Roumours abound that the French want to tear up the Le Touquet agreement on French Border Control but our Theresa is quite happy to keep it as it is ?
Anyone pick up Al Beeb’s report on this ?
The politicians maye be keen, but Eurostar/SNCF less so because they have to pick up the tab for the return ticket for all migrants rejected without adequate visas.
BBC 6 Music broadcasting live from Rochdale library this lunchtime (Lauren Laverne show).
Pointing out all the things Rochdale is famous for they discuss Gracie Fields. It is then stated that the press have given Rochdale a hard time recently, in a tone implying there was no reason to do so.
Seeing as you didn’t say why BBC and just in case you weren’t aware of it, Rochdale was at the centre of widespread sexual abuse of young, white British girls. Several men went to prison – they were all Muslims, the majority Pakistani, and they viewed their victims as infidels, kaffirs and white trash. They feed them alcohol and drugs and then they repeated raped and sodomised them.
I wrote an article on the Guardian website re that gang of Rochdale Muslims who were arrested for using/pimping white girls. It was as innocent as this:
In my opinion, these arrests are just the tip of the ice-berg!
And it was immediately DELETED!
And for months after they wouldn’t let me on their forum! They still have me on moderation!
And soon after that reports began to come out about other Rochdale gangs being discovered/arrested! Then, other gangs were arrested in various northern towns: Bradford, Rotherham etc etc etc!
I’ve read reports that it’s business as usual with the muslims in these towns. Just because a few have been arrested, tried, found guilty and imprisoned, it hasn’t ended the paklanders’ persistent abuse of white, non-muslim girls. If this is so, surely it’s a serious matter to warrant a thorough investigation by the bbc; after all they’ve enough self-described journalists working for the dreadful organisation.
John, the beebistan to investigate Muslim abuse of white girls? Ha ha ha.
They would only investigate if the colours / religions were reversed. Then they’d be all over it like a rash.
I know that you realise that your view of what should happen and what will actually happen are going to be poles apart. There is overwhelming evidence that Muslims are above U.K. Law and that most of the MSM are full blown apologists for Islam no matter how foul the crimes committed by its adherents are. The corruption of the MSM would be serious enough on its own , but of course almost all of the ruling liberal left elite share the same view as the MSM and the media are just clients of the elite. Basically they are determined to force the UK into becoming a liberal left multicultural utopia whether the people want it or not. They regard Britishness as an obstacle to be bulldozed and use the BBC as the bulldozer. Of course their favourite clients , Muslims, do not share such a multicultural vision , they want complete submission to Islam. Equally most Brits don’t share this vision of the future either, they just want the stable , peaceful and tolerant society they once knew. The difference in the way the liberal left treat Muslim dissenters and British ones is a stark demonstration of their wrong headed prejudice and why tensions between ordinary Brits and the ruling elite will continue to grow until something snaps and all hell breaks loose. They are running out of time.
“Here we are as guests of the local library ..You’ve had a lot of bad press recently cos of the big sexual abuse case ..haven’t you” Is not something I can imagine them saying
OTOH Thye post on 6 Musics FB page reveals that mark Thomas deliberately emphasised the word Bollox in a joke he told on air
Mike Harding is sometimes known as ‘The Rochdale Cowboy
Andy and Liz Kershaw are from Rochdale ..So that’s 3 BBC national presenters from one town.
Yesterday I heard two BBC interviewers, admittedly one was Brillo and the other surprisingly was Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics, be hard on the latest Remoaner ruse of claiming that the EU would now be prepared to give the UK special terms on free movement of people and full membership of the single market. Both interviewers making clear that they thought this was extremely unlikely to be on offer and that even if it was it would not meet the sovereignty and independence of UK judicery , that were also cornerstones of the Brexit campaign. To hear BBC being so clear on what Brexit was about is unexpected and refreshing and to see them be openly dismissive of those two arch Remoaners , Chukka and Clegg was astonishing, such dismissal is usually reserved only non paid up members of the liberal elite , which these two certainly are.
Does this signal a change in policy at the BBC and if so why? Somehow I can’t believe that it will last long. What are the BBC upto? Leopards do not change their spots , something nasty is afoot.Watch out.
But we must give credit where credit is due, otherwise we become no better than the vile, racist, bigoted, fascist, hate filled leftists who are tearing apart our way of life…..But don’t get confused between long term veterans like Brillo and the new wave brainwashed Gestapo who are professional hate baiters and victim farmers. These mentally detached delusionists are even worse than the traitors that have gotten things as bad as they are today… These fanatical lunatics see their purpose in life as Jihad against white people
Wonderful clip in Richard Littlejohn’s column. The child/men from Calais reminded him of this. Delboy has entered Rodney into a child’s competition to win a holiday abroad, so Rodders has to pretend to be under 15. He appears later wearing crash helmet and skateboard saying he’s a 26 year old who’s just come second in the skateboard event, Del’s reply “you were out in front when I last looked”. Terrific script writing.
Friends! Lefty literally rides to the defence of Hard-Right Red Tory Traitor Yvette, who in turn is supporting Our Gary re Our Calais Children. (And Hard-Right elements still claim that Lefties all hold the same views on immigration!)
Well said, Yvette. Whatever age these 30+ yr old refugees are, they are and always will be Our Calais Children.
I suggest you also congratulate her on setting such an outstanding personal example of compassion by taking in to her own home so many of those 30+ children.
.. Whatever age these 30+ yr old refugees are, they are and always will be Our Calais Children.”
Eh ??? God Help Us all. Just send the sodding world to our coastline and have prize prat Lineker to greet them with a box of crisps. Wait til he is an old man and dribbling in his soup, and there is a foreigner wiping his bum who cant understand a word he says, then he just might ‘get it’.
I am literally amazed that the gorgeous Yvette is not given a military escort and as many coaches as she needs to rescue these terrified children in Calais. She may be hard right but compared to the vicious hard right May she is a saint. Saint Yvette of Islington is no more than this wonderful creature deserves.
You are doing the right thing Lefty as always.
Sounds about right to me. She waited 2 weeks before reporting the alleged offence, and admits that she was blind drunk (I paraphrase) at the time it might have taken place.
Absolutely mind-boggling that someone with such limited self-awareness and who speaks almost entirely in cliches is currently a lecturer in Law at Oxford University.
Yes Nick Clegg and Leanne Wood slam-dunked in the last two days. Both saying that people (ie the intelligent 52%) voted for leaving the EU, not the single market. That they didn’t know that was what they were voting for. Then being shown clips of Cameron, Leadsom, Gove, Johnson, Osborne saying exactly that. I’m sick and tired of the EU Remain campaign teat-sucklers telling me I didn’t understand the issues or what I voted for. They are the ones that are brain-dead and lying through their EU funded teeth. Saying that they accept the decision of the British people when they so clearly do not, and are doing everything they can to subvert the democratic vote.
They ask to see the detail of the exit process. Where was the detail of the Remain process. How they were going to deal with African mass migration, Eastern European migration, Greece bankruptcy, Deutsche Bank debt, the Italian Banking crisis, Russia, unemployed youth, collapsing trade talks, stagnant economy and lost growth decade, quantitative easing, EU debt crisis, EU pension crisis, profligate bureaucrats, fraud, corruption, waste, mismanagement and on and on ….
You have to laugh at Clegg’s total stupidity. In the same programme, arguing that the Government has to reveal the terms of the trade talks to everyone so that they can be agreed, then minutes later saying he was once an EU Trade Commissioner. Negotiating trade contracts, and how crucial it was not to reveal negotiating positions before the negotiation itself had started. Beyond parody. The airtime being given to simpleton failed non-entities like Clegg and Milliband on the BBC, Sky, and C4 is truly astounding !!
As for the child migrants. Didn’t take long for the BBC, and in particular the vile James N’O Brain on LBC, to start throwing around the word racist. That arch defense of the feeble-minded. No it isn’t racist .. it’s a question of trust. We were told they were defenseless children, we were told they were under 18, we were told that their status had been thoroughly checked, we were told they had family in the UK. Lies of the establishment to achieve their own ends. Just like we were told that mass migration was good for us and under control, and that the EU had no Federalist aims. Lies, lies and damned lies.
Clegg, Wood and all the rest of you “intelligent” people who appear to struggle with the basics of democracy.
The majority voted to leave the EU in 2016.
We respectfully request that this vote be given the same weight and is enacted as thoroughly as the majority vote in 1975 was.
Just get on with it, or I fear the requests will, in due course, become less respectful the longer the delay to enact the democratic will of the people as expressed via the referendum that was carried out following full Parliamentary approvel.
Lardell on TWATO bemoaned that EU and Canada have not concluded a trade deal after 7 years. He thought this shows just how difficult it would be for UK to get a trade deal with EU. No mention that in fact it shows:
1. How slow and cumbersome is the EU
2. How much better off the UK will be out of the EU because we will be able to conclude such deals with the rest of the world much more quickly
Midday on Radio 4 , a programme asking people about Brexit . I switched it off in anger .
It’s the usual twaddle the Guardian liberal/left BBC put about .
First it was some old bloke going on about how he wasn’t fooled by Brexit campaigners , little Englanders , the war was bad etc etc boring etc .
His daughter voted out , only just because she was disgusted by the racism on the Leave side . In other words the Beeb making out there’s buyers remorse .
Then there were two more and the same remoaning going on so I used the off switch .
Loads of *Post Ad Hoc reasoning ! in that prog
Item 1 : “Leicesters most diverse street” old Labour family
Surprise female voted out ..she’d been to Calais to help
she was voting to oust Cameron *
Item 2 : 2 female black colleagues
One voted out, her family were split
(following experts, thought EU was going downhill, and wanted female leader*)
Other voted in : Multiculturalism
Item 3 Mum and Son
Mum : hysterically Anti Trump, ashamed to be first town to vote out, doesn’t know any Brexiteers.
Son : seems likely possible secret Brexit voter biting his lip
On average 3,000 African low-IQ “refugees” still reaching Austria EVERY MONTH (dread to think of the numbers still reaching Germany). And they can’t deport those already rejected.
We certainly need a campaign to support removing ourselves from the European Convention on Human Rights.
Yes the intonation was reminiscent of speeches in the past by a certain Austrian politician . What I think this shows is that the ruling elite right across the west need to quickly wake up and realise that the people who they purport to represent are not with them. Ordinary folks in the west are sick of seeing their lives ruined by their elites kowtowing to immigrants from strange cultures who steadily wreck their countries. If the elite don’t change course and respond to the wishes of their voters quickly then we will see the rise of politicians who will ever more closely resemble Herr Hitler .
In the over night elections the BBC was quick to say
“Batley – Labour got 85%” .. Yeh when no other party was standing
“Whitney – Conservative vote fell by 20,000”
The truth is that the turnout was 47% (well down from 73%)
So Con got 17,313 (45.02%)
Whereas in Batley the turnout was only 25% so Lab got 17,506 votes
So of the 2 votes she didn’t even get 200 more votes than he did
Hello all
Just to say I am an avid reader but now a signed up member to the “movement”.
Well here we go with the BBC looking for anything to bash the Conservatives. With the results of the Whitney by-election in, they have not hesitated in saying the Tory majority has been “slashed”!!
Under the analysis by Tom Bateman, all sorts of negative theories are put forward with a summary of the following…
“But the outcome of this first electoral test for Prime Minister Theresa May may cause some soul-searching over whether she is doing enough to take the voters with her.”
How about the BBC and Tom just checking the turnout numbers (Not mentioned anywhere). Some 20, 000 voters did not turn out for this event… Maybe these 20,000 would have all voted Tory, maybe not but once again we se clear bias to knock the Conservatives.
2015 Conservative 60.2% share of the total vote : Today 45.02%
Labour 17.2% share of the total vote : Today 15%
UKIP 9.2% share of the total vote : Today 3.5%
Liberal Democrat 6.8% share of the total vote 30.19% bbc Witney historical page
Surely the big story is that most were happy with the Conservatives,
so the protest vote was second, and that the protest voters had confidence in Labour so went for Libs
..Overall a big fail for BBC’s beloved Labour.
Feedback began with campaigning against Trump using some made up excuse about a Today prog commenter saying men should have men safe spaces’
..Our listeners said “What Trump said is so vulgar and offensive, it should not be said even in private conversation”
..Err ..Trump’s private conversation was not illegal at the time 11 years ago, and its still not illegal today
On the biased BBC 1pm news they celebrated the massive majority of the Labour Party and the huge % of the vote at Batley and Spen.
But ….errrr……those professional investigative journalists at the bBBC somehow failed to mention that the Tories, Lib Dems, and UKIP all decided not to stand, as a mark of respect to the murdered previous MP.
At the risk of repeating myself and others, contrast the Batley & Spen ‘coronation’ with the Eastbourne vote in 1990 after the murder of MP Ian Gow by the (BBC-endorsed) IRA.
As I said on an earlier post, the LibDem vote was basically a Remain vote, whilst the Tory was a Brexit vote. So a big win for Leave even in a constituency that had voted Remain 😉
I don’t mind the Islamic Al Beeb keeping the backstabbing deviants in the Tory party in check… What I do mind though is the utter distain, ridicule and sometimes outright hatred Al Shabeeb show in their analysis of the people that vote for them.
“Vote ‘Liebour’, ‘Lib Dhimmi’s’, or ‘Green British hating machine’ socialist terrorist organisations, and everything about you and your views on the world is magical… Vote Tory or UKIP, and you are a far right, racist, Islamaphobe white man, who is living on the proceeds from the harvesting of Syrian babies! The cultist that infest the Al Beebistan are nothing more that modern day Gestapo, who are overwhelmed with hatred, anger and supremacist views against white people and everything that white people believe in
The “poor” BBC man didn’t know what to do as he was asked “Are YOU the British Prime Minister??” but listen to the sarcasm in his voice as he retorts with “Bye, bye”.
