Got to admire the BBC’s complete and utter hypocrisy as it keeps Trump’s apparent refusal to accept a defeat as its top story….apparently this is a threat to the world…
The president said that sowing the seeds of doubt in people’s minds about the legitimacy of US elections provided a boost to the country’s enemies.
“You’re doing the work of our adversaries for them, because our democracy depends on people knowing that their vote matters,” said Mr Obama.
Isn’t it odd how the BBC not only refuses to challenge the Remoaners back home who refuse to accept the massive democratic mandate for Brexit but also actively works along side them to undermine that Brexit vote and to tie us to the sinking EU Über State….working hand in hand with those who would hog-tie us and hand us over to foreign rule.
The same BBC that cheerleads for the racist SNP as it seeks to break up the United Kingdom and overturn the democratic NO to Independence vote whilstironically proclaiming its democratic credentials and denouncing Leave voters as racist.
The same BBC that before the referendum told us that uncertainty caused by the referendum was ruining the economy as investment decisions were delayed and businesses packed up and fled the country. Odd how the Remain campaign to destabilise the UK and stir up anger and discord, the SNP attempt to destroy the UK and create havoc by interfering in English politics goes almost unmentioned by a BBC intent on seeing the break up of the UK as it’s guilty white cultural cringers and anti-western Lefties continue to dream of the destruction of the white British races, the neutering of British power and influence derived from its 300 years of unity and close partnerships, and the surrender to the EU’s regime.
Divide and rule. It’s an old trick but the BBC knows it works…split the UK up and those allegedly proud and independent minded separate parts will go crawling to the EU for ‘protection’…ironically.
The BBC…a bastion of democracy, cohesion and civil society? LOL. One of the most dangerous organisations this side of ISIS you could justifiably argue as it works against government and the will of the British people at every turn….helping foreign powers to infiltrate Britain, helping terrorists by peddling their narratives and seeking to swamp Europe with people who, by numbers alone, will destroy the social and economic stability and with their completely alien cultures and ideologies will create massive tensions and conflict….Europe will implode and the immigrants and refugees will once again be immigrants and refugees…only this time there will be nowhere to go.
The BBC providing ‘a boost to this country’s enemies….doing the work of our adversaries.’
From the link below, Trump is correct to NOT agree to the result straight away:
(in response to debate moderator Chris Wallace when he stated, to Trump, that we have a “tradition” in this country of a peaceful transfer of power)
Yes, sir, and we have another American tradition: it’s called the “rule of law.” And when you suspect that an election has been stolen, and allow it to go unanswered, you become complicit in the undermining of our rule of law. Moreover, vote fraud that swings an election thwarts the people’s will. You may not care about that. Hillary Clinton certainly doesn’t care about that. But if I have reasonable suspicion that the Nov. 8 contest has been stolen, I will stand against the thwarting of the rule of law and the people’s will – even if I’m the only person in America to do it.
The full link is this:
Trump would be wise to reserve his judgement on the legitimacy of the election result. He wouldn’t be the first…
Just ask $multi-millionaire science fiction film maker Al Gore (Dem), who in 2000 took months to concede his defeat to Bush – and only then after a lengthy court battle.
Of course, progressive vermin are doing their best to rewrite history and ‘fact-check’ when presented with Gore’s history of refusing to accept the election result…
“…No one is arguing that Trump can’t or shouldn’t do what Gore did. Trump, of course, would be within his rights to pursue recounts if the election is close. He’s within his rights to follow Bush’s lead and take his complaints to the Supreme Court.
But what Trump has been doing lately is vastly different from what Gore did. He’s calling the election into question well before it’s even happened, and alleging it is “rigged” against him.”
Remember, folks: one rule for progressive sleazeballs, quite another for Republicans.
