also \\Apple VP to Clinton chief: “Thousands of times every month we give governments information on Apple customers” //
Apple VP to Clinton chief: “Strong encryption does not eliminate Apple’s ability to give law enforcement meta-data”
Gaxvil, “Michael Moore – is that gravy stained, waste of organs, bloater still alive?”. He is alive and well. You can find him starring as Jabba the Hut in Star Wars and Pizza the Hut in Spaceballs. They chose him as he didn’t need any make up.
For once he has seen reality . Must have hurt him. If
Trump makes it it will be a good day for us all and will finally smash the illusion of liberal elite invincibility.
Finding myself at a loose end today, I tuned into The Archer’s on Radio 4. You know the soap, it’s a tale of ordinary folk living in the sticks in a fictitious village called Ambridge. The stories used to have a rural theme but the last few editors have introduced hard politically correct storylines; there is the gay chef and the gay farmer (makes Ted & Ralf look like Shakespeare); a female Indian Hindu solicitor called Usha Franks who is married to the vicar (she was once blinded by a BNP type thug who is now her friend); Elizabeth Pargetter, a widow, who is falling for the Pakistani maths teacher who is tutoring her son; Kate the errant daughter of a rich farmer who ran off to Africa, married an African and had a mixed race child called Nolly. She’s now returned but left her child behind. The latest addition to Ambridge, remember the village where they all live in the middle of the countryside is Anisha Jayakody, an equine vet who wants to become a partner in the local vets. I’ve heard on the grapevine that her halal method of putting her terminal patients to sleep suspended from the ceiling using only a sharp knife while whispering Alan’s Snackbar into their furry ears is a storyline that is certain to get people talking! BTW that’s all listeners can do. The producer stopped the HYS feature on the shows web page because the listeners where voicing their displeasure over the ridiculous politically correct storylines that they were having rammed down their ears.
BBC Radio 4 All In The Mind – normally a production about mental health issues, what could possibly go wrong with bias there?
Well today its a full blown Fascist fest with the suggestion that people who don’t follow the Fascist view of the world should be subject to involuntary psychiatric evaluation!
Then they move onto Donald Trump and suggest that he is clearly insane and MUST be evaluated.
Just where do these people get their insane ideas from and what right do they think they have to suggest such draconian totalitarian ideas over a public service network?
Then its on to the ‘Media Show’ where New York times hack Dean Baquet is interviewed over his hatred for Donald Trump, and at the end it is revealed that the NY Times has declared for crooked Hilary !
Then there’s the new press regulator and an aghast BBC that newspapers have failed to sign up to ‘impress’ which they regard as state control of the press.
Then there’s the AT & T merger with Time Warner, and almost immediately they unbelievably go straight back to Donald Trump who has apparently said he will veto it !
It’s almost like they are obsessed by the man and there’s some kind of directive to attack him every 10 minutes !
Thoughtful, the idea that those who don’t share the same political views are in some way mentally ill is an old one. The Soviets used it a lot, and I suppose it goes back all the way to the catch-all ‘demonic possession’ which the ancient and medieval world liked to use as well. Like the Great Deceiver himself, the idea will come back again and again, cloaked in different guises.
I watched the Daily Politics programme today and became intrigued by what Theresa May had to say about Brexit today in the House of Commons, I transcripted her exact words
“..what we want to see is the best possible arrangement for trade with, and operation within the Single European Market for businesses for goods and services here in the United Kingdom.”
The key word here is the word “within”.
No we don’t Theresa, I want out of the Single European Market as you cannot be in it without the Free Movement of people.
She’s a weak ditherer in my book. ‘Theresa the Appeaser rings true.’
We want to have access to the single market – but May has made it abundantly clear that we cannot accept free movement so if as you say we cannot have that without free movement then we won’t be in. That’s doesn’t stop it being a goal though.
Personally I believe that we will get nothing, because with God knows how many countries regions needing to ratify any agreement, and the vote of only one to destroy it the chances of getting anything decent is virtually zero.
I believe the correct way to deal with negotiations is never to open them, but to declare some swingeing import tariffs against the EU forcing them into concessions which suit the UK and which the EU will force other countries to ratify.
This is the only language the weak & incompetent EU understand – just look at the trade negotiations with Canada and compare it to the complete capitulation to Turkey for examples.
You evoke some interesting thoughts. You said you didn’t agree but then upon reading your response I agreed with much of what you wrote! There are a couple of points though I’d like the oppotunity of taking up.
“but May has made it abundantly clear that we cannot accept free movement”
Which is true, however I rarely believe politicians when they make binary statements. They always fall back on the Keynes statement of ‘when the facts change I change my mind.’
Theresa May was, I believe, a ditherer as a Home Secretary and I have no reason currently to suggest she has changed.
I would suggest that the EU will make the running in the forthcoming negotiations and that our government will be at an instant disadvantage in their attempts to try and appease the Remainers, many of whom constitute over 70% of the current Parliamentarians. I hope they don’t as the referendum result should be viewed as binary.
This, dare I say it, could mean concessions on free movement or provide some financial disbursement to certain regions of the EU. I sincerely hope this does not happen but I fear the worst and would very much like to be proven wrong.
Remember Theresa May was a Remainer herself. Of her cabinet does she swing with Hammond or Fox/Davis? I fear it’s the fellow pro ‘Remainer’ Hammond.
‘I believe the correct way to deal with negotiations is never to open them, but to declare some swingeing import tariffs against the EU forcing them into concessions which suit the UK and which the EU will force other countries to ratify.’
I fear the above statement might irritate the EU a bit. In fact quite a bit. I like your positive approach though Thoughtful.
I would like to see John Redwood negotiating on our behalf opposite the odious Guy Verhofstadt. I don’t think he will take any prisoners and is a dyed in the wool Leaver.
“Personally I believe that we will get nothing, because with God knows how many countries regions needing to ratify any agreement, and the vote of only one to destroy it the chances of getting anything decent is virtually zero.”
The free trade agreement with Canada has to be agreed by all EU members (though I agree the Walloonian veto came as a surprise). However, I believe that the Article 50 negotiations will be decided by a qualified majority vote, so the views of obscure Belgian regional parliaments will not matter. Germany rules the EU, and we have a very large trade defecit with Germany. I think the outlines of a deal are pretty obvious.
BBC News Channel sports report this evening returns to that long-time BBC canard ‘the openly gay Premiership footballer’
The quest goes on – perhaps the BBC should put Autumn Watch on the look out.
How about a BBC-sponsered pink tented ‘hide’ at each soccer ground. BBC reporters equiped with ‘bi-noculars’ keeping watch when a tackle goes in that looks a little extra-friendly.
Of course BBC news credits their sport and leftist campaigning obssessed radio arm 5 Live with this new stepping up in their long-running mild goose chase…
BBC 5 Live have surveyed fans, apparently. Goodness knows what to make of the BBC statistics on this non-issue.
The bBC its so called impartial news reporting and Bombing civilians in Syria: Syria conflict: Schoolchildren killed in Idlib air raids
More than 20 people, many of them children, have been killed in air strikes on a rebel-held village in north-western Syria, activists say. A school complex was reportedly among several locations targeted in the village of Haas, in Idlib province. It was not immediately clear if the raids were carried out by Syrian government or Russian warplanes.vState media quoted a military source as saying several “terrorists” had been killed when their positions were hit. The incident comes as the government and its ally Russia said they would continue a moratorium on the aerial bombardment of besieged, rebel-held eastern districts of the city of Aleppo.
So a school in Syria gets hit, over 20 children are murdered and the bBC reports the story without emotion or much fanfare. Which is exactly as how it should be reporting the news. which is strange as when the US,UK or Israel hit a school,hospital mosque the bBC goes hell for leather in which to scream out that this incident was/is a human rights crime. However the bBC then does what is does best in deflecting the reader away from story that the US led coalition may have killed hundreds inside Syria. (Of course to the bBC, ISIS terrorists can only be deemed as civilians) Meanwhile, Amnesty International said thousands appeared to have been killed in 11 air strikes in Syria by the US-led coalition.
what makes this story a joke is that the bBC have to go back 2 years , to Sept 2014, in which to make that claim. 1,000 civilians could have been killed by coalition forces since the air campaign in Syria began in September 2014.
Now here’s a salient fact that the do-gooders above don’t mention. The US led coalition have used only precision guided munitions (PGM) in conjunction with targeting pods. what this means is they have been using a scalpel in which to take out Islamic terrorists.
In contrast the Russians and Syrians have used very few PGMs and aircraft fitted with Targeting Pods. They have resorted to using the good old fashioned dumb bomb (As unchanged from WW2) in great quantities in which to wipe entire regions off the map. (Which is exactly what they are doing in Aleppo) Here is a video of one such bomb dump over Syria.
when it comes to the crunch, I think we will find that Russia and Syria have a lot more inncent blood on their hands than the US led coalition, but hey why change a habit of a lifetime in attacking the West and defending Russia and Islam.
Funny enough the picture used in the above video clip is of an IDF F15 and not a Russian jet.
The Western coalition are still, and only, advocating ‘political transition’, regime change again.
So, what have the Syrian people got to look forward to? An Islamist state propped up by the US and constant war a la Iraq in exchange for what they have currently. Not much of a choice in my book.
Stewie wrote: The Western coalition are still, and only, advocating ‘political transition’, regime change again. So, what have the Syrian people got to look forward to? An Islamist state propped up by the US and constant war a la Iraq in exchange for what they have currently. Not much of a choice in my book.
The good thing about the Russians, compared to us and the Americans, they have no qualms about killing Muslims. I certainly don’t think (for example) they would operate in a war zone against them, under the same rules of engagement that the Allies did in Afghanistan.
The Russians know what they are dealing with: two wars in Chechnya and atrocities like Beslan, will mean they’ll prosecute the war to a conclusion that they believe satisfactory.
They don’t want ISIS or Al-Quaeda controlling a country, which is then only one country away from their southern borderlands. The U.S. on the other hand is protected on either side by an anti-tank trench thousands of miles wide, yet somehow feels the need to interfere; though ineffectually.
Vey true and while people over here are being done for ‘hate speech’ – they blow kids to pieces and nothing but nothing happens and not a squeak from the hand – wringers but dare to refuse to make a gay cake ………………
I much prefer, looking at, talking to and sleeping with member of the opposite sex.
Now listen, I don’t want to be unwittingly committing a crime or be guilty of a ‘phobia or ‘ism. Any advice much appreciated.
Reality vs BBC Metropolitan elites naivety + The bomber in the burqa
Was raised within 20 mins on Radio 4 this morning
At 9:45 Alan Bennett alerted us to the naivety of the Metropolitan elites mouthing off with romantic certainty about things they know nothing of
and then 1 minute later : he did it himself.
+ Yet 20 minutes earlier Libby Purviss had exhibited the same metropolitan luvvie naiviety getting a shock to her certain belief that : No one should be suspicious about anyone in a burqa, that’s very wrong and very bad.. Only to be told about a time a bomber in a burqa was intercepted on his way to bomb a bus of kids.
That Alan Bennett piece 1:02 talking about Auden having a romantic and WRONG view of northern villages, cos “everything about Auden is urban.”
ie making the very good point that you can’t understand something until you experience it.