For the EU-loving BBC it must have been awful to be slapped down like this and I’m amazed they’re broadcasting it but this piece of film also shows their contempt for Governments and Authority.
Today’s Times Letters
Dr Robert Bruce-Chwatt Forensic physician
“A non-invasive visual check of the presence of third molars, wisdom teeth, which start to appear at 17 years of ageand are usually fully erputed by 24, plus a mouth swab for DNA family matching is all that is needed
It is not an unreasonable request, nor unethical, expensive or intrusive.”
Activist : “We can’t examine cos you’d need the parents consent.”
Dr Larry Amure “Who gave the consent to move them fromCalais to the UK”
There’s nothing on the BBC about this, and probably not surprising as to why not, but it does beg the question as to how much responsibility their lunatic liberal broadcasting has had on this woman.
‘You caused your son great harm by insisting on raising him as a girl’: Boy, seven, is sent to live with father after his mother raised him as her daughter
Seven-year-old boy ‘living life entirely as girl’ removed from mother’s care
Youngster has been sent to live with his father following High Court ruling
The judge said the woman had caused her son ‘significant emotional harm’
He said the mother had been ‘absolutely convinced’ that the youngster ‘perceived himself as a girl’ and was determined that he should be a girl
I think that last sentence is the one which shows the BBC might well have some culpability in this.
‘Mr Justice Hayden said his ‘overwhelming impression’ was that the woman ‘believes herself to be to fighting for (her son’s) right to express himself as a girl’.’
‘He said in 2014 police were ‘requesting agency checks’ after receiving information the boy was ‘possibly transgender and a victim of hate crime’.’
‘He added: ‘This local authority has consistently failed to take appropriate intervention where there were strong grounds for believing that a child was at risk of serious emotional harm.’
‘Mr Justice Hayden said the council ‘had moved into wholesale acceptance that (the boy) should be regarded as a girl’.’
”There was no independent or supportive evidence that (the boy) identified as a girl at all, indeed there was a body of material that suggested the contrary,’ said the judge.’
‘The cry for investigation went unheeded.’
He spoke of ‘naivety and professional arrogance’, and added: ‘Concerns were dismissed on the basis that it was the other agencies who ‘did not have a full understanding of gender non-conforming children’. In fact, it was (council staff) and senior managers whose understanding was lacking.’
And yet again we see council apparatchiks more interested in conforming to political correctness than they are with a childs best interests in spite of all the evidence.
No one is sacked or disciplined for being over zealous with political correctness, but you can bet you bottom dollar that they would be !
And we can all thank the BBC for reinforcing this nonsense as the new ‘normal’ !
The BBC and Guardian are vehemently standing up against social media sites that are calling for Lineker’s head. People are unhappy with the over paid pundit because of his unpleasant abuse of those who questioned whether the Calais migrants queuing for their OAP bus passes were actually 14 years old.
As you recall, the BBC and the Guardian have whipped up social media frenzies in the past against innocent people, such as Tim Hunt and Ched Evans. It might be said that the BBC/Guardian is doing all it can to add fuel to the social media sites with vicious attacks on those who had the temerity to vote Brexit.
Lineker has so much in common with the “refugees” it’s little wonder he supports them….As he too abandoned his wife and kids to seek a better life elsewhere…Only in Linekers case it was with a cheap “glamour model”.
Splendidly detailed report half an hour ago on PM about Allan Richards, a former police officer and scout leader who was convicted today after a second trial for child-sex offences. After the introduction from Eddie Mair, listeners were treated to the convicted’s name (not a habitual occurrence, oddly); to an interview with the police officer leading the case; and to some lessons-must-be-learnt from a second public-sector interviewee. A good three or four minutes long, all in.
I wish I could make a sarky comparison with Radio 4’s brief news item—it wasn’t a report—about Monday’s convictions for child-sexual abuse of a gang of no fewer than eight anonymous men in Rotherham, but . . . erm, nope, the BBC’s reliably sterling editorial integrity affords no such opportunity. Absolutely no glaring differences whatsoever in the way the two stories were treated.
Point of order : I did hear the BBC news name the Rotherham suspects. I think it must be some kind of regulation that in reporting a court case they must, So they do it once then not again> Similar to the way the regulation says they must name all the election candidates in a constituency, so they do it once to cover themselves.
Did anyone pick the story the other day that single men without a partner who want to have children are to come under a new definition of ‘infertile’ and thus be open to receive all the finest child-enabling treatment that our overfunded, under-used (LOL) NHS has to offer?
Another victory for the lunatics in increasing charge of the asylum.
Oh, by the way, our nett borrowing unexpectedly increased last month. I just can’t think why.
If the only reason he can’t have children is because he’s single and without a partner then all he needs as treatment is access to a woman – NURSE !!!!!
Just watching the EU summit and trying not to throw up.
Juncker the drunk is strolling around beaming and lording it over everyone. Tusk is nearly as bad. The 28 countries can hardly agree on the time of day. The lavish wining and dining continues unabated. People get out of extremely large German cars and look important.
Is this what REMAINERS voted for?
I think we should ask Mr Clegg et al.
Oh the joy that we might actually be getting out of this nonsense.
Sluff, I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the “getting out”, but there’s an interesting point in one of Richard North’s blogs this week. He has been 100% in favour of the EEA as an interim stage of Brexit, but he’s now spotted a flaw in that solution.
“But, if the interim package is to involve continued participation in the Single Market via the EEA, what none of these media geniuses are asking is why industry and commerce would accept such a transition.
“After all, the EEA Agreement offers unparalleled access to EU markets, while the Canadian deal – which is one of the most comprehensive negotiated outside the EEA – affords a very substantially reduced rights. There is no logic at all in abandoning an interim deal if the final outcome is substantially worse…….
“Thus, should we take advantage of the EEA-interim solution – assuming we can – the divergence between the Single Market and any free trade agreement that we can broker is likely to increase. The idea then of using an interim arrangement to buy time to negotiate something worse then starts to look absurd.”
The BBC is starting to talk about Soft Brexit, but it looks as though that option will still leave us stuck to the tar baby – which is probably why the BBC sees it as an alternative if it can’t overturn the Referendum result..
Agree. There is absolutely no sense that they are working for the people of Europe.
There is every sense that they are lording it over the people of Europe. I’m more impressed by Corbyn rocking up in a mini-cab, or Boris arriving on his push bike.
‘A seven-year-old girl spent all her pocket money on a Maple tree so her dad could sneak out into central London’s Oxford Street at midnight to plant it in the pavement.’
Aw, cute. But suspicions begin to be raised as the girl’s dad tells BBC anchor Asad Ahmad, apropos of nothing, “Well we just wanted to have a good story with all this Brexit going on”
Methinks if he considers Brexit is depressing then he watches far too much BBC. Personally, I’m over the moon about the UK leaving the EU.
Perhaps it was his visit to BBC studios that suddenly brought on these anti-Brexit feelings? Or maybe this parent of the green-fingered little mite is really a bit of a Greenie activist with all those nasty lefty watermelon tendencies?
Anyway, our Asad studiously avoids any mention of our new Mayor, littleman Khan and his anti-Tree U-turn
‘Sadiq Khan has shamelessly abandoned his mayoral campaign pledge to plant two million trees by 2020, a promise designed to outflank the green credentials of Zac Goldsmith’
Seems our Asad and BBC London are not really here to hold truth to power as they used to say – anyway, not like they did in the Boris days.
AssiSeelt- Do you mean Asad Ahmad and his Londistan Programme? I have been watching
Sky News and a very minor story so far as the BBC website is concerned about “chemical”
problems at London City Airport. I wonder was it mentioned on the Londistan programme?
I do hope that a 38year old teenager was not seen leaving the airport in a hurry heading to near by North Woolwich.
I guess that unless you want to hear how wonderful are Russia, Cuba and North Korea and how dreadful is the west then you might avoid the New Statesman. This would be a shame as you’d miss:
“Shami Chakrabarti’s fall from grace: how a liberal hero lost her reputation.
Once, it was trendy to say you liked the former director of Liberty. No longer.”
Not sure when it was trendy to say you liked her, but you have to allow some imaginative coverage as the left, yet again, learns how misplaced its views are.
Don’t get too excited, I suspect she will still be filling BBC tv air space just as much as she did in the past.
Listening to BBC R4 Friday 6pm onwards:
Heartwarming tale of plumber, Steve Etches, and some good comedy from the journalist.
Leave radio on with same station for The News Quiz:
Jeremy Hardy starts programme off with a Calais children rant.
Memo to BBC: Guys, have you forgotten that we have ‘Off’ switches on our receivers?
It sure seems like it.
You were right to turn off, Up2snuff: it was one of the worst editions for quite a while. I thought things had improved slightly with the replacement of Sandi Toksvig as ‘chair’ by Miles Jupp but the bias was pretty consistent, with just a few redeeming pops at Corbyn, thuggery and antisemitism in the Labour Party.
Hardy’s sustained political rant sneered at anyone sceptical about the ages of the Calais migrant “children” and the idea of dental tests for their true age (another Lefty virtue-signalling panelist described the reaction in Britain to this age question as “horrific”). Hardy claimed the “children” would have been aged by trauma and the long walk from Syria (as if!) and that dentists couldn’t tell their age anyway – pure ignorant opinion by a Leftist bigot.
There were plenty of anti-Trump quips plus the dubious assertion that Hillary had won all three TV debates and was better in spite of everything, with no mention of Wikileaks, then the claim that the sexual peccadilloes of Assange and Trump discredited anything they might say. Then more Boris-bashing over the issue of new airport runway capacity.
Still, “The Archers” would at least by free of such blatant bias, wouldn’t it?
Well, wouldn’t it?!
Er, no actually! Busy Lizzie was complaining to mother Jill about a conference she was hosting at her converted country pile Lower Loxley. It was entitled ‘BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POST-BREXIT’ and those attending were among the worst she’d ever hosted, being very demanding and troublesome! One of them couldn’t even turn a radiator knob the right way to get more heat! Everything was very disorganised and nobody seemed to know what was going on. I think this is what my English teacher told us was called a MICROCOSM of the real world.
We hit the off switch at the same time and for the same reason.
How can the Beeb even pretend to be unbiased when they allow Hardy the regular opportunity for a rabid left wing rant every time he’s on that program?
I suppose the answer to my question is that they just don’t care. They have the power to force left wing rants on us and are pleased to do so.
Things did not get better later on.
I caught the latter part of Dimblebore Minor’s Dronathon. Some question about populism.
The great and the good seem to have latched on to “populism” as the reason for their humiliating Brexit defeat. This is the novel idea that actually implementing the will of the people is anti-democratic. Orwellian is not the word for it. The Dimblecunt, realising that the slow and dim-witted panel were not getting the most out of the topic, helpfully suggested that it was a REFERENDUM that got HITLER into power. Suitably primed, some numbskull suddenly remembered the appropriate clichés. “Populists offer simplistic solutions to complex problems” “Populists like Farage and Hitler exploit the grievences of those who have been left behind and feel angry”.”We must listen to the people and restore harmony in the nation”. That stupid fucker Kinnock, son of the Welsh Windbag Kinnock, had the gall to say that MPs could only represent their constituents to the extent that their consciences allowed.
The man must be totally deranged if he thinks that MP’s moral judgments would be a suitable basis to override the will and consciences of the voter. If an MP had any conscience or honour at all, he would step down if he felt he was acting against his conscience. Has anyone except Enoch Powell ever resigned over a matter of conscience in the last 40 years?
Hardy has long been a ‘right on ‘ leftist and should not be allowed on a supposedly unbiased programme . The fact that he given a regular platform by the BBC for the past 20 years tells you everything that you need to know about the corporation.
Just innocently watching ‘Inside Out’ on the BBC cos her indoors wanted to watch it when they started going on about the ‘Northern powerhouse’, which itself is bullshit, then they start saying Brexit will cost investment and jobs in the area, I had to walk out of the room, thing is a lot of people like my Mrs will fall for all this crap and BBC bias.
It’s Virtue Signal Friday
7pm One Show
Item : 1 About pardoning of people convicted under anti-gay laws (which hasn’t actually happened yet)
Item 2: Long item about the boy and family who won BBC Young musician of the year award
(It’s notable cos of the amazing predictive powers of commenters of commenters here on BBBC “The BBC will have him win cos he’s the only non-white contestant”
Then 7:30pm Inside Out many regional variations in virtue signalling
Yorks and Lincs Area
“Warnings that Billions could be lost from the northern economy after Brexit what next for the Northern it doomed ”
London Area
“And we pay tribute to Britain’s first black publishing house, still going strong after 50 years.”
Birmingham woman who helps in Calais, looking after children
We see her taking kids to a French supermarket to buy shoes
She doesn‘t appear to speak French ..isn‘t it French charities job ?
Back in the UK
When they get out of trucks they phone her up.
She runs house in Birmingham where refugees can live.
(shes not allowed to live in same house cos she’s not a registered foster carer
..So hang on the kids that she is helping don’t have family in the UK ?
