Oh no. The “Calais Jungle” is being cleared and the UK isn’t taking enough “kids”. Just another morning of the BBC pushing endless pro illegal immigrant propaganda. Here’s a NEW open thread, use it wisely.
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Another good piece about the BBC and their continued race discrimination policy –
It will be interesting to see who replaces him on Autumnwatch etc., I’m betting on a brown skinned possibly Muslim young lady,maybe in a wheelchair.
What he doesn’t mention is that the BBC charter was ‘negotiated’ by idler Cameron including the ethnic representation.
The Britain needs to become more Islamic fool who has zero comprehension of British peoples lives betrayed us all to the left by agreeing to a new Royal Charter in exchange for BBC support during the referendum which the BBC would have done anyway if it thought it could get away with it !
…..and LGBT naturally
Can I suggest we all complain to them about how “hideously white” The News Quiz always seems to be.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing that humourless, talentless twat Jeremy Hardy sacked.
Watched the first prog of the new ‘Autumnwatch’ series last night and I see they have started sneaking a black female presenter in,doing an outside report on Red Squirrels.
I may be wrong but I can’t remember seeing her before on the ‘watch’ series, just wait and see them edge her in, before long she will be a main presenter.
Some would say my comments are racist, but I feel it is the BBC who are being really racist by moving the white man (Martin Hughes-Games) out because of his skin colour.
‘sneaking a black female presenter in’ – ditto Gardener’s World. The power of the word ‘racist’ is unbelievable. The diversity juggernaut is picking up speed.
A beautiful, indigenous species, almost completely replaced by an ugly, greedy, fast-breeding, disease-ridden, imported pest.
Thank you for the instructions on how to follow up a complaint to the BBC. It is very important that further complaints are made if the answer is not satisfactory . It is very costly for the BBC to deal with further complaints , in time, resources and employing staff. There is therefore a real possibility that the BBC will change if enough people persevere and follow through to the top level of the BBC Complaints procedure.
It may be that someone on this site has already posted this – if so my apologies. It may even be from a site of a Biased BBC poster. However this link came up on the Arsse website and provides an interesting catalogue of letters from the BBC to someone who hasn’t had a licence because they got rid of their television in 2006. This person has been plagued with intimidating letters since 2006 and each one is posted on the site. They’re like a dog with a bone if they don’t get your money to feed their huge bank accounts.It’s a form of harassment.
Very peed off about this; if true it’s the last straw for me. Packham and Hughes-Games are experts in their field and show such knowledge and enthusiasm, whether you like them or not they are highly qualified and do a great job. They already have a couple of minority groups represented in the presentation of reports within the program.
According to the towering intellect of David Aaronovitch, on Marr yesterday, all the ‘refugees’ want to go to Germany or Sweden anyway, so their sense of direction is obviously being adversely affected. Surely Fergal, Lyse or Orla could find someone to blame for that?
I would certainly support the UK government hiring a ferry to take them to Gothenburg or Bremen provided there was no possibility of return. By the way all of those Jungle inhabitants that I have seen on the tele today look much older than children. The BBC have launched an urgent appeal for blankets so that these bearded , muscular children can be hidden from press cameras.
Friends! If only the Hard-Right Twitter allowed more than 140 characters … there’s really not nearly enough for an all-purpose Lefty rant!
I saw the Marr / Aaronovitch interview yesterday. It’s so easy for the very wealthy to claim the high moral ground when they live in a lovely (and I’m guessing homogeneous) liberal ivory towers.
People like David, Lily and Benedict live as far away from the impact of unwarranted third world immigration as it’s possible to be in our overcrowded little island. They can judge and pass comment from a very safe distance.
The sage informed us that countries like Sweden and Germany had really stepped up to the plate in offering succour to the world’s homeless and dispossessed. Of course he didn’t mention that Sweden, the homeland of beautiful blondes and liberal values, was now the rape capital of Europe. And surely to God he’s not so befuddled by Guardian and BBC propaganda that he hasn’t seen what’s been occurring in Germany.
David mentioned that he had daughters. I’m not sure what ages they are…perhaps some of these “youngsters” that we’ve recently taken from the jungle might find themselves at their school.
Somehow I doubt it…
Aaronovitch has a strange political background and his current position is a confusing mish mash. His parents were old fashioned pro-Russian communists. He eventually rejected that but ended up as a left-liberal/progressive/Blairite. Blair’s gone, labour is sub-Marxist and unelectable so Aaronivitch has nowhere to go. He sticks to his Blair principles of leaning towards pro-immigration (remember the New Labour plot to rub the Right’s noses in diversity) so on Marr he made the usual silly claims that living in war zones makes children look old etc. However, he also realises that a pro-immigration stance won’t get labour elected. So, as I say, he’s got inconsistent views.
Marr is broadly similar in outlook to Aaronovich, which I presume is why people like Aaronovitch and the irritating Helena Kennedy get invited on so often. Nominally they are there to review the papers but in fact Marr gives them disproportionate air time to spout their political views.
I think the main difference between Marr and Aaronovich is that Marr was a rabid Maoist in his youth while Aaronovich inherited Stalinist views. I’m always suspicious of people who can adopt such craziness as young adults. By then they should have more common sense. I think that any subsequent political positions they adopt such as New Labour should be treated with equal suspicion in terms of their judgment.
Perfectly understandable to be suspicious of the young adopting strange and rabid political views, EE, it’s when they continue to embrace them, as Corbyn, Macdonald, Toynbee, McLusky and others in positions of influence illustrate, that one really has to be concerned for their mental maturity. Owen Jones, of course, has yet to establish his true credentials but perhaps, like all the others, he simply enjoyed breaking his toys as a child?
I shudder to think what young Owen did with his Action Man.
Action LGBT Person, please, Lobster.
Lobster….the dick probably decked his Pali-toy out as Action Bragg….fearless minstrel of the people…..dick…
Aaronovitch is portrayed by the BBC as right wing , due to him writing for The Times , a liberal left newspaper .
Such is the mindset of the BBC .
“David mentioned that he had daughters. I’m not sure what ages they are…perhaps some of these “youngsters” that we’ve recently taken from the jungle might find themselves at their school.
Somehow I doubt it…”
At a Jewish school? You are having a laugh aren’t you?
A couple of weeks ago there was much reporting of aid workers having carnal relations with ‘residents’ of the Jungle. Call me cynical, BUT, aid workers have largely been instrumental, in conjunction with HO officials, in ‘choosing’ which ‘children’ have won the lottery of a coach ride to the UK. Just saying.
Ye Gods. I hope there’s a clap clinic there!
A resulting pregnancy would be cause for celebration but not for the usual reasons.
Hopefully those sex-starved woman will be prosecuted when they return to the UK for having sex with so many 14 year old children.
We had a discussion about this a while back. How the ‘women’ of the modern day Gestapo have brutalised white men so much due to their utter hatred and fascist ideologies towards their own people, they have had to get their DNA fix from the conquering armies of Islam! Why else would a supposed champion of tolerance and womens right want to see her people wiped out by the followers of a psychopathic, blood thirsty, women hating, child raping lunatic who has ordered his cult followers to slaughter all infidels?…
Good point.
