The BBC love to write off Donald Trump’s presidential bid and are openly hostile to everything he says and does. They are entirely in the Clinton back pocket and I find their bias “deplorable” as it means that many who use the BBC as a primary news source here in the UK simply do not realise the depth of the scandals that Hillary is mired in. Instead we get this sort of crap…
Trump faithful undeterred by polls and scandals
Ah bless their redneck hearts, eh BBC? If only they had your metrosexual liberal sophistication and …oh yes…moral bypass.
Listen, the whole Wikileaks exposure of Clinton’s profound corruption is of no interest to the State Broadcaster. It’s all about what some Clinton encouraged woman says Trump said or did to her without any evidence to the contrary some years ago. Meanwhile the Rapist enabling war mongering muslim appeasing Clinton gets a free pass.
100% correct, David Vance.
Well, the BBC can and will remain chained to its adolescent ideology at the expense of the long-suffering British public but meanwhile there are grownups around who are not likewise shackled and a great many of them live in the US.
Here’s an extraordinary performing artist in paint and song who demonstrates the very best of the US. From 43:30 minutes in:
Fox News is a great antidote to the poisonous BBC.
I agree, in addition there is the Alex Jones show, Rense radio, the Next News Network, Stefan Molyneux and also Christopher Greene of AMTV. They are all more informative and honest than any MSM news source.
I’ve watched no BBC content whatsoever, since the changing of iPlayer laws, and see absolutely no reason at all to do so, with so much real, investigative journalism available on Youtube as well as many websites.
And Paul Joseph Watson and Pat Condell.
On top of all the aforementioned Rebel Media are excellent too. There are other smaller channels scattered here and there as well. Not to mention Breitbart, Gatestone Institute, Steyn Online etc.
I am in daily contact with a long standing friend,a senior academic in the US. He is a Trump supporter, critical of identity politics, rampant feminism, PC, the BBC, and so aware of Clinton corruption. His colleagues in his university dismiss his arguments as they regard him as an Hispanic owing to the fact that he originates from South America and his first language is Spanish. He regards himself as an American and will vote as an American. How many more does this shitty BBC ignore?
Lefty academics summarily dismiss his opinions because he`s Hispanic? Isn`t that…dare I say it….just a touch racist?
Leftists believe in an identity politic called collectivism, whereby everyone is put into groups based on race, gender, sexuality and so forth. They put white straight men at the top of the chain and therefore are the enemy of all other ‘oppressed’ groups, who they of course always assume will agree with leftist ideology. The white men who believe in this drivel do so because they think they’re bucking a trend by doing so, and by insisting that all OTHER white men are responsible for the world’s evils that they are absolved of their liberal guilt. Thus, when someone who isn’t a white straight man dares to challenge this collectivist mentality, they are attacked as ‘privileged’ despite also being ‘oppressed’ up to the point that they speak for themselves, or they’re condescendingly ignored as having societal Stockholm syndrome and not representing “their people” correctly. The obvious racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry and prejudice are either sidestepped with victimhood, or claims that you can’t target the people being targeted so it’s therefore ok.
That’s liberalism in a nutshell. They don’t see people as people. They see a white patriarchal world to overcome, where all other peoples need to be ’empowered’ one minute yet also need to be perpetual victims the next. They essentially see anyone who isn’t white, straight and male as flotsam being aimlessly batted around without any will or any agenda.
With a Clinton in power, ever nearer will a war with Russia become. The Bush/Clinton operate a cartel of corruption & have done for yrs backed by global banking concerns as well as big business and Oil rich countries. They mastered the wars against Iraq, Lybia, Afghanistan and throughout parts of Africa and Eastern Europe. Trump just might be able to adjust the balance, but at what cost? Good luck Trump old chap, my American relations and friends are with you all the way.
john in cheshire
Add the following
Lauren Southern from Rebel Media
John in Cheshire
And try Millenial Millie
Another good channel – Black Pigeon Speaks
He could also have said that he has direct links to the voter machine company that will be used in numerous states to count the votes.
