Good point by Portillo on This Week
Reference the MenChilds at Calais.
There are a number of genuine children in Calais.
Yet none of them are coming over here yet.
Now irrespective of the merit of the case, is this not yet another example of the total and abject incompetence of the UK immigration service. The same service which as far back as 2004 was playing fast and loose with immigration. Back then it was giving out visas like sweeties at the Romanian embassy. And ever since then, what the hell has the Home Office actually achieved. Jack shit. And now, they cannot even find genuine children in Calais.
Truly the most appalling performance from the greatest failure of public ‘service’ in our time. Paid for by us, not just in taxes but the destruction of our old communities, stress on our schools and hospitals, and all always by the back door with no democratic mandate.
Have had to switch off This Week. Can’t watch it if they insist on having that vile Chukka character as a guest. I use the word ‘vile’ as he just used it about Trump while telling us how great Clinton is.
Good post. I had to do the same that Chukup guy is very, very bad…as soon as they started to talk about Trump somehow I knew what was coming from the bbbc. I heard that Suzanne Evans was just about to appear in front of the three of them and somehow knew what was coming from the bbbc – all three of them sneering at her and trying to make jokes at her expense.
So I excercised my right to turn this shite off
Britain would happily have taken genuine child war waifs in. But perhaps we’ve been unfair in writing off our strapping six-foot refugees as liars? You may remember the 1937 film ‘Lost Horizon’ in which residents of Shangri-La stay young until they crumble suddenly upon departure. Perhaps Calais is Shangri-La in reverse? in which case, the BBC may bring the following made-for-TV film to our screens:
‘Lost Perspective’ – coming soon to the BBC!
Directed by Ken Loach
Starring Hugh Grant as Archbishop Welby
Little Ahmed, Fatima and Mohammed (Benedict Cumberbatch, Emma Thompson and Bob Geldof) have aged forty years since heartless right-wing traffickers imprisoned them in a mystical kingdom near Calais where time is massively speeded up.
Conditions are grim. The youngsters are down to their last bottle of Grecian 2000. Bob had to swap his beloved teddy for sterilising tablets for his false teeth. Emma (cantankerous without HRT) refuses to share her razors with the boys. She may not even be mobile much longer without varicose vein surgery.
Their one hope is the kindly Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Battling xenophobic Brexiteers, he plans to restore the youngsters to parents in Luton (who deserted them in a middle-eastern war zone after suffering understandable stress-related amnesia).
The film offers two hours of nail-biting suspense. Will Justin get Bob, Emma and Ben out before they turn into shrivelled thousand-year-old mummies? (But will anyone notice much difference?)
(P.S. The idea was inspired by Save our Sense, who commented in the last thread that Calais seems to be a time portal.)
Dear bbc,
it may have escaped your notice but we in the UK do not vote in the US presidential election. So I would kindly request that you stop wasting our money acting as a proxy for cnn with the endless Trump bashing. We don’t want biased American ‘news’. If were going to have biased ‘news’ at least make it British biased ‘news’.
Seismic, in their delusional hubris the world’s most trusted disinformation service really think they’re world players and will actually affect the vote.
The mask is slipping from the EU thugocracy:
“Merkel and Hollande warn that UK faces ‘rough’ ride with hard Brexit”.
(Nice little country you have here, shame if something ‘unpleasant’ should happen to it, we wouldn’t want that, now, would we? How’s about we send the boys round to protect you…)
In their holy terror that other countries may follow Brexit, they will of course get ‘rough’.
Unless the whole stinking EU edifice collapses first of course.
I like it when Merkel, Hollande, Tusk, Juncker and all the rest of them adopt their hostile tone towards the UK.
Kind of makes the BBCs fake debate about whether the UK government should go for “hard” or “soft” Brexit look as daft as it is, and it helps the softer “remain” voters to re assess what they were conned into voting for……a “club” that turns snarlingly nasty and threatens to make it “rough” for you if you politely ask to give up your membership, without rocking the boat too much.
We are in, or we are out of the EU, that is all that counts, and out of the EU is how the majority voted.