SW Area
presenter Gemma Cairney examines #Bristol ‘s troubled past
Half Caste woman talking about the horror of slavery in Bristol and abolition
South Area
Visiting an anti-Fracking camp with Nuttily Bennett of the Green Party
It’s Virtue Signal Friday
7pm One Show
Item : 1 About pardoning of people convicted under anti-gay laws (which hasn’t actually happened yet)
Item 2: Long item about the boy and family who won BBC Young musician of the year award
(It’s notable cos of the amazing predictive powers of commenters of commenters here on BBBC “The BBC will have him win cos he’s the only non-white contestant” )
Then 7:30pm Inside Out many regional variations in virtue signalling
Yorks and Lincs Area
“Warnings that Billions could be lost from the northern economy after Brexit what next for the Northern it doomed ?”
London Area
“And we pay tribute to Britain’s first black publishing house, still going strong after 50 years.”
Wed Mids Area and SE
Birmingham woman who helps in Calais, looking after children
We see her taking kids to a French supermarket to buy shoes
She doesn‘t appear to speak French ..isn‘t it French charities job ?
Back in the UK
When they get out of trucks they phone her up.
She runs house in Birmingham where refugees can live.
(shes not allowed to live in same house cos she’s not a registered foster carer
..So hang on the kids that she is helping don’t have family in the UK ?
SW Area
presenter Gemma Cairney examines #Bristol ‘s troubled past
Half Caste woman talking about the horror of slavery in Bristol and abolition
South Area
Visiting an anti-Fracking camp with Nuttily Bennett of the Green Party
It must be wonderful to be Welsh/Scottish and bask in the admiration of the BBC. Any Questions as sycophantic as one can imagine . Why are the Welsh allowed to celebrate their culture and nationhood but us old English insulted and denied even that we are a people.
You know the answer. The BBC and it’s liberal chums cannot stand the thought of being English or having any pride in the nation.
A rotten bunch of no good scumbags. Not the Welsh but the BBC elites.
The Welsh are of interest to the traitor BBC only in as far as they are a ‘minority’ which can be used against the English majority. That they are usually White and long-established in Wales/Britain counts against them. Their vote for Brexit will further lower their status with the metropolitan so-called elite. But Marxist Alinskyism is always looking for potentially aggrieved minorities to use to overturn the majority culture.
Exactly, I’m allowed to fly my Welsh flag, and I’m a patriot. My Neighbour flies an English flag and word has spread that he’s a “racist”. Not based on anything he’s actually said.
Nothing wrong with flying both flags .
The problem arises because the English media PC brigade hate patriotism.
In particular Al Beeb . Further more, the education system in this country air brushes out the history of Great Britain from its curriculum.
Until our government gets a grip nothing will change.
I’ve just turned on BBC1 – HIGNFY with Jo Brand and Tim Farron. Quickly turned to BBC2 to be confronted with Michael Heseltine on Gardener’s World. Apparently that is followed by a Bake Off spin-off with Jo Brand (again) and Nadiya.
Has anyone got the phone number for the Dignitas Clinic please?
I Daniel Blake by Ken Cockroach no doubt soon to fill the airwaves of the Biased BBC and no doubt after it bombs (as it hopefully will) they will broadcast the entire thing on the BBCand the nation will see just exactly how biased the BBC really are, in one of those impossible to deny moments when the BBC is wholly exposed to public derision.
The really odd thing in all this are the three production companies:
Why Not Productions is a French film production company
Wild Bunch AG is a French-German film distribution and international sales company
Sixteen Films is a production company founded by Director Ken Cockroach
Alas that they will never stop to even consider the FACT that the ATOS assessments were actually a LABOUR POLICY and a LABOUR IDEA as was the entire Work Capability Assessment system which the Tories inherited from the party of failure.
BBC Reith lectures 2016: philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah (black, gay, African ancestry – hurrah!) said this morning that people of Pakistani (and other) heritage could claim to be “English”.
Surely not? British” yes. “English” no. Or not yet.
He means your cultural nationality is nothing to do with your skin colour.
So if you are born and schooled in Wales then you are Welsh etc. And if you are from Yorkshire then you’re a Tyke etc.
Apologies for giving a Guardian link Racial identity is a biological nonsense, says Reith lecturer
It is part of the oncoming campaign to deny that we old English have any right to nationhood. Compare and contrast the odious liberal insistence that every other people is actually a seperate entity. The Palestinians( invented in the 1960s) being an obvious example of the double standards . The BBC and it’s like have to deny us English what they freely grant to the rest. It is part of that particular vileness that afflicts the so called educated class of English.
The only proper response is the V sign to the lot of them.
The bad news for the BBC is that we English know exactly who is one of us and who is not. WE always have and always will. Just to annoy them it includes a lot of the liberals however much they hate the thought.
“The West Indian or Asian does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a West Indian or Asian still.” J. Enoch Powell.
By the same logic Enoch would say
“The Viking or Saxon does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a Viking or Saxon.”
So for most of us here the direct ancestor was not born on UK soil if you go back far enough..and that’s without going all the way back to Africa.
Nationality is cultural concept..there is no English race.
– Likewise when whitey moves to Australia and his descendants show the local habit of being extremely bad losers at sport, we don’t call them English/British. Nor the loudy moths descendents of Britons that moved to the US.
Though I could say that certain cultural cultural customs such as speaking directly, being honorable and polite, queuing orderly can be called Anglo-cultural. So we can find large numbers of Anglos in Australia, NZ, US, Canada and even Spain these days.
The BBCs “Head of comedy” (LOL) has tweeted his supprt for Linekers left wing rants….Who would have thunk it?
I'm proud that @GaryLineker works at the BBC. Brilliant footballer, great presenter and clearly someone with a bit of compassion.
hmmm Works at the BBC eh? So he’s an employee then. Time for an HMRC clampdown on these rogue freelancers not paying their fair share of tax to support the blessed Calais Children.
Seems a definite impulsive head above the parapet job, based on a semantic distinction only Bill Clinton could feel worth telling often enough.
I doubt outside the vast circle of supporters currently pledging allegiance, his superiors will be too thrilled at the dodgy BBC/staff relationships in employment contracts and unique funding being propelled into the limelight.
Will the BBC re-title the upcoming money fest “Children in Need… UK-France-the World ” ?? (Wonder if Lineker has put his job application in for the hosting gig )
This is beyond virtue signalling, this is virtue screaming from the rooftops: look at meeeee, i’m so caring, so caring I’m even called Carey!
“Juliet Stevenson and Carey Mulligan to lead luvvies’ plea to help children in Calais Jungle with theatre reading of ‘Dublin III’ asylum rules.” (DM)
And won’t THAT be a fun evening!
The beebistan will cover it ad nauseam of course.
And what’s in it for the luvvies? The adulation of their adoring fans and fellow luvvies, and oodles of free publicity for themselves. And of course a nice warm sanctimonious glow. Win-win.
It baffles me that those who earn a very good living mouthing other people’s words think it gives them the right to pontificate on important matters and on other attitudes .WTF do they think they are?
Narcissism and an exaggerated belief in their influence.
BBC WS reporting the collapse of the EU/Canada Trade Deal after 7 years because a small province of Belgium where live the Walloons vetoed it.
The BBC man then says, “Well, they just continue to apply World Trade Tariffs of a couple of per cent, so it’s really not a problem and trade just continues anyway.”
Amazing how downplayed this story was since we are ‘assured’ by ‘experts’ that obtaining post Brexit Trade Deals with the EU are so vital to the continued existence of Britain.
The flabby, useless Mark Mardell wrote the article, so no great surprises there.
I’ll never forget Mardell describing Ed Miliband as looking statesmanlike and prime-ministerial, in the buildup to the 2015 General Election when the BBC was trying to polish the millipede up. Remind me, how did that one turn out again?
Well Marcella is right! If Hilter and his Nazis had not been extreme racists we would not have this insane liberal left reaction that is slowly allowing the west to be taken over by any and all other cultures. Somehow the left have transmuted loathing of Nazism into loathing of all things western. We are all paying a heavy price , even 80 years later for Hitler.
Well Marcdell is right! If Hilter and his Nazis had not been extreme racists we would not have this insane liberal left reaction that is slowly allowing the west to be taken over by any and all other cultures. Somehow the left have transmuted loathing of Nazism into loathing of all things western. We are all paying a heavy price , even 80 years later for Hitler.
Taffman, I listened intently to Leanne Wood being interviewed on, ‘Today’ BBC R4 this morning. Now living in Wales, I am more interested in these ‘loony’ parties than when I lived in England. In a completely one-sided interview, Sarah Montague allowed Wood to tell the listener that, in effect, the voter in the Referendum, didn’t vote to stop immigration. It was more to do with deteriorating public services and a range of logal issues than anything else. (What place these issues in a Referendum on in or out of the EU defeats me)
If my recollection serves me, 17 of the 22 Welsh Constituencies voted for Brexit and in particular the immigration issue came out top. Just goes to show that there is a fine line between democracy and a totalitarian state: if in the latter and Wood’s party had complete control (God forbid!) she would have, “done an EU” and dismissed the uncomfortable vote to leave.
This is why Plaid are unelectable, I remember the day after the referendum she posted on her Facebook page that the resultimate meant that Wales should seek independence, ignorant of the fact that most of Wales, including her own constituency, voted to Leave. Inevitably she was widely mocked.
I also don’t understand the party’s hypocrisy on immigration. They don’t mind immigrants moving to English-speaking areas, but they resent any newcomers into Welsh-speaking communities, even Welsh people if they can’t speak Welsh.
A week can be a long time in Lefty politics. It was just a week ago that the BBC was rather thrilled that the comic book character Wonder Woman might be ‘gay’.
The agenda moves on and the BBC are impressed that despite the United Nations having selected the character as a mascot for female empowerment – ‘100 UN staff’ are saying they don’t like the idea.
This story is absolute manna from heaven for the BBC. You see it is the bureaucracy that matters here – or rather the political instincts of the people who work in it. The institution being captured by the payroll vote. What better model for the post-democratic brave new common purpose world view. Of course the paid staff should have the last word. Of course the tail must wag the dog. Licence Payers, Government, bah – the BBC staff know best, they must have the last say so – just like their mates in the UN offices.
Hillarious cant and backward talking from Welsh running out of puff dragon Leanne Wood just now on BBC lefty soft soap sofa interviews are us – isn’t it, boyo.
And your chosen subject is…. Brexit. Yawn.
Someone in the LGTB lobby please have a quiet word and tell Leanne the new hairdo looks like she’s camouflaged as a haystack in a wind storm.
‘Soft Brexit’ ?
Whatever that means? Has Ms Wood just missed the news – Seven (that’s 7) years of talks and the EU can’t even do a trade deal with lefty Canada –
Q: How do you know Adam was a Canadian?
A: Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?
You can’t negotiate with these EU people. We will drop out of the EU when the clock runs down – and let them do their worst. There’s no deal from their side – even if the EU appears to agree something there will always be some last minute hitch. Out. Quicker the better.
Also our Leanne – bless her – gets a little testy with the BBC. You see the BBC keep asking her to go into coalition with Labour, isn’t it.
Wood thinks the Welsh people voted Brexit as a ‘protest against austerity’ .
Wood by name, wood by nature?
She is completely out of touch with us – Most of the politicians in Wales are not listening to the people .
“More and more we hear racist language becoming the norm,” she said.
Leanne, its not about race, its about space. Housing, schools , Dr appointments , hospitals etc etc .
Ah yes, Leanne Woods, one of the great political thinkers of our time.
It was she who staggered the world of economic thinking with her demand for “green jobs to rejuvenate the economy of Wales”.
She’s stopped saying this now. I guess someone quietly pointed out that all “green jobs” are subsidised by real jobs. Real jobs being the ones that generate wealth, whereas green jobs spend the wealth.
She was interviewed about it on the BBC and oddly no one spotted the slight flaw in her proposal. I guess the BBC also believe the government can create tax money out of thin air and spend it on fatuous schemes like Wind Farms, or indeed the BBC.
Another day. Another Brexit doom and gloom session on Toady R4.
At 7.20am we had one story and then straight after the sport and headlines another one.
Through my early morning snooze I heard an interview with a Polish woman who had been living in England for 10 years and felt some ‘waycism’ the day after The Brexit vote. Quel surprise that the bBBC should choose to relay her story. I wonder how hard the journos worked to find her?
The narrative is so transparent and the ‘evidence’ is so weak to non-existent but the bBBC editors just don’t care any more. I don’t think they realise what a laughing stock they now are.
And as an adjunct to the Leanne Wood comments. The biased BBC is forever giving the Remainiacs a free platform saying in terms ‘we voted for Brexit but not the terms’? Here’s an idea . How about the biased BBC asking the same question TO the Remainiacs. Example. Did you vote for Juncker and Tusk swanning around on expenses looking pleased with themselves? Did you vote for the EU budget never being signed off by auditors? Did you vote for the Greek bail outs? Did you vote for regulat EU summits where they cannot even agree the time of day? Did you vote in favour of the deals in smoke filled rooms at 4am when everyone is too tired to make rational decisions?
Yeah, just which bit of ‘Remain’ did you vote for?
We forget that the number of voters who voted Remain enthusiastically because the EU is so wonderful is so small, it is pretty much limited to the LIb Dems and those apparatchiks that make a living out of it. The number of reluctant Remainers was high. A fact the biased BBC has totally ignored.
I heard a Polish woman saying why would freedom of movement be closed ?
..after all the Poles had helped Britain in the war.
.. Yes we were helped by the US as well but we don’t give them freedom of movement do we ?
They say we shouldn’t keep harking back to the war and to an extent I agree but if they want to bring it up – in my mind there’s still a question of reparations. We only finished paying off the Lend Lease debt to the USA a few years ago. We pumped millions into Germany at the end of the War rebuilding and spent more in cash and lives running the Russian blockade after the War. We kept Hitler at bay till the USA could get its act together so that Polish woman can go suck on a sausage.
