Wall of lies, suppression, oppression, repression – and in my case, depression!
And it’s good for the health too: you’ll feel SO much better!
(I don’t mean my blogs: Any of them. All of them. The Empire Strikes Back! Arise! You have nothing to lose but your chains!)
Thanks for the ‘Likes’ on my Comment (above) but I meant ALL the Comments by all the other bloggers.
I’m taking some time off from biasedbbc and vile beebistan to allow my blood pressure to return to somewhere near normal.
How offensive is it to give an opinion you don’t like someone’s headscarf ?
Apparently : “To know it’s open season on minorities and Muslims in particular is frightening.”
said Fatima Manji after hearing Kelvin MacKenzie has been cleared of discrimination after commenting on her presenting the C4 News of the Nice attack wearing a headscarf
\\The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) ruled that former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie was “entitled” to give his opinion
and newspapers may “engage in discussion, criticism and debate about religious ideas and practices”.//
Really Fatima Manji picking up a pen means “it’s open season on minorities and Muslims”
And picking up a AK$7 or sword means .. ?
She ought to consider herself lucky to have the job. There are many who could do it better, but she was only given the job because C4 News wanted to appear progressive and pro Muslim. Message to Fatima. Well done for being a token.
Meanwhile, a word for other bone fide religions, such as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose head wear is shown in the picture here. Their religion is more coherent than Islam and certainly less violent.
If we want a vibrant multiculture, then do not discriminate in favour of scarf wearers – give colander wearers a place on TV too
I like their style – ‘we know the world is only 4000 years old, but it has been made to look older by the FSG. Whenever we find evidence that the world is older than this, we take this as proof that the FSM exists’
UK is a police state cctv everywhere,george orwell’s 1984
Also in the Times today
Army removes tweet cos a tweet showing a soldier with camouflage face paint..making it black is …
Reporting restrictions lifted : ROP Mosque boss sentenced for murder after hiring hiring hitman to kill a rival religious leader of same Mosque (a immigrant from Syria)
The Times claims it is the third ROPer on ROPer political murder this year.
I think they are probably under-estimating.
David Aaronovitch has a whole page sneering at Brexiteers and Trump supporters
“Don’t tell me they are the left behind” (who said they are)
“Trump is a white nationalist” and basically his followers white racists (it’s your opinion DA)
“The only hope I have the older will gradually fade”
DA that sounds like Age-ism and that’s funny cos in the middle of his article he said age was only a 59% predictor copmared to a 50% random guess.
as previously stated the corrupt list will be thousands and thousands.i’m taking a break from saving the world feel free to discuss the archers you know who you are. nice to hear from some new patriots since the country’s defence started.
I think the belief that all those on the Right are old and will eventually die out is a load of tripe. When I was young I was a bit of a lefty (like most of my contemporaries), but as I got older I moved towards the Right (also like most of my contemporaries). So I strongly suspect we will be here for a long time.
Load of tripe indeed
I am worried things may have changed.
When one looks at hundreds of thousands of young people joining Corbyn`s labour party maybe it is because they have come through an education system which almost entirely paints left wing politics as good and right wing politics as mad bad and stupid.
They then have culture and mainstream tv re-enforcing that view and communicate with similar types on social media .
In the Cold War nearly everybody was able to hear the other point of view.The contrast between the numbers of young people joining Corbyn or the SNP as opposed to joining UKIP is striking.4 million plus people voted UKIP in 2015 but what fraction of that were under 30?
Same with me, Lobster. I’ve kept diaries since the 80s and it embarrasses me to read my anti-Thatcher vile I wrote at the time. As I’ve got older (i.e. matured as opposed to my younger, idealistic, living-in-a-fantasy self) I have gone more right wing and now appreciate how great Mrs Thatcher was. I live next door to a couple who don’t work and claim she needs the hubby to look after her as her carer. Yet she can be left for hours (recently, it was for three days) on her own, seeing to herself. I’ve seen her gardening, she goes in the car every day. Her disability? She had nerve damage from diabetes, so they say. It doesn’t stop her eating all sorts of crap in her garden. Why doesn’t luvvie Ken Loach make a film about that sort of working class ‘hero’?
Another groped one (from 20 years ago) with faltering voice and tears appearing in front of a mass of photographers accusing Trump, as its her ‘duty’ to do for all women; – so where have they been all these years and why have they not come forward before to complain ? and funny how they remember every minute detail from 2 decades ago, – blimey if I recalled every quick opportunistic fumble that came my way 40 years ago I would never be off the tele ! These women are Oscar worthy actresses – good job old Charlie Sheen isn’t running for President !
