Earlier in this thread I asked, tongue in cheek, how R4’s Brexit Street series was going. Little did I know that we were about to be regaled with it again on PM this evening. The fragrant middle class Southern gal Emma Jane Kirby continues to ask leading questions to residents of Thornaby on Teeside ,designed to rubbish Brexit and make them sound rather stupid. It’s a patronising approach and totally biased. Despite today’s news about GDP and Nissan the relentless post Brexit gloom continues on Brexit Street . The unemployed “Peter ” worries that there will be a recession next year just as he wants to enter the job market. Meanwhile the gloom is already with him because he is convinced that Brexit will force up prices . Perhaps he reads Treasury forecasts and the pronouncements of Mark Carney? Or more likely, he is prompted by BBC bias. This appalling series should be binned .
Another little gem on PM this evening was the open admission that the default position for the BBC was anti-Trump. Earlier they had dug up someone who wrote a book thirty years ago for Trump who thought him ‘crazy’, then realised that he was shooting from the hip, (Trump-like?), and sought to re-word the slander. If Trump wins he and his family will head for Europe, perhaps Calais?
I don’t know if anyone’s been listening to Radio 4’s ‘The Listening Project-Referendum Tales’, but as you’d expect it’s a turgid example of BBC bias dressed up as impartial discussion.
I rarely listen to BBC radio, and dropping in to catch the news I was reminded why.
The BBC as a whole has become a left-wing/Remainer primal scream group therapy session, and encouraging a post referendum sulkathon is neither informative nor productive, in fact it’s vindictive, which is not acceptable for a public funded broadcaster.
Newswatch analyses broadcasters output and checks for bias etc., etc., They produced an in depth report detailing BBC EU bias for instance, however, I don’t if they actually do anything about anything or pass it to some body that might ?
“”Brexit ‘may make it harder for UK acts to tour Europe””
“”The Creative Industries Federation said British artists may have to spend more time and money on items like visas for tours if freedom of movement rules are tightened””
Presumably this follows on from the end of Premier League footballers to play their trade here, if we went and voted to leave.
Which we did.
Good old Mr Allardyce told us that this Reminion B.S was junk, a good Sunderland man at that time.
Maybe he was booted out of the England manager job BECAUSE he said this.
This is my conspiracy theory for today-wonder if the BBC will soon do anything about the Brexit Martyrs like Sam?
When – if ever – will the BBC make and broadcast a programme that is genuinely positive about Brexit?
Not an uncritical one; simply, something that robustly explores Britain’s out-of-the-EU future from the perspective of potential beneficial outcomes, and also prominently brings into the equation the negative impact of the EU on Britain over the past 43 years.”
Just wish that News-watch’s Mr Keighley – who is usually correct in his assessments on the SCBBC – would actually do something to try and bring some, any, kind of desperately needed change…
BBC News Channel this evening air a report putting BBC favourite Nicola Sturgeon on the spot.
To be fair the issue was the NHS (the BBC’s public sector sister-in-arms for whom no amount of public funding and larding of praise can ever be sufficient) and the SNP’s poor mangement, thereof – north of the border-wise.
Anyway, the BBC did present a tag-team attack effort of Tory, Liberal and Labour in the Scottish Parliament.
So seems she’s not made of teflon
At least for once the little she-gnome got some stick care of the BBC
And the spectacle of Sturgeon hugging the Nigerian child drum band waving their saltire flags as they sang Flower of Scotland was probaably the most toe-curling example of televised virtue-signalling since…. well, since… Lily Allen’s antics in Calais last week.
Lily Allen, Graham Norton, Gary Lineker, Dominic Cumberbatch, Jude Law, Bob Geldof and Eddie Izzard.
No-don`t remember voting for ANY of the above.
But the BBC seem to think that they speak for us all.
A real pot pourri of privileges, celebrity, showboating and onion sniffings at the point where “politics” meets “campaigning” meets “fame and money”.
Privileged dross who confuse acting and playing football or a guitar with REAL LIFE.
Fantasists. But forever sucking the magic sponge of ambrosia.
Take the limelights away-and they wither and die.
Shall we try?
You can also add the following to the list of those who believe their opinions are worth listening to. Also interesting to note that many of those who appear on news/political programmes are all from the stable of one particular ‘Agency’ – Noel Gay; many surprising photos are on display.