– Then next minute he’s talking about British sailors being seized and paraded by the Iranian govt.
Much the same, though milder treatment that the Americans mete out to those who happen to be in the wrong place in Afghanistan who are hooded and taken not just to Tehran but half way around the world where they still are ..and waiting for trial. No one makes this comparison of course, though the innocence of those captured is in most cases approximately the same; but one are decent honourable British sailors with wives and children waiting them at home ..the others are BROWN MEN in robes who can’t expect any better” (to 2m48s)
WTF that is just a naive assertion that he gives no evidence for.
We do know that many tens of thousands of guys were arrested in Afghanistan after a lot of deadly terrorist attacks and that it the vast vast majority did not end up in Guantanamo Bay. (775 did)
– I have met 2 people arrested in Afghanistan “We were astounded , we got handed over to the Americans, and it was not how we expected ..the American’s were just so polite and by the book…Months later we got a parcel to our home they’d developed and printed all our photos and sent them for free.”
BBC metropolitan elites #2 : If you listen to Midweek from a few minutes earlier at around 9:30am you can hear Libby Purviss saying something being shocked as the real world hits her.
24:46 “We all fear the danger of demonising decent Muslim’s”
the undercover MI5 officer is telling his story about trailing an Islamic terrorist in London who enters the Mosque as a man and comes out dressed in a full burqa. And then mentions they intercepted him on his way to bomb a bus of kids.
25:48 LP says “As a human being one just gets so angry on behalf of all the poor Muslim women who do no harm, and now come under suspicion…”
She doesn’t seem to realise us evil non-luvvies have a right to raise concerns about : that 1 in a million chance that one time a bomber will use a burqa.
She puts her guilt and Virtue Signalling above actual practicalities.
The thing is Libby, I am forced to go through security at airports and be subjected to personal searches of myself and my belongings, even though I am never going to cause harm to another person on an plane or in an airport. Why are you not concerned that we are all put under suspicion in this way, but you are that people that wear Islamic uniform might be?
We can think of many examples where we have our freedoms restricted, or we are treated with suspicion, in the name of security.
Bollocks! I don’t fear demonising them. They do not have to dress like that in our society, it is their choice. I was frisked up and down scanned in a transparent pod at Lhr in full view of everyone.. No one asked if I would like privacy…it was assumed I am western and therefore do not require it. I then had to board a plane behind a woman in a niqab, worrying whether she had explosives or weapons under her clothes undetected as a result of our reluctance to check properly.
Yes @Mus The context was
“We are running out of time
I wanted to talk about the cult of fascinators (stuff you stick on your hat)
..but we aren’t supposed to say anything controversial on the BBC”
Since they lie all the time and swear what does she mean ?
I’m guessing that after liberalising themselves of the old taboos they created new taboos and that being controversial means being in anyway challenging to a pet minority cause.
So you couldn’t possibly challenge burqas or idea of transgender children etc.
SG, yes, its that short BBC memory as well. The incident in the Police College in Pakistan last week was initiated by a bomber dressed in a burqa. The 60 or so dead would not share your views, Purvis. So, as a general rule, no one should be “suspicious”? Grow up Purvis and face the real World.
I don’t think this is funny or clever. A bit like dressing up as a clown to scare people. What is the point? You’d be arrested if you did it in a confined space (public building) so I don’t see what the point is. I didn’t like candid camera either.
An interesting experiment though, and notice how the non-Arab dressed guys get a total ‘meh’ from the public as they drop their rucksacks.
This millions of years of evolved natural instincts is exactly what the virtue signalling luvvies want us to ignore, just to make themselves feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That they think that we can and should restrict these natural instincts is what’s offensive, not that we have them.
The left sticks together with its hive mind the right is completely fractured and rather than stop and think about the reason for posting or the implications of what is happening, it’s straight into the condemnation.
Why should the BBC listen to us when we agree on hardly anything?
You ask about the issue of a confined space, but they clearly didn’t do it in a confined space so why even raise it? Unless of course it’s just so you can take issue with it?
The point of it is that people are completely switched on to the fact that Muslims are terrorists, and are quite capable of random acts of murderous violence. It’s not just one or two, it’s loads of people who are all prepared to believe that the Muslim has a viable bomb.
Well I’m sorry to disagree with you, but we’re able to have a civil debate about issues on this website – I don’t think we have to agree on everything, except that the BBC is horrendously biased.
You didn’t explain the reason for posting – it’s caption reads ‘funny videos – try not to laugh’. I am simply saying that throwing a rucksack at someone, IMHO is frightening and distressing, not funny, in the same way as someone shouting ‘bomb’ in an airport or similar. I don’t think many of the terrorists in recent attacks on the West were dressed in Arab garb like this either – correct me if I’m wrong.
Now you are going to think I’m an apologist for Islam, which if youve read any of my other posts is not correct – I don’t like it in any form. But last time I looked this was an anti-BBC site not an anti-Muslim one.
And please don’t call me a troll. Some folks have encouraged new posters – if you want that, then it’s important to allow a debate.
Caught a bit of The World Tonight on R4 at 10pm.
The French seem to have done a great job bulldozing the Calais jungle camp.
Cue lots of airtime for some Far Left woman do-gooder ranting on about how the UK needed to do more for 250 ‘children’ who have nowhere to sleep tonight.
Errr, no love, we don’t. The ‘children’ are in a safe country, so just butt out and mind your own business, and get the biased BBC editors to shut the fuck up. We don’t want any more of your Anti British left wing virtue signalling.Thank you.
Interesting , the ‘remainers’ and Al Beeb are telling us that the EU is so good that we must not leave it . Yet we have many trying to get out of it and head this way?
If it was that good the ‘gimmegrants’ would stay in France .
Has anyone noticed jugeared gary linekar swanned off to new york and missed the “demo” in london? A finer tosser i cannot recall. First class flight and accomidation no doubt all gratis from the rascist licence fee paying brexiters. If anyone deserves a scandal more id like to know who.
Linekar was a bloke who could kick a ball and was overpaid. So what ?
He is no better or worse than any other ordinary working person who has a say in Great Britain.
Why has his opinion on migrants been so powerful ?
Because it suits Al Beeb and the media, that’s why.
He is actually worse than any other ordinary working person, because he feels that what he says is worth listening to ! Before social media at least we were spared of these ‘celebrity’ opinions (funny how Madeley & Schofield are strangely quiet lately), pious outpourings AND endless sodding photos of the Beckham family having a night out !!!
As many have noted before, if the BBC has to mention the ethnicity of mis-behaving members of our taxi-driving community it falls back on the description ‘Asian’ rather than getting to the point, thereby libelling the Chinese, for example.
Over in Paris ‘Asians’, according to the BBC, are being beaten up. Fortunately it isn’t a case of ‘Islamophobia’ as these ‘Asians’ are Chinese!
Read the article and one can only conclude that it is those damn ‘French’ French that are causing all the trouble.
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ? If not why not ?
Is it because they hate reporting anything counter-productive to their cause ?
They only broadcast it after the other news channels because they would be held to account for not informing us . So much for an impartial the national broadcaster serving the interest of the British people .
It just makes you suspicious about what is not being reported ?
Coming via the BBC to your screen soon, this undoubtedly nauseating piece of sentimental propaganda designed to make you feel shame in Britishness, sympathetic to African immigrants, employ more low quality black actors at ludicrous rates, far higher than the market demands, and channel yet more money to the Taylor family.
“Written by award-winning screenwriter and playwright Levi David Addai, Damilola, Our Loved Boy is a 90’ feature-length drama for BBC One telling the story of Damilola Taylor from the point of view of the Taylor family, exploring their journey from Lagos to London, the emotional repercussions of Damilola’s death and the family’s quest for justice…
It will be a film about justice, redemption and love, and is being made with the consent and support of Damilola’s father, Richard Taylor OBE.
Well at least for once the black actors are not box-tickers and part of some diversity drive. The parents and child were black, the killers were black and they lived in a black ghetto. Nuff said.
One of the most appalling things I remember seeing on HIGNFY, was when they made fun out of something Keith Blakelock’s widow had said; when the coloured gentleman who was in prison for murdering him was freed. I never watched it again after that.
Early start today but business as usual at Al Beeb.
5am news. First story, Calais jungle .
Cue pictures of vulnerable migrants torching the camp. No comment whatsoever about this violence.
Cue virtue signalling interview with woman from ‘Help Refugees’. FFS.
Cue interview with Shave, sorry Save the Children trying to help 250 children. Apparently some children are being looked after in an Afghan mosque!!!! How enriching. How very French. Cue bBBC newreader offerring that not looking after these children ‘is immoral as well as illegal’.
Absolutely pathetic brainwashing propaganda.
Next at 0510. Doom and gloom time. The difficulty of completing the EU Canada trade deal shows how difficult it will be for the UK to sign a Brexit deal. Doom. Gloom.
The very next story is about the basket case that is Deutsche Bank, billions in the red.
But the bBBC keep telling us how marvellous the EU is.
Ever heard of ‘join the dots’? The bBBC clearly have not.
I’m sure that Brussels is working like mad behind the scenes to keep the circus going just a little bit longer. Imagine the impact of a major EU crisis at a time like this.
Article 50 and a two year negotiation period? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s overtaken by events and the whole thing collapses before the two year period has expired.
Just ordered two union flag/GB stickers to cover up the EU flag on my car licence plate. A bit ironic given that it’s a French car, but one must do one’s bit.
This is more the truth. Deutsche Bank is a zombie. The Visegrad Four will have to choose either to accept rule by Germany ( aka Brussels) or leave the EU.
The PIGS countries are bankrupt. I can go on and on. The EU is a failed state.
Russia has only to wave a stick at the EU and it will fold over anything- it has no real military capability. Hopefully Trump will be elected and take US money and men back home. The external borders of the EU will collapse. The left wing hold over Eu policy will also collapse.
So now we should put in our leaving note asap. That will concentrate minds and make May either reveal her ( I suspect ) true colours or get on with it.
This morning our BBC sofa bods confidently describe Bake Off as ‘the biggest thing on tv’ – well, with the demise of Top Gear that was the number one show and now that cake fest is bereft of presenters and lost to Channel 4 – that should be ‘formerly the biggest’
Rumours are going around that a production team went to the BBC with the idea for a show titled ‘The Great British Piss Up in a Brewery’ – unfortunately BBC bosses rejected the idea saying ‘We don’t think we could manage that’
And as for that bloody migrant camp…
Let’s just remind ourselves of some of the somewhat under-reported words of Philippe Mignonet, deputy mayor of Calais:
“The ease with which illegal immigrants can work on the black market in Britain, coupled with the fact that migrants’ family members can more easily join them, means that Britain is a magnet for illegal immigrants”
Mr Mignonet claimed 15,000 migrants were entering Britain illegally through France every year, up to 40 migrants were getting through to the UK every night despite the efforts of the UK and French border agencies to stop them.
He called for Britain to stop ‘provoking’ France with its soft immigration policies.
He said the decision to raze the camp was the kind of hard-line policy that Britain should adopt as it prepared to leave the EU, rather than attracting newcomers with generous benefits.
“The UK Government says it does not want any more migrants but never expels migrants who get there”
Good post. I’ve read elsewhere that it is the open door the UK gives asylum seekers and immigrants to aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, mums, dads, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all that makes the UK so attractive.
