Today I have heard a theory which I neither believe to be true, nor that the wholly incompetent civil service is capable of implementing. Never the less I shall relate it here, because it is very interesting and maybe we have got things a little ‘wrong’.
The UK has signed some kind of international treaty (Dublin?) which allows underage migrants with family in the UK to be fast tracked to the UK.
We have reached some other kind of agreement with the French that we will take a specific number of underage (child) migrants.
We know that many of these so called under age child migrants, are not under age at all but well over the threshold.
Here is the clever bit.
It costs around £2500 per week for just one child migrant – but if as part of the set number Britain has agreed to take from France as children are later judged to be adult it still counts to the total number.
If they are judged to be adults, and they have family here then it costs the state absolutely nothing to keep them what so ever, AND they then have to go through the same asylum process which every other adult asylum seeker has to. If they fail that process then they can be removed from the UK back whence they came.
If this is a genuine government tactic then I would be amazed I sincerely doubt that the incompetent borders agency could undertake such subterfuge, but maybe, just maybe, it’s better for the UK that adult children do come, and the luvvies are shown for the lunatics they are .
Another “Pole Whine” on the Today programme.
Why this strange insecurity amongst Poles?
Maybe they are judging the English by their own proud traditions?
The long history of Jewish pogroms culminating in the 1946 Kielce pogrom.
The persecution of Jews under communism. The strange reluctance of Poles to
throw open their borders to those fleeing war, even though their stale, pale culture could be enriched beyond their wildest dreams.
It was a group whine this morning. Apparently, since Brexit, there has be “insecurity” yet no one had actually been “a victim of a racist incident”. These people want to preserve their culture and have their children learn Polish so they can talk to their grandparents. If that’s what they want why did they not stay in Poland? One girl seemed to think she deserved a spontaneous round of applause everywhere she went because “the Poles saved Britain”. Am I being too cynical in seeing the ideological work of our state pedagogues finding expression here? If we are on the verge of a new Machtergreifung by Führer Farage, I’m at a loss to understand why a third of a million immigrants keep pouring in. Shouldn’t their friends and relations be telling don’t come to Nazi Britain, you risk being pogromised!!. But then I’m so stupid I voted Brexit. I should have relied on our elected “representatives”. But if I’m that stupid how do I know who to vote for? Maybe I should listen to those clever people at the BBC.
By a strange coincidence, I read this text from Cicero after another pointless appearance of Ken Clark on the BBC.
Non est concilium in vulgo, non ratio, non discrimen, non diligentia; semperque sapientes ea quae populus fecisset, feranda, non semper laudanda duxerunt.
The “progressive” Clark more dismissive of the people than a Roman senator. Democrat my arse.
Johnny = its pathetic! No one can doubt the courage of the Polish fliers in WW2 and yes they were brave and dedicated men. But they were also exercising choice and were also saving themselves. As members of the Polish armed forces if they had stayed in Poland they would have had to yield to the Nazis or have been crushed.
No one but an idiot would doubt their courage. But there were many other courageous individuals who also fought against the Nazis in WW2. Because someones grandfather fought with us against the Nazis in WW2 – Does not give a large proportion of the current population a carte blanche to emigrate here en masse and avail itself of all the social/welfare payments available.
I generally consider the Poles to be hard working and decent individuals – whos culture and values on the whole are generally similar to ours. As a nation it has always been geographically unfortunate in that it has often been in the centre of other nations political ambitions.
However Poland has chosen to stay within the EU and unfortunately – When {or if} we leave those who have not taken up UK citizenship, quite fairly will be considered foreign nationals.
Unfortunately attempting to explain this to most lefties is not possible as they would far rather block their ears and scream WAYCIST! As portraying us as xenophobic little Englanders is far easier than having any sort of serious discussion. In the past the WAYCISSSST! accusation always trumped any reasonable argument.
Fortunately many people are now catching on to this tactic and are refusing to be browbeaten by these lazy leftist twats whos only tactic seems to be to constantly scream down anyone who desires a serious debate about what is going on in this land of ours.
Yes,it’s simply nonsense to say Poles in the RAF were fighting for the greater glory of the British Empire because they continued their fight against Hitler from a base in Britain with British weapons. De Gaulle and the Free French were also fighting from Britain but not because of their love for Britain. The left have to use any spurious argument they can find to justify problematic mass Polish immigration. Using the patriotic feelings of the indigenous population against them is one of the most insidious. Unproblematic, limited French immigration needs no justification on the grounds that the Free French were allies or courageous fighters. Nor are German immigrants prevented from entering the UK, because their grandparents and parents voted for Hitler or were Nazis at some time.
“Poles in the RAF were fighting for the greater glory of the British Empire”. That’s the least the poles could do .
After all, Great Britain went to war when Germany invaded Poland .
Agree ID, it is odd that people want to come here in their thousands to Britain to be oppressed and racially abused. So many masochists, who knew.
What disturbed me most about the 17 yr old Polish girl on Today was her sinister closing comment ” these voices must be silenced.” Free speech anyone?
“No true European can fail to love Italy. Your country is the birthplace of so much of our common civilisation; of the abiding Roman concepts of law and self-discipline; of the universal Catholic tradition; of the glories of the Renaissance its paintings and sculptures and buildings; of the Roman opera and the music of La Scala, Milano.”
There is no nice way for this to end. Either muslims take over, or they are expelled. Both have happened in the past. However, our present day society is decadent and run by fools. They do not have the moral courage to do what is necessary, and Western civilization is therefore doomed.
Ha Luvvie tax, that would be like counting the rooms given over to immigrants in the Luvvies mansions, or measuring their CO2 footprint as they fly to Climate jamborees.
Did anyone see that piece on Inside Out Wed Mids I mentioned above. Where the Birmingham woman runs a refuge for illegal refugees ?
BTW I just watched the South edition where the first 10 minutes was given over to Hippies running up an anti-fracking camp at a place where no-one intends to frack anyway. (Claifornia Quarry near Swanage)
They are conserving the land and protecting it from CO2, by covering it with tents and sheds while they all sit around a big fire burning stuff, expelling smoke particulates into the atmosphere.
“Hello, Virtue Signalling emergency hotline”
“Hi, it’s Radio 4 again I’m really sorry about being too white,
we’ve got a programme and the guests seem too whitey (in this country where 90% of people are white heterosexuals)”
…”Don’t you worry ..we’ll dispatch the Bonny Greer”
Today’s Loose Ends 6:15pm has Bonny + Malachi Kirby (black actor ‘Roots’ Remake )
+ Haley Bonar (famous song “’Called You Queen’ is at once an anthem for growing up gay”)
+ Lee Fields & The Expressions (Black singer)
Now on Woman’s Hour
Nigerian writer : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Black feminist writer) discussing Michelle Obama etc.
+ Baroness Helena Kennedy (good old Liberal Lefty)
+ Ken Loach (super Lefty) Film
+ Talk of black GIs babies (“this report contains controversial language”, no not the N-word .. she mentions as a child she had a golliwog)
+ “Joy Spence” the rum master from Jamaica (mixed race)
(BTW next week they be discussing why the majority of misogynist posts on Twitter are made BY WOMEN)
Front Row has
new Ken Loach (super Lefty)film
+ “The New Pope TV series” about a chain-smoking megalomaniac American pontiff
The 22:15 Is the Reith Lectures with the Anglo/Ghanaian/American gay philosopher
Bonnie Greer was also spreading Trump hate.. she acted as if Clinton has already won.
She was plugging her new play which seems to feature hate against Trump ..She was well chummy with Roots actor ..probably wouldn’t be that way with a white actor.
#TheHotelCerise… is an elegy for #Obama
“The play explores the history of race relations in America but is also set in 2016 and looks at the politics of what is going on as we speak, between Trump and Clinton.”
Seems 6 times a day she tweets hate against trump
Wiki offers the following details of her oeuvre: Munda Negra, Dancing On Blackwater, and Jitterbug. Not heard of them either? Oh. But the UK tax payer has subsidised them all, so they must be good.
She also wrote a movie screen play. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Mulholland Drive? Inception? No, in fact she wrote ‘White Men Are Cracking Up’. Oddly no one ever made it into to a movie, not even tax payer funded Guardian readers at various film foundations. Clearly our loss.
How does she make a living apart from tax payer funded plays? Oh, she has other taxpayer funded jobs: panellist on television programmes such as Newsnight Review and Question Time and has served on the boards of several leading arts organisations, including the British Museum, the Royal Opera House and the London Film School. She is also the Chancellor of Kingston University in Kingston upon Thames, London.
So, a tax payer funded leftie, who has accomplished nothing, apart from cultivating a mellifluous voice, (to which I could listen to all day), is a go to person for the BBC on any subject, usually to rubbish the views of the British taxpayer. It can’t be because she ticks certain boxes, is it?
Sadly we are overrun with non-nationals (Yasmin Alibaba is another) who grace us with their opinions, as though we haven’t enough of our home growners who could do it better. Incidentally did Yasmin have any ‘family’ in the UK at the time we took her in ???
I read somewhere that the Ku Klux Klan have bought the rights to the “Roots” re-make, only this time the story was going to be told in reverse; so that it has a happy ending.
But it demonstrates how Trump can claim that there is fraud going on in the US election. There are two parts to this video, but either one gives enough information to claim that the DNC are guilty of fraud.
In Liberal Lala Land all words and phrases mean their opposite:
The Democratic Party – hate democracy
The German Democratic Republic – Anti-democratic
Liberals – are extremely illiberal
The right-wingers are violent – no, the left-wingers are violent
The right-wingers are racist – no, the left-wingers are racist
The right-wingers are anti-semitic – no, the left-wingers are anti-semitic
Nixon was a war monger responsible for Vietnam – no, Nixon ended the war but Kennedy and Johnson put the American troops in. Plus Nixon went to Moscow and Peking in raprochement.
Israel is guilty of war crimes and the Palestinians are victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression – no, Israel only ever retaliates and only after extreme and extensive provocation. They may commit some “war crimes” but nothing in comparison to the war crimes of the Palestinians
Islam is a Religion of Peace – I don’t need to comment on that one when all is abundantly clear here
The nazis were right-wing – no, they were socialists, therefore left-wing
The right-wingers are thick – no, right-wingers tend to be able to think for themselves whereas the left-wingers need to be told what to think on most subjects
Social justice is about justice – no, it’s about virtue signalling
I could go on but we know they are not listening or able to comprehend truth
Like your basic idea Demon, but my verdict on your otherwise accurate review is rather darker.
Your list is worringly close to the Newspeak and/or Doublethink of Orwell’s 1984 and the very last thing that the dystopian state of Oceania was, was liberal.
But it does rather nicely show up the ‘liberal left’ for the illiberal Far Left fascists they really are.
To be honest Sluff I fully agree with you. I was thinking of Orwell when I compiled it and It’s clear that he was thinking of all dictatorships. But I believe the Big Brother character was based upon Joe Stalin who was still ruling the USSR when he wrote the book. Yes, Oceania was not liberal, but neither are the so-called “Liberals” of today.
It’s clear that the left-wing have used 1984 as their blueprint, their instruction manual which is how they have arrived at their positions today. Hillary Clinton even wants one-world government and perpetual war which is achieved by splitting up the one-world government into just a few fighting masses. (Three in Orwell’s idea). Thanks for your comments, when I attack the Liberals for double-speak it is the double-speak called by Orwell they use.
Israel is guilty of war crimes and the Palestinians are victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression – no, Israel only ever retaliates and only after extreme and extensive provocation. They may commit some “war crimes” but nothing in comparison to the war crimes of the Palestinians.
The BBC deliberately omits the context/history of the Israeli/’Palestinian’ conflict because it utterly destroys the Arab victimhood narrative. Three times the Arab countries have waged all-out war in attempting to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ and three times they have been defeated. The first of these was within 48 hours of the foundation of the State of Israel. The Arab countries chose not to sign up to the UN resolution granting statehood to the Jews because they arrogantly believed they could immediately destroy it. Equally, as part of that resolution, they could have accepted a two-state solution which would have given the Arabs in the area (now know as ‘Palestinians’) their own state on much more generous terms than those which were eventually implemented.
I could go on, but the fact is there are too many inconvenient truths – the refugee status of ‘Palestinians’ and their descendants is another – that the BBC chooses to bury in order to maintain its subversive narrative.
Thanks for mentioning this speech. I’ve now watched it, and am quite encouraged. Trump’s very interesting package of policy proposals clearly show his team of advisors is focused on what is urgently needed in order to put the US again on the right track. I now await the BBC’s sneering evisceration of his proposals, and dismissive broadcasts by Sopel, Naughtie and the other reptiles.
I’ve looked up commentary on these recentpollsters and all are dismissed at outliers. What is interesting is that IDS seems to have been similarly dismissed in the last election when it predicted Obama’s victory (then it was too democratic). I’ll predict that these polls are accurate because their methods are uncovering the shy DT voters the others miss.
Think of how the BBC normally choose to portray John F Kennedy.
Then think of how they choose to report Trump’s treatment of women.
Now have a read of this:
‘The desire to sanitise the Kennedy image remains strong. This is demonstrated by The Letters of John F Kennedy (Bloomsbury) edited by Martin Sandler. It’s interesting and beautifully presented, but the correspondence is censored. Sandler did not include the lurid notes the young Kennedy wrote to his friends, boasting of sexual conquests…..He presented himself as a family man, but was in fact a womaniser. Millions would come to love Kennedy not for what he was but for what he seemed. ‘
De Niro gave a fascinating denunciation of Trump, but his biographer Shawn Levy reveals that De Niro forced a girl friend to have an abortion. I suppose different standards apply to luvvies. Same thing with Polanski. Footballers’ proclivities are crude and vulgar but Thrasher Mosley is lauded as a defender of privacy rights on NewsShite.
Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t just because he breathes in and out. He’s castigated now by the media for wanting to sue those that have claimed he sexually assaulted them. Any why shouldn’t he ? none of them want to take their claim to court to prove their case, its all to humiliate him.
Very good. The same here with the MSM. It lies and increasingly we cannot trust anything it says. It is corrosive of civil society as it can spill over into mistrust of all government and state institutions.
The BBC is at the forefront of this .
Mr Watson is correct in what he says.
But how he says it is very off putting.
Think he probably needs the mediation of a few women around him, because he`d drive me daft at least!
But, in terms of the MSM choosing to avoid the “elephant in the room” that is endemic liberal bias that they refuse to admit…he`s 100% correct.
It`s as if he insists on using Rolf Harris` paintbrushes to emulate a Rothko…when some subtle pointillism( or even painting by numbers for the kids) would work even more effectively with the half of the population(and more) who don`t equate anger with shouting and swearing.
But at least he`s TRYING to say something-whereas those that he “calls out” refuse to say anything injurious to Project Progresso.
He`d be cleaning the pots at the back of my class,but I`d know he`s onto something.Try the pastels Mr W!
beebistan blithely announces that screening has been erected around Lunar-tic House, Croydon, to ‘protect the identity of the children’. So it’s not to hide the obvious fact that they’re not children at all then.
This farce of 30 year old imported children will run and run. It’s certainly helped the Brexit cause and has damaged the Tories. Has May spoken out? She is in charge, after all.
There is of course no way that they (or the Tories) will be returned to France. The BBC would be weeping media tears. (This would cause flash floods in Islington). And the BBC are now the official party of Opposition.
The media is the message? No. The BBC have gone further. They are now the self-elected party of opposition. Perhaps sooner than we realise, they could become our Government? They are after all highly experienced in undermining those Parties they don’t approve of.
Dover Sentry
” They are after all highly experienced in undermining those Parties they don’t approve of.”
Undermine them by not paying the telly poll tax.
Its simples .
I have listened to the Archers for many years. As with much of the BBC’s drama output increasingly there are scenarios introduced which “promote” the BBC’s agendas.
In the last episode, as another poster has mentioned, reference was made to a booking at the Loxley Hall conference centre by a group of financial types to discuss the opportunities after Brexit. The booking was a shambles, because the man who made the booking left the company before the conference was held (cf Farage??) and the other attendees were hopelessly disorganised, not knowing what to do (Johnson/Fox/Davies??). One of them couldn’t even adjust the heating in their room – what a dunderhead!
Then to cap it all, the posh widow who owns the conference centre who has had a disastrous failed affair with a younger employee now seems attracted to a Pakistani teacher who is giving her son maths tuition. Such a delightful man he is. It’s a good job the boy’s twin sister is good at maths and doesn’t need any tutoring…
Restroom, thank goodness that folk like you are still keeping up with this Beebwatch. That storyline is disgusting, so glad I don’t listen to R4 anymore, so cheers for the update. BP is still up tho.
Forget the Waloons and the EU propaganda . The EU sells more to us than we sell to them. They have more to loose than us.
The Bankers have to look at the EU and its bleak future . Do they really want to move out of the sixth biggest economy with a stable government?
The scaremongering promulgated by the banks that F*@ed up our economy in 2008 is being used by the MSM.
On cue “Large banks are getting ready to relocate out of the UK early next year over fears around Brexit, the British Bankers’ Association (BBA) has warned.”
‘True Brits’ can fire a warning shot across the bows of the greedy bankers by opening up new accounts in the first bank that says it will remain in the UK. Just where were the BBA when they messed up our economy in 2008?
That will put the fear of god up the traitors and spivs that work in the financial world .
I promise that will be the first in the cue to do that.
Spot the irony.
Unaccompanied, unattached children from the Calais jungle (who btw the Home Office are not allowing us to see) are arriving in the UK seeking safety.
Which institutions are to look after them?
The Police?
Rotherham or Rochdale social services?
The bBBC?
Has anyone told the migrants how dangerous it is for them over here?
Maybe Justice Goddard left at the right time – before the workload increases significantly.
The Home Office think more of the Calais ‘so called children’ than they do of our own. Rotherham etc .
They are shipping them in without checking their details. Once they are in they won’t be sent back, its fait accompli.
The government is still not listening to the people.
Jo -Whilst the likes of Hammond and Rudd are in the cabinet I do not believe we will ever be able to achieve any sort of meaningful Brexit.
It is interesting that May appointed two of the most important cabinet posts to confirmed remainers. It obviously sends the wrong message to left wing organisations such as the BBC.
Why would you do that unless either
1 You have no real intention of delivering any sort of meaningful separation from the EU.
2 You have very poor political judgement and obviously enjoy looking politically inept whilst your cabinet constantly haggles and jockeys for influence. Unless that is what she wants – Saint Theresa arising serenely above the Waring parties of brexit who at least to me – seem to believe in something!
For the life of me I cannot decide which of these two motivations decided May, that it would be a good idea to place these two jokers in these positions – It shows either very poor political judgement or a very cynical move to stymie the Brexit negotiations whilst looking the innocent party.
We also have a sour and petulant”independant” Bank of England governor who continues to throw as much cold water as possible on the flickering fires of our economy.
Very little is now said about the large amounts of money regularly injected into the inefficient Mediterranean euro economies. Whilst at the same time these same countries are destroying our fisheries and leaving many coastal ports little better than run down theme parks and play pens for the stinking rich.
And meanwhile the Sorros pump primed and Merkel powered sausage machine continues to spew out as many Doctor, engineers and now “children” as it can, choking our inner city health services, education and housing.
All this is generally ignored or (in the case of the BBC) supported by a propaganda generating giant. Which distorts, hides and generally manipulates the facts to such an extent that the likes of Goebbels would have been proud.
All these issues are real, relevant and urgent – and if May was truly serious about Brexit she would be in Mullion, Hull, Rotherham or Huddersfield telling real people how she intends turning their lives around rather than speaking at stupid o clock in the morning to a bunch of disinterested and bitter eurocrats who are more interested in humiliating and punishing us, rather than co=operating for an orderly and as painless brexit as possible for all.
So yes I am a bit concerned about brexit. Europe has made it clear the sooner we are gone the better, We have a great potential future, but now is the time to look forward and not back.
Junker and Co are yesterdays men and we need to discard them into the dustbin of history where they surely belong! Not drag things out so our own collection of traitors, snowflakes and faint hearts still have a focus point!
I would just like to add maybe it would be nice if Theresa visited Rotherham as well just to show some support and maybe even offer an apology for the failure of the institutions that were meant to keep real children and vulnerable youngsters safe – Funny though cant see that one happening. I suppose it will remain the elephant in the room forever and a day.
Cant see the BBC too interested either whilst there is real news to cover such as their new “bake off” or Strictly.
“I would just like to add maybe it would be nice if Theresa visited Rotherham”
True. It would also be nice if more people in Rotherham would prise themselves away from Labour and vote for someone else, preferably UKIP, in spite of its problems.
I’m not excusing May but if people in Rotherham showed just a little more interest in changing their voting habits occasionally, May might consider it worth her while. But then pigs might fly.
May is tied to the Arabs, always was as Home Secretary who would not deport terrorists. The BBC and celebrities easily pushed her into accepting more and more refugees. And she will admit more. She will bend for the EU and for the Moslems. I do not trust this woman at all.
I don’t think there can be a proper full on brexit because most of the top Conservatives aren’t really conservative at all. It’ll be tinkering at the edges, concessions, watered-down proposals which will ultimately maintain the status quo. In other words no control over our borders, unlimited immigration, EU still interfering and us paying billions for the privilege!
Look at the Calais jungle farce. Does anyone really expect any other outcome than all of them will eventually end up in England, on welfare, for generations?
I agree Imay – The message Theresa has sent out with her choice of cabinet is – “I am not really committed to brexit and may be persuaded otherwise”.
Actions always speak louder than words and by allowing non brexit committed mps to be in major positions of influence you are setting brexit up for a fall.
I have never believed brexit would be the walk in the park many believe in. And the establishing of new trade deals will take much work.
Unfortunately the EU tumour has had many decades to metastasize throughout our economy and institutions and thus its removal will take time, courage and dedication. I also think that the EU will want to make an “example” of us to discourage others leaving. Therefore as swift an exit as possible is essential so we can re-direct and rebalance our economy to real world economics rather than the la la euronomics we have had to endure up to now.
This may also have the advantage of re-calibrating our welfare system thus removing some of our own “dead wood” as well as reducing much of the “pull” factor that draws so many of these “children” to our shores.
What I do know however that if we value our culture and societal values it is a choice we have to make. Doing nothing is not an option and sticking our head in the sand – like a much of Europe is currently doing will only ensure that we will end up in the same cultural nightmare that Sweden is currently experiencing.
And the message that we get from the ‘media’ at end of this day ?
The government is afraid of Al Beeb and the MSM .
Is Al Beeb the tool of the British Government or is the British Government the tool of Al Beeb? It could be a case of the ‘tail wagging the dog’?
Over to you Tory posters and voters .
Well said Taffman – I think this was spelt out in large red letters as soon as the Government “bottled” the charter review. Unfortunately we now have all the kool kidz running the school – which is great until winter and the boiler breaks down, or all the windows have been smashed by the kidz letting off a bit of steam!
My contact in Socialist Venezuela informs me that the Socialist regime has taken the final step to absolute Socialist dictatorship while people die of hunger in the oil-rich Socialist country.
None of that on beebistan home page which instead rejoices that 70 more Calais ‘children’ arrive in UK, with pic of a handful of Welcome placards carefully framed to seem like crowds. Yippee, welcome to Socialist Britanistan.
PTG, I’m a bit short of cash at present, anyone know how you can sign up to the BBC’s ‘rent-a-crowd’ list? Is it the same crowd that follow Corbyn around?
Extraordinary. I am just reading from a source rarely quoted here, the monthly mag. from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Which over the years I have found impartial in a way the biased BBC is not.
Oct 2016 edition, Page 18, ‘Economic Crisis pushes Venezuelan science to breaking point’.
‘ A mass exodus of scientists has hit the country hard as the country grapples with the worst economic crisis it has ever faced. The nation’s labs have run out of basic chemicals…..Venezuela’s scientific heavyweights blame the socialist economic polices of former president Hugo Chavez and current president Nicolas Maduro…..there is minimal research in the areas of catalysts and hydrocarbons (Sluff note – v relevant to oil industry) and the nation’s once prestigious institute of oil research is ‘no longer even a shadow of what it once was’. Credit to writer Rebecca Trager.
Welcome to socialism and a classic example of the ‘ problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money’.
A great example of the UK economy if the Corbyn/Mcdonnell lunatics ever get control.
On your other point, our absolutely disgusting and totally useless Home Office have now built barriers and use coaches with blinds so we cannot now even see how old the ‘children’ are when they arrive to bleed our taxpayers of even more funds. This in addition to the International Development budget btw.
Just remind me again what is our annual budget deficit? £80bn and going up?
Another helping of anti-Brexit BS served up by our national treasure:
However, read the item to the end and this is what you find.
“From a European perspective, this would be cutting off its nose to spite its face. It might lead to a few jobs moving to Paris or Frankfurt but it will make it more expensive for companies in France and Germany to raise money for investment, slowing the wider economy.”
Despite the deliberately misleading headline, no surprise there, it actually shows that it is the EU that is likely to suffer.
A refreshing change from the BBC actually reporting facts such as migrants throwing stones at the French Police. Looks like the BBC has turned their backs on adult migrants and now the child migrants are the BBC favourites (probably because we all know the BBC are a load of pedophiles).
The article could almost qualify for an unbiased report but right at the bottom they spoil it with…
Citizens UK volunteer Esmat Jeraj told the BBC that the children arriving in the UK are being treated sensitively.
“Understandably some of them are quite reluctant to talk about their experiences,” she said, “they’ve obviously been through hell and back.”
Yes of course if the children are reluctant to talk then that obviously proves they been through hell and back. Move along please, make way for the next bus load….
Nice picture of migrant supports holding banners saying “Refugees welcome”. Of course it doesn’t say “Refugees welcome in my home” as that would make less room for their bottles of Champagne.
Another photo shows some unknown actress called Carey Mulligan holding a small teddy bear. I’m not sure a 34 year old migrant man would actually want a teddy bear but hey, lets not spoil the BBC article.
I would like to write an open letter to all pop stars and actors thinking of speaking out in support for migrants to the UK…
Dear Self Centred, Righteous Pop Stars & Actors
Go fcuk yourselves.
….Nice picture of migrant supports holding banners saying “Refugees welcome”….
Er, yes, same as Munich 18 months ago, and we all know what has happened there since ! but listening to Esther Rancid this morning on SML she has no problem with kids having 3 days stubble. Thank God for James Delingpole and the ex deputy of the NoW for being the voices of reason.
A left wing expert on Salafism has suggested that Germany has no real culture and that Syrians should be allowed their own city rather than be forced to integrate into German society.
Expert on Salafism and Green party member Kurt Edler is proposing a radical idea on how the German government should handle the integration of Syrians and other migrants into German society.
Mr. Edler contends that Germany has no real culture to speak of and that the migrants shouldn’t have to integrate and instead he claims they should be afforded their own city in an area like Vorpommern reports, Die Welt.