Yasmin alibhai-brown – Grievance journalist
Jenny Kleeman – ‘documentary maker’, Westminster school boarder, Guardian writer
Bonnie Greer – playwright of plays no-one has heard of, but still has the OBE despite being American
Ayesha Hazarika – ‘comedienne’, Guardian writer.
I would have at least a little grudging respect for this unwholesome collection of over inflated, egotistical, publicity seeking hypocrites if they at least tried to live a normal life on a normal salary in a normal area where they are more likely to have their live touched by the problems their policies cause.
But this is not the liberal/socialist way. They want to keep their wealth, all the trappings that go along with fame and try and justify it all by saying they are using it to do “good works” – What utter b#######s!
The truth is – is that they see themselves as entitled to what they have and are no more related to socialism or social justice than Donald Trump – In fact worse because he does not seek and justify his privileged life.
Maybe there should be nice large houses for all – at what point do we stop covering the country with concrete.
This is utter crap they know it and we know it – but until the media starts to seriously look at the reality and the contradictions in the between their lifestyles and their preaching s we will have many more years of having to listen to these insufferable bastards!
Nothing wrong in doing well in life – Just dont destroy the life of the rest of the population of your country when you have made it!
“”US election: ‘Cruel’ Trump claim annoys dead soldier’s family””
“”The Republican candidate’s reaction, in which he implied the mother (Muslim family) was not allowed to speak up, attracted strong condemnation from within his own party””
The BBC dragging up this old story to feed their anti-Trump bias.
Why don’t the BBC cover fresh news about Clinton’s emails and the harm that the truth is doing her?
And why is the BBC so personally involved in the US Election? They have no influence in the US. Perhaps the BBC can’t help themselves? Being Left wing to the core, they hate Trump.
Trump is independent and not Republican mainstream. Perhaps the BBC also fear independence of thought?
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not) Police appeal after teen raped in Hackney park
Police are appealing for witnesses and information after a teenage girl was allegedly raped in a Hackney park.The victim was walking towards a bus stop in Lea Bridge Road, Lower Clapton on Thursday afternoon when she was approached by two men. They forced her into an area in Mill Fields Park, where one of the men raped her while the other stood watching, according to Scotland Yard. Both men then fled the scene following the attack. The incident took place between 2pm to 4pm.
The first suspect is described as a black man of Somali appearance, approximately 5ft 6inches tall of skinny build and aged about 20. The second suspect is described as a light-skinned black man of medium build, also about 20, with cropped black hair, shaved on the sides.
The bBC reports this about the Men Children in Calais: Calais ‘Jungle’ children with nowhere to sleep
Oh by the way SUSU (on the burnt out Van) means ‘Piss’ followed vt Shaft I can only presume its something along the lines of ‘Prick’
On its CBBC website they show a cartoon about a little girl who has got to the UK Guide: What’s happened to ‘Jungle’ migrant camp
Well they can’t be showing actual videos of grown men to children claiming that they are kids can they?
Newsnight had an unusual introduction into the Alexis Jay inquiry into sex abuse, including a reference to the BBC covering up the background to the abuse. Is this a first on the BBC?
The same problem exists here. If you don’t believe Hilary has a double digit lead, then why believe Teresa has? She hasn’t which is why she hasn’t had an election this week…
Alex, I think it did get a mention on the TODAY programme but I was still laughing/crying/gnashing teeth at the 8.10am ‘Interview’ to pay much attention.
Over the last 24 hours it’s been amusing to listen to the BBC morph temporarily into a right-wing organisation that believes in absolute free trade with no Government intervention whatsoever, warning us of the dangers of doing otherwise.
Toady programme in full remainiac mode this morning. First three items on the 8pm news were anti Brexit , including negative views of Nissan’s investment decision ( the government isn’t telling us the truth so it’s a scandal not a piece of good news). Then some garbage about Ireland and Brexit with a court case claiming that Britain conceded sovereignty over Northern Ireland in the Good Friday Agreement! Finally an extended interview with one T Blair at 8.10 whose arguments were specious at best. He isn’t involved in politics any more he claims, yet here he is wanting to overturn the Brexit vote which he claims he respects. He either wants a second referendum, or a general election or a parliamentary vote on staying in. When will this BBC propaganda masquerading as news cease?
