Oh no. The “Calais Jungle” is being cleared and the UK isn’t taking enough “kids”. Just another morning of the BBC pushing endless pro illegal immigrant propaganda. Here’s a NEW open thread, use it wisely.
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Is the BBC getting careless or does it now believe that nothing can stop it?
A story about Type 2 diabetes on PM includes two sufferers, one a child and the other an adult at the young end of the usual suspects, so this is important if the disease is striking people of lower and lower age.
The strange thing is that, as we all know, the NHS relies exclusively on immigrants for its staff and the patients are exclusively white trash and the elderly yet our sample of two weren’t called Smith or Jones, although clearly ‘British’.
Once you could tell if a BBC story on education was ‘good’ or ‘bad’ merely by checking the children’s blurred complexions. Perhaps this will no longer be a guide? (As an aside, not only are faces and number plates blurred on TV nowadays but the latest fad from ‘medja’ school is to begin every shot out of focus then to sharpen up. By the time they have got there and we have done our ‘Rolf Harris’ they cut to the next blurred shot).
The type 2 diabetes initiatives from the NHS were set in a diabetes hot spot. Bradford.
Yes, it is in part another imported disease. Out in India and Asia, relative poverty and other lifestyle aspects ( big lack of cars) controls fat intake and helps people burn it off.
No such mitigation in the UK.
The entire story on the bBBC 10pm news is entirely ethnic. Bloke who can’t speak English in wheelchair. School girl wearing a Hijab. Naturally.
Yet strangely there is not a single comment on the ethnicity elephant in the room in the whole story. Funny, that.
Maybe the £10bn per year bill could come out of the International Aid budget.
Stop press.
Diabetes UK estimates the incidence of diabetes in South Asians and Blacks is 2-4 times the rate for Caucasians.
I wonder if the resultant health costs are factored into the ‘economic benefit of migration’ calculations so beloved of the illiberal Left?
Or is this just another aspect of diversity the majority community is expected to celebrate (and of course pay for)?
Give it 2 or 3 more generations and most of the UK’s population will be village idiots with all the interbreeding that is rife within these ethnic communities, so worrying about Diabetes is small fry considering.
“Inbreeding and risk of late onset complex disease”
Click to access v040p00925.pdf
bBBC1 10pm news.
The biased BBC news actually showed a FEMALE in its Calais jungle coverage.
Oh wait. It was the reporter.
“We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are determined to destroy this system under all conditions”
Jeremy Corbyn? Owen ‘the boy’ Jones?
No, ‘extreme right-wing’ Adolf Hitler 1927, predicting BBC policy.
Excellent post, JimS. Thanks for the reminder.
The BBC have not interviewed the local French population in Calais for their views on ‘The Jungle’. Why?
Perhaps their views would not match the BBC’s Left Wing, Open Borders narrative??
The BBC supposedly seek balanced reporting. Balanced reporting is after all in their Charter requirement.
But they intentionally gave that up years ago.
The BBC are beyond control. And they gleefully know it.
Ah, News at Ten is on its Daily Hate against
GoldsteinTrump. Yet again they seem to have missed any allegations against St Hillary.What!
You can always depend on newsshite for an unbalanced discussion of a topic, in this case the treatment of migrants in Calais. What a load of crap….basically migrants should have carte Blanche to choose their destination. The bbc, accelerating the islamisation of the U.K.
This article by Mark Steyn, details the type of delightful people which the Progressives are more than happy to see flood into our country.
The case of child rape Steyn describes is sickening. But almost as bad is the way the legal system seeks to overturn the rule of law and exonerate the accused. Solzhenitsyn called it the corrosion of evil and it is now embedded in Western society. It will destroy it.
The entire thrust of the virtue signallers in this country is to subordinate the rule of law to their own feelings and desire. The BBC is one long whine of special pleading
Agree! It makes me feel sick and I am sad for the demise of Europe. How can they do this to their people? I am so glad I am not Austrian.
Why is Britain responsible for all the migrants that get through the EU’s porous borders? Why is Britain responsible for all the World’s refugees?
Has Amber Rudd lost the plot ? I hope all her constituents are writing to her?…………….
It is a huge mistake to regard Rudd and May as conservatives. Rudd’s brother is a hard line remainer and May seems to lack any conviction over anything except Grammar schools which looks increasingly like a cynical sop thrown to the party. . They are there to keep us docile and to rub our noses in it for having the cheek to vote against our better’s judgement over what was good for us.
Place no trust in them.
Dave S
I am afraid May is beginning to look more like Neville Chamberlain than Cameron did.
The Battle of Britain.
Who runs this nation ?
The elected government-v-Al Beeb and the MSM.
The Government could knock out Al Beeb with one blow – privatise it .
The MSM is a different kettle of fish.
What the papers say!
Latest brexit doomsday news. “Model train prices are rising because of pound’s devaluation” I am speechless. Dumbfound.
This has to be right up there in the ‘You can’t make it up’ awards.
If there were any sceptics left out there who doubt the biased BBC agenda, this should settle the matter.
That will be because Hornby shut down its British factory and now imports all its stuff from China.
Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.
Probably a good thing. Model railways hark back to an earlier age of racist, imperialist Britain, non-nationalised rail networks that caused pollution and which divided people into ‘classes’. Clearly trans and minority ethnic people are under-represented in the hobby also – and I’ve never been able to find any HO-OO scale models of wheelchair users, so it’s best really if it goes under.
“Age checks make me ashamed to be British”, says Diane Abbott
That’s right Diane, let’s stop checking the age of these men pretending to be children and let them mix with our children without any restrictions. I mean, it’s not as if they might want to have sex with them is it?. While you’re at it why not remove all CRB checks because who’d ever want to sexually abuse a child?
Oh, and since checking the age of people is so offensive let’s allow anyone to go into an off license and buy alcohol because it’s obviously against their human rights to have to show proof of their age.