France apparently puts the relatives through a much tougher process.
This is never reported by Al Beeb.
And the latest absurd figure to be enthusiastically embraced by the Beeb is that ‘world wildlife’ has reduced by 58% since the 1970s. In common with climate change it would seem that the more extreme, unsubstantiated and ludicrous the statistic, the more publicity and breast-beating it attracts.
I suppose, to be fair, if vastly reduced numbers of mosquitos, lice, bugs, flies and fleas are included due to improved human hygiene, ‘wildlife’ numbers are very probably down but to use the term in the accepted sense to claim as a fact that over half the world’s fauna has been lost is simply sensationalist nonsense – hence automatic coverage via the BBC, and very probable promotion during tonight’s ‘Autumnwatch’.
UK economy grew by 0.5% in three months after EU referendum, down from 0.7% for second quarter, figures show.
Lets see what gloomy interpretation they can put on this one.
What happened to the instant post brexit recession forecast? Will anyone from the Treasury resign? Will Mark Carney resign? Don’t hold your breath.
Were it not for Britain being such an attractive, soft touch for immigrants – the Jungle would not have existed – Simples.
Hand – wringers it is your fault.
Not strictly bBBC except that they would not be slow to perpetrate the following deceit.
A letter in the Telegraph from Dr. S Field.
He notes that the Global Gender Equality Index ignores cases where women outperform. Thus more women going to university than men doesn’t count towards the inequality result. But more men than women going to university does.
The extra life expectancy of women does not count, nor does earlier pension ages for women or cases of compulsory military service only for men.
Can you imagine the biased BBC mentioning any of this the next time it sounds off on the gender gap ?
Yesterday the BBC was telling us that women ‘typically’ earn 9% less than men, whatever that means, as the ‘typical’ women doing the same job as a man surely gets paid the same?
The TUC, as usual, is totally bonkers:
TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The full-time gender pay gap is closing at a snail’s pace. At this rate, it will take decades for women to get paid the same as men.
“We need a labour market that works better for women. This means helping mums get back into well-paid jobs after they have kids, and encouraging dads to take on more caring responsibilities.”
So we have to reduce the pay for dad by making him work fewer hours and pull mum away from their children and shoehorn her into a ‘well-paid’ job, even though she has been out of touch with the world of work for a year or so. Her childless sisters must love the idea of seeing someone less experienced being fast-tracked into a good job!
Anyone who has been out of work for a while or who seeks to return to a past specialism will have been told, “I’m sorry your skills are out of date, we’re looking for someone with current experience”, yet this won’t apply to the new mums?
Equality madness! No barriers, yes, but numerical equality, no, that is plain stupid and smacks of centralised planning, not freedom.
Charity told “You are not ALL female” so we’ll cut your funding.
Yes the umbrella body Scottish Women’s Aid..has a rule that all magement positions in orgs it supports must have NO MEN.
..R4 Womens Hour had to debate that idea..FFS it’s obviously illegal and sexist
“Women are often excluded from making decisions about issues that predominantly affect women’s lives; just look at the decision-making tables around Scotland. “Women-only boards are important for Scottish Women’s Aid,
more news
“Does this mean that your sex/sexuality is more important than perhaps the main criteria for being on the board which should be – can you do the job !”
If you’ve ever worked in a workplace with one of these “tribes” like gays/femininists etc. you’ll know they are very discriminatory when they see “you are not one of us”
I remember as a kid the odd position of feminists:
My mother had gone out for the Women’s Institute meeting, I was watching television about a women only group of feminists, protesting outside a Gentleman’s Club which did not allow any female members.
The men in the club said that they come to the club to escape from the wife, and to drink, talk and read in peace.
I heard that today there are almost three times more women only organisations than men only organisations, and the men only organisations are all under siege to let in women members, but there is almost no pressure on women only organisations to let in Men.
I suppose the reason is that you can only allow segregation if left-wing people think you are inferior.
Whatever has happened to the News Channels in the morning ? Instead of ‘hard’ news we now have to listen to ex-grad students debating on the price of fish, a variety of columnists/journalists/authors of whom we’ve never heard giving their opinions on everything from false teeth to the latest economy drive ! I always switch on first thing to set me up for the day, but I’m met with ‘magazine’ type programmes that are becoming on a par with that Schofield bloke.
More good news as reported in the Telegraph and the exact opposite of what Nissan said when helping to orchestrate Project Fear:
“Nissan to build new model in Britain despite Brexit
Stepping away from the GDP reaction for a moment, Reuters are reporting that Nissan is planning to build its new Qashqai model at Britain’s biggest car plant in Sunderland. Here’s the full report:
Japanese carmaker Nissan will build its new Qashqai model at Britain’s biggest car plant, a company source told Reuters on Thursday, in a major boost to Prime Minister Theresa May just months after voters backed Brexit.”
Apart from the resignation of Carney, who foisted an unnecessary interest rate cut on us this summer just because he forecast a recession, can we also have an apology from all the big corporations like Nissan, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc who lined up behind Cameron-Osborne to insult the intelligence of the British people? Oh and the BBC too..hows the Brexit Street series on R4 going?
And, as I have pointed out before, Nissan is effectively owned by the French government (ie Renault)- an inconvenient truth which the BBC goes to considerable lengths not to explain to its victims.
Nothing Nissan says on the subject of Brexit should ever be believed. That is probably also true of the rest of the car industry, but it is doubly true in Nissan’s case.
I am very pleased about the news on Sunderland. But the point is that Nissan are not sentimentalists. Sunderland is one of their major car plants, it is the most productive they have, and it has a very well motivated workforce. You simply cannot replicate that elsewhere in a couple of years.
That is why the Sunderland plant will survive. It is a successful business which is well managed and has an excellent workforce. The French should try it sometime.
It was always b@ll@cks that Nissan were going to relocate their plant out of the U.K.
Their plant in Sunderland was subsidized to high heaven by the British government, they didn’t pay business rates for 5 years. Did anybody really think that the Germans, French or the government of any other country would have offered them that now?
Also look at how many Nissan and other Japanese brands you see driving around in the U.K. then compare that with the number you see in France; Germany; Italy etc. The U.K. must be one of the biggest markets for Japanese cars in Europe (if not the biggest) Nissan weren’t going to walk away from that, for Brexit or anything else.
If they had left, they would then have the cost of building another plant somewhere within the EU and could then find their products (potentially) hit with tariffs, if there is no trade agreement between us and the EU, when they want to export back into one of their biggest markets: Great Britain.
Please, please do not encourage the French unions to move into the 20th century (no slip of the finger there).
French industry is slowly, slowly being killed off by being in the Euro and presently has no chance of following the Irish into hair shirts to try to regain competitiveness against the Germans.
Was watching sky news this morning and mark stone was reporting from calais and the end of the jungle. He was desperately looking for ‘children’ and found one but he had his head well covered and kept it covered as he walked past the reporter only to give him the finger and kept on walking. Sky reporter didn’t know what to do.
When you read the report you find some scientists & researchers are adamant the report is flawed. When it takes only 6% of one type (vertebrates)in the survey’s scope it must be a selective minority view but the BBC are still happy to headline the report’s supposed findings and report it as applying to the whole of the natural world.
Not a quality piece of journalism as far as I am concerned.
Oh crap! Heard a bit of Woman’s Hour. Getting very radical these days and a perfect platform to indulge the haters of men, whites, and people who’ve not had their brains capped.
Anyone used the add image link successfully recently? It just takes me to the top of the page.
Can imaged be added manually with html <img src="www.etc etc ?
It may be their server performance fluctuations. I used image successfully but around midweek I am unable to connect to this site at all and am rarely able to edit.
Just watching the biased BBC Calais jungle report on bBBC 1 1pm news.
I think it is a rule now that ALL broadcasts MUST include the words ‘vulnerable children’ irrespective of relevance, accuracy, reality, or context.
The Guardian are adhering to the Government fantasy about migrant children. I cannot believe that the Government believe the British people are falling for this age scam. This little boy featured in the Guardian, is crying
I hope the Guardian got a signed permission from his parents to use a picture of a 16 year old, otherwise could they be in trouble with the press regulators?
A 16 year old from Ethopia?
Apart from looking 35, since when exactly did we owe an unlimited welcome to unlimited numbers of economic migrants from Ethiopia?
I didn’t realise we had a border with that country.
Maybe he is the youngest graduate engineer ever to come out of Addis Ababa university.
Thank you, Friend Mallard :). Agree with you totally. My handle on Disqus is “Leftyliesrefuted” which originates from those far-off days (actually only a couple of years ago, but it seems a lot longer ago) when I thought the best way to change Lefties’ minds was to argue with them, mainly by refuting their, shall we say, misconceptions.
Just over a year ago, I abandoned that approach in favour of my current one. In case you or any other BB’ers are interested, I explain why in a bit more detail, on the Going Postal website:
Splendid SOL.
Walked the dog by the Guardian verdant verges on Tixies behalf…and didn`t bother to use the pooper scooper.
Will those lefties ever catch a whiff?…or forever think their nosegays of self-righteous lavender water will stop them from seeing what arses they all are!
Classic FM Global Heaves on the car radio as I carried out what is with luck the last mow of the season.
Seems the big talking point is that the Government has had to defend itself on some mystery commitment ‘some are saying’ was to sweeten the Nissan deal to make Brexit look less of an unmitigated disaster.
Even my sweetie pie missus offered an opinion on that slant that would make a Glasgow docker blush.
Heck I’m not gay, female, black, Asian, transgender or a third World immigrant. Yet I feel so disadvantaged and marginalized that I can’t blame every mishap or underachievement in my life on being oppressed and discriminated against – it would make life so much simpler.
You poor lamb (said without being disrespectful to animal species because there are some who identify as sheep. Others who are more like mutton dressed as lamb like Krankie Sturgeon). We can cure you! Take 10 hours of “Snog, Marry, Avoid” daily washed down with BBC London News. After a week you will be a non-binary, pansexual, assexual, upside down and inside out person too!
From WH R4 – A ‘woman of colour’ (that’s a new one) complaining of ‘micro aggression’ (that’s another). WTF is ‘micro aggression’? She should maybe take a trip to Syria or Africa and stop viewing the World through race coloured glasses.
Hope there’s no webcam in the WH studio – I wouldn’t wish anyone to see Garvie or Murray licking the arses of these ‘no hopers’.
Gaxvil – Micro aggression is another excuse for wimmin to moan about horrific sexual harassment like when some white fascist male holds a door open for them or offers them a seat. Wolf-whistling is much worse, it’s Hate Crime, on a par with murder. But raping thousands of underage white girls is just a quaint cultural thing – who are we to judge other cultures?
Well this is the great paradox regarding the mental illness that is Leftism. To criticise good Muslims acting out the unchangeable instructions of the perfect pedophilic rapist himself…Muhammad, is by unanimous definition racist/Islamaphobic in cult leftoid.
How can it be rape when it’s the divine right for all Muslim warriors to take sexual slaves, as Muhammad did, including a 9 year old child?
What did the ‘woman of colour’ make of her fellow ‘man of colour’ – an actor from Broadchurch being jailed for sexual assault ? or is that ok because he is the ‘same’ colour ?