Such is the amount of anti-Brexit rhetoric now that it all merges into one continuous moan, so I can’t recall if it was last night or this morning, but I heard one BBC pundit demanding that we all have a right to know, must know, the exact details of the deal done with Nissan AND THEN IMMEDIATELY IN THE SAME SENTENCE claiming that once the details of the deal are known it will set in play a financial chain-reaction of business demands that will be a disaster for post-Brexit Britain.
The cognitive dissonance involved in this BBC anti-Brexit reporting is quite breathtaking.
This morning was a horrible moment of Deja Vu on Radio 4 Today as Tony BLiar soiled the airwaves with he contstant yuh knows and out of touch anti democratic, hate filled arrogance, and barely controlled anger at the referendum result.
The problem for him is that Saudi & their allies have paid him what they believe he is owed, and now have stopped, presumably because they have now switched to their other compromised ex puppet David Cameron – So BLiar is at a loose end.
He wants to get back into politics and is aghast at where Jeremy Corbyn has taken Labour. He’s thought about forming a new party but knows he hasn’t much chance of getting it off the ground. He just doesn’t seem to be able to see that the British people see the BLiar brand as toxic.
Worse they hold him and his gang of clowns responsible for mass immigration and wrecking the economy – Tony is certainly in denial.
This morning he is invited on to the Today program to talk about the BBC’s favourite subject. How they can overturn the referendum result.
BLiar shows his naivety over the whole subject by suggesting that any negotiated deal can be put to the British people in a second referendum with a rejection meaning we remain in Europe (The BBC wet dream). He clearly doesn’t know that to get to this position article 50 needs to have been triggered, and that there is no way back from that. It would entail rejoining the EU as a new member which would require the adoption of the failing Euro as our currency.
Dear God save us from BLiar and the wholly corrupt out of control BBC !
A short video of the BBC flying their drones at eye height instead of holding a camera.
Nice close up interview of a “16 year old child” who probably would raise eyebrows on a ‘ Club 18-30’ holiday as he would be too old for that.
The video then jumps to an aid worker with the caption saying “residents have been given contradictory and confusing messages”. It then cuts to another bearded do-gooder (probably wearing sandels too) saying “some young people have missed their chance to get to the UK and claim their legal right to asylum”.
The video then cuts to a painted sign saying “Freedom for all people”. The whole video is anti-French and implies everyone has a legal right to live in the UK “cause it is nicer than France”
Yep, they has been contradictory and confusing messages but they have been coming from the BBC and other Lefties.
Radio 5 Men’s mental health is the issue on the 9am phone-in
Wow 5-Live actually interested in men,
Ah I see they titled it “Why do men find it so hard to talk about their feelings?”.. putting the blame back on to men.
10 O’clock you get the double edition of Woman’s Hour one on BBC R4 and the other on BBC R5 with Emma Barnett
It may have been noticed already with a post elsewhere on the B-BBC web-site but I found the TODAY programme, 28 October R4 from 8am-9am, to be pure comedy. And tragedy.
The BBC bosses are apparently unable to see it, understand what its effect is likely to be in a multi-source, multi-provider world. I could imagine the sound of off-switches being flicked – especially in Corbyn-supporting Labour households – when Tony Blair was interviewed by Nick Robinson. Other ‘strongly Marmite-flavoured’ items followed and again I thought I heard a raft of ‘clicks’, including my own. I wonder when it will start to be reflected in audience figures.
The TODAY programme is the BBC’s flagship programme for Radio 4 and has probably played a significant part in the computer-led radio revival for the BBC. It is now becoming a news free zone of entertainment. I think sooner or later more and more listeners will realise what they are listening to and say “I don’t need this” or “I don’t want this” and turn off. What will the BBC do for a radio revival then?
They have been gifted the support for the past revival courtesy of the computer revolution. That’s been, gone and is done & dusted. There will not be another.
Where will they get the new impetus for a radio revival from in the smart phone age where people have the choice of stations around the globe or their own choice of material – playlist, talking book, independent Blog, etc, – to listen to?