Mr. Edler admits after the attempted bombing in Leipzig and other terror attacks in Wurzburg and elsewhere, that Islamism has formally arrived in Germany.
Speaking on the need for migrants to integrate into Germany he said, “the indigenous people themselves have completely disintegrated. The common word is dominant culture. There is none. There are lifestyle milieus.”
Since there is no common culture, according to Edler, there should be no problem in simply creating what he calls a “New Aleppo” in somewhere like German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The Chancellor is still reeling from the recent regional election loss to the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD).
On the subject of the AfD Edler said support for the party was a reaction to the mass experience of “social modernization.”
It would be interesting hear Herr Edler define Syrian culture.
When you have enemies within like Edler and his like-minded open borders, Islamophile friends (just as we do here in the UK), why need the Islamists bother with all the hassle of a Western jihad?
“Ed Balls: He’s like John Sergeant – without the charm”
A rather apt description of the BBC’s latest Strictly Come Dancing celebrity – and former Labour big beast. The description being made by a journo named Shyama Perera (Guardian & Indy) on BBC News newspaper review this morning.
“Bring on the girls” might as well have been her cry as she bemoaned the fact that we were only being shown pictures of scary-looking young male migrants often with their faces covered.
Whereas if the media had shown a few vulnerable young girls….
One can’t help but ponder the proposition that the modern journalist steeped in PC and BBC-approved leftist values sees her role as news management and selection – ‘dancing’ around the facts rather that ‘strictly’ reporting the facts.
And how typical it was of the BBC’s ‘charming’ face of leftism that it was our Mr Nice Guy Gavin Esler who was hosting the newspaper review.
Do these Guardian/BBC types think we are daft enough not to know that each of these vulnerable young girls welcomed to the UK will have a dozen scary-looking male brothers uncles and cousins?
I hurriedly shut the tv off when Marr on BBC1 ended this morning. A quick trailer of what was to follow and its predictable conclusion was too much to bear on a Sunday morning when more important things like a bacon sandwich call. I only ever watched the exclusively propagandised programme, ‘Sunday Morning Live’ once some while back. That was enough to understand the heavily biased dynamics of the programme. For me, the litmus test is for the programme to ask of its interviewees, the blindingly obvious questions to achieve a balance for the viewers. You know the sort of question which, directed at an Imam, would ask, ‘tell us about taqiyya and how you exercise that Islamic principle with the Kuffar on a daily basis?’ and, ‘how can we know whether if, today, your responses are based on taqiyya?’. When a programme carefully avoids these sort of basic questions, it’s not a programme which the sane would waste time watching. Certainly not if they wanted a balanced debate. So, today, the ‘in vogue’ topic apparently is, “Is is racist to determine a persons age before admitting them to the UK?”. I submit that the more intelligent question would be: ‘Is it right to determine a persons physical details and credentials before admitting them to become a citizen of the UK?’. That is the underlying question.
Unfortunately, the BBC’s agenda is to support Open Borders and admit all-in-sundry to the Uk whether they are murderers, rapists, criminals, prospective child molesters (knowledge suggests that certain races are more prone to exercise child abuse/molestation) or not. In effect to, ‘Do a Merkel’, that surely is the BBC’s wet dream. Pooh, pooh, look at the crime in Germany. Look at the staggering rise in rapes and physical violence and crime in general throughout Europe as a direct result of Open Borders. It always amuses me to hear the left /liberal multiculturalism supporters who always conveniently neglect to acknowledge that someone has to ‘foot the bill’ – the taxpayer. No mention of that reality.
Some time ago I wrote that I was keeping a ‘tally’ on the disproportionate numbers of black and ethnic minority reporters/presenters employed on the BBC compared to their percentage number as a whole throughout the UK. Watching the SML this morning that has now increased by 2 – the presenter N Munchetti is already in my data, and then there is Tommy Sandhu, plus an outside female Asian reporter (whose name I didn’t catch, but it wasn’t Rosie Jones!). Its always the case now, in the spirit of diversity to street interview as many non-whites as possible for their views, and even finding a mixed race couple – as was the case this morning. Job done BBC.
I’ll add to that if I may, Brissles – the number of Irish reporters, chosen especially for their grinding accents and (mysteriously) their unique expertise in foreign affairs (e.g. Lyse Doucet, take a bow).
Also, ever noticed the lack of diversity of BBC staff when it comes to Wales, Scotland and Norn Iren reporting? In fact, ever noticed how they are all respectively Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish? Something to do with BBC cultural respect, perhaps (which is never applied to the English)?
AC……It’s a widespread problem. Some instances are more serious and irritating than others but I really don’t understand this obsession with blackness……
Just wait until the Awards season starts again after Christmas ! There’ll be more black actors/actresses being nominated than ever before, and I bet we’ve never heard of most of ’em !
Probably you are also thinking of Mr. ‘Doom’ Fergal Keane, who, like most of our sun-tanned newsladies and sports reporters, was born here, but is ethnically and culturally alien, in his case Irish.
Thank you, Friend Johnny! And re your special request – I shall try and literally poke the Hard-Right neoliberal BBC rather more often (actually started a blog on it a few weeks ago but never finished it. Will endeavour to complete it).
We here at the Nasty Party would like to consider “Mr Leftward” to be our future prospective candidate for The United Anti-Semitic Popular Font now forming…had we all united at Batley and Spen, we might have taken that seat.
The very fact that the BBC keep calling the chancers at Calais, ‘children’ and ‘refugees’ tells us all we need to know about the BBC’s underlying ideology. The BBC is a revolting boil on the finances of this nation and should be flushed from public expenditure immediately. They whole-heartedly support unfettered open borders and a complete deconstruction of England. Isn’t it odd that so-called desperate ‘refugees’ have mobile phones and fashionable clothes? They are being aided by treacherous left-wing charities, who are now siding with the enemies of decent working people of Britain. These spoiled middle-class leftie brats are despicable beyond words; but they are just a product of a left wing education system which brainwashes rather than teaching independent thought. Any upper-class, left-wing ‘charity worker’ caught colluding with the chancers at Calais should have their passports revoked. Those who come back should arrested and given isolation for six months.
The ‘children’ are so old that the left wing intelligensia in general and our impartial national statist broadcaster in particular tried to pass off a ‘child’ as an interpreter last week. And seemed most dischuffed when their ‘error’ (LOL) was revealed.
Still, an easy mistake to make when your eyes and minds are closed and your head is in the sand.
So dischuffed that they also confuse “ageism” with “racism”. That’s what makes my blood boil about the Lineker slur on all who dared to criticise the age of the fraudulent refugees.
To me the most chilling aspect of the Calais “children” is the Government’s reaction when caught out on the lie. The rational reaction would be to promise to tighten up checks, but no. The reaction has been to come up with spurious reasons why such checks cannot be carried out, excuses which do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever. Which the BBC and other parts of the media are happy to play along with even though they know it’s a lie and they know we know it. They are confident that they won’t be called to account on it and that there’s nothing we can do about it.
Instead of acknowledging people’s concerns, the Government simply hides the new arrivals from public view. Thus telling us they don’t give a damn. And this is supposedly a Conservative government. Why should I believe a government that acts in this manner has the slightest intention of following through the electorate’s Brexit instructions?
You shouldn’t believe them RD. We can only hope that some new party rises from the ashes of UKIP (without red tory entryists) with a full-on rightist (ie common sense) agenda.
We need red pill politicians interested in bringing back the country from the brink, and not pusillanimous fools in the pay of shady foreign interests.
Stick to the same-old and what can only result is a broken economy, civil war – which might at least lead to a military coup, but it won’t be pretty.
But not ‘rightist’. It is vital that a nationalist party take consideration of th needs of the indignous working class, to garnerr the Northern Labour voters
I suppose the ‘rightist’ thing is relative, what was considered mainstream opinions even 30 years ago is now seen as madly extreme. Personally I would like a party that would aim for the following outcomes ..
An end to third world migration, or down to a very small %.
Restricted migration from elsewhere until we have sorted out who has no right to remain.
Complete overhaul of public sector bodies, no more cash for fake charities/useless quangoes.
Death penalty reintroduced.
No more tax credits, employers to pay a living wage.
Global employers to cough up more tax and restrict lobbying.
Banks are allowed to fail.
Increase defence spending.
Overhaul legal system, courts and sentencing.
Foreign buyers of UK companies and real estate to be restricted.
Welfare – huge changes needed here. Perhaps will need ID cards to stop identity fraud. More money for frontline services where it is needed.
Work must always be a better option than staying on benefits.
No more World Health Service. I’m afraid it’s one of those sacred cows that must go.
Look after the elderly properly.
Infrastructure projects, shift away from the London-centric economy we currently have.
Abolition of the BBC.
It’s really about the Government giving ordinary tax-payers something back rather than taking our money then kicking us in the teeth. There was such a thing as the social contract years ago!
The minorities we have already are OK but that’s kind of enough (I don’t want to deport anyone except the illegals). The population levels are too much already to take on millions of difficult to assimilate people who will be a drain.
I think my motto would be – “Be Libertarian where you can, be Authoritarian where you must.”
We need to reassess who our friends are in the world.
Don’t get involved in wars you have no intention of winning decisively, or pointless peacekeeping exercises.
And energy –
Disavow the green global warming nonsense.
Make sure energy companies remain in UK hands.
The catastrophe which awaits our descendants will not be avoided by the ballot box (things have gone too far for that here now and our rulers wouldn’t allow it) but the bullet box: a coup d’etat.
I’m sorry to have to point it out but there is no way that the demographic decline of the British in the U.K. and their eventual existence here as a despised minority (the way White South Africans are in their country and American Whites in majority black cities), shall be prevented by democracy.
Democracy only functions correctly as a fair system of government in societies which are ethnically homogenous, the more “diverse” the population becomes the more it deteriorates as a method for governance (IMHO).
If you want to see proof of that: look no further than what was just elected mayor of the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A city which is now over 50% non-White and of those who are White what percentage will actually be British? Extrapolate that degree of population change to other major cities and towns in the U.K. and it provides an indication of the peril our descendants will face, if we or they rely on democracy to save them; it won’t.
Kids Camp N.E in textspeak here!
Let`s hope that Camillas capacious kaftan is conspicuously coloured and converted to cope with the Kids Camp of Calais.
That`s !0 “c”s there in phonetic terms…I dedicate this to both Leonard Sachs and to Cyril Fletcher!
Anybody seen our Camilla?…how the hell can we miss here?
Friend Chris! Our Camilla’s dress is currently being converted in to a tent for 5,000 of Our Refugees, who are desperately trying to escape from the Far-Right racist neoliberal war-torn hellhole that is France, in order to reach the sanctuary of the Hard-Right war-torn neoliberal racist hellhole that is Britain, which Thatcher literally destroyed.
Children under 45 voted Remain, while Adults over 45 voted for Brexit.
But these type of intelligent anti-establishment jokes are not understood by people working for Private Eye any longer, probably because Private Eye has been infiltrated and Ian Hislop planted by MI5, and that’s why Hislop bins so much material, not just from Christopher Booker, but many others. Also it could explain why he never had a problem with working for the BBC and is also hoping to enter the House of Lords when he retires, services rendered.
Good post, Richard. Can’t help but agree with you re Private Eye. It was so much funnier in the Ingrams days. Now it is really boring and unfunny, in the main.
I guess my Blog was inspired by some of those old Private Eye humorous pieces (not that I’m claiming it’s on the same level as those, mind!) like Heathco and Dear Bill, which were, in my opinion, genuinely funny, even though the perspective was certainly not Right-wing, unlike (say) Peter Simple, who also regularly had me, as a young Left-winger, in fits of laughter. (In those far-off days, even some Lefties were able to laugh at themselves. Well, I could, anyway!)
Hislop is the absolute epitome of smug, and it makes me genuinely sad to see how far Private Eye has sunk under his editorship. I used to have a subscription to it. Nowadays, I rarely glance at it – usually at a newsagent at Gatwick or Waterloo station. Not sure why I even bother to do that – it’s always a disappointment!
Having visited the very pleasant Baltic States ( which are fast de-populating thanks to open borders) I interestedly watched Portillo’s train programme last week on the biased BBC.
He concludes that ‘these peoples…..triumphed….because of the strength of their national cultures’
Oh, the irony !!!
Perhaps he’s making amends for his series about the slave trade recently, which masqueraded as a collection of programmes about the railways in the USA…
You’re not kidding, OG. Recorded the lot of ’em to watch at leisure and I think we got through half before deleting the rest. EVERY episode covered slavery or victimisation of blacks in some form or other.
Meanwhile the history of America from an English viewpoint – which for most listeners under the age of 50 brought up on a history diet of Irish-American this, African-American that, Italian-American the other – could have been really interesting as America was founded on traditions, laws and rights that by and large were, with a tweak here and there, unarguably English. In fact, to such a degree that when independence was gained and by which time immigration from all corners of Europe had picked up speed, there were fears amongst some of the Founding Fathers that America would lose its Englishness.
“At the time of the American War of Independence, the white population in the 13 colonies was 60% English, 80% British, 98% Protestant.” Peter Brimelow “Alien Nation”.
It`s not personal at all that the blogs are so few and far between these days on this wonderful site of ours.
But really?….
To me, the whole bloody media circus only has a few rings now.
1. Brexit-OMG, how very dare you?
2. Trump-OMG, surely not more bloody Nigel blowback
3 Calais-Open the Doors, Let `em in.
4. Syria/Russia-er, won`t they just stop until we`vw worked out what the f*** we`re on about?
Sense we`ve gone from Seurat to Rothko…Subtlety to Soviet Screaming Realism in only a few months…and it makes Leveson look lie a pastel multicoloured nuanced era in Beeb reportage and collage.