I wonder if these are the voting screens which are already resetting votes for Trump over to Clinton?
Electronic voting is an absolutely stupid idea, anyone with any sense can see it is an open door for electoral fraud. Except if Trump says it, in which case he’s automatically wrong.
People don’t like to be told they are brainwashed
Trump tries to frame Hillary : as a CROOK
Team Hillary try to frame Trump : as a MONSTER
Both are persuasive arguments to their own pool and means not having to think hard or look at full colour facts.
Scott Adams was predicting Hillary would win cos people prefer a Crook to a Monster, but he’s just changed his mind …maybe he means that the public realise that the lugenpresse are lying to them and that Team Hillary are lying bullies
His latest post
When Scott Adams said “Something just changed” to explain why he now thinks Trump will win in a landslide, I took it to mean that he is now going to actively campaign for Trump. Perhaps is now advising him.
One thing for sure. He’s bloody angry now.
There is no angrier person then a mugged liberal.
Thanks for the link.
Take the Google Trump bias test
– Open a incognito window so there no cookies
in it open a Google search page
And in the search box slowly type : How do you vote for Donald Trump you type it will start suggesting stuff like vote for Hillary etc
then when you click search do you get pro or anti Trump suggestions ?
You can try the same but replace YOU with I
..for me mostly its suggestions are vote Lefty UK things like : labour or Corbyn
when I type How do you vote for D stops offering me suggestions
Rebel Media explain
I did the test. Google has not yet corrected their blatant bias.
Having completed the sentence,”How do you vote for Donald Trump”, Google responded with various articles why I must not vote for Trump.
I sincerely hope Trump team is writing all this down. This mega monster needs taking down, along with Facebook.
From David Vance’s link:
Whether Trump goes down to defeat, he has built a formidable following. There can be a dangerous edge to the passion of his supporters.
That’s so typical of the insulting, unwarranted speculation and the distortion and omission of facts that is apparently compulsory for political ‘reporters’ at the BBC. No doubt even Hewitt is dimly aware of the fact that Trump’s Chicago rally had to be cancelled after being violently disrupted by Democrat supporters with a genuine “dangerous edge” to them and that several people were injured, including police. But since he is a BBC hack with BBC tunnel vision, he probably doesn’t even know that a video surfaced recently of a Democrat agitator planning violent disruption of Trump rallies and that this agitator has visited the White House 300 times – most probably to discuss his violent strategy with community agit…er, I mean community organiser Barack Obama.
So here’s yet more evidence that the BBC has enthusiastically embraced the major con being attempted on the American people. Just when I think the BBC can’t sink any lower, I’m unpleasantly surprised.
They haven’t even mentioned project Veritas on the BBC.
And they regard themselves as journalists.
The Left has always been thuggish and totalitarian. They believe in the maxim “you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs”. The eggs BTW are heads- human heads.
So the Left engaged in an orgy of genocide in the 20th century, murdering tens of millions of innocents, for the sake of a communist/socialist society. They made the Nazis look like liberals.
And at the end, all they achieved was a starving population, ruled by a communist elite, growing fat on imported Western foods, a stench from the Gulags, and the propaganda that Tractor production was up by 100%.
It is not surprising that the Left/Democrats, send their agent provocateurs to Republican/Trump rallies. That is how they have always played politics – Chicago style. They have already intimidated the press, and now they are trying to bully all Americans.
Thank God for the Second Amendment.
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
No wonder that the Alinskyte communist H Clinton, wants to get rid of this amendment.
We are making the simple error of thinking of bBC reporters/journalists as that.
They are not.
They are DJ’s.e.g. DJ Dimbelby, DJ Humphries, DJ Hussain etc etc…
Think of them as DJ’s…….call them that……..that’s all they are.
Dangerous DJ’s mind!
You mean DJ’s spinning narratives ?
