I’m sure you’ll all agree that the BBC’s collusion along with the left-wing movement in the whole Calais propaganda swindle is almost too much to bear. In the clip linked below we see the BBC give that insufferable motormouth Yasmin Brown an open platform to spout pure leftist drivel; this woman simply does not listen to anyone – I don’t understand why media outlets give her a voice as she has zero intention of accepting opposing views (a hallmark of the left in general). Peter Hitchens remains the sole voice of rational intelligence amidst the appalling and sanctimonious foulness. Isn’t it telling that the BBC presenter alongside the others refused to countenence Peter’s apt point that those in the Calais ‘Jungle’ are not actually ‘refugees’ but rather economic migrants; the BBC host and Yasmin continuously referred to them as ‘refugees’ revealing the BBC mindset/narrative.
I have no problem giving shelter to vulnerable children. However, I do have a problem with adult males cheating and chancing their way into our country by pretending to be children after travelling through numerous safe countries; what makes this swindle particularly revolting is the fact we have spoiled upper class left-wing brats masquerading as ‘charity workers’ undermining our nation and aiding migrants in their aggressive pursuit of getting into the UK. Two were interviewed on RT, today; one was called ‘Pippa’ the other ‘Valentina’; hardly working class names. Probably contemporary dance/postmodern pottery students who cannot find proper jobs, so live off mummy and daddy’s pocket money. It’s an utter disgrace that these middle class morons, armed with a terrible sense of moral superiority, are causing chaos in France; I would have absolutely no problem seeing the `French authorities giving them a hard lesson with the truncheon! They would be running crying back to mummy and daddy in no time. And don’t get me started on Diane Abbott!
“I have no problem giving shelter to vulnerable children”
Once you have conceded this point to the “living saints” and “goody goody two shoes” you would have to take the millions and millions of children suffering all over the world.
I’ve just been watching a programme on the “German BBC” about a couple in a Bavariian village who have actually taken two Syrian “refugees” into their home when their grown up children left. As you would expect everything is sweetness and light and paradise on Earth has been achieved. Even the other fearful and backward yokels in the village have “opened their hearts”. Nothing about the circumstances of the couple are revealed execpt of course they have a large house and are “church types”. Prima facie these seem to be admirable, genuinepeople, but as a realistic solution to the “refugee problem” it is simply delusional. How could one million Germans adopt refugees as their wards for months and months.
If you are a religionist almost any sacrifice might be worth making to “enter the kingdom”. We seem to be returning to Victorian levels of sanctimoniousness, with ostentatious shows of virtue on the media. by people who are far from being paragons or moral authorities.
Obviously, the German elites now feel it is safe to continue the Willkommenskultur propaganda now that the Turks, Hungarians, et al. have temporarily saved their bacon. Big slaggings off in the media for Dresden and Saxony because of PEGIDA demos, police “inaction” regarding rightwing extremists and popularity of AfD. Dresden is losing its reputation as an open, welcoming city.
That clip shows BBC bias at its worst….one white male, speaks for British peoples reasonable scepticism over the fake situation in Calais, “balanced” with a woman named Epstein a Muslim Asian woman and a black man, presided over by an Indian woman, all of whom are determined to use every blackmailing trick in the book to present the false notion that migrants in France need to be “saved” by coming to settle in the UK, with another non white of indeterminate origin reading the viewers comments.
Unbelievable, and wholly unrepresentative of the ethnic make up of the population of the U.K.
The black guy in particular thought he had the killer question in asking Hitchens what level of migration would be too much which Hitchens did his best to answer.
Surely this question is the one that all the open borders blackmailers should be asked on every programme of this nature, that and “how many refugees are you personally looking after, rather than imposing this so called duty on taxpayers?”
Among many Hitchen comments, a timely reminder, often forgotten especially by the goody two shoes brigade, that the UK has contributed hugely and hugely more than other European countries, to support the refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon, from which people might one day return to their home countries.
The black guy sais that he was a migrant, as he migrated from his mother’s womb into the world. A real sick bag moment.
Yasmin Alibai-Brown? I cannot listen to her so I struggled through the clip putting her on mute.
A few years back this site managed to get hold of a recording of the infamous 9/11 Question Time, broadcast two days after the terror attack. When she turned in fake anguish to the ex-US Ambassador, telling him he shouldn’t be surprised at the US being “despised” around the world, that did it for me.
Most frustrating aspect of this ‘debate’ was that no one would say that hardly any/none of these refugees are from Syria. And by camping at Calais they are basically skipping the lawful immigration process. Moral of the tale: crime pays. I am thinking of writing to my MP in disgust at the entry of these childmen without informing the British people of the circumstances, but I’m a bit busy, as we’re legally migrating (and we’ve had to jump through many hoops).
As I’ve said before, we should see stats on: nationality, proof of age (Ha ha), exact nature of relatives, how they will be supported financially, background checks. Bit pointless, as I think they’ve already said, if they fail to get asylum, they won’t be deported anyway. Can’t help feeling Europe is doomed.
The bBC (and its ilk) love to promote this view that only the British Empire was bad. That all the ills of the earth are down to white British people (Doesn’t explain the very large number of black Very well English speaking people on recent bBC historical shows) and that due to the British people voting to leave the EUSSR, we are all f-ing intolerant bastards. Well here is a bBC story in which the bBC scores something of an own goal regards berating the British and its Empire: Which country is the most generous in the world?
A war-torn state and a country ruled by an oppressive military junta for decades are home to the world’s most generous people, research suggests. People in Iraq are the kindest to strangers, while Myanmar’s residents give the most away, according to the CAF World Giving Index 2016. In the last month, eight in 10 Iraqis have helped someone they don’t know, with Libyans helping almost as many.
whilst the bBC waxes lyrical about 2 countries not known for their hospitality. They kind of dismiss where the UK stands by hiding that fact in a load of bunf: The overall table, which takes into account financial donations, help offered to strangers and volunteering, ranks the UK as the most generous place in Europe, the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East, Kenya in Africa and Guatemala in Latin America.
However what caught my eye was the chart they use to list the top 10. Notice anything out of 9 of the countries in that list below:
With the exception of Indonesia and the UAE (to some extent) all the rest used to belong to that nasty evil British Empire.
Now does anybody want to point out the elements from the EU, South and central America,(I include Cuba in that) , Former Russian,Ottoman or even Islamic empires (Yes the UAE is there, but its the size of Austria and has only been handing money away these past 50 years) that the liberals keep on telling me are far better places than these sceptred isles. Predominately the countries which are the most generous are white, a Protestant Christian background with a British connection. Funny that.
In the British Empire, the Trucial States was a British protectorate that became independent in 1971, as the UAE, and Indonesia was under British rule until it was returned to the Dutch under the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814.
In 1972, social psychologist Irving Janis identified group behavior he termed ‘Groupthink’, which is a ‘mode of thinking people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in group, when the members striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action’ (Janis, 1982: 9). It ‘requires each member to avoid raising controversial issues’ (Janis, 1982: 12). Groupthink drives a sort of ‘mob rule’ that maintains discipline within the group or community of decision makers. These communities develop a dominant culture, which provides its members with a sense of belonging and joint purpose but also renders them oblivious and hostile to new and superior ways of thinking.
Groupthink becomes apparent to the outside world when there is a crisis or, in Janis’s words, a ‘fiasco’, such as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
That’s the BBC ‘groupthink’ in action. ‘The Eurozone is now locked down in a straitjacket of economic austerity, driven by an economic ideology that is blind to the evidence of its own failure. The neo-liberal policies of deregulation and the demonisation of the use of discretionary fiscal deficits (government spending greater than tax revenue) created the crisis in the first place, and now the same sorts of policies are prolonging it. The current policy approach has institutionalised economic stagnation, widespread retrenchment, and the deterioration of working conditions and retirement pensions. Millions of European workers are now unemployed, youth jobless rates are around 60 per cent in some advanced nations, inequality and poverty rates are rising, and massive daily losses of national income are being endured. The dramatically high youth unemployment rates will ensure that the damage will span generations and undermine future prosperity as a cohort of jobless youth enter adulthood with no work experience and a growing sense of dislocation from mainstream societal norms’.
But then the BBC is NOT normal…
Its made up of a poltical elite the current ruling classes that despise democracy. (Such as former ex civil servant Gus O’Donnel who said (in The Times) he despised ‘referenda’). These are the same ‘top’ civil servants who are in charge of the BBC and (in turn) employed by the BBC for many of its core functions, notably the BBC World Service. Internal and external news is filtered through the lens of the left leaning liberals who dominate the civil service upper echelons. This group is a tiny fraction of the population (those not predisposed democratically of having any sympathy for the EEC, EU project or the Euro). There is no common ground other than a very narrow groupthink to ‘ever closer integration’ despite rising (euro) unemployment, and massive population exodus to the UK which is also part of the EU groupthink to ‘destablise’ nationality across borders (stating economic benefits that factually do not exist). Cultural values of each nation erased to one monolithic state has been halted by Brexit. But BBC Groupthink will not recognise that electoral fact, it just tries harder (stating a huge misunderstanding of the electorate), lies stronger (Islam presents no dangers it states), avoids outcomes that clearly it promotes (anarchy, rail strikes and victimhood), evades public scrutiny (that reveal its staggeringly wasteful public accounts). We cannot ever trust the BBC – or the hidden civil service it serves for this minority group of EU worshippers it really is the last word in corruption.
‘The rest of Europe is trapped in a destructive neo liberal Groupthink, which represents denial on a grand scale. A major jail break is required to restore prosperity and hope’.
Excellent post Phillip.
My psychology ended just before this Janis piece-but I`m pleased to see how true it is.
My hobby horses in social psychology were Bernsteins “elaborated versus restricted codes” in regard of the syntax used by the elites and sub groups who talk with them…as well as the general Soviet-style psychological substrate for all the thinking we were given at university.
Cultural Marxism before we`d ever coined the phrase, or at least;heard of it.
This whole social research is very Soviet still. And it`s apparent in everything that the New Soviet of liberal thinking say and do.
The BBC just their light sabre to anger us, like a day glo cattle prod.
Astronomers discovered that Groupthink at the BBC is enforced through seminars full of people who should be investigated by investigative journalists for scientific fraud and corruption, and lying to the BBC staff present about being scientists themselves and what many Astronomers think about Climate Change.
Instead of seminars, the BBC should appoint investigative journalists the freedom to investigate the fraud and corruption that is now rampant in tax payer funded organisations.
A little late night irony.
A story about Labour’s dodgy election expenses in 2015 has provided an opportunity to show the infamous ‘Ed Stone’. Which was a badly judged attempt to showcase Labour’s election promises.
But what is that promise half way down the stone?
‘Controls on Immigration’
The gruesome twosome, Corbyn and Flabbott, and the biased BBC, seem to have forgotten…….
fat, ugly, thick, lying, hypocritical waste of space
Might be glandular; she can’t help it (but didn’t have to enter public life); went to Cambridge (how?); yup; yup; yup. And let’s not forget her tireless efforts to promote social cohesion:
‘The British invented racism’ (1986);
‘Blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls’ in her local hospital in east London were unsuitable as nurses because they had ‘never met a black person before’ (1996);
‘I’m a West Indian mum and West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children’ (2010);
‘White people love playing “divide and rule”. We should not play their game’ (2012).
There are plenty of non-white MPs who’ve pursued their careers without reaching for The Card. Diane Abbott is a race hustler, nothing more, nothing less.
“fat” – Unless the laws of physics have changed the only way you can be fat without taking in excess calories is by fluid retention which will be temporary. All those people who try and find other excuses forget about the 5000 extra calories they stuff down their necks each day.
“thick” – May have gone to Cambridge but only got in because back in those days Oxbridge were told to change their recruitment patterns and fatty abbot got one of the free tickets.
“ugly” – no further evidence required.
“lying” and “hypocritical” – excellent examples given Jump, many thanks.
Here’s another little cracker, co-written by Abbott:
“We are not interested in reforming the prevailing institutions – of the police, armed services, judiciary and monarchy – through which the ruling class keep us in ‘our’ place. We are about dismantling them and replacing them with our own machinery of class rule.”
[Source: Sunday Telegraph, 15/12/1985, quoted in “Anti-Racism: A Mania Exposed”, Russell Lewis, 1988, page 133]
She’s one of the token brigade and because she’s been lead to believe she is intelligent she has concluded she deserves to be included in the ruling class. I suspect the truth is that they laugh at her and despise her as much as we do.
In regard to the Calais “children”, I am saddened and depressed rather than angry that members of the Government, a majority of our elected MPs, most of the mainstream media, particularly the BBC, and sundry charity workers and celebrities have conspired, and aided and abetted in this attempt to defraud the UK taxpayer and treat the populace as fools by refusing to concede what is obvious to anyone in that many of these children are in fact adults, even if we assume the definition of a child to be eighteen years old or less. I knew they were lying, and I knew that they knew they were lying, when they stopped referring to them as children and began using the terms young people and teenager and stopped all filming of arrivals after the first batch had arrived. I really despair for our nation now.
Yes, I know I’m stating what many think but just need to get it off my chest.
It is a very serious matter when the government, the state and thus citizen funded media and other major media outlets start to deliberately lie to us.
It never works out well. It corrodes civil society and risks alienating us. The clip with Peter Hitchens ( see above ) is revealing. Despite the fact that he stated reality ( the Calais people are migrants not refugees ) the rest seemed unable to hear him and in particular Alibhai Brown looked as though reality was causing her serious distress.
Now when the rest of us see this we start to wonder. Just what else they are lying about?
So when I see and hear Victor Orban of Hungary making a speech and stating true things about a nation and a culture it is that much more powerful. Inevitably we respond positively.
This nation is vulnerable to the sudden appearance and rise to power of a real demagogue. The elites will then have only themselves to blame .
Against such a man or woman the power of the current elites will be as nothing.
This is the way the world works.
Fear not Peter T, I think the great unwashed in this country, excluding anyone in council/government authority, still regard children as being of primary age.
In this country you can marry at 16, obtain a driving licence at 17 and be eligible to vote at 18, – hardly ‘childlike’ activities, unless of course a crime is committed between the ages of 10 and 17 and then its juvenile court.