“blimey if I recalled every quick opportunistic fumble that came my way 40 years ago…”
Sorry Brissles! Fulham had won a match for a change, I’d had a few sherberts to celebrate, the sun was shining, you were wearing that stunning dress, and we were standing very close….
It was YOU !!!!!
I know you’re disappointed and rather it was Trump . But he doesn’t support Fulham .
Trump hit so many big points in the debate, I lost count. Mind you it’s quite easy given Hillary’s disgusting record. Hillary’s responses were weak, evasive and downright deluded, which is what you would expect from a criminal of 30 years’ standing. And what’s all this about shooting down Russian planes? Crazy. Win or lose, Trump should consider asking Putin can he pop over for a little chat. And you know what, I think he might say yes.
The use of the word ‘controversial’ by BBC journalists should be severely restricted or banned altogether, since its use by them means only it is something they (in their habitual leftish bubble) disagree with. It is commonly used when introducing a commentator whom they regard as conservative. In fact, it is a marvellous tactic for them, for by dubbing the person ‘controversial’, they can delegitimise what they about to say. This comment is prompted by Robinson on R4 Today introducing Anne Coulter as ‘controversial commentator’ just before inviting her to talk on the Trump-Clinton debate. It’s his opinion, not mine. On the other hand, I regard Jim Naughtie as ‘controversial’ because of his consistently pro-Clinton narrative, and I dare say that opinion is shared widely. Naturally, he would never been called such on the BBC, and I wouldn’t wish him to be. I only demand even-handedness.
PM on Radio 4 is doing another pro migrant piece this time on the plight of female migrants which it reports in a very sympathetic manner.
I mean can you seriously imagine how horrible it is for these poor women travelling across all those hideous sexist vile male asylum seekers?
We are told that EVERY SINGLE ONE has been RAPED yet the connection between these migrants being allowed into Europe and carrying on raping is not made because the people they will then be raping are the hated white people who the Fascist left appear to believe deserve it!
How is it possible for the BBC to be able to present such a racially biased program without someone preventing them?
It seems that the BBC thanks to the idle wanker Cameron are now free to do what ever they please.
Good point, all the women and children are being raped and exploited by their fellow travellers. Is this not good reason to focus efforts towards the women and children?
“Women and children” having seen those who claim to be “children” I would like to see those charading as women. Certain scene from life of Brian springs to mind. Jehova!
Prime minister’s questions the Labour front bench laughs then theresa may glared at them and they shut up instantly in an eerie silence, interesting don’t you think.
The fuss over the age of the Calais ‘migrants’is revealing. Our eyes and common sense tell us that many are not children. This is not acceptable to the Guardian/ BBC liberal.
So what is to done. In old fashioned words it is necessary to lie. To knowingly lie and to defy reality. Now liberalism does this when confronted with reality. It is forced to lie in order to stay in existence.
Some of us will accept the lie but many will not and the corrosive effect on our civil society is obvious. The liberal excuses the lie in two ways. Firstly by appealing to our supposedly compassionate nature and then by a direct appeal to the old ‘the end justifies the means” .
This is now endemic in the West. In Germany and France and everywhere.
It is self defeating as once enough of us refuse to accept the lie and insist on placing truth and reality centre stage then we are in a situation where the entire power elite is at risk of being held in contempt. Not only the political/media but also the financial elites.
I think Trump has understood this and is hoping that he can restore some form of reality. I have my doubts as money as always is at the heart of things.
I also think that our Brexit vote is much more important than we realise. it is an attempt to assert reality and we need to feel proud that we have done so. Unfortunately our elites cannot get this and by continuing to try to undermine us risk far more than they can possibly conceive.
The lies have to stop and now. The media has just one chance to save itself from scorn and needs to take it. Just tell the truth and report reality. If not then who knows what will happen.
Solid post DS, but al beebus will only report the truth which suits it and will distort reality as it sees fit.
The only solution is that the telly tax has to go and al beebus must stand on its own two cloven hooves, which means it will cease to wield the level of malevolent, Progressive power that it presently does in our society.
Yes Al! Cloven hooves, excellent!
This a good post. Thanks Dave S. The tactics of the left and the ‘open borders’ brigade are emotion and lies. This should not be forgotten.