The BBC will be increasingly reliant on their TV to justify their existence where the competition from other broadcasters is greater but where the medium overall is now only ever likely to be diffused or even in decline as people in a multi-option world choose not to sit in front of a box. The novelty and major draw of TV is long gone.
As things stand, the future does not look too bright for the BBC.
I was taking a shower when, Sweaty Palms, Brexit Brow, Blair came on.
He had all the credibility of a sheep trying to convince a wolf to become a vegan for health reasons. Fortunately I was out when the transgender child piece came on.
#TheyKilledTheBbc Yes R4 news progs are basically infotainment aimed at LeftMob filled with Confirmation Bias for them whilst all challenging is filtered off.
Progs feature constant News-vertorials from Labour, NGOs and other Special Interest Groups
BBC Radio 4 Recycled Radio with Fascist anti Semite Gerald Scarfe
Yet another privileged white rich boy from Hampstead who went to St Martins college completely out of touch with the real people of the UK whilst incredibly believing he has his finger on the pulse.
“I’m sketching a map of Europe as it used to be, not just pre-referendum but a long, long time earlier than that. And let me tell you, it’s a bewildering place!”
Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe introduces a Recycled special on the place that has obsessed us all summer long, so buckle up as we find out what is so different about Us and Them. With journeys to the continent and back to Westminster again combined with the powerful slicing of leading voices in the European debate – Tony Benn and Margaret Thatcher from 1975; Boris, Nigel and Dave from 2016. Plus the voices of leading historians, and comedians, attempting to make sense of the great European divide. Exhilarating radio you’ll not hear anywhere else.
The producer is Miles Warde.
It’s basically a swipe at Fatcher & Farage it’s appalling biased tripe.
In its edition of 27 January 2013 (Britain’s Holocaust Memorial Day), London’s Sunday Times published a cartoon by Scarfe depicting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paving a wall with the blood and bodies of Palestinians, captioned “Israeli elections—will cementing peace continue?” The cartoon’s timing and content was criticised by groups including the European Jewish Congress and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, with accusations of antisemitism leveled against Scarfe
Funny thing how in the War the BBC ‘MODIFIED’ the news in order to aid the country – these days it ‘MODIFIES’ the news in order to destroy the country.
Doubt you will see this picture of the ‘child’ migrants on the BBC currently on the AFP feed:
I also want to know where these migrants are getting the money from for their smart new clothes and trainers, and who is providing them with the tents they pitched in Paris?
Lucy PevenseyMar 17, 15:28 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Deform UK not dead enough….. Nigel beats the zombie corpse. https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1901616964985815494
AsISeeItMar 17, 15:27 Start the Week 17th March 2025 BBC News posts to You Tube with a classic journalistic ‘despite’ US deports hundreds of Venezuelans to supermax prison despite…
DocmaroonedMar 17, 15:21 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Usual totally out of date garbage from the bBBC. It has been known for years that elite female athletes do…
diggMar 17, 14:37 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Ban elite sport for women? But we would need to ban it for men as well otherwise it won’t be…
Fedup2Mar 17, 14:24 Start the Week 17th March 2025 I regularly go into local charidee shops and chat to the volunteers – the antics the Eastern Europeans and coloured…
harry142857Mar 17, 13:49 Start the Week 17th March 2025 From Guido – took a lot of pushing ! Mike Amesbury has done a sit down with GB News’ Gloria…
LoobylooMar 17, 13:30 Start the Week 17th March 2025 lol!! I’ve been a stall holder at that one… they are at your stall in the dark before you’ve finished…
andyjsnapeMar 17, 13:29 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Labour’s plan for benefits throws up a bigger dilemma “In the next 24 hours and then over the following fortnight…
Lefty WrightMar 17, 12:59 Start the Week 17th March 2025 Jeff Percy Thrower and Geoff Hamilton were my favourite gardeners. I just don’t watch any more.
What is it? Get as many, uneducated, none English speakers in the country before anyone notices or what?
Walk down the Barking Road and you’ll realise they are already here.