The problem with democracy is that the people who vote have very different experiences from the people who make policy. The liberal thinkpiece is that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is stupid, uncultured, racist, or was just deceived. They’ll tell themselves anything to avoid the possibility that some or all of their beliefs are wrong or justifiably unpopular. In fact, the people who voted Brexit and will vote for Trump are people who have the most knowledge of what’s going on, and understand the inconvenient truths about socialism and globalisation that the left chooses to ignore and suppress. The BBC is complicit in this deception, and has invested itself so heavily in what they thought was a sure thing with the referendum, that they simply cannot back out now even though they are destroying their own credibility in the process. That’s ‘progressivism’ for you, though – stubborn, delusional determination to stick to a limited set of ideological rules even when nearly all the evidence is proving it to be both misguided and extremely dangerous.
It seems clear that there is electoral fraud in America. How much is not clear, perhaps because each election is run by the states with different rules and that would require fifty separate inquiries. Can it be said to favour Democrats over Republicans? If so, why?
It also seems clear that most of the media went looking for something to blast Trump in the debate and ignored everything else. How many of us can recall even one thing Hillary Clinton said?
Win or lose, if Trump can create a debate about fraud in American elections, far from boosting America’s enemies (that seems to have been Obama’s job description) it will boost American democracy not harm it.
I’m hoping that even if he loses, Trump maintains his campaign against corruption after the election. The momentum needs to be maintained.
If Mr Trump loses the election, Mrs Clinton will be gunning for him. He’s going to have to protect himself, his family and those close associates who have helped him with his Presidential campaign. I wonder how many more dead bodies we have to see before the American people put two and two together and conclude that Mrs Clinton is, after all, the worst thing that has happened to them for a very long time? I have read that Mr Trump is going to create a new TV station; I think that’s a good idea because it will be one level of protection against the evil Clintons and their paymasters.
Five Times Obama as a Presidential Hopeful Questioned the Validity of the Election Process
The Bushes want the Clintons back in the White House-A Hillary Clinton presidency guarantees that all things that the New World Order wants done will continue to get done. The Clintons and Bushes have been criminal partners for yrs they are their cohorts have dominated the American government, the military-intelligence apparatus, the judicial systmes, the financial markets, and the Banks, whilst their other so called friends dominate the corporate media & Hollwood, shapers some call them of the BIG LIE. From an article: Originally coined “Iran-Contra” (in reference to illegal arms sales to Iran in exchange for American hostages in Lebanon and arms to the Contra “freedom fighters” in Nicaragua), the moniker hides the fact that it became a vast and permanent criminal business and political machine that went far beyond then-current political concerns.An insider Al Martin states-“Iran-Contra itself is a euphemism for the outrageous fraud perpetrated by government criminals for profit and control. Offhandedly, this inaccurate term entered history as shorthand for the public scandals of illicit arms sales to Iran coupled with illicit weapons deals for Nicaragua. The real story, however, is much more complex…When George Bush, [CIA Director] Bill Casey and Oliver North initiated their plan of government-sanctioned fraud and drug smuggling, they envisioned using 500 men to raise $35 billion….they ended up using about 5,000 operatives and making over $35 billion.” In addition, the operation became “a government within a government, comprising some thirty to forty thousand people the American government turns to, when it wishes certain illegal covert operations to be extant pursuant to a political objective” with George [H.W.] Bush “at the top of the pyramid”. And Still is.
Trumps remarks were somewhat tongue in cheek, unfortunately the left don’t do humour, they do head up *rse.
Does anyone know if voting in America is electronic or ballot paper like us?
It depends on the state. I think most is electronic now, and crucially, in some systems there is no audit trail. If these systems are hacked (and any electronic system can be hacked), then there is no way to know.
In the last election, there were counties in Ohio and Pennsylvania where not one single vote was recorded for Mitt Romney. Obama won by over 19,000 votes to none. Zero. Not one. This is, of course, absolutely impossible. Romney needed to win those states, and it seems to me to be unanswerable that the election was stolen.
Romney was a squish, and just sucked it up and accepted the result. Trump has got fire in his belly. He has put the Democrat election fixers on notice that he knows what they are up to, and will fight them.