“It`s like an abusive marriage…if you leave me i`ll beat you up”, yes, so true… alternating with the manipulative mind games… I love you really and hope you`ll change your mind…go on…. you know you want me really….you know you can`t live without me…
Not bBbc stuff as such. But, this is one of their poster-children (I can say children because bBBC doesn’t seem to know what a child is anymore, pace the Jungle)
“From Wikileaks ….. And they want HER to be President! Hillary for PRISON 2016
So here’s the REAL story. Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile and the Chinook didn’t explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA. Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a “do-or-die”
>> mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn’t supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK’d the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video. Obama and Hillary committed treason…and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further…the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn…everyone KNEW he was a traitor. So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised…and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at the Hearing who is running for POTUS. Only the Dems, with their hands out, palms up, will support her. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in…because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers. “
MPs turn up the heat on BBC to sack discredited "political activist" / £2m pundit Gary Lineker as a sports journalist – "he can’t be both".
Lineker – “What’s happened to our country?”
I’ll tell you what’s happened – it’s been taken over by the liberal elite in case you hadn’t noticed, or are you too busy counting your money and virtue signalling.
Shout racist and block your twitter replies – how typical is that?
I’m disgusted that the BBC doesn’t mention the plight of millions of homeless snails – otherwise known as slugs. What are the Tories doing to help them?
So the Beeb is trying to spin this clear Tory/Brexit victory as some kind of defeat. The jump in LibDem votes is obviously a result of all the visits Tim Farron made!!!!!
As for Labour, the Beeb says “The Witney result may not fill many supporters with confidence that they are getting the swing required to form a government.” There’s an understatement if I ever heard one.
What is totally missing in the Beeb analysis is that this by-election (and any near term GE) can be viewed as a proxy referendum vote. The Tory candidate was clearly Brexit, the LibDem Remain – best to forget the car crashes that are Labour and UKIP at present. So would not a GE lead to a massive Brexit majority in the HoC? best dont go there.
Yet another piece of “subtle” massaging of the news by the bBBC. In a banner headline on their news app……. are champagne corks popping at Beeb H.Q?
Well,fair enough, the vote was reduced by 20,000.
Further down in normal print size we have “Labour’s Tracy Brabin held the Batley and Spen seat where (saint) Jo Cox was killed.” Apparently she was “elected with an icreased majority” – says the BBC at 0720 am – and then way, way down the excited burbling come the facts. Only 25% voted at all – the lowest turnout in some 50 years – AND the other mainstream parties did not even field a candidate “out of respect!”
If you don’t persevere in search of the FULL picture, the bBBC only give half the facts, the half that intends to brainwash you with their view of the world. Always diluting the facts with their opinions/bias.
BBC tv news are spinning the Oxfordshire result with ‘fears over Brexit’.
Well, let’s be honest, the BBC are Brexit obsessed.
Meanwhile it is left to Labour bruiser Tom Watson of all people who bursts the BBC balloon as he tells us the Lib Dems bussed in 100 Liberal peers in their huge effort to win this one for the EU. But failed.
And Labour’s walk over candidate up north only got 86% of the vote? So 14% went to non-mainsteam crazies? Must be a fair degree of dissatisfaction with Labour then?
The new MP was “was imprisoned for a week for failing to pay a fine for her TV licence” in May 1996.
………….Not in real life, but rater her Character in Coronation Street.
Someone should ask her how he feels about jailing for TV licence. Wikipedia on character Tricia_Armstrong
Today is 50 years to the day of the disaster of Aberfan when many innocents lost their lives. The story should rightly be commemorated as a memory to public ownership negligence and incompetence which led to the deaths, and the shrug of the shoulders Labour seemed to give following the tragedy.
One thing the left wing BBC is not likely to be telling though is the sub human actions of the Labour government in the days following.
The official inquiry blamed the National Coal Board for extreme negligence, and its chairman, Lord Robens, for making misleading statements.
But Labour did nothing to remove people from jobs and Robens continued in his as if nothing had happened.
But it got worse – much worse.
In 1966, the Aberfan Disaster Memorial Fund (ADMF) received 90,000 contributions which reached a total of £1,606,929.
As can be imagined the public were shocked and horrified even though the impact was largely kept from them by grainy black & white images, radio and newspapers – not the full colour high res 24 hour news stream of today.
The people were moved to contribute a large sum to help.
So what did Labour do with the money?