The Times had a story about a young lawyer girl’s fiancee jumping atruck from Calais even though he had made him promiose not to Sory here
Sarah Gayton was distributing aid in Calais last year when she met Hamoude
If you’ve ever met men from Muslim and Indian countries you’d understand this ..any weird rumour and they believe it..That’s how we ended up with the Cologne NYE sex attacks
Same story ..but no Times paywall
Daily Mail
one of them is an exploiter ..given the age difference.
Not BBC but Sky News , Bolton suggests that unless Scotland, Wales and NI are given as equal say to England on Brexit then it will be Un Democratic! The English already are suffering a severe democratic deficit because we have no English parliament , if Bolton had his way then an English vote would be worth roughly , one tenth of a Scottish vote, one fifteenth of a Welsh vote and one twentieth of a NI vote. The English are being oppressed by the tyranny of the minorities that we share this island with. Add to that the priveliges that Asians and other non whites get and you can see why the English are slowly but surely losing their tolerant attitude. Ourleaders are stoking our slow burning anger, they should take heed of our growing unhappiness.
Scotland, Wales and NI already had a vote in the referendum, they can feck off!
Wild Bill
Wales voted out ! Brexit
I am sure he was refering to the bitter Nationalist remoaners.
Scotland voted to stay in the UK
So did London, but it’s irrelevant. The referendum was held on the basis of the UK as a single sovereign entity – not according to internal national boundaries. That’s the beauty of the Federal UK!
We have had fifty years of having to accept Scottish, Irish and Welsh nationalism as being the greatest thing that’s ever happened to the English and now we are starting to react, we’re condemned as racist bigots. Well I for one am bloody fed up with it. Our time has come. Suck it up!
Welsh Nationalists are a small proportion of the voting population of Wales.
The Media give Plaid Cymru more credit than it deserves.
“Wales must remain within the single market and accept the free movement of people from the European Union,”
Wales voted out mainly because of immigration. Wood is not listening to the people of Wales.
Tom Harris has an excellent article in today’s Telegraph about the constitutional position on Brexit.
The whingeing welsh and surly scots who make up the nats have no constitutional role. If Adam Boulton thinks that un- democratic, he’s being plain stupid.
As you say there is nothing very much to understand other than it was a UK vote. The idea that Texas or Bavaria could hold special positions on the result of a federal plebiscite is ridiculous. I would be using the same kind of defective logic if I argued that because I was a citizen of the UK and the UK was a member of the UN, I had voting rights on the security council. I suppose the confusion arises because the UK government is de facto the devolved government for England. But then all these problems were predicted when a past Labour government went down the devolution route
Well today the beeb are in full on mourning mode for the end of le jungle. news item after news item full of it and social justice warriors a plenty. Nobody gave a crap about le children before may last year or the twenty years before. We may get a bit of a break from the Donald bashing for a few hours. Labour have been guiet lately but today Chucky and his band of remainiacs have risen and are pushing for the 350 million to be given to the nhs. They have all accepted the result apparently. Must go and walk my unicorn. Jess philips and her band of labour harpies are not happy about the ched evans results and are throwing there knickers out of their prams over it.
The beeb ain’t happy today and boy are they letting us know.
And old Humph was very much implying that the Calais chappies would only be within their rights to get over here, with the help of the BBC and Yvette…we`ve stymied their cause long enough, why bother to try and stop them NOW?…their being kiddies n all?
Our BBC-fuel of the flames, stoke and watch the pots boil…then film it and tell us how terrible we were for causing it all?
Why don’t these professional journo’s grow some and ask why so many children have been abandoned in these camps? If one of my nieces or nephews or their children were at serious risk just across the water, I sure as hell wouldn’t let them rot, be raped and exploited whilst waiting for somebody else to do something about it. Do the third world trash care less about their families than old white men? I think we know the answers.
Dogger Bank
I actually think the answer is not quite the one you may have in mind:
First there simply aren’t any actual ‘unaccompanied minors’in Calais. Minors yes, but all accompanied by an adult.
Secondly the alleged “relatives” in Britain are actually anyone from the village back home who the asylum seeker happens to know – probably a fifth cousin, since theyre all related , but distant enough that the alleged “uncle” doesn’t really give two hoots about them!
Do Labour harpies still wear knickers?
My game of modified Russian roulette with BBC R4 is going well today (as it did over the weekend). What I do is occasionally switch on and see what’s on offer. So far, a quick foray this morning produced someone waffling about the ‘black experience’ of this that or the other (straight off again). I tried again about 15 minutes ago and heard two Scottish mental patients discussing Brexit and how Scotland was going to become heaven because all the banks are going to move there when it declares independence and remains in the EU.
What this is proving is just how much far Left propaganda R4 broadcasts during a day. Almost every time I switch it on, someone is trying to sell me socialism. Try it for yourself if you can stand it.
Ha! Funnily enough I’ve been doing similar over the past few days. I never listen to Today anymore but it’s amazing how the agenda is there, droning in the background 24/7.
The last two sample switch-ons consisted of a ‘not enough black directors’ whinge, and an African lady going on about asylum, why Britain is evil etc.
Today’s LP on Brexit
Item 1 : 2 Remainers : DRAMAQUEENING(Scotland Dumfries)
“These towns who voted Brexit are seeting with hate”
Item 2: 2 Lecturers in Sociology (see how this attempt at a national sample is self selected bias)
1 – voted out ..cos of logic, but felt culturally European.
2nd one was so upset he burst into tears after giving TV interviews ?)
(are they a gay couple)
If they work at U of Salford why was the recording done by BBC radio London ?
So Today 3 remainers versus 1 Brexiteer … BBC keeps up the bias
New R4 series started today 13:45
See if you spot any Virtue Signalling in the choice of subjects
Monday : The Newly Elected BLACK (LABOUR) Mayor in Bristol Marvin Rees
Tuesday : Michael Gove ..wow a Conservative
Wednesday : The Momentum Activist, Barbara Ntumy (Double VS points)
Thursday : The Female Bishop the first female bishop to speak in the House of Lords
Friday : David Halpern (The Power of Nudge) Independent strategy advisor to government
At least Mark Stone on Sky, reporting from the camp, did ADMIT that there are very very few ‘children’ of primary school age; and that the ‘children’ were teenagers. Perhaps calling them young adults would put a different spin on it. Most of the faces in the camp are from Africa anyway, and are all queuing up with their wheely suitcases and scanning their phones like they’re at the bloody airport !!! – hardly sodding vulnerable.
Given that we are being sold a story about Syrians, just why does the BBC feel free not to ask why there are so many sub-Saharan Africans seeking entry to the UK?
The BBC, refusing to ask the questions Britain is asking.
This is so obviously a huge sub-Saharan African migration push masquerading as a Syrian refugee problem. Any proper reporting as opposed to propaganda would be wanting to discover the origin and ages of these “refugees”. It’s all so obviously a massive con, and the “refugee children” tag to hide mature men is such a blatant slap in the face of the public’s common sense as to rank as an insult.