The Democrat Party is more like an organised crime syndicate than a regular political party. It is riddled with corruption from top to toe. Electoral fraud is in its DNA. That is why they oppose immigration control, so that they can have an endless stream of new voters, and that is why they oppose any sort of voter ID rule. In 2012 Obama did not win one single state where voters had to show photo ID. Think about that.
The Democrat Party is an organised political conspiracy against the American People. It is aided and betted by the completely corrupted MSM. Trump has told them in no uncertain terms: he knows what they are up to, and he will not go down without a fight.
As an old French saying goes: “this animal is very naughty – if you attack him, he defends himself!”
Exactly, Rob. “The Democrat Party is more like an organised crime syndicate than a regular political party” and it is run by the most corrupt criminal family ever.
As I have read, Soros organisations control the voting machines for at least 16 States.
“You’re doing the work of our adversaries for them, because our democracy depends on people knowing that their vote matters,” said Mr Obama.
This from the man who urged us, having been given the first chance in 40-odd years to rescue our dwindling democracy, to remain in the blatantly undemocratic EU. The sheer brass neck of Obama and Juncker’s BBC is breathtaking.
They take us for idiots, which is why they lost.
If DT were to win the election and I hope he does, would he be able to put together an administration to carry out his policies, that hadn’t been tainted by the shenanigans over the last forty years at least?
Yes ToobiWan I believe he could.He has honest people around him and is intending to use top class business people to advise on the economy .Then there are Rudi Juliani,Dr Ben Carson and many more. He has plenty of plans on his web site and has given speeches about how he will achieve things.
By contrast .i still don’t know how Hillary will accomplish anything apart from raise taxes.
I am hoping for a massive Trump win so I can tune into the BBC and watch their expressions.No doubt they will carry on their anti Trump campaign the same as they have Anti Brexit.
I’m not concerned about the size of the win, Deborahanother, just so long as he manages it. But he has powerful, opinion forming forces ranged against him/ According to these “forces” America seems to have rediscovered a puritanical streak, being more interested in what someone said decades ago than what someone actually did more recently. Be nice to see HC in the dock:)
Gore thought he would win in 2000 due to the polls, no doubt, telling him so (secret Republicans as usual) and there were no real indications the Reps were abusing the voting system (as was proved in court). Trump knows this campaign has been even more corrupt by the so-called democrats than ever before, so he has a right to call it now.
That’s why the left are complaining that it is disgraceful that Trump is calling it before the vote, as that is the main thing that is different from Gore’s shenanigins. Calling it before is actually more believable than trying to make something up afterwards as the Dems did in 2000.
Gore did win the popular vote by c500k. So he had grounds to launch a challenge especially in Florida over the hanging chads, even if he was proved wrong.
That’s the key to this: Trump must find real evidence not anecdotal. No-one can say the election is rigged before its even taken place unless they have firm proof. It looks sour grapes otherwise. I don’t understand Trump’s logic. He is effectively admitting he is beaten if he’s going to challenge a result that hasn’t happened.This is a bad strategy. You must believe you are going to win. Poor Nigel shot himself in the foot predicting Brexit had failed after the vote and then found he had won! Did he not pass that on: never ever admit defeat?
If you remember Gore’s first claim was that people who all voted for a different candidate on a different part of the ballot paper really meant to vote for him so all the other candidate’s votes should be added to his. The hanging chads and pregnant chads came later – it was pathetic and there was no grounds for any of it.
The fact that these Dem fixers have been recorded boasting how they get people to multiple vote in swing states, even to the point that one has been sacked calls the whole process into question, as well as the fact that the biased MSM have been campaigning for Hilllary so completely, let alone the people running the first two debates. If Trump does win (I now doubt) it will be despite Cllinton’s corruption.
I’ve checked the Ohio 2012 result and in no county did Romney get less than 30 per cent of the vote . His overall share of the popular vote was in excess of 47 per cent . So it’s not true to say that in some counties he got no votes.