Good thinking Ms. Flabbott. Our local primary schools are now arranging HGV driving lessons for Year 5 pupils for whom English is a second language.
More to the point, Diane Abbott makes me ashamed to be British.
Absolutely spot on. Another example of leftie hypocrisy. Diane is one of Labour’s prime moaners about racism and elitism…and yet, as we all remember, sent HER kids to expensive and exclusive private schools!
These establishments are almost exclusively white and certainly a bastion of elitism.
No need to worry Di, these “youngsters” from the camp won’t be going to those sort of schools.
I’ve no doubt these jungle men, predominantly from cultures that don’t have any respect for women, will end up living in traditional working class areas, attending working class schools, and mixing with white working class girls.
What could possibly go wrong?
Yes Jeff, what could possibly go wrong? Rotherham, Rochdale, Blackburn, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Bradford, Bristol, Peterborough, Leicester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bolton, Oldham, Stevenage, Sheffield, Coventry, Burton, Middleborough, Manchester etc. https://kafircrusaders.wordpress.com/muslim-grooming-paedo-map/
“Taking the ‘social’ out of ‘SOCIALISM’
This #ashamedtobeBritish lark is actually very useful, drawing out as it does those who are irony free using a rallying cry dripping with irony failure.
But get the likes of Ms. Abbott and Alan all in a room together and you would have, in brain power, an empty room.
Using credibility with the DM is a stretch, but looking at the top comments they really need to sort out their system
Abbott’s ashamed to be British eh ? let her reclaim her Jamaican heritage and renounce British citizenship then, ; her parents were quick enough to grab a passport and settle here.
Why has she got her knickers in a twist ?
The landlord of my pub runs age checks all the time, in some cases he even asks for ID. Much ado about nothing .
I am ashamed that we have so many unpatriotic MP’s in Parliament and a broadcasting service that actually hates all things British.
Let them all go and live in the European Union .
Please do not post pictures of abbot with a prior warning – I’ve gone right off my breakfast now…………lol
Why has this latest bunch of migrants been sent to Devon?
As I understand it this clutch of culture enrichers was invited over by David Cameron. They should be sent to Oxfordshire. Preferably Witney. They seem to want them.
I would like to see it enshrined in law that all economic migrants have to be housed in the electorates of MPs who support mass immigration, and not be allowed to shift unless it is to another constituency where the MP is also a mass immigration supporter.
This would have a sobering effect on virtue signaling MPs and perhaps a falling off of the hordes that want to come.
Yasser – Why has this latest bunch of migrants been sent to Devon? Cos Devon’s hideously white and needs their noses rubbed in some enriching diversity. (Enriching to the diverse, that is.)
Devon is very short of doctors and engineers.
But not torches and pitchforks.
A few years ago there was uproar in Cornwall when planning was discussed (not sure which area) for a mosque to be erected. Problem was, there were less than a dozen Muslims in the area (one family ?). Evidence as to the intellect of our esteemed, right-on and politically correct Councillors.
In that case people need to wake up and look more closely at who they’re electing instead of sleep walking into the voting booths year after year or, more likely, not voting at all.
Vote for an outsider, virtually anybody will do, to stir things up. The problems arise when the same empire building, nest feathering parasites realise that they can count on being re-elected year after year without doing anything that people actually want.
One or two town halls going up in flames might get the message across.
If you don’t know the candidates you can’t go wrong if you vote UKIP.
Indeed this is what the Globalists want, that there should be no ‘refuge’ for the indigenous, that all schools should be multikulti and that they raise a generation with no notion of a ‘white’ Britain.
Aerfen, the problem as I see it is that the multi-cultis live in the mental world of the early 1960s. They think multiculturalism means all the benefits of white Christian western civilization, leavened with a nice proportion of well behaved, cultured ladies and gentlemen from India and Africa who will all get together in coffee bars to listen to Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers and then write some stiff letters to the South African government about apartheid followed by a jolly day trip to Aldermaston to protest against the H Bomb with Bertrand Russell. They don’t understand that mass migration in many ways risks importing all the problems of the countries that have been left behind.
As PtG points out, Devon must have one of the lowest proportion of RoPers of all English counties and cities.
Perhaps the Government is planning to ensure that all parts of England have a large and growing Muslim population. No exceptions. Give it a few generations and all hideously white English enclaves in the country will be wiped out.
EnglandExpects: Give it a few generations and all hideously white English enclaves in the country will be wiped out. ‘Generations’? ‘Months’ at this rate.
Weren’t a group of Syrians sent to live in one of the Western Isles or the Hebrides or something? It may just be that the government are trying to spread the financial burden across different councils but I can’t help thinking there’s an element of ‘rubbing noses in diversity’ intended also.
Yes they were, but almost immediately started whining that it wasn’t good enough for them, too quiet, not enough to do etc.
Any sane government would’ve told them point-blank that it can’t have been too bad where you came from, and immediately returned them.
On Thought for the Day this morning, some woman with her head in the clouds described the Calais Jungle clearance as ‘ an unfolding catastrophe’.
Said woman then seemed to put in a John lennon plea for no borders.
The very next news item was the dreadful attack in Pakistan by terrorists dressed in Burquas who have miurdered about 50 police training cadets. The attack is reckoned to have been organised by leaders OVER THE BORDER in Afghanistan.
Whatever else the biased BBC can be accused of, joined up thinking is clearly not one of them.
Burquas used to evade security – who’d have thought it ?
I also heard Thought For Today, with increasing incredulity. How does the BBC keep finding Christians who want to act as Muslim apologists? Perhaps that’s a silly question because so many Christians seem to have no common sense understanding of the threat to their religion that Islam represents.
Like the appallingly useless Rowan Williams, Tina Beattie is an academic who clearly is half way to heaven because she doesn’t grasp the realities of the real world. Like all the luvvies, football celebrity presenters, Corbynistas, female charity workers et all, she is a ‘ no borders’ fanatic who doesn’t like the nation state. The BBC actively supports these people with the notable exception of the scots and Welsh Nats, who love borders and the nation state but score well on the BBCs approval rating because they are left wing anti English and want to break up the UK.