So-I`m going dark until Nov 9th, when-please God “The Trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend”…er, hopefully with a few months inbetween eh?
Bless you my children…Isla St Clair!
Roland Deschain
To me the most chilling aspect of the Calais “children” is the Government’s reaction when caught out on the lie. The rational reaction would be to promise to tighten up checks, but no. The reaction has been to come up with spurious reasons why such checks cannot be carried out, excuses which do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever.
Spot on.
And THIS disgusting action confirms their contempt for British people and dtrmination to ignore our concerns and conceal the problem – literally.
Indeed. I do not believe the powers-that-be realise the extent to which they are playing with fire here. You only need to read the comments online, and I don’t mean on this site but on the BBC, Twitter, Facebook and even The Guardian, to realise the depth of hostility. If the authorities won’t play by the rules, why the hell should the rest of us? It cannot and will not end well.
And we are being forced to take hundreds more alleegd to be vulnerable but with no family links to the UK thanks to thee intervention of immigrant Lord Dubs, another example (there are many) of a Jewish politcal activist immigrant imposing the Globalist agenda on Britain with total contempt for British people.
So why is the government, backed by the media and celebs taking in adult males as refugees, lying about it and now covering up?
Permit me to indulge in a conspiracy theory.
The so called refugees are returning jihadists who have fought under direction from the UK/US to topple Assad, and now facing defeat the Government is fulfilling an obligation to bring them safely to Blighty.
The British Government have struck a deal with the French that they will support us in Brexit talks probably to remain in the single market with some restriction on free movement (in all likelihood simply temporary) in return for help with resettling the Calais camp. If this is the case we can expect thousands more.
This way May can claim concessions from the EU on a scale significantly but still inadequately beyond Camerons and with UKIP weakened after Nigels departure probably win the next election.
Good news folks! I predict a seriously lowered TV Licence fee in future years. A time when Islam takes a firmer grip on the UK. Broadcasters with fewer staff, fewer expensive programmes. Certainly no more expose’ programmes – all will be banned under threat of death for those attempting to make or broadcast such scurrillous programs. In exchange, admittedly, a much smaller range of viewing across the channels and news broadcast without a woman reciting from a screen. Women free. Only men. TV life will be more boring though with a variety of top Ministry executives taking it in turn to sit in front of the camera whilst telling the viewer how efficient they are. On a daily basis all day, every day. Just think of it, no more Strictly. No more Bake-Offs (can I hear a sigh of relief?). A sprinkling of Royalty will do likewise from time to time on a daily basis. Only iterruptions, daily, will be for Prayer Time (5 times daily). News will only be of Islamic interest. Oh My! You guessed! I’ve taken the most prevalent Islamic influence in the UK and used their tv channels as an example of what’s to come in future years. Welcome to the Kindom of Saudi Arabia. The KSA pour more money into promoting and developing Islam in the UK and Europe than anyone else. Got to be right if you think that the Kingdom is at the centre of the Muslim Faith. Sample the Saudi tv for yourselves –
I’ve been there and obtained the proverbial ‘T’ Shirt.
And they wonder why the far Right is taking hold in Europe ? The situation we are now finding ourselves in, is making staunch Labour voters consider who they vote for in future, as I’m told by friends who are lifelong Labourites. They cannot bring themselves to vote for Corbyn, and yet far from being in any shape or form racist, they are disgusted at what’s happening to our borders and the influx of more migrants daily. There appears to be a ‘coming together’ of viewpoints from both Labour and Conservative voters, which I’ve never experienced in my lifetime, but there is a common ground, regardless of status or background, and that is to an end of migration.
While I’d love to agree, I’m afraid the election result in Witney this week rather suggests otherwise….Oh I know the profile of the electorate in Witney wouldnt reflect a large disaffected Labour vote, but look what happened:
Maybe, just maybe the issues were the same, inmigration etc….and the Tories failure to deal with it, but look at who the idiots flocked to, the bloody limp dumbs who would make disastrous policy on anything I can think of..
UKIP polled around 3% of the vote….no…sorry, it seems you can still fool most of the people most of the time.
Yet again – these ‘children’ have been living in ‘third World’ France for years but the British taxpayer has to go ‘rescue’ them. Pick any UK inner city, plenty of genuine children to rescue there. When is, ‘enough’ actually ‘enough’?
All the Tories are doing is making UKIPs life easier.
The luvvie leftie liberals tended to vote Remain. And project fear, which they support, predicts dire consequences for the UK economy.
The luvvie leftie liberals also want us to let in all the Menchildren from Calais, and the migrants want to come to soon-to-be-impoverished the UK rather than stay in well-to-do Europhilic France.
Top Climate Institute caught double dipping grants.
Claiming research money for papers other people had written, even ones published before the institute was founded.
It’s the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy CCCEP
Run by Lord Stern and PR guy Blob Ward (the Climate Fraud)
by David rose and Ben Pile in the Mail on Sunday.
Will the BBC be reporting it ? or calling for withdrawal of the Lord’s title ?
Lord Stern was responsible the Climate Dodgy Dossier called the Stern Report
In Astronomy we have debunked the carbon dioxide theory without any extra funding for Climate research.
(1) Earth pointing Satellites: Funded by the taxpayer, for Meteorology. Data free for Astronomers.
(2) Venus and Mars satellites funded by American taxpayers, for NASA. Data free for Astronomers.
So Astronomers did not, do not, or need any money from Oil Companies, Coal Miners or Arab Oil Shakes. To prove that Carbon Dioxide is not responsible for Climate Change.
The only problem we have is total censorship by the Mainstream Media, and the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. I think they say that Bob Ward is responsible for the Censorship, so it wont be on the BBC.
So I would advise people to look on the Weatheraction website, and try and join Mensa.
You mean the NASA CO2 detecting satellite launched to great fanfare 2 years ago which was expected to provide images of CO2 hotspots as it steams out of nasty Industrial countries like the UK.
…. unfortunately it showed that CO” hotspots are over jungles
..the NASA PR dept seemed to forget about it after that.
@RichardPinder How do you get a journalist to stop being balanced ?
Say “Ah but there is a grand conspiracy of evil people against us, the nice people who are trying to save the planet, you wouldn’t want to help them ? would you ?”
With such a message a tame journalist decides he should omit certain facts ..that’s lying by omission
Stew Green: Re Lord Stern
He is also deeply embedded in the International ruling elite coming from what could be termed an ‘aristocratic’ Jewish family. “Stern is the son of the late Bert Stern and Marion Stern and nephew of Donald Swann—half of the Flanders and Swann partnership. Richard Stern, former vice-president of the World Bank, and Brian E Stern, former vice-president of Xerox Corporation, are his brothers, and his sister is Naomi Opalinska.”
If you find a lot of sticky laptop and iphone screens tomorrow( or opaque by then of course)…then we`ll know what the Lefties were up to when they saw this Bennie and Miss Dianne masterpiece(actually a mistresspiece if we want Womans Hour to show it on their cellulite phones.
“Last Word” is a disgrace is it not?
The likes of Roger Bolton clearly are “licensed inquisitors”-possibly some reputation of being an investigative journalist from the Wilson days.
But, boy have they been rendered neutered and mute!
Bolton has no idea that “The Avengers” were a bit more than a showcase for Steed and Emma, Purdey etc.
In fact, when Joseph Harmatz died a few weeks back, I did wonder if the BBC would care to bring him up for this show of theirs. After a few weeks, they gave us tonights piece of equivocating rubbish.
For Harmatz was a REAL Avenger-he wanted the death of Germans for what they had done to the Jews…not content with a Nuremburg embrace and the overnight bags sent on to La Paz or Santiago.
Bolton seemed to put Harmatz in the dock for “wanting revenge”…as if it were a coiled turd under his slipper tree.
Sorry Beeb, sorry Wodger-but maybe if YOU`D been treated as he was, seen what he`d seen..maybe YOU would not content yourselves with a Twitter feed to Jeremy Vine, or a call to “You and Yours”!
But-on current invertebrate scales as shown by Wodger and the Wabbitz at the BBC-I`m thinking that they WOULD be content with that…
Israel should be mighty proud of Joseph Harmatz.
That Paul Joseph Watson video highlights the main point of the week : The O’Keefe ProjectVeritas undercover videos which catch top Democrats red handed telling how the have and will rig the vote.
Before the presidential debate 5m people had watched the undercover video.
yet after the presidential debate the BBC like all MSM ran with the headline
“Trump refuses to rule that he will not accept the results of the vote”
The BBC must have known about the videos. So the BBC lied by omission.
* This shows that BBC thinks :
It can’t defeat Trump without resorting to lying*
Some times it thinks some things are so important, but their case so weak, it resorts to lying by omission whilst excluding opposing voices.
2015 Election
Global Warming Doom
Green magic Solutions
Calais jungle inhabitants are throwing rocks and petrol bombs at the French police, according to coverage on ITV news.
Just the sort of people the biased BBC, the Far Left and the virtue signallers want in our country.
They all of course being totally insulated and separate from the downsides.
A woman opened her heart and her door to a 12-year-old boy who had fled the horrors of war in Afghanistan after losing his parents – or so she thought.
In reality, not only was the boy in her care, Jamal, almost a decade older than she had been duped into believing, but he also had Taliban and child abuse material on his phone.
A dentist’s check found his age to actually be around 21 and a subsequent investigation uncovered the shocking content on his mobile, according to the Sun.
However, the news did not come as a huge surprise to his foster mother, who gave her name only as Rosie, who had not only been extremely suspicious of his developed facial hair – which led to him being thrown off a bus as he looked too old for a child ticket – but also other characteristics.
Of course, if you have the money you can isolate yourself from all sorts of negative stuff, living, as you do, safe and secure in your lovely world. You can also afford to take the moral high ground and feel so very superior to the rest of us – it’s just great!
tomoMar 16, 21:50 Weekend 15th March 2025 – and they’re all being given Motability cars (EVs)
tomoMar 16, 21:47 Weekend 15th March 2025 done just for vindictive socialist reasons well, yes…. an utter shower…. and no mistake – there’s not a single appointee…
Fedup2Mar 16, 21:46 Start the Week 17th March 2025 The non story of a space rescue continues – the 2 marooned astronauts have recorded a message thanking Elon and…
harry142857Mar 16, 21:26 Start the Week 17th March 2025 City of Culture, innit? Expect there will be poor animals having their throats cut without the authorities doing anything about…
StewGreenMar 16, 21:22 Weekend 15th March 2025 26m18s “People go mad in herds .. and they only become sane one by one” So bring your friends back…
tomoMar 16, 21:05 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 16, 21:03 Weekend 15th March 2025 The health secretary thinks too many people are being classified as nut jobs …. If you add the third world…
Today I have heard a theory which I neither believe to be true, nor that the wholly incompetent civil service is capable of implementing. Never the less I shall relate it here, because it is very interesting and maybe we have got things a little ‘wrong’.
The UK has signed some kind of international treaty (Dublin?) which allows underage migrants with family in the UK to be fast tracked to the UK.
We have reached some other kind of agreement with the French that we will take a specific number of underage (child) migrants.
We know that many of these so called under age child migrants, are not under age at all but well over the threshold.
Here is the clever bit.
It costs around £2500 per week for just one child migrant – but if as part of the set number Britain has agreed to take from France as children are later judged to be adult it still counts to the total number.
If they are judged to be adults, and they have family here then it costs the state absolutely nothing to keep them what so ever, AND they then have to go through the same asylum process which every other adult asylum seeker has to. If they fail that process then they can be removed from the UK back whence they came.
If this is a genuine government tactic then I would be amazed I sincerely doubt that the incompetent borders agency could undertake such subterfuge, but maybe, just maybe, it’s better for the UK that adult children do come, and the luvvies are shown for the lunatics they are .
Thoughtful, like most of the other European States, it appears tough action: deporting failed asylum seekers. However, when it comes down to it, few if not no, ‘failed asylum seekers’ are actually deported. That’s the real con, that the population of the UK and the rest of Europe actually believe we and the rest are actually sending people back. For example –
And you’ll remember the EU “deal” with Turkey? –
But that excludes asylum seekers on “holiday” –
What a joke………..
they will never be deported, they will be on the dole, they will be knocking outs babies faster than turds, nice theory though
Another “Pole Whine” on the Today programme.
Why this strange insecurity amongst Poles?
Maybe they are judging the English by their own proud traditions?
The long history of Jewish pogroms culminating in the 1946 Kielce pogrom.
The persecution of Jews under communism. The strange reluctance of Poles to
throw open their borders to those fleeing war, even though their stale, pale culture could be enriched beyond their wildest dreams.
It was a group whine this morning. Apparently, since Brexit, there has be “insecurity” yet no one had actually been “a victim of a racist incident”. These people want to preserve their culture and have their children learn Polish so they can talk to their grandparents. If that’s what they want why did they not stay in Poland? One girl seemed to think she deserved a spontaneous round of applause everywhere she went because “the Poles saved Britain”. Am I being too cynical in seeing the ideological work of our state pedagogues finding expression here? If we are on the verge of a new Machtergreifung by Führer Farage, I’m at a loss to understand why a third of a million immigrants keep pouring in. Shouldn’t their friends and relations be telling don’t come to Nazi Britain, you risk being pogromised!!. But then I’m so stupid I voted Brexit. I should have relied on our elected “representatives”. But if I’m that stupid how do I know who to vote for? Maybe I should listen to those clever people at the BBC.
