Hungary has taken control of it’s borders, warns of the dangers of Islamisation of Judeo Christian Europe and rejects the idea of multi-culturism.
Oh and by the way, Hungary is in the EU – WHERE THERE’S A WILL ………….
Oh Lordy! I hear on the BBC the banks are leaving the UK.
LATER……… OK I’ve calmed down a little. I mean banks are so good at looking after money and stuff, how would we cope ?
LATER……… OK Panic over. It seems that four small banks might move their Euro departments to Europe.
I would urge all to open an account in the first bank that says it will remain in the UK.
I promise that I will.
They are undermining the will of the British people.
Have just spent an eye-opening few days with a relative. She is middle-aged and middle class, well educated and informed, considers herself politically centrist, slightly conservative. But she swallows the entire beebistan world view hook, line and sinker, and dances to their tune like a puppet on a string watching the news, almost crying at the sight of those poor rock-throwing migrants being evicted from the Jungle, and apoplectic with rage at the merest suggestion that they don’t automatically have the right of ‘asylum’ or that the ‘children’ should be age-tested. On every issue* she reacts precisely as programmed by decades of evil beeb indoctrination. Amazing. Terrifying. The rot goes very, very deep.
* Trump, Israel, Syria, Middle East, Islamophilia, Europe, Brexit, UKIP, racism, feminism, etc etc etc ad nauseam – and it is indeed nauseating.
Damn you beeb.
I know – like some alien implant, brain worm thing – but this ain’t no fiction.
The great strength of the BBC though – people want to believe it, it’s like part of the family. I mean, would your dear old Auntie lie to you. Well yeah, because it turns out it’s really Norman Bates in drag.
The beebistan gets the goodwill of the masses from its popular programmes, soaps, reality tv, nature documentaries etc. Then that goodwill is misused to induce a trusting acceptance of its far-from benign news and current affairs progs.
It’s a watertight formula, I don’t see how it can be brought down.
But we must keep trying.
don’t be so defeatist, Peter. The sight of a few tumbrils followed by large baying mobs would have a significant effect on the bbc employees work attitude.
Call me old fashioned but I think the tumbril could be still relevant in this modern age.
Perhaps I’m just a sentimental old fool.
“Call me old fashioned but I think the tumbril could be still relevant in this modern age.”
Guillotine the extortive licence tax.
Just don’t pay it any more – Simples!
Will Brexit help Calais migrants come to the UK?
Here’s an interesting piece of brexit taunting from the bbc. The reporter is a foot soldier of victoria derbyshire’s liberal apologist army so alarm bells are already ringing.
First of all we have a nobody from the jungle who immediately becomes an expert on UK immigration law – “”If you leave the European Union, you don’t have any relationship with France – you must separate and take your border back,” Hasan Amin says from the Calais “Jungle”” It’s not what he says that is troubling it’s the fact that the bbc even bother to give any credence to the word of a probable illegal.
Secondly we have a final taunt –
“But the fact that the end of the treaty is being talked about so seriously may be a matter of concern to some Leave voters who hoped to see a fall in immigration. ”
I think the reporter has missed the point of brexit in that mass immigration by virtue of holding an EU passport was the issue not a bunch of chancers trying to get through the tunnel illegally. To think that stopping mass immigration will be significantly offset by illegals in the tunnel or on ferries is ludicrous. But that’s the bbc for you.
Its a comfort to know that at least those processed and given asylum in France and Germany will not be able to relocate here post Brexit (well at least not without some hurdles in their way)..
You are right about the control of legitimate EU immigrants but why does the BBC keep pushing this so-called moving of the border theme?
Many countries have reciprocal arrangements for checking travellers before they depart their country. It helps everyone as time spent waiting for transport can be used in carrying out checks before travel. Putting these checks at the destination extends the travelling time.
In the UK’s case the entry checks would be at least as good at Dover, say, as Calais and the ‘rejects’ would be sent back on the next ferry. Indeed it would be easier to as the ‘border’ would be at the ferry ramp rather than the fence around the ferry port as at Calais.