But they can get away with it. Who is to stop them? Fearless reporters? Huh.
I did notice that Yvette Cooper, when invited on to this morning’s Today programme, repeatedly referred to them as childrenandteenagers. Thus quietly moving the goalposts.
Mmm… that’s 26 year old ‘teenagers’. Good job she isn’t running the Treasury.
She once danced with a man who danced with a girl who danced with a man who also knew sod all about the economy.
Combining form: 26 is Sixteenteen, I am Fiftyteen.
I’m happy with the BBCs and liberal left interpretation of ages and numbers . It means my 90mph is 60 and the tax I owe is a quarter of what they say .
I might even buy the telly tax at £ 70 .
“Teenagers” is “Betweenagers” now. between 20 and 40.
These last few weeks you too will have been fretting over Brexit, Syria, Leveson, Hillsborough, Lowell Jay and Trump…the BBC have led us all from worry well to blow hole, from money tree to Junckers pocket billiards table.
And yet-we failed to worry about…TADA!..Global Warming, natch!
Now the BBC may have had their reasons to ignore the apocalpyse that unfolds before our teary eyes-but now that Rio is done, and the spin cycle has yet to make the US elections…well, what else can the BBC fuss themselves over?
Yes folks-for just a couple of days the double glazed window of opportunity is open to your wailings and mewlings.
Took some World Boiling Corps at the UN to tell us of this, took Roger Harrbin to get up from his tan table (or houseboy, who`s to say?)and shake a tail feather at we trogs who turn the heating up in winter.
So from now on-can we make Oct 24th World Green Worrywart Day…and put it on a ten day cycle of concern….so we can fuss over Brexit for the other seven with a few spare for Calais and plans to review the BBC Trust.
Oh yes, globullshit warming, forgot I should have been worrying about that. Luckily good old Matt McGrath is on hand to whip up the hysteria:
Given these ‘unprecedented for millions of years’ levels of CO2, you would think a journalist might be curious enough to ask a climate scientist why temperatures haven’t gone up for the last 20 years. However, this is the BBC so tricky questions that might contradict the party line must not be asked. Headmaster Harrabin would not be happy.
More importantly, the BBC never asks the question: are the rises in CO2 a catastrophe? If so, how? CO2 is a trace atmospheric gas essential for life on Earth. How is a rise in CO2 harmful to the planet? Does the BBC have any evidence to show how it might be harmful? Does the BBC ever ask if a rise in CO2 might be at all beneficial – for instance, leading to a ‘greening’ of the planet in a more CO2-rich atmosphere?
So many questions. The BBC asks none of them.
Indeed, and now, with the heading of Matt McGrath’s article and its opening sentence, they have set a benchmark that may come back to haunt them and help destroy the CO2 = AGW Theory. If we see no significant warming over the next generation, and similarly after that, then it means the AGW Theory will have to look for a new cause while refunding loads of taxes to drivers and electricity users and so on.
OK, so there’s some wishful thinking in that last bit of the sentence immediately above but the rest is true.
In a way the BBC may have just done the AGW equivalent of constantly producing photographs of babies and very small children to headline articles about migrants. They have created a concrete expectation which now has to be delivered.
Great theory Up2 but since there has been no significant warming over the past two centuries and they still pump out the lies, distortions, job-creation schemes, propaganda and revenue scams, it would be too much to hope for logic, or truth, to start playing any part in the process.
Beltane, think you may not have fully grasped my point: the BBC and the CO2 will now have to deliver some significant warming, globally, on land and year round, from now on.
You are right that the warming so far is so small as to possibly be insignificant, especially when considered over millennia, assuming it has been ‘measured correctly’. Even then it could be an outlier, an extreme. [ It may also be nothing to do with CO2 or not due solely to CO2, but only thinkers and scientists and sceptics and deniers and thinking sceptical scientist deniers, etc., etc., bother about things like that! 😉 ]
Once something has been ‘declared’ by the BBC (just like photos of migrant children that are in reality very small children), it will have to be delivered or serious questions will be asked. Then come the consequences.
If we who survive to 2035 and 2050 are not significantly warmer, wherever we are on the planet, whatever the time of year, by at the very least two degrees centigrade, then there will be trouble. Not least from increased numbers of old people (assuming we do not lose millions in a mini-Ice Age before then) who will be surviving because of the warming promised by the BBC or rather will be needing the heating turned up because the BBC and the World Meteorological Organisation has not delivered on its 2016 promise.
If we see no significant warming over the next generation, and similarly after that, then it means the AGW Theory will have to look for a new cause…
Sorry to disappoint you U2s but the alarmists will simply revive the ‘All the heat has been absorbed by the oceans only to be unleashed at some point in the future with the equivalent power of several trillion Hiroshima bombs’ argument. Or something similar. They have an argument for everything, each one getting more and more ludicrous but always swallowed then regurgitated whole by a compliant BBC.
jtf and richard below, indeed but we have now been told that that is no longer the case and the oceans are warmer than ever. Can’t post a link but think it was a 2015 study (NASA?) and reference has been made recently to it on BBC R4.
Ignores the ‘ice cube effect’ of all those disintegrating polar ice caps but the Climate Experts have said the sea is hot, so it must be true.
(I just hope I don’t fall in any time soon, because if the wind coming off the sea this year is any reliable guide, I reckon my survival chances, even in October, will be about the standard 20 minutes for UK deep coastal waters.)
That’s a question I asked in 2007: This was the answer from the people who complained to the BBC about censorship.
Over the first 80 years that Ice Cores are formed CO2 is absorbed by cold water, there has been 180 years of Atmospheric CO2 gas analysis by chemical methods (Beck, 2007). This means that from 1810 to 1930 we have both Ice core and direct measurements of CO2 in the Atmosphere. This shows that ice cores have CO2 levels about 40 percent lower than the original atmosphere (Jaworowski, 2007). This also shows that CO2 levels were 470ppm in 1828 and 290ppm in 1888.
The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time by Zbigniew Jaworowski, shows that Ice Core data underestimates CO2 levels of the past.
First Calais child migrants arrive at ‘respite centre’ in Devon
The first child migrants from Calais have arrived at a “respite centre”, a council has confirmed. Devon County Council says 23 children from the “Jungle” camp have arrived at the temporary centre near Great Torrington. The youngsters – who are all believed to be male and under the age of 18 – arrived by bus at about 03:00 BST. The migrants, originally from Afghanistan, Sudan and Syria, could stay in Devon for up to six weeks. It’s believed they will receive medical checks before they are reunited with family members or moved to other parts of the country. Conservative MP Geoffrey Cox said he hoped the community would “rally round” as up to 70 children are expected to be sent to the centre in total.
So it begins. Many more councils around the UK are preparing to accept these ‘vulnerable youngsters’. The BBC is breathless with joy.
So far, no photos of these ‘children’. Perhaps they haven’t yet had time to shave off their beards.
And now a report that Torrington council refused to take some because they were clearly not children!
The Government cannot be bothered to inform the local community in Torrington that they have been volunteered to house migrants.