England Expects, I’ve thought about this a lot and wondered why Christians don’t seem aware of the threat from Islam/mass immigration. Possible reasons could be:
1. Christianity in the UK, particularly low church CofE and non-conformist churches (Methodist, Baptist etc) has historically had close links with the labour movement and the Labour party. So they are in many ways ideological bedfellows.
2. Some Christians, particularly evangelical ones, take the Bible rather literally and try to apply first-century methods to 21st century problems. It’s all very well inviting all and sundry to live in the UK but they don’t seem to stop and think who pays for everything like healthcare, schooling etc. These things weren’t an issue in the Bible times. As Mrs T famously pointed out, the Good Samaritan was only able to help because he had money to spare.
3. Christians tend to work on the ‘front line’ of social problems. It’s highly commendable but, just like soldiers on the front line, they don’t usually have the necessary ‘big picture’ that is required. So they meet refugees and so on and hear all their sad stories and demand that something must be done, but they probably don’t, for example, meet 90 year old Elsie or Doris who can’t get to see their GP or a young couple who can’t get council housing, or a man whose business has gone under because of migrant competition.
4. Christians have been brainwashed by the same political correctness pumped out by msm/beebistan.
5. Like everyone else, they have a holy terror of appearing waycist or islamophobic.
6. In its dying days Christianity has been reduced to an eviscerated emasculated sentimental mushy creed of being ‘nice’ to people, especially those who wish us ill. Fine for individuals who seek martyrdom, NOT for government policy.
I agree…however I was interested to note that in last week’s BBC2 programme about the housing crisis, they showed a London church that had just started a night shelter. Some of the church ladies were in tears after meeting the people that had come to stay and one said ‘we can send millions of pounds abroad but we can’t help our own’. Maybe the penny is dropping?
Hand-wringers causes are a matter of fashion.
At the moment it’s, Callais ‘children’ and screw the rest!
Hand-wringers are so moral and have far more integrity than we lower orders.
I while ago I did a few month’s office work at a Housing Charity. Worked with a mix of middle-class do-gooders who (if they didn’t actually come out and say it) were guaranteed all solidly left wing. On the whole they were more deluded than bad I’d say.
Anyway one of the ‘teams’ in this organisation had as its priority to specifically reach out to ethnic minority homeless – and they had a big amount of grant money to do it with. But of course there aren’t any (barring a very small % of Poles who’ve lost work and turned to drink).
I don’t know about London but where I live I never see a dark-skinned homeless person, they’re all white, mostly indigenous, and could do with that grant money being spent on them. Many of the other teams had to deal with budget cuts. I have to give these Support Workers their due, I’d hate to have to work on the frontline with a load of drugged-up smelly violent tramps. But it would be nice to go back to the principle of ‘charity begins at home’.
EE just to back up your theme.
My sickbag moment of the week was during an interview outside the Croydon asylum seeker centre with the UK-living ‘brother’ of a ‘child’ from Calais who was being assessed inside.
The said brother was happy to talk, claimed to be 18, and was answering media questions in a joking manner, I could not tell if he knew he was taking the piss. Near the end, partly leaning into the shot, some goody-goody left wing cleric in earnest tones said that there was a church nearby ‘where we can help you and support you’. He didn’t look like he needed it to me.
It is that stupid naivety which hastens the demise of Christian civilisation far more than any god-less secularisation.
The C of E is stuffed with imbecilic gaga hand-wringers, ever quick to defend its enemies, slow to defend its own, silent on the wholesale oppression of Christianity throughout the muslim world.
Catholics are not far behind.
Soon both will collapse into irrelevance, and as nature abhors a vacuum, to be replaced by what? The Thousand Year Reich of Peace perhaps. Happy Days.
Recently a blogger on biasedbbc valiantly drew up a tentative list of virtue signalling luvvies, ‘musicians’ and ‘celebrities’. Could someone please give such a list a permanent home on a website, alphabetical and updated, so we can check that we never ever pay to attend their movies and concerts thereby enabling them to keep pontificating from their ivory towers paid for by the public.
I think also a list of those ‘journalists’ who have disparaged Trump whose names can then be passed to the FBI/CIA for President Trump to wreak his revenge.
Yes Thatch, luv it: I think also a list of those ‘journalists’ who have disparaged Trump whose names can then be passed to the FBI/CIA for President Trump to wreak his revenge.
‘Your name vill also go on ze list…vot is your name?’ ‘DON’T TELL HIM, CUMBERBATCH’
Great News!
According to the Mirror all the Calais ‘children’ are all going to be, Engineers, Surgeons, Scientists, Architects, Lawyers. Although un educated, none English speaking and from primitive cultures – by the power of lies they become a thousand times better than any English child could EVER be and In one fell swoop the skills shortage is solved.
No potential taxi drivers then ?
Brissels – You mean no taxi drivers like in Rotherham, Rochdale, Blackburn, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Bradford, Bristol, Peterborough, Leicester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bolton, Oldham, Stevenage, Sheffield, Coventry, Burton, Middleborough etc… and MANCHESTER, home of the Evil Empire!! You mean Beeboids will have to WALK to work, shock horror – or in their case, slither to work. That’s awful, they might meet some real people, how terrible! Some of them might even be hideously white!!
I watched Hugh Fernley-W’s programme on the ivory trade. It was looking like a good programme up until the last ten minutes.
We started off in Africa where we learned how corrupt border guards were helping poachers get the Ivory for the usual backhander. We learned how banned Ivory was smuggled through the leaky port of Mombassa by hiding in the one sort of consignment that wasn’t allowed to be scanned. We learned about the Hong Kong and Chinese dimension where the paperwork is doctored to make it look like it comes out of pre 1989 convention stocks in Europe – a stock that never dwindles. We had the triad gang involvement. We had everything of an international criminal conspiracy.