The question that the BBC doesn’t pursue is why isn’t France checking who comes into its country? The awkward answer to that is that it can’t control that because it is part of the EU Schengen area and relies on its EU ‘partners’ to control the EU external border, which they aren’t doing.
Indeed Germany is issuing invites and the others are providing assisted passage, so much for ‘friends’.
“It’s impossible to hold down a full-time job and manage premature triplets”
Irrefutable logic there from guest campaigners for extended maternity rights on BBC Breakfast this morning. Their case is put with just the merest smidgen of push back from the beta male on the sofa. Well, it’s hard to play the Paxman when you’re left, literally, holding one of the babies.
And what do we make of this item and the wider context of BBC attitudes?
Firstly, the BBC has turned over another section of programming to ‘wimmin’. Not just female interest but for campaigning on issues.
But it is rarely pointed out that all this campaigning only really benefits middle calss professional women. More for the Islington harpies than for the Dagenham girl pipers.
This morning on Today radio 4 it’s all about the ‘Jungle’ camp being closed, which the BBC is clearly opposed to. Who do you think they invite on to talk about this? Yep Labour shadow Yvette Cooper, who could have made a complete arse of herself, but wasn’t quite as bad as she might have been.
The question has to be though why she was chosen as there are plenty of others who would have had legitimate views on the subject, yet only the most friendly were chosen.
Few episodes of Poldark around the 60″ LCD with the houseguests whilst Ed is away tripping the light fantastic, and they’ll get the idea on how things are done around these parts.
I look forward to the live coverage of BBC reporters throwing themselves in front of JCB bulldozers to protect their 30 year old child victims of this waycist atrocity.
Taffman, the BBC managed to get a bit of editorialising into their obituary of Jimmy Perry (RIP) on the news last night. They said the attitude towards, and portrayal of, Indians in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ meant it hadn’t been as popular or long lasting as ‘Dad’s Army’.
Jimmy Perry himself is on record in the Daily Mail saying the BBC didn’t understand British history or the history of the Indian Army and that’s why they thought it was ‘racist’ when it was anything but. The programme actually mocks colonialism and war rather than supporting it.
Oddly though, one of the main characters in that show was a cross-dresser. Surely this means it’s time for the BBC to bring it back?
Seems the justice system throughout the EU is very much Poldark based. Maybe judges are recruited from the BBC Producer base, if performing well on Newswatch waving off any concerns of double standards on treatment of women with a simple ‘got it about right’? Eh, Janet Rose, QC?
This is a disgusting verdict. There are so many things wrong here that I couldn’t list them all, but I’ll say some of the most obvious.
1. The judge should be imprisoned and debarred from any legal duty for life.
2. So should the lawyers.
3. The rapist said he knew he was wrong (admission of guilt means that there is no way he should be freed.)
4. Why should the victim have to learn how to say no in Arabic. It’s his country the Arab is invading.
5. How many other languages do people have to learn so they can say no to all the invaders from Asia and Africa?
6. The age of consent is 14 in Austria, so even if the boy had consented, which he clearly hadn’t as he had to held down violently, then it is still rape as the boy is only 10.
7. Yet again the police covered it up right up to the point when this monster first appeared in court.
8. Homosexuality is apparently punished by death in the invader’s own country.
9. The invader is only 20 but claims the emergency was brought about as he hadn’t had sex for 3 months as his wife was still back home. Very few Muslim men are married at 20.
10. If he is married, why the hell is he leaving his wife behind if they are in danger? Surely he should be there, with her, defending her from whatever danger they imagine they are in.
11. If he can’t go more than 3 or 4 months without the need to rape innocent children then he should be immediately castrated.
12. What a different attitude in the Austrian media if it had been a white 20-year old man raping a 10-year old Arab boy.
13. Clearly if it had been point 12 then the Austrian police would not have covered it up.
14. Children in Austria have been declared fair game to invading rapists as they can now all use the line “I didn’t understand if he/she said no to me”.