Agree. So much for our Prime Minister and Home Secretary. They have appeased the BBC, celebrities and Trots, and obeyed their EU masters by taking in migrants from Calais. Then lied to the British public over their ages, and when found out erected 15 foot barriers to prevent photographers exposing their lies. On top of that they have cringed before the BBC and Abbott who denounce it as racist to check for the age of the migrants.
We have a government of EU appeasers more blatant than Cameron’s.
I didn’t hear this latest Cliff Richard scandal mentioned when ‘the papers’ were discussed on today’s R4 ‘Today’ programme. Still, that’s par for the course. The BBC never include a newspaper in their reviews which has a front page headline out of step with their blinkered and distorted left-wing view of the world.
Docking it out of employee salaries, or their big fat final salary pension scheme (due to receive an additional £200m-plus boost next year) would be desirable, but as likely as Jeremy Corbyn making a donation to UKIP.
Nope, the licence fee-payers will foot the bill which, in a way, could be a good thing as it will wind people up and be yet more negative publicity for Juncker’s BBC.
The BBC in just one News feature have exposed themselves as biased against Trump and Brexit:
“”Trump faithful undeterred by polls and scandals
Gavin Hewitt Chief correspondent””
“”His voice is a little weaker but he draws energy from large fired-up crowds””
“”There can be a dangerous edge to the passion of his supporters””
“”He has – at least among his own supporters – defused a dangerous issue by promising to sue his accusers””
“”His believers are impervious to revelations. They believe in a great conspiracy””
“”For a candidate behind in the polls one constant muse is Brexit. Trump often talks about it. It offers hope that somewhere out there among the rolling hills of the Republic there are hidden pools of voters, too shy to acknowledge they are Trumpeteers, much like the Leave campaign found during the referendum campaign in the UK””
“The BBC have taken the Democrat/Left option as regards the USA election. They have opted for this from Day 1.”
EVERY Republican President has been labelled an unintelligent moron by the BBC apart from Nixon who they labelled a ‘crook’ ( even before he said “the president is not a crook”).
Throughout the years every so called ‘progressive’ comedy programs HAD to have several comments deriding and denegrating the incumbent Republican President which,of course, were always greeted with ribald laughter by the ‘ordinary’ and totally ‘impartial’audience.
Will Donald J. Trump’s unpopularity also harm other Republicans running for office this year? The BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan reports from New Hampshire. http://bbc.in/2eC8rkx
They have rather pinned their colours to a particular mast there, surely?
The BBC and other media seem to have gone over the top in publicising the death of someone called Pete Burns.- I’d never heard of him. I’m sorry he’s dead as I am with anyone, but when I saw a picture of him he reminded of one of those blow up dolls in an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’.
Just what was his fame built upon? I read the obituary and in life he seemed to be attention seeking, rude, sang a one hit wonder record in the eighties, and appeared on Big Brother which I’ve never watched.
Someone correct me if I’ve got this wrong but the outcry of remorse seems a bit phoney and exaggerated.
Wronged, its just more evidence that those ‘in editorial charge’ of the Beeb grew up/born in the 1970’s onwards, hence the puerile programming we’ve endured since the Millenium, and the over reporting/idol worshipping of slebs who could hardly be compared with the calibre of real stars who had talent. (I speak as one who cringes at just seeing Gary Barlow’s face on the box !!)
I think it’s simply because he looks tranny. His famous record was good, but essentially a one hit wonder. I think I read that he had 5, but I can’t remember any of the others. Pet ‘like’.
I find it unbelievable that in amongst all of the ‘rhetoric’ from the BBC and the rest of the MSM, Sky and ITV to name two other ‘so called’ British TV channels, that there is no condemnation at all of the utterly useless French in this ‘controversial’ Calais problem.
The rose tinted glasses brigade of the BBC and the rest seem to think it is only our problem, a British problem and ignore the useless French incompetence that has just allowed this carbuncle to grow in their country.
It is just not a British problem at all, other than the fact that the sad and disenfranchised people (mostly male children of fighting age between 20 and 40 years old) all congregating on the other side of our wonderful English channel are quite right in thinking that they will be treated like kings and queens upon their arrival here. They will get all of the jolly financial benefits and health care and free education and free housing and free council charges and free furniture and free TV’s and free white goods that there are going. All those things that have been dreamt up by the Communist chaps in the Labour party over the last 60/70 years in an attempt to make all British people equal – but poor!
Why on earth the working men and women of this country ever thought that they would be better off by voting for a party that encouraged non-working men and women to be able to live off of the working people’s taxes I will never know. It is the biggest con trick this country has ever had pulled on it.
And how nice it is that the folk that built the infrastructure in this country and fought and died for our freedom over the last hundred years cannot even criticise the millions of invaders that have been inflicted on them for fear of being prosecuted for being racist. Or being called a bigot at the very least. Let us be clear, we were never asked and it was never in any political party’s manifesto that these extra millions of people were coming here to eat our cake, live in our homes and rape our children.
Anyway, back to the ungovernable but lovely people that inhabit France. Albeit they do like a good national strike now and again. They have had nothing but rotten and corrupt governments, ever. I suppose we have had only one good one since the war if I think about it, but at least we have not yet allowed the slums and squalor that we see in Calais. Though I suppose that it’s getting close now in some of our cities, especially Londonistan, and Luton and Bradford and…….. And now there is a concerted effort by Mrs. May to make Devon a home for the ‘men children’ of the jungle. That’s the end of week-end breaks in Torquay then.
In conclusion. It is a French problem of their own making and we should keep away. They let them in and they should look after them. They did not get our agreement before they let them in that we would take them, so why should we feel obliged now. France is not a poor country and they should be ashamed of their actions, or inaction and not blame us or try to get us to pay for their problem. We already have enough blue touch papers ready to be lit that could reduce this country to rubble, we do not need more.
And our BBC should remember who pays the damnable tax to pay their salaries and back off with trying to give us all a guilt complex and lay the blame where it belongs. The blame lies on France for not looking after these people, the EU’s stupid lack of immigration controls and the Hope and Change guy in the White House for 8 years of massive interference in the Middle East and Africa. Obama has spent billions of dollars funding the ‘so called’ good rebels and encouraging them to fight their own governments. That is the real cause behind the millions of people fleeing wars and the thousands of bodies in the Mediterranean and the vast Calais slums. But who will dare to point a finger at that arrogant man for his crimes? Only one that I know of.
Its not just the BBC Old Timer the entire Globalist Tendency are steadfastly ignoring French neglect! The charity workers, the Christians, the celebrity virtue signallers, the protestors, NONE are condemning the French, none barrack French politicians nobody protests outside the French embassy or at Calais. Do any of these mischief makers even write to French newspapers? I doubt it.
The only rational conclusion can be that they are happy the French neglct them as it provides an excuse to bring them here.
When you realise that the first camp at Sangatte was set up – wait for it – 17 years ago, then look at the chaos we have today, you begin to realise the sheer insanity of the whole situation.
When the West made politicians practically unaccountable for their actions it was the end of any modicum of common sense as we know it. Tragic.
Save our Sense, it’s almost as if the name ‘Sangatte’ has been consigned down the memory-hole incinerator by some EU version of Winston Smith in ‘1984’. The don’t seem to understand that they are just treating the symptoms of the problem, not the cause.
“When you realise that the first camp at Sangatte was set up – wait for it – 17 years ago, then look at the chaos we have today, you begin to realise the sheer insanity of the whole situation.”
It just goes to show how absolutely useless the EU is………. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20356446
Expect new ‘Jungles’ springing up thanks to Frontex and our weak government sending the wrong message out to the whole of Africa – more will cross the Med. next year .
Taffman, what we don’t seem to be told is that the ‘Jungle’ is for those who can’t raise the cash to get into Britain illegally. It strikes me that it would be the easiest thing in the world for anybody with a reasonable sized boat, say a 24′ yacht with outboard of the type common in Britain’s leisure harbours, to make daily trips across the channel to the smaller French ports. They could comfortably pick up four migrants and charge them £500 each, then drop them off at unattended British harbours. £2000 a day, £14,000 a week, £728,000 a year, tax free, less fuel and other small costs. It would be nice if the ‘world class journalists’ at the BBC could look into this but I’m not holding my breath.
I think the french are a bit like a non swimming drowning man. Flailing in the ocean.
They have let their eye miss the ball regarding the Merkel powered migration into their country and because they are too committed to the European project to take Merkel on, they are now trying to grab any fully loaded lifeboat that floats by – even if that is close to tipping over itself. There is no logic there – just desperation.
The BBC as the official left wing broadcaster for uncontrolled immigration and all that is ridiculous and impractical is always happy to jump in with helpful comments and cloying over sentimentalised reports that bare little semblance to reality.
Its what it does best these days. I do remember years ago there used to be another organisation also called the BBC which was famous for its high quality programmes and quality journalism but I understand that, that organisation disappeared years ago. – Pity
Her Majesty’s Broadcast Opposition are clearly thrilled to bits at the chance to turn Zac Goldsmith’s ‘Referendum on Heathrow’ into an EU Remoaner’s ‘Referendum on Brexit’
It started last night on the BBC News Channel newspaper review with Reeta Chackrabarti and two particularly smug journos – one of them from The Herald (SNP- and Scots Independence-backing paper). Our Reeta is fresh off the Save Our Children migrant rescue ship where she watched rapt as they plucked 100s of African men from the Med and presumably thought, well these ain’t kids as we know them but they’ll have to do. Nice job of ‘saving’ these strapping chaps just a mile or so off the coast of Libya – and I guess saving their future off-spring from being born in Africa!
Our Reeta flashed us the front page of the Sun (Sir Cliff sues BBC) but was keen to draw her guest’s attention to a story in the Guardian (PM speech to bankers appearing to damn Brexit – yawn, yawn, yawn and off switch).
The Gambia joins African queue to leave ICC
Well here’s an obscure article, certainly on the face of it. But no, read on and we get to the crux. The international Criminal Court is racist. Yes, really.
“The ICC was set up to try the world’s worst crimes but has been accused of unfairly targeting African leaders.” – well I do have an opinion on this and it is that the reason African leaders are targeted is, by and large, they are corrupt as f-ck who would kill anybody if it kept them in power.
eg “Elections are due in December, but opposition leader Ousainou Darboe and 18 others were jailed for three years earlier this year over an unauthorised protest.”
I have worked in most African countries so I speak from experience. In Europe the bbc will deal with cause and effect (in its traditional biased manner) When it comes to African problems they only deal with the effect – poverty, war, displacement etc, never once having the balls to point a finger at the corrupt leaders who are responsible.
Anyway, I am digressing. Here comes the pearler – “The country has been unsuccessfully trying to have the European Union indicted by the court over the deaths of thousands of African migrants trying to reach the continent by boat”
Are you f-cking kidding me ! hahahahahahahahaah
I see that this disgusting abuse is still going but the BBC (and the left) certainly don’t want to discuss this type of racism. Could you imagine if it were the other way around? The BBC would be all over it.
Concerns about the safety of the girl, who is white and from Rotherham, peaked in August when she was discovered in a hotel room with one of the men, alongside vodka, cannabis, condoms and female Asian clothing.
The South Yorkshire council sought a civil injunction to protect the child from the men, whom it thought had pursued her for sex.
BUT council said it no longer wished to continue with its application due to insufficient evidence.
He refused an application by The Times to lift a reporting restriction which prevents the men being identified.
(Thejudge criticised the council)
The judge said: “It is not clear to me, from the information provided for this specific application, why steps were not taken earlier to protect Child G by way of an order under Part IV of the Children Act 1989.”
The judge concluded: “That this case concludes now with the local authority seeking no further injunctive order does not reflect a failure on the part of the safeguarding investigation
The judge said: “When South Yorkshire Police filed its evidence, it was apparent that, while it had concerns about Child G, it did not actively support the application for injunctions against the four associated males.”
The move came nearly two years after a High Court judge made orders barring 10 men from the Birmingham area from approaching another teenage girl, and from approaching girls they did not know, following applications by Birmingham City Council.
(That time the court said the perps could be named)
The BBC does have time to report the Libel case of Jane Collins at a UKIP conference in September 2014. \\claimed three MPs knew about child exploitation in the town but did nothing to intervene.//
The three Rotherham MPs – want compensation of £150,000 each.
Whilst the MPs have the right to justice, shouldn’t we be talking about the REAL victims ? ..did they get £150K each ?
BBC : yesterday the European Parliament turned down her appeal for MEP immunity so the libel case will proceed
Last night saw large numbers of French police and members of the public demonstrate in the streets of Paris for the fifth consecutive night.
What are they demonstrating against you ask? Better working conditions? NO. More pay? No
The existence of immigrant run no go areas in Paris with gangs imposing their own laws forming their own economy based upon trafficking and prostitution. YES.
How embarrassing it is for a country like France, for the police to have to take to the streets in order to alert a weak out of touch socialist government ,to the demons of immigration without without proper integrative social planning or public consent.
Why have the BBC not reported this? I cannot see this in Breitbart London either-strange, my source is Reuters.
RT are showing it on my TV screen now. There are thousands of protesters.
I can only guess that the story probably doesn’t fit in with the still pro Remain BBC narrative and their love of immigrants.
Thanks wronged. Google ‘police protests France’ and you get a long list of reports from RT, Reuters etc. Google ‘police protests France BBC’ and you get an article about some protests over labour reforms from September.
I find this method works quite well with winkling out BBC online bias or deliberate ‘radio silence’.
An Austrian’s view of Merkel and what she has inflicted upon Europe: http://newobserveronline.com/civil-war-possible-merkel/
Note the last paragraph of the article – I imagine that the BBC, with its reputation, coordinates the European Broadcasters efforts to lie and deceive.
Heard some fey fellow on Todays hallowed graveyard slot at 8.10 say this
“I`m not being politicial…I`m not a politician but a humaniatarian”
Which sums up ALL the f***in lefty Beeb weasels, stuffs them all into one squirming sack of grievance, halitosis amd scratchings.
We can now put the line across the lane at throat level to lop their heads off now.
For if ANYBODY says they`re a “humanitarian”—as opposed to being simply a “human” -then you are looking at a paid for, bought up shill for the betwetting tendency…quangos, EUrynals, lefty politicos who`d never get elected-so “do good” from their media platforms as freely given to them.