This isn’t to say that the democratic party isn’t involved in electoral fraud much
more than the republicans . We all know about machine politics in
the USA and I’m sure that produces fraud . The nearest thing we have to that is Labour harvesting the Muslim
vote in areas like Tower Hamlets, Birmingham and Bradford.
Trump may well lose but the feeling of distrust of professional
politicians which has carried him this far will not go away . In fact I think it will grow. I doubt that Hillary Clinton will be a popular or successful president .
Trump should by all means challenge the result if there is evidence of illegal vote rigging . Otherwise he should get on with his new TV station and funding a grass roots movement to challenge corrupt and complacent polititical office holders like Clinton for all the time they are in
power. Next time if there is to be a populist challenger , they
need to be a bit more politically savvy than Trump . But beyond doubt Trump represents something that will not go away. So the BBC will not win in its efforts to denigrate not just Trump but all populist politicians everywhere .
Thanks for the fact checking!
I was writing from memory, but you can read the full story at:
With regard to Ohio, it was 16 precincts of Cuyahoga County which did not register a single vote for Mitt Romney.
In Pennsylvania, Romney won 55 out of the 67 counties. However, he lost the state because of votes from Philadelphia. In 59 of the voting divisions in Philly, he did not record a single vote, and lost to Obama 19,605 to 0.
Overall in Philly, turnout was 60%. However, in voting divisions where the court appointed Republican poll watchers were illegally denied access (by the Black Panthers amongst others), “turnout” was 90%, and the vote for Obama was 99%.
There is no way any of these figures can be real, and they point to systemic voter fraud by Democrats in vital swing states. Romney may well have had the election stolen from him, but he is a well brought up country club Republican, and did not like to make a scene. Donald Trump has made it clear that although, ironically, he owns country clubs, he is in fact a street fighter, and he will not meekly accept Democrat voter fraud as and when it happens (and we know it WILL happen).
The Republican Party establishment will not give him any support, they hate him anyway. They prefer losing with dignity to fighting to win. Trump is cut from a different cloth. He won’t be cheated out of a victory. Things could get very interesting after 8th November.
Again taken from American Thinker blog…
Hillary Clinton is all but measuring the drapes for the Oval Office, but some things in this campaign don’t add up:
Trump supporter Wayne Allen Root paints Hillary Clinton as the political equivalent of the “ghost cities” of China that no one lives in:
This reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. She exists, but are there any real people behind her? Are you certain anyone is voting for her?
While Trump rallies are “once-in-a-lifetime experiences … like Woodstock for working-class conservatives,” Hillary is lucky to draw 200 people.
No one buys Hillary’s books or campaign gear, either. Root tells of a friend who found only Hillary gear at the airport gift shop and, on inquiring, was told that the Trump hats and shirts that come in twice a week are sold out “within hours.”
Hillary’s gear? They can’t give it away.
So poll-leading Hillary has no crowds, no sales, and no signs. Her inept running mate may be one dizzy spell away from the Oval Office, and she has an opponent generating historic levels of enthusiasm. Despite what her media (BBC) supporters would have us believe, it just doesn’t add up.
Please take the time to read the comments particularly the first two…
Oh the wonders of the leftist versions of honourability and integrity, which are passionately upheld and fought for…….. Until they don’t get what they want!!! Which is the reason all lefties in the end push towards socialist and communist dictatorships such as Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China, to ensure they get what they want…..and of course leads to the deaths of millions of people and utter misery and destruction of anything resembling life for those left alive!
Let’s look at Al Qaebeeba’s and her British hating allies (Guardian, Independent, Sky) record on honouring democratic results/process…
1: Tory led coalition government: Not rigged or any voter fraud affecting this one (though of course that’s not true in fraud crazy Liebour strongholds like Tower Hamlets..), but all we heard for months from Al Shabeeb was from Stalinist Liebour politicians saying “The Tories haven’t got the right to form a government… We should be allowed..” and Al Shabeeb were backing it all the way!!
2: Scottish Referendum: “Once in a lifetime vote”….unless you are from the SNP or are from Al Beebistan, because this ‘lifetime’ seems to be as long as is necessary to try again… 2 years in this case! What integrity?!