Who’s fault is it? The Tories of course if the last five or ten minutes is anything to go by.
Whilst we must do everything we can to stop the killing of animals for ivory, wanting a ban on sales of ALL ivory, including pre-1947 antiques, is crazy. It comes from the same virtue signalling woolly thinking that wants statues torn down due to some misplaced guilt over our ancestors. Just right for the BBC then.
The beginnings of the end of Free Speech in the Netherlands? All for the sake of, ‘Political Correctness’. So, to ask a gathering, ‘do you want more or fewer Moroccans?’ to which the answer was a resounding, ‘fewer’ and to respond to that by saying, “We’re going to organise that.”, constitutes “Hate Speech”.
There appears to be a headlong rush to put out of bounds any, yes any, debate on immigration and its ill effects so much so that in this particular instance, so-called, ‘Human Rights’ is defenestrated. All the European countries, including the UK, are bent on this path whether by public condemnation or PC (as the BBC promotes) or by legislation created by the Government without your support.
As the adversaries strengthen (and we know who they are) so the rest of us weaken. That’s the practicalities of it.
Make no mistake. We in the UK have Government and judiciary heading in the same direction. Backed by our friends in the state media. Question Time, or was it Any Questions on Saturday, drew parallels with Farage, Trump, Le Pen, Wilders and Hitler, in their discussion of populism.
Diane Bigbott makes me deeply, deeply, ashamed to be British.
If it ever goes tits up she’s sure of a job in some tin-pot African dictatorship!
She’s already got a job in a tin-pot dictatorship! It’s called the Labour Party.
There are no tin-pots left. She ate them too.
Do Gooders, Lefties, BBC, Channel 4,Emily Thornberry, Social Justice Warriors,Guardian readers,Liberals, Shami Chakribati, Farron, Clegg, Esther Rancid,Bonnie Greer,Corbyn, Mehdi Hasan. Jimmy Krankie, Racist SNP, Leanne Wood,Shave the children,Ken Clarke,NUT,Len McCluskey……
My list just goes on and on
Peterthegreat I agree about Diane Abbott but it is also true of so many more anti British traitors. It’s worrying. Far too many.
It’s the media I blame the most. Too great a platform given to minority viewpoints promoting an anti British narrative.
So often, we see panellist shows overloaded with left wing guests and left wing audiences.
This would make a fine “Family Tree of rock” would it not?
In my lifetime, I would source the trouble with Bruce Kent, Michael Foot,
Lord Soper and Anthony Wedgeweed Been…if I make that my clasp, there`s a fine pearl necklace to be made.
No-I see nothing untoward here, my dear…
On the Trump issue :
Which would you vote for?
Candidate A – Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He’s had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
Candidate B – He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.
Candidate C – He is a decorated war hero. He’s a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.
The first is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The second Winston Churchill
The Third Adolf Hitler
Thoughtful. An interesting post, I liked it very much.
Our media would have definitely gone for candidate C.
The BBC were always anti Winston Churchill and for making the peace-appeasement- with Adolf.
The BBC consistently get it wrong!
Crazier and crazier snowflakes
I like this chap’s videos. He must be particularly brave, as a black man, to ‘come out’ as a conservative as it won’t win him many friends. I also admire the academic in the video who must have the patience of a saint to put up with the loons heckling him.
This lad has the right perplexed, ‘you’ve gotta laugh else you’d cry response.’
Why do professors at University have to put up with these mindless rants from ignorant self righteous people. These snowflakes are convinced that any words uttered by those outside their tiny circles, will be ‘wrong’ on their terms, even before they have heard them.
A haiku-like piece of terse theatre here.
Socialism and preening agitprop for all Left causes-and all in 140 characters.
Will raise a Progresso to this, next time I`m in Caffe Neros…
Thank you, Friend Alicia 🙂 It’s actually the second of a trilogy … third “part” to be tweeted tomorrow. And for you and/or anyone interested in seeing the first, who may have missed it first time round (I put it on this thread yesterday), here it is:
Heathrow has just been chosen for exspansion and Bartley from the greens has been on moaning for all hes worth. Expect the beeb to continue the whingeing all day. There speed dial will be busy getting all there green activist friends on to pour bile on the government. Its been a hard two days for the beeb what with le jungle and heathrow today. You feel their pain.
I don’t understand: if 17 million voted for Brexit, and can see how the putrid beeb is treating them, then
1) Why aren’t 17 million people refusing to pay the extortion tax called license fee?
2) Why aren’t 17 million on biasedbbc and lobbying their MPs for the privatisation of beebistan, or better still its abolition?
Peter the bBC subscribes to the mindset expressed here:
An expert has pointed out the problem with Brexit that no one talks about
An emeritus professor at Staffordshire University has argued that the referendum does not reflect the will of the British public accurately, due to the fact it ignores the wishes of those who did not vote on 23 June. Adrian Low argues on LSE blogs that the Leave win was by a margin of 3.8 per cent, or 1.3 million people, and that the 12.9 million who did not vote have been largely ignored – and that they were “by a ratio of 2:1 Remain supporters”
Anyone who chooses not to vote in a democratic election has disenfranchised themselves.
They consequently cannot complain that they don’t like the outcome when they voluntarily decided not to take part.
That is so effing obvious it shouldn’t need explaining.
Except, apparently, to Emeritus Professors.
Let’s face it, a Remoaner could complain that the Brexit vote was invalid because Jupiter was not in line with Mars and the election took place on a full moon while Leo was on the cusp of Sagittarius, and they would still be taken seriously by the media.
If the Professor from Staffs Poly ( or Yooni) is right then the 25% turnout at Batley and Speen constituency formerly held by St Jo of the White Helmets, is invalid too. 75% were not represented.
emeritus professor ..means one who was a full professor, but has retired. So although some of these old guys are great and more honest than those entrapped in the PC-land inside a university ..some of them might be a bit nutty.