“Take more people” they cried.
“We have taken enough” we said.
” Xenophobes” they yelled.
” No, we are just trying to…” we meekly responded.
“What about the children?” they rudely interrupted.
“Come on what sort of people are you” they continued.
” OK, we will take a large number of children” we conceded.
“They’re not kids they’re hulking adults!” we exclaim.
“What do you mean?” they indignantly reply.
“The ch…ch…children they’re huge they’re in their twenties” we stammer.
“So what?” they say dismissively.
“But…” we try to respond.
“They are here now and there is nothing you can do about it” they state triumphantly.
“Hah” they add for good measure.
It is important to recognize the mentality, the tricks, lies and deception of one’s enemy. And the Open borders crowd, whether weeping liberal or screaming anarchist (so loved by the BBC) are the enemy of western civilization.
It is important to recognize the mentality, the tricks, lies and deception of one’s enemy. Yes Yasser Dasmibehbi (great name btw.)
Yes Dave, yes.
Orla Goering looking quite sexy with her eyes shaded by her combat helmet as she reports from within the troops fighting for Mosul. She obviously loves the smell of napalm in the morning.
Let us be clear about this, so many articles in the AlBeebStaffAdvertiser begin.
I shall follow their good example.
Let us be clear about this. The EU was built upon lies.
Let us be clear about this. The EU as it currently exists was created by stealth, by lies, by underhand subterfuge, by conspiracy, by bribery and corruption, by plotting late at night in smoke filled rooms. It had to be because no-one would vote for its awful, treacherous truth. Those lies have continued, propagated, multiplied and ramified to this day.
The major EU lies are about the accomplishments and achievements of the EU.
#1 The EU has kept the peace, lie.
#2 The EU has brought prosperity, lie.
#3 The EU has brought stability, lie.
Let us be clear about this. The EU exists to abolish European states, completely.
Let us be clear about this. The EU plans to replace the historic maps of Europe with numerical regions.
Let us be clear about this. The EU is not even sure where Europe begins and ends, hence Turkey. If there is any doubt let’s assume it is part of Europe.
Let us be clear about this. The EU exists to replace all sense of local, or national, identity with a sense of Europeanness. A temporary Europeanness, intended as a step towards Globalness.
Let us be clear about this. The EU intends to import as many non Europeans as it possibly can to Europe, even though they are not wanted or needed, to further this loss of identity. The EU encourages these importees with benefits and expects their votes in return. The EU does not care (may actually prefer) if white people become extinct in Europe, as long as Europe becomes EUnified.
Let us be clear about this. The EU actually encourages the import of followers of the nastiest belief system in history, people who have Guy Fawkes like explosions every day of the year. People who hate us, and are determined to impose their awful Islam upon us.
So when I read The Guardian Headline today “People who welcome refugees are the true British patriots” I think more left wing nonsense, and I am not disappointed.
Let us be clear about this, patriotism is by, definition, supporting the existence of the state, “The quality of being patriotic; vigorous support for one’s country.” OED, so stick any lefty newspeak definitions which differ.
Millions of people have given their lives in this support, many millions more suffered permanently disabling wounds. Every one of them made their sacrifices for the benefit of those to come, not one of them gave their permission that their descendants could give up, give away, or abolish the state. Their sacrifices form part of continuum: a temporal, familial, racial and cultural bond, an ineluctable covenant which permanently binds our ancestors, ourselves and our descendants together. Beyond all other allegiances.
“According to rhetoric that has become worryingly normalised in recent months, this alone makes me a “treacherous snake” and enemy of the nation – 48% of voters have found themselves cast as an insufficiently patriotic fifth column” (From the article in The Guardian).
Let us be clear about this. When Clegg stated wishing to leave the EU was unpatriotic he was spouting, arrant, treasonous, nonsense. Lying on an EU magnitude 9 scale.
Let us be clear about this. We will take no lessons, no examples and no sermons from those lefties who continue to support an idea which has failed every time it has been tried, usually accompanied by mass murder on a scale only bettered by Islam.
Let us be clear about this. Europe is going to be free again. If a few million lefties have to die during this fight for freedom it will be a price well worth paying.
Let us be clear about this. On the Eleventh of November 2016 all those commemorated will be on our side, not that of the EU.
