All day long the BBC has been to the fore in explaining why the Government decision to proceed with the plan to create a new runway at Heathrow Airport is a bad idea. I wonder were they quite this vociferous when Labour suggested the same in 2009? Also, it’s as if the BBC would prefer no more runways were built anywhere. The environmentalist lobby to which the BBC is in thrall don’t want to see the UK modernise and upgrade its airport facilities for the second part of this century.
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I’d have thought that the BBC would be pleased. Third runway = more rapid diversification. Also, everybody that the BBC speaks to about coming to the UK to live usually ticks the box saying ‘I want to live in London” so at least they’re close by.
Oh, but the area surrounding Heathrow is so beautiful, vibrant and diverse.
If I have an early flight and need to stay in a hotel prior to going on holiday, it can be difficult to tear myself away.
It is true. It almost equals Gatwick in scenic beauty.
Gatwick can be extended with NO public money required, and far quicker than Heathrow. What’s not to like ?
“and far quicker than Heathrow”
Depends on where you are.
I think Dadad is referring to the speed with which the upgrade could be completed and the cost of doing that when compared to the astronomical cost of upgrading Heathrow.
Heathrow expansion also involves the partial destruction of Harmondsworth, a traditional English village with pub and church – surely the BBC agrees there’s no place for such things in vibrant multicultural modern London!
Of course the SCBBC is against new runways.
Airports require those nasty, racist, bigoted, intolerant, hated by Gary Lineker, neo-Nazi things we call ‘Passports’.
I mean for crying out loud, these far right documents of oppression actually have the bloody nerve to cite someone’s date of birth – ‘JUST THINK OF THE POOR CHILDREN?!!’
Hope they leave room for a jungle-like camp for all the refugees getting off the planes without passports.
I hear that our idea is to rival the Italians’ Naval Taxi Service in the Med, and send various RAF cargo planes to slowly circle whole African villages. Then, when the Tribal Elder waves, the plane will land nearby and all the men, sorry, children, will then get a free ride to Heathrow’s shiny new runway.
Next, easing swiftly through the airport’s VIP channels and without so much a a baggage check, those poor, deprived souls will then get on a free bus to Croydon, whereby the Home Office will offer £2,000 for them to go straight home. Of course they’ll take the money – who wouldn’t eh? – then hang around for a week looking shifty before demanding a Council flat and Benefits – full translation services also supplied by yours truly, the lovely British Tax Payer.
Obviously they will instantly be fast tracked to the top of the Council’s Housing List, no questions asked (questions are racist, see?) before demanding that their whole family is brought over via that shiny new runway at Heathrow. A new, much more substantial domicile will then be demanded and dutifully supplied, before such time as having now learned to speak the English language (thanks again Taxpayer!) the new arrivals can start telling the indigenous Brits just how racist and bigoted we all are.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown will take up the story, make a BBC documentary about it and lessons will be learned. But all the wrong ones.
The BBC really hasn’t thought this one through. Roger Harrabin needs to explain to them that a third runway is required to allow the thousands of climate change activists easy access to places like Bali where they get together to work out how to save the planet from CO2 emissions from things like jet aircraft.
Come on the BBC.
They ought to locate it in Slough or West Drayton, two very vibrant communities which could also include a Jungle type camp
Both towns are already ‘jungle-type camps’ – I know, I used to live in one of them. I escaped, thankfully, ten years ago.
Bonjour OG! Out of interest, are there any French media outlets criticising Hollande for his chronic mishandling of the immigrant situation in France?
After all the recent atrocities, the ever-present Calais debacle and now nightly demonstrations in Paris, do any have the balls to call out this incompetent idiot for what he truly is? Because on this side of the Channel the silence is deafening.
I tend to avoid the French press, but this site is quite good at telling it like it is:
Or this – a bit weak, though:
GWF/OG The term you are looking for is ‘Sheds with Beds’.
Which to the uninitiated is a very popular tactic to cram lots of people, invariably immigrant or illegal, into sheds or garages at the end of the garden. A few years ago, councils were running helicopters with infra red cameras over the places to identify levels of occupancy. The electrics and sanitation of these places is usually awful. But it seems to have gone very quiet, as such measures are clearly racist in the eyes of the Far Left including bBBC editors.
Welcome to the reality of diverse modern Britain. Feel enriched!
Not to mention the millions of ‘climate refugees’ that were predicted from low-lying islands, where the censuses now show that populations are the only thing that is rising.