By a strange coincidence, I read this text from Cicero after another pointless appearance of Ken Clark on the BBC.
Non est concilium in vulgo, non ratio, non discrimen, non diligentia; semperque sapientes ea quae populus fecisset, feranda, non semper laudanda duxerunt.
The “progressive” Clark more dismissive of the people than a Roman senator. Democrat my arse.
One girl seemed to think she deserved a spontaneous round of applause everywhere she went because “the Poles saved Britain.
It’s not only our own kids who are ignorant of history then. No doubt no-one chose to challenge her.
hmmm yes a few helped, after we joined the war on their behalf
i know one of these polish heroes who walked from siberia to get here
his son is totally english, his grandchildren dont speak polish, he likes what he found here decided to stay here, became british
he just has an un-spellable name
he never whinges about the british …. ever
Johnny = its pathetic! No one can doubt the courage of the Polish fliers in WW2 and yes they were brave and dedicated men. But they were also exercising choice and were also saving themselves. As members of the Polish armed forces if they had stayed in Poland they would have had to yield to the Nazis or have been crushed.
No one but an idiot would doubt their courage. But there were many other courageous individuals who also fought against the Nazis in WW2. Because someones grandfather fought with us against the Nazis in WW2 – Does not give a large proportion of the current population a carte blanche to emigrate here en masse and avail itself of all the social/welfare payments available.
I generally consider the Poles to be hard working and decent individuals – whos culture and values on the whole are generally similar to ours. As a nation it has always been geographically unfortunate in that it has often been in the centre of other nations political ambitions.
However Poland has chosen to stay within the EU and unfortunately – When {or if} we leave those who have not taken up UK citizenship, quite fairly will be considered foreign nationals.
Unfortunately attempting to explain this to most lefties is not possible as they would far rather block their ears and scream WAYCIST! As portraying us as xenophobic little Englanders is far easier than having any sort of serious discussion. In the past the WAYCISSSST! accusation always trumped any reasonable argument.
Fortunately many people are now catching on to this tactic and are refusing to be browbeaten by these lazy leftist twats whos only tactic seems to be to constantly scream down anyone who desires a serious debate about what is going on in this land of ours.
Rather Poles than Muslims and other third worlders.
Rather none of them at all and Britain increases its birthrate, as Russia has.
Yes,it’s simply nonsense to say Poles in the RAF were fighting for the greater glory of the British Empire because they continued their fight against Hitler from a base in Britain with British weapons. De Gaulle and the Free French were also fighting from Britain but not because of their love for Britain. The left have to use any spurious argument they can find to justify problematic mass Polish immigration. Using the patriotic feelings of the indigenous population against them is one of the most insidious. Unproblematic, limited French immigration needs no justification on the grounds that the Free French were allies or courageous fighters. Nor are German immigrants prevented from entering the UK, because their grandparents and parents voted for Hitler or were Nazis at some time.
“Poles in the RAF were fighting for the greater glory of the British Empire”. That’s the least the poles could do .
After all, Great Britain went to war when Germany invaded Poland .
Agree ID, it is odd that people want to come here in their thousands to Britain to be oppressed and racially abused. So many masochists, who knew.
What disturbed me most about the 17 yr old Polish girl on Today was her sinister closing comment ” these voices must be silenced.” Free speech anyone?
“No true European can fail to love Italy. Your country is the birthplace of so much of our common civilisation; of the abiding Roman concepts of law and self-discipline; of the universal Catholic tradition; of the glories of the Renaissance its paintings and sculptures and buildings; of the Roman opera and the music of La Scala, Milano.”
Margaret Thatcher from a speech in Rome.
And Rome yesterday
I fear the end is near.
There is no nice way for this to end. Either muslims take over, or they are expelled. Both have happened in the past. However, our present day society is decadent and run by fools. They do not have the moral courage to do what is necessary, and Western civilization is therefore doomed.
Rome is the second great target of Islam. First was Constantinople and then Rome.
hmmm i recall romans would once have solved this problem with a few lions
They would have dealt with them as they did the Carthaginians.
Ha Luvvie tax, that would be like counting the rooms given over to immigrants in the Luvvies mansions, or measuring their CO2 footprint as they fly to Climate jamborees.
Did anyone see that piece on Inside Out Wed Mids I mentioned above. Where the Birmingham woman runs a refuge for illegal refugees ?
BTW I just watched the South edition where the first 10 minutes was given over to Hippies running up an anti-fracking camp at a place where no-one intends to frack anyway. (Claifornia Quarry near Swanage)
They are conserving the land and protecting it from CO2, by covering it with tents and sheds while they all sit around a big fire burning stuff, expelling smoke particulates into the atmosphere.
“Hello, Virtue Signalling emergency hotline”
“Hi, it’s Radio 4 again I’m really sorry about being too white,
we’ve got a programme and the guests seem too whitey (in this country where 90% of people are white heterosexuals)”
…”Don’t you worry ..we’ll dispatch the Bonny Greer”
Today’s Loose Ends 6:15pm has Bonny + Malachi Kirby (black actor ‘Roots’ Remake )
+ Haley Bonar (famous song “’Called You Queen’ is at once an anthem for growing up gay”)
+ Lee Fields & The Expressions (Black singer)
Now on Woman’s Hour
Nigerian writer : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Black feminist writer) discussing Michelle Obama etc.
+ Baroness Helena Kennedy (good old Liberal Lefty)
+ Ken Loach (super Lefty) Film
+ Talk of black GIs babies (“this report contains controversial language”, no not the N-word .. she mentions as a child she had a golliwog)
+ “Joy Spence” the rum master from Jamaica (mixed race)
(BTW next week they be discussing why the majority of misogynist posts on Twitter are made BY WOMEN)
Front Row has
new Ken Loach (super Lefty)film
+ “The New Pope TV series” about a chain-smoking megalomaniac American pontiff
The 22:15 Is the Reith Lectures with the Anglo/Ghanaian/American gay philosopher
Bonnie Greer was also spreading Trump hate.. she acted as if Clinton has already won.
She was plugging her new play which seems to feature hate against Trump ..She was well chummy with Roots actor ..probably wouldn’t be that way with a white actor.
#TheHotelCerise… is an elegy for #Obama
“The play explores the history of race relations in America but is also set in 2016 and looks at the politics of what is going on as we speak, between Trump and Clinton.”
Seems 6 times a day she tweets hate against trump
Bonnie Greer is always described as a playwright.
Wiki offers the following details of her oeuvre: Munda Negra, Dancing On Blackwater, and Jitterbug. Not heard of them either? Oh. But the UK tax payer has subsidised them all, so they must be good.
She also wrote a movie screen play. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Mulholland Drive? Inception? No, in fact she wrote ‘White Men Are Cracking Up’. Oddly no one ever made it into to a movie, not even tax payer funded Guardian readers at various film foundations. Clearly our loss.
How does she make a living apart from tax payer funded plays? Oh, she has other taxpayer funded jobs: panellist on television programmes such as Newsnight Review and Question Time and has served on the boards of several leading arts organisations, including the British Museum, the Royal Opera House and the London Film School. She is also the Chancellor of Kingston University in Kingston upon Thames, London.
So, a tax payer funded leftie, who has accomplished nothing, apart from cultivating a mellifluous voice, (to which I could listen to all day), is a go to person for the BBC on any subject, usually to rubbish the views of the British taxpayer. It can’t be because she ticks certain boxes, is it?
Clearly, we are lucky to have her. I bet the poor old American taxpayer is so disappointed that we get to subsidise her lifestyle instead.
Sadly we are overrun with non-nationals (Yasmin Alibaba is another) who grace us with their opinions, as though we haven’t enough of our home growners who could do it better. Incidentally did Yasmin have any ‘family’ in the UK at the time we took her in ???
Bonnie Greer = full time race hustler.
I read somewhere that the Ku Klux Klan have bought the rights to the “Roots” re-make, only this time the story was going to be told in reverse; so that it has a happy ending.
I think , I heard that joke on “The Comedians ” in 1976/ 77 , still ok , to bring it back, though.
How’s your pal Dave doing lately? I seem to recall you thought he was wonderful.
Not sure if this link has been posted prior to this:
But it demonstrates how Trump can claim that there is fraud going on in the US election. There are two parts to this video, but either one gives enough information to claim that the DNC are guilty of fraud.
In Liberal Lala Land all words and phrases mean their opposite:
The Democratic Party – hate democracy
The German Democratic Republic – Anti-democratic
Liberals – are extremely illiberal
The right-wingers are violent – no, the left-wingers are violent
The right-wingers are racist – no, the left-wingers are racist
The right-wingers are anti-semitic – no, the left-wingers are anti-semitic
Nixon was a war monger responsible for Vietnam – no, Nixon ended the war but Kennedy and Johnson put the American troops in. Plus Nixon went to Moscow and Peking in raprochement.
Israel is guilty of war crimes and the Palestinians are victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression – no, Israel only ever retaliates and only after extreme and extensive provocation. They may commit some “war crimes” but nothing in comparison to the war crimes of the Palestinians
Islam is a Religion of Peace – I don’t need to comment on that one when all is abundantly clear here
The nazis were right-wing – no, they were socialists, therefore left-wing
The right-wingers are thick – no, right-wingers tend to be able to think for themselves whereas the left-wingers need to be told what to think on most subjects
Social justice is about justice – no, it’s about virtue signalling
I could go on but we know they are not listening or able to comprehend truth
Like your basic idea Demon, but my verdict on your otherwise accurate review is rather darker.
Your list is worringly close to the Newspeak and/or Doublethink of Orwell’s 1984 and the very last thing that the dystopian state of Oceania was, was liberal.
But it does rather nicely show up the ‘liberal left’ for the illiberal Far Left fascists they really are.
To be honest Sluff I fully agree with you. I was thinking of Orwell when I compiled it and It’s clear that he was thinking of all dictatorships. But I believe the Big Brother character was based upon Joe Stalin who was still ruling the USSR when he wrote the book. Yes, Oceania was not liberal, but neither are the so-called “Liberals” of today.
It’s clear that the left-wing have used 1984 as their blueprint, their instruction manual which is how they have arrived at their positions today. Hillary Clinton even wants one-world government and perpetual war which is achieved by splitting up the one-world government into just a few fighting masses. (Three in Orwell’s idea). Thanks for your comments, when I attack the Liberals for double-speak it is the double-speak called by Orwell they use.
Demon, I’ll add a redefinition from Trump’s Second Amendment supporters:
Gun Control isn’t about Guns, it’s about Control.
Israel is guilty of war crimes and the Palestinians are victims of unprovoked Israeli aggression – no, Israel only ever retaliates and only after extreme and extensive provocation. They may commit some “war crimes” but nothing in comparison to the war crimes of the Palestinians.
The BBC deliberately omits the context/history of the Israeli/’Palestinian’ conflict because it utterly destroys the Arab victimhood narrative. Three times the Arab countries have waged all-out war in attempting to ‘wipe Israel off the face of the map’ and three times they have been defeated. The first of these was within 48 hours of the foundation of the State of Israel. The Arab countries chose not to sign up to the UN resolution granting statehood to the Jews because they arrogantly believed they could immediately destroy it. Equally, as part of that resolution, they could have accepted a two-state solution which would have given the Arabs in the area (now know as ‘Palestinians’) their own state on much more generous terms than those which were eventually implemented.
I could go on, but the fact is there are too many inconvenient truths – the refugee status of ‘Palestinians’ and their descendants is another – that the BBC chooses to bury in order to maintain its subversive narrative.
the refugee status of ‘Palestinians’ and their descendants
thats a great one to google to find out about their “special” status and the welcoming nature of their fellow arabs
add this one to your list
#sciencemustfall lmao what a bunch of c**ts
coming to a suburb near you soon with their vast array of skills
Trumpy at Gettysburg.
That is SOME speech:
Thanks for mentioning this speech. I’ve now watched it, and am quite encouraged. Trump’s very interesting package of policy proposals clearly show his team of advisors is focused on what is urgently needed in order to put the US again on the right track. I now await the BBC’s sneering evisceration of his proposals, and dismissive broadcasts by Sopel, Naughtie and the other reptiles.
yep out comes another alleged gropee … djt should and will sue them all
For those following polls, you probably will not pick up from anywhere in the UK that DT is back on a tie or a lead.
I’ve looked up commentary on these recentpollsters and all are dismissed at outliers. What is interesting is that IDS seems to have been similarly dismissed in the last election when it predicted Obama’s victory (then it was too democratic). I’ll predict that these polls are accurate because their methods are uncovering the shy DT voters the others miss.
Think of how the BBC normally choose to portray John F Kennedy.
Then think of how they choose to report Trump’s treatment of women.
Now have a read of this:
‘The desire to sanitise the Kennedy image remains strong. This is demonstrated by The Letters of John F Kennedy (Bloomsbury) edited by Martin Sandler. It’s interesting and beautifully presented, but the correspondence is censored. Sandler did not include the lurid notes the young Kennedy wrote to his friends, boasting of sexual conquests…..He presented himself as a family man, but was in fact a womaniser. Millions would come to love Kennedy not for what he was but for what he seemed. ‘
The Truth is out there, but the Ministry of Truth choose to ignore it.
“Everything faded into mist. The past was erased. The erasure was forgotten. The lie became the truth.”
De Niro gave a fascinating denunciation of Trump, but his biographer Shawn Levy reveals that De Niro forced a girl friend to have an abortion. I suppose different standards apply to luvvies. Same thing with Polanski. Footballers’ proclivities are crude and vulgar but Thrasher Mosley is lauded as a defender of privacy rights on NewsShite.
Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t just because he breathes in and out. He’s castigated now by the media for wanting to sue those that have claimed he sexually assaulted them. Any why shouldn’t he ? none of them want to take their claim to court to prove their case, its all to humiliate him.
The media #ProtectingHillary is killing democracy
The BBC #ProtectingHillary is #KillingTheBBC
Paul Joseph Watson nails it totally
Very good. The same here with the MSM. It lies and increasingly we cannot trust anything it says. It is corrosive of civil society as it can spill over into mistrust of all government and state institutions.
The BBC is at the forefront of this .
Ha very good
Who rushes to give Hillary positive coverage today
…hoping to be paid back later when she’s elected ?…………………………………………..The Press-stitutes
Excellent. Just seen it. And fits in with everything that is happening in the USA and the UK.
Mr Watson is correct in what he says.
But how he says it is very off putting.
Think he probably needs the mediation of a few women around him, because he`d drive me daft at least!
But, in terms of the MSM choosing to avoid the “elephant in the room” that is endemic liberal bias that they refuse to admit…he`s 100% correct.
It`s as if he insists on using Rolf Harris` paintbrushes to emulate a Rothko…when some subtle pointillism( or even painting by numbers for the kids) would work even more effectively with the half of the population(and more) who don`t equate anger with shouting and swearing.
But at least he`s TRYING to say something-whereas those that he “calls out” refuse to say anything injurious to Project Progresso.
He`d be cleaning the pots at the back of my class,but I`d know he`s onto something.Try the pastels Mr W!
Clinton outs Obama as a Muslim ?
beebistan blithely announces that screening has been erected around Lunar-tic House, Croydon, to ‘protect the identity of the children’. So it’s not to hide the obvious fact that they’re not children at all then.
Thanks Peterthegreat.
This farce of 30 year old imported children will run and run. It’s certainly helped the Brexit cause and has damaged the Tories. Has May spoken out? She is in charge, after all.
There is of course no way that they (or the Tories) will be returned to France. The BBC would be weeping media tears. (This would cause flash floods in Islington). And the BBC are now the official party of Opposition.
The media is the message? No. The BBC have gone further. They are now the self-elected party of opposition. Perhaps sooner than we realise, they could become our Government? They are after all highly experienced in undermining those Parties they don’t approve of.
Dover Sentry
” They are after all highly experienced in undermining those Parties they don’t approve of.”
Undermine them by not paying the telly poll tax.
Its simples .
Bringing the lie into our world. The BBC at it’s best.
I have listened to the Archers for many years. As with much of the BBC’s drama output increasingly there are scenarios introduced which “promote” the BBC’s agendas.
In the last episode, as another poster has mentioned, reference was made to a booking at the Loxley Hall conference centre by a group of financial types to discuss the opportunities after Brexit. The booking was a shambles, because the man who made the booking left the company before the conference was held (cf Farage??) and the other attendees were hopelessly disorganised, not knowing what to do (Johnson/Fox/Davies??). One of them couldn’t even adjust the heating in their room – what a dunderhead!
Then to cap it all, the posh widow who owns the conference centre who has had a disastrous failed affair with a younger employee now seems attracted to a Pakistani teacher who is giving her son maths tuition. Such a delightful man he is. It’s a good job the boy’s twin sister is good at maths and doesn’t need any tutoring…
Restroom, thank goodness that folk like you are still keeping up with this Beebwatch. That storyline is disgusting, so glad I don’t listen to R4 anymore, so cheers for the update. BP is still up tho.
Forget the Waloons and the EU propaganda . The EU sells more to us than we sell to them. They have more to loose than us.
The Bankers have to look at the EU and its bleak future . Do they really want to move out of the sixth biggest economy with a stable government?
The scaremongering promulgated by the banks that F*@ed up our economy in 2008 is being used by the MSM.
On cue “Large banks are getting ready to relocate out of the UK early next year over fears around Brexit, the British Bankers’ Association (BBA) has warned.”
‘True Brits’ can fire a warning shot across the bows of the greedy bankers by opening up new accounts in the first bank that says it will remain in the UK. Just where were the BBA when they messed up our economy in 2008?
That will put the fear of god up the traitors and spivs that work in the financial world .
I promise that will be the first in the cue to do that.
Spot the irony.
Unaccompanied, unattached children from the Calais jungle (who btw the Home Office are not allowing us to see) are arriving in the UK seeking safety.
Which institutions are to look after them?
The Police?
Rotherham or Rochdale social services?
The bBBC?
Has anyone told the migrants how dangerous it is for them over here?
Maybe Justice Goddard left at the right time – before the workload increases significantly.
The Home Office think more of the Calais ‘so called children’ than they do of our own. Rotherham etc .
They are shipping them in without checking their details. Once they are in they won’t be sent back, its fait accompli.
The government is still not listening to the people.
And, this is the government that we trust to negotiate us leaving the EUSSR…….
Jo -Whilst the likes of Hammond and Rudd are in the cabinet I do not believe we will ever be able to achieve any sort of meaningful Brexit.
It is interesting that May appointed two of the most important cabinet posts to confirmed remainers. It obviously sends the wrong message to left wing organisations such as the BBC.
Why would you do that unless either
1 You have no real intention of delivering any sort of meaningful separation from the EU.
2 You have very poor political judgement and obviously enjoy looking politically inept whilst your cabinet constantly haggles and jockeys for influence. Unless that is what she wants – Saint Theresa arising serenely above the Waring parties of brexit who at least to me – seem to believe in something!
For the life of me I cannot decide which of these two motivations decided May, that it would be a good idea to place these two jokers in these positions – It shows either very poor political judgement or a very cynical move to stymie the Brexit negotiations whilst looking the innocent party.
We also have a sour and petulant”independant” Bank of England governor who continues to throw as much cold water as possible on the flickering fires of our economy.
Very little is now said about the large amounts of money regularly injected into the inefficient Mediterranean euro economies. Whilst at the same time these same countries are destroying our fisheries and leaving many coastal ports little better than run down theme parks and play pens for the stinking rich.
And meanwhile the Sorros pump primed and Merkel powered sausage machine continues to spew out as many Doctor, engineers and now “children” as it can, choking our inner city health services, education and housing.
All this is generally ignored or (in the case of the BBC) supported by a propaganda generating giant. Which distorts, hides and generally manipulates the facts to such an extent that the likes of Goebbels would have been proud.
All these issues are real, relevant and urgent – and if May was truly serious about Brexit she would be in Mullion, Hull, Rotherham or Huddersfield telling real people how she intends turning their lives around rather than speaking at stupid o clock in the morning to a bunch of disinterested and bitter eurocrats who are more interested in humiliating and punishing us, rather than co=operating for an orderly and as painless brexit as possible for all.
So yes I am a bit concerned about brexit. Europe has made it clear the sooner we are gone the better, We have a great potential future, but now is the time to look forward and not back.
Junker and Co are yesterdays men and we need to discard them into the dustbin of history where they surely belong! Not drag things out so our own collection of traitors, snowflakes and faint hearts still have a focus point!
I would just like to add maybe it would be nice if Theresa visited Rotherham as well just to show some support and maybe even offer an apology for the failure of the institutions that were meant to keep real children and vulnerable youngsters safe – Funny though cant see that one happening. I suppose it will remain the elephant in the room forever and a day.
Cant see the BBC too interested either whilst there is real news to cover such as their new “bake off” or Strictly.
“I would just like to add maybe it would be nice if Theresa visited Rotherham”
True. It would also be nice if more people in Rotherham would prise themselves away from Labour and vote for someone else, preferably UKIP, in spite of its problems.
I’m not excusing May but if people in Rotherham showed just a little more interest in changing their voting habits occasionally, May might consider it worth her while. But then pigs might fly.
May is tied to the Arabs, always was as Home Secretary who would not deport terrorists. The BBC and celebrities easily pushed her into accepting more and more refugees. And she will admit more. She will bend for the EU and for the Moslems. I do not trust this woman at all.
I don’t think there can be a proper full on brexit because most of the top Conservatives aren’t really conservative at all. It’ll be tinkering at the edges, concessions, watered-down proposals which will ultimately maintain the status quo. In other words no control over our borders, unlimited immigration, EU still interfering and us paying billions for the privilege!
Look at the Calais jungle farce. Does anyone really expect any other outcome than all of them will eventually end up in England, on welfare, for generations?
I agree Imay – The message Theresa has sent out with her choice of cabinet is – “I am not really committed to brexit and may be persuaded otherwise”.
Actions always speak louder than words and by allowing non brexit committed mps to be in major positions of influence you are setting brexit up for a fall.
I have never believed brexit would be the walk in the park many believe in. And the establishing of new trade deals will take much work.
Unfortunately the EU tumour has had many decades to metastasize throughout our economy and institutions and thus its removal will take time, courage and dedication. I also think that the EU will want to make an “example” of us to discourage others leaving. Therefore as swift an exit as possible is essential so we can re-direct and rebalance our economy to real world economics rather than the la la euronomics we have had to endure up to now.
This may also have the advantage of re-calibrating our welfare system thus removing some of our own “dead wood” as well as reducing much of the “pull” factor that draws so many of these “children” to our shores.
What I do know however that if we value our culture and societal values it is a choice we have to make. Doing nothing is not an option and sticking our head in the sand – like a much of Europe is currently doing will only ensure that we will end up in the same cultural nightmare that Sweden is currently experiencing.
And the message that we get from the ‘media’ at end of this day ?
The government is afraid of Al Beeb and the MSM .
Is Al Beeb the tool of the British Government or is the British Government the tool of Al Beeb? It could be a case of the ‘tail wagging the dog’?
Over to you Tory posters and voters .
Well said Taffman – I think this was spelt out in large red letters as soon as the Government “bottled” the charter review. Unfortunately we now have all the kool kidz running the school – which is great until winter and the boiler breaks down, or all the windows have been smashed by the kidz letting off a bit of steam!
Roll on Winter I say!
My contact in Socialist Venezuela informs me that the Socialist regime has taken the final step to absolute Socialist dictatorship while people die of hunger in the oil-rich Socialist country.
None of that on beebistan home page which instead rejoices that 70 more Calais ‘children’ arrive in UK, with pic of a handful of Welcome placards carefully framed to seem like crowds. Yippee, welcome to Socialist Britanistan.
PTG…..A bit like ‘spot the ball’ or ‘guess the weight of the cake’…..I think the welcoming placard holders number 13 or 14
PTG, I’m a bit short of cash at present, anyone know how you can sign up to the BBC’s ‘rent-a-crowd’ list? Is it the same crowd that follow Corbyn around?
Extraordinary. I am just reading from a source rarely quoted here, the monthly mag. from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Which over the years I have found impartial in a way the biased BBC is not.
Oct 2016 edition, Page 18, ‘Economic Crisis pushes Venezuelan science to breaking point’.
‘ A mass exodus of scientists has hit the country hard as the country grapples with the worst economic crisis it has ever faced. The nation’s labs have run out of basic chemicals…..Venezuela’s scientific heavyweights blame the socialist economic polices of former president Hugo Chavez and current president Nicolas Maduro…..there is minimal research in the areas of catalysts and hydrocarbons (Sluff note – v relevant to oil industry) and the nation’s once prestigious institute of oil research is ‘no longer even a shadow of what it once was’. Credit to writer Rebecca Trager.
Welcome to socialism and a classic example of the ‘ problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money’.
A great example of the UK economy if the Corbyn/Mcdonnell lunatics ever get control.
On your other point, our absolutely disgusting and totally useless Home Office have now built barriers and use coaches with blinds so we cannot now even see how old the ‘children’ are when they arrive to bleed our taxpayers of even more funds. This in addition to the International Development budget btw.
Just remind me again what is our annual budget deficit? £80bn and going up?
Another helping of anti-Brexit BS served up by our national treasure:
However, read the item to the end and this is what you find.
“From a European perspective, this would be cutting off its nose to spite its face. It might lead to a few jobs moving to Paris or Frankfurt but it will make it more expensive for companies in France and Germany to raise money for investment, slowing the wider economy.”
Despite the deliberately misleading headline, no surprise there, it actually shows that it is the EU that is likely to suffer.
Calais migrants: Clashes ahead of ‘Jungle’ closure
A refreshing change from the BBC actually reporting facts such as migrants throwing stones at the French Police. Looks like the BBC has turned their backs on adult migrants and now the child migrants are the BBC favourites (probably because we all know the BBC are a load of pedophiles).
The article could almost qualify for an unbiased report but right at the bottom they spoil it with…
Citizens UK volunteer Esmat Jeraj told the BBC that the children arriving in the UK are being treated sensitively.
“Understandably some of them are quite reluctant to talk about their experiences,” she said, “they’ve obviously been through hell and back.”
Yes of course if the children are reluctant to talk then that obviously proves they been through hell and back. Move along please, make way for the next bus load….
Calais children: Children without UK links among 70 new arrivals
Nice picture of migrant supports holding banners saying “Refugees welcome”. Of course it doesn’t say “Refugees welcome in my home” as that would make less room for their bottles of Champagne.
Another photo shows some unknown actress called Carey Mulligan holding a small teddy bear. I’m not sure a 34 year old migrant man would actually want a teddy bear but hey, lets not spoil the BBC article.
I would like to write an open letter to all pop stars and actors thinking of speaking out in support for migrants to the UK…
Dear Self Centred, Righteous Pop Stars & Actors
Go fcuk yourselves.
Breaking news: First female “child” from Calais pictured.