A handy rule I learned way back…if you`re an “-IST”…communist, environmentalist etc-then you`re tomorrows gauleiter once mummys traded your brown shirt for another colour.
A can now ad -ARIAN” to my suffixes to care me…the “Aryan race” is on is it?
Friends! I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that I have – literally – waded in to the controversy re Friend Gary on Twitter, and naturally have literally lent him my literally full support there:
Well said,Friend Gary. Those of us on the Progressive Left must stick together. Obviously anyone who disagrees with us is evil.
Oh, and while I’m here, here’s my 3rd (of 3 – fear not, there will be no more!) set of reasons why those of us on the Progressive Left are – literally – revolting:
Gary Lineker?
A crisp-peddling fop who has done nothing in life but kick a silly round ball around for the pleasure of other men.
At least QUENTIN Crisp actually made his own fey way in the world, without stuffing our kids faces full of queasy crisps.
Our latter-day Quentin is a fraud.
The beeb don’t know which way to turn in describing the childmen this morning. Teenager, child, children, youngsters and youths. Come on make your mind up its not that difficult is it.
They are bigging up hilary supporting Justin Timberlake (its her honesty) this morning taking a selfie in a polling booth which is a no no but apparently hes getting away with it, just a slap on the wrist. Now if this was a trump supporter, a reign of fire would ensue.
They are still hurt about heathrow but i am still waiting for the huge investigation and panorama special into that labour fine over election exspenses yesterday. Eds house will surely be blockaded with journos door stepping and vd show will have topics like can the labour party be trusted, are they corrupt etc.
The guardian continue there war on brexit and brexiteers with that secret tape on May. The beeb big it up with glee. The big story by this rag on the banks leaving at the weekend seems to have been forgotten for the shite it was.
You`ve hit on something Katie.
Here in Redditch library, it looks like the more words(and the more interchangeably confusing) we`re getting by way of descriptors-the more rotten and mealy-mouthed, the more corrupt the business we`re hearing of.
Witness the number of words for “immigrant”.
Add in qualifiers like extraction, heritage etc,and there`s a whole bingo chain of words to link in a spare moment.
Your example today of related, vague and loosely tossed words by way of pot-pourri is well worth a word count.
“The number of nouns that are confusable and interchangeable in the eyes of our elite is in inverse proportion to the truth on offer.
And directly proportional to the import of the issue itself-and the BBC know that.
“The committee’s report argues there is a strong case for treating young adult offenders differently because their brains are still developing up to the age of 25 – meaning they are more likely to act impulsively and not weigh up the long-term effects.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37770576
All the more reason not to drop the voting age down eh ?
A nice one for our, ‘tough’ new Home Secretary to deal with.
‘The committee’s report added that although brains are still developing until age 25, the part of the brain that deals with political decisions – the hypocritoleftiabbopotomus – is fully formed by 16, and thus the voting age should be lowered to 16, providing that the young person can be supervised to ensure that he or she does not vote for right of centre parties.’
“Brains are still developing until age 25 !!!” he ! he ! he ” God Almighty whatever next ? can I sue then on behalf of both Grandfathers who were down the coal mines at age 14, and my Dad who followed them AND had a young family at age 22 ? on the basis that they didn’t know what they were doing, and weren’t aware of the long term effects on their health ? (Dad’s sense of humour would maintain that it was his kids who affected his health !). More indications that previous generations were far more mature and had to grow up quicker than this lot who are still considered ‘children’ at 25 and at Uni or married with a couple of kids.
Isn’t it about time the ‘remainers’ fulfilled their promise to quit Great Britain if we voted ‘Out’. Perhaps Al Beeb could run a series following those who made that commitment?
When ‘remainers’ complian to me about Brexit , I advise them to go and live in the EU.
I am answered with a blank face .
Try it on your mates
Ive no objection to moderate ‘remainers’ who were bullied into the booths by the scaremongering, but who accept fully that dmocracy has spoken; it’s the Bremoaners fascists who are doing all they can to block a Brexit I would love to see packing their bags. Youd think theyd be keen to go while they can wouldn’t you?
Readers fed up with BBC bias may be interested in a channel I’ve found recently called Quest TV. It seems to be aimed broadly at middle aged British men of a fairly traditional mindset. There are lots of interesting programmes about classic cars, aircraft, antiques, railways,outdoor adventure etc. I’ve yet to see any PC moralising on it. And what’s more you don’t have to pay a penny piece for it as you can watch it as catch-up TV online.
On Facebook the BBC is getting its panties bunched because Newt Gingrich has accused a fellow media trouper (Fox… the irony) of being obsessed about sex.
This is the BBC who couldn’t get enough of it in every way, shape or form a few weeks ago.
I have been giving some thought to the Visegrad nations with special reference to Hungary. Our MSM and in particular the BBC never fails to smear these countries and Victor Orban in particular with the usual rubbishy ‘hard right ‘ neo fascist tags. The consensus is that these countries are anti European.
This is a lie. What they are is anti authoritarianism and pro Western civilisation. They want the EU to be a true federation of independent European nations. As such they are in conflict with the Brussels/BBC view and in direct conflict with German attempt to dominate and control the EU. The Merkel madness was the last straw.
Our leaving ( if it happens now looking unlikely with May showing her true colours ) has given urgency to the Visegrad view and revealed the true nature of Brussels autocracy. . The real European spirit is no longer to be found in Western Europe but in the old East.
Expect the BBc to continue to demonise Orban and the Visegrad nations.
“They want the EU to be a true federation of independent European nations.”
If that is really what they want, they are destined to be disappointed. That is not what the EU is, and not what it was ever meant to be.
There was a model for intergovernmental cooperation after the War, the Council of Europe. But that is not what Monnet, Salter and Schuman wanted. They were after a new form of European government, superceding the nation state, which they blamed for war and nationalism.
It took a long time, and a huge amount of deceit, but they got their wish, the European Union. If you are in the EU, you are on a one way road to ever closer union. You can either embrace that concept, or leave. I am just glad we chose to leave. If Hungary wishes to remain an independent nation state, they must join us in leaving. There is no other way.
Re Mrs May ‘showing her true colours’ bear in mind that (a) she is a politician and will always use the sort of words that the immediate situation requires, not what any long term reality might be, and (b) it’s in the Guardian.
Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, honked on about how the UK is shifting towards exercising “soft power” in the future, suggesting at the last Tory Party conference that JK Rowling was now such an important element of soft power that she is worshipped as a near deity by children in Asia – as if these Orientals were members of some new Cargo Cult.
But Britain’s soft power is waning to a vanishing point.
After a narrow majority of Britons voted for Brexit, a Palestinian friend wrote on social media: “When I was growing up Britain was not just a country it was an idea. And now I feel lost”.
Living, as she did, under Israeli occupation, the idealistic notion of something better for her was Britain: the land of Shakespeare, fair play, sangfroid, manners and above all a nation which had waned in power but still turned its face to the world and opened its arms.
Now that face is pinched shut.
Britain, to every foreigner I meet now, is a sad, embittered nation that has lost its way and is represented by a foreign secretary who, as a journalist, has seen fit to peddle a crass sub-Woodhousian vision of the world.
No folks, not the BBC but Sky News’ Foreign Affairs Editor.
Love him or hate him, Trump has a point in trying to fight the power of a shameless, propagandising media in America. Sadly, no-one is taking up the baton in the UK.
Initially the report described the ‘men’ as ‘Asians’ but later the description of men was changed to ‘Pakistanis’ as it was the term used by the judge in his summing up…
‘Almost all of the perpetrators are believed to be part of predatory Pakistani gangs and some staff feared they would be seen as racist if they tackled it.’
Being Pakistani they will be ‘children’ no matter how old they are. This means they should be protected as they are vulnerable.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to the little white girl who will be trash and will have been ‘begging for it’ from these Pakistani babies.
Oona King uncovers the story of Dominican Asquith Xavier, whose 1966 fight for the right to work as a passenger guard at Euston Station put pressure on the government to strengthen the widely discredited 1965 Race Relations Act.
Oona King’s own family was at the centre of similar, better reported fights in the Deep South of the USA. She wants to know why it is that American Rosa Parks is widely known in this country, while Asquith Xavier is forgotten. What does that say about the place of black people in the UK?
The first Race Relations Act had been passed in 1965, making it illegal to “refuse anyone access, on racial grounds, to public places such as hotels, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, public transport or any place run by a public authority”. But the legislation did not apply to the workplace.
Fifty years ago, two of this country’s great railway stations, Euston and St Pancras, both operated a colour bar. It was a ban enforced by the local unions and station management, until Asquith Xavier risked his own job and the anger of his fellow workers when he went public and demanded the rules be changed. When he took up his new job, he had to ask British Rail for protection after anonymous workers sent letters threatening to cut his throat and “send him back to the jungle”.
Contributors include Asquith’s daughter Maria, and former railway guard Lord Peter Snape.
Bias bias bias marching up & down again.
The BBC could produce a program on how Britains politicians betrayed the people of the country after WWII. How and why they went directly against the express wishes of the people, and how that runs counter to every aspect of democracy.
They could investigate how it was, when it was clear that the British people were expressing their opposition, instead of pulling back, they began introducing oppressive laws to force the people to accept what was screaming obviously flawed and failing?
But the BBC is now judging people by the colour of their skin and November has a wholes series of programmes glorifying the ARYAN people
The BBC today announced Blond And British, a season of programming celebrating the achievements of blond people in the UK and exploring the rich culture and history of blond Britain.
Yes 8pm Tue BBC4 just ran an advert for :
“The Blond and British season will air throughout November on BBC2 and BBC4.”
I see @Mustapha mentioned it on Oct10)
9pm BBC2 ran another advert for it ..how much they spend on this PR for one skin colour ?
Features of the Blond And British season
Social Media campaign : Blond British Hero
BBC2 : 4 part series : Blond And British: A Forgotten History
specially commissioned BBC Blond History Plaques will be unveiled
+ Blond Is The New Blond highlighting talent
+ Back In Time For Brixton
+ 1979 at West Bromwich Albion : Blonds vs Whites football
+ Will Britain Ever Have A Blond Prime Minister?
+ Saturday nights : Blond Star : Films starring Blonds
BBC4 : Roots Reggae Rebellion
+ Young, Gifted And Classical: family story of winner of BBC Young Musician 2016.
+ Blond Midwives
BBC3 : three new faces for the channel: comedian rapper in Let’s Settle This;
+ Radio 1Xtra DJ in The Story of Grime
BBC1 : Songs of Praise editions : Gospel Choir Of The Year, Blond And British special
+ BBC News will have special items about Blonds
Radio 1 : 2 Live Discussion progs
+ documentary, Blond Is A Dirty Word
Radio 3 : In Tune special Blond talent
Radio 2 will be focusing on reggae, series of live shows
Radio 4 and local stations across the country will also be providing their own take on the season.
Online : BBC Outreach teen videos about their Blond British heroes
Your Blond and British Moments offers audiences a personalised version of Blond British history and popular culture through different moments in sport, music and the arts.
iWonder is also producing two guides for the Blond and British season.
* Oh I might have accidentally changed the word Black for Blond. *
webpage : http://www.bbc.co.uk/blackandbritish (blank so far)
It’s Their BBC ..I mean white London toff managers compensating for their feeling of guilt by Virtue Signalling “look at me, I’m not racist , we’ve made special season just for ONE race”
What’s rarely mentioned in these programmes is that the ‘colour bar’ was often just one of many closed-shop requirements of trade unions. Racial prejudice was likely partly to blame but a lot of it was to do with very strong unions concerned about the country being flooded with cheap Commonwealth labour which would weaken their power. In a similar way the American Civil War was fought partly because the north did not like the south’s economic advantage of slave labour while they had to pay their blacks a wage. I may be wrong of course but it would be nice to hear such theories at least given a cursory mention from time to time instead of the ‘everybody was racist in the old days’ mantra.
There’s no doubt that the current tide of politics is slowly turning rightward, particularly in the USA, France & Holland. When that day dawns in this country, it is the Propaganda Ministry of the BBC which has to go first. Portland Place & Salford must be neutralised before there is any kind of pro-Britain political party. I have often found listening to Trump go on about looking after Vets, American jobs for American workers, penalizing companies who go abroad to manufacture and ship the goods back in, secure borders, etc and think
‘who could possibly disagree with this?’
We all thought that when Thatcher was elected, and despite noises about the far left BBC nothing was done. Cameron did a squalid deal with them for his own desperation with the referendum and we have ended up where we are.
Britain cannot move to the right because the enormous egos within UKIP simply cannot accept that they have to work together in the parties interests rather than their own.
This is a problem with the UK right which the Left has over come through its hive mind. The Left is organised and largely it follows the narrative, the right completely disorganised firing off all over the place with no common beliefs and no figure to follow. Just think about the number of right wing tiny parties which exist for other reason than to give the ego in charge a platform to air his views.
This is why the right can never succeed in the UK in the foreseeable future.
Britain cannot move to the right because the enormous egos within UKIP simply cannot accept that they have to work together in the parties interests rather than their own.
More likely because they have moles in their midst.
The people are moving a little to the right but the globalist liberal left elite still rule the roost. The elite have been taken by surprise by this move to the right and are only now beginning their concerted effort to keep things moving their way. In this country we see the determined effort by the civil service, Remoaner politicians, th House of Lords, the BBC and most of the MSM and Luvvy Central etc to ensure that Brexit is so soft that we won’t even notice it has happened. Those elements of the press which keep publishing unhelpful stories will be brought to heel by the elite’s new press regulator. In Europe the EU will attempt to stop what they call populists from exercising the power of the offices to which they were elected. Wilders is going on trial for telling the truth in Holland , others who attempt to do the same will be similarly persecuted.. In the USA Clinton will win a victory for the elite..
There is a long road ahead before the liberal left are defeated and power resides with the people. By then of course it may be too late to reverse the damage that decades of globalist liberal left policies have wrought on the West.
I omitted the sinister plan to free the BBC from even the vestige of the requirement to be impartial so that it can campaign ever more effectively for the liberal elite.
Because Guardian readers will think that £84bn is an acceptable and realistic figure. If you promote a newspaper to the level of holy scripture, how could you possibly refute any of its claims?