Changing the subject now . Hope that’s OK. To point out that the truth is rarely reported on the BBC about anything Israel does. And even when the BBC does mention that a vital life-saving innovation is Israeli, it still tries to belittle the achievement. Compare these two reports
“It is still at a laboratory stage”
Jerusalem Post:-
“The test is already being used successfully in Israel and leading European hospitals.”
Global psychopaths are in control of USA, uk, Europe for sure. We need action now.inform everyone immediately I’m not joking seriously
Not BBC but its twin, Sky, whose idiot journalist embarrassingly tried to embroil Tom Cruise in the US election…he was having none of it and has gone up in my estimation, scientology or not!
Yes Looby, Scientologists are barmy but they do think independently from the heard at least.
Tom had to tell her twice.before she listened. Basically luv he was telling you to fuck off. How about asking if Hilary is suitable for pres. As Tom previously stated ‘you can’t handle the truth’
I object to paying for this rubbish
Pay per view is the way to go but they have friends in high places.
Yes, it is open season on muslims
but you’re doing it yourselves
No one condones harassment of women but to get it into some kind of perspective: In Argentina (one of the ‘better’ parts of South America) one woman is murdered every 36 hours, that’s one woman, killed, every day and a half.
In UK “number of female (homicide) victims increased slightly from 183 to 186” ONS
ie 1 every 48 hours
Argentina’s population is 42m so if UK was same size it would have 1 every 72 hours
So Arg has female homicide rate double the UKs
(Ah you said murder so don’t include manslaughter)
Sexual offences run at 66K ie 300 times higher ..1 every 10 minutes or something
But some would have the police deert their efforts into Twitter sexism
typo deert= divert
And in socialist Venezuela, much worse.
Goodbye all I won’t be coming on here again it’s been a journey that started by noticing bbc bias to do with brexit and ended with global psychopathic leaders. Back to gardening and good luck.
Did you know that Temple Mount and the Western Wall in Jerusalem have no connections with Judaism? According to Unesco that’s the position in a recent vote. Seem to be carrying on Herr Adolf’s work bin eradicating Judaism. I suspect you are as fed up with petitions as me but this is one I’m sure lots of posters will support opposing this nonsense.
You might find this BBC watch article on our favourite’s reporting (or non-reporting) of interest.
Only these countries opposed it: UK, USA, Germany, The Netherlands, Lithuania and Estonia. Where’s Russia?
We do appear to be in an odd place with anti-Semitism. In the US it’s thriving in the alt: right sub culture whilst in Europe (and especially here) it’s the far left. Strange bedfellows.
This is one of the best articles I’ve read by Mark Steyn in a long time, it’s about the presidential election.
I like Steyn a lot. He’s nearly always spot-on and is charmingly witty and doesn’t care which lefty comfort zone he destroys. He is again bang-on in this article – thanks Al for sharing it.
Is ITV News at 10 worse than BBC News?
I was just watching BBC News at 10 and their report of last nights Trump v Clinton debate had the following: Clinton accused Trump that he may find a way to not pay more tax if he is president to which trump said “Such a nasty woman”.
I turned over and watched a bit of ITV News and they reported it differently. They said social media is errupting with otrage about Trumps ‘4 words’. They showed Clinton talking about a trust fund with Trump speaking over her saying “Such a nasty woman”.
The BBC version looked genuine as he replied to her bitchy comment. ITV News has hacked an edit to make it appear he is calling her nasty whilst she is talking about her policies. ITV is twisting the truth even more than BBC dare to do.
Is there no honest media left in the UK anymore?
I saw some of the debate reporting on ITV today as well. Robert Moore’s reporting was on a different planet if you watched the actual debate footage. He might just as well wear a Clinton lapel badge and hat. I’m sure he must be enjoying Champagne lunches courtesy of the Democrats.
(Disclaimer: to avoid litigation ramifications from the thought pc brigade and hit squads all statements are opinion not fact!)
Over on the other thread there is a great undercover video of 3 Democrat staff caught admitting to voter fraud carterdaniel 6:02 pm
Mainstream media are shunning it even tho it came out before last nights debate
but ABC have just put a video up with the journo James O’Keefe of @Project_Veritas
Breibart article from 2 days ago
Over on Twitter Democrat sources are looking for counter dirt : so far the angle is that filmamakers group received $10,000 from Trump last year.
..Even if true so what ?
Lying cheating BBC must have known abnout these videos before last nighht
..the second step them going down (after Brexit) ?
liking this american geezer on question time
and the bald bearded geezer
The BBC have chosen to ignore a significant factor in the American election.