Earlier in this thread I asked, tongue in cheek, how R4’s Brexit Street series was going. Little did I know that we were about to be regaled with it again on PM this evening. The fragrant middle class Southern gal Emma Jane Kirby continues to ask leading questions to residents of Thornaby on Teeside ,designed to rubbish Brexit and make them sound rather stupid. It’s a patronising approach and totally biased. Despite today’s news about GDP and Nissan the relentless post Brexit gloom continues on Brexit Street . The unemployed “Peter ” worries that there will be a recession next year just as he wants to enter the job market. Meanwhile the gloom is already with him because he is convinced that Brexit will force up prices . Perhaps he reads Treasury forecasts and the pronouncements of Mark Carney? Or more likely, he is prompted by BBC bias. This appalling series should be binned .
Another little gem on PM this evening was the open admission that the default position for the BBC was anti-Trump. Earlier they had dug up someone who wrote a book thirty years ago for Trump who thought him ‘crazy’, then realised that he was shooting from the hip, (Trump-like?), and sought to re-word the slander. If Trump wins he and his family will head for Europe, perhaps Calais?
I don’t know if anyone’s been listening to Radio 4’s ‘The Listening Project-Referendum Tales’, but as you’d expect it’s a turgid example of BBC bias dressed up as impartial discussion.
I rarely listen to BBC radio, and dropping in to catch the news I was reminded why.
The BBC as a whole has become a left-wing/Remainer primal scream group therapy session, and encouraging a post referendum sulkathon is neither informative nor productive, in fact it’s vindictive, which is not acceptable for a public funded broadcaster.
Newswatch analyses broadcasters output and checks for bias etc., etc., They produced an in depth report detailing BBC EU bias for instance, however, I don’t if they actually do anything about anything or pass it to some body that might ?
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit ‘may make it harder for UK acts to tour Europe””
“”The Creative Industries Federation said British artists may have to spend more time and money on items like visas for tours if freedom of movement rules are tightened””
All ifs and maybe. No evidence. More BBC anti-Brexit propaganda.
Most are over funded by the tax payer and are hard left in their views and performances. The more that fold the better.
Will migrating British birds be able to cross Europe and will we get the same weather post Brexit ? I do hope the BBC is looking into this!
That’s a 10 on the Bolloxometer.
Presumably this follows on from the end of Premier League footballers to play their trade here, if we went and voted to leave.
Which we did.
Good old Mr Allardyce told us that this Reminion B.S was junk, a good Sunderland man at that time.
Maybe he was booted out of the England manager job BECAUSE he said this.
This is my conspiracy theory for today-wonder if the BBC will soon do anything about the Brexit Martyrs like Sam?
If only that were the case with the so-called child refugees!
‘David Keighley’s BBC Watch: Purnell for D-G? No joke as impartiality over Brexit is junked’
“It’s challenge time on TCW!
When – if ever – will the BBC make and broadcast a programme that is genuinely positive about Brexit?
Not an uncritical one; simply, something that robustly explores Britain’s out-of-the-EU future from the perspective of potential beneficial outcomes, and also prominently brings into the equation the negative impact of the EU on Britain over the past 43 years.”
Just wish that News-watch’s Mr Keighley – who is usually correct in his assessments on the SCBBC – would actually do something to try and bring some, any, kind of desperately needed change…
Well, there’s a First, Minister
BBC News Channel this evening air a report putting BBC favourite Nicola Sturgeon on the spot.
To be fair the issue was the NHS (the BBC’s public sector sister-in-arms for whom no amount of public funding and larding of praise can ever be sufficient) and the SNP’s poor mangement, thereof – north of the border-wise.
Anyway, the BBC did present a tag-team attack effort of Tory, Liberal and Labour in the Scottish Parliament.
So seems she’s not made of teflon
At least for once the little she-gnome got some stick care of the BBC
And the spectacle of Sturgeon hugging the Nigerian child drum band waving their saltire flags as they sang Flower of Scotland was probaably the most toe-curling example of televised virtue-signalling since…. well, since… Lily Allen’s antics in Calais last week.
Lily Allen, Graham Norton, Gary Lineker, Dominic Cumberbatch, Jude Law, Bob Geldof and Eddie Izzard.
No-don`t remember voting for ANY of the above.
But the BBC seem to think that they speak for us all.
A real pot pourri of privileges, celebrity, showboating and onion sniffings at the point where “politics” meets “campaigning” meets “fame and money”.
Privileged dross who confuse acting and playing football or a guitar with REAL LIFE.