Listening to LBC on the way to work ( that rancid leftie O’Brien is away this week ) they had I believe C.Lucas from the ‘watermelon party’ on in which she stated we shouldn’t be building another runway at all as most of the travelling would be by middle class wealthy people flying to their European retreats, and not only should there be no new runway but we should be looking into who flies where and why… a truly Orwellian thought that absolutely beggars belief!
That’s been a recurring objection throughout the day….’that this expansion is about big business and their corporate interests’.
Lucas, her co-Green leader, the BBC, Channel 4 News, John McDonnell. (What it is about them all that connects them?)
Gathering together members of the public (often the same ones) that oppose Heathrow, I do not think that I have heard an ordinary member of the public invite to offer their support – and there are very many in the area.
Oh…and for good measure some eco loony on the Gameshow phone in this morning announced that this is all to do with Murdoch.
It’s all very tiresome. We are still having to tolerate a re-run of the Brexit debate and their campaign against it, and now we have a re-run of the debate on runways, with their campaign against Heathrow’s expansion.
The arguments are well known and have been done to death over the years. Why could Mrs May have not authorised a clear decision. There is no need for yet more ‘consultation’. It just gives the green light to every and all anti-progress interest groups to help make the country ungovernable. High on the list is the BBC.
Whilst the bBC laments of loss of traditional British Village life due to the expansion of Heathrow.
They air this video of the harm that having an airport next door has on children:
And what is shown but an Asian child-don’t we have any white children living in this area anymore? Nearly every programme featuring anything to do with children will always proffer coloured children against white. What does that tells us?
To be fair, they’re not exactly spoilt for choice in that area.
You`d think that the BBC would LOVE these grandiose foolhardy white elephants of legacy-laden posturings of all those little Albert Speers.
Febrile imaginations-our money ad infinitum-our kids in hock until they die…and LOADS of hi viz, chaos, dust and disruption with massive overspends and endless overruns.
No-they should have expanded Birmingham or such, had the Brummies wanted that.
So-I`m no fan.
But the BBC normally LOVE this kind of municipal big build for socialism-very Soviet, Saddam or Kim Jong Un,
Ah but-yes there`s jobs, yes there`s a lawyers beanfeast and endless compo shellouts for everybody concerned…so the BBC would always say yes to all this.
But-then we`re talikg about the Tories.
So it`ll be wrong…unless and until Labour get in ever again…in which case, it will be puffed by the BBC as a job creator, a big ticket show of faith in Team GB…that kindashyte.
No-Tories need to read the signs-only Labour are able to talk on municipal vainglories, let alone try to build `em…likewise only Labour are permitted to talk of NHS and eudcation.
BBC rules-and the thickfuk Tories seem happy to play by them.
The next big excitement seems to be that the ‘runway’ (yet to check if it is this or a taxiway as various media seem to be blurring the two, not that it matters beyond appropriate engineering stresses being allowed for) will go over the M25. I have also heard it called a ‘ramp’, so it seems STOL aircraft are proposed.
Not sure why the gasps, as this is hardly an issue elsewhere.
Oh, golly… it’s top of the hit list currently.
I see it’s a ‘may’ headline, so anything goes.
Comments too. The most liked suggests a closing soon as the people the BBC speaks at are not those they claim to speak for. Apparently.
13. Posted by Dawn Turtle
This has been going on for 30 years and yet yesterday the BBC still managed to bring Brexit into the argument.
Brexit wasn’t a consideration 30 years ago and it’s not one now. Give it up BBC.
Will this truly be the runway, or indeed merely a taxiway. This is the case at Manchester, what’s the problem?
There isn’t one – it’s the neo-Luddites again. All progress is bad to them, so they object to everything, big or small, and sensationalise.
The BBC eggs them on, on the basis that they are providing balance. We all know they distort and debase the meaning of the word.
As “pollution” crosses national boundaries, I don’t recall any fuss when other cities were expanding their airports.
Schiphol has three times as many runways as Heathrow. Don’t know whether all 6 are used.
Having arrived there long haul and transferred to make the hob back here, the wee 737 took us on what seemed like a tour of Holland just to get to the runway, crossing at least one motorway and maybe a canal.
Easy at Schipol. Amsterdam is not that big and they have loads of free space. Madrid is the same. 4 runways built out in a virtual desert.
Prevailing wind EastWest
Therefore London Airport should be North or South of the city.
Gatwick is OK but miles from almost everywhere, with London in the way.
The solution is to expand Luton or Stansted, though why a hub-type airport is needed in the age of the direct flight Dreamliners I am really not sure. The issue for Heathrow is not just the runway but the logistics. How the hell is anyone going to get to the airport in the first place? The M25 and M4 are already beyond working capacities.