The deciding votes will be cast by ethnic minorities. Obama won by 1%.
Ethnic minorities prefer men to women as leaders.
Trump is a leader. Clinton is a policy maker.
Trump is a man who judges others on intent and achievement. Clinton, and so many other democrats/liberals who are obsessed with arbitrary demographic identity facets, is the one who panders to people based on race/gender etc. And yet, as Trump has correctly and eloquently pointed out, race relations under Democrat rule have become worse and the victim complex simply keeps certain groups in a bubble where they can never be challenged or criticised and thus will never excel because no sane person will take them seriously – and, since they’re not force to achieve anything, they’ll never do anything worth taking seriously.
Lefties love to use the race card, gender card, sexuality card etc. as evidence of conservative bigotry, when it’s usually just projection of their own prejudices onto other people who for the most part aren’t prejudiced at all until they keep hitting the brick wall of political correctness that forces them to take a stand – thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy for liberals and an endless supply of injustice for them to take offence to. It’s all about them, and their selfish need to feel virtuous. It actively disadvantages everyone else, including the very groups they claim to want to help.
A good many women and minorities are waking up to this and are voting Trump.
Ahh bloody QT tonight, Ken Clarke, a Greek telling us we should welcome invaders and a weighted audience clapping the open borders views like North Koreans.
Remember what that buffoon Ken Clarke said about UKIP ?
“Local election 2013: Ken Clarke brands UKIP ‘clowns’………….
Who’s the clown now Mr Clarke ?
Are there any of his constituents reading this who disagree with me ?
I only caught the last 20 minutes of it but I was treated to…
1. One man in the audience saying we need to start article 50 (cue silence and tumbleweed blowing past)
2. Greek bloke saying immigration has made Greece the country it is (cue clapping seals) – I do agree with this point, its made Greece a broken country!
3. UKIP woman being shouted down by everyone for speaking sense.
4. Kenneth Clarke making a dig saying xraying teeth is something Trump would do on the Mexican border (cue clapping seals)
5. Man in audience saying our prisons are filling up with foreigners (cue silence)
6. Some gobby Polish woman in the audience saying she feels like 52% of the UK hates her and wants her to leave the country since Brexit (cue clapping seals).
I was expecting the farce to end with a load of LGBT people wearing leather chaps with bare arse showing marching through the studio doing the conga joined at the back with Lilly Allen and the children immigrants whilst the audience pray to Mecca.
Really arrogant Polish woman, the way she shouted at a few audience members who called out comments! Its usually only people on the panel who demand the right to speak uninterrupted!
Whatever made her think that everyone welcomed her pre referendum?
ahhh we are all just an angry protest
but why the fuck are we angry ….. nobody cares
Watching question time has anyone else ever noticed that Angela Rayner sounds exactly the same as this guy!?!? Looks like him too!

duffy not allowed to speak, labour spreading lies, what fukin party does that t..t clarke belong to.
Was funny to watch “teachers” claiming they don’t brainwash kids, despite the parent saying they had done
almost the most independent qt ever
portillo actually talking sense now
Is this a bomb or not a bomb ?
“The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK is severe – meaning an attack is “highly likely”.
Does any one know or can tell ?
Must have been taffman – the station was closed all afternoon/evening even when I was on my way back from work. Extremely suspect (forgive the pun) considering the “incident” took place at 11am I gather. When I got into Marylebone at 7.30pm there were armed police – beginning to see more and more at the London mainline stations now. Not surprising considering Greenwich (very near to Woolwich aka Lee Rigby’s spot) and most of South East London is thoroughly enriched.
I do believe that they are censoring the news now.
There must be more to this than meets the eye?
To Angela Rayner ” Your job is to represent the electorate if you don’t like it? clear off” Cheers all round!
oh man, quote of the night, that quote should be stitched in between farage speeches , where’s a video editor when you need one
Pompous Dimbledore. Audience chap clearly says ‘Start Article 50 now ‘. DD assuming he’s an ignoramus hears it as ‘Start Article 59’ and patronisingly ‘corrects’ him.
Ken Clarke San has clearly never travelled to the Far East as he knows no developed city that has not been improved and enriched by immigration over recent years. Tokyo?
Greek Varouka says recent migrants from Calais are a boon to the UK, but presumably doesn’t want Greece to have any more.
Half the audience are hysterical seals following the BBC line.