15. Unfortunately, it is not just in Austria – think of Rotherham and all the other cities where there has been a systematic rape and abuse of thousands of children.
16. Two of my uncles were in the Austrian police, I’m sure they would be turning in their graves if they could know what their modern colleagues are doing in their name.
My guess is the next Jungle will be about 20 yards away from the old one. At least the BBC had the decency to allow a Hungarian government spokesman on the BBC to point out that unless the EU’s external borders are protected then Schengen can’t work and there will just be new Jungles formed.
Women sending Sexist tweets is one topic on Woman’s Hour today
More than half of misogynistic posts by Twitter users in the UK and America are written by women according to a new large-scale study that analysed 19 million tweets over four years. We explore that figure.
Well the Demos study said the same 6 months go BBC Web
I don’t know how robust the studies are cos it depends on the algorithm and sample size, there is no way a team of humans has checked 70 million tweets so there may be miscounts or ones overlooked. And actual strange lefty definition of sexist.
The BBC article quotes a 2014 study by Dove soap that found
A 2014 study from cosmetics firm Dove found that over five million negative tweets were posted about beauty and body image. Four out of five were sent by women.
That makes sense that women would be more bitchy about other women’s appearance whereas men would tend towards positive lies and compliments.
There is also an item about 2 South Asians raising their children in the UK.
Strangely today there is no “Women’s Hour2” running at the same time on Radio5 cos Emma Barnett is not back until Wednesday..So you have Radio Dumbed-down with Adrian Chiles.
No for the record
First the person from the survey explained that they had taken care to NOT count positive remarks as misogynist and that the ones they counted WEREN’T just casual remarks
Then all the professionals all rationalised the results saying :
“ah you see they must have counted positive remarks AS misogynist and that the ones they counted WERE just casual remarks ” so women are misogynist at all.
“French riot police alongside a queue of younger migrants in the Calais camp, preparing for the facility to be shut down and cleared over the first few days of this week.” So reads the caption!
Are these the youngest the Guardian could find?
How old are the rest? Pensioners?
Why hasnt the BBC and rest of the Globalist media managed to find at least a single pre pubertal ‘vulnerable child migrant’ to photograph?
The state run BBC is ecstatic over the prospect of a Clinton landslide.
I hope Trump wins and we see the smug face of Dimbletrot announcing defeat for his candidate and await the Appeaser having to dance to Trump’s tune
Panorama tonight features “shock horror Syrian migrants working for low wages” in Turkey, on clothes that often end up in UK brands and stores.
..The Panorama article makes it clear that it is normal for Turkish 10 year olds to work in the same factories.
So seems a question of foreign counties not obeying international child labour laws rather than just exploitation of refugees
..Turkey has always had a lot of refugees even before the Syrian uprising, they came from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.
A new definition of clap-trap: BBC WS ‘Boston Calling’ and the plot of the old movie, GASLIGHT, Ingrid Bergman is the abused wife whose husband by hiding things etc., tries to convince her that she is going mad. Leap forward to 2016 and some daft American woman is accusing Trump of, wait for it, “Gaslighting” the American public i.e.: saying things to make the voter doubt their grasp of reality, like in the movie.
I have insufficient polite words to close this comment.
I see the GAY CAKE controversy has crossed the Atlantic to Northern Ireland.
Oh The Humanity !
It was suggested that IS could be carpet bombed with gay cakes.
tomoMar 17, 11:34 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Give him a rusty rifle and a white flag [img][/img]
Fedup2Mar 17, 11:32 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Can you imagine the conversation between trump and Putin tomorrow …. Putin – what are we going to do about…
harry142857Mar 17, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why do reports need to be brief. It’s a 24 hour news channel, FFS. It isn’t a 15 minute slot…
tomoMar 17, 10:18 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Nuts This eejit is dangerous
ScrobleneMar 17, 10:14 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this…
vladMar 17, 10:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Jordan Peterson speaks out on muslim rape gangs, muliticulturalism, and the suicidal delusion of woke liberalism.
