A biased BBC reader writes…
“BBC has two videos that symbolise the whole hollow and cynical rhetoric of Brexit.
On the one side, is the genuine reason that most people wanted to leave. The BBC gets a dose of what many of the British people see with a pompous, aloof, arrogant dismissal by an overpaid, unelected autocratic in the shape of Mr Juncker.
The very next video is a Polish woman on Question Time. Her hyperbolic comments said that, post-Brexit, she is no longer welcome in the UK (“by 52 per cent of the voters”) despite living here for 23 years (since before Poland joined the EU) and “discriminated” against (how?). Her dismissive “you can boo me” line also sticks in the craw, not because she is Polish but because of the general sneering tone.
She even starts to sound delusional – “People were voting against the Poles” and hinting at mass deportations. She got some understandable audible response, not boos, for such an overblown victim narrative.
BBC’s headline at sweeping generalisations and inferring that 17 million British people are de facto racists? “Polish woman booed on Question Time”. Bizarrely, the BBC actually lies about its own story – you can even here she is not booed, which again shows that most people are fairly decent and accomodating even if someone is saying something that they believe to be fundamentally wrong. They clearly disagree with her but they do not belittle, mock or bully her.
We should not blame this woman. The hyperbole, sneering and dismissive tone, victim narrative and even the borderline delusion is, after all, only repeating what misrepresentations the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media keep pumping out, in this case post-Brexit hate crime. I would probably feel under attack if I were feed a daily diet of this stuff.
On a wider level, if these hacks keep telling us every single day that British people are bigots, racists, sexists, Islamaphobes, homophobes, transphobes, hate criminals….is it any surprise that people start to believe it? “
Ah…that famous BBC balance again!
As I write James O Brien talks to Mark Urban about yet MORE trouble ahead if we dare to thwart the German Foreign spokesman or Lily Allen.
Will they EVER give it a rest?
Not until we take their microphones off them and refuse to fund their treachery.
Just sick of them.
Of course O Brien promises us all that the BBC will be on the side of the 27 in the upcoming talks-and have already plonked themselves there so we can see the hurt caused, the POV of Tusk, Junkcer and Verhofstad,
Surely not Beeb!
Poles made Russians unwelcome when Russians protected them in Warsaw (capital of Poland) Pact days .
~”EU leaders made Theresa May wait until 1am to deliver her message that Britain will not change its mind about Brexit – and gave her just five minutes to speak, before ignoring her speech at a European Council dinner in Brussels.
The Prime Minister was made to wait until “long after the waiters were waiting to clear the dishes away”, one observer said.”
Get article 50 triggered now if that’s the way they want to play,
The BBC is also very quiet on the fact that there are now two major EU trade deals that have fallen apart (US & Canada) thta the UK was prepared to sign. Or two pre-packaged trade deals that can be signed immediately post Brexit. As far as I care Brexit negotiations can go very slowly or not at all. The more important thing is to negotaite trade deals with countries that can supply food at world prices (i.e. without EU duties), either by negotiaton or simply by dropping all import duty. Happy tpo help our friends in Kenya, Uganda and the Caribbean who might want to supply us.
The BBC is also very quiet on the fact that there are now two major EU trade deals that have fallen apart
The BBC wasn’t very quiet about the EU-Canada deal when I was listening to R4 this morning. They were loud and clear trying to spin it as an anti-Brexit story, when it’s anything but …
“Oh no, just look how difficult it is to do deals with the EU. Even the US and Canada can’t do it, so how is such an insignificant country like the UK going to manage to do it? How can we possibly manage on our own. Boo hoo.”
But a person of limited intelligence sees that that trade goes on. Will the German / French car makers NEED Trade deals – maybe they’ll just stop selling us cars and we could make our own – wouldn’t that be nice?I have to hand it to the BBC – they must have one hell of a super-computer to spin news.
Oh no, just look how difficult it is to do deals with the EU.
I’ve never understood how these dumb Remoaners and their BBC supporters can spin that as a recommendation for remaining in the EU. To me it’s a powerful reason to get the hell out of the EU altogether and trade elsewhere.
Stop the cheques, now.
Just read that BBC hero Gary ‘Shindler’ Lineker has advocated subscription as the best way forward.
At last he is talking sense.
Be interesting if his colleagues are as keen on this one.
Gary Lineker talking sense!.. he’s just a potato head.
A potato crisp head.
I can’t understand why they put so much credence on these trade deals. Do we have a trade deal with China? I don’t know, but I know this that most of the clothes you buy in Marks and Spencer’s these days are made in China. If Mr Bamford the owner of JCB has an order from China for Diggers etc, does he phone up somebody in government to see if its OK, I very much doubt it. He will take the order and organise shipping just like any other manufacturer who wishes to sell abroad. No doubt there will be export licences to arrange etc, but for a manufacturer that’s use to exporting his product I can’t see what all the fuss is about and why politicians are making a meal of it.
If the EU doesn’t have trade deals with the US, China, Japan, South Korea et al it surely follows that no one in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK etc can be using any Microsoft, Apple, Samsung ( to name a few) products. Hang on….what am I using to type this?
Project fear seems to being cranked up again, spreading the notion that more and more Brexiters are Regrexiters and suggesting people are ‘scared’ of the consequnces. This appars to be a response to the talk of ‘hard Brexit’.
Tokyo Rose comes to mind .
“The broadcasts were aimed at Allied forces in the Pacific, with the intention of lowering morale”
A bit late , but if the Polish lady has lived and worked in the UK for only 23 years I wonder why she has not taken the step to commit herself to the UK by taking nationality and renouncing her Polish citizenship, or does she want it both ways?
I believe a goodly number of Brits who export themselves to Australia commit themselves to their new country