Laugh….not so long ago the Remain partisans [or is that ‘Quislings’ as Nigel Farage might say?] were outing Theresa May as a secret Brexiteer who betrayed poor old Cameron…now, that line having sunk without trace in all reasoned commentary [still on the BBC tho’…where we are still reminded that she may have been ‘lily-livered’ according to Remain snipers] the Left are revealing that she is in fact a double agent bluffing us all as it can be revealed that she is in fact a secret Remainer. Yes. You heard it here first….after it was of course leaked to the Guardian who are making a huge song and dance about it [Why Theresa May’s secret speech really does matter] …or what they think ‘it’ is….They don’t provide a link to the whole recording nor a full transcript….
Exclusive: what Theresa May really thinks about Brexit shown in leaked recording
Theresa May privately warned that companies would leave the UK if the country voted for Brexit during a secret audience with investment bankers a month before the EU referendum.
A recording of her remarks to Goldman Sachs, leaked to the Guardian, reveals she had numerous concerns about Britain leaving the EU. It contrasts with her nuanced public speeches, which dismayed remain campaigners before the vote in June.
The crucial passage reads: “I think being part of a 500-million trading bloc is significant for us. I think, as I was saying to you a little earlier, that one of the issues is that a lot of people will invest here in the UK because it is the UK in Europe.
“If we were not in Europe, I think there would be firms and companies who would be looking to say: do they need to develop a mainland presence rather than a UK presence? So I think there are definite benefits for us in economic terms.”
Trouble is…that’s all so much b******s…it’s nothing she hasn’t said before, about the economy and security, as in this ‘secret’ speech in April….some abridged quotes that illustrate perfectly that she set out clearly her belief that staying in the EU was the way to go……I quote at length on trade to show that it wasn’t just a quick one off ‘political’ statement but a thought through argument in favour of the EU….
Remaining inside the European Union does make us more secure, it does make us more prosperous and it does make us more influential beyond our shores.
So my judgement, as Home Secretary, is that remaining a member of the European Union means we will be more secure from crime and terrorism.
On Trade…
There would be a very real danger that the EU heads in a protectionist direction, which would damage wider international trade and affect for the worse Britain’s future trade with the EU.
So, if we do vote to leave the European Union, we risk bringing the development of the single market to a halt, we risk a loss of investors and businesses to remaining EU member states driven by discriminatory EU policies, and we risk going backwards when it comes to international trade.
So the single market accounts for a huge volume of our trade, but if it is completed – so there are genuinely open markets for all services, the digital economy, energy and finance – we would see a dramatic increase in economic growth, for Britain and the rest of Europe….
As Britain is the leading country in Europe when it comes to the digital economy, that is an enormous opportunity for us all.
These changes will mean greater economic growth in Britain, higher wages in Britain and lower prices for consumers – in Britain. But they will not happen spontaneously and they require British leadership. And that is a crucial point in this referendum: if we leave the EU it is not just that we might not have access to these parts of the single market – these parts of the single market might never be created at all.
The economic case for remaining inside the European Union isn’t therefore just about risk, but about opportunity.
When the European Central Bank said clearing houses dealing in large volumes of euros had to be located in the Eurozone, it could have forced LCH.Clearnet to move its euro business out of London, probably to Paris. That was struck down by the EU’s General Court, but the threat was clear.
If we were not in the European Union, however, no such deal could have been agreed. There would be little we could do to stop discriminatory policies being introduced, and London’s position as the world’s leading financial centre would be in danger. The banks may be unpopular, but this is no small risk: financial services account for more than seven per cent of our economic output, thirteen per cent of our exports, a trade surplus of almost £60 billion – and more than one million British jobs.
What about trade with the rest of the world? It is not realistic to think we could just replace European trade with these new markets. We should be aiming to increase our trade with these markets in addition to the business we win in Europe. Given that British exports in goods and services to countries outside the EU are rising, one can hardly argue that the EU prevents this from happening. Leaving the EU, on the other hand, might make it considerably harder.
That speech disproves both the Remainer’s attacks…that she was a silent, reluctant Remainer and that this new ‘leak’ shows some devastating new information about her….it doesn’t, it merely confirms what she said elsewhere in public. Her ‘secret’ speech doen’t matter one jot…it reveals nothing that we didn’t know already.
The Guardian though is doubling up on its efforts and tells us that it thinks…
The Goldman Sachs tape shows May is not leading on Brexit, but following
Really? May is in fact doing what she was mandated to do by the referendum result as she herself tells us…
To those who claim he was mistaken in calling the referendum, we know there is no finer accolade than to say David Cameron put his trust in the British people.