“The tips were only made safe by a government grant and a contribution of £150,000 from the fund.”
In other words, they stole 10% of the fund from the parents of the children who had died. What an amazingly scummy thing to do!
Worse still perhaps the scum of the Labour party refused to make the other slag heaps safe causing further distress to the residents of the blighted village.
“As Margaret Thatcher pointed out the report noted that “One may conclude that No. 5” (tip) “has been standing and is standing at a very low factor of safety.” Despite the government opposition, public pressure led to a decision to remove the remaining tips: the Secretary of State for Wales stressed that they were safe but that he knew from contacts with the people of Aberfan “that they constitute a psychological, emotional danger”. If the tips were not physically dangerous, Robens saw no obligation on the NCB to pay the cost of their removal. The government made a grant of £200,000 towards the cost of removing the tips, and under “intolerable pressure” from the government, the trustees of the disaster fund agreed to contribute £150,000. At the time, the Charity Commission made no objection to this action, but it has subsequently been criticised as “unquestionably unlawful” under charity law.”
So the uncaring Labour party forced the Charity Commission into a position which was illegal !
The spectre of this criminality hung over the Labour party for decades and it wasn’t until Tony BLiar got into office that they paid back the money, but not the full inflation adjusted amount just the actual amount taken back 20 years earlier.
The Welsh assembly later gave back £1.5 million to recompense the fund for the theft in 2007
This was a major outcry at the time and a huge scandal for the BBC to not report on it is nothing short of a cover up of historical fact.
Not surprising that they don’t want this disgraceful story re-run again though.
Labour government and nationalised coal board. Not much grist there for the leftist BBC grevience mill. Now, quickly moving on, over to the Battle of Orgreave….
Socialism is not about people, it is about the centralised control of them.
A nice taxpayer funded state broadcaster helps to exercise the control, especially of the gullible.
Yes, and I know exactly where I was on that tragic day, and how the country was enveloped by this disaster. Watching images of those Dads clawing at the slag to get to the school, and seeing grown men cry (unlike today’s generation who cry if they’ve lost their phone) was unprecedented in tv reporting, and those of us that remember will never forget.
Headlines on Classic FM “news” – Labour have retained the Batley and Spen seat with a 16000 majority. No mention that the other parties didn’t contest it!
In various recent reports BBC reporters have confidently stated the Islamic State forces currently occupying the Iraqi city of Mosul are made up of 5,000 to 6,000 fighters.
In further reports the BBC relays the fears of international aid agencies that up to one million – if not more – innocent civilians may be displaced in efforts to reclaim the city.
Calculate: how many completely innocent peace-loving muslims can one individual radical islamist (with the wrong ideas about his otherwise peaceable religion) manage to control, intimidate and generally lead astray to the point where massive outside military forces, with the backing of western airstrikes, are required to overcome the influence of this one missguided muslim?
For extra marks: might there be some lesson here in respect of the large muslim immigrant and refugee populations now being welcomed into europe?
I listened to Nick Robinson on Today “reporting” on the EU summit.
What an irritating tone he has, and the subtlest way of putting across his apparent belief that Theresa May is, and by extension, we are all in some way supplicants of the EU.
The message was an interesting one, As Nick put it.. “She wanted to remind her(for now)fellow EU leaders that we are full members of the EU until the moment we leave”and therefore should be “fully involved in decision making processes”.
Yes Nick, although you didn`t feel the need, a proper journalist might at that point have reminded us that we UK taxpayers are still contributing a membership fee, and normal etiquette would be no “full involvement”……no further payment of membership fees.
Perhaps that`s how her listeners heard it….hence no one applauded her five minute intervention, and there was no further discussion of it.
Follow up was Nick enthusiastically reporting Donald Tusk floating the idea that “Britain my yet change her mind about leaving”……stand by for more campaigning on this theme by the “strictly impartial” BBC.
In recognition of the current BBC policy that teenagers can appear rather mature for their age (ah-hum)
BBC Children In Need appeal this year is to be hosted by Darby & Joan.
Guest stars Arthur Askey, Mrs Mills and edgy comedy duo Flanagan & Allen will be joined by contemporary new music act Methuselah.
The telethon will close at 8.30 pm – because the BBC’s youth audience will be nodding off by then.