“..after all the Poles had helped Britain in the war.”
So we declared war on Hitler as a jolly wheeze and Poland, previously unaffected, joined in to help us out? Don’t think so. The Poles fought to help themselves. The war cost us dear and, unlike the US, we couldn’t issue a big bill.
Too many of these “helped” arguments, in my opinion (US please note). If anybody “helped” anybody, the USSR must be included. But who kept them fed? I have no time for simplistic “bumper sticker” accounts of WW2.
Nothing against the Poles but everything isn’t about them. Poland is still there and still recognisably Polish, as far as I’m aware.
I think we helped a lot of European countries in WWII – Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. We could have stood aside and left them to fight the Nazis and simply protected ourselves The fact that a few of their armed forces escaped to Britain and then fought alongside our forces is surely what you would expect any patriotic person to do. There is some self interest of course.
I have a Hungarian friend who is very upset by Brexit. On the other hand I have an Italian friend who is happy about it – she says she’s glad Britain’s left the ‘sinking ship’ of the EU. Still I’m sure she’ll change her mind when all those right wing mobs the BBC tells us are lurking in the background put her windows through.
I can’t help smiling today. A small area of 3 million people have told the world that the emperor has no clothes on! The small state of Wallonia in Belgium (that has no government if I remember rightly) has put two fingers up to Junker and Tusk et al re the trade deal with Canada. Brilliant or what!!!!
The EU elite are throwing their toys out of their playpen so fast, they’ll soon have none left! And then they have the cheek to suggest Brexit talks should be in French?? Our headmistress soon slapped that down. Shame she couldn’t put them in detention – for ever!!!
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this about the Tube bomb plot. I listened To the BBC report of the arrest of the suspect yesterday on PM. They had a chap who witnessed the arrest , he sounded West I ndian to me but I could be wrong. His contribution ended with him saying that the suspect was an English looking guy. Needless to say this was a bit of a surprise to me because I had assumed that the culprit would be a ROPer , a reasonable assumption based on recent incidents and those stretching back for a couple of decades. The BBC made no other mention as to the likely origin of the suspect and of course plod gave no indication. Imagine my confusion this morning when I read in the telegraph that the suspect was ‘of Asian appearance’ i.e. ROPer. Infact the witnesses reported in Telegraph are adamant that the suspect was definitely Asian . am not saying that the BBC planted and scripted their ‘witness’ but I am sure that they were keen not to edit out his opinion that the suspect was English, thus leaving millions with the impression that it wasn’t a ROPer. It seems that there were plenty of other witnesses that the BBC could have recorded but perhaps their statements were less helpful to the BBC narrative.
Friends! I am literally very pleased to be able to bring you the news of a literally ground-breaking development on my Blog!
For those of you who enjoy my Tweets [Count me out for one, Lefty! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! Do you always have to be such a literally old curmudgeon? – L.], I shall from now on – owing to literally underwhelming public demand – be publishing the best ones [Oxymoron there, Lefty! – J.C.] every week.
Generally, I shall publish this weekly compilation on a Sunday, but this weekend, as a special tweet (geddit! Who says that those of us on the Progressive Left have no sense of humour, eh friends?) for you all, I am putting out 2 compilations: the week before last’s in today’s Blog, and then last week’s in tomorrow’s Blog. Here’s today’s:
It would be good here on BBBC if we had a weekly summary
Like Guido’s Saturday Seven Up
That would really help people who only have time to visit on weekends
No, and it took them 24 hours to report the “suspicious package” that was left on a London tube train. This was the top story on LBC from the moment it was discovered, but every time I tuned into Radio 4 all I heard was another woman claiming sexual harassment from Mr Trump. Who gives a XXXX?
Yesterday the Beeb came up trumps (no, not him) and an eye witness gave a somewhat garbled account of the arrest but a fairly precise description of a suspect. “He had long hair and a beard; he looked English.”
Usually there are very few such distinct descriptions in Beeb reporting. Normally it’s just some “men” were arrested, when dealing with industrial scale rape gangs…and even then it took them a decade to report these heinous crimes.
Can’t put my finger for their swift racial description this time.
Perhaps they’re improving…
Racial description is only mentioned when it ‘suits’. Read an article recently where Anita Rani (rising star at the Beeb) was mentioned… described as ‘British born of Asian parents’. I take this that its an assurance to everyone that she is ‘British’ so criticise her if you dare. Cant ever remember reading about the birth details or parentage (who’s interested anyway) of Huw Edwards, Tess Daly, Sophie Raworth, Zoe Ball etc etc.
Two interviews with Trump ended with questions about his, racism and sexism – he walked off. He’s had enough of the puerile, nonsense questions and slurs – haven’t we all ?
Whilst away earlier this week I watched a programme on BBC2 called ‘Who’s Spending Britain’s Billions?’ in which “Jacques Peretti* explores how public bodies utilise their resources and asks whether taxpayers are getting value for money”.
Actually it was Mrs jtf who insisted on watching it despite my warnings that would inevitably be saturated with an agenda, which turned out not only to be true but it was arguably the most biased piece of pro-public sector propagandising I’ve ever seen on the BBC. Mrs jtf, fully tuned in to the bias of BBC, was speechless (sadly a very temporary condition, as it turned out). I said just wait it would be all over Biased BBC tomorrow and though on return my catching up on the week’s worth of various posts wasn’t exactly forensic, I couldn’t find a single mention.
Here’s the link and, if you’ve not seen it already, it is a ‘must watch’ as it is an object lesson in how the BBC cherry-pick, twist and interpret not only the facts but also interviews to suit their agenda, so much so, in fact, I’d be surprised if the BBC don’t use it in future as an essential training aid.
It starts innocently enough with the projected overspend on Britain’s two new aircraft carriers then bizarrely takes a left-field leap into a council’s night-time spying on dog walkers not clearing up their pets’ mess (or ‘dog shit’ as our pre-watershed ignorant presenter called it). After about 15 minutes it quickly moves on to the real agenda – council spending on consultancy and outsourcing, where it is inconceivable, in the opinion of Peretti (whose insistence on wearing a short T-shirt to display the thick, matted black hair on his upper arms had me throwing up), that the private sector should make a profit out of any work they do in the public sector and, using various examples which were so spurious it was laughable, never bring any benefit.
The last 5 minutes or so was about councils that are taking outsourced services back in house which are then done better and more efficiently and the staff love it – no challenges here, surprise surprise. It is worth watching it for that last few minutes alone, it was like a Soviet-era propaganda film about tractor production – all that was missing was ‘The Red Flag’ playing triumphantly in the background.
It could not have been more blatantly and shamelessly biased if it tried.
*”Jacques Peretti (born Watford, 1967[1]) is an investigative reporter, broadcaster[2] and filmmaker[3] based in London, United Kingdom. He has written articles for The Guardian, Wired and the Huffington Post”. Who’d a’ thought it, eh?
BBC fighting against criticism of the man-child refugees showed the child that Lily Allen was crying over reunited with someone claiming to be his father but who hasnt seen him for 10 years. Blatant propaganda to avoid any serious investigation of these man-children. Even this reunion raises a host of unanswered questions. Who put the child on the leaky boat. Who paid the people smugglers, where did the money come from, how do we know he’s the genuine father, why didn’t he go to Calais to pick him up, is he an illegal himself?
A time ago there was EU talk of disrupting the boats before they could even set sail. Instead we’ve had lot’s of hand wringing and a lot of dead bodies.
Proof again, if needed, the EU is impotent and when it comes to action or negotiations the EU is a veritable dickless wonder.
AND after, how many years living here, 11 ?? he still cant speak a word of English. Another 150 years and no-one here will be speaking English, perhaps even shorter than that !
Back to an earlier post, “right of centre inspired by Hitler etc.,” claim.
Rather lame huh? Why not go the whole hog and say, inspired by Satan himself?
Now Churchill was Right Wing – no doubting that – so who was he inspired by? You dickless, pinko, twats?
I have a suggestion which with a hint of mischief would cause paroxysms of anguish if posted on the Grauniad.
I propose a 75% luvvie tax, to be levied in place of the standard 40% higher rate for the rest of us.
This tax would pay for all the damage done, and to defray the costs incurred by largely useless luvvies and the hangers on.
I’m thinking of people like Gary Lineker, Lily Allen, Bob Geldof, and of course Ken Cockroach, plus all the BBC types! I’m sure they wouldn’t have any objection to actually financing the crap they keep coming out with after all compassion is more important than money isn’t it?
Oh & of course this tax would be paid by any overseas national – such as Geldof and George Clooney who like to live here without paying a cent to finance their insanity !
Somehow I think we would see a great change of heart when the one thing they love more than anything else is affected, – money.
It’s great to shed bucket loads of tears, and get all angry when you know it isn’t going to cost you anything, and even better the shit your spouting isn’t going to affect you personally either, not quite so great when you end up paying for it !
Geldof, the twat, was on the Thames, a while back, in a big boat, haranguing Farage – why wasn’t he in the Med collecting hand – out seekers, to take back to his mansion?
In the 1960s, when dear old Harold Wilson was in charge, the highest rate of income tax was 98%. It inspired the Beatles to write “Tax Man” and sent the Rolling Stones to the South of France, but I am sure it would not deter Lily Allen, Gary Lineker and the rest of the modern day twatterati. Who could resent paying a mere 98% when it all goes on good causes?
If for a minute, you forget that that Lilly Allen woman wasn’t a well off pop star (laugh) and lived in a mansion, wanting nothing, yet wanting everything!
The other day when she was on the TV she actually looked like one of the many female drug addicts in the streets of Liverpool on any Friday night!
She looked like she needed a good wash, a look at her face by a good dermatologist, a change of clothes (hers looked so tatty), a trip to the hairdressers to have all that bleach washed off!
“I propose a 75% luvvie tax, to be levied in place of the standard 40% higher rate for the rest of us.”
Thoughtful, we have enough trouble getting them to pay tax at the current rates. In 2013 the actress Amanda Abbington, the partner of the actor Martin Freeman, declared bankruptcy to avoid a tax bill of £120,000. Freeman is reported to be worth about £10 million, so there was no way he could help her clear her debt to HMRC. The role of luvvies is to identify how tax money should be spent. Our role is to pay for their pet projects.
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tomoMar 15, 21:59 Weekend 15th March 2025 Car ramming attack in Munich A bit further southeast, Victor Orban :
Roumours abound that the French want to tear up the Le Touquet agreement on French Border Control but our Theresa is quite happy to keep it as it is ?
Anyone pick up Al Beeb’s report on this ?
The politicians maye be keen, but Eurostar/SNCF less so because they have to pick up the tab for the return ticket for all migrants rejected without adequate visas.
The airlines have being doing this for years. Eurostar/SNCF shouldn’t be any different.
BBC 6 Music broadcasting live from Rochdale library this lunchtime (Lauren Laverne show).
Pointing out all the things Rochdale is famous for they discuss Gracie Fields. It is then stated that the press have given Rochdale a hard time recently, in a tone implying there was no reason to do so.
Seeing as you didn’t say why BBC and just in case you weren’t aware of it, Rochdale was at the centre of widespread sexual abuse of young, white British girls. Several men went to prison – they were all Muslims, the majority Pakistani, and they viewed their victims as infidels, kaffirs and white trash. They feed them alcohol and drugs and then they repeated raped and sodomised them.
Hope that refreshes your memories.
I wrote an article on the Guardian website re that gang of Rochdale Muslims who were arrested for using/pimping white girls. It was as innocent as this:
In my opinion, these arrests are just the tip of the ice-berg!
And it was immediately DELETED!
And for months after they wouldn’t let me on their forum! They still have me on moderation!
And soon after that reports began to come out about other Rochdale gangs being discovered/arrested! Then, other gangs were arrested in various northern towns: Bradford, Rotherham etc etc etc!
(tip of the ice-berg Guardian Newspaper)
I’ve read reports that it’s business as usual with the muslims in these towns. Just because a few have been arrested, tried, found guilty and imprisoned, it hasn’t ended the paklanders’ persistent abuse of white, non-muslim girls. If this is so, surely it’s a serious matter to warrant a thorough investigation by the bbc; after all they’ve enough self-described journalists working for the dreadful organisation.
John, the beebistan to investigate Muslim abuse of white girls? Ha ha ha.
They would only investigate if the colours / religions were reversed. Then they’d be all over it like a rash.
I know that you realise that your view of what should happen and what will actually happen are going to be poles apart. There is overwhelming evidence that Muslims are above U.K. Law and that most of the MSM are full blown apologists for Islam no matter how foul the crimes committed by its adherents are. The corruption of the MSM would be serious enough on its own , but of course almost all of the ruling liberal left elite share the same view as the MSM and the media are just clients of the elite. Basically they are determined to force the UK into becoming a liberal left multicultural utopia whether the people want it or not. They regard Britishness as an obstacle to be bulldozed and use the BBC as the bulldozer. Of course their favourite clients , Muslims, do not share such a multicultural vision , they want complete submission to Islam. Equally most Brits don’t share this vision of the future either, they just want the stable , peaceful and tolerant society they once knew. The difference in the way the liberal left treat Muslim dissenters and British ones is a stark demonstration of their wrong headed prejudice and why tensions between ordinary Brits and the ruling elite will continue to grow until something snaps and all hell breaks loose. They are running out of time.
I have a friend who is a solicitor in Manchester, when the Rochdale stuff started coming out, he said it was the tip of a very large iceberg.
vesnadog,…the Guardian is a lala land paper, it frowns on reality, is forever in denial when truths stare it’s joke journalists in the face.
