The above video has Dave Rich, deputy director of communications at the Community Security Trust (CST), denounce Labour as institutionally anti-Semitic and he points the finger at Corbyn. [Will his book be ‘Book of the Week’? Surley of massive political interest at the moment]
He also says that there is a new narrative driving anti-Semitism…no longer coming from the Far Right it is originating from the Left and its Muslim fellow travellers….and it is a new narrative that says Jews in Europe are fair targets due to Israel’s actions.
Now where have we heard that narrative before? On the BBC. The same BBC which has seemingly based the vast majority of its reporting on a belief that the Jews in Israel are always acting badly and that the Palestinians can do no wrong…indeed many a BBC journalist seems inclined to report as if they themselves were Palestinian and wave the flag for Hamas…in one case literally as she put the Palestinian flag and gun waving Hamas terrorists as the banner photo for her Twitter account.
Let’s see what the Balen Report says? Are BBC journalists guilty of anti-Semitism or anti-Israeli sentiment? Does BBC News kill Jews? Think we should know don’t you?
Such anti-Jewish sentiments are part and parcel of the Left these days…..they go even so far as to defend the once evil bankers Goldman Sachs in order to attack Nigel Farage….calling him a closet anti-Semite…
It is really hard to mock Nigel Farage: he is already a caricature of a little England neo-fascist, defending Trump’s pussy-grabbing one day, attacking Goldman Sachs without quite saying the words “Jewish conspiracy” the next.
The Left teaming up with Fascist Islamists and the Giant Face Eating Squid that is Goldman Sachs. How times change.
Of course there is good reason Farage criticises Goldman Sachs, amongst many other bankers…they donated large sums of money to the Remain campaign and loudly voiced their opposition to Brexit. Nowt to do with Jews, all to do with being in hock to the EU….and remember this is the Goldman Sachs that so wanted Greece to join the EU that it forged Greece’s application and massaged the figures about Greece’s debt…leading to the massive debt and political crisis that soon followed.
So let’s be clear…Goldman Sachs’ sole interest is Goldman Sachs…it will do whatever it can to make money regardless of how much harm it does. Hope Remain voters were happy to vote to fill Goldman Sachs’ pockets with gold.
Where did that quote about Farage come from? The Guardian of course, in an article that laments the apparent end of satire…however reading the piece you’d be hard pushed not to think Satire is alive and thriving…if unintentionally.
Is satire dead? Armando Iannucci and others on why there are so few laughs these days
If there is a lack of humour, and listening to the BBC’s very political ‘comedy’ you might have to agree, it is probably down to the likes of Iannucci and Co who have an ideology, political, social and cultural, and they want to ‘sell’ that to the audience whilst attacking the Right…and it is always the Right….the jokes are fitted around the message.
Just read the piece….who’s to blame for the end of sature? No guesses….it’s far too easy…..The Daily Mail and its Little Englander readership, the horrible, uneducated vermin on the internet [er….massively dominated by the Left] and of course those ‘fuckers’ who voted to leave the EU….oh and those ‘Bumptious, puffed-up little dickheads demanding so-and-so is ‘sacked by the BBC’‘…presumably all those on the Left who religiously intoned that Jeremy Clarkson must be eviscerated….no?
Apparently only some people are allowed to make ‘offensive’ jokes…and you know who judges them of course….
Yet this new respect for offence-taking doesn’t touch the people who are actually offensive. Iannucci’s example is: “Donald Trump’s campaign manager said this morning, ‘This thing about locking Hillary up in prison, that was just a quip.’ Trump saying ‘if I were in charge, you’d be in jail’, doesn’t sound like a joke. There’s nothing to signify that it’s a joke. There’s no set up and no punchline. If it’s a bold statement that then takes 24 hours to clarify that it’s a joke …” – he has reached a beautiful crescendo, like a Gettysburg Address to the honour of the joke – “That’s not a joke!”
Trump’s not allowed to make jokes because ‘we’ don’t like them.
The whole piece is just Lefty jokesters whinging pathetically…..but have faith…the Left will rise again…..
We’re due a satire boom,” O’Farrell says optimistically. “We’ve got a rightwing government doing these appalling things; it’s time for satirists to gather under the flag.” Go on, then. “Oh, I’m too old now. I leave that to the younger satirists.”
You couldn’t make that up could you as Labour and the Left implode with anti-Semitism, political violence against their own MPs and ruinous Marxist ideology rampant again ready to bring poverty and misery to the workers….and all Iannucci and Co are interested in is attacking the Tories.
This last quote sums that wilful blindness up as it shows how they refuse to recognise the real Fascism is on the Left [and always has been…Nazis….National Socialists]……
Orwell was also wrong in thinking “we couldn’t have fascism here, because people would laugh at the goose-stepping. I don’t even think that’s true. Some people would have been sniggering behind their hands, but a couple of labour camps would solve that problem.
In their minds those ‘some people’ are of course on the Right, hence the ‘goose-stepping’ fascism, but it is the Left that likes a good Twitter storm to silence enemies and intimidate politicians, companies, academics and anyone else who steps away from the approved narrative, the BBC is quick with the ‘Nazi’ tag to smear people like Farage and Tommy Robinson, and then there’s the good old labour camp, the Gulags which if the threat of them was not enough to silence opponents the actuality did…..can’t help thinking that these would soon spring up if Comrade Corbyn gets his way sending round the Thought Police to re-educate you or failing that remove your malign, poisonous influence from Society.
Alan. Great article.
Of course the treacherous BBBC swoops at every/any opportunity to uphold the Islamic religion as the only true and lasting faith!
I’m reminded of a sight I saw on local BBC TV when the Labour party were campaigning for a local man to become their local MP. He was Muslim, and he had a gang of Muslim helpers! Now having read the highlights of what those Muslims wanted from their man and what their holy book demands from each Muslim – it just didn’t compute? As that religion isn’t one of love thy neighbour! So there is an hidden agenda amongst labour/radical Muslims!
Now I can’t remember where I got the following video from, but its very scary!
Its ok! There’ no blood or suicide bombs going off! In many ways its much worse! Because it shows a young Jewish man walking around a US Campus waving two flags. One is the IS flag the other flag is the national Flag of Israel! Guess which flag those US students hated the most?
Jeremy Corbyn is not the cause of Labour antisemitism. He is the symptom.