A couple of days ago, the liberal elite were sneering that a rather elderly looking ‘child immigrant’ from Calais was in fact an interpreter. The bBBC was of course delighted. Egg on face time for the ‘waycists’ ?
Not quite. Today in the D Mail it is reported that the said interpretor is not in fact an interpreter. The charity making the claim has had to back down. (By definition he has therefore been admiited as a ‘vulnerable child’).
How old is your average official interpreter? Presumably he/she would have done a degree in the language and maybe some post graduate experience for such a high profile role. So let’s say age 25 minimum.
In other words, the intelligensia, the charities, and the biased BBC have actually admitted they cannot tell the difference between a 25 year old and a ‘vulnerable child’.
A damning indictment indeed of the liberal left and their real open door motives masquerading as compassion.
The child emoted over by Lily Allen has been re-united with his father after 10 years. The child fleed Afghanistan 2 months ago. All this according to the relevant bBBC web page.
Isn’t that nice?
What would be even nicer would be to ask the authorities why the father has not been arrested for child neglect? Or why the child could not just have come here, entirely legally, by conventional means? Or what happened to the mother and any siblings? Or who has been looking after the child since the age of 3? Or on what grounds the father is living in the UK? Or what steps the father has made to integrate into UK society, given that after 10 years he appears to prefer sitting cross legged on a carpet on the floor? Or is he really the father?
But of course all this is much too like hard work for the ‘investigative journalists’ of our favourite statist right-on broadcaster.
I think Specsavers are missing a huge marketing trick here. Social workers shown – with eyes squinting – cherry picking the ‘children’ in the Jungle camp from a group of varying heights. Cut to the coach arriving in Croydon where um, not ‘children’ are getting of the bus, cue hysterical laughs from photographers. Altogether now “should’ve gone to Specsavers” !!!!!
I suspect some on the left are wary of spectacles. After all, Pol Pot had anyone who wore them killed because it proved they must be dangerous intellectuals.
There has been the usual europhile reporting from the bbbc (and Sky News who are just as bad) re May versus the self appointed european dictators – merkel and her resident bitch hollande.
I just wish, just wish that she would have surprised them all by saying ‘If that is your childish attitude have this (article 50)!’and then walked out …………What a moment that would have been!
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StewGreenMar 16, 00:33 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “After decades of listening to The Archers @BBCRadio4 finally switched off. It’s woke, climate change, & now a Muslim…
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BRISSLESMar 15, 23:37 Weekend 15th March 2025 Have to agree Snuffy ! But equally, further down the page our fellow poster Eddie Booth has posted a photo…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:18 Weekend 15th March 2025 quote “Let me get this straight. The Netflix show #Adolescence isn’t based on a true story, it exists to highlight…
StewGreenMar 15, 23:06 Weekend 15th March 2025 “Malik sits on Tower Hamlets council for the Aspire Party, which is led by the borough’s directly-elected Mayor Lutfur Rahman.”…
StewGreenMar 15, 22:55 Weekend 15th March 2025 “immigration battle” ? People who buy mail order brides are free to go live in the Philippines aren’t they ?
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StewGreenMar 15, 22:20 Weekend 15th March 2025 @Digg’s first line is double false #1 It’s not Ofcom it’s Ofsted #2 He is not ELECTED head rather as…
Good point by Portillo on This Week
Reference the MenChilds at Calais.
There are a number of genuine children in Calais.
Yet none of them are coming over here yet.
Now irrespective of the merit of the case, is this not yet another example of the total and abject incompetence of the UK immigration service. The same service which as far back as 2004 was playing fast and loose with immigration. Back then it was giving out visas like sweeties at the Romanian embassy. And ever since then, what the hell has the Home Office actually achieved. Jack shit. And now, they cannot even find genuine children in Calais.
Truly the most appalling performance from the greatest failure of public ‘service’ in our time. Paid for by us, not just in taxes but the destruction of our old communities, stress on our schools and hospitals, and all always by the back door with no democratic mandate.
This use to be sited near Dover and Calais was within its range: we could do with it again, right now.
Have had to switch off This Week. Can’t watch it if they insist on having that vile Chukka character as a guest. I use the word ‘vile’ as he just used it about Trump while telling us how great Clinton is.