Hey, we voted for Brexit, so we could decide matters for ourselves, not be told by some Government under orders from the EU.
One question that has troubled me over the migrant ‘children’: if they are in receipt of Taxpayer help and Benefits, does a refusal to check their age become an accessory to Benefit Fraud and, hence, a Criminal Offence?
The Winter Fuel Payment, for example, carries various highlighted warnings about Benefit Fraud and the various checks and penalties that will be applied if a fraud is thought and then found to have occurred with someone applying who is under age.
Does not the same apply at the other end of the age range?
Anyone here with good knowledge of DWP & Local Authority rules who can advise?
The local authorities have a legal requirement to check the age of these so- called children. In effect, the useless Home Office has passed the buck by not doing the initial screening competently. It’s local authorities who must take decisions about foster care, placing in children’s homes, school placing, benefit entitlements etc. you simply can’t do that legally without accurately knowing someone’s age. I’d like to see people held to account at the Home Office for this appalling fiasco.
According to a report in the Telegraph at the weekend a number of local authorities offered their social services expertise three months ago to go and verify the ages of the Calais ‘children’, as apparently they have tried and tested methods for doing so.
They never got a reply.
That would bear further coverage if there were any other media left with a vestige of professional integrity.
It’s local authorities who must take decisions about foster care, placing in children’s homes, school placing, benefit entitlements etc. you simply can’t do that legally without accurately knowing someone’s age.
Sadly you are very wrong. Foster carers have complained for years about mature adults being placed with them as children.
A few years back the BBC had on of these migrants teaching us how to cook Iraqi food on Radio Fours Food Programme. He was remarkably skillful considering he had left Iran over two years earlier at allegedly just fifteen! He was living with a British foster family, so not as though he’d been catering for himself for the previous two years either.
The BBC Told us how many councils in England were compliant in accepting “child” refugees .
How about Scotland , where the SNP administration say they need and welcome immigrants ?
And even more to the point, they havent managed to find a SINGLE pre pubrtal child clearly under thirteen.
Why not? There are none. Children do not have the where with all to travel across continents alone. If a few young teenagers do (unlikely) they would take the well beaten path to Germany rather than the far trickier path to Britain via the Jungle.
Incidentally I think its hilarious that the Beeboids havent worked out how ‘racist’ calling the camp ‘the Jungle’ is! Its cos theyre black innit?
The proof that you are correct is that it’s an absolute certainty that the Beeb will have searched every corner of the Jungle to find some obvious child, and they haven’t produced a photo of ONE climbing aboard a bus. At least, I haven’t seen one.
I echo your remarks about the “jungle”. I have long expected some sanctimonious type to appear and lecture us about this word, and I find it delightful that the Beeb reporters trot it out, apparently unaware of what it suggests about the inhabitants of the… J word.
Watch for a spike in sexual assaults and violence in these areas…
Rudd, May, the luvvies and BBC are desperate to bring as many migrants here as possible.
Can someone tell me what is so horrible about France? I know the French eat snails and have over 200 brands of cheese, but it is in general, despite Hollande, a fairly good place to live.
Travelling to France by ferry over the weekend I noted numerous English families with young – yes young – children excitedly looking forward to arriving in France. They had paid hard earned money for a few days in that country from which our government, luvvies, and BBC are stretching credibility in their attempt to rescue fit young men.
Don’t asylum seekers have to claim asylum in the first country they arrive in?
Back in January of this year The Independent was already suggesting the Dublin Regulation would soon be abolished. Too inconvenient for virtue-signalling progressives impatient to ferry over boatloads of ‘migrants’…
Refugee crisis: EU ‘first country’ rule change puts pressure on UK to take in more asylum seekers
A system obliging refugees to register in the first European country they enter looks set to be abolished
See, progressives don’t care – and they don’t care if you know that they don’t care. In fact, they really want you to see that they don’t care. Bring ’em all in! Anyone who objects is a filthy waaaycist!
Everyone knows that, except the asylum seekers themselves – particularly those with a smattering of English.
The EU is unable to sign off a trade agreement with Canada because of a tiny number of Walloons. That tells you all you need to know about the EU. The UK should step in quick and start negotiating a deal so it is ready to sign the instant the EU shackles have been removed.
It looks to me like the Walloonies are running the asylum.
“It looks to me like the Walloonies are running the asylum.”
Excellent Seismic.
I agree with Nick ( Clegg ) . Localism should scupper a deal the EU makes .
It looks like we’re going to be able to announce multiple free trade deals on the day we leave the EU – Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, USA to follow.
Coupled with immediately cheaper food imports from Africa, the Caribbean, South America and Asia, the feel good factor should start to kick in.
Who thinks that May is nothing but Cameron’s plan B? I do
Agree. May, Hammond, two remainers, and Boris who only opted for Brexit to improve his chance of becoming Tory leader. Now between them they are running a government that kow tows to the EU over migrants and will delay Brexit until people give up hope of leaving
Just watched BBC hand-wringing about migrant “children” working in the clothing industry in Turkey. After years of beeb brain-washing my first instinct is to check the legal age in Turkey. 13 years for part-time and 15 for full-time if not classed as dangerous or heavy lifting work. So presumably not illegal if they’re over 13 and part time. My son did a paper round at that age. He got up at 6 am and learned to get up and earn money. No BBC journo hand -wringing over that. Nobody they managed to film looked under 13. But then the MSM think anyone under 35 is a child, if that’s what they’re told – 6 o’clock shadow included….
It was also the sly way the report effectively blamed M and S and that other British clothing retailer – a typical speed-dialled Common Purpose talking head was brought on at the end to ram this point home. The subject of a Panorama special tonight, apparently. I think I’ll be washing my hair.
Wonder if this will be reported on the BBC or whether it will be swept under the carpet as islamofauxbik and Waycist?
A holidaymaker sexually assaulted a teenage girl during a seven hour flight to Britain – whilst his wife was sat beside him.
Das and his wife were visiting the UK for a “holiday of a lifetime” whilst the unnamed girl was returning to Britain after travelling.
Das was granted conditional bail pending sentence on October 27.
His legal rep – also a Muslim made some disgraceful comments which if they had been made about an effnik would have landed her in hot water, but as they’re about the hated whites they just don’t matter.
Friends! Why do I waste my time writing in that Hard-Right neoliberal racist rag, the so-called Guardian? I must be – literally – mad!
As #despiteBrexit headlines go, that is even for them quite… ‘Special’.
Just looking at the coverage of the Calais jungle.
The evidence from their own coverage is staring the biased BBC in tha face and they STILL are in denial.
First of all, even the bBBC are calling them migrants rather than asylum seekers or refugees.
Secondly, almost every one of the featured migrants is male, between 20 and 30 years old, and very black. That is not coloured (using the helpful and normal South African usage). So not Asian or even Syrian but from black Africa, hence the number of Somalis, Eritrains, Nigerians etc.
In other words, What we have are thousands of chancers relying on a load of gullible do-gooders and Far Left anti-West extremists and a government trapped in the headlights of Political Correctness to get a meal ticket paid for by hard pressed UK tax payers..