Hungary has taken control of it’s borders, warns of the dangers of Islamisation of Judeo Christian Europe and rejects the idea of multi-culturism.
Oh and by the way, Hungary is in the EU – WHERE THERE’S A WILL ………….
Oh Lordy! I hear on the BBC the banks are leaving the UK.
LATER……… OK I’ve calmed down a little. I mean banks are so good at looking after money and stuff, how would we cope ?
LATER……… OK Panic over. It seems that four small banks might move their Euro departments to Europe.
I would urge all to open an account in the first bank that says it will remain in the UK.
I promise that I will.
They are undermining the will of the British people.
Have just spent an eye-opening few days with a relative. She is middle-aged and middle class, well educated and informed, considers herself politically centrist, slightly conservative. But she swallows the entire beebistan world view hook, line and sinker, and dances to their tune like a puppet on a string watching the news, almost crying at the sight of those poor rock-throwing migrants being evicted from the Jungle, and apoplectic with rage at the merest suggestion that they don’t automatically have the right of ‘asylum’ or that the ‘children’ should be age-tested. On every issue* she reacts precisely as programmed by decades of evil beeb indoctrination. Amazing. Terrifying. The rot goes very, very deep.
* Trump, Israel, Syria, Middle East, Islamophilia, Europe, Brexit, UKIP, racism, feminism, etc etc etc ad nauseam – and it is indeed nauseating.
Damn you beeb.
I know – like some alien implant, brain worm thing – but this ain’t no fiction.
The great strength of the BBC though – people want to believe it, it’s like part of the family. I mean, would your dear old Auntie lie to you. Well yeah, because it turns out it’s really Norman Bates in drag.
The beebistan gets the goodwill of the masses from its popular programmes, soaps, reality tv, nature documentaries etc. Then that goodwill is misused to induce a trusting acceptance of its far-from benign news and current affairs progs.
It’s a watertight formula, I don’t see how it can be brought down.
But we must keep trying.
“…I don’t see how it [BBC] can be brought down”
don’t be so defeatist, Peter. The sight of a few tumbrils followed by large baying mobs would have a significant effect on the bbc employees work attitude.
Call me old fashioned but I think the tumbril could be still relevant in this modern age.
Perhaps I’m just a sentimental old fool.
“Call me old fashioned but I think the tumbril could be still relevant in this modern age.”
Guillotine the extortive licence tax.
Just don’t pay it any more – Simples!
Will Brexit help Calais migrants come to the UK?
Here’s an interesting piece of brexit taunting from the bbc. The reporter is a foot soldier of victoria derbyshire’s liberal apologist army so alarm bells are already ringing.
First of all we have a nobody from the jungle who immediately becomes an expert on UK immigration law – “”If you leave the European Union, you don’t have any relationship with France – you must separate and take your border back,” Hasan Amin says from the Calais “Jungle”” It’s not what he says that is troubling it’s the fact that the bbc even bother to give any credence to the word of a probable illegal.
Secondly we have a final taunt –
“But the fact that the end of the treaty is being talked about so seriously may be a matter of concern to some Leave voters who hoped to see a fall in immigration. ”
I think the reporter has missed the point of brexit in that mass immigration by virtue of holding an EU passport was the issue not a bunch of chancers trying to get through the tunnel illegally. To think that stopping mass immigration will be significantly offset by illegals in the tunnel or on ferries is ludicrous. But that’s the bbc for you.
Its a comfort to know that at least those processed and given asylum in France and Germany will not be able to relocate here post Brexit (well at least not without some hurdles in their way)..
You are right about the control of legitimate EU immigrants but why does the BBC keep pushing this so-called moving of the border theme?
Many countries have reciprocal arrangements for checking travellers before they depart their country. It helps everyone as time spent waiting for transport can be used in carrying out checks before travel. Putting these checks at the destination extends the travelling time.
In the UK’s case the entry checks would be at least as good at Dover, say, as Calais and the ‘rejects’ would be sent back on the next ferry. Indeed it would be easier to as the ‘border’ would be at the ferry ramp rather than the fence around the ferry port as at Calais.