And trust the people we will. Because Britain is going to leave the European Union.
‘Trusting the people’ eh? She must be having a laugh….Can’t have the great unwashed, ignorant and uneducated plebs having a f******g say can we Tristram and Seumas?
May is following the will of the people and leading by example…whatever her personal thoughts she is going to execute Brexit…others should learn from that honourable stance.
Didn’t the same ‘newspaper’ get just as excited about the totally non-surprising analysis that Boris did when taken out of context and filtered through the Guardian Babel Fish? Desperate stuff indeed.
“May is following the will of the people and leading by example…whatever her personal thoughts she is going to execute Brexit…others should learn from that honourable stance.”
I hope so , I do hope so, because if she is pulling the wool over the eyes of the British people she is finished.
Sorry Alan I do not buy the May thesis.
She speaks to Goldman Sachs and that bank is one that no decent person should ever ever give the time of day to.
She has Rudd and Hammond in key positions. Rudd is an authoritarian in the making and no conservative. Hammond cannot be trusted.
One way or another we will be shafted.
The elite never expected to lose and May looks more and more like plan b.
Time will tell with Theresa May, I’m not holding out much hope though. Even if she were made of the right stuff she has plenty of red tories and even redder top civil servants to bash with her handbag before I’d think she’s onside. Look at her record as home secretary, it’s awful.
“Look at her record as home secretary, it’s awful”
Until recently I would have agreed with you. However, a few weeks ago there was a line in a DT article on immigration phrased as though we all knew the truth in what the writer was saying: that whenever May tried to do anything to reduce immigration she was opposed by Osborne on the grounds that immigration raised overall GDP, and Cameron always backed Osborne. I know that you can’t take on trust anything in today’s media, but it does fit in with May’s ruthless defenestration of Osborne.
One good thing is that when the peasants revolt against al-Beeb and tear it’s blood soaked buildings down brick by brick the Gazanian will go out of print as there’ll be no one left to buy it.
When are the peasants gonna do that, then? I don’t see any sign of much action in that direction, at the moment. The peasants are sitting fat, dumb and happy, it would seem, and are allowing all sorts of dire future scenarios to descend upon them without batting an eyelid, including the destruction of their country and culture by Islamic invaders posing as “immigrants”. I think, unfortunately, that the BBC might be a long way down the list of things to revolt over, as and when the peasants eventually wake up, get off their comfortable arses, and DO something..
I don’t trust May. She is postponing Article 50 as long as possible in the hope, I believe, that the people will have become bored… And she may (no pun intended) be correct there. Or, something else comes up….. At the moment, she, like Obama and the rest of the EUSSR are belligerent towards Putin. Plus, there are calls to throw Russia off Human Rights council (but keep countries like Saudi Arabia on, of course)…
And if said belligerence comes to fruition…. Won’t the UK “need our partners in the EU” to help us?
For once I agreed with a question by Corbin yesterday when he asked (suggested?) that we not endorse Saudi Arabia when it comes to the UN HRC. May was very weasily worded in her reply saying that Saudi Arabia is an important ally. Well they damn-well shouldn’t be Mrs. May.
Saudi Arabia, along with the USA its CIA Mob,the Bush, Clinton, Cheyne operations have been documented as having been a leading force in the creation and funding of Islamic Terror-this lot have been the cause of the wars in the Middle East-all planned if Clinton elected to the Presidency to deliver Syria to the jihadists-just recognise that the Clinton campaign is rigged and scripted propaganda, fake in every way, and that massive pressure will and is being put upon the Briish Government & the Prime Minister to support the Democrat nominee-however will the Bush/Clinton enforcers convince Trump to bend to the will of the syndicate? or has this already taken place? We must hope that it has not for all our sakes-but this result will show all of us how tough our Prime Minister Teresa May is against such an enemy.
She is a Merkel
I would like to think that May is pro Brexit, but I cannot trust her. She will pander to the Moslems as does the EU elite. She is looking into adopting sharia with a pro Islam packed inquiry, and she certainly caved into EU demands to accept more migrants, even to the point where she went along with the lie that the men of military age were children. It may be that her vision of Brexit is a reformed EU but with the same vision of a political unity of some sort. And if Obama or President Clinton go into a war with Russia, I would predict she and the EU leaders will find some way to demonstrate European unity and Brexit will be postponed.
Thanks to the 15 minute time span for editing matahari’s post came up, which I can agree with.
May is a Merkel
Apart from her enormous mistake on immigration, what has Merkel got wrong from the point of view of the average German?
Time alone will tell, and we live in interesting times.
I hope you are being ironic here!