“Here we are as guests of the local library ..You’ve had a lot of bad press recently cos of the big sexual abuse case ..haven’t you” Is not something I can imagine them saying
OTOH Thye post on 6 Musics FB page reveals that mark Thomas deliberately emphasised the word Bollox in a joke he told on air
Mike Harding is sometimes known as ‘The Rochdale Cowboy
Andy and Liz Kershaw are from Rochdale ..So that’s 3 BBC national presenters from one town.
Yesterday I heard two BBC interviewers, admittedly one was Brillo and the other surprisingly was Jo Coburn on the Daily Politics, be hard on the latest Remoaner ruse of claiming that the EU would now be prepared to give the UK special terms on free movement of people and full membership of the single market. Both interviewers making clear that they thought this was extremely unlikely to be on offer and that even if it was it would not meet the sovereignty and independence of UK judicery , that were also cornerstones of the Brexit campaign. To hear BBC being so clear on what Brexit was about is unexpected and refreshing and to see them be openly dismissive of those two arch Remoaners , Chukka and Clegg was astonishing, such dismissal is usually reserved only non paid up members of the liberal elite , which these two certainly are.
Does this signal a change in policy at the BBC and if so why? Somehow I can’t believe that it will last long. What are the BBC upto? Leopards do not change their spots , something nasty is afoot.Watch out.
But we must give credit where credit is due, otherwise we become no better than the vile, racist, bigoted, fascist, hate filled leftists who are tearing apart our way of life…..But don’t get confused between long term veterans like Brillo and the new wave brainwashed Gestapo who are professional hate baiters and victim farmers. These mentally detached delusionists are even worse than the traitors that have gotten things as bad as they are today… These fanatical lunatics see their purpose in life as Jihad against white people
Wonderful clip in Richard Littlejohn’s column. The child/men from Calais reminded him of this. Delboy has entered Rodney into a child’s competition to win a holiday abroad, so Rodders has to pretend to be under 15. He appears later wearing crash helmet and skateboard saying he’s a 26 year old who’s just come second in the skateboard event, Del’s reply “you were out in front when I last looked”. Terrific script writing.
Friends! Lefty literally rides to the defence of Hard-Right Red Tory Traitor Yvette, who in turn is supporting Our Gary re Our Calais Children. (And Hard-Right elements still claim that Lefties all hold the same views on immigration!)
I suggest you also congratulate her on setting such an outstanding personal example of compassion by taking in to her own home so many of those 30+ children.
.. Whatever age these 30+ yr old refugees are, they are and always will be Our Calais Children.”
Eh ??? God Help Us all. Just send the sodding world to our coastline and have prize prat Lineker to greet them with a box of crisps. Wait til he is an old man and dribbling in his soup, and there is a foreigner wiping his bum who cant understand a word he says, then he just might ‘get it’.
????? Sometimes one jests.
Friend Brissles! Literally none of my comments on the Hard-Right Twitter are literally intended to be taken literally literally.
Sorry, duh ! the penny’s just dropped !!!!
Literally no problem, Friend Brissles :).
She’s asking Gary if she can have a few cases of childhood obesity snacks to welcome them.
I am literally amazed that the gorgeous Yvette is not given a military escort and as many coaches as she needs to rescue these terrified children in Calais. She may be hard right but compared to the vicious hard right May she is a saint. Saint Yvette of Islington is no more than this wonderful creature deserves.
You are doing the right thing Lefty as always.
Thank you, Friend Dave :).
SOL – now that did make me chuckle, good one.
Thank you, Friend Al :).
R4 Today this morning:
“Sex with regrets” say the police.
Sounds about right to me. She waited 2 weeks before reporting the alleged offence, and admits that she was blind drunk (I paraphrase) at the time it might have taken place.
Absolutely mind-boggling that someone with such limited self-awareness and who speaks almost entirely in cliches is currently a lecturer in Law at Oxford University.
Nick Robinson gives her an easy ride though.
“Nick Robinson gives her an easy ride though.”
ahem, so will Nick be expecting a call from the Police in a couple of weeks or is there an “allegedly” missing?
Nice one, Embolders.
“I’ll cross ’em into the box, you nod ’em into the back of the net.”
Yes Nick Clegg and Leanne Wood slam-dunked in the last two days. Both saying that people (ie the intelligent 52%) voted for leaving the EU, not the single market. That they didn’t know that was what they were voting for. Then being shown clips of Cameron, Leadsom, Gove, Johnson, Osborne saying exactly that. I’m sick and tired of the EU Remain campaign teat-sucklers telling me I didn’t understand the issues or what I voted for. They are the ones that are brain-dead and lying through their EU funded teeth. Saying that they accept the decision of the British people when they so clearly do not, and are doing everything they can to subvert the democratic vote.
They ask to see the detail of the exit process. Where was the detail of the Remain process. How they were going to deal with African mass migration, Eastern European migration, Greece bankruptcy, Deutsche Bank debt, the Italian Banking crisis, Russia, unemployed youth, collapsing trade talks, stagnant economy and lost growth decade, quantitative easing, EU debt crisis, EU pension crisis, profligate bureaucrats, fraud, corruption, waste, mismanagement and on and on ….
You have to laugh at Clegg’s total stupidity. In the same programme, arguing that the Government has to reveal the terms of the trade talks to everyone so that they can be agreed, then minutes later saying he was once an EU Trade Commissioner. Negotiating trade contracts, and how crucial it was not to reveal negotiating positions before the negotiation itself had started. Beyond parody. The airtime being given to simpleton failed non-entities like Clegg and Milliband on the BBC, Sky, and C4 is truly astounding !!
As for the child migrants. Didn’t take long for the BBC, and in particular the vile James N’O Brain on LBC, to start throwing around the word racist. That arch defense of the feeble-minded. No it isn’t racist .. it’s a question of trust. We were told they were defenseless children, we were told they were under 18, we were told that their status had been thoroughly checked, we were told they had family in the UK. Lies of the establishment to achieve their own ends. Just like we were told that mass migration was good for us and under control, and that the EU had no Federalist aims. Lies, lies and damned lies.
Clegg, Wood and all the rest of you “intelligent” people who appear to struggle with the basics of democracy.
The majority voted to leave the EU in 2016.
We respectfully request that this vote be given the same weight and is enacted as thoroughly as the majority vote in 1975 was.
Just get on with it, or I fear the requests will, in due course, become less respectful the longer the delay to enact the democratic will of the people as expressed via the referendum that was carried out following full Parliamentary approvel.
Succinct and accurate exposition AFP -well said!
AFP – there are lies, there are damned lies and there are EU lies.
AFP – there are lies, there are damned lies and there are EU lies… and worst of all, beebistan lies.
I think that should be “Lies, Damned Lies and BBC broadcasts”.
“Just depends on what the meaning of the word ‘lies’ is” – to paraphrase the former US liar-in-chief William Jefferson “BJ” Clinton.
Lardell on TWATO bemoaned that EU and Canada have not concluded a trade deal after 7 years. He thought this shows just how difficult it would be for UK to get a trade deal with EU. No mention that in fact it shows:
1. How slow and cumbersome is the EU
2. How much better off the UK will be out of the EU because we will be able to conclude such deals with the rest of the world much more quickly
Midday on Radio 4 , a programme asking people about Brexit . I switched it off in anger .
It’s the usual twaddle the Guardian liberal/left BBC put about .
First it was some old bloke going on about how he wasn’t fooled by Brexit campaigners , little Englanders , the war was bad etc etc boring etc .
His daughter voted out , only just because she was disgusted by the racism on the Leave side . In other words the Beeb making out there’s buyers remorse .
Then there were two more and the same remoaning going on so I used the off switch .
S** o££ BBC .
Loads of *Post Ad Hoc reasoning ! in that prog
Item 1 : “Leicesters most diverse street” old Labour family
Surprise female voted out ..she’d been to Calais to help
she was voting to oust Cameron *
Item 2 : 2 female black colleagues
One voted out, her family were split
(following experts, thought EU was going downhill, and wanted female leader*)
Other voted in : Multiculturalism
Item 3 Mum and Son
Mum : hysterically Anti Trump, ashamed to be first town to vote out, doesn’t know any Brexiteers.
Son : seems likely possible secret Brexit voter biting his lip
On average 3,000 African low-IQ “refugees” still reaching Austria EVERY MONTH (dread to think of the numbers still reaching Germany). And they can’t deport those already rejected.
We certainly need a campaign to support removing ourselves from the European Convention on Human Rights.
Austria isn’t going to go quietly. This clip from the Austrian Parliament is only 5 minutes long. Not a speech you’ll see reported on the BBC.
Whoa, what a speech!
How refreshing for once, to have someone not spinning like a top, trying to appease the ‘Religion of Peace’.
The message is clear and to the point, but in strange way, slightly sinister , uttered in an obviously Austrian accent…
Yes the intonation was reminiscent of speeches in the past by a certain Austrian politician . What I think this shows is that the ruling elite right across the west need to quickly wake up and realise that the people who they purport to represent are not with them. Ordinary folks in the west are sick of seeing their lives ruined by their elites kowtowing to immigrants from strange cultures who steadily wreck their countries. If the elite don’t change course and respond to the wishes of their voters quickly then we will see the rise of politicians who will ever more closely resemble Herr Hitler .
Alleluya! Is it too late for him to stand as a candidate to lead UKIP?
In the over night elections the BBC was quick to say
“Batley – Labour got 85%” .. Yeh when no other party was standing
“Whitney – Conservative vote fell by 20,000”
The truth is that the turnout was 47% (well down from 73%)
So Con got 17,313 (45.02%)
Whereas in Batley the turnout was only 25% so Lab got 17,506 votes
So of the 2 votes she didn’t even get 200 more votes than he did
Hello all
Just to say I am an avid reader but now a signed up member to the “movement”.
Well here we go with the BBC looking for anything to bash the Conservatives. With the results of the Whitney by-election in, they have not hesitated in saying the Tory majority has been “slashed”!!
Under the analysis by Tom Bateman, all sorts of negative theories are put forward with a summary of the following…
“But the outcome of this first electoral test for Prime Minister Theresa May may cause some soul-searching over whether she is doing enough to take the voters with her.”
How about the BBC and Tom just checking the turnout numbers (Not mentioned anywhere). Some 20, 000 voters did not turn out for this event… Maybe these 20,000 would have all voted Tory, maybe not but once again we se clear bias to knock the Conservatives.
2015 Conservative 60.2% share of the total vote : Today 45.02%
Labour 17.2% share of the total vote : Today 15%
UKIP 9.2% share of the total vote : Today 3.5%
Liberal Democrat 6.8% share of the total vote 30.19%
bbc Witney historical page
Surely the big story is that most were happy with the Conservatives,
so the protest vote was second, and that the protest voters had confidence in Labour so went for Libs
..Overall a big fail for BBC’s beloved Labour.
Feedback began with campaigning against Trump using some made up excuse about a Today prog commenter saying men should have men safe spaces’
..Our listeners said “What Trump said is so vulgar and offensive, it should not be said even in private conversation”
..Err ..Trump’s private conversation was not illegal at the time 11 years ago, and its still not illegal today
On the biased BBC 1pm news they celebrated the massive majority of the Labour Party and the huge % of the vote at Batley and Spen.
But ….errrr……those professional investigative journalists at the bBBC somehow failed to mention that the Tories, Lib Dems, and UKIP all decided not to stand, as a mark of respect to the murdered previous MP.
Funny, that.
Was it a 110% turnout? Eventually.
It’s what the BBC would have wanted.
At the risk of repeating myself and others, contrast the Batley & Spen ‘coronation’ with the Eastbourne vote in 1990 after the murder of MP Ian Gow by the (BBC-endorsed) IRA.
As I said on an earlier post, the LibDem vote was basically a Remain vote, whilst the Tory was a Brexit vote. So a big win for Leave even in a constituency that had voted Remain 😉
I don’t mind the Islamic Al Beeb keeping the backstabbing deviants in the Tory party in check… What I do mind though is the utter distain, ridicule and sometimes outright hatred Al Shabeeb show in their analysis of the people that vote for them.
“Vote ‘Liebour’, ‘Lib Dhimmi’s’, or ‘Green British hating machine’ socialist terrorist organisations, and everything about you and your views on the world is magical… Vote Tory or UKIP, and you are a far right, racist, Islamaphobe white man, who is living on the proceeds from the harvesting of Syrian babies! The cultist that infest the Al Beebistan are nothing more that modern day Gestapo, who are overwhelmed with hatred, anger and supremacist views against white people and everything that white people believe in
Please, please watch this as Jean-Claude Juncker shows his utter contempt for the BBC.
The “poor” BBC man didn’t know what to do as he was asked “Are YOU the British Prime Minister??” but listen to the sarcasm in his voice as he retorts with “Bye, bye”.
For the EU-loving BBC it must have been awful to be slapped down like this and I’m amazed they’re broadcasting it but this piece of film also shows their contempt for Governments and Authority.
They really do think they’re above everything……
I’ll save that with the one of Tom Cruise putting a Sky peroxide sink’s ambitions on the back burner.
Today’s Times Letters
Dr Robert Bruce-Chwatt Forensic physician
There’s nothing on the BBC about this, and probably not surprising as to why not, but it does beg the question as to how much responsibility their lunatic liberal broadcasting has had on this woman.