Forgive me if I missed it but I didn’t hear on BBC radio a reference to the City airport evacuation on Friday 21st October after a canister of CS gas was discharged and 500 people were evacuated . Two were taken to hospital and 25 others treated at the scene . A 25 year man ( no name or country of origin ) was arrested and accused of using a noxious substance to cause serious damage. He was arrested at a residential address in east London. Any comments ?
It seems the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly known as ‘The Police’) have released so few details as to make reporting it virtually useless !
Red flows the socialist tide
And JC on his surfboard
Commanding waves, be still and part
Old Spice,new Brut and stout of heart.
No shaver he, his marrow primed
To lead us through the crimson tide
To where red are the smurf hordes.
(Doggerel Bank….will the Clintons let me put this in a card?)
No worse than Tom Paulins tripe…
Sadly, our library here has Appallings last brief joust with the lexicon…and he lost as he always does.
Bet he`s got some poetry reading or “literary festival” nearby.Probably Alcester or some other dandy drop zone.
Paulin`s had a good war, in a gilded empty life. And quite the worst poet since John Toshack.
“We`ve just beaten Barcelona”
“And now I`m going for a sauna”
Poor Tom can only dream of such heights.his book looked new, I`m sad to say.
Might bring some police tape in tomorrow to put around the cordoned area where the essence of Tar hums hummest!
My friend in Oxford reported that he saw Tom Paulin examining melons in a greengrocer’s shop on the Cowley Road (true story!). In honour of this I penned a little poem in the style of Mr Paulin:
I chop these melons
Round and ripe in my hands
The firm breasts of mother Ireland
Providing for all
But my knife driven through them
Is like a British soldier’s bayonet
The juice, the blood of Ulster
Spilled on my Habitat oak table’s
Sterile English grain.
What an ode Cranmer.
I feel like Pam Ayres in the presence of Leonard Cohen!
Great poem…now let`s hope you can declaim in a gloomy room in a cod-Ulster brogue!
Bet the melons were examining HIM, seeing that they`d not want to have to go home with THAT pretentious prawn.
Share an IQ as well as DNA I`d imagine.
BBC trustworthiness and transparency in a nutshell.
‘The BBC refused to provide the information on the grounds that it didn’t hold it.
…pages 28 and 29 of that document did, indeed, provide a detailed breakdown of the number of people prosecuted and convicted of TV licence evasion. That’s the same information the BBC had earlier denied possession of.’
Much about their FOI operation explained. Little excused.
We, the Conservative Government that has overseen and added to record levels of national debt for the last six years; that has ushered in substantial pay rises for MPs; that is due to increase business rates for thousands of hard-working employers across the country next April; that has just sent some strapping, fighting age, potentially dangerous young men to a village in Devon, need much more of your hard-earned money.
It will be spent wisely by your local Councils. Not on Social Care, not on Public Services, not on roads, parks, the homeless, the needy or indeed anything that actually desperately needs extra funding. Instead – all you ‘humanitarians’ will be delighted to hear – it will actually be spent on those strapping, fighting age, potentially dangerous young men that up until recently enjoyed nothing more of an evening than hurling rocks at trucks, blocking roads with trees and putting the fear of God into truckers simply trying to do their jobs.
Now come on, cough up, shut up and generously open your arms, wallets and purses to these lovely chaps. Because next we’ll be forcibly putting them into your homes. And charging you heavily for the privilege.
‘We can’t cope with more migrants, councils tell May: Town halls warn families face increased tax bills to pay for the influx’
– Home Office gives £40,000 a year to councils for each young refugee
– But the total annual cost to each council can be as high as £133,000
– LGA’s David Simmonds says: ‘It isn’t right that taxpayers see rising bills’
Teresa, the white version of Diane Abbott.
Does anyone really believe she is an improvement over Cameron or believe that she will stand up to the BBC, the Arabs and the EU?
Save our sense’s letter should go to every household##
Forgive my coarseness here but
Surely if we could put an arrow on Abbotts placard that points down to her lady parts.
And then put this at every border post that lets our “Kids from Callay” into the UK.
Why-would we not see a few young men turn tail and stay with Carla Bruni and Edith Cresson?
Her inducement seems to be enticing that bearded chap though on the right of the picture-he`s plodging over to see if she does welcome “foojees” like she says on her tin?
Confession tomorrow at the Oratory sisters! Am I wrong to be so base?
BBC DISTORTING History Project : The Listening Project is supposed to be building up an ACCURATE archive
12pm R4Today’s edition again didn’t reflect the 52% ..back to super bias : Just featured 3 whining Remoaners …and No Brexiteer …and London metro to boot
Item 1 : Polish woman ..furious ..who thinks she is going to get thrown out” works for the NHS has British partner
“My investment has been thrown back in my face”
– Obvious question is how many refugees does Poland take ..these days ? .. maybe a few from Ukraine, but no Asians ..Poland is not the most foreigner friendly country
English friend giving sympathetic ear
Bristol people(so why recorded by BBC radio Wales ?)
Item 2 : English grew up in Luxembourg enmeshed in EU stuff
Argentinian woman who came with her husband : doesn’t care much, it’s your island
(Both Item 2 and 3 recorded by BBC London)
Item 3 : – German mother grew up Portugal (sounds OK, but didn’t express an opinion)
Her son A guy who won’t accept the vote “No I WON’T accept, they continue with their lies, racism, xenophobia”
Super loud math “Britain doesn’t deserve my time and energy, so I’m leaving”
Can we now expect the rehabilitation and the historical revisionism of Zac Goldsmith?
Serial posh boy millionaire, eco zealot and sister, dad and uncle long famed in the celebrity and environmental stakes?
And -of course-disastrous Tory candidate when put up against the useless quisling mealy-mouthed junketeer that is Sadiq Khan.
So-a lotus leaf life of privilege, fey causes and electoral uselessness.
Ah but…
Now he`s baled out on the Tories re Heathrow..can we now expect a Stakhovian revision of Zac, as he gaily cuts the wheatsheaves in the fields…manly abs, hint of glowing sweat about him?
Tousled hair, and a ” This is what a Tory could never be” strapline?
Zac Goldsmith-The Peoples Prince.
Your time has come.
Now off to jamie Oliver to tone dahn those vowels, me ole duck…
No but they have this :
On Midlands Today from 13:30: Demand for review into child sexual exploitation
Elizabeth Glinka BBC Midlands Today Posted at 13:26
On Midlands Today this lunchtime we’ll hear from one of the region’s MPs who wants an independent review into child sexual exploitation in the town she represents.
Plus we’ll hear from a Syrian refugee who arrived in the West Midlands in January who is hoping to realise his dream of becoming a professional footballer.
I see the BBC are using hard working licence payers taxes to fund their beloved politically correct surveys into the participation of gay people in sport and what the public at large think about them…
BBC ‘News’ seems to have become a soap opera with storylines, fanciful, far fetched and overblown. Implausible characters and always the cliff-hanger at the end.
BBC News soon to be re-launched as, ‘Left Enders’ or maybe, ‘Bad Neighbours’ or even, ‘Casualty (of the Truth)’.
We all know the BBC despise Trump. They, along with the entirety of the liberal left regressive media, pretty much consider Queen Shillary’s ascension to the Washington throne a shoe-in at this point (just like they have from the very start).
But there is a very conspicuous disconnect between what ‘the polls’ (aka: the regressive msm) are telling us and what we see day-after-day in terms of the sheer numbers Trump is able to attract, without fail, to his rallies. It’s quite amazing. His crowd sizes have to be seen to be believed – but don’t wait for the msm to show you.
Right Side Broadcasting, a grass-roots mobile net broadcaster, have been televising every one of Trump’s rallies live via YouTube for weeks now. Their cameraman makes a point of showing you what the msm won’t: crowd sizes. Trump’s numbers – even this late in the campaign – are staggering.
Something is seriously wrong between what the likes of the BBC are saying and what is actually happening on the ground.
My money’s still on Trump to win. Something is definitely going on. Could Trump be about to ‘pull a Brexit’ on the belligerent regressive msm..?
Anyone hear Today R4?
Three young people, made up of pro and anti EU kids have started a group in order to work TOGRTHER to get the BEST out of Brexit for EVERYONE.
It made me proud. Take heed and learn BBC – but they won’t will they? Probably out there desperately looking for a group to counter them – just for ‘balance’ you understand ?
Gaxvil – I did actually catch the last bit of Today today and heard those yoofs burbling on. Smelling something fishy I remembered the name of their outfit and later looked up their website. As I expected their funding and support comes from various happy-clappy one-world lefty groups that would make Soros proud.
I can only imagine that the one Leave spokesman we heard is deluded or a plant. You can bet that the ‘voices’ they will be promoting will be calling for a Brexit that is no Brexit at all.
I think the Beeb shifted those kids across to the VD show on the telly later. Just caught a glimpse of these youngsters, all shiny faces. Yuk.
That was perhaps just in case anyone missed the Toady prog. Boy are the Beeb sickening, that’ll teach me not to look.
No worries, I’m an old cynic and the bullshit detector starts beeping whenever there’s some new ‘democracy’ pressure group that gets a lot of coverage.
One that is quite notorious is ’38 Degrees’. Now and again they’ll highlight an issue that every normal person could support, but really 99% of their agenda is left-wing.
Headline front page of The Times:
‘Rotherham council helps grooming suspects win anonymity’
‘Four Asian men suspected of sexually exploiting a vulnerable teenager have been granted lifelong anonymity after a council abandoned attempts to prevent them from seeing her.
Concerns about the safety of the girl, who is white and from Rotherham, peaked in August when she was discovered in a hotel room with one of the men, alongside vodka, cannabis, condoms and female Asian clothing.’
‘In his judgment, delivered yesterday, Mr Justice Cobb questioned why Rotherham council waited until August to seek a court order to protect the girl, given what was known about her suspected past contact with sex-grooming adults. “There was, in my judgment and on the papers before me, sufficient and ostensibly reliable evidence on which Rotherham council could reach the view that [the girl] was potentially the subject of child sexual exploitation,” he said.’
…got there before you mate ..It’s mentioned up the thread by me and someone else
Likewise I did a comment on Black and British month this morning also.
Spare a little compassion for the Calais migrants deported to a seaside village in Normandy. It’s just not good enough.
Migrant quoted by a sympathetic BBC luvvie
‘And yet, Mr Mangale admits Western comforts have not brought happiness. “It’s 50-50, some people are sad, others happy.
“We were told we were going to a big city, not a little village. We’d be better off in a city where we can meet people, learn French,” he says.
Looking around Saint-Germain-sur-Ay, it’s clear what Mr Mangale and his friends mean. In this little coastal resort in Normandy, half the houses are left empty. The two local restaurants have already closed for the winter. There’s only one shop, and nowhere to buy cigarettes.’
tomoMar 16, 21:05 Weekend 15th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/gMr1xh4Z/Gm-Cgqnkbc-AAz-XUE.jpg[/img]
Fedup2Mar 16, 21:03 Weekend 15th March 2025 The health secretary thinks too many people are being classified as nut jobs …. If you add the third world…
ScrobleneMar 16, 20:11 Weekend 15th March 2025 Love the statement – “The iron-fisted leader has seen soaring popularity in his Latin American country for a successful crackdown…
tomoMar 16, 19:56 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://twitter.com/toadmeister/status/1901287359989297470 [img]https://i.ibb.co/k6cfjCdg/bonehead-moo.jpg[/img]
Eddy BoothMar 16, 19:02 Weekend 15th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7EvurPg9SU Them El Salvadorians know how to put on a show.
Hi folks
I’m sure you’ll all agree that the BBC’s collusion along with the left-wing movement in the whole Calais propaganda swindle is almost too much to bear. In the clip linked below we see the BBC give that insufferable motormouth Yasmin Brown an open platform to spout pure leftist drivel; this woman simply does not listen to anyone – I don’t understand why media outlets give her a voice as she has zero intention of accepting opposing views (a hallmark of the left in general). Peter Hitchens remains the sole voice of rational intelligence amidst the appalling and sanctimonious foulness. Isn’t it telling that the BBC presenter alongside the others refused to countenence Peter’s apt point that those in the Calais ‘Jungle’ are not actually ‘refugees’ but rather economic migrants; the BBC host and Yasmin continuously referred to them as ‘refugees’ revealing the BBC mindset/narrative.
I have no problem giving shelter to vulnerable children. However, I do have a problem with adult males cheating and chancing their way into our country by pretending to be children after travelling through numerous safe countries; what makes this swindle particularly revolting is the fact we have spoiled upper class left-wing brats masquerading as ‘charity workers’ undermining our nation and aiding migrants in their aggressive pursuit of getting into the UK. Two were interviewed on RT, today; one was called ‘Pippa’ the other ‘Valentina’; hardly working class names. Probably contemporary dance/postmodern pottery students who cannot find proper jobs, so live off mummy and daddy’s pocket money. It’s an utter disgrace that these middle class morons, armed with a terrible sense of moral superiority, are causing chaos in France; I would have absolutely no problem seeing the `French authorities giving them a hard lesson with the truncheon! They would be running crying back to mummy and daddy in no time. And don’t get me started on Diane Abbott!
“I have no problem giving shelter to vulnerable children”
Once you have conceded this point to the “living saints” and “goody goody two shoes” you would have to take the millions and millions of children suffering all over the world.
I’ve just been watching a programme on the “German BBC” about a couple in a Bavariian village who have actually taken two Syrian “refugees” into their home when their grown up children left. As you would expect everything is sweetness and light and paradise on Earth has been achieved. Even the other fearful and backward yokels in the village have “opened their hearts”. Nothing about the circumstances of the couple are revealed execpt of course they have a large house and are “church types”. Prima facie these seem to be admirable, genuinepeople, but as a realistic solution to the “refugee problem” it is simply delusional. How could one million Germans adopt refugees as their wards for months and months.
If you are a religionist almost any sacrifice might be worth making to “enter the kingdom”. We seem to be returning to Victorian levels of sanctimoniousness, with ostentatious shows of virtue on the media. by people who are far from being paragons or moral authorities.
Obviously, the German elites now feel it is safe to continue the Willkommenskultur propaganda now that the Turks, Hungarians, et al. have temporarily saved their bacon. Big slaggings off in the media for Dresden and Saxony because of PEGIDA demos, police “inaction” regarding rightwing extremists and popularity of AfD. Dresden is losing its reputation as an open, welcoming city.