The, “peaceable” Swedes have had enough so it seems:
I wonder how long it will take for this form of rebellion to take a toe-hold in the UK?
I have been thinking that as our Government has a duty not to admit people who pose a threat there should be a ban on Swedes who have basically destroyed their own country and must not be allowed to inflict their dangerous ideology on others. I see in G’s link a few Swedes are resisting the invasion. Otherwise, my point holds.
So I’ve the day off and I’ve had bBC news 24 on in the background. The main headline is the Heathrow expansion . Yet all I can garner from the bBC news coverage is, this is wrong:

Think of the Cost
Think of Pollution
Lament the loss of village life
Think of the children:
Its as if the impartial bBC has an agenda?
And how will this child get to fly to see his grandparents, uncles and aunts?
And where will his parents work?
Sorry, but I’m totally OVER kids/children, whatever. Its ‘children’ who dominate the news; ‘children/grandchildren’ who are the deciding factor where adults live in Escape to the Country; ‘children’ car parking spaces at the supermarket that are nearest the entrance – (if parents are fit enough to have kids then they can still have the spaces but at the far end of the car park); and ‘children’ who tell me to F off when I reprimand them for riding their bikes on the pavement. Oh, yes and its ‘children’ who are responsible for the output on the BBC.
I am a responsible adult, I don’t have children !!
Interesting that the Labour party has been fined £20,000 by the Electoral Commission for failing to declare all of its general election expenses – including the stone tablet unveiled during the campaign.
This has been covered by the BBC, and it is on their web page, but, the coverage has been fleeting at best, and judging by the lack of any earlier posts about this, it has been so transitory that most haven’t even noticed its reporting.
There has been an awful lot of coverage of Tory party overspending, although they haven’t mentioned that the affected parties are more likely to have been UKIP but as yet there has been no fines levied.
I sincerely doubt that the BBC will be as scant in their coverage of any fines levied on the Tories in the future.
– Times : a small report says Egghead CJ’s extradition order has been thrown out of court
– pg 7 Tells us rent-boy-user Keith Vaz has been put on the HOC Justice Committee
A well briefed reoporter makes all the difference ..like the Andrew Neil style
On Radio Edinburgh PR Airport guy “Gatwick would have been a better for us”
..presenter “Do you perhaps say that cos Edinburgh Airport is owned by Gatwick “
Laura Doomsberg on R4 today said that the Heathrow decision was because (paraphrasing) the government wants to show the country is open for business following Brexit.
Correct me if I’m wrong but haven’t the negotiations for a new runway at Heathrow been going on before we even joined the Common Market?!
They’ll be saying Brexit killed Our Lord next.
Quite a good game this one I`ve got going.
1. Put on a kettle for a cup of tea.
2. At any given minute of the day, have Radio 4 on alongside a silent screen on the telly.
3. If you can boil your kettle, steep the teabag and get back to your seat without the BBC
a) troubling themselves over Brexit directly or
b) discussing a topic that you can predict will INEVITABLY bring up the “what the hell are we going to do, with this Brexit crock?” point to their “unrelated article”-and thereby all roads leading back to Brexit…then award yourself an alcoholic beverage anytime after the sun goes over the yardarm.
Not missed a drink yet.
The BBC may start out talking about ANYTHING-but within five minutes, we`re back to Brexit,…and the coming apocalyse wrought on their caring shoulders by our ingrate, racist attitudes to them…our betters, custodians of the liberla flame of niceness and Leftism.
Thank Buhddha we can ignore the BBC `til after Trump has sent his sliver fox of a wig up their nightie on Nov 8th.
PS-hear Des Humphries this morning on Toady?…trying to put figures of 10%…20% on top of prices in Tescos now that we`ve voted to go?
As we saw the other day-he may be mathematically incompetent if not illiterate-but he knows how to try and get a figure for the coming news headlines.
He failed-but what the hell is his game?…twat!
R4 12pm LP on Brexit
Item 1 – 2 happy expat (who’ve moved back from Dubai) Brexiteers
..”we never learned the value of Britain until we left, that changed us”
Item 2 – 2 Old time journalists ..Both voted Brexit
One said he had been thinking of voting Brexit but A political science friend had told Conservative businesses were supporting Remain
Item 3 – Radio Ulster couple : NI girl voted Remain due to EU grants, and she’d been of a free trip to visit the European parliament.
The guy adamantly in favour of leave, he’s from Sunderland and claimed EU quotas has killed it.
So today we had 3 Brexiteers 3 Remainers that is the first time that it hasn’t had more Remains than Brexiteers
The establishment letting people down again :
North Yorks : A school headteacher was bombarded by an obsessive after she ended her relationsip with him ..then he published topless photos of her ..So she resigned her job at a CoE school. He was arrested and due to stand trial last week BUT BUT “the CPS failed to meet a deadline for providing evidence to his solicitor” Pg 21 Times
Been doing a bit of analysis.
Seems to me that all BBC output can be showed into four boxes for sorting.
1. The Angry Brigade. Little Red Books. Social Justice Warrior campaigning, forever Trotting along on their hind legs between one angry forum to another. Usually with a fetching pink beret and matching heels.
2. The “Won`t it all stop” brigade-well meant liberals of old, who had a vestigeal acquaintance with Christianity once. They can`t BEAR the pictures , the soundbites-nor can they connect with those people who they might once have met in pubs or shops etc. Brexit/Climate Change/Obesity/Calais..just shake down the money tree and all will be well again
3. The Zen-like professors-rules, order and professing nothing but a willingness to hound a policeman or soldier, a Farage or a Trump to their deaths…keen on courts, but only when it`s THEIR rules and THEIR dock to appear in.
4.The eco misanthropes who hate people, tradition, the old, the white, the male. Climate Change weirdies who see Russell Brand and Nanny Stern as balanced and worth listening to.