The question that the BBC doesn’t pursue is why isn’t France checking who comes into its country? The awkward answer to that is that it can’t control that because it is part of the EU Schengen area and relies on its EU ‘partners’ to control the EU external border, which they aren’t doing.
Indeed Germany is issuing invites and the others are providing assisted passage, so much for ‘friends’.
“It’s impossible to hold down a full-time job and manage premature triplets”
Irrefutable logic there from guest campaigners for extended maternity rights on BBC Breakfast this morning. Their case is put with just the merest smidgen of push back from the beta male on the sofa. Well, it’s hard to play the Paxman when you’re left, literally, holding one of the babies.
And what do we make of this item and the wider context of BBC attitudes?
Firstly, the BBC has turned over another section of programming to ‘wimmin’. Not just female interest but for campaigning on issues.
But it is rarely pointed out that all this campaigning only really benefits middle calss professional women. More for the Islington harpies than for the Dagenham girl pipers.
This morning on Today radio 4 it’s all about the ‘Jungle’ camp being closed, which the BBC is clearly opposed to. Who do you think they invite on to talk about this? Yep Labour shadow Yvette Cooper, who could have made a complete arse of herself, but wasn’t quite as bad as she might have been.
The question has to be though why she was chosen as there are plenty of others who would have had legitimate views on the subject, yet only the most friendly were chosen.
Did that foul woman confirm how many enrichers she was taking into her lovely home?
Few episodes of Poldark around the 60″ LCD with the houseguests whilst Ed is away tripping the light fantastic, and they’ll get the idea on how things are done around these parts.
I look forward to the live coverage of BBC reporters throwing themselves in front of JCB bulldozers to protect their 30 year old child victims of this waycist atrocity.
The Arthur Dent Brigade is being assembled in Room 101 as we speak.
“Who do you think you are kidding Monsieur Hollande, if you think old Aunty’s done…”
RIP true British talent that once existed at the BBC.
Will it mean re-run of the series ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ ?
Taffman, the BBC managed to get a bit of editorialising into their obituary of Jimmy Perry (RIP) on the news last night. They said the attitude towards, and portrayal of, Indians in ‘It Ain’t Half Hot Mum’ meant it hadn’t been as popular or long lasting as ‘Dad’s Army’.
Jimmy Perry himself is on record in the Daily Mail saying the BBC didn’t understand British history or the history of the Indian Army and that’s why they thought it was ‘racist’ when it was anything but. The programme actually mocks colonialism and war rather than supporting it.
Oddly though, one of the main characters in that show was a cross-dresser. Surely this means it’s time for the BBC to bring it back?
The Austrian experience of, ‘Child Migrants’ –
I observe that the greatest casualty of ‘Political Correctness’ is justice whatever way this so-called ‘Refugee’/’Migrant’ crisis is viewed.
Seems the justice system throughout the EU is very much Poldark based. Maybe judges are recruited from the BBC Producer base, if performing well on Newswatch waving off any concerns of double standards on treatment of women with a simple ‘got it about right’? Eh, Janet Rose, QC?
This is a disgusting verdict. There are so many things wrong here that I couldn’t list them all, but I’ll say some of the most obvious.
1. The judge should be imprisoned and debarred from any legal duty for life.
2. So should the lawyers.
3. The rapist said he knew he was wrong (admission of guilt means that there is no way he should be freed.)
4. Why should the victim have to learn how to say no in Arabic. It’s his country the Arab is invading.
5. How many other languages do people have to learn so they can say no to all the invaders from Asia and Africa?
6. The age of consent is 14 in Austria, so even if the boy had consented, which he clearly hadn’t as he had to held down violently, then it is still rape as the boy is only 10.
7. Yet again the police covered it up right up to the point when this monster first appeared in court.
8. Homosexuality is apparently punished by death in the invader’s own country.
9. The invader is only 20 but claims the emergency was brought about as he hadn’t had sex for 3 months as his wife was still back home. Very few Muslim men are married at 20.