Good post. I had to do the same that Chukup guy is very, very bad…as soon as they started to talk about Trump somehow I knew what was coming from the bbbc. I heard that Suzanne Evans was just about to appear in front of the three of them and somehow knew what was coming from the bbbc – all three of them sneering at her and trying to make jokes at her expense.
So I excercised my right to turn this shite off
Britain would happily have taken genuine child war waifs in. But perhaps we’ve been unfair in writing off our strapping six-foot refugees as liars? You may remember the 1937 film ‘Lost Horizon’ in which residents of Shangri-La stay young until they crumble suddenly upon departure. Perhaps Calais is Shangri-La in reverse? in which case, the BBC may bring the following made-for-TV film to our screens:
‘Lost Perspective’ – coming soon to the BBC!
Directed by Ken Loach
Starring Hugh Grant as Archbishop Welby
Little Ahmed, Fatima and Mohammed (Benedict Cumberbatch, Emma Thompson and Bob Geldof) have aged forty years since heartless right-wing traffickers imprisoned them in a mystical kingdom near Calais where time is massively speeded up.
Conditions are grim. The youngsters are down to their last bottle of Grecian 2000. Bob had to swap his beloved teddy for sterilising tablets for his false teeth. Emma (cantankerous without HRT) refuses to share her razors with the boys. She may not even be mobile much longer without varicose vein surgery.
Their one hope is the kindly Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Battling xenophobic Brexiteers, he plans to restore the youngsters to parents in Luton (who deserted them in a middle-eastern war zone after suffering understandable stress-related amnesia).
The film offers two hours of nail-biting suspense. Will Justin get Bob, Emma and Ben out before they turn into shrivelled thousand-year-old mummies? (But will anyone notice much difference?)
(P.S. The idea was inspired by Save our Sense, who commented in the last thread that Calais seems to be a time portal.)
Applause !!!
Dear bbc,
it may have escaped your notice but we in the UK do not vote in the US presidential election. So I would kindly request that you stop wasting our money acting as a proxy for cnn with the endless Trump bashing. We don’t want biased American ‘news’. If were going to have biased ‘news’ at least make it British biased ‘news’.
Seismic, in their delusional hubris the world’s most trusted disinformation service really think they’re world players and will actually affect the vote.
BBC strangely silent about the elections in Austria and Lithuania. Are they Europhobic?
The mask is slipping from the EU thugocracy:
“Merkel and Hollande warn that UK faces ‘rough’ ride with hard Brexit”.
(Nice little country you have here, shame if something ‘unpleasant’ should happen to it, we wouldn’t want that, now, would we? How’s about we send the boys round to protect you…)
In their holy terror that other countries may follow Brexit, they will of course get ‘rough’.
Unless the whole stinking EU edifice collapses first of course.
I like it when Merkel, Hollande, Tusk, Juncker and all the rest of them adopt their hostile tone towards the UK.
Kind of makes the BBCs fake debate about whether the UK government should go for “hard” or “soft” Brexit look as daft as it is, and it helps the softer “remain” voters to re assess what they were conned into voting for……a “club” that turns snarlingly nasty and threatens to make it “rough” for you if you politely ask to give up your membership, without rocking the boat too much.
We are in, or we are out of the EU, that is all that counts, and out of the EU is how the majority voted.
It’s like an abusive marriage. If you leave me, I’ll beat you up.