That last para summarises the situation exactly.
Exactly. And knowing how very hard they search for the “right” sort of “refugee” they couldn’t find one single woman or child to film. Ha!
OMG am watching the Victorian Slum and Al Beebus putting in some very very heavy “let’s welcome refugees” propaganda. However, the Eastern European Jews were really escaping pogroms and were prepared to work. And they didn’t want to convert the locals or blow us up.
There have been concerns about immigration for centuries, but the government of the day usually responded with a mixture of controlling the inward flow, and making efforts to assimilate those already here. For example in the early 18th century Parliament passed the Fifty New Churches Act which was intended to encourage Hugenot immigrants to become Anglicans. It didn’t really work, but the point is can you imagine any contemporary British government entertaining such ideas?
Here’s a follow-on from my earlier observations about the climate change issues the BBC never wants to ask about…
The world is getting greener. Why does no one want to know?
As carbon dioxide levels have risen, the planet’s green vegetation has increased by 14 per cent.
Global greening is the name given to a gradual, but large, increase in green vegetation on the planet over the past three decades. The climate change lobby is keen to ensure that if you hear about it at all, you hear that it is a minor thing, dwarfed by the dangers of global warming. Actually, it could be the other way round: greening is a bigger effect than warming.
It is a story in which I have been both vilified and vindicated. Four years ago, I came across an online video of a lecture given by Ranga Myneni of Boston University in which he presented an ingenious analysis of data from satellites. This proved that much of the vegetated area of the planet was getting greener, and only a little bit was getting browner. In fact, overall in 30 years, the green vegetation on planet Earth had increased by a rather extraordinary 14 per cent. He said this was occurring in all vegetation types — from tropical rainforests to arctic tundra.
Full story: http://www.spectator.co.uk/2016/10/the-world-is-getting-greener-why-does-no-one-want-to-know/
Not on a BBC news or ‘science’ documentary any time soon.
More good news (not) for the Greenies, (Breitbart)
For how long though will Exeter Uni keep its funding for going off message?
Don’t worry, OW, the BBC have got this covered.
On the lunchtime news Horrorbin informed us in one of his funereal-voiced pieces that pollution i.e. ‘greenhouse gases’ in the atmosphere has reached an all-time high. Yes, apparently CO2 (see what they did there?) has risen dramatically since 1950 (implication: so, therefore, must have temperatures) from a ‘normal’ 280 parts per million to 400. However, there is no such thing as a ‘normal’ level of CO2 as the graph within this piece shows:
It will be seen that there is no correlation whatsoever between carbon dioxide concentration and the temperature at the earth’s surface.
During the latter part of the Carboniferous, the Permian and the first half of the Triassic period, 250-320 million years ago, carbon dioxide concentration was half what it is today but the temperature was 10ºC higher than today.
In fact millions of years ago levels reached 2240 ppm without the earth coming to an end.
Also, the 30 years after WW2 saw a marked cooling trend – so much so, in fact, scientists were warning us about another ice age unless we mended our evil industrial ways and then…..well, a 180-degree turn occurred, as we know.
Anyway, it’s official: CO2 is a ‘pollutant’ because the BBC says so, in their habitual, sly, sleight-of-mouth way.
He briefly mentioned the greening benefits of the extra CO2 but quickly trashed the idea as the ‘experts’ believe this could be negated by an increased incidence of droughts. So that’s hard evidence vs the usual ‘could’ (i.e. failed climate modelling), then.
We then had some environmental bird telling us we had 24 hours to save the planet (or some such), peddling the usual fantasy of how man can tweak the Earth’s thermostat by lowering the amount of CO2 he puts out.
And the BBC are peddling this nonsense as science.
Pity poor old Reith, forever whirling in his grave.
Excellent. I saw it. Disgusting.
Sluff…. No doubt its the same bunch that Clive Myrie shook by the hand when they clambered off their Mediterranean li-lo’s, saying “well done, you made it “. I wonder if he’s planning to meet up with any of ’em for a bit of a sing-song.
Gosh it must hurt to be bitten on the glutinous maximus by one of the luvvies favoured:
“Race hate probe into BBC Three ‘Purple Aki’ documentary”
Verify that all child refugees accepted into the UK are genuinely under 18.
It is clear that there is some debate as to the veracity of many claims made by refugees, such as their actual age.
Many appear visibly older than British children of the same claimed year of birth whose ages are verifiable with extensive documentation from birth.
Please sign the petition which is currently at over 18000
“…Many appear visibly older than British children of the same claimed year of birth…”
Their 5 o’clock shadows are usually a bit of a give-away.
Following the death of Dad’s Army creator, Jimmy Perry, the BBC, showing a clip of Battery Sergeant Major (Windsor Davies) bawling out the punkah wallah character, told us that his other creation, It Aint Half Hot Mum, ‘didn’t stand the test of time’.
WRONG – it did and still does. What it didn’t do is stand the test of the sneering, handwringing, metropolitan elite in Broadcasting House – our betters who decide what we are and are not allowed to watch.
Jimmy Perry had the considerable disadvantage of having served in the Far East, and therefore he had a foundation of knowledge on which to base his comedy.
He was not to know in the 1970s that in the 21st century, reality is always a poor second to political correctness. That is why a man who is clearly in his 20s is labelled as a child under 17. So if one of our Cultural Commissars says that “It Ain’t Half Hot Mum” isn’t funny, then it isn’t funny, and your laughter is inappropriate and racist.
You have been warned.
And of course Michael Bates, who ‘blacked up’ (shock horror) was…..errrr…….born in India and served in Burma in WW2 so obviously he was totally and incorrectly miscast, a white person who couldn’t possibly know anything about …..err……India or ….errr…..serving ‘up the jungle’.
I rewatched ‘Patton’ again recently after many years. Didn’t realise it was Michael Bates playing Monty!
The thought of Windsor Davies meeting and greeting the Calais kiddiewinks would be a joy to behold!
It Ain’t Half Hot Mum not standing the test of BBC time isn’t stopping them flogging it here,
If it’s good enough to sell then it could have a slot on BBC 2 as well, after all, we paid for it first time round.
The BBC managed to sell to a USA satellite TV channel a documentary slandering Israel and it was shown just before the BBC ruling was given that it was fundamentally flawed.
Criticise the migrants an the media call you a racist and nazi. Woman in a wheelchair raped by five migrants in Sweden. Assailants released because the woman – in a wheelchair – did not resist Locals protest against the injustice but media backed by feminists called them Nazis.
The authorities could set up Feminist and Rapist only “Safe Space Camps”, telling them that the Concentration Camps are designed to keep Feminists and Rapists safe from Racists. But one wonders why the feminists don’t emigrate to a third world nation, could it be hypocrisy.
Suggest that they go and have non consensual sex with Muslim gang. Then , if they still hold the view they advocate on their poster , they will be able to speak with moral authority. Until then they are just silly teenagers who know sod all about sod all.
DT – God deliver us from “callow yoofs” Dont you just love em!