‘You caused your son great harm by insisting on raising him as a girl’: Boy, seven, is sent to live with father after his mother raised him as her daughter
Seven-year-old boy ‘living life entirely as girl’ removed from mother’s care
Youngster has been sent to live with his father following High Court ruling
The judge said the woman had caused her son ‘significant emotional harm’
He said the mother had been ‘absolutely convinced’ that the youngster ‘perceived himself as a girl’ and was determined that he should be a girl
I think that last sentence is the one which shows the BBC might well have some culpability in this.
‘Mr Justice Hayden said his ‘overwhelming impression’ was that the woman ‘believes herself to be to fighting for (her son’s) right to express himself as a girl’.’
‘He said in 2014 police were ‘requesting agency checks’ after receiving information the boy was ‘possibly transgender and a victim of hate crime’.’
‘He added: ‘This local authority has consistently failed to take appropriate intervention where there were strong grounds for believing that a child was at risk of serious emotional harm.’
‘Mr Justice Hayden said the council ‘had moved into wholesale acceptance that (the boy) should be regarded as a girl’.’
”There was no independent or supportive evidence that (the boy) identified as a girl at all, indeed there was a body of material that suggested the contrary,’ said the judge.’
‘The cry for investigation went unheeded.’
He spoke of ‘naivety and professional arrogance’, and added: ‘Concerns were dismissed on the basis that it was the other agencies who ‘did not have a full understanding of gender non-conforming children’. In fact, it was (council staff) and senior managers whose understanding was lacking.’
And yet again we see council apparatchiks more interested in conforming to political correctness than they are with a childs best interests in spite of all the evidence.
No one is sacked or disciplined for being over zealous with political correctness, but you can bet you bottom dollar that they would be !
And we can all thank the BBC for reinforcing this nonsense as the new ‘normal’ !
The BBC and Guardian are vehemently standing up against social media sites that are calling for Lineker’s head. People are unhappy with the over paid pundit because of his unpleasant abuse of those who questioned whether the Calais migrants queuing for their OAP bus passes were actually 14 years old.
As you recall, the BBC and the Guardian have whipped up social media frenzies in the past against innocent people, such as Tim Hunt and Ched Evans. It might be said that the BBC/Guardian is doing all it can to add fuel to the social media sites with vicious attacks on those who had the temerity to vote Brexit.
Do you think they get the irony?
Not working out too well on Facebook either, where they can’t control comments.
This is rather special:
‘It claims the broadcaster is “under pressure to fire” the retired footballer, but Gary Lineker says that’s not going to happen.’
How does he know?
This suggests why he feels he can flaunt his Teflon status:
A BBC statement said: “Gary is a freelance broadcaster and this is a personal Twitter account.”
One day the BBC’s blatant semantic distortions are going to do for them what they did for Bill Clinton.
In his own time and via his own media channels, Lineker should be free to express his views on whatever he likes, as should we all.
He’s employed as a sports presenter and football pundit, and (at least IMO) does a great job of both.
I happen to think he’s wrong about child migrants, but so what? He probably thinks I’m wrong too.
This business of calling for the sacking of people whose views we disagree with is wrong.
Yes, I agree with you TK, but equally he is wrong with his continual rally cry of calling most who disagree with him, racist.
Lineker has so much in common with the “refugees” it’s little wonder he supports them….As he too abandoned his wife and kids to seek a better life elsewhere…Only in Linekers case it was with a cheap “glamour model”.
Splendidly detailed report half an hour ago on PM about Allan Richards, a former police officer and scout leader who was convicted today after a second trial for child-sex offences. After the introduction from Eddie Mair, listeners were treated to the convicted’s name (not a habitual occurrence, oddly); to an interview with the police officer leading the case; and to some lessons-must-be-learnt from a second public-sector interviewee. A good three or four minutes long, all in.
I wish I could make a sarky comparison with Radio 4’s brief news item—it wasn’t a report—about Monday’s convictions for child-sexual abuse of a gang of no fewer than eight anonymous men in Rotherham, but . . . erm, nope, the BBC’s reliably sterling editorial integrity affords no such opportunity. Absolutely no glaring differences whatsoever in the way the two stories were treated.
Point of order : I did hear the BBC news name the Rotherham suspects. I think it must be some kind of regulation that in reporting a court case they must, So they do it once then not again> Similar to the way the regulation says they must name all the election candidates in a constituency, so they do it once to cover themselves.
Did anyone pick the story the other day that single men without a partner who want to have children are to come under a new definition of ‘infertile’ and thus be open to receive all the finest child-enabling treatment that our overfunded, under-used (LOL) NHS has to offer?
Another victory for the lunatics in increasing charge of the asylum.
Oh, by the way, our nett borrowing unexpectedly increased last month. I just can’t think why.
Sluff, that’s an interesting one.
If the only reason he can’t have children is because he’s single and without a partner then all he needs as treatment is access to a woman – NURSE !!!!!
Just watching the EU summit and trying not to throw up.
Juncker the drunk is strolling around beaming and lording it over everyone. Tusk is nearly as bad. The 28 countries can hardly agree on the time of day. The lavish wining and dining continues unabated. People get out of extremely large German cars and look important.
Is this what REMAINERS voted for?
I think we should ask Mr Clegg et al.
Oh the joy that we might actually be getting out of this nonsense.
Sluff, I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the “getting out”, but there’s an interesting point in one of Richard North’s blogs this week. He has been 100% in favour of the EEA as an interim stage of Brexit, but he’s now spotted a flaw in that solution.
“But, if the interim package is to involve continued participation in the Single Market via the EEA, what none of these media geniuses are asking is why industry and commerce would accept such a transition.
“After all, the EEA Agreement offers unparalleled access to EU markets, while the Canadian deal – which is one of the most comprehensive negotiated outside the EEA – affords a very substantially reduced rights. There is no logic at all in abandoning an interim deal if the final outcome is substantially worse…….
“Thus, should we take advantage of the EEA-interim solution – assuming we can – the divergence between the Single Market and any free trade agreement that we can broker is likely to increase. The idea then of using an interim arrangement to buy time to negotiate something worse then starts to look absurd.”
The BBC is starting to talk about Soft Brexit, but it looks as though that option will still leave us stuck to the tar baby – which is probably why the BBC sees it as an alternative if it can’t overturn the Referendum result..
Agree. There is absolutely no sense that they are working for the people of Europe.
There is every sense that they are lording it over the people of Europe. I’m more impressed by Corbyn rocking up in a mini-cab, or Boris arriving on his push bike.
Left-slanted activist tv known as BBC London tonite present a cute little girl planting a tree on Oxford Street story.
Here’s the BBC on line version.
‘A seven-year-old girl spent all her pocket money on a Maple tree so her dad could sneak out into central London’s Oxford Street at midnight to plant it in the pavement.’
Aw, cute. But suspicions begin to be raised as the girl’s dad tells BBC anchor Asad Ahmad, apropos of nothing, “Well we just wanted to have a good story with all this Brexit going on”
Methinks if he considers Brexit is depressing then he watches far too much BBC. Personally, I’m over the moon about the UK leaving the EU.
Perhaps it was his visit to BBC studios that suddenly brought on these anti-Brexit feelings? Or maybe this parent of the green-fingered little mite is really a bit of a Greenie activist with all those nasty lefty watermelon tendencies?
Anyway, our Asad studiously avoids any mention of our new Mayor, littleman Khan and his anti-Tree U-turn
‘Sadiq Khan has shamelessly abandoned his mayoral campaign pledge to plant two million trees by 2020, a promise designed to outflank the green credentials of Zac Goldsmith’
Seems our Asad and BBC London are not really here to hold truth to power as they used to say – anyway, not like they did in the Boris days.
AssiSeelt- Do you mean Asad Ahmad and his Londistan Programme? I have been watching
Sky News and a very minor story so far as the BBC website is concerned about “chemical”
problems at London City Airport. I wonder was it mentioned on the Londistan programme?
I do hope that a 38year old teenager was not seen leaving the airport in a hurry heading to near by North Woolwich.
BBC London seems to be telling us this incident was a ‘fire’
We’ll see.
I guess that unless you want to hear how wonderful are Russia, Cuba and North Korea and how dreadful is the west then you might avoid the New Statesman. This would be a shame as you’d miss:
“Shami Chakrabarti’s fall from grace: how a liberal hero lost her reputation.
Once, it was trendy to say you liked the former director of Liberty. No longer.”
Not sure when it was trendy to say you liked her, but you have to allow some imaginative coverage as the left, yet again, learns how misplaced its views are.
Don’t get too excited, I suspect she will still be filling BBC tv air space just as much as she did in the past.
Listening to BBC R4 Friday 6pm onwards:
Heartwarming tale of plumber, Steve Etches, and some good comedy from the journalist.
Leave radio on with same station for The News Quiz:
Jeremy Hardy starts programme off with a Calais children rant.
Memo to BBC: Guys, have you forgotten that we have ‘Off’ switches on our receivers?
It sure seems like it.
The BBC gets paid no matter what. Ergo…
You were right to turn off, Up2snuff: it was one of the worst editions for quite a while. I thought things had improved slightly with the replacement of Sandi Toksvig as ‘chair’ by Miles Jupp but the bias was pretty consistent, with just a few redeeming pops at Corbyn, thuggery and antisemitism in the Labour Party.
Hardy’s sustained political rant sneered at anyone sceptical about the ages of the Calais migrant “children” and the idea of dental tests for their true age (another Lefty virtue-signalling panelist described the reaction in Britain to this age question as “horrific”). Hardy claimed the “children” would have been aged by trauma and the long walk from Syria (as if!) and that dentists couldn’t tell their age anyway – pure ignorant opinion by a Leftist bigot.
There were plenty of anti-Trump quips plus the dubious assertion that Hillary had won all three TV debates and was better in spite of everything, with no mention of Wikileaks, then the claim that the sexual peccadilloes of Assange and Trump discredited anything they might say. Then more Boris-bashing over the issue of new airport runway capacity.
Still, “The Archers” would at least by free of such blatant bias, wouldn’t it?
Well, wouldn’t it?!
Er, no actually! Busy Lizzie was complaining to mother Jill about a conference she was hosting at her converted country pile Lower Loxley. It was entitled ‘BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POST-BREXIT’ and those attending were among the worst she’d ever hosted, being very demanding and troublesome! One of them couldn’t even turn a radiator knob the right way to get more heat! Everything was very disorganised and nobody seemed to know what was going on. I think this is what my English teacher told us was called a MICROCOSM of the real world.
Don’t hold it in Mustapha, let it out…
We hit the off switch at the same time and for the same reason.
How can the Beeb even pretend to be unbiased when they allow Hardy the regular opportunity for a rabid left wing rant every time he’s on that program?
I suppose the answer to my question is that they just don’t care. They have the power to force left wing rants on us and are pleased to do so.
I saw Hardy do a turn at a beer festival in Sussex over the summer.
He is an unfunny, witless, dog-whistle, hating leftist. Nothing more to him at all.
Things did not get better later on.
I caught the latter part of Dimblebore Minor’s Dronathon. Some question about populism.
The great and the good seem to have latched on to “populism” as the reason for their humiliating Brexit defeat. This is the novel idea that actually implementing the will of the people is anti-democratic. Orwellian is not the word for it. The Dimblecunt, realising that the slow and dim-witted panel were not getting the most out of the topic, helpfully suggested that it was a REFERENDUM that got HITLER into power. Suitably primed, some numbskull suddenly remembered the appropriate clichés. “Populists offer simplistic solutions to complex problems” “Populists like Farage and Hitler exploit the grievences of those who have been left behind and feel angry”.”We must listen to the people and restore harmony in the nation”. That stupid fucker Kinnock, son of the Welsh Windbag Kinnock, had the gall to say that MPs could only represent their constituents to the extent that their consciences allowed.
The man must be totally deranged if he thinks that MP’s moral judgments would be a suitable basis to override the will and consciences of the voter. If an MP had any conscience or honour at all, he would step down if he felt he was acting against his conscience. Has anyone except Enoch Powell ever resigned over a matter of conscience in the last 40 years?
Credit where it is due.
Robin Cook.
Though Cook seemed to approve of all the other Labour lies, nastiness and treason.
Hardy has long been a ‘right on ‘ leftist and should not be allowed on a supposedly unbiased programme . The fact that he given a regular platform by the BBC for the past 20 years tells you everything that you need to know about the corporation.
Just innocently watching ‘Inside Out’ on the BBC cos her indoors wanted to watch it when they started going on about the ‘Northern powerhouse’, which itself is bullshit, then they start saying Brexit will cost investment and jobs in the area, I had to walk out of the room, thing is a lot of people like my Mrs will fall for all this crap and BBC bias.
It’s Virtue Signal Friday
7pm One Show
Item : 1 About pardoning of people convicted under anti-gay laws (which hasn’t actually happened yet)
Item 2: Long item about the boy and family who won BBC Young musician of the year award
(It’s notable cos of the amazing predictive powers of commenters of commenters here on BBBC “The BBC will have him win cos he’s the only non-white contestant”
Then 7:30pm Inside Out many regional variations in virtue signalling
Yorks and Lincs Area
“Warnings that Billions could be lost from the northern economy after Brexit what next for the Northern it doomed ”
London Area
“And we pay tribute to Britain’s first black publishing house, still going strong after 50 years.”
Birmingham woman who helps in Calais, looking after children
We see her taking kids to a French supermarket to buy shoes
She doesn‘t appear to speak French ..isn‘t it French charities job ?
Back in the UK
When they get out of trucks they phone her up.
She runs house in Birmingham where refugees can live.
(shes not allowed to live in same house cos she’s not a registered foster carer
..So hang on the kids that she is helping don’t have family in the UK ?