(note: I see that Ori’s star is on the rise at the Beeb, (like Anita Rani), he’s joined Dion Dublin on the morning tele circuit – so he’s a sports presenter/dancer (?)/and NOW a consumer affairs presenter – and the Beeb don’t have a diversity agenda ??????)
I’ve just seen the synopsis of today’s edition of Doctors on BBC1.
“Zara bets Daniel that he can’t get through a gender, equality and diversity workshop without resorting to male stereotype”
You couldn’t do a piss-take that good, could you?
New Generation Thinker Chris Harding presents a discussion with writer Chris Hannan and director Roxana Silbert about a new Birmingham Rep play about Enoch Powell. Also James Zirin describes what he calls the partisan nature of the Supreme Court in America and artists Jananne Al-Ani and John Keane talk about providing an alternative to the visual language of war employed by the media.
What Shadows runs at Birmingham Rep Theatre from October 27th to November 12th and stars Ian McDiarmid playing Enoch Powell.
Also James Zirin describes what he calls the partisan nature of the Supreme Court in America
R4 LP brexit prog is basically A Remoanerthon
Item 1 Two Irish border famers
Item 2 Essex family Remoaners ..father sympathising with his young remain campaign daughter who was on TV set on Ref night with all “those UKIP OLD men”, who didn’t look like they were triumphant (is that a bad thing) she and he feel betrayed
Item 3 9 year old twins Suffolk talking Brexit
“We won’t have many opportunities and it will be a lot more expensive”
“Our cousins live in Germany and Grandparents live in
our future isn’t going to be clean any more ”
Who brainwashed them ..that’s child abuse
before that at 11 on FooC
FooC now black journalist talking about getting the smile from “brown and Black faces”… I don’t thinks us “people of non colour” go around smiling only at each other
What particularly annoyed me, as well as the Black-racist piece about Harlem, was another item from Germany. The theory put forward was that differences in use of language would lead to Anglo-German misunderstandings, both in general and the particular case of Brexit negotiations. It was all rather tendentious.
The correspondent trotted out the old stereotype of the over-polite English person who says no, when offered a plate of biscuits, but means yes and expects the plate will come round again. It was claimed that the Germans would take a no as a no and not beat about the bush, expecting guests to say what they meant. I have seldom experienced this ‘false no’ and it is something I associate with an era long gone if the practice ever existed outside of certain ‘refined’ circles.
The thrust of the piece was that English-speakers don’t say what they mean. Well, maybe that’s just politeness and custom at times. Meanwhile, there were no stereotypes about Germans, e.g. their unquestioning attitude to authority (I’m thinking Merkel and not Hitler) and their use of ‘Herr Doktor this’ and ‘Frau Doktor that’ for people who are no better educated than I am (a mere B.A. Hons from a red brick university).
Re: The Archers post
And not even a comment about her ethnic origins from Al or the very small c consrvative Shulagh. You would think they would at least want to know where Als potential future partner trained, wouldn’t you? If not in Britain then a well respected university. The BBCs refusal to countenance even that reveals much about their attitude and their willingness to subsume realistic scripting to the political agenda.
The bbc have become obsessed with mental health of late. Looking at their brexit commentary I would suggest their reporters are all suffering from anhedonia.
Glad I found this site.
Where else do people of my age come along and get to know a new word like “Anhedonia”.
Endless poetic possibilities for my inner Pam poor Sylvia Plinth never used it in one of her poems, Maybe she should have.
Bet THAT reviewer will soon be collecting the akinny lattes once the BBC find out whats been said about Wor Bonnie.
Basically cribbaged from The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov.
Mr Sulu refused to comment.
Bonnie wouldnt care – guaranteed support from the leftist media The Hotel Cerise review – Bonnie Greer’s ferociously clever take on Chekhov
Greer’s play adds modern politics to Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, following the divided, upper-class black owners of a Michigan hotel during the US election
The Jungle – All those years has anyone protested the French? Has anyone protested our lax immigration rules and bountiful hand-out system? Has anyone protested the people and governments of the primitive cultures and corrupt governments of the immigrants countries?
Well, no, not much but we can blame the ordinary working people of Britain and make them feel really, really bad?
Thank goodness we have access to unbiased, unmanipulated news from other sources than the dishonest BBC. For a trustworthy summary of what’s happening at, “The Jungle” in Calais, visit:
OK World Media Zombies are you ready to regurgitate WWF’s PR sheet on world species decline ?
“Yes” says BBC : World wildlife ‘falls by 58% in 40 years’
even Russian propaganda channel Sputnic can do better than that
“Population of Vertebrate Animals Fell 58%”
got that thick BBC ? VERTEBRATE not all animals
Even then the data has been cherry picked and manipulated/tortured
Hint It’s the same old “Living Planet assessment” report they’ve been releasing for years .. that was bogus the first time
Last time they said 50%
“World wildlife populations halved in 40 years – report” – BBC News 30 Sep 2014
I see earlier at 12:32pm @Up2Stuff hinted to the big flaws
ie that BBC WWF species decline piece actually doubly debunks it’s own headline
“World wildlife ‘falls by 58% in 40 years'”
cos buried in the text is
This analysis looked at 3,700 different species of birds, fish, mammals, amphibians and reptiles – about 6% of the total number of vertebrate species in the world.”
#1 it’s only vertebrates
#2 They didn’t include 94% of vertebrates species in the survey..just 6%
So, anybody else bothered how children are without beds in a foreign first world country. A country the liberal world keeps on promoting as far superior to the UK in every damn aspect. Children without beds at Calais ‘Jungle
Children my f-king arse, younger males than than these freeloaders flew bombers over Germany for the RAF only 72 years ago and they were deemed…Men.
A bit harsh Pounce! I can’t see why you don’t want these middle aged men who have relentlessly broken every single law in Europe to get to one of the safest countries on earth… Where they then show complete disregard and intolerance to the laws of that country, use violence and intimidation to those in position of authority (the police) and then lie about their age to the detriment of those in genuine need like Syrian Christians and Yazidis……… 🙂
I have a laugh with people by telling that my boyfriend has left me in which to go to Syria. Then when their faces express shock, I come out with..
“He wants to be a suicide bummer”
(I actually said that to the mother-in-law and she simply replied..”Yes dear”. My better half went ballistic)
But I’ve now changed that for:
“I am a child asylum seeker”
Where the former got a laugh, the anger expressed at this huge liberal scam soon become evident. I am sick to death at been classed as a f-ing racist for telling the truth. I am sick to death of been classed as intolerant and I am sick to death of excuses for every Islamic sanction terrorist act carried out in the west.
And the liberal answer is:
We have to change our ways
It’s being called a racist by Gary Lineker for questioning “age” that makes my blood boil. I’m pretty certain no-one mentioned race when questioning the age of these fraudsters. Are there any lawyers on this site who could advise whether calling us all racists is in fact a hate crime?
Sinister voice “Join me for Trump’s Unswayables” on Monday BBC radio 4
..People who are voting for Donald Trump ..No matter what! There is nothing that can sway them : not revelations about his taxes or reports of his behaviour towards women..they are standing by their man. Who are these unswayables, how do they see the world, how do they learn about the world and what will happen next should their man lose
..People who are pushing for HILLARY ..No matter what! There is nothing that can sway them : not revelations about her EMAIL-SCANDALS or reports of her COVERING-UP Bill’s behaviour towards women..Her Team- getting caught on camera planning election fraud, they are standing by HER. Who are these unswayables, how do they see the world, how do they learn about the world and what will happen next should their WOMAN lose
In reality the BBC/liberal media etc are terrified of the unswayables./deplorables.
Even Michael Moore has got it and realised that Trump is a genuine rebel and nearer to an old fashioned socialist/conservative than any normal Republican/ Democrat.
They are loyal to Trump because he speaks directly to them and seems to connect. The globalists have all but bought the US to it’s knees and they know it. So does Trump and this is his appeal.
Trump, Farage, Orban, Marine le Pen and the others they are the real people who now count. Forget the Brussels apparatchniks and May and Trudeau and Clinton and Merkel. They will still have their successes but they are finished.
Liberalism and it’s vile adherents and enablers were defying reality. It had to end and end it will.
One real danger. In it’s last moments liberalism will try to divert us with an exterior threat. That looks like Russia. So beware .
I would not put anything past them as they know they are finished. Even a nuclear war is possible so insane are these people.
harry142857Mar 17, 10:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Why do reports need to be brief. It’s a 24 hour news channel, FFS. It isn’t a 15 minute slot…
tomoMar 17, 10:18 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Nuts This eejit is dangerous
ScrobleneMar 17, 10:14 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Starmerstan doesn’t do options, Sluff, just chucks numbers and meaningless inanities like ‘willing’ around and calling them ‘plans’, which this…
vladMar 17, 10:04 Weekend 15th March 2025 Jordan Peterson speaks out on muslim rape gangs, muliticulturalism, and the suicidal delusion of woke liberalism.
JohnCMar 17, 10:04 Start the Week 17th March 2025 ‘Every penny goes to children in need’. The BBC charity ‘Children in Need’ that is. Who take out more than…
JohnCMar 17, 10:00 Start the Week 17th March 2025 I have to say that for every lie I’ve been told by Russia, I’ve seen 10 on the BBC. All…
vladMar 17, 09:58 Weekend 15th March 2025 The full title of the clip reads: TRUMP and BUKELE’S deal SENDS 238 Tren de Aragua GANG MEMBERS to El…
Michael Moore – is that gravy stained, waste of organs, bloater still alive?
Fox News this morning : WikiLeaks emails blow hole in Obama story on Clinton server
also \\Apple VP to Clinton chief: “Thousands of times every month we give governments information on Apple customers” //
Apple VP to Clinton chief: “Strong encryption does not eliminate Apple’s ability to give law enforcement meta-data”
Hard to imagine anything bad enough to faze the cult members. And they are big cults.
Gaxvil, “Michael Moore – is that gravy stained, waste of organs, bloater still alive?”. He is alive and well. You can find him starring as Jabba the Hut in Star Wars and Pizza the Hut in Spaceballs. They chose him as he didn’t need any make up.
For once he has seen reality . Must have hurt him. If
Trump makes it it will be a good day for us all and will finally smash the illusion of liberal elite invincibility.
Dear BBC
I would not object to paying for R4 Extra but that is all.
If we had pay per view I could send the money I save to ‘CHILD REFUGEES’ and BLM.
ThingsBbcForgets EXPOSED: ‘No Borders’ Calais Activist Promises to ‘Organise Riots’, Says Islamic State Attacks ‘Good’ Breibart
They have another story
Muslim Migrant with Four Wives and 23 Children Receives $390,000 a Year in Benefits
Just in : Published: 1,200 Cologne New Year’s Eve Migrant Attacks Eye Witness Testimonies
Similar stories on their Twitter feed
Editor of Austria’s Largest Paper Charged with ‘Hate Speech’ over Migrant Article
via @BreibartNews
Loving your neighbour is one thing but when that neighbour moves into your house and starts going through you stuff ……………
Good fences make good neighbours.