I would probably exempt our brave protesters from having to deliver on their placard on grounds of naivity. Having said that it would be nice if some of these lefties would start delivering on some of their more public statements. I believe we are still waiting for wee Jimmy, Yvette Cooper and Saint Bob to move in their first migrant. I suppose if you have seven houses as I think Bob has. It must take him a long time to paint the bedrooms and get the bathrooms up to scratch.
Did Amal sack Assange? Or did Assange sack Amal?
BBC = British Lügenpresse
The BBC decide to revive and re-promote an older story (from the 17th Oct):
The desperate children of the Calais Jungle
Another day in the “Jungle”, another tear-gassing for the children of Calais. As a convoy is diverted too close to the migrant camp, shouts go up, gangs of young men and boys charge through the underpass which forms the entrance to the camp, desperate to board the trucks. French police are quick to respond, and soon CS canisters are exploding among the migrants, forcing them back into the camp. Among them is Mohammed, 16. His lungs and eyes are full of the choking gas. He has no-one here to look after him, and he desperately wants to get to Britain.
BBC worker drone: “How old are you, Mohammed? Sixteen?”
Mohammed: “Yep.”
I’ll leave you to decide – unprompted by me – whether you think Mohammed is indeed sixteen.
Nope. I’m just a teeny weeny bit sceptical about this. I mean, it’s not as if the investigative journalist led him into an answer, is it?
Mohammed is definitely 16. He was 16 last year, and he’ll still be 16 next year. In fact he’ll stay 16 until he can finally blag his way into Britain.
Still, the lad is only doing us a favour. One thing Britain is desperately short of these days is young men called Mohammed. He is only doing his bit to help remedy that shortage. Really, we should be thanking him.
His full name: Mohammed Pan.
I’m 16 too. Have been for years. So’s my dad and my grandad. Runs in the family.
I’m 16 and so is my Wife….Life of Mohammed
There’s no photo of Mohammed. Either it’s the wrong link or the deceitful BBC has edited the photo out.
Good Brext News from the Beeb for a change ……
I am SO fed up with…
…the relentless propaganda our broadcasters put out on air and on websites
…the remoaners and others who cannot put their country first
…the Wee Krankie who does NOT speak for the majority of the residents of Scotland
…interviewers who are blind to the obvious (like beards on children)
…and NEVER ask the right questions
…the anti-everything attitude of the luvvies and lobbyists et al
…the blatant and downright hypocrisy of people
I could go on but keeping my blood pressure normal is a priority for me!!
PS: And why do we have 15 minutes to edit our posts?
Do I have to keep the page open while it does that?
Soapox: And why do we have 15 minutes to edit our posts?
Do I have to keep the page open while it does that?
No, you can close it. The countdown will just carry on without you being there to observe it. No harm done.
15 minutes is a better time to edit your posts, but no, you don’t need to keep your page open. If you do choose to go back to it within the time, say 10 minutes, it will show as 5 to go.
Demon & TT
Thank you for that.
As a matter of interest, are our posts visible to others, whilst we wait for the 15 minute editing time to expire?
Old Goat: As a matter of interest, are our posts visible to others, whilst we wait for the 15 minute editing time to expire?
I’m fairly sure they are. You could test it by posting a sizzling comment when the thread is active and then refreshing the page after ten minutes to see whether you have any likes.
Yes definitely. I have had likes before I’ve edited posts.
I don’t get many likes, Roland, that’s why I remember that one. I’m still partying…
1 Like admimistered Demon 😉
Thank you kind sir or madam.
The Fascists are ripping their hair out over this, found in a kitchen at the house of commons.
He looks between seventyteen and eightyteen.
Gary Lineker’s let himself go a bit hasn’t he? Must be all the crisps.
Gary finally puts his money where his mouth is and adopts a Syrian Child Refugee:
Does the beard indicate a conversion?
Beards, IQs, share and share alike
I just cannot stand the rampant racism on this website.
It is high time we dealt compassionately with the vulnerable male children who all want to become doctors and engineers, who are…..errr……..not from Syria but ….errrr. Black Africa with……….errr……stubble and wrinkles ….errr……throwing large rocks and….errr…….petrol bombs…..at the ….errr……..police in Calais.
Thank goodness we have a fine impartial state broadcaster to tell us the trutth.
Cake decorating. Would the BBC ‘s Nadia , you know who I mean, be happy to decorate a cake advocating same sex marriage? Would other Muslim bakers be happy to do so? If not why aren’t they be targettted as test cases by gay rights? I would put a lot of money on special circumstances being found that allowed the Muslims to refuse to decorate such a cake without breaking the law. This special treatment of. Muslims cannot go on , we white Brits are becoming second class citizens in our own country.
But it will go on, because white British people lost their dark age blood thirst and hatred of everything and everyone thousands of years ago. Until white Brits continually threaten to slaughter endless amounts of innocent people if they don’t get their way… We will never get our way! It’s pretty simple really.
Muslims follow a unchangeable set of life instructions that advocate/mandate the slaughter of everyone who does not utterly submit to the life prophesied to Muhammad… White Brits are peace loving, kind, tolerant, people….I wonder which the traitorous, spineless cowards that are tasked to protect us are looking to appease?…
No gay snowflake is ever going to pull a stunt like this on a muslim baker because they know they wouldn’t get out of the shop alive.
They could always ask for some ‘fairy’ cakes ? 😉
They may actually be haram on Nad’s new show.
Guest Who
Ok then , how about cream puffs ?
OR “Queen Cakes” my Great Aunt Mary’s speciality they were.
RiC – there is a film of a chap trying to place an order for such a cake with Muslim bakers in the U.S. here:
In UK a muslim baker who refused a gay wedding cake would get away with it, it’s only Christians who get prosecuted in Britanistan.
Imagine asking a Muslim baker to decorate a cake saying that ‘Mohammed was a false prophet’ or ‘The Satanic Verses is correct and the Koran was dictated by the Devil’.
I wonder if the UK Judicial system would swing into action to defend your rights?
Or even something more innocuous such as an Easter cake with Christ has arisen’ on it?
…..we white Brits are becoming second class citizens in our own country. ….
Becoming ? I think that’s already a given. A neighbour further up the street whom I rarely see, started chatting about some misdemeanour that had occurred, and finished with “this Country isn’t what it was” – a cry that every generation has made since God was a boy, but in this time and age it really is true. For years, regardless of whichever party was in power, we sort of muddled along, and provided we had bread and jam on the table and a few bob to pay the rent and enough for a pint at the weeked, that was enough. And now………..well, we all know the problems.
I caught a lorry driver giving his opinion of the “Jungle” and its inhabitants today on the Jezza Swine Show, great to hear the views of +85% of the population aired so forcefully for a change; Fatty Feltz standing in for J.V. (luckily) as I think Whine would have cut him off air.
In the past century Europe has spewed up 3 monsters: Communism, Fascism (its twin sister and mirror image) and now the EUSSR. The British have had the good sense to reject all three, and in so doing will yet again save Europe from itself.
And get no thanks from anyone, including our own lefty-liberal establishment.
“The British have had the good sense to reject all three”
Sorry, but the British have embraced Fascism and taken it to its bosom!
