The ever more remarkable dishonesty and ‘management’ of the news by the BBC is astonishing and so blatant I’m unsure why the whole shebang isn’t just closed down.
The BBC has been shilling for the anti-English racists of the SNP, promoting the breakup of the UK and the idea that this is legitimate because ‘Scotland’ voted to stay in the EU [Despite the vote not being a party, regional nor national vote]. Even today we have a splendid piece of SNP propaganda masquerading as BBC journalism…Tartan blood and Scottish independence….compare the idolising of Scottish nationalism in that story with how the BBC treated UKIP [Nazis], or indeed how the BBC pandered to IRA terrorists whilst vilifying Unionists, and you can clearly see that the BBC has a pro-Scottish agenda….pro-Scottish independence, pro-the break up of Britian, pro-subservience to the EU.
The BBC has relentlessly pointed out that ‘Scotland’ voted to stay in the EU despite that being an irrelevance…
The majority of Scots voted to remain in the European Union, in contrast to the UK vote to leave.
Oddly the BBC is less keen to tell us that Wales voted for Brexit in the latest report that informs us that
UK must keep EU free movement, says Plaid’s Leanne Wood
You might think, considering how the BBC cannot but help mention the way the Scots voted, that when Wood says this...“Plaid Cymru will never sign off or endorse something that is bad for Wales. We cannot accept that a majority of people in this country would have wanted to do that.” the BBC might mention this in the same breath…
EU referendum: Welsh voters back Brexit
Guess it’s one rule for those who want to stay in the EU and another for the Brexiteers. The BBC not giving the Brexiteers the same respect it gives Remainers.
Oh yeah…you’ve got to laugh…or cry…Ms Woods speaks…..
“I consider myself to be a Welsh European but I am also a global citizen.”
Planet Earth calling Ms Woods…….
Nobody voted for Scotland to remain in the EU. That wasn’t the question on the ballot paper.
I voted in the Scottish independence referendum. It was already known then that the UK was going to have an EU referendum which could see the UK as a whole vote to leave, but Scotland vote to stay. That was clear. The SNP also made clear that the Scottish independence referendum was a once in a generation vote.
I was there, it wasn’t long ago, I know what was said
Ms Wood lives on planet zog.
She does not speak for the Welsh.
She does not speak Welsh.
She has claimed for years that sh’s learning to speak Welsh. Given that there are many Welsh speakers in Cardiff so plenty of opportunity to practice she seems to be a slow learner
Is it just possible that she is very, very stupid?
socialist nationalist, Demonisation of another race, threatening their neighbors to get what they want
the only difference is these ones dont speak german
as for woods
“I consider myself to be a Welsh European but I am also a global citizen.”
notice british isnt mentioned
file her in the slot next to jimmy krankie
“but I am also a global citizen.”
NWO approved then
I wonder if she has printed herself a “global citizen” passport? See how far that gets her.
scotland would be fine by me, after they get independance and hadrians wall is re-built
Hadrian’s wall is in England…
Let’s build it on the border then…..
Socialists of the labour Islington or Momentum sort want to demolish or at least water down the nation state. You see these ‘ no borders’ types on the media all the time. Posh gals working at charities and speaking up for 30 year old child immigrants, Emily Thornbury hating union flags etc etc. The reason they do this is that the white working class indigenous British voter base of the Left has eroded alarmingly. Their only chance is the rainbow coalition of black brown, green plus a leavening of pink and whatever colour represents transgender. But this alienates white working class voters even more . It’s not really a solution but the left still has difficulty facing up to this.
Socialist nationalists like Plaid and the SNP are a slightly different breed. They are also a mortal threat to Labour as a unionist socialist party but they do represent a threat to the nation state that is the UK. They support free movement, mass immigration , the Single Market etc as a means of mounting further grievances against their unionist opponents . It’s a convenience however, a tactic and not their true belief. If Scotland and Wales really had mass immigration it would actually work against nationalist parties electorally.
So BBC support for nationalist socialists is principally aimed at demolishing our nation state and advancing left wing causes in the Celtic and Gaelic fringe . But it offers no solution to adherents of the left in England. Do the BBC realise this? If so as true socialists with England as their biggest viewer base, they should be worried.
Exactly so. We need to call their bluff as we must do with the EU. Serve notice on the Eu that we are leaving with immediate effect and inform it that any moves against us will be treated as hostile and that we reserve the right to respond as we wish. Serve notice on the SNP that it will be granted an immediate referendum . That the result will be binding and that in the event of a leave majority that it will be implemented at once with no negotiation. Scotland will thus become an independent state virtually overnight.
It is time we asserted our rights as an independent nation. I am sure the Welsh will vote with us in England but if they feel as the Scots then the same actions must follow.
In the end only reality and firmness will bring sense into the world.
I don’t really want it to happen but wouldn’t it be hilarious that when we leave the EU that Scotland got Sturgeon’s wish, independence and EU membership, followed by withdrawal of any financial support from the UK, then floods of immigrants into Scotland, I can’t see why they would want that, and how they could cope?
Darien revisited.
True enough.
Most nations through history which lost their independence did so through military defeat. Scotland did so because the nation was bankrupted over the Darien project. Scotland needed England to pay for their debts, and this has pretty much been our relationship for 300 years.
The Scots do seem to resent England for saving them financially, but I see it as self-disgust being reflected on to the rescuer. They hate the fact that they could not manage their own country’s finances, and they hate England for saving them. It’s a lot of hate for a small country.
The traitor BBC should be careful about breaking the EU Referendum result down into constituent parts, such as Scotland, in order to argue that some parts wanted to remain. Two can play at that game.
How would the BBC have reacted to a popular movement of English Tories who refused to accept the result of the 2005 General Election, on the grounds that ‘England voted Tory’ (majority over Labour was 70,000 votes) ?
That’s different, the English don’t exist to the BBC. They split the UK into “nations and regions”. We English don’t count as a “nation”, we are the “regions”.
That is because it is in line with the EU policy of breaking Britain up into independent Regional Areas each with it’s own separate Regional Assembly.
The N. Ireland Assembly was set up by Blair after the peace agreement with the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Government following after their Referendums.
The manically Europhile Blair’s next move was to try to slyly attempt to convince the English that their country should be broken up into nine separate regions, each with it’s own Regional assembly, and conveniently complying with the EU Regions demanded by Brussels and in line with the electoral areas for MEPs. The EU’s intention was that the nine Regions would report directly to Brussels thereby sidelining Westminster which could then be abolished or at least ignored.
When a Referendum was held in the North East of England, which foolishly assumed would jump at the chance to stick it to London, resulted in a firm blunt Anglo-Saxon reply to the foolishness the idea was quietly dropped but not abandoned completely.
Does anybody remember the Regional Development Agencies? There were, strangely enough nine of them with boundaries conveniently in line with the MEP boundaries and those intended for the Regional Assemblies but run by Bureaucrats.
The bBBC is simply following their usual line of treating Britain according to the wishes of the EU by Regionalising England and the rest of Britain along the boundaries demanded by Brussels in an attempt to Divide and Conquer. Fortunately, as far as England is concerned, all attempts so far have failed but that doesn’t stop the bBBC from continuing to act as an EU Propaganda Unit.
Right to vote…………I see Krankie’s draft referendum the sequel paper lists those eligible to vote…… includes citizens of the Irish Republic and EU countries resident in Scotland.
It excludes Scots resident in England/Wales N.I.who could rightly claim links to Scotland far greater than folks with no direct Scottish descent.
This proposed 2nd vote is a smokescreen to hide the growing failures of 10 years of SNP rule……..
Dont give then another inch.