Finding myself at a loose end today, I tuned into The Archer’s on Radio 4. You know the soap, it’s a tale of ordinary folk living in the sticks in a fictitious village called Ambridge. The stories used to have a rural theme but the last few editors have introduced hard politically correct storylines; there is the gay chef and the gay farmer (makes Ted & Ralf look like Shakespeare); a female Indian Hindu solicitor called Usha Franks who is married to the vicar (she was once blinded by a BNP type thug who is now her friend); Elizabeth Pargetter, a widow, who is falling for the Pakistani maths teacher who is tutoring her son; Kate the errant daughter of a rich farmer who ran off to Africa, married an African and had a mixed race child called Nolly. She’s now returned but left her child behind. The latest addition to Ambridge, remember the village where they all live in the middle of the countryside is Anisha Jayakody, an equine vet who wants to become a partner in the local vets. I’ve heard on the grapevine that her halal method of putting her terminal patients to sleep suspended from the ceiling using only a sharp knife while whispering Alan’s Snackbar into their furry ears is a storyline that is certain to get people talking! BTW that’s all listeners can do. The producer stopped the HYS feature on the shows web page because the listeners where voicing their displeasure over the ridiculous politically correct storylines that they were having rammed down their ears.
We gave up on The Archers when we got TV. The programme should have been terminated with the death of Grace Archer.
My dad’s sister said he should spend time listening to his real family not this fake family. My aunt is a smart cookie.
BBC Radio 4 All In The Mind – normally a production about mental health issues, what could possibly go wrong with bias there?
Well today its a full blown Fascist fest with the suggestion that people who don’t follow the Fascist view of the world should be subject to involuntary psychiatric evaluation!
Then they move onto Donald Trump and suggest that he is clearly insane and MUST be evaluated.
Just where do these people get their insane ideas from and what right do they think they have to suggest such draconian totalitarian ideas over a public service network?
Then its on to the ‘Media Show’ where New York times hack Dean Baquet is interviewed over his hatred for Donald Trump, and at the end it is revealed that the NY Times has declared for crooked Hilary !
Then there’s the new press regulator and an aghast BBC that newspapers have failed to sign up to ‘impress’ which they regard as state control of the press.
Then there’s the AT & T merger with Time Warner, and almost immediately they unbelievably go straight back to Donald Trump who has apparently said he will veto it !
It’s almost like they are obsessed by the man and there’s some kind of directive to attack him every 10 minutes !
Thoughtful, the idea that those who don’t share the same political views are in some way mentally ill is an old one. The Soviets used it a lot, and I suppose it goes back all the way to the catch-all ‘demonic possession’ which the ancient and medieval world liked to use as well. Like the Great Deceiver himself, the idea will come back again and again, cloaked in different guises.
So just when does speech, become, ‘hate, speech’ ?
PS: ‘Hate Thought’ can’t be too far in the future ?
When & only when the Fascists say it does !
I watched the Daily Politics programme today and became intrigued by what Theresa May had to say about Brexit today in the House of Commons, I transcripted her exact words
“..what we want to see is the best possible arrangement for trade with, and operation within the Single European Market for businesses for goods and services here in the United Kingdom.”
The key word here is the word “within”.
No we don’t Theresa, I want out of the Single European Market as you cannot be in it without the Free Movement of people.
She’s a weak ditherer in my book. ‘Theresa the Appeaser rings true.’
I don’t agree.
We want to have access to the single market – but May has made it abundantly clear that we cannot accept free movement so if as you say we cannot have that without free movement then we won’t be in. That’s doesn’t stop it being a goal though.
Personally I believe that we will get nothing, because with God knows how many countries regions needing to ratify any agreement, and the vote of only one to destroy it the chances of getting anything decent is virtually zero.
I believe the correct way to deal with negotiations is never to open them, but to declare some swingeing import tariffs against the EU forcing them into concessions which suit the UK and which the EU will force other countries to ratify.
This is the only language the weak & incompetent EU understand – just look at the trade negotiations with Canada and compare it to the complete capitulation to Turkey for examples.
Thoughtful, time will tell as they say.
You evoke some interesting thoughts. You said you didn’t agree but then upon reading your response I agreed with much of what you wrote! There are a couple of points though I’d like the oppotunity of taking up.
“but May has made it abundantly clear that we cannot accept free movement”
Which is true, however I rarely believe politicians when they make binary statements. They always fall back on the Keynes statement of ‘when the facts change I change my mind.’
Theresa May was, I believe, a ditherer as a Home Secretary and I have no reason currently to suggest she has changed.
I would suggest that the EU will make the running in the forthcoming negotiations and that our government will be at an instant disadvantage in their attempts to try and appease the Remainers, many of whom constitute over 70% of the current Parliamentarians. I hope they don’t as the referendum result should be viewed as binary.
This, dare I say it, could mean concessions on free movement or provide some financial disbursement to certain regions of the EU. I sincerely hope this does not happen but I fear the worst and would very much like to be proven wrong.
Remember Theresa May was a Remainer herself. Of her cabinet does she swing with Hammond or Fox/Davis? I fear it’s the fellow pro ‘Remainer’ Hammond.
‘I believe the correct way to deal with negotiations is never to open them, but to declare some swingeing import tariffs against the EU forcing them into concessions which suit the UK and which the EU will force other countries to ratify.’
I fear the above statement might irritate the EU a bit. In fact quite a bit. I like your positive approach though Thoughtful.
I would like to see John Redwood negotiating on our behalf opposite the odious Guy Verhofstadt. I don’t think he will take any prisoners and is a dyed in the wool Leaver.
“Personally I believe that we will get nothing, because with God knows how many countries regions needing to ratify any agreement, and the vote of only one to destroy it the chances of getting anything decent is virtually zero.”
The free trade agreement with Canada has to be agreed by all EU members (though I agree the Walloonian veto came as a surprise). However, I believe that the Article 50 negotiations will be decided by a qualified majority vote, so the views of obscure Belgian regional parliaments will not matter. Germany rules the EU, and we have a very large trade defecit with Germany. I think the outlines of a deal are pretty obvious.
BBC News Channel sports report this evening returns to that long-time BBC canard ‘the openly gay Premiership footballer’
The quest goes on – perhaps the BBC should put Autumn Watch on the look out.
How about a BBC-sponsered pink tented ‘hide’ at each soccer ground. BBC reporters equiped with ‘bi-noculars’ keeping watch when a tackle goes in that looks a little extra-friendly.
Of course BBC news credits their sport and leftist campaigning obssessed radio arm 5 Live with this new stepping up in their long-running mild goose chase…
BBC 5 Live have surveyed fans, apparently. Goodness knows what to make of the BBC statistics on this non-issue.
A majority of me says – who cares?
Go on BBC journos, you know you want to put this in your head lines
‘The former Prime Minister scooped the PinkNews “Ally of the Year” award’
The bBC its so called impartial news reporting and Bombing civilians in Syria:
Syria conflict: Schoolchildren killed in Idlib air raids
More than 20 people, many of them children, have been killed in air strikes on a rebel-held village in north-western Syria, activists say.
A school complex was reportedly among several locations targeted in the village of Haas, in Idlib province. It was not immediately clear if the raids were carried out by Syrian government or Russian warplanes.vState media quoted a military source as saying several “terrorists” had been killed when their positions were hit. The incident comes as the government and its ally Russia said they would continue a moratorium on the aerial bombardment of besieged, rebel-held eastern districts of the city of Aleppo.
So a school in Syria gets hit, over 20 children are murdered and the bBC reports the story without emotion or much fanfare. Which is exactly as how it should be reporting the news. which is strange as when the US,UK or Israel hit a school,hospital mosque the bBC goes hell for leather in which to scream out that this incident was/is a human rights crime. However the bBC then does what is does best in deflecting the reader away from story that the US led coalition may have killed hundreds inside Syria. (Of course to the bBC, ISIS terrorists can only be deemed as civilians)
Meanwhile, Amnesty International said thousands appeared to have been killed in 11 air strikes in Syria by the US-led coalition.
what makes this story a joke is that the bBC have to go back 2 years , to Sept 2014, in which to make that claim.
1,000 civilians could have been killed by coalition forces since the air campaign in Syria began in September 2014.
Now here’s a salient fact that the do-gooders above don’t mention. The US led coalition have used only precision guided munitions (PGM) in conjunction with targeting pods. what this means is they have been using a scalpel in which to take out Islamic terrorists.
In contrast the Russians and Syrians have used very few PGMs and aircraft fitted with Targeting Pods. They have resorted to using the good old fashioned dumb bomb (As unchanged from WW2) in great quantities in which to wipe entire regions off the map. (Which is exactly what they are doing in Aleppo) Here is a video of one such bomb dump over Syria.
when it comes to the crunch, I think we will find that Russia and Syria have a lot more inncent blood on their hands than the US led coalition, but hey why change a habit of a lifetime in attacking the West and defending Russia and Islam.
Funny enough the picture used in the above video clip is of an IDF F15 and not a Russian jet.
The Syrians and Russians are bombing IS or Al-Nusra.
Who have the coalition forces, including been bombing for the past 2 years?
the Soros sponsored western media has misled the public in favour of the American policy
The Western coalition are still, and only, advocating ‘political transition’, regime change again.
So, what have the Syrian people got to look forward to? An Islamist state propped up by the US and constant war a la Iraq in exchange for what they have currently. Not much of a choice in my book.
Stewie wrote:
The Western coalition are still, and only, advocating ‘political transition’, regime change again. So, what have the Syrian people got to look forward to? An Islamist state propped up by the US and constant war a la Iraq in exchange for what they have currently. Not much of a choice in my book.
Read my answer below.
PM today. Syria week – giving much airtime to a woman saying such. We don’t hear from any other side on this subject.
The good thing about the Russians, compared to us and the Americans, they have no qualms about killing Muslims. I certainly don’t think (for example) they would operate in a war zone against them, under the same rules of engagement that the Allies did in Afghanistan.
The Russians know what they are dealing with: two wars in Chechnya and atrocities like Beslan, will mean they’ll prosecute the war to a conclusion that they believe satisfactory.
They don’t want ISIS or Al-Quaeda controlling a country, which is then only one country away from their southern borderlands. The U.S. on the other hand is protected on either side by an anti-tank trench thousands of miles wide, yet somehow feels the need to interfere; though ineffectually.
Vey true and while people over here are being done for ‘hate speech’ – they blow kids to pieces and nothing but nothing happens and not a squeak from the hand – wringers but dare to refuse to make a gay cake ………………
CD wrote:
the Soros sponsored western media has misled the public in favour of the American policy
I wrote about the bBC news coverage about the bombing of a school not political conspiracy theories.
I much prefer, looking at, talking to and sleeping with member of the opposite sex.
Now listen, I don’t want to be unwittingly committing a crime or be guilty of a ‘phobia or ‘ism. Any advice much appreciated.
Reality vs BBC Metropolitan elites naivety + The bomber in the burqa
Was raised within 20 mins on Radio 4 this morning
At 9:45 Alan Bennett alerted us to the naivety of the Metropolitan elites mouthing off with romantic certainty about things they know nothing of
and then 1 minute later : he did it himself.
+ Yet 20 minutes earlier Libby Purviss had exhibited the same metropolitan luvvie naiviety getting a shock to her certain belief that : No one should be suspicious about anyone in a burqa, that’s very wrong and very bad.. Only to be told about a time a bomber in a burqa was intercepted on his way to bomb a bus of kids.