Fantasists. But forever sucking the magic sponge of ambrosia.
Take the limelights away-and they wither and die.
Shall we try?
You can also add the following to the list of those who believe their opinions are worth listening to. Also interesting to note that many of those who appear on news/political programmes are all from the stable of one particular ‘Agency’ – Noel Gay; many surprising photos are on display.
Yasmin alibhai-brown – Grievance journalist
Jenny Kleeman – ‘documentary maker’, Westminster school boarder, Guardian writer
Bonnie Greer – playwright of plays no-one has heard of, but still has the OBE despite being American
Ayesha Hazarika – ‘comedienne’, Guardian writer.
I would have at least a little grudging respect for this unwholesome collection of over inflated, egotistical, publicity seeking hypocrites if they at least tried to live a normal life on a normal salary in a normal area where they are more likely to have their live touched by the problems their policies cause.
But this is not the liberal/socialist way. They want to keep their wealth, all the trappings that go along with fame and try and justify it all by saying they are using it to do “good works” – What utter b#######s!
The truth is – is that they see themselves as entitled to what they have and are no more related to socialism or social justice than Donald Trump – In fact worse because he does not seek and justify his privileged life.
Maybe there should be nice large houses for all – at what point do we stop covering the country with concrete.
This is utter crap they know it and we know it – but until the media starts to seriously look at the reality and the contradictions in the between their lifestyles and their preaching s we will have many more years of having to listen to these insufferable bastards!
Nothing wrong in doing well in life – Just dont destroy the life of the rest of the population of your country when you have made it!
BBC Online News:
“”US election: ‘Cruel’ Trump claim annoys dead soldier’s family””
“”The Republican candidate’s reaction, in which he implied the mother (Muslim family) was not allowed to speak up, attracted strong condemnation from within his own party””
The BBC dragging up this old story to feed their anti-Trump bias.
Why don’t the BBC cover fresh news about Clinton’s emails and the harm that the truth is doing her?
And why is the BBC so personally involved in the US Election? They have no influence in the US. Perhaps the BBC can’t help themselves? Being Left wing to the core, they hate Trump.
Trump is independent and not Republican mainstream. Perhaps the BBC also fear independence of thought?
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not)
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not)
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not)
Dalston stabbing: Man ‘stumbles into Tesco covered in blood’ following fourth attack in nine days
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not)
Police chase video shows moped mugger driving through busy Dalston market after stealing 21 phones in AN HOUR
Hackney London. Black lives matter (Apparently not)
Police appeal after teen raped in Hackney park
Police are appealing for witnesses and information after a teenage girl was allegedly raped in a Hackney park.The victim was walking towards a bus stop in Lea Bridge Road, Lower Clapton on Thursday afternoon when she was approached by two men. They forced her into an area in Mill Fields Park, where one of the men raped her while the other stood watching, according to Scotland Yard. Both men then fled the scene following the attack. The incident took place between 2pm to 4pm.
The first suspect is described as a black man of Somali appearance, approximately 5ft 6inches tall of skinny build and aged about 20. The second suspect is described as a light-skinned black man of medium build, also about 20, with cropped black hair, shaved on the sides.
Anybody seen any of the above stories reported by the bBC. Gee I wonder why?
Nigel Farage. Why are rich Arab states not taking immigrants?
The bBC reports this about the
MenChildren in Calais:Calais ‘Jungle’ children with nowhere to sleep
Oh by the way SUSU (on the burnt out Van) means ‘Piss’ followed vt Shaft I can only presume its something along the lines of ‘Prick’
On its CBBC website they show a cartoon about a little girl who has got to the UK
Guide: What’s happened to ‘Jungle’ migrant camp
Well they can’t be showing actual videos of grown men to children claiming that they are kids can they?
And here is how the leftwing Guardian reports the above:
Calais minors lured from camp then abandoned by authorities
One Afghan teenager, wrapped in a yellow and green sleeping bag, said: “Fuck France, Fuck Britain. You are racists.”
Newsnight had an unusual introduction into the Alexis Jay inquiry into sex abuse, including a reference to the BBC covering up the background to the abuse. Is this a first on the BBC?