SW Area
presenter Gemma Cairney examines #Bristol ‘s troubled past
Half Caste woman talking about the horror of slavery in Bristol and abolition
South Area
Visiting an anti-Fracking camp with Nuttily Bennett of the Green Party
It’s Virtue Signal Friday
7pm One Show
Item : 1 About pardoning of people convicted under anti-gay laws (which hasn’t actually happened yet)
Item 2: Long item about the boy and family who won BBC Young musician of the year award
(It’s notable cos of the amazing predictive powers of commenters of commenters here on BBBC “The BBC will have him win cos he’s the only non-white contestant” )
Then 7:30pm Inside Out many regional variations in virtue signalling
Yorks and Lincs Area
“Warnings that Billions could be lost from the northern economy after Brexit what next for the Northern it doomed ?”
London Area
“And we pay tribute to Britain’s first black publishing house, still going strong after 50 years.”
Wed Mids Area and SE
Birmingham woman who helps in Calais, looking after children
We see her taking kids to a French supermarket to buy shoes
She doesn‘t appear to speak French ..isn‘t it French charities job ?
Back in the UK
When they get out of trucks they phone her up.
She runs house in Birmingham where refugees can live.
(shes not allowed to live in same house cos she’s not a registered foster carer
..So hang on the kids that she is helping don’t have family in the UK ?
SW Area
presenter Gemma Cairney examines #Bristol ‘s troubled past
Half Caste woman talking about the horror of slavery in Bristol and abolition
South Area
Visiting an anti-Fracking camp with Nuttily Bennett of the Green Party
It must be wonderful to be Welsh/Scottish and bask in the admiration of the BBC. Any Questions as sycophantic as one can imagine . Why are the Welsh allowed to celebrate their culture and nationhood but us old English insulted and denied even that we are a people.
You know the answer. The BBC and it’s liberal chums cannot stand the thought of being English or having any pride in the nation.
A rotten bunch of no good scumbags. Not the Welsh but the BBC elites.
The Welsh are of interest to the traitor BBC only in as far as they are a ‘minority’ which can be used against the English majority. That they are usually White and long-established in Wales/Britain counts against them. Their vote for Brexit will further lower their status with the metropolitan so-called elite. But Marxist Alinskyism is always looking for potentially aggrieved minorities to use to overturn the majority culture.
Exactly, I’m allowed to fly my Welsh flag, and I’m a patriot. My Neighbour flies an English flag and word has spread that he’s a “racist”. Not based on anything he’s actually said.
Nothing wrong with flying both flags .
The problem arises because the English media PC brigade hate patriotism.
In particular Al Beeb . Further more, the education system in this country air brushes out the history of Great Britain from its curriculum.
Until our government gets a grip nothing will change.
Fly any flag you wish, except a blue one with 27 stars on.
Flying that flag must be made a capital offence.
Love Europe, the EU must die.
I’ve just turned on BBC1 – HIGNFY with Jo Brand and Tim Farron. Quickly turned to BBC2 to be confronted with Michael Heseltine on Gardener’s World. Apparently that is followed by a Bake Off spin-off with Jo Brand (again) and Nadiya.
Has anyone got the phone number for the Dignitas Clinic please?
Have they got space to take them all at short notice?
A very BBC movie coup
Ken Loach makes a feature-length party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
Mark Kermode admits it is ‘very political’
BBC man Gavin Esler says ‘cards on the table, I think he’s a genius’
On the positive side I guess our Gavin has put his cards on the table.
I Daniel Blake by Ken Cockroach no doubt soon to fill the airwaves of the Biased BBC and no doubt after it bombs (as it hopefully will) they will broadcast the entire thing on the BBCand the nation will see just exactly how biased the BBC really are, in one of those impossible to deny moments when the BBC is wholly exposed to public derision.
The really odd thing in all this are the three production companies:
Why Not Productions is a French film production company
Wild Bunch AG is a French-German film distribution and international sales company
Sixteen Films is a production company founded by Director Ken Cockroach
No doubt the Fascists will love it !
Alas that they will never stop to even consider the FACT that the ATOS assessments were actually a LABOUR POLICY and a LABOUR IDEA as was the entire Work Capability Assessment system which the Tories inherited from the party of failure.
BBC Reith lectures 2016: philosopher and cultural theorist Kwame Anthony Appiah (black, gay, African ancestry – hurrah!) said this morning that people of Pakistani (and other) heritage could claim to be “English”.
Surely not? British” yes. “English” no. Or not yet.
Only if they can eat a bacon sandwich.
He means your cultural nationality is nothing to do with your skin colour.
So if you are born and schooled in Wales then you are Welsh etc. And if you are from Yorkshire then you’re a Tyke etc.
Apologies for giving a Guardian link Racial identity is a biological nonsense, says Reith lecturer
SG I know what he means. My point is that it’s b******s. I agree with Dave S below.
It is part of the oncoming campaign to deny that we old English have any right to nationhood. Compare and contrast the odious liberal insistence that every other people is actually a seperate entity. The Palestinians( invented in the 1960s) being an obvious example of the double standards . The BBC and it’s like have to deny us English what they freely grant to the rest. It is part of that particular vileness that afflicts the so called educated class of English.
The only proper response is the V sign to the lot of them.
The bad news for the BBC is that we English know exactly who is one of us and who is not. WE always have and always will. Just to annoy them it includes a lot of the liberals however much they hate the thought.
The V sign being an especially English gesture. We haven’t spoken yet.
“The West Indian or Asian does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a West Indian or Asian still.” J. Enoch Powell.
Al Shubtill
Because a dog is born in a stable it does not make it a horse.
Its still a dog.
By the same logic Enoch would say
“The Viking or Saxon does not, by being born here in England, become an Englishman. In law he becomes a U.K. citizen by birth; in fact he is a Viking or Saxon.”
So for most of us here the direct ancestor was not born on UK soil if you go back far enough..and that’s without going all the way back to Africa.
Nationality is cultural concept..there is no English race.
– Likewise when whitey moves to Australia and his descendants show the local habit of being extremely bad losers at sport, we don’t call them English/British. Nor the loudy moths descendents of Britons that moved to the US.
Though I could say that certain cultural cultural customs such as speaking directly, being honorable and polite, queuing orderly can be called Anglo-cultural. So we can find large numbers of Anglos in Australia, NZ, US, Canada and even Spain these days.
Indeed. Brexit was but a murmur from the sleeping English lion. Rouse him at your peril.
The BBCs “Head of comedy” (LOL) has tweeted his supprt for Linekers left wing rants….Who would have thunk it?
hmmm Works at the BBC eh? So he’s an employee then. Time for an HMRC clampdown on these rogue freelancers not paying their fair share of tax to support the blessed Calais Children.
No, he’s being canny, works “at” the BBC, not “for” the BBC. I wonder if this one is on PAYE or has he got his own service company?
Canny? Maybe.
Seems a definite impulsive head above the parapet job, based on a semantic distinction only Bill Clinton could feel worth telling often enough.
I doubt outside the vast circle of supporters currently pledging allegiance, his superiors will be too thrilled at the dodgy BBC/staff relationships in employment contracts and unique funding being propelled into the limelight.
‘Head of Comedy at the BBC’ is a job title with the effectiveness of ‘Head of Passenger Safety’ on the Titanic.
Will the BBC re-title the upcoming money fest “Children in Need… UK-France-the World ” ?? (Wonder if Lineker has put his job application in for the hosting gig )
Children in Need are aiming this year to provide winter flu vaccinations, zimmer frames and free werthers originals to all Calais migrant ‘children’.
I wonder if Lineker’s past connections with the Islamic Caliphate of Leicester have anything to do with his views?
This is beyond virtue signalling, this is virtue screaming from the rooftops: look at meeeee, i’m so caring, so caring I’m even called Carey!
“Juliet Stevenson and Carey Mulligan to lead luvvies’ plea to help children in Calais Jungle with theatre reading of ‘Dublin III’ asylum rules.” (DM)
And won’t THAT be a fun evening!
The beebistan will cover it ad nauseam of course.
And what’s in it for the luvvies? The adulation of their adoring fans and fellow luvvies, and oodles of free publicity for themselves. And of course a nice warm sanctimonious glow. Win-win.
It baffles me that those who earn a very good living mouthing other people’s words think it gives them the right to pontificate on important matters and on other attitudes .WTF do they think they are?
Narcissism and an exaggerated belief in their influence.
BBC WS reporting the collapse of the EU/Canada Trade Deal after 7 years because a small province of Belgium where live the Walloons vetoed it.
The BBC man then says, “Well, they just continue to apply World Trade Tariffs of a couple of per cent, so it’s really not a problem and trade just continues anyway.”
Amazing how downplayed this story was since we are ‘assured’ by ‘experts’ that obtaining post Brexit Trade Deals with the EU are so vital to the continued existence of Britain.
The BBC have just published a lovely article where they’ve suggested that everyone right of centre has been inspired by Adolf Hitler.
When will this paedophile harbouring organisation be stopped?
The flabby, useless Mark Mardell wrote the article, so no great surprises there.
I’ll never forget Mardell describing Ed Miliband as looking statesmanlike and prime-ministerial, in the buildup to the 2015 General Election when the BBC was trying to polish the millipede up. Remind me, how did that one turn out again?
Wrong link, I’ll try later.
Well Marcella is right! If Hilter and his Nazis had not been extreme racists we would not have this insane liberal left reaction that is slowly allowing the west to be taken over by any and all other cultures. Somehow the left have transmuted loathing of Nazism into loathing of all things western. We are all paying a heavy price , even 80 years later for Hitler.
Well Marcdell is right! If Hilter and his Nazis had not been extreme racists we would not have this insane liberal left reaction that is slowly allowing the west to be taken over by any and all other cultures. Somehow the left have transmuted loathing of Nazism into loathing of all things western. We are all paying a heavy price , even 80 years later for Hitler.
Calling Al Beeb, Calling Al Beeb , Brexit news!
Forget the £, – ‘some say’ that the Euro fell to $ 1.08070 against the Dollar . Lowest since March.
Taffman, I listened intently to Leanne Wood being interviewed on, ‘Today’ BBC R4 this morning. Now living in Wales, I am more interested in these ‘loony’ parties than when I lived in England. In a completely one-sided interview, Sarah Montague allowed Wood to tell the listener that, in effect, the voter in the Referendum, didn’t vote to stop immigration. It was more to do with deteriorating public services and a range of logal issues than anything else. (What place these issues in a Referendum on in or out of the EU defeats me)
If my recollection serves me, 17 of the 22 Welsh Constituencies voted for Brexit and in particular the immigration issue came out top. Just goes to show that there is a fine line between democracy and a totalitarian state: if in the latter and Wood’s party had complete control (God forbid!) she would have, “done an EU” and dismissed the uncomfortable vote to leave.
This is why Plaid are unelectable, I remember the day after the referendum she posted on her Facebook page that the resultimate meant that Wales should seek independence, ignorant of the fact that most of Wales, including her own constituency, voted to Leave. Inevitably she was widely mocked.
I also don’t understand the party’s hypocrisy on immigration. They don’t mind immigrants moving to English-speaking areas, but they resent any newcomers into Welsh-speaking communities, even Welsh people if they can’t speak Welsh.
Wonders never cease
A week can be a long time in Lefty politics. It was just a week ago that the BBC was rather thrilled that the comic book character Wonder Woman might be ‘gay’.
The agenda moves on and the BBC are impressed that despite the United Nations having selected the character as a mascot for female empowerment – ‘100 UN staff’ are saying they don’t like the idea.
This story is absolute manna from heaven for the BBC. You see it is the bureaucracy that matters here – or rather the political instincts of the people who work in it. The institution being captured by the payroll vote. What better model for the post-democratic brave new common purpose world view. Of course the paid staff should have the last word. Of course the tail must wag the dog. Licence Payers, Government, bah – the BBC staff know best, they must have the last say so – just like their mates in the UN offices.
Walloony toons
Hillarious cant and backward talking from Welsh running out of puff dragon Leanne Wood just now on BBC lefty soft soap sofa interviews are us – isn’t it, boyo.
And your chosen subject is…. Brexit. Yawn.
Someone in the LGTB lobby please have a quiet word and tell Leanne the new hairdo looks like she’s camouflaged as a haystack in a wind storm.
‘Soft Brexit’ ?
Whatever that means? Has Ms Wood just missed the news – Seven (that’s 7) years of talks and the EU can’t even do a trade deal with lefty Canada –
Q: How do you know Adam was a Canadian?
A: Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?
You can’t negotiate with these EU people. We will drop out of the EU when the clock runs down – and let them do their worst. There’s no deal from their side – even if the EU appears to agree something there will always be some last minute hitch. Out. Quicker the better.
Also our Leanne – bless her – gets a little testy with the BBC. You see the BBC keep asking her to go into coalition with Labour, isn’t it.
Wood thinks the Welsh people voted Brexit as a ‘protest against austerity’ .
Wood by name, wood by nature?
She is completely out of touch with us – Most of the politicians in Wales are not listening to the people .
“More and more we hear racist language becoming the norm,” she said.
Leanne, its not about race, its about space. Housing, schools , Dr appointments , hospitals etc etc .
Ah yes, Leanne Woods, one of the great political thinkers of our time.
It was she who staggered the world of economic thinking with her demand for “green jobs to rejuvenate the economy of Wales”.
She’s stopped saying this now. I guess someone quietly pointed out that all “green jobs” are subsidised by real jobs. Real jobs being the ones that generate wealth, whereas green jobs spend the wealth.