That Alan Bennett piece 1:02 talking about Auden having a romantic and WRONG view of northern villages, cos “everything about Auden is urban.”
ie making the very good point that you can’t understand something until you experience it.
– Then next minute he’s talking about British sailors being seized and paraded by the Iranian govt.
WTF that is just a naive assertion that he gives no evidence for.
We do know that many tens of thousands of guys were arrested in Afghanistan after a lot of deadly terrorist attacks and that it the vast vast majority did not end up in Guantanamo Bay. (775 did)
– I have met 2 people arrested in Afghanistan “We were astounded , we got handed over to the Americans, and it was not how we expected ..the American’s were just so polite and by the book…Months later we got a parcel to our home they’d developed and printed all our photos and sent them for free.”
BBC metropolitan elites #2 : If you listen to Midweek from a few minutes earlier at around 9:30am you can hear Libby Purviss saying something being shocked as the real world hits her.
She doesn’t seem to realise us evil non-luvvies have a right to raise concerns about : that 1 in a million chance that one time a bomber will use a burqa.
She puts her guilt and Virtue Signalling above actual practicalities.
The thing is Libby, I am forced to go through security at airports and be subjected to personal searches of myself and my belongings, even though I am never going to cause harm to another person on an plane or in an airport. Why are you not concerned that we are all put under suspicion in this way, but you are that people that wear Islamic uniform might be?
We can think of many examples where we have our freedoms restricted, or we are treated with suspicion, in the name of security.
Bollocks! I don’t fear demonising them. They do not have to dress like that in our society, it is their choice. I was frisked up and down scanned in a transparent pod at Lhr in full view of everyone.. No one asked if I would like privacy…it was assumed I am western and therefore do not require it. I then had to board a plane behind a woman in a niqab, worrying whether she had explosives or weapons under her clothes undetected as a result of our reluctance to check properly.
I only caught the end of ‘Midweek’, which IMHO is the weakest of the Radio 4 9:00 to 9:45 slots.
Libby Purves said something like “I know we’re not supposed to be controversial on the BBC …”
Just think about that comment and its implications for a moment.
Yes @Mus The context was
“We are running out of time
I wanted to talk about the cult of fascinators (stuff you stick on your hat)
..but we aren’t supposed to say anything controversial on the BBC”
Since they lie all the time and swear what does she mean ?
I’m guessing that after liberalising themselves of the old taboos they created new taboos and that being controversial means being in anyway challenging to a pet minority cause.
So you couldn’t possibly challenge burqas or idea of transgender children etc.
SG, yes, its that short BBC memory as well. The incident in the Police College in Pakistan last week was initiated by a bomber dressed in a burqa. The 60 or so dead would not share your views, Purvis. So, as a general rule, no one should be “suspicious”? Grow up Purvis and face the real World.
I don’t think this is funny or clever. A bit like dressing up as a clown to scare people. What is the point? You’d be arrested if you did it in a confined space (public building) so I don’t see what the point is. I didn’t like candid camera either.
Yes, totally irresponsible and dangerous too.
An interesting experiment though, and notice how the non-Arab dressed guys get a total ‘meh’ from the public as they drop their rucksacks.
This millions of years of evolved natural instincts is exactly what the virtue signalling luvvies want us to ignore, just to make themselves feel all warm and fuzzy inside. That they think that we can and should restrict these natural instincts is what’s offensive, not that we have them.
I bet he wouldn’t have tried it in the Mecca crowd
And that is why we will always lose!
The left sticks together with its hive mind the right is completely fractured and rather than stop and think about the reason for posting or the implications of what is happening, it’s straight into the condemnation.
Why should the BBC listen to us when we agree on hardly anything?
You ask about the issue of a confined space, but they clearly didn’t do it in a confined space so why even raise it? Unless of course it’s just so you can take issue with it?
The point of it is that people are completely switched on to the fact that Muslims are terrorists, and are quite capable of random acts of murderous violence. It’s not just one or two, it’s loads of people who are all prepared to believe that the Muslim has a viable bomb.
This ‘we’ of whom you speak…?
Well I’m sorry to disagree with you, but we’re able to have a civil debate about issues on this website – I don’t think we have to agree on everything, except that the BBC is horrendously biased.
You didn’t explain the reason for posting – it’s caption reads ‘funny videos – try not to laugh’. I am simply saying that throwing a rucksack at someone, IMHO is frightening and distressing, not funny, in the same way as someone shouting ‘bomb’ in an airport or similar. I don’t think many of the terrorists in recent attacks on the West were dressed in Arab garb like this either – correct me if I’m wrong.
Now you are going to think I’m an apologist for Islam, which if youve read any of my other posts is not correct – I don’t like it in any form. But last time I looked this was an anti-BBC site not an anti-Muslim one.
And please don’t call me a troll. Some folks have encouraged new posters – if you want that, then it’s important to allow a debate.
Caught a bit of The World Tonight on R4 at 10pm.
The French seem to have done a great job bulldozing the Calais jungle camp.
Cue lots of airtime for some Far Left woman do-gooder ranting on about how the UK needed to do more for 250 ‘children’ who have nowhere to sleep tonight.
Errr, no love, we don’t. The ‘children’ are in a safe country, so just butt out and mind your own business, and get the biased BBC editors to shut the fuck up. We don’t want any more of your Anti British left wing virtue signalling.Thank you.
Interesting , the ‘remainers’ and Al Beeb are telling us that the EU is so good that we must not leave it . Yet we have many trying to get out of it and head this way?
If it was that good the ‘gimmegrants’ would stay in France .
Has anyone noticed jugeared gary linekar swanned off to new york and missed the “demo” in london? A finer tosser i cannot recall. First class flight and accomidation no doubt all gratis from the rascist licence fee paying brexiters. If anyone deserves a scandal more id like to know who.
Linekar was a bloke who could kick a ball and was overpaid. So what ?
He is no better or worse than any other ordinary working person who has a say in Great Britain.
Why has his opinion on migrants been so powerful ?
Because it suits Al Beeb and the media, that’s why.
He is actually worse than any other ordinary working person, because he feels that what he says is worth listening to ! Before social media at least we were spared of these ‘celebrity’ opinions (funny how Madeley & Schofield are strangely quiet lately), pious outpourings AND endless sodding photos of the Beckham family having a night out !!!
As many have noted before, if the BBC has to mention the ethnicity of mis-behaving members of our taxi-driving community it falls back on the description ‘Asian’ rather than getting to the point, thereby libelling the Chinese, for example.
Over in Paris ‘Asians’, according to the BBC, are being beaten up. Fortunately it isn’t a case of ‘Islamophobia’ as these ‘Asians’ are Chinese!
Read the article and one can only conclude that it is those damn ‘French’ French that are causing all the trouble.
Read The Telegraph and we find:
Community workers say many muggings are committed by members of other minorities living in the area, generally of Arab or African origin.
Lies by omission.
Anything on Al Beeb about this yet ? If not why not ?
Is it because they hate reporting anything counter-productive to their cause ?
They only broadcast it after the other news channels because they would be held to account for not informing us . So much for an impartial the national broadcaster serving the interest of the British people .
It just makes you suspicious about what is not being reported ?
Coming via the BBC to your screen soon, this undoubtedly nauseating piece of sentimental propaganda designed to make you feel shame in Britishness, sympathetic to African immigrants, employ more low quality black actors at ludicrous rates, far higher than the market demands, and channel yet more money to the Taylor family.
“Written by award-winning screenwriter and playwright Levi David Addai, Damilola, Our Loved Boy is a 90’ feature-length drama for BBC One telling the story of Damilola Taylor from the point of view of the Taylor family, exploring their journey from Lagos to London, the emotional repercussions of Damilola’s death and the family’s quest for justice…
It will be a film about justice, redemption and love, and is being made with the consent and support of Damilola’s father, Richard Taylor OBE.
Well at least for once the black actors are not box-tickers and part of some diversity drive. The parents and child were black, the killers were black and they lived in a black ghetto. Nuff said.
“The parents and child were black, the killers were black and they lived in a black ghetto.”
And the audience will be 99% black. No prizes for guessing who will make up the 1%.
And another thing: Richard Taylor OBE? Baroness Lawrence? When do the parents of Kriss Donald and other white victims get their honours?
Never heard of a BBC Keith Blakelock tribute?
Must have missed it. Probably followed by the tribute to PC Patrick Dunne, which also escaped me.
One of the most appalling things I remember seeing on HIGNFY, was when they made fun out of something Keith Blakelock’s widow had said; when the coloured gentleman who was in prison for murdering him was freed. I never watched it again after that.
Early start today but business as usual at Al Beeb.
5am news. First story, Calais jungle .
Cue pictures of vulnerable migrants torching the camp. No comment whatsoever about this violence.
Cue virtue signalling interview with woman from ‘Help Refugees’. FFS.
Cue interview with Shave, sorry Save the Children trying to help 250 children. Apparently some children are being looked after in an Afghan mosque!!!! How enriching. How very French. Cue bBBC newreader offerring that not looking after these children ‘is immoral as well as illegal’.
Absolutely pathetic brainwashing propaganda.
Sluff – “Shave The Children” – luvvit! 🙂
Next at 0510. Doom and gloom time. The difficulty of completing the EU Canada trade deal shows how difficult it will be for the UK to sign a Brexit deal. Doom. Gloom.
The very next story is about the basket case that is Deutsche Bank, billions in the red.
But the bBBC keep telling us how marvellous the EU is.
Ever heard of ‘join the dots’? The bBBC clearly have not.
And add to that, Italy which is close to bankrupt, Spain which has no government, massive debt and serious corruption.
I’m sure that Brussels is working like mad behind the scenes to keep the circus going just a little bit longer. Imagine the impact of a major EU crisis at a time like this.
Article 50 and a two year negotiation period? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s overtaken by events and the whole thing collapses before the two year period has expired.
Just ordered two union flag/GB stickers to cover up the EU flag on my car licence plate. A bit ironic given that it’s a French car, but one must do one’s bit.
Mine’s a VW. No EU plate for some reason. My only grievance is with the EU (apart from the BBC of course). Nothing wrong with Germany or France.
Well, not a lot, anyway 🙂
This is more the truth. Deutsche Bank is a zombie. The Visegrad Four will have to choose either to accept rule by Germany ( aka Brussels) or leave the EU.
The PIGS countries are bankrupt. I can go on and on. The EU is a failed state.
Russia has only to wave a stick at the EU and it will fold over anything- it has no real military capability. Hopefully Trump will be elected and take US money and men back home. The external borders of the EU will collapse. The left wing hold over Eu policy will also collapse.
So now we should put in our leaving note asap. That will concentrate minds and make May either reveal her ( I suspect ) true colours or get on with it.
Morning after the night before
This morning our BBC sofa bods confidently describe Bake Off as ‘the biggest thing on tv’ – well, with the demise of Top Gear that was the number one show and now that cake fest is bereft of presenters and lost to Channel 4 – that should be ‘formerly the biggest’
Rumours are going around that a production team went to the BBC with the idea for a show titled ‘The Great British Piss Up in a Brewery’ – unfortunately BBC bosses rejected the idea saying ‘We don’t think we could manage that’
And as for that bloody migrant camp…
Let’s just remind ourselves of some of the somewhat under-reported words of Philippe Mignonet, deputy mayor of Calais:
“The ease with which illegal immigrants can work on the black market in Britain, coupled with the fact that migrants’ family members can more easily join them, means that Britain is a magnet for illegal immigrants”
Mr Mignonet claimed 15,000 migrants were entering Britain illegally through France every year, up to 40 migrants were getting through to the UK every night despite the efforts of the UK and French border agencies to stop them.