3: Brexit: Good old Brexit. A clear mandate of the voter numbers never seen before in Britain…. But what does that matter to the bigoted fascists on the left! Thousands of articles written by the British hating press including Beeba Horom, who are constantly undermining, never accepting, and relentlessly looking for ways and voices to change the result!
We also have:
Mass immigration: Never voted for
Taking in Geriatric gimmagrants from war torn France: Never voted for
Changes to our liberties, brought about by the new age Gestapo, who are trying to protect Islam and it’s cultural heritage of slaughtering infidels… BUT IT WAS ONLY THE GESTAPO WHO ASKED THEM TO COME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
Oh yes. The Islamic Al Beeb are definitely “do as I say, not as I do”…..traitorous bastards!
TTP – I sometimes wonder just what these liberal morons have to do to get any sort negative response from the majority of the media. You would have thought that the British Talking Bollox Corporation (wearing its compassionate hat) would have been concerned about the whereabouts of the true children who were in the Jungle.
But no all we seem to get is a neutral response at best, a radio platforming for Citizen UK and similar “Soros type” propaganda outfits, the normal waycist shut down accusations and very little coverage of the obvious “piss take” that is going on in front of our very eyes. Mostly men and very few minors.
Not that I particularly want even the genuine children here (especially when I believe Saudi would be a culturally better fit) but it seems who cares if the real children are being raped, trafficked or god knows what – but all that seems to matter to much of the media is that we have an open conduit for bringing in a selection of adults – many of whom I would not trust any more than I would trust Jimmy Saville.
This whole scenario reminds me of the “band aid” nonsense back in the eighties. Just mention the world “children” and the whole world goes misty eyed and you can finance all manner of corrupt and unworkable projects because anyone who objects is waycist and uncaring.
The foot soldiers of all this, seem to be naive humanist blue hair and balloon waving morons who believe any over sentimental nonsense that they are fed. However more worryingly they are led (as is much of our media indirectly) and directed by true reptiles such as Soros who know exactly what they are doing.
It is also interesting that there dont seem to be many “Christian” children as a they were quite a sizable minority in Syria – but I suppose they must have all gone for a swim on the way over -inshallah!
Nice to see we have now supplied all these “children” with blankets and barriers to protect their privacy – isnt that what you normally give criminals in court proceedings – maybe the Government knows something we dont.
Whilst every little nuance and phrasing of someone like Davis Davies is picked over for waycist overtones – It never ceases to amaze me the free ride all these “progressive” charities and celebs are given over subjects such as this. I am sure the BBC knows this does their cause no good – however I think it no longer cares as it knows its funding is now secure, the majority of politicians seem to be in its thrall and the majority institutions in this country from the police to the education depts are more concerned with staying PC than doing their jobs well.
None of this seems to bode well for the future – And in truth all I can see is major chaos ahead when people have finally had enough of being forced fed this left wing agenda. However at least the brexit vote shows people in this country may just be starting to catch on onto what is really happening.
And if as a society we dont do anything about all of this – Then I guess we will get the government we deserve.
What’s remarkable is that the media in this country admittedly with no dog in the US election routinely defame Trump with the shallowest of comments. Clinton gets a free ride (because she’s a woman?). Even the Daily Mail (not the MOS) strongly supported – and still does – Brexit but carries constant snide little digs at Trump, as does the rest of them.
US Election In my mind there is no doubt that the BBC is abusing the trust placed in it by the public- that is to be a fair and objective reporter. Trump is rightly calling into question the fairness of the vote – for those who have not seen the undercover sting – project Veritas, this casts a huge dark cloud over the whole election process and is currently being discussed by congressmen and a case against the DNC has been filed with the US election authority. Of course this massive gerrymandering is not reported by the BBC, who still do not acknowledge the massive support Trump has. For example, I have read that since July Trump has had over 500,000 people attend his rallies compared with Clinton’s 35,000.