BBC Newsnight last evening was a 15 minute broadcast on behalf of the Hillary Clinton campaign. You can watch it here if you missed it. By way of analysis of the blessed Hillary we had someone from the Huffington Post (pro Clinton) and someone from the New York Times (which last endorsed a Republican Presidential candidate in 1956!!!) Yes, that’s how BBC Newsnight rolls – presstitution care of your license tax. The BBC is just an echo chamber for these left wing bores to agree with themselves and congratulate each other on their group think.
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Yes, unfortunately I watched it, or had it on in the background whilst reading bBBC posts! Couldn’t believe the total Hillary fest, but nothing surprises me on there. Especially the insight into the ‘real Hillary’, including a clip from DT (from years ago) saying how nice she is, and a ‘friend’ saying what a nice, quiet person she is. Give us a break. Then later we were treated to a really excited face from Evan as the french bod criticised the British.
Watch Fox news but to be fair they haven’t mentioned her body odour yet.
The BBC simply don’t care anymore because they know they can get away with it. I mean, realistically, who is going to dismantle/privatise the BBC? The Tories? They’re gutless and ineffective wimps. Liebour? They ARE the BBC! Our only hope of getting rid of the mafia-like TV Licence extortion is if the Tories man-the-f***-up or we get a Ukip/or other future Right-wing government. Until such time the anti-English, pro-Corbyn, Islamophile, extremist-left-wing BBC will continue to undermine British heritage, traditions and culture. They’re a disgrace. But although we don’t have to pay for Sky News, they’re just as dangerous in pumping out far-Left propaganda. And Channel 4…. ffs, they’re so far on the left, they make Corbyn look like Enoch Powell!
I’d feel a whole lot better if they’d just remove the, ‘British’ from BBC – They do not represent Britain.
I don’t think that privatising the bBBC would get rid of the “fee” to watch TV, Alex. My son lives in Germany, doesn’t even own a TV, yet has to pay, as do all citizens. (unless on low income, unemployment benefit or a colonist/enricher) The monies raised go to fund the two public broadcasters, Deutschlandradio and ZDF. I think the same would happen here if the bBBC became subscription based.
Loobloo….”Especially the insight into the ‘real Hillary’, including a clip from DT (from years ago) saying how nice she is, and a ‘friend’ saying what a nice, quiet person she is.” Oh really ..When is biased BBC and the British MSM going to report the following!! …No I don’t think so either!!
NBC Crew – Crooked Hillary’s MASSIVE MELTDOWN at Commander-in-Chief Forum
Possible BBC censorship : yesterday on a co-opted BBC programme Facebook page I gently tried to raise the question of why MSM don’t report the two small boys* criticising Emperor Hillary’s clothes… today suddenly my posting privileges were withdrawn before I could post again ..Could be something else ..I’ll know for sure later.
It is a serious media issue that MSM is committing suicide by refusing to cover those *small boys ie Wikileaks and Project Veritas.
3 commenters engaged me but they seemed proud they’d never watched the O’Keefe videos so instead of debating the content and debunking it they resorted to the ad hominems “He’s a liar, he’s paid by Trump”…which is likely them secretly admitting they know the claims are true.
Here is a video of a recent Trump crows shouting “Tell the truth at the mainstream media cameras and reporters.
Yes it was temporary the “new post button” was back this I posted a new concise but long long..then again the “new post button” disappeared for an hour and came back.
But it is a draining experience engaging with brainwashed Left Mob.
When i looked at the replies this morning they just replied with sneers rather than actual proper arguments :
– “serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist ”
– “proven liar”
– “conspiracy idiots”
– “Yes why doesn’t the mainstream media cover every video on YouTube?
and they came up with an argument to dismiss it …saying arguments made by video aren’t proper arguments ..cos no links and sources.
* What idiots * If you catch someone admitting something on camera, then how can a written account be better than the actual video.
And I noticed they didn’t even mention Wikileaks stories.. which of course are linked and have been verified.
Some amusing pictures/poster-type things in there.
Breaking : “FBI to review more emails related to Clinton’s private email use – letter”
fom Reuters and most media now
5 minutes ago the liberal sneerers were telling me “yeh nothing to see in the Wikileaks emails”