He called for Britain to stop ‘provoking’ France with its soft immigration policies.
He said the decision to raze the camp was the kind of hard-line policy that Britain should adopt as it prepared to leave the EU, rather than attracting newcomers with generous benefits.
“The UK Government says it does not want any more migrants but never expels migrants who get there”
Good post. I’ve read elsewhere that it is the open door the UK gives asylum seekers and immigrants to aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, mums, dads, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all that makes the UK so attractive.
France apparently puts the relatives through a much tougher process.
This is never reported by Al Beeb.
It’s pretty obvious thousands are getting through. If they weren’t, they’d have given up by now.
AsISeeIt – The Great British Piss Up you say?
Check here (actually pretty funny):
And the latest absurd figure to be enthusiastically embraced by the Beeb is that ‘world wildlife’ has reduced by 58% since the 1970s. In common with climate change it would seem that the more extreme, unsubstantiated and ludicrous the statistic, the more publicity and breast-beating it attracts.
I suppose, to be fair, if vastly reduced numbers of mosquitos, lice, bugs, flies and fleas are included due to improved human hygiene, ‘wildlife’ numbers are very probably down but to use the term in the accepted sense to claim as a fact that over half the world’s fauna has been lost is simply sensationalist nonsense – hence automatic coverage via the BBC, and very probable promotion during tonight’s ‘Autumnwatch’.
Beltane, maybe that 58% were wiped out by the ‘nasty brigade’?
Breaking news on BBC website
UK economy grew by 0.5% in three months after EU referendum, down from 0.7% for second quarter, figures show.
Lets see what gloomy interpretation they can put on this one.
What happened to the instant post brexit recession forecast? Will anyone from the Treasury resign? Will Mark Carney resign? Don’t hold your breath.
BBC LATEST: The UK economy has grown by 0.5% since Brexit but you never know – Earth might be hit by an asteroid.
‘ UK growth slumps on Brexit fears’
Any mention of growth in other EU countries?
Were it not for Britain being such an attractive, soft touch for immigrants – the Jungle would not have existed – Simples.
Hand – wringers it is your fault.
Not strictly bBBC except that they would not be slow to perpetrate the following deceit.
A letter in the Telegraph from Dr. S Field.
He notes that the Global Gender Equality Index ignores cases where women outperform. Thus more women going to university than men doesn’t count towards the inequality result. But more men than women going to university does.
The extra life expectancy of women does not count, nor does earlier pension ages for women or cases of compulsory military service only for men.
Can you imagine the biased BBC mentioning any of this the next time it sounds off on the gender gap ?
Yesterday the BBC was telling us that women ‘typically’ earn 9% less than men, whatever that means, as the ‘typical’ women doing the same job as a man surely gets paid the same?
The TUC, as usual, is totally bonkers:
TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The full-time gender pay gap is closing at a snail’s pace. At this rate, it will take decades for women to get paid the same as men.
“We need a labour market that works better for women. This means helping mums get back into well-paid jobs after they have kids, and encouraging dads to take on more caring responsibilities.”
So we have to reduce the pay for dad by making him work fewer hours and pull mum away from their children and shoehorn her into a ‘well-paid’ job, even though she has been out of touch with the world of work for a year or so. Her childless sisters must love the idea of seeing someone less experienced being fast-tracked into a good job!
Anyone who has been out of work for a while or who seeks to return to a past specialism will have been told, “I’m sorry your skills are out of date, we’re looking for someone with current experience”, yet this won’t apply to the new mums?
Equality madness! No barriers, yes, but numerical equality, no, that is plain stupid and smacks of centralised planning, not freedom.
Charity told “You are not ALL female” so we’ll cut your funding.
Yes the umbrella body Scottish Women’s Aid..has a rule that all magement positions in orgs it supports must have NO MEN.
..R4 Womens Hour had to debate that idea..FFS it’s obviously illegal and sexist
more news
“Does this mean that your sex/sexuality is more important than perhaps the main criteria for being on the board which should be – can you do the job !”
If you’ve ever worked in a workplace with one of these “tribes” like gays/femininists etc. you’ll know they are very discriminatory when they see “you are not one of us”
I remember as a kid the odd position of feminists:
My mother had gone out for the Women’s Institute meeting, I was watching television about a women only group of feminists, protesting outside a Gentleman’s Club which did not allow any female members.
The men in the club said that they come to the club to escape from the wife, and to drink, talk and read in peace.
I heard that today there are almost three times more women only organisations than men only organisations, and the men only organisations are all under siege to let in women members, but there is almost no pressure on women only organisations to let in Men.
I suppose the reason is that you can only allow segregation if left-wing people think you are inferior.
Whatever has happened to the News Channels in the morning ? Instead of ‘hard’ news we now have to listen to ex-grad students debating on the price of fish, a variety of columnists/journalists/authors of whom we’ve never heard giving their opinions on everything from false teeth to the latest economy drive ! I always switch on first thing to set me up for the day, but I’m met with ‘magazine’ type programmes that are becoming on a par with that Schofield bloke.
‘So-called’ migrant children
Among the world’s tallest, apparently, some of these so-called migrant children – judging by the photos on the BBC’s web-site.
Probably ‘Dutch’, therefore, not ‘Norwegian’.
More good news as reported in the Telegraph and the exact opposite of what Nissan said when helping to orchestrate Project Fear:
“Nissan to build new model in Britain despite Brexit
Stepping away from the GDP reaction for a moment, Reuters are reporting that Nissan is planning to build its new Qashqai model at Britain’s biggest car plant in Sunderland. Here’s the full report:
Japanese carmaker Nissan will build its new Qashqai model at Britain’s biggest car plant, a company source told Reuters on Thursday, in a major boost to Prime Minister Theresa May just months after voters backed Brexit.”
Apart from the resignation of Carney, who foisted an unnecessary interest rate cut on us this summer just because he forecast a recession, can we also have an apology from all the big corporations like Nissan, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan etc who lined up behind Cameron-Osborne to insult the intelligence of the British people? Oh and the BBC too..hows the Brexit Street series on R4 going?
And, as I have pointed out before, Nissan is effectively owned by the French government (ie Renault)- an inconvenient truth which the BBC goes to considerable lengths not to explain to its victims.
Nothing Nissan says on the subject of Brexit should ever be believed. That is probably also true of the rest of the car industry, but it is doubly true in Nissan’s case.
I am very pleased about the news on Sunderland. But the point is that Nissan are not sentimentalists. Sunderland is one of their major car plants, it is the most productive they have, and it has a very well motivated workforce. You simply cannot replicate that elsewhere in a couple of years.
That is why the Sunderland plant will survive. It is a successful business which is well managed and has an excellent workforce. The French should try it sometime.
It was always b@ll@cks that Nissan were going to relocate their plant out of the U.K.
Their plant in Sunderland was subsidized to high heaven by the British government, they didn’t pay business rates for 5 years. Did anybody really think that the Germans, French or the government of any other country would have offered them that now?
Also look at how many Nissan and other Japanese brands you see driving around in the U.K. then compare that with the number you see in France; Germany; Italy etc. The U.K. must be one of the biggest markets for Japanese cars in Europe (if not the biggest) Nissan weren’t going to walk away from that, for Brexit or anything else.
If they had left, they would then have the cost of building another plant somewhere within the EU and could then find their products (potentially) hit with tariffs, if there is no trade agreement between us and the EU, when they want to export back into one of their biggest markets: Great Britain.
Please, please do not encourage the French unions to move into the 20th century (no slip of the finger there).
French industry is slowly, slowly being killed off by being in the Euro and presently has no chance of following the Irish into hair shirts to try to regain competitiveness against the Germans.
Was watching sky news this morning and mark stone was reporting from calais and the end of the jungle. He was desperately looking for ‘children’ and found one but he had his head well covered and kept it covered as he walked past the reporter only to give him the finger and kept on walking. Sky reporter didn’t know what to do.
The BBC apparently are happy to use a flawed headline on their web-site:
When you read the report you find some scientists & researchers are adamant the report is flawed. When it takes only 6% of one type (vertebrates)in the survey’s scope it must be a selective minority view but the BBC are still happy to headline the report’s supposed findings and report it as applying to the whole of the natural world.
Not a quality piece of journalism as far as I am concerned.
Oh crap! Heard a bit of Woman’s Hour. Getting very radical these days and a perfect platform to indulge the haters of men, whites, and people who’ve not had their brains capped.
Anyone used the add image link successfully recently? It just takes me to the top of the page.
Can imaged be added manually with html <img src="www.etc etc ?
It may be their server performance fluctuations. I used image successfully but around midweek I am unable to connect to this site at all and am rarely able to edit.
Just watching the biased BBC Calais jungle report on bBBC 1 1pm news.
I think it is a rule now that ALL broadcasts MUST include the words ‘vulnerable children’ irrespective of relevance, accuracy, reality, or context.
The Guardian are adhering to the Government fantasy about migrant children. I cannot believe that the Government believe the British people are falling for this age scam. This little boy featured in the Guardian, is crying
Well, that’s what teargas does. Moral: don’t throw stones at the CRS.
I hope the Guardian got a signed permission from his parents to use a picture of a 16 year old, otherwise could they be in trouble with the press regulators?

Don’t worry Gary will support your fraudulent claim.
Surely not 37. This is the face of the 50 year old.
16 year old boy I says on the Guardians front page!
Looks as old as Herry Belafonte!
A 16 year old from Ethopia?
Apart from looking 35, since when exactly did we owe an unlimited welcome to unlimited numbers of economic migrants from Ethiopia?
I didn’t realise we had a border with that country.
Maybe he is the youngest graduate engineer ever to come out of Addis Ababa university.
Excellent comment in the Guardian Support our Lefty
Piss taking of the self-righteous is a far better way than abuse
Thank you, Friend Mallard :). Agree with you totally. My handle on Disqus is “Leftyliesrefuted” which originates from those far-off days (actually only a couple of years ago, but it seems a lot longer ago) when I thought the best way to change Lefties’ minds was to argue with them, mainly by refuting their, shall we say, misconceptions.
Just over a year ago, I abandoned that approach in favour of my current one. In case you or any other BB’ers are interested, I explain why in a bit more detail, on the Going Postal website:
Splendid SOL.
Walked the dog by the Guardian verdant verges on Tixies behalf…and didn`t bother to use the pooper scooper.
Will those lefties ever catch a whiff?…or forever think their nosegays of self-righteous lavender water will stop them from seeing what arses they all are!
Thank you, Friend Alicia :). Guardian readers often talk about “blinkered” Right-wingers, which always makes me smile. Talk about projection eh!
Classic FM Global Heaves on the car radio as I carried out what is with luck the last mow of the season.
Seems the big talking point is that the Government has had to defend itself on some mystery commitment ‘some are saying’ was to sweeten the Nissan deal to make Brexit look less of an unmitigated disaster.