Basically four sheets to the wind, bed-wetting cry toughs who seek Islam to bury their sorry heads,and all to the better if they`ve been cleanly cut off first. But not essential.
And all BBC dialogue in their two ways sounds like a Jeremy Kyle mama who “loves her kids to bitz” shouting at Professor Zen as he tries to read his Guardian in their tiny caravan off Selsey Bill.
Yes – and all they’re obliged to do, by virtue of their Charter, is report the news in an impartial manner….
It would appear that Lithuania has turned to a populist party in a surprise election result.
Seemingly one clearly stated policy is not to recognise same sex couples.
I think we all know how the BBC will be viewing that government in its impartial coverage!
I doubt very much that anyone here needs further evidence that Jonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green Party (or in fact anyone associated with this retrogressive joke of an organisation) is out of touch with reality. In today’s Daily Politics on Heathrow we have arguments presented for the relative merits of Heathrow and Gatwick in a fairly pointless but inevitable justification of entrenched positions – yawn. But wait, what’s this, Mr Bartley has got himself an even better solution, a shiny new one that nobody else has thought of. What is it Mr Bartley, tell us, tell us…
Let’s not build one at all. Brilliant. No wait…
Even JoCo is obliged to point out that the sky in the SE is full of aeroplanes and that we need more capacity. No we don’t – let’s reduce demand. His suggestion for a good way to do this is to put a levy on frequent flyer flight costs. Let’s put that in very slightly different words that mean the same thing; let’s tax international business to degrade Britain’s economy.
I am constantly amazed that people can utter such blatant nonsense and keep a straight face.
soyel, been tried before with road transport. We know how well that worked out, especially in 2008.
In the next breath Bartley will be declaring,
“Let the whole world in, open the borders!”
Followed by,
“Britain’s pollution is at record levels!”
Followed by,
“Use the trains more!”
Followed by,”
“We wholeheartedly support the striking Rail Union members in their demands for higher pay!”
Followed by,
“The price of train fares is outrageous,”
Followed by…
What do we make of the New O’Keefe undercover video III released Monday ?
It does seem to strongly show Hillary and Co were breaking the law in deceitful campaigning but is it too complex for journos and public to understand ?
Everyone knows that there was a visual campaign about Donald Trump not releasing his tax returns. Protesters would dress up as Donald Duck at photo stunts outside Trump buildings etc.
The protests were run by Americans United For Change..but the undercover video shows Democrat staff explaining they planned and controlled it all. That they had been considering other ideas, but that ‘the word came from Hillary to go for the duck’
So then the campaign went off thru and funded by the AUFC but all the time controlled by Hillary’s Team.
The problem is that such targetted campaigning has to be funded thru official channels of Hillary’s campaign not off the books.
Therefore Hillary broke the law.
…but doesn’t Hillary break the law all the time ?
Isn’t using the MSM as a propaganda machine similar ?And she gets away with that
There are further O’Keefe and no doubt Wikileaks stuff to come.
I’ve pointed people in the past to Scott Adams’s blog, where he’s analysed Donald Trump’s persuasion techniques. His analysis has been based on these techniques rather than supporting any particular candidate.
However, because it goes against the normal Hillary-supporting grain, he’s been increasingly subject to attack, including being “shadow banned” by Twitter for daring to say anything favourable about Trump. But now he’s had enough.
Any of these characteristics seem familiar to anyone?
Roland, that’s a very good summation of typical left-wing fascist violence, hatred and bigotry in all its glory. I must have missed you pointing out his blog before which is a shame as that is a powerful piece of writing.
Our Yoonies are said to be bastions of fee speech but find one academic who is prepared to suggest that Trump just might have some good policies. Just find one. Or find one prepared to play Devil’s Advocate for Trump. The bastards are more cowardly than Tory MPs.
Thanks for posting that RD, very interesting.
James Edwards, on the Political Cesspool last Saturday said that if Hillary wins North Carolina, Florida and Ohio – she will win the election.
Whites in the U.S. need to get off their @sses and get out and vote Trump or their country will be going down the toilet.
On Law in action they ended by saying the CPS conviction rate is 84%
meaning only 1 in 6 people that go to trial are found not guilty ..that’s pretty low stat to me
What they didn’t say was how many cases that they didn’t bother to prosecute because they didn’t think the evidence was good enough. Nor did they say how many times the Police know who committed the crime, but again there wasn’t enough evidence to present to the CPS in the first place.
Then there are the magistrates who rarely find anyone not guilty – although I have managed it a couple of times.
Having a friend who spent 20 + years on the bench he only found 2 people not guilty in all that time! He also said that every single ‘Asian’ taxi driver when it came to assessing the level of the fine just happened to earn one pound below the level at which they could claim benefits !
In rape cases the CPS head lady has been wanting to increase the success rate in rape trials for several years.
Whether the accused is actually guilty or not seems not to have entered the equation. The imperative seems to be to gain convictions and if there is no actual evidence then you just alter the rules on interpretation of consent and burden of proof so that the women involved are presumed to be telling the truth.
The Ched Evans case being an example. And no, I am no fan of overpaid self -indulgent footballers.
You know the old adage, a man is innocent unless he is accused by a woman. In the case of Ched Evans and the BBC, a man is guilty of rape even when none of the 3 participants, including the woman, has accused anyone of rape.
The BBC is relentless in this Ched Evans case. A program on Radio 4 just now, doesn’t trouble itself over how an innocent man can be imprisoned for over 2 years, nor how he can be hounded out of employment by BBC, but is desperate to put more innocent men into this position.
Apparently, it is wrong for the defence to offer up any evidence of the victim’s past. What? Even if it is pertinent to the case and might free an innocent man? Apparently, definitely rule it out if it is pertinent to the case.