Nice article in today’s NYDailyNews pointing why the polls are so wrong and why the Donald could/will still win:
The same problem exists here. If you don’t believe Hilary has a double digit lead, then why believe Teresa has? She hasn’t which is why she hasn’t had an election this week…
So what’s happened ?………….
Was it scaremongering or will other companies now follow suit .
Whatever, Al Beeb just ‘don’t like it up em ‘, you see, they ‘don’t like it up em ‘
No ‘Rejoice’ from Al Beeb I see .
Another one from Jimmy Perry – how did he survive in BBC Luvvieland?
How would you define “blatant pouffery” if it was broadcast on Sky, BBC?
“Fury as German primary school ‘forces’ children to chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ in Muslim prayer.”
Another headline the beebistan inexplicably missed.
Yep, the islamization of Europe proceeds apace, lucky enriched Germany, let the beheadings begin!
I wonder’ if the BBC will report on this story?
Don’t hold your breath!
Alex, I think it did get a mention on the TODAY programme but I was still laughing/crying/gnashing teeth at the 8.10am ‘Interview’ to pay much attention.
Over the last 24 hours it’s been amusing to listen to the BBC morph temporarily into a right-wing organisation that believes in absolute free trade with no Government intervention whatsoever, warning us of the dangers of doing otherwise.
Toady programme in full remainiac mode this morning. First three items on the 8pm news were anti Brexit , including negative views of Nissan’s investment decision ( the government isn’t telling us the truth so it’s a scandal not a piece of good news). Then some garbage about Ireland and Brexit with a court case claiming that Britain conceded sovereignty over Northern Ireland in the Good Friday Agreement! Finally an extended interview with one T Blair at 8.10 whose arguments were specious at best. He isn’t involved in politics any more he claims, yet here he is wanting to overturn the Brexit vote which he claims he respects. He either wants a second referendum, or a general election or a parliamentary vote on staying in. When will this BBC propaganda masquerading as news cease?
It’s remarkable isn’t it.
Such is the amount of anti-Brexit rhetoric now that it all merges into one continuous moan, so I can’t recall if it was last night or this morning, but I heard one BBC pundit demanding that we all have a right to know, must know, the exact details of the deal done with Nissan AND THEN IMMEDIATELY IN THE SAME SENTENCE claiming that once the details of the deal are known it will set in play a financial chain-reaction of business demands that will be a disaster for post-Brexit Britain.
The cognitive dissonance involved in this BBC anti-Brexit reporting is quite breathtaking.
Blair on Today – spoiled my breakfast. Tw@t!
This morning was a horrible moment of Deja Vu on Radio 4 Today as Tony BLiar soiled the airwaves with he contstant yuh knows and out of touch anti democratic, hate filled arrogance, and barely controlled anger at the referendum result.
The problem for him is that Saudi & their allies have paid him what they believe he is owed, and now have stopped, presumably because they have now switched to their other compromised ex puppet David Cameron – So BLiar is at a loose end.
He wants to get back into politics and is aghast at where Jeremy Corbyn has taken Labour. He’s thought about forming a new party but knows he hasn’t much chance of getting it off the ground. He just doesn’t seem to be able to see that the British people see the BLiar brand as toxic.
Worse they hold him and his gang of clowns responsible for mass immigration and wrecking the economy – Tony is certainly in denial.
This morning he is invited on to the Today program to talk about the BBC’s favourite subject. How they can overturn the referendum result.
BLiar shows his naivety over the whole subject by suggesting that any negotiated deal can be put to the British people in a second referendum with a rejection meaning we remain in Europe (The BBC wet dream). He clearly doesn’t know that to get to this position article 50 needs to have been triggered, and that there is no way back from that. It would entail rejoining the EU as a new member which would require the adoption of the failing Euro as our currency.
Dear God save us from BLiar and the wholly corrupt out of control BBC !
Living in the ruins of the Calais ‘Jungle’
A short video of the BBC flying their drones at eye height instead of holding a camera.
Nice close up interview of a “16 year old child” who probably would raise eyebrows on a ‘ Club 18-30’ holiday as he would be too old for that.
The video then jumps to an aid worker with the caption saying “residents have been given contradictory and confusing messages”. It then cuts to another bearded do-gooder (probably wearing sandels too) saying “some young people have missed their chance to get to the UK and claim their legal right to asylum”.