She was interviewed about it on the BBC and oddly no one spotted the slight flaw in her proposal. I guess the BBC also believe the government can create tax money out of thin air and spend it on fatuous schemes like Wind Farms, or indeed the BBC.
Another day. Another Brexit doom and gloom session on Toady R4.
At 7.20am we had one story and then straight after the sport and headlines another one.
Through my early morning snooze I heard an interview with a Polish woman who had been living in England for 10 years and felt some ‘waycism’ the day after The Brexit vote. Quel surprise that the bBBC should choose to relay her story. I wonder how hard the journos worked to find her?
The narrative is so transparent and the ‘evidence’ is so weak to non-existent but the bBBC editors just don’t care any more. I don’t think they realise what a laughing stock they now are.
And as an adjunct to the Leanne Wood comments. The biased BBC is forever giving the Remainiacs a free platform saying in terms ‘we voted for Brexit but not the terms’? Here’s an idea . How about the biased BBC asking the same question TO the Remainiacs. Example. Did you vote for Juncker and Tusk swanning around on expenses looking pleased with themselves? Did you vote for the EU budget never being signed off by auditors? Did you vote for the Greek bail outs? Did you vote for regulat EU summits where they cannot even agree the time of day? Did you vote in favour of the deals in smoke filled rooms at 4am when everyone is too tired to make rational decisions?
Yeah, just which bit of ‘Remain’ did you vote for?
We forget that the number of voters who voted Remain enthusiastically because the EU is so wonderful is so small, it is pretty much limited to the LIb Dems and those apparatchiks that make a living out of it. The number of reluctant Remainers was high. A fact the biased BBC has totally ignored.
superb Sluff!
You could have just left it as “Did you vote for Juncker and Tusk”. That encapsulates my contempt for the EU.
En-elected, unaccountable and we cant get rid of the incompetent sods.
I heard a Polish woman saying why would freedom of movement be closed ?
..after all the Poles had helped Britain in the war.
.. Yes we were helped by the US as well but we don’t give them freedom of movement do we ?
They say we shouldn’t keep harking back to the war and to an extent I agree but if they want to bring it up – in my mind there’s still a question of reparations. We only finished paying off the Lend Lease debt to the USA a few years ago. We pumped millions into Germany at the end of the War rebuilding and spent more in cash and lives running the Russian blockade after the War. We kept Hitler at bay till the USA could get its act together so that Polish woman can go suck on a sausage.
“..after all the Poles had helped Britain in the war.”
So we declared war on Hitler as a jolly wheeze and Poland, previously unaffected, joined in to help us out? Don’t think so. The Poles fought to help themselves. The war cost us dear and, unlike the US, we couldn’t issue a big bill.
Too many of these “helped” arguments, in my opinion (US please note). If anybody “helped” anybody, the USSR must be included. But who kept them fed? I have no time for simplistic “bumper sticker” accounts of WW2.
Nothing against the Poles but everything isn’t about them. Poland is still there and still recognisably Polish, as far as I’m aware.
I think we helped a lot of European countries in WWII – Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland etc. We could have stood aside and left them to fight the Nazis and simply protected ourselves The fact that a few of their armed forces escaped to Britain and then fought alongside our forces is surely what you would expect any patriotic person to do. There is some self interest of course.
I have a Hungarian friend who is very upset by Brexit. On the other hand I have an Italian friend who is happy about it – she says she’s glad Britain’s left the ‘sinking ship’ of the EU. Still I’m sure she’ll change her mind when all those right wing mobs the BBC tells us are lurking in the background put her windows through.
I can’t help smiling today. A small area of 3 million people have told the world that the emperor has no clothes on! The small state of Wallonia in Belgium (that has no government if I remember rightly) has put two fingers up to Junker and Tusk et al re the trade deal with Canada. Brilliant or what!!!!
The EU elite are throwing their toys out of their playpen so fast, they’ll soon have none left! And then they have the cheek to suggest Brexit talks should be in French?? Our headmistress soon slapped that down. Shame she couldn’t put them in detention – for ever!!!
I’d say, tusk, tusk to that load of junkers.
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this about the Tube bomb plot. I listened To the BBC report of the arrest of the suspect yesterday on PM. They had a chap who witnessed the arrest , he sounded West I ndian to me but I could be wrong. His contribution ended with him saying that the suspect was an English looking guy. Needless to say this was a bit of a surprise to me because I had assumed that the culprit would be a ROPer , a reasonable assumption based on recent incidents and those stretching back for a couple of decades. The BBC made no other mention as to the likely origin of the suspect and of course plod gave no indication. Imagine my confusion this morning when I read in the telegraph that the suspect was ‘of Asian appearance’ i.e. ROPer. Infact the witnesses reported in Telegraph are adamant that the suspect was definitely Asian . am not saying that the BBC planted and scripted their ‘witness’ but I am sure that they were keen not to edit out his opinion that the suspect was English, thus leaving millions with the impression that it wasn’t a ROPer. It seems that there were plenty of other witnesses that the BBC could have recorded but perhaps their statements were less helpful to the BBC narrative.
BBC reporters were a bit thin on the ground yesterday due to twitter being taken out.
Friends! I am literally very pleased to be able to bring you the news of a literally ground-breaking development on my Blog!
For those of you who enjoy my Tweets [Count me out for one, Lefty! – J.C. Oh Jeremy! Do you always have to be such a literally old curmudgeon? – L.], I shall from now on – owing to literally underwhelming public demand – be publishing the best ones [Oxymoron there, Lefty! – J.C.] every week.
Generally, I shall publish this weekly compilation on a Sunday, but this weekend, as a special tweet (geddit! Who says that those of us on the Progressive Left have no sense of humour, eh friends?) for you all, I am putting out 2 compilations: the week before last’s in today’s Blog, and then last week’s in tomorrow’s Blog. Here’s today’s:
It would be good here on BBBC if we had a weekly summary
Like Guido’s Saturday Seven Up
That would really help people who only have time to visit on weekends
Good idea, Friend Stew.
Does the Left take it’s inspiration from, Caspar the Friendly Ghost?
BREAKING: Shopping centre near Brussels evacuated after ‘men with Kalashnikovs open fire’
It’s being played down as an armed robbery, but who on earth robs as store with an AK47 ?
Other feeds describe the men as ‘olive skinned’.
Absolutely nothing on the BBC though.
Could be pissed off Canadian Trade Negotiators.
No, and it took them 24 hours to report the “suspicious package” that was left on a London tube train. This was the top story on LBC from the moment it was discovered, but every time I tuned into Radio 4 all I heard was another woman claiming sexual harassment from Mr Trump. Who gives a XXXX?
Yesterday the Beeb came up trumps (no, not him) and an eye witness gave a somewhat garbled account of the arrest but a fairly precise description of a suspect. “He had long hair and a beard; he looked English.”
Usually there are very few such distinct descriptions in Beeb reporting. Normally it’s just some “men” were arrested, when dealing with industrial scale rape gangs…and even then it took them a decade to report these heinous crimes.
Can’t put my finger for their swift racial description this time.
Perhaps they’re improving…
Racial description is only mentioned when it ‘suits’. Read an article recently where Anita Rani (rising star at the Beeb) was mentioned… described as ‘British born of Asian parents’. I take this that its an assurance to everyone that she is ‘British’ so criticise her if you dare. Cant ever remember reading about the birth details or parentage (who’s interested anyway) of Huw Edwards, Tess Daly, Sophie Raworth, Zoe Ball etc etc.
Two interviews with Trump ended with questions about his, racism and sexism – he walked off. He’s had enough of the puerile, nonsense questions and slurs – haven’t we all ?
Whilst away earlier this week I watched a programme on BBC2 called ‘Who’s Spending Britain’s Billions?’ in which “Jacques Peretti* explores how public bodies utilise their resources and asks whether taxpayers are getting value for money”.
Actually it was Mrs jtf who insisted on watching it despite my warnings that would inevitably be saturated with an agenda, which turned out not only to be true but it was arguably the most biased piece of pro-public sector propagandising I’ve ever seen on the BBC. Mrs jtf, fully tuned in to the bias of BBC, was speechless (sadly a very temporary condition, as it turned out). I said just wait it would be all over Biased BBC tomorrow and though on return my catching up on the week’s worth of various posts wasn’t exactly forensic, I couldn’t find a single mention.
Here’s the link and, if you’ve not seen it already, it is a ‘must watch’ as it is an object lesson in how the BBC cherry-pick, twist and interpret not only the facts but also interviews to suit their agenda, so much so, in fact, I’d be surprised if the BBC don’t use it in future as an essential training aid.
It starts innocently enough with the projected overspend on Britain’s two new aircraft carriers then bizarrely takes a left-field leap into a council’s night-time spying on dog walkers not clearing up their pets’ mess (or ‘dog shit’ as our pre-watershed ignorant presenter called it). After about 15 minutes it quickly moves on to the real agenda – council spending on consultancy and outsourcing, where it is inconceivable, in the opinion of Peretti (whose insistence on wearing a short T-shirt to display the thick, matted black hair on his upper arms had me throwing up), that the private sector should make a profit out of any work they do in the public sector and, using various examples which were so spurious it was laughable, never bring any benefit.
The last 5 minutes or so was about councils that are taking outsourced services back in house which are then done better and more efficiently and the staff love it – no challenges here, surprise surprise. It is worth watching it for that last few minutes alone, it was like a Soviet-era propaganda film about tractor production – all that was missing was ‘The Red Flag’ playing triumphantly in the background.
It could not have been more blatantly and shamelessly biased if it tried.
*”Jacques Peretti (born Watford, 1967[1]) is an investigative reporter, broadcaster[2] and filmmaker[3] based in London, United Kingdom. He has written articles for The Guardian, Wired and the Huffington Post”. Who’d a’ thought it, eh?
BBC fighting against criticism of the man-child refugees showed the child that Lily Allen was crying over reunited with someone claiming to be his father but who hasnt seen him for 10 years. Blatant propaganda to avoid any serious investigation of these man-children. Even this reunion raises a host of unanswered questions. Who put the child on the leaky boat. Who paid the people smugglers, where did the money come from, how do we know he’s the genuine father, why didn’t he go to Calais to pick him up, is he an illegal himself?
Why did he abandon his “child” for 10 years?
Does the “child” actually remember what his father actually looks like?
A time ago there was EU talk of disrupting the boats before they could even set sail. Instead we’ve had lot’s of hand wringing and a lot of dead bodies.
Proof again, if needed, the EU is impotent and when it comes to action or negotiations the EU is a veritable dickless wonder.
and why is his Islamist father in the fooking country for fooks sake, he is a piece of shit who abandoned his wife and 4 kids in afganistan
and as he has been heen for 10years why hasnt he sent for them already, thats allowed i beleive?
tube device suspect
telegraph asian
BBC bearded white man
AND after, how many years living here, 11 ?? he still cant speak a word of English. Another 150 years and no-one here will be speaking English, perhaps even shorter than that !
Back to an earlier post, “right of centre inspired by Hitler etc.,” claim.
Rather lame huh? Why not go the whole hog and say, inspired by Satan himself?
Now Churchill was Right Wing – no doubting that – so who was he inspired by? You dickless, pinko, twats?
BBC Online News:
“”Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – the feminist who sells make-up””
“”As a feminist, she is aware that she has to explain her relationship with make-up””
More BBC Left wing diversity drivel.
I have a suggestion which with a hint of mischief would cause paroxysms of anguish if posted on the Grauniad.
I propose a 75% luvvie tax, to be levied in place of the standard 40% higher rate for the rest of us.
This tax would pay for all the damage done, and to defray the costs incurred by largely useless luvvies and the hangers on.
I’m thinking of people like Gary Lineker, Lily Allen, Bob Geldof, and of course Ken Cockroach, plus all the BBC types! I’m sure they wouldn’t have any objection to actually financing the crap they keep coming out with after all compassion is more important than money isn’t it?
Oh & of course this tax would be paid by any overseas national – such as Geldof and George Clooney who like to live here without paying a cent to finance their insanity !
Somehow I think we would see a great change of heart when the one thing they love more than anything else is affected, – money.
It’s great to shed bucket loads of tears, and get all angry when you know it isn’t going to cost you anything, and even better the shit your spouting isn’t going to affect you personally either, not quite so great when you end up paying for it !
Geldof, the twat, was on the Thames, a while back, in a big boat, haranguing Farage – why wasn’t he in the Med collecting hand – out seekers, to take back to his mansion?
In the 1960s, when dear old Harold Wilson was in charge, the highest rate of income tax was 98%. It inspired the Beatles to write “Tax Man” and sent the Rolling Stones to the South of France, but I am sure it would not deter Lily Allen, Gary Lineker and the rest of the modern day twatterati. Who could resent paying a mere 98% when it all goes on good causes?
If for a minute, you forget that that Lilly Allen woman wasn’t a well off pop star (laugh) and lived in a mansion, wanting nothing, yet wanting everything!
The other day when she was on the TV she actually looked like one of the many female drug addicts in the streets of Liverpool on any Friday night!
She looked like she needed a good wash, a look at her face by a good dermatologist, a change of clothes (hers looked so tatty), a trip to the hairdressers to have all that bleach washed off!
“I propose a 75% luvvie tax, to be levied in place of the standard 40% higher rate for the rest of us.”
Thoughtful, we have enough trouble getting them to pay tax at the current rates. In 2013 the actress Amanda Abbington, the partner of the actor Martin Freeman, declared bankruptcy to avoid a tax bill of £120,000. Freeman is reported to be worth about £10 million, so there was no way he could help her clear her debt to HMRC. The role of luvvies is to identify how tax money should be spent. Our role is to pay for their pet projects.