That clip shows BBC bias at its worst….one white male, speaks for British peoples reasonable scepticism over the fake situation in Calais, “balanced” with a woman named Epstein a Muslim Asian woman and a black man, presided over by an Indian woman, all of whom are determined to use every blackmailing trick in the book to present the false notion that migrants in France need to be “saved” by coming to settle in the UK, with another non white of indeterminate origin reading the viewers comments.
Unbelievable, and wholly unrepresentative of the ethnic make up of the population of the U.K.
The black guy in particular thought he had the killer question in asking Hitchens what level of migration would be too much which Hitchens did his best to answer.
Surely this question is the one that all the open borders blackmailers should be asked on every programme of this nature, that and “how many refugees are you personally looking after, rather than imposing this so called duty on taxpayers?”
now that really is the question that needs to be asked of these open border idiots.
Among many Hitchen comments, a timely reminder, often forgotten especially by the goody two shoes brigade, that the UK has contributed hugely and hugely more than other European countries, to support the refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon, from which people might one day return to their home countries.
The black guy sais that he was a migrant, as he migrated from his mother’s womb into the world. A real sick bag moment.
Alex – I don’t understand why media outlets give her (Alibaba Brown) a voice…
Wiki: She describes herself as a “leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim, part-Pakistani…”
5 boxes ticked in one abominable bod!
“leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist, Shia Muslim, part-Pakistani…”
In other words she perfectly fits the BBC’s ideal profile.
Yasmin Alibai-Brown? I cannot listen to her so I struggled through the clip putting her on mute.
A few years back this site managed to get hold of a recording of the infamous 9/11 Question Time, broadcast two days after the terror attack. When she turned in fake anguish to the ex-US Ambassador, telling him he shouldn’t be surprised at the US being “despised” around the world, that did it for me.
Most frustrating aspect of this ‘debate’ was that no one would say that hardly any/none of these refugees are from Syria. And by camping at Calais they are basically skipping the lawful immigration process. Moral of the tale: crime pays. I am thinking of writing to my MP in disgust at the entry of these childmen without informing the British people of the circumstances, but I’m a bit busy, as we’re legally migrating (and we’ve had to jump through many hoops).
As I’ve said before, we should see stats on: nationality, proof of age (Ha ha), exact nature of relatives, how they will be supported financially, background checks. Bit pointless, as I think they’ve already said, if they fail to get asylum, they won’t be deported anyway. Can’t help feeling Europe is doomed.
The bBC (and its ilk) love to promote this view that only the British Empire was bad. That all the ills of the earth are down to white British people (Doesn’t explain the very large number of black Very well English speaking people on recent bBC historical shows) and that due to the British people voting to leave the EUSSR, we are all f-ing intolerant bastards. Well here is a bBC story in which the bBC scores something of an own goal regards berating the British and its Empire:
Which country is the most generous in the world?
A war-torn state and a country ruled by an oppressive military junta for decades are home to the world’s most generous people, research suggests. People in Iraq are the kindest to strangers, while Myanmar’s residents give the most away, according to the CAF World Giving Index 2016. In the last month, eight in 10 Iraqis have helped someone they don’t know, with Libyans helping almost as many.
whilst the bBC waxes lyrical about 2 countries not known for their hospitality. They kind of dismiss where the UK stands by hiding that fact in a load of bunf:
The overall table, which takes into account financial donations, help offered to strangers and volunteering, ranks the UK as the most generous place in Europe, the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East, Kenya in Africa and Guatemala in Latin America.
However what caught my eye was the chart they use to list the top 10. Notice anything out of 9 of the countries in that list below:

With the exception of Indonesia and the UAE (to some extent) all the rest used to belong to that nasty evil British Empire.
Now does anybody want to point out the elements from the EU, South and central America,(I include Cuba in that) , Former Russian,Ottoman or even Islamic empires (Yes the UAE is there, but its the size of Austria and has only been handing money away these past 50 years) that the liberals keep on telling me are far better places than these sceptred isles. Predominately the countries which are the most generous are white, a Protestant Christian background with a British connection. Funny that.
‘With the exception of Indonesia and the UAE (to some extent)’
If I recall Dubai was a British Protectorate until the late 60’s
In the British Empire, the Trucial States was a British protectorate that became independent in 1971, as the UAE, and Indonesia was under British rule until it was returned to the Dutch under the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814.
The absence of a single mainland European country stands out to me.
In 1972, social psychologist Irving Janis identified group behavior he termed ‘Groupthink’, which is a ‘mode of thinking people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in group, when the members striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action’ (Janis, 1982: 9). It ‘requires each member to avoid raising controversial issues’ (Janis, 1982: 12). Groupthink drives a sort of ‘mob rule’ that maintains discipline within the group or community of decision makers. These communities develop a dominant culture, which provides its members with a sense of belonging and joint purpose but also renders them oblivious and hostile to new and superior ways of thinking.
Groupthink becomes apparent to the outside world when there is a crisis or, in Janis’s words, a ‘fiasco’, such as the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
That’s the BBC ‘groupthink’ in action.
‘The Eurozone is now locked down in a straitjacket of economic austerity, driven by an economic ideology that is blind to the evidence of its own failure. The neo-liberal policies of deregulation and the demonisation of the use of discretionary fiscal deficits (government spending greater than tax revenue) created the crisis in the first place, and now the same sorts of policies are prolonging it. The current policy approach has institutionalised economic stagnation, widespread retrenchment, and the deterioration of working conditions and retirement pensions. Millions of European workers are now unemployed, youth jobless rates are around 60 per cent in some advanced nations, inequality and poverty rates are rising, and massive daily losses of national income are being endured. The dramatically high youth unemployment rates will ensure that the damage will span generations and undermine future prosperity as a cohort of jobless youth enter adulthood with no work experience and a growing sense of dislocation from mainstream societal norms’.
But then the BBC is NOT normal…
Its made up of a poltical elite the current ruling classes that despise democracy. (Such as former ex civil servant Gus O’Donnel who said (in The Times) he despised ‘referenda’). These are the same ‘top’ civil servants who are in charge of the BBC and (in turn) employed by the BBC for many of its core functions, notably the BBC World Service. Internal and external news is filtered through the lens of the left leaning liberals who dominate the civil service upper echelons. This group is a tiny fraction of the population (those not predisposed democratically of having any sympathy for the EEC, EU project or the Euro). There is no common ground other than a very narrow groupthink to ‘ever closer integration’ despite rising (euro) unemployment, and massive population exodus to the UK which is also part of the EU groupthink to ‘destablise’ nationality across borders (stating economic benefits that factually do not exist). Cultural values of each nation erased to one monolithic state has been halted by Brexit. But BBC Groupthink will not recognise that electoral fact, it just tries harder (stating a huge misunderstanding of the electorate), lies stronger (Islam presents no dangers it states), avoids outcomes that clearly it promotes (anarchy, rail strikes and victimhood), evades public scrutiny (that reveal its staggeringly wasteful public accounts). We cannot ever trust the BBC – or the hidden civil service it serves for this minority group of EU worshippers it really is the last word in corruption.
‘The rest of Europe is trapped in a destructive neo liberal Groupthink, which represents denial on a grand scale. A major jail break is required to restore prosperity and hope’.
Excerpts from (pdf) ‘Eurozone dystopia’ by William Mitchell
Excellent post Phillip.
My psychology ended just before this Janis piece-but I`m pleased to see how true it is.
My hobby horses in social psychology were Bernsteins “elaborated versus restricted codes” in regard of the syntax used by the elites and sub groups who talk with them…as well as the general Soviet-style psychological substrate for all the thinking we were given at university.
Cultural Marxism before we`d ever coined the phrase, or at least;heard of it.
This whole social research is very Soviet still. And it`s apparent in everything that the New Soviet of liberal thinking say and do.
The BBC just their light sabre to anger us, like a day glo cattle prod.
Excellent Philip_2. Thanks for posting.
Astronomers discovered that Groupthink at the BBC is enforced through seminars full of people who should be investigated by investigative journalists for scientific fraud and corruption, and lying to the BBC staff present about being scientists themselves and what many Astronomers think about Climate Change.
Instead of seminars, the BBC should appoint investigative journalists the freedom to investigate the fraud and corruption that is now rampant in tax payer funded organisations.
A little late night irony.
A story about Labour’s dodgy election expenses in 2015 has provided an opportunity to show the infamous ‘Ed Stone’. Which was a badly judged attempt to showcase Labour’s election promises.
But what is that promise half way down the stone?
‘Controls on Immigration’
The gruesome twosome, Corbyn and Flabbott, and the biased BBC, seem to have forgotten…….
I’m confused Sluff, is the name Flabbott or Fatbott?
“Is the name Flabbott or Fatbott?”
Neither – it’s actually “fat, ugly, thick, lying, hypocritical waste of space”
For those aware of Rick’s love of the Abbottopotamus on Guido and Going Postal:
fat, ugly, thick, lying, hypocritical waste of space
Might be glandular; she can’t help it (but didn’t have to enter public life); went to Cambridge (how?); yup; yup; yup. And let’s not forget her tireless efforts to promote social cohesion:
‘The British invented racism’ (1986);
‘Blonde, blue-eyed Finnish girls’ in her local hospital in east London were unsuitable as nurses because they had ‘never met a black person before’ (1996);
‘I’m a West Indian mum and West Indian mums will go to the wall for their children’ (2010);
‘White people love playing “divide and rule”. We should not play their game’ (2012).
There are plenty of non-white MPs who’ve pursued their careers without reaching for The Card. Diane Abbott is a race hustler, nothing more, nothing less.
“fat” – Unless the laws of physics have changed the only way you can be fat without taking in excess calories is by fluid retention which will be temporary. All those people who try and find other excuses forget about the 5000 extra calories they stuff down their necks each day.
“thick” – May have gone to Cambridge but only got in because back in those days Oxbridge were told to change their recruitment patterns and fatty abbot got one of the free tickets.
“ugly” – no further evidence required.
“lying” and “hypocritical” – excellent examples given Jump, many thanks.
Here’s another little cracker, co-written by Abbott:
“We are not interested in reforming the prevailing institutions – of the police, armed services, judiciary and monarchy – through which the ruling class keep us in ‘our’ place. We are about dismantling them and replacing them with our own machinery of class rule.”
[Source: Sunday Telegraph, 15/12/1985, quoted in “Anti-Racism: A Mania Exposed”, Russell Lewis, 1988, page 133]
Fecking insane.
She’s one of the token brigade and because she’s been lead to believe she is intelligent she has concluded she deserves to be included in the ruling class. I suspect the truth is that they laugh at her and despise her as much as we do.
Thanks third, now I get it.
In regard to the Calais “children”, I am saddened and depressed rather than angry that members of the Government, a majority of our elected MPs, most of the mainstream media, particularly the BBC, and sundry charity workers and celebrities have conspired, and aided and abetted in this attempt to defraud the UK taxpayer and treat the populace as fools by refusing to concede what is obvious to anyone in that many of these children are in fact adults, even if we assume the definition of a child to be eighteen years old or less. I knew they were lying, and I knew that they knew they were lying, when they stopped referring to them as children and began using the terms young people and teenager and stopped all filming of arrivals after the first batch had arrived. I really despair for our nation now.
Yes, I know I’m stating what many think but just need to get it off my chest.
It is a very serious matter when the government, the state and thus citizen funded media and other major media outlets start to deliberately lie to us.
It never works out well. It corrodes civil society and risks alienating us. The clip with Peter Hitchens ( see above ) is revealing. Despite the fact that he stated reality ( the Calais people are migrants not refugees ) the rest seemed unable to hear him and in particular Alibhai Brown looked as though reality was causing her serious distress.
Now when the rest of us see this we start to wonder. Just what else they are lying about?
So when I see and hear Victor Orban of Hungary making a speech and stating true things about a nation and a culture it is that much more powerful. Inevitably we respond positively.
This nation is vulnerable to the sudden appearance and rise to power of a real demagogue. The elites will then have only themselves to blame .
Against such a man or woman the power of the current elites will be as nothing.
This is the way the world works.
Fear not Peter T, I think the great unwashed in this country, excluding anyone in council/government authority, still regard children as being of primary age.
In this country you can marry at 16, obtain a driving licence at 17 and be eligible to vote at 18, – hardly ‘childlike’ activities, unless of course a crime is committed between the ages of 10 and 17 and then its juvenile court.
Peter, Dave
Agree. So much for our Prime Minister and Home Secretary. They have appeased the BBC, celebrities and Trots, and obeyed their EU masters by taking in migrants from Calais. Then lied to the British public over their ages, and when found out erected 15 foot barriers to prevent photographers exposing their lies. On top of that they have cringed before the BBC and Abbott who denounce it as racist to check for the age of the migrants.
We have a government of EU appeasers more blatant than Cameron’s.
Thank you Peter, hope you don’t mind I have copied that to Facebook?
The BBC? A stitch up? Again? Surely not?
Epitomizes the rotten BBC – it’s falling off the Cliff.
I didn’t hear this latest Cliff Richard scandal mentioned when ‘the papers’ were discussed on today’s R4 ‘Today’ programme. Still, that’s par for the course. The BBC never include a newspaper in their reviews which has a front page headline out of step with their blinkered and distorted left-wing view of the world.
When Cliff sues the BBC I do hope they don’t pay the millions of pounds in compensation from the TV Licence payers money?
I bet they do.
Docking it out of employee salaries, or their big fat final salary pension scheme (due to receive an additional £200m-plus boost next year) would be desirable, but as likely as Jeremy Corbyn making a donation to UKIP.
Nope, the licence fee-payers will foot the bill which, in a way, could be a good thing as it will wind people up and be yet more negative publicity for Juncker’s BBC.