And the BBC’s view of the 1,400 children raped and tortured in Rotherham or Julian Assange’s evading answering police questions on sexual assault? Ah, well the BBC is too busy harrying an innocent man to have time to look it in to those.
Yet they can get away with harassment without anyone challenging them in any way whatsoever. Disgraceful.
Seems Jules is now off Amal’s Winterval card and client list already, and where a Clooney goes a BBC gland sniffer cannot be far behind, so Ched still may have company.
A couple of stories that are OT but I’d like to share as germane to too often BBC steered focus.
First up, a few snippets from a 38 degree email just in, that came as a bit of a surprise…
‘The dodgy trade deal known as CETA has been blocked! The deal was due to be signed this Thursday. But yesterday, the parliament of Wallonia, part of Belgium, refused to sign. Instead, they sided with millions of us across Europe – a huge, people-powered roadblock.
It’s a plucky move to stand up for democracy in the face of corporate and EU Goliaths. ‘
It also has some links, of which:
[1] BBC News: Belgium Walloons block key EU Ceta trade deal with Canada:
Hard to see the BBC really covering the issue quite the same way. Hope they stay friends.
Then there was this one I came across:
I’d class this a a pretty positive story, and a nice change from the jungle drums daily over beaten to death by the BBC.
I know this has been referred to a few times here before, but seeing all the childmen arrive last week accompanied by young women, I started to wonder why so many of the Calais pro-open border charity activists seem to be female?
It certainly seems that the most vocal charity spokespeople and the most aggressive sounding women are around the same age as the immigrants.
There are some rough looking middle-aged females who also seen to be dishing out charity and advice on how to beat our so-called immigration system, but a big chunk of those on TV / radio / YouTube since the childmen started arriving seem to be female activists around university age.
What is the attraction in getting involved in Calais?
There’s the usual sjw “peace, love and no borders” attitude seen everywhere and there must be genuine charitable feelings towards “unfortunates”, however misguided.
But there’s got to be some amount of underlying sexual motivation that may not even be apparent to the women themselves.
These childmen have proven strength and determination to have trecked across Europe. They have good looks (one compared to a top model in one of the papers last week). Rough hewn, dominant men make up half the fantasies in womens’ fiction from Jane Austen to Fifty Shades of Grey.
If we reversed the situation and the Jungle was made up of hordes of young, desperate sex-starved women who would literally do anything to get higher in the pecking order to come here, would we see many more young male charity workers suddenly develop an interest in their well-being?
I think there has to be an underlying, primordial sexual/power element playing some part in this.
Well one argument might be that the SJWs, having now utterly feminised the unsuspecting young British male population, are indeed looking for ‘a bit of rough’.
The new fawning BBC special will be called, ‘My Jungle Baby,’ but weirdly the tearful presenter will forget to ask where the Father disappeared to after getting off the Calais bus in Croydon.
He’ll be arrested a week later looking for Alan’s Snackbar, and then Diane Abbott will blame the racist Tories for letting him in then not giving him a place in the House of Lords like Shami.
And you think I’m joking.
Jason – Probably the same reason why the so called “feminists” seem to focus on emasculating western men trying to turn us all into “new” men and yet at the same time they seem markedly unmoved at the plight of many of their sistas in many muslim dominated societies.
They seem to get more worked up about the death of Emily Pankhurst (who flung herself under the Kings horse 100 years ago) or the fact that some top female executive earns 2% less than her male equivalent. Than the death of thousands of women worldwide in honour killings, mob rape, FGM etc
I agree = It really does make does make you wonder what they want. Maybe with some of them, they really do secretly desire to be slapped around a bit (but not too much!). Or maybe just like bullies everywhere if they think they can push around a certain section of the male population they feel empowered and enjoy the buzz it gives them.
What they have achieved in all likelihood is totally destroyed any credibility they ever possessed. And by supporting and defending large scale immigration in the long term they have probably pushed back womens rights in western society by many decades.
The answer of course is that – Harriet Harmon and friends really should shut up and get back behind the ironing board – Ironing for wimmins rights!
Better not show Mrs Oak this post because I will end up behind the board myself with a black eye to boot!
Oaknash, we really shouldn’t care what they think of how Muslimas are treated in their societies, that is none of our (the West’s) concern.
I think that the way that Feminazis ignored (continue to ignore) the organized gang rape and enforced prostitution of thousands of British girls, throughout the U.K., by Muslims is despicable and shows how obsessed they are with not providing the “Far Right” with ammunition; they will avoid mentioning absolutely anything which will show Muslims or other minorities in a poor light.
Wall Street dips amid election nerves
How can Wall Street be nervous after weeks of subliminal or not so subliminal ‘vote rigging’ by cnn et al?
Perhaps they realise that the propaganda might possibly not be going entirely to plan.
Are you sure it’s not Brexit?
Intelligent people do still appear on British Freeview channels, occasionally, but only on BBC Parliament (UKIP Conference and Parliamentary Committees) and RT UK (Crosstalk and Sputnik) but apart from UKIP Party Political Broadcasts, nobody with a high IQ can get on the mainstream media other than in the press. There are still lots of Journalists and Scientists who I have named, but have no idea how they look like, some you may know if you read the Daily Mail or Daily Express.
Don’t forget RT ‘Underground’, hosted by a polite, intelligent interviewer who gives generous, uninterrupted space to his interviewees. What a contrast to Humphreys, Davis, Marr, et al.
I wept as I saw the pictures of the jungle being dismantled in Calais.
Not one JCB Brexit Mover to be seen! I can only hope JCB is the officially supplier to Heathrow Third Runway!
Is it just me but these ‘refugees’ are from everywhere BUT Syria ?
It’s the ravages of war that makes them all look older, darker, different facial structure don’t you know! Strangely it also seems to change their native tongue!
I’m afraid that if Hillary were found feasting on babies – the zealots would not be fazed. (and I do mean, ‘afraid’.)