10. If he is married, why the hell is he leaving his wife behind if they are in danger? Surely he should be there, with her, defending her from whatever danger they imagine they are in.
11. If he can’t go more than 3 or 4 months without the need to rape innocent children then he should be immediately castrated.
12. What a different attitude in the Austrian media if it had been a white 20-year old man raping a 10-year old Arab boy.
13. Clearly if it had been point 12 then the Austrian police would not have covered it up.
14. Children in Austria have been declared fair game to invading rapists as they can now all use the line “I didn’t understand if he/she said no to me”.
15. Unfortunately, it is not just in Austria – think of Rotherham and all the other cities where there has been a systematic rape and abuse of thousands of children.
16. Two of my uncles were in the Austrian police, I’m sure they would be turning in their graves if they could know what their modern colleagues are doing in their name.
I am shocked but not very surprised.
Where will the next ‘jungle’ be ?
Remember Sangatte …………
My guess is the next Jungle will be about 20 yards away from the old one. At least the BBC had the decency to allow a Hungarian government spokesman on the BBC to point out that unless the EU’s external borders are protected then Schengen can’t work and there will just be new Jungles formed.
Awkward, friendly fire.
Women sending Sexist tweets is one topic on Woman’s Hour today
Well the Demos study said the same 6 months go BBC Web
I don’t know how robust the studies are cos it depends on the algorithm and sample size, there is no way a team of humans has checked 70 million tweets so there may be miscounts or ones overlooked. And actual strange lefty definition of sexist.
The BBC article quotes a 2014 study by Dove soap that found
That makes sense that women would be more bitchy about other women’s appearance whereas men would tend towards positive lies and compliments.
There is also an item about 2 South Asians raising their children in the UK.
Strangely today there is no “Women’s Hour2” running at the same time on Radio5 cos Emma Barnett is not back until Wednesday..So you have Radio Dumbed-down with Adrian Chiles.
WH seems to push the idea that equality means women have to be equally as vile as the worst specimens of manhood.
No for the record
First the person from the survey explained that they had taken care to NOT count positive remarks as misogynist and that the ones they counted WEREN’T just casual remarks
Then all the professionals all rationalised the results saying :
“ah you see they must have counted positive remarks AS misogynist and that the ones they counted WERE just casual remarks ” so women are misogynist at all.
“French riot police alongside a queue of younger migrants in the Calais camp, preparing for the facility to be shut down and cleared over the first few days of this week.” So reads the caption!
Are these the youngest the Guardian could find?
How old are the rest? Pensioners?
Why hasnt the BBC and rest of the Globalist media managed to find at least a single pre pubertal ‘vulnerable child migrant’ to photograph?
The state run BBC is ecstatic over the prospect of a Clinton landslide.
I hope Trump wins and we see the smug face of Dimbletrot announcing defeat for his candidate and await the Appeaser having to dance to Trump’s tune
Panorama tonight features “shock horror Syrian migrants working for low wages” in Turkey, on clothes that often end up in UK brands and stores.
..The Panorama article makes it clear that it is normal for Turkish 10 year olds to work in the same factories.
So seems a question of foreign counties not obeying international child labour laws rather than just exploitation of refugees
..Turkey has always had a lot of refugees even before the Syrian uprising, they came from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.
Bird seen flying South – that’s gotta be worth a Panorama Special.
A new definition of clap-trap: BBC WS ‘Boston Calling’ and the plot of the old movie, GASLIGHT, Ingrid Bergman is the abused wife whose husband by hiding things etc., tries to convince her that she is going mad. Leap forward to 2016 and some daft American woman is accusing Trump of, wait for it, “Gaslighting” the American public i.e.: saying things to make the voter doubt their grasp of reality, like in the movie.
I have insufficient polite words to close this comment.
I see the GAY CAKE controversy has crossed the Atlantic to Northern Ireland.
Oh The Humanity !
It was suggested that IS could be carpet bombed with gay cakes.