“It`s like an abusive marriage…if you leave me i`ll beat you up”, yes, so true… alternating with the manipulative mind games… I love you really and hope you`ll change your mind…go on…. you know you want me really….you know you can`t live without me…
Not bBbc stuff as such. But, this is one of their poster-children (I can say children because bBBC doesn’t seem to know what a child is anymore, pace the Jungle)
“From Wikileaks ….. And they want HER to be President! Hillary for PRISON 2016
So here’s the REAL story. Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made Stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Hillary brokered the deal through Stevens and a private arms dealer named Marc Turi. Then some of the shoulder fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one of our own Stingers, but the idiot Taliban didn’t arm the missile and the Chinook didn’t explode, but had to land anyway. An ordnance team recovered the serial number off the missile which led back to a cache of Stingers being kept in Qatar by the CIA. Obama and Hillary were now in full panic mode and Stevens was sent in to retrieve the rest of the Stingers. This was a “do-or-die”
>> mission, which explains the stand down orders given to multiple commando teams. It was the State Dept, not the CIA that supplied them to our sworn enemies, because Petraeus wouldn’t supply these deadly weapons due to their potential use on commercial aircraft. Then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus after he refused to testify that he OK’d the BS talking points about a spontaneous uprising due to a Youtube video. Obama and Hillary committed treason…and THIS is what the investigation is all about, why she had a private server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and why Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was because of a Youtube video, even though everyone knew it was not. Further…the Taliban knew that this administration aided and abetted the enemy without Congressional approval when Boehner created the Select Cmte, and the Taliban began pushing the Obama Administration for the release of 5 Taliban Generals. Bowe Bergdahl was just a pawn…everyone KNEW he was a traitor. So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised…and a woman that is a serial liar, perjured herself multiple times at the Hearing who is running for POTUS. Only the Dems, with their hands out, palms up, will support her. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft was called in…because the administration knew our enemies had Stingers. “
Thank you, joadamsmith, for posting this. I knew the some of this, but not all, and had not stitched the story together in my mind.
Do you have a link for this please?
This demands a BBC reaction surely?
The wagons circle…
Interesting an ex political editor ignores the MP aspect.
Lineker – “What’s happened to our country?”
I’ll tell you what’s happened – it’s been taken over by the liberal elite in case you hadn’t noticed, or are you too busy counting your money and virtue signalling.
Shout racist and block your twitter replies – how typical is that?
Poor Gary, he’s only thinking of the children.

The BBC is, truly, vital. Deranged, but vital.
Can heterosexual snails apply or is it subject to normal BBC rules – non-binary, LGBTabcdef…, upside down and inside out snails?
I’m disgusted that the BBC doesn’t mention the plight of millions of homeless snails – otherwise known as slugs. What are the Tories doing to help them?
“…the genitalia don’t match up and they can’t get it together..”
Whitney by election result, lets get expert analysis from the BBC, errh maybe not
Tory majority slashed in Cameron’s seat
So the Beeb is trying to spin this clear Tory/Brexit victory as some kind of defeat. The jump in LibDem votes is obviously a result of all the visits Tim Farron made!!!!!
Witney by-election: How significant is the result for major parties?
As for Labour, the Beeb says “The Witney result may not fill many supporters with confidence that they are getting the swing required to form a government.” There’s an understatement if I ever heard one.
What is totally missing in the Beeb analysis is that this by-election (and any near term GE) can be viewed as a proxy referendum vote. The Tory candidate was clearly Brexit, the LibDem Remain – best to forget the car crashes that are Labour and UKIP at present. So would not a GE lead to a massive Brexit majority in the HoC? best dont go there.
Our town council is lib dem dominated.
They have been of late a bit glum, mainly fussing about fracking and litter picks.
Today their Facebook page lit up… at coming second.
Yet another piece of “subtle” massaging of the news by the bBBC. In a banner headline on their news app……. are champagne corks popping at Beeb H.Q?
Well,fair enough, the vote was reduced by 20,000.
Further down in normal print size we have “Labour’s Tracy Brabin held the Batley and Spen seat where (saint) Jo Cox was killed.” Apparently she was “elected with an icreased majority” – says the BBC at 0720 am – and then way, way down the excited burbling come the facts. Only 25% voted at all – the lowest turnout in some 50 years – AND the other mainstream parties did not even field a candidate “out of respect!”
If you don’t persevere in search of the FULL picture, the bBBC only give half the facts, the half that intends to brainwash you with their view of the world. Always diluting the facts with their opinions/bias.
BBC tv news are spinning the Oxfordshire result with ‘fears over Brexit’.
Well, let’s be honest, the BBC are Brexit obsessed.
Meanwhile it is left to Labour bruiser Tom Watson of all people who bursts the BBC balloon as he tells us the Lib Dems bussed in 100 Liberal peers in their huge effort to win this one for the EU. But failed.
And Labour’s walk over candidate up north only got 86% of the vote? So 14% went to non-mainsteam crazies? Must be a fair degree of dissatisfaction with Labour then?
And St Jo’s successor elected on a turnout of 25%, hardly enthusiastic.