Listeners don’t tune into R4 News progs for information, they tune in to hear their favourite tunes being repeated again :
Trump’s a monster racist sex pest, Hillary fights for Women’s Rights, Green Energy is Magic, fracking is evil etc.
The only way Hillary can win is with fraud . Watch any of Mr Trumps rallies ,he’s got the enthusiasm ,Hillary hasn’t and the BBC is not reporting this.No one shows up at her rallies and she hardly has any .She is hiding.
Wikileaks are a mine of information about the corruption and collusion with the MSM and it is filtering through to voters .
If enough voters turn out IE the monster vote, fraud will not be so easy to hide.
Whilst true, Deborah, reports are coming in that, in early voting, the electronic machines are changing votes from Trump to Killary. Reports are from Texas, Illinois and, I think, Chicago……
Still no coverage of Rotherham authorities continuing to facilitate CSE.
Only the Times carries the report on the latest events.
The National total of victims of Muslim abusers now stands at 5497.
With Police and Council Officials claiming the perpetrators who have been charged might be targeted and hence should have anonymity.
“Rigged” number.
The true figure is likely to be anywhere between 30,000 to 50,000. Assuming each girl “serviced” 10 Muslim men, leads to a very conservative figure of 300,000 to 500,000 Pakistani Muslim men, who have engaged in the war crime against Britain and its young girls. This is virtually the entire Pakistani community, as there is no doubt that even Pakistani Muslim women knew what was going on.
The punishment for this treasonous crime, has to be the expulsion of the entire Pakistani community. All of them, and most certainly the imams, were complicit. No way this could have gone on without Muslim leaders and imams not aware of it.
But our politicians have accepted defeat. They have accepted, that Islam is victorious, and it was this that allowed the rapes. This is normal when a nation has accepted defeat at the hands of its enemy.
We need a new leader. One who has not accepted defeat. A kind of British El Cid.
There is a mountain of horseshit in the Augean halls Europe. It requires a man, like Hercules, who is not afraid, and is capable of moving large amounts of crap. I think it may be Trump.
Even if ones accepts the number of 5497 (Note the precision of the number, as if they they have got every one of them), and say 10 men to each girl, gives us 54970 Pakistani Muslim men. Actually both 5497 and 10 are minimum.
has anyone got the text of the TIMES its behind the paywall
theres some dubious maths here but even assuming massive crossover
thats still a very very conservative minimum of 12000 child gang rapists at large and at work
though i agree NBBC’s calculations are going to be much nearer the real figure
but where the fook did anonimity for men accused of rape come from.
I thought the idea was to make the names public to encourage other victims to come forward
This stinks of another coverup to try and keep a lid on pandoras box
Is it a surprise that no self respecting person, wants to chair the commission looking into this war crime.
They know what the government wants – to blame a few toffs, then close the inquiry. But the commission chair knows that truth will eventually out, and they don’t want their names besmirched for posterity. Not even £500,000 per year, plus expenses, and dongs, is sufficient.
Which of the Times stories do you mean ?
– Rotherham council helps grooming suspects to win anonymity. October 26 2016,
– 18 Oct 2016 – Members of a sex gang in Rotherham whose ringleader claimed that all “white girls are good for is sex” are facing lengthy jail terms for abusing …
– 19 Oct 2016 – A string of child sexual exploitation cases were uncovered in Rotherham: police were risking a repeat, said Sir Michael Wilshaw
If you Google by putting words in quotation marks you should find blogs and local Rotherham papers report the same stories
Thomas Sowell supports Trump for president.
and so does Rev Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham
What makes the BBC think that they know more about American politicians then truly well informed Americans.
Will the BBC comment on this…
Methinks not!
Milo explains how opinion polls are rigged 3 min video
I curbed my initial adverse reaction seeing a ?bloke dressed like Eddie Izzard, but a minute later when he started swearing with no justification whatsoever, it was the immediate off-button. Why on earth does this creature think he gains anything by using the F-word to an audience that doubtless contains many people who will be offended by it?