Interesting article in the DT financial section analysing changes in poverty, relative and absolute, in the EU since 2008 using statistics provided by Eurostat – so must be correct.
Seems that for residents in Eurozone countries it’s worsening, while for those outside the Eurozone it’s static or improving.
Now for a social justice campaigning organisation like the BBC that should be worth a whole Panorama programme at least telling us about poverty in the EU – or perhaps not!
Can anyone link the article by Matthew Lynn?
Here you go Mall:
I’m still pissed off about Graham Norton.
I have three children and I dare say not the only person who voted brexit to have kids.
Along comes a gay childless millionaire, subsidised by me, telling me leaving the EU denies my children their options and that I have been misled.
I think there needs to be a register of interests for BBC employees so we can see what vested interests they have so their comments can be seen for what they are, self interest.
I dont think there needs to be a register EUTV – just take the default position that they are in it purely for themselves and you won’t go far wrong.
PM was a crock was it not?
I miss it nearly every night( lucky me!). But caught it tonight.
Heard Becky Milligans ridiculous patronising “interview” with an older lady at the end of the show. Typical Oxford down to meet the little people for a knees-up and cup of rosy.
How the woman didn`t ram a knitting needle up Millies nose is beyond me.
I bet the BBC also had ANOTHER piece of crap in the can.
Had the Tories NOT given the go-ahead to Heathrow, I will bet that they`d have played a piece from an Estonian waiter who would now have to go home,because of the inevitable death of the portaloo industry, now that we`ve gone all parochial and refuse to fly anywhere far away any more.
That`s Brexit!!
Utter twaddle.
I also heard a five minute fag flying piece by one Elizabeth Warren-an uninterrupted, un-news related hatchet job aired like Goebbels at the Jews.
Have a listen after 5.30.
It is just played for no reason other than to broadcast a hate-piece on Mr Trump. It has no context, purpose and no news worthiness whatsoever.
But they`re the BBC-and can do this.
The dog will be getting a much longer walk tomorrow-ill or not. I will NOT listen to PM again.
Ed Reardon was good though. One oasis in the desert IMHO.
Come on its PM : you should know to expect LeftMob propaganda
and PM is famous for its relentless Trump hit pieces and Brexit Street gimmicks etc. #lügenpresse
You should take a Nigel Farage podcast to listen to instead
now on ITV Agenda has 4 Brexiteers vs Gryff Rees Jones + Strong Remainer presenter
They rigged the audience
they go to an ethnic Indian bizwoman who made a claim that her business was rosy then the day after Brexit the bank withdrew her loan.
(they didn’t mention Geeta Sidhu-Robb campaigned for Remain from the start and was a remainer in EU ITV debates audience)
Ah the Con MP Nicky Morgan is a Remainer and a Childmen sympathizer
I thought owls were wise until I saw Nicky Morgan.
Last 10 minutes was about President Hillary
“Of course Hillary will win”
None of the London media panel could contemplate “that horrible man Trump”
..Astounding that they don’t pause for one second to challenge their own first impression and ask how in even Hillary loving polls 40%+ still vote for Trump
..Writing off such a large chunk of the public is reminiscent of the luvvies mistake on Brexit … “Of course Remain will win”
If you ever wonder whether the liberals might be correct and the threat from Islam might be exaggerated, have a look at this from Egyptian TV.
This is a seemingly westernised female reporter;
What do you call it when you organise things merely by a person’s skin colour ?
Racism surely ?
Can you imagine the BBC making a whole series of progs just for blond people ?
Yes 8pm BBC4 just ran an advert for :
“The Blond and British season will air throughout November on BBC2 and BBC4.” (long press release)
I see @Mustapha mentioned it on Oct10)
9pm BBC2 ran another advert for it ..how much they spend ?
Social Media campaign : Black British Hero
TV BBC2 : 4 part series : Black And British: A Forgotten History
specially commissioned BBC Black History Plaques will be unveiled
+ Black Is The New Black highlighting talent
+ Back In Time For Brixton
+ 1979 at West Bromwich Albion : Blacks vs Whites football
+ Will Britain Ever Have A Black Prime Minister?
+ Saturday nights : Black Star : Films starring blacks
BBC4 : Roots Reggae Rebellion
+ Young, Gifted And Classical: family story of winner of BBC Young Musician 2016.
+ Black Midwives
BBC3 : three new faces for the channel: comedian rapper in Let’s Settle This;
+ Radio 1Xtra DJ in The Story of Grime
BBC1 : Songs of Praise editions : Gospel Choir Of The Year, Black And British special
+ BBC News will have special items
Radio 1 : 2 Live Discussion progs
+ documentary, Black Is A Dirty Word
Radio 3 : In Tune special black talent
Radio 2 will be focusing on reggae, series of live shows
Radio 4 and local stations across the country will also be providing their own take on the season.
Online : BBC Outreach teen videos about their black British heroes
Your Black and British Moments offers audiences a personalised version of black British history and popular culture through different moments in sport, music and the arts.
iWonder is also producing two guides for the Black and British season.
That’s from the Press release : The http://www.bbc.co.uk/blackandbritish page isn’t ready yet
I thought this just about says it all about our naive, infantile lefties. Lets all dress as Paddington Bear and shame the Government – PATHETIC!
As usual its more about their feelings than common sense. The fact that is – is that many of these “children” are taking the piss big time – as long as the snowflakes get that nice warm feeling in their tummies then the rest of society can be damned.
These arsholes are more like junkies desperately seeking that next virtue signalling high blind to everything, whatever the facts of the case are and no matter how shaky it may be.
I suspect that even if we had one of these “child migrants” blasting away with a Kalashnikov this sorry collection of snowflakes would be more concerned about his well being and right to express himself than anyone who had been shot.
They only need o look across the sea to Sweden to see where all of this is going. But thats the problem. They wont. At the end of the day there are none so blind as those who wont see. Lets just hope this does not become our epitaph too as seems to be the case in Scandanavia.