The new MP was “was imprisoned for a week for failing to pay a fine for her TV licence” in May 1996.
………….Not in real life, but rater her Character in Coronation Street.
Someone should ask her how he feels about jailing for TV licence.
Wikipedia on character Tricia_Armstrong
She got 17,506 votes
So 17,506 people in her area have confidence in her.
..that is 1/1000th of people who voted for Brexit
Today is 50 years to the day of the disaster of Aberfan when many innocents lost their lives. The story should rightly be commemorated as a memory to public ownership negligence and incompetence which led to the deaths, and the shrug of the shoulders Labour seemed to give following the tragedy.
One thing the left wing BBC is not likely to be telling though is the sub human actions of the Labour government in the days following.
The official inquiry blamed the National Coal Board for extreme negligence, and its chairman, Lord Robens, for making misleading statements.
But Labour did nothing to remove people from jobs and Robens continued in his as if nothing had happened.
But it got worse – much worse.
In 1966, the Aberfan Disaster Memorial Fund (ADMF) received 90,000 contributions which reached a total of £1,606,929.
As can be imagined the public were shocked and horrified even though the impact was largely kept from them by grainy black & white images, radio and newspapers – not the full colour high res 24 hour news stream of today.
The people were moved to contribute a large sum to help.
So what did Labour do with the money?
“The tips were only made safe by a government grant and a contribution of £150,000 from the fund.”
In other words, they stole 10% of the fund from the parents of the children who had died. What an amazingly scummy thing to do!
Worse still perhaps the scum of the Labour party refused to make the other slag heaps safe causing further distress to the residents of the blighted village.
“As Margaret Thatcher pointed out the report noted that “One may conclude that No. 5” (tip) “has been standing and is standing at a very low factor of safety.” Despite the government opposition, public pressure led to a decision to remove the remaining tips: the Secretary of State for Wales stressed that they were safe but that he knew from contacts with the people of Aberfan “that they constitute a psychological, emotional danger”. If the tips were not physically dangerous, Robens saw no obligation on the NCB to pay the cost of their removal. The government made a grant of £200,000 towards the cost of removing the tips, and under “intolerable pressure” from the government, the trustees of the disaster fund agreed to contribute £150,000. At the time, the Charity Commission made no objection to this action, but it has subsequently been criticised as “unquestionably unlawful” under charity law.”
So the uncaring Labour party forced the Charity Commission into a position which was illegal !
The spectre of this criminality hung over the Labour party for decades and it wasn’t until Tony BLiar got into office that they paid back the money, but not the full inflation adjusted amount just the actual amount taken back 20 years earlier.
The Welsh assembly later gave back £1.5 million to recompense the fund for the theft in 2007
This was a major outcry at the time and a huge scandal for the BBC to not report on it is nothing short of a cover up of historical fact.
Not surprising that they don’t want this disgraceful story re-run again though.
Labour government and nationalised coal board. Not much grist there for the leftist BBC grevience mill. Now, quickly moving on, over to the Battle of Orgreave….
Socialism is not about people, it is about the centralised control of them.
A nice taxpayer funded state broadcaster helps to exercise the control, especially of the gullible.
Yes, and I know exactly where I was on that tragic day, and how the country was enveloped by this disaster. Watching images of those Dads clawing at the slag to get to the school, and seeing grown men cry (unlike today’s generation who cry if they’ve lost their phone) was unprecedented in tv reporting, and those of us that remember will never forget.
But it is on CBBC!!!!!!!!
But, looking around, the anniversary is not big news on Google – Tories missed out on this. (As has UKIP)
Headlines on Classic FM “news” – Labour have retained the Batley and Spen seat with a 16000 majority. No mention that the other parties didn’t contest it!
Another poster kindly shared an alternative to get the music without the risible Global propaganda
Let’s call this one an 11+ question…
In various recent reports BBC reporters have confidently stated the Islamic State forces currently occupying the Iraqi city of Mosul are made up of 5,000 to 6,000 fighters.
In further reports the BBC relays the fears of international aid agencies that up to one million – if not more – innocent civilians may be displaced in efforts to reclaim the city.
Calculate: how many completely innocent peace-loving muslims can one individual radical islamist (with the wrong ideas about his otherwise peaceable religion) manage to control, intimidate and generally lead astray to the point where massive outside military forces, with the backing of western airstrikes, are required to overcome the influence of this one missguided muslim?