Can someone please tweet this picture to Mr Lineker.
….Nice picture of migrant supports holding banners saying “Refugees welcome”….
Er, yes, same as Munich 18 months ago, and we all know what has happened there since ! but listening to Esther Rancid this morning on SML she has no problem with kids having 3 days stubble. Thank God for James Delingpole and the ex deputy of the NoW for being the voices of reason.
As somebody here suggested a few days ago, support Shave the Children!
Oh dear…..thers so much wrong in this that i hardly know where to begin…..suffice to say the first 4 words set the brain dead tone
A left wing expert on Salafism has suggested that Germany has no real culture and that Syrians should be allowed their own city rather than be forced to integrate into German society.
Expert on Salafism and Green party member Kurt Edler is proposing a radical idea on how the German government should handle the integration of Syrians and other migrants into German society.
Mr. Edler contends that Germany has no real culture to speak of and that the migrants shouldn’t have to integrate and instead he claims they should be afforded their own city in an area like Vorpommern reports, Die Welt.
Mr. Edler admits after the attempted bombing in Leipzig and other terror attacks in Wurzburg and elsewhere, that Islamism has formally arrived in Germany.
Speaking on the need for migrants to integrate into Germany he said, “the indigenous people themselves have completely disintegrated. The common word is dominant culture. There is none. There are lifestyle milieus.”
Since there is no common culture, according to Edler, there should be no problem in simply creating what he calls a “New Aleppo” in somewhere like German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The Chancellor is still reeling from the recent regional election loss to the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD).
On the subject of the AfD Edler said support for the party was a reaction to the mass experience of “social modernization.”
It would be interesting hear Herr Edler define Syrian culture.
When you have enemies within like Edler and his like-minded open borders, Islamophile friends (just as we do here in the UK), why need the Islamists bother with all the hassle of a Western jihad?
“Ed Balls: He’s like John Sergeant – without the charm”
A rather apt description of the BBC’s latest Strictly Come Dancing celebrity – and former Labour big beast. The description being made by a journo named Shyama Perera (Guardian & Indy) on BBC News newspaper review this morning.
“Bring on the girls” might as well have been her cry as she bemoaned the fact that we were only being shown pictures of scary-looking young male migrants often with their faces covered.
Whereas if the media had shown a few vulnerable young girls….
One can’t help but ponder the proposition that the modern journalist steeped in PC and BBC-approved leftist values sees her role as news management and selection – ‘dancing’ around the facts rather that ‘strictly’ reporting the facts.
And how typical it was of the BBC’s ‘charming’ face of leftism that it was our Mr Nice Guy Gavin Esler who was hosting the newspaper review.
Do these Guardian/BBC types think we are daft enough not to know that each of these vulnerable young girls welcomed to the UK will have a dozen scary-looking male brothers uncles and cousins?
I hurriedly shut the tv off when Marr on BBC1 ended this morning. A quick trailer of what was to follow and its predictable conclusion was too much to bear on a Sunday morning when more important things like a bacon sandwich call. I only ever watched the exclusively propagandised programme, ‘Sunday Morning Live’ once some while back. That was enough to understand the heavily biased dynamics of the programme. For me, the litmus test is for the programme to ask of its interviewees, the blindingly obvious questions to achieve a balance for the viewers. You know the sort of question which, directed at an Imam, would ask, ‘tell us about taqiyya and how you exercise that Islamic principle with the Kuffar on a daily basis?’ and, ‘how can we know whether if, today, your responses are based on taqiyya?’. When a programme carefully avoids these sort of basic questions, it’s not a programme which the sane would waste time watching. Certainly not if they wanted a balanced debate. So, today, the ‘in vogue’ topic apparently is, “Is is racist to determine a persons age before admitting them to the UK?”. I submit that the more intelligent question would be: ‘Is it right to determine a persons physical details and credentials before admitting them to become a citizen of the UK?’. That is the underlying question.
Unfortunately, the BBC’s agenda is to support Open Borders and admit all-in-sundry to the Uk whether they are murderers, rapists, criminals, prospective child molesters (knowledge suggests that certain races are more prone to exercise child abuse/molestation) or not. In effect to, ‘Do a Merkel’, that surely is the BBC’s wet dream. Pooh, pooh, look at the crime in Germany. Look at the staggering rise in rapes and physical violence and crime in general throughout Europe as a direct result of Open Borders. It always amuses me to hear the left /liberal multiculturalism supporters who always conveniently neglect to acknowledge that someone has to ‘foot the bill’ – the taxpayer. No mention of that reality.
Some time ago I wrote that I was keeping a ‘tally’ on the disproportionate numbers of black and ethnic minority reporters/presenters employed on the BBC compared to their percentage number as a whole throughout the UK. Watching the SML this morning that has now increased by 2 – the presenter N Munchetti is already in my data, and then there is Tommy Sandhu, plus an outside female Asian reporter (whose name I didn’t catch, but it wasn’t Rosie Jones!). Its always the case now, in the spirit of diversity to street interview as many non-whites as possible for their views, and even finding a mixed race couple – as was the case this morning. Job done BBC.
It’s a widespread problem. Some instances are more serious and irritating than others but I really don’t understand this obsession with blackness.
I’ve been wanting to replace an oldish GAP jacket that I happen to like. I go to the GAP website and see a mass of black faces. Why?
Seems to be virtue signalling on a corporate scale. Code for “look how diverse we are” – except that they aren’t.
Didn’t see anything I wanted anyway.
I’ll add to that if I may, Brissles – the number of Irish reporters, chosen especially for their grinding accents and (mysteriously) their unique expertise in foreign affairs (e.g. Lyse Doucet, take a bow).
Also, ever noticed the lack of diversity of BBC staff when it comes to Wales, Scotland and Norn Iren reporting? In fact, ever noticed how they are all respectively Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish? Something to do with BBC cultural respect, perhaps (which is never applied to the English)?
AC……It’s a widespread problem. Some instances are more serious and irritating than others but I really don’t understand this obsession with blackness……
Just wait until the Awards season starts again after Christmas ! There’ll be more black actors/actresses being nominated than ever before, and I bet we’ve never heard of most of ’em !
I think you mean Orla Guerin.
Lyse Doucet is Canadian.
Probably you are also thinking of Mr. ‘Doom’ Fergal Keane, who, like most of our sun-tanned newsladies and sports reporters, was born here, but is ethnically and culturally alien, in his case Irish.
Why put the telly on when a Voice of Sanity, Katy Hopkins, is on LBC?
Friends! Hope that those of you who saw my compilation of recent Tweets in my Blog yesterday enjoyed them. If you did, here is a second compilation:
If this proves to be sufficiently popular, I shall in future do a weekly round-up [pretty well] every Sunday.
I’ll vote for that. Excellent.
And a special request – more pokes at the irony-free BBC, please!
Thank you, Friend Johnny! And re your special request – I shall try and literally poke the Hard-Right neoliberal BBC rather more often (actually started a blog on it a few weeks ago but never finished it. Will endeavour to complete it).
We here at the Nasty Party would like to consider “Mr Leftward” to be our future prospective candidate for The United Anti-Semitic Popular Font now forming…had we all united at Batley and Spen, we might have taken that seat.
Oh thank you, Friend Chris! Good to hear from you in stereo, btw :).
The very fact that the BBC keep calling the chancers at Calais, ‘children’ and ‘refugees’ tells us all we need to know about the BBC’s underlying ideology. The BBC is a revolting boil on the finances of this nation and should be flushed from public expenditure immediately. They whole-heartedly support unfettered open borders and a complete deconstruction of England. Isn’t it odd that so-called desperate ‘refugees’ have mobile phones and fashionable clothes? They are being aided by treacherous left-wing charities, who are now siding with the enemies of decent working people of Britain. These spoiled middle-class leftie brats are despicable beyond words; but they are just a product of a left wing education system which brainwashes rather than teaching independent thought. Any upper-class, left-wing ‘charity worker’ caught colluding with the chancers at Calais should have their passports revoked. Those who come back should arrested and given isolation for six months.
The ‘children’ are so old that the left wing intelligensia in general and our impartial national statist broadcaster in particular tried to pass off a ‘child’ as an interpreter last week. And seemed most dischuffed when their ‘error’ (LOL) was revealed.
Still, an easy mistake to make when your eyes and minds are closed and your head is in the sand.
So dischuffed that they also confuse “ageism” with “racism”. That’s what makes my blood boil about the Lineker slur on all who dared to criticise the age of the fraudulent refugees.
To me the most chilling aspect of the Calais “children” is the Government’s reaction when caught out on the lie. The rational reaction would be to promise to tighten up checks, but no. The reaction has been to come up with spurious reasons why such checks cannot be carried out, excuses which do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever. Which the BBC and other parts of the media are happy to play along with even though they know it’s a lie and they know we know it. They are confident that they won’t be called to account on it and that there’s nothing we can do about it.
Instead of acknowledging people’s concerns, the Government simply hides the new arrivals from public view. Thus telling us they don’t give a damn. And this is supposedly a Conservative government. Why should I believe a government that acts in this manner has the slightest intention of following through the electorate’s Brexit instructions?
You shouldn’t believe them RD. We can only hope that some new party rises from the ashes of UKIP (without red tory entryists) with a full-on rightist (ie common sense) agenda.
We need red pill politicians interested in bringing back the country from the brink, and not pusillanimous fools in the pay of shady foreign interests.
Stick to the same-old and what can only result is a broken economy, civil war – which might at least lead to a military coup, but it won’t be pretty.
But not ‘rightist’. It is vital that a nationalist party take consideration of th needs of the indignous working class, to garnerr the Northern Labour voters
I suppose the ‘rightist’ thing is relative, what was considered mainstream opinions even 30 years ago is now seen as madly extreme. Personally I would like a party that would aim for the following outcomes ..
An end to third world migration, or down to a very small %.
Restricted migration from elsewhere until we have sorted out who has no right to remain.
Complete overhaul of public sector bodies, no more cash for fake charities/useless quangoes.
Death penalty reintroduced.
No more tax credits, employers to pay a living wage.
Global employers to cough up more tax and restrict lobbying.
Banks are allowed to fail.
Increase defence spending.
Overhaul legal system, courts and sentencing.
Foreign buyers of UK companies and real estate to be restricted.
Welfare – huge changes needed here. Perhaps will need ID cards to stop identity fraud. More money for frontline services where it is needed.
Work must always be a better option than staying on benefits.
No more World Health Service. I’m afraid it’s one of those sacred cows that must go.
Look after the elderly properly.
Infrastructure projects, shift away from the London-centric economy we currently have.
Abolition of the BBC.
It’s really about the Government giving ordinary tax-payers something back rather than taking our money then kicking us in the teeth. There was such a thing as the social contract years ago!
The minorities we have already are OK but that’s kind of enough (I don’t want to deport anyone except the illegals). The population levels are too much already to take on millions of difficult to assimilate people who will be a drain.
I think my motto would be – “Be Libertarian where you can, be Authoritarian where you must.”
Forgot about foreign policy –
We need to reassess who our friends are in the world.
Don’t get involved in wars you have no intention of winning decisively, or pointless peacekeeping exercises.
And energy –
Disavow the green global warming nonsense.
Make sure energy companies remain in UK hands.
The catastrophe which awaits our descendants will not be avoided by the ballot box (things have gone too far for that here now and our rulers wouldn’t allow it) but the bullet box: a coup d’etat.
I’m sorry to have to point it out but there is no way that the demographic decline of the British in the U.K. and their eventual existence here as a despised minority (the way White South Africans are in their country and American Whites in majority black cities), shall be prevented by democracy.
Democracy only functions correctly as a fair system of government in societies which are ethnically homogenous, the more “diverse” the population becomes the more it deteriorates as a method for governance (IMHO).
If you want to see proof of that: look no further than what was just elected mayor of the capital city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A city which is now over 50% non-White and of those who are White what percentage will actually be British? Extrapolate that degree of population change to other major cities and towns in the U.K. and it provides an indication of the peril our descendants will face, if we or they rely on democracy to save them; it won’t.
Kids Camp N.E in textspeak here!
Let`s hope that Camillas capacious kaftan is conspicuously coloured and converted to cope with the Kids Camp of Calais.
That`s !0 “c”s there in phonetic terms…I dedicate this to both Leonard Sachs and to Cyril Fletcher!
Anybody seen our Camilla?…how the hell can we miss here?
Friend Chris! Our Camilla’s dress is currently being converted in to a tent for 5,000 of Our Refugees, who are desperately trying to escape from the Far-Right racist neoliberal war-torn hellhole that is France, in order to reach the sanctuary of the Hard-Right war-torn neoliberal racist hellhole that is Britain, which Thatcher literally destroyed.
Children under 45 voted Remain, while Adults over 45 voted for Brexit.
But these type of intelligent anti-establishment jokes are not understood by people working for Private Eye any longer, probably because Private Eye has been infiltrated and Ian Hislop planted by MI5, and that’s why Hislop bins so much material, not just from Christopher Booker, but many others. Also it could explain why he never had a problem with working for the BBC and is also hoping to enter the House of Lords when he retires, services rendered.
[Entirely serious comment from me, just for once]
Good post, Richard. Can’t help but agree with you re Private Eye. It was so much funnier in the Ingrams days. Now it is really boring and unfunny, in the main.
I guess my Blog was inspired by some of those old Private Eye humorous pieces (not that I’m claiming it’s on the same level as those, mind!) like Heathco and Dear Bill, which were, in my opinion, genuinely funny, even though the perspective was certainly not Right-wing, unlike (say) Peter Simple, who also regularly had me, as a young Left-winger, in fits of laughter. (In those far-off days, even some Lefties were able to laugh at themselves. Well, I could, anyway!)