The problem is that children have never been taught since WWII what Fascism is, and as a result have failed to recognise it when it appeared again.
I blame this on the Labour party who never really have been able to accept that Fascism is simply another iteration of Socialism.
Of course the ideology of Fascism has many aspects, but one of the main ones is the creation of scapegoats to blame every one of lifes troubles on, this they have done again. Just take a look at Feminism which seeks to blame ALL of womens trouble on white men – not all men of course, and as we have seen even rape is OK providing the man is an effnik.
Racism is the preserve of white only as is every single on of their isms and phobias, they are all the tools of the closet Fascist who have been able to impose this oppression simply because our grandparents didn’t want to talk about it !
fascism is communism only with better dress sense
Well it does help if Hugo Boss designs the uniforms.
No! Fascism is NOT Communism they fought the Communists in Spain remember?
Fascism is Socialism with a nasty touch of blame and scapegoating !
they both do a good bit of blame and scapegoating me thinks
It would good to see Panorama undercover investigations into the industrial rape and abuse of children by ‘Asians’ in the British cities with the same alacrity……..
The jolly potential around the ‘reporting’ is less attractive, and, well, ‘editorial integrity’ tends see difficult choices being made.
“First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has warned Theresa May she is not “bluffing” over her promise to hold an independence referendum if Scotland’s vote against Brexit is “not respected”.” ………….
Call her Bluff I say, because there was always going to be another call for ‘independence’, Brexit or no Brexit .
Once we are out of the EU, I cannot see Scotland going anywhere fast.
Many Scottish people voted to stay part of the UK and many Scottish people voted for Brexit .
It seems the London media have decided the barely comprehensible utterings of some North of the border fruit loop and questionable descent into PC farce of the NI legal system are top of the hour priorities for the rest of the county.
They really are not. Can’t wait to see how Facebook is reacting where the editors can’t filter.
Wasn’t it just after Brexit that Sturgeon went rushing off to Belgium to try to ingratiate herself with the autocratic swine who run the EU? The swine snubbed her, declaring that, as part of the UK, Scotland had to abide by the decision to leave.
That Cnut is always ‘warning’ someone
Thatcha – She has a face made for “warning”
I especially love those thin, strained pouty lips.
The whole shebang appears to be the embodiment of bristling, sour resentment.
I would hate to be her other half. He must get quite nervous at home – it must be like being followed around by a brooding black cloud, ready to disgorge its ire and cold bile on any pleasant moment no matter how fleeting.
Some Scots said that they were going to vote ‘Remain’ in the EU precisely because they didn’t want the SNP to use Brexit as an excuse to cause more trouble to our union.
It’s the same idea as voting for someone whose politics you don’t like when your man hasn’t got a chance of beating the front-runner who you like even less.
Sturgeon can’t hold an independence referendum because she doesn’t have that delegation from Westminster. Neither does she have delegation for foreign policy and any visits abroad should be paid for from her own pocket.
Importantly, the BBC have edited out the question, no, statement by their reporter who said, ‘Teresa May thinks you’re bluffing about a second referendum’. She says it with such certainty – not it seems that…or Mrs May might be…
What Sturgeon wants is for the Scots to feel aggrieved – to be insulted, it’s only that way that Sturgeon can hope to win a vote. Here the anti-British Broadcasting Corporation oblige with a made up assertion by one of their reporters – in this case, Scotland Editor, Sarah Smith.
Sturgeon’s response to the unbroadcast question makes it all seem so contrived.
Sarah Smith, daughter of late Labour politician and Best PM Labour Never Had (according to them), John Smith?
Well I never!
Not on the BBC:
Despite the rain and floods, that makes a record eleven years since a major (Category 3-5) hurricane last made landfall in the United States (Wilma in October 2005). The previous record major hurricane hiatus was nine years, 1860-1869, according to NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division.
Only a charlatan would suggest that this record lull is due to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. But plenty of alarmist charlatans claim that any violent or “unseasonal” storms are due to “too much” CO2.
Since recordkeeping began in 1851, the US has been hit by 63 Category 3 hurricanes, 21 Cat 4 storms and three Category 5s (1935, 1969 and 1995). Of 51 hurricanes that struck in October, 15 were Category 3-4. Other significant gaps in major hurricane strikes on US coasts occurred in 1882-86, 1910-15 and 1921-26.
The worst periods were 1893-1900 (8 Category 3-5 ‘canes), 1915-21 (8 Cat 3-4), 1926-35 (8 Cat 3-5), 1944-50 (8 Cat 3-4), 1959-69 (7 Cat 3-5), and 2004-05 (7 Category 3-4 hurricanes in just two years).
There is no pattern or trend in this record, and certainly no link to carbon dioxide levels.
Or this
A new study by the Institute for Competition Economics concludes that Germany’s “green energy transition” will cost €520 billion ($572 billion) by 2025 – just to switch from gas and coal to renewable electricity generation. These costs will keep accumulating long after 2025, and do not cover “decarbonizing” the country’s transportation, heating and agriculture sectors, the study points out.
This €520-billion bill amounts to a €25,000 ($27,500) surcharge for every German family – and 70% of it will come due over the next nine years. That bill is nearly equal to the average German family’s total net worth: €27,000. It is a massive regressive tax that will disproportionately impact low-income families, which already spend a far higher portion of their annual incomes on energy, and rarely have air conditioning
All sing along together with Roger now!
‘You put your fingers in your ears and go ding-a-ling-a-ling…’
If this comes to pass, what with the costs of looking after the “migrants”, Germany will be bust. And with us gone, who will pay the EU’s bills? It looks as if the whole house of cards might fall.
As well as welcoming the islamic colonizers to Germany, Merkel also panicked after Fukushima and ordered the end of Germany’s nuclear power industry, even though the risks of a tsunami hitting Germany are low (apart from a tsunami of migrants of course).
I think she will go down in history as the most disastrous Cerman Chancellor since you-know-who. Worse, in some respects. After all, Germany did eventually recover after Hitler. I’m not so sure there will be a Germany at all in 50 years, certainly not one we would recognise as German.
One question I’ve never heard being asked of the “children” is this: Are those alleged family members of yours in the UK living there legally? If so, why haven’t they come to Calais long ago to collect you as their “child” relative?
As we’ve been told many times ‘if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear'(© New Labour, Reign of Terror, 1997 – 2010, as used to justify ID cards et al)
Not bbc, just general observation
Defiant Calais migrant vows new bid to get to UK as camp set to shut
The pics in this article showing men with large items of luggage and backpacks, so they didn’t come to Europe by boat?. Isn’t anyone in a position of responsibility suspicious about this? These people are clearly not destitute.
Brilliant – Crick the prick on C4 on the US election trail ‘south Pennsylvania is a democratic stronghold, and here we find volunteer Jihad Solumco………’
The BBC has serious competition among lefty US ‘journalists’ – who appear unashamed of laundering the news to favour Clinton over Trump.
And so I was astounded to hear even a timid question put to Clinton re Wikileaks and her ‘pay to play’ activity by one of the aforementioned media people. Crooked Hillary slid away from the question with practised ease, after which the media personage proved how desperate she was to hold the great lady’s attention by asking her about her favourite Miley Cyrus* song.