The BBC in just one News feature have exposed themselves as biased against Trump and Brexit:
“”Trump faithful undeterred by polls and scandals
Gavin Hewitt Chief correspondent””
“”His voice is a little weaker but he draws energy from large fired-up crowds””
“”There can be a dangerous edge to the passion of his supporters””
“”He has – at least among his own supporters – defused a dangerous issue by promising to sue his accusers””
“”His believers are impervious to revelations. They believe in a great conspiracy””
“”For a candidate behind in the polls one constant muse is Brexit. Trump often talks about it. It offers hope that somewhere out there among the rolling hills of the Republic there are hidden pools of voters, too shy to acknowledge they are Trumpeteers, much like the Leave campaign found during the referendum campaign in the UK””
The BBC have taken the Democrat/Left option as regards the USA election. They have opted for this from Day 1.
Are we surprised so far? No.
Have the BBC produced a pro/objective view on Brexit? Lord Hall was asked this recently by cross party MPs. There was no reply.
The BBC are the most dangerous political force in the UK. They are paid by us to broadcast the most biased Left Wing propaganda without any challenge.
Please win Donald Trump, if only to shove it up the Loony Lefties Arses!
“The BBC have taken the Democrat/Left option as regards the USA election. They have opted for this from Day 1.”
EVERY Republican President has been labelled an unintelligent moron by the BBC apart from Nixon who they labelled a ‘crook’ ( even before he said “the president is not a crook”).
Throughout the years every so called ‘progressive’ comedy programs HAD to have several comments deriding and denegrating the incumbent Republican President which,of course, were always greeted with ribald laughter by the ‘ordinary’ and totally ‘impartial’audience.
BBC ‘News’:
Will Donald J. Trump’s unpopularity also harm other Republicans running for office this year? The BBC’s Rajini Vaidyanathan reports from New Hampshire.
They have rather pinned their colours to a particular mast there, surely?
More BBC feminist drivel.
BBC online News:
“”Sledgehammers demolish Calais ‘Jungle'””
Does it matter what tool is used? But the BBC loves to quote ‘sledge hammers’ as it sounds so oppressive and racist.
The BBC and other media seem to have gone over the top in publicising the death of someone called Pete Burns.- I’d never heard of him. I’m sorry he’s dead as I am with anyone, but when I saw a picture of him he reminded of one of those blow up dolls in an episode of ‘Only Fools and Horses’.
Just what was his fame built upon? I read the obituary and in life he seemed to be attention seeking, rude, sang a one hit wonder record in the eighties, and appeared on Big Brother which I’ve never watched.
Someone correct me if I’ve got this wrong but the outcry of remorse seems a bit phoney and exaggerated.
Wronged, its just more evidence that those ‘in editorial charge’ of the Beeb grew up/born in the 1970’s onwards, hence the puerile programming we’ve endured since the Millenium, and the over reporting/idol worshipping of slebs who could hardly be compared with the calibre of real stars who had talent. (I speak as one who cringes at just seeing Gary Barlow’s face on the box !!)
I think it’s simply because he looks tranny. His famous record was good, but essentially a one hit wonder. I think I read that he had 5, but I can’t remember any of the others. Pet ‘like’.
I find it unbelievable that in amongst all of the ‘rhetoric’ from the BBC and the rest of the MSM, Sky and ITV to name two other ‘so called’ British TV channels, that there is no condemnation at all of the utterly useless French in this ‘controversial’ Calais problem.
The rose tinted glasses brigade of the BBC and the rest seem to think it is only our problem, a British problem and ignore the useless French incompetence that has just allowed this carbuncle to grow in their country.
It is just not a British problem at all, other than the fact that the sad and disenfranchised people (mostly male children of fighting age between 20 and 40 years old) all congregating on the other side of our wonderful English channel are quite right in thinking that they will be treated like kings and queens upon their arrival here. They will get all of the jolly financial benefits and health care and free education and free housing and free council charges and free furniture and free TV’s and free white goods that there are going. All those things that have been dreamt up by the Communist chaps in the Labour party over the last 60/70 years in an attempt to make all British people equal – but poor!
Why on earth the working men and women of this country ever thought that they would be better off by voting for a party that encouraged non-working men and women to be able to live off of the working people’s taxes I will never know. It is the biggest con trick this country has ever had pulled on it.
And how nice it is that the folk that built the infrastructure in this country and fought and died for our freedom over the last hundred years cannot even criticise the millions of invaders that have been inflicted on them for fear of being prosecuted for being racist. Or being called a bigot at the very least. Let us be clear, we were never asked and it was never in any political party’s manifesto that these extra millions of people were coming here to eat our cake, live in our homes and rape our children.
Anyway, back to the ungovernable but lovely people that inhabit France. Albeit they do like a good national strike now and again. They have had nothing but rotten and corrupt governments, ever. I suppose we have had only one good one since the war if I think about it, but at least we have not yet allowed the slums and squalor that we see in Calais. Though I suppose that it’s getting close now in some of our cities, especially Londonistan, and Luton and Bradford and…….. And now there is a concerted effort by Mrs. May to make Devon a home for the ‘men children’ of the jungle. That’s the end of week-end breaks in Torquay then.
In conclusion. It is a French problem of their own making and we should keep away. They let them in and they should look after them. They did not get our agreement before they let them in that we would take them, so why should we feel obliged now. France is not a poor country and they should be ashamed of their actions, or inaction and not blame us or try to get us to pay for their problem. We already have enough blue touch papers ready to be lit that could reduce this country to rubble, we do not need more.
And our BBC should remember who pays the damnable tax to pay their salaries and back off with trying to give us all a guilt complex and lay the blame where it belongs. The blame lies on France for not looking after these people, the EU’s stupid lack of immigration controls and the Hope and Change guy in the White House for 8 years of massive interference in the Middle East and Africa. Obama has spent billions of dollars funding the ‘so called’ good rebels and encouraging them to fight their own governments. That is the real cause behind the millions of people fleeing wars and the thousands of bodies in the Mediterranean and the vast Calais slums. But who will dare to point a finger at that arrogant man for his crimes? Only one that I know of.
Its not just the BBC Old Timer the entire Globalist Tendency are steadfastly ignoring French neglect! The charity workers, the Christians, the celebrity virtue signallers, the protestors, NONE are condemning the French, none barrack French politicians nobody protests outside the French embassy or at Calais. Do any of these mischief makers even write to French newspapers? I doubt it.
The only rational conclusion can be that they are happy the French neglct them as it provides an excuse to bring them here.
When you realise that the first camp at Sangatte was set up – wait for it – 17 years ago, then look at the chaos we have today, you begin to realise the sheer insanity of the whole situation.
When the West made politicians practically unaccountable for their actions it was the end of any modicum of common sense as we know it. Tragic.
Save our Sense, it’s almost as if the name ‘Sangatte’ has been consigned down the memory-hole incinerator by some EU version of Winston Smith in ‘1984’. The don’t seem to understand that they are just treating the symptoms of the problem, not the cause.
“When you realise that the first camp at Sangatte was set up – wait for it – 17 years ago, then look at the chaos we have today, you begin to realise the sheer insanity of the whole situation.”
It just goes to show how absolutely useless the EU is……….
Expect new ‘Jungles’ springing up thanks to Frontex and our weak government sending the wrong message out to the whole of Africa – more will cross the Med. next year .
Taffman, what we don’t seem to be told is that the ‘Jungle’ is for those who can’t raise the cash to get into Britain illegally. It strikes me that it would be the easiest thing in the world for anybody with a reasonable sized boat, say a 24′ yacht with outboard of the type common in Britain’s leisure harbours, to make daily trips across the channel to the smaller French ports. They could comfortably pick up four migrants and charge them £500 each, then drop them off at unattended British harbours. £2000 a day, £14,000 a week, £728,000 a year, tax free, less fuel and other small costs. It would be nice if the ‘world class journalists’ at the BBC could look into this but I’m not holding my breath.
I think the french are a bit like a non swimming drowning man. Flailing in the ocean.
They have let their eye miss the ball regarding the Merkel powered migration into their country and because they are too committed to the European project to take Merkel on, they are now trying to grab any fully loaded lifeboat that floats by – even if that is close to tipping over itself. There is no logic there – just desperation.
The BBC as the official left wing broadcaster for uncontrolled immigration and all that is ridiculous and impractical is always happy to jump in with helpful comments and cloying over sentimentalised reports that bare little semblance to reality.
Its what it does best these days. I do remember years ago there used to be another organisation also called the BBC which was famous for its high quality programmes and quality journalism but I understand that, that organisation disappeared years ago. – Pity
Her Majesty’s Broadcast Opposition are clearly thrilled to bits at the chance to turn Zac Goldsmith’s ‘Referendum on Heathrow’ into an EU Remoaner’s ‘Referendum on Brexit’
It started last night on the BBC News Channel newspaper review with Reeta Chackrabarti and two particularly smug journos – one of them from The Herald (SNP- and Scots Independence-backing paper). Our Reeta is fresh off the Save Our Children migrant rescue ship where she watched rapt as they plucked 100s of African men from the Med and presumably thought, well these ain’t kids as we know them but they’ll have to do. Nice job of ‘saving’ these strapping chaps just a mile or so off the coast of Libya – and I guess saving their future off-spring from being born in Africa!
Our Reeta flashed us the front page of the Sun (Sir Cliff sues BBC) but was keen to draw her guest’s attention to a story in the Guardian (PM speech to bankers appearing to damn Brexit – yawn, yawn, yawn and off switch).
Bias so blatant it almost doesn’t matter anymore.
Germany starts to experience what we in the U.K have had to put up with for years.
Serve them right!
The Gambia joins African queue to leave ICC
Well here’s an obscure article, certainly on the face of it. But no, read on and we get to the crux. The international Criminal Court is racist. Yes, really.
“The ICC was set up to try the world’s worst crimes but has been accused of unfairly targeting African leaders.” – well I do have an opinion on this and it is that the reason African leaders are targeted is, by and large, they are corrupt as f-ck who would kill anybody if it kept them in power.
eg “Elections are due in December, but opposition leader Ousainou Darboe and 18 others were jailed for three years earlier this year over an unauthorised protest.”
I have worked in most African countries so I speak from experience. In Europe the bbc will deal with cause and effect (in its traditional biased manner) When it comes to African problems they only deal with the effect – poverty, war, displacement etc, never once having the balls to point a finger at the corrupt leaders who are responsible.
Anyway, I am digressing. Here comes the pearler – “The country has been unsuccessfully trying to have the European Union indicted by the court over the deaths of thousands of African migrants trying to reach the continent by boat”
Are you f-cking kidding me ! hahahahahahahahaah
“the reason African leaders are targeted is, by and large, they are corrupt as f-ck who would kill anybody if it kept them in power.”
There might be one of those outside Africa in a couple of weeks.
Perhaps they should ask Yasmin Alibhai-Brown about African Leaders. Didn’t she and her parents flee Idi Amin’s persecution in Uganda?
You wouldn’t think it, though, when you listen to her anti-white, anti-western, anti-British rantings.
There’s gratitude for you.
I see that this disgusting abuse is still going but the BBC (and the left) certainly don’t want to discuss this type of racism. Could you imagine if it were the other way around? The BBC would be all over it.
Unbelievable; this country has become an utter joke.
By their voting actions the people of Rotherham want this to continue, with the Muslim brotherhood that is Labour at the helm.
Of course they don’t – but actions speak louder than words, don’t they Rotherham?
BBcBlindspot Rotherham : “Rotherham council helps 4 grooming suspects win anonymity” originally in Times ££
ostensively to protect name of victim
One rule for Cliff Richard, a different rule for Rotherham grooming gang ?
meanwhile today’s Yorkshire Post and Rotherham Advertiser have this Police search for missing 25-year-old woman in Rotherham : NOW Found
– However Monday an appeal was re-issued for ethnic Chinese woman missing 1 month very short 4ft 5ins tall and has a tattoo of her name on her hand.
The BBC does have time to report the Libel case of Jane Collins at a UKIP conference in September 2014. \\claimed three MPs knew about child exploitation in the town but did nothing to intervene.//
The three Rotherham MPs – want compensation of £150,000 each.
Whilst the MPs have the right to justice, shouldn’t we be talking about the REAL victims ? ..did they get £150K each ?
BBC : yesterday the European Parliament turned down her appeal for MEP immunity so the libel case will proceed
French police stage fifth night of protest, Hollande pledges meeting
Last night saw large numbers of French police and members of the public demonstrate in the streets of Paris for the fifth consecutive night.
What are they demonstrating against you ask? Better working conditions? NO. More pay? No
The existence of immigrant run no go areas in Paris with gangs imposing their own laws forming their own economy based upon trafficking and prostitution. YES.
How embarrassing it is for a country like France, for the police to have to take to the streets in order to alert a weak out of touch socialist government ,to the demons of immigration without without proper integrative social planning or public consent.
Why have the BBC not reported this? I cannot see this in Breitbart London either-strange, my source is Reuters.
RT are showing it on my TV screen now. There are thousands of protesters.
I can only guess that the story probably doesn’t fit in with the still pro Remain BBC narrative and their love of immigrants.
Thanks wronged. Google ‘police protests France’ and you get a long list of reports from RT, Reuters etc. Google ‘police protests France BBC’ and you get an article about some protests over labour reforms from September.
I find this method works quite well with winkling out BBC online bias or deliberate ‘radio silence’.
France can vote for Marine Le Pen, or it can cease to exist in a couple of generations. Their choice.
An Austrian’s view of Merkel and what she has inflicted upon Europe:
Note the last paragraph of the article – I imagine that the BBC, with its reputation, coordinates the European Broadcasters efforts to lie and deceive.
Heard some fey fellow on Todays hallowed graveyard slot at 8.10 say this
“I`m not being politicial…I`m not a politician but a humaniatarian”
Which sums up ALL the f***in lefty Beeb weasels, stuffs them all into one squirming sack of grievance, halitosis amd scratchings.
We can now put the line across the lane at throat level to lop their heads off now.
For if ANYBODY says they`re a “humanitarian”—as opposed to being simply a “human” -then you are looking at a paid for, bought up shill for the betwetting tendency…quangos, EUrynals, lefty politicos who`d never get elected-so “do good” from their media platforms as freely given to them.
A handy rule I learned way back…if you`re an “-IST”…communist, environmentalist etc-then you`re tomorrows gauleiter once mummys traded your brown shirt for another colour.
A can now ad -ARIAN” to my suffixes to care me…the “Aryan race” is on is it?
Beautifully put, Friend Chris :).