Hislop is the absolute epitome of smug, and it makes me genuinely sad to see how far Private Eye has sunk under his editorship. I used to have a subscription to it. Nowadays, I rarely glance at it – usually at a newsagent at Gatwick or Waterloo station. Not sure why I even bother to do that – it’s always a disappointment!
Having visited the very pleasant Baltic States ( which are fast de-populating thanks to open borders) I interestedly watched Portillo’s train programme last week on the biased BBC.
He concludes that ‘these peoples…..triumphed….because of the strength of their national cultures’
Oh, the irony !!!
Perhaps he’s making amends for his series about the slave trade recently, which masqueraded as a collection of programmes about the railways in the USA…
You’re not kidding, OG. Recorded the lot of ’em to watch at leisure and I think we got through half before deleting the rest. EVERY episode covered slavery or victimisation of blacks in some form or other.
Meanwhile the history of America from an English viewpoint – which for most listeners under the age of 50 brought up on a history diet of Irish-American this, African-American that, Italian-American the other – could have been really interesting as America was founded on traditions, laws and rights that by and large were, with a tweak here and there, unarguably English. In fact, to such a degree that when independence was gained and by which time immigration from all corners of Europe had picked up speed, there were fears amongst some of the Founding Fathers that America would lose its Englishness.
“At the time of the American War of Independence, the white population in the 13 colonies was 60% English, 80% British, 98% Protestant.” Peter Brimelow “Alien Nation”.
It`s not personal at all that the blogs are so few and far between these days on this wonderful site of ours.
But really?….
To me, the whole bloody media circus only has a few rings now.
1. Brexit-OMG, how very dare you?
2. Trump-OMG, surely not more bloody Nigel blowback
3 Calais-Open the Doors, Let `em in.
4. Syria/Russia-er, won`t they just stop until we`vw worked out what the f*** we`re on about?
Sense we`ve gone from Seurat to Rothko…Subtlety to Soviet Screaming Realism in only a few months…and it makes Leveson look lie a pastel multicoloured nuanced era in Beeb reportage and collage.
So-I`m going dark until Nov 9th, when-please God “The Trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend”…er, hopefully with a few months inbetween eh?
Bless you my children…Isla St Clair!
Roland Deschain
To me the most chilling aspect of the Calais “children” is the Government’s reaction when caught out on the lie. The rational reaction would be to promise to tighten up checks, but no. The reaction has been to come up with spurious reasons why such checks cannot be carried out, excuses which do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever.
Spot on.
And THIS disgusting action confirms their contempt for British people and dtrmination to ignore our concerns and conceal the problem – literally.
Here w go, sheets to obscure view of lying invaders!
who can pretend Rudd and May are not responsible for this hence acting in bad faith?
When the authorities feel the need to act in secret in this way then they have forfeited public trust.
Indeed. I do not believe the powers-that-be realise the extent to which they are playing with fire here. You only need to read the comments online, and I don’t mean on this site but on the BBC, Twitter, Facebook and even The Guardian, to realise the depth of hostility. If the authorities won’t play by the rules, why the hell should the rest of us? It cannot and will not end well.
And we are being forced to take hundreds more alleegd to be vulnerable but with no family links to the UK thanks to thee intervention of immigrant Lord Dubs, another example (there are many) of a Jewish politcal activist immigrant imposing the Globalist agenda on Britain with total contempt for British people.
Personally I would rest more easily were these refugees we’re taking in Jewish.
Not if they , like Dubs, are political activists pushing the NWO agenda!
So why is the government, backed by the media and celebs taking in adult males as refugees, lying about it and now covering up?
Permit me to indulge in a conspiracy theory.
The so called refugees are returning jihadists who have fought under direction from the UK/US to topple Assad, and now facing defeat the Government is fulfilling an obligation to bring them safely to Blighty.
How about this conspiracy theory?
The British Government have struck a deal with the French that they will support us in Brexit talks probably to remain in the single market with some restriction on free movement (in all likelihood simply temporary) in return for help with resettling the Calais camp. If this is the case we can expect thousands more.
This way May can claim concessions from the EU on a scale significantly but still inadequately beyond Camerons and with UKIP weakened after Nigels departure probably win the next election.
AISI – None of “these refugees” would have ever been anywhere near Calais if they were Jewish, they’d be in Israel.
You’d have thought that at the time of the ‘Kindertransport’, no?
Good news folks! I predict a seriously lowered TV Licence fee in future years. A time when Islam takes a firmer grip on the UK. Broadcasters with fewer staff, fewer expensive programmes. Certainly no more expose’ programmes – all will be banned under threat of death for those attempting to make or broadcast such scurrillous programs. In exchange, admittedly, a much smaller range of viewing across the channels and news broadcast without a woman reciting from a screen. Women free. Only men. TV life will be more boring though with a variety of top Ministry executives taking it in turn to sit in front of the camera whilst telling the viewer how efficient they are. On a daily basis all day, every day. Just think of it, no more Strictly. No more Bake-Offs (can I hear a sigh of relief?). A sprinkling of Royalty will do likewise from time to time on a daily basis. Only iterruptions, daily, will be for Prayer Time (5 times daily). News will only be of Islamic interest. Oh My! You guessed! I’ve taken the most prevalent Islamic influence in the UK and used their tv channels as an example of what’s to come in future years. Welcome to the Kindom of Saudi Arabia. The KSA pour more money into promoting and developing Islam in the UK and Europe than anyone else. Got to be right if you think that the Kingdom is at the centre of the Muslim Faith. Sample the Saudi tv for yourselves –
I’ve been there and obtained the proverbial ‘T’ Shirt.
And they wonder why the far Right is taking hold in Europe ? The situation we are now finding ourselves in, is making staunch Labour voters consider who they vote for in future, as I’m told by friends who are lifelong Labourites. They cannot bring themselves to vote for Corbyn, and yet far from being in any shape or form racist, they are disgusted at what’s happening to our borders and the influx of more migrants daily. There appears to be a ‘coming together’ of viewpoints from both Labour and Conservative voters, which I’ve never experienced in my lifetime, but there is a common ground, regardless of status or background, and that is to an end of migration.
While I’d love to agree, I’m afraid the election result in Witney this week rather suggests otherwise….Oh I know the profile of the electorate in Witney wouldnt reflect a large disaffected Labour vote, but look what happened:
Maybe, just maybe the issues were the same, inmigration etc….and the Tories failure to deal with it, but look at who the idiots flocked to, the bloody limp dumbs who would make disastrous policy on anything I can think of..
UKIP polled around 3% of the vote….no…sorry, it seems you can still fool most of the people most of the time.
Yet again – these ‘children’ have been living in ‘third World’ France for years but the British taxpayer has to go ‘rescue’ them. Pick any UK inner city, plenty of genuine children to rescue there. When is, ‘enough’ actually ‘enough’?
All the Tories are doing is making UKIPs life easier.
The luvvie leftie liberals tended to vote Remain. And project fear, which they support, predicts dire consequences for the UK economy.
The luvvie leftie liberals also want us to let in all the Menchildren from Calais, and the migrants want to come to soon-to-be-impoverished the UK rather than stay in well-to-do Europhilic France.
Errrr, I detect a slight inconsistecy here……
Bang on! Why ain’t the BBC etc., trying to save them from soon to be Third World Britain ? if they cared they would.
The Home office bought 30 bus stickers last week
…… Know what they said ?
………………………………………………………….”Child on Board ..allegedly”
H/T newspaper cartoon
or “Alleged Child onboard”
Top Climate Institute caught double dipping grants.
Claiming research money for papers other people had written, even ones published before the institute was founded.
It’s the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy CCCEP
Run by Lord Stern and PR guy Blob Ward (the Climate Fraud)
by David rose and Ben Pile in the Mail on Sunday.
Will the BBC be reporting it ? or calling for withdrawal of the Lord’s title ?
Lord Stern was responsible the Climate Dodgy Dossier called the Stern Report
In Astronomy we have debunked the carbon dioxide theory without any extra funding for Climate research.
(1) Earth pointing Satellites: Funded by the taxpayer, for Meteorology. Data free for Astronomers.
(2) Venus and Mars satellites funded by American taxpayers, for NASA. Data free for Astronomers.
So Astronomers did not, do not, or need any money from Oil Companies, Coal Miners or Arab Oil Shakes. To prove that Carbon Dioxide is not responsible for Climate Change.
The only problem we have is total censorship by the Mainstream Media, and the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. I think they say that Bob Ward is responsible for the Censorship, so it wont be on the BBC.
So I would advise people to look on the Weatheraction website, and try and join Mensa.
You mean the NASA CO2 detecting satellite launched to great fanfare 2 years ago which was expected to provide images of CO2 hotspots as it steams out of nasty Industrial countries like the UK.
…. unfortunately it showed that CO” hotspots are over jungles
..the NASA PR dept seemed to forget about it after that.
@RichardPinder How do you get a journalist to stop being balanced ?
Say “Ah but there is a grand conspiracy of evil people against us, the nice people who are trying to save the planet, you wouldn’t want to help them ? would you ?”
With such a message a tame journalist decides he should omit certain facts ..that’s lying by omission
Stew Green: Re Lord Stern
He is also deeply embedded in the International ruling elite coming from what could be termed an ‘aristocratic’ Jewish family.
“Stern is the son of the late Bert Stern and Marion Stern and nephew of Donald Swann—half of the Flanders and Swann partnership. Richard Stern, former vice-president of the World Bank, and Brian E Stern, former vice-president of Xerox Corporation, are his brothers, and his sister is Naomi Opalinska.”
First Boris now Redwood, are the government beginning to notice though ?
Do other MPs visit this site ?
So the BBC is, “REPORTING THE UPSIDES” is it ? I guess I missed those ?
Just a pic to help finish off the weekend…..hope you havent eaten recently
Jeremy waiting to get his back scrubbed by Diane
This is quite offensive, but it is Dianne Abbott and I like a bit of crude humour when the chips are down.
If you find a lot of sticky laptop and iphone screens tomorrow( or opaque by then of course)…then we`ll know what the Lefties were up to when they saw this Bennie and Miss Dianne masterpiece(actually a mistresspiece if we want Womans Hour to show it on their cellulite phones.
Redwood should be in cabinet !
The BBC graduate intake REALLY want Hillary to win !
“Last Word” is a disgrace is it not?
The likes of Roger Bolton clearly are “licensed inquisitors”-possibly some reputation of being an investigative journalist from the Wilson days.
But, boy have they been rendered neutered and mute!
Bolton has no idea that “The Avengers” were a bit more than a showcase for Steed and Emma, Purdey etc.
In fact, when Joseph Harmatz died a few weeks back, I did wonder if the BBC would care to bring him up for this show of theirs. After a few weeks, they gave us tonights piece of equivocating rubbish.
For Harmatz was a REAL Avenger-he wanted the death of Germans for what they had done to the Jews…not content with a Nuremburg embrace and the overnight bags sent on to La Paz or Santiago.
Bolton seemed to put Harmatz in the dock for “wanting revenge”…as if it were a coiled turd under his slipper tree.
Sorry Beeb, sorry Wodger-but maybe if YOU`D been treated as he was, seen what he`d seen..maybe YOU would not content yourselves with a Twitter feed to Jeremy Vine, or a call to “You and Yours”!
But-on current invertebrate scales as shown by Wodger and the Wabbitz at the BBC-I`m thinking that they WOULD be content with that…
Israel should be mighty proud of Joseph Harmatz.–obituary/
That Paul Joseph Watson video highlights the main point of the week : The O’Keefe ProjectVeritas undercover videos which catch top Democrats red handed telling how the have and will rig the vote.
Before the presidential debate 5m people had watched the undercover video.
yet after the presidential debate the BBC like all MSM ran with the headline
“Trump refuses to rule that he will not accept the results of the vote”
The BBC must have known about the videos. So the BBC lied by omission.
* This shows that BBC thinks :
It can’t defeat Trump without resorting to lying*
But the BBC doesn’t lie ….all the time
Some times it thinks some things are so important, but their case so weak, it resorts to lying by omission whilst excluding opposing voices.
2015 Election
Global Warming Doom
Green magic Solutions
Calais jungle inhabitants are throwing rocks and petrol bombs at the French police, according to coverage on ITV news.
Just the sort of people the biased BBC, the Far Left and the virtue signallers want in our country.
They all of course being totally insulated and separate from the downsides.
A woman opened her heart and her door to a 12-year-old boy who had fled the horrors of war in Afghanistan after losing his parents – or so she thought.
In reality, not only was the boy in her care, Jamal, almost a decade older than she had been duped into believing, but he also had Taliban and child abuse material on his phone.
A dentist’s check found his age to actually be around 21 and a subsequent investigation uncovered the shocking content on his mobile, according to the Sun.
However, the news did not come as a huge surprise to his foster mother, who gave her name only as Rosie, who had not only been extremely suspicious of his developed facial hair – which led to him being thrown off a bus as he looked too old for a child ticket – but also other characteristics.
Read more:
Oh tender hearted woman !
And don’t you wacists say anything or I’ll set Gary Linewanker on you !
Of course, if you have the money you can isolate yourself from all sorts of negative stuff, living, as you do, safe and secure in your lovely world. You can also afford to take the moral high ground and feel so very superior to the rest of us – it’s just great!
Just heard some woman who wants to lead UKIP. The fools – don’t realise it’s Clegg in a frock?