You can’t make this stuff up. It’s from 5 minutes in:
*Who is Miley Cyrus, you might well ask. She’s a ‘singer’ who tries to disguise her lack of ability to sing by being obscene on stage. She’s also the daughter of the dude who sang the hit, ‘My achy, breaky heart’, which demonstrates whence her lack of talent stems.
She’s also a Clinton supporter and has just gone on a Clinton-supporting jaunt, so I suppose there was some justification for the question put to Clinton.
BBC how are you going toreport on Hillary and the Ducks?
To redress the balance and cheer yourself up( it is very doubtful if the MSM here will report it ) watch Viktor Orban’s speech on Gates of Vienna.
Superb speech on the anniversary of the 56 uprising. Not words to treat lightly. No comfort there for the BBC snowflakes. An unashamed defence of our European free peoples and serving notice that the Hungarians and the Poles will not allow Brussels to morph into a Soviet style tyranny. And if it does then Hungary will do what needs to be done to stay a free nation .
Would that we had a politician of Orban’s stature here. In Hungary a free man can start to breathe again.
Then if you can bear to listen and watch May and Clegg and Sturgeon and the rest of them and weep for this country that such nobodies dare to try to dictate to one of the oldest and most free peoples in the world.
Orban has no time for cowards who will not stand up for freedom. He is right. Unless we are free we have nothing. By this creed the Hungarians live and so should we.
Agreed Dave no Orban here yet (except maybe Farage) – unfortunately in the world of the snowflake freedom is taken as given. I suppose this is because mummy and daddy have always been their to make it better.
These shallow, straw men and women have absolutely no concept of the sacrifices that others have made in the past so they can sit on their complacent rear ends and throw it all away.
Freedom is easily lost but hard fought to regain.
It never ceases to amaze me that supposedly intelligent people do not appreciate this.
I suppose at the end of the day it is all about “heart” and not intelligence. Maybe
Agreed Dave no Orban here yet (except maybe Farage) – unfortunately in the world of the snowflake freedom is taken as given. I suppose this is because mummy and daddy have always been there to make it better.
These shallow, straw men and women have absolutely no concept of the sacrifices that others have made in the past so they can sit on their complacent rear ends and throw it all away.
Freedom is easily lost but hard fought to regain.
I suppose at the end of the day it is all about “heart” and not intelligence. I have nothing but contempt for those who court popularity over doing what is obviously the right and logical thing to do. And at he moment it is the BBC which blazes this particular trail.
They call it humanity – I call it treachery.
Government by sentimentality. Sentimentocracy. Beebocracy. Mediocracy.
Dave s, I wouldn’t put May in the same category as Sturgeon and Clegg. She was quick and decisive in appointing the Brexit team and has set a date for article 50. And even though she has caught the virus of political correctness she shows more old-fashioned guts than most if not all Tories and is unapologetic about using nukes to defend the UK.
She’s no Thatcher, but she’s probably the best of a bad bunch.
She was a Remainer, albeit a “reluctant” one we’re told (is that like a “reluctant” rapist?), all her subsequent actions and activities re Brexit need to be judged in the light of that fact.
I just watched his speech. I agree with his comments about unfettered immigration and the leftie conspiracy against the People. But his commitments to the EU and EU army were very disappointing. He said that the peoples of Hungary and Poland are the most pro-EU. That was also disappointing as I had hoped that those two countries would be our main allies in our struggle against the EU.
Just tried to watch/listen to the newsmedia……..Long article on Sky News about the dangers of ‘heading’ the ball in football and it’s likely cause of brain danage (it may well be the case) but the human interest story as usual is just a cover, really it is just an excuse to attack anything traditionally English…. bbbc and it is back to the ‘children’ and how unfortunate they are etc etc.
So all of it is either mea culpa, self flagellation stuff or slow but sure undermining of traditional values and practices of iold England.
It is stomach churning to say the least
I heard Boy George on Radio 2 earlier, plugging his latest project.
If a white male football pundit foolishly says a racist word off air (no crime committed), then he will never appear on the BBC again. If a white male DJ foolishly touches a woman’s breasts (three-month prison sentence), then he will never appear on the BBC again, not even archive footage. But if a gay man imprisons, traumatises and violently tortures a white male (fifteen-month prison sentence), that’s no problem for the BBC at all.
The double standards are quite blatant.
If a white, conservative woman says the word “golliwog” she’ll be banned for life. If a white, multi-millionaire, ex-footballer luvvie accuses people of racism simply because they question the age of grown men pretending to be children, he’ll get the full support of the BBC and continue to receive his £2 million a year.
How long will it be before we get a judicial enquiry ?…..
The Threat of a Judicial review of the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, has now reached the appeal to the BBC Trust stage. The BBC Trust will probably ask Brian Hoskins and Bob Ward to produce an extensive whitewash, excluding the “Best Scientific experts” excuse, as the BBC Trust wont be abolished until 31st March 2019 when some secret contracts terminate. Nobody in Mensa seems to be involved with this complaint, so I don’t know much else other than some of the names of BBC staff who would be brought to the courts.
Communist party complains about the Sun and Mail for daring to question the age of gimmiegrants !
According to Ipso’s code of practice pictures of children under the age of 16 should not be used unless adult consent has been given.
Bartley argued that the coverage did not qualify as an “exceptional public interest” that would allow the newspapers to override the Ipso code.
“They should not have printed them without knowing first that they were certainly over 16. This isn’t simply a case of potential rule-breaking, it’s also about press ethics.”
Appalling attempt to silence freedom of speech on a very important issue.
I notice that comments aren’t enabled for that article. Quelle surprise.
I wonder who will be the first one to complain about the BBC using film of under 16s who are unaccompanied “children”, so therefore cannot have adult consent!
BBC4 9pm advert
“I was looking at the stars, swimming on my back I was a refugee ging from Syria to Germany,
Radio 4 see things differently !”
The next advert “blah blah blah founding of a feminist publish company” seemed an advert for a prog called “This Week”
StewGreen I saw that advert twice last night. When it first came on and I heard the voice of some luvvy pretending to be Syrian, I knew instantly what it would be about (though my first thought was it would be a refugee looking out of his tent in the Jungle).
Buckle up your sports bras ladies, let’s play men’s sports…
Or, perhaps men’s sports might be a bit dangerous
‘Frequently heading a football can lead to brain injury, warn doctors who say they have found proof on brain scans’
There’s hardly a BBC sports report these days which doesn’t encourage girls to engage in soccer, rugby, even female boxing – all endorsed by the BBC without a hint of physical danger.
I call foul!
The refugee” told the BBC Radio4 1pm news he’s already lived in the UK
yet they appeared not to notice Direct audio 8:12s
“I lived before in the UK ..that’s why I want to go back to UK”
…WTF ..so he’s been kicked out before ?? and that’s the reason he was living in the jungle.
Perhaps he lived in the UK when he was training to be a doctor or an engineer?
Or he was deported for being a rapist?