Friends! I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear that I have – literally – waded in to the controversy re Friend Gary on Twitter, and naturally have literally lent him my literally full support there:
Oh, and while I’m here, here’s my 3rd (of 3 – fear not, there will be no more!) set of reasons why those of us on the Progressive Left are – literally – revolting:
Gary Lineker?
A crisp-peddling fop who has done nothing in life but kick a silly round ball around for the pleasure of other men.
At least QUENTIN Crisp actually made his own fey way in the world, without stuffing our kids faces full of queasy crisps.
Our latter-day Quentin is a fraud.
A record number of Africans already 10 months into 2016 have been, “Rescued” and landed in Italy. http://newobserveronline.com/italy-october-2016-invaders-2015/
Thanks to the EU’s absolutely useless ‘Fontex’, with a little help from the RN. thanks to our Car moron .
The beeb don’t know which way to turn in describing the childmen this morning. Teenager, child, children, youngsters and youths. Come on make your mind up its not that difficult is it.
They are bigging up hilary supporting Justin Timberlake (its her honesty) this morning taking a selfie in a polling booth which is a no no but apparently hes getting away with it, just a slap on the wrist. Now if this was a trump supporter, a reign of fire would ensue.
They are still hurt about heathrow but i am still waiting for the huge investigation and panorama special into that labour fine over election exspenses yesterday. Eds house will surely be blockaded with journos door stepping and vd show will have topics like can the labour party be trusted, are they corrupt etc.
The guardian continue there war on brexit and brexiteers with that secret tape on May. The beeb big it up with glee. The big story by this rag on the banks leaving at the weekend seems to have been forgotten for the shite it was.
Did they mention their cosy little sting on Sir Cliff, and how he’s trying to take some of our licence fee money away from them in court?
Will anybody take the rap? Will lessons be learnt? Will it be buried under Broadcasting House’s expensive carpet?
You`ve hit on something Katie.
Here in Redditch library, it looks like the more words(and the more interchangeably confusing) we`re getting by way of descriptors-the more rotten and mealy-mouthed, the more corrupt the business we`re hearing of.
Witness the number of words for “immigrant”.
Add in qualifiers like extraction, heritage etc,and there`s a whole bingo chain of words to link in a spare moment.
Your example today of related, vague and loosely tossed words by way of pot-pourri is well worth a word count.
“The number of nouns that are confusable and interchangeable in the eyes of our elite is in inverse proportion to the truth on offer.
And directly proportional to the import of the issue itself-and the BBC know that.
“The committee’s report argues there is a strong case for treating young adult offenders differently because their brains are still developing up to the age of 25 – meaning they are more likely to act impulsively and not weigh up the long-term effects.”
All the more reason not to drop the voting age down eh ?
A nice one for our, ‘tough’ new Home Secretary to deal with.
All the more reason not to drop the voting age down eh ?
So true. Moral and logical consistency is not a strong point among the left.
‘The committee’s report added that although brains are still developing until age 25, the part of the brain that deals with political decisions – the hypocritoleftiabbopotomus – is fully formed by 16, and thus the voting age should be lowered to 16, providing that the young person can be supervised to ensure that he or she does not vote for right of centre parties.’
“Brains are still developing until age 25 !!!” he ! he ! he ” God Almighty whatever next ? can I sue then on behalf of both Grandfathers who were down the coal mines at age 14, and my Dad who followed them AND had a young family at age 22 ? on the basis that they didn’t know what they were doing, and weren’t aware of the long term effects on their health ? (Dad’s sense of humour would maintain that it was his kids who affected his health !). More indications that previous generations were far more mature and had to grow up quicker than this lot who are still considered ‘children’ at 25 and at Uni or married with a couple of kids.
Excellent Cranmer ?
Isn’t it about time the ‘remainers’ fulfilled their promise to quit Great Britain if we voted ‘Out’. Perhaps Al Beeb could run a series following those who made that commitment?
When ‘remainers’ complian to me about Brexit , I advise them to go and live in the EU.
I am answered with a blank face .
Try it on your mates
We are still waiting for Paul O’Grady to leave after the 2010 election, so I think it might take a while.
“Try it on your mates”
Better still, stop all contact with remainers ?
Ive no objection to moderate ‘remainers’ who were bullied into the booths by the scaremongering, but who accept fully that dmocracy has spoken; it’s the Bremoaners fascists who are doing all they can to block a Brexit I would love to see packing their bags. Youd think theyd be keen to go while they can wouldn’t you?
Readers fed up with BBC bias may be interested in a channel I’ve found recently called Quest TV. It seems to be aimed broadly at middle aged British men of a fairly traditional mindset. There are lots of interesting programmes about classic cars, aircraft, antiques, railways,outdoor adventure etc. I’ve yet to see any PC moralising on it. And what’s more you don’t have to pay a penny piece for it as you can watch it as catch-up TV online.
Quest & Dave are great. Top Gear, Wheeler Dealers, How It’s Made.
Does anyone give a toss ?…………
This is rubbish your licence pays for .
On Facebook the BBC is getting its panties bunched because Newt Gingrich has accused a fellow media trouper (Fox… the irony) of being obsessed about sex.
This is the BBC who couldn’t get enough of it in every way, shape or form a few weeks ago.
But then, it was a different time.
But the most outrageous thing is that whichever government is in power, the bbc gets funded by you and me to undermine you and me
A good way to destroy evidence – who does Al Beeb blame it on ?
Lily Alan’s last spliff?
It’s all in the big plan….more reason to take vulnerable Syrian child refugees…
I have been giving some thought to the Visegrad nations with special reference to Hungary. Our MSM and in particular the BBC never fails to smear these countries and Victor Orban in particular with the usual rubbishy ‘hard right ‘ neo fascist tags. The consensus is that these countries are anti European.
This is a lie. What they are is anti authoritarianism and pro Western civilisation. They want the EU to be a true federation of independent European nations. As such they are in conflict with the Brussels/BBC view and in direct conflict with German attempt to dominate and control the EU. The Merkel madness was the last straw.
Our leaving ( if it happens now looking unlikely with May showing her true colours ) has given urgency to the Visegrad view and revealed the true nature of Brussels autocracy. . The real European spirit is no longer to be found in Western Europe but in the old East.
Expect the BBc to continue to demonise Orban and the Visegrad nations.
“They want the EU to be a true federation of independent European nations.”
If that is really what they want, they are destined to be disappointed. That is not what the EU is, and not what it was ever meant to be.
There was a model for intergovernmental cooperation after the War, the Council of Europe. But that is not what Monnet, Salter and Schuman wanted. They were after a new form of European government, superceding the nation state, which they blamed for war and nationalism.
It took a long time, and a huge amount of deceit, but they got their wish, the European Union. If you are in the EU, you are on a one way road to ever closer union. You can either embrace that concept, or leave. I am just glad we chose to leave. If Hungary wishes to remain an independent nation state, they must join us in leaving. There is no other way.
Re Mrs May ‘showing her true colours’ bear in mind that (a) she is a politician and will always use the sort of words that the immediate situation requires, not what any long term reality might be, and (b) it’s in the Guardian.
Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary, honked on about how the UK is shifting towards exercising “soft power” in the future, suggesting at the last Tory Party conference that JK Rowling was now such an important element of soft power that she is worshipped as a near deity by children in Asia – as if these Orientals were members of some new Cargo Cult.
But Britain’s soft power is waning to a vanishing point.
After a narrow majority of Britons voted for Brexit, a Palestinian friend wrote on social media: “When I was growing up Britain was not just a country it was an idea. And now I feel lost”.
Living, as she did, under Israeli occupation, the idealistic notion of something better for her was Britain: the land of Shakespeare, fair play, sangfroid, manners and above all a nation which had waned in power but still turned its face to the world and opened its arms.
Now that face is pinched shut.
Britain, to every foreigner I meet now, is a sad, embittered nation that has lost its way and is represented by a foreign secretary who, as a journalist, has seen fit to peddle a crass sub-Woodhousian vision of the world.
No folks, not the BBC but Sky News’ Foreign Affairs Editor.
Love him or hate him, Trump has a point in trying to fight the power of a shameless, propagandising media in America. Sadly, no-one is taking up the baton in the UK.
Since the only thing Barbara Woodhouse was interested in was dogs, a “sub-Woodhousian vision of the world” sounds positively reptilian.
Or should I assume that nobody at Sky knows, or could be bothered to check, the name of England’s foremost humorous author, PG Wodehouse?
Nothing on any BBC news reports about this yet…
Initially the report described the ‘men’ as ‘Asians’ but later the description of men was changed to ‘Pakistanis’ as it was the term used by the judge in his summing up…
‘Almost all of the perpetrators are believed to be part of predatory Pakistani gangs and some staff feared they would be seen as racist if they tackled it.’
Being Pakistani they will be ‘children’ no matter how old they are. This means they should be protected as they are vulnerable.
Of course, this doesn’t apply to the little white girl who will be trash and will have been ‘begging for it’ from these Pakistani babies.
BBC Radio 4 Asquiths Fight For Equality
Oona King uncovers the story of Dominican Asquith Xavier, whose 1966 fight for the right to work as a passenger guard at Euston Station put pressure on the government to strengthen the widely discredited 1965 Race Relations Act.
Oona King’s own family was at the centre of similar, better reported fights in the Deep South of the USA. She wants to know why it is that American Rosa Parks is widely known in this country, while Asquith Xavier is forgotten. What does that say about the place of black people in the UK?
The first Race Relations Act had been passed in 1965, making it illegal to “refuse anyone access, on racial grounds, to public places such as hotels, pubs, restaurants, cinemas, public transport or any place run by a public authority”. But the legislation did not apply to the workplace.
Fifty years ago, two of this country’s great railway stations, Euston and St Pancras, both operated a colour bar. It was a ban enforced by the local unions and station management, until Asquith Xavier risked his own job and the anger of his fellow workers when he went public and demanded the rules be changed. When he took up his new job, he had to ask British Rail for protection after anonymous workers sent letters threatening to cut his throat and “send him back to the jungle”.
Contributors include Asquith’s daughter Maria, and former railway guard Lord Peter Snape.
Bias bias bias marching up & down again.
The BBC could produce a program on how Britains politicians betrayed the people of the country after WWII. How and why they went directly against the express wishes of the people, and how that runs counter to every aspect of democracy.
They could investigate how it was, when it was clear that the British people were expressing their opposition, instead of pulling back, they began introducing oppressive laws to force the people to accept what was screaming obviously flawed and failing?
Not a chance of that though.
But the BBC is now judging people by the colour of their skin and November has a wholes series of programmes glorifying the ARYAN people
Features of the Blond And British season
Social Media campaign : Blond British Hero
BBC2 : 4 part series : Blond And British: A Forgotten History
specially commissioned BBC Blond History Plaques will be unveiled
+ Blond Is The New Blond highlighting talent
+ Back In Time For Brixton
+ 1979 at West Bromwich Albion : Blonds vs Whites football
+ Will Britain Ever Have A Blond Prime Minister?
+ Saturday nights : Blond Star : Films starring Blonds
BBC4 : Roots Reggae Rebellion
+ Young, Gifted And Classical: family story of winner of BBC Young Musician 2016.
+ Blond Midwives
BBC3 : three new faces for the channel: comedian rapper in Let’s Settle This;
+ Radio 1Xtra DJ in The Story of Grime
BBC1 : Songs of Praise editions : Gospel Choir Of The Year, Blond And British special
+ BBC News will have special items about Blonds
Radio 1 : 2 Live Discussion progs
+ documentary, Blond Is A Dirty Word
Radio 3 : In Tune special Blond talent
Radio 2 will be focusing on reggae, series of live shows
Radio 4 and local stations across the country will also be providing their own take on the season.
Online : BBC Outreach teen videos about their Blond British heroes
Your Blond and British Moments offers audiences a personalised version of Blond British history and popular culture through different moments in sport, music and the arts.
iWonder is also producing two guides for the Blond and British season.
* Oh I might have accidentally changed the word Black for Blond. *
webpage : http://www.bbc.co.uk/blackandbritish (blank so far)
It’s Their BBC ..I mean white London toff managers compensating for their feeling of guilt by Virtue Signalling “look at me, I’m not racist , we’ve made special season just for ONE race”
What’s rarely mentioned in these programmes is that the ‘colour bar’ was often just one of many closed-shop requirements of trade unions. Racial prejudice was likely partly to blame but a lot of it was to do with very strong unions concerned about the country being flooded with cheap Commonwealth labour which would weaken their power. In a similar way the American Civil War was fought partly because the north did not like the south’s economic advantage of slave labour while they had to pay their blacks a wage. I may be wrong of course but it would be nice to hear such theories at least given a cursory mention from time to time instead of the ‘everybody was racist in the old days’ mantra.
There’s no doubt that the current tide of politics is slowly turning rightward, particularly in the USA, France & Holland. When that day dawns in this country, it is the Propaganda Ministry of the BBC which has to go first. Portland Place & Salford must be neutralised before there is any kind of pro-Britain political party. I have often found listening to Trump go on about looking after Vets, American jobs for American workers, penalizing companies who go abroad to manufacture and ship the goods back in, secure borders, etc and think
‘who could possibly disagree with this?’
We all thought that when Thatcher was elected, and despite noises about the far left BBC nothing was done. Cameron did a squalid deal with them for his own desperation with the referendum and we have ended up where we are.
Britain cannot move to the right because the enormous egos within UKIP simply cannot accept that they have to work together in the parties interests rather than their own.
This is a problem with the UK right which the Left has over come through its hive mind. The Left is organised and largely it follows the narrative, the right completely disorganised firing off all over the place with no common beliefs and no figure to follow. Just think about the number of right wing tiny parties which exist for other reason than to give the ego in charge a platform to air his views.
This is why the right can never succeed in the UK in the foreseeable future.
Britain cannot move to the right because the enormous egos within UKIP simply cannot accept that they have to work together in the parties interests rather than their own.
More likely because they have moles in their midst.