The video then cuts to a painted sign saying “Freedom for all people”. The whole video is anti-French and implies everyone has a legal right to live in the UK “cause it is nicer than France”
Yep, they has been contradictory and confusing messages but they have been coming from the BBC and other Lefties.
Radio 5 Men’s mental health is the issue on the 9am phone-in
Wow 5-Live actually interested in men,
Ah I see they titled it “Why do men find it so hard to talk about their feelings?”.. putting the blame back on to men.
10 O’clock you get the double edition of Woman’s Hour one on BBC R4 and the other on BBC R5 with Emma Barnett
It may have been noticed already with a post elsewhere on the B-BBC web-site but I found the TODAY programme, 28 October R4 from 8am-9am, to be pure comedy. And tragedy.
The BBC bosses are apparently unable to see it, understand what its effect is likely to be in a multi-source, multi-provider world. I could imagine the sound of off-switches being flicked – especially in Corbyn-supporting Labour households – when Tony Blair was interviewed by Nick Robinson. Other ‘strongly Marmite-flavoured’ items followed and again I thought I heard a raft of ‘clicks’, including my own. I wonder when it will start to be reflected in audience figures.
The TODAY programme is the BBC’s flagship programme for Radio 4 and has probably played a significant part in the computer-led radio revival for the BBC. It is now becoming a news free zone of entertainment. I think sooner or later more and more listeners will realise what they are listening to and say “I don’t need this” or “I don’t want this” and turn off. What will the BBC do for a radio revival then?
They have been gifted the support for the past revival courtesy of the computer revolution. That’s been, gone and is done & dusted. There will not be another.
Where will they get the new impetus for a radio revival from in the smart phone age where people have the choice of stations around the globe or their own choice of material – playlist, talking book, independent Blog, etc, – to listen to?
The BBC will be increasingly reliant on their TV to justify their existence where the competition from other broadcasters is greater but where the medium overall is now only ever likely to be diffused or even in decline as people in a multi-option world choose not to sit in front of a box. The novelty and major draw of TV is long gone.
As things stand, the future does not look too bright for the BBC.
I was taking a shower when, Sweaty Palms, Brexit Brow, Blair came on.
He had all the credibility of a sheep trying to convince a wolf to become a vegan for health reasons. Fortunately I was out when the transgender child piece came on.
#TheyKilledTheBbc Yes R4 news progs are basically infotainment aimed at LeftMob filled with Confirmation Bias for them whilst all challenging is filtered off.
Progs feature constant News-vertorials from Labour, NGOs and other Special Interest Groups
BBC Radio 4 Recycled Radio with Fascist anti Semite Gerald Scarfe
Yet another privileged white rich boy from Hampstead who went to St Martins college completely out of touch with the real people of the UK whilst incredibly believing he has his finger on the pulse.
“I’m sketching a map of Europe as it used to be, not just pre-referendum but a long, long time earlier than that. And let me tell you, it’s a bewildering place!”
Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe introduces a Recycled special on the place that has obsessed us all summer long, so buckle up as we find out what is so different about Us and Them. With journeys to the continent and back to Westminster again combined with the powerful slicing of leading voices in the European debate – Tony Benn and Margaret Thatcher from 1975; Boris, Nigel and Dave from 2016. Plus the voices of leading historians, and comedians, attempting to make sense of the great European divide. Exhilarating radio you’ll not hear anywhere else.
The producer is Miles Warde.
It’s basically a swipe at Fatcher & Farage it’s appalling biased tripe.
In its edition of 27 January 2013 (Britain’s Holocaust Memorial Day), London’s Sunday Times published a cartoon by Scarfe depicting Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paving a wall with the blood and bodies of Palestinians, captioned “Israeli elections—will cementing peace continue?” The cartoon’s timing and content was criticised by groups including the European Jewish Congress and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, with accusations of antisemitism leveled against Scarfe
Funny thing how in the War the BBC ‘MODIFIED’ the news in order to aid the country – these days it ‘MODIFIES’ the news in order to destroy the country.
Doubt you will see this picture of the ‘child’ migrants on the BBC currently on the AFP feed:
I also want to know where these migrants are getting the money from for their smart new clothes and trainers, and who is providing them with the tents they pitched in Paris?