Even my sweetie pie missus offered an opinion on that slant that would make a Glasgow docker blush.
Revoke the BBC Charter petition has only 6301 signatures.
Heck I’m not gay, female, black, Asian, transgender or a third World immigrant. Yet I feel so disadvantaged and marginalized that I can’t blame every mishap or underachievement in my life on being oppressed and discriminated against – it would make life so much simpler.
You poor lamb (said without being disrespectful to animal species because there are some who identify as sheep. Others who are more like mutton dressed as lamb like Krankie Sturgeon). We can cure you! Take 10 hours of “Snog, Marry, Avoid” daily washed down with BBC London News. After a week you will be a non-binary, pansexual, assexual, upside down and inside out person too!
I identify as a crusacean, I’ll have you know!
Is that a non-binary, pansexual, upside-down inside-out crustacean or a normal crustacean?
Oh bugger! I don’t know what I am now! I’ll have to go for counselling.
Good News! You’re suffering from marginalophobia.
There – problem solved. Go see your doctor and get 6 months off work. Play some golf.
And anybody who dares to challenge your claim is committing a hate crime.
From WH R4 – A ‘woman of colour’ (that’s a new one) complaining of ‘micro aggression’ (that’s another). WTF is ‘micro aggression’? She should maybe take a trip to Syria or Africa and stop viewing the World through race coloured glasses.
Hope there’s no webcam in the WH studio – I wouldn’t wish anyone to see Garvie or Murray licking the arses of these ‘no hopers’.
Gaxvil – Micro aggression is another excuse for wimmin to moan about horrific sexual harassment like when some white fascist male holds a door open for them or offers them a seat. Wolf-whistling is much worse, it’s Hate Crime, on a par with murder. But raping thousands of underage white girls is just a quaint cultural thing – who are we to judge other cultures?
Well this is the great paradox regarding the mental illness that is Leftism. To criticise good Muslims acting out the unchangeable instructions of the perfect pedophilic rapist himself…Muhammad, is by unanimous definition racist/Islamaphobic in cult leftoid.
How can it be rape when it’s the divine right for all Muslim warriors to take sexual slaves, as Muhammad did, including a 9 year old child?
What did the ‘woman of colour’ make of her fellow ‘man of colour’ – an actor from Broadchurch being jailed for sexual assault ? or is that ok because he is the ‘same’ colour ?
(note: I see that Ori’s star is on the rise at the Beeb, (like Anita Rani), he’s joined Dion Dublin on the morning tele circuit – so he’s a sports presenter/dancer (?)/and NOW a consumer affairs presenter – and the Beeb don’t have a diversity agenda ??????)
I’ve just seen the synopsis of today’s edition of Doctors on BBC1.
“Zara bets Daniel that he can’t get through a gender, equality and diversity workshop without resorting to male stereotype”
You couldn’t do a piss-take that good, could you?
Black Broadchurch actor sent InternationalWomensDay Tweets to victim
A rising star of television drama who appeared in ITV’s Broadchurch and Whitechapel has been jailed for eight years for sexually assaulting women as they slept
– We are guessing that media types in Virtue Signal mode bent over backwards to not offensd and therefore overlook any predatory signs.
Tonight on R3 Enoch Powell
Also James Zirin describes what he calls the partisan nature of the Supreme Court in America
R4 LP brexit prog is basically A Remoanerthon
Item 1 Two Irish border famers
Item 2 Essex family Remoaners ..father sympathising with his young remain campaign daughter who was on TV set on Ref night with all “those UKIP OLD men”, who didn’t look like they were triumphant (is that a bad thing) she and he feel betrayed
Item 3 9 year old twins Suffolk talking Brexit
“We won’t have many opportunities and it will be a lot more expensive”
“Our cousins live in Germany and Grandparents live in
our future isn’t going to be clean any more ”
Who brainwashed them ..that’s child abuse
before that at 11 on FooC
FooC now black journalist talking about getting the smile from “brown and Black faces”… I don’t thinks us “people of non colour” go around smiling only at each other
See how the BBC’s “persons of colour staff” can turn into racists spouting hate, without realising that’s what they are.
On FooC Lindsay Johns said
I caught a bit of ‘FooC’ this morning on Radio 4.
What particularly annoyed me, as well as the Black-racist piece about Harlem, was another item from Germany. The theory put forward was that differences in use of language would lead to Anglo-German misunderstandings, both in general and the particular case of Brexit negotiations. It was all rather tendentious.
The correspondent trotted out the old stereotype of the over-polite English person who says no, when offered a plate of biscuits, but means yes and expects the plate will come round again. It was claimed that the Germans would take a no as a no and not beat about the bush, expecting guests to say what they meant. I have seldom experienced this ‘false no’ and it is something I associate with an era long gone if the practice ever existed outside of certain ‘refined’ circles.
The thrust of the piece was that English-speakers don’t say what they mean. Well, maybe that’s just politeness and custom at times. Meanwhile, there were no stereotypes about Germans, e.g. their unquestioning attitude to authority (I’m thinking Merkel and not Hitler) and their use of ‘Herr Doktor this’ and ‘Frau Doktor that’ for people who are no better educated than I am (a mere B.A. Hons from a red brick university).
Fooc Off, BBC!
“The thrust of the piece was that English-speakers don’t say what they mean. Well, maybe that’s just politeness and custom at times.”
To be fair to them there will be occasions during the negotiations when we might use the word “Please”; but we don’t mean it anymore.
We’re not the only race that doesn’t say what it means. Just look at the refugees saying they are 14 years old.
Re: The Archers post
And not even a comment about her ethnic origins from Al or the very small c consrvative Shulagh. You would think they would at least want to know where Als potential future partner trained, wouldn’t you? If not in Britain then a well respected university. The BBCs refusal to countenance even that reveals much about their attitude and their willingness to subsume realistic scripting to the political agenda.
The bbc have become obsessed with mental health of late. Looking at their brexit commentary I would suggest their reporters are all suffering from anhedonia.

Glad I found this site.
Where else do people of my age come along and get to know a new word like “Anhedonia”.
Endless poetic possibilities for my inner Pam poor Sylvia Plinth never used it in one of her poems, Maybe she should have.
Seismicboy, either that or too many sessions playing with the ECT machine.
“A dispiriting Affair : TheTimes review of Bonnie Greer’s new Anti-Trump Black Power …play
Bet THAT reviewer will soon be collecting the akinny lattes once the BBC find out whats been said about Wor Bonnie.
Basically cribbaged from The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov.
Mr Sulu refused to comment.
The real McCoy Bonnie Greer: Oh-Hur-again.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Bonnie wouldnt care – guaranteed support from the leftist media
The Hotel Cerise review – Bonnie Greer’s ferociously clever take on Chekhov
Greer’s play adds modern politics to Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, following the divided, upper-class black owners of a Michigan hotel during the US election
The Guardian
The Jungle – All those years has anyone protested the French? Has anyone protested our lax immigration rules and bountiful hand-out system? Has anyone protested the people and governments of the primitive cultures and corrupt governments of the immigrants countries?
Well, no, not much but we can blame the ordinary working people of Britain and make them feel really, really bad?
Thank goodness we have access to unbiased, unmanipulated news from other sources than the dishonest BBC. For a trustworthy summary of what’s happening at, “The Jungle” in Calais, visit:
I see that the Daily Politics has Oor Wullie as the guest today.
Is this an SNP supporter from the Sunday Post?
OK World Media Zombies are you ready to regurgitate WWF’s PR sheet on world species decline ?
“Yes” says BBC : World wildlife ‘falls by 58% in 40 years’
even Russian propaganda channel Sputnic can do better than that
“Population of Vertebrate Animals Fell 58%”
got that thick BBC ? VERTEBRATE not all animals
Even then the data has been cherry picked and manipulated/tortured
Hint It’s the same old “Living Planet assessment” report they’ve been releasing for years .. that was bogus the first time
Last time they said 50%
“World wildlife populations halved in 40 years – report” – BBC News 30 Sep 2014
* BUT * BBC More or less explained WWF’s magic maths last time !! (download the podcast very good) Oct 2014
another older one BBC More or less explained (direct link to audio)
There is also a handy BBC page webpage on the count of species NOT actually going extinct 2012
I never donate or support corrupt NGOs like WWF
I see earlier at 12:32pm @Up2Stuff hinted to the big flaws
ie that BBC WWF species decline piece actually doubly debunks it’s own headline
“World wildlife ‘falls by 58% in 40 years'”
cos buried in the text is
#1 it’s only vertebrates
#2 They didn’t include 94% of vertebrates species in the survey..just 6%
So, anybody else bothered how children are without beds in a foreign first world country. A country the liberal world keeps on promoting as far superior to the UK in every damn aspect.
Children without beds at Calais ‘Jungle
Children my f-king arse, younger males than than these freeloaders flew bombers over Germany for the RAF only 72 years ago and they were deemed…Men.
A bit harsh Pounce! I can’t see why you don’t want these middle aged men who have relentlessly broken every single law in Europe to get to one of the safest countries on earth… Where they then show complete disregard and intolerance to the laws of that country, use violence and intimidation to those in position of authority (the police) and then lie about their age to the detriment of those in genuine need like Syrian Christians and Yazidis……… 🙂
I have a laugh with people by telling that my boyfriend has left me in which to go to Syria. Then when their faces express shock, I come out with..
“He wants to be a suicide bummer”
(I actually said that to the mother-in-law and she simply replied..”Yes dear”. My better half went ballistic)
But I’ve now changed that for:
“I am a child asylum seeker”
Where the former got a laugh, the anger expressed at this huge liberal scam soon become evident. I am sick to death at been classed as a f-ing racist for telling the truth. I am sick to death of been classed as intolerant and I am sick to death of excuses for every Islamic sanction terrorist act carried out in the west.
And the liberal answer is:
We have to change our ways
It’s being called a racist by Gary Lineker for questioning “age” that makes my blood boil. I’m pretty certain no-one mentioned race when questioning the age of these fraudsters. Are there any lawyers on this site who could advise whether calling us all racists is in fact a hate crime?
Sinister voice “Join me for Trump’s Unswayables” on Monday BBC radio 4
Join me Michael GoldfarbTrump’s loyal army next Monday on Radio 4
Consider this
Join me Michael GoldfarbHILLARY’s loyal MEDIA army next Monday on Radio 4
that was the 4:30pm trailer on Radio4 ..sorry I missed the question marks
In reality the BBC/liberal media etc are terrified of the unswayables./deplorables.
Even Michael Moore has got it and realised that Trump is a genuine rebel and nearer to an old fashioned socialist/conservative than any normal Republican/ Democrat.
They are loyal to Trump because he speaks directly to them and seems to connect. The globalists have all but bought the US to it’s knees and they know it. So does Trump and this is his appeal.
Trump, Farage, Orban, Marine le Pen and the others they are the real people who now count. Forget the Brussels apparatchniks and May and Trudeau and Clinton and Merkel. They will still have their successes but they are finished.
Liberalism and it’s vile adherents and enablers were defying reality. It had to end and end it will.
One real danger. In it’s last moments liberalism will try to divert us with an exterior threat. That looks like Russia. So beware .
I would not put anything past them as they know they are finished. Even a nuclear war is possible so insane are these people.