The people are moving a little to the right but the globalist liberal left elite still rule the roost. The elite have been taken by surprise by this move to the right and are only now beginning their concerted effort to keep things moving their way. In this country we see the determined effort by the civil service, Remoaner politicians, th House of Lords, the BBC and most of the MSM and Luvvy Central etc to ensure that Brexit is so soft that we won’t even notice it has happened. Those elements of the press which keep publishing unhelpful stories will be brought to heel by the elite’s new press regulator. In Europe the EU will attempt to stop what they call populists from exercising the power of the offices to which they were elected. Wilders is going on trial for telling the truth in Holland , others who attempt to do the same will be similarly persecuted.. In the USA Clinton will win a victory for the elite..
There is a long road ahead before the liberal left are defeated and power resides with the people. By then of course it may be too late to reverse the damage that decades of globalist liberal left policies have wrought on the West.
I omitted the sinister plan to free the BBC from even the vestige of the requirement to be impartial so that it can campaign ever more effectively for the liberal elite.
Headline in the Guardian – “Britain’s £84bn Brexit problem”
Why only £84bn?…why not make it £84 trillion or better still £84 zillion
Because Guardian readers will think that £84bn is an acceptable and realistic figure. If you promote a newspaper to the level of holy scripture, how could you possibly refute any of its claims?
Forgive me if I missed it but I didn’t hear on BBC radio a reference to the City airport evacuation on Friday 21st October after a canister of CS gas was discharged and 500 people were evacuated . Two were taken to hospital and 25 others treated at the scene . A 25 year man ( no name or country of origin ) was arrested and accused of using a noxious substance to cause serious damage. He was arrested at a residential address in east London. Any comments ?
There’s a mention of the incident on line http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-37739046
It seems the Political Correctness Enforcement Squad (formerly known as ‘The Police’) have released so few details as to make reporting it virtually useless !
Red flows the socialist tide
And JC on his surfboard
Commanding waves, be still and part
Old Spice,new Brut and stout of heart.
No shaver he, his marrow primed
To lead us through the crimson tide
To where red are the smurf hordes.
(Doggerel Bank….will the Clintons let me put this in a card?)
No worse than Tom Paulins tripe…
Excellent, Friend Alicia :). And a lot better than the truly dreadful Tom Paulin. (Haven’t heard much from him recently, thank goodness.)
Sadly, our library here has Appallings last brief joust with the lexicon…and he lost as he always does.
Bet he`s got some poetry reading or “literary festival” nearby.Probably Alcester or some other dandy drop zone.
Paulin`s had a good war, in a gilded empty life. And quite the worst poet since John Toshack.
“We`ve just beaten Barcelona”
“And now I`m going for a sauna”
Poor Tom can only dream of such heights.his book looked new, I`m sad to say.
Might bring some police tape in tomorrow to put around the cordoned area where the essence of Tar hums hummest!
My friend in Oxford reported that he saw Tom Paulin examining melons in a greengrocer’s shop on the Cowley Road (true story!). In honour of this I penned a little poem in the style of Mr Paulin:
I chop these melons
Round and ripe in my hands
The firm breasts of mother Ireland
Providing for all
But my knife driven through them
Is like a British soldier’s bayonet
The juice, the blood of Ulster
Spilled on my Habitat oak table’s
Sterile English grain.
What an ode Cranmer.
I feel like Pam Ayres in the presence of Leonard Cohen!
Great poem…now let`s hope you can declaim in a gloomy room in a cod-Ulster brogue!
Bet the melons were examining HIM, seeing that they`d not want to have to go home with THAT pretentious prawn.
Share an IQ as well as DNA I`d imagine.
Alicia & Cranmer,
There is some serious poetry talent on this site now and the legendary Chris H has two rivals.
BBC trustworthiness and transparency in a nutshell.
‘The BBC refused to provide the information on the grounds that it didn’t hold it.
…pages 28 and 29 of that document did, indeed, provide a detailed breakdown of the number of people prosecuted and convicted of TV licence evasion. That’s the same information the BBC had earlier denied possession of.’
Much about their FOI operation explained. Little excused.
Dear UK cashcows,
We, the Conservative Government that has overseen and added to record levels of national debt for the last six years; that has ushered in substantial pay rises for MPs; that is due to increase business rates for thousands of hard-working employers across the country next April; that has just sent some strapping, fighting age, potentially dangerous young men to a village in Devon, need much more of your hard-earned money.
It will be spent wisely by your local Councils. Not on Social Care, not on Public Services, not on roads, parks, the homeless, the needy or indeed anything that actually desperately needs extra funding. Instead – all you ‘humanitarians’ will be delighted to hear – it will actually be spent on those strapping, fighting age, potentially dangerous young men that up until recently enjoyed nothing more of an evening than hurling rocks at trucks, blocking roads with trees and putting the fear of God into truckers simply trying to do their jobs.
Now come on, cough up, shut up and generously open your arms, wallets and purses to these lovely chaps. Because next we’ll be forcibly putting them into your homes. And charging you heavily for the privilege.
Love ya!
Mrs T. May
‘We can’t cope with more migrants, councils tell May: Town halls warn families face increased tax bills to pay for the influx’
– Home Office gives £40,000 a year to councils for each young refugee
– But the total annual cost to each council can be as high as £133,000
– LGA’s David Simmonds says: ‘It isn’t right that taxpayers see rising bills’
Teresa, the white version of Diane Abbott.
Does anyone really believe she is an improvement over Cameron or believe that she will stand up to the BBC, the Arabs and the EU?
Save our sense’s letter should go to every household##

Forgive my coarseness here but
Surely if we could put an arrow on Abbotts placard that points down to her lady parts.
And then put this at every border post that lets our “Kids from Callay” into the UK.
Why-would we not see a few young men turn tail and stay with Carla Bruni and Edith Cresson?
Her inducement seems to be enticing that bearded chap though on the right of the picture-he`s plodging over to see if she does welcome “foojees” like she says on her tin?
Confession tomorrow at the Oratory sisters! Am I wrong to be so base?
“If we could put an arrow on Abbotts placard that points down to her lady parts.”
That would mean two large c***s in the same picture!
‘It isn’t right that taxpayers see rising bills’
Just who the f*** does he think pays for the extra costs? The tooth fairy?
Personally, I’m all in favour of the taxpayer seeing rising bills for this. Considerable ones. It may hasten an end to this madness.
“Now come on, cough up, shut up and generously open your arms, wallets and purses to these lovely chaps.”
Wot, no opening ‘legs’ and ‘body orifices’?
BBC DISTORTING History Project : The Listening Project is supposed to be building up an ACCURATE archive
12pm R4Today’s edition again didn’t reflect the 52% ..back to super bias : Just featured 3 whining Remoaners …and No Brexiteer …and London metro to boot
Item 1 : Polish woman ..furious ..who thinks she is going to get thrown out” works for the NHS has British partner
“My investment has been thrown back in my face”
– Obvious question is how many refugees does Poland take ..these days ? .. maybe a few from Ukraine, but no Asians ..Poland is not the most foreigner friendly country
English friend giving sympathetic ear
Bristol people(so why recorded by BBC radio Wales ?)
Item 2 : English grew up in Luxembourg enmeshed in EU stuff
Argentinian woman who came with her husband : doesn’t care much, it’s your island
(Both Item 2 and 3 recorded by BBC London)
Item 3 : – German mother grew up Portugal (sounds OK, but didn’t express an opinion)
Her son A guy who won’t accept the vote “No I WON’T accept, they continue with their lies, racism, xenophobia”
Super loud math “Britain doesn’t deserve my time and energy, so I’m leaving”
Can we now expect the rehabilitation and the historical revisionism of Zac Goldsmith?
Serial posh boy millionaire, eco zealot and sister, dad and uncle long famed in the celebrity and environmental stakes?
And -of course-disastrous Tory candidate when put up against the useless quisling mealy-mouthed junketeer that is Sadiq Khan.
So-a lotus leaf life of privilege, fey causes and electoral uselessness.
Ah but…
Now he`s baled out on the Tories re Heathrow..can we now expect a Stakhovian revision of Zac, as he gaily cuts the wheatsheaves in the fields…manly abs, hint of glowing sweat about him?
Tousled hair, and a ” This is what a Tory could never be” strapline?
Zac Goldsmith-The Peoples Prince.
Your time has come.
Now off to jamie Oliver to tone dahn those vowels, me ole duck…
For some reason I can’t see this mentioned in the BBC news pages for Birmingham and The Black Country.
They do, however, find time to cover this
I suppose the more cynical amongst us might possibly see a bit of a link, but what do I know ………?
No but they have this :
On Midlands Today from 13:30: Demand for review into child sexual exploitation
Elizabeth Glinka BBC Midlands Today Posted at 13:26
On Midlands Today this lunchtime we’ll hear from one of the region’s MPs who wants an independent review into child sexual exploitation in the town she represents.
Plus we’ll hear from a Syrian refugee who arrived in the West Midlands in January who is hoping to realise his dream of becoming a professional footballer.
Will he have time for that after those shifts in the operating theatre and days at the drawing board designing Concorde MkII?
I see the BBC are using hard working licence payers taxes to fund their beloved politically correct surveys into the participation of gay people in sport and what the public at large think about them…
They just never ever give it a rest do they?
BBC ‘News’ seems to have become a soap opera with storylines, fanciful, far fetched and overblown. Implausible characters and always the cliff-hanger at the end.
BBC News soon to be re-launched as, ‘Left Enders’ or maybe, ‘Bad Neighbours’ or even, ‘Casualty (of the Truth)’.
Dazed & Confused – drip, drip, drip, drip, drip…
See the IS created oil fires in Iraq. Not worthy of a protest or tweet though.
gaxvil – surely you mean “so-called” IS don’t you?
gaxvil, lobster,
so-called, alleged,
I have another which the BBC might use.
Purported, as in the purported chid migrants
No, I mean, Satanic Fuck-pigs actually.
We all know the BBC despise Trump. They, along with the entirety of the liberal left regressive media, pretty much consider Queen Shillary’s ascension to the Washington throne a shoe-in at this point (just like they have from the very start).
But there is a very conspicuous disconnect between what ‘the polls’ (aka: the regressive msm) are telling us and what we see day-after-day in terms of the sheer numbers Trump is able to attract, without fail, to his rallies. It’s quite amazing. His crowd sizes have to be seen to be believed – but don’t wait for the msm to show you.
Right Side Broadcasting, a grass-roots mobile net broadcaster, have been televising every one of Trump’s rallies live via YouTube for weeks now. Their cameraman makes a point of showing you what the msm won’t: crowd sizes. Trump’s numbers – even this late in the campaign – are staggering.
Something is seriously wrong between what the likes of the BBC are saying and what is actually happening on the ground.
My money’s still on Trump to win. Something is definitely going on. Could Trump be about to ‘pull a Brexit’ on the belligerent regressive msm..?
Could Trump..?
Let’s hope so, after Brexit some of the rats will be suicidal.
Killary will keel over if she has to congratulate him.
The BBC always bring you up-to-date with the most pressing, finger-on-the-pulse stories:
What a load of leftie shite.
Anyone hear Today R4?
Three young people, made up of pro and anti EU kids have started a group in order to work TOGRTHER to get the BEST out of Brexit for EVERYONE.
It made me proud. Take heed and learn BBC – but they won’t will they? Probably out there desperately looking for a group to counter them – just for ‘balance’ you understand ?
It was 2 Reamainers vs I Brexiteer ..the normal BBC biased quota.
Gaxvil – I did actually catch the last bit of Today today and heard those yoofs burbling on. Smelling something fishy I remembered the name of their outfit and later looked up their website. As I expected their funding and support comes from various happy-clappy one-world lefty groups that would make Soros proud.
I can only imagine that the one Leave spokesman we heard is deluded or a plant. You can bet that the ‘voices’ they will be promoting will be calling for a Brexit that is no Brexit at all.
I think the Beeb shifted those kids across to the VD show on the telly later. Just caught a glimpse of these youngsters, all shiny faces. Yuk.
That was perhaps just in case anyone missed the Toady prog. Boy are the Beeb sickening, that’ll teach me not to look.
I admit, it was a fleeting listen ……….
No worries, I’m an old cynic and the bullshit detector starts beeping whenever there’s some new ‘democracy’ pressure group that gets a lot of coverage.
One that is quite notorious is ’38 Degrees’. Now and again they’ll highlight an issue that every normal person could support, but really 99% of their agenda is left-wing.
The other (not the Brexit one) David Davies has an article here about them :
Nothing changes
Headline front page of The Times:
‘Rotherham council helps grooming suspects win anonymity’
‘Four Asian men suspected of sexually exploiting a vulnerable teenager have been granted lifelong anonymity after a council abandoned attempts to prevent them from seeing her.
Concerns about the safety of the girl, who is white and from Rotherham, peaked in August when she was discovered in a hotel room with one of the men, alongside vodka, cannabis, condoms and female Asian clothing.’
‘In his judgment, delivered yesterday, Mr Justice Cobb questioned why Rotherham council waited until August to seek a court order to protect the girl, given what was known about her suspected past contact with sex-grooming adults. “There was, in my judgment and on the papers before me, sufficient and ostensibly reliable evidence on which Rotherham council could reach the view that [the girl] was potentially the subject of child sexual exploitation,” he said.’
Oddly, not on BBC yet, even though the BBC are determined that all men accused of rape should be named and shamed, guilty or otherwise.
Nothing changes.
Absolutely disgusting.
Yet another example of public sector racism against white people.
Sack the staff and cancel their pensions.
AlBeeb conspire with so-called police when it’s Cliff Richard, but do not report this.
Past time waiting for these ****s to change or apologise, action required.
…got there before you mate ..It’s mentioned up the thread by me and someone else
Likewise I did a comment on Black and British month this morning also.
Spare a little compassion for the Calais migrants deported to a seaside village in Normandy. It’s just not good enough.
Migrant quoted by a sympathetic BBC luvvie
‘And yet, Mr Mangale admits Western comforts have not brought happiness. “It’s 50-50, some people are sad, others happy.
“We were told we were going to a big city, not a little village. We’d be better off in a city where we can meet people, learn French,” he says.
Looking around Saint-Germain-sur-Ay, it’s clear what Mr Mangale and his friends mean. In this little coastal resort in Normandy, half the houses are left empty. The two local restaurants have already closed for the winter. There’s only one shop, and nowhere to buy cigarettes.’
You would think the BBC would supply them with a few fags.
BBC does all it can to play down the existance of UK Islamic terror ..then hidden away they have a list of 850 UK Jihadis