Catching up with an old hard copy of the Mail from last Saturday and I see that Poles have been victims of racist abuse again…or not.
Polish sisters who launched a savage attack on three British women after yelling ‘Oh do you want the English slut bitches?’ on a night out
Two sisters who screamed ‘Poland rule the world’ and referred to three English women as ‘sl*t b*****s’ on a night out have been spared jail.
Aleksandra Mut, 23, and her younger sibling Angelika, 20, turned violent when two men they had spent a night out with started flirting with three women outside a takeaway.
When the women tried to laugh it off, the Mut siblings shouted: ‘Oh do you want the English sl*t b**ches?’
Aleksandra, a carer, told one of the girls: ‘Don’t mess with us Polish girls’.
The defendants first tried to claim they were victims of racism.
They later pleaded guilty to racially aggravated assault occasionally actual bodily harm.
Now I’m sure the BBC has covered this hate crime in depth it’s just that I can’t find their report….Google it and the BBC is nowhere to be seen. Gone down the memory hole along with all the other uncomfortable truths that don’t fit the narrative of racist Brits and loveable others?
What the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
Always worth looking back at previous posts to remind ourselves just how untrustworthy the BBC is….ironically from a BBC ‘report’…
In parts of social media the idea of a “lying press” has taken root. [Wonder how that happened?]
The question for Germany is not just how to protect women without curtailing their lives but how to restore trust with ordinary Germans that they are being told the truth.
It is a question that resonates across Europe. It is hard to think of a series of events so likely to feed the narrative of Europe’s anti-establishment and populist parties that an elite is misleading the people.
Even as it ‘reports’ mistrust of the media it tries to make out this is all a right-wing plot, and of course, as is usual with the BBC, it only mentions the ‘Press’ and does not include itself amongst those who are not trusted. It’s all a conspiracy theory whipped up by frothy mouthed, swivel eyed anti-establishment types.
Liberals aren’t pro-anybody, they’re just anti-white men. That’s why you’ll see them pander to feminism yet attack women who complain of migrant sex abuse and claim they’re lying, or will pander to LGBT yet will attack any gay conservative. Their set of standards is entirely flexible depending on what the circumstance is, but the goal is the same – to make everyone else miserable and mediocre so they can feel better about their own lack of achievement.
Do you get the feeling if the English girls had been the racists the sentence would have been harsher, and the BBC would have been all over it?
The Polish ‘girls’ did try to play the race card, probably with that knowledge.
Can’t really see how the Polish girls would have been considered as playing the racist card, assuming they like the English girls are ostensibly of a white European race type. But as we all know, the BBC is an operative of the world elitist cabal so called, that control all media outlets-the aim is to instill a love of Multiculturalism, a love of all Third Worlders whose mass immigration into Europe will destroy Europe and its indigenous peoples. Like many who post on this site, I despise the BBC & what has and is happening to what was once an informative democratic outlook at home & through World events-no sides taken. How sad it has all become-yes I must be getting old!
My neighbours are a Polish family of 5 adults!
None work full time! 4 hours a day!
Their house is their own!
The female daughter is studying in America!
How on earth they can afford to buy their house and finance their daughter in the States I have no idea?
All their food is imported from Poland – its rare that they buy British produce.
Don’t get me wrong! I really like them. They are perfect neighbours! Very quite. Very sociable. I just wonder if every other street in England had a polish family the country would be a far better place than it is today.
What I can’t understand about them – is that they say they love British TV?
Personally. I try not to watch British TV especially TV with advertisements (those disgusting adds with men in tight shorts giving the impression that gays couldn’t care less if we shameless gays push our behinds in your face and defiantly insult you, your faith and your God)
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who hates British TV especially the BBC.
Two sisters who screamed ‘Poland rule the world’ and referred to three English women as ‘sl*t b*****s’ on a night out have been spared jail.
Oh what a surprise!
Shouldn’t an example be made of them?
Of course if their victims had been black then the outcome would have been very different.
Ethnic British victims are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to protection.