For extra marks: might there be some lesson here in respect of the large muslim immigrant and refugee populations now being welcomed into europe?
I listened to Nick Robinson on Today “reporting” on the EU summit.
What an irritating tone he has, and the subtlest way of putting across his apparent belief that Theresa May is, and by extension, we are all in some way supplicants of the EU.
The message was an interesting one, As Nick put it.. “She wanted to remind her(for now)fellow EU leaders that we are full members of the EU until the moment we leave”and therefore should be “fully involved in decision making processes”.
Yes Nick, although you didn`t feel the need, a proper journalist might at that point have reminded us that we UK taxpayers are still contributing a membership fee, and normal etiquette would be no “full involvement”……no further payment of membership fees.
Perhaps that`s how her listeners heard it….hence no one applauded her five minute intervention, and there was no further discussion of it.
Follow up was Nick enthusiastically reporting Donald Tusk floating the idea that “Britain my yet change her mind about leaving”……stand by for more campaigning on this theme by the “strictly impartial” BBC.
In recognition of the current BBC policy that teenagers can appear rather mature for their age (ah-hum)
BBC Children In Need appeal this year is to be hosted by Darby & Joan.
Guest stars Arthur Askey, Mrs Mills and edgy comedy duo Flanagan & Allen will be joined by contemporary new music act Methuselah.
The telethon will close at 8.30 pm – because the BBC’s youth audience will be nodding off by then.
A couple of days ago, the liberal elite were sneering that a rather elderly looking ‘child immigrant’ from Calais was in fact an interpreter. The bBBC was of course delighted. Egg on face time for the ‘waycists’ ?
Not quite. Today in the D Mail it is reported that the said interpretor is not in fact an interpreter. The charity making the claim has had to back down. (By definition he has therefore been admiited as a ‘vulnerable child’).
How old is your average official interpreter? Presumably he/she would have done a degree in the language and maybe some post graduate experience for such a high profile role. So let’s say age 25 minimum.
In other words, the intelligensia, the charities, and the biased BBC have actually admitted they cannot tell the difference between a 25 year old and a ‘vulnerable child’.
A damning indictment indeed of the liberal left and their real open door motives masquerading as compassion.
The child emoted over by Lily Allen has been re-united with his father after 10 years. The child fleed Afghanistan 2 months ago. All this according to the relevant bBBC web page.
Isn’t that nice?
What would be even nicer would be to ask the authorities why the father has not been arrested for child neglect? Or why the child could not just have come here, entirely legally, by conventional means? Or what happened to the mother and any siblings? Or who has been looking after the child since the age of 3? Or on what grounds the father is living in the UK? Or what steps the father has made to integrate into UK society, given that after 10 years he appears to prefer sitting cross legged on a carpet on the floor? Or is he really the father?
But of course all this is much too like hard work for the ‘investigative journalists’ of our favourite statist right-on broadcaster.
It’s probably difficult to decide which of the two is the father, judging by the “children” arriving here.
I don’t know about these muslims, but I have four sons and I would die rather than leave one of my children to his fate. Fucking cowards.
I think Specsavers are missing a huge marketing trick here. Social workers shown – with eyes squinting – cherry picking the ‘children’ in the Jungle camp from a group of varying heights. Cut to the coach arriving in Croydon where um, not ‘children’ are getting of the bus, cue hysterical laughs from photographers. Altogether now “should’ve gone to Specsavers” !!!!!
I think the social workers have already got glasses. Rose coloured ones, of course.
I suspect some on the left are wary of spectacles. After all, Pol Pot had anyone who wore them killed because it proved they must be dangerous intellectuals.
Nick Robinson has saved the day, then.
There has been the usual europhile reporting from the bbbc (and Sky News who are just as bad) re May versus the self appointed european dictators – merkel and her resident bitch hollande.
I just wish, just wish that she would have surprised them all by saying ‘If that is your childish attitude have this (article 50)!’and then walked out …………What a moment that would have been!
Friends! More on [sic] last night’s byelections:
I’ve been a bit absent recently so apologies if any has posted on this previously.
Mostly I like Kelvin MacKenzie!