It’s aimed at the kids and worked
It’s not aimed at you if you are offended by the F word.
.. Milo packs university concert halls no problem and has tens of thousands of followers for his edgy stance. It wouldn’t be the same if he said “What ho old chap i have something important to say”
Such language coarsens, and like a drop of oil on a water surface, spreads its effect ever wider, unstoppably affecting those who do not wish to be polluted.
Only about a minute long, but Millenial Millie catches the Manstream Media being called out by Trump supporter for their bias. They look rather scared.
Its coming this way friends. Just like the US people over here are getting fed up with lies and bias from the state broadcaster. And the anger of the people will also be directed at the politiians who think they are benefiting from the media.
Win or lose Trump has sounded the death of PC, Diversity and the Multicult.
“Tell the truth!”
Those bought-and-paid-for hacks wouldn’t know the truth if they accidentally tripped over it.
Hmmm…not so sure about that. If you look at the crowd, the ones giving the thumbs down to the media are a minority next to the media box. The rest of the crowd as far as we can see are not making any gestures or standing up. It’s also a bit unfair for the reporter to start attacking the journalists – does she actually know what they’ve personally written? The leftist media certainly has it in for Trump but let’s not forget certain sections of the rightist media have a vested interest in whipping up fervour about it.
Dunno, the rightist broadcast media is virtually non-existent in the US.
Fox News does have unashamed right wingers like Hannity but also fair and balanced people like Bill O’Reilly.
It’s a fair bet that 9 out of 10 media people there were on the left and would rather be seen dead than produce a positive report on his rallies or indeed swivel their cameras to show the size of the crowds supporting him.
It’s also logical that only the people closest to the media were yelling at them.
I would say that there is a seismic change happening with a fight-back from the public never seen before.
I’m not sure about Michael Moore’s politics but this video is so profound you can hear a pin drop.
God. I will remember this as one of the great speeches of the election and beyond
It’s certainly a searing speech but I think when he says “it will feel great” he’s referring to the people he’s talking about. I’d eat my hat if he’s actually switched sides
mikeys wont change his vote but he knows, he fookin well knows
Trump is the enemy of Moore’s enemies .So he will support him.
Same as us here. Trump is the enemy of Goldman Sachs and the rest. Mrs May gives that same bank a private chat. So what do I thinK? May will sell me out but a man like Trump will not.
So here and in the Us it is the same. We are at war with our leaders and did they ever deserve it.
Although Snopes has been shown to be unreliable they insist that this is not an endorsement of Trump.
Something very odd here. Need to check
It’s a very good summary of why Trump is popular. It’s what I try to explain , though not as eloquently, to people when the subject crops up and the inevitable Trump-bashing starts. I do hope the BBC et al will watch this and realise just what’s going on.
However…if you read the Snopes report, it goes on to report more of the speech. Mr Moore says that the Trump vote, like Brexit, will feel good for a while but then people will seriously regret it, just as they have done with Brexit.
But Mr Moore – we DON’T regret voting for Brexit! I’ve not met any Leaver who does. The only regret is it’s not being done fast enough or well enough. The post-Brexit ‘regret’ seems largely a creation of the liberal media. Mr Moore has the sense to see why Trump is popular but not the sense to see through anti-Brexit propaganda.
How (un) surprising from the MSM with its apoplectical reaction when Trump said he might not accept the result of the election, even though Al Gore did exactly the same when Bush beat him; all the ululation from the Democrats about rigged voting machines in Florida etc etc.
I don’t recall anyone in the MSM saying that it was an abuse of the U.S. electoral system for him to do that then.
erm brexit
Here is a brilliant young man with thoughts on the US polls
Perhaps a little perversely Trump being a way behind in the polls at the moment might just help if there is an undetected groundswell for him.
If it was polled close, many may well turn out just to stop him, but if Billary looks comfortable, and you don’t really like her either, perhaps you do not bother, or vote for one of the other candidates, who we always forget about, but